Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services

Page created by Cory Oconnor
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
The Parish of
          Saints Anthony and Rocco
                                                    30 3 SM ITH STR EET  DU NM OR E, PA 1 8512

                                                                                                                 Mass Schedule
                              January 3, 2021                                             Monday through Friday ........ 8:00 AM at St. Anthony’s Church
                                                                                          Saturday Vigil .............................. 4:00 PM at St. Anthony’s Church
Reverend David P. Cappelloni, V. F.                                                       Saturday Vigil .................................... 5:30 PM at St. Rocco’s Church
 Pastor                                                                                   Sunday.......................... 8:30 & 11:00 AM at St. Anthony’s Church
                                                                                          Reconcilia on
Mary Jo Amendolaro                                   Parish Staff                         3:15 PM Saturday at St. Anthony’s Church or by appointment

Julie Luongo
  Administra ve Assistant

Sister Donna Cerminaro, M.P.F.
  Pastoral Minister
  Director of Religious Forma on

Sister Catherine Iacouzze, M.P.F.
  Pastoral Minister

Joseph Moffi
  Director of Liturgy and Music

Linda Houck
  Bulle n Editor

Holy Cross High School, 570-346-7541
 Catholic High School

                                                                                                           Important Information
 Phone.......... 570-344-1209 Fax..........570-344-1200                          Parish Office: 303 Smith St., Dunmore, PA 18512
 Website .................                         St. Anthony's Church: 208 Smith St., Dunmore, PA 18512
 Parish Office Hours .... Mon-Thurs: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
                           Friday: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM                            St. Rocco's Church & Parish Hall: 122 Kurtz St., Dunmore, PA 18510
 CCD Phone ...................................................... 570-344-3185   Parish Convent: 118 Kurtz St., Dunmore, PA 18510
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
January 3, 2021                        The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ                             page 1

                                                           TODAY’S READINGS

                                            First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6           Gospel:        Matthew        2:1-12
                                            Isaiah speaks poetically of the        After Jesus’ birth, three astrologers
                                            coming of the Lord. He describes       from the east came to Jerusalem
                                            how “darkness covers the earth” but    and inquired about the newborn
                                            light and glory appear over God’s      king of the Jews. King Herod
                                            chosen people.                         became greatly angered, and asked
                                                                                   the astrologers to bring him more
                                                                                   information about the child once
                                                                                   they had found him, so that he too
                                                                                   could     pay    homage     to    the
                                            Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-         infant. However, Herod’s true plan
                                            3a, 5-6                                was to kill Jesus. The wise men
                                            Paul tells the Ephesians that the      were warned in a dream not to
                                            Jews and Gentiles are now co-heirs     return to him and they took a
                                            of the promises God has made. He       different route to return home.
                                            explains that both groups are now
                                            members of one body through Jesus

                  The   mission of SS. Anthony and Rocco Parish of
                  the Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton, situated in                               THIS WEEK’S
                  Dunmore, PA, is to proclaim and live the Good News of
                  Jesus Christ. Like a beacon on a hill, we are called to                            READINGS
                  reveal the light of God's love through worship, the
                  sacraments, education, formation, outreach, service,                    January 4-9, 2021
                  and the responsible stewardship of our God-given gifts.
In the spirit of St. Anthony and St. Rocco, we are called to teach the
gospel of Christ with a special love for the Eucharist, the cross of Christ,       Monday– Elizabeth Ann Seton,
the poor, and the infirm as we welcome all people to become Disciples                         religious
of Christ. Steeped in the tradition of our parish founders, rich in diversity,     1 Jn 3:22-4:6; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
we strive to meet the needs of our ever-changing faith community as we            Tuesday—John Neumann, bishop
seek to build up the Kingdom of God.                                                   1 Jn 4:7-10; Mk 6:34-44
                                                                                    Wednesday—Andre Bessette,
            SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION                                                           religious
                                                                                      1 Jn 4:11-18; Mk 6:45-52
Baptisms: Parents are expected to be registered parishioners who attend
weekly Mass. Please call the Office to arrange for the Baptism & pre-             Thursday—Raymond of Penyafort,
Baptismal Instructions. Classes are scheduled every few months during the                       priest
year.                                                                                  1 Jn 4:19-5:4; Lk 4:14-22
Marriage: Diocesan Policy states that those considering reception of the             Friday—Christmas Weekday
Sacrament of Matrimony must meet with the Pastor at least 6 months                       1 Jn 5:5-13; Lk 5:12-16
before a desired wedding date. No date should be set before meeting with
the Pastor. Pre-Cana Instructions are required. Please call the Office for         Saturday—Christmas Weekday
more information.                                                                      1 Jn 5:14-21; Jn 3:22-30
RCIA: Please call the Office to arrange Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults instruction for adults/older children wishing to become members of
the Catholic Church.
Anointing of the Sick/Hospital Calls: Please notify the Office of those
sick or hospitalized. Due to the pandemic, we are not making regular
hospital visits, but Fr. Cappelloni will administer the Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick when needed.
Religious Education: Grades 1-8 Classes are 9:30-10:45 AM each
Sunday, September-May, in St. Anthony’s School. Our Religious Education
Office is open Sunday mornings; phone 570-344-3185. Sr. Donna
Cerminaro, MPF, is Director of Religious Ed.
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
January 3, 2021                        The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ                         page 2

