BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A: SPRING 2018 - Peter Higginbottom captured this jolly fellow on camera while on a Tuesday Walk at Newmillerdam - U3A ...

Page created by Diane Malone
BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A: SPRING 2018 - Peter Higginbottom captured this jolly fellow on camera while on a Tuesday Walk at Newmillerdam - U3A ...
SPRING 2018          Barnsley & District U3A           Page 1


              Peter Higginbottom captured this jolly
               fellow on camera while on a Tuesday
                      Walk at Newmillerdam.
BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A: SPRING 2018 - Peter Higginbottom captured this jolly fellow on camera while on a Tuesday Walk at Newmillerdam - U3A ...
Page 2                           Barnsley & District U3A                        SPRING 2018

We reached the landmark 1000th mem-             If you click on the
ber back in December and we received            “great ideas” heading
some very positive publicity in the local       you will see that
press as a result. In fact, the Barnsley        BU3A gets a couple
Chronicle seem quite interested in our          of mentions.
agenda and have subsequently given a
fairly prominent summary of our activities      On the related issue of accessibility, I think
in a recent supplement “Retire and As-          that many of us are aware of examples of
pire’ in which they pictured one of our         members who normally have to rely on pub-
Walking Groups together with our new            lic transport and who are taken to activities
Walking Football Group. I think that we         by fellow members who have their own cars
recognise that the U3A is not everyone’s        available. This is a brilliant example of the
cup of tea but for many it’s a brilliant or-    type of fellowship that the U3A engenders
ganisation. I have no problem in telling        amongst its members. Where such ar-
the world about us and then letting peo-        rangements exist they are usually as a re-
ple make their own judgments. Particu-          sult of contacts being made within the
larly for people who are isolated or lone-      groups themselves. I would like to suggest
ly, what could be better than a group that      taking this a stage further by establishing a
offers so many options with the potential       list of members who would wish to attend
to socialise, interact with others and learn    certain groups but who at this stage are un-
something new all at the same time in a         able because of the transport limitations. It
lively and fun atmosphere?                      may be that we can’t help but if we are able
                                                to ask within a group if anyone can provide
Whilst still on the subject of publicity, I     support in a particular case, well wouldn’t
was contacted a couple of months ago by         that be good? The Executive Committee
someone from the U3A National Office            will be looking at this in detail in the near fu-
who had noticed that on our website we          ture so look out for any announcements
give a summary view of the accessibility        clarifying what we might be seeking to do.
issues at all the 30+ premises used by
                                                Lastly, we are fast approaching our mem-
BU3A. It was explained that they were
                                                bership renewal period and all members
intending to set up an Advisory Team at
                                                should by now have received an email or
national level and they wanted to know if
                                                letter explaining the options and processes
they could quote us as an example of
                                                which we have put in place to enable sub-
good practice. I also explained about
                                                scriptions to be paid. I truly hope that all
some of the work we have done on hear-
                                                members have enjoyed significant benefits
ing loops and visual awareness as well
                                                resulting from their membership of BU3A
as creating an Associate Member level of
                                                and are intent on continuing to be part of our
membership. I pointed out that this was
                                                ongoing success story.
for longer term members who have ac-
cess problems which prevent them physi-         Alan Swann
cally attending but who would hope to
stay in touch through the Buzz, email or
our closed Facebook Group. It’s fair to
say that she was quite taken with BU3A.
Whilst I had to decline the opportunity to
join in with the meetings of the national
U3A Plus Working Group, I have been               MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL
invited to comment on their proposals
and so feel some ownership of what they            Yes it’s that time of the year again. Please
                                                   check your emails (even the Junk file) for
have produced.                                      reminders as to the renewal procedure –
If you are interested, there is a new website       CHEQUES only or pay ON-LINE please.
                                                   No email? No problem - your letter’s on its
which can be found by
searching for
BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A: SPRING 2018 - Peter Higginbottom captured this jolly fellow on camera while on a Tuesday Walk at Newmillerdam - U3A ...
SPRING 2018                       Barnsley & District U3A                         Page 3

