October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ...

Page created by Jamie Parks
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ...
MEL’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER                                                                                                                                    Issue 5

                                                                                                                 October is

                                                                                                                10/1- 10/7

                                                   STUDENT VETERN FILM FESTIVAL
  The purpose of this event is to encourage         Launched in 2011, the annual Florida State
 the Class of 2021 to get involved and work to     University Student Veteran Film Festival is a
 develop their leadership skills. By exposing      unique event designed to raise awareness of
 them to various campus organizations and          veterans’ issues and garner support for veteran-
 leaders we hope that they will gain the           related initiatives at Florida State University.
 motivation to do so. The event will be held in    This year's FSU Veterans Film Festival will be
 The Globe (GME), on October 2nd from
                                                   Thursday, October 5th at the Ruby Diamond              Market Wednesday
                                                   Concert Hall at 6 p.m. We will screen Apache           This time-honored tradition dates back to over 40 years
                                                   warrior and the directors David Salzberg and           ago and has brought in hundreds of vendors, student
 PRIDE STUDENT UNION OCTOBER GBM                   Christian Tureaud will hold a Q&A after the            organizations, and campus departments combined.
 BRICK BY BRICK                                    screening. A reception will be held from 5 p.m. to     Whether you’re new to campus or you’re starting your
                                                   6 p.m., in front of Westcott where you can pick        final year, we’re excited to welcome you to The Yard!
  This is the second General Body Meeting of                                                              Come shop, network, and dance (yes, dance!) in the
                                                   up free tickets as well as light Hors d'oeuvre.
 the year and the first event of our Pride                                                                Oglesby Union Courtyard. Local vendors will be there
                                                   Please email VSU Director, Chris Schoborg, with
 Month. Here, all the month's events will be                                                              between 8:00am and 5:00pm. Student organizations
                                                   any questions.                                         and campus departments will be there from 10:00am -
 announced by the E-Board and food will be
 served. It’ll be held in the Oglesby Union,                                                              1:00pm. Our DJ will begin the music at 12pm, so come
                                                   HLSU HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH GLOBAL                    on by every Wednesday even if it’s only for a few
 Ballrooms, Monday October, 2nd from
                                                   CAFÉ’ PUERTO RICAN STUDENT                             minutes!
 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
 ALLIES & SAFE ZONES 101 WORKSHOP                   Experience cuisine and cultures from around the
                                                   world at the Center for Global Engagement's
 The Aliles & Safe Zones 101 workshop is a         featured program – Global Café – held on select
 three-hour basic training in allyship and         Fridays starting at 11:30 am until food runs out.
 contemporary LGBTQ+ issues. Topics of             Global Café provides the opportunity to spend a
 discussion include: sexual orientation, gender    culturally enriching lunch hour eating authentic
 identity, gender expression, biological sex,      food, listening to music, and meeting students
 current LGBTQ+ vocabulary, how to be an           from the featured culture. You can enjoy this
 effective ally, and exploring further allyship    unique experience in the Globe Dining Room for         Black Women in Medicine
 possibilities. Allies & Safe Zones 101 count as   just $7 per plate. Cash or check only. It’ll be held      Are you a woman pursing a pre-health profession?
 an elective course for the Diversity &            in the Askew Student Life Building (SLB) from             Black Women in Medicine is just right for you! Join
                                                   Friday, October 6 at 11:00am to 1:00pm.                        BWM Tuesday, October 10th at 7pm in Union
 Inclusion Certificate. It’ll be held in the
                                                                                                             Room 312 for our first Introduction Meeting. Come
 Student Services Building, 214 on October 4th                                                                meet the wonderful ladies of BWM, to learn what
 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm.                                                                                                                          we’re all about!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ...
MEL’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER | Issue 5                                                                                                                    2

  Night At The Oscars
               Guest Vocalist:
             Mikki Sodergren
  Hooray for Hollywood! Hooray for

  Join us for this thrilling night of film music!

  Purchase now for the best seats!


