No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College

Page created by William Frank
No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Kaikorai Valley College                                                                                Newsletter

   500 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, New Zealand Telephone: 453 6035 Fax: 453 1602 Email: Website:

                                       No. 37 - 22 November 2019
Principal’s Comment                                                        come along.
                                                                           This year we are only intending to meet with those families
Kiaora koutou, greetings to all parents, caregivers and friends            where we have some concerns around the chosen courses;
of the school.                                                             maybe because of a clash, or the lack of pre-requisites, or that
We are now six weeks through a nine week term and it has                   the subject does not actually fit well with career aspirations.
been quite scary to see just how quickly this term has gone.               We will contact these families to arrange an appointment.
External examinations began for our senior students on 7                   If you are keen to be part of a meeting please contact the
November and are continuing to run very smoothly. It has                   school next week and this can be arranged.
also been very encouraging to see students taking up the                   Uniform
opportunity of coming in for extra tutorials, and credit catch-            It is at this time of the year that we remind families about
ups. My thanks to the staff who have well and truly gone                   the need to consider uniforms for next year. For those in
above and beyond to provide this extra time for students. I                Year 10 at present, they will be moving into the senior blazer
hope they are thanking their teachers for this.                            and tie.
Year 9 and 10 students sat exams last week and will now be                 These uniform items are available from H&J Smith’s in town.
receiving the marked scripts back. Please do ask them how                  It does pay to get in early and not leave this till the last minute
these went. This may be an opportunity for the beginnings                  when supplies may be running short.
of some goals for 2020.
The last few weeks have been interesting weather-wise,
with temperatures fluctuating and a fair number of rainy
days thrown in to keep us on our toes. Please do ensure
students are coming to school with appropriate clothing
for the weather conditions i.e. jackets on rainy days, school
jerseys on cooler days.
Teacher Only Day
Today the school is holding a Teacher Only Day. This is
something we have done for the last four years and it is an
extremely valuable day; at just the right time of the year to
provide staff time to complete some very, very big ticket
items e.g. annual reports. Fortunately, it does not impact
on the senior students and also allows time for planning for
During the day staff will able to devote time to writing up
annual reports on student achievement as well as beginning
to review teaching plans to see if changes are necessary for
the New Year. I pass on my thanks to all parents for your                  We would also ask all parents to take a look at the shirts.
understanding in what is actually an incredibly busy time of               Some are starting to look pretty grey and may either need
the year.                                                                  replacing or a good soaking in Napisan. Kilts may also
Strategic Planning for 2020                                                need attention. Please take a look at hems that have come
It is coming to that time of the year where we are considering             undone and get these repaired before taking them in for dry
our strategic goals for 2020. We are keen to hear from both                cleaning.
students and caregivers/whānau. You will be sent an email                  Having had four children, I can recall just how costly an
asking for any ideas that the management team and Board                    exercise it can be for families. Options are available for layby
may consider in its planning for next year and beyond. I                   on new items and the school’s second hand uniform shop,
pass on my thanks in advance for your cooperation with this                which has a limited supply of high quality second hand items,
survey.                                                                    is also available. Contact details for the second hand uniform
Senior Coursing Interviews                                                 shop are Mrs Wendy Ellis 027 487 7012 and Mrs Katherine
This year we have decided to make some minor changes to                    Robertson 0274 886 104.
our coursing interviews. In the past we have interviewed                   Congratulations
every student from Years 10-12, along with their whānau.                   Mr John Downes, a former Deputy Principal of KVC, who
This has often meant a meeting for a good number of                        retired last year, received a Long Service Award at a prizegiving
families where we are simply ticking boxes for decisions that              last night, held to honour long-serving PPTA members. Mr
you have already made. This can be a little frustrating for                Downes was a PPTA member for 39 years.
