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June 2017 232 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba Postal PO Box 234 Harlaxton QLD 4350 Phone (07) 4632-9559 Web www.BigDogSupport.com
June 2017 Dramatically June has opened with a number of very sad events. The first is the loss of Senior Constable Brett Forte from Toowoomba. Up to 5,000 people are expected to attend the funeral on Wednesday 7th June, with the Queensland Police Service closing roads and setting up a big screen in Toowoomba. Senior Constable Forte was killed in the line of duty on May 29, when gunman Ryan Maddison opened fire on officers before he was eventually shot dead after an overnight siege. Editor’s Note ........................... 2 Everyone at BigDog extends their heartfelt thoughts to the family and to the members New Bus Network ................... 3 of the Queensland Police Force. Secondly is the series of senseless acts of NEWS from NDIS .................... 4 violence in Manchester and London where people enjoying their lives at concerts or out In the world of disAbility ........ 5 with friends have had their lives cut short. Recognition should be made of the What’s Happening .................. 6 incredible response of the London Police who were able to finalise the act of terror Photograph Gallery................. 8 within 8 minutes and prevent any further harm to others. Parent to Parent ...................... 11 On to other matters, June is a busy month Day Service ............................. 12 for us with the close approach of the end of the financial year and starting to (finally) Regional Updates ................... 13 work through a number of the frustrating problems that we had in making NDIS claims through the portal. We still haven’t Safety Matters ......................... 14 received some of the payments for supports during the transition from Queensland to Staff Information ..................... 15 NDIS funding that we can’t claim directly but we are hopeful that this matter will be June Events............................. 16 resolved soon. Steven Page 2 of 18
June 2017 benefit from a range of new customer information channels, including: a dedicated webpage for Toowoomba information On Monday 19th June, a new-look TransLink online journey planner bus network will launch in Toowoomba. The 24/7 contact centre on 13 12 30 Toowoomba region’s new TransLink The MyTransLink app available to network will feature: download for free from the App Store 8 routes with more than 1150 services and Google Play. per week, an improvement of over 30 per cent on the current network This new network will include a range of 2 routes operating at 30 minute features to ensure customers with a frequencies during peak periods disability find their bus services as easy to 6 routes operating at hourly frequencies use as possible. This includes the inclusion of QR codes on all bus stop timetables to introduction of Sunday services on assist vision impaired and all customers to popular routes access information about the timetable. longer operating hours, to provide more The delivery partner, Bus Queensland, travel options to and from the CBD, operates an urban bus fleet that is 90.3% especially for workers with services fully accessible. This exceeds the arriving before 8.30am and leaving after requirement to achieve a 90% accessible 5pm fleet by the target date of 31 December 2017 expanded coverage to service new and in accordance with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002. growing residential areas including Palm Lakes Resort, and Highfields more frequent trips to key destinations including Toowoomba Bus Station, BigDog is a registered business that Toowoomba Hospital, University of accepts Centrepay for regular payments Southern Queensland, Grand Central such as day service activities Shopping Centre and Clifford Gardens Centrepay is a free voluntary bill paying Shopping Centre service. Deductions come directly from your Centrelink payments and can be used to pay With the introduction of the TransLink brand many types of bills, such as child care, in the region for the first time, customers will electricity bills or rent. There are no setup or ongoing charges. Page 3 of 18
June 2017 Queensland Minister for Disability Services To support participants to have choice and Coralee O’Rourke MP and Commonwealth control over their NDIS plan, participants Minister for Social Services Christian Porter can spend their funds flexibly within their MP have jointly announced this morning, via budget to best reach their goals. Providers the media release below, that the NDIS will who are interested in supporting participants be commencing earlier than originally to use their funds flexibility are encouraged planned in the Bundaberg and to liaise with support coordinators and LAC Rockhampton transition sites. partners who play a key role in facilitating This announcement below means that NDIS conversations with participants. These plans will commence being approved in: conversations assist participants to exercise choice and control ensuring everyone, Bundaberg from 1st September 2017 including financial intermediaries, fully Rockhampton, Gladstone