CUrrently Speaking - UGOT HOME PAGE

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CUrrently Speaking - UGOT HOME PAGE
Upper Grand ETFO Occasional Teachers’ Local                                                   September 2019

             CUrrently Speaking
             Office: 519-837-0090                   Cell: 519-217-2704           

                                                               who attended the Annual Meeting demonstrated passion
                                                               for, and knowledge of, our Union. When they didn’t
         President’s Message                                   know something, they asked great questions. It was a
                                                               wonderful learning experience for everyone. I want to
                                                               acknowledge both Marina and Donna, who were
                                                               outstanding and a huge support for me. During an
                Dear member,                                   election year, things get quite hectic at Annual Meeting;
                                                               they were instrumental in Upper Grand being well
                  I hope you had a restful, enjoyable          represented. Thank you all for your patience and
                  summer. It was a wonderful break for me      support. Please read the Annual Meeting reports and
                  as I didn’t hear much from our provincial    observations which are included in this newsletter.
                  government. The legislature has not been
                  in session since June and will not           We also spent considerable time with our colleagues
                  reconvene until October. It was getting      from the Upper Grand Teachers’ Local. We sat together
                  quite frustrating listening to the news      and had many discussions which helped us understand
every day and trying to come to terms with the latest cuts     both the teacher and occasional teacher perspective. I
our provincial government has been making to services          believe a lot of real learning took place. We share a
and programs, on which the citizens of Ontario depend. I       common goal and, more than ever, we are united on
know how many supported this government because of             many of the issues. We are Upper Grand and we will
the size of the deficit but, since the Conservative party      continue working to close the gap between the two
took power last June, it has spent $4.9 billion more than      locals in order to work effectively together. On a sad
the previous Liberal government, $3.8 billion of which         note, Gundi Barbour, the teacher Local President, was
went to fund corporate tax breaks. That is after all the       not re-elected to the Provincial Executive. We work well
cuts to programs, education and health care.                   together and stand united provincially. Many of you will
                                                               move to contract positions and, when you do, know that
We have a new education minister, the Honourable               you will be well represented by Gundi and the other
Stephen Lecce. Our provincial executive has been               released officers. Since we share the same office, we are
meeting with the Ministry as we are in the midst of            in constant communication, collaborating to solve
contract negotiations. Our current collective agreement        issues. This round of bargaining will prove to be a
expires on August 31, 2019. Your provincial ETFO will          difficult one. Remember that, no matter what comes our
be negotiating on behalf of 83 000 members. You can find       way, you will be kept informed each step of the way.
current information on the ETFO website,
There, on the home page, you can also find a link to           At this Annual Meeting, Sam Hammond gave an
subscribe to the eNewsletter. If your contact information      inspiring speech, during which he asked everyone in the
has changed, get in touch with the ETFO office to make         room to stand. He assured us that ETFO has our backs.
sure you have it updated. For bargaining information,          Then he had everyone turn to two people whom we did
visit                                           not know, introduce ourselves and say that we had their
                                                               backs. It was very moving. When we retook our seats, I
The ETFO Annual Meeting took place August 12 – 15,             thought about what had happened and about you, the
2019. The mantra this year is “#ETFOstrong”. Last year,        Upper Grand Occasional Teacher. We need to rely on,
and I think it applies this year as well, was “United,         and support, each other. I have your back and we need to
Inclusive, Strong”. I attended the meeting along with          ensure that we have each others’ backs. That is what
Marina Howlett, your Vice President; Donna Henderson,          solidarity means right there.
your Secretary; and Amy Williams, Alternate Delegate.
Alexia Fordham also joined us on Wednesday to observe          On a final note, I sincerely hope that you have a
and later to enjoy the banquet dinner. The new members         wonderful school year. This newsletter has relevant
CUrrently Speaking - UGOT HOME PAGE
information to help. Please take the time to read through      Also, if you have any questions or concerns, you may
it.                                                            contact me by email or at 519-217-2704. I do my best to
                                                               respond in a timely manner.
              Andrew Aloe
                                                               Connect with other occasional teachers in the Board.
              ETFO Office Telephone: 519-837-0090              Join our Upper Grand ETFO Occasional Teachers' Local
              Phone: 519-217-2704
                                                               Facebook group. Jennifer Self, Gordon Webb and I try
                                                               to update the page regularly.