                    Welcome to Susan Fox—our
                         1001st Member!
                                                     2.   Chairman’s Message
                                                     3.   People news
                                                     4.   Key Issues from Committee; New
                                                          Members; Penistone Update
                                                     5.   Dates for Your Diary; Old £1
                                                          coins; Third Age Trust
 Our fantastic Meeters &                             6.   2018 AGM Notice
 Greeters - Jeff Jones and                           7.   Stringalongs
 Beryl Toplis! Always there                          8.   Crown Green Bowling; Winning
 with a ready smile and a                                  Bowlers
 helping hand. Thank you for all that you do.        9-11 Minutes of 2017 AGM; News of
                                                           former members
                                                     12 Flix @ Six
    CONGRATULATIONS VERA!                            2    Development; Toutes Flutes
    Vera Mawby, a BU3A member for some               3    Travel
    time, has recently been recognised as a          NEW PULL-OUT SECTION
  Community Champion and now has a local             15 Monday Calendar
   community centre named in honour of her           16 Tuesday calendar; Motorcycles
   good work around Worsbrough Common:               17 Wednesday Calendar
           “The Vera Mawby Centre”.                  18 Thursday Calendar
 Vera’s family ran a shop in the area for            19 Friday, Saturday and Sunday
 nearly 100 years. She founded the                         Calendars
 Worsbrough Common Community Associa-                20 Cycling; Tuesday Gardeners;
 tion in 2000 to help provide young people                Thursday Gardeners
 and children with activities and equipment to       21 Birdwatching
 try to keep them off the streets and to en-         22 Tuesday Walks
 courage families to take pride in their area.       23 Wednesday Ramblers; Out and
 Since then there have been noticeable dif-               About
 ferences in the area.                               24 Thursday Walks; Happy Feet
                                                     25 Thursday Longer Walks; Nature-
 Well done, Vera – Barnsley U3A is proud of               quest
                       you!                          26 Bus Pass Walks
                                                     27 Bus Pass Walking Review;
                                                          Remembering the Fallen
                                                     28 Venue Information
                                                     29 New Member Link Group;
                                                          Literature Group
            Maureen Cash                             30 Digital Champions
Maureen sadly passed away on 21 Dec 2017.            31 It’s Magic
Her husband Tony would like to thank all their       32 Research; Tuesday Book Forum;
friends at Barnsley U3A for their sympathy.               Evening Event
In particular, thanks go to members of the various   33 Table/Board Games; Posh Puds
groups which Maureen enjoyed so much; Family         34 Conversational French
History, Board Games, Canasta, The Book Club         35 Flix Auction—DVDs
and Karaoke, which                                   36 Spring School
helped with her                                      38 Mindfulness
breathing.                                           39 Libraries Can Help; Sequence
On behalf of all Barnsley                                 Dancing Kitchen Gremlins
 U3A members we offer                                40 Social events
our condolences to Tony
and all family and friends.
BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A: SPRING 2018 - Peter Higginbottom captured this jolly fellow on camera while on a Tuesday Walk at Newmillerdam - U3A ...
Page 4                           Barnsley & District U3A                    SPRING 2018

  •      A New Members Handbook is to be created and a working group has been set
         up to work on this.
  •      "Welcome to Barnsley U3A"sashes have been purchased for the New Members
         welcome team to wear at the Monthly Meetings.
  •      The Travel Protocol is now available to read on the BU3A website.
  •      New Membership Cards will be issued in April.
  •      The Third Age Trust are making changes to their constitution as a result of which
         our constitution will be reviewed and the necessary changes made.
  •      One of the Social Committee vacancies has been filled by Joe Corrigan.

                      WELCOME to NEW MEMBERS:
   Susan Badby, Lynn Shepherd, Roger Greef, Lisa Bramall, Philip Bramall, Diane Mc
   Nulty, Louise Newton, Julie McNicholas, Barbara Smith, Josephine Pickering, Ray-
   mond Sidebotham, Eleanor Turner, William Borgia, Karen Reid, Jennifer Chamber-
   lain, Brian Chamberlain, Robert Docker (1000th), Susan Fox, Margaret Whitting-
   ham, Mavis Lee, John Harriott, Stephen White, Henry Curson, Pat McGrath, Colin
   Porteous, Kim Porteous, Nick Uridge, Roger Rose, Eileen Akeister, Ian Craig, Andy
   Carlin, Vivienne Robertshaw, Cait Glover, Patricia Stone, Terence Stone, Riannon
   Scarbrow, Jennifer Pendree, Richard Pendree, Nicola Foote, Janet Dransfield, Mar-
   garet Davies, Pete Davies, Kathleen Steele, Lewis Smith, Andrew Simpson, Sylvia
   Parry, Sue Frost, Julie Buckley, Christine Barltrop, Lynn Lane, Kathryn Levi, Sheila
   Sykes, Sue Bedford, Margaret Bailey, David Bailey, Shirley Robinson, Joyce Gessler,
   Carol Daniels and Brian Mawer

