Alonso High School Theatre Encore! Raven Repertory Theatre - Alonso High School Theatre ...

Page created by Esther Hansen
Alonso High School Theatre
                        Encore! Raven Repertory Theatre

WHAT IS ENCORE? Encore is the production based class for theatre at Alonso HS.
Encore produces all of the theatrical productions, competes in district and state level
competitions, and has opportunities to workshop with professional actors and designers.
THERE IS AN AFTER SCHOOL commitment required to be in this program. Students
in this program are expected to participate in after school productions during the school

Participation in Alonso Theatre activities is a privilege, and we believe that each person involved
is entitled to a positive experience. We want all students to do their best. As part of this
philosophy, all students are required to follow the behavioral standards listed below.
    •   Students are expected to show respect for the artistic teams, teachers, directors, staff,
        parents, other students, and facility representatives.
    •   Students are required to participate in after school productions (a minimum of two during
        the school year).
    •   Students are required to participate in thespian competitions and festivals.
    •   Students are required to notify director(s) of any schedule conflicts or absences in
        advance and in writing. Day of absences due to illness or other emergencies require the
        student to notify the director(s) by 12 noon of the same day.
    •   Appropriate and respectful language and actions should be used at all times. Good
        behavior is expected.
    •   The theatre department expects students to be respectful of property; therefore, any
        damage intentionally done to property will be repaired or the damaged elements replaced
        by the student.
    •   Our program has a ZERO tolerance policy. Any illegal substances, alcohol usage,
        smoking, etc may result in removal from the program. There will not be a warning.
    •   Be on time for rehearsals, performances and other scheduled activities. Make sure you
        have a ride at the end of the activity and that it is waiting for you at the time of dismissal.
        Do not call for a ride AFTER you have been dismissed.
    •   When appropriate, all students should be prepared with costumes, makeup, props and
    •   Students are expected to stay in approved areas while in the theatre facility. Students
        should not leave the facilities at any time during rehearsals or performances, unless
        permission to do so has been given to the staff person in charge.
    •   During rehearsals and shows and throughout the year, students are expected to
        complete clean up duties as assigned.
    •   Behave in a professional manner at all times during performances and rehearsals.
    •   Students are expected to be in good standing academically and discipline- wise with
        teachers and administration. Poor grades and/or administrative disciplinary action are
        means for probation/suspension from theatre activities. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is
        required for membership in Encore.
    •   Students are expected to participate in fundraising activities that will benefit the program
        and/or help defray competition/festival/production costs for the individual student.

You must print this document and have your parent/guardian sign it. You can
then scan it and upload it as a PDF on the audition form OR you can take a
picture of it and upload it as a JPG on the audition form. This signed form is a
mandatory part of your audition.

Student’s Name


I have read, understand and agree to guidelines
established on the cover page of the audition
packet. I understand the time requirement for
participation in Encore and give permission for
my son/daughter to audition and be included
for possible admission to the group.

______________________________________                  _______________
            (Student signature)                                         (Date)

______________________________________                  _______________
            (Parent signature)                                          (Date)

            (Print Parent Name)

Please provide an email address that you will check regularly for updates and important


Audition Guidelines
You must submit the application form:

Make sure you follow directions below.
There are 2 ways to audition this year: live or video.

LIVE auditions will be held on Saturday, May 22 at Alonso High School in the theatre. You
will sign up for time slots.

You can sign up for an audition time slot here:

VIDEO AUDITIONS are due no later than Saturday, May 22. You will upload your audition
videos to YouTube under an unpublished option. This is make sure only people you share
the link with will be able to see your audition.

        PERFORMANCE AUDITIONS: You must choose at least one of the following
options. MONOLOGUE, SONG, DANCE, TECH, WILDCARD. You may submit ALL of them
if you choose to, but you MUST submit at least 1! Wildcard CANNOT be your only
submission. If you’d like to also be considered for Musical Theatre class, you MUST do
the Song audition. The Musical Theatre class performs all of the cabaret/revue
performances at Alonso.

