Granville Catholic Church Record - Holy Cross Parish, Granville

Page created by Arthur Tate
Granville Catholic Church Record - Holy Cross Parish, Granville
                  Catholic Church Record
Vol. 8. No. 4                      January 22, 2023                        3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

                                  The Official Bulletin of Holy Cross Parish

                                                                                    Since 1844 Australia has been
                                                                                placed under the protection of the
                                                                                Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady, Help
                                                                                of Christians. The early Church in
                                                                                Australia had a special reason for
                                                                                turning to Our Lady. No priests were
                                                                                sent to the colony in its early years
                                                                                and Holy Mass was not allowed,
                                                                                except for one brief year, until 1820.
                                                                                So it was the holy Rosary that the
                                                                                faithful turned to nurture their souls
                                                                                and to keep the faith alive.
                                                                                    Australia was the rst nation to
                                                                                declare the Blessed Virgin Mary
                                                                                under the title of Our Lady, Help of
                                                                                Christians as patroness.
                                                                                    When Fr. John Therry arrived in
                                                                                Sydney in 1820 he assumed
                                                                                responsibility for the planning and
                                                                                construction of Australia’s rst
                                                                                cathedral, who dedicated the mother
                                                                                church of the nation to Our Lady,
                                                                                Help of Christians.
                                                                                    So on this Australia Day weekend
                                                                                let us implore the intercession of our
                                                                                national patroness that under the
                                                                                protection of her mantle Australia
                                                                                may know peace and prosperity and
                                                                                that it may be a beacon of justice and
                                                                                mercy to the world. And let us pray
                                                                                that the Church in Australia may be
                                                                                safeguarded against all attacks that
                                                                                seek to undermine and to destroy the
                                                                                integrity of our holy faith so that the
                                                                                faithful may know freedom of
                                                                                religion and the protection of our

A U S T R A L I A D AY                                                              May almighty God, deepen in our
                                                                                hearts our love of Mary, Help of
                                                                                Christians. Through her prayers and
   This Thursday we celebrate           our lives, and to be strengthened in    under her protection, may the light of
Australia Day, which the Church         the ways of justice so that we may      Christ shine over our land. May
honours as a day of prayer and          know peace, that God may be our         Australia be granted harmony, justice
observance. The prayers of the Holy     rock of strength, that He may keep us   and peace and be wisdom be granted
Mass for this day beseech almighty      safe in every storm, and that our       to our leaders and integrity to our
God for His saving grace to transform   darkness may be turned to light.        citizens.
Granville Catholic Church Record - Holy Cross Parish, Granville
THE PARISH OFFICE                       HOLY FAMILY CHURCH                        HOLY TRINITY CHURCH

Address                                    Holy Mass                                 Holy Mass
200 The Trongate,                          Tuesday, 9:15 a.m.                        Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
South Granville, N.S.W. 2142               Wednesday, 6:00 p.m.                      Wednesday, 8:15 a.m.
T 0497 190 444                             Thursday, 9:15 a.m.                       Thursday, 8:15 a.m.
E              Friday, 9:15 a.m.                         Friday, 8:15 a.m.
                                           Saturday, 9:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m          Saturday, 8:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
                                           Sunday, 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 5:00 p.m.   Sunday, 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Parish Priest                              Confessions                               Confessions
Rev. Fr. Andrew Bass PP                    Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.         Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
                                           Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament        Holy Mass and Adoration
Business and Projects Manager
                                           Sunday, 5:30 p.m.                         of the Blessed Sacrament
John Portelli
                                           Nigerian Community Mass                   First Friday of the month, 7:00 p.m.
Director of Music                          Second and fourth Sunday of the month,    Holy Mass in Latin
John Portelli                              11:00 a.m.                                First Thursday of the month, 6:00 p.m.
Catechist Co-ordinator                                                               Ghanaian Chaplaincy Mass
Lana Leatherby                                                                       Second and last Sunday of the month,
Sacraments and Youth Co-ordinator                                                    11:30 a.m.
                                             8:30 a.m.
Rosette Chidiac                                                                      Vietnamese Chaplaincy Mass
                                             5:00 p.m.
                                                                                     Sunday, 5:00 p.m.
Online and Social Media Co-ordinators
Rosette Chidiac                                      DONATIONS                                       Rosters
John Portelli
                                                                                     Church Cleaning
                                           BSB: 067-950
Piety Shop                                                                           Readers
                                           Account: 00007247
Claudette Takchi                                                                     Vigil Gerry Pinto, Sisters,
                                           Name: Granville Catholic Parish
Annette Wirz                                                                         Rosette Chidiac, Rebecca Hanson
Holy Family Primary School                                                           10:00 a.m. Wadzi Mushininga, Sisters,
                                                   SOCIAL MEDIA
T (02) 8633-8200                                                                     Ingrid Bifulco
Holy Trinity Primary School
T (02) 8633-8500                                  HolyCrossGranville

