Ohio Pharmacists Association 2021 Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day

Page created by Carrie Bush
Ohio Pharmacists Association 2021 Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day
Ohio Pharmacists Association
         2021 Student Pharmacist
          Virtual Legislative Day

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                              February 26, 2021

    Who Should Attend ?
    Student pharmacists who want
    to become politically active
    and advocate on behalf of the
    profession of pharmacy.

                                                 Presented by:

                                                  OHIO PHARMACISTS ASSOCIATION
Ohio Pharmacists Association 2021 Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day
What is Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day?                                                                                                        
Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day
is an advocacy experience that allows stu-
dent pharmacists to meet with legislators to
educate them about the value of pharma-
cists on the healthcare team. On-demand
pre-event videos will educate you on the
legislative process, teach you how to advo-
cate for your profession and prepare you to
engage with your senator and representa-
tive. Via a Zoom link on February 26, 2021,
you will learn more about the latest legis-
lative issues at the Ohio Statehouse, hear
from the legislators, and have the opportu-
nity to visit with your legislators. We will
discuss updates from the Ohio Department
of Medicaid, new laws, PBM reform efforts,                At the Ohio Statehouse, student advocates pose with Senator Tim Schaeffer during the 2020 Student
and other critical pharmacy issues.                       Pharmacist Legislative Day.

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                                     The Ohio Pharmacists Association and the Ohio Colleges of Pharmacy have
                                     joined together for this special advocacy event to inform you of crucial legisla-
                                     tion impacting pharmacy practice. Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day is
                                     designed to develop open dialogue between student pharmacists and lawmakers.
                                     Be a part of the important process that will shape our profession.

       “      If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.
                                                      Invited Speakers

      Senator Steve Huffman       Sen. Matt Dolan           Rep. Thomas West                  Rep. Scott Lipps                   Rep. Tim Ginter
      (R-Tipp City)               (R-Chagrin Falls)         (D-Canton)                        (R-Franklin)                       (R-Salem)
Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day
Preliminary Schedule
Week of February 1
Video: Overview of the legislature and how a bill becomes a law                                                         What Attendees
This session will give an overview of our state government structure and walk you
through the lawmaking process in Ohio’s legislature with a Q&A discussion board to
                                                                                                                        Need to Know:
                                                                                                              Once registered, you will receive
                                                                                                              three pre-event emails with video
                                                                                                              links to help prepare you for an
Week of February 8                                                                                            optimal experience of the OPA
                                                                                                              2021 Student Pharmacist Virtual
Video: How to Advocate                                                                                        Legislative Day (SPVLD). Prior to
This webinar will review key advocacy and communication skills with a                                         February 26, each registrant will
Q&A discussion board to follow.                                                                               receive another email with event
                                                                                                              details including two Zoom links.
                                                                                                              One link gives access to partici-
Week of February 15                                                                                           pate in the SPVLD general assem-
Video: Current Pharmacy Issues                                                                                bly; the second link is to join the
This session will introduce you to current pharmacy issues with a Q&A                                         meeting with your Ohio Senator
discussion board to follow.                                                                                   and Representatives.

Week of February 22
Student Pharmacist Virtul Legislative Day event details and links sent via email

Friday, February 26, 2021
9:00 - 11:00 am            Welcome to OPA Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day,
			                        Why is Advocacy Important and
			                        Legislative Leaders Zoom Drop-Ins
                           Ernest Boyd, R.Ph., MBA, CAE, Executive Director, and Antonio Ciaccia, Senior Advisor, Ohio Pharmacists Association; Michelle
                           Fitzgibbon, OPA Lobbyist and President, The Fitzgibbon Group; and invited key Ohio legislators
Via Zoom, you will learn the importance of advocacy for your career and how to maintain relationships with your legislators. A presen-
tation on key pharmacy issues will be given. Invited Ohio legislators will discuss current legislation pertaining to pharmacy practice.

11:00 - 11:15 am           Break

11:15 am - 12:30 pm        Zoom Break-Outs
In your Zoom breakout, pharmacy issues will be discussed and communication skills practiced for how to effectively communicate
these issues to help protect and enhance our profession for the scheduled Legislator meetings.

12:30 - 1:00 pm		          Lunch

1:00 - 4:30 pm 		          Zoom Legislator Meetings
OPA will schedule Zoom meeting appointments with your State Representative and/or State Senator. In these meetings, you along with
fellow students and faculty mentors will have the opportunity to discuss critical pharmacy issues with your elected officials. Access your
Senator and Representative meeting link via the email sent during the week of February 22.

  FYI: Student pharmacist registrants will receive co-curricular and/or professional development hours for attendance
  at the OPA 2021 Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day.
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Student Pharmacist Virtual Legislative Day ● February 26, 2021
                                                                     Registration Form

   Home Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________________

  City____________________________________________________ State_______________ Zip_________________________

  College of Pharmacy_______________________________________________ Expected Graduation Year ____________

  Cell Phone (________)_________________ E-mail___________________________________________________________

  Twitter @ _____________________________________________Instagram @ ______________________________________

                                                                                                                
  Registration Fee and Payment
    Rates:                  $
                                15 Student OPA Member                                  $
                                                                                           35 Student Non-Member with 2021 Dues*

    Select your category:            		          □ Student           		           □ Faculty
    							(To participate, faculty must register but there is no cost.
    							 A limited number of faculty participants can be accommodated.)
    Total Remitted $___________

Credit Card                                                                       Electronic Funds Transfer
          VISA              MasterCard             American Express                    Checking           Savings       Business Checking
     Exp. Date ________________ Sec. Code _______________                         Routing # ____________________________________________
Name on Card _________________________________________                            Account # ____________________________________________
Account # _____________________________________________                           Name on Account ______________________________________
Billing Address __________________________________________
(If different from above)
Requests for event registration refunds, less the $10 administrative fee, will be honored if received by 2/22/21. A confirmation email will be sent
upon receipt of registration.

                                                                                      Register online at www.ohiopharmacists.org
      Event capacity is 500 participants. Registration
      deadline for the OPA 2021 Student Pharmacist                                    Or Mail registration form to:
      Virtual Legislative Day is JANUARY 28, 2021.                                              Ohio Pharmacists Association
                                                                                                2674 Federated Blvd
   Registration will automatically close if capacity is                                         Columbus, OH 43235
   reached before January 28, 2021.                                                   Or call to register: 614.389.3236
   Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this annual OPA event will be offered as a
   virtual experience to protect the health and safety of our participants.           Or fax form with credit card: 614.389.4582

                                                                                                                    
                                          *OPA Student Membership Benefits Include
                                          •   Discounted registration on OPA events and trainings
                                          •   Networking and leadership opportunities with OPA’s New Practitioner Experience (NPX) Committee
                                          •   Ohio Pharmacy Newsline emails to stay informed about pharmacy news
                                          •   Legislative Updates, timely emails about Legislation and Rules affecting your profession
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