North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021

Page created by Marvin Holland
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
North Hills Art Center
   Art for a Lifetime

       Classes/Camps start June 14th!

                                           Summer 2021
3432 Babcock Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15237   412-364-3622
                                                                 Quarterly Volume 3
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
1                                        Registration Information

•   Online at MasterCard, Visa, Discover and Amex® are accepted
•   By mail: return registration form located on the last page with your check to the NHAC Office
•   In person or by phone (412-364-3622) during office hours, Monday thru Friday 10:00am-3:00pm
•   Classes without adequate registration will be cancelled and students will be notified. Full refunds will
    be given for cancelled classes. Please allow at least 2 weeks for processing of refunds.
    Memberships are non-refundable.
•   If a student drops a course, it is their responsibility to contact the North Hills Art Center.
•   No refunds/credits are given after the first class. Refunds for classes and workshops given if
    cancelled one week prior.
•   Compensation for missed classes is not available.
•   For the safety of your child, the NHAC requires the prompt retrieval of your children after class.
•   Remember to have your child wear old clothes. Classes are designed to be age appropriate.
•   Please let us know in advance if you or your child has any special needs.

              MONITORED OPEN STUDIOS                                       Special thanks to our sponsors & donors
              All sessions are pay as you go                                  who help us fulfill our mission of
Tuesday Night &                                                                promoting and encouraging art
Thursday Morning Pottery                                                     education and appreciation for both
                                                                             amateur and professional artists &
Adults only; ages 18 and up                                                 craftspeople of all ages and abilities.
Experienced potters may work at their own pace and are
encouraged to work on the wheel or handbuild. Clays and
glazes sold through the studio-see website for guidelines.
Tuesdays: 7pm - 10pm; limited to 8 participants until further notice
Thursdays: 9am - 12pm; limited to 8 participants until further notice
Members: $10; Nonmembers: $20 (pre-registration required)

Renegades Mixed Media Art Enthusiasts & Fiber Arts
Join us as we explore a variety of art media and techniques
such as collage, assemblage, altered books and art
journals. Fiber artists are encouraged to join this morning of
creating as well.       Bring materials to work with, bring
materials to share or just come to see what it's all about!
Zoom meetings until further notice. Updates on Facebook.
You do not need a Facebook account to join:
Painting, Pastels & More - All Mediums Welcome!
                                                                          J e u t h e r Tr e e F a r m
We invite you to join this informal gathering of artists. Bring subject
matter and medium of your choice. Occasional field trips. All levels      Thank you to all of the volunteers who always
of experience in any medium are welcome.                                  give generously of their time and talents! It is
Thursdays: 10:00am - 1:00pm                 Fee: $5                         because of you that we are able to provide
                                                                            quality art enrichment to the community.
Sogetsu Ikebana
Ikebana is a Japanese form of flower arranging which concentrates
on line, color, and space using materials from your backyard                                 *Please note:
garden. Ikebana can be done by anyone, anytime, anywhere with             All North Hills Art Center instructors have the
any materials. You must email Reiko at by           required PA Clearances. For more information
Tuesday to reserve your space.                                            about our instructors, please visit our website
Please check the website and e-news for schedule                 & click on “Biographies.”
Studio Fee: $5; Material Fee Varies (Email Reiko for cost)                  Find us on    ……………       and …………… !

Summer 2021
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
Table of Contents                                                                    2
Special Events ............................................... 2, 3   Workshops (Adult & Teen) ................................. 7
Pottery Classes/Workshops (Adult & Teen) ... 4-5, 7                   Glass Workshops (Adult & Teen) ....................... 7
Adult Classes (Adult & Teen) .............................. 5         Children’s Classes/Workshops ........................... 8
Painting Classes (Adult & Teen) ......................... 6           Summer Camps.............................................. 8, 9
Drawing Classes (Adult & Teen) ......................... 6            Experience the Arts/Membership...................... 10

                    North Hills Art Center
Fiber & Fire Art Show
                                     Virtual Opening
                             Saturday, June 5, 6pm
                                 on our website and Facebook page
                          Gallery Open for Viewing:
                                  June 7 - July 2
                             Monday - Friday: 10am - 3pm
                                Tuesdays: 7pm-9pm

          Where Art meets Fiber & Fire!
                                                   Free Admission & Parking
                        **see our website, enews and Facebook for Artist Call

                                                                                   Register online at:
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
      Fourth Annual Summer Solstice
          Raku Party
                      Sunday, June 20
                        6pm to 10pm
                  (rain date Sunday, July 4, 6-10pm)

     Enjoy the longest day of the year by creating some
     magical pottery using the Raku firing technique!
     See our video on our web site!
     Enjoy refreshments (beer, soft drinks, snacks/
     goodies as guidelines permit) and great music as
     you wait for the pottery to come out of the kiln
     (about every 20 minutes).

