Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...

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Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
▪ Platinum Jubilee Celebrations ▪ What’s on ▪

                               Free ▪ June 2022 ▪

Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
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Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
Our remarkable Sovereign
Seventy years on the throne. What our Queen
has achieved is extraordinary - the longest serving
monarch in British history - and not far off the
world record for any country. Yet what marks our
Queen out is not simply her longevity but the
outstanding commitment and dedication to her
role that she has demonstrated throughout her
long reign.
People I know who have met the Queen have
been struck on the special quality of attentiveness
and care that she invests in even the briefest
The Queen fulfils an official role as head of the
Church of England, and for her this is not a token role - she speaks often
about her personal faith in Jesus Christ. In her Christmas broadcast in
December 2000, she said, “For me the teachings of Christ and my own
personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead
my life.”
                     A couple of years ago I read ‘War Doctor’, David Nott’s
                     gripping account of his work as a surgeon operating in
                     war zones in the world’s most dangerous places. He
                     tells how he was honoured with an invitation to a meal
                     at Buckingham Palace. It was at a time when he had
                     recently returned from Syria and was suffering burnout
                     and post-traumatic stress.
                     Sitting at table, the Queen turned to him and asked him
                     a simple question about his work. He found that his
                     eyes filled up with tears and he was unable to answer.
                     In response the Queen asked a courtier at table to bring
                     in the corgis and some dog biscuits. She opened a tin
                     of biscuits and invited David Nott to join her in petting
                     the dogs and feeding them treats, which they did for the
                     remaining twenty minutes of the lunch party.
David Nott says that the Queen’s sensitivity and humanity was remarkable,
quietly recognising his trauma and offering him a way to handle a difficult
moment. It’s a small incident that speaks volumes.
The platinum jubilee falls at a difficult time under the shadow of war in
Ukraine. So it’s all the more important that we use this anniversary to affirm
and celebrate all that is good about the peace and freedom we enjoy as
British citizens - and the faithfulness to her calling of our remarkable
Every blessing
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
The Parish of Whaley Bridge
St James Taxal ● Holy Trinity Fernilee ● Kettleshulme

Vicar                                           Revd Frances Eccleston         01663 732724
                                                                      (mobile) 07554 240762
                                                46 Buxton Road, Whaley Bridge
Reader                                          Beryl Axcell                   732612
                                                Hilltop, Macclesfield Road
Reader                                          Steve Eccleston                07572 079423

Pastoral Worker                                 Sue Mellor                   732005
                                                2 Taxal View, Fernilee
Churchwardens                                   John Swift                     07775 691403
                                                Madscar Farm, Taxal
                                                Stella Whitehurst              732132
Items for magazine to the editor                Alison Rowland                 07905 987360
Bell Ringing                                    Victoria Shelmerdine           719430

▪ Front cover photograph June 2022 ▪ Credit: Jacob King / PA Wire / PA Images

Praying for the Streets of Whaley Bridge
The names of the streets to be prayed for in any particular week will appear on
the church notice sheet and these streets will be remembered in our prayers.

5 June:            Bridgmont, Buxton Road

12 June:           Canal Street, Carr Brook Close, Chapel Road, Chapel Street
19 June:           Church Bank, Clough Field Close, Cotton Close, Craig Drive

26 June:           Cromford Mews, Eccles Close, Elnor Avenue

3 July:            Elnor Lane, Forge Road, George Street

10 July:           Goyt Place, Goyt Road, Hall Farm Close, Hill Drive

17 July:           Hill Top Rise, Hill View, Hockerley Avenue, Hockerley Close

24 July:           Hockerley Lane, Hockerley New Road, Jodrell Meadow

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
The Parish of Whaley Bridge
               St James Taxal - Holy Trinity Fernilee - Kettleshulme

                     Services in June 2022

Sunday 5th June: Pentecost                     Sunday 19th June:

10.30am: Holy Communion at Holy                10.30am: Worship Together at Holy
Trinity.                                       Trinity.

                                               Sunday 26th June:
4.00pm: Messy Jubilee at Holy
Trinity.                                       10.30am: Holy Communion at St
(See page 26 for details)                      James Taxal.