                                                               Follow me on Twitter. My handle is @andryn9. I
                                                               typically follow ETFO, political, and labour tweets.
   Minimum Days to Remain                                      The Upper Grand District School Board's website,
       on the OT Roster                              , has links to various useful tools for
                                                               employees. Click on that tab for links to the cloud,
                                                               webmail and ugshare. The most relevant to you are the
All occasional teachers must work a minimum of fifteen         tabs in Human Resources, which have teacher and LTO
days, not ten, to stay on the OT roster. To clarify, that is   seniority lists. Make sure you use them regularly.
not fifteen assignments, but fifteen full-days. This can
include half-day assignments but you need two half-day
assignments to equal one day worked.

The Board has been very strict on this rule in the last two           Collective Bargaining
years. If you know in advance that you won’t make the
fifteen days, you need to request a leave of absence. That                  Update
includes maternity leaves. Without a leave, if you do not
complete the required fifteen days, your name will be
removed from the Occasional Teacher Roster. If you are                          Marina Howlett, Chief Negotiator
unsure, contact me at
                                                                                 ETFO met with OPSBA and CTA, the
                                                                                 government and School Board partners
                                                                                 at the Central Table during July and
     Electronic Communication                                                    August. On August 23, 2019, the
                                                                                 partners reached an agreement on the
         and Social Media                                                        items that will be negotiated at the
                                                               Central Table and a non-exhaustive list of items
                                                               available at the local level. Items to be negotiated
Our website,, has job-related information         centrally will not be available to be bargained at the
and it is updated regularly. There is lots of good             local level. The complete list of bargaining issues will be
information including:                                         shared with the membership after the September 5, 2019
                                                               Town Hall Meeting with the Presidents/Chief
   Ÿ links to education websites;                              Negotiators.
   Ÿ Employment Insurance information;
   Ÿ professional learning information;                        Future Central Bargaining Dates have been scheduled:
   Ÿ newsletters and executive minutes;
   Ÿ UGOT Constitution;                                        Ÿ Thursday, August 29, 2019 – Teacher/OT Central
   Ÿ pay rates;                                                   Table;
   Ÿ UGOT Collective Agreement and Collective
                                                               Ÿ Friday, September 6, 2019 – Education Worker
     Bargaining Bulletins;
                                                                  Central Table;
   Ÿ and a how-to document that allows you to receive
                                                               Ÿ Monday, September 16, 2019 – Teacher/OT Central
     job postings directly into your inbox.
If you are not getting regular emails from me, then it may
be that I don’t have your current personal email address.      Future dates will be provided as they become available.
Please send your information to me at                          ETFO will work with the Locals to determine timelines                                     for local bargaining.
Daily Rate of Pay                                             UGOT Website

The rate of pay for 2019 – 2020 will be:                               Website (
       August 31, 2019 (0.5% increase) $243.41.
                                                             Please visit the website for current information,
LTO rates will be based on each person’s grid placement      Professional Development opportunities, an Executive
and grid changes will occur on September 1, 2019 (0.5%       contact list, Executive Meeting Minutes, Currently
increase August 31, 2019). Any further changes to the        Speaking (our OT newsletter), and other pertinent
rate of pay will be determined in the current negotiations   information as it becomes available.
at the Central Bargaining Table.
                                                             We will continue to use the website to communicate with
Please verify your rate of pay on your pay stub as soon as   members when it is impossible to contact all members by
you receive your first payment (e.g. A3 Maximum $93          phone or through the mail.
880 ÷ 194 days = $483.92 per day Gross Pay).