    Enjoy the Fiber & Fire Art Show in our Gallery
             & vote for your favorite entry
           June 7 thru July 2, Gallery Open:
             Monday thru Friday, 10am-3pm;
                    Tuesday 7-9pm

                   Here’s how you can
                 participate in the firing:
     Purchase a bisque RAKU piece made by one of
     NHAC potters when you arrive, glaze it, then watch it
     being fired outside in the raku kiln!
     Glazing & firing fee: $15 per piece.

     After the party-enjoy additional clay classes!
     Register (online or call the office) for the following
     pottery classes at the NHAC (see pages 4 & 5 for more info):
        Let’s Throw Some Clay! June 24 – Aug 5
        (no class 7/29), 7pm-9pm
        Advanced Wheel Throwing June 30 – Aug 11
        (no class 8/4), 7pm-9pm
        Just Raku Aug 7 – Aug 28
        (no class 8/21), 1pm-3pm
                       Thank you to our sponsors:
                          Standard Ceramics &

       3432 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh, PA 15237 | 412-364-3622
Summer 2021
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
                                            Pottery Classes

A-54 Monday Night Pottery                                  A-61 Saturday Morning Clay
Ages 16-Adult                                              Ages 16-Adult, Registration deadline: June 12
Registration deadlines: June 7
This class for all levels of experience will incorporate   This class is open to students of all skill levels whether
aspects of both hand building and wheel throwing.          you want to strengthen existing skills or learn new
                                                           ones. We will address the basics of wheel-throwing
Beginners through advanced students are welcome            and sculpture, with the ability to dive deeper into
to hone their skills from building and throwing to the     making and glazing techniques. If you've had a project
glazing process. Come enjoy an exciting clay-filled        in mind or just want a relaxing way to spend your
evening! Class fee includes clay, glaze, firing &          Saturday mornings, this class is perfect for you!
use of tools.                                              Class fee includes clay, glaze, firing & use of tools.
Instructor: Cynthia Young                                  Instructor: Patrick Bell
Dates: Mondays 6/14 - 8/2                                  Dates: Saturdays 6/19 - 7/31
(No class 7/5 or 7/26)                                     (No class 7/3 & 7/24)
6 sessions                                                 5 sessions
Time: 6:30 - 8:30pm                                        Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Member: $115                                               Member: $100
Nonmember: $135                                            Nonmember: $120


                                                           A-03 Let’s Throw Some Clay!

                                                           Ages 13-Adult
A-05 Wheel thrown and Handbuilt Pottery                    Registration deadline: June 17
Ages 16-Adult                                              This six week, 12-hour pottery class explores all the
Registration deadline: June 8                              aspects of working with clay. Students will learn to
                                                           hand build and wheel throw while being able to
Have you always wanted to learn to make pottery on         experience a variety of clays and glazing
the wheel? Do you like making things by hand? Do           techniques. Advanced students welcome and
both! In this class we will use hand building              encouraged to further develop their skills. Ask about
techniques and the wheel to make mugs, bowls,              accessibility options! Class fee includes clay,
vases and other forms of your choice. Enjoy a              glaze, firing, and use of tools.
relaxing morning with clay! Class fee includes clay,
glaze, firing, and use of tools.                           Instructor: Diane Pontoriero
Instructor: Cynthia Young                                  Thursdays 6/24 - 8/5
                                                           (No class 7/29)
Dates:                                                     6 sessions
Tuesdays 6/15 - 7/27                                       Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
(No class 7/20)                                            Member: $115
6 sessions                                                 Nonmember: $135
10:00am - 12:00pm
Member: $115
Nonmember: $135
                                                                       Register online at:
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
5                                  Pottery/Adult Classes