Delany College                                    Holy Cross Parish App
T (02) 8633-8100                                  @holycrossgranville

               PRAYERS FOR THE SICK                                                  IN MEMORIAM

Janelle Allan, John Anjoul, Marlene Ashton, John Augustus,       Sr. Mary Stella Tran, Ercilia Apap, Vincent Apap, Lorenza
Frank Azzopardi, Antonio Bifulco, Ann Blesson, Vincenzo          Attwill, Axiak family, Victor Azzopardi, Claudio Basamez,
Colosimo, Marcus El-Khoury, Lucy Farrugia, Carmel Galea,         Basil Benjamin, Bonello family, Betty Borg, Kathleen
Evangeline Grabato, Thomas Hayek, Elizabeth Hicks, Peter         Bradbery, Paul Bradbery, Charles Bugeja, Dick Cahill,
Higgins, Therese Khalil, Kay King, Ruth La Rosa, Jacob           Gwen Cahill, Vince Cahill, Christine Derwin, Carmen
                                                                 Galea, Maria Gambin, John Graham, Joe Grech, Mary
Lee, Josephine Magro, Ester Matos, Sid Morgan, Scott
                                                                 Grech, Sam Grech, Clair Karaki, Daoud Karaki, Nouhad
Moulton, Tony Moussa, Ben Nursoo, Sarah-Joy O’Connor,
                                                                 Khoury, Jacob Malkoun, O mia Malkoun, Jack McIntyre,
Flory Pinto, Don Provest, Therese Smeal, Ricardo Tognini,        Crising Mendoza, Magdalena Mendoza, Susan Nammour,
Lorraine Vella, Sam Wardan.                                      Haydee Nursoo, Edward Pidgeon, Boutros Rahme, Mitzi
                               ✠                                 Rowe, Saliba family, Anna Saunig, Garry Smith, Andrea
               Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer,                  So, Sergio Sudiro, Emmanuel Tabone, Darren Thornton,
               by the grace of your Holy Spirit                  Peter Tuu Van Tran, Joseph Vella, Vicente, Dib Zaiter.
            cure the weaknesses of your servants,                                               ✠
         and mercifully restore them to full health.                         Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
           St. Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.                         and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Granville Catholic Church Record - Holy Cross Parish, Granville
N           O        T          I       C          E       S

