Teaching from our Holy Father - St. Joseph's Basilica

Page created by Tina Parsons
Teaching from our Holy Father - St. Joseph's Basilica
Cathedral Church of the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton
 10044 – 113 St. Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 1N8
 Tel: 780-488-7295 Fax: 780-488-1530
 Most Rev. Richard Smith – Pastor
 Rev. Joseph Vadassery – Rector Rev. Rambabu Kanaparthi, CFIC – Associate Pastor

 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – Catholic Social Services Sunday
 October 31st, 2021
 “I love you, O Lord, my strength.”

Teaching from our Holy Father The Noon Mass Resumes
The Pope, as Bishop of Rome and successor of Peter, is the Effective Monday, November 1st, the 12:05pm Mass
visible and perpetual foundation of unity among the bishops
and among Christ's faithful. It is the Pope's role as Vicar of
 will resume with Confession prior at 11:30am.
Christ and Pastor of the entire Church to guide the
community of Christ's faithful, to safeguard them in the First Friday Adoration Returns
truth, and to confirm his brothers and sisters in the faith.
 Effective November 5th, 2021, Adoration
Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our catechesis on Saint Paul’s will resume on the first Friday of the month.
Letter to the Galatians, we have seen that, for the Apostle, It begins following the 12:05pm Mass and
the heart of the Gospel is the proclamation of the mystery of ends just prior to the 5:30pm Mass.
Christ’s cross and its revelation of God’s reconciling love.
By his passion, death and resurrection, Jesus has brought us
redemption and new life through the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit. Paul can thus say to the Galatians: “It is no longer I
who live, but Christ who lives in me”. Our prayerful
 Together We Serve
contemplation of the crucified Lord, or our silent adoration
before his Eucharistic presence, help us to appreciate the Parishioners are invited to provide financial support for
grandeur of our call to share in the mystery of God’s own TWS. Donation envelopes are available on the first
life and love. The Christian life, lived in obedience to the Sunday of each month at the entrance to the church. TWS
promptings of the Spirit, includes what is traditionally envelopes are also included in the envelope packages that
called “spiritual combat”. We struggle to overcome what are mailed to parishioners. TWS donations are accepted
Paul calls “the works of the flesh”, in order to live in online through Canada Helps, through PAD donations,
accordance with “the fruits of the Spirit”, which are “love, and using E-transfer to SJB.etransfer@caedm.ca.
joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control” (Gal 5:22). In our spiritual Our next collection for Together We Serve is next
lives, and in the life of our communities, we are called to Sunday, November 7th. For more information, please
cultivate these fruits as a witness to the new life and visit caedm.ca/WeServe
freedom we have received in Christ through the gift of his
Holy Spirit. Click here for full catechesis. Total collected to Oct. 24/21 $52,949.68
 Goal $93,000.00
 General Audience, Paul VI Audience Hall
 Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 Percentage achieved 56.94%

 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
 First Reading: 1 Kings 17.10-16 Second Reading: Hebrews 9.24-28 Gospel: Mark 12.38-44
Teaching from our Holy Father - St. Joseph's Basilica
Sacramental Coordinator updates 3rd Quarter Financial Results
- Bonnie Kirk
 The generous financial contributions of parishioners
ADVENT BIBLE STUDY bless our parish. We have heard over and over during
 COVID – 19 times, “we are in this together.” We are
Advent will be here before you know it. grateful to each of you for every gift, small and
 large. Hopefully, our revenues will increase to offset our
What does God want this Advent? Simple. He wants you. expenses in the coming months.
He wants a personal encounter with you. This year, as we
journey through Advent with Rejoice! Finding Your Place
in the Advent Story, we'll learn about the places, people, Catholic Parish of St. Joseph's Cathedral
and events that shaped the story of the very first Advent Mission Financial Position
and shape our own lives today. Quarter ending September 30, 2021