A-63 Advanced Wheel Throwing                               A-34 Just Raku

Ages 16-Adult                                              Ages 13-Adult , Registration deadline: July 31
Registration deadline: June 23                             Fire! Smoke! Drama! Instant Gratification! That's
                                                           what Raku Pottery is all about. This three week
This class is for the potter who wants to improve
                                                           course will focus on wheel and hand building raku
their skills on the wheel. We will be working on           pieces that will be fired during the last class out back
larger forms, matching sets/pieces, plates, lidded         in our raku kiln. Class fee includes clay, glaze,
pieces and tea pots. Ask about accessibility options!      firing, and use of tools.
Class fee includes clay, glaze, firing, and use of
tools.                                                     Instructor: Diane Pontoriero
                                                           Dates: Saturdays 8/7 - 8/28
Instructor: Diane                                          (No class 8/21)
Pontoriero                                                 3 sessions
                                                           Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Dates: Wednesdays                                          Member: $75
6/30 - 8/11                                                Nonmember: $95
(No class 8/4)
6 sessions
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Member: $115

Nonmember: $135

                                                           A-15 The Art of Hand Lettering
A-31 Landscape Weaving                                     Ages 14-Adult, Registration deadline: June 17
                                                           This class covers the entire lettering process from
Ages 16-Adult                                              pencil sketch to inked drawing to digital* finish. We'll
Registration deadline: June 15                             start with the basics of drawing individual letterforms
                                                           and work up to creating your own beautiful hand
                                                           lettered illustrations, building on lessons covered each
This class explores a new way of creating                  week. Chock full of tips and tools for creating concept-
landscapes by using various weaving techniques.            driven pieces, there will be demonstrations and one-on
Students begin by drilling and warping a picture           -one instructor critiques, as well as hands-on time to
frame, then learn ways of weaving and working with         work in class. Perfect for beginners wanting to learn
fiber to create unique pictures. Please bring: 8x10        the basics, as well as intermediate students looking to
                                                           dive deeper into incorporating hand lettering in their
or 10x12 wooden picture frame-1”-2” wide (see              professional work. *Digital processes will be taught,
sample; remove glass), drill, 1/8” drill bit,              but not required to create work in this class. If desired,
assorted yarns.                                            students should have access to a scanner/scanning
                                                           app on their phone/tablet, & Photoshop, Illustrator or
Instructor: Ruthann Farinacci                              Procreate. Please bring materials to work in class
Dates: Tuesdays 6/22 - 7/13                                each week: drawing paper, graph paper, pencils,
                                                           fine and broad tip markers/ Sharpies, tracing paper
4 sessions                                                 & ruler.
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Member: $60                                                Instructor: Jeanine Murch
Nonmember: $80
                                                           Thursdays 6/24 - 7/22
                                                           5 sessions
                                                           Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm
                                                           Member: $95
                                                           Nonmember: $115
Summer 2021                                                                                                     Murch
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
Painting Classes                                                            6

A-77 Exploring Watercolors
                                                             A-02 Painless Painting
Registration deadline: June 7                                Adults only, 21 years old & over
                                                             Registration deadline: June 9
Douglas Brown paints with a focus on controlled real-
ism, and you can learn the secrets of his technique.         Explore oil and acrylic painting in a relaxed atmos-
Each class will start with a short demo of the subject       phere while enjoying a glass of wine. Bring your fa-
of the week. All students will receive individual atten-     vorite wine to share. Seasoned painters can work to
tion and will work at his or her own pace. All levels        develop their personal style or try a new technique.
are welcome. Materials list provided.                        New artists will learn the basics of composition, color
                                                             theory, and painting techniques. Each class includes
Instructor: Douglas Brown                                    demos and individual instruction. Materials list
Dates: Mondays 6/14 - 7/19
6 sessions                                                   Instructor: Kim Freithaler
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Member: $125                                                 Dates: Wednesdays 6/16 - 7/21
Nonmember: $145                                              6 sessions
                                                             Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
                                                             Member: $105
                                                             Nonmember: $125


