2020 Curry County - Townnews

Page created by Cody Miranda
2020 Curry County - Townnews
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Curry County
2020 Curry County - Townnews
Page 2 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                                             THE WILD RIV


                                                               THE BE

                                                                          Curry Coastal
                                                                    ders’ Choice Award
2020 Curry County - Townnews
Page 3 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                      Best Local Food and Drink
                                                                             BRONZE:                                                                                     made marriage proposals — at
BREAKFAST                             BAKERY                                 Khun Thai                                                                                   the restaurant. “There is a lot of
                                                                             (541) 412-0555                                                                              love in our meals,” Sarah said.
GOLD:                                 GOLD:                                  925 Chetco Ave                                                                              Pacific Sushi also creates great
Mattie’s Pancake House                Bakery By the Sea                      Brookings, OR                                                                               meals for those who don’t care
(541) 469-7211                        (541) 251-3665                                                                                                                     for sushi, including an awesome
15975 US-101                          1150 Suite A, Chetco Ave                                                                                                           burger and a regular catch of the
Brookings, OR                         Brookings, OR                          DINNER                                                                                      day.

    Owners Sharon and Jana Ritz       BRONZE:                                GOLD:                                                                                       SILVER:
thank Mattie’s customers for their    First Rise Baking Co.                   Pacific Sushi & Grill                                                                      O’Holleran’s
loyalty and for voting. They say      (541) 254-9164                         (541) 251-7707                                                                              (541) 469-9907
the restaurant’s success is due       630 Fleet St                           613 Chetco Ave                                                                              1210 Chetco Ave
to loyal workers who stick with       Brookings, OR                          Brookings, OR                                                                               Brookings, OR
them through thick and thin. The
owners say their staff is “respect-   SILVER:                                   Pacific Sushi feeds everyone
ful, hard-working and proud.” It                                             like family according to owners                                                             SILVER:
                                      Fred Meyer                                                                                                                         Black Trumpet Bistro
is after one in the afternoon and     (541) 469-1610                         Mike and Sarah. Both have a pas-
                                                                             sion for food and love that local                                                           (541) 887-0860
every plate is filled with break-     325 5th St
                                                                             customers have marked birthdays                                                             625 Chetco Ave
fast –– not unusual at Mattie’s       Brookings, OR
                                                                             and anniversaries — and even                                                                Brookings, OR
where all time is breakfast-time.
The fast and friendly staff greets
customers by name, and the
                                                                                                                                                               Thank You to Our Loyal
                                                                                                                                                               Customers for Voting us
owners have a combined 36 years
of experience at the restaurant.      GOLD:
Mattie’s serves breakfast or lunch    Superfly
from open to close, meals start
from scratch and include local
                                      (541) 373-0348
                                      623 Memory Ln                                                                                                             Best Breakfast!
sources like Taylor Sausage.          Brookings, OR
                                                                                    Breakfast                                                Lunch
                                          Superfly is famous for portion                                          THE WILD RIV F TH
                                                                                                                                   E WILD RI                                                      W
                                                                                                                                                                                             ICA’S ILD RI

SILVER:                                                                                 OF
                                                                                           THE WILD RIV
                                                                                                               OF              O            V                                              ER




                                                                                                                                                                                 BEST OF
                                                                                                                         THE BE

                                      size and great taste. Chicken-
                                                                                                    THE BE

                                                                             THE BE


                                                                                    Curry Coastal                                   Curry Coastal

Blue Water Cafe                                                                          Pilot                       lot              Pilot                                                 & Pilot
                                      bacon-taters, a tortilla filled with        ders’ Choice ARward
                                                                                                                     hoice Aewaaders’ Choice Award
                                                                                                                          R rd                                                     Rea
                                                                                                                                                                                      ders’ Choice Award
(541) 469-5005                                                                 Rea

97900 Shopping Center Ave #24         all the preceding and cheese, is
Brookings, OR                         a crowd favorite. It’s delicious
                                      and one order can feed a village!             ...and going for 15!
                                      Customers recommended the
BRONZE:                               prawns, saying they, too, are deli-
                                                                                   ~Daily Specials~ A Special THANK YOU to our Employees!
Compass Rose Cafe                                                                   ~Low Prices~
                                      cious and filling. And don’t miss
(541) 661-7772
625 Chetco Ave #210
                                      the Oregon sausage soup.                    ~Friendly Service~
Brookings, OR
                                      SILVER:                                              Tues-Sat 6AM-1:30PM
                                      Fat Irish Kitchen & Pub                              Sundays 7AM-1:30PM
                                      (541) 254-3292                                         Closed Mondays
                                      16403 Lower Harbor Rd
                                      Harbor, OR                                                +LJKZD\6%URRNLQJV‡
2020 Curry County - Townnews
Page 4 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                   Best Local Food and Drink
BRONZE:                                             “Customer care has to be as good                 BRONZE:
Oxenfrē Public House                                as the product,” he said. Dutch                  Starbucks - In Fred Meyer
(541) 813-1985                                      Bros. is locally staffed and owned,              (541) 469-1610
631 Chetco Ave                                      and the staff is trained to serve                325 5th St                             GOLD:
Brookings, OR                                       people.                                          Brookings, OR                          Fat Irish Kitchen & Pub
                                                                                                                                            (541) 254-3292
                                                    SILVER:                                                                                 16403 Lower Harbor Rd
COFFEE                                                                                               SEAFOOD                                Harbor, OR
                                                    Bell & Whistle
                                                    (541) 412-9876
GOLD:                                               16340 Lower Harbor Rd                            GOLD:                                     The Fat Irish family is humbled
Dutch Bros - Two Locations                          Brookings, OR                                    Catalyst                               by our community’s strength,
747 Chetco Ave & 16261 Hwy 101                                                                       (541) 813-2422                         grateful for the support and we
Brookings, OR                                                                                        16182 Lower Harbor Rd                  are very proud to serve all of the
                                                    BRONZE:                                          Harbor, OR                             wonderful people who live here.
   Manager Bret Darger said                         First Rise Bakery
                                                                                                                                            Thank you all very much
Dutch Bros. coffee was the best                     (541) 254-9164                                      Owner Willy Goergen said Cat-
because of their focus on service                   630 Fleet St                                     alyst serves the best seafood be-
                                                    Brookings, OR                                                                           SILVER:
and the care taken in choosing                                                                       cause it is fresh off the boat. “We    Hungry Clam
and transporting the coffee. He                                                                      have a unique situation,” he said.     (541) 469-2526
said the coffee is imported from                                                                     “We can serve Dungeness crabs          16350 Lower Harbor Rd # 205
El Salvador, Colombia, and Brazil.                                                                   fresh, just shake, cook, and serve,”   Brookings, OR
                                                                                                     Goergen noted he buys other
        VOTED BEST SANDWICHES IN CURRY COUNTY!                                                       fish such as lingcod and rockfish
 Come see our
2020 Curry County - Townnews
Page 5 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                      Best Local Food and Drink
BRONZE:                               SILVER:
Fat Cat Pizza                         Pacific Sushi & Grill
                                                                           FINE DINING                                    LOUNGE
(541) 469-8400                        (541) 251-7707
16261 US-101                          613 Chetco Ave                       GOLD:                                          GOLD:
Brookings, OR                         Brookings, OR                        O’Holleran’s                                   Star Lounge
                                                                           (541) 469-9907                                 (541) 813-2749
BURGER                                BRONZE:                              1210 Chetco Ave                                611 Chetco Ave
                                      Dragon Palace                        Brookings, OR                                  Brookings, OR
GOLD:                                 (541) 412-8686
Vista Pub                             1025 Chetco Ave                         Owners Rod and Eileen Min-                     Owners Mike and Sarah
(541) 813-1638                        Brookings, OR                        nier said quality without a hint               wanted to express their heartfelt
1009 Chetco Ave                                                            of compromise and serving the                  gratitude for the support they’ve
Brookings, OR                         MEXICAN FOOD                         best they can find is what sets                received over the years. The team
                                                                           their restaurant apart. He recom-              next door at Pacific Sushi would
SILVER:                               GOLD:                                mended the filet mignon (“we are               also like to thank the community
Pacific Sushi & Grill                 Pancho’s Restaurante Y Cantina       a steakhouse after all”) and both              for recognizing our efforts. They
(541) 251-7707                        (541) 469-6531                       said customers love their prawns.              send everyone “Best Fishes.”
613 Chetco Ave                        1136 Chetco Ave
Brookings, OR                         Brookings, OR                        SILVER:                                        SILVER:
                                                                           Black Trumpet                                  O’Holleran’s
BRONZE:                                  Crediting fresh ingredients       (541) 887-0860                                 (541) 469-9907
Felys Cafe                            and the friendly, fast, and knowl-   625 Chetco Ave                                 1210 Chetco Ave
(541) 251-3375                        edgeable staff with this award,      Brookings, OR                                  Brookings, OR
97900 Shopping Center Ave,            Pancho’s Restaurante said the
Harbor, OR                            food is flavorful but not overly
                                      spicy and harkens back to Puerto     BRONZE:                                        BRONZE:
ASIAN FOOD                            Vallarta, Mexico. The entrees are    Pacific Sushi & Grill                          Oxenfrē Public House
                                      enlivened by sauces that are rich    (541) 251-7707                                 (541) 813-1985
GOLD:                                 and perfectly spiced, she said. A    613 Chetco Ave                                 631 Chetco Ave
Khun Thai                             wide-ranging menu, large por-        Brookings, OR                                  Brookings, OR
(541) 412-0555                        tions, and authentic decor add
925 Chetco Ave                        to the experience, according to
Brookings, OR                         customers.

