Number 363 June 2021 Free

Page created by Sue Thornton
Number 363 June 2021 Free
Number 363
June 2021                                                   Free
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Number 363 June 2021 Free
Dear Friends
                                       help but think that what he was
                                       describing sounding the same as
                                       Mindfulness which I am due to
                                       start studying for an MA in at
The name Phil Mickelson will
                                       Bangor in September.
mean something to some of you
                                       At its heart Mindfulness is about
and absolutely nothing to a lot of
                                       bringing all you are and all you’ve
you. He is a very successful
                                       got to every situa�on. The most
professional golfer having won
                                       ‘mindful’ person we have a record
some 45 events on the PGA tour.
                                       of is Jesus Christ himself. He was
He started his professional career
                                       able to do this in every situa�on
in 1992 and he won his first major
                                       he found himself in. Those around
by winning the Masters in 2004.
                                       him witnessed that intensity of
So, he’s good. However, if you look
                                       focus and those who were
at those dates, he’s also been
                                       subjected to it were le� in awe.
around for quite a while, in golfing
                                       There is an old saying that the
terms, so it was with considerable
                                       more you put into something the
surprise that Jayne and I watched
                                       more you get out of it. As humans
him win the PGA Championship
                                       we will all fall short of being able
the weekend before last. In doing
                                       to bring our en�re selves to
so he became the oldest major
                                       situa�ons in the way that Jesus
championship winner in history as
                                       was able, but we can prac�ce
he was 50 years old.
                                       bringing more and more of us to
Some achievement! He was asked,
                                       all we are trying to achieve. This
during the tournament how he
                                       encompasses bringing more to our
was able to be so compe��ve at
                                       prayers life and more to the
his age. The reporter gave him a
                                       ac�ons that result from the
number of op�ons. Diet, training,
                                       promp�ngs we then receive for
technique and so forth. Phil
commented that all had their part
                                       To return to Phil Mickelson. He
to play but he a�ributed a large
                                       doesn’t just rely on diet, he
propor�on of his success to a type
                                       doesn’t just rely on exercise, he
of medita�on that enabled him to
                                       doesn’t just rely on prac�ce and
focus on all 72 holes which he said
                                       he doesn’t just rely on whatever
he had found increasingly difficult
                                       medita�ve prac�ce he now
as he got older. He even walked
                                       employs. He brings it all together
between the holes in a medita�ve
                                       in balance and harmony and in
manner. Listening to him I couldn’t
Number 363 June 2021 Free
doing so has surprised so many in     Friends of St David’s Church
the golfing world by achieving a      Thank you for all your generous
result many had assumed was not       dona�ons to “Friends of St David’s
possible.                             Church”, it is appreciated.
By employing those gi�s and           This is the ninth year we have
talents that God has given us we,     supported “Friends” and we hope
in partnership with Him, can          we can con�nue the good work in
certainly bring about results that    the future.
many in today’s world assume are      Lynda Price
not possible.
What’s God asking you to focus on     Prayer Tree at St David's
next?                                 Church.
Mark                                  The prayer chapel has not been in
                                      use at St David's due to Covid
                                      restric�ons. So the prayer tree is
                                      now on the right hand side of the
Our YouTube Channel                   church as you come in. Cards for
Hello everyone, isn’t it lovely now   prayers and pens are available so
we can get out and about (safely)     please feel free to hang your
and our churches are open again.      prayers on the tree.
Or maybe like me you’re missing
our YouTube channel where we          St David’s Church Grounds
shared Zoom services, Bible study
and music.
The last few weeks have been
busy with Charlo�e leaving and
Marc-Ashton moving into his
house near Christ Church, but
we’re ready now to use the            A start has been made �dying up
YouTube channel again. The            the grounds at St David's. If
ques�on is – what would you           anyone is interested in helping we
like?                                 meet at 2pm every Wednesday
Let us have your sugges�ons,          weather permi�ng . If anybody
however simple or different they      has cu�ngs of ground cover
are!                                  plants they will be gratefully
Keep safe.                            received.
Jayne Caudle
Number 363 June 2021 Free
In the Midst of Life:
Insights From a Hospital Chaplain
Paperbackv by Rev Michael Marsden
Many of you will remember Fr. Michael very well and
here is his latest book. It can be bought from Amazon
for £7.99.

About the book.
Sickness is no respecter of �me, person or place.
Therefore it involves all of us at some point in our lives.
Through the power of story-telling the author shares
over 30 years’ experience as a hospital chaplain,
ministering to a countless number of pa�ents, their
families and health care staff.
In addi�on to these moving stories, each short, self-contained chapter contains a
passage of scripture and prayer to assist the reader to reflect and ponder.