caregivers, especially those who have taken time off work to               Rick Geerlofs, Principal

                             KAIKORAI VALLEY COLLEGE                        Opportunity and Success for All
No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Kaikorai Valley College 2020 Year Dates
            Kaikorai Valley College 2020 Dates
Back to School Dates
Monday 27 January           Teacher Only Day
Tuesday 28 January          Peer Support Training (10am-3pm in the hall foyer)
Wednesday 29 January        Junior College students commences (Years 7 and 8)
Thursday 30 January         All school commences (Years 7-13)
Term Dates
TERM                    START DATE               END DATE
Term 1 (11 weeks)       Tuesday 28 January       Thursday 9 April
Term 2 (10 weeks)       Tuesday 28 April         Friday 3 July
Term 3 (10 weeks)       Monday 20 July           Friday 25 September
Term 4 (9 weeks)        Monday 12 October        Tuesday 8 December
Public Holidays
DATE                                         HOLIDAY
Wednesday 1 January                         New Year’s Day
Thursday 2 January                          Day after New Year’s Day
Thursday 6 February                         Waitangi Day
Monday 23 March                             Otago Anniversary
Sunday 5 April                              Daylight Saving ends
Friday 10 April                             Good Friday
Monday 13 April                             Easter Monday
Tuesday 14 April                            Easter Tuesday
Saturday 25 April (observed Monday 27)      Anzac Day
Monday 1 June                               Queen’s Birthday
Sunday 27 September                         Daylight Saving starts
Monday 26 October                           Labour Day
Friday 25 December                          Christmas Day
Saturday 26 December (observed Monday 28)   Boxing Day
Term Holidays
                    START                         FINISH
Term 1              Friday 10 April               Monday 27 April
Term 2              Saturday 4 July               Sunday 19 July
Term 3              Saturday 26 September         Sunday 11 October
Term 4              Wednesday 9 December
No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
International News                                          Urban Farm Activity
The excursions this week for our international students   It was a rather exciting
included the Chinese Gardens and Aramoana.                day at Bee School this
                                                          week as I was anxious to
                                                          know if our queen cell
                                                          had survived and been
                                                          accepted by our split
                                                          You can imagine my
                                                          delight when I found
                                                          our cell discarded with
                                                          the wax cap chewed through, meaning that our queen
                                                          had emerged. Our virgin queen will now take a ‘nuptial
                                                          flight’ in order to mate with drones from other colonies,
                                                          which die after mating! Then she will begin laying eggs.
                                                          A fertile queen is able to lay fertilised or unfertilized eggs
                                                          depending on the colony needs of the hive. Unfertilised
                                                          eggs contain 50% of the queen’s genes and develop into
                                                                                         drones. The fertilised eggs
                                                                                         have 50% genes from the
                                                                                         queen and the other 50%
                                                                                         from the drone male, these
                                                                                         eggs develop into worker
                                                                                         Our queen will go on laying for
                                                                                         an average lifespan of three
                                                                                         to four years, considering
                                                                                         the average lifespan of a
                                                          drone bee is eight weeks and a worker bee six weeks in the
                                                          summer and up to five months in the winter, our queen is
                                                          very important and essential to our hive.
                                                          Now the maintenance phase begins and the bees will work
                                                          tirelessly to collect nectar and pollen and begin the honey
                                                          making process.
                                                          Nicola Rushbrook

                                                                             KVC Urban Farm
                                                                                  Our Urban Farm is
                                                                                 gratefully supported
                                                                                    by the Otago
                                                                                  Community Trust.
No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Kaikorai Stream - Ecosystems Field Work
Today, 7Br went to the Kaikorai Stream for an Ecology field trip as part of their current work in Science. Students collected
animals from the stream and identified them using field guides: they caught and identified two koura, one stonefly nymph, a
lot of mayfly nymphs. All were released in the stream at the end of the lesson.
They also measured the water quality and temperature.
No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Brathwaite Centre News                                           School Physiotherapy
                                 On Monday we held a          The Physio is looking to have the
                                 lovely remembrance           last day of the school clinic at 29
                                 time for our former          November 2019, beginning back
                                 student, Amber Daisley,      again on 7 February 2020.
                                 with Amber’s family and      For those, over this time, who still need ongoing physio, or
                                 friends. We planted a        those associated with Kaikorai Valley College, but have a new
                                 rose “Amberlight” in a       injury, there is discounted Physio still available at the Physio
                                 pot on our new deck          Performance clinic in town - 8 Broadway, Dunedin.
                                 area, decorated it with      To make an appointment either ring 477 2853 or email info@
                                 butterflies, sang songs
                                 and blew bubbles.
                                 In Literacy, students                             Shave for a Cure
                                 have been learning           The final total collected for our recent Shave for a Cure
                                 about a well-known           is $526.20. Thank you so much to everyone who gave so
                                 poem,       ‘The    Red      generously to our shavees and this very worthy cause.
Wheelbarrow’ and have written their own poems in the
same format.
Mr H has been teaching about geometry in maths and
students used paints to make
mirror image paintings.
This week some of the students
performed some songs at an                                                          Eggciting News
early childhood centre, and                                                                             Thanks to a
last week they performed at                                                                             combined effort
Ross Home.                                                                                              from Mr Dodds,
Mrs S is pleased to be back at                                                                          Mr Viggo and
work after a long time away                                                                             Mr Murphy, the
and is settling in again. Thanks                                                                        Urban Farm is
to Mr H, Mr McMillan and Mr                                                                             now the proud
Piggott who have done a fine                                                                            owner of the
job in her absence.                                                                                     flashiest chook
                                                                                                        shed in NZ!
