2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media

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2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media


2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media
              40 Under 40

Taking the Lead                                   3
                                                  40 Under 40
The past year has posed its share of chal-
lenges — from a paradigm shift to virtual
care and communications, to necessary
conversations about racial equity. It’s clear     Priorities for
that the new generation of healthcare mar-        the Next Wave
keters are already beginning to translate         of Health
the lessons learned from the COVID-19
pandemic into new opportunities.
   The world has turned its attention to
leaders in the pharma industry as problem-        17
solvers during this tumultuous year — with        The Many
things such as mRNA, Pfizer and Astra-
Zeneca becoming public health household
                                                  Faces of
names. The newfound positive perception           Mental Health
of the industry is fueling health marketers       Acuity
to take an increasingly human approach,
to treat content more as experiences rather
than campaigns and to constantly search for
ways to be more inclusive and reach mar-
ginalized communities.
   This year’s MM+M 40 Under 40 honorees
are all leaders spearheading these efforts
and courageously paving the way forward
in a new virtual world. Join me in congratu-
lating this year’s talented group of 40 Under
40 honorees.

Lecia Bushak
Senior reporter, MM+M

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2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media
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2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media
Maedan Anda
                                                                                        VP, creative director, Precisioneffect

The outstanding young marketers of                                                      Maedan Anda’s advertising career arc is
MM+M’s second annual 40 Under 40                                                        impressive: a job with Yellow Pages straight
                                                                                        out of the Art Institute in San Diego, art
compilation prove that age is                                                           director in McCann’s consumer digital divi-
                                                                                        sion and 12 years at Precisioneffect, where
just a number when it comes to                                                          she was recently promoted to creative

achieving excellence                                                                    director. Her commitment to unpacking
                                                                                        the complexity of illness and healthcare was
                                                                                        deepened when her son was diagnosed with
                                                                                        leukemia at age 4. Anda’s successes include
                                                                                        overseeing an award-winning campaign
                                                                                        for Cologuard, and she currently leads
                                                                                        the AUVI-Q brand, an epinephrine auto-
                                                                                        injector for life-threatening allergies. She
                                                                                        has also become a leader within the agency,
                                                                                        mentoring young art directors.

                                                        KR I ST I N
                                                        A LFI E R I - WA LDI E
                                                        Senior product
                                                        manager, marketing,
                                                        Endo Pharmaceuticals

                                                        In 2019, Kristin Alfieri-
                                                        Waldie pushed Xiaflex,
                                                        which treats Dupuytren’s
                                                        Contracture, to double-
                                                        digit growth after years of
                                                                                        Veronica Berk
                                                                                        VP of client services,
Scott Aldrich Jr.
                                                        stagnancy, which earned
                                                        her Endo Pharmaceuti-           Clinical Trial Media
                                                        cals’ Marketer of the Year
VP, global marketing and strategy, Motus GI
                                                        Award. She has worked on        As she climbed the ranks of project manage-
                                                        Xiaflex since joining Endo in   ment at Clinical Trial Media, Veronica Berk
S cott Aldrich Jr.’s experience with medi-              2015, bringing a customer-      earned the trust of pharmaceutical heavy-
cal device companies that operate with mar-             centric mindset honed over      weights such as Novartis, Eli Lilly and Merck
                                                        nine years of experience
keting as a hub means that he acts as a                                                 by excelling at clinical trial enrollment. Over
                                                        on the agency side. Her
cross-functional leader, aligning marketing,            positivity and poise are
                                                                                        15 years, Berk filled hundreds of trials for
operations, sales and strategy teams in product-        extolled by her coworkers.      treatments ranging from diabetes to schiz-
driven collaboration. In his current role, Aldrich      “Kristin can make a Zoom        ophrenia, earning her a promotion last year
oversees marketing at medtech company Motus             meeting feel as personal        to her current position, where she oversees
GI, whose goal is to improve the outcomes and cost-     as a live workshop,” says       trial enrollment globally. She still finds time
efficiency of colonoscopies. With hospitals and clin-   Nick Ferrara, executive         to help care for her many nieces and neph-
                                                        director of marketing. “She
ics hindered last year, the ever-adaptable Aldrich                                      ews — she’s one of 11 siblings — and raise
                                                        is a strong collaborator,
digitized Motus GI’s campaigns, enabling the com-       seeking to bring people
                                                                                        funds for philanthropic organizations such as
pany to continue the launch of a new product into       and teams together for the      the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which
the hospital market.                                    greater good.”                  honored her in 2019.

