ST. BRENDAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Saint Brendan Catholic Church
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ST. BRENDAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 10100 NE 192nd Street, Bothell, Washington 98011 / 425-483-9400 FR. NICHOLAS WICHERT, PASTOR JUNE 4 - 5, 2022 FEAST OF THE PENTECOST Mission Statement We, the St. Brendan Catholic community, are called to: • Celebrate through Word and Sacrament; • Be formed as disciples and go forth as apostles; • Reach out to all with love and respect In order to make visible the reign of God by transforming our world. Misión Nosotros, la comunidad católica de San Brendan estamos llamados a: • Celebrar a través de la Palabra y Sacramento; • Ser formados como discípulos y seguir adelante como apóstoles; • Llegar a todos con amor y respecto Todo esto para hacer visible el reino de Dios transformando nuestro mundo. Sunday Eucharist Schedule SATURDAY: 5 PM SUNDAY : 8 AM |10AM |12 PM (MISA EN ESPAÑOL) When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. Weekly Mass Schedule And suddenly there came from the sky MONDAY, WEDNESDAY—SATURDAY : 8:30 AM a noise like a strong driving wind, Sacrament of Reconciliation and it filled the entire house in which they were. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY—SATURDAY : 7:45 AM to 8:15 AM Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, SATURDAY: 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. —Acts: 2:1-11
ST. BRENDAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS/DATES Pastor A BLESSED PENTECOST SUNDAY Rev. Nicholas Wichert| ext. 2647 • PARISH SCHOOL 8TH GRADE GRADUATION CEREMONY & MASS—June 8/Wed./ 7PM. Pastoral Assistant for Administration • YOUNG-AT-HEART SENIOR GROUP—Jun. 8/Wed./9AM—pg. 6. Pastoral Assistant for Evangelization • ST. BRENDAN WOMEN’S GROUP —Jun. 9/Thu./6:30PM Brigette Blair | ext. 2645 • GOLF TOURNAMENT--EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION DUE—Jun. 10/Fr./See flyer in- sert—pg. 7. Bookkeeper • ST. BRENDAN GARDENS—Jun. 11/Sat./AM—pg. 6. Mary Deitch | ext. 2642 • FR. JAMES NORTHROP’S 25th ANNIVERSARY of ORDINATION—Jun. 12/Sun./2PM/ St. Thomas Parish—pg. 6. Youth Ministry (Sr. High) • BBQ & BROTHERS—Jun. 16/Thu./6:30PM—pg.6. Margaret Deleon | ext. 2644 • HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE (LIVE VIDEO) INFO SESSION—Jun. 18/Sat./10am—pg. 3. • PANCAKE BREAKFAST—June 26/Sun./8AM/10AM—pg. 5. Children & Family Ministry • MASS OF THANKSGIVING (FR.) JOHN DEPALMA—Jun. 29/Wed./6PM Priscilla Finch | ext. 2648 • MASS OF THANKSGIVING (FR.) CHAD GREEN—J un. 30/Thu./6PM Director of Music Ministry & TO ALL ST. BRENDAN CONFIRMANDS! RCIA Coordinator Mary Sims | ext. 2649 Parish Office Facilities Supervisor Hours: Mon-Fri 9:15am-noon; 1:00-4:30pm Isaac Anderson | ext. 2650 Phone: (425) 483-9400 / Fax: (425) 486-9735 Address: 10051 NE 195th Street Bothell, WA 98011-2931 Receptionist Lupita Silva Ocampo School Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm Phone: (425) 483-8300 / Fax: (425) 483-2839 School Principal Address: 10049 NE 195th Street Catherine Shumate Bothell, WA 98011-2931 School Office Manager/ Funeral Masses and Burial Rites Development Director To arrange for a funeral Mass, please contact the Parish Office, or ask the Christen Lambert funeral director to do so. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound School Secretary To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or to receive Holy Karyn Murnane Communion at home, please contact the Parish Office. For after hours emergency care you may also call the Eastside Deanery Pastoral Care Ministry at 425-655-3200. Data Clerk Ermina Swager Misas para Funerales y Ritos de Entierro Para hacer arreglos para Misa para funeral, por favor contacte la To submit a bulletin request, please Oficina de la Parroquia, o pregunte al director de los servicios email funerarios. Ministerio para los Enfermos Para hacer arreglos para el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos o para recibir la Santa Comunión en casa, por favor contacte la Oficina de la Parroquia. PAGE 2
