Page created by Virgil Jennings

We know that teachers are busy and any support material
needs to be quick and simple. So with every issue of the                NARRATIVE WRITING

journal, we offer ideas for using Toitoi in your class.
                                                                        4       Day One of War                         46    The Soldier’s Battle
                                                                        6       My Older Brother                       50    The Poppy Graveyard
                                                                        10      In the Trenches                        64    I Remember
                                                                        18      A Time of Tragedy                      70    Remembrance
        READ                                                            26      Smoke Rises                            74    Grandpa’s Story

        Choose a text in Toitoi to share with your class or ask your    32      Sarah’s War                            82    The Garden

        students to read it independently using their own journal.

                                                                        8       Imagine                                52     War
                                                                        12      Anzac Biscuits                         54     Blood Tears
                                                                        16      This Was War                           56     The Anzacs
                                                                        20      Gallipoli’s Hell                       62     Peace
        Use the questions as a starting point for class discussion or
                                                                        24      Through the Eyes of a Soldier          66     In the End
        independent research.
                                                                        28      Disappearing Forces                    68     The Truth of War
                                                                        30      POILU                                  72     The Bloodstained Poppy
                                                                        34      A Soldier’s Dream                      78     Poppies
                                                                        38      Escape                                 80     What Anzac Day Means to Me
                                                                        40      Gallipoli                              84     We Will Remember
        CREATE                                                          44      In Flanders Fields                     90     Anzac Day
        Guide your students to write their own response to the text.    48      My People

                                                                        LETTER WRITING AND DIARY ENTRIES

                                                                        14      April 1915                             36     Dear Diary
        ILLUSTRATE                                                      22      1915                                   42     Rifleman’s Diary

        Work with the text to inspire your students to create an
                                                                        DESCRIPTIVE & INFORMATIVE WRITING
        artwork of their own.
                                                                        86      In Memoriam

                                                                        MUSICAL COMPOSITION
        Encourage your students to submit their work for                58      The Crosses are White

        publication and begin a conversation with other young
                                                                        STANDALONE ART
        New Zealanders through the arts.
                                                                        88      Brave Soldiers                         88     Gratitude

           Visit www.toitoi.nz for submission guidelines                                           Mix and match the ideas for your class
READ                        LEARN                     C R E AT E                I L L U ST R AT E

                                    PAG E 4                     Joshua imagines           Create a timeline of      Aisha chose to
                                    Day One of War              what it felt like to go   the events that led       illustrate Joshua’s
                                                                to war. Research the      to war breaking out       writing with a picture
                                    Words by Joshua
                                                                factors that led to       and all the significant   from a bird’s eye view.
                                    Houston, age 10
                                                                the outbreak of war       battles involving New     Draw a picture that
                                    Pictures by Aisha           in 1914. What part did    Zealand soldiers.         relates to a key event
                                    Tanaka-Avers, age 11        New Zealand play?                                   in your timeline using
                                                                                                                    a bird’s eye view.

                                    PAG E 6                     How were Māori            Complete a research       Present your research
                                    My Older                    involved in WWI?          project on an aspect      in a poster that can
                                                                What different views      of Māori involvement      be displayed in your
                                    Brother                     did Māori and Pākehā      in WWI. You may like      classroom.
                                    Words by Tamati Te Aho,     hold about Māori          to look for books
                                    age 11                      joining the war effort?   in your library such
                                    Pictures by Meg Lyell,      What role did the         as Whitiki: Māori in
                                    age 12                      Native Contingent         the First World War
                                                                play?                     by Monty Soutar, or
                                    Listen to RSA member
                                                                                          on one of the many
                                    Syd Dewes reading My
                                                                                          excellent history sites
                                    Older Brother.