                                                                                                                  mmm-online.com 4
2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media
er’s current role includes     istence. Angelo Campano’s
                               overseeing day-to-day          ability to connect siloed
                               operations and helping the     channels has enabled more
                               growing company expand         effective communication,
                               its global footprint. She’s    message distribution and
                               also active in her communi-    outreach at every company
                               ty, including serving on the   he has worked. Campano
                               Kearney Area Chamber           joined OptimizeRx
                                                                                              Lauren Fliegelman
                               of Commerce.                   last fall after a stint at
                                                              Ogilvy Health, where he in-
SVP, Ogilvy Health                                            troduced electronic health
                                                                                              Marketing manager II, AbbVie
                                                              records capability and
Melanie Brunner has
spent most of her career
                                                              oversaw development in          Lauren Fliegelman has become an essen-
                                                              point-of-care practices. At     tial component of AbbVie’s women’s health
working to improve cancer
                                                              OptimizeRx, he streamlines
outcomes, including her                                                                       team during her two years at the company.
                                                              comms for its life sciences
current role as Ogilvy                                                                        Her main focus is the endometriosis treat-
                                                              partners. Campano is a
Health’s lead on Bristol                                                                      ment Orilissa, but she wears many hats,
                                                              connector outside the
Myers Squibb’s oncology                                                                       including overseeing brand strategy, lead-
                                                              office, too, as a volunteer
franchise. Brunner began       K A T E CA LLA N
                                                              with the National Multiple      ing tactics across the marketing mix and
her work with BMS by           EVP, head of social
helping launch Yervoy, a       media, Evoke Kyne
                                                              Sclerosis Society and PETA.     developing new patient outreach streams
first-of-its-kind immuno-                                                                     during the pandemic. Through it all, col-
therapy for skin cancer.       Kate Callan landed at                                          leagues say Fliegelman keeps the patient
That led to an in-house role   Evoke Kyne right out of                                        voice at the forefront of the team’s focus.
at BMS, before returning       college and hasn’t stopped                                     Previous stops include a stint at Digitas
to Ogilvy Health in 2018.      climbing the ranks since.                                      Health and the PR firm Beekeeper Group.
Last year, Brunner’s team      Callan has driven at least
earned five FDA approvals      25% growth in social media
all while working virtually    revenue in each of the past
— an environment Brunner       three years, elevating what
thrives in, as her steady      had been a specialty area
leadership and “just check-
                                                              PHI L DA LT O N
                               into a robust social media
ing in” calls helped keep      and influencer practice.       VP, creative director,
company morale high.           She has led campaigns
                               across disease categories,
                               highlighted by a patient-      In just a few short years,
                               education program, Joint       Phil Dalton has become
                               Decisions, which allows
                               clients to collaborate with
                                                              an expert in the oncology
                                                              space, guiding successful
                                                                                              Natalia Forsyth
                                                              launches for brands such        SVP, head of influencer engagement,
                               patient advocates living
                               with rheumatoid arthritis.     as Lynparza and Opdivo.         GCI Health
                               Her expertise has made         He decided to focus on on-
                                                                                              When it comes to patient engagement,
                               her an in-demand speaker       cology while a copywriter
                                                              at McCann Health because
                                                                                              Natalia Forsyth was ahead of the curve.
                               and campaign judge, all
                               while raising two sons.        oncology’s ever-shifting        On a 2009 trip to Nepal, she found that
KRY ST L E                                                    treatment paradigm posed        teens on the internet had formed online
                                                              an intellectual challenge       health communities, trading knowledge
President, Scorr                                              matched only by its re-
Marketing                                                                                     in an area with limited healthcare access.
                                                              wards. Dalton’s work on         Forsyth took that insight and ran with it,
From intern to president:                                     cutting-edge brands for
                                                                                              first to Wego Health, where she built some
It is not a well-trod career                                  lymphoma and renal cell
path, but it’s the one                                        carcinoma, among other
                                                                                              of the first online health communities and
Krystle Buntemeyer has                                        specialties, for CDM NY,        pioneered patient-influencer engagement,
traveled at Scorr since                                       FCB Health and Grey             then to Novartis, where she launched the
2005. Along the way, she’s     ANGELO CAMPANO                 Health Group earned him a       award-winning Living Like You platform.
interacted with more than                                     management-level position       In her first six months at GCI, she built out
                               SVP and principal,
300 pharma, health and                                        at TBWA\WorldHealth. He         the agency’s influencer offering (including
                               agency channels,
drug companies, and won                                       also oversees charitable
                               OptimizeRx                                                     Walgreens’ largest influencer program) and
awards such as a 2017                                         efforts at all agencies with-
Marketer of the Year honor     As anyone who has worked       in Omnicom World Health
                                                                                              launched a TikTok program for the Tre-
from the Omaha chapter         in healthcare marketing can    and has helped formalize        vor Project. She also finds time to volun-
of the American Marketing      attest, fragmentation is the   talent acquisition initia-      teer with refugees, teach yoga and consult
Association. Buntemey-         bane of the industry’s ex-     tives at TBWA.                  across key client portfolios.