       TECH AUDITIONS: You only have to submit the tech audition. You may do this in
person with an interview or by video discussing the suggested topics for tech positions.

       PERFORMANCE/TECH: Some students enjoy doing both technical theatre and
performance. You may audition/interview for both. You will just have to submit the
requirements for both.
        All videos should be filmed in a ¾ shot which means the top of the head to the knees
should be visible in the frame.

        Each video should begin with a SLATE: There should not be a separate “slate” video;
rather slates are to appear at the beginning of each piece.
 •   The proper slate for a song is to share your name, the title, and show in which it


 •   The proper slate for a monologue is to share your name, the title of the play, and

     the playwright.

 •   The proper slate for a dance is to share your name, the style of dance (tap, musical

     theatre, jazz, ballet, etc) and the name of the song you are using for the audition.

 •   The proper slate for a technical audition is to share your name, the type of technical

     position(s) you are interested in and what you’d like to share with us. For example,

     makeup or costume designs, ideas or designs for set, sound, lighting for a particular

     show, your interest in stage management, etc

 •   The proper slate for a wildcard video is to share your name and be specific about what

     you are going to share on the video. Submissions should be no more than 60 seconds.

     This media can be ANYTHING you want: a special skill, an interesting story about

     yourself, a passion speech, an instrument that you play, etc. “What do you want us to

     know about you?” and “What makes you unique?”.


 •   Monologues can be from plays, musicals, movies, or from monologues found on the

     internet. You can do a search for monologues online.

 •   Each monologue file should be 60-90 seconds in length (this time limit includes the slate

     at the beginning of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files

     longer than 90 seconds)

 •   You must label your monologue file the following way:

                •    LAST NAME, FIRST NAME - MONOLOGUE

 •    Your song should be from a published musical.

 •    The song file should be 60-90 seconds (this time limit includes the slate at the beginning

      of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90


 •    You must label your musical selection file in the following way:



 •    Your dance audition must be of one particular style: tap, musical theatre, jazz, ballet, etc.

 •    The dance file should be 60-90 seconds (this time limit includes the slate at the beginning

      of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90


 •    You must label your dance selection file in the following way:


 •    Your technical audition must reflect your strengths and goals in a particular area of

      technical theatre: Lighting, sound, set design, costume and/or makeup design, stage

      management, etc.

 •    The video file should be 60-90 seconds (this time limit includes the slate at the beginning

      of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90


 •    You must label your tech theatre file in the following way:



     •      Submissions should be no more than 60 seconds.

     •      This media can be ANYTHING you want: a special skill, an interesting story about

            yourself, a passion speech, an instrument that you play, etc. “What do you want us to

            know about you?” and “What makes you unique?”.

     •      You must label your wildcard file in the following way:

                 •     LAST NAME, FIRST NAME - WILDCARD

Before you submit your google form, please make sure you have done the following:

1.       Discuss the audition and the requirements of the program with your parents. Print out the
         parent permission form and make sure your parent/guardian signs it. Take a picture of it or
         scan it. This form should be labeled LAST NAME, FIRST NAME - PARENT FORM
2.       Research your audition material and prepare your audition.
3.       Video your audition selections. Make sure you label them correctly.
4.       If you have a headshot (a school picture is fine) and a resume (list of theatrical experiences),
         you will be asked to upload that as well. If you do not have one, it is not a requirement. It
         does help us to know what types of theatre related experiences you have had though. If you
         have a headshot, it should be labeled LAST NAME, FIRST NAME - HEADSHOT and if you
         have a resume it should be labeled LAST NAME, FIRT NAME - RESUME.
5.       Go to the google form at the link provided and fill out all sections. Make sure you upload
         your material before you submit.

Important Dates:

 Application/Audition Process opens                     Monday, May 3, 2021

 Deadline for Submission                                Saturday, May 22, 2021

 Notification of Acceptance                             Thursday, May 27, 2021
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