                                    PAG E 8                     Read Kareena’s poem       Write a poem about        Apple illustrated this
                                    Imagine                     aloud. What is the        the war in which          personal poem with
                                                                effect of repeating       every line begins with    a symbolic white
                                    Words by Kareena
                                                                the same word at the      the word “Imagine”.       cross. Can you think
                                    Dunlop, age 11
                                                                beginning of each         Think about how your      of other symbols of
                                    Pictures by Apple           line? Consider the        experience of war         war? Create your
                                    Minoza, age 11              sequence of events        might change over         own collage using an
                                                                in the poem. What is      time.                     important symbol
                                    Listen to RSA member
                                                                different about the                                 to illustrate the big
                                    Howard Mace reading
                                                                last stanza?                                        ideas in your poem.

                                    PAG E 10                    With words and            Imagine you are a         Create a postcard
                                    In the Trenches             pictures, Maani and       soldier who has been      with a war image on
                                                                Georgie show the          injured in battle.        the front and write
                                    Words by Maani
                                                                chaos and violence of     Write a message to        your message on the
                                    Marsden, age 10
                                                                life in the trenches.     your family from your     back. Make your own
                                    Pictures by Georgie         What happened to          hospital bed to let       stamp and include an
                                    Veronese, age 8             soldiers wounded on       them know you are         address.
                                                                the front line? Where     okay.
                                                                did they go and who
                                                                looked after them?

                                                        Adapt the ideas to suit the abilities of your students
Pictures by Stella Hinton, age 11
READ                         LEARN                     C R E AT E                I L L U ST R AT E          READ                        LEARN                     C R E AT E                 I L L U ST R AT E

PAG E 1 2                    What are Anzac            Bring your recipes        Create a poster            PAG E 20                    Cameron uses New          Write a poem about         Ruby has drawn her
ANZAC Biscuits               biscuits? Find a recipe   for Anzac biscuits to     advertising your bake      Gallipoli’s Hell            Zealand imagery in        being a soldier            picture from the
                             at home or online.        school and compare        sale at school using                                   his poem to underline     fighting on the front      perspective of being
Words by Ruby Burge,                                                                                        Words by Cameron Topp,
                             Research their history    them. Make a batch        images of the home                                     what the soldiers are     line using images          inside the trench. Can
age 10                                                                                                      age 10
                             and think about why       of biscuits at home or    front.                                                 fighting for and how      of home that are           you draw a different
Pictures by Pieta Bayley,    they have become an       in your school kitchen.                              Pictures by Ruby            far they are from         important to you.          view?
age 9                        important part of how     Sell the biscuits and                                Crawford, age 11            home. Find Turkey
                             we commemorate            donate the money you                                                             on a map and think
Listen to RSA member
                             Anzac Day.                raise to the Returned                                                            about how far our
Joy Mace reading Anzac
                                                       and Services’                                                                    soldiers had to travel.
                                                       Association (RSA).                                                               How did they get

PAG E 1 4                    Soldiers like Uncle       Write a letter back       Create a set of            PAG E 22                    Jordan has written a      In a group, write a        Create a white flag,
April 1915                   James ate a lot of        to Uncle James from       black and white            1915                        fictional diary entry     short play based           candles, a football
                             billy beef stew. What     Emily telling him how     photographs to                                         based on factual          on this true story.        and some barbed wire
Words by Alice Kelsall,                                                                                     Words by Jordan Smith,
                             is it exactly? Why did    the war has changed       include with your                                      research about the        Perform it for your        out of what you can
age 7                                                                                                       age 10
                             soldiers dream about      your life at home.        letter. Put them in an                                 Christmas Truce.          class.                     find in the classroom
Pictures by Anna Urlich,     food from home?                                     envelope and make          Pictures by Tessa           When and where did                                   as props for your
age 8                                                                            a stamp to go on the       Roberts, age 10             this story actually                                  performance.
                                                                                 front.                                                 take place? What
                                                                                                                                        does it tell you
                                                                                                                                        about the soldiers
                                                                                                                                        on both sides of the