            Thank You to Joe Chidiac                 Receiving Holy Communion                          First Collection
                                                                                                    and Second Collection
              We owe our thanks to Joe                  It its important to remember that
                                                    when we receive Holy Communion
          Chidiac for his work in repairing
          the sanctuary lamp at Holy Trinity        we are receiving the Body and
                                                                                                   Your support of these collections
          Church. The lamp itself is almost         Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus
                                                                                               is greatly appreciated. The money
          sixty years old and was in need of        Christ Himself. It is not a symbol of
                                                                                               raised in the rst collection
          repair. Thank you very much to Joe        Him but really and truly His
                                                                                               supports some of the works of the
          for his work and skill in repairing       presence.
                                                                                               diocese. The money raised in the
          and replacing the necessary parts to          As such, we should ensure that
                                                                                               second collection directly supports
          the lamp.                                 Holy Communion is received in
                                                                                               the works of the parish and helps us
              The sanctuary lamp is an              accordance with the mind of the
                                                                                               to meet our expenses and to
          important part of the sanctuary as        Church and in line with the practice
                                                                                               continue to meet the costs and
          its red light is a reminder to us of      of the Roman Rite. Holy Communion
                                                                                               expenses of operating the parish.
          the real presence of Our Lord—            can be received either on the tongue
                                                                                                   At Holy Trinity Church we are
          Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity         or on the hand, with the hands held
                                                                                               fortunate to have volunteers to take
          —in the tabernacle.                       appropriately.
                                                                                               up these collections. At Holy
                                                        In the ordinary form of the
                                                                                               Family Church boxes have been
            Important Notice Regarding              Roman Rite, when receiving Holy
                                                                                               placed at the doors of the church
             Holy Mass and Confessions              Communion, the minister says “The
                                                                                               for the rst and second collections.
                                                    Body of Christ” to which the
             on Wednesday, 8 February               communicant replies with a single
                                                                                                   Thank you, especially, to those
                                                                                               who are a part of the planned
                                                    “Amen”. In saying “Amen” it is an
              Holy Mass will not be said on                                                    giving programme and use their
                                                    acceptance in faith by the person
           Wednesday, 8 February at either                                                     envelopes to contribute each week
                                                    that they are truly receiving the Body
           Holy Trinity Church or Holy Family                                                  t o t h e p a r i s h . Yo u r r e g u l a r
                                                    of Christ. It is not appropriate to
           Church. This also means that the                                                    contributions are a great support.
                                                    reply with anything else than a single
           Sacrament of Penance (Confessions)
                                                    “A m e n ” . A s s u c h , i t i s n o t
           will not be available that evening at
                                                    appropriate to say “thank you” or
                                                                                                        Online Donations
           Holy Family Church.                                                                            in Support
                                                    any other words.
              The usual schedule of Mass and
                                                        As we are receiving the Body and                 of the Parish
           confessions for Wednesdays will
                                                    Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord
           resume the following week.
                                                    Jesus Christ, we are receiving the             Online donations can be made
                                                    most precious gift we can in this          through the Holy Cross Parish
                 Holy Family Church                 world. We—all of us—have a                 website (
                  Air Conditioning                  responsibility to ensure that Holy         using our BPoint facility by visiting
                                                    Communion is received reverently.          the website or scanning the QR
              When the air conditioning is in       This means that the sacred host is         code below.
           use at Holy Family Church, it is         consumed whilst standing before the            Thank you to all those who
           important that the doors and the         minister because, in this way, we are      regularly support the parish by your
           windows to the church remain             facing the altar upon which the            contributions. Your regular support
           closed. If the doors and windows         sacri ce was made and from which           of the parish is greatly appreciated
           remain open, the air conditioning        we receive the Eucharist. It is never      and is of tremendous assistance.
           becomes ineffective. Moreover, the       right to walk away carrying the
           motors have to work harder in            sacred host in our hands and to
           order to maintain the set                consume in the pew or at some other
           temperature, which in turn               time.
           increases the running costs.                 It is important to remember that
              It is expensive to run and to         the Church teaches that the faithful
           maintain the air conditioning units      have a moral obligation to attend
           at Holy Family Church, so please         Mass each Sunday (or Saturday vigil)
           ensure that when it is in use that the   unless excused for a serious reason
           doors and windows remain closed          or legitimately dispensed, and
           in order to ensure that the system is    deliberately failing in this obligation
           able to operate as ef ciently as         is a serious sin (Catechism of the
           possible.                                Catholic Church, n. 2180-2181).
Granville Catholic Church Record - Holy Cross Parish, Granville
T H U R S D AY, 2 6 J A N U A R Y



