Pregnancy and Birth Choices in the North East of England & North Cumbria

Page created by Melissa Gutierrez
Pregnancy and Birth Choices in the North East of England & North Cumbria
Pregnancy and Birth Choices
in the North East of England
& North Cumbria
This is an online booklet.
There are sections for you to type in and print out for your maternity questions and choices.
You may wish to discuss these with your chosen maternity provider.

                                                                                                This document has been co-produced
                                                                                                   with Maternity Voices Partnerships
                                                                                                         Version 1.0, November 2018
Pregnancy and Birth Choices in the North East of England & North Cumbria
3    Congratulations on your pregnancy                     17   Cumbria - The Cumberland Infirmary

4    Where can I choose to give birth?                     18   Cumbria - West Cumberland Hospital

5    Who is Who?                                           19   Gateshead - Queen Elizabeth Hospital

7    Maternity Units - What they offer                     20   Newcastle - Royal Victoria Infirmary

8    Before your baby is due (Antenatal)                   21   North Tees - University Hospital Of Hartlepool

9    After you’ve had your baby (Postnatal)                22   North Tees - University Hospital Of North Tees

10   Thoughts about your maternity care                    23   Northumbria - Berwick MLU

11   Common questions to ask your midwife or doctor        24   Northumbria - Hexham General Hospital

11   Are there questions you want to ask?                  25   Northumbria - Hillcrest Alnwick Infirmary

12   Specialist Services                                   26   Northumbria - Northumbria Specialist
                                                                Emergency Care Hospital
13   Maternity units in our region
                                                           27   South Tees - Friarage Maternity Centre
14   County Durham - Darlington Memorial Hospital
                                                           28   South Tees - James Cook University Hospital
15   County Durham - University Hospital Of North Durham
                                                           29   South Tyneside - South Tyneside District Hospital
16   Cumbria - Penrith Community Hospital
                                                           30   Sunderland - Sunderland Royal Hospital

                                                                                                                    page 2
Pregnancy and Birth Choices in the North East of England & North Cumbria
Congratulations on your pregnancy
Now you have a positive pregnancy test you may want to think about booking with a maternity care provider. The sooner you do this the more choices
are available to you. The start of your pregnancy is an amazing time where your baby makes important growth and development.

How to book
You can contact your family doctor, (your G.P.), or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by ringing and asking to have your care there.

  Core services                                     Your Choices                                      Who is who?                                   CQC Birth Choices
                                                                                                                                                    The CQC is the independent regulator
  •   Antenatal Care in the Community               You can choose to go to the closest               Midwife: Midwives are the lead carers
                                                                                                                                                    of health and social care in England.
  •   Antenatal Ward                                or neighbouring maternity unit. Some              for you in low risk pregnancies.
                                                    hospitals are more suitable for women and         They continue to care for you in
  •   Birthing Pools                                                                                                                                your-stories/making-your-birth-plan
                                                    children who have extra healthcare needs.         high risk pregnancies, but your
  •   Birth Rooms                                                                                     obstetrician will be your lead carer.         NHS Birth Choices
  •   Consultant Care                               Place of birth: Your maternity care
  •   Home Birth Option                             provider will recommend a care                    Obstetrician: Obstetricians are specially
                                                    pathway. This will be based on                    trained doctors in pregnancy and
  •   Midwife Led Care
                                                    your medical history and current                  childbirth. You will have a named             Which? Birth Choices
  •   Neonatal Care                                 wellbeing of you and your baby.                   obstetrician if you need medical expertise.
  •   Postnatal Care in the Community
  •   Postnatal Ward                                Think about the questions you would               G.P: G.P.s are your family doctors and        Safer Pregnancy
                                                    like to ask the midwife, obstetrician             are specialists in general medicine. You
                                                    or G.P. through your pregnancy.                   and your family need to be registered
  Public Health Support                                                                               with a G.P. close to your home.               Best Beginnings
                                                    There are different types of                                                          
  Support Services: You can ask your
  midwife or G.P for advice and support with:
                                                    birthing choices available:                       Ask
                                                    •   Home Birth                                    •   What are my options?
  •   Stopping Smoking
                                                    •   Stand-alone / Free-standing                   •   How do I get support to help me
  •   Emotional Support
                                                        Midwifery Led Unit MLU                            make a decision that is right for me?
  •   Stopping Drinking
                                                    •   Alongside / Co-located                        •   What are the pros and cons?
  •   Eating Healthily                                  Midwifery Led Unit MLU
  •   Seasonal Flu Vaccinations                     •   Consultant Led Unit
  •   Whooping Cough Vaccine                        •   Independent Midwifery