   Owner Pete Srikasem said           SILVER:
                                                                                                                                             The Best
people like their food because it’s
fresh and old-school Thai-style.
                                      Cazadores Mexican Restaurant
                                      (541) 813-2632
                                                                                                O’Holleran’s                                   Steak
The drunken noodles are a fa-         16218 Lower Harbor Rd                                     Steakhouse & Lounge                          In Town
vorite though, as is pad thai. The    Brookings, OR                          A Brookings Tradition Since 1952
dishes have a signature spiciness
                                                                             Dining Room Opens at 4:00 pm Daily
because he imports fresh chili        BRONZE:
peppers from Hawaii. Kuhn Thai        La Flor De Mexico                     O’Holleran’s all the food is home made
                                                                            from scratch. Our motto is quality without
customers say the service is quick    (541) 469-4102                        a hint of compromise. The Minniers thank
and friendly and the food deli-       541 Chetco Ave # 1                    everyone for your continued support and for
                                                                            making O’Holleran’s steakhouse & Lounge a
cious.                                Brookings, OR                         Brookings tradition for more than 68 years.

                                                                                     s  #HETCO !VENUE "ROOKINGS
2020 Curry County - Townnews
Page 6 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                         Best Local Food and Drink
VEGGIE                                    BREWERY/PUB
GOLD:                                     GOLD:
Khun Thai                                 Chetco Brewing Company
(541) 412-0555                            (541) 661-5347
925 Chetco Ave                            830 Railroad St
Brookings, OR                             Brookings, OR

   Kuhn Thai serves over 50                  Chetco Brewing Company
dishes that can be vegetarian or          made the “100 Best “Fan-Favorite”
vegan, and owner Pete Srikasem            Destinations in Oregon” list for
said they are winners because of          2020! Oregon Business scoured
the wider selection and the curry         over 80,000 online reviews to
sauces. “Customers get a lot of           create their 4th Annual 100 Best
vegetables in each dish for a vari-       “Fan-Favorite” Destinations in Or-
ety of flavors, especially in a dish      egon list. This year’s list included
like rainbow stir fry or pumpkin          only two breweries and we are
curry,” he said.                          proud to be one of them! Chetco
                                          Brewing Company began brew-
SILVER:                                   ing in Brookings in 2013. From
Off the Wagon Food Truck at               an 8-gallon system in the family
Chetco Brewing Company                    garage on the Chetco River to
                                          our now 10,000 square foot brew                                           When asked about his favorite
541-661-5347                                                                     SILVER:
830 Railroad St                           space and Tap Room, Chetco                                                sandwich, he chose the Walk of
                                                                                 Misty Mountain Brewing
Brookings, OR                             Brewing Company has always                                                Shame, although he first admit-
                                                                                 (541) 813-2599
                                          aspired to uplift, integrate, and                                         ted he “jumped around” a lot
                                                                                 625 Chetco Ave
                                          support its community. Thank                                              when choosing a meal at the
BRONZE:                                                                          Brookings, OR
                                          you Chetco Fans for all of your                                           deli. Watch for new sandwiches;
Pacific Sushi & Grill                     love and support. Chetco Brew-                                            recent or planned additions
(541) 251-7707                            ing Company - Small Town Brew-         BRONZE:                            include pulled-pork and a halibut
613 Chetco Ave                            ing, World Class Beer                  Vista Pub
Brookings, OR                                                                    (541) 813-1638
                                                                                 1009 Chetco Ave
                                                                                                                    Fat Irish Kitchen & Pub
 Find it here at Fat Irish.
                                                                                                                    (541) 254-3292
                                                                                 SANDWICHES                         16403 Lower Harbor Rd
                                                                                                                    Harbor, OR
                                                                                 Railroad Street Market             BRONZE:
                                                                                 (541) 813-2220                     Subway
                                                                                 534 Railroad St                    (541) 412-1315
   Thank You for Voting
                                                                                 Brookings, OR                      1006 Chetco Ave
    Us Your Favorite!
                                                                                                                    Brookings, OR
 (541) 254-3292                                                                     Owner Angel Navarro said, “We
 16403 Lower Harbor Rd., Harbor, OR 97415
                                                                                 are pretty proud to have won.”
2020 Curry County - Townnews
Page 7 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                         I was born here.
                                         I was raised here.
                                         I love this place.
                                         This is home.

                            It is extremely humbling to continue to receive such amazing support
                            from our community. My team and I strive to give the best insurance
                            experience possible. We listen to you, and make our professional
                            recommendations. We believe this is what sets us apart.

                            Thank you again to all those who voted for us, we really do appreciate it.