PAG E 1 6                    Read Matisse’s poem       Write a poem about        Illustrate your poem.      PAG E 24                    Mikee writes about        Write a poem in which      Draw a picture that
This Was War                 aloud. What do you        why nations go to         Make sure your picture     Through the                 the experience of         you repeat                 captures the images
                             notice about its          war and what effect       reinforces your words                                  war using the five        the lines ‘I see...’,      in your poem.
Words by Matisse Laskey,
                             structure? What is the    this has on people.       so that they work          Eyes of a Soldier           senses. She also uses     ‘I hear...’, ‘I feel...’
age 10
                             effect of repeating       Think about repeating     together to promote        Words by Samantha           repetition to give her    ‘I taste...’ and ‘I
Pictures by Aditi Sharma,    certain words and         certain words or          your theme.                Mikaela “Mikee” Omega,      poem rhythm and           smell...’ Make sure
age 12                       phrases?                  phrases throughout                                   age 7                       movement. Can you         you use words that
                                                       your poem to                                         Pictures by Anabel Berek,   identify the patterns     create strong images
                                                       underline its themes.                                age 8                       in her poem?              for your reader. Use a
                                                                                                                                                                  thesaurus if you like.

PAG E 1 8                    Like Maani on page 11,    Imagine what it           Draw a diagram of          PAG E 26                    What is happening in      Write a short              Draw a triptych of
A Time of                    Harry writes about life   would be like to live     your trench and label      Smoke Rises                 Jessica’s description     description of a           a battlefield during
                             in the trenches. What     in a trench for one       it. Show the front line,                               of the battlefield?       battlefield during         WWI, immediately
Tragedy                      is a trench? Conduct      day. Write a short        support lines, reserve     Words by Jessica
                                                                                                                                        Why is the mention        a battle, shortly          after the battle, and
                                                                                                            Ballantyne, age 11
Words by Harry Hone,         research to discover 10   description of where      lines and No Man’s                                     of a patch of poppies     afterwards and many        today.
age 10                       facts about trenches.     you sleep, what you       Land.                      Pictures by Kaile Qian,     significant?              decades later.
Pictures by Danny            You could start your      eat and what you do.                                 age 12
Monaghan-Rowe, age 11        research here www.
                             bbc.co.uk /bitesize

                            Mix and match the ideas for your class                                                              Adapt the ideas to suit the abilities of your students
READ                        LEARN                     C R E AT E                I L L U ST R AT E         READ                       LEARN                     C R E AT E                I L L U ST R AT E

PAG E 28                    What role did animals     Write a story or poem     Anna has mirrored         PAG E 36                   A soldier’s diary is an   Imagine you are a         Work together to
Disappearing                play in WWI? Why          about animals in          the action in Aleisha’s   Dear Diary                 important historical      soldier in WWI. Write a   collate all of the diary
                            were they needed? Do      the war. Use your         poem by layering                                     document. What            diary entry. Try          entries from your
Forces                      you know any famous       imagination or a          colours and textures      Words by Tomas Barry,
                                                                                                                                     other documents           to include lots of        group or class and
                                                                                                          age 10
Words by Aleisha Bradly,    stories about animals     famous story as           in her painting to                                   and artefacts help us     details about your        bind them together to
age 12                      in the war? Were any      your inspiration. Try     create light and          Pictures by Noah           understand                experiences. What         create a single book.
Pictures by Anna de         animals awarded           to create a sense of      movement. Paint a         Cookson, age 9; Daisy      what happened in          type of soldier might     Give it a front and
Boyett, age 13              medals?                   action like Aleisha by    picture for your story    De La Haye, age 9;         WWI and where             you be? How did you       back cover and make
                                                      using interesting verbs   or poem that makes        Tearani Wikohika, age      can you see them          end up here? Who are      it look old.
                                                      and varying rhythms.      use of layered colours    10 and Sayuni Weerasiri,   now? Why is this          your comrades?
Listen to RSA member                                                            and textures.             age 10                     important?
Syd Dewes reading
Disappearing Forces.