From the Foreword.
I can’t think of another book that so beau�fully sums up the voca�on of a
hospital chaplain, with a wealth of personal recollec�on and a wealth of
invaluable quota�on and reflec�on…. Michael writes with wit and clarity and
compassion not simply about sickness and health but about the amazing grace
of being human, and the joy of witnessing to this.
(Dr Rowan Williams. Formerly Archbishop of Canterbury. 2002-2012).

About the author.
Michael was ordained in Llandaff Cathedral in 1982 and has worked in a number
of church and health care se�ngs throughout South Wales. He presently works
within the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. He is involved in nurse
training and lectures regularly at the University of South Wales.
He is married to Salli and has two adult daughters, Lydia and Lucy, and a Parson
Jack Russell called Toby.

When reviewing this book, I imagined it to be just another book on healthcare
chaplaincy. However, I was pleasantry surprised as I was instantly struck by the
personable tone that Michael writes in and the wisdom contained in the text is
clearly borne of many years’ experience of frontline chaplaincy.
The reflec�ons and stories Michael uses in the book resonated deeply with my
own experiences as a chaplain and certainly reminded me of the highs and lows
that travelling alongside pa�ents and reiterates the absolute privilege it is to
share in their journey.
I also appreciated the devo�onal and prayerful style that Michael employs in the
book too. Using scripture, poems and prayers I can see this book being a useful
resource for those involved in chaplaincy and pastoral ministry and as a valuable
insight into the chaplain’s ministry for those exploring a voca�on in this field…
Number 363 June 2021 Free
I am confident it will connect
with all those involved in this
work whatever their posi�on
or experience. I would
wholeheartedly recommend
this book for anyone
interested in healthcare
Rev’d Lance Sharpe, Registrar,
College of Health Care

This is an extremely fine
account from a long and
personal experience of the
role of a hospital chaplain, a voca�on with a need, as the author points out, ‘to
look, to listen and to learn’, and a calling which he stresses is not second best to
parochial ministry.
Hospital chaplaincy is not an easy path to follow, but as the author has shown, it
does from �me to �me bring a feeling of accomplishment and of spiritual
sa�sfac�on. A variety of themes are covered in this fine and well-resourced
volume, wri�en with feeling from the author’s long experience in the field. The
book is a must for all who aspire to follow this noble voca�on.
Sister Josephine Egan, Daughters of the Holy Spirit.

Physical and spiritual health are indelibly intertwined. Nevill Hall Hospital is
fortunate to have been blessed with such a dynamic and compassionate
chaplain. I am truly grateful to Michael for all his pastoral support and prac�cal
Dr. John Huish, FRCP. Consultant Cardiologist. Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Cwm
Taf University Health Board.

