R ; I - Gurugram Global Heights School
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~ .' .' Reg""a.fiQ'U~No;5q2. in $oo~N,o.4,,~~,~6 l&~" Qt\~~ 113: to 1\5 on !h;'~ . .. .•. 03Z0'itt:tff1;8' ancll~ft't:l~t.~lltlh . -: - hmpl'essiQf):S h~~@r~~~.'be"~Il. .. - ;~'.,.;. .;' ',' . "!' .r- ,",_, .r ~",'\\.,~~;~,f1)' ~::;'~:~;j~b- .e:
1'"'"< f:~~~:~¥r?7; .'f;:, Government of Haryana DifJectorate School Education E-mail: e.dusecondaryhry@gmail.com Site: www.schooleducationharyana.gov.ln To be substituted bearing same No. and Date Application No.: NQC012-D21 523 Dated: 02-03-2021 Using the powers vested in Rule 33 of the Haryana School Education Rules 2003, the GURUGRAM GLOBAL HEIGHTS SCHOOL, AMSTORIA KHERKI MAZRA, Distt. GURUGRAM is granted No Objection Certificate for affiliation from CBSE for Class 1st to 12th with the condition that the thislaffiliation will not be valid toraise the stage of school. A separate application will be needed to apply for recognition for raising the stage of Schools. The school will comply with th~ conditions containe~ in Recognition Order No. PSHOfr2020105, dated 31~12-2020 and also the instructions issued from time to time by Haryana School Education Depaltment. In case of withdrawal of recognition, this No Objection Certificate wiil aiso be eonridered as withdrawal/cancelled. Dr. J. Ganesan Director Secondary Education O/o_QIr:e£_tor Secondar.y Education Endst. N()_.l§_ven.. I Haryana, Panchkula A copy Is forwarded to the following Information and necessary actlon.- , 1. The Manager/Chairman, committee, LAKSHA Y EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST, AMSTORIA KHERKI MAZRA, 1 GURUGRAM. 2. District Elementary Education Officer, GURUGRAM. 3. District Education Offlclir, GURUGRAM. 4. Secretary, Haryana Board of Education, BhiWa~1. \ 5. Head Master, GURUGRAM GLOBAL HEIGHTSSCHOOL, AMSTORIA KHERKI MAZRA, Dlslt. GURUGRAM. 6. I.T Cell(H:Q,)for purpose of uploading on webSi~e. Superintendent P.S. For Director Secondary Education Haryana, Panchkula ','" _" '\ '~ ClJrllgramGlobal Heights Sd~c·~' Am,,!rola Township; Sector-" 02 Gurugram. Haryana~122001
I Gove\nment of Haryana Directorate School Education . CFJ l www.schooleducationharyana.gov.inledusecondaryhary@gmail.com Application No.: PSR062020105 ORDER School Code: Dated' 31-12 2020 In exercise of powers conferred upon e under Rule 34(1 )of HaryanaSchool Education Rules- 2003 sanction is hereby accorded for permanent recognition to Gurugram Global Heights School(GURUGRAMjrun by Managing Colnmittee,Lakshay Educational And Charitable Trust for Class 9 to 12 ill subjects of (Arts, Comm1erce.Science) under BOSE pattern with effect from 01-04-2020 under the following terms and conditions:- TERMS & CONDITIONS:- 1. This permanent recognition is granted that 911 the swbject to the condition that the documentslinformation furnised by the school authorities are factual and not devoid of truth i~ any way. However,if any information at any stage is found contrary to the facts the recoqnition would be r!i'voked forthwith. I -2. The school shall follow the course of study as per syl abus prescribed-oythe-affiliated board. 3..rh_~school shall ch,:r!;je fEl_~S-~I1.Ii-f\:IJ!_tl_$ to. the jlpprQPr~
Endst. No. Even- A copy is forwarded to the following information and nec ssaryaction:- 1. The Manager/Chairman, committee, Lakshay Educatio~al And Charitable Trust, AMSTORIA KHERKI MAZRA, GURUGRAM. 2. District Elementary Education Officer, GURUGRA:M. 3. District Education Officer, GURUGRAM. 4. Secretary, Haryana Board of Education, Bhiwani. 5. Head Master, Gurugram Global Heights School, AMST~RIA K_HE:.RKI MA_ZRA,Dist!. G\..IRLJGRAM. , j '. S:'TT Ceii(H.Q) for purpose of uploading on website: ' Superintendent P.S. For Director Secondary Education Haryana, Panchkula 1\ \Ii ill t~k'l\t--. ."-- ,_.e'l' - _. ". '~.- - .~'
OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY ·EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ORDER No. 23119-2018 PS (E-1) 1 Dated Panchkula, the 25.10.2019 Subject:- RecOgnition Certificat~ for the School under sub-rule (4) of rule 12 of Haryana Stat Righ~ of Children to Flree and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011 for the purpose ( Section i8 of right of Children to Free and Compuisory Education Act, 2009. I With refer~nce to ~our application and subsequent correspondence with ttl school/mspecfion :i~. this regard, I convey the grant for provisional recognition Gurugram GI()6IIOW'J~e ~yllabq$;9ri tl1e:basisdfcurritulum laid down by acad'emic authority, ~, TheS~hoolsha11'~hroll stUdehtspropdrti'onatetothefacilitiesavailable in the school' s rescribed 19, · 9. The school shail maintain the standards and norms of the school as specified in secti 19 of the Act. ' '.... '" ~_" " .[, I THe fB€:iliti!:(,S r~p~r!ed at the time o~last inspection are as given under :- (i) Area Clf'SCn99rC~(Ilpustotal built Lip area, '. . ' (ii) Atea ?fPl~Y(9tPU~q, ~ . '.' ).._ (iii) NUrDber:dfqla~$ rooms 'j...' . ~ ..____/". (iv) RO?~.f6.rH~i~~'~,aster.!ouin-eff.ice-cum-Storeroom Gurugram Global H.ei~..~M.~ $ '~k~t.e ...wt.O....llte.t.fFor ... b.°I'tY~ an.d girls 'A t i Township, S~lor'H'J'4n Ing aer aC11Y . . ~~:~g~am,Haryana~'It~O~itc~enfor co'oking Mid Day Meal (VIII) Barner fr~e Access (ix) Availability of Teaching Learning Material/Play Sports Equipments/Library.