      Penistone Update
      The March Drop In session is to be a short meeting to discuss the groups we have in
      Penistone and groups that members would like to see developed. I will put any re-
      sulting new groups and their details on the website on the Penistone page, so keep
      •     The Canasta Group has been put on hold but we are willing to reform it if there
            is more interest.
      •     Vintage Social now meets every third Tuesday of the month
      •     Walking Group 1st and 3rd Friday
      •     Crafty Chat, every other Friday
      •     Patchwork Projects 3rd Tuesday of the month
      •     How Our Ancestors Lived 2nd and 4th Thursday
      •     Penistone Paramount Group as advertised
      •     Bread Making:7 week course
      •     Crown Green Bowling starts 3rd April
      We are looking for someone to run a Board Games Group, Eating Out Round Penis-
      tone and, if you have any other ideas, just let me know. My details are on the Con-
      tact List

      Helen Dew

                       How Our Ancestors Lived,
                              Christmas “Bash”
BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A: SPRING 2018 - Peter Higginbottom captured this jolly fellow on camera while on a Tuesday Walk at Newmillerdam - U3A ...
SPRING 2018                     Barnsley & District U3A                             Page 5

                            DATES FOR YOUR DIARY
   MARCH 2018
   Mon 5th    1.30pm          Monthly Meeting/Buzz           Priory Campus
   Fri 16     10.00am         Executive Committee            Emmanuel Church
   Mon 19th   6.30pm          New Members Link               Priory Campus
   Wed 21st   10.30am         Third Age Trust EGM            Birmingham
   Thurs 22nd 10.30am         Creative Writing YAHR Workshop York
   APRIL 2018
   Mon 9th    1.30pm          Monthly Meeting/Magic Group        Priory Campus
   Mon 16th   6.30pm          New Members Link                   Priory Campus
   Fri 20th   10.00am         Executive Committee                Emmanuel Church
   MAY 2018
   Wed 2nd    10.30am         YAHR AGM                           York
   Thurs 10th 10.00am         Coordinators’ Meeting              Priory Campus
   Mon 14th   1.30pm          Monthly Meeting/Oral History       Priory Campus
                              MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS
                10.00am       Archaeology YAHR Workshop          Bradford
   Thur 17-Fri 18             BU3A Spring School                 Ibis Hotel
   Fri 18th     10.00am       Executive Committee                Emmanuel Church
   Mon 21st     6.30pm        New Members Link                   Priory Campus
   JUNE 2018
   Mon 4th      1.30pm        Monthly Meeting/AGM/Buzz           Priory Campus
   Fri 15       10.0am        Executive Committee                Emmanuel Church
   Mon 18th     6.30pm        New Members Link                   Priory Campus

   These coins ceased to be legal tender on 15 October 2017 but I have received 14
   separate blueboxes containing the old coins since that date. If you have any of these
   coins they can only be taken to your bank to be deposited in your personal account as
   they cannot be used to buy goods or services any longer.
   A member even “paid” for a raffle ticket at the monthly meeting on Monday 5 th February.
   Would all coordinators refuse to take any more of these old coins please.
                                                                                 Mike Pease

                               Third Age Matters (TAM) and
                                These are the national publications for the U3A Movement.
                                They have inputs from members across the country, infor-
                                mation about third age issues, ideas and new stories of
                                subject activities.
                                TAM is published 5 times a year; Sources is included in 3
                                of the TAM issues. All of this is available at £2.40 a year
delivered direct to your door. Why not add it to your renewal form and keep abreast of na-
tional developments?
Or go to to sign up to
receive the national newsletter for free.
BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A: SPRING 2018 - Peter Higginbottom captured this jolly fellow on camera while on a Tuesday Walk at Newmillerdam - U3A ...
Page 6                             Barnsley & District U3A                       SPRING 2018

             Barnsley and District U3A Notice of 2018 AGM
  In accordance with the Constitution, notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of
                           Barnsley and District U3A will be held on
             Monday 6th June 2018, at 1.30pm at Priory Campus.
                  All members are entitled and encouraged to attend and vote.