Every single one of us is vulnerable and our vulnerability is some�mes at its most
acute when we are in hospital.
This book by the Rev. Michael Marsden made me laugh and cry as it illustrates
the role of a hospital chaplain. Hospital chaplains see people at their happiest,
such as celebra�ng the birth of a child, but also there when people are struggling
with illness and indeed when they meet their maker.
This book in my view illustrates Chris�anity working on the “pavement” and in
the hospital corridor, where Christ is needed most by those who are in hospital
and of course by our wonderful health workers who need pastoral support.
This demonstrates Chris�an Outreach at its best – Fantas�c!
Pam Kelly, Chief Constable of Gwent Police.
Number 363 June 2021 Free
A Strap Line / Logo for the                   through, the church lec�onary was
new Ministry Area.                            following the final discourses of our Lord
                                              Jesus Christ. I was very struck by His
The Diocese of Llandaff came up with a        conversa�on with his disciples where He
three-word strap line a couple of years ago says, ‘You are my friends if you do what I
and it is easy to remember: ‘Where Faith      command you. I do not call you servants
Ma�ers’. We also have an easy Mission         any longer, because the servant does not
Statement in the diocese. Again, using few know what the master is doing; but I have
words: ‘Telling a joyful story; Growing the called you friends, because I have made
Kingdom of God; Building our capacity for known to you everything that I have heard
Good’. These are our shared aims and          from my Father.’ (John 15.14-15) This
inform the way finance is distributed and     simple statement from Jesus changed
how personnel are deployed. The Diocese       everything. The disciples weren’t servants,
has also chosen to adopt Ministry Areas for they weren’t students anymore, but they
all on 1st January 2022. It would seem to     were friends. This is not the place to go
be a good idea to have both a strap line/     into a theologically understanding of
logo making a corporate image to launch       friendship but it is powerful and Jesus
this Ministry Area with.                      reminds us that the most powerful
As most of you who read this will be from     expression of love is to lay down one’s life
Merthyr Tydfil St. David’s and Abercanaid     for one’s friends.
Parish I will now ask you what our current    Fellowship
strap line is. Those of you who a�ended       Although Jesus didn’t actually men�on the
the Quar service on Trinity Sunday will       word I am sure that he hoped His friends
remember my total confusion when              would be in fellowship with one another.
Ma�hew stated the exact strap line. He        Jesus had made statements like ‘On that
then took me out of my misery by poin�ng day you will know that I am in my Father,
that it was on the screen behind me! It is    and you in me, and I in you.’ (John 14.20)
also upside down at the end of this ar�cle. And; ‘“I ask not only on behalf of these, but
My point was, and is, the strap line is       also on behalf of those who will believe in
wonderful, containing great ambi�on and       me through their word, that they may all
purpose but if people can’t remember it       be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am
and don’t work to it, a legi�mate ques�on in you, may they also be in us, so that the
of its purpose can be asked.                  world may believe that you have sent me.’
Friendship                                    (John 17.20-21)
In light of the experience gained by this and The Acts of the Apostles and the Le�ers in
other a�empts at strap line and logo          the New Testament o�en talk about
development I strongly suggest we follow      ‘fellowship’. Here is one example: ‘we
the diocesan strategy and have three          declare to you what we have seen and
words. Whilst thinking and praying this       heard so that you also may have fellowship
Number 363 June 2021 Free
with us; and truly our fellowship is with the    Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem);
Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.’ (!        and the power of the Lord was with him to
John 1.3-4)                                      heal. Just then some men came, carrying a
Fellowship is very important for the             paralysed man on a bed. They were trying
disciples of Christ, one with another and        to bring him in and lay him before Jesus;
with Father and Son. This type of                but finding no way to bring him in because
rela�onship is enabled by the Spirit and         of the crowd, they went up on the roof and
again more about that can be read in             let him down with his bed through the �les
John’s Gospel.                                   into the middle of the crowd in front of
Faith                                            Jesus. When he saw their faith, he said,
So finally, for a Chris�an, what is the point    “Friend, your sins are forgiven you.” Then
of Friendship and Fellowship beyond the          the scribes and the Pharisees began to
earthly enjoyment that these rela�onships        ques�on, “Who is this who is speaking
give. I believe that in Jesus’ eyes it is all    blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but
about building up Faith. If Faith is at the      God alone?” When Jesus perceived their
heart of friendship and fellowship then          ques�onings, he answered them, “Why do
those rela�onships will have real meaning        you raise such ques�ons in your hearts?
in growing the kingdom of God. Through           Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are
Friendship and Fellowship the Chris�an           forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Stand up and
Community is able to demonstrate a               walk’? But so that you may know that the
community that lives differently to the          Son of Man has authority on earth to
world in which it finds itself. Through faith,   forgive sins”—he said to the one who was
living in friendship and fellowship God is       paralysed—“I say to you, stand up and take
enabled to work more effec�vely. In other        your bed and go to your home.”
words, less hindered by sin. I am sure there     Immediately he stood up before them,
is far more prayer and explora�on needed         took what he had been lying on, and went
to take this forward but I leave you with a      to his home, glorifying God. Amazement
Biblical story that brings Friendship,           seized all of them, and they glorified God
Fellowship and Faith into sharp focus and        and were filled with awe, saying, “We have
although, like you, I knew the story well,       seen strange things today.” (Luke 5.17-end)
the par�cular verse highlighted had not
really entered my consciousness. It has          Friendship, Fellowship, Faith delivering a
now.                                             miracle of healing. Could there be a be�er
‘One day, while he was teaching, Pharisees       strap line for the New Ministry Area?
and teachers of the law were si�ng near          Mark
by (they had come from every village of

 “Showing God's heart and telling His story to all genera�ons.”
Number 363 June 2021 Free
Merthyr Tydfil Ministry Area
New Titles and New People for the Merthyr Tydfil Ministry Area
launching on 1st January 2022.

Below you will find a list of people and the posi�on / �tle they are holding in the
Ministry Area Transi�on Team (MATT) that will, on 1st January 2022 become the
Ministry Area Council (MAC). The MAC will be, in effect, the PCC for the Ministry
Area. On that date exis�ng PCC’s for Pant & Dowlais, Christ Church, Merthyr
Tydfil St. David and Abercanaid, and Troedyrhiw and Merthyr Vale will cease to
exist. There will be an Annual Vestry mee�ng of the Merthyr Tydfil Ministry Area
soon a�er 1st January 2022 to make elec�ons to the MAC. As they say, watch
this space.