Daryn Farmer
Daryn Farmer Ins Agcy Inc
Insurance Lic # 5272648
401 Hillside Avenue
Brookings, OR 97415
(541) 469-7431
2020 Curry County - Townnews
Page 8 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                Best at What They Do
                                                                                                               like yesterday Alice and I opened
BEST                                                                                                           the doors under my name and
BARTENDER                                                                                                      not Dad’s, and that was almost
                                                                                                               20 years ago. A lot has happened
                                                                                                               since then, but as I always say, “I
GOLD:                                                                                                          was born and raised here, I love
Kaleigh Brown - Superfly                                                                                       this place, this is home.”
(541) 373-0348
623 Memory Ln
Brookings, OR                                                                                                  SILVER:
                                                                                                               Jay Trost -
   Kaleigh Brown credits having                                                                                Fat Irish Kitchen & Pub
fun and drinks with a Superfly                                                                                 (541) 254-3292
twist for making her bartender                                                                                 16403 Lower Harbor Rd
of the year. Drinks like the Cuban                                                                             Harbor, OR
Missile Crisis and the Basil Lemon
Drop Martini wow customers                                                                                     BRONZE:
and Kaleigh likes to shake them                                                                                Kadee Gomez -
up. Customers enjoying lunch                                                                                   West Coast Organics
recently said Kaleigh was fast, but       BRONZE:                        BRONZE:                               (541) 813-2420
never at the cost of being friendly       Brian Gallagher - Fat Irish    Anabel Tidwell Olmedo -               855 Railroad St
and pours a great drink! Others           Kitchen & Pub                  Pacific Sushi & Grill                 Brookings, OR
recommended a Superfly break-             (541) 254-3292                 (541) 251-7707
fast with a Kaleigh Bloody Mary.          16403 Lower Harbor Rd          613 Chetco Ave
                                          Harbor, OR                     Brookings, OR                         BEST
SILVER:                                                                                                        ESTHETICIAN
Sarah Light - Star Lounge                 BRONZE:                        BEST BOSS
(541) 813-2749                            Angela Motley - O’Holleran’s                                         GOLD:
611 Chetco Ave                            (541) 469-9907                                                       Sarah Swenson - SSkin Studio
                                          1210 Chetco Ave
Brookings, OR                                                                                                  (541) 661-0285
                                                                         Daryn Farmer - State Farm
                                          Brookings, OR                                                        412 Alder St ste a
                                                                         (541) 469-7431
                                                                         401 Hillside Ave                      Brookings, OR
                                                                         Brookings, OR
                                                                            It is extremely humbling to        Destiny Schwartz - Salon Dolce
                                                                         continue to receive such amaz-        (541) 469-2661
                                                                         ing support from our community.       509 Chetco Ave
                                                                         My team and I strive to give the      Brookings, OR
                                                                         best insurance experience pos-
                                                                         sible. We listen to you and make      BRONZE:
                                                                         our professional recommenda-          Cassie Ekwall -
                                                                         tions. We believe this is what sets   Reflections Salon
                                                                         us apart. It is hard to believe we    (541) 469-2587
                                                                         have owned this family business       434 Redwood St # 10
                                                                         for over 55 years here in Curry       Brookings, OR
                                                                         and Del Norte Counties. It seems
2020 Curry County - Townnews
Page 9 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                      Best at What They Do
                                                                                                         Salon took the gold award for the
                                                                     BRONZE:                             fifth time this year. “I was hoping
                                                                     Alana Oralyme -                     to keep that streak going,” she
                                                                     Black Trumpet Bistro                said. “I guess everyone just loves
                                                                     (541) 887-0860                      what I do with them, and they
                                                                     625 Chetco Ave                      keep coming back. That’s what
                                                                     Brookings, OR                       makes me happy.”

                                                                     BEST HAIR                           SILVER:
                                                                                                         Josie Wright -
                                 BRONZE:                             STYLIST
BEST FINANCIAL                   Andy Martin -
                                                                                                         J Sloane Hair Studio
                                                                                                         (541) 469-9677
ADVISOR                          Wild Rivers Fishing
                                                                     GOLD:                               16340 Lower Harbor Rd
                                 Brookings Harbor                                                        Brookings, OR
                                                                     Leanna Bond -
GOLD:                            541-813-1082
                                                                     Reflections Salon
Brandon Hodges -                                                     (541) 469-2587                      BRONZE:
Edward Jones                     BEST FOOD                           434 Redwood St # 10                 Ashley Tribur - Trivium Salon
(541) 469-5325                                                       Brookings, OR                       (541) 254-9399
3 Ross Rd                        SERVER                                                                  15957 US-101 #5
Brookings, OR                                                          Leanna Bond of Reflections        Brookings, OR
SILVER:                          Angela Motley - O’Holleran’s
Keffe Dillon -                   (541) 469-9907
Rogue Credit Union               1210 Chetco Ave
(800) 856-7328                   Brookings, OR
729 Chetco Ave
Brookings, OR                       Owners Rod and Eileen Min-
                                 nier said quality without a hint
                                 of compromise and serving the
BRONZE:                          best they can find is what sets
Daryn Farmer -                   their restaurant apart. He recom-
State Farm Insurance             mended the filet mignon (“we are
(541) 469-7431                   a steakhouse after all”) and both
401 Hillside Ave                 said customers love their prawns.
Brookings, OR
BEST FISHING                     Sydney Gibbons -
GUIDE                            Pacific Sushi & Grill

GOLD:                            BRONZE:
Dustin Russel                    Josh Hart -
                                 Fat Irish Kitchen & Pub
                                 (541) 254-3292
SILVER:                          16403 Lower Harbor Rd
Joe Mello - Reel Mello Fishing   Harbor, OR
2020 Curry County - Townnews
Page 10 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                Best at What They Do
BEST HEALTH                                                                                                           Kayley Ksiazek -
PROFESSIONAL                                                                                                          Shanti Concepts Salon
                                                                                                                      (209) 642-1242
                                                                                                                      410 Oak St.
                                                                                                                      Brookings, OR
Heidi Carlson - Oak Street
Health Care Center
(541) 412-8898                                                                                                        BEST MASSAGE
446 Oak St
Brookings, OR
SILVER:                                                                                                               Katie Bundy - Massage Therapy
Mark Silver - Brookings Harbor                                                                                        and Health Coaching
Medical Center                                                                                                        (530) 338-7017
(541) 469-7401 446 Oak St
Brookings, OR                                                                                                            Curry County clients, I feel so
                                                                                                                      blessed to be able to serve such a
BRONZE:                                                                                                               supportive community. Massage
Jennifer Boyle - Better Health                                                                                        therapy has been my passion
Family Medical                                                                                                        for many years and I love how
(541) 254-9300                                                                                                        I can help others. Even during
1101 Chetco Ave                                                                                                       the closure, I was able to stay
Brookings, OR                             for over 55 years here in Curry                                             afloat because of my supportive
                                          and Del Norte Counties. It seems      BEST                                  clientele purchasing essential