and Central understand the participant’s funding choices West from 1st November 2017. to meet their goals. This earlier start date only applies to existing state-funded participants, whilst all ‘new’ participants will have their NDIS plans approved progressively from the previously known start dates. The Productivity Commission is undertaking This announcement does not change the a study into the NDIS costs. The study is previously known transition end date, which examining issues including the sustainability remains at 30th June 2018 for both transition of scheme costs, cost pressures and the sites. most appropriate levers to manage any potential cost over-runs. An outlet function has been added to the provider finder in the NDIS myplace portal. The recent Federal Budget confirmed the This allows participants and other providers NDIS is fully funded, and the NDIA will such as plan managers and support continue to implement the Scheme as coordinators to search for providers in a scheduled. Funding was also announced in specific location quickly and easily. the budget to help establish the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission over the next four years. Page 4 of 18
June 2017 This month, Every Australian Counts is There is a heap of argy bargy going on in leading a delegation to Canberra to remind Canberra right now over how to fully fund everyone, and especially those on the cross the NDIS. It’s time to remind decision bench in the Senate, why this is so makers why it’s so important. important. Since the government announced they And they’d like to take a message from would fully fund the NDIS in the federal people with disability and their families and budget, and then Labor disagreed, the NDIS carers. Tell them why you need the NDIS to has become a political football again. be fully funded. In case you missed it, the government said They’ll put all the responses into a video and they’d fully fund the NDIS through an hand deliver it to the decision makers we increase in the Medicare levy, starting in meet so they know why this is so important 2019. Labor said they supported the to so many people. increase but only for those on incomes www.everyaustraliancounts.com.au higher than $87,000. Page 5 of 18
June 2017 Brisbane RNA Showgrounds Crazy Hair fundraising event Thanks to everyone who came along to support this BigDog fundraiser event for the Cancer Council and showing your support with your crazy hair and gold coin donation. We were able to raise a total of $94.75 Thanks to all of our volunteers who went to Brisbane to support this event. Everyone did a great job greeting visitors at the door with free show bags and lots of smiles. Hon. Jane Prentice MP Federal Member for Ryan and Assistant Minister for Social Bookings for overnight or weekend respite Services and Disability receiving her show can now be made through our office, so be bag from Bec and Alyssa. quick to secure your preferred dates. Stay tuned for our official opening day. Page 6 of 18
June 2017 Establishing real inclusion for people Leaves, leaves everywhere with disability Our Alexander Street Day Service is Disability awareness is an important part of covered with leaves so be careful where you establishing real inclusion for people with walk as they are slippery and there may be disabilities. It is the first step in overcoming an object hidden under them that may cause any concerns or stereotypes that you may you to trip. have interacting with people who have a Now that the colder months are with us we disability. all need to remember to dress warmer. This FREE, self-paced introduction to So make sure that you have a coat or disability and discover inclusive practices for jumper in your bag for when we go out. the workplace and the community. 18 months of dedicated latch hook work Developed as part of the Australian Government initiative, National Disability Coordination Officer Program, Disability Awareness Training is the only eLearning training freely available in Australia. Its content is ideal for someone who has minimal or no knowledge of disability, and can be used as a refresher course to be applied across: The workplace: Incorporate into induction Considering that Dazza has the use of only training for new or existing staff members. It one hand he is remarkably gifted in creating complements cultural awareness and ethics these intricate works of art. training programs that you may already He spends hours and hours cutting wool into have in place. It can help you to achieve equal sizes and then carefully attaching social equity targets by building the capacity each individual piece onto the backing of your staff to understand disability. material using a crochet-type hook mounted The community: Build confidence in your in a handle. interactions with people with disability, learn This is an image of 2 Rainbow Lorikeets tips for better communication, discover sitting on a tree branch. They are well where to find out more information about known in Eastern Australian States as particular disability topics and share your colourful, very noisy and gregarious birds. new knowledge with others. All BigDog staff undertake this training at www.disabilityawareness.com.au Well done Dazza Page 7 of 18