                                                                                                                       mmm-online.com 5
2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media
of Level Ex marked the first    MJH Life Sciences has built
                                                                            time a video game studio        an in-house digital content
                                                                            was acquired by a major         studio, embraced enter-
                                                                            healthcare company. Glas-       prise data and technology
                                                                            senberg is also involved in     platforms and launched
                                                                            nonprofits working on K-8       a slew of new offerings
                                                                            education and solar energy.     across multiple channels.
                                                                                                            That flexibility and partner
               DA N F R E D E MA N           CA IT LI N FULFO R D                                           reach enabled the company
               Associate director, U.S.      Senior director of                                             to quickly form a COVID-19
               oncology marketing,           account strategy,                                              Coalition to help keep
               Daiichi Sankyo                Verywell                                                       healthcare professionals
                                                                                                            informed of the latest coro-
               When Dan Fredeman made        Caitlin Fulford likes to
                                                                                                            navirus science.
               the leap from scientific      describe her approach to
               research to marketing in      account management as
               2013, he brought with him     “white-glove service.” A
               insights from years in bio-   do-it-all marketing whiz,      KRISTEN HARTMAN
               material and computational    Fulford’s colleagues say she   Chief client officer,
               materials labs. He’s spent    has transformed account        Wego Health
               his entire marketing career   strategy at Verywell in two
               in-house with the U.S. sub-   short years, driving over      Kristen Hartman excels at
               sidiary of Daiichi Sankyo,    50% revenue growth and         designing marketing cam-
               Japan’s second-largest        95% renewal rate across        paigns in partnership with
               pharma company, helping       campaigns for the health-      patients, so it’s fitting she
                                                                            landed at Wego Health, a
                                                                                                            A MY HO UCK
               guide oncology therapeutic    and-wellness website.
                                                                            pioneer in patient engage-      Director of digital
               launches while steering       Her strategic makeover                                         marketing, Pascale
               complex alliance projects     included optimizing            ment tactics. In her decade
                                                                            with Wego, she rocketed         Communications
               such as an internal task-     workflows and campaign
               force that brings together    analytics reporting to         up the ranks from team          Amy Houck’s social
               patients, oncologists         developing new advertising     member to the C-suite,          media career goes back
               and pharmacists.              offerings and competitive      where she oversees client       to the era of online forums.
                                             pricing models.                services and leads strategy     She teamed up with
                                                                            and development for inte-       Pascale Communications,
                                                                            grated projects. Her col-       where in the last few
                                                                            leagues extol her influence     years she has boosted
                                                                            on the company culture,         ROI for clients more than
                                                                            which earned Wego Health        six fold. Houck works
                                                                            a 2020 Best Places To           closely with her team
                                                                            Work honor from MM+M.           to create targeted paid
                                                                                                            media plans for health-
                                                                                                            care brands. She is also
                                             SAM GLASSENBERG                                                active outside the office

Marie Freeberg                               CEO and founder,                                               as a mother of two, a
                                             Level Ex                                                       participant in digital
                                                                                                            marketer groups and an
Senior director, alliance
                                             Sam Glassenberg must be                                        avid painter.
management, MyHealthTeams
                                             one of only a few people
As the person in charge of managing part-    to make the leap from          MI CHA E L
nerships between pharma companies and        video games to healthcare,     HE NNE SSY
                                             though it may be more ac-
MyHealthTeams’ patient social networks,                                     CEO and president,
                                             curate to say he fused the
Marie Freeberg has been extra busy over                                     MJH Life Sciences
                                             two seemingly disparate
the past year, as digital connections have   industries six years ago       In Michael Hennessy’s two
been crucial. She’s launched more than       when he founded Level Ex,      years as CEO and presi-
a dozen patient education initiatives in     which creates video games      dent at his family’s busi-
that time. Freeberg’s educational back-      for physicians. Glassenberg    ness, he has modernized         DR. HARSHIT JAIN
ground in biomedical engineering and         has a nose for innova-         MJH Life Sciences, driving      CEO and founder,
                                             tion. Last year, he added      growth with a digital/          Doceree
translational medicine, plus experience
                                             COVID-19 levels to teach       video-first strategy, events
in pharma consulting, inform her current     frontline doctors how to       innovation and smart acqui-     Dr. Harshit Jain’s adroit
role, which straddles consumer insights,     diagnose and treat patients    sitions (such as UBM Life       use of data to drive inno-
brand management and marketing, edi-         during the pandemic. And       Sciences Group). Under          vative campaigns has won
torial content and legal review teams.       Brainlab’s 2020 acquisition    Hennessy’s leadership,          awards, including a Cannes

