TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club

Page created by Dana Boyd
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
JUNE 2020                     NUMBER 259

            TH&SC when the word was GO
                    on May 13!
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Toronto Hydroplane and
 Sailing Club Executive Board
                                                  LAUNCH DAY—Saturday,
                 John Morris
                (416) 963-3222                     June 13—SEE SPECIAL
           PAST COMMODORE                         INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGEs
              Richard Peirce
              (416) 822-3330
                                                         10 to 14.
                Randy Boyd
               (416) 899-7724
     email:          AFTER LAUNCH, WHO KNOWS?
             John Greenham
              (416) 998-4106
                Paul Evans
              (416) 854-5334
              Chris Craigen
              (647) 377-9607
                Helen Rigler
              (647) 989-8509
                Joan Willson
              (416) 707-8314
               Martin Osborne
                (416) 561-1100
   Albert Kerek / Miranda Wheatstone
             (416) 879-0483
            WAYS AND MEANS
              Jeff Hocking

               SOCIAL CHAIR

               Peter Martyn
              (416) 822-4345
           SPAR & PROP EDITOR
              Richard Taylor
              (416) 293-4340
             TH&SC WEBSITE
                                       TH&SC—20 Ashbridge’s Park Road, Toronto, Ontario M4L 3W6—(416) 694-6918
                                       EDITOR—Richard Taylor, 51 Brigadoon Crescent, Scarborough, Ontario M1T 3C2—(416) 293-4340

PAGE 2           SPAR AND PROP                JUNE 2020
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
at safe distances. I am proud of the
COMMODORE’S                                commitment and energy the Board              VICE COMMODORE
COMMENTS                                   members have shown.                            Randy Boyd
   John Morris                                Special gratitude goes to Keith

                                                                                               O say that 2020 has been
The story of a self-help club              Willson who has endlessly served in the             challenging is perhaps
                                           past enough to gracefully retire in peace           an understatement due
                                           but didn’t hesitate to fill in as Interim

        UR pandemic response                                                            to Global events. These
        has highlighted the                Property Manager when the club               challenges have not only
        structure of our club              desperately needed his insights. In May,     impacted our daily lives but
and how fortunate we are to have           Chris Craigen stepped up in the middle       also the lives we love as
developed a culture of self-governance     of all this to be acclaimed as new           sailors. In these very uncertain times we
and cooperation over our near 70-year      Property Manager and has already dug         have learned to adapt to the new ways
history.                                   in deep to handle the portfolio.             of doing things and we have all made
   TH&SC, unlike many clubs, has no           Our thanks also goes to the dedicated     sacrifices.
manager or staff of any sort. Some clubs   members who have jumped in to fix the           As a club we have had to make some
have mangers and help; some are            docks and barge, sort leaks in the           very hard decisions that balance our
located in commercial or government                                                     love for our boats and the safety of
run marinas, where the paid pros solve                                                  those around us. These decisions have
the problems of the members. At one of                                                  at times divided us and united us on
the most expensive, professionally                                                      the issues at hand. I can assure you that
operated yacht clubs in the nation, two                                                 your executive has been working
of our own TH&SC members solves                                                         overtime to understand these issues
that club’s members’ problems all day                                                   and make the best choices for all with
every day.                                                                              safety being our prime objective. This
   But here at TH&SC we do it for                                                       balance is complicated and many hours
ourselves. That gives us independence                                                   of work have gone into creating the best
but also the sole responsibility to deal   storage rooms, service the gate, deal        policies and procedures for that balance
with whatever needs to be dealt with.      with our insurance agency, process new       of safety and enjoying the club that we
Sometimes that becomes a pain, but as      member applications, help organize           all love.
members we can take pride that we          boat shuffling plans for launch and             I would ask for your continued
control our own fate.                      much, much more.                             support to help keep our club the
   The dedication of the executive            This C-19 has strained us to the limits   friendliest club on the lake. We need to
board deserves huge acknowledgment         but it does show that our investment in      put our differences and personal
not just from me but also from the         taking care of things solidly over the       agendas aside and trust the executive
members. There have been lots of           years pays dividends. We know we have        has made the best informed decisions
‘thank-you’ notes which we appreciate,     to do it ourselves or it won’t get done.     for the good of the many. While for the
but even those who have served before         We have been prudent. Over several        moment this means that we will not be
would be staggered by the time and         decades, each board has guided               able to share our club with guests and
effort the board is putting into this      expenditures carefully in order to           transient boaters, we must share that
horrible C-19 situation. That includes     accumulate an emergency fund that, if        sentiment amongst ourselves.
endless phone calls, frustrating           required, will help us through this mess.       Let’s be courteous to each other and
Zooming and emails that would              But the real resource is in the members      focus on making the best of the 2020
consume forests were they printed out.     and their sensible, energetic attitude and   season. Your cooperation is needed to
In many cases the EB members have          self-help culture that makes this a club     keep the club safe and if some need
used their own resources and muscles       we can all be proud of. _                    reminders and guidance are needed to
to carefully contribute to work parties                                                 achieve this I would ask that it is done
                                                                                        in a way that is courteous and
                                                                                        respectful. We will attempt to have clear
                                                                                        expectations and to guide us through
                                                                                        the ever changing landscape concerning
                                                                                        COVID-19 but it is necessary that all of
                                                                                        us make every effort to follow the rules.
                                                                                        Your cooperation is needed so let’s all
                                                                                        do our part. We can still make the most
                                                                                        of what ever season we have, but please
                                                                                        do it safely for yourselves and others.
                                                                                           Be Safe and see you at the club from
                                                                                        6 feet away. Vice Out _