                                          like yesterday Alice and I opened     MANICURIST                            oils, gift certificates, and stamp
                                          the doors under my name and                                                 cards. Massage therapy has been
AGENT                                     not Dads, and that was almost
                                                                                                                      a huge aspect of my life, even at a
                                          20 years ago. A lot has happened                                            young age. I believe in what I do
                                          since then, but as I always say, “I   Michelle DeLorenzo -                  and truly love it! Thank you again
GOLD:                                     was born and raised here, I love      Tangles Salon & Barbery               for being such great people and I
Daryn Farmer -                            this place, this is home.”            (541) 469-2057                        am happy to work with you all. —
State Farm Insurance                                                            800 Chetco Ave # A                    Katie Bundy
(541) 469-7431                                                                  Brookings, OR
401 Hillside Ave                          SILVER:
                                          David Allen -
Brookings, OR                                                                      Tangles Salon & Barbery offer      Noel Wright -
                                          State Farm Insurance                  a variety of services from Haircuts   Tangles Salon & Barbery
   It is extremely humbling to            (541) 469-8000                        by Barbers and Stylists, Specialty    (541) 469-2057
continue to receive such amaz-            16333 Lower Harbor Rd                 Colors, Massage, Manicures, Pedi-     800 Chetco Ave # A
ing support from our community.           Brookings, Harbor, OR                 cures, Waxing, and Retail.            Brookings, OR
My team and I strive to give the
best insurance experience pos-            BRONZE:                               SILVER:                               BRONZE:
sible. We listen to you and make          Rick Gray -                           Kayla Hanon - Reflections Salon       Robin Moralli - Redwood
our professional recommenda-              Seal Rock Financial Inc.              (541) 469-2587                        Massage & Wellness LLC
tions. We believe this is what sets       (541) 469-7000                        434 Redwood St # 10                   (541) 813-1863
us apart. It is hard to believe we        430 Oak Street Brookings, OR          Brookings, OR                         412 Alder St
have owned this family business                                                                                       Brookings, OR
Page 11 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                          Best at What They Do
                                                                 SILVER:                                  because this is voted on by the
                                                                 Doug Fleshman - Curry General            community. I am grateful for the
                                                                 (541) 412-2000                           opportunity to work with won-
                                                                 500 5th St                               derful clients and tenants. This
                                                                 Brookings, OR                            recognition also goes to my office
                                                                                                          manager, Johanna Broberg, and
                                                                                                          Denette Bruce.
                                                                 Chris Joos - Rite Aid
                                                                 (541) 469-3121                           SILVER:
                                                                 16261 South, US-101                      Holly Hatch -
                                                                 Harbor, OR                               Paragon Property Management
                                                                                                          (541) 412-7995
                                                                                                          520 Hemlock St
                                                                 SILVER:                                  Brookings, OR
                                                                 Amanda Noble - Fred Meyer
                                                                 (541) 469-1610
                                                                 325 5th St                               BRONZE:
                                                                 Brookings, OR                            Yvonne Dunn
                                                                                                          Premier Properties
                                                                                                          (541) 469-7400
                                                                 BEST PROPERTY                            937 Chetco Ave suite a
                                                                 MANAGER                                  Brookings, OR
BEST MORTGAGE                        SILVER:
AGENT                                Tammy Konkel -              GOLD:                                    BEST REALTOR®
                                     BayWest Mortgage Company    Alice Farmer - Banana Belt
GOLD:                                (541) 412-2742              Property Management                      GOLD:
Connie Bay -                         937 Chetco Ave              (541) 813-1522                           Jude Hodge -
Rogue Credit Union                   Brookings, OR               401 Hillside Ave B                       Remax Coast and Country
(800) 856-7328                                                   Brookings, OR                            (541) 813-9261
729 Chetco Ave                       BRONZE:                                                              703 Chetco Ave
Brookings, OR                        Tony Pacino - Umpqua Bank      I am so honored to have been          Brookings, OR
                                     (541) 469-3665              selected for the reader’s choice
    “I feel very honored to be       721 Chetco Ave              award. It is a special recognition          “I try to be an agent for buyers
nominated for this award. The        Brookings, OR
leadership at Rogue and the
training I receive enables me to
find the right solution that fits
                                     BEST                                                                        Thank you so much for
                                                                                                                 your continued support!
each individual buyer. I’m blessed   PHARMACIST                                                                  We couldn’t do it without you
to have a job that allows me                                                                                     and your pets!
to meet and interact with our        SILVER:
members concerning one of the
                                                                                               Town & Country
                                     Karina - Bi-Mart
most important phases of their       (541) 813-1910
life, homeownership. Seeing the
smiles on their faces when we
                                     248 Wharf St
                                     Brookings, OR
                                                                                               Animal Clinic
close escrow is one of the most                                                                15740 US 101 South | Brookings, Oregon
satisfying parts of my job.”                                                                   541-469-4661 | www.namewebsite.com
Page 12 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                Best at What They Do
and sellers, but I like to be a list-                                                                             BRONZE:
ing agent because I have a back-                                                                                  Even Dunn -
ground in marketing and I’m not                                                                                   Harbor Tattoo Gallery
afraid to spend money to make                                                                                     (541) 251-7713
money,” Jude said, noting that                                                                                    545 Chetco Ave
she uses newspaper, radio, social                                                                                 Brookings, OR
media, sponsored ads, AdWerks
and numerous .com sites to get
information out. “I really think                                                                                  BEST
that’s where my success is. People                                                                                VETERINARIAN
know when they list with me I’ll
do everything I can to get them
sold. And I don’t try to sell people
                                                                                                                  Jeff Tribble - Brookings Harbor
a house, but a lifestyle. I love to
                                                                                                                  Veterinary Hospital
take them on a tour and show
                                                                                                                  (541) 469-7788
them all the beautiful reasons
                                                                                                                  15630 Hwy 101 South
they should choose Brookings.”
                                                                                                                  Brookings, OR
                                         ucts at affordable prices for the
SILVER:                                  Brookings’ cannabis community.      BEST TATTOO
Becky Watwood - Century 21               West Coast Organics invites those   ARTIST                               John Jacobson -
(541) 469-2143                           who are 420-friendly to experi-
                                         ence their menu and services.                                            Town & Country Animal Clinic
1016 Chetco Ave
Brookings, OR                            The founder created this cannabis   GOLD:                                (541) 469-4661
                                         dispensary to leave an everlast-    Mikki Fraser -                       15740 US-101
                                         ing, positive impression with all   Harbor Tattoo Gallery                Brookings, OR
BRONZE:                                  who come through their doors.       (541) 251-7713
Marie Curtis - Remax Coast and                                               545 Chetco Ave
                                         Brookings cannabis enthusiasts                                           BRONZE:
                                         have access to a friendly and       Brookings, OR                        Jessie Holley - Town & Country
(541) 813-3333
                                         knowledgeable staff, eager and                                           (541) 469-4661
703 Chetco Ave                                                                  “I’m so honored — it’s my first
                                         well equipped to answer any                                              15740 US-101
Brookings, OR                                                                award ever,” Mikki said. “I feel
                                         questions their customers may                                            Brookings, OR
                                         have.                               like tattooing is an expression of
BEST                                                                         something inside yourself — a
                                                                                                                  BEST PLACE TO GO
                                                                             belief, a change, an experience —
SALESPERSON                              SILVER:                             and I’m putting it on the outside    FOR A FUN TIME
                                         Daryn Farmer -                      of yourself so everyone else can
                                         State Farm Insurance                see it.”
GOLD:                                    (541) 469-7431                                                           GOLD:
Tori Morgan -
                                         401 Hillside Ave                                                         Oxenfrē Public House
West Coast Organics
                                         Brookings, OR                       SILVER:                              (541) 813-1985
(541) 813-2420                                                               Joe Netzel (Fuzzy) -                 631 Chetco Ave
855 Railroad St                                                              Harbor Tattoo Gallery
                                         BRONZE:                                                                  Brookings, OR
Brookings, OR                                                                (541) 251-7713
                                         Tiffany Owens - Home                545 Chetco Ave
                                         Furnishings And Sleep Center                                                Oxenfrē Public House won the
   Since day one, it has been the                                            Brookings, OR
                                         (541) 412-0250                                                           Gold Award for the Best Place to
focus of West Coast Organics to
                                         410 Oak St                                                               go for a Fun time, and Elias Bil-
provide the highest quality prod-
                                         Brookings, OR                                                            lington said, “We love live music!
Page 13 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                          Best at What They Do
We work hard to bring a diverse                                                                                       SILVER:
music and entertainment scene                                                                                         Pelican Bay Arts/Manley Art
to the Southern Oregon coast.                                                                                         Center
Combine the talent, delicious                                                                                         (541) 469-1807
craft cocktails, amazing food, and                                                                                    433 Oak St
great vibe of the Ox and you have                                                                                     Brookings, OR
yourself an awesome night out!”
SILVER:                                                                                                               Brian Scott Gallery
Creative Juice Crafts                                                                                                 (541) 412-8687
(541) 813-0640                                                                                                        515 Chetco Ave
409 B Hillside Ave                                                                                                    Brookings, OR
Brookings, OR
                                                                                                                      BEST AUTO BODY
BRONZE:                                                                                                               GOLD:
Fat Irish Kitchen & Pub                                                                                               Bauer Auto Body LLC
(541) 254-3292                                                                                                        (541) 412-2900
16403 Lower Harbor Rd                                                      said Stacey Reynolds. “It’s always
Harbor, OR
                                     BRONZE:                                                                          924 Chetco Ave
                                     Fred Meyer                            been Spencer’s dream and ambi-             Brookings, OR
                                     (541) 469-1610                        tion to make a living at his art.
BEST APPLIANCES                      325 5th St                            This career path takes a lot of te-           At Bauer Auto Body & Paint,
                                     Brookings, OR                         nacity, but without the constant           We Rock When You Roll! We are a
                                                                           encouragement of our family,               locally-owned full-service colli-
GOLD:                                                                      friends, and customers we’d be             sion repair center. Newly opened
Sears Hometown Store                 BEST ART GALLERY                      unable to make this dream a real-          in 2010, we provide an array of
(541) 469-2116                                                                                                        services from full collision repair,
97900 Shopping Center Ave Drive
Harbor, OR
                                     GOLD:                                                                            spray-in bed liners, auto detailing,
                                     Spencer Reynolds Semi Aquatic                                                    windshields, and even custom
                                                                           SILVER:                                    repairs & paint. We work with all
                                     (503) 504-2861                        Wrights Custom Framing
   Marshal Fronckowiak says                                                                                           insurance companies and strive
                                     654 Chetco Ave                        (541) 469-7900
he appreciates the community                                                                                          to provide affordable repair costs
                                     Brookings, OR                         810 Chetco Ave
when they choose to shop locally                                                                                      to every one of our valued cus-
for appliances. “That enables us                                           Brookings, OR
                                        Semi Aquatic Gallery, next to
to provide the continued good
                                     the Surgery Center on Highway
service they receive. That’s what
                                     101 in Brookings, won the award
makes it a great place to buy.”
                                     for Reader’s Choice Award two or
                                     so years in a row. Semi Aquatic is
SILVER:                              the home of local artist Spencer
Chetco Appliance                     Reynolds’ art and features care-              Thank you for voting us one of the best
(541) 469-2171                       fully curated, small-batch, locally              heating & air service providers!
329 Pacific Ave                      made gift items, clothing, jewelry,                Coastal Heating specializes in heating, air
Brookings, OR                        and more curiosities. “Thank you                 conditioning, ventilation, duct cleaning, custom
                                     so much for the continual love                          sheet metal & fabrication projects.
                                     and support throughout the            CCB# 203182
                                                                           CSLB# 967965
                                     years the gallery has been open!”
                                                                              x{£‡{ș‡Ç££ÇÊÊUÊÊÎäÇÊ/>˜L>ÀŽÊ,œ>`ÊÊUÊÊ ÀœœŽˆ˜}ÃÊÊUÊÊ œ>ÃÌ>i>̈˜}JvÀœ˜ÌˆiÀ°Vœ“
Page 14 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                Best at What They Do
tomers. If you are ever in need of                                                                              SILVER:
an auto body repair shop, give us                                                                               Feather Your Nest
a call & let us go to work for you!                                                                             (541) 469-4300
                                                                                                                800 Chetco Ave
SILVER:                                                                                                         Brookings, OR
Suiters Paint & Body
(541) 469-3040
229 King St                                                                                                     BRONZE:
Brookings, OR                                                                                                   Tiffani Nevaeh
                                                                                                                (541) 254-9586
BRONZE:                                                                                                         519 Chetco Ave #2nd
Trevors Auto Body                                                                                               Brookings, OR
(541) 412-1500
15361 Highway 101 S                                                                                             BEST CANNABIS
Brookings, OR
BEST AUTO                                                                                                       GOLD:
SERVICE                                                                                                         West Coast Organics
                                                                                                                (541) 813-2420
GOLD:                                    SILVER:                            BRONZE:                             855 Railroad St
Coast Auto Center                                                                                               Brookings, OR
                                         Hartwick Automotive                Bernie Bishop Mazda
(541) 469-5321
                                         (541) 254-9033                     (541) 469-3126
530 Chetco Ave                                                                                                     Since day one, it has been the
                                         97733 Shopping Center Ave          365 Wharf St
Brookings, OR                                                                                                   focus of West Coast Organics to
                                         Harbor, OR                         Brookings, OR
                                                                                                                provide the highest quality prod-
   “People tell us we’re caring,                                                                                ucts at affordable prices for the
with great customer service,” said       BRONZE:                            BEST BOUTIQUE                       Brookings’ cannabis community.
service manager Kenny Engebret-          Proficient Automotive                                                  West Coast Organics invites those
son. “We’ve got compassion for           (541) 469-4095                     SHOPPING                            who are 420-friendly to experi-
people’s problems, and go the            16313 US-101                                                           ence their menu and services.
extra mile to get it fixed.”             Brookings, OR                      GOLD:                               The founder created this cannabis
                                                                            Bling it On Boutique and Gifts      dispensary to leave an everlasting,
                                                                            (541) 661-1187                      positive impression with all who
                                                                            97900 Shopping Center Ave           come through their doors. Brook-
                                                                                                                ings cannabis enthusiasts have
Thank You For Voting For Us!
                                                                            Brookings, OR
                                                                                                                access to a friendly and knowl-
                     Feather Your Nest                                          Bling it on has won the gold
                                                                            award this year. “I get a lot of,
                                                                                                                edgeable staff, eager and well
                                                                                                                equipped to answer any questions
                                   ~ A QU A INT B O UTIQUE ~                ‘I can’t believe how reasonable     their customers may have.
                                                                            prices are — and the array of
                                                                            items,’” said owner Debbie Phil-    SILVER:
                      Our Customers Make                                    lips. “I don’t want what everyone   High Tide Wellness
                       Every Day Special!                                   else has. I want different and      (541) 813-1976
      Tammy Tanner
                                                                            unique items.”                      15957 US-101
         Owner and               800 Chetco Ave., (Hwy 101), Brookings
   Official Greeter Norie 0RQ6DW‡6XQ‡                                       Harbor, OR
Page 15 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                          Best at What They Do
                                                                            ment after helping someone;            tomer; I think that’s huge — the
                                                                            that’s what drives me. Customers       local aspect. A good portion of
                                                                            say I’m fast, I’m cheap, they like     customers are repeat customers;
                                                                            what I do, they like that I explain    we’ve literally sold people dozens
                                                                            things so they understand what I       of cars over those 40 years. We’re
                                                                            did.”                                  kind of unique in the selection,
                                                                                                                   there are not many dealerships
                                                                            SILVER:                                that are multi-lined.”
                                                                            Mainbrace Technologies
                                                                            (541) 469-5902                         SILVER:
                                                                            703 Chetco Ave                         Bernie Bishop Mazda
                                                                            Brookings, OR                          (541) 469-3126
                                                                                                                   365 Wharf St
                                                                            BRONZE:                                Brookings, OR
                                                                            The Working Mouse