                                                                                                                                                                                            page 3
You can choose to go to the closest or a neighbouring maternity unit. Some units are more suitable if your baby needs specialist medical care.
Pregnancy and Birth Choices in the North East of England & North Cumbria
Where can I choose to give birth?
                                                 In a free-standing                               In an alongside                                  In a hospital
                                                 midwifery unit                                   midwifery unit                                   consultant-led
At home                                          (birth centre)                                   (birth centre)                                   (obstetric unit)
•   At home you will be                          •   A free-standing midwifery                    •   An alongside midwifery unit, which is        •   An obstetric unit is a hospital
    in a familiar place and                          unit is usually ‘home-like’, and                 usually ‘home-like’, is in a main hospital       environment with a medical
    feel comfortable in your                         is in a different place from the                 but separate from the obstetric unit.            team (obstetricians, anaesthetists,
    own surroundings.                                hospital obstetric unit.                     •   A midwife will be with you for most              neonatologists/paediatricians)
•   A midwife will be with you for your          •   A midwife will be with you for most              of your labour and a maternity                   and medical equipment.
    labour and a maternity support                   of your labour and a maternity                   support worker or second                     •   A midwife will be with you for most
    worker or second midwife will be                 support worker or second                         midwife may also be there.                       of your labour and a maternity
    there for the birth of your baby.                midwife may also be there.                   •   You are more likely to see the same              support worker or second
•   You are more likely to see the same          •   You are more likely to see the same              person throughout your care than                 midwife may also be there.
    person throughout your care.                     person throughout your care than                 you would in an obstetric unit.              •   If you or your baby need to see a
•   If you or your baby need to see a                you would in an obstetric unit.              •   If you or your baby need to see                  doctor, your midwife will call a doctor
    doctor, your midwife will call an            •   If you or your baby need to see a                a doctor, you will be transferred                who is available on site who will come
    ambulance and you will be transferred            doctor, your midwife will call an                to an obstetric unit on the same                 to your room to see you. A neonatal
    to a hospital obstetric unit.                    ambulance and you will be transferred            site. A neonatal unit is also                    unit is also available on site; these
                                                     to a hospital obstetric unit.                    available on site; these will differ             will differ in levels of care provided.
•   Pain relief options may include a
    bath or birthing pool which you              •   Pain relief options may include                  in levels of care provided.                  •   Pain relief options may include gas and
    provide, gas and air (Entonox) or                a birthing pool (if available), gas          •   Pain relief options may include                  air (Entonox), an opiate injection of pain
    an opiate injection of pain relief.              and air (Entonox), or an opiate                  a birthing pool (if available), gas              relief, a birthing pool (if available), and
                                                     injection of pain relief.                        and air (Entonox), or an opiate                  an epidural. Note: An epidural is only
•   You will be able to use your own
                                                                                                      injection of pain relief.                        available in a hospital obstetric unit.
    facilities including toilet and bathroom.    •   It is less likely that you will have
                                                     to share toilet and bathroom                 •   It is less likely that you will have         •   You are more likely to have to share
•   You can choose how many, and
                                                     facilities with other people.                    to share toilet and bathroom                     toilet and bathroom facilities.
    who you want, as birth supporters.
                                                                                                      facilities with other people.

National transfer rates to the obstetric unit are higher for women having their first baby. From home 45%, free-standing midwifery unit 36%,
alongside midwifery unit 40%. For women having second & subsequent baby; home 12%, free standing midwifery unit 9% alongside unit 13%
                                                                                                                                                                                                 page 4
You can choose to go to the closest or a neighbouring maternity unit. Some units are more suitable if your baby needs specialist medical care.
Pregnancy and Birth Choices in the North East of England & North Cumbria
Who is Who?
A Midwife will look after you during labour      An Obstetrician is a doctor specialising         Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle Upon Tyne     doctors who are obstetricians with additional
and, if everything is straightforward, will      in the care of women during pregnancy.           (RVI) the regional tertiary referral centre   training in the management of babies
deliver your baby. If any complications          Your midwife or GP will refer you for an         and James Cook University Hospital            with health complications, such as smaller
develop during your pregnancy or delivery,       appointment with an obstetrician if they         in Middlesbrough. Some women will             than usual or suspected abnormalities.
you will also see a doctor. After birth,         have a particular concern, such as previous      have to travel for regular appointments
you and your baby will be cared for by           complications in pregnancy or chronic            to the fetal medicine department to           There are two hospitals in the area offering
midwives and maternity support workers.          illness. You can also request to see an          see their fetal medicine specialist.          more specialist diagnostic services such as
                                                 obstetrician if you have a particular concern.                                                 amniocentesis (sampling the fluid around
A Community Midwife is often your first                                                           A Fetal Medicine Doctor is an obstetrician    the baby to assess the baby’s chromosomes)
point of contact. Many work from Medical         A Neonatologist is a doctor specialising         who has a special interest in fetal           and chorionic villus biopsy (sampling the
or Health Centres alongside General              in the care of newborn babies. They work         medicine; they will care for you at your      placenta): these are the Royal Victoria
Practitioners, Health Visitors and Dieticians.   in specialist wards for premature, ill and       local hospital. They work closely with        Infirmary in Newcastle and James Cook
The community teams are based in locations       compromised babies who need extra support.       fetal medicine specialists to ensure your     University Hospital in Middlesbrough, where
within the city close to the women and                                                            care happens in the safest place.             there are fetal medicine subspecialist doctors.
families to whom they provide care. They         A Paediatrician is a doctor who specialises
work every day and also provide an on call       in the care of babies and children from birth    Fetal Medicine Services The Northern          The Fetal Medicine Centre at the Royal
service for home births wherever possible.       to their late teen years. A paediatrician or     regions work closely together to provide      Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle is able
                                                 neonatologist may check your baby after          as much specialist care as close to           to provide further specialised care and
Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA)            the birth to make sure all is well and may       your home as possible, with referral for      treatments for babies who might need
These are experienced midwives who have          be present when your baby is born, if the        more specialist opinions and treatments       transfusions in the womb, or placing of
undertaken extra training; they use a national   midwife or doctors have requested they are       when it is absolutely necessary.              shunts into the baby’s bladder or chest.
model called A-EQUIP which helps midwives        their for the delivery. If your baby has any                                                   Care of newborn babies who will need
to help women, their families and other          problems, you will be able to talk this over     Fetal Medicine services across the North      complex surgery when they are born,
midwives to, advocate, improve the quality       with the paediatrician / neonatologist.          East and North Cumbria are provided           are seen by the specialist paediatricians
of maternity services, help with education                                                        by small teams of closely connected           alongside the fetal medicine team.
and give midwives clinical supervision.          A Sonographer performs ultrasound                doctors, midwives and other specialists in
                                                 scans. Many midwives are also trained            the management of unborn babies who
A Maternity Support Worker (MSW)                 as sonographers for pregnancy.                   are at higher risk of complications.
helps with many tasks on the wards;
in clinic, in theatre, on the Delivery           A Fetal Medicine Specialist is an obstetrician   All maternity services in the North East
Suite and Birthing Centre. They ensure           doctor who specialises in unborn babies          and North Cumbria are able to offer fetal
the smooth running of the unit.                  (fetal) medicine; they work at the Royal         medicine care, provided by fetal medicine