When you receive additional qualifications, make sure
you contact QECO to ensure that they have received the            UGETFO Occasional
necessary documentation. You may be eligible for a
category change and increased salary.                           Teachers’ Local Executive

                                                                                    2018 - 2020
       Provincial Executive
                                                               President:                   Andrew Aloe

President             Sam Hammond, Hamilton                    Vice-President:              Marina Howlett
First V-P             Karen Campbell, Elementary               Treasurer:                   Susan Tyndall
                      Teachers Toronto
V-P                   David Mastin, Durham TL                  Secretary:                   Donna Henderson
V-P (Female)          Monica Rusnack, Ontario North
                      East TL                                  Collective Bargaining/
OTF Table Officer     Nathan Core, Waterloo OTL                Executive Liaison:           Barb Walkey

Executive Members (Open):                                      Executive:
Amy Chevis, Simcoe OTL
Joy Lachica, Elementary Teachers of Toronto                                                 Jacqueline Gray
Mario Spagnuolo, Greater Essex TL                                                           Tara Hedican
Greg Weiler, Waterloo TL                                                                    Jesse Morris
                                                                                            Jennifer Self
Executive Members (Female):                                                                 Karen Stoddart
Adelina Cecchin, Greater Essex TL                                                           Jeff Turner
                                                                                            Patricia Zuk
Mary Fowler, Durham TL
Sylvia Van Campen, Upper Canada

Executive Member of a Designated Group (Open)
Sabrina Sawyer (FNMI), Grand Erie TL                                         ETFO Provincial:

Executive Member of a Designated Group (Female)                Website:           
Felicia Samuel, Elementary Teachers of Toronto                 Phone:                       1-888-838-3836
Upper Grand Occasional Teachers’ Calendar 2019 – 2020

  Oct. 9 - 10, 2019                                  Sept. 6, 2019                Mar. 6, 2020
  Feb. 5 - 6, 2020                                   Sept. 20, 2019               Mar. 20, 2020
  May 13 - 14, 2020                                  Oct. 4, 2019                 Apr. 3, 2020
                                                     Oct. 18, 2019                Apr. 17, 2020
ETFO LEADERSHIP TRAINING                             Nov. 1, 2019                 May 1, 2020
  Sept 25 - 26, 2019                                 Nov. 15, 2019                May 15, 2020
                                                     Nov. 29, 2019                May 29, 2019
ETFO ANNUAL MEETING                                  Dec. 13, 2019                June 12, 2020
  Aug. 17 - 20, 2020                                 Dec. 27, 2019                June 26, 2020
                                                     Jan. 10, 2020                July 10, 2020
POT’S MEETING DATES                                  Jan. 24, 2020                July 24, 2020
 Sept. 16 – 17, 2019 Simcoe                          Feb. 7, 2020                 Aug. 7, 2020
 June 15 – 17, 2020 (TBD) Renfrew                    Feb. 21, 2020                Aug. 21, 2019

 Nov. 13, 2019                                     P.A. DAYS
 Jan. 22, 2020                                        Fri., Sept. 27, 2019
 Mar. 4, 2020                                         Fri., Nov. 1, 2019
 Apr. 22, 2020                                        Fri., Nov. 29, 2019
                                                      Fri., Jan. 31, 2020
O.T. EXECUTIVE MEETINGS                               Fri., April 24, 2020
  Wed., Sept. 11, 2019 Orchard Park                   Fri., June 5, 2020
  Wed., Oct.16, 2019 Orchard Park                     Fri., June 26, 2020
  Wed., Nov. 6, 2019 Orchard Park
  Tues., Dec. 11, 2019 Donna Henderson’s home
  Wed., Feb. 12, 2020 Orchard Park                 BOARD HOLIDAYS
  Wed., March 4, 2020 Orchard Park                   Christmas Holidays
  Wed., Apr. 8, 2020 Orchard Park                   Dec. 23, 2019 – Jan.3, 2020
  Wed., May 20, 2020 Orchard Park
  Wed., June 24, 2020 Ralph Rainford’s home               Family Day
                                                       Mon., Feb. 17, 2020
  Wed., Nov. 20, 2019 Marden Community Centre              Winter Break
                                                       March 16 - 20, 2020
  Thurs., April 23, 2020 Marden Community Centre              Easter
                                                        April 10 - 13, 2020
  Wed., Aug. 28, 2019
                                                     CLC CONVENTION
OFL CONVENTION                                      Vancouver May 4-8, 2020
Sheraton Toronto Nov. 24-29, 2019
ETFO Annual Meeting 2019