Sunday 12th June: Trinity Sunday               Sunday morning services are also
                                               accessible via Zoom
10.30am: Holy Communion at St
                                               Sign in details are as follows:
James Taxal.
                                               Meeting ID: 364 083 0788
4.00pm: Evensong at St James
Taxal                                          Password: 123456

We are grateful to advertisers for their
support! If you would like to advertise
in the magazine please contact Mrs Julie
Bristol on 01663 734198.
If you feel you would like to donate
towards the cost of this magazine you
can send a cheque (made payable to The
PCC of Whaley Bridge) to our treasurer
Mrs Jo Fyfe c/o 46 Buxton Rd, Whaley
Bridge, SK23 7JE. Alternatively, you
can give online using this QR code.
Do send an email to to say
you have donated so we can thank you.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
Local charity helps older people to remain independent
Chapel Mobile Physiotherapy                    HR or contract compliance we would
Service is a local charity established         be delighted to hear from you or if
in 1970 with the aim of supporting             you want to help with our fundraising
older people at risk of becoming               activities. We receive a grant from
housebound to safely maintain                  the NHS that covers one third of our
independence in their own home,                operating costs and rely on
writes Judith Aizlewood. At that time          fundraising events, donations from
rural isolation meant that many were           service users, local council and
struggling to access services and              businesses and other grant giving
more than 50 years later, with cuts to         bodies for the rest.
locally-based services, this is still an       You can check out our website
issue.                                or follow us
Referrals can be made for people               on Facebook for details of our
registered with Thornbrook surgery             events. An easy way to support us if
Chapel, Goyt Valley in Whaley,                 you shop online is by buying through
Evelyn Medical in Hope                                      Amazon Smile and
and Arden House in                                          choosing us as your
Hayfield via your GP.                                       nominated charity or
Our physiotherapist                                         similarly, shopping
visits service users at                                     online through easy
home to assess their                                        fundraising with traders
needs and plan a                                            such as Boots, M&S or
programme to maximise                                       Tui. This costs you
their mobility.                                             nothing but gives us a
Signposting and referral                                    percentage of your
to other services such                                      spend.
as occupational therapy                                     Two of our committee
and the provision of                                        have trained with Age
home aid equipment                                          UK as falls prevention
can be made.                                   ambassadors and run stalls at
We are pleased to announce the                 Chapel market and the Whaley basin
appointment of a new                           FAB market during falls prevention
physiotherapist – Steven Davidson              fortnight promoting home safety.
(pictured above) who brings a wealth           We have given out tote bags with
of experience and enthusiasm to the            information on home safety and tea
role. Many of our previous service             towels printed with simple exercises
users will have been treated by Beth           to improve core strength and
Tweddle or Maureen Pargeter and                balance.
we are confident that Steve will be            We are happy to talk to groups and
able to maintain our excellent                 individuals about falls prevention and
reputation.                                    about our service.
Our registered charity is run by a             For further information please
small but enthusiastic team of                 contact trustee and treasurer Judith
volunteers. If you have skills in IT,          Aizlewood (01663 733070).

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
CATS enjoyed catching fish, just as Jesus taught them!
The theme for Carers and Toddlers
Praise (CATS) in May was Jesus telling
the disciples to cast their nets on the
other side of the boat and they would
catch fish.
The craft activities were fishing, using
rods with magnets on the end, colouring
fish, and making fish shapes using CDs.
Marion told the story using a large
fishing net with all the little fish inside.
Photos courtesy of Janice Nelson

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
My Good Life of a Village Lass
                     By Elsie Berry aged 94 - 26th May 2021