PASTOR’S CORNER                                                               THIs WEEK
                                                                                   in our parish
   A new year has begun! Many                                                ALL MASSES ARE HELD IN
people are happy to see 2020 leave                                       ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH
and 2021 begin. And yes, 2020                                                 and ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
has been a difficult year. This
pandemic has harmed so many                                                MASSES AS INDICATED ARE ALSO
                                                                            LIVESTREAMED ON OUR PARISH
people in a variety of ways.                                            FACEBOOK PAGE AND THEN UPLOADED TO
                                                                                   OUR WEBSITE.
    People have died. Many have                                                   Sunday, January 3
become very sick, and some have                                           8:30 AM Mass
been sick for a long time with                                           11:00 AM Mass (also livestreamed)
lingering effects. Others have lost
their jobs, and others have lost                                                 Monday, January 4
their businesses. People have          called to be people of             8:00 AM Mass (also livestreamed)
become isolated and depressed.         faith. We are called to live
Children are missing valuable time     out a faith that places our               Tuesday, January 5
in their education. And everyone       trust in God, in good times        8:00 AM Mass (also livestreamed)
has a different opinion of what and    and in bad.
how things should be done,                                                       Wednesday, January 6
causing even further division in our       Yes, 2020 was difficult,        8:00 AM Mass (also livestreamed)
communities.                           but how did your faith inform
                                       and affect how you dealt with          Thursday, January 7
     All of that turmoil is because of it?                                 8:00 AM Mass (also livestreamed)
a virus, and that doesn’t even
touch the other “normal” things            Even       during       the               Friday, January 8
that have happened in our world pandemic, God’s blessings                  8:00 AM Mass (also livestreamed)
in 2020! So, yes, people want to were abundant. Many people
move on to 2021, which we all pray were able to spend more time                   Saturday, January 9
will be better.                        with their families. The family     4:00 PM   Mass
                                       meal occurred more regularly.
                                                                                   Sunday, January 10
     But... what if it isn’t? I don’t When so much is taken away,          8:30 AM Mass
mean to be gloomy, but isn’t every many people were able to                9:30 AM CCD Classes
year filled with good and bad?         recognize what they really               Holy Name Society Meeting
                                       had. More people reached 11:00 AM Mass (also livestreamed)
     The scriptures have focused a out to friends and neighbors
lot on faith these past couple of and strangers to offer a
weeks: faith in God, and the helping hand.
willingness of people of faith                                                    What could have been seen as
throughout the history of salvation        Yes,  good  comes   from difficult a bad   year for them was a blessing
to say “yes” to God in faith. And moments. And sometimes the good for the whole world.
because of their faith, salvation is difficult to see at the moment,
entered the world.                     but it can be a tremendous good,           So let us count our blessings –
                                       even one that can change the even as we bid farewell to a not-so
     Look at Abraham and Sarah world for the better.                          -wonderful year - and be willing to
who trusted in God’s promises.                                                face whatever 2021 brings with a
Look at Elizabeth giving birth to          Mary’s     moment       was      a spirit of faithfulness in God’s desire
John the Baptist.                      tremendous    hardship   – especially  to bring us to the fullness of joy!
                                       in her time and culture. Ir
     Look at Mary, the ultimate wasn’t             a     convenient
example of faith in God’s will. She pregnancy.          She could
was a young unwed girl with an have              gotten      stoned
unexpected pregnancy. And she because of it.                Joseph,
trusted in God’s will. What if she cooperating with the will of
had done what so many people do God – even though he
today? What if she had said “no” could have and, according
to God? Imagine Mary saying, to his culture, should have
“It’s my choice, and I choose to walked away - listened to
abort my baby!” Salvation would God and took Mary as his
not have entered in to the world.      wife.    Because of their
                                       faith, Jesus – the Christ—
     My point is that we are all was born.
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
January 3, 2021                                     The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ                        page 3