                                                                                                                                                                                            page 5
Pregnancy and Birth Choices in the North East of England & North Cumbria
Who is Who?
A Dietician provides advice about healthy          A Clinical Psychologist specialises in working   A Neonatal Nurse Practitioner is a trained         A Physiotherapist is specially trained to
eating or special diets, for example if            with people who have mental health disorders     nurse specialising in new born babies.             help you cope with the physical changes
you develop gestational diabetes.                  or psychological distress. If you have a known                                                      during pregnancy and childbirth. You may
                                                   mental health condition before you become        Students: Some of the health professionals         be referred if you are receiving back or
A Clinical Psychiatrist is a doctor specialising   pregnant you may already see a psychologist.     you see will have students with them. The          pelvic pain, bladder or bowel problems.
in mental health, if you have a known              Some women become mentally unwell                students will be at various stages of their        Individual appointments offer advice
mental health condition before you                 whilst pregnant or once they have had their      training but will always be supervised. You can    and safe effective exercises to help you
become pregnant, you may already see a             baby and may need to be seen by a specialist     say no, but if you let a student be present it     manage during your pregnancy and return
psychiatrist. If you develop mental illness        clinical psychologist for support. Your          will help their education and may even add         you to health and fitness after delivery.
during your pregnancy, or after your baby          midwife or G.P. can refer you to the Perinatal   to your experience of pregnancy and labour.
is born, you may see a psychiatrist. Your          Mental Health team if you need support.                                                             A Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is a
midwif or G.P. can refer you to the Perinatal                                                       An Anaesthetist is a doctor who specialises        NHS working group: a team of women and
Mental Health team if you need support.            An Infant Feeding Co-ordinator is either         in providing pain relief and anaesthesia. If you   their families, commissioners and providers
                                                   a midwife or a health visitor who work           decide to have an epidural, it will be given       (midwives and doctors) working together to
                                                   for hospital trusts. They are specialists in     by an anaesthetist. If you require a caesarean     review and contribute to the development
                                                   helping women with their choice in feeding       section or an instrumental delivery (e.g.          of local maternity care. Please ask your
                                                   their babies, when they need extra support.      using forceps or ventouse), an anaesthetist        midwife about groups in your local area.
                                                   They have undertaken specialist training         will provide the appropriate anaesthesia.
                                                   to give clinical advice on breastfeeding,
                                                   bottle feeding or a combination of both.         Health Visitors are specially trained
                                                   Midwives and doctors can refer you to            nurses and midwives who offer
                                                   them should you require their services.          help and support with the health
                                                                                                    of the whole family. You will meet
                                                   A Nursery Nurse where available will help you    your health visitor before the birth
                                                   care for your baby on the postnatal ward.        of your baby and you will be visited
                                                                                                    by a member of the team in the first
                                                   A Researcher may ask if you will participate     few weeks after your baby is born.
                                                   in a research project. This may be to
                                                   test a new treatment or to find out your
                                                   options on an aspect of your care. Such
                                                   projects are vital to improve maternity
                                                   care. The project should be fully explained
                                                   to you and you are free to say no.

                                                                                                                                                                                                page 6
Maternity Units - What they offer
You can choose to go to the closest, or a neighbouring, maternity unit. Some units are more suitable if you or your baby need specialist medical care.

                         Northumberland                       Tyne & Wear               Durham & Darlington               Teesside                                         North Cumbria
                                                                                                                                              Richmond and Whitby

  Obstetric          NSECH - Northumbria           Royal Victoria Infirmary,            University Hospital        University Hospital of                              Cumberland
  Consultant-        Specialist Emergency          Newcastle upon Tyne.                 of North Durham.           North Tees, Stockton.                               Infirmary, Carlisle.
  led                Care Hospital.
                                                   Sunderland Royal Hospital.           Darlington Memorial        James Cook                                          West Cumbria
                                                                                        Hospital.                  University Hospital                                 Hospital, Whitehaven.
                                                   Gateshead Queen                                                 Middlesbrough.
                                                   Elizabeth Hospital.