A-01 Painless Painting
Adult                                                        A-07 Portrait Painting and Drawing
Registration deadline: June 8
                                                             Ages 16-Adult
Explore oil and acrylic painting in a relaxed atmos-         Registration deadline: June 12
phere. Experienced painters can work to develop
their personal style or try a new technique. New art-        Using the fundamentals of how to draw and paint por-
ists will be taught the basics of composition, color         traits using shapes, measurements, values, lighting
theory, and painting techniques. Each class includes         and more will be the first part of day one. The remain-
demos and individual instruction. Materials list             der of time will be spent on your project. You can
                                                             use any medium from pencil to paint of your choos-
Instructor: Kim Freithaler                                   ing. Bring a snack for lunch for break.       Please
                                                             bring: large, clear references, sketch pad, variety
Dates: Tuesdays 6/15-7/20                                    of drawing pencils, white and kneaded erasers:
6 sessions                                                   for painting - please have knowledge for the me-
Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm                                      dium you choose to work with, bring usual sup-
Member: $105                                                 plies (if using oils - please
Nonmember: $125                                              no toxic solvents).

                                                             Instructor: Marianne Hilke
                                                             Saturdays 6/19 & 6/26
                                                             2 sessions
                                                             Time: 10:30am - 2:30pm
                                                             Member: $60
                                                Freithaler   Nonmember: $80                                       Hilke

                                                                       Register online at:
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
7                                               Workshops
                                All workshops are 1 session, unless otherwise noted.
WS-119 Clay Animal Planter                                    WS-69 Fused Glass Suncatcher
Ages 12-Adult, Registration deadline: July 3                  Ages 10-Adult, Registration deadline: July 19
Make a special animal inspired clay planter for your          Create two colorful fused glass
annuals, succulents or other plants in this two session       suncatchers in this workshop.
workshop. You’ll be using handbuilding techniques to          You will be able to pick from a
create planter in the first session and glaze the planter     wide variety of colored glass,
in the second session. NO CLAY EXPERIENCE                     frit, millifiori, beads and shapes
NECESSARY! All materials included.                            to make your suncatchers.
                                                              All materials included.
Instructor: Diane Pontoriero
Dates: Saturdays                                              Instructor: Diane Pontoriero
2 sessions                                                    Date: Monday 7/26
7/10 (building):                                              Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm                                               Member: $60
7/24 (glazing):                                               Nonmember: $80
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Member: $50
Nonmember: $60                                   Pontoriero                                                    Pontoriero

                                                              WS-10 Botanical Prints in Clay
                                                              Adult, Registration deadline: July 28
WS-113 Intro to Altered Books & Art Journaling
                                                              Using plant material, students will imprint botanical
Adult, Registration deadline: July 13                         designs in clay. You can bring your own favorite leaves
Explore creative solutions for your personal                  or use the many different plants that will be provided.
expression! A variety of techniques will be taught using      Students will learn how to form the clay into a plate
paint, collage, stencils, stamps and an assortment of         form using a slump mold and slab of white stoneware
mark making tools. Come experiment and explore                clay. Second class focuses on glazing. Finished
without the fear of making a mistake because in your          pieces will be food safe. NO CLAY EXPERIENCE
own art journal there are no mistakes. It’s a journey of
self expression and fulfillment; a cool crazy ride!           NECESSARY! All materials included.
Please bring a hardcover book - children's book               Instructor: Amanda Wolf
recommended. All other
materials included.                                           Dates: Wednesdays
Instructor: Chris Fondi                                       2 sessions
                                                              8/4 (building):
Date: Tuesday 7/20                                            6:00pm - 8:00pm
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm                                         8/18 (glazing):
Member: $30                                                   6:00pm - 7:00pm
Nonmember: $40
                                                              Member: $35
                                                              Nonmember: $45
WS-08 Fused Glass Jewelry                                                                                            Wolf

