Resurrection-Ascension -
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Resurrection-Ascension Our Lady of the Angelus Mass Schedule Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 12:00 pm Monday-Saturday: 9:00 am Jueves: 7:30 pm Spanish Saturday: 9:00 am Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm Sunday: 9:00 am Sunday: 9:00 am 11:00 am 10:00 am Spanish 12:30 pm Spanish 11:15 am Spanish 12:30 pm Two locations, one Rego Park Catholic family
Letter from our Pastor—Carta de nuestro párroco Dear Friends, What are you willing to die for…what are you willing to live for? These are the kind of ques- tions that can focus you on what is really, ultimately important to you. It is not so easy to put our lives on the line for others—self-sacrifice, though rewarding, is not exactly easy. That is part of what St. Paul is getting at in his famous passage on love from First Corinthians 13. That’s why it resonates with us—sounds so great at weddings and yet it is so challenging. They are not just beautiful words; it’s not “soap opera” love; it’s not the kind of love shown on TV and the movies; it is the mature and dedicated love of self-sacrifice, respect and care. It is the kind of love that lasts, it is how God loves us. It is the same kind of love that led Jesus to Nazareth, to preach to the people who “presumed” that they knew their native son. Out of love, Jesus took the risk to tell them the truth—that God’s love was meant for all, that God’s salvation was meant to be extended further than they thought. That message almost cost him his life that day. It would cost him his life another day. May we rejoice in the love that brings us life. And may we praise Jesus for his life given in sacrificial love for us all! Peace and blessings, Father Tom +++ Queridos amigos, ¿Por qué razón estarían dispuestos a morir... cuál es su razón de vivir? Este es el tipo de preguntas que pueden enfocarnos en lo que es realmente importante para nosotros, en lo esencial. No es fácil estar dispuestos a arriesgar nuestra vida por los demás: el sacrificio personal y desinteresado, aunque gratificante, nunca es fácil. Eso es parte del mensaje de San Pablo en su famoso pasaje sobre el amor de la Primera Carta a los Corintios capítulo 13. Es por eso que ese pasaje resuena en nuestros corazones: suena tan bonito en las ceremonias de bodas y, sin embargo, es tan difícil de ponerlo en práctica. No son solo palabras hermosas; no es un amor de “telenovela”; no es el tipo de amor del cine o la televisión; es un amor verdadero, maduro y entregado, de abnegación, el respeto y de cuidado por el ser amado. Es el tipo de amor que perdura, es el amor que Dios tiene por nosotros. Es el mismo tipo de amor que llevó a Jesús a Nazaret, a predicar a la gente de su pueblo nati- vo que “presumían” conocerlo. Pero, sin embargo, por amor, Jesús se arriesgó a predicarles la verdad: a decirles que el amor de Dios estaba destinado para todos, que la salvación de Dios estaba destinada a extenderse más allá de lo que ellos pensaban. Ese mensaje casi le cuesta la vida ese día. Le costaría la vida un día más adelante. Pidamos a Dios para que nos regocijemos en el amor que nos da vida. ¡Y alabemos a Jesús por su vida entregada en amor incondicional por todos nosotros! Paz y bendiciones, Padre Tom
R.A.— O.L.A. St Joseph-St Patrick Raffle Win 2 round-trip airplane tickets on JetBlue to any destination serviced by JetBlue* Valid through 4/1/2023 (some restrictions apply) Drawing to be held on Monday, March 21, 2022 Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25 To enter, please fill out the tickets below and return to us the side containing your information. You keep the other half for your reference. You may return your tickets to the rectory, or place them in the collection basket, in an envelope marked “Spring Raffle”. All tickets must be received by Sunday, March 20th. Thank you and good luck! *winner is responsible for any applicable taxes and fees St Joseph-St Patrick Raffle Entry R.A. & O.L.A. parishes St Joseph-St Patrick Raffle Name_________________________________________ $10 per ticket or 3 tickets for $25 Address_______________________________________ Drawing to be held on Monday, March 21, 2022 ______________________________________________ Winner need not be present to win. Phone:_________________________________________ St Joseph-St Patrick Raffle Entry R.A. & O.L.A. parishes St Joseph-St Patrick Raffle Name_________________________________________ $10 per ticket or 3 tickets for $25 Address_______________________________________ Drawing to be held on Monday, March 21, 2022 Winner need not be present to win. ______________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________ St Joseph-St Patrick Raffle Entry R.A. & O.L.A. parishes St Joseph-St Patrick Raffle Name_________________________________________ $10 per ticket or 3 tickets for $25 Address_______________________________________ Drawing to be held on Monday, March 21, 2022 ______________________________________________ Winner need not be present to win. Phone:_________________________________________
— — – - - - — — Intenciones de Misas — julio a diciembre 2022 — La segunda mitad del libro de Misas estará disponible el Miércoles 16 de febrero a las 10 am en la rectoría durante horas normales de operación. Recuerden que está cerrado de 12 a 1 pm. Las intenciones de Misas se tomarán en el orden que sean recibidas.