                                                                                          If you thought toilet paper was
                                                                                          crazy ... just wait until 300
                                                                                          million people all want a
                                                                                          haircut appointment.

                                                                  JUNE 2020              SPAR AND PROP                  PAGE 3
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
REAR COMMODORE                              PAST                                         members who want to use their
   John Greenham                            COMMODORE                                    boats. It’s not been easy but I think
                                              Richard Peirce

       OGETHER, we are                                                                   we’re almost there—launching in
       facing a truly                                                                    two weeks!
                                               2020 so far has been a year
       unprecedented                                                                         I would like to call out a few
                                            like no other. Pandemic,
situation. The global                                                                    people who have worked tirelessly
                                            threats of record high water
coronavirus pandemic is                                                                  to put this together. Paul Evans—
                                            on the Great Lakes (which
affecting all of our families, our                                                       Paul has worked and re-worked
                                            thankfully has lessened),
businesses, our communities, and our                                                     launch plans and put together the
                                            Murder Hornets, Monkeys breaking out
way of life. During this time, I wanted                                                  puzzle that is Launch 2020. We’re
                                            of testing facilities with vials of
to let you know we will Cruise, Race                                                     lucky to have him on board…
                                            COVID-19 (seriously…look it up!). So,
and Party again someday.                                                                 with many years of experience, he
                                            what’s next? At some point, things will
   First and foremost, our hearts go out                                                 has a plan and I think it’s a good
                                            get better. Some would say…go back to
to anyone who's been impacted by the                                                     one! Keith Willson has also been
                                            normal but I think it’s more than that.
virus, either directly or indirectly. Our                                                amazing—stepping in to help Paul
                                            I’m trying to learn from this situation.
thoughts are especially with those who                                                   with his plan, stepping in to help
                                            Not just survive it but actually make
are sick, to whom we extend our                                                          fill the void of our Property
                                            changes for the better. It’s a good time
heartfelt wishes for a full recovery. And                                                Manager, and doing daily check
                                            to reflect on what’s important.
we're truly inspired by the selfless                                                     ins at the club with Joan to make
                                               There has been much divide over
healthcare workers from the club and                                                     sure we are secure. Our
                                            what’s right and wrong during the
around the world who are on the front                                                    Commodore John Morris—thanks
                                            pandemic. Social media has been the go
lines working tirelessly to care for                                                     John for an incredible amount of
                                            to for many people trying to figure out
people in need.                                                                          work over this past couple of
                                            what the best path forward is. Some
   It looks like we are blessed enough                                                   months. In the face of adversity,
                                            also use it to try and school others on
for a launch June 13th, and we will do                                                   John has kept his cool and worked
                                            their way of thinking. But at the end of
our best to offer a safe and healthy                                                     to navigate some pretty murky
                                            the day, people are going to do what
COVID-19 version for Sailpast, stay                                                      waters. And the rest of the
                                            they think is right for themselves and
tuned to your email for details. In the                                                  Board…lots and lots of calls/
                                            their families. We’re not all going to
meantime, wash your hands and stay                                                       meetings/emails…it’s been a
                                            take the same path but we should all
home whenever possible.                                                                  pleasure to work with all of you to
                                            respect other people’s decisions, needs
   Some of our seasoned partiers have                                                    try and figure this out.
                                            and wants without judgement.
joined us for one or two of our Zoom                                                         I hope that you all find peace
                                               This is what we as the Board have
Parties, thanks to Meredith for setting                                                  this summer—on or off your boat.
                                            tried to do. Do what’s right for the
those up.                                                                                Stay healthy and make the very
                                            WHOLE club. Take many people’s
                                            thoughts, suggestions and ideas and          best lemonade from the lemons
                                            roll them into a plan that has safety at     that we’ve been given this spring.
                                            the forefront while trying to salvage a      Oh and stay away from the
                                            sailing season for the majority of the       Murder Hornets. _

