Senior Awards - Class of 2021

Page created by Fernando Hines
Senior Awards - Class of 2021
    Senior Awards

     Class of 2021
Senior Awards - Class of 2021
                                  Cupertino High School
                                     Senior Awards

Dear Seniors, Families, Friends, and Educators:

I am delighted to welcome you to this alternative version of the Cupertino High School
Senior Awards. While this format is not our typical in-person ceremony, we are still look-
ing forward to celebrating the accomplishments of our seniors as we have done at Cuper-
tino High School for more than 60 years.

Senior Awards is a chance to celebrate some of the many accomplishments and mile-
stones our seniors have achieved over the last four yours, as well as recognize the grand
plans they have for the future. As individuals and as a class, this hard work deserves to be
recognized and celebrated, despite the obstacles posed by the past year.

So read on Pioneers and enjoy a welcome message from your principal Kami Tomberlain
(use the QR code below), and take time to recognize the accomplishments, awards, and
scholarships earned by the members of the class of 2021. It is your intelligence, persever-
ance, and dedication that will guide our future and work towards making this world a
better place.

Congratulations to you, the Senior Class of 2021!


Kimberlee Morgan
Interim Assistant Principal
Community Organization


         Chi Am Circle Scholarship
                   Kyle Lin

         Cupertino Host Lions Club
                Pranav Eranki
                 Michael Lo
               America Martinez

        De Oro Women’s Scholarship
                 Elise Oswald

      Equitable Excellence Scholarship
                Pranav Eranki

Harold Johnson Law Enforcement Scholarship
                Tavien Leggett

JGANC-Lexus Pursuit of Potential Scholarship
                  Samira Pal

             JSHS Scholarship
               Vardhan Agrawal
Community Organization


         Nelson F Peterson Scholarship
               Shashank Venkatramani

              NVIDIA Corporation
                   Preetha Kumar

            Regeneron STS Scholar
                  Vardhan Agrawal

           Roman Staffel, S.J. Award
                  Avani Khaparde

       San Jose Community Youth Service
                      Erik Chu

The Silicon Valley Realtors Charitable Foundation
                    Elise Oswald
Community Organization

        Awards andHonors

    National Merit Scholarship Finalists                    Fr

    Diya Aggarwal                     Michael Lo
      Agrim Gupta                 Vibhav Rajkuar
       Jeffrey Ke                   Sohom Roy
 Pallavi Kondayapaleu           Shanlea Tabofunda
    Preetha Kumar                   Patrick Zhu

  National Merit Scholarship Recipients                    Jap
Gargi Deshpande                       Aryan Kumar
 Pranav Eranki               Krithika Venkatasubramanian

The Prudential Spirit of Community Award
   President’s Volunteer Service Award

                  Kritika Narendran
Fremont Union High School District

             Awards and Honors

     Board of Trustees Community Service Award
  Srushti Adesara                          Pallavi Kondayapalepu
    Justin Aihara                              Nicole Ownbey
   Naveed Armin                            Younwoo (Rachel) Park
  Rebecca C. Chang                               Srija Potluri
     Jessica Cho                             Sahana Rangarajan
   Nitya Devisetti                           Anna Shapovalova
   Jonathan Dinh                               Vidhi Vivek Jain
      Riya Jain                                   Dillon Wu
    Selina Juang                                  Edwin Yee

                     Student Emissaries
                         Jonathan Dinh
                       Ava-Simone Thorpe

               FUHSD Foundation Honoree
                          Heather Kuhl
Cupertino High School

              Alma Mater

Hail to Cupertino, the school we love the best...
  On the pleasant thought of thee our minds
     will often rest...With Red for courage,
         Gray for faith, Gold for loyalty...
       From all our hearts these pleasant
          years will never distant be...
              Oh hail to Cupertino,
           we pledge our best to thee.
Cupertino High School


The Anido Bui College Scholarship
           Vidhi Vivek Jain

Athletic Boosters Club Scholarship
        Younwoo (Rachel) Park
             Edwin Yee

