POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to

Page created by Jessica Freeman
POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to
The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022

The Parents’ Guide to

2021-2022 (summary)
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POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to
The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022   The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)    2021 - 2022

                                                                  What your child chooses to do after sixth        study and then decide to increase it
                                                                  form (or college) is exciting but can be         for another year or two to get a higher
                                                                  nerve-racking. There are lots of options         qualification. This flexibility can be very
                                                                  available and understanding the pros and         useful, particularly for students who
                                                                  cons between different choices can be            are not keen to commit to long-term
                                                                  confusing.                                       studies after school, but find they enjoy
                                                                                                                   it once they’ve got started. In the case of
                                                                  It’s not just about deciding whether to          degrees, they will need to commit to the
                                                                  go to work or continue further education         length of study (minimum three years)
                                                                  – although that’s a good starting point.         from the beginning.
                                                                  Important considerations include how
                                                                  long they want to continue studying,             This guide is designed to outline post-18
                                                                  how they will finance living expenses and        options and give a brief introduction
                                                                  course fees (and whether you can afford          to what's involved. If you want to delve
                                                                  to help them), whether they want to study        deeper and find out more, we've included
                                                                  in a more academic environment or in             useful links to other reliable sources'
                                                                  a more practical environment (such as            and The Parents’ Guide to has specialist
                                                                  studying whilst working).                        guides for studying at university or
                                                                                                                   taking apprenticeships. Simply click
                                                                  Many qualifications can be built upon, so        on the picture icons to be taken to our
                                                                  they may commit to one year of further           recommended websites.

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POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to
The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022                                     The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022

      Level               Qualification / educational routes

                                                                                                                                                           Levels of Education
                                                             Doctorate (PhD)                                                 NVQ 8
                                                                                                                                                           In England, Wales and North-
                                                                                                                                                           ern Ireland there are eight
                                                                                                                                                           qualification levels (1 - 8)

         7                                                  Masters degree (MA)                                                                            plus an entry level qualifi-
                                                                                                                                                           cation for those just start-
                                                                                                                                                           ing. Generally, the higher
                                                                                                                                                           the level, the more difficult

         6                                                   Bachelors degree
                                                                BA or BSc
                                                                                                                   Degree apprenticeship /
                                                                                                                         NVQ 5, 6, 7
                                                                                                                                                           the qualification is. Levels
                                                                                                                                                           1-3 are typically taught in
                                                                                                                                                           schools and colleges.

         5                               Foundation degree
                                            FdA or FdSc
                                                                                  Higher National Diploma
                                                                                                                                                           With so many different
                                                                                                                                                           qualifications, it can be hard
                                                                                                                                                           to know what they mean

                                                                                                                                                           and where they might lead
                                                                                      Higher National                      Higher
                                                                                                                                                           to next. To help you un-
                                                                                      Certificate (HNC)             apprenticeship / NVQ 4
                                                                                                                                                           derstand, we've created a
                                                                                                                                                           summary of what the qual-
                                                                                                                                                           ifications and levels mean

         3                   A levels
                            Grades A-E
                                                                  T Levels
                                                                                  BTEC (extended) diploma
                                                                                      BTEC certificate
                                                                                                                    apprenticeship / NVQ 3
                                                                                                                                                           highlighting academic, vo-
                                                                                                                                                           cational and work-based
                                                                                                                                                           routes to higher education.

         2                             GCSE
                              Grades 4- 9 (C, B, A or A*)
                                                                                     BTEC first diploma
                                                                                                                    apprenticeship / NVQ 2

         1                            GCSE
                              Grades 1- 3 (D,E,F or G )
                                                                                   Foundation diploma /
                                                                                  entry level qualifications
                                                                                                                      Traineeship / NVQ 1

                                  Academic route                             Vocational route                        Applied / work route

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POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to
The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022                               The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022