          Otago Secondary Schools’ Team Sailing                                                         Throughout
           Learn to Sail Course - 11-13 December                                                        the year some
Learn to sail a 420, a fast and fun double handed yacht.      students from the senior Technology classes and Activity
This is open to both complete beginners and experienced       group worked on different aspects of the shed, from laying
sailors from Year 9-13. If you enjoy the experience you can   box design, chook run construction to engineering and
join the Otago Secondary Schools’ Team Sailing group and      assembly.
sail regularly after school in 2020. This is an excting new   Many of the components were made from recycled material
collaborative venture between our local secondary schools.    and the end result was worthy of a George Clark Small Spaces
There is a meeting in Ms Gillespie’s room, Counsellor, on     programme. There was thought of putting bean bags in the
Monday 25 November,                                           two rooms and renting them out during big rugby matches
at morning break for                                          and concerts. However, in the end we have decided to let
interested     students.                                      the chooks enjoy a life of luxury.
The cost for the course                                       In 2020 students
is $20 per day. Our                                           will be involved
junior students are                                           in designing and
able to join in after our                                     constructing        an
KVC prizegiving on 11                                         automatic      water
December at no cost                                           trough,      utilising
for that day. Senior                                          the water collected
students on study leave                                       from the roof of the
are most welcome to participate.                              chook shed. There
Please contact Ms Gillespie for further information.          is also a plan to run a design competition for murals to be; 453 1606 or 027 561 6268.          painted on the shed, so get your design thinking caps on!
No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Curious Notions                                                Words from the Library
             The fear of cooking is known as Mageirocophobia     Book of the Week - ‘Wrecking Ball’ by Jeff Kinney.
               and is a recognised phobia.                                       This is book 14 in the Diary of a Wimpy
             The collective name for a group of unicorns is                     Kid series which is very popular with our
               called a blessing.                                                Junior College students. Greg Heffley’s
             President Ulysses S. Grant was arrested while in                   family receive an unexpected inheritance
               office. He was charged, booked, and released for                  and decide to make big changes to their
               speeding on a horse, and had to pay a fine.                       house. However soon they find home
   There are more storms on Mars when the planet is closer                      improvement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
    to the sun.                                                                  This book can be reserved in the Library or
   It is illegal to play a musical instrument in                                online on the KVC Library web page.
    the Northern Territory, Australia, for the
    purpose of annoying other people.                                  IMPORTANT DATES FOR 2019
   Coca-Cola was first served in 1886. At that
    time, only 9 colas were served in an average day, 3,285       DECEMBER
    a year. Today, 19,400 Coke products are consumed every        3     NZQA Exams Finish
   The largest earthworm on record was found in South
                                                                  4     Senior Clearance Day (9-11)
    Africa and measured 6.7metres.                                11    Junior Prizegiving
             The praying mantis is the only insect that can      11    Junior Reports Home
               turn its head.                                     11    Last Day of the School Year
             “She sells seashells by the seashore” was written
               about a female palaeontologist from the 1800s.                          Office Housekeeping
               She actually sold dinosaur bones and fossilised    If you have changed any of your contact
               shells.                                            details - phone numbers, address, email,
   It requires seven to eight trees to provide enough oxygen     please advise the office by emailing
    for just one person per year.                        or phone 453 6035
   Walking uses a total of 200 muscles with every step you       with your child’s name and form class.
                                                                                                     Quote of the Week
               This Day in HistorY                                                          “I’m a success today because I had a
                  22 November                                                               friend who believed in me and I didn’t
845: First King of all Brittany, Nominoe defeats Frankish King                              have the heart to let him down.”
Charles the Bald at the Battle of Ballon, near Redon.                                       ~ Abraham Lincoln ~
1497: Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama rounds Cape
of Good Hope on way to first voyage from Europe to reach
India.                                                                                 9 Letter Puzzlegram
1574: Discovery of the Juan Fernández Islands off Chile.                                           Words must be 4 letters or
1699: Treaty of Preobrasjensku Denmark, Russia, Saksen and
Poland divide Sweden.
                                                                     A          R          S       more and contain the letter
                                                                                                   C. Your list must have one 9-
1809: Peregrine Williamson of Baltimore patents a steel pen.                                       letter word. Proper names
1842: Mount St Helens in Washington erupts.
1886: Victoria Street Cable Tram route begins in Melbourne,
                                                                     O          C         M        and foreign language words
                                                                                                   are not allowed. Answers will
Australia.                                                                                         be in next week’s newsletter.