June 2017 State Centre 5 Blackall Street Woombye QLD 4559 1800 777 723 Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander St Toowoomba 4350 07 4638 8008 Contact David directly through the State Centre to book your appointment Steven – Community Engagement and David Wallis – NDIS Coordinator P2P facilitators work with people with disabilities, their families, carers and nominated contacts to develop personalised plans for goal setting and plan management. P2P is a registered host provider for NDIS and Your Life Your Choice (YLYC) funding packages. A fully managed or assistance only options available Page 11 of 18
June 2017 Friday 30th June 2017 Friday 13th October 2017 BigDog will be having a fundraising morning We will be travelling by Stonestreet’s tea on this day. wheelchair accessible bus to Australia Zoo Everyone is invited to come along and learn to experience a day of fun activities. about this great program As the group will be travelling to the Sunshine Coast, the centre will not be open for those who are not attending and they will We now have 2 participants in a work have to make alternate arrangements for experience program at Pets Galore. Thanks that day. to Nicole for this opportunity. th RSVP by Friday 16 June Day Service now operates the mail run every Friday morning and it has proved to be a very popular activity under the supervision of Ken. Date Claimer Look out for the information flyer for our camp at Emu Gully from Wednesday 29th November to Friday 1st December. With the generous donation of a Janome Sewing Machine and overlocker, sewing cabinet and sewing materials and the new Janome Sewing Machine that we purchased through our resources levy, we will soon be starting the circle and we are looking forward to the completion of the first sewing project. Page 12 of 18
June 2017 Tahlia G Tahlia has joined the team in Rocky and is about to start her Cert III in Individual Thursday 15th June 2017 Support. Tahlia has had experience We will be closed for 1 week within the disability sector and is excited to be a support worker and to YWCA Sports Complex develop her skills. Tahlia is also a trained 125 Robinson Street, barista and looking forward to teaching our participants the art of coffee making. North Rockhampton 4701 The participants are currently learning about PO Box 9777 the environment and sustainability. We are Frenchville 4701 about to start a herb garden and learning how to recycle. Sam is currently running a fitness program Suzanne Smith which includes self-defence classes. 0438 724 306 Suzanne@bigdogsupport.com Active afternoons every Thursday afternoon 3pm – 5pm at ISA Rockhampton held by Simon Boland from Lifestream. Cost is $10 per person. Please contact 4931 3057 for further details. Page 13 of 18
June 2017 To obtain this you will need to go to the following link and follow the steps - A reminder that Saturday 1st July is First Aid https://www.usi.gov.au/students/create- and CPR training for all of the Toowoomba your-usi – once you have your USI please Staff. bring it with you on the day. Training will be held at our Day Service Attending this training is compulsory as it is Centre, 11-15 Alexander Street starting at a requirement of your employment with 8am sharp, running until 5pm. BigDog. For this training, you will need your Unique Also please note that as support staff Student Identifier (USI). If you attended First receive a training allowance, payment for Aid Training last year with us then Lyn (First the training is their responsibility. If payment Aid Trainer) will still have your USI. will cause financial stress, an application for If this is your initial, First Aid training with deduction from your pay can be made. BigDog then you will require a USI. Lunch is not provided Page 14 of 18
June 2017 0427 408 698 1800 A BIGDOG Kendall A All timesheets must be in the Administration Office by the close of business on the Friday Ken is a welcome to ensure that they can be processed on addition to our Monday. Email of a scanned sheet is OK. day service as he is able to work with a number of young men around his own Department of Parks, Sports and Racing age with similar office will be undergoing some renovations interests and beginning Thursday 8th June. These likes. He has renovations will be conducted for an proven to be indeterminate period of time, so therefore flexible and very the mail run service will be cancelled until focussed on undertaking community roles. further notice. Wednesday will be the final day that the Jack R service will be needed. Jack comes to us from the child safety sector. He brings with him a Just a reminder that from 1st July 2017 the deep desire to amount of concessional (before-tax) support his contributions you can make to your super program each year without paying extra tax will be participants in a reduced to $25,000. This is called your caring and giving concessional contributions cap. There are manner with a several types of before-tax contributions, number of new including compulsory employer and exciting ideas contributions and extra contributions made to enhance our day service. under a salary sacrifice arrangement Page 15 of 18