  Alongside /        NSECH - Northumbria           Royal Victoria Infirmary,            University Hospital        University Hospital of                              Cumberland
  Co-located         Specialist Emergency          Newcastle upon Tyne.                 of North Durham.           North Tees, Stockton.                               Infirmary, Carlisle.
  MLU                Care Hospital.
                                                   Sunderland Royal Hospital.           Darlington Memorial        James Cook                                          West Cumbria
                                                                                        Hospital.                  University Hospital                                 Hospital, Whitehaven.
                                                   Gateshead Queen                                                 Middlesbrough.
                                                   Elizabeth Hospital.

  Stand-alone /      Berwick MLU.                  South Tyneside District Hospital                                University Hospital        The Friarage Maternity   Penrith Birthing
  Free-standing                                    (as of late summer 2019).                                       of Hartlepool.             Centre, Northallerton.   Centre.
  MLU                Hexham MLU.

                     Hillcrest Alnwick MLU.

  Where units have a co-located MLU provision, the birthing environment may not be physically separated. The birthing environment
  may be a designated room/s or section of a labour ward where women follow a midwifery-led care pathway.

  Home               Each trust offers a home birth service

  Independent        Independent Midwifery: Provision for independent midwifery, Yorkshire Storks Midwifery collective and a number of sole
  Midwifery          traders provide services for the Northern areas.

                                                                                                                                                                                              page 7
You can choose to go to the closest or a neighbouring maternity unit. Some units are more suitable if your baby needs specialist medical care.
Before your baby is due (Antenatal)                                                                                                      Every woman is entitled to antenatal care. You will
                                                                                                                                       be offered a range of appointments and tests. If you                                                                                       have a complicated pregnancy you may need more
                                                                                                                                   appointments or tests than those shown on these pages.
            Seven to ten appointments       Your midwife will enquire about your
            with your midwife, GP           health and mood at every visit to identify
                                                                                         Routine Blood Tests to identify your blood group and check for various
            or obstetrician (a doctor       any problems early. https://www.nhs.
                                                                                         illnesses or genetic blood disorders which includes: HIV, Syphilis,Hepatitis B,
            who specialises in              uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/
                                                                                         Anaemia (Low Iron), Sickle Cell, Thalassaemia.
            pregnancy and birth).           mental-health-problems-pregnant

                     1                                      2                       3                There are some foods you should avoid when pregnant, to find out more, visit:
                                                                                                     Always check with your GP, Pharmacist or Midwife before you take any medicine.

Ultrasound scan (when you are
                                                                                           4         Whooping cough vaccine. This is
8 to 14 weeks pregnant) to confirm                                                                   usually given between 16 and 38 weeks.
your expected due date. The scan                                                                                                                             Information on feeding
can be combined with blood tests                                                                                                                             your baby. Visit: https://
to screen for genetic conditions                                                                                                                   
including Down’s, Edwards’ and                                                                                                                               pregnancy-and-baby/


Patau's syndrome (also known
as T21, T18 and T13). For more                                                                                                                               and
information about Down                                                                                                                                       conditions/pregnancy-and-
Syndrome, visit the Positive About                                                                                                                           baby/bottle-feeding-advice
Down Syndrome website: https://
                                              6                                    7                     8

Ultrasound screening anomaly scan (18+0 to 20+6 weeks)          Flu vaccination. This is given during      Parent Education.
to check for possible physical problems with your baby          flu season, as soon as possible after      Antenatal classes are
and to check your baby's growth. This is also the scan          the vaccine becomes available (usually     offered to parents
when your baby's sex may be determined. https://www.            September), but may be given up            with information
                                                                                                                                     The opportunity to
offered. Ask your midwife for a MAT B1 certificate - this
                                                                until the end of March depending
                                                                on availability. https://www.nhs.
                                                                                                           that will help you
                                                                                                           prepare for birth
                                                                                                           and parenthood.
                                                                                                                                     meet your Health
                                                                                                                                     Visitor before you          11
                                                                                                                                     have your baby.
confirms your pregnancy for your employer.                      baby/flu-jab-vaccine-pregnant
                                                                                                                                                                                       page 8
After you’ve had your baby (Postnatal)                                                                           Postnatal care is carried out by community midwives, in your home, or
                                                                                                                           in a clinic. The community midwife will hand over to your health visitor
                              Spending as much time skin-to-skin with your baby after                                                   when she discharges you between day 10 and 28 after birth.
                              birth, where possible, will help you and your baby to
                              develop a close, loving relationship. It also helps your baby
                              to get off to the right start with keeping warm and wanting
                              to feed. Even babies on special care baby units will be able    Vitamin K by injection or
                              to have skin-to-skin as soon as they are well enough.           oral supplement for your       Sample of blood taken from your baby’s
                                            baby.      heel at around day 5. Newborn blood spot
                              and-baby/your-baby-after-birth                                  conditions/pregnancy-and-      screening involves taking a blood sample
                                                                                              baby/your-baby-after-birth     to find out if your baby has 1 of 9 rare

                               1                                                    2                                        but serious health conditions: https://