PAG E 30                    Tristan has written       Write an acrostic         Draw a picture for        PAG E 38                   Read Abby’s               Write a poem about        Use silhouettes to
POILU                       an acrostic poem in       poem using LE             your poem using a         Escape                     poem aloud and            a soldier in No Man’s     create a picture to go
                            French about New          QUESNOY as the            black sharpie on a                                   think about the           Land. Use great           with your poem, like
Words and pictures by                                                                                     Words by Abby Reid, age
                            Zealand soldiers          title. Consider using     white piece of paper,                                characteristics of        descriptive language      Lucy.
Tristan Hosking, age 9                                                                                    10
                            in WWI. Can you           English, French or te     like Tristan.                                        her soldier. What has     to paint a picture in
                            translate it? Research    reo Māori.                                          Pictures by Lucy Rennie,   happened to him and       your reader’s mind.
                            the story of Anzac                                                            age 10                     why is he trying to
                            soldiers in Le Quesnoy.                                                                                  escape? What is No
                                                                                                          Listen to RSA member
                                                                                                                                     Man’s Land?
                                                                                                          Syd Dewes reading

PAG E 32                    Coral has written a       Have a class debate       Design a uniform that     PAG E 40                   Why were horses used      Using your research       In your own style,
Sarah’s War                 description of battle     with the moot:            could have been worn      Gallipoli                  in WWI? What did          as inspiration, write     create a picture to go
                            from the point of view    Women should not          by a female soldier                                  they do? How many         a short story about       with your story that
Words by Coral                                                                                            Words by Izzy Melhuish,
                            of a female soldier.      be allowed to go to       100 years ago.                                       horses are thought        events leading up to      conveys setting and
Hodgetts, age 9                                                                                           age 10
                            Did women fight in        war. Ask a teacher to                                                          to have died?             the scene that Izzy       emotion.
Pictures by Jackson         WWI? What happened        act as a judge for the                              Pictures by Scarlett                                 describes.
Harvey, age 10              to those who stayed       debate.                                             Clarke, age 13
                            at home?

PAG E 34                    Read Andrew’s poem        Write a poem about        Draw a landscape to       PAG E 42                   Why did the Anzacs        Using your research       Draw a map or picture
A Soldier’s                 aloud. Each line is       soldiers a long way       go with your poem         Rifleman’s Diary           leave Gallipoli?          as inspiration, write     of Anzac Cove. Show
                            made up of only two       from home that has        that also has a                                      What can you find         a story about the         the types of terrain
Dream                       or three words. Does      a dream-like quality      dream-like quality.       Words by Matthew
                                                                                                                                     out about the             evacuation from the       and the positions of
                                                                                                          Smith, age 10
Words by Andrew             this give it a dream-     when you read it          Think carefully about                                evacuation? Make          point of view of a        the armies. Include
Lindsay, age 10             like quality? Why?        aloud. What poetic        colour and texture.       Pictures by Brooke         notes based on your       soldier who has been      any other details you
Pictures by Tori Davis,                               techniques can you                                  Loveridge, age 10          research.                 living in the trenches    can.
age 9                                                 use?                                                                                                     for months.

                           Mix and match the ideas for your class                                                           Adapt the ideas to suit the abilities of your students
READ                         LEARN                    C R E AT E                I L L U ST R AT E         READ                        LEARN                     C R E AT E              I L L U ST R AT E

PAG E 44                     Kyuss was inspired       Write a poem like         Alina’s picture mimics    PAG E 52                    Emily has described       Write a metaphorical    Swap poems with a
In Flanders                  by In Flanders Fields,   John McCrae’s and         the look of black and     War                         what war means to         poem in which every     friend and illustrate
                             one of the most          Kyuss’s. Pay particular   white photographs                                     her using powerful        line begins with “War   each other’s work.
Fields                       popular poems of         attention to the          from WWI. Create          Words by Emily Harris,
                                                                                                                                      metaphors. What is a      is...”                  Consider using a
                                                                                                          age 9
Words by Kyuss               WWI. It was written      rhyme scheme.             your own black and                                    metaphor and why is                               visual metaphor, like
Williamson, age 12           by John McCrae in                                  white wartime picture     Pictures by Kaleb           it effective in poetry?                           Kaleb.
Pictures by Alina            May 1915. Compare                                  in a photographic         Vukona, age 9
Maltseva, age 13             the two poems. What                                style and give it an
                             techniques have the                                old-fashioned frame.      Listen to RSA member
                             poets used and what                                                          Howard Mace reading
                             effects do they have?                                                        War.