   •    Ma�hew Jones                - Lay Chair
   •    Rev Mark Preve�             - Ministry Area Leader
   •    Rev Marc Walford            - Ministry Area Vicar
   •    Rev Caroline Owen           - Ministry Area Vicar
   •    Rev Stephen Barnes          - Ministry Area Vicar
   •    Jonathan Richards           - Ministry Area Warden
   •    Dorothy Evans               - Ministry Area Warden
   •    Steve Booth                 - Ministry Area Secretary
   •    Marian Price                - Ministry Area Treasurer
   •    Susan Morris                - Rep for St. Tydfil Well’s Church
   •    Jan Lewis                   - Rep for St David's Church
   •    Ken Lewis                   - Rep for Readers
   •    Elaine Fisher               - Rep for St Tydfil's Church
   •    Claire Price                - Rep for Ss. Peter & Paul Church
   •    Darren Tyler                - Rep for Merthyr Vale
   •    Carol Jones                 - Rep for Troedyrhiw
   •    Hugh Williams               - Rep for Dowlais
   •    Dorcas Cox                  - Rep for Pant
   •    Lynda Price                 - Note Taker

It has been agreed by the MATT that each church in the Ministry Area will have a
representa�ve on the MAC. The appointed reps will have the job of
communica�on between the MAC and the church and the church and the MAC.

Whilst the parish PCC’s cease to exist it is not envisaged that the Church Councils
will and it would be good in the next few months to get those up and func�oning
Finally, on 1st January 2022 Church Wardens will cease to exist by appointment
and by name as the Cons�tu�on of the Church in Wales requires the Church
Wardens to be ex-officio officers of the PCC. The MATT is therefore struggling to
come up with an appropriate �tle for those whose concern will be the individual
church. If you have any good ideas please let me know.
The Armour of God:
‘The Helmet of Salva�on’

“Take the helmet of salva�on,” (Ephesians 6:17).

What It Means:

Salva�on comes the moment we place our trust in
Jesus’ death and resurrec�on as the payment for our
sin. But salva�on is also worked out through a lengthy
process of sanc�fica�on.

The helmet of salva�on (like the breastplate of righteousness) rests on the work
of Christ to save us, but also involves us as we journey with the Lord and allow
Him to work that salva�on into every part of our thoughts. The ba�lefield of our
mind is the primary place spiritual ba�le is fought. The Lord works His freeing
truth into our perspec�ves while the enemy fights for strongholds to bind us
(John 10:10).

How to Apply It:

Surrender thoughts that don’t line up with Scripture. As Colossians 3:2 says,
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
Remember the Lord’s character and faithfulness in Scripture as well as in your life
Wash your mind with the renewing of God’s Word. As Romans 12:2 says, “Do not
conform to the pa�ern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind. Then you will be able to
test and approve what God’s
will is—his good, pleasing, and
perfect will.”

Next Month – July
‘The Sword of the Spirit’
St TYDFIL’S CHURCH, Lower High Street, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8HR
SATURDAY        6.00pm       Holy Eucharist

St DAVID’S CHURCH, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 0BA
SUNDAY         9.30am        Holy Eucharist
WEDNESDAY 10.30am            Holy Eucharist

Ss PETER & PAUL’S CHURCH, Church View, Abercanaid CF48 1TJ
SUNDAY          9.30am      Holy Eucharist

St TYDFIL’S WELL CHURCH, The Quar, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8TA
SUNDAY         11.00am       Holy Eucharist

CHRIST CHURCH, Aberdare Road, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1DR
SUNDAY       11.00am       Holy Eucharist

All services may be changed or added to especially on Saints’ Days.
Please see the online calendar page for details

Tydfil... run up the valley
A significant boost to the faith tourism industry in Wales begins
this month with the 30 day Landscapes of Faith fes�val taking
to the road across South Wales for the whole of June.

The founding legend of Merthyr Tydfil is celebrated in the third
journey which begins in the Brecon Beacons Na�onal Park. The
Tydfil story stretches back 1500 years when Tydfil, the daughter
of the King Brychan, encountered some marauding warriors in
the Merthyr valley near Aberfan. She fled up the valley but was
killed where the town of Merthyr Tydfil stands today and gives
her name to the famous Welsh town.

To celebrate the story RunWales is organising a women's fun run through the
Merthyr valley called “Tydfil... run up the valley” in which par�cipants will
receive a small ceramic replica of the Cel�c cross in St Tydfil's Church, Merthyr
The Womens Fun Run men�oned comes past St Tydfil's. Volunteers are needed
to look a�er a sta�on for runners to stop at St Tydfil's If you could give an hour
between 11am and 5pm on either Saturday 19 June or Sunday 20 June please
put your names against the �mes on the rota at the back of church.

More details at h�ps://
Next issue
               Please let me have anything for July 2021
             on Sunday morning 27 June. Preferably earlier.

                      Next issue is due out 4 July.

                    Please e-mail your ar�cles to

All named ar�cles are the work of that person. Publica�on does not imply
       agreement with the opinions expressed. Ken Lewis, Editor.
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