READINGS FOR WEEK OF MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Please pray for the sick: JUNE 5, 2022 OF JUNE 5, 2022 Jean Bublitz SUNDAY, JUNE 5 Jo Hanson Sunday, June 5 PENTACOST SUNDAY Dcn. Armando Medina 8:30am (Community of St. Brendan) Acts 2:1-11 Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31,34 Alex & Gina Mickus 10:00am (+Richard Montemayor) 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17 Maria Morales 12:00pm (+Rita Bustos) Jn 20:19-23 Charlene Munter Monday, June 6—Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Monday, June 6 Amalia Ocampo Mary, Mother of the Church 8:30am (+Robert Newcomb) Gn 3:9-15, 20 Ps 87:1-2, 3 & 5, 6-7 Erick Ojeda Jn 19:25-34 Vic & Joyce Palazzo Tuesday, June 7 Tuesday, June 7 NO MASS Rosa Cecilia Sanchez 1 Kgs 17:7-16 Ps 4:2-3, 4-5, 7b-8 Dayana Santiago Bautista Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday, June 8 Kathleen Foudray Wednesday, June 8 8:30am (Souls in Purgatory) David & Doris Svanevik 1 Kgs18:20-39 Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab & 8, 11 Mt 5:17-19 Thursday, June 9 8:30am (+William Lersch) And for those who have died: Thursday, June 9 Hanriyet Basoglu 1 Kgs 18:41-46 Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13 Friday, June 10 Richard Montemayor Mt 5:20-26 8:30am (+Enrique Ibarguengoitia) Angelica M. Valdez Velazquez Friday, June 10 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16 Ps 27:7-8a, 8b-9abc, 13-14 Saturday, June 11 Mt 5:27-32 8:30am (Shirley Green) 5:00pm (+Siu Ho Chiu) Saturday, June 11—Memorial of St. Barnabas Acts 11:21b-26; 12:1-3 Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6 Mt 5:33-37 Key: + = deceased SUNDAY, JUNE 12 SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY FIRST FRIDAY 24-HOUR ADORATION Prv 8:22-31 Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 June 3-First Friday 24 hours Adoration. Start after the 8:30 AM Friday mass Rom 5:1-5 Jn 16:12-15 and continues the whole night and finish the following day Saturday before the 8:30 am Mass with benediction. Come, visit Jesus, and adore Him. ST. BRENDAN WOMEN’S GROUP Please come join us on Thursday, June 9 at 6:30PM for a great evening of fellowship and learning! We are excited to have Fr. Wichert as our guest speaker! Food is provided. Please RSVP to Cathy Galvan at or sign up sheets will be out in the Narthex after all Masses so we can get a head count for food. ¡Únase a nosotros el jueves 9 de junio a las 6:30PM para una gran noche de compañerismo y aprendizaje!¡Estamos emocionados de tener al P. Wichert como nuestro orador invitado!Se proporciona comida. Por favor, confirme su asistencia a Cathy Galván en cagal- o las hojas de registro estarán en el Narthex después de todas las misas para que podamos obtener un recuento de alimentos. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE Nathan and Sarah Bartel and Fr. Wichert will lead a 10-day Pilgrimage in the footsteps of the Holy Family to the Holy Land: Nov. 30—Dec.9, 2022 $4,450 per person (Roundtrip from Seattle) To register, contact: Nativity Pilgrimages at 832-406-7050 OR Information session: June 18, 10AM Live video call with guides from the Holy Land Email Sarah to RSVP: Fr. Davie PAGE 3
Priscilla Finch | 425-483-9400 ext. 2648 | Vacation Bible School is coming! Detectives needed to explore a marvelous mystery – the Mass! Volunteer and registration forms are available at the parish office, or contact Priscilla Finch: ¡Se acerca la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones! Los detectives necesitaban explorar un misterio maravilloso: ¡la masa! Los formularios de voluntariado y registro están disponibles en la oficina parroquial, o comuníquese con Priscilla Finch en Brigette Blair | 425-483-9400 ext. 2645| Here is the Jon Leonetti one-minute video we will be featuring his videos every week in the bulletin: • (134) Recognizing God - YouTube • (120) Unforgotten Prayer - YouTube Chris Stefanick has a new 30-minute program on FORMED at 7PM (ET) or 4PM (PT) • Can you have faith but still feel afraid? | Chris Stefanick Show - Chris Stefanick Show - FORMED • The Catholic Approach to Politics | Chris Stefanick Show - Chris Stefanick Show - FORMED The Second Greatest Story Ever Told Episode 3: The Suffering Servant - In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - FORMED Be sure to check out the St. Brendan Evangelization Page for more information: A message from Bishop Barron about returning to Mass - PAGE 4
Margaret Deleon | 425-483-9400 ext. 2644 | CONFIRMATION/SENIOR HIGH/YOUNG ADULT Follow us on /SaintBrendanYouthMinistry Mary Sims | 425-483-9400 ext. 2649| KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CORNER Mark your calendar for our next (and final, until September) Pancake Breakfast, on Sunday, June 26. Please come out and join us for a hearty full-course breakfast and fun with your fellow parishioners! Deacons John DePalma and Chad Hill, both of whom served at St. Brendan, will be ordained to the priesthood on June 25 at 10 AM at St. James Cathedral. Fr. DePalma will celebrate a special mass at St. Brendan on Wednes- day, June 29 at 6 PM. A similar mass celebrated by Fr. Hill is also planned. Look for details in an upcom- ing Bulletin. Following their masses at St. Brendan, we will present Fr. DePalma and Fr. Hill each with a Travel Mass Kit in memory of 4th Degree knights who have recently passed away. Interested in becoming a Knight? Check out the Knights of Columbus national and WA State websites to see the important work being done for our Church, our Community and our Country: and PAGE 5