PAG E 46                     What is shellshock?      Write a story from        Illustrate your story     PAG E 54                    Where is Flanders         Write a ballad about    Like Hannah, create
The Soldier’s                Why did it affect        the point of view of a    with a charcoal           Blood Tears                 Fields? Can you name      a famous battlefield.   a black and white
                             so many soldiers?        soldier suffering from    or pastel drawing.                                    some other famous         Include details about   illustration for your
Battle                       What do you think        shellshock after the      Think about how           Words by Ari Nikoloff-
                                                                                                                                      WWI battlefields and      what happened there     ballad with a flash
                                                                                                          Kraan, age 11
Words and pictures by        it would have been       war.                      the posture of your                                   find out about what       and the conditions      of red for dramatic
Stella Hinton, age 11        like? Research what                                figures can show how      Pictures by Hannah          happened to New           soldiers faced.         effect.
                             happened to soldiers                               they are feeling, like    Smith, age 12               Zealanders there?
                             suffering from                                     Stella.
Listen to RSA member
                             shellshock when they
Chris Mullane reading
                             went home.
The Soldier’s Battle.

PAG E 48                     In her poem, Ilana       Write two poems or        Turn your writing         PAG E 56                    Kiritote has written      Write a poem or short   Consider Jayde’s
My People                    writes that “I know      stories - one from        into a graphic story      The Anzacs                  about the original        story inspired by       use of line and
                             both sides”. Consider    the point of view of a    that encourages                                       Anzacs. What does         your research about     perspective in her
Words by Ilana Kizildere,                                                                                 Words by Kiritote
                             the experience of        Turkish soldier and the   your readers to think                                 she mean when she         what went wrong at      picture. What effect
age 10                                                                                                    Nga-Roimata Maki
                             WWI from the point       other from an Anzac       about WWI from both                                   says, ‘They landed        Gallipoli.              does this have on the
Pictures by Amber                                                                                         Rogers, age 12
                             of view of a Turkish     soldier’s perspective.    sides’ points of view.                                on the wrong coast.’                              mood of her artwork?
Pringle, age 11              soldier. What is New     In what ways are they                               Pictures by Jayde Te Aho,   Research the Gallipoli                            Draw a picture for
                             Zealand’s relationship   different and how are                               age 11                      campaign to find out                              your story or poem
                             with Turkey today?       they similar?                                                                   about its mistakes                                that uses some of
                                                                                                                                      and shortcomings.                                 these techniques.

PAG E 50                     What part did nurses     Write a newspaper         Create a front page       PAG E 58                    Music is an important     Play Room 3’s song in   Practice and perform
The Poppy                    play in WWI? What        article about a nurse     of a newspaper            The Crosses are             part of remembering       your class and create   your composition or a
                             do you think their       in the war. You can       featuring your article.                               important events.         a composition of        famous wartime song
Graveyard                    experiences must         invent a fictional        Include elements that     White                       Can you think of other    your own. You could     as a class. Create a
Words by Georgina            have been? Discuss       character or base it      could have featured in    Words by Room 3, Port       famous songs that tell    compose a song for      poster to advertise
Scott, age 12                your ideas with a        on a real historical      wartime newspapers        Chalmers School             us about war?             any instrument or       the event.
Pictures by Ruby Ross-       friend.                  figure.                   such as photographs,      Composed and arranged                                 write lyrics set to a
Hayes, age 11                                                                   battle reports, lists     by Robert Scott ©                                     traditional tune.
                                                                                of missing soldiers,      Mushroom Music 2015
                                                                                public notices and
                                                                                                          Transcribed and notated
                                                                                                          by Pat Scott

                            Mix and match the ideas for your class                                                            Adapt the ideas to suit the abilities of your students
READ                         LEARN                      C R E AT E                 I L L U ST R AT E         READ                         LEARN                     C R E AT E              I L L U ST R AT E