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2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media
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2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media
Lions Grand Prix for Good.      Disney, but her educational   healthcare challenges
Upon earning his M.D. in        background and passion for    since she was an under-
internal medicine, Jain         science made for a natural    grad at Carnegie Mellon.
established India’s first       transition to healthcare      Then, she worked for a
bone marrow donor               communications. She held a    tiny startup that devel-
registry, then jumped to        succession of account man-    oped a computer-assisted
marketing with McCann           agement roles at agencies     system to help orthope-
Health. His latest venture      including BGB and McCann      dic surgeons perform
Doceree is a programmat-        RCW, but her sense that       hip replacements. As a
ic marketing platform that
allows pharma companies
                                social media was under-
                                utilized led her in 2015 to
                                                              summer intern at Sie-
                                                              mens, Ma contributed to
                                                                                              Chris Mateo
to target doctors with          cofound HashtagHealth,        the company’s first quality     Senior business strategy manager,
precision messaging.            one of the first social       measures solution, then         healthcare, Microsoft
The theory? Lower adver-        media agencies to focus       went on to work in strate-      After a decade in the healthcare indus-
tising costs will reduce        exclusively on healthcare.    gy at Digitas Health,
                                                                                              try, Chris Mateo joined Microsoft in 2018
drug prices.                    The agency surpassed its      Klick Health and now
                                5-year goals in 18 months,    Evolution Road. Col-            with a purpose: to figure out how to lev-
                                and has worked with Agios,    leagues say Ma’s passion        erage technology to eliminate barriers to
                                Epizyme and Amgen.            for digital innovation is       health access. The mission is personal,
                                                              matched only by her             as Mateo’s family has experienced first-
                                                              love for her golden-            hand the difficulties of navigating Ameri-
                                                              doodle, Bowsie.                 ca’s complicated healthcare system due to
                                                                                              language barriers and providers that aren’t
                                                                                              speaking to diverse populations. His big-
                                                                                              gest accomplishment so far is launching
                                                                                              Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare, the tech-
Media director,
Smarty Social Media             V . A . LO P E S                                              nology giant’s first industry offering, which
                                SVP, Pryme Agency                                             combines computer services for data and
Being a digital native has                                                                    AI, productivity and collaboration, and
helped Sarah Kalosa adapt       An early stint in market                                      business process into one solution.
to the ever-changing            research fresh out of
nature of social advertising.   college taught V.A. Lopes     SHA NNO N
Since graduating college        the importance of data to     MI T CHE LL
in 2013 with a degree in        behavioral marketing, which   Associate director
mathematics and statis-         has guided her healthcare     U.S. consumer media,
tics, Kalosa has leveled up     career since. After working   Merck
from company to company,        for heavyweights such as
bringing with her a book of     McCann Regan Campbell         Shannon Mitchell’s
clients whose social media      Ward and Calyx Health         patient-first mentality
strategies she’s expanded       and in the biotech/startup    and consumer marketing
(and, in some cases, creat-     environment, she landed at    background intersect

                                                                                              Zoila Mora
ed anew). Her colleagues        Pryme in late 2019, where     at Merck, where she has
say she’s a “rare unicorn”      she applies her experience    directed print and digital
who pitches in on overall       and behavioral insights to    media planning across           VP, medical and scientific services,
account strategy and has        overall brand strategies,     consumer channels since         Ashfield MedComms
won numerous industry           marketing campaigns and       2017. She excels at bringing
awards for clients.             partner relationships.        brand messaging to the          Zoila Mora first joined Ashfield Med-
                                                              point of care, improving        Comms as an editorial assistant back
                                                              patient-physician dialogue
                                                                                              in 2005, but her goal was always to be
                                                              and, ultimately, health
                                                              outcomes. She does this
                                                                                              a medical writer. Her creative abili-
                                                              in part via an old-school       ties flourished as she accepted writing
                                                              faith in the power of print,    tasks and worked her way up the com-
                                                              believing that targeted         pany ladder to her current role over-
                                                              print advertising drives        seeing medical and scientific services.
                                                              better brand loyalty and        Her primary area of interest is oncol-
BRITTANY LATSON                 B E R N I CE MA
                                                              recall in our fast-paced,
Managing partner,               Associate principal,                                          ogy, and she has helped launch two
                                                              over-inundated digital
account and operations,         digital health practice,                                      major immuno-oncology therapies with
                                                              world. The results don’t lie:
HashtagHealth                   Evolution Road                                                Bristol Myers Squibb, from participating
                                                              an average of 3-to-1 ROI for
Brittany Latson spent           Bernice Ma has been           clients across category and     in trial design to guiding medical strat-
a decade working for            using technology to tackle    disease state.                  egy and communications.