                                                                                       WAYS AND MEANS
                                                                                           Jeff Hocking

                                                                                                APPY June! As you
                                                                                                recall in a previous
    Martin has done wonders for our                                                             newsletter, I announced
indoor virtual races on Wednesdays                                                     that we were going to move to a
and the best thing about those races is,                                               paper chit system to track
if it wasn't for the computer screen they                                              hours, but that was all pre-pandemic (it
look just like our Wednesday Races                                                     feels like it was a couple of years ago
and, oh yeah, with wind. Let's keep up                                                 now).
the fun!                                                                                  As no one is allowed to enter the
    Our Cruising program is currently                                                  clubhouse, that chit system is no longer
experiencing a winter carryover.                                                       going to be practicable given the current
However, we are all counting our                                                       situation, so for now we will return to
blessings and know many of you will                                                    the standard practice of having the
join us when we can.                                                                   executive overseeing the project send an
    Our racing, cruising and social teams                                              email with the hours.
are very interested in offering what we                                                   A handful of you already had hours
can when we can and know we will get                                                   recorded via that chit system and those
through this.                                                                          are still safely locked in the clubhouse.
    Stay Safe, Stay Strong!                                                            As such, your hours reports will be
    See you when I can!!                                                               inaccurate until someone is able to
    John Greenham _                                                                    retrieve them. We ask for your patience
                                                                                       before that opportunity presents itself.
PAGE 4          SPAR AND PROP                      JUNE 2020                              Have a safe summer! _
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
a way through together.
 Escape from  PROPERTY MGR                                                                  Thanks very much to the Board for
               Chris Craigen                                                            welcoming me and for navigating the
the Caribbean Message from Keith                                                        massive task that landed in their laps.
        by Geoff Craigen                    Willson, Interim                            It's been weeks for me and it feels like
                                                                                        months! Very grateful to Keith for
                                            Property Manager:                           helping me into the storm and for all

M                                           I
          ANY of you know that Pat and         T has been an interesting                Keith and Joan did before I got there.
          I left on our boat for the           past few months. I have                      Now that launch is in full swing with
          Caribbean in 2008. We enjoyed        developed a first name basis with        a date to work towards at least one
those years and then sold her in 2018.      much of the wildlife present; the geese,    unknown is lifted. There are a few
For the past two years we rent an           the foxes, the groundhogs, and of course    yard projects on the go—removal of
apartment on the Grenadian Island of        the raccoons. Now that we are prepping      trees growing through the fence, fence
Carriacou for three months.                 our boats for launch, people have           repair, north gate repair, and a gopher
    This year we were enjoying our time     returned. A couple of observations.         hole to fill. With the clubhouse closed
away from winter when news of the              Folks are leaving wipes lying on the     due to the Provincial Emergency Order
COVID-19 virus started filtering down       ground all over the yard. Please take the   all interior work is placed on a
to us. On March 19th we decided to          extra minute to walk them over to the       temporary hold. Like so much else, it's
head back to Toronto ahead of our April     garbage dumpster and dispose of them        wait and see how things play out.
return date.                                properly. There are still many ladders          Dare I ask? Yes I will. If you see
    We booked our flight for Tuesday,       being left unsecured, or even worse,        anything in the yard or property that
March 24th, six days away. During           secured but left upright against your       can be improved please let me know. We
those days we watched countries, and        boat. It not only makes easy access for a   can figure it out together.
our Eastern Caribbean islands, closing      thief to enter your boat it also                Please, no matter what, stay safe.
their boarders. Trinidad and Tobago         compromises the security of every other     Along with safety there are varying
banned all inter island travel and we       boat on the property.                       levels of comfort on a timeline for
became concerned that the same might           Many thanks to Chris Craigen for         moving forward. With respect and
happen with Grenada.                        stepping forward as your new Property       understanding we can do this.
    We heard that the airport in Grenada    Manager.                                        Looking forward to working with
was going to close at midnight Monday          These are unusual times so don’t         you.
which meant our Tuesday flight wasn’t       expect things to be as they have been in        Best,
happening. Our daughter, Jodi,              past years. Be tolerant and offer               Chris. _
managed to get us on the local LIAT         constructive advice.
flight to Barbados which would connect
to Air Canada and onto Toronto              Message from Chris Craigen,
departing Monday. We had a way out.
    Our friend Norbert, who drives taxi,    Property Manager:
                                                                                          After years of wanting to

