Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School

Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School
Issue 07 - 11 June 2020

Frenchville State School acknowledges the Darumbal people as the traditional custodians of the
place we now call our school. We pay our respects to the Elders past and present and are proud to
be supporting and encouraging emerging Indigenous leaders every day.

Principal’s News
Enrolments are open for our 2021 prep year. If you live in
catchment you are automatically assured a place at
Frenchville State School. If you live outside of the catchment                       These groups meet regularly across the term,
area, your child’s enrolment will be placed on a waiting list.                       discuss current research, review school processes and
We are able to make offers from the waiting list over the                            procedures and implement action plans for trialling new
year if we have enough vacancies to cater for this.                                  ways and processes. It is a fantastic professional space to
                                                                                     work in. We also have a staff book club sharing professional
We are also accepting enrolments for other year levels for                           dialogue about current topics and research.
2021. If the enrolment is out of catchment the acceptance is
                                                                                     Schools are not just a place of learning for students but for
dependant on vacancies in that particular year level.
                                                                                     all staff as well. We need to constantly review our practices
The enrolment catchment maps can be found at                                         to ensure we are current and meeting the needs of our                                             students and ensuring learning and growth for all.
If you are planning on leaving the school, please notify                             Recently we had a traffic incident involving one of our
administration as this assists us with workforce planning and                        younger students. Luckily for all involved, our student
recruitment for 2021.                                                                sustained minor scrapes and bruising. All of our students
We are still awaiting the Operating Guidelines for Term 3                            have had reminders and lessons on traffic safety. The main
from the Department of Education. This will inform us of                             thing to remember is that children will follow what you
processes for assemblies and gatherings and other school                             model. If you are ducking across traffic on Frenchville Road
events. Our Prep Parent Enrolment evening will be held later                         and not using the crossings, students will follow this
in Term 3 under the assumption it can be held then.                                  behaviour – no matter how many times we tell them the
                                                                                     correct way. Correct adult modelling is a powerful tool not
This term we have commenced four Professional Learning                               just with traffic but with how we talk to each other and treat
Communities.                                                                         one another.
   • Diversity – with a focus on developing our Student
       Learning and Wellbeing framework                                              P & C Meeting – 18 June 6:30 pm Board Room
   • Partnership – with work on our Student Code Conduct                             As this is a face to face meeting with number restrictions
       and school wide behaviour management processes                                you will need to RSVP to
   • Curriculum – reviewing our reading processes across                             by 15 June. Topics for discussion are the uniform tender and
       the school.                                                                   fundraising ideas for 2020 and our grants on the go.
   • Innovation – how are we developing creative and
       critical thinkers in our school.                                              Katrina Jones

                                         Address                        Postal                       Contact

                                         Frenchville Road               PO Box 9870                  (07) 4931 5333
                                         North Rockhampton              North Rockhampton  
                                         QLD 4701                       QLD 4701           
Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School
Show Holiday Postponed                                           School Photos
Thursday 12 June is a normal school day. The Show                School photos were distributed on Monday 25 May. If
Holiday has been moved to August 14.                             you have not received your photographs or they are
                                                                 incorrect please contact MSP Photography on (07) 4921
Shared Birthday Treats
Given the current climate and circumstances around               Free Dress Friday 12 June
COVID-19, we are requesting that parents refrain from
sending birthday treats (eg. cakes, lollies, slices) to
school. Thank you for your cooperation.

Volunteers - Secondhand Stall
Volunteers are needed to help with the secondhand
stall. If you are able to assist with selling the uniforms
please contact the office.

Instrumental Music - Strings
                                                                 All monies raised supports Student Council projects.
Our string students would like to thank the school for
purchasing 12 new violins, 2 violas and a cello. These
are some of the excited students who were extremely              News from the TWiST
happy to be back at school and able to play on their
new instruments.

2021 Prep Intake
                                                                 Frenchville State School is registered to participate in
As per the Enrolment Management Plan, only
students whose principal place of residence is within            this event. Students participating in class programs will
the school’s catchment area will be eligible for                 have the opportunity to cover the required amount of
enrolment at the school. Students who are siblings of            reading to complete this challenge successfully.
current students at the school are also deemed
eligible for enrolment. We are therefore requesting              Students are welcome to participate in additional
that younger siblings of students that will be current           reading at home. A small number of reading sheets will
in 2021 who are eligible for prep in 2021 complete the           be available from the TWiST or can be downloaded from
enrolment forms and lodge with the office as soon as   
possible. A reminder of the age rules for prep 2021: If          register/downloads-and-forms
you have a child born from 1 July 2015 to 30 June
2016 he/she is eligible for prep enrolment in 2021 at
Frenchville State school. For more information please
contact the office on 4931 5333. For enrolment

                                Student Absence Line

                                It’s important to notify us if you child will be absent from school for the
                                day. Please call: 4931 5366
Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School

School Chaplain                                                         Dr Cameron, The Story
SU Qld, a Christian inter-denominational youth and
children’s agency, invites applications for the position of
                                                                        For the next eight weeks (18 May – 12 July), join Dr
Chaplain at the following schools. Candidates may have
                                                                        Cameron, Author and Illustrator of the Pie Rats and
the option of working across more than one school.                      scallywags series, n the State Library’s Reading
            Frenchville SS (2 days p/wk)                                Adventure Club website! Cameron will be blogging with
                                                                        the children of Queensland in an action-packed 8 weeks
Applicants need to demonstrate their suitability to provide             of drawing challenges, exclusive short grab videos and
support and care to young people. Successful applicants                 interactive blogging. He can’t wait to hear from
may have the opportunity to work in more than one                       students.
                                                                        It’s free to get involved and prizes to be won so visit the
Training and experience in youth work, pastoral care                    website and join the Club. See you online and let the
and/or teaching desirable. Minimum qualifications                       adventure begin.
required as well as a Working with Children Check (Blue
Card).                                                                  Parents can find out more by visiting
 For more information and closing dates, please contact:
     Central West Qld Field Development Manager
                     Nigel Krueger
         0424 996 331 or
                    Apply online at:

                                    Frenchville SS P& C Association

                                    Our P&C meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month. All parents are
                                    welcome. P&C Email:
Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School
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