FORM·BR·VI .. [(See Rule 47 (I Jj :STP(G)/20181 (1{1 To c- 'l...-1:r- ! M/~ H-u(sh HOllS{~"PV,L L "'f- A, :!qJ, 151 floor y:jk~$pU:,i,t'lcw [;)cll1i·1100-l8. -tI WllaI'Cas'M/s,J,j,a:'~,h House PV,!. Ltd. hnSoallllli~d~foJ,t~!~li$scu!l~ce'Q( P.!~rt,t.P!'(:llpali()!)"Cerljfi-,~\e i" resp:~hofilr~bujJ1ifnglj:\~s.:l;·fj,qdkll¢lb~,r·herel1y gran! I,CI ·Flml.thc elevation 01'the bllilCli~g shall nOI he used ,for·tOe I)oardiil¥-S ",; . TIl,a.I.''y(),u:,·~[l~ll n.~itJler erectnot.allow thc-ctecticn.of-any ('omnnitrrj,r,,,jon, l'op,o'aJjy,part:oIiU)cb"ilq!ll$:,bl,~cl5;s, ,6 Tlil\l,you,sl~II'use;;GpJ11.RJ!el,Flyot~~9e,t)tLainHS (J:;.FL) '11 '." " isl}a/lccn~;Uie~'ll:falii?~rldng::9(vehi,cle " . 'w;itl\in·tlni!~Ai't1 '~PP~ ,,'bOildtI!8"Jila:,\ ~)!rRifJgc;"lraqy;.Y~hi.91~ 0' uisiQ~;'lIIe , otue,r of Ho~hl~ ?Hgh Gour! paSs'cd in CWP'No. l1tHaJy~na and others. S~pe'r"ntC:iidj'i11l6n,grf\ecr.1. HSV.P. 6,urugram W,LI. hi"."fI'i"'m,·h,'" whi'ttl apprcva! from P'ublic Health Point of' vicw has . I, ~. 5. DiSlr:icl TaWil P,lanucr (1'1, Gurugram W.r.L his onice memO no,' ~'o"''''''~''''''J.u,I i)'iSII.'icl TowII P·\al1l1.er·(E),G.urug(am, 'J •. ~~~:~_Ch.;", .. "cnIOlr"I,()Wla'l';18Dncr ! "t\ta~ C J~~ \\~O\a'ta \\art&l'", ... ~\\\~i~, ', ••!." ~ I j-l\t'('\Q'\lt\lQ"t(4
'~. \ ~. ['''ire Service. Haryana Panohkuta . To Mis Ha.rsh House Pvt Ltd HiClI1Scliooi Building Block A, Sector 10.02, ,(]3urugram. MernONO.FSI~01~/~5 dated: 23/08/20181 _..... !"'O objection Certificate 15 mtrs. and Ab
(j) SELF. CERTIFICATION PROFORMA I Category of application: Fresh Affil,iation up to Senior Secondary Level We (i) AKANSHA TANDON (Principal) And (ii) AJIT popLI (Manager/ Signing Authority) of the school GURUGRAM GLOBAL HEIGHTS SCHOOL certify that: I 1 The following uploaded documents are genuine an~ valid No Objection Certificate No.: NOC012021523 NOC Issuing Authority: Directory Secondary Educ~tion Haryana TrusUSociety/Company Registration No.: 572 I TrusUSociety/Company Registration Issuing Authority: Registar SR liB Janakpuri New Delhi Recognition Certificate No.: PSR062020105 I I Recognition Issuing Authority: Diector Secondary Education Haryana * Recognition Expiry Date: 30/12/2030 Fire Safety Certificate No.: FS/2018/95 Fire Safety Certificate Issuing Authority: Director qeneral Fire Service Haryana Fire Safety Certificate Expiry Date: 22/08/2023 I Building Safety Certificate No.: STP(G)/2018/6969 Building Safety Certificate Issuing Authority: Senior Town Planner Gurugram Building Safety Certificate Expiry Date: 05/09/203~ * Land Certificate No: India Land Certificate Issuing Authority: Tehsildhar Land Certificate is in name of SChOOI/society/Trust,companyduly signed by authorized signatory 2. That mandatory Public disclosure has been displayed on the school's website and it's link has been filled in the Part A of the affiliation application. 3. That we have uploaded/submitted all the self-attesfed documents/ information on the School's Web-Portal and link in the application and the same are true and genuine. I 4. Submission of wrong system Generated DEO Certificate / Self-undertaking Certificate or deliberate misrepresentation or fraud may result in summarilt rejection of application. 5. Submission of fraudulent/deliberate misrepresentJtion/fraud undertaking with intent to obtain affiliation through wrongful means may also lead to penal aetion against Principal, Manager and authorized signatory of Society. I Name and Signature(s) : I Principal ",\'\' ___.J - . I Authorized signatol){'
