Social Emotional Learning Update Board of Education 2021-2022

Page created by Kevin Robinson
Social Emotional Learning Update Board of Education 2021-2022
Social Emotional Learning
   Board of Education

Social Emotional Learning Update Board of Education 2021-2022
Social Emotional Learning
In 2003, Illinois passed the Children’s
Mental Health Act, requiring the
development and implementation of
learning standards for social emotional

Goal 1: Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to
achieve school and life success.
Goal 2: Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to
establish and maintain positive relationships.
Goal 3: Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible
behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.
Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and
adults acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to:
 ●   recognize and manage their emotions;
 ●   demonstrate caring and concern for others;
 ●   establish positive relationships;
 ●   make responsible decisions; and
 ●   handle challenging situations constructively
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is embedded into the classroom so that
students can learn, practice, and apply SEL skills in their daily lives. When
SEL skills are taught and reinforced in a safe, caring, and inclusive climate
for learning, students’ experience improved mental wellness, increased
school connectedness, positive behavior, and improved academic outcomes.
What are the Benefits of SEL?

       ●   Increases development of social skills
       ●   Improved attitudes about self, others, and school
       ●   Positive behavior in the classroom
       ●   11 percentile point gain on academic achievement

       ●   Reduces risk for failure
       ●   Reduces conduct problems
       ●   Reduces aggressive behavior
       ●   Reduces experiences of emotional distress

                Durlak, J.A., Weissberg, R.P., Dymnicki, A.B., Taylor, R.D., & Schellinger, K. (2011). The Impact of Enhancing
                Students’ Social and Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions. Child
                Mahoney, J.L., Durlak, J.A., & Weissberg, R.P. (2018). An update on social and emotional learning outcome
                research. Phi Delta Kappan, 100 (4), 18-23.
SEL & Mental Health
Social emotional learning supports overall mental health
and wellness.
•   SEL focuses on direct teaching of skills, competencies, and
    strategies that are essential protective factors important for mental
    health and wellness.
•   SEL strengthens coordination of school-based, community, and
    medical supports for mental health concerns and crisis, and creates
    opportunities for families to collaborate with community
•   SEL, as a part of the climate for learning framework, creates a safe
    and supportive environment, and reduces stigma associated with
    mental health.
Current Work in SD308
Climate for Learning Framework
   Classroom Curriculum and Instruction
     • Explicit
     • Integrated
Prevention Programming
 • Erin’s Law - Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Teen Dating
 • Signs of Suicide
 • Bullying/Harassment
Implementation of individual and group interventions
Family and Community Partnerships and Events
Staff Professional Learning                                 6
2021-2022 Additional Work
•   Hiring of additional staff members
•   Expanding partnerships with outside mental health
    agencies to provide additional support options to
    students and staff
     – Referrals
     – Group Opportunities
•   Hosting additional Family and Community
    Communication and Events
•   Amplifying student voice and feedback in a
    variety of formats to gather their perspective on
    supports and changes that are needed              7
Student Learning
   Priority            2021-22            2022-23            2023-24          2024-25            2025-26              What does
                                                                                                                    success look
                                                                                                                    like in 2026?
Create a district   Implement SEL      Implement HS       Implement        Monitor            Monitor            There is SEL
wide plan to        curriculum K-8.    SEL                interventions    effectiveness of   effectiveness of   curriculum in place
support             Develop SEL        instructional      and ways to      SEL instruction    SEL instruction    and ways to measure
behavioral/social   Instructional      plan. Create       monitor          and                and                its effectiveness. The
emotional health    Plan for HS.       interventions.     effectiveness.   interventions.     interventions.     SEL standards are
of all students.    Have all schools   Develop plan to    Implement                                              reinforced daily
                    create school      monitor            restorative                                            through academics.
                    wide behavior      effectiveness of   practices.                                             There is a system of
                    expectations and   SEL instruction.                                                          intervention and
                    ways to            Create plan to                                                            support for both
                    reinforce them.    implement                                                                 internalizing and
                    Create system to   restorative                                                               externalizing behavior.
                    monitor office     practices.
                    and discipline
                    Develop district
                    leadership team
                    for restorative
                    practices.                                                                                                    8
Student Learning
   Priority                          2021-22                              Current Progress                         What does
                                                                                                                success look like
                                                                                                                    in 2026?