I was born on a farm in
1927, in the village of       Elsie Berry was born and raised in Kettleshulme and
Kettleshulme, Cheshire. I      lived to the ripe old age of 94. Sadly, Elsie passed
had a sister and brother           away in February after a long and full life.
older than me. My dad           Here is Elsie’s account of her childhood that she
died when I was two years                   wrote in May of last year.
old. Our mother brought
up three children and did     neighbour’s land, going       the week before she died.
the farmwork, hand-           to farm sales, and            Jack went to her bedside
milking 30 cows at six in     checking the farm boys. I     and asked for my hand in
the morning and six in the    loved it. It was so good to   marriage. She was
evening. The story goes I     meet them after going to      pleased her three children
was watching my mother        dances in Buxton in a         had married, she said to
hand-milking the cows,        cold van, sat on milk         her friend. I married aged
with me standing in the       crates. That was exciting.    22 and went to live in
dolly for safety.             My late husband, Jack,        Manchester - a Townie.
At five years old, I went     called at the farm for        I have two sons, four
to the village school until   eggs, saw me in my knee       grandchildren and
the age of 14 years. I left   breeches and with             eight great
school and worked on the      flowing hair, and called      grandchildren, who
family farm to help with      many times for eggs! My       are good to me after
muckspreading, hay            mother died aged 60.          Jack died aged 80
making, walling, fencing      What a hard life she had,     years, 20 years ago.
to keep the animals from      but she was singing and       Life is good and
escaping into the             whistling every day of        worth living again.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations What's on - Free June 2022 - Revd Frances reflects on Queen Elizabeth II - Page 3 - Parish of Whaley ...
500,000 children’s books distributed for the Platinum Jubilee
                                        Up to half a million story books are
                                        being given to primary school-aged
                                        children for Her Majesty the Queen’s
                                        Platinum Jubilee by the Church of
                                        England and Thy Kingdom Come, the
                                        Archbishops of Canterbury and York’s
                                        global prayer movement.
                                        The book, ‘Queen CJ and the Bouncy
                                        Castle’, is the latest development from
                                        the Cheeky Pandas, a children’s online
                                        cartoon series.
                                        The free storybook, based on the theme
                                        of faithfulness, helps children
                                        understand the faithfulness of God – in
                                        honour of Her Majesty the Queen’s 70
                                        years of faithful service.
                                        Alongside the book, there will be a
                                        brand new five-part online TV series of
                                        the Cheeky Pandas, based on the Fruit
                                        of the Spirit and inspired by the Bible.
                                        Details at:

   The Parish Rooms
  Holy Trinity Church
        Buxton Road

  Special occasion? - why not consider booking the Parish Rooms.
  Also available for meetings, coffee mornings, parties, funeral teas.
  Full kitchen facilities available - reasonable charges.
  Outside caterers can be used for your special event.
  Safe off-road parking.
  Book in good time to avoid disappointment.
  All enquiries to Steve Eccleston 01663 732724 or 07572 079423

Let us pray...
                                                 Your Servant
        A (Royal) Dog’s Life                     Gracious God, we give
                                                 You thanks
      We dogs, who live with royal folk          for the reign of Your
                                                 servant Elizabeth our
       Who feel Her Maj’s royal stroke;
        We like to hear important talk
                                                 and for the example of
      Of dinner time, and our next walk.         loving and faithful service
   But lately there’s been so much rushing       which she has shown
       People bowing, people fussing.            among us.
     Trumpets blare and soldiers shout           Help us to follow her
         What is all the noise about?            example of dedication
         No-one thinks of corgis’ needs          and to commit our lives to
Like, where’s our bone, and where’s our leads?   You and to one another,
        We’re not allowed a doggy romp           through
       ‘Midst all the pageantry and pomp!        Jesus
         Adding to our canine woes               our Lord.
      They all wear their finest clothes,
   So we’re all stuck behind closed doors        Amen.
 Lest we might smudge them with our paws.
                                                 Hear our Prayer
                                                 O hear our prayer, dear
                                                 To us incline Your ear!
                                                 O righteous, loving Father
                                                 Allow us to draw near;
                                                 With heartfelt supplications
                                                 We seek Your loving grace
                                                 With earnest intercessions
                                                 We come to seek Your face.
      But things will come to settle down.       Your kindness ev’ry morning
    It’s life, when Mistress wears a crown;      We trust we’ll find in prayer
         Yes, it will pass, you all will see     We lift our hands before You
           This business of the Jubilee.         We reach out for Your care;
      So, we shall wag our doggy tails!          O teach us, Father, teach us
     Be happy, like the Prince of Wales!         Your gentle, loving way,
     We think the Boss has done just fine        For You alone are able
       Being Queen for all this time!            To guide us every day.
              By Nigel Beeton                    By Nigel Beeton