  While our dear conductor Darko Butorac
  was unable to rearrange his schedule to be
  here for “Night at the Oscars,” we are
  fortunate to welcome Grammy-winning
  conductor Lucas Richman! We have a great
  evening planned, preceded by a cash bar,          It promises to be a great evening!                  For more information, call 850-224-0461 or
  entertainment by Blues Factor, step and                                                               go to
  repeat, and a table of chocolate delights!                                                            https://www.tallahasseesymphony.org/night-
                                                        Ruby Diamond Concert Hall
                                                        222 S Copeland
                                                        Tallahassee, FL 32304

                                                    Saturday, October 7th:
                                                    9:00am-2:00pm at Ponce Leon Park

                                                                                                      Bring your dog - the Downtown MarketPlace
                                                    Tallahassee Downtown                              is pet-friendly!
                                                    Celebrating it’ 22nd year, the Tallahassee
                                                    Downtown MarketPlace offers an enticing
                                                    range of goods including fresh-baked bread,
                                                    jams, eggs and plenty of fresh Florida
                                                    produce from area farms, ripe and ready to
                                                    enjoy. Handmade soaps, honey, native plants
                                                    and even pet treats are also popular among
                                                    the many visitors each week.

                                                    Celebrated local musicians play their music
                                                    on stage, authors and poets present readings
                                                    of their latest books, and regional artists
                                                    show their fine arts and crafts. Special events
                                                    bring hands-on art activities for children or
                                                    sneak previews of upcoming cultural events.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ...
MEL’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER | Issue 5                                                                                                                           3


                                                                THE SALVATION ARMY                                  More Volunteer
                                                            As a volunteer you will be of priceless value to your
                                                            community and The Salvation Army. We appreciate
                                                            our volunteers and recognize their strengths and
                                                            achievements. Individuals interested in volunteering
                                                            may go to “Our Disaster Services” found under the
                                                                                                                    “Remember that the happiest people
                                                            About Tab to learn more about the core basic services   are not those getting more, but those
                                                            found in most Salvation Army disaster services          giving more.” ― H. Jackson Brown Jr.
                                                            programs, and areas where you may volunteer to
                                                            serve. We need volunteers. If you or someone you        American Lung Association
                                                            know would like to give back to your community and
                                                            have been looking for a way…this is it! To find out
                                                            more about volunteering with the army behind The        1-850-386-2065
                                                            Army, Contact Julie Smith (850) 222 0304.

                                                                                                                    American Red Cross Capital Area

                                                                        RECYCLE                                     nicole.king@redcross.org

                                                                       WITHOUT                                      Nicole King 1-850-878-6080

         FULL CIRCUIT FLORIDA                                          BORDERS                                      Americans for Prosperity

                                                                      VOLUNTEERS                                    Brian Thiele 1-850-879-2949

                                                                       WANTED!                                      bthiele@afphq.org
                                                               Recycle Without Borders Inc., is a nonprofit. As
                                                               the 501c3 tax deductible organization ramps up       AmeriCorps Tallahassee
                                                               its efforts to raise funds for additional medical,
                                                               nutritional, and educational projects in Haiti, it
                                                               is expanding to occupy office space at               Donna Harper 1-850-561-6561
                                                               Tallahassee’s Railroad Square Art Park as a
                                                               permanent location. Volunteers will collect and      harperd@leonschools.net
           Volunteers WANTED!                                  sort recycables from residents of Tallahassee.
                      Who We Are
                                                                                                                    Animal Aid Society
                                                               If you're not in Tallahassee, dont worry, we are
A non-profit Organization started in Tallahassee, Florida
                                                               looking for self starters that can plan
in 2017 with 2 central goals: To reuse or recycle used                                                              Margo Garcia 1-850-386-4148
computer equipment that might otherwise become
                                                               fundraising campaigns/events or collections
hazardous waste, and to make computer technology               drives amongst their friends, families, peers or
more accessible to those who lack financial means or           colleagues. Drives may be held at home, at your      animalaid@embarqmail.com
technical knowledge.                                           school or at your workplace.
                                                                                                                    Animal Shelter Foundation
                      What We Do                               Everything funds raised or collected will go
                                                               directly towards aid for suvivors of natural
Full Circuit Florida accepts donated, discarded, surplus       disasters overseas.                                  Claudia Machado 1-850-894-6738
or otherwise unwanted electronics/computer equipment
and recycles/refurbishes them into usable technology to
be donated to those in need!