Newborn and
Infant Physical
Examination                   3                                                                                                                         7
(NIPE), within the
first 72 hours after birth.                                                                                          Many women feel a bit down, tearful or anxious after giving birth. In most
                                                                                                                     cases this will be the "baby blues" and is so common that it's considered
The examination includes
screening tests to find
out if your baby has any                                4                                 5                          normal and does not need treatment; baby blues can last up to a couple
                                                                                                                     of weeks. About 1 in 5 women will experience some form of mental
                                                                                                                     health problem. There are a wide range of support options to help you
problems with their eyes,                                                                                            feel better. Your Midwife and Health Visitor will ask you about how you
                                      Newborn hearing screening.          Infant feeding support from midwives,
heart, hips and, in boys, the                                                                                        are feeling regularly; you can ask your Midwife or Health Visitor for
                                             maternity support workers and health
testicles (testes). https://                                                                                         more information. If you have a history of a more serious mental health
                                      conditions/pregnancy-and-           visitors, who will advise and support                                                                                               problem (such as psychosis or bipolar disorder) then you should be
                                      baby/newborn-hearing-test           you in your chosen method.
pregnancy-and-baby/                                                                                                  offered more specialist support to keep you well.
                                                                          For more information visit the national
                                                                          breastfeeding help line: https://www.
                                                                                                                                                                                              page 9
Thoughts about your maternity care
Please use this page to note down anything you would like to discuss with your Midwife/Obstetrician. Everytime you meet your care provider is
an opportunity to discuss your birth choices. Wherever you see the pencil icon    you can type directly onto this document.

           What I want to discuss at                  What is important to me                    What is important to me                        What choices are available at this
           my next appointment…                        for my baby’s birth?                       after my baby is born?                           point in my pregnancy?

                                                                                                                                                     Don’t forget to ask...

                                                                                                                                                                                     page 10
Common questions                                  “What foods
                                                    should I         “Who will advise                  “Who will help
                                                                                                       me with feeding
to ask your midwife                                 avoid?”           me about caring
                                                                     for my baby after                   my baby?”
                                                                      he/she is born?”
or doctor
                                                                                                                          “Can I use the
                                                                                                    “Can my                birth pool?”
                                     “What do I need to         “Where can I attend             birthing partner
             “How do I register    know about my baby’s            antenatal and                 cut the cord?”
             my baby’s name?”          movements?”               postnatal classes?”

                                                                                   Are there questions
  “What kinds of pain
  relief are available?”           “Can I choose to                                 you want to ask?
                                   go to a different
                                   hospital than the
                                  one closest to me?”

          “Can my partner stay
          overnight with me?”

  “Will my specialist
 midwife look after me              “What does
 when I’m in labour?”              induction of              
                                  labour mean?”

                                                                                                                                     page 11
Penrith Community
                                                                                                                          Hillcrest @ Alnwick

                                                                                                                                                                      Specialist Emergency
                                                                                                                                                University Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         University Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               University Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     University Hospital
                                                                Memorial Hospital

                                                                                    Friarage Maternity

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            West Cumberland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Of North Durham

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Cumberland
                                                                                                         Hexham General

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Queen Elizabeth

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    District Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    South Tyneside

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Royal Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Of North Tees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Of Hartlepool
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Royal Victoria
                                                  Berwick MLU

                                                                                                                                                James Cook

                                                                                                                                                                      Care Hospital








  Obstetric Consultant-led

  Alongside / Co-located MLU

  Stand-alone / Free-standing MLU


  Fetal Medicine Department*

  Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)

  Diabetes Specialist
  / Link Midwife

  Drug & Alcohol Support

  Clinic for women with
  a history of previous
  loss early pregnancy

  Bereavement Service

  Teenage pregnancy support

  Raised Body Mass Index
  (BMI) Support

  Support for women who
  have had caesarean section
  but want a natural birth

  Alternative pain relief

  Postnatal ward with
  the opportunity for
  partner to stay over

  Epidural Service

All hospitals have doctors / obstetricians who can share some of the care for women who are seen in fetal medicine. The Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) at Newcastle has a specific fetal medicine department that covers the most complex                                                                                                                                         page 12
pregnancies where fetal medicine involvement is required. For some women their care will be centred at the RVI because of their baby's needs. All the hospitals in the region work together to support mothers and babies with complex illnesses.
Maternity units                                                                                                                          A

in our region
A. Berwick MLU, Northumbria page 23
B. Darlington Memorial Hospital,
   County Durham page 14
C. Friarage Maternity Centre, South Tees page 27
D. Hexham General Hospital, Northumbria page 24                                                                                                  E

E. Hillcrest Alnwick Infirmary, Northumbria page 25
F. James Cook University Hospital, South Tees page 28
G. Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care
   Hospital, Northumbria page 26
H. Penrith Community Hospital, Cumbria page 16                                                                                                       G
I.   Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead page 19
J. Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle page 20                                                                                               D   J           K
K. South Tyneside District Hospital,                                                                                                                 I
   South Tyneside page 29                                                                                                                                    L
L. Sunderland Royal Hospital, Sunderland page 30                                                                                                     O
M. The Cumberland Infirmary, Cumbria page 17
N. University Hospital Of Hartlepool, North Tees page 22
O. University Hospital Of North Durham,                                                                       H
   County Durham page 15                                                                                                                                         P
P. University Hospital Of North Tees,                                                                                                                    B
   North Tees page 22                                                        Q

Q. West Cumberland Hospital, Cumbria page 18
You can click on the page number to view
information about that hospital.

                                                                                                                                                                             page 13
You can choose to go to the closest or a neighbouring maternity unit. Some units are more suitable if your baby needs specialist medical care.
County Durham
Darlington Memorial Hospital
NHS Trust Hospital                               Booking
Hollyhurst Road, Darlington DL3 6HX
                                                 You can self-refer via your family doctor (G.P.)
  01325 380 100                                  or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by                          ringing and asking to have your care there.