Ages 10-Adult, Registration deadline: July 26
We have molds!! Learn to create stunning fused glass          WS-54 Shibori Silk Scarf Dyeing
pendants, earrings and pins. Beginner and
                                                              Ages 10-Adult, Registration deadline: August 5
experienced glass artists can make up to 8 pieces of
wearable art. Class includes tips on the use of dichroic      Create two beautifully dyed
glass, layering glass, and using frits and stringers. You     silk scarves for yourself or as
can create both full and tack                                 a special gift. Learn how to
fused pieces.      All materials                              fold, twist and tie the scarves
included                                                      based on the Japanese
                                                              method, Shibori, to create
Instructor: Diane Pontoriero                                  unique colored patterns in the
                                                              scarves.       All    materials
Date: Monday 8/2                                              included.
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
                                                              Date: Thursday 8/12
Member: $60                                                   Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Nonmember: $80                                                Member: $40
                                                              Nonmember: $50
Summer 2021
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
Kids Classes                                                                8
              Children’s classes are designed to be age appropriate to give your child the best experience possible.
C-45 Colorful Watercolor Painting                                    C-86 Kid’s Summer Clay
Ages 8-11, Registration deadline: June 7                             Ages 7-11, Registration deadline: June 8
In this class, you will learn painting techniques and                Come create your own unique pottery! We will be using hand
brush methods for watercolors. Students will learn color             building techniques to create a variety of functional and fun dec-
mixing, various types of brush strokes, and how to make              orative clay pieces. All materials included.
fun patterns with crayon resist. All materials included.             Instructor: Tara Hays
Instructor: Tara Hays                                                Dates: Tuesdays 6/15-7/20
Dates: Mondays 6/14 - 7/19                                           (no class 7/13), 5 sessions
6 sessions                                                           Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm                                                Member: $80 Nonmember: $100
Member: $80
Nonmember: $100                                                      C-26 Wheel Throwing for Kids!
                                                                     Ages 10-12, Registration deadline: June 9
                                                                     Have you always wanted to try the potter’s wheel? Come learn
                                                                     to make your own pottery. We will work on all the skills neces-
                                                                     sary to create your own work from start to finish. Bring your
                                                                     patience and determination! No experience necessary!
                                                            Hayes    All materials included.
                                                                     Instructor: Cynthia Young
C-69 Mixed Media - Abstract Flowers                                  Dates: Wednesdays 6/16 - 7/28
                                                                     (no class 7/21), 6 sessions
Ages 8-13, Registration deadline: June 9                             Time: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Flowers are the main subject in this fun summer class. We will       Member: $90 Nonmember: $110
explore abstract drawing methods using pen-
cil, pastels, & other media. Students will learn                     WSC-06 Hand Lettering Workshop
how to define shapes with contour drawing
and other techniques to build their skills.                          Ages 8-14, Registration deadlines: June 21 & July 19
All materials included.                                              If you've ever wanted to create cool lettering for greet-
                                                                     ings cards, posters, or just for fun, this workshop is for
Instructor: Tara Hays                                                you! You'll learn the basics of creating beautiful hand
Dates: Wednesdays 6/16-7/21                                          lettering from pencil sketch to color finish using a variety
6 sessions                                                           of materials. Materials list provided.
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm                                                Instructor: Jeanine Murch
Member: $80
Nonmember: $100                                                      Dates: Mon 6/28 or Mon 7/26

                                                                     Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm

                                                                     Member: $30 Nonmember: $40

                                               Kids One Week Camps
SC-30 Cartooning Basics                        SC-31 Cartooning II                         SC-60 Paint Like Bob Ross & Other
                                                                                           Famous Artists
Ages 8-10, Reg deadline: June 7                Ages 9-12, Reg deadline: June 7
Learn the basics of cartooning in this                                                     Ages 6-11, Reg deadline: Aug 2
                                               This camp is designed for cartooning
camp with professional cartoonist/             students who have taken Cartooning          In this camp you will learn how to paint
illustrator George Broderick, Jr. From         Basics and want to progress. This           like several of our favorite artists, like
creating your own original character           camp reviews the basics and adds            Bob Ross, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso
using basic, simple shapes to inking,          depth to the discussions and tech-          and others. We will explore acrylic
lettering, and coloring your drawings          niques with group projects and exercis-     paint on canvas, watercolors, pastels
for that “professional” touch, the next        es designed to make the budding artist      and more in this fun, creative
GREAT comic character could be just            think outside the box. Please bring to      camp! All materials included.
a few pencil lines away for your               class: pencils, ruler, eraser, one thick,
child. Please bring: pencils, ruler, eraser,                                               Instructor: Diane Pontoriero
                                               one thin Sharpie marker, white sketch
one thick, one thin Sharpie marker, white      paper, color pencils, and color markers.    Date: Mon-Fri, 8/9 - 8/13
sketch paper, color pencils, & markers.                                                    Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
                                               Instructor: George Broderick, Jr.           Member: $90
Instructor: George Broderick, Jr.
                                               Date: Mon-Fri, 6/14 - 6/18                  Nonmember: $110
Date: Mon-Fri, 6/14 - 6/18                     Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Time: 9:00am - 11:00am                         Member: $70