PAG E 6 2                    Not everybody agreed       Write an imaginary         Pablo Picasso created     PAG E 70                     What does                 Write a reflection      Make a time capsule
Peace                        with WWI. What             dialogue between           the Dove of Peace for     Remembrance                  remembrance mean?         about the ways          and bury it for others
                             is a conscientious         a patriotic young          the First International                                Why is it important?      in which WWI has        to find in 100 years.
Words by Abby Mason,                                                                                         Words by Olivia
                             objector? Why were         soldier and a              Peace Congress in                                      Do you think we will      influenced your life.   Include a copy of your
age 11                                                                                                       Matthews, age 10
                             they given white           conscientious objector     1949. Can you find a                                   still commemorate         You could include       reflection.
Pictures by Hailey Potts,    feathers? Who              at the outbreak of         picture of it? Draw       Pictures by Cole             Anzac Day in another      family history,
age 10                       were some famous           WWI. Have your             your own dove on          Sherborne, age 10            100 years?                a record of the
                             conscientious              characters explain         white paper using                                                                memorials you
                             objectors?                 to each other the          simple lines and bold     Listen to RSA member
                                                                                                                                                                    have visited, any
                                                        reasons why they hold      colours.                  Red Beatson reading
                                                                                                                                                                    commemorations you
                                                        their particular views.                              Remembrance.
                                                                                                                                                                    have attended and
                                                                                                                                                                    personal opinions.

PAG E 6 4                    How were injured           Imagine you are            Draw a floor plan of      PAG E 72                     The combination of        Write a poem using      Swap poems with a
I Remember                   soldiers transported?      a doctor or nurse          a WWI field hospital,     The                          Anika’s words and         rhythm and rhyme to     friend and illustrate.
                             What issues did            treating a soldier         with notes about the                                   Jazmin’s artwork          create momentum.        Pay careful attention
Words by Ailish Wilson,
                             medical officers face?     injured in WWI. Write      various people and        Bloodstained                 is very powerful.                                 to how you interpret
age 10
                             How did medical            a set of medical           equipment you might       Poppy                        Analyse how they                                  their work. Play with
Pictures by Belinda West,    care change during         notes that include         find there.                                            work together to                                  texture and colour to
                                                                                                             Words by Anika Read,
age 10                       wartime?                   observations about                                                                convey emotion and                                reinforce the tone of
                                                                                                             age 12
                                                        your patient’s                                                                    meaning.                                          the poem.
                                                                                                             Pictures by Jazmin
Listen to RSA member
                                                        physical, mental and
                                                                                                             Heappey, age 12
Chris Mullane reading I
                                                        emotional wounds.

PAG E 6 6                    What is Armistice          Zachary writes about       Draw the soldier          PAG E 74                     Invite a family           Use your research to    Create a portrait of
                             Day? What happened         how a soldier is feeling   before, during and        Grandpa’s Story              member or someone         write an informative    your WWI veteran.
In the End
                             to soldiers when they      at the very end of         after the war. How                                     from your community       essay about your        Think about using
Words by Zachary                                                                                             Words by Megan Foster
                             finished fighting in the   the war. Write a           has he changed?                                        to share their            guest speaker.          shadows, reflections
Williams, age 8                                                                                              and Madison Blackwood,
                             war? How had their         story about what the                                                              experience of war with                            and personal
                                                                                                             age 11
Pictures by Shahni           lives changed?             soldier faces when he                                                             your class. Be sure                               memorabilia in your
Tagatoa, age 10                                         returns home to New                                  Pictures by Alisha           to ask questions and                              illustration. Display
                                                        Zealand after fighting                               Sangster, age 13             listen carefully to the                           your art and writing in
                                                        in Gallipoli.                                                                     answers.                                          class and invite your
                                                                                                                                                                                            special person to see