took us to the fast ferry on Sunday at no      'M honoured to be on the Board and
                                               looking forward to working                 thoroughly clean my house
charge. A half hour after the ferry was                                                   but lacking the time, this week
supposed to leave, we were told we             as Property Manager. In these
                                            strange times there will be many              I discovered that wasn't the
were waiting for more passengers from                                                     reason.
Petit Martinique, and, oh by the way,       obstacles, but I'm confident we can find
this is the last ferry for at least two
weeks. “What”! We were on the last
passenger ferry, which as it turned out,
was for two months.                         had our temperature checked before          behind the front seats to create the
    We stayed overnight and went to the     entering the building. Most on the LIAT     “COVID zone”
airport at 5.30 am to catch the 07.05       flight were connecting to West Jet but
flight to Barbados.                         we Air Canada people were pointed in
    At the airport we found that the        another direction, although a couple of
closure was moved up to midnight last       us got caught with the West Jet crowd.
night and there would be no flights out.    One of the shepherds found us and
“#$%^” !                                    herded us off to immigration and a final
    We were told that LIAT was              medical screening and then the Air
negotiating to have the plane which         Canada counter. I lost the trail but they
was standing by in Barbados fly over.       found me.
However, if the plane came they would           We picked up our boarding passes
only take passengers with same day          and were ushered off to security and
connections out of Barbados as they         onto the plane. A full plane, very full.       We did our 14 days solitary and are
were going to close it too.                 There was no food service or drink          obeying all the rules.
    One of our passengers had some sort     service but they did hand out bottles of       We still have Canadian friends in
of connection in Ottawa and made            water.                                      Carriacou waiting to see when they will
several calls. Apparently pressure was          Our son, Chris, (who you all know or    be able to come home.
applied and a plane showed up so we         will know) had stocked the house with          We were lucky. Not to be trite, but it
could get to Barbados.                      supplies and picked us up at the airport.   was a taste of what a refugee must feel.
    Bridgetown was well organised. We       He had installed a plastic drop sheet                                              _
                                                                  JUNE 2020              SPAR AND PROP                   PAGE 5
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
and we have been in discussion with
RACING CAPTAIN                               our basin neighbours at ABYC to              TREASURER
   Martin Osborne                            collectively come up with a format that        Helen Rigler

H         ELLO everyone,
    How our perspectives of life
                                             might work if conditions permit to
                                             make this a reality. As our committee
                                             boats would also fall to the same
                                             physical distancing rules.
                                                                                          F     ELLOW TH&SCers
                                                                                             Gosh golly, these are
change in a pandemic, in the                    In the meantime there are a group of      challenging times. Think
determinations of what is really             us who have been meeting virtually via       you've got it rough? Try weekly board
important to us and how quickly things       video link on Wednesday nights and           meetings. I had proposed to have our
can change for some.                         racing online at https://                    pay doubled but apparently it's being
    On a sailing front it is simply           cut in half to save money.
amazing how much we as a club have           game/. It’s been a lot of fun and I             Do be assured that everyone on the
had to collectively find ways to adapt to    suspect we may well keep it going for at     board is working very, very diligently
this virus, I believe at last count we       least the immediate future for those of      to ensure the adherence to guidelines
were tentatively only launching about        us craving our racing fix.                   from all government levels that
sixty of our hundred boats with                 So please don’t hesitate to reach out     continue to change for obvious
approximately forty boats making the         to me if you are interested in joining us    reasons. We cannot make exceptions,
difficult decision to keep their boats out   we have room for a few more boats on         bend the rules or come near to crossing
of the water this year for a variety of      the start line. Thanks to John Greenham      the lines regarding any COVID 19
reasons.                                     for his help in getting this set up and      restrictions. Our paramount
    Some of us have been affected by the     running and of course to all the             responsibility continues to be to ensure
pandemic more than others and have           competitors who enjoy beating me             the safety of all members of the club—
found the past few months to be very         soundly on a regular basis.                  launching or not launching. This is a
challenging in a number of ways, I urge         Finally for those of you planning to      club full of humans, each with their
everyone not to be judgemental of your       launch and sail your boats this summer       own opinions and desires. We must
neighbour’s choices and I truly hope         I urge you to be even more aware of the      respect each others' choices which will
that this article finds each and every       risks of sailing in cold water and please,   be even more widely varied from ours
one of you doing well both mentally          please, practice your MOB procedures         sometimes given the added stress this
and physically.                              regularly both cruisers and racers alike,    year.
    On the racing front, I have been         especially since you will likely be             Our sailing club, as with every other
following the cancellation of races          sailing shorthanded. Also take the time      one globally I imagine, will have
around the world and watching as one         to read the Transport Canada guidelines      reduced revenues due to members who
race after another has fallen victim to      at this link        have chosen not to launch and
the virus. At present all of the major       initiatives/covid-19-measures-updates-       unforeseen expenses because of the
regattas on Lake Ontario have been           guidance-tc/guidelines-pleasure-craft-       COVID 19 restrictions this year. This is
postponed indefinitely or outright           covid-19-pandemic.html it lays out           simply a fact. Sadly, we will also have a
cancelled for the 2020 sailing/racing        some basic good boater behaviour.            major reduction in social expenses
season, including our own Summer                Here’s hoping we will see some boats      because we will not be able to gather as
Blast Regatta.                               on the line soon!                            we would like to for the foreseeable
    This is partly due to the guidance of       Martin _                                  future. This is no ordinary year but
Ontario Sailing who have prescribed                                                       every effort is being made, as always, to
the following; “Sailing competition                                                       manage expenses with the interest of
under Racing Rules of Sailing is not         FLEET CAPTAIN                                the club as whole in mind.
permitted as no activity can take place      CRUISING                                        Assuming we do launch, Fluence will
if there is any likelihood of individuals        Miranda Wheatstone                       be too. I'll use the less social summer to
coming within 2m of each other” which            Albert Kerek                             take that autohelm out of the box and