Don’t forget, it’s Messy Jubilee on Sunday 5th June! Turn to page 26 for details ►

The ‘Little Silver’ that’s more precious than gold
If you have ever had chemotherapy, or a            from platinum alloys which can be relied
heart pacemaker installed, you will be             upon not to vary over time. Platinum is a
particularly grateful for the properties of        very dense metal. It is denser than pure
platinum. Platinum compounds disrupt the           gold. It carries a great deal of ‘gravitas.’
multiplication of cancerous cells, and the
                                                   Platinum is what scientists call a ‘Noble
properties of platinum itself (its resistance to
                                                   Metal’ – because it can withstand almost
corrosion and tarnishing) make it particularly
                                                   any chemical attack. It is the least reactive
suitable for electrical contacts in
                                                   of all metals. All these characteristics apply
pacemakers. But platinum has other
                                                   well to our much-loved Queen who is a very
properties which make it a topical subject.
                                                   rare person indeed, and very precious to our
The word ‘Platinum’ comes from the                 nation.
Spanish for ‘little silver’ (‘plata’ meaning
                                                   The Queen’s Imperial State Crown is made
silver, as in the River Plate in Argentina.)
                                                   of gold, silver and, appropriately enough,
Platinum is very rare. It is much rarer than
                                                   platinum, and decorated with many precious
gold. It is therefore very precious and has
                                                   stones. As the first British monarch to
generally been more expensive than gold.
                                                   celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, she wears it
Platinum is used to make the International         well. We thank God for her, and for her
Standard Weights and Measures. The                 qualities that have made her so special.
International Standard Kilogram is made            God Save our Noble Queen!

See the Neighbourhood Plan and have your say
Vision4Whaley, the steering group        You will find them at the following:
behind the Whaley Bridge                 FAB Market Transhipment
Neighbourhood Plan are excited to
                                         Warehouse, Whaley Bridge.
announce the completion of the final     Saturday 11th June: 10-2pm
draft of the plan.
They launched a public consultation      Mechanics Institute, Whaley Bridge.
on 20th May, which will last 6 weeks.    Monday 13th June: 2-7pm
During this time, the community is       Furness Vale Community Centre.
invited to view and comment on the       Tuesday 14th June: 2-4pm
plan before it is submitted to HPBC.
                                         Footsteps, Whaley Bridge. Thursday
As part of the consultation, the         afternoons 16th, 23rd and 30th June:
steering group will hold several
events in Whaley Bridge and
Furness Vale and would love the          For more information about the
community to come along to see the       Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan
plan and have their say.                 visit

On Sunday May 8th we were delighted to welcome Rt. Revd Mark Tanner, the
    Bishop of Chester to St James Taxal for our confirmation service.
Congratulations to Karen, Lynn and Chris pictured here on their special day.