                                                                                             LOAN REPAYMENTS AREN’T BASED
University Degree                                                                            ON HOW MUCH YOUR CHILD
                                                                                             BORROWED, BUT RATHER ON HOW
                                                                                             MUCH THEY EARN LATER
Qualification type                            Accommodation Costs and living
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science       expenses
Length of commitment                          Students may receive a “maintenance
3-4 Years                                     loan” dependent on parents’ income;
                                              however, this is rarely sufficient to cover
Some degrees, such as medicine are            all costs and students will either need to
longer                                        supplement by working or have help from
                                              their parents (or both!). Accommodation
Tuition Costs                                 costs will vary depending on where the
                                              student is living – large cities are more
£££                                           expensive.
Students take out a “tuition fee loan”
to pay course costs. No repayments are        Alternatives
made until the student is earning £25k in
the April after graduation and then only      Degree apprenticeship, Foundation Year
as a percentage of earnings above £25k.
Payments are paused if salary drops below
£25k. Any outstanding debt is wiped clear
after 30 years.

                                                                Click interactiv
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                                                                      o the
                                                                            ir web take
More information                                                                  site

                        The Parents’              Support
                          Guide to                articles

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The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022   The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)    2021 - 2022

                                                                 Degree Apprenticeships
                                                                 Qualification type                                Accommodation Costs and living
                                                                 Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science           expenses
                                                                 Length of commitment                              A salary is paid, but parents may need
                                                                 3-4 Years                                         to subsidise living expenses, especially
                                                                 (Some can be longer, even up to 7                 if relocating to an expensive area.
                                                                 Tuition Costs                                     Advanced apprenticeship, Higher
                                                                 £0                                                apprenticeship, Foundation Year
                                                                 Course costs (at university) are paid by
                                                                 the company and government.

                                                                 More information

                                                                    Amazing                                          Support             The Parents’
                                                                   Apprentices                                       articles              Guide to

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POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to
The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)    2021 - 2022                                The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022

Non-degree apprenticeships                                                                       IN 2019 OVER 100 000
                                                                                                 STUDENTS UNDER 19 STARTED
                                                                                                 AN APPRENTICESHIP
Qualification type                                Accommodation Costs and living
Advanced or Higher apprenticeship                 expenses
Length of commitment                              A salary is paid, and shorter
6 Months – 3 Years                                apprenticeships may be local so
                                                  students can continue living at home,
Tuition Costs                                     but parents may need to subsidise
                                                  living expenses, especially if relocating
£0                                                to an expensive area for longer
Course costs (usually at college or by            apprenticeships.
an education provider) are paid by the
company and government.                           Alternatives
                                                  Higher education courses

More information

   Amazing                                          Support              The Parents’
  Apprentices                                       articles               Guide to

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POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to
The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022   The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)    2021 - 2022

 AND QUALIFICATION TYPE                                         Higher education course
                                                                at college
                                                                Qualification type                                Students can apply for an “advanced
                                                                Higher National Diplomas (HNDs),                  learner loan” where repayments are
                                                                Higher National Certificates (HNCs),              made as a percentage of earnings above
                                                                Foundation Courses, Diplomas,                     a certain threshold. Any outstanding
                                                                Vocational courses                                debt is wiped clear after 25 years.

                                                                Length of commitment                              Accommodation Costs and living
                                                                1 – 3 Years
                                                                Some are part-time
                                                                                                                  Students can often find suitable courses
                                                                Tuition Costs                                     at colleges commutable from home,
                                                                                                                  but there are still living expenses to be
                                                                ££                                                covered.
                                                                Tuition fees need to be paid but these
                                                                are less expensive than university fees.          Alternatives
                                                                                                                  Non degree apprenticeships

                                                                 More information                              I’m
                                                                                                           Click interactiv
                                                                                                           you t e and I’ll e!
                                                                                                                 o the
                                                                                                                       ir web take
                                                                                           National                          site
                                                                     Gov.UK                Careers

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POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to
The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022   The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022

Traineeship                                                     Job with training
                                                                  ON-SITE TRAINING MIGHT
Qualification type                                                BE MORE ENJOYABLE THAN
To prepare students for work or to go                             CLASSROOM TRAINING
on to further education.

Length of commitment
6 weeks to 6 months

Tuition Costs
Training fees are paid by the

Accommodation Costs and living
Not paid to work, but some expenses
(such as travel) may be provided.
Accommodation costs may be
expensive if needing to relocate.                               Qualification type                            Accommodation Costs and living
                                                                Training usually funded by employer,          expenses
Alternatives                                                    but check that it is a national recognised £
Job with training, internship or                                qualification, such as a NVQ               Salary provided and jobs are usually
apprenticeship                                                                                             within commutable distance from home,
                                                                Length of commitment                       though travel can be expensive.