PAG E 6 8                    Compare Annabelle’s        Inspired by Annabelle      Use papier mâché,         PAG E 78                     Find out how poppies      Write a set of          Work with a friend
                             poem to Emily’s            and Emily, write a         plasticine or clay to     Poppies                      have become a             instructions for        to make your own
The Truth of
                             description of war         poem about war that        create a sculpture of                                  continued symbol of       making a poppy          poppy pins then wear
War                          on page 53. How are        uses personification.      your personification of
                                                                                                             Words by Peace Yin,
                                                                                                                                          remembrance. Who          pin, using origami      them to an Anzac Day
                                                                                                             age 10
Words by Annabelle           these two poems                                       war. Display it in your                                first wrote the words     paper, card, fabric     service.
Skerten, age 9               similar and how are                                   class along with your     Pictures by Maisy            Lest We Forget?           or collected items as
                             they different? Which                                 poem.                     Roberts-Holzer, age 10       Where else might          materials.
Pictures by Giselle de
Breems, age 9                is your favourite?                                                                                           you see these words
Listen to RSA member
Chris Mullane reading
The Truth of War.

                            Mix and match the ideas for your class                                                                Adapt the ideas to suit the abilities of your students
READ                       LEARN                   C R E AT E                I L L U ST R AT E        READ                        LEARN                    C R E AT E                 I L L U ST R AT E

PAG E 80                   Rylie and Hannah        Think carefully about     Illustrate your poem     PAG E 88                    Why might it have        Compose a telegram         Create the telegram
What Anzac Day             tell us what Anzac      what Anzac Day            using colour pencil,     Brave Soldiers              been difficult to        from an official to a      by handwriting or
                           Day means to them       means to you. Write a     like Hannah. Put your                                discover what            family informing them      printing out the
Means to Me                through their words     poem that expresses       poem and artwork on      Pictures by Tessa Ganley,
                                                                                                                                  happened to some         of their loss. Then        type and gluing it
                                                                                                      age 11
Words by Rylie Keach,      and pictures. Have      your emotions.            display in your class.                               soldiers in WWI? How     write a piece of flash     on paper. Use cold
age 10                     you ever been to a                                                                                     were their families      fiction based on what      tea to stain the
Pictures by Hannah Earl,   dawn service? What                                                                                     notified? Research       happened when the          paper brown. Make
age 10                     was it like? Discuss                                                                                   to find examples of      telegram arrived.          a letterhead, stamps
                           your experience with                                                                                   wartime telegrams.                                  and signature. Display
                           your class.                                                                                                                                                the telegram with
                                                                                                                                                                                      your writing in class.

PAG E 82                   There are many          Using your thoughts       Draw a plan of           PAG E 89                    On Anzac Day we          Use your notes to          Make an envelope
                           beautiful Anzac         as inspiration, write     your memorial            Gratitude                   express our gratitude    write a thank-you          for your letter and
The Garden
                           memorial gardens        instructions for          garden. Attach the                                   for the sacrifice made   letter to a soldier from   decorate it artistically.
Words by Kyah Tawhiti,                                                                                Pictures by Poppy
                           in New Zealand          designing the perfect     instructions you                                     by the soldiers who      WWI. Things have           Consider leaving it
age 10                                                                                                McDonald, age 9
                           and Australia. Do       memorial garden.          have written and                                     fought and died.         changed a lot in 100-      at your local war
Pictures by Grace          you think a garden      Include details about     share your ideas with                                What are you grateful    plus years - consider      memorial monument
Jonson, age 9              is an appropriate       plants, statues,          your grandparents,                                   for about life in New    what you might need        on Anzac Day.
                           memorial? Why?          cenotaphs and any         parents, teachers and                                Zealand in the present   to explain to him
                           Discuss this with a     other features that       classmates.                                          day? Think carefully     about present-day
                           friend and write down   you would like.                                                                and make notes.          life.
                           your ideas.