                                Epiphany comes from a Greek         mysterion. It is accurately translated as a now-open
                                verb meaning “to reveal,” and       secret, something originally hidden, but now revealed by
                                all of the various events           God.
                                celebrated by today’s Feast are         There are certain passages in Holy Scripture almost
                                revelations of Christ to all        universally known. The story of the Magi, the wise men or
                                humankind.        Epiphany     is   the three kings, falls into that category. As Matthew shares
                                traditionally actually on January   it in today’s Gospel, they were “magi from the east.” At no
                                6, but many years ago the           time does Matthew tell us there were three of them nor
                                Bishops in the United States        does he indicate that they are kings. Most likely, according
                                moved it to the Sunday which        to scholars, they were astronomers or astrologers, thus
                                falls between January 2 and 8.      their knowledge of and fascination with the star which led
                                The “12 days of Christmas”          them. Who they were and how many of them there were
                                begin with Christmas Day and        is not important. What is important is that they represent
end on January 6, Epiphany.                                         all of us, and their actions suggest to us how we need to
    Today’s readings all refer to the Epiphany as we know it        respond to Jesus Christ and what He is and represents.
— the time that the divinity of Jesus was revealed, made                Holy Scripture is filled with subtleties we sometimes
manifest, to the entire world, not just Israel and the              miss. Matthew tells us that “on entering the house they
Jewish people. The world is represented by the three magi           saw the child with Mary his mother.” Joseph is evidently
— the wise men as most of us know them. They came                   not present, and there is a reason for that. He was not, as
from the east and were, like most of us, Gentiles.                  we know, the true father to Jesus. They presented gifts to
    In the First Reading there are two strong references to         Jesus, not to His mother or His parents. When we give to
the story of the Magi with which we are so familiar. Isaiah         Jesus today, we do not do it directly, but to the Lord’s
declares, “Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines        people through the parish and other charities.
upon you.” We often speak of the Light of Christ, and                   Finally these visitors worshipped the Lord (“They
often He is portrayed in art glowing or with a light on His         prostrated themselves and did him homage.”). We, too,
face. In addition, we have the light of the star which led          need to worship the Lord; we, too, need to acknowledge
the Magi to Him so they could worship Him. Isaiah says,             His holiness and His kingship. Worshipping is more
“Caravans of camels shall fill you, dromedaries from Midian         important than the gifts, but we are reminded in this
and Ephah; all from Sheba shall come bearing gold and               Gospel that both are significant.
frankincense, and proclaiming the praises of the Lord.”
    Therefore, today we celebrate receiving God’s light. But
there is more to it than that. The First Reading opens with
“Rise up in splendor…Your light has come.” We are to do
more than just receive the light. We are to share it and
reflect it. It is as if the Lord said “Rise and shine; your light
has come.” We are called to be disciples and to be the
Light of Christ for those around us.
    St. Paul speaks of the revelations which this day
represents. What is revealed? Exactly what Isaiah speaks
of in the fact that Christ and His Divinity are revealed to
the whole world. And what is the key to this revelation?
The fact that “the Gentiles are coheirs, members of the
same body, and copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus
through the gospel.”
    Paul also says in relation to the divinity of the Lord, “the
mystery was made known to me by revelation.” For us a
mystery may represent something dark or obscure or                              2020 Diocesan Annual Appeal
incomprehensible. However, that is not the meaning of                       15.19%(151 out of 994) gave/pledged
                                                                            DAA 2020 Goal: $47,000.00
                                                                            Total Raised: $26,312.69
         Collection totals: December 20, 2020
Sunday Envelopes……………………………….$4,943.00                                               Epiphany of Our Lord
Student Envelopes……………………………..……..49.00                               “Then they opened their treasures and offered him
Loose…………………………………………………...56.00                                        gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Matthew
Other……………………………………………..…1,537.00                                                               2:11
                Total…………………………...$6,585.00                          The image of the Magi kneeling before the infant
                                                                     Jesus and opening their treasure chests for Him is
ON THAT WEEKEND …                                                    an image that we should all try to follow. Each of us
 157 adults & 18 students used their Sunday envelopes.               is called to open our gifts before Jesus, offering Him
  27 families contributed through online giving.                     what He needs. If you have trouble with this idea,
Thank you, and may God bless you for your continued                  keep one of the Magi from your Nativity set on your
generosity to the parish!                                            desk all this year as a reminder to bring your gifts to
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
January 3, 2021                         The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ                                      page 4