Become a volunteer or donate!

Contact: 1-850-274-5731 Justin Westfall

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ...
MEL’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER | Issue 5                                                                                                                 4

  Beyond Borders JAMAICA!!                                                                       FLORIDA STATE FLU SHOTS
  Host incoming international students from Jamaica or Germany on FSU’s campus; share
                                                                                                 In front of the Health and Wellness Center,
  American culture and the experience of living on-campus at FSU. Then travel abroad and
                                                                                                 free flu shots are being given to FSU students
  experience cultural immersion with the same international students in their home country;
                                                                                                 with a valid FSU ID.
  explore either Jamaica or Germany, participate in activities and events with host students,
  such as visiting local museums and historical sites, hiking, and making day trips to nearby    Dates this week are:
                                                                                                 -Oct. 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 9th
  Selection for this program is a competitive process; only 12 students are selected each
  year for Jamaica, and only 10 students are selected for Germany. The selected Beyond           They will be outside from 10am-12pm!
  Borders students enroll in a one-credit hour course in the Spring semester to prepare for
  their international experience.                                                                Vaccines are limited though, so first come,
                                                                                                 first serve!
  Through this program, students have the opportunity to develop a global mindset                Unable to attend these dates? Call 850-644-
  and intercultural communication skills while exploring a culture different from their own      4567 to schedule a clinic appointment!
  and making lifelong friendships. Students who have participated in Beyond Borders in the
  past say that they have gained:

  The FSU Center for Global Engagement CGE extended the deadline to apply for Beyond
  Borders Jamaica to Oct. 2. So there's still plenty of time to apply. Email Laura Dean if you
  think you'd be interested but are unsure: lmdean@fsu.edu.


  Spider-Man’s official introduction to the Marvel Cinematic
  Universe follows Peter Parker (Tom Holland) after his
  encounter with the Avengers. When a new villain appears
  in New York City, Peter must find a balance between
  being a typical high school student and being a superhero.
  Are your Spidey senses tingling yet? Also starring
  Zendaya, Robert Downey, Jr, and Michael Keaton.

  October 4-5 (7pm and 10 :15pm)

                                                         MOVIES ARE FREE FOR FSU STUDENTS WITH
                                                         VALID FSU ID, $5 FOR GENERAL ADMISSION, AND
                                                         $3 FOR FSU FACULTY/STAFF AND TALLAHASSEE
                                                         FILM SOCIETY MEMBERS.

                                                         LOCATED IN THE HEART OF FSU’S CAMPUS AS A
                                                         SATN, THE ASKEW STUDENT LIFE CENTER
                                                         HOUSES A NUMBER OF EXCITING AND
                                                         IMPORTANT STUDENT SERVICES.

                                                         FOR INFORMATION ON MORE SHOWINGS

                                                         VISIT HTTPS://MOVIES.FSU.EDU/
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ...
MEL’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER | Issue 5                                                                                                                                                 5


    Jimbo's True Seminole Tailgate is where to go before each Florida State University home game this
                                season. Join us for this fun extravaganza!
                                                               FREE FOOD, GAMES, DOOR PRIZES, & MUSIC!!

                                                          WHEN: JOIN US 2 HOURS PRIOR TO EACH HOME GAME

                                                    WHERE: BETWEEN THE FLYING HIGH CIRCUS & WILDWOOD HALL

 DETAILS: During check-in, students will receive a wristband. Wristbands will get them free food after the tailgate! This is to encourcourage students to eat after tailgating!
   Thanks to our amazing sponsors, students can receive free chips and queso from Tijuana Flats and free medium fries or small milkshake from the Chick–Fil–A on West
                                                                               Tennessee St.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ... October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ... October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ... October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ... October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 10/1- 10/7 - FSU ...
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