Create a district   Implement SEL curriculum K-8. Develop SEL      ●   Updated SEL curriculum resources        There is SEL
wide plan to        Instructional Plan for HS. Have all schools        are implemented K-8 (Second Step        curriculum in place
support             create school wide behavior expectations and       Digital Elementary and Second           and ways to measure
behavioral/social   ways to reinforce them. Create system to           Step Middle School 2021, Inner          its effectiveness. The
emotional health    monitor office and discipline referrals.           Explorer).                              SEL standards are
of all students.    Develop district leadership team for           ●   Common behavioral expectations          reinforced daily
                    restorative practices.                             at the school level are being created   through academics.
                                                                       or updated.                             There is a system of
                                                                   ●   Lessons from Believe in You             intervention and
                                                                       program are being implemented           support for both
                                                                       during High School Student              internalizing and
                                                                       Support Time.                           externalizing behavior.
                                                                   ●   Training on reviewing discipline
                                                                       data with admin groups is ongoing.
                                                                   ●   District Restorative Practices
                                                                       Leadership Team members have
                                                                       been identified.
Student Learning
  Priority               2021-22                   2022-23           Indicators of Success in January               What does
                                                                                   2023                               success
                                                                                                                    look like in
Create a          Implement SEL              Implement HS SEL        ●   SEL Curriculum is in place EC-HS          There is SEL
district wide     curriculum K-8. Develop    instructional plan.     ●   Schools have established, taught, and     curriculum in
plan to           SEL Instructional Plan     Create interventions.       positively reinforced common              place and ways
support           for HS. Have all schools   Develop plan to             behavioral expectations.                  to measure its
behavioral/soci   create school wide         monitor effectiveness   ●   Behavioral data is reviewed regularly     effectiveness.
al emotional      behavior expectations      of SEL instruction.         with a consistent data review process     The SEL
health of all     and ways to reinforce      Create plan to          ●   District leadership team is trained in    standards are
students.         them. Create system to     implement restorative       Restorative Practices for Educators and   reinforced daily
                  monitor office and         practices.                  beginning to develop a multi-year         through
                  discipline referrals.                                  implementation plan.                      academics.
                  Develop district                                   ●   SEL intervention resources are            There is a
                  leadership team for                                    catalogued and gaps identified.           system of
                  restorative practices.                                                                           intervention and
                                                                                                                   support for both
                                                                                                                   internalizing and
Support for Student Learning
    Priority              2021-22                     2022-23                     2023-24                    2024-25                     2025-26                        What does
                                                                                                                                                                      success look
                                                                                                                                                                      like in 2026?
Maintain safe and    Develop consistent           Fully implement            Collect data and review     Collect data and review     Collect data and review     All staff are trained in strategies
nurturing learning   practice for Signs of        Signs of Suicide           existing programming        existing programming        existing programming        for supporting the mental and
environments         Suicide programming in       programming                for mental health to        for mental health to        for mental health to        social emotional safety of
                                                                             identify areas of           identify areas of           identify areas of
                     Jr. High and HS. Develop     annually at Jr. High                                                                                           students. Students have multiple
                                                                             effectiveness and areas     effectiveness and areas     effectiveness and areas
                     training plan for staff      and HS. Implement          of focus.                   of focus.                   of focus.                   opportunities to learn skills and
                     around supporting student    training plan for staff.                                                                                       strategies to support their own
                     mental health. Identify      Implement student          Implement training          Review school safety        Deploy and/or               mental and social emotional
                     student education options    educational                scenarios (live and/or      drill data and relevant     implement the best          safety, and that of their peers.
                     for mental health (NAMI,     programming for            table top, virtual, etc.)   evidence. Evaluate          practices, tools,
                     KCHD, etc) Implement         mental health. Review      for administration and      newly recommended           equipment and supports
                                                                             staff designed to go        practices, equipment,       identified from the prior
                     Illinois Youth Survey to     data from Illinois
                                                                             beyond effective initial    tools with district         year's review with
                     collect data about student   youth survey to            emergency responses to      administration, EMS,        appropriate levels of
                     health and safety.           identify areas of need.    include effective post-     law enforcement             training and support for
                                                                             crisis procedures and       agencies, etc. to revise    administration, staff and
                     Develop training             Implement training         reunification               and improve safety          students.
                     materials for post-crisis,   scenarios (live, table     scenario(s).                drills, training
                                                                                                         programs, and plan for
                     post-evacuation              top, virtual, etc.) for
                                                                                                         implementation of best
                     procedures for building      administration and                                     practices, updated tools,
                     principals and guide         staff for enhanced                                     equipment and supports
                     implementation and           safety drills designed                                 for schools and the
                     training of all staff.       to practice effective                                  community.
                     Ensure ALICE instructors     emergency responses.
                     renew certification(s);
                     ensure appropriate new
                     administration attend
                     ALICE training
Support for Student Learning
   Priority                         2021-22                              Current Progress                     What does success
                                                                                                              look like in 2026?