Meeting ‘May by day’
      Whaley Bridge People

I am May of May’s Parlour. My name is
actually Carol but most people know me
as May now that I have the shop at
Horwich End. “May by day” we now
The Parlour opened in September 2016
just a few months after we moved into
this fabulous old Nat West Bank
building and made the front room into a
When asked what The Parlour sells I
really have to think how to explain. It’s
a mixture of homewares, because we
                                                      Illustration by Andrea Joseph.
have a love of cushions and jugs, along
with more gifty goodies. We always                warming how many customers old and
look to stock things that are beautiful           new took to our Click and Collect
and practical, or just make us smile.             service. We really couldn’t have got
The nice surprise has been that lots of           through the long spells of being closed
Whaley people love the greetings cards            without the support of the local
we sell. We really wanted to support              community. This help has meant that in
independent artists based in the UK. Our          turn, we can continue to trade with the
mixture of offbeat and quirky seems to            many independent artists and small
appeal and our loyalty card scheme,               business who supply us.
where you get your tenth card free, is a          Now things have settled a little we are
winner with lots of customers.                    seeing customers returning to The
A day in The Parlour is not what I                Parlour and the rest of the town’s
expected when I was thinking of                   businesses. Which is much needed and
opening a shop. People here are so                appreciated.
friendly and we often find ourselves              If you haven’t visited, do call in. You’ll
laughing (and sometimes crying) at the            find the music playing, a scented candle
sharing of stories. And when I’m not              burning and help if you need it. We
behind the counter I am “out the back”            offer complimentary gift wrapping if
looking for new things to stock the               it’s a gift for someone else; we also
shelves with. The back of the shop is             hope you’ll treat yourself.
also our living room with its beautiful           Look forward to seeing you soon,
view of Carr Brook.
                                                  May x (aka Carol)
For us, like so many others, things have
changed over the past couple of years.            Shop opening times:
When Covid struck and we had to close             11am - 4.30pm Weekdays
the shop, the focus was getting the               10.00am - 3.30pm Saturdays
website up to date. I think they call it a        Website:
“learning curve”! So it was heart-                Tel: 01663 733428.
Obituary - Hilda Carroll (1925-2022)
Many of our readers will recognise     Start Lane. Two years later, Hilda
the lovely Hilda Carroll from the      left the bank, keeping herself very
accompanying photograph, taken, I busy volunteering with The Red
think, seven years ago on her 90th     Cross, Scottish country dancing,
birthday. During a wonderful tribute The Townswomen’s Guild, etc.
at her funeral, Hilda’s Godson, Alan, She loved amateur dramatics and
mentioned that an acquaintance of      was cast as “Anna” in a production
his was due to meet her for the first of “The King and I” at the New Mills
time at a restaurant and had asked Theatre. She took the audience by
Alan how he might recognise her.       storm, in spite of suffering a
Alan told him to just look for the     heartbreaking miscarriage the day
most elegant, best dressed,            before - such was the metal of that
glamorous lady in the place. He did incredible lady! It had been a much
- and went straight to her! She was longed for, and long awaited
92 years old at that point.            pregnancy. Sadly, there were to be
Hilda spent the whole of her 97        no more children.
years resident within a 2                             Alan took up golf, for
-mile radius of Pear Tree                             which Hilda too
Cottage, Johnson St.            By Beryl Axcell
                                                      discovered a real flair.
where she was born on                                 She became Lady
the 22nd February 1925. She was        Captain at Whaley and later Lady
the only, much adored, child of Felix President at the Buxton and High
and Elivia Short. The family moved Peak Golf Club.
to Chapel Road and Hilda went to       Hilda had many talents but crafting
Whaley Bridge Elementary School        was not one of them. Alan was
before gaining a scholarship to New Managing Director of the family firm,
Mills Grammar.                         Fred Aldous Ltd., a well known and
A gifted scholar, English and French highly trusted craft suppliers. One
were her favourite subjects, though of his jobs was to edit and validate
she developed an absolute love for the annual catalogue, ensuring that
sport - netball, hockey and tennis.    all suppliers’ instructions were
On leaving school at 16, she went      adequate for purpose. Alan would
into The District Bank, eventually     give them to Hilda saying, “Do that
moving into the Manchester branch. love, and if you can do it, anyone
Going in on the train got to be a      can do it!”
highlight of Hilda’s day - meeting up Theirs was truly a marriage made in
with other young travellers, all in    heaven but, sadly, tragedy struck
their early 20s in those heady post    when Alan died suddenly in April
war days. Alan Aldous was one of       1966. Hilda was, of course,
the crowd; romance blossomed;          devastated and desolate. She went
they fell head-over-heels in love,     back into the Bank in Tideswell but
and the rest, as they say, is history! life had little meaning without Alan.
They were married at Taxal on the      Twelve years passed, but then, one
8th May 1948 and lived at Barnside, snowy night in February, Hilda’s