                                                                                                                       mmm-online.com 8
2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media
2021 eBook - Medical, Marketing and Media
for the multiple myeloma        has accomplished with            Saatchi, with a heavy-
                                 treatment Revlimid, one         DeepIntent, a program-           hitter client list including
                                 of the largest drugs in the     matic advertising platform       Verizon, Samsung and Blue
                                 U.S. (more than $8 billion in   that leverages machine           Cross Blue Shield. When
                                 2020 sales). Mukherjee has      learning and AI to reach         she switched to strategy,
                                 developed marketing strat-      320 million patients and 1.6     she jumped straight into
                                 egies for the sales team        million HCPs. Paquette cut       the deep end, advising
                                 members to engage with          his teeth in data analytics at   Allergan on acquisitions
MICHAEL MORGAN                   healthcare professionals.       Memorial Sloan Kettering.        and creative development.
VP of business                                                   DeepIntent now serves            Reimer is Heartbeat’s
development,                                                     seven of the 10 largest life     “client whisperer,” with a
Mesmerize                                                        sciences companies adver-        nose for creative thinking
                                                                 tising in the U.S.               that led to double-digit
Michael Morgan’s first task
                                                                                                  growth in 2020, her first
at Mesmerize in 2019 was
                                                                                                  full year with the com-
a doozy: Expand a recently
                                                                                                  pany. She is spearhead-
acquired digital point-of-
                                                                                                  ing work on a women’s
care network. Relying on
                                                                                                  health product from Agile
prior experience with Pa-
                                                                                                  Therapeutics. Reimer also
tientPoint, Morgan added         COLIN O’YOUNG
                                                                                                  pulls double-duty guiding
a range of pharmacies,           Director, video                                                  her daughters’ successful
doctors’ offices, clinics and    production, Klick Health                                         acting careers.
community-based organ-
                                                                 KA T PI SCA T E LLI
izations, installing more        Colin O’Young joined Klick
                                                                 Group account director,
than 2,000 digital media         Health as a paid intern to
screens that connect             fund his Master of Educa-
patients to educational          tion studies, but his teach-    Within the global market-
information. He was quickly      ing background ended up         ing agency VMLY&R, Kat
promoted; he also start-         proving useful to the agen-     Piscatelli creates branding
ed a leadership coaching         cy. His ability to explain      for pharma giants such
club within the company.         detailed concepts got him       as Pfizer, Allergan, Merck
Outside work, he’s involved      hired as the learning and       and Sanofi. Her specialty is
in charitable initiatives with   development coordinator;        product launches, and she’s
the HIV/AIDS community.          later, he built the compa-      worked on memorable              LIZ RISENBERG
                                 ny’s video production team      campaigns including Body         Product marketing
                                 from the ground up. It’s        Language (for Xeljanz),          director, Lumenis
                                 now an integral part of the     Ahh Sleep (Belsomra) and
                                 business, with 12 staffers      Yesss! (Linzess). In her
                                 and a bushel of awards,                                          Not many marketing
                                                                 current role, Piscatelli is
                                 including an MM+M Gold                                           careers begin in the Israeli
                                                                 responsible for $15 million
                                 Award for an unbranded                                           Defense Forces, but not
                                                                 in revenue and is the young-
                                 Versed on HPV campaign.                                          many people have proven
                                                                 est person to be named a
                                 O’Young also plays guitar,                                       as multi-talented as Liz
                                                                 group account director in
SMITA                            bass and drums for Klick’s                                       Risenberg. Risenberg
                                                                 VMLY&R’s health practice.
MUKHERJEE                        in-house band, The                                               spent six years in the
                                                                 Colleagues describe her as
Associate director,              Dead Pixels.                                                     IDF’s Military Prosecu-
                                                                 a “high-octane, innovative
U.S. multiple myeloma                                                                             tion department before
                                                                 force of nature.”
marketing, Bristol                                                                                leaving to get an MBA at
Myers Squibb                                                                                      London Business School.
                                                                                                  From there she worked at
Smita Mukherjee’s entry                                                                           Strategy& (formerly Booz
into healthcare marketing                                                                         and Company), where she
is unique: While conducting                                                                       became drawn to health-
post-doctoral research on                                                                         care. At Lumenis, Risen-
Alzheimer’s, she became                                                                           berg has led double-digit
intrigued by the industry’s      CHRIS PAQUETTE                                                   growth through develop-
commercial aspect. After                                                                          ment of a new product line
                                 CEO and cofounder,              JODI REIMER
earning her MBA at Whar-                                                                          for dry eye and new digital
                                 DeepIntent                      Strategy director,
ton, Mukherjee worked in                                                                          capabilities for glaucoma
oncology marketing for           Founding a company is                                            devices. She also spear-
Novartis before joining          one thing; tripling revenue     Jodi Reimer climbed the          heads the vision team’s
Bristol Myers Squibb in          year-over-year for four         ranks in account manage-         global training efforts,
2020. She plays an integral      straight years is another.      ment at agencies includ-         which aligns nicely with her
role on the marketing team       That’s what Chris Paquette      ing Grey and Saatchi &           passion for world travel.