The business of the Annual General Meeting will include:
•    Receiving and approving the Annual Report
•    Receiving and approving the examined accounts for the year ending 5th April 2018
•    Election of two Officers for a 2 year term
•    Election of up to 8 non Officer members of the Executive Committee to serve for a 1 year
•    Appointing examiners for the accounts for the year ending 5th April 2019
•    Considering any resolutions previously submitted in writing and considering any other busi-

The Executive Committee
Nomination forms are available and members are encouraged to consider if they are willing to be
nominated for the Executive Committee.
All completed nomination forms must be delivered to the Business Secretary (Pam Clayton) as
soon as possible with a closing date of FRIDAY 20th APRIL 2018.
A list of responsibilities for Executive Committee members is available on application to the
Business Secretary.
The Executive Committee will allocate Committee responsibilities at the first Committee meeting
after the Annual General Meeting.
The existing Vice Chairman and Business Secretary will remain in post for a further year.
The other specific Committee roles to be filled at the meeting include the following:
         •     Chairman [2 years]
         •     Treasurer [2 years]
         •     Development Officer
         •     Membership Secretary
         •     New Member Secretary/Travel Committee representative
         •     Website Manager
         •     Publicity Officer
         •     Room Bookings Officer
         •     Representative of Choir Committee
         •     Representative of Social Committee
 The position of Gift Aid Officer will be co-opted onto Committee by the new Committee members.

Full details of all nominations and any resolutions received will be announced at the month-
ly meeting on 14th May 2018 and will also be posted, at the end of April, on the BU3A web-
site and notified through the Beacon System at least 21 days before the AGM, or posted if
no email address is available. Alternatively members may contact the Business Secretary
for this information.
BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A: SPRING 2018 - Peter Higginbottom captured this jolly fellow on camera while on a Tuesday Walk at Newmillerdam - U3A ...
SPRING 2018                     Barnsley & District U3A                              Page 7

  Due to the popularity of the ukulele our member-
  ship has now reached 50, with 30 to 40 of the
  group regularly attending our Wednesday afternoon
  sessions. Unfortunately, we can’t presently accom-
  modate any more members at our venue but we
  don’t like to turn people away and we will hold an-
  other 4 week learners’ group in due course for
  those on the waiting list. We really need a bigger
  venue but it is easier said than done to find some-
  where suitable. Ideally, therefore, there is scope
  for setting up an additional group if anyone out
  there is interested. It is very rewarding and you
  don’t have to be a qualified teacher. We started very small, with about 5 or 6 of us and
  by helping one another we now have a very successful group. Think about it!
  We had a very enjoyable afternoon at The Boatman’s Rest in Worsbrough in January
  (see photographs) with pie and peas followed by a good sing song, a few brave soloists, a
  couple of games and a massive raffle. One of the waitresses remarked how wonderful it
  was to see old people enjoying themselves! I couldn’t agree more.
                                                           Sheila Metcalfe
Page 8                            Barnsley & District U3A                         SPRING 2018

Crown Green Bowling at Ardsley starts on Monday 19th March until Friday 12th October 2018. This
is a total of 30 weeks for a casual membership of £20. If you want to play League Bowling, this will
be £30. The actual cost should be £55 per member; the rest of the money will be paid out of Club

The U3A Groups bowl 5 days a week and each day’s bowling is coordinated by a different mem-
      Monday       Fred Hemsley
      Tuesday      Alan Swann
      Wednesday Dennis Wilson
      Thursday     Mike Pease
      Friday       Roy Marsden

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE – if you want to join a bowling group, please ring the Coordinator of
your preferred day. Coordinators are only allowed to have 20 names on their lists. You are only
allowed to be on one Coordinator’s list. Some days may be full.

We are looking for ladies and men to join a Monday night Mixed Doubles League.
Tea or coffee and biscuit is 25p per session on all days.
Casual bowling will be £2 per session (but ring the Coordinator first please).

Finally, I wish to thank all members who helped with the maintenance at the Club over the winter
months, with particular thanks to John Corrigan who has been down to the green 2 or 3 times a
week when I have been down – so thanks John.

See you all when the season starts
Many thanks, Roy Marsden Coordinator

PS. Don’t forget our Blackpool trip is May 20th – 25th and costs £225, and is a self-drive trip.

