Welcome to Rapperswil-Jona - Rapperswil-Jona Stadtverwaltung - Stadt Rapperswil-Jona

Page created by Peggy Garcia
Welcome to Rapperswil-Jona - Rapperswil-Jona Stadtverwaltung - Stadt Rapperswil-Jona

           Welcome to Rapperswil-Jona

           Unterstützt durch das Kompetenzzentrum
           Integration, Gleichstellung und Projekte des
           Departements des Innern des Kantons St. Gallen
Welcome to Rapperswil-Jona - Rapperswil-Jona Stadtverwaltung - Stadt Rapperswil-Jona
Rapperswil-Jona warmly welcomes you and would like to en-able
you to have a good start by providing these information. Your
City Administration at www.rapperswil-jona.ch

                                               Public Guardianship Office Linth
                                               (Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutzbehörde)
                                               Neue Jonastr. 59, 8640 Rapperswil
                                               055 225 72 80 or kesb.linth@rj.sg.ch

                                               Debt Enforcement and
                                               Land Registry Office
                                               (Betreibungs- und Grundbuchamt)
                                               St. Gallerstr. 23, 8645 Jona

                                               Garbage Disposal (Abfallentsorgung)
                                               The garbage collection schedule is
CITY ADMINISTRATION/                           available at the municipal hall. Special
STADTVERWALTUNG                                garbage bags for household waste
www.rapperswil-jona.ch                         available at Coop, Migros, etc.
Stadt Rapperswil-Jona
St. Gallerstr. 40, 8645 Jona,                  Road Traffic and Shipping Depart-
055 225 70 00                                  ment Canton SG (Strassenverkehrs- und
                                               Schifffahrtsamt Kanton SG)
Residents‘ Registration Office                 Driving and vehicle test, change of
(Einwohneramt)                                 foreign driving licences, etc. Inspection
Registration and cancellation within 14        Site (Prüfstelle) Uznacherstr. 72,
days, ID cards, residence permit, alien’s      8722 Kaltbrunn or St. Leonhardsstr. 40,
passport, KVG control office (health           9001 St. Gallen, 058 229 22 22
insurance requirement) etc.
                                               Legal Advice (Rechtsberatung)
Civil Registry Office                          Free legal advice, on appointment
(Zivilstands- und Bürgerrechtsamt)             055 225 70 00
Registration of birth, marriage, death,
certificates of birth, marriage and death,     Arbitration Board for Tenancies and
application for citizenship, etc.              Leasehold (Schlichtungsstelle
                                               für Miet- und Pachtverhältnisse)
Branch Office (AHV-Zweigstelle)                Free advice for tenants and landlords,
Information on old-age insurance and           St.Gallerstrasse 40, 8645 Jona,
survivors’ insurance (AHV), disability         055 220 70 35
insurance (IV), supplementary policies,
child benefits, etc.                           Translation Service (Übersetzungsdienst)
Other Departments in the Municipal             Translations, also for legal purposes
Hall (Weitere Abteilungen im Stadthaus)        Verdi of ARGE Integration Ostschweiz
Tax Office, Social Welfare Office, Chan-       0848 28 33 90 or
cellery, building inspection office, munici-   sekretariat@integration-sg.ch
pal technical service, school administration
Welcome to Rapperswil-Jona - Rapperswil-Jona Stadtverwaltung - Stadt Rapperswil-Jona
SCHOOL/SCHULE                                 Recognition of Foreign Diplomas
www.rapperswil-jona.ch >                      (Anerkennung ausländischer Diplome)
Bildung > Volksschule                         www.bbt.admin.ch or www.crus.ch or
School administration, application for        www.edk.ch (for teaching diplomas)
kindergarten and school, school holiday
schedule etc. St. Gallerstr. 40, 8645 Jona,   Bridgings Offers for Youths without
055 225 80 00                                 Apprenticeship (Brückenangebote für
                                              Jugendliche ohne Lehrstellen)
Childcare for School Children (schu-          www.bwz-rappi.ch
lergänzende Betreuung)                        (Centre for Professional and Advanced
www.rapperswil-jona.ch                        Education (Berufs- und Weiterbildungs-
St.Gallerstrasse 40, 8645 Jona,               zentrum Rapperswil) Zürcherstr. 1 + 7,
055 225 80 30                                 8640 Rapperswil, info@bwz-rappi.ch

                                              Apprenticeship Market
                                              Bahnhofstrasse 18, 8730 Uznach
                                              058 229 05 40