really applies more to dinghies but even              ELLO everyone. I                    learn to use it and practice my
on bigger keelboats this would likely be              have decided to not                 reversing skills at the poop stick.
difficult to accomplish and of course                 launch this season. If                 I wish you all a safe and healthy
also in part due to the current              there was ever a time to take a              summer wherever you may be.
provincial guidelines in regard to the       rain cheque I’m guessing this                   Helen _
number of people allowed to gather           is that time. I have put myself
being limited to five.                       up for adoption to a good
    I do, along with some others             family with a nice boat.                     cancelled.
however, envision that later in the          Dances with Wind could                          As we see, the world can be a crazy
summer there could possibly be some          benefit with some TLC and                    place. When the word virus hadn’t yet
form of racing if the regulations are        minor upgrades on the hard.                  been coined we had plagues. Social
eased and of course there was a large            Restrictions have prevented clubs        Distancing is the key. In the words of
enough demand for it in the form of a        from accepting visitors and as a result      our Commodore: ”we will come out the
single handed, double handed                 reciprocal cruises will, most likely, be     other end and sail into the blue”. _
competition or possibly a fully crewed
family unit boat configuration as all
                                               This cleaning with alcohol is
these would fit the current provincial                                                      The longer this goes on, the
                                               total baloney. NOTHING gets
guidelines in terms of social distancing                                                    harder it will be to return to a
                                               done after that first bottle.
                                                                                            society where pants and bras
                                                                                            are required!
 PAGE 6         SPAR AND PROP                     JUNE 2020
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Early on January 1st of this                                                           On Sunday, 26 April Ernie

   year, my best friend and                                                               Brauer passed away after a
                                                                                          long illness. He was 91
   wonderful mate Lorna,                                                                  years old. Ernie was a
                                                                                          member of the Toronto
   passed away at home                                                                    Hydroplane Club before

   surrounded by our family                                                               1965 which was the year
                                                                                          the catamaran sailors
   and friends. We danced for                                                             joined the club. He was co-
                                                                                          owner with Gunther
   more than 36 fantastic                                                                 Boesche of a 20-foot
                                                                                          sailboat called a
   years. Missed deeply by this                                                           Dutchboy. They and Mac