                                                       Congratulations to BU3A Crown
                                                        Green Bowlers on winning the
                                                       Division C Doubles League title

                                                                 Congratulations to Pam Ray-
                                                                    nor and Mike Nevins—
                                                                   Monday Ten Pin Bowling
                                                                   Handicap Winners 2017
SPRING 2018                     Barnsley & District U3A                            Page 9

Alan Swann (Chairman), Ernest Bradley (Vice Chairman), Max Senior (Treasurer) Pam Clay-
ton (Business Secretary) Peter Smithies (Assistant Treasurer) John MacKinnon (Membership
Secretary), Helen Dew (New Members) Sue Stokes (Buzz Editor), Chrissie White (Social
Secretary), Robert Green (Development Officer), Sue Rowley (Choir)
APOLOGIES: Mike Nevins (Room Hire), David Lambert (Website Manager)
The Chair welcomed members to the twenty-first Annual General Meeting – copies of the
twentieth AGM minutes and agenda were available in the Buzz, along with the Chairman's
Annual Report and the Income and Expenditure account.
A minutes silence was held in respect of members who had passed away during the last
Members were asked to read their copy of the Minutes which were then accepted as a cor-
rect record. Proposed – Marione Brown and seconded – Mike Pease.
The U3A banner (collage) will be on display at every AGM. Also, the Executive Committee
will be seated at the front of the hall in order that members can see who is representing
various posts.
The Chairman expanded on the report saying that Barnsley U3A maintains its vibrant
position in the region. The Anniversary event attracted a good number of new members
and along with our newly established partnership with Age UK Barnsley this has made a
significant increase in our membership figures. However, this increase in numbers means
we need to be able to offer enough opportunities for new members to join in group
activities. We now have a free town centre space available courtesy of Age UK Barnsley
who have also agreed to distribute copies of the Buzz to members who cannot make the
monthly meeting.
We are working with Age UK Barnsley to reduce loneliness and isolation amongst retired
people and in particular in the Penistone Area. New groups are being formed to encourage
new members to join from the Penistone area.
A major administrative success has been the introduction of the Beacon System which
allows members to renew subscriptions on line. The majority of Co-ordinators are now
trained on the system which provides them with easier communication with group
members. Corporate messages can also be sent from the Executive Committee, enabling
members to be up to date with any important information.
Our website now contains the new Constitution and several new policy documents
including 'Working with Vulnerable People', 'A Protocol for Recruitment' and a 'Behaviour
Policy''. Information regarding accessibility to all the premises we use for group activities
is also available on our website.
Thanks were extended to everyone who has worked to support the U3A in particular the
Co-ordinators and Executive Committee who put in considerable time and hard work to
ensure the continued success of the Barnsley U3A.
Following the report thanks were extended to Alan Swann, Chairman by Marjorie Exley for
his continued dedication to the success of BU3A.
Page 10                        Barnsley & District U3A                    SPRING 2018

The accounts are made available in the latest edition of the Buzz. It has been a suc-
cessful year financially and has enabled the Committee to agree a reduction in the an-
nual subscription which is now £12. The Treasurer outlined this year's costs as follows:
£3.50 capitation  fee per member which goes to National, £3,000 pa for production of
the Buzz , 20th Anniversary event £6,000. Members were reminded of the high cost of
room hire and emphasised the need for co-ordinators to inform Mike Nevins (Room
Hire) when sessions are cancelled. The accounts were accepted as a true record – Pro-
posed – Trudy Atkinson, Seconded – Peter Higginbottom.
There were no issues to be reported at this point.
The raffle today had raised £107 and over the year this figure is over £1,000. Another
successful year of social and Chrissie outlined future events which are detailed in the
Buzz. As Chrissie is standing down this year she was presented with a bouquet along
with thanks for all her hard work in the role of Social Secretary.
Robert Green and Helen Dew outlined the joint venture with Age UK Barnsley which has
been initiated to address loneliness and isolation, in particular in the Penistone area
where members found it difficult to travel to some of the venues for meetings. An
appeal was made for help with people who can no longer get to groups. The Penistone
Project now has four groups – Crown Green Bowling, Crafty Chats, Quilting and a
Walking group. Also under consideration are Cricket, Eating Out, Indian Cookery, Board
Games and Cinema/Theatre. A meeting is scheduled for Friday 16 June to update
members regarding this.
A report regarding development is included in the current Buzz. Robert detailed
prospective new groups – DIY, Family History – including capturing oral history, Literary
Group (Beth Rudkin) Old Blowers 2 (Max Senior), Drama Group (Lynn Maloney), Memory
Training (Alan Swann), Short Mat Indoor Bowling.
Following on from a presentation at a recent meeting, the Digital Champions offer a
course to equip people with the ability and confidence to use computers at home. 40
BU3A members have joined up to this course.
TAFs (Third Age Friends) is now partly to be replicated by the One Club – an interest
sheet will be available at the July meeting (contact Vanda Outram for more
The Business Secretary read out nominations to Executive Committee :
       Ernest Bradley – Vice Chairman
       Pam Clayton – Business Secretary
       The nominees for the Executive Committee were – Peter Smithies, John
       MacKinnon, David Lambert, Robert Green, Helen Dew, Michael Nevins, Sue
       Rowley, Margaret Saxton
A show of hands from the quorum of members present accepted the above as elected
to the Executive Committee.
Les Roberts and Lynn Maloney were appointed to check the annual accounts for
SPRING 2018                       Barnsley & District U3A                              Page 11