    “I will praise you, Lord, among the peoples,
       among the nations sing psalms to you,
       for your mercy reaches to the heavens,
             and your truth to the skies.”
                    Psalm 56:9-10
Granville Catholic Church Record - Holy Cross Parish, Granville
P R AY E R f o r A U S T R A L I A D AY

                      Grant, we pray, O lord our God,
              that as the Cross shines in our southern skies,
                  so may Christ bring light to our nation,
                        to its peoples old and new,
                 and by saving grace, transform our lives.
                Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
       who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
                          God, for ever and ever.
Granville Catholic Church Record - Holy Cross Parish, Granville
How to Receive the Eucharist Worthily
                 Catholics receive the Eucharist regularly, but we do not focus our attention
                  on preparing to receive Christ worthily and fruitfully in the sacrament.
                        The danger is complacency and allowing obstacles to creep in
                        that block the graces of the Eucharist from taking root in us.

         In the early Church, Christians      another part to his teaching that                 You must have faith
     received the Eucharist frequently, as    needs emphasis—having the proper         First, to approach Christ in the
     we can see even in Acts: “And day        intention. “A right intention consists   Eucharist we must have faith in His
     by day, attending the temple             in this: that he who approaches the      true presence. To receive without
     together and breaking bread in their     Holy Table should do so, not out of      belief is the ultimate sacrilege and
     homes, they partook of food with         routine, or vain glory, or human         prevents us from recognising and
     glad and generous hearts” (2:46).        respect, but that he wish to please      receiving the grace Christ wants to
     By the time of the Middle Ages,          God, to be more closely united           give us.
     however, it became the norm to           with Him by charity, and to have                 You need to confess
     receive Communion once a year.           recourse to this divine remedy for                 before receiving
     Eamon Duffy notes in his                 his weakness and defects.” I would       The Church requires us to go to
     monumental work, The Stripping of        also recommend taking a look at          Confession at least once a year, but
     the Altars, that when the rst            chapters 20-21 of the second part        we are prohibited from receiving
     Protestant Archbishop of                 of St. Francis de Sale’s “Introduction   Communion in a state of mortal sin.
     Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer,              to the Devout Life”, which speak of      If we do so, we commit another
     enforced the practice that one           frequent communion and how to            grave sin. Beyond that, we need to
     person must receive Communion at         prepare for it, especially by            confess more regularly to break
     each service with the priest,            breaking any attachment to sin.          sinful habits and our attachment
     parishioners paid someone else to            Instead of fostering a right         even to venial sin (as St. Francis de
     receive in their place so as not to      intention and removing obstacles, I      Sales recommends).
     contravene the traditional practice.     think we have fallen into a routine
                                                                                                  Be intentional
     To them, the Protestant push for         reception of Communion. I have
                                                                                       We should make a deliberate
     frequent communion was a                 never heard a priest caution anyone
                                                                                       choice to receive Jesus in the
     sacrilege by not taking seriously the    from receiving the Eucharist, even
                                                                                       Eucharist, breaking out of any
     Real Presence of Christ.                 though St. Paul warns us in First
                                                                                       routine complacency. Although it is
         We know, rather, that frequent       Corinthians 11:27-30:
                                                                                       good to receive Communion
     Communion is a good practice, but        “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread
                                                                                       frequently, it can be helpful to
     we can also ask if there was any         or drinks the cup of the Lord in an
                                                                                       remember that we are only
     bene t to receiving Communion            unworthy manner will be guilty of
                                                                                       required to receive once a year. If
     less frequently. Just as those           profaning the body and blood of
                                                                                       we are not properly prepared or
     medieval Christians feared, we also      the Lord. Let a man examine
                                                                                       need to go to Confession, it may be
     can stop taking the Real Presence        himself, and so eat of the bread and
                                                                                       better to wait to receive.
     seriously, as we fall into routine and   drink of the cup. For any one who
     complacency. Even if once a year is      eats and drinks without discerning                     Prepare
     not enough, which the Council of         the body eats and drinks judgment        If we do make the choice to receive
     Trent stated to be the case,             upon himself.”                           the Eucharist, we should prepare
     medieval Christians are still a              Pius X gives some practical          through prayer and removing
     witness for realising the gravity of     advice on this topic of preparation:     ourselves from distractions. We
     communion. One aspect of their           “Since, however, the Sacraments of       should pray for the grace to make a
     preparation was to go to Confession      the New Law, though they produce         good Communion when we wake
     immediately before receiving the         their effect ex opere operato,           up the day we are going to Mass
     Eucharist.                               nevertheless, produce a great effect     and should say a prayer before
         Pope Pius X, in particular, was      in proportion as the dispositions of     Mass. There are beautiful prayers
     the champion of frequent                 the recipient are better, therefore,     written to help us prepare to
     communion, issuing Sacra                 one should take care that Holy           receive, such as the prayers of St.
     Tridentina to encourage it in 1905.      Communion be preceded by                 Ambrose and St. Thomas Aquinas.
     He makes an overwhelming case            careful preparation, and followed
                                                                                       Source: “How to receive the Eucharist
     for the importance of frequent           by an appropriate thanksgiving.” I’ll
                                                                                       wo r t h i l y,” by D r. Ja r e d S t a u d t ,
     Communion, with which I                  unpack this a little more with the       w w w. t h o s e c a t h o l i c m e n . c o m ,
     wholeheartedly agree, but there’s        following suggestions:                   September 27, 2017.
Granville Catholic Church Record - Holy Cross Parish, Granville
Saints                                                                                   CATHOLIC