The guided meditation videos and journal will help you
 Jan - Sep Jan - Sep YTD Budget
to see how the people, places, and events of the first 21 20 2021
Advent affected Jesus's story. You will take time to look
 Receipts 543,010.93 568,250.51 563,434.00
at the people, places, and events in your own life, to see
how the Lord is shaping your story, today. Outlays
 General 1,480.07 6,652.69 2,812.50
This study will help us open our hearts to the peace and Church
 Costs 150,477.41 156,282.98 170,950.00
joy of the Advent season as we prepare for the coming of Security
Jesus this Christmas. We look forward to journeying with Costs 25,357.03 26,388.95 26,024.00
you Thursday evenings beginning November 26th at Rectory
7:00pm. Please contact Bonnie (bonnie.kirk@caedm.ca) Costs 36,436.55 31,342.09 32,728.00
for further information or to register. Office &
 Admin 18,151.23 22,183.62 21,243.00
 Liturgy 21,784.47 28,224.99 16,670.00
RCIA & RCIA ADAPTED FOR CHILDREN Resources 387,543.13 393,192.66 375,966.00
The process is well under way. We will be celebrating Outlays 641,229.89 664,267.98 646,393.50
the Rites of Acceptance and Welcome in the next few
weeks. We need your help as we move forward. I know Outlays in
 excess of
the Lord is speaking to the hearts of many within our Receipts -98,218.96 -96,017.47 -82,959.50
community. He may be speaking to your heart and
asking you to serve as a sponsor or dismissal facilitator.
If so, please contact Bonnie (bonnie.kirk@caedm.ca) for
further information. October - Month of the Holy Rosary
 The Knights of Columbus
SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION encourages all members
 and parishioners to celebrate
October 31st is the deadline to register your children for October by saying a daily rosary.
first Reconciliation, Communion or Confirmation.
Children in grade two or older prepare for and celebrate
Reconciliation and Eucharist; those in grade six or older, The Knights of Columbus 5th Sunday Rosary Program
explore and celebrate Confirmation. The process is invites all parishioners to join as they lead
strongly family-focused and registration is by individual The Scriptural Rosary
appointment. Please contact Bonnie Sunday, October 31st at 1:30pm
(bonnie.kirk@caedm.ca) for further information or to Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
schedule a meeting to register.
Teaching from our Holy Father - St. Joseph's Basilica
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Pope will come to
Faith in Action is a model that brings together key Pope Francis has accepted
priorities of our order - faith, family, community and an invitation from the
life. Bishops of Canada to visit
 Canada for a pilgrimage of
If you are interested in being a part of the Knights of healing and reconciliation with our Indigenous sisters
Columbus, Monsignor Joseph Malone Council will be and brothers. Archbishop Richard Smith will be a part
conducting a "parking lot" membership drive the of the joint delegation to Rome December 17th to 21st,
weekend of November 6th-7th. 2021, to discuss the journey. For more information,
 click here.
Please leave your information with one of our
 St. Joseph's Basilica Catholic Women's
 Last Sunday in October League
 recognized as Catholic Let us know if you need us to order The Catholic
 Social Services Sunday Register commemorative magazine about the Catholic
 Women’s League of Canada for you. Price is $5.00.
Archbishop Smith has recognized October 31st, 2021, as
Catholic Social Services Sunday, commemorating the Now accepting dues for 2022 - Cost is $30.00
60th anniversary of the agency founded by Monsignor Mail to the Basilica Attn: CWL Dues, or leave in
Bill Irwin. In addition, the last Sunday of October will be an envelope in the Basilica basket Attn: CWL Dues.
marked as Catholic Social Services Sunday from this day If paying by cheque, please make cheques out to
forward. To watch the video message from His Grace
 St. Joseph’s Basilica CWL.
and Troy Davies, the chief executive officer of CSS,
click here.
 Christmas Stocking Fund 2021 

 Purchase Purdy's Chocolate

 St. Joseph's Basilica CWL Christmas Stocking Fund
 2021 for Catholic Social Services-Sign of Hope's Safe
 House. This year's Fundraiser will be a little different.
 Join us and purchase Purdy's Chocolate.
 May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them
 We get up to 25% back in fundraising profit, and you get
 chocolates made in Canada with premium quality
In November We Remember ingredients, and sustainable cocoa
Each year, the Church sets aside the month of
 Click Here to Purchase:
November to pray for our loved ones who have gone 1. Sign in or create a new supporter account either by
on ahead of us. We especially remember those who clicking the link sent to you by our coordinator or by
have died in the past year. Traditionally, as a gesture visiting fundraising.purdys.com
of remembrance, we inscribe their names in a 2. If you are creating a new account, please enter the
memorial book that is kept in the sanctuary as we pray customer number below on the registration page.
 3. If you are signing into an existing account, enter
for them. Here, too, Covid is challenging us to be
 CUSTOMER # 60187 into the search bar that will
creative in our response. This year, we invite you to come up after you have signed in.
submit names to be included in prayer to 4. Click on JOIN CAMPAIGN.
SJB.memorialbook@caedm.ca as we are setting up an
on-line memorial book. The online memorial book will PLACE & PAY FOR ORDERS BY: Nov. 16th, 2021
 PICK UP ORDERS AT Dec. 4th-5th, 2021, Masses
be posted, beginning on October 31st and throughout
November, on the parish home page. It will be updated We would like to thank you for your support since 2002!
several times weekly.
Teaching from our Holy Father - St. Joseph's Basilica
Church Hours
 Basilica Opening Hours
 Weekdays: 11:00am to 7:00pm
 Saturday: 11:00am to 7:00pm
 Sunday: 7:30am to 7:00pm