The Chairman updated the meeting in respect of accessibility to our venues for mem-
bers with limited movement. Co-ordinators were asked to report any problems.
Travel Group – Lynn Maloney gave an overview of group activities for the year. All trips
have been successful and enjoyed by members. Future events were outlined and
everyone was encouraged to join in. Ideas for future events would be welcomed.
The Memory Course has 5 members. There will be three sessions followed by practice
of memory techniques.
The next Italian night will take place on 27 July at Pinocchios.
The Choir concert is scheduled for Tuesday 1 August at the Emmanuel, tickets £5.
Curry evening – Gate of India, 29 June.
Hearing Aid equipment – an interest list is available (Jackie MacKinnon).
Old Blowers – an opportunity to learn music – first week in August (details to be
confirmed – Max Senior)
Drama Group – introduction to drama, including technique, movement, confidence. To
commence in September – details will be announced later.
An appeal was made for members to join the Stringalongs Beginners group – 4 sessions
(Beryl Clarke).
Choir for people who can't sing – interest list available (Robert Green).
Beth Rudkin announced there were still places available for a Facebook lunch she has
booked at Barnsley College on 16 June (£10.95).
A number of support opportunities are being offered by Age UK/Barnsley -free 4 week
Felting course, Dementia Awareness, and help with Switching Energy provider.
Sue Stokes announced that she now has assistance from Trevor Winslow and Mike and
Hilary Newton with Buzz production and distribution and pointed out the slight change
in layout of the telephone list. She also pointed out that a number of discounts are
available from local businesses for U3A members and asked members to let her know of
any more that were aware of.
A new barcoded membership card is soon to be issued to all members.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 3.00pm.
15 DATE OF NEXT MEETING - 4th June 2018

                   Kath Schofield, who is one of the earliest members of our U3A, has gone
                   to Formby near Liverpool to live near her daughter until she moves into her
                   own flat nearby. She says she has joined the local Methodist Church,
                   where they learn keyboard instruments. Ever up for a new challenge, Kath
                   is going to have a go at learning to play.

                     Anne Smith, whose husband Ian died last year,
      is living in Hessle, near Hull. She has joined Hessle U3A,
      which is much smaller than Barnsley so there is rather less go-
      ing on. She tells me has joined a painting group and a keep fit
      group. The latter is especially good, since after their exercises
      they go to the local cafe for tea and cakes. Well, you don't
      want to lose too much weight, do you?
                                                                                Beth Rudkin
Page 12                                    Barnsley & District U3A                               SPRING 2018

Flix is on the first and third Fridays of the month at 6pm at the Priory Campus. We have fish and chips
for those who want it, if you don't want it that's fine. The only charge is the £1 blue box fee, 25p for a
cuppa (also optional), plus whatever you have from the chippy.
Friday 16th March:         Miss Potter
                  Cast: Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor, Lloyd Owen and Emily Watson
                  Director: Chris Noonan
                  Storyline: The story of Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved and best-selling children's book,
                  "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", and her struggle for love, happiness and success.
                  Genre: Biography, Drama

Friday 6th April:          Dunkirk
Cast: Fionn Whitehead; James D'Arcy; Harry Styles; Kenneth Branagh; Mark Rylance
Director: Christopher Nolan
Storyline: It is World War II and allied forces are under attack by Germany. The setting is
Dunkirk, France and their only hope for survival is evacuation. Allied forces have been
outmanoeuvred and outnumbered but somehow find it within themselves to start plotting their
great escape. With so many factors in play, it seems as though they will never make it but with a
lot of strategy and a little luck, just one chance emerges.
Genre: Action/War