SILVER:                              SILVER:
                                                                            (541) 469-3926                         BEST CUSTOMER
South Coast Dispensaries and         Coastal Affair Catering & Events                                              SERVICE
More                                 (541) 930-7900                         BEST CARS AND
(541) 813-2133                       609 Chetco Ave                         TRUCKS                                 GOLD:
1025 Chetco Ave                      Brookings, OR                                                                 Rancho Viejo
Brookings, OR                                                                                                      (541) 412-0184
                                     BRONZE:                                Coast Auto Center                      1025 Chetco Ave
BRONZE:                              La Flor De Mexico                      (541) 469-5321                         Brookings, OR
Bud Mart                             (541) 469-4102                         530 Chetco Ave
(541) 251-7002                       541 Chetco Ave # 1                     Brookings, OR                            Rancho Viejo opened its doors
97900 Shopping Center Ave #37        Brookings, OR                                                                 on May 10, 1996. Each year, we
Brookings, OR                                                                   Coast Auto has won the Read-       now have two reasons to cel-
                                                                                                                   ebrate that day the anniversary of
                                     BEST COMPUTER                          er’s Choice Gold Award this year.
                                                                                                                   our opening and the traditional
BEST CATERING                        SALES & SERVICE
                                                                            “I don’t think it’s anyone thing,”
                                                                                                                   Mexican Mother’s Day. We started
                                                                            said General Manager Darrin
                                                                            Worman. “We’re here for that cus-      with 14 tables. After two years,
GOLD:                                GOLD:
Black Trumpet Bistro
                                     Computer Fusion
(541) 887-0860
                                     (541) 412-8760
625 Chetco Ave
                                     342 Pacific Ave
Brookings, OR
                                     Brookings, OR
    Black Trumpet Bistro Catering
                                        Computer Fusion owner Dillon
has won the gold award for the
                                     Serna just took over the company
fifth year in a row, which owners
                                                                             Thank you to all who support us!
                                     three months ago, and already
Rob and Kylie Krebs said is due to
                                     he’s won the Gold Award. “I’m
their attention to customer ser-
                                     young, I love helping people, I’ve      The home of Spencer Reynolds' art, featuring carefully curated, small
vice and the custom-made qual-
                                     got a passion for this,” he said. “I    batch gift items, clothing, jewelry and more curiosities.
ity of the food they serve.
                                     like having a sense of accomplish-
                                                                             654 CHETCO AVENUE, BROOKINGS, OR  SEMIAQUATICGALLERY.COM
Page 16 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                Best at What They Do
thanks to our great customers,           GOLD:                             GOLD:                                 SILVER:
we were able to remodel. At the          Brandon Hodges -                  Stadelman Electric                    Umpqua Bank
beginning of 1999, we added 14           Edward Jones                      (541) 469-4385                        (541) 469-3665
more tables and changed our              (541) 469-5325                    98153 N Bank Chetco River Rd          721 Chetco Ave
decoration to a more traditional         3 Ross Rd                         Brookings, OR                         Brookings, OR
Mexican atmosphere. We special-          Brookings, OR
ize in serving families. We want
to thank all of our old customers
                                                                           SILVER:                               BRONZE:
                                         SILVER: N/A                       Brookings Electronic Services         Chase Bank
and welcome our new custom-
ers. We appreciate your making           BRONZE: N/A                       Inc (541) 469-2991                    (541) 469-2181
                                                                           96651 De Moss Rd                      898 Chetco Ave
Rancho Viejo your favorite dining
                                                                           Brookings, OR                         Brookings, OR
place. Muchas gracias and God            BEST
bless you.
                                         ENTERTAINMENT                     BRONZE:                               BEST FINANCIAL
                                                                           Austin Electric
GOLD:                                    GOLD:                             (541) 813-2223                        SERVICE
Mainbrace Technologies                   Redwood Theater
(541) 469-5902                           (541) 412-7575
703 Chetco Ave                                                             BEST FINANCIAL                        GOLD:
                                         621 Chetco Ave                                                          Rogue Credit Union
Brookings, OR                            Brookings, OR                     INSTITUTION                           (800) 856-7328
                                                                                                                 729 Chetco Ave
   Mainbrace technologies exper-
tise in Retail Services, IT Con-
                                         SILVER: N/A                       GOLD:                                 Brookings, OR
sulting, and Enterprise Services.        BRONZE: N/A                       Rogue Credit Union
                                                                           (800) 856-7328                           Rogue Community Credit
Mainbrace has been a leader in
                                                                           729 Chetco Ave                        Union works as a not-for-profit
the community for years, provid-         BEST ELECTRIC                     Brookings, OR                         financial cooperative to provide
ing IT support needs for business-
es and personal clients. A happy         SERVICE                                                                 quality financial service to com-
                                                                              Rogue Community Credit             munities like Brookings. As a non-
customer said, ”At Mainbrace, you
                                         GOLD:                             Union works as a not-for-profit       profit, Rogue ensures its earnings
will not only find quality work but
                                         Aaron Hodge Electric              financial cooperative to provide      are returned to its members in
quality people who take pride in
                                         (541) 661-2337                    quality financial service to com-     the form of lower loan rates,
what they do, who listen to you
                                         612 Easy Manor Dr                 munities like Brookings. As a         higher interest rates on deposits
and get the job done.”
                                         Brookings, OR                     nonprofit, Rogue ensures its earn-    and lower fees, instead of turning
                                                                           ings are returned to its members      a profit. Acknowledging Rogue
                                                                           in the form of lower loan rates,      Credit Union as an exceptional
 Trevor’s We Take Pride in Our Work                                        higher interest rates on deposits     financial institution, it has been
                                                                                                                 selected by readers to receive a
 Auto Body                                                                 and lower fees, instead of turning
                                                                           a profit. Acknowledging Rogue         gold award this year in the Pilot’s
                                                                           Credit Union as an exceptional        Readers Choice Awards.
                                                                           financial institution, it has been
                                                                           selected by readers to receive a      SILVER:
                                                                           gold award this year in the Pilot’s   Umpqua Bank
                                                                           Readers Choice Awards.                (541) 469-3665
                            THANK YOU                                                                            721 Chetco Ave
                             South Coast!                                                                        Brookings, OR
                                                   On-Time Turnaround
  15361 Hwy 101 South | Brookings                Satisfaction Guaranteed
  541-412-1500 | www.trevorsautobody.com         Free Written Estimates
Page 17 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                 Best at What They Do
                                                                  area to cover but I try my hardest,”     BRONZE:
                                                                  Eszlinger said. “I was trained by        Palm and Fern Florist
                                                                  two amazing designers and I do
                                                                  it because I love it. People say I’m
                                                                  good at it, but it just comes natu-      BEST GENERAL
                                                                  rally.” Eszlinger has over 40 years      CONTRACTING/
                                                                  of experience in floral arrange-
                                                                  ment and worked in Brookings             CONSTRUCTION
                                                                  for the last eight years. Always in
                                                                  Bloom has been recognized once           GOLD:
                                                                  again by Pilot Readers, earning a        New Creation Builders
                                                                  gold award in this year’s Readers        (541) 251-3953
                                                                  Choice.                                  625 Chetco Ave Suite 240
                                                                                                           Brookings, OR
                                                                  Fred Meyer                                  New Creation Builders is a
                                                                  (541) 469-1610                           family-owned business, created
                                                                  325 5th St                               in 2011.
                                                                  Brookings, OR                               The name and logo we created
                                                                                                           were created to symbolize our
                                                                                                           love of God and the foundation