                                                                                                         mmm-online.com 10
Congratulations to
our own Renée Watson
for being named to
MM+M’s 40 Under 40.
Renée is not even close to 40
but is close to perfect in our book.
We believe in you all the way, Renée!   elevatehc.com   @elevatehcm
urology marketing director,     Health, joining as a market
                                 where she boosted market        access consultant when
                                 share for the company’s         she was 27. Six years
                                 BPH domain around the           later, she’s the lead on two
                                 launch of the cutting-edge      of the agency’s largest
                                 laser, MOSES 2.0.               accounts and is in charge
                                                                 of its marketing efforts —
                                                                 among other teams she
                                                                                                James Woodland
                                                                 manages. Van Iderstine
Associate director of                                            drove Cyan Health to its
inclusion and diversity,                                         best year ever in 2020,
Intouch Group                                                                                   Chief strategy and financial officer,
                                                                 with 100% client reten-
                                                                                                CMI Media Group and Compas
                                                                 tion, 40% revenue growth
Big pharma has talked a lot
                                                                 and 38% staff increase.        CMI Media Group and Compas has had
about health equity recent-
                                                                 Colleagues say her recent
ly, but it’s people like Anto-                                                                  double-digit growth every year for years
                                 CR YS T A L S O N               management of a major
nio Rivera who turn that into
                                                                 account through multiple
                                                                                                now — even in 2020 — and a significant part
action from the agency side.     Director, healthcare
                                                                 client lead transitions        of that can be credited to James Woodland’s
Rivera has overseen a 16%        analytics, Civis Analytics
                                                                 is emblematic of her           leadership. In his nearly 20 years with the
year-over-year increase in
                                 Crystal Son’s career in         strategic prowess, brand       agency, Woodland has redesigned the com-
BIPOC representation at In-
                                 health began in govern-         stewardship and effective      pany’s structure, led during the transition
touch Group, which in turn
                                 ment with the New York          client engagement.             after WPP acquired CMI Media in 2015,
leads to more inclusive mar-
keting. He also oversees the     City Department of Public                                      created the commercial team and insti-
agency’s internal Inclusion      Health and Mental Hygiene,                                     tuted an OKR process that every employee
and Diversity Alliance,          where she translated lab                                       uses as a guide to achieve goals. He is also
which works to increase          data into diabetes manage-
                                                                                                dedicated philanthropically, as a mem-
multicultural competency.        ment solutions for HCPs
                                 and patients. Son leads                                        ber of the Life Sciences Angel Network,
Rivera is involved with the
Chicagoland Diversity, Eq-       the healthcare practice at                                     an investment group focusing on life sci-
uity and Inclusion Alliance      Civis with a mission to make                                   ence and health IT.
and the “By Chicago, For         marketing more data-
Chicago” initiative.             driven and precise. She was
                                 recently tapped by Illinois
                                 Gov. J.B. Pritzker to lead a    R E NÉ E WA T SO N
                                 team of epidemiologists in      Supervisor, client
                                 analyzing and translating       engagement, Elevate
                                 COVID-19 case data, and         Healthcare
                                 making recommendations
                                 for preventative health         Renée Watson’s first
                                 measures. A certified Pro-
                                                                                                Jason Zemcik
                                                                 assignment after joining
                                 ject Management Profes-         Elevate Healthcare in
HILA SHABTAI                     sional and hospital Infection   2016 was on Kaléo’s Evzio
                                 Prevention Practitioner,
                                                                                                Senior director, project
Urology marketing                                                naloxone auto-injector,
                                 Son also holds a Master                                        management, TrialCard
director, Lumenis                                                a crucial tool in the
                                 of Public Health degree         fight against the opioid
Hila Shabtai is comfortable      with an epidemiology            epidemic. Her success          In his current role at TrialCard, Jason
in male-dominated fields.        concentration.                  earned her a spot on           Zemcik manages the TC Synapse suite of
As a commander with the                                          Johnson & Johnson’s            risk mitigation and compliance tools to
Israeli Defense Forces,                                          DePuy Synthes account,         safeguard pharmaceutical manufacturer
Shabtai was the first                                            where she was a key            co-pay programs. It’s the latest of many
woman to lead an all-male,                                       player on the launches of
                                                                                                hats Zemcik has worn for the biopharma
100-member field compa-                                          the Velys Digital Surgery
ny. From there, she worked                                       platform and Velys             solutions company — director of clinical
in corporate finance                                             Robotic-Assisted Solu-         operations, corporate marketing commu-
at Procter & Gamble,                                             tion for surgery. Within       nications manager, operations manager
managed mergers and ac-                                          Elevate, Watson is well-       for reporting and analytics, and manager
quisitions for billion-dollar    J A MI E V A N                  liked for her tenacity and     of co-pay and voucher programs — driving
tech corporations at KPMG        I D E R S T I NE                fun-loving spirit. She also    growth. An Army vet and avid Pittsburgh
Advisory and was a portfo-                                       volunteers with Bringing
                                 SVP, client engagement,                                        sports fan, Zemcik has a Bronze Star Medal
lio manager at the venture       Cyan Health                     Hope Home, a Philadel-
capital firm Viola Ventures.                                     phia nonprofit that sup-       for service in Afghanistan, an Army Com-
After 2.5 years at Lumenis,      Jamie Van Iderstine was         ports families suffering       mendation Medal for service in Iraq and
she was promoted to              employee No. 1 for Cyan         from cancer.                   he has written nine sports books.

                                                                                                                       mmm-online.com 12
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40 Under 40

                              Priorities for the Next Wave
                                  of Health Marketers
         Relationship building, experiential content, diversity and more
                                                             BY DEBORAH STOLL