                                                         of the
                    OUR LADY,
           HELP OF CHRISTIANS                         Blessed Virgin Mary,
                                                   Mother in the Order of Grace                         The Catholic
                                                   967 By her complete adherence to                     in Australia
                                                   the Father's will, to his Son's
                                                   redemptive work, and to every                     22.6% of the population
                                                   prompting of the Holy Spirit, the
                                                                                                           is Catholic
                                                   Virgin Mary is the Church's model
                                                   of faith and charity.                                         ᛭
                                                                                                    Catholicism is the largest
                                                   968 Her role in relation to the                   Christian denomination
                                                   Church and to all humanity goes
                                                   still further. “In a wholly singular
                                                                                                            34 dioceses
                                                   way s h e c o o p e ra t e d by h e r
                                                   obedience, faith, hope, and burning
                                                                                                          1,394 parishes
                                                   charity in the Saviour’s work of
                                                   restoring supernatural life to souls.                        ᛭
                                                   For this reason she is a mother to us                   2,900 Priests

              St. John Chrysostom was the rst
                                                   in the order of grace.”                                      ᛭
                                                                                                         253 seminarians
          to use the title Our Lady, Help of       969 “This motherhood of Mary in
          Christians in the year 345 as a          the order of grace continues
          devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
                                                                                                    1,825 Catholics per Priest
                                                   uninterruptedly from the consent
          Later, in the 19th century, St John      which she loyally gave at the                                ᛭
          Bosco also propagated Marian             Annunciation and which she                         4,161 religious Sisters
          devotion under this title.               sustained without wavering beneath                           ᛭
              It is under this title that, since   the cross, until the eternal                       679 religious Brothers
          1844, the Blessed Virgin Mary has        ful llment of all the elect. Taken up
          been the Patroness of Australia.         to heaven she did not lay aside this
                                                                                                      1 in 5 students attend
          Today, with the global pandemic,         saving of ce but by her manifold
                                                                                                         a Catholic school
          the Bishops again entrusted              intercession continues to bring us
          Australia to the Immaculate Heart        the gifts of eternal salvation…
                                                                                                      source: Australian Catholic
          of Mary under the title Our Lady,        Therefore the Blessed Virgin is
                                                                                                         Bishops Conference
          Help of Christians, seeking her          invoked in the Church under the
          intercession for the safety of all our   t i t l e s o f A d v o c a t e , H e l p e r,
          people.                                  Benefactress, and Mediatrix.”
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
                                                            The Readings