Member: $70                                    Nonmember: $90
Nonmember: $90
North Hills Art Center - Art for a Lifetime - Summer 2021
Ar t
 SC-08 The Nature of Art                                                         Artists Ages 6-11
 Members: $90                  Nonmembers: $110
 In this camp we will explore how our natural                      June 21-25
 world inspires our creativity. Animals, birds,                    The Nature of Art                        10:00am-noon
 plants, the environment, the sun, wind and na-                    Let’s Build It                          1:00pm-3:00pm
 ture will be our starting points as we create our
 art projects using clay, watercolors, paint, natu-                June 28-July 2
 ral materials, photo paper, and other media.                      It’s All in the Process                   10:00am-noon
                                                                   Imagination and Creativity              1:00pm-3:00pm
 SC-25 Let’s Build It                                              July 5-July 9          (registration deadline 6/28)
 Members: $90                  Nonmembers: $110                    Let’s Build It                       10:00am-noon
 All hands-on deck for this interactive camp.                      It’s All in the Process             1:00pm-3:00pm
 We will use a variety of materials, from wooden
 shapes, clay, natural materials and more to                       July 12-16           (registration deadline 7/5)
 construct our art projects. We will explore                       Imagination and Creativity       10:00am-noon
 sculpture, architecture and fantasy forms as                      The Nature of Art               1:00pm-3:00pm
 we put our hands to work!
                                                                   July 19-23             (registration deadline 7/12)
                                                                   It’s All in the Process              10:00am-noon
 SC-22 It’s All in the Process                                     Imagination and Creativity         1:00pm-3:00pm
 Members: $90                  Nonmembers: $110
 Creativity abounds in this fun camp where we                      July 26-30                (registration deadline 7/19)
 will explore a wide variety of art making pro-                    The Nature of Art                       10:00am-noon
 cesses. We will explore using, paints, dye, inks,                 Let’s Build It                        1:00pm-3:00pm
 printmaking, fiber arts, sculpture and more as
 we look at art from around the world and                          Aug 2-6                (registration deadline 7/26)
 through science!                                                  The Nature of Art                    10:00am-noon
                                                                   It’s All in the Process             1:00pm-3:00pm

 SC-36 Imagination and Creativity                                              Additional Camps:
 Members: $90                  Nonmembers: $110
 Bring your imaginations to this camp where we                     Jun 14-18               (registration deadline 6/7)
 will use it to create one of a kind art projects.                 Cartooning Basics (ages 8-10) 9:00am-11:00am
 We will tap into our creative side as we draw,                    Cartooning II (ages 9-12)          1:00pm-3:00pm
 paint, write stories, build sculptures, design
 new products and grow as artists.                                 Aug 9-13     (ages 6-11) (registration deadline 8/2)
                                                                   Paint Like Bob Ross & Other Artists 10:00am-noon
                                                                      Full refund, less $25 processing fee, will be issued for
                                                                        cancellations made 1 week prior to start of camp.
 SC-07 Double Camp Experience                                           No refunds will be issued after the start of camp.
 Members: $175                 Nonmembers: $195
 Make it a double & link your camps! Campers                                  North Hills Art Center
 can be registered for both morning and after-                          3432 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh, PA 15237
                                                                       412-364-3622 |
 noon sessions each week as listed to the                           
 right. Morning session runs 10am-12pm, and
 afternoon session runs 1pm-3pm. Supervised
 lunch available 12pm-1pm between camp
 sessions. Please bring a brown bag lunch.
 Bottled water will be provided.