                                    ETFO Annual Meeting Highlights
                         Submitted by Marina Howlett, ETFO Annual Meeting Delegate

·   661 registered delegates attended the 2019 Annual Meeting.
·   ETFO's current membership (FTE) is:
       o 55 124 contract teachers
       o 11 312 occasional teachers
       o 2 678 ESP/PSP/DECE

·   Honorary Life Memberships were awarded to:
       o Ken Collins, Algoma Teacher Local, ETFO Vice-President 1999 - 2002
       o Susan Swackhammer, Grand Erie Teacher Local, ETFO 1 Vice-
          President 1998 – 1999, 2009 - 2017
·   Outstanding Service as an ETFO Staff Member:
       o Lorraine Stewart, Executive Assistant, Chief Financial Office
       o Susan Thede, Executive Assistant

·   President's Award:
       o Diane Dewing, Upper Canada OT Local, Ontario Teachers' Federation
           President 2018 - 2019

·   Guest Speakers who addressed the delegates included:
       o Shelley Morse, President, Canadian Teachers' Federation
       o Diane Dewing, President, Ontario Teachers' Federation
       o Beratunde Thurston, Social Justice Speaker
       o Jessica Lyons, Parents for Public Education

·   A sincere thank you to the Parliamentary team for conducting a positive, well-run Annual Meeting: Doris Duni,
    Yolanda B'Dacy, Wulf Heidecker, and Lanny Fleming.

                                       2019 – 2020 Priorities
                                               of the
                             Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario

·   To protect the local and provincial collective bargaining rights of all members;
·   To defend publicly-funded public education;
·   To serve the needs of the membership;
·   To provide for the professional development of members;
·   To promote social justice in the areas of peace, anti-poverty, non-violence and equity;
·   To promote the economic and labour rights of all workers;
·   To support international assistance and co-operation;
·   To promote the care and protection of the environment;
·   To actively engage members in the Federation and labour movement;
·   To promote and protect the health and safety of members, both physically and psychologically.
Reflections of a First-Time Delegate
                          Submitted by Amy Williams, ETFO Annual Meeting Alternate Delegate

I have recently been getting more involved with the Upper Grand OT Local and ETFO workshops. This summer, I had
the privilege of serving as an Alternate representative at the 2019 ETFO Annual Meeting for the first time. I got to see
the inner workings of the union and gained a wealth of knowledge. I witnessed firsthand the elections for the ETFO
Executive and was given the opportunity to participate in the voting process for numerous resolutions. I was extremely
pleased to witness the democratic process within our union.

The scope of the event was impressive! It was amazing to be part of the collegial process pursuing common goals for the
good of our union and Ontario students. The event was run smoothly by both the ETFO team and the Sheraton Hotel
staff. I look forward to attending future ETFO Annual Meetings and continuing to be involved.

                                           ETFO Annual Meeting Report
                            Submitted by Donna Henderson, ETFO Annual Meeting Delegate

The Annual Meeting is an opportunity for every teacher and occasional teacher Local to share ideas, make changes to the
Constitution, introduce new policies and meet with other delegates from across the province.

After an early Monday morning arrival at the Toronto Sheraton Hotel, delegates and alternates met in the various caucuses to
discuss motions of special importance to that group. Andrew Aloe, Marina Howlett and Amy Williams attended the OT
caucus and I attended the Women's caucus. At 4:00 pm, we started the first session and ended at 9:00 pm with a short break for
dinner. On Monday and Tuesday evening, after the sessions ended, there was an opportunity to meet the candidates and hear
them answer questions and discuss their ideas for ETFO. Delegates from Upper Grand Occasional Teachers and Contract
Teachers sit together in the same area for all General Sessions. Also on Tuesday evening, all the delegates and alternates go
out for dinner where we share some social time and get to know each other better. On Wednesday evening, before the Annual
Banquet, we met in the Teachers' suite for a social hour. This year, because the Wednesday afternoon session went on so long,
we left the assembly room at 7:00 pm and were expected to be back at 8:30. The banquet is the opportunity for ETFO to
honour Life Members. We have two from this Board – Marina Howlett and Pat Kalapaca. There were other awards given out
for service and recognition of contributions to ETFO.