                                Please remember in your
                                personal       prayer       the
                                members of our parish who
                                are in need of prayer.
                                There are many people in
                                nursing       homes         and
                                hospitals, people who are
                                homebound and sick, and
others who experience many other types of trials in their
lives. To request a personal intention, please contact the                       January 4—10, 2021
prayer line at 570-347-3689.                                         All Masses are at St. Anthony of Padua Church
   Lord God of healing and wholeness,
   I ask your blessing upon my brothers and sisters who             Monday, January 4
       are currently experiencing difficulties in their lives,      8:00 AM Catherine J. Gavern by Esther
       especially those who are members of Saints                   Reuther
       Anthony and Rocco Parish.
   I trust in your goodness and in your loving mercy.                Tuesday, January 5
   Help these fellow disciples on their journey to your             8:00 AM Marie Carmella Mecca by M/M Louis
       kingdom. Bring them to healing and wholeness and             DiMattio
       peace. Give them the strength to accept their                Wednesday, January 6
       current situations and the courage they need to do
       what they must as they move forward in this life.            8:00 AM Frank Herman Genett
   Bless them with the knowledge of your presence and                       By Children, Marty and Ann Genett
       the grace of your love so that they may rejoice with         Thursday, January 7
       you both now and in the kingdom to come.                     8:00 AM Antoinette Martinelli by Estate
   I ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.
                                                                    Friday, January 8
          We are grateful for recent donations to our               8:00 AM Louis Guy Cali by Elizabeth Giorgio &
          parish in memory of Carolyn Pacifico. As                  Family
          always, we express our gratitude to those                 Saturday, January 9
          who honor loved ones with a donation to the
          parish. The Church is the place where life is             4 PM Nelson Manci by Children
          nurtured and celebrated, where difficult                  Sunday, January 10
          times are given a spirit of hope, and where               8:30 AM Philip & Margaret Sciortino
we experience the love of God in our lives. What a                          By Daughter, Ann Sciortino Summa
wonderful tribute it is to memorialize a donation in
honor of someone in the place where he or she                         11 AM Parishioners’ Intentions
encountered God!
                                                                   PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS
We are grateful for the recent                          Please pray for those who serve our country in military duty throughout the
       donation of our new                              world. To add the name of an active duty military personnel from SS. Anthony
       White      and     Gold                          and Rocco Parish, please call the Parish Office.
       Vestment.           This
       vestment, each time it is           SPC. JESSICA BEAVERS, USA                    A1C ANGELO MONTARO, USAF
       used, will honor the                PVT. 1ST CLASS AARON BISTRAN, USMC           AMN. SHERMAN JAMES PORTELL, USAF
       memory of Peter and                 BRIG. GEN. CHRISTOPHER BURNE, USAF           LT. JONATHAN PUHALLA, USA
       Ruth Castellano and                 LT. JASON A. BUSELLI, USA                    CW2 JOHN T. REDMAN, USN
       Marlene         Sewack              COL. JAMES F. CUMMINGS, MD, USA              HA CONOR J. RUANE, USN
       Gillette. It was donated            CORP. CHRISTOPHER DESANDO                    MAJ. ANDREW SCHLESSINGER, USA
       and memorialized by                 SGT. RYAN HARBAUGH, USA                      LT. CHRISTOPHERSHIVOCK, USCG
       Frank, Cammie, and                  A1C DARREN HUSSEY, USAF                      SSG. ERIC SLOSS, USA
       Grace Castellano.                   LCDR WILLIAM E. KELLY, MSC USN               MM2 SHAWN SMITH, USN
                                           SPC. KAILA LEWONCZYK, USA                    1ST LT. WILLIAM C. STUCKART, USMC
                                           MAJ. ROBERT MCALLISTER, USA                  CPT. MICHAEL TODARO
             IN MEMORIAM                   A1C MARK MICCICHE, USAF                      GYSGT. MICHAEL P. WENTLINE, USMC
              January 2 - 8, 2021
           Sanctuary Lamp                  Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them
            In Memory of John Luongo       and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us. We ask this in the name of
           by Daughter, Julie.             Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
January 3, 2021                       The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ                      page 5