CURSILLO ULTREYA ST BRENDAN'S YOUNG AT HEART SENIORS GROUP—Ever hear about hippotherapy? This refers to a process by which individuals with physical and mental disabilities are treated using a horse. Looking for spiritual growth? Specially trained physical, occupational, speech therapists utilize the natural gait of a horse to improve Meet Saturday mornings neurological and sensory processes in the patient, thus improving skills for daily life. Check from 7:00am—8:30 am. out to hear about actual cases where this therapy helped. Contact: Sam or Melinda Affronte On Wednesday, June 8, we will be visiting Little Bit Therapeutic Horse Center in Redmond, which is one of (425) 481-5296 the largest accredited therapeutic horsemanship programs in the US. We will be given an hour tour of the facilities as well as see both the Therapy & Adaptive Riding programs in action. Ron Fernandes (425) 821-3599 Please meet in church narthex at 9AM on Wednesday, June 8. Wear close-toed shoes. Masks are still re- quired. The tour itself is free, but a donation is very welcome at time of visit. We will lunch afterwards in one of Redmond’s restaurants. Please contact Donna (425-488-1373) to reserve your seat on the church bus. If you have any mobility issues, please let her know; the center will be able to accommodate them. A YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! waiver form will need to be filled out before the tour. Our Parish Outreach Ministries request the ST BRENDAN GARDENS—Our next work party will be on the morning of Saturday, June 11. Besides following items: the never-ending weeding that is always necessary, the big focus will be on mulching. Please bring wheel- barrows, shovels, and rakes to help distribute the mulch. Any questions? Call Anneliese at 425-770-2103. PREPARES FOR LIFE Diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6, and FR. JAMES NORTHROP’S 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF PRIESTLY ORDINATION 4t/5t) and Baby Wipes You are all invited to Fr. James Northrop’s 25th Anniversary of Ordination to the Sacred ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Priesthood Mass of Celebration on Sunday, June 12, 2022, 2PM at: UPDATED: peanut butter • St. Thomas Parish canned meats • crackers • 4415 S 140th St, canned fruits Tukwila, WA 98168 SOS R eception to follow. Fr. Jim served as Pastor of St. Brendan Catholic Church from 2005 - 2017. Carrots• romaine lettuce • tomatoes please. RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE—PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE EXPECTANT MOTHERS; Please Pray For These Expectant Mothers: Yolanda Bigsby, Kristen Van Hollebeke, Taylor McMonigle, Lauren Merry Biel- inski, Maria Mosse Grave, Rubia Moran, & Genevieve Rollier. We pray that you willl have a healthy baby RESPECT LIFE and a safe delivery for your baby. COMMITTEE CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE NEW PARENTS: Joe & Kristina Gervais on the birth of their daughter, Anne We usually meet the 4th Catherine Gervais • Jordan & Amanda (Thompson) Cantrell on the birth of their baby girl, Dorothy May Thursday of the month in the Cantrell. If you are expecting a baby and would like your parish family to pray for you, please call Mary SOS Room at 7:00 pm. Hradec at 425-275-1896. We respect life from JOY IN THE LITTLE (BIG) THINGS WITH OUR CHILDREN—Mass, seeing old friends, cinnamon rolls, hiking, conception to natural death, climbing-almost every fallen tree in the forest, impromptu swimming in the lake, laughs, toddler conversa- as we are called to do as tions, hunting for mushrooms, and the sun kissed and dirt dusted faces! After a day FILLED with grace and Catholics. love and joy, my soul is filled with happiness! Happiness knowing this life is the life God has chosen for me. This life is simple, crazy, busy, fun, hard, full of challenges, stretching, and soul searching. Yet it is in If you are interested in the day to day of family life that when I reflect back on what is important, the gift we are giving each other joining us, we would love to and our children and your culture “trying” to be the Christian Catholic family God has asked us to be, the have you and your new ide- more I’m convinced that this life is good! God has asked us to love and