World Day for Consecrated Life It will be celebrated over the weekend of February 5-6, 2022. Divino Niño Jesús Please pray for our dear Santa Misa y Novena Sisters of Charity of Halifax, Missionary Sisters of the Holy Spirit, RA: Domingo 6 de febrero and others in consecrated life 12:30 pm for their hard work and dedication to our parishes over the years. OLA: Viernes 11 de febrero 7:00 pm Please be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be in- Los esperamos para esta hermosa spired by Jesus Christ and respond gen- devoción al Divino Nino Jesús erously to God's gift of their vocation. Food distribution Distribución de vívires RA: Every Wednesday Todos los miércoles 10 am—12 pm OLA: Saturday, February 5th Divine Mercy Sábado 5 de febrero Healing Mass and Rosary 8 am—11 am at OLA Thank you to our parishioners Friday, February 4th for your support to our food pantry! 7:00 pm Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet Muchas gracias a todos por su apoyo 7:30 pm Holy Mass a la despensa de alimentos
RESURRECTION ASCENSION OUR LADY OF THE ANGELUS R.A. YOUTH MINISTRY O.L.A. YOUTH MINISTRY 8th to 12th Grade 7th to 12th Grade Sundays 10:45–12:15 in Fr. Feely Hall Fridays at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall CHOIR PRACTICE – in the church CHOIR PRACTICE – in the church Spanish: Miércoles 6—6:45 pm Spanish: Lunes 6:30—7:30 pm English: Wednesdays 7:30—9 pm English: Mondays 7:30—8:30 pm GRUPO DE ORACION GRUPO DE ORACION “SIERVOS DE DIOS VIVIENTE” “NUEVA EVANGELIZACION” Martes - 7 pm en Fr. Feely Hall. Jueves después de la Misa de las 7:30 pm DIVINE MERCY – in the church DIVINE MERCY MASS & NOVENA Thursdays after the 9 am Mass First Fridays at 7 pm SOLANUS GUILD GRUPO DE ORACION MATRIMONIOS Fridays -7 pm Chapel at Fr. Feely Hall UNIDOS EN EL AMOR Primer domingo - 6 pm en la iglesia EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursdays after the 9 am Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION and First Fridays at 7 pm First Fridays 10 am– 12 pm 3er jueves después de la Misa de 7:30 pm GRUPO DE ESTUDIO BIBLICO Saturdays after the 9 am Mass Viernes a las 7 pm en Fr. Feely Garden Room DEVOCION AL DIVINO NIÑO JESUS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Misa y Novena segundo viernes - 7 pm Second Thursdays at 8 pm -Fr. Feely Hall SENIORS GROUP DEVOCION AL DIVINO NIÑO JESUS Wednesdays, 12:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Misa y Novena el primer domingo del mes FILIPINO MASS de Octubre a Junio -12:30pm Third Sunday of the month at 3 pm INDONESIAN MASS CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD Second Sunday of the month at 2 pm Ultreya jueves - 5 pm en el Parish Hall CYO SPORTS CENACULOS DE ORACION For children—grades K - 8th Sábados de 7 a 8:30 pm en la Iglesia FOOD PANTRY FOOD PANTRY Wednesdays 10 am – noon 2 Saturdays a month 8 am – noon Please call the rectory to confirm schedule. Please join us! Los invitamos a participar! - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - — - - - — — - - — - - – — - - Officer/ Religious Education Secretary/Receptionist Salesforce Coordinator/Receptionist - — Your R.A contributions for 1/22 – 23: Your OLA contributions for 1/22 – 23: Sunday Collections: $4,579 Sunday Collections: $3,637 Online contributions: $2,710 Online contributions: $420 Thank you for your generosity! Thank you for your generosity!
R. A. Mass Intentions Vahide Atlas Florence Oliveri for the Week Basil Briguglio Mary Ellen Lustberg Virginia Briguglio Nora Lydon Richard DeNardo Paula Narva Jorge Fahardo Zoila Oleas — - - - — Ida Fernandes Grace Radonicic - Msgr. Vincent Fullam Barbara Ravert Margarita Giron Mary Sammon Ursula Impelli Madeline Silecchia Narinder Kumar William Vogts James Leung BREAD & WINE AND MEMORIALS - - - - - - - - - — - - - -
Please remember in your prayers O. L. A. those who are sick: Mass Intentions Margarita Giron, Luis Hurtado Crespo for the Week Silvia Campoverde Deceased: Eluvia Xon Perez Orlando Carcamo Michael Rodriguez MEMORIALS — BREAD & WINE St. Elizabeth Happy Anniversary req by Yolanda Horvath ALTAR CANDLES For the health and intentions of Margarita Giron req by her family. Available: Flowers at the Statue of the Blessed Mother Mary & Flowers at the Statue of the Sacred Heart Call the rectory for information. Eucharistic Adoration at OLA Adoración Eucarística en OLA First Fridays –Primer Viernes — 10 am—12 pm Saturdays after the 9 am Mass Tercer Jueves del mes después de la Misa de 7:30 pm
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