oJ CERTIFICATE. . , PROFORMAREGARDING SAFE ORIIjKI~G WATER AND SANITARY :;:=~~~: - Viii No. S.H.l202Q/ _ l Gq olto :Q_q--2020 Ii is certified thai. an inspection team ~eaded by Dr.sunila Rathi Dy. Civil Surgeon. Gurugram(Name of Officers with designation) r= Dr prtyanka Batra D.en.tal surgeon 0/0 Civil surgeon Gurugram (Name of DepartmenUoln~) inspected the Gurugram Global Heights - - school Sec-"L!12, Gurugram (Ni!lle ~ Address.ofthe School) on 05-()8-2020 and found that the Gurugr@rnJ;;lobalHeights School Sec-1Q2, - .. Gurugram --
GURUGRAM GLOBAL HEIGHTS SCHOOL Unit No.1, C-Block,AMSTORIA Project, BPTP Ltd. Sector-I 02, Gurugram, Haryana -122001 . (Proposed Senior Secondary School) Ref. No.: Dated: FEESSTRUCTURE FROM CLASS PREP NURSERY TO CLASS 8THAND PROPOSED FEE STRUCTURE FROM CLASS 9THTO 12TH FOR THE SESSION 2020-21 REGISTRATION FEE (ONE TIME) 1000/- ADMISSION FEE (ONE TIME) SECURITY 25,000/- SECURITY AMOUNT (ONE TIME, REFUNDABLE) 5000/- CLASS ANNUAL FEE TUITION DEVP.FEE ACTIVITY FEES ONETIME FEE(MONTHL Y) ONE/TWO (MONTHLY) INSTALMENT Pre-Nur, Nur.,& 20000 6500 7000 1800 Prep 1st to s' 25000 7500 7000 2000 25000 8500 30000 9500 30000 10500 Ilenager \ bal Heights SphOO ('!uttOi8ft\ Glo . sector-102 troia Towns\\tp,. 'l'lMi AtM QUfugram.• 1-"~"v3na.1u-, _1) Mob.:+91 8766280031,8766282910,8810203150,8766273757
o o \ .... t".:~·.. " . o-~ 'o' I~ .- S. No Name ~:~~~'_ ..•~,! ~l:Iailifkation . 'p.rofe_s,sion \ c Oe.s.i~!1~~i()n Residential· Address 1 Sh·V.FUFandon ..56 '" MA B.Ed Educationist Chairman Villa No.43, Sector 10, " Dwarka, New Delhi 110075 , /"., 2 Ms YojnJaRaghav 40 Graduate Business Vice:Ghairman H-2, South City 1, Gurugram, Haryana .. ~- r\i'rrs~\tarrdarra 5-'4 M.Sc:M:Ed-· - -Ed:ucati'o'n+st- 1-6-en-:-5-e'cretary ~ -A-2-9~,1 st fl00F,¥tkas- Tandon Puri, New Delhi , 4 Sh Naresh Anand 54 Graduate Service '4r, Manager D-196/5, Mohan Garden, New Delhi 110058 .,. l 5 Dr.BA\1H!en.~ra 70 MoSc,lVi.Ed, Retired Member 13 J Vashist Park, ·Gali l'\Jo.2, S.lpgh. Ph.D . "Jt.Dlrector, Pankha Road, New Delhi GNCT Delhi 110046 I· §_ Sh Ajit Popli . 58 Graduate Service Member A 62/63, Flat No.HJ5, .. Mansaram Park, New Delhi 110059
Retired DDE, 121 C/9, Kishangarh, Vasant Kunj, New GNCT Delhi Educationist Delhi 110070 7 Sh S.K. Saraswat 64 M.Sc, M.Ed Women Business Representaive H-2; South City 1, Gurugram, Haryana 8 Ms Poornima Raghav 40 Post Graduation Principal, Ex officio Villa no -43 Sec-l0 Dwarka New Delhi- Service member 110075 9 Ms Akansha Tandon 31 Post Graduation C-l/7, 3rd floor, model Town, New Service Trs. Representaive Delhi- 110009 10 Ms Bharti Dhondiyal 29 Graduation Service Parent Representative House No.138, ViiI. Dhankot, Gurugram 11 Ms Ritu Sharma Graduation
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