to love to our fullest capacity by as! If interested, please con- giving of ourselves! And when we do our Joy will be complete! tact Colleen Danforth at As I prepare to bring this little life into this crazy world…I am content and convinced God’s timing is per- fect! His love is abundant! He is the omnipotent One! The One who knows that He called us to this world for a particular reason. And we are blessed to participate in that Plan to bring a new being, a new SOUL into this world! Gosh the miracle that is LIFE is astonishing! God has brought life into this world and I am JOYFILLED knowing He has a Plan for it! He is the author and maker of life—EVERY LIFE—and He does not make mistakes. The Joy I feel as I am about to bring this little life into this world cannot be described! I feel like my words are useless, except in that in the words of someone I heard recently..”go to the home, make a Good family, and you will do more for the world than you know!” #godsgood #pregnancyreflections #blessed #catholicmom #catholic #allinhistime #catholicfamily BBQ & BROTHERS Our next BBB meeting will be on Thursday, June 16 at 6:30 PM in the Narthex. Details will follow by email. Please contact Dale Garrett at (206) 963-1699 to get your name on the list! PAGE 6
BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOUL! BULLETIN DEADLINE O LORD, MY GOD, YOU ARE GREAT INDEED! HOW MANIFOLD ARE YOUR WORKS, O LORD! 12 Noon Thursday — A week prior to bulletin weekend, THE EARTH IS FULL OF YOUR CREATURES; R LORD, SEND OUT YOUR SPIRIT, AND RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH. MAY THE GLORY OF THE LORD ENDURE FOREVER; MAY THE LORD BE GLAD IN HIS WORKS! PLEASING TO HIM BE MY THEME; ONLINE I WILL BE GLAD IN THE LORD. PARISHIONER R LORD, SEND OUT YOUR SPIRIT, AND RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH. REGISTRATION AND IF YOU TAKE AWAY THEIR BREATH, THEY PERISH ONLINE GIVING AND RETURN TO THEIR DUST. WHEN YOU SEND FORTH YOUR SPIRIT, THEY ARE CREATED, Every person’s finances AND YOU RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH. and family situation is R LORD, SEND OUT YOUR SPIRIT, AND RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH. different. Jesus makes it clear that it —PS 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34 matters not how much one gives, but that it is planned, calculated, at least some- PENTECOST what sacrificial (see Luke 24:1-4), and not simply One miracle of Pentecost was that, despite their diversity, each listener heard God’s from what is “leftover” at word in his or her own language. The meaning for stewardship is that, by sharing the the end of the month. gifts poured out on us by the Holy Spirit, we will be empowered to meet the needs o our We propose the tithe brothers and sisters, whatever they may be. (10%) as the ideal every family can consider working ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL (ACA) towards. This means taking steps to give 5% to one’s Thank you again for your response to the Annual Catholic Appeal parish and 5% to other this year. As Fr. Wichert has mentioned, a letter is being sent out charities, or causes you this week to those still considering their gift to the ACA campaign. have personal passion for. He is inviting you to participate in bringing the light of Christ to oth- You can register online at ers through your gift. The funds pledged will support many archdioc- and click esan-wide ministries including CYO camps. faith formation for all on the link Online ages, and vocations to the priesthood. Registration/New Parishioner on the right column. PARISH SCHOOL—GOLF FOR A GREAT CAUSE! To give online, click on the Parents, parishioners, alumni, and friends of St. Brendan are invit- Online Giving link at the top ed to attend the 2022 St. Brendan Golf Tournament on Saturday, of the page. It’s quick, September 24th at the serene Golf Club at Redmond Ridge. All pro- secure, convenient, and easy. Your support helps ceeds directly impact the Fr. Mike Schmitt Tuition Assistance Fund, sustain our parish. If you providing stability to families and allowing students to receive Cath- need help with online olic education at St. Brendan’s while facing financial or medical giving, please call the hardship. For questions, contact the St. Brendan Development Of- Parish Office at 425-483- 9400. fice at 425-483-8300 or or visit: Complete flyer or scan! Before June 10th - Early Bird Tickets are $135 Cover Image: Maino Pentecostés, 1620- After June 10th - Tickets are $150 Registration deadline is September 14th 1625. Museo del Prado.jpg : Wikimedia Commons PAGE 7
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