All camps taught by Monica Sobien & NHAC Staff

        North Hills Art Center is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization registered with the PA Department of State.
                                                 About Us
                                  Experience the Arts with Us!
The North Hills Art Center (NHAC) was founded in 1959 as the Artists' and Craftsmen's Guild by a group of
dedicated artists who understood the importance of having a permanent haven where people throughout the North
Hills and surrounding areas could come and learn, express themselves, and appreciate all forms of art. Today,
amateurs and professionals alike enjoy that vision in the North Hills Art Center, where they can exhibit their artwork
and benefit from the camaraderie found in our classes, open studio sessions and private parties.

                                         Scouting Workshops!
We can provide your troop with the requirements needed to complete projects and earn your merit badges. All
workshops require a minimum of 5 scouts in attendance. Workshops can be modified to include projects of your
choice. Don't see an art or STEAM badge your troop wants to earn? Email the requirements to us and if we can
get the supplies - we'll make it happen! $20-$35 per person (visit for more info.)

                                             Special Events!
Wine tastings, the Annual Summer Solstice Raku Party, beer tastings, and cultural events like the Cherry Blossom
Festival and the Chrysanthemum Festival are just a few of the Special Events we offer. Free Lectures are provided
throughout the year to members and non-members. We also participate in the annual RADical Day in the fall (this
is a free event, open to the public). (visit for more info and to sign-up for our e-news!)

                                        Artists’ Opportunities!
The North Hills Art Center supports local artists in a variety of ways – from providing a vibrant gallery and
community for showcasing artwork in our many exhibitions throughout the year, holding a private show (emerging
artists), the opportunity to be an artist and educator; and to create during Open Studio Sessions. By becoming
a member of the Art Center, artists can enjoy lower fees when entering shows, taking classes; enjoy discounts at
several local art supply & framing shops and be one of the first to know about upcoming shows/events through our
email newsletter. Membership also qualifies the artist to free entry in our Artisan Markets where you can showcase
your work to the many patrons who seek to purchase handmade items at our Artisan Markets. (visit for more info)
          Please call the North Hills Art Center for more information about any of our events at 412-364-3622

                           Class Registration & Membership (please print)
Student name: _______________________________Age (if under 18): ______ Parent’s Name:________________

Address: ___________________________________________ City:_________________________ Zip:________

Phone: _____________________________ Email:__________________________________________________

Code: ____________Class: _______________________________________________ Tuition:_______________

Code: ____________Class: _______________________________________________ Tuition:_______________

        Membership (New or Renewal) - Memberships expire one (1) year from date of purchase
STUDENT-$20 (K-12 grade)      SENIOR-$30 (65+)     INDIVIDUAL-$35 (18+)      FAMILY-$50   Member Fee:___________

                                                                                 Total Amount Paid: ______________

                 For Family/Patron memberships, please include names of parents & kids (with ages).

                          To pay by credit card, please call the North Hills Art Center office:
         Monday thru Friday 10:00am-3:00pm at 412-364-3622 or register online at:
                     For Office Use:         INV# ____________         CHECK # _____________
North Hills Art Center                                                                          Nonprofit org.
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3432 Babcock Blvd                                                                                    PAID
Pittsburgh, PA 15237                                                                            Pittsburgh, PA
                                                                                               Permit No. 1320

If you no longer wish to receive this catalog, please send an
email to: or call 412-364-3622.

                UPCOMING EVENTS
         Check our website,
           for details on these events and more!
          Summer Class Session Begins June 14
               Weekly Summer Art Camps
                 June 14 thru August 13
              Summer Solstice Raku Party
              Sunday, June 20, 6pm-10pm                          North Hills Art
          Fiber & Fire Show: June 7 thru July 2*
           Virtual Show Opens June 5 at 6pm
         Art for Animals Show: July 19 thru Aug 6*                 Art for a Lifetime!
            Virtual Show Opens July 17 at 6pm
                                                                    3432 Babcock Blvd.
            Gloria Dufresne - Private Art Show
                                                                     Pittsburgh, PA 15237
                   August 16-August 27*
               Tentative Reception August 14
          Office Closed : August 30-September 3
      Members Show: September 20 thru October 8*
       Virtual Show Opens September 18 at 6pm
       *Art Gallery Open M-F, 10am-3pm; M 7-9pm

The North Hills Art Center is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization registered with the PA Department of State.
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