                                              Legal Counselling on Labour Law of
                                              the Employment Placement Centre
                                              (Rechtsberatung zum Arbeitsrecht des
                                              Amtes für Arbeit) www.afa.sg.ch >
                                              Arbeitsrechtliche Auskünfte
                                              Free legal advice 058 229 48 85 or

www.afa.sg.ch (Amt für Arbeit)
                                              PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION
Regional Employment Placement
                                              City Bus (Stadtbusse)
Centre (Regionales Arbeitsvermittlungszen-
trum) www.treffpunkt-arbeit.ch
                                              Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland
Support in search for employment,
                                              Binzikerstr. 2, 8627 Grü̈ ningen
counselling, courses and educational
                                              Railway (Eisenbahn) www.sbb.ch
offers, clarification of earning-related
                                              Shipping (Schifffahrt) www.zsg.ch
and unemployment benefits
Neue Jonastr. 59, 8640 Rapperswil,
                                              GERMAN – INTEGRATION/
058 229 76 56
                                              DEUTSCH – INTEGRATION
                                              www.rapperswil-jona.ch >
Vocational and Career Advice
                                              Fachbereich Integration
(Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung)
www.berufsberatung.sg.ch                      Competence Center for Integration
Personal advice for youths and adults,        (Fachbereich Integration)
Bahnhofstr. 18, 8730 Uznach,                  Advice and information,
058 229 05 40                                 St. Gallerstr. 40, 8645 Jona,
                                              055 225 80 07, integration@rj.sg.ch
                                              see also www.deutsch-kurse.sg.ch and
Welcome to Rapperswil-Jona - Rapperswil-Jona Stadtverwaltung - Stadt Rapperswil-Jona
Language Course (Sprachbrücke)                Day Care Centre (Kinderhort)
German courses for children (one year         www.kinderhort-rapperswil-jona.ch
before start of kindergarten) and mothers,    Day Care, Werkstr. 11, 8645 Jona
Marisa Hangartner, 055 280 66 88 or           and Kreuzstr. 42, 8640 Rapperswil,
marisa.hangartner@rj.sg.ch                    055 214 44 33 or

                                              Day Nursery (Kinderkrippe)
                                              Spatzennest www.spatzennest.ch
                                              Day Care, St. Gallerstr. 18,
                                              8645 Jona, 055 212 84 48 or

                                              Day Care Centre (Kindertagesstätte)
                                              Prismalino, www.prismalino.ch
                                              Day Care, Bachstr. 19, 8640 Rapperswil,
                                              055 220 26 00 or info@prismalino.ch

FAMILY – CHILDREN –                           Day Care Families (Tagesfamilien)
YOUTHS/FAMILIE –                              www.tagesfamilien-rapperswil-jona.ch
KINDER – JUGENDLICHE                          Day Care placement (Vermittlung von
www.rapperswil-jona.ch                        Tagesbetreuungsplätzen),
Mother and Father Counselling                 079 962 85 72/81 or
(Mütter- und Väterberatung)                   vermittlung@tagesfamilien-rj.ch
Advice and support for parents
with 0 to 4-year-old children,                Playgroups and pre-kindergarten
St.Gallerstr. 1, 8645 Jona, 055 225 74 40     (Spielgruppen und Vorkindergarten des Fa-
                                              milienforums) www.familienforum-rj.ch
Children and Youth Work                       Playgroups for children at pre-school
(Kinder und Jugendarbeit) www.jump-in.ch      age at Kempraten, Jona, Rapperswil and
Recreational offers and project support       Wagen; prekindergarten for 3-year-olds,
for children and youths, Jugendzentrum,       spielgruppen@familienforum-rj.ch
Stampfstrasse 44, 8640 Jona,
055 225 74 95, jump-in@rj.sg.ch               Outdoor Playgroup (Naturspielgruppe)
Support Service for Child Care                www.gemeinsamstark.ch
at Home (Entlastungsdienst Kinder-            Forest Playgroup, Tägernaustr. 123,
betreuung zu Hause) www.srk-sg.ch             8645 Jona, 079 221 61 64 or
Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Kanton            tanja.ruedisueli@gemeinsamstark.ch
St. Gallen, Marktplatz 24, 9004 St. Gallen,
071 227 99 66 or info@srk-sg.ch               Playgroup (Spielgruppe) Muulwürfli
Day Nursery (Kinderkrippe)                    Playgroup sessions for children from
Child Care Corner                             age two, Blumenaustr. 25, 8645 Jona,
www.child-care-corner.ch                      055 210 35 03 or info@muulwuerfli.ch
Day Care, Neue Jonastr. 65,
8640 Rapperswil and St.Gallerstrasse 117,
8645 Jona, 043 433 08 09 or
Welcome to Rapperswil-Jona - Rapperswil-Jona Stadtverwaltung - Stadt Rapperswil-Jona
Tourist Information Center
                                            (Verkehrsverein Rapperswil-Jona)
                                            Information about sport-, cultural and
                                            recreational offers Fischmarktplatz 1, 8640
                                            Rapperswil, 055 220 57 57