  Ahead of the MM+M 40 Under 40 Awards, past and present                  is being very thoughtful in its messaging, which for us includes
honorees Mike deLima, associate creative director, Klick Health;          shifting from printed brochures, to digital. That has created a
Smita Mukherjee, associate director of marketing, Bristol Myers           huge shift in the industry regarding how we create our educa-
Squibb; and Danielle Salowski, industry manager, health, Face-            tional materials.”
book, convened in a panel presented virtually to discuss the press-          DeLima echoed Salowski, doubling down on the importance
ing issues facing young health marketers and creatives today.             of knowing your communications medium and how to activate
   Moderator Lecia Bushak, MM+M senior reporter, kicked off the           properly within it, while simultaneously considering creative in
discussion asking the participants how the widespread adoption            a different way. “Marketers should be looking at content less as a
of virtual care and virtual channels has affected communications.         campaign and more as an experience,” he said. “We need to con-
   “If you look back, 2020 disrupted a lot of things, but it com-         sider what the news and outlet earned media story around it is
pletely disrupted how we went to market and the ecosystem of              and what people are saying about it. It’s important to think about
how we reached and connected with HCPs and patients,” said                those things holistically and then figure out how to break through
Salowski. “Having access to healthcare information and phy-               from just creating another ad that’s going to get lost in the mix.”
sicians across mobile devices has given people better and more               Three of the most pressing issues facing health marketers today
improved access; it’s one of the silver linings of 2020.”                 include data, diversity and agility.
   If Mukherjee had a crystal ball, she “would predict that the              “At this point, we have a deluge of data that we can collect, but
future of pharma marketing is going to entail building relation-          there is very little integration between the data collection and how
ships first, which will translate into virtual interactions later, that   marketers are using it,” noted Mukherjee. “When we don’t have
are far more efficient. What the pharma industry is doing now             a lot of crosstalk between personal promotion and non-personal

                                                                                                                         mmm-online.com 14
40 Under 40

                                                         digital promotion, there are difficulties merging the data which
                                                         allows us to look at a customer in a 360-degree view. Right now, a
                                                         lot of the people are working in silos; we need to be able to merge
                                                         those so that we can give our customers a seamless experience.”
                      DANIELLE SALOWSKI
                      Industry manager, health,             “Diversity, equity and inclusion are no longer the elephants in
                      Facebook                           the room,” opined Salowski. “Our industry is so uniquely posi-
                                                         tioned to make a massive impact here … frankly, I would call it an
                                                         obligation. All of us need to do better to serve Black Americans and
                                                         underrepresented communities. We all need to be more mindful
                                                         of what representation looks like in our creative campaigns and
                                                         within our teams. And we need to be seeking more diverse per-
                      SMITA MUKHERJEE                    spectives when making marketing decisions to ensure that our
                      Associate director of marketing,   strategies are representative of the communities we’re serving.”
                      Bristol Myers Squibb
                                                            For deLima, the healthcare space has long struggled with agility.
                                                         “In terms of the research that goes into our work, the numerous
                                                         regulatory bodies, even producing the work can be an extremely
                                                         arduous process,” he said. “We need to come up with faster ways
                                                         to conduct research, move work through regulatory bodies and
                                                         gain approvals. The more we can start to look at these processes
                      MIKE DELIMA                        and really tighten them up, the more I think, when the work finally
                      Associate creative director,       gets out into the market, it will be as culturally relevant as the day
                      Klick Health
                                                         we conceptualized it.”
                                                            The conversation ended on a high note, considering the pub-
                                                         lic’s turnaround from long harboring a negative perception of
                                                         pharma due to issues such as drug pricing or the opioid epidemic,
                                                         to a more positive spin since the pandemic.
                                                            Salowski cited a recent Clickwired Harris Poll that showed
                      LECIA BUSHAK                       pharma had a 62% favorability rating and only an 18% negativ-
                      Senior reporter,
                      MM+M                               ity. “That’s incredible,” she said. “What we need to do now is
                                                         translate all the things pharma did this year that served to make
                                                         it more human, take everything we’ve learned from corporate
                                                         equity and messaging campaigns about humanizing our brands
                                                         and continue that momentum.”
                                                            “COVID has shown us that vaccine development and health-
“2020 completley disrupted how we                        care needs to be for everyone,” said deLima. “That feeds into
                                                         what we show, who we show and how we portray life. That’s the
went to market and the ecosystem                         beauty of targeting. That is something we can absolutely control.”
of how we reached and connected                             “If we don’t have voices from all different communities, mak-
                                                         ing the decisions at the highest level in pharma, how are we going
with HCPs and patients. Having                           to address health problems for the entire population?” Mukher-
                                                         jee added. “If pharma is truly committed to diversity and inclu-
access to healthcare information                         sion, it needs to make clinical trials more diverse, involving people
and physicians across mobile devices                     from different backgrounds, with different ethnicities and differ-
                                                         ent genetic profiles.
has given people better access; it’s                        This will give us clinical trial results that are applicable to a
one of the silver linings of 2020.”                      much broader population.”
                                                            This generation of healthcare marketing leaders have lived
                                                         through the most challenging times of their careers. Hearing that
                                                         they have emerged more knowledgeable, more passionate and
                                                         more determined to enact change in the world is an inspiration
                                                         for pharma and the world at large.

                                                                                                          mmm-online.com 15
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40 Under 40

As a precursor to MM+M’s 40 Under 40 Awards event on March 25, 11 of this year’s honorees gathered for a virtual roundtable sponsored by Verywell,
opening up about the heightened emphasis on mental health and wellness in the workplace given the added challenges of the pandemic.