                                                                Tuition Costs
More information                                                Training funded by the employer.              More information                                                                                                                            City

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POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to
The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022                               The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)    2021 - 2022

Job without training /                                                                      Internship
volunteering                                                                                                                                  Qualification type
Qualification type                            Accommodation Costs and living                                                                  None
Going straight into a job offers work         expenses
                                                                                                                                              Length of commitment
experience but not a qualification.           £
However, it is possible to create a           Salary provided (unless volunteering) and                                                       1 month to 6 months
personal training plan if desired.            jobs are usually within commutable distance                                                     Some might be longer.
                                              from home, though travel can be expensive.
Length of commitment                                                                                                                          Tuition Costs
n/a                                           Alternatives                                                                                    £0
                                              Internship, traineeship, voluntary work                                                         Internships are about gaining practical
Tuition Costs                                 or apprenticeship                                                                               work experience so there are rarely any
                                                                                                                                              formal qualifications undertaken.
£-££                                          More information
Any training would be self-funded.                                                                                                            Accommodation Costs and living
                                                    Job                                                                                       £-££
                                                   boards                                                                                     Legally interns should be paid (unless
 WORKING CAN HELP YOUR                                                                                                                        classed as a volunteer), but many
 CHILD DEVELOP KEY                                                                                                                            aren’t, although some companies may
 TRANSFERABLE SKILLS                                                                                                                          cover travel expenses. Depending on
                                                                                                                                              the location, living and travel expenses
                                                                                                                                              could be costly.

                                                                                                                                              Traineeship, job with training

                                                                                                                                              More information


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POST 18 OPTIONS 2021-2022 (summary) - The Parents' Guide to
The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)    2021 - 2022             The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)    2021 - 2022

Gap Year                                                                   Start a business
                                                  A GAP YEAR CAN BE SELF
Qualification type                                FUNDED BY WORKING
Traditionally, this is a year spent               PART OF THE YEAR
travelling overseas, but it needn’t
focus exclusively on that. Volunteering
and work experience can also be
incorporated. This is particularly
relevant if Covid continues to restrict
travel through 2021/2022. A gap year
can be taken while entry to university is
being deferred (allowing a year between
leaving school and starting university) or
if university is not the next step at all.

Length of commitment
1 year

Tuition Costs
There are no tuition costs unless
retaking sixth form examinations.                                          Qualification type                                Accommodation Costs and living
                                                                           None, but it’s important to have drive,           expenses
Accommodation Costs and living                                             commitment and an idea of what                    £
expenses                                                                   business idea to pursue.                          Lots of young people start their businesses
£-£££                                                                                                                        online, which means minimal start up costs
Gap years need not be expensive.
                                                                           Length of commitment                              and they can continue living at home.
Flights and accommodation are usually                                      n/a
covered for overseas volunteering.                                                                                           Alternatives
Personal travel can be funded by                                           Tuition Costs                                     Start the business whilst working or in
working for part of the year.                                              £-££                                              education
                                                                           It may be useful to take some courses
More information                                                                                                             More information
                                                                           to hone skills when setting up a
                                                                           business. The Prince's Trust, Local
                                                                           Enterprise Partnership, and New                       Local
    Gap Year                                                               Enterprise Allowance offer grants and               Enterprise           Prince’s Trust
     ideas                                                                 mentoring.                                           Network

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The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022                                   The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022

Summary table

                                  University Degree                 Degree Apprenticeship              Non-degree apprenticeship                      Higher education course at
                            Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of        Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of    Advanced or Higher apprenticeship           HNDs HNCs, Foundation Courses,
       Qualification        Science                                Science                                                                        Diplomas
          type                                                                                                                                    Vocational course

                            3-4 Years                              3-4 Years                          6 Months – 3 Years                          1 – 3 Years
         Length of          (Some degrees, such as medicine, are   (Some can be longer, even up                                                   Some are part-time.
       commitment           longer)                                to 7 years)

                            £££                                    £0                                 £0                                          ££
                            Students take out a “tuition fee       Course costs (at university)       Course costs (usually at college or         Tuition fees need to be paid but these
                            loan” to pay course costs. No          are paid by the company and        by an education provider) are paid          are less expensive than university fees.
       Tuition Costs        repayments are made until the          government.                        by the company and government.
                            student is earning £25k in the April                                                                                  Students can apply for an “advanced
                            after graduation. Any outstanding                                                                                     learner loan” where repayments are
                            debt is wiped clear after 30 years.                                                                                   made as a percentage of earnings above
                                                                                                                                                  a certain threshold. Any outstanding
                                                                                                                                                  debt is wiped clear after 25 years.