friends, Betty and Harold Lord, had
invited her to dinner with other
single friends of theirs and, said
Godson Alan, a miracle happened
- Hilda met Ernest Carroll. She
was amazed to hear that he lived
in Reedsvale, Kettleshulme - the
very bungalow originally built for
her sister-in-law and husband. He
invited her to meet up for a drink at
The Swan. Discovering that they
had so much in common, things
moved on apace. They got
engaged in June and married in
Chinley in October. The miracle?
That each found a love they had
thought they could never find again
after the deaths of their first loves.
They often said that Alan and Joan
must have arranged it in Heaven.
Thus began almost 34 years of
absolute devotion to each other,
Hilda welcomed and loved by                   grateful as she was, she liked to be
Ernest’s family and they well loved           independent. The Macclesfield bus
by her. According to Godson Alan,             was her lifeline! In all weathers, a
it was “a meeting of like minds with          number of times a week, she would
different interests”.                         walk, ramrod-straight, up to the
When Ernest became ill, Hilda                 main road and catch the bus.
nursed and cared for him                      Lockdown in 2020 was torture for
unstintingly, without thought to her          95-year-old Hilda, as for many folks
own well-being. When he died in               living alone. Being deprived of her
2012 the community, the                       regular chats at Footsteps, her
“Kettleshulme family”, of which               forays into Tesco, Book Club, and
Hilda had become such a part,                 company at The Swan, took its toll
gathered round her to comfort and             on her health. However, lockdown
encourage her. Her faith, her                 relaxed, and there she was again,
weekly attendance at the Chapel               nearly 97. However, there was a
along with her memories and                   limit to even the indomitable Hilda’s
gratitude for them, gave her the              human body and though we mourn,
strength, not just to “carry on”, but         we know that her Eternal Spirit has
to “make the most of life”.                   passed from this world into the
Hilda was very much a “people                 next, into the presence of her
person”; she loved company, she               Living, Loving Lord, and as her
loved people. When eventually,                Godson said at her funeral, “One
she had to stop driving, people               wonderful woman reunited with her
were very good at offering lifts but,         two wonderful men.”

Crossword clues
1 Evil (Genesis 6:5)
7 Musician called for
by Elisha when he met
the kings of Israel,
Judah and Edom (2
Kings 3:15) (7)
8 The request that led
to the institution of the
Lord’s Prayer: ‘Lord, —
us to pray’ (Luke 11:1)
10 ‘We are hard
pressed on every—’(2
Corinthians 4:8)(4)
11 Fraud (2 Corinthians     22 Or I live (anag.) (7)   6 Speaking very softly
6:8) (8)                                               (John 7:32) (10)
13 ‘His troops advance      23 Those guilty of 1
in force;they build a       Across (Romans 13:4)       9 Workers Ruth joined
siege ramp against me       (10)                       when she arrived in
and — around my                                        Bethlehem with her
tent’ (Job 19:12) (6)       Down                       mother-in-law Naomi
                                                       (Ruth 2:3) (10) 12 Put
15 Where Rachel hid         1 ‘God so loved the —      in jail (Acts22:19)(8)
Laban’s household           that he gave his one
gods when he searched       and only Son’ (John        14 Aceturn (anag.)(7)
his daughter’s tent         3:16) (5)
(Genesis 31:34) (6)                                    16 Discharge
                            2 ‘Away in a manger,       (Acts21:3)(6)
17 ‘Now about spiritual
gifts, brothers, I do not   no — for a bed’ (4)
                                                       19 ‘All these—come
want you to be—’ (1                                    from inside and make a
                            3 Mob ten (anag.) (6)
Corinthians 12:1) (8)                                  man “unclean”’ (Mark
18 Nomadic dwelling         4 ‘Each — group            7:23) (5)
(Genesis 26:25) (4)         made its own gods in
                            several towns where        20 ‘Let us rejoice and
21 ‘As for man, his         they settled’ (2 Kings     be glad and — him
days are like—,he           17:29) (8)                 glory!’ (Revelation 19:7)
flourishes like a flower                               (4)
of the field’ (Psalm        5 Began (Luke 9:46)
103:15) (5)                 (7)                        Answers on page 20


   3rd June (Fri): Jubilee Coffee Morning       Website address:
   4th June: Gardeners and Allotment Society
   11th June & 18th June: CANCELLED
                                                For any Mechanics Institute queries, please
   25th June: Daniel’s Light (tbc)              email:
   N.B. Please check the website for updates

 A child’s definition                            Raise needed
 ‘Ecclesiastic’: material used to fasten a       I told my boss that three companies were
 minister’s robes.                               after me and therefore I wanted a raise
 Notices outside a church                        from him.
 Worn out? Come in for a Service! This           My boss asked what companies wanted
 church is not just four weddings and a          me. I replied, “Gas, water and
 funeral.                                        electricity.”