The Many Faces of                                                              ing more people searching for services than ever before. Putting
                                                                               mental health at the forefront has become crucial for organiza-

Mental Health Acuity
                                                                               tions, which means that leaders have had to find ways to keep
                                                                               their employees feeling motivated, safe and happy.
                                                                                  At HashtagHealth, an “honest survey” went around, asking
Eleven 40 Under 40 honorees discuss                                            everyone in the organization to express how they were dealing.
how their organizations have incorporated                                      “Answers ranged from ‘Sometimes I need to go for a long run,’ to
mental health into the workplace                                               ‘Sometimes I need to eat a bag of peanut butter M&M’s and drink
                                                                               a bottle of wine,’” said Brittany Latson, managing partner, account
BY DEBORAH STOLL                                                               and operations. “I’ve shown up on camera with my baby’s spit-up
                                                                               on my shirt and said, ‘I’m exhausted, I have 75 unread emails from
   Ahead of the MM+M’s 40 Under 40 Awards on March 25,                         the past hour … how are you?’ Just saying that and showing that real-
11 of the honorees convened at a virtual roundtable, sponsored by              ism, helped others feel better, like it was OK to be stressed out.”
Verywell and moderated by Lecia Bushak, MM+M senior reporter,                     Like Latson, Amy Houck, director of digital marketing at Pas-
to discuss how mental health includes everything from creating                 cale Communications, is a mother of two who allowed “everyone
safe spaces for difficult conversations to unlimited PTO to being              to see the mess. I’d be wearing a Nike T-shirt in a pitch meeting,
“a hot mess with bad hair, wearing a T-shirt with a kid singing Let            with the baby on my lap and the other one pulling on my leg.” It
it Go in the background of Zoom.”                                              was that very form of humanism that made others in her organ-
   Over the last 12 months, anxiety and depression rates have                  ization know they weren’t alone and allowed them to feel com-
increased exponentially, with mental health care providers see-                fortable showing up as their authentic selves.

                                                                                                                                   mmm-online.com 17
40 Under 40

                                                                                                              “[Work and
                                                                                                              home] can fuel
                                                                                                              each other. It
                                                                                                              doesn’t have to
                                                                                                              be about taking
                                                                                                              a break from
                                                                                                              one thing to
                                                                                                              attend to the
                                                                                                              other, but each
                                                                                                              can inspire
                                                                                                              the other.”

  Taking a page from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Crystal Son, direc-          sations have been a major support in this time mental strain. As
tor, healthcare analytics at Civis Analytics, touched on the way       both the only woman and the only woman of color in senior lead-
in which we have forever divided work life and home life, but          ership at Pryme, her colleagues have been going out of their way
that “they can fuel each other. It doesn’t have to be about tak-       to ask if she is OK; trying to understand how she is feeling and
ing a break from one thing to attend to the other, but each can        what she needs. “This has been a very jarring time for everyone,
inspire the other.”                                                    whether they are a person of color or not,” said Lopes.
  Accentuating that idea, Jamie Van Iderstine, SVP, client engage-        Making a work move during the pandemic could have made
ment at Cyan Health, noted that leaders need to recognize that         bringing your authentic self to work even more challenging,
nothing exists in a vacuum; that how one leads impacts employ-         considering you never met the people you’re working with, in
ees not only on the job, but indirectly in their personal lives. “By   person. But Angelo Campano, who moved into his role as SVP
respecting our employees, checking in and remaining flexible,          and principal, agency channels at OptimizeRx five months ago,
we create a positive work experience that can filter into their per-   didn’t only change jobs; he changed mindsets. “Before, I was
sonal lives.”                                                          working for a company that had no mental health support; no
  For Bernice Ma, associate, principal, digital health practice at     one was empathetic and meetings were insane. Now I’m able to
Evolution Road, clarity and kindness are key. “Sometimes just          take care of my people and clients and am feeling that mental
saying, ‘Right now, I am not expecting you to deliver a perfect        clarity myself.”
deliverable, it’s really about getting through the week and feel-         For Antonio Rivera, associate, director inclusion and diversity
ing confident,’ can help relieve the pressure,” said Ma.               at Intouch Group, taking stock of some of the positive aspects of
  Typically, wearing our emotions on our sleeve has not been           WFH as Intouch moves into a hybrid schedule, has opened up an
encouraged in corporate settings, but everyone agreed that this        entirely new way of hiring. “We’re rolling out new ways to hire that
past year has been anything but typical. “We’re not used to seeing     have nothing to do with a physical location,” he said. “In fact, it’s
deep levels of empathy from our leadership team,” noted Natalia        affecting our ability to hire from new communities and increase
Forsyth, SVP, head of influencer engagement at GCI Health. “But        our racial and ethnic makeup.”
last week on one of our calls we had a courageous conversation            And as we all move closer to a new new normal, let’s toast to
about the Atlanta shootings and the woman leading it started to        virtual happy hours turning to real life soon. As Shannon Mitch-
cry. That opened up space for all of us to feel safe and comforta-     ell, associate director U.S., consumer media at Merck, poignantly
ble communicating.”                                                    put it, “We like to have fun in media and we’re missing our friend-
  For V.A. Lopes, SVP at Pryme Agency, these types of conver-          ships. I miss people all the time.”

                                                                                                                       mmm-online.com 18
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