1906: Peter Stolypin, Prime Minister of Russia, introduces
agrarian reforms allowing peasants to withdraw from
                                                                      S         O          L       19 words = good; 31 words =
                                                                                                   great; 46 words = excellent; 53
the communes and take their share of land for private                                              words = outstanding!
ownership.                                                        Last Week’s Puzzle Answers: airn, anil, aril, earl, earn,
1910: Arthur Knight patents steel shaft golf clubs.               elan, haen, hail, hair, hale, hare, harl, haul, heal, hear, hila,
1943: France officially recognises the independence of            hula, ilea, lain, lair, lane, lari, lean, lear, liar, lira, luna, nail,
Lebanon, releasing the imprisoned Lebanese government.            near, quai, rail, rain, rale, rani, real, rhea, rial, ulan, ulna,
1960: French National Meeting decide to build own nuclear         unai, urea, alien, aline, anile, ariel, aurei, elain, equal, haler,
weapons.                                                          hilar, learn, lehua, liane, lunar, nairu, quail, quale, quare,
1969: Isolation of a single gene announced by scientists at       quean, renal, uhlan, ulnae, ulnar, uraei, ureal, urial, aliner,
Harvard University.                                               hailer, haleru, hauler, hernia, inhale, inhaul, larine, linear,
1989: Conjunction of Venus, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn         nailer, neural, renail, rhinal, unreal, urinal, haulier, hernial,
and the Moon..                                                    inhaler, quinela, HARLEQUIN
No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Sports News
The Otago Athletic Champs were held on Thursday 21            Although it is Teacher Only Day today, Minivolley and
November. Well done to all of our athletes who attended.      Volleyball are still on this afternoon. This is also the last
Final results will be out next week but we did have some      game for the season, so it would be great to see all team
students make it to the finals which is a great achievement   members there.
considering competitors come from all over Otago and for a    A reminder to please continue to return all
number of them athletics is their main sport.                 borrowed sports’ equipment such as shin
Junior Sports’ Week                                           pads, rugby and touch boots, tennis rackets
went really well. On                                          and borrowed PE tops and shorts as well as
Monday our KVC Boys’                                          sports’ uniforms.
Dodgeball team won                                            RESULTS
all of their games and                                        Friday 8 November
played against East                                           Senior Waterpolo
Otago High School in                                          KVC vs (9) LPHS Black (3)
the B Grade Final also                                        Friday 15 November
winning that game 5-                                          Minivolley - Edgar Centre
3. Tuesday was 3x3                                            KVC Red (0) vs Tahuna Red (3) POD Layla
Basketball and our                                            Maynard
                                                              KVC Green (3) vs Kavanagh Set (0) POD Taneia
                                  boys’ team had one win,     Wetere
                                  a draw and two losses.      Junior Volleyball - Edgar Centre
                                  On Wednesday we had         KVC Yellow (0) vs Queen’s Blue (3)
                                  nearly 30 students at the   Tuesday 19 November
                                  Edgar playing Volleyball.   Year 7 and 8 Futsal - Edgar Centre
                                  Thursday the weather        KVC Red (1) POD Archie Colquhoun vs KVC Blue (3) POD
                                  played ball and Touch       Thomas Burns
                                  was held at the Oval. It    KVC Green (8) vs Balmac Leopards (3) POD Cassidy Moore
                                  was a huge ask for our      Tuesday 19 November
                                                              Touch - Kensington Oval
players as we entered                                         Jnr Girls lost to Columba Tartan
a Mixed Team as well                                          Snr Girls lost to JMG
as a Junior Girls’ Team                                       Snr Mixed (5) vs Taieri Snr Mixed (4)
and some of our girls                                         Snr Boys won against OGHS Snr A
played back to back                                           Wednesday 20 November
games for most of the                                         Handball - Kavanagh Gym
day. The improvement                                          KVC (20) vs Kings Snr A (15)
in everyone’s game                                            DRAWS
was very noticeable                                           Friday 22 November
and both teams had a                                          Senior Waterpolo
number of wins in B Grade. The Mixed team won 4 out of        KVC vs Kavanagh at 3.40pm
5 games to take second place. A big thanks to Miss Nafatali   Friday 22 November - Final games
who coached all of those back to back games.                  Minivolley - Edgar Centre
                                                              KVC Red vs Taieri Spikers at 4.30pm on Ct 4C
                                                              KVC Green vs GI Aces at 4.00pm on Ct 5C
                                                              Junior Volleyball - Edgar Centre
                                                              KVC Pink vs Queen’s White at 7.10pm on Ct 4A
                                                              KVC Yellow vs OGHS 10 Blue at 6.25pm on Ct 4A Duty at
                                                              Tuesday 26 November
                                                              Year 7 and 8 Futsal - Edgar Centre
                                                              KVC Red vs Tahuna 6 at 5.30pm on Ct 18
                                                              KVC Blue vs Abbots 9 at 6.00pm on Ct 9
                                                              KVC Green vs Taieri Blue at 6.30pm on Ct 16
                                                              Theresa Johnson, Sports’ Coordinator
                                                              e:, c: 027 543 4251
No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College No. 37 - 22 November 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
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