                         ‘TIS THE SEASON...
IN          APPRECIATION               –
Christmas     helps us to realize how                           Today we celebrate the
                           blessed     we
                           are in many                          Epiphany of the Lord. We
                           ways and to                          commemorate the visit of the
                           see people in                        Three Kings, led by the star to
                           our lives for                        the Christchild. Can you name
                           presence we                          the Three Kings?
                           are filled with
                           gratitude. Ss.
                           Anthony       &                              A. Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar.
                           Rocco Parish
                           is blessed to
                           have      many
                           volunteers:     Your contributions to the Christmas collection and
people who share their time and Christmas flowers are still welcomed! Thank you to those
talents for the good of the parish and who have donated most generously!
for the building up of the Kingdom of
God. They teach CCD, sing in the                        CHRISTMAS FLOWERS – Your packet contains an
choir, work on fundraisers, serve on                    envelope in which you may contribute for Christmas
committees, belong to societies,                        Flowers. To memorialize your contribution, please
minister     at   liturgy,     visit   the              write the intentions in the space provided on the
homebound, count the collection,                        envelope. We will publish a list of the donors and
decorate the church and do various                      memorializations in an upcoming bulletin.
other things for the church.          Our
parishes could not function without all            CHRISTMAS COLLECTION – Each year, the Christmas
of these people sharing their gifts. We            collection is a tremendous support for the parish
are all most grateful to them for all              budget. We celebrate the great gift of God to us; Christ
that they do. Please pray for our                  is born and has given us the fullness of life. Our
volunteers - and consider becoming                 generosity should mirror God’s generous love. As you
one of them in 2021!                               pray about your gift to the church during this holy
                                                   season, remember God’s generosity to you!

                                   WE THREE KINGS…
                        The Bible does not describe the 3 Kings or
                       reveal their names. In fact, it does not call
                       them “kings” at all; they are called Magi, or
                       wise men. It also does not specify that
                       there were three; that tradition is based on
                       the gifts named.       According to medieval
                       tradition, their names were Balthasar,
                       Caspar, and Melchior, representing the three
                       races. In Armenian legend, Balthasar was
                       king of Arabia, Caspar king of India, and
                       Melchior king of Persia.        The gifts are
                       symbolic as well; gold represents kingship,
                       frankincense honors divinity, and myrrh                              THANK YOU to
foreshadows the death of the Son of Man.                                                    all who dropped
Tradition also holds that in later years the Magi were baptized by                          off      cookies,
St. Thomas the Apostle. All three became bishops and spent the                              sweets, baskets
rest of their lives spreading Christianity; they lived to be over 100                       & cards at the
years old and died within a few days of each other in Armenia,                              rectory.    Your
where they were buried. Their remains were brought to                                       thoughtfulness
Constantinople in the 4th or 5th century and later moved to                                 and generosity is
Milan. In the 12th century the Archbishop of Cologne, Germany                               greatly
built a cathedral for the relics, where they remain to this day.
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
January 3, 2021                      The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ                                     page 6


              SOCIETY news
   NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January 13 at
    6:30 PM at St. Rocco’s Hall.
                                                            Jan 10               Holy Name Society Meeting

                                                            Jan 13               Altar & Rosary Meeting
   Next meeting is on Sunday, January 10 at                Feb 24               Pastoral Council Meeting
    9:30 AM at St. Rocco’s.