BRONZE:                     BRONZE:
Daryn Farmer State Farm     Visana Yoga
(541) 469-7431
                            (541) 254-0485
                            603 Hemlock St
                                                                      Hand crafted
401 Hillside Ave
Brookings, OR
                            Brookings, OR
                                                                      loans for Curry
                            BEST FLORIST                              County homes.
WELLBEING                   GOLD:
                            Always in Bloom                           Umpqua offers a full range of home
                            (541) 469-9640                            loan programs, whether you are buying,
GOLD:                       777 Cottage St
Fitness at the Club                                                   refinancing, building or renovating.
                            Brookings, OR
(541) 469-1888                                                        Let’s get started.
98158 W Benham Ln #13
                                Catering to Brookings, Gold
Brookings, OR
                            Beach, and Crescent City can
                            sometimes be overwhelming
SILVER:                     for Tina Eszlinger, the owner of
Ironside Fitness            Always in Bloom florist and gift
(541) 469-7118              shop, but she still strives to pro-                        Tony Pacino           CALL:(541) 254-0277
97900 Shopping Center Ave   vide quality floral arrangements                                                 TonyPacino@UmpquaBank.com
Brookings, OR               for all occasions. “I just want ev-                        NMLS:   747745        UmpquaBank.com/Tony-Pacino
                            eryone to know I am thankful for          Member FDIC   Equal Housing Lender   SBA Preferred Lender
                            all their patience. I have a large
Page 18 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                 Best at What They Do
that we would like our business
built upon. We have lived in this                                                                                     BEST GROCERY &
area for over 20 years. We take                                                                                       SUNDRIES
pride in all of our work and being
honest and fair in our building.
We care about long term relation-                                                                                     GOLD:
ships with our customers.                                                                                             Grocery Outlet
   It does not matter how big                                                                                         (541) 412-7264
or small the project is we strive                                                                                     906 Chetco Ave.
to give a superior product in a                                                                                       Brookings, OR
timely manner. We are a com-
pany that has the capability to                                                                                       SILVER:
help you with your project from                                                                                       Fred Meyer
design to finish.                                                                                                     (541) 469-1610
                                                                                                                      325 5th St
SILVER:                                                                                                               Brookings, OR
Dusty Watson
                                             Feather Your Nest, in the          modate the unique home decor          McKays Market
BRONZE:                                   Pacific Center across the street      and gifts offered. “We also go the
Rivers End Construction                                                                                               (541) 247-7144
                                          from Les Schwab Tires, won the        extra mile with gift wrapping and     29656 Ellensburg Ave
(541) 412-7037                            award for the best gifts in town      try to keep the prices reasonable,”
430 Mill Beach Rd                                                                                                     Gold Beach, OR
                                          for the seventh time. “I think it’s   Tanner said. “Every year we make
Brookings, OR                             because we try to cater to the        it another year, I feel blessed and
                                          local people, not just the tour-      lucky.”                               BEST HEATING
BEST GIFTS                                ists,” said owner Tammy Tanner.                                             & AIR
                                          “The key is making sure that          SILVER:
                                          everyone who comes through            Wildwood, the Shop of
GOLD:                                     that door feels special.” The shop                                          GOLD:
Feather Your Nest                                                               Multifarious Goods                    Coastal Heating and Air
                                          relocated last year from its spot     (541) 254-0745
(541) 469-4300                                                                                                        (541) 469-7117
                                          in the basement of the Central        1007 Chetco Ave
800 Chetco Ave                                                                                                         307 Tanbark Rd.
                                          Building and doubled its sales        Brookings, OR
Brookings, OR                                                                                                         Brookings, OR
                                          floor footprint to better accom-