General Sessions begin at 8:30 am each day. Delegates debate the various motions that the Locals have brought to the Annual
Meeting. Some of the discussion makes us more aware of how difficult a time teachers in different Boards are having. There
was much discussion about violence in the classrooms and class size. Some of the motions stir up lots of emotions. The
parliamentarians at the front of the assembly hall control the agenda and bring fairness, parliamentary procedure and
sometimes humour to their decisions.

Not only is there discussion and debate about the various motions but also there are many interesting speakers who bring
encouragement, hope and inspiration to the Annual Meeting delegates. Shelley Morse, President of the Canadian Teachers'
Federation, hoped that “the Ontario education system will not be destroyed the same way as in Nova Scotia”. Jessica Lyons
from Parents for Public Education pledged “solidarity in job action. We are in the fight together”. The Social Justice Speaker
was Beratunde Thurston, author of 'How to be Black'. As a speaker, he was entertaining while telling us that, “when you
change the action, the system changes”. Sam Hammond, ETFO President, was the closing speaker. He encouraged us all to
stand in “Unity, Solidarity and Tenacity as ETFO members”.

We always come away from the ETFO Annual Meeting tired but knowing that, as a group, we can stand strong for the
children we teach and the colleagues we support.
Advice to ETFO Occasional Employees

Being an occasional employee in the school system is a very unique and special role. The
relationships developed with students will be different than the relationships experienced as
permanent or long-term employees and is no less important or valuable. The school system
could not function without occasional employees. This bulletin is designed to help occasional
members be as successful as possible. The advice outlined is intended to be supportive of this
unique, demanding and flexible profession.

Tips for Occasional Members
As an employee of a district school board or school authority and as a member of your ETFO
local, members are covered by the terms of both the central collective agreement and the local
collective agreement.

This important information is for recent graduates, seasoned occasional teachers and formerly
permanent teachers who have begun “supply work.” Employees transitioning from permanent
work to occasional work may wish to seek some additional training specifically targeted toward
occasional employees to gain a better understanding of the differences in the approach needed
toward things such as relationships and classroom management.

It is important to maintain the continuity of the classroom teacher’s academic program. While
professional judgement may be exercised to modify plans if necessary, following plans as
closely as possible is important. However, there may be times where it is not possible to
implement the planned lessons for that day. There may not be any lesson plans if the absence
was unexpected. Having some prepared activities to rely on when day plans are not available or
when a planned lesson does not fill the time allotted would be helpful.

At the start of the day
     Check in at the office to announce your arrival and try to introduce yourself to the office
       administrators and the administration if you are new to the school.
     Pick up keys to the classroom. Some schools also have information binders.
     Find the daybook or plans and prepare for the day.
     Ask about student safety or behaviour plans and review them to ensure consistency for
       those students involved.
     Identify the names of students with high needs, allergies and those requiring
     Perform any tasks necessary to execute the lessons (e.g., photocopying, cutting,
       reading information in a textbook, room and activity set-up).
     Find the seating plan if applicable. Making one may be helpful if one is not left.
     Familiarize yourself with school safety routines (e.g., fire drills, school timetable, yard
       duty supervision schedule and school discipline policy).
     Review the in-school support program timetable, if applicable (e.g., Special Education,
     Find out if anything needs to be collected from the students (e.g., money, homework).
     Find out if there are any special events happening in the school (e.g., pizza day, special
       visitor, assembly).
Consistency in the Classroom
Make every effort to follow the rules and routines as closely as possible to maintain consistency for the
students. If a temporary rule becomes necessary, provide the students with an explanation for its need.
Students are more likely to adhere to a new rule when they understand why it is required. Rules should be
short, concise and stated in a positive manner. It is helpful to write the rule on the board or to post it as a

The rules and expectations may need to be reviewed several times during the day, especially after high-energy
activities such as recess or physical education class.