                                                           Animal Advice Centre, 13 Chapel Rd,
                                                                       Whaley Bridge
                                                              Open Wednesday 2.30pm-4.00pm
                                                      For info. & advice on all aspects of animal welfare
                                                     Books, Bric-a-brac etc. for sale/New members
                                                     Cruelty reports are treated in complete confidence
                                                      Tel: 0300 1234 999      Hon Sec: 01298 812053
                                                                    ID Discs engraved

      Thornsett Fields Farm, Birch Vale, High Peak
                        SK22 1AX
                     Tel.: 01663 743025
                  Mob.: 07979 086922
For that special stress-free break come to Casper’s Cattery where you will enjoy the
benefits of this unique guest house. Casper’s Cattery is situated on a working farm
 in the heart of the countryside. Each room is lovingly decorated by a local artist.

            Deadline for articles (July/August issue) Wednesday 8 June 2022

ACROSS: 1, Wickedness. 7, Harpist. 8, Teach. 10, Side. 11, Impostor. 13,
Encamp. 15, Saddle. 17, Ignorant. 18, Tent. 21, Grass. 22, Olivier. 23,
DOWN: 1, World. 2, Crib. 3, Entomb. 4, National. 5, Started. 6, Whispering.
9, Harvesters. 12, Imprison. 14, Centaur. 16, Unload. 19, Evils, 20, Give.

  ‘Let’s work together’ to achieve net zero carbon

The Archbishop of Canterbury,             “Will the Minister set out the plans
Justin Welby, has called on the           that the Government have to work
Government to work with faith             further with faith communities,
groups to achieve net zero carbon.        which have unique distribution and
                                          contacts, from the grass roots to the
Speaking recently in the House of         highest level, both nationally and
Lords during a debate on Behaviour        internationally, and will he
Change for Net Zero, he said: “My         commend the work that they are
Lords, like the Government, the           already doing?”
Church of England has targets for
reaching net-zero carbon, in our
case by 2030.
“Churches across the Anglican
Communion are deeply affected by
climate change. We are working
right across the Communion on this

Quick quote
Thou shalt ever joy at eventide if
you spend the day fruitfully.
– Thomas a Kempis

From Bethlehem to Nazareth
                   Following the chronology of Jesus’ life
                   and ministry, Peter Walker takes us
                   from Bethlehem to Nazareth to the
                   desert as we follow Jesus on His final
                   journey from Galilee to Jerusalem.
                   In each chapter particular attention is
                   given to what Jesus did in that location,
                   and to the authenticity of archaeological
                   and recorded evidence of later pilgrims
                   and historians.
                   The book is richly illustrated, and uses
                   maps, timelines, and feature boxes to
                   highlight important themes.
                   All in all, it is a rich and absorbing
                   guide, and would be an ideal companion
                   for travellers to the Holy Land.
                   In the Steps of Jesus (2nd full-colour
Book Review        By the Rev Peter Walker,
                   Lion Hudson, £20

A Small Drop of Water                            GH2O
                                           PLUMBING SERVICES
 A small drop of water slowly
                                           BATHROOM & KITCHEN
 To thy forehead, belov’d one,
  Meet for Father, Spirit, Son,              INSTALLATIONS &
      Trinity of virtue holy.                REFURBISHMENTS
                                          GENERAL PLUMBING REPAIRS
 A small drop of water slowly
                                       COMPLETE BATHROOM, EN-SUITE &
 To encompass, belov’d one,             KITCHEN INSTALLATION SERVICE
 Meet for Father, Spirit, Son,               BATHROOM & KITCHEN
     Trinity of virtue holy.                   REFURBISHMENTS
 A small drop of water slowly           TILING, REGROUTING, FLOORING,
                                          REPLACEMENT SINKS & TAPS
 For each grace’s filling done,
                                       GUTTERING & GARDEN PLUMBING
 Meet for Father, Spirit, Son,
                                           APPLIANCE INSTALLATION
     Trinity of virtue holy.
                                              NO JOB TOO SMALL
Ancient Celtic baptism blessing
                                         EXPERIENCED CITY & GUILDS
                                           QUALIFIED TRADESMAN
                                         FULLY INSURED - OAP RATES
                                          FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION
                                       CALL GRAEME HALL - 07936387984
                                           EVENINGS 01663 719596