Friday 20th April:         The Light Between Oceans
                      Cast: Rachel Weisz; Alicia Vikander; Michael Fassbender; Caren Pistorius; Emily Barclay;
                      Florence Clery
                      Director: Derek Cianfrance
                      Storyline: Tom Sherbourne, a young veteran still numb from his years in combat in WW1, takes
                      a job as lighthouse keeper off the coast of Western Australia. He finds comfort in the monotony
                      of the chores and the solitude of his surroundings until he meets the daughter of the school’s
                      headmaster Isabel Graysmark . They fall in love and are soon married and the only thing to mar
                      their happiness is their inability to start a family. When a rowboat with a dead man and infant girl
                      washes ashore, Isabel believes their prayers have been answered and persuades Tom to let
                      them raise the child as their own, a choice with devastating consequences.
                      Genre: Drama, Adaptation
Friday 4th May:            Going in Style
Cast: Morgan Freeman; Michael Caine; Alan Arkin; Joey King; Christopher Lloyd; Ann'Margret
Director: Ted Melfi & Zach Braff
Storyline: Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Alan Arkin team up as lifelong buddies Willie, Joe
and Al, who decide to buck retirement and step off the straight-and-narrow for the first time in their
lives when their pension fund becomes a corporate casualty.
Desperate to pay the bills and come through for their loved ones, the three risk it all by embarking
on a daring bid to knock off the very bank that absconded with their money.
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Remake
Friday 18th May:           Marshall
                    Cast: Chadwick Boseman, Josh Gad, Kate Hudson, Dan Stevens
                    Director: Reginald Hudlin
                    Storyline: Based on an early trial in the career of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, it
                    follows the young lawyer to conservative Connecticut to defend a black chauffeur charged with
                    sexual assault and attempted murder of his white socialite employer. Muzzled by a segregationist
                    court, Marshall partners with a courageous young Jewish lawyer, Samuel Friedman and together
                    they must mount a defence.
                    Genre: Drama
Friday 1st June:           A Dogs Purpose
Cast: Britt Robertson; Dennis Quaid; Peggy Lipton; Juliet Rylance: Luke Kirby; J K Apa
Director: Lasse Hallstrom
Storyline: This film shares the soulful and surprising story of one devoted dog (voiced by Josh
Gad) who finds the meaning of his own existence through the lives of the humans he teaches to
laugh and love. The family film told from the dog’s perspective.
Genre: Drama, Adaptation
SPRING 2018                        Barnsley & District U3A                                  Page 13

It’s been a good start to the year.
Our new Sunday Strollers is off the ground. Well, on the ground really. Walking, strolling,
taking a scooter, then having a chat over a cup of coffee or a meal. That’s what our latest
group is about. We will meet at 11am on the second Sunday of each month. The group is too
young to have sorted out a programme yet, but can I suggest you call me on 01226 241477 if
you would like to join us. Rest assured, all walks will be short (not much over a mile) and will
largely be on the flat, so people with hips and knees are able to cope.

Then there is the new Flute group: they are to be called ‘Toutes Flutes’ - they are a very
classy group, you understand. More information is below. They do have some spare flutes and
they welcome beginners so don’t think you have to be amazing on the instrument before you
get there.

Not quite such good news about Calligraphy. We don’t have anyone who is able to teach Cal-
ligraphy but Age UK do. So, with their permission, three of our members teamed up with their
group. Sadly their tutor is poorly and may remain so, so our members started to look else-
where for tuition. They found a good course at the library but it’s not quite the same as having
our group, is it. However, they are hoping to learn enough so that eventually they can start a
group in our U3A - that will be good.

From March, there will be a Groups Table at the Monday Meeting. We plan to feature two
groups each time. It will be nice for us all to see what other groups are about. Whichever
group I go to, I come away feeling amazed at the effort and thought that goes into it. Brilliant!