 Mass Times
 Weekdays: 12:05pm, 5:30pm;
 Saturday: 5:00pm
 Sunday: 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm,

 Monday through Friday:
 11:30am and 4:30pm
 Saturday: 4:30pm

 For any updates, please check our website

 Office Hours OR

 Weekdays: 9:00am – 12:00pm &
 1:00pm – 5:00pm

 Phone Number: 780-488-7295
 Email: Basilica.Info@caedm.ca
 Catholic Education
Are you new to the parish? Sunday in Alberta

We welcome you and invite you to fill out a parishioner In the midst of illness,
registration form. View form here. If you wish to set-up uncertainty and
pre-authorized monthly donations to the parish, please insecurity, these
complete the form here and submit it to our parish prophetic words of
accountant Bernie.Fitzsimmons@caedm.ca. To donate Jeremiah resonate deeply: “I will heal your wounds,”
on-line, access the parish donation page here. To donate says the Lord. “I will restore you to health.” These
using e-transfer, the email address is words offer comfort and hope to our Catholic school
SJB.etransfer@caedm.ca communities here in Alberta as they celebrate our
 annual Catholic Education Sunday on November 7,
 2021. This Sunday serves to challenge each of us to
Adoration for Life step forward as advocates, inspired and emboldened to
 ensure the future of Catholic education as an essential
St. John the Evangelist Church, 9830 148th St.; dimension of the mission of the Church.
First Wednesday of the month – Nov. 3, and Dec. 1. To join in a Novena to St. Joseph leading up to
Adoration with Rosary and Prolife Litany - 6:00 – Catholic Education Sunday, click here.
6:55pm. Mass with the K of C – 7:00pm. To read the letter from Alberta’s Bishops, click here.
Teaching from our Holy Father - St. Joseph's Basilica
Contact Information
Office: 780-488-7295; basilica.info@caedm.ca
Website: www.stjosephbasilica.com
Most Rev. Archbishop Richard Smith ................. Pastor

Pastoral Team
Fr. Joseph Vadassery………………………………Rector
 Joseph.Vadassery@caedm.ca; ext. 222 The WINDOW
Fr. Rambabu Kanaparthi, CFIC………Associate Pastor
 Rambabu.KanaparthiCFIC@caedm.ca; ext. 223 The WINDOW is the single source of news from the
 Archdiocese – a window into our Catholic community.
Parish Staff The new newsletter combines the best of the old Quid
Bernie Fitzsimmons ....................................... Accountant Novum and Grandin newsletters. Why ‘WINDOW’?
 Bernie.Fitzsimmons@caedm.ca ; ext. 226 It is easy to understand. It embodies transparency. It
Carolyn Preshing……………Administrative Assistant illustrates faith. And it symbolizes multi-way
 Carolyn.Preshing@caedm.ca ; ext. 227 communication. Since mid-September, subscribers to
Leah Lunz………………………...Business Coordinator either newsletter have continued to receive their
 Leah.Lunz@caedm.ca ; ext. 224 requested Catholic news, now under the combined
Twyla Lapointe… …………...Administrative Assistant WINDOW name.
 Twyla.Lapointe@caedm.ca; ext. 221
Bonnie Kirk............................ .Sacramental Coordinator To subscribe please click here.
Roderick Bryce .................................... Director of Music
Edwin Rivera………………………………….Custodian

Mass Intentions: Oct. 31st to Nov. 6th
† Persons in Purgatory
 Pro Populo
† Rio Pangco-Waffer
† Danilo Recomendable + Grandiosa Torres
 Live-Stream & Online Events
† Robert A. Quinn † Souls in Purgatory
 at a Glance
† Ricardo Momus
Tuesday: Live Stream Masses;
† Family of Yeung, Kwan, Lai, Leung
† Holy Souls Sunday – 10:30am with Archbishop Smith
Wednesday: All livestream Masses and celebrations can
SI Beatification of the founder of Legion of Mary, Frank Duff be found on these platforms:
SI Health of Brenda Basiga  Facebook OR YouTube
Thursday:  TELUS Optik TV Channel 877
† Arturo Vasa
 Daily masses, along with a wide variety of Catholic
† Zara Beatrice Digol
 programming, are also broadcast on Shalom World
 TV. Ways to watch:
SI Pierce McMillan
  shalomworldtv.org
† Shawn Whitford + Wayne Lafferty
  shalomworldtv.org/connected-tv
  www.shalomworldtv.org/mobile-apps
† Emma MacArthur

† = Repose of the Soul SI = Special Intention
Teaching from our Holy Father - St. Joseph's Basilica Teaching from our Holy Father - St. Joseph's Basilica
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