                                                                                BRONZE:                                  Owner Brian says, “It is such
          EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE, DETAILED, AND FAIR.                            Bling it On Boutique and Gifts        an honor when your community
 Discounts for Seniors and Veterans!                                            (541) 661-1187                        recognizes the details of your
                                                                                97900 Shopping Center Ave             hard work and votes you as their
                      Thank you for                                             Brookings, OR                         favorite local HVAC provider. But
                      voting us your                                                                                  honestly, we ALL try hard here
                        favorite!!!                                             BRONZE:                               as a complete group, and we
                                                                                Always in Bloom                       wouldn’t be who we are without
                                                                                (541) 469-9640                        the dedication and hard work of
                                                                                777 Cottage St                        our employees. They are all top-
                                                                                Brookings, OR                         notch and strive hard every day
     LICENSED AND INSURED                                        Ledford’s
                                                                   df                                                 to deliver superior customer ser-
        d s Lawn
        d’  Lawn C
                  are 54
                          813-     ledfordslawncare@gmail.com   Lawn Care                                             vice. So a big shout-out goes to
Page 19 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                           Best at What They Do
them as well as a big thank-you                                                                                 SILVER:
to our customers for this honor.”                                                                               Feather Your Nest
                                                                                                                (541) 469-4300
SILVER:                                                                                                         800 Chetco Ave
Harbor View Windows,                                                                                            Brookings, OR
Heating & Air, Inc
(541) 469-4415                                                                                                  SILVER:
16335 Lower Harbor Rd                                                                                           Fred Meyer
Brookings, OR                                                                                                   (541) 469-1610
                                                                                                                325 5th St
BRONZE:                                                                                                         Brookings, OR
ABBA Heating
(541) 469-6300                                                                                                  BRONZE:
537 Hemlock St                                                                                                  Lila’s Resale Furniture and
Brookings, OR                                                                                                   Collectibles
                                                                                                                (541) 661-1752
                                      SILVER:                             selection of furniture as well as
BEST HOME                             Gold Beach Lumber                   professional staff ready to help
                                                                                                                15352 US-101, Harbor, OR

IMPROVEMENT                           (541) 469-6617                      customers with every step of
                                      16016 Old US Hwy 101                their purchase, from selection to     BEST HOTEL
                                      Brookings, OR                       delivery and setup. After serving
GOLD:                                                                     Brookings’ needs for over two
Kerr’s Ace Hardware                                                                                             GOLD:
                                                                          decades, Barron’s has once again
(541) 469-3139                        BRONZE:                             been recognized by Pilot readers
                                                                                                                Beachfront Inn
711 Chetco Ave                        Barron’s Home Furnishings                                                 (541) 469-7779
                                                                          as the go-to “We are incredibly       16008 Boat Basin Rd
Brookings, OR                         (541) 412-0250
                                                                          grateful for the continued busi-      Brookings, OR
                                      410 Oak St
                                                                          ness and support,” said Terry Ad-
   The employees of Kerr’s Ace        Brookings, OR
                                                                          ams, owner of Barron’s Furniture.       Beachfront Inn has been in
Hardware in Brookings have                                                “Because of our customers that        Brookings for over 30 years and
served the Brookings community
for over 60 years. Kerr’s has once
                                      BEST HOME                           choose to shop local, we are able     while the business has come
                                                                          to continue to put back into our
again been recognized as one          FURNISHING &                        community.”
                                                                                                                under new management in
                                                                                                                the last two years, they remain
of the best providers of home
improvement equipment and
materials, receiving a gold award
in this year’s Readers Choice         GOLD:
Awards. Employees at Kerr’s focus     Barron’s Home Furnishings
on providing hands-on service by      (541) 412-0250
leading customers to the prod-        410 Oak St
ucts that best suit their needs and   Brookings, OR
staying attentive to what they
need to complete for their proj-         If you need a comfortable new
ects.                                 mattress for your bedroom, a
                                      stylish couch for the lounge, or
                                      some fitting decor in the living
                                      room, Barron’s Furniture has you
                                      covered. Barron’s offers a varied
Page 20 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                Best at What They Do
committed to providing quality                                                                   Chetco Ave. in Brookings is not
beachfront lodging and excellent                                                                 only a place for families to gather
customer service. Pilot readers                                                                  but caters to adults in the eve-
have chosen Beachfront Inn to                                                                    ning hours with a full-service
receive this year’s gold award                                                                   bar. Not only does the business
for the best hotel in the Pilot’s                                                                provide food and drink, but it
Readers Choice Awards. “Thank                                                                    brings in bands from throughout
you for your continued support.                                                                  the West Coast to provide enter-
We would not be successful                                                                       tainment.
without the community backing
us as much as they do,” said Karie                                                               SILVER:
Wilson, the regional manager in                                                                  Chetco Pelican Playhouse
charge of Beachfront Inn.                                                                        (541) 469-1857
                                                                                                 1240 Chetco Ave
SILVER:                                                                                          Brookings, OR
Ocean Suites Motel
(541) 469-4004                                                                                   BRONZE:
16045 Lower Harbor Rd                                                                            101 Bar & Grill
Brookings, OR                                                                                    (541) 469-6037
                                                                                                 98141 W Benham Ln
BRONZE:                                                                                          Brookings, OR
Tututun Lodge
(541) 247-6664                                                                                   BRONZE:
96550 N Bank Rogue River Rd
                                         BRONZE:                 BRONZE:
                                         Wildwood, the Shop of   Superior Landscape              Vista Pub
Gold Beach, OR                                                                                   (541) 813-1638
                                         Multifarious Goods      Maintenance Daniel Lentz
                                         (541) 254-0745          (541) 254-0568                  1009 Chetco Ave
BRONZE:                                  1007 Chetco Ave                                         Brookings, OR
Portside Suites                          Brookings, OR
(541) 469-7100
16220 Lower Harbor Rd
                                                                 Chet’s Garden Center            BEST PET/
Harbor, OR                               BEST LAWN &             (541) 813-2312
                                                                 301 Oak St
                                         LANDSCAPING             Brookings, OR                   SUPPLIES
                                         GOLD:                   BEST LIVE                       GOLD:
GOLD:                                    Gerald Hamm Lawn Care                                   Woofs Dog Bakery
Fred Meyer Jewelers                      (541) 661-4526          ENTERTAINMENT                   (541) 469-3408
(541) 469-1625                                                                                   1031 Chetco Ave
325 5th St                               SILVER:                 GOLD:                           Brookings, OR
Brookings, OR                            Ledford’s Lawn Care     Oxenfre Public House
                                         (541) 813-1878          (541) 813-1985                    Woof’s Dog Bakery puts
SILVER:                                                          631 Chetco Ave                  customer service and the well-
Outlaw Ore Silver                                                Brookings, OR                   being of both its customers and
outlaworesilver@gmail.com                                                                        their animals its top priority
                                                                   Oxenfre Public House at 629   by providing quality products
                                                                                                 and striving to be a good
Page 21 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                      Best at What They Do
source of information for the                                          committed service. “We love the
community when it comes to       BEST PET                              support and this community,” said     BEST ROOFING
caring for animals. “We try to   GROOMING                              owner Jamie Castle. “We’ve been       SERVICE/INSTALL
make our business a welcoming                                          here five years and this communi-
environment for anyone who                                             ty has been nothing but welcom-
walks through that door,” said   GOLD:                                 ing and I love that.”                 GOLD:
Jake Brattain of Woof’s Dog      Best in Show                                                                Edwards Roofing
Bakery.                          (541) 813-2330                                                              (541) 469-2690
                                 519 Chetco Ave                        SILVER:                               16577 Foster Rd
                                 Brookings, OR                         It’s a Barking Lot                    Brookings, OR
SILVER:                                                                (541) 251-0060
Mini Pet Mart                       Best in Show provides prompt       1103 Chetco Ave                          Edwards Roofing has been in
(541) 412-3903                   pet grooming services for the         Brookings, OR                         business since 1971. Their com-
908 Chetco Ave                   furry residents of Brookings by                                             pany is a company that prides
Brookings, OR                    focusing on getting their clients     BRONZE:                               itself on the quality of the prod-
                                 in as soon as possible, with day-of   One Cool Dog                          uct, cleanliness of the site, and
BRONZE:                          appointments and walk-in care         (541) 840-8915                        exceptional service to you – their
Del-Cur Supply Co-op             for minor services such as nail       97900 Shopping Center Ave             client – and to the community as
(541) 469-5393                   trimming. This year Brookings         Brookings, OR                         a whole.
14397 US-101                     residents have once again rec-
Brookings, OR                    ognized Best In Show for their