                            £-£££                                  £-££                               £-££                                        £
  Accommodation             May receive a “maintenance loan”       A salary is paid, but parents      A salary is paid, and shorter               Students can often find suitable
   Costs and living         dependent on parents’ income;          may need to subsidise              apprenticeships may be local so             courses at colleges commutable
       expenses             however, this is rarely sufficient     living expenses, especially if     students can continue living at             from home, but there are still living
   (i.e. food, book,        to cover all costs and students        relocating to an expensive area.   home, but parents may need to               expenses to be covered.
  travel, going out)        will either need to supplement by                                         subsidise living expenses, especially
                            working or have help from their                                           if relocating to an expensive area for
                            parents (or both!).                                                       longer apprenticeships.

                            Company sponsored degrees (they        Could also consider school         Higher education courses                    Non degree apprenticeships
       Alternatives         are not an employee but gain           leaver programmes (non
                            work experience from the sponsor       degree apprenticeships)

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The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022                                      The Parents’ Guide to Post 18 Options (summary)   2021 - 2022

                               Traineeship            Job with training              Job without                Internship                   Gap Year                   Start a business
                            To prepare students       Training usually         Going straight into a job   None                       Could include a year          None, but it’s
                            for work or to            funded by employer,      offers work experience                                 working for a charity or      important to have
       Qualification        go on to further          but check that it is a   but not a qualification.                               other employer to gain        drive, commitment
          type              education.                national recognised      However, it is possible                                skills – not just about       and an idea of what
                                                      qualification, such as   to create a personal                                   travelling. Can combine A     business idea to
                                                      NVQ                      training plan if desired.                              level retakes in this year.   pursue.

                            6 weeks to                n/a                      n/a                         1 month to                 1 year                        n/a
         Length of          6 months                                                                       6 months
                                                                                                           But some up to a year.

                            £0                        £0                       £-££                        £0                         £0                            £-££
                            Training fees             Training funded by       Any training would be       Internships are about      There are no tuition          It may be useful to take
                            are paid by the           the employer.            self-funded.                gaining practical          costs unless retaking         some courses to hone
       Tuition Costs        government.                                                                    work experience so         examinations.                 skills when setting up a
                                                                                                           there are rarely any                                     business. The Prince's
                                                                                                           formal qualifications                                    Trust, Local Enterprise
                                                                                                           undertaken.                                              Partnership, and New
                                                                                                                                                                    Enterprise Allowance offer
                                                                                                                                                                    grants and mentoring.

                            £-££                      £                        £                           £-££                       £-£££                         £
                            Not paid to work,         Salary provided          Salary provided             Legally interns should     Gap years need not            Lots of young people
  Accommodation             but some expenses         and jobs are usually     and jobs are usually        be paid although           be expensive. Flights         start their businesses
   Costs and living         (such as travel)          within commutable        within commutable           many aren’t. Some          and accommodation             online, which means
       expenses             may be provided.          distance from home,      distance from home,         companies may cover        is usually covered for        minimal start up costs
   (i.e. food, book,        Accommodation             though travel can be     though travel can be        travel expenses.           overseas volunteering.        and they can continue
  travel, going out)        costs may be              expensive.               expensive.                  Depending on the           Personal travel can be        living at home.
                            expensive if needing                                                           location, living and       funded by working for
                            to relocate.                                                                   travel expenses could      part of the year.
                                                                                                           be costly.

                            Job with training,                                                             Traineeship, job with                                    Start the business
                            internship or                                                                  training                                                 whilst working or in
       Alternatives         apprenticeship (if                                                                                                                      education
                            they have some work

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The Parents’ Guide to

2021-2022 (summary)
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