PAG E 84                   Read Halle’s poem       Write an ode to a         Create a stained         PAG E 90                    Blake has written        People from other          Add colourful icons
We Will                    then compare it with    soldier or group of       glass window in          Anzac Day                   about aspects of         countries are              to your brochure to
                           Blake’s poem, Anzac     soldiers you have read    your classroom with                                  Anzac Day. Think         not familiar with          illustrate each aspect
Remember                   Day, on page 91. What   about who fought          coloured cellophane      Words and pictures by
                                                                                                                                  about a service you      Anzac Day. Create          of the Anzac Day
                                                                                                      Blake Cameron, age 10
Words by Halle Faherty,    do these poems have     in WWI. Consider          and black paper                                      have attended. Do        a brochure that            service.
age 10                     in common? How          whether you will use      outlines to honour                                   you recognise his        would help a tourist
Pictures by Maddix         do they differ? Make    familiar themes or        your heroes. Add                                     descriptions?            understand what
Kamo-Dawson, age 11        notes.                  whether you will try a    the title ‘We will                                                            happens during a
                                                   different approach.       remember’.                                                                    service, and why.
Listen to RSA member
Red Beatson reading We
Will Remember.

PAG E 86                   Look up the Online      Write an In Memoriam      Design your own
In Memoriam                Cenotaph and search     for the soldier you       medal. Think about                                                                                                               WE WILL REMEMBER
                           for someone in your     researched or a soldier   what it might be
Words and pictures by
                                                                                                                                                                                                     W E W I L L Remembrance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  REMEM        BER
                           area who fought in      in your family.           awarded for, what          Bonus Activity!
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Remembering you by the poppy fields as red as blood,

Luca Waple-Longhurst,
                           the war. What did you                             symbols should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Today, in the mud.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               The guns, the bombsDay,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and cruel barbed wire,

age 9                                                                                                   We have created a bonus activity for the
                                                                                                                                                                                               Remembering you
                                                                                                                                                                                                         The    by the poppy
                                                                                                                                                                                                             trenches,       fields
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the food, theasscorching
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       red as blood,

                           find out about them?                              appear on it and what                                                                                                                   Sacrifice
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Your letter
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The guns, thenever
                                                                                                                                                                                                             I will bombs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to me,  I willmud.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and you,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         forget cruelwe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         keep close to my heart,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      barbed  wire,part.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        will never

                                                                             materials it would be      Toitoi ANZAC Special Issue that you can print                                                  The trenches,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Your letter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to me,your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       flag     theswiftly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I willcourage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              keep close
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                might lie.

                                                                             made of.                   for the classroom or share with your students                                                   I will neverThe
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The flag raised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Postwe will loud
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Now I swiftly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              feel as in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the sky,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       if you’re

                                                                                                        online. Find the bonus activity at toitoi.nz/
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Showing yourWhat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        havewhere you might
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             you been       lie.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             The Last Post plays loudnoand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I have       clear,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I feel as if ever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          never,   you’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I forget you.

                                                                                                        teach or click the link below.                                                                          What have you been through?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I have no clue,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               But never, ever will I forget you.

                                                                                                                                                                 86                               Words by Halle Faherty, age 10    Pictures by Maddix Kamo-Dawson, age 11        87

						                                                                                                                                                      86                           Words by Halle Faherty, age 10   Pictures by Maddix Kamo-Dawson, age 11             87

       Visit www.toitoi.nz/explore for more ANZAC teaching resources                                                              Access the full bonus activity here!
Toitoi encourages New Zealand’s young writers
                              and artists to share their ideas, imaginations and
                              creativity with each other through the arts.

    RESPOND                        REVIEW                                   PUBLISH
    Ask your students to           Encourage your                           Encourage your
    select their favourite         students to write                        students to submit
    piece of writing or art        a review of Toitoi.                      their work to Toitoi and
    from the journal and           They can choose one                      begin a conversation
    write a letter to the          or more stories or                       with other young
    young writer or artist         poems or review the                      writers and artists
    who created it.                whole journal.                           across the country.


 We would love to hear from you and
 your students.
 Submission deadlines and guidelines
 are available at toitoi.nz
 Please send all correspondence and
 submissions to submit@toitoi.nz

                     Winner 2020
                     Edify Award for Best
                     Educational Book
                     or Series - Primary
                                                                        Pictures by Tessa Ganley, age 11

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