It is important to make sure all students are present in the class before or after transitions. Taking frequent head
counts is advisable.

If additional information is needed after reviewing the daybook, support can be sought from the school office
administration. Students are particularly helpful in answering your questions about classroom procedures
around attendance, washroom use, collecting money, etc. Helpful students are a valuable resource and will
identify themselves quickly. Other teachers in the school can also be a great source of support and guidance.
Be sure to use them.

Professionalism in the Classroom
Interaction with students must, at all times, be professional. Interactions should be friendly, but avoid behaving
like a “friend.” Act as a role model, not a friend or peer of the students.

Physical contact with a student, even contact intended to comfort an upset student, should be avoided. Any kind
of physical contact can potentially raise boundary issues and result in allegations of professional misconduct.
Approach verbal interaction with students in a positive and constructive way. Keep the classroom door open for
all discussions with students, and take steps to avoid being alone with a student.

All students have the right to be treated fairly and without favouritism. Use encouragement. Be fair, inclusive,
positive and balanced in the feedback provided to all students. Avoid singling students out either positively or
negatively in ways which may be seen to separate them from their peers.

Extending opportunities broadly creates a climate of inclusion.

At the end of the Day
Classroom teachers and DECE’s need to know what happened during their absence and where to start when
they return. It is very helpful when a clear and detailed outline of the day is provided. Some things to note:

      Behaviours or unusual events (both positive and negative).
      Any lessons that were not completed.
      Changes made to the schedule/lesson.
      Anecdotal observations on student learning.
Please leave plans and resources where they were found at the beginning of the assignment.

Preventing Problems
First and foremost, be proactive. Preventing discipline problems is easier and more effective than responding to
them. When a well-planned, stimulating learning environment is created, most behaviour problems can be
avoided. Student behaviour may appear to be more disorderly when an occasional teacher is in the classroom
because some students may take advantage of your lack of familiarity with the rules and routines. In other
words, they try to test the established limits. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from the office.

Knowing Your Collective Agreement
It may identify specific items of information that each school should supply to you. Remember to support the
Collective Agreement by following its provisions. If in doubt, contact the local.
ETFO AQ Course: The Occasional Teacher
This course will focus on the knowledge and skills necessary to be an effective occasional teacher. It
recognizes that occasional teachers may face additional challenges in their professional lives because of the
nature of the occasional teaching role.

I Am the Teacher – Effective Classroom Management for the Occasional Teacher
Experienced practitioners show you how to establish an effective presence in the classroom and school,
connect appropriately with students, and establish routines and procedures. This resource outlines student
expectations, classroom and behavior management techniques, and useful instructional practices. To purchase
a copy please visit ShopETFO.

The Occasion to Lead: A Resource Guide for Occasional Teachers
Written by occasional teachers for occasional teachers, The Occasion to Lead is a must-have resource that will
provide you with hands-on knowledge about everything you would ever want or need to know about our
profession. Note: This resource is no longer available on the ETFO website. You can request the resource
by going to the Ontario Teachers Federation (OTF) website

The Heart and Art of Teaching and Learning
The Heart and Art of Teaching and Learning is a book that is full of practical tips for beginning teachers on:
setting up your classroom, classroom management, building inclusion, working with parents, meeting diverse
learning needs and occasional teaching.

A Member's Guide to Employment Insurance
This resource addresses several issues pertaining to employment insurance.

ETFO Professional Judgement Matters: The Occasional Teacher Evaluation
Professional judgement guidelines for the occasional teacher evaluation and the teacher performance appraisal
outlines the scope with which members can utilize their professional judgement during the evaluation and
appraisal process.

ETFO Professional Relations Matters Bulletin Volume 99: Occasional Teacher Evaluation Process
This document was designed as a guide for school boards to develop an evaluation process for long-term
occasional teachers (LTOs).

ETFO Occasional Teacher Website
Whatever your assignment or role as an occasional teacher this ETFO site can support you with resources, tips
and tools, and classroom experiences. From a quick work sheet to a long-term plan, you’ll find it here.

Volume #104
April 2019
You can also read