                                            SOCIAL SERVICES –
                                            COUNSELLING – SUPPORT/
                                            SOZIALES – BERATUNG –
                                            Regional Counselling Centre
Toddler Groups and Family Café              (Regionales Beratungszentrum)
(Krabbelgruppen und Familienkafi)           www.sozialedienstelinthgebiet.ch
www.familienforum-rj.ch                     Youth and family counselling on edu-
St.Gallerstrasse 1, 8645 Jona,              cation, puberty, professional education,
different locations of toddler groups       partnership, family, addiction issues,
krabbelgruppen@familienforum-rj.ch          Alte Jonastr. 24, 8640 Rapperswil,
familienkafi@familienforum-rj.ch            055 225 76 00

Municipal Library (Stadtbibliothek)         Counselling Centre for Family
www.stadtbibliothek-rj.ch                   Planning, Pregnancy and Sexuality
Klaus-Gebert-Strasse 5, 8640 Rapperswil,    (Beratungsstelle Familienplanung,
055 225 74 00 or stadtbibliothek@rj.sg.ch   Schwangerschaft und Sexualität)
Toy library (Ludothek) Rapperswil-Jona      Family planning, budget and debt advice,
www.ludo-rj.ch                              information brochures, etc.
Place to borrow games                       St.Gallerstrasse 1, 8645 Jona,
and toys for children,                      055 225 74 30 or faplajona@fzsg.ch
St.Gallerstrasse 25, 8645 Jona,
055 214 44 75 or info@ludo-rj.ch            Victims‘ Foundation (Stiftung Opferhilfe)
Youth Club Stampf (Jugendzentrum)           Counselling for violence affected women,
www.jump-in.ch                              men, children and youths Teufenerstr. 11,
Stampfstr. 44, 8645 Jona, 055 225 74 94     9001 St. Gallen, 071 227 11 00
or jump-in@rj.sg.ch
                                            Support for Families of Disabled
SPORTS AND LEISURE/                         People (Entlastungsdienst Linth)
SPORT UND FREIZEIT                          www.entlastung-linth.ch
www.rapperswil-jona.ch >                    079 221 33 68, info@entlastung-linth.ch
                                            Competence Centre for Seniority and
Competence Centre for Sports and            Health (Fachstelle Alter und Gesundheit)
Excercise (Fachstelle Sport und             St.Gallerstrasse 40, 8645 Jona,
Bewegung) St.Gallerstrasse 40, 8645 Jona,   055 225 72 35
055 225 72 30
Foundation for Mentally Handicapped          Foundation for Health and Age
People (Stiftung Balm für Menschen mit       (Stiftung für Gesundheit und Alter)
einer geistigen Behinderung)                 RaJoVita, www.rajovita.ch
www.stiftungbalm.ch                          Advice and information office
Therapeutic School (Heilpädagogische         (Spitex-Leistungen Drehscheibe)
Schule), production and services, living     Bollwiesstrasse 4, 8645 Jona,
Balmstr. 49, 8645 Jona, 055 220 65 85 or     055 222 01 11, Spitex 055 222 01 22
                                             Psychiatric Services for Children and
Pro Senectute                                Youths (Kinder- und Jugend-psychiatrische
www.sg.pro-senectute.ch                      Dienste) St. Gallen, www.kjpd-sg.ch
Advice and different services for senior     Psychiatric diagnosis of children and
citizens. Regional Agency (Regionalstelle    youths, psychological therapy for children
Uznach), Escherstr. 9B, 8730 Uznach,         and youths, counselling for parents
055 285 92 40 or                             Zürcherstr. 1, 8730 Uznach, 055 285 93 93

Registering with the health
insurance is compulsory!
You will get information from the city
administration or directly from the
health insurance companies
                                              SOS – IMPORTANT
Doctor: see Telephone
                                              PHONE NUMBERS
directory: «Ärzte»;
Dentists: see Telephone                       112  General Emergency Call
directory: «Zahnarzt»                         117  Police Emergency Call
                                              118  Fire brigade
Hospital Linth (Spital Linth)                 144  Medical Emergency Cases
www.spital-linth.ch                                0848 144 111 Regional
Gasterstr. 25, 8730 Uznach, 055 285 41 11          Medical Emergency
                                              145  Toxicological Info Centre
Hospital Lachen (Spital Lachen)               1414 Rega (Emergency
www.spital-lachen.ch                               Assistance by air)
Oberdorfstr. 41 8853 Lachen, 055 451 31 11
                                              143  Extended Hand
                                                   (anonymous counselling)
Hospital Männedorf (Spital Männedorf)
www.spitalmaennedorf.ch                       147  Telephone Help for children
Asylstr. 10, 8708 Männedorf, 044 922 22 11         and youths (Pro Juventute)

Hospital Wetzikon GZO
(Spital Wetzikon GZO), www.gzo.ch
Spitalstr. 66, 8620 Wetzikon,
044 934 11 11
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