                             Please contact the church
                             as soon as possible when
                             planning your wedding!                  Notice Regarding Reporting Sexual Abuse of a Minor
                             Often, couples want to         It is the policy of the Diocese of Scranton to report any allegation of
                             book the reception hall        sexual abuse of a minor to law enforcement. If you are a victim of
                             before doing anything
                                                            sexual abuse committed by a priest, deacon, religious or lay
                             else.       Unfortunately,
                                                            employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Scranton, you are
                             sometimes the sacrament
                             cannot be celebrated on        encouraged to immediately report the matter to law enforcement. If
                             the date that has been         any priest, deacon, religious, lay employee or volunteer of the
                             chosen; maybe there is         Diocese of Scranton has cause or reason to suspect that a minor
                             already     a     wedding      has been subjected to any form of abuse, including child sexual
scheduled that day, or the priest is unavailable, or        abuse, the matter will be reported to law enforcement. In
there needs to be more time for the sacramental             accordance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Child
preparation. Before any date for a wedding can be           Protective Services Laws, reports of suspected child abuse should
given, the couple must meet with the priest; please be      also be made immediately by phone to the 24-HourChild Abuse
mindful of this before booking any reception hall!          hotline (ChildLine) at1-800-932-0313 or electronically
                                                            at It is also the policy of the
                                                            Diocese to adhere to all civil and state regulations. To this end, the
MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS: Many obituaries note                Diocese is equally committed to adhering to the norms of the Code
that the family requests in lieu of flowers that memorial   of Canon Law and to upholding the tenets of the USCCB Charter
contributions be made to an organization or a charity       for the Protection of Children and Young People, which includes
that was helpful to the person or was part of the           supporting victims of sexual abuse in their pursuit of emotional and
deceased person’s life. More and more we also see           spiritual well-being. As such, information regarding an allegation of
requests to leave memorial donations to the person’s        sexual abuse of a minor should also be reported to the Victim
parish, a charitable organization that is as much in        Assistance Coordinator Mary Beth Pacuska at (570-862-7551) or to
need of memorial contributions as any other charity. It     Diocesan officials, including the Vicar General, Monsignor Thomas
is also the place where the person celebrated not only      M. Muldowney, V.G., at (570-207-2269).
the significant moments of their life, but the place
where the person sought to give praise and thanks to
God. Please consider listing the parish as one of the
places where you would like charitable contributions        The next Pastoral Council Meeting is on
sent, and consider listing the parish in your will.         Wednesday, February 24 at 7 PM at St.
                                                            Rocco's Hall.
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
January 3, 2021                  The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ                             page 7

                     CCD                                                      BAPTISMAL
                                                                              SPONSORS:             A
Religious education classes will be held                                      baptism is an exciting
following 8:30 a.m. Mass. CCD classes run                                     and important time in
from 9:30 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. each                                          the life of both the
Sunday from September through May. All                                        person to be baptized
children in grades 1- 8 should be registered                                  and the members of
for our CCD program. As you know, part of                                     the person’s family!
our responsibility in raising our children in                                 Many      people     ask
the faith is to teach them well, so please                                    friends    and     family
register your children for CCD and do all                                     members        to     be
you can to bring them to class and Mass                                       godparents      in    an
each weekend.                                       attempt to honor them. But while it is an honor
                                                    to be a godparent, the role of godparent is
Our CCD Classes for the 2020-2021 school year       much more than an honorary title. A godparent
have begun. In order to practice effective social   is asked to help raise a child in the faith and to
distancing, classes have been divided into two      set a good example of practice of that faith!
groups: Group A and Group B. Each group will               According to the Canon Law of the
alternate weekends at CCD. Please check our         Church, an individual who is a godparent
website for the division of classes in each grade   at a Baptism must be a confirmed and
level.                                              practicing Catholic who is registered in a
                                                    parish and in good standing with the
                                                    Church. This means that the person lives in
                                                    accordance with the teachings of the Church
Sacramental Preparation                             and regularly attends Mass.
             All students who seek to receive              Please consider carefully when selecting
             a sacrament must attend CCD            godparents that these individuals are being
             for two consecutive years.             asked to help educate a child in the faith of the
             Children in the sacramental            Church—a faith to which they themselves bear
             preparation program will be            witness.
             receiving a special paper which
             will need to be signed by the            2020-2021 CCD CalenDar
             priest or one of the sisters after       Classes are held in St. Anthony’s Lower Church,
             each Mass that they attend.                           9:30 AM –10:45 AM.
                                                          Please use back door to drop off/pick up children.
                                                NOTE: The entrance doors to the CCD classrooms will be
                                                locked from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM while classes are in
Rite of Christian Initiation for       Children session. No visitors are allowed at any time.
Similar to RCIA (Rite of
Christian    Initiation  for
Adults), RCIC is a program                                 Jan 3 NO CCD CLASSES
for children between the                                   Jan 10 CCD Class B
ages of seven and 14 who
have not been baptized, or                                 Jan 17 CCD Class A
who have been baptized but
have not received First Holy                               Jan 24 CCD Class B
Communion. Please contact
the Parish Office for more                                 Jan 31 CCD Class A
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
January 3, 2021                     The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ                            page 8