Specialist Services Available at this Hospital   How to find Darlington Memorial Hospital

   Obstetric Consultant-led                      By Rail: Take the Intercity service to
   Alongside / Co-located MLU                    Darlington. There is a taxi rank outside
   Homebirth                                     Darlington Railway Station. The hospital
                                                 is one and a quarter miles away.
   Fetal Medicine Doctors
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)                 By Bus: Most buses to Darlington
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife            Memorial Hospital leave from stand H
   Drug & Alcohol Support                        at the top of Tubwell Row or stand L
                                                 towards the bottom of Tubwell Row.
   Clinic for women with a history of
   previous loss early pregnancy
                                                 Car Parking: Car park spaces are available.
   Bereavement Service
   Teenage pregnancy support                     Disabled Parking: Disabled parking
                                                 is available free of charge for Blue
   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support
                                                 Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’
   Support for women who have had
                                                 spaces in our hospital car parks.
   caesarean section but want a natural birth
   Alternative pain relief
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity
   for partner to stay over
   Epidural Service
   Stop smoking service

                                                                                                    page 14
County Durham
University Hospital Of North Durham
NHS Trust Hospital                               Booking
North Road, Durham DH1 5TW
                                                 You can self-refer via your family doctor (G.P.)
  0191 333 2908                                  or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by                          ringing and asking to have your care there.

Specialist Services Available at this Hospital   How to find University Hospital
                                                 of North Durham
   Obstetric Consultant-led
   Alongside / Co-located MLU                    By Rail: Durham Rail links are located either
                                                 10 minutes’ walk from the Town centre, or
                                                 alternatively 30 minutes’ walk from UHND.
   Fetal Medicine Doctors
                                                 Taxis are available from the station.
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife            By Bus: Regular bus route to hospital
                                                 from city centre to hospital.
   Drug & Alcohol Support
   Clinic for women with a history of            Car Parking: Car park spaces are available.
   previous loss early pregnancy
   Bereavement Service                           Disabled Parking: Disabled parking
   Teenage pregnancy support                     is available free of charge for Blue
                                                 Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’
   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support
                                                 spaces in our hospital car parks.
   Support for women who have had
   caesarean section but want a natural birth
   Alternative pain relief
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity
   for partner to stay over
   Epidural Service
   Stop smoking service

                                                                                                    page 15
Penrith Community Hospital
Stand-alone / Free-standing MLU                  How to find Penrith Community Hospital
Penrith Community Hospital Bridge
Lane, Penrith CA11 8HX                           Car Parking: Car Parking is available at a
                                                 charge across all sites. There is also ‘Car
  01768 245 558                                  parking for women in labour’ Parking spaces             at the maternity unit, which are free.
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital
                                                 Disabled Parking: Disabled parking
                                                 is available free of charge for Blue
   Stand-alone / Free-standing MLU
                                                 Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’
                                                 spaces in our hospital car park.
   Alternative pain relief
   Stop smoking service

                                                                                               page 16
The Cumberland Infirmary
Cumberland Infirmary Newtown                     How to find Cumberland Infirmary
Road, Carlisle CA2 7HY
                                                 By Rail: If you are arriving into Carlisle by
  01228 814 266                                  train, bus services 60, 67 and 68 to the                           Cumberland Infirmary can all be caught near
                                                 the train station, from just outside the Courts.
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital
                                                 By Bus: Stagecoach run buses frequently
   Obstetric Consultant-led
                                                 to the Cumberland Infirmary from the
   Alongside / Co-located MLU                    centre of Carlisle and the surrounding
   Homebirth                                     area. You can read more about their
   Fetal Medicine Doctors                        services here https://www.stagecoachbus.
                                                 com/plan-a-journey or call them on
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
                                                 0871 200 22 33. (Calls cost 10p per minute
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife
                                                 from a BT landline, calls from other service
   Drug & Alcohol Support                        providers and calls from mobiles may vary).
   Clinic for women with a history of
   previous loss early pregnancy                 Parking: Car Parking is available on site
                                                 with designated disabled parking bays.
   Bereavement Service
   Teenage pregnancy support
   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support
   Support for women who have had
   caesarean section but want a natural birth
   Alternative pain relief
   Epidural Service
   Stop smoking service

                                                                                                    page 17
West Cumberland Hospital
Homewood Road, Hensingham,                       How to find West Cumberland Hospital
Whitehaven CA28 8JG
                                                 By Car: Car Parking is available on site
  0194 652 3242                                  with designated disabled parking bays.
                                                 By Bus: Buses run frequently to West
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital   Cumberland Hospital from the centre of
                                                 Whitehaven and the surrounding area.
   Obstetric Consultant-led
                                                 You can read more about their services
   Alongside / Co-located MLU                    here https://www.stagecoachbus.
   Homebirth                                     com/plan-a-journey or call them on
   Fetal Medicine Doctors                        0871 200 22 33. (Calls cost 10p per minute
                                                 from a BT landline, calls from other service
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
                                                 providers and calls from mobiles may vary).
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife
   Drug & Alcohol Support
   Clinic for women with a history of
   previous loss early pregnancy
   Bereavement Service
   Teenage pregnancy support
   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support
   Support for women who have had
   caesarean section but want a natural birth
   Alternative pain relief
   Epidural Service
   Stop smoking service

                                                                                                page 18
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
NHS Trust Hospital                               Booking
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Site Queen
Elizabeth Avenue, Gateshead NE9 6SX              You can self-refer via your family doctor (G.P.)
                                                 or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by
  0191 445 2153                                  ringing and asking to have your care there.
                                                 How to find Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital
                                                 By Bus: Most of the bus services that run
   Obstetric Consultant-led                      past the QE are run by Go North East.
   Alongside / Co-located MLU
   Homebirth                                     Car Parking: Car park spaces are available.