   old fool.                                                                              McCoy, who owned Saare,
                                                                                          were the only sailors in the
                                                                                          club before 1965. Ernie was
                                                                                          an avid fisherman and
   Jack Hexham.                                                                           later had his fishing
                                                                                          runabout at the club from
                                                                                          where he set off for fishing
                                                                                          in Lake Ontario. Ernie
                                            Shepherd runabout—mahogany,                   served as Treasurer of the
FLOTSAM & JETSAM                            beautifully varnished. There is very
                                            little dialog, mostly just a gurgle of the
                                                                                          club in the early days.
                                            water and faint engine sounds. There
TRIPPING ON THE RIDEAU                      are historical texts periodically on
Have you ever wondered what it would        screen and also some graphics of the
be like to cruise the Rideau Canal? Well,   route and historical countryside. They
in mid-April Channel TVO had a              use a drone to see the visually
documentary called “TRIPPING the            impressive “Hogsback Locks and
Rideau Canal”. It was four hours long! I    Rapids” and other views. It is available
recorded it and now I’ve been chipping      on the TVO web site. The June issue of
away at it—a half hour at a time. The       Canadian Yachting magazine has a
trip is on the northern half of the         multi-page article by our own John
Rideau—from Manotick to the                 Morris on the video and the canal.
Parliament Buildings. The length of the
journey is 27 km. The whole Rideau is
202 km. The boat used is a 22-foot 1948
                                              2020 is a unique Leap Year. It
                                              has 29 days in February, 300
                                              days in March and 5 years in

                                                                    JUNE 2020            SPAR AND PROP          PAGE 7
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Family Homelessness & Violence Against Women
                On any given night there are over 8,000 people in Toronto, including families who are
                 seeking shelter
                On any given night in Canada, more than 3,000 women (along with their 2,500
                 children) are living in an emergency shelter to escape domestic violence

          About Red Door
                The Red Door provides safe, emergency shelter and support services to women and
                 families in crisis
                The Red Door Family Shelter is an innovative shelter community comprised of two
                 emergency shelters and an active outreach program operating in Leslieville and
                 Toronto’s east end since 1982
                    o   One services families experiencing homelessness
                    o   One services women and children escaping violence
                    o   On any given night, approximately two-thirds of the residents are children
                        and youth
                We provide support to approximately 350 families every year through the two
                 shelters and the outreach program
                In addition to individual casework and counselling, our range of supportive
                 programming includes:
                    o Children and Youth Program
                    o Health and Wellness Program
                    o Housing & Outreach Support Program
                    o Access to education and employment opportunities
                    o Interpretation services
                    o Moving Program

                                                                                  (Continued on page 9)
PAGE 8   SPAR AND PROP                   JUNE 2020
          Impact of COVID-19
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Impact of COVID-19

As an essential service, The Red Door continue to serve families at our two shelters, as well
as recently housed families through our outreach services. We are grateful to our frontline
staff for their dedication.

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of incidences of domestic violence since
the COVID-19 pandemic hit. When isolation and social distancing become imposed out of
necessity, many women and their children have nowhere else to turn to for support.

Your support, particularly at this unprecedented time, is deeply appreciated. With
community fundraising events cancelled or postponed indefinitely, we are facing a major
funding shortfall that we need for our support programs this year.
We’re in This Together
In times like these, we are reminded of just how important it is to be there for one another.
The basic needs and rights for all of us to be safe, healthy, and happy become ever clearer
in the face of a crisis.
We are truly grateful at the Red Door to be part of a community of care - the generosity and
support that we receive from people like you, and in turn the help and critical support that
we are able to provide for those in need: mothers fleeing intimate partner violence,
refugees, and homeless families with nowhere else to turn. Your support helps each family
who comes through our doors to heal and build a brighter future.
When we work together to help each other, we change lives. We ensure that no one is left
behind, and we build a better, stronger community.
All donations over $20 are eligible for a tax receipt.
To donate online, please visit:
Click on SPONSOR OUR TEAM to make sure your donation goes to our total.
We also gratefully accept cheques payable to:
Red Door Family Shelter
21 Carlaw Avenue
Toronto, ON M4M 2R6

Or you can fill out a form provided and donate cash at the Club on Launch Day

For more information, contact:             Kirsten Cooney
                                    Fundraising Coordinator, Community Initiatives & Events
                                    c: 416-577-6659            _

                                                  JUNE 2020             SPAR AND PROP           PAGE 9
TH&SC when the word was GO on May 13! - JUNE 2020 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Please bring your own if possible.         it.
HARBOUR MASTER                                                                            There are strict guidelines that we
   Paul Evans
                                              The first group will arrive for the       must follow to avoid large fines.