                                                                     Beth Rudkin and Team

TOUTES FLÛTES (posh French for ALL FLUTES and pro-
nounced Toot Flute or any other way you fancy), was
largely inspired by the fantastic success of Stringalongs,
Old Blowers and other Barnsley U3A music groups.
It was set up in January 2018 by a handful of enthusiastic
flautists who were keen to play some of the huge reper-
toire available for two, three, four, five and more flutes.
The first members of TOUTES FLÛTES play in U3A wind
bands but it can be a bit of a battle for the gentle flute
to make itself heard once the trumpets and saxophones
get going! So TOUTES FLÛTES was born to help us hear more clearly what we can do
when not being bullied by the big boys!
We are keen to encourage flute players of all abilities to join us. The flute is the most
popular woodwind instrument played and there are probably lots of unused and un-
loved flutes hiding away in cupboards, just longing to escape and be played again!
So, if you’re feeling a bit rusty and it’s a long time since you had a toot on your flute,
why not come along and join us? No one in TOUTES FLÛTES is talented enough to be a
flute teacher (ha-ha! far from it! ) but we are all very keen to help and encourage in
our U3A-friendly way.
We meet at Emmanuel Church every Thursday from 10.00 till 12.00.
We were told that we’d have to play up in the Attic(!) We knew that we might not be
brilliant but up in the Attic??!! For those of you who do not know it, the Attic is actual-
ly Room 4 upstairs and it’s a lovely room (but there are stairs after the lift to the floor
Group Coordinator and Contact: Derek Bacon 0797 966 7253/01226 385235
Page 14                           Barnsley & District U3A                        SPRING 2018

Sunday April 22nd/Monday April 23rd
Barnsley U3A’s first travel event of 2018 is a two- day journey to North
Yorkshire. Your coach will pick up passengers at Barnsley Interchange
to begin the journey to Pickering in North Yorkshire for a journey on the North Yorkshire
Moors Railway to Whitby. There will be time in Whitby and in Scarborough on the second
day. An overnight stay will be at the Red Lea 3* hotel in Scarborough
£125 per person – bb and evening meal
Friday May 25th
Enjoy a day out in one of our most beautiful cities. Soak in the atmosphere of the city or
spend time browsing around the many shops that York has to offer. £14 per person
June 10th to 16th
7 days in Cornwall visiting St Ives, The Eden Project and Port Isaac – £379 per person for
sharing a double or twin room. Bed, breakfast, evening meal and 6 nights stay at the Priory
Lodge Hotel in Newquay included.
Sunday Sept 16th
Day out with River Boat ride on the Trent (Nottingham) and lunch included. £34 per
person including meal.
Day Trips and two-day trips can also pick up in Penistone- opposite the Church – usually at
8.30 am and will drop back off there on the return home. Please mention when you book if
you would like to use this service.
*Deposit of £30 required when booking or soon after.
* Please make all cheques payable to ‘Yorkshire Rose Holidays’.
Ring Lynn Maloney (details on the contact sheet) or call at the Travel Table at the Monthly

               Barnsley U3A: Travel Group Information Sheet
Barnsley and District U3A works in conjunction with Yorkshire Rose Holidays on behalf of BU3A
members to provide day trips and holidays etc. The role of the Travel Group is to advertise the
trips and holidays amongst U3A members and pass information on interested members to York-
shire Rose Holidays who will manage the booking.
NB. Members should be aware that if a coach trip or holiday is undersubscribed with BU3A mem-
bers the company reserve the right to fill the coach with people from outside of the U3A.
Day Trips
- All Yorkshire Rose coaches leave from Stand 23/24 in Barnsley Bus Station, at 9am, unless you
are advised otherwise. By prior arrangement, people can be picked up opposite the church in Pe-
nistone at 8.30am.
One Night Stays
- People have to make their own way to depart from Stand 23/24 of Barnsley Bus Station or Pe-
nistone as above.
- See points 3, 4 and 5 below.
Holidays of Two Nights or more
1. All passengers are collected from home by feeder taxis and taken to meet the coach at Wool-
ley Services where there is sufficient space to load luggage onto the coach.
2. Yorkshire Rose give the addresses of all passengers to a taxi company who plan each route
and pick-up times as appropriate.
3. Each holiday itinerary is planned by Yorkshire Rose to comply with legislation governing the
driver’s driving time. When all passengers on a tour are Barnsley U3A members, the Travel
Group are able to request changes to the published itinerary. However, unforeseen circumstanc-
es may occasionally necessitate changes to the itinerary.
4. Anyone requiring a disabled room or a special diet must make a specific request at the time of
booking and complete the appropriate form which will then be passed to Yorkshire Rose.
5. Usually, hotels do not allow access to rooms until 3 or 4pm on the day of arrival so drivers try
to organise the day to arrive at the appropriate time.
                All cheques are to be made payable to Yorkshire Rose Holidays.
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