   Fetal Medicine Doctors
                                                 Disabled Parking: Disabled parking
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)                 is available free of charge for Blue
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife            Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’
   Drug & Alcohol Support                        spaces in our hospital car parks.

   Clinic for women with a history of
   previous loss early pregnancy
   Bereavement Service
   Teenage pregnancy support
   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support
   Support for women who have had
   caesarean section but want a natural birth
   Alternative pain relief
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity
   for partner to stay over
   Epidural Service
   Stop smoking service

                                                                                                    page 19
                                                    Postnatal ward with the opportunity
                                                    for partner to stay over
                                                    Epidural Service
Royal Victoria Infirmary                            Stop smoking service

NHS Trust Hospital                                  Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Queen Victoria Road New Victoria                    Fetal Medicine Specialists
Wing, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4LP
                                                    Maternal Medicine Specialist Team

  0191 282 5748                                     Birth Reflections - a Midwifery led support               service for women who have had previous
                                                    traumatic pregnancy and birth experiences
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital      Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic EPAC
                                                    Access to specialist mental health support
   Obstetric Consultant-led
                                                    Multiple pregnancy specialist
   Alongside / Co-located MLU
                                                    / Link Midwife
   Fetal Diagnostic Services, Fetal
   Medicine Department and Clinic                Booking
   Fetal medicine treatment services
                                                 You can self-refer via your family doctor (G.P.)
   Fetal service for genetics, cardiology
                                                 or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by
   and surgical conditions.
                                                 ringing and asking to have your care there.        Parking: We have a ‘pay on foot’ multi-            Park and Ride: Available from Regent
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)                                                                    storey car park at the RVI which is easily         Centre, Gosforth. Parking is £1 per day. Bus
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife            How to find Royal Victoria Infirmary
                                                                                                    accessible from Queen Victoria Road.               number 46 calls at Haymarket, RVI Leazes
   Drug & Alcohol Support                                                                                                                              Wing and Campus for Ageing and Vitality.
                                                 By Metro: The nearest Metro station is
                                                                                                    Pay and display parking is also available on the   20-minute journey time to the RVI.
   Clinic for women with a history of            Haymarket. On foot from Haymarket,
                                                                                                    RVI site outside the main New Victoria Wing,
   previous loss early pregnancy                 either walk through the university
                                                                                                    Emergency Department and Dental Hospital.          For further information about public
   Bereavement Service                           campus, or up St Thomas Street, until
                                                                                                                                                       transport visit
   Teenage pregnancy support                     you reach Queen Victoria Road.                     Disabled Parking: Disabled parking                 or telephone Traveline 0871 200 2233.
   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support                                                             is available free of charge for Blue
                                                 By Bus: The nearest bus station is Haymarket.
                                                                                                    Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’
   Support for women who have had                On foot from Haymarket, either walk through
                                                                                                    spaces in our hospital car parks
   caesarean section but want a natural birth    the university campus, or up St Thomas
   Alternative pain relief                       Street, until you reach Queen Victoria Road.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  page 20
North Tees
University Hospital Of Hartlepool
Holdforth Road, Hartlepool,                      How to find University Hospital Of Hartlepool
Cleveland, TS24 9AH
                                                 The University Hospital of Hartlepool is
  01642 617617                                   located near Hartlepool town centre. A                            regular bus service operates between
                                                 Hartlepool town centre and the hospital,
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital   and towns and villages nearby. We
                                                 are just a five minute taxi ride away
   Alongside / Co-located MLU                    from Hartlepool railway station.
                                                 By Bus: You can get information
   Alternative pain relief                       from: Stagecoach Bus – call
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity           Hartlepool 01429 267092 / Stockton
   for partner to stay over                      01642 602112 Arriva – call Arriva
   Epidural Service                              customer service 0844 800 44 11 or
   Stop smoking service                          Traveline 0871 200 22 33.

                                                 By Road: If you are getting dropped off at
                                                 the hospital we have allocated drop off
  Specialist Antenatal clinics
                                                 zones. If you are driving to the hospital you
  for high risk pregnancies                      can download the directions at https://
      Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife
      Drug and alcohol support
                                                 Parking: We use the ParkingEye system at
      Teenage pregnancy support
                                                 the University Hospital of Hartlepool and the
      Fetal medicine doctor
                                                 University Hospital of North Tees. This system
      Multiple pregnancy specialist              means we don’t have car parking barriers.
      / Link Midwife                             It uses automatic number plate recognition
                                                 to capture vehicle registrations on entrance
                                                 and exit and checks if the appropriate tariff
                                                 has been paid for the length of stay on site.