Miscellaneous observations on life and faith
Anger is just one letter short     The ability to speak several      Love all, trust a few, and do
of danger. – Anon                  languages is an asset, but to     wrong to none.
                                   be able to hold your tongue in    – William Shakespeare
Nature is the art of God. –        one language is priceless. –
Thomas Browne                       Anon                             No one doth well what he
Exercise daily – walk with         Nothing else ruins the truth      doth against his will.
the Lord. – Anon                   like stretching it. – Anon        – St Augustine of Hippo

 Preserve Your Memories                               Steve Waterhouse
                                                             INTERIOR DECORATION
                                                       ALSO HAND PAINTED FURNITURE
                                                                    KITCHEN UNITS
                                                        WARDROBES AND VANITY UNITS
                                                                    Established 1984
         Contact: Brian on 07786 964886
         Email:                       Tel: 01663 734345

                                            THE FRYERY
                                    Traditional Fish & Chips
     Open:    Mon-Sat            Lunch 12-2pm                Voted Best Fish & Chip Shop
              Mon-Tue-Wed        Tea 5-8pm                         in the High Peak
              Thur-Fri           Tea 5-9pm                          By Rob Parker
              Sat                Tea 5-8pm                 “Pubs R down to us” publications

                 Tel: 01663 732902                           Canal Street, Whaley Bridge

Head Teacher: Mrs Alicia Bellshaw


Activities at Holy Trinity Church:     CATS Pre-school Praise on the
All activities have been risk          first Wednesday of the month. For
assessed and conform to the current    pre-school age children and their
covid guidelines.                      carers. Contact: Beryl Axcell 01663
                                       Churches Together Lunch Club
Monday                                 Once a month on the second
                                       Thursday of the month at 12 o’clock
3.00-9.00pm: Jayne Roy School of       at the Uniting Church. Contact
Dance. Contact Jayne:                  Stella Whitehurst 01663 732132 or                    Marion Lacey 01663 733717.
Bell Ringing Practice from 7.00pm- Tickets £4.00.
8.00pm at St James Taxal. All
                                       If you would like information about
ages, but must be 4ft 10in tall or ten
                                       the Mothers’ Union please contact
years old. We are a friendly bunch
                                       Eveline Hughes on 01663 733597.
and welcome newbies, but as we
have few teachers it’s always good Families @4 on Sundays at Holy
to let me know beforehand so I can Trinity. A Sunday offering for
arrange a lesson. Contact: Victoria    families with children. Our 4pm
Shelmerdine celebration is relaxed, family-friendly
01663 719430.                          and short - no longer than 40 mins.
                                       There is a creche space in the
Tuesday                                church, too.
10.00am Praying Together at Holy
                                       Messy @4 (also on Sundays at
                                       Holy Trinity) is about families having
Friday                                 fun creating crafts on our bible story
                                       theme and sharing a meal together.
9.00am – 12.30pm: Trinity Stitchers. Lasts about an hour and a half.
Come along and chat while doing        Contact: Revd Frances 01663
your own craft projects.               732724.
Contact: Sue Mellor                 Dates:
3.00pm – 9.00pm: Jayne Roy             June 5th: Messy Jubilee @4
School of Dance. Contact Jayne:        July 3rd: Families @4
                                       July 17th: Picnic in the Park @4
                                       September 4th: Messy @4
Saturday (Third)                       October 2nd: Families @4
10.00am – noon: Baby & Children’s November 6th: Messy @4
Clothes and Toy Swap. Contact Sue
Mellor 01663 732005.              December 4th: Families @4

                     NEAR FERODO ROUNDABOUT
• MOT TESTING – CLASS 1,2,4,5 & 7

          TEL: 01298 813424

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