June 2017 Saturday 24th June 2017 4th Lane N Steven and Ann are cordially invited to the 7th Steve A Official Naming of the Paull Studio. 20th Jay B This is a great honour for my family as my 21st Sam L uncle and aunt were promoters and patrons 30th Sebastian M of the Arts in Bankstown. The Paull family have resided in the district since 1920 and have contributed in many ways to the Our best wishes to all and have a community. great June Birthday!!! Tuesday 6th June 2017 This service is available at our Queensland Day is a celebration of administration office at 232 Ruthven Street Queensland’s birthday and its official Toowoomba (please make an appointment) separation from New South Wales as an independent colony on 6 June 1859. Celebrated annually, Queensland Day is an opportunity to celebrate the state’s culture, heritage, people, places and industry. The JPs in the Community Program is In 2017 Queensland Day is celebrated on also available through major shopping Tuesday 6th June, and will see the state centres, libraries, court houses and celebrate its 158th birthday. hospitals. Steven provides his services at Since 1981, Queensland’s birthday has Clifford Gardens Shopping Centre. been officially promoted by the Queensland For further information about becoming a Government and has expanded to include a Justice of the Peace, please visit the series of events and celebrations. Department of Justice and Attorney-General’s In celebrating Queensland Day, the website www.justice.qld.gov.au/jps community can share a sense of pride in being both Australian and a Queenslander. It is a time to reflect on how lucky we are to Check us out on line be part of such a wonderful, diverse state. www.bigdogsupport.com Page 16 of 18
June 2017 Monday 9th June 10am – 2pm 632 Ruthven Street Toowoomba The public launch of the new office and to meet the LAC staff and have fun. The day includes free entertainment and music, BBQ Free information sessions for parents lunch and information sessions. and carers of children with a disability Parents and carers are the best people to help children learn about relationships, personal safety and sexuality. Saturday 17th June 10am – 11am Healthy Happy Safe family education session where a True Relationships and Reproductive Health Educator starts the conversation for you to have at home. Wednesday 28th June 9:30 – 10:30am Personal safety session. Understanding bodies, feelings and feeling safe. Wednesday 28th June 11am - noon Understanding the changes of puberty. Register by calling Robyn Kavanagh on 4632 8166 or robyn.kavanagh@true.org.au Friday 30th June 2017 Steven had the opportunity to have a meeting with the Assistant Minister around a number of NDIS and disability issues effecting the Toowoomba Region and found her to be both understanding and respectful of these issues. Jane Prentice has been the Federal Member for the electorate of Ryan since “Join the Red Nose Tribe”. 2010. She was appointed Assistant Minister for Disability Services in February 2016 and Since last Red Nose Day, fundraising has reappointed as Assistant Minister for Social helped Red Nose invest $238,000 into Services and Disability Services in July research relating to SIDS and stillbirth, 2016. provide new parents over 1.3 million educational kits and hold over 3,000 Prior to her election to Federal Parliament, counselling sessions for people affected by Jane served for 10 years as Councillor for the sudden and unexpected death of a baby the Brisbane City Council. or child. Page 17 of 18
June 2017 If you are interested in attending any of the following events please contact the office to reserve your place. Human rights are not 1st June Thursday Bowel Cancer Awareness only violated by PATH Training Rockhampton terrorism, repression 2nd June Friday NDIS Readiness Workshop or assassination, but Toowoomba City Kings Lions 5th June Monday also by unfair NDIS LAC Partners launch economic structures Hon Jane Prentice meeting 6th June Tuesday that create huge Queensland Day inequalities. Highfields Business Breakfast 9th June Friday Pope Francis Coordinator Planning Day 12th June Monday Queen’s Birthday (no holiday) For more information about our services Men’s Health Week BigDog Support Services 14th June Wednesday TDSPN Meeting 10am – noon 232 Ruthven Street Day Service Mystery Bus Trip Toowoomba QLD 4350 15th June Thursday PO Box 234 Harlaxton QLD 4350 Rockhampton Show Holiday (07) 4632-9559 29th June Thursday 1800 22 44 32 NDIS GP Education Session Email the editor on: 30th June Friday admin@bigdogsupport.com Red Nose Day Visit us on the web at: 1st July Saturday www.bigdogsupport.com Staff First Aid Training BigDog Newsletter Privacy Notice: Please note that as a subscriber to our BigDog Newsletter which supplies news and events relevant to this organisation, your email address or any other personal information collected will only be used for the purpose for which you gave it to us and will not be disclosed to any other person, body or agency except where you have provided your consent or it is required or authorised by law. Page 18 of 18
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