                                           usual 7 A.M. start and meeting which
                                           will be outside on the patio/lawn.              The entire Launch sequence has been
       REETINGS                            Please arrive early in order to sign in as   determined.
   This year, things will be               it will be a long day.                          We will start with Sea Pleasure first
very different.                               The kick off meeting will take place      then followed by Shadow then Wind
   The public parking lot is               on the patio/lawn.                           Hoek II.
open but we have to pay for parking.          Please, no side conversations as it       Since Hacienda is the 4th boat in the
   Please email to                         will be hard enough to hear outside.         sequence and leaving by trailer, the charged            This first group will work until the      I need to put her in the water for a few
cell number you will have with you on      crane has to move about noon time.           hours until we can get some space to
launch day. This will be used to              When the crane starts its move, then      move her to.
minimize contact with our runners.         these folks will leave the club and go
   Please do not be talking on your        home.                                          The washrooms will have to be
phone so we can get thru to you.              Sign out at the OOD station door,         sanitized on a frequent basis and
                                           return any hard hats and stay away           workers will be assigned to do that.
   I will publish a list of the work       from every one else.                           One person at a time in the
assignments so you will know what             Do NOT hang around on your boat           washrooms please.
you are doing and when. The work              Do NOT socialize with others.               Needless to say, wash your hands .
assignments as of June 1 will be in Spar      Yes, you haven't seen each other in a
and Prop as well.                          long time but this particular Launch            I will also send an email blast with
                                           Day is not the time to catch up.             which group you are in and what job
   Launch will be done in two separate        Please practice social distancing and     you will be doing.
groups similar to haul out. There will     wear a mask.                                    Please be respectful of every one else.
be a morning group and an afternoon           No spectators. No guests.                 This will be a long day for everyone.
group.                                                                                     Many thanks in advance
   Those whose boats are not moving        SECOND GROUP The second                         Your Harbour Master until the end of
have already been asked to stay home       group will arrive at 11:30 for their         the year.
so we can minimize the number of           meeting and instructions on the patio/          Paul
people present.                            lawn.
   We do not want any more people at          Be aware that the parking lot could
the club at the same time than are         easily be full so if you can walk or bike    WORK ASSIGNMENTS 2020 LAUNCH
absolutely needed.                         to the Club, you can keep your bike in           Morning—June 13, 2020
   If your boat is moving then you need    yard behind the club house. If you can       Boat Co-ordinators Bill Comerford
to be present and any tarp and frame       be dropped off, that would be good as                           Paul Evans
need to come off the boat.                 well.
   There will be boats left in the yard       As above, sign in at the OOD door         Runners            Glen Eddie
where we have never had boats before       wearing masks and staying 6 feet apart.                         Mike Adams
in order to minimize the number of            When the crane completes its move,                           Lynda de Jonge van
moves.                                     then this second group will launch/                                      der Halen
   Cradles will be put away as usual,      move the remaining boats.
especially the ones where the crane                                                     Crane Signal       Steve Brown
moves to.                                     There will be no coffee or food for                          Chris Craigen
   There will be a number of cradles       first thing in the morning.                                     Stephen Paul
that will have to be moved while the          Eat before you get there.                                    Larry Adolphe
boat is in the air. These moves can lead      Bottles of water will be available.
to injuries so please do not rush and do      There will be no food or coffee           Tow Boat/          John Morris
not hurt yourself.                         available during the day.                    Boat Catching      Jack Hexham
   We need everyone to be willing to          That is another reason for the first                         Marty Fisher
help out with these moves.                 group to leave so they can get lunch.                           Meredith Thomas
We believe we can Launch in one               The second group should eat before
day in two groups.                         they arrive or bring their own food. We      Water Slings       Bartek Bieiny
FIRST GROUP When you arrive, go            could easily go well into the evening                           John Greenham
around the club house to the OOD door      this year.                                                      Richard Peirce
on the patio and sign in there.                                                                            Todd Wilson
   The hard hats and some work gloves          Did I mention to bring your own                             Scott Parsons
will also be there.                        mask and wear it at all times?                                  Mike Timlin
   Bring your own mask and wear it at          Every one must wear a mask please.
all times and of course, stay 6 feet       If you have symptoms or have tested          Land Slings        Chris Arthurs
apart..                                    positive, please let me know ASAP and                           Mirek Serdynski
   You will receive your membership        do NOT come.                                                    Greg Smith
card sticker, and if needed, a hard hat        Do not come if you might have                               Reza Saaeidi-Ghaheh
and work gloves.                           COVIT-19 or may have been exposed to                            James Perrault
                                                                                                           Tom Monson
 PAGE 10        SPAR AND PROP                   JUNE 2020
Lines              Phil Birkenheier                       Afternoon—June 13, 2020                  Forklift/Towing    Jason Crowley
                   Allan Reddon                   Boat Co-ordinators Sandy McGill                                     David Cradock
                   John Phillips                                     Miranda Wheatstone                               Brooks Robitaille
                   Bob Prosper
                   Gordon Raie                    Runners           Michael Smith                  Cradles            Andy d’Silva
                                                                    Helen Rigler                                      Robert Clark
Forklift/Towing    Phil Bastow                                      Phil Lange                                        Everton Williams
                   David Cradock                                                                                      Anibal Pinguelo
                   Keith Willson                  Crane Signal      Keith Willson                                     Terry Pasieka
                                                                    Lee Rixon                                         Mike Ante
Cradles            Justin Heeley                                    Dave Johnston (Wild Rose)                         Mark Vellena (designate
                   Brian Pelkey                                     Mike Wheatstone                                                  Scott)
                   Tony Tsakanikas                                                                                    Todd Lindstrom (for Paavo)
                   Oscar Palma                    Tow Boat/         Ed Bogdanowiez
                   Stefen Irmler                  Boat Catching     Armando Hernandez              Washroom           Mike Baker
                   Simon Beairsto                                   Any unexpected spare ppl :-)   Sanitizing/Boat    John Redman (Lena)
                   Tony Resendes                                                                   Catching           Sylvie Lavoie
                   Peter Fuller                   Water Slings/     Vaughan Passmore
                   Jurek Ladziak (son)            Tow Boat          Tony Labbatt                   Safety             Richard Taylor (plus photos)
                                                                    Paul Lewis                                        Peter Martyn)
Washroom           Joanne Sawyer                                    Paul Wright
Sanitizing/Boat    Giles Dehetre (bad shoulder)                     Derek Schouten                 Data Collection/
Catching           Mike Davidson (hip)                              Dave Brunning                  Sign In            Joan Willson
                   Amy Houanopoulis
                   Sol Hermolin (bad shoulder)    Land Slings       Claude Soulodre                I apologize for any names typed
                                                                    David Baran                    incorrectly.
Safety             Del Schinkopf                                    Jamie Smallwood                If you have a problem with the work
                   Dave Johnston (Two Bitts)                        Murdo Moody                    assignment, please let me know ASAP.
                   Dave Tollington                                  Jack Coney
                                                                    K.B. Bradley                   Many Thanks
Data Collection/                                                                                   Paul Evans
Sign In            Joan Willson                   Lines             Jeff Hocking         
                                                                    Phil Delehaye
                                                                    John Stevenson
                                                                    Barry Watsonr