Maintain safe and   Develop consistent practice for Signs of      ●   Signs of Suicide Program               All staff are trained in
nurturing           Suicide programming in Jr. High and HS.           implemented consistently across all    strategies for supporting the
learning            Develop training plan for staff around            five junior high schools.              mental and social emotional
environments        supporting student mental health. Identify    ●   Relationships are established and      safety of students. Students
                    student education options for mental              nurtured with local organizations to   have multiple opportunities
                    health (NAMI, KCHD, etc) Implement                identify student education options .   to learn skills and strategies
                    Illinois Youth Survey to collect data about   ●   Illinois Youth Survey scheduled for    to support their own mental
                    student health and safety.                        8th grade during 2nd semester.         and social emotional safety,
                                                                                                             and that of their peers.
                    Develop training materials for post-crisis,
                    post-evacuation procedures for building
                    principals and guide implementation and
                    training of all staff. Ensure ALICE
                    instructors renew certification(s); ensure
                    appropriate new administration attend
                    ALICE training

Support for Student Learning
  Priority                 2021-22                            2022-23                    Indicators of Success in             What does
                                                                                              January 2023                  success look
                                                                                                                            like in 2026?
Maintain safe   Develop consistent practice for   Fully  implement Signs of              ●   Signs of Suicide Program     All staff are trained
and nurturing   Signs of Suicide programming      Suicide programming annually               established at the high      in strategies for
learning        in Jr. High and HS. Develop       at Jr. High and HS. Implement              school level.                supporting the
environments    training plan for staff around    training plan for staff.               ●   Staff training plan is       mental and social
                supporting student mental         Implement student educational              created and first steps of   emotional safety of
                health. Identify student          programming for mental health.             implementation are in        students. Students
                education options for mental      Review data from Illinois youth            place.                       have multiple
                health (NAMI, KCHD, etc)          survey to identify areas of need.      ●   Illinois Youth Survey data   opportunities to
                Implement Illinois Youth                                                     analyzed for identified      learn skills and
                Survey to collect data about      Implement training scenarios               areas of need.               strategies to support
                student health and safety.        (live, table top, virtual, etc.) for   ●   Additional educational       their own mental and
                Develop training materials for    administration and staff for               programs are identified      social emotional
                post-crisis, post-evacuation      enhanced safety drills designed            and selected based in part   safety, and that of
                procedures for building           to practice effective emergency            upon Illinois Youth          their peers.
                principals and guide              responses.                                 Survey data.
                implementation and training of
                all staff. Ensure ALICE
                instructors renew
                certification(s); ensure
                appropriate new administration                                                                                             13
                attend ALICE training

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