                                  Introit                                                 Second Reading
                             (Cf. Ps. 95:1, 6)                             The First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians
      O sing a new song to the Lord;                                                        (1:10-13, 17)
      sing to the Lord, all the earth.                                   I appeal to you, brothers, for the sake of our Lord Jesus
      In his presence are majesty and splendour,                     Christ, to make up the differences between you, and
      strength and honour in his holy place.                         instead of disagreeing among yourselves, to be united
                                                                     again in your belief and practice. From what Chloe’s
                                                                     people have been telling me, my dear brothers, it is clear
                            First Reading
                                                                     that there are serious differences among you. What I
                          The Prophet Isaiah
                                                                     mean are all these slogans that you have, like: ‘I am for
                                                                     Paul’, ‘I am for Apollos’, ‘I am for Cephas’, ‘I am for
      In days past the Lord humbled the land of Zebulun and          Christ’. Has Christ been parcelled out? Was it Paul that
      the land of Naphtali, but in days to come he will confer       was cruci ed for you? Were you baptised in the name of
      glory on the Way of the Sea on the far side of Jordan,         Paul?
      province of the nations.                                           For Christ did not send me to baptise, but to preach
                                                                     the Good News, and not to preach that in the terms of
      The people that walked in darkness
                                                                     philosophy in which the cruci xion of Christ cannot be
      has seen a great light;
      on those who live in a land of deep shadow
      a light has shone.
      You have made their gladness greater,                                        Gospel Acclamation (Mt. 4:23)
      you have made their joy increase,
      they rejoice in your presence                                  Alleluia, alleluia!
      as men rejoice at harvest time,                                Jesus preached the Good News of the kingdom
      as men are happy when they are dividing the spoils.            and healed all who were sick.
      For the yoke that was weighing on him,
      the bar across his shoulders,
      the rod of his oppressor,                                                              Gospel
      these you break as on the day of Midian.                                      The Gospel of John (1:29-34)
                                                                        Hearing that John had been arrested Jesus went back
                                                                     to Galilee, and leaving Nazareth he went and settled in
                         Responsorial Psalm
                      (Ps. 26:1, 4, 13-14. ℟. v. 1)                  Capernaum, a lakeside town on the borders of Zebulun
                                                                     and Naphtali. In this way the prophecy of Isaiah was to
      ℟. The Lord is my light and my salvation.                      be ful lled:
      The Lord is my light and my help;                                 Land of Zebulun! Land of Naphtali!
      whom shall I fear?                                                Way of the sea on the far side of Jordan,
      The Lord is the stronghold of my life;                            Galilee of the nations!
      Before whom shall I shrink? ℟.                                    The people that lived in darkness
                                                                        has seen a great light;
      There is one thing I ask of the Lord,                             on those who dwell in the land and shadow of death
      for this I long,                                                  a light has dawned.
      to live in the house of the Lord,                              From that moment Jesus began his preaching with the
      all the days of my life,                                       message, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at
      to savour the sweetness of the Lord,                           hand.’
      to behold his temple. ℟.
      I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness
                                                                                      Communio (Cf. Ps. 33:6)
      in the land of the living.
      Hope in him, hold rm and take heart.                           Look toward the Lord and be radiant;
      Hope in the Lord! ℟.                                           let your faces not be abashed.

          “Evil draws its strength from indecision and concern for what other people think.”
                                                         — Pope Benedict XVI
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