                                                                 ENCYCLICAL LETTER FRATELLI TUTTI
        LITURGY                                                      OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS
MASSES DURING COVID-                                            ON FRATERNITY AND SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP
        TIME                                             40. “Migrations, more than ever before, will play a pivotal
                                                         role in the future of our world”. At present, however,
                                                         migration is affected by the “loss of that sense of
Our Mass schedule continues during                       responsibility for our brothers and sisters on which every
this time to include Weekend Masses                      civil society is based”. Europe, for example, seriously
on Saturday at 4 PM and on Sunday                        risks taking this path. Nonetheless, “aided by its great
at 8:30 AM and 11 AM.                   cultural and religious heritage, it has the means to defend the centrality
                                        of the human person and to find the right balance between its twofold
Weekday Masses are celebrated at 8      moral responsibility to protect the rights of its citizens and to assure
AM Monday through Friday.        All    assistance and acceptance to migrants”.
Masses are at St. Anthony’s Church.
                                        41. I realize that some people are hesitant and fearful with regard to
                                        migrants. I consider this part of our natural instinct of self-defence. Yet
JOIN US ON FACEBOOK for                 it is also true that an individual and a people are only fruitful and
LIVESTREAMED MASSES!                    productive if they are able to develop a creative openness to others. I
Our     weekday                         ask everyone to move beyond those primal reactions because “there is a
Masses and the                          problem when doubts and fears condition our way of thinking and acting
11 AM Sunday                            to the point of making us intolerant, closed and perhaps even – without
Mass          are                       realizing it – racist. In this way, fear deprives us of the desire and the
livestreamed to                         ability to encounter the other”.
our        Parish
Facebook page
and are also                            THE ILLUSION OF COMMUNICATION
available on our                        42. Oddly enough, while closed and intolerant attitudes towards others
website.                                are on the rise, distances are otherwise shrinking or disappearing to the
                                        point that the right to privacy scarcely exists. Everything has become a
                                        kind of spectacle to be examined and inspected, and people’s lives are
Epiphany is one                         now under constant surveillance. Digital communication wants to bring
of     3     great                      everything out into the open; people’s lives are combed over, laid bare
revelations      in                     and bandied about, often anonymously. Respect for others disintegrates,
the Gospel in                           and even as we dismiss, ignore or keep others distant, we can
which the true                          shamelessly peer into every detail of their lives.
nature of Jesus                         43. Digital campaigns of hatred and destruction, for their part, are not –
Christ is made                          as some would have us believe – a positive form of mutual support, but
evident.      The                       simply an association of individuals united against a perceived common
visit of the Magi                       enemy. “Digital media can also expose people to the risk of addiction,
to the infant is                        isolation and a gradual loss of contact with concrete reality, blocking the
followed by the                         development of authentic interpersonal relationships”. They lack the
feast    of    the                      physical gestures, facial expressions, moments of silence, body language
Baptism of the                          and even the smells, the trembling of hands, the blushes and
Lord, when a                            perspiration that speak to us and are a part of human communication.
voice        from                       Digital relationships, which do not demand the slow and gradual
heaven identified Jesus as the Son of   cultivation of friendships, stable interaction or the building of a
God.      The third                     consensus that matures over time, have the appearance of sociability.
revelation is the                       Yet they do not really build community; instead, they tend to disguise
first public miracle                    and expand the very individualism that finds expression in xenophobia
when Jesus turned                       and in contempt for the vulnerable. Digital connectivity is not enough to
water into wine at                      build bridges. It is not capable of uniting humanity.
the wedding at                                                         (to be continued)

                                   MINISTRY SCHEDULES
       Jan 9/10      Lectors                         E. Ministers
        4:00 PM      M. Dougherty                    A. Mellert, P. Montalbano
        8:30 AM      J. Janssen                      L. Ingargiola, J. Reese
       11:00 AM      M. Colangelo                    C. & J. Cantarella
Saints Anthony and Rocco - The Parish of - Bon Venture Services
January 3, 2021   The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ           page 9

                                        (NOT) JUST FOR KIDS

                                                     Some folks say that the
                                                     Magi must have been
                                                     women,     because   they
                                                     remembered a birthday,
                                                     asked    directions   and
                                                     brought gifts.
                                                     But others say that they
                                                     couldn't     have   been,
                                                     because women would have
                                                     been on time, helped with
                                                     the delivery & brought
January 3, 2021                                      The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ                                               page 10
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