   At our Executive meeting on Tuesday, June 2nd,
    we passed a motion that this year (for now) we
   would suspend requiring OOD hours and the 16
     required work hours. We do not want to have
    anyone feel that they have to come to the club
   and expose themselves to this stupid COVID-19.
      We want folks to stay home and stay safe.
   Peter and Lynda—I want to thank you both very
   much for all the hours that you have put into the
       management of the OOD program and I
   personally look forward to next year being back
                       to normal.

                                                                           JUNE 2020                 SPAR AND PROP                        PAGE 11
June 2020                                                                July 2020

                           1 Executive
                             Board     2 Virtual         3    4    5            6                                    Virtual    1    2    3    4
                               Meeting        Racing                                                                 Racing

            7              8               9 Virtual    10   11   12        13       5           6 Executive
                                                                                                   Board     7 Virtual          8    9   10   11
                                              Racing                   LAUNCH                        Meeting         Racing

           14             15             16 Virtual     17   18   19        20      12          13               14 Virtual    15   16   17   18
                                              Racing                                                                 Racing

Father’s   21             22             23 Virtual     24   25   26        27      19          20               21 Virtual    22   23   24   25
Day                                           Racing                                                                 Racing

           28             29             30                                         26          27               28 Virtual    29   30   31


                                         August 2020                                                      September 2020

                                              Virtual                           1                    Executive
                                                                                                     Board         1 Virtual    2    3    4    5
                                              Racing                                                 Meeting         Racing

            2 Civic        3 Executive
                             Board     4 Virtual         5    6    7            8    6 Labour    7                 8 Virtual    9   10   11   12
                Holiday        Meeting        Racing                                     Day                         Racing

            9             10             11 Virtual     12   13   14        15      13          14               15 Virtual    16   17   18   19
                                              Racing                                                                 Racing

           16             17             18 Virtual     19   20   21        22      20          21 Fall          22 Virtual    23   24   25   26
                                              Racing                                                 Begins          Racing

           23             24             25 Virtual     26   27   28        29      27          28               29 Virtual    30
                                              Racing                                                                 Racing

           30             31
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