        AVID Scholarship
           Darya Abtahi
            Audrey Hyde
        Sowmya Vithiyashankar

California Scholarship Federation
           Srushti Adesara

     Lois Foster Scholarship
          America Martinez

  Wesley S. Marks Scholarship
            Kian Ghaffari
             Michael Lo
             Nina Mobe
            Elise Oswald
College and University


  College and University Merit Scholarship

     Dilara Baysal            Eunyoung Kwak
      Timmy Chin               Sharon Kwong
     Pranav Eranki           Misaki Matsuura
     Lawrence Fan            Savannah Rabasa
      Aaron Hsieh               Kiran Shirish
  Lindsey Hunsinger         Isabella St. Dennis
    Pavitra Kansal             Amy Thuesen
   Avani Khaparde               Vedant Vaid
     Ruri Kodama                 Sharat Val
Sahitya Krishnamurthy     Shashank Venkatramani
     Heather Kuhl
World Language Honor Societies

 French Honor Society     Spanish Honor Society

      Nalin Chopra              Anshika Jaiswal
       Jane Ding             Pallavi Kondayapalepu
        Riya Jain                 Samira Pal
       Giwoo Kim                   Ziran Qi
                             Sahith Thummalapally

Japanese Honor Society

       Justin Aihara
       Diana Chao
   Timmy (Wen Xin) Chin
       Srishti Ganu
        Julie Hahn
      Leona Hoshino
      Sharon Kwong
California Scholarship Federation

  *Srushti Adesara                                 Hiya Ghosh

   Diya Aggarwal                                Alexandria Hunt
     Kei Aihara                                 Anshika Jaiswal

   Keerthi Chitta                              Kristine McLaughlin
  Gargi Deshpande                               Jason Rodriguez

   Hannah Ding                                    Shivani Sahni
   Jonathan Dinh                                  Cerise Wong

                     * scholarship recipient
National Honor Society

  Srushti Adesara             Jeffery Ke
 Sanika Bharvirkar           Jacob Kim

Khushi Bhatamrekar      Pallavi Kondayapalepu

  Jonnah Caliston        Lasya Reddy Kotha
  Timothy Chen               Eunsu Lee
  Keerthi Chitta             Tiffany Liu

 Khushali Dhomse         Kristine McLaughlin
    Jane Ding           Niyati Mummidivarapu

  Jonathan Dinh            Manvi Nawani
    Hiya Ghosh               Srija Potluri

  Jenna Jaehnig           Meghna Prakash
  Anshika Jaiswal            Aditya Rao
     Stella Jia            Aahana Swamy
Principal ’s Awards

                      Shria Gubbala                            Dear S

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                     Rohan Gumaste                             stone

                                                               So rea
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The principal’s leadership award is given annually to a stu-   ance,
dent who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and         bette
                  service to the community.

                 Principal’s Leadership                        Since

                        Brandon Pan                            Kimb

       We g r a t e f u l l y t h a n k t h e f o l l o w i n g
         for their contribution to the
                      S e n i o r Aw a r d s

    CHS Staff                             CHS Honor Society Advisors
    Wendy Amick                                    Imene Aggoun
 Wendy Armstrong                                     Liza Aguliar
   Cheryl Hassett                                    Stefanie Fan
 Rosalba Hernandez                                     Paul Jia
    Josh Kiernan                                      Kent Paris
    Kim Morgan                                      Belinda Olson
   Melina Nafrada
    Mary Nguyen
   Roger Swendig
  Kami Tomberlain                                 CHS Community
                                                CHS Athletic Boosters
                                          Cupertino De Oro Women’s Club
CHS Guidance Team                            Cupertino Host Lions Club
     Gregg Buie                               The Wesley Marks Family
  Tamara Emmert                    Silicon Valley Realtors Charitable Foundation
   Belinda Olson
    Lillie Phares
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                Cupertino High School
           Preparing Pioneers for the Future!
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