                                         South Coast Humane Society thanks YOU
                                          for supporting our store which funds
                                          our shelters life saving efforts 100%!
                                          Due to the support and patronage of our community, our shelter
                                             has become the “Premier Adoption Shelter in Oregon.”

                                                                                                    SCHS Thrift Store
                                                                                             Monday - Saturday 10am-5pm

                                                                                                SCHS Animal Shelter
                                                                                             Monday - Saturday 12pm-5pm
                                                                                                      (adoptions by appointment)

Page 22 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

                                                Best at What They Do
SILVER:                                                                                                            orders. Chet’s also hosts a variety
Red Sky Roofing                                                                                                    of local artwork at their business
(541) 412-8866                                                                                                     and customers can visit with their
                                                                                                                   resident canine companion, Rosy.
McMurray & Sons Roofing                                                                                            SILVER:
(541) 469-3300                                                                                                     Gold Beach Lumber
15520 US-101                                                                                                       (541) 469-6617
Brookings, OR                                                                                                      16016 Old US Hwy 101
                                                                                                                   Brookings, OR
SERVICE                                                                                                            Kerr’s Ace Hardware
                                                                                                                   (541) 469-3139
GOLD:                                                                                                              711 Chetco Ave
New Hope Plumbing                                                                                                  Brookings, OR
(541) 469-8989
                                          variety of donated goods and a
96629 De Moss Rd
                                          comfortable atmosphere to meet       BEST YARD/                          BEST CLOTHING
Brookings, OR
                                          all your bargain-hunting needs       GARDEN
                                          while putting all the money
SILVER:                                   earned by their volunteer workers
Billy’s Plumbing                          to a good cause, the local animal    GOLD:                               Fred Meyer
                                                                               Chet’s Garden Center                (541) 469-1610
(541) 813-1212                            shelter. They get a lot of posi-
                                                                               (541) 813-2312                      325 5th St
16854 Tule Rd                             tive comments about their store.
                                                                               301 Oak St                          Brookings, OR
Brookings, OR                             South Coast Humane Society
                                          Thrift Store has been recognized     Brookings, OR
BRONZE:                                   for its service for the third year                                       SILVER:
                                          running by residents of Brookings        Chet’s Garden Center works to   Goodwill
O’Donnell Plumbing                                                             cater to a knowledgeable clien-
                                          and has received a gold award                                            (541) 412-5165
(541) 469-3566                                                                 tele of gardeners in Brookings by
                                          in this year’s Readers Choice                                            890 Chetco Ave
98690 N Bank Chetco River Rd                                                   providing personalized customer
                                          Awards.                                                                  Brookings, OR
Brookings, OR                                                                  service and making sure to keep
                                                                               educated on the products they
                                          SILVER:                                                                  BRONZE:
BEST SECOND-                                                                   sell. To commend Chet’s good
                                                                                                                   Tiffani Navaeh
                                          Goodwill                             work, Pilot readers wrote in to
HAND/THRIFT                               (541) 412-5165                       proclaim them the place to go for   (541) 254-9586
                                          890 Chetco Ave                       gardening supplies in Brookings     519 Chetco Ave #2nd
                                          Brookings, OR                        by giving them the top award in     Brookings, OR
South Coast Humane Society                                                     this year’s Readers Choice Award.
Thrift Store                              BRONZE:                              According to their staff, Chet’s
(541) 469-5694                                                                 Garden Center goes above and
                                          Rogue Resale
16094 Hwy 101 South                                                            beyond to make sure they can
                                          (541) 425-5412
Brookings, OR                                                                  fit their customer’s needs when
                                          29527 Ellensburg Ave
                                                                               it comes to gardening supplies,
                                          Gold Beach, OR
                                                                               from finding the right products
  The South Coast Humane
                                                                               for the task to arranging special
Society Thrift Store offers a wide
Page 23 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020

 Thank You
                  ...FOR YOUR VOTES!
              Thank you so much for taking the time to vote for me! I am
              truly fortunate to be able to live and sell real estate here in
             our corner of Oregon tucked between the mountains and the
             ocean. Both the area and the people have such a unique and
                          beautiful spirit, like nowhere else.

                  I am blessed to have come to know so many genuine people -
                 I love this little Oregon coast community and the people in it!
                     Thank you so much for your continued Confidence and
                        votes in my abilities to represent local real estate.

                                                   ASK FOR JUDE
2014 Executive Award                    Jude Hodge, Broker
2015-2017 Platinum Award
2017 Hall of Fame Award                     RE/MAX Coast and Country
2017 - 2018 Chairmans Award                  www.HomeWithJude.com
2017 - 2019 Readers Choice Award Best Realtor
2018 #2 Individual Commissions Earned in Oregon
2018 #3 Individual Closed Transactions In Oregon
Licensed in OR                                              $IFUDP"WF #SPPLJOHTtY
Page 24 – Curry County Readers’ Choice Awards – June 26, 2020
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