                                                                                                  page 21
North Tees
University Hospital Of North Tees
NHS Trust Hospital                                   Stop smoking service
Hardwick, Stockton-On-Tees TS19 8PE
                                                     Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Support
  01642 38 2818                                      Early pregnancy assessment diagnostic                                and treatment services

Specialist Services Available at this Hospital   Booking

   Obstetric Consultant-led                      You can self-refer via your family doctor (G.P.)
   Alongside / Co-located MLU                    or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by
                                                 ringing and asking to have your care there.
   Fetal Medicine Doctors                        How to find University Hospital of North Tees
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
                                                 By Bus: You can get information from:
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife
   Drug & Alcohol Support                        •   Stagecoach Bus – or call Hartlepool
   Clinic for women with a history of                01429 267092 / Stockton 01642 602112.
   previous loss early pregnancy                 •   Arriva – or call Arriva customer
   Bereavement Service                               service 0844 800 44 11 or Traveline
   Teenage pregnancy support                         0871 200 22 33.

   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support
                                                 By Car: There is the main visitor car park
   Support for women who have had
                                                 opposite A&E, and a visitor car park near the
   caesarean section but want a natural birth
                                                 West Wing (near the Butterwick Hospice).
   Alternative pain relief
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity           Disabled Parking: Disabled parking
   for partner to stay over                      is available free of charge for Blue
   Epidural Service                              Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’
                                                 spaces in our hospital car parks.

                                                                                                    page 22
Berwick MLU
Infirmary Square, Berwick-                       Booking
Upon-Tweed TD15 1LT
                                                 You can self-refer via your family doctor (G.P.)
  0128 935 6622                                  or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by                    ringing and asking to have your care there.

Specialist Services Available at this Hospital   How to find Berwick MLU

   Stand-alone / Free-standing MLU               By Car: Exit the A1 at the roundabout and
   Homebirth                                     follow the A698 Signposted Berwick. Go left
   Alternative pain relief                       at the next main roundabout and follow the
                                                 signs for the town centre. At the roundabout,
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity
                                                 take the first exit over the bridge. Turn left at
   for partner to stay over
                                                 the next main junction and continue along
   Stop smoking service                          the A1167 for 200 metres. Turn right onto
                                                 Scott’s Place, then turn left onto Brucegate.

                                                 Parking: Car Parking is available
                                                 at a charge across all sites.

                                                 Disabled Parking: Disabled parking
                                                 is available free of charge for Blue
                                                 Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’
                                                 spaces in our hospital car park.

                                                                                                     page 23
Hexham General Hospital
Corbridge Road, Hexham NE46 1QJ                  How to find Hexham General Hospital

  0143 465 5706                                  By Bus: For up to date bus information,                    please use the Traveline service
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital
                                                 By Rail: Hexham receives regular services
   Stand-alone / Free-standing MLU               from Newcastle Central Station and Carlisle.
   Homebirth                                     The hospital is a short walk from the station.
   Alternative pain relief                       Check The Trainline for timetables of all
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity
   for partner to stay over
                                                 By Car: Leave the A1 at the junction with
   Stop smoking service                          A69 and A186; join the A69 for approximately
                                                 17 miles, by-passing Corbridge. Once
                                                 past Corbridge, leave the A69 at the
                                                 next large roundabout (signposted to
                                                 Hexham). Follow signs into Hexham,
                                                 then turn left onto the A695 Corbridge
                                                 Road (signposted to Corbridge).

                                                                                                  page 24
Hillcrest Alnwick Infirmary
Stand-alone / Free-standing MLU                  How to find Hillcrest Alnwick
South Road, Alnwick NE66 2NS
                                                 By Bus: For up to date bus information,
  01434 655 352                                  please use the Traveline service          

Specialist Services Available at this Hospital   By Rail: Closest railway station is
                                                 Alnmouth (for Alnwick) Station. Check
   Stand-alone / Free-standing MLU
                                                 The Trainline for timetables of all
   Homebirth                                     services.
   Alternative pain relief
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity           By Car: From the north: From the A1 take
   for partner to stay over                      the second exit for Alnwick. At the first
                                                 roundabout turn right, then turn left at second
   Stop smoking service
                                                 roundabout. Continue for about 400 metres
                                                 with the hospital on the right. From the south:
                                                 From the A1 take the first exit for Alnwick. At
                                                 the first roundabout go straight on, then turn
                                                 left at second roundabout. Continue for about
                                                 400 metres with the hospital on the right.

                                                 Car Parking: Car parking is available
                                                 at a charge across all sites.

                                                 Disabled Parking: Disabled parking
                                                 is available free of charge for Blue
                                                 Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’
                                                 spaces in our hospital car park.

                                                                                                   page 25
Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital
Northumbria Way,                                 How to find Northumbria Healthcare
Cramlington NE23 6NZ
                                                 By Car: Northumbria Specialist Emergency
  0191 607 2318                                  Care Hospital is accessible from the                    A189 at East Cramlington, to the north of
                                                 the Moor Farm roundabout. It is signposted
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital
                                                 from the northbound and southbound
                                                 slip roads closest to the hospital.
   Obstetric Consultant-led
   Alongside / Co-located MLU                    If you are travelling by car, we have
   Homebirth                                     produced videos to help direct you to
   Fetal Medicine Doctors                        the hospital. Please visit he directions
                                                 and transport section of the following
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
                                                 webpage: https://www.northumbria.
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife
   Drug & Alcohol Support                        specialist-emergency-care-hospital/
   Clinic for women with a history of
   previous loss early pregnancy                 For up to date bus information, please use the
                                                 Traveline service
   Bereavement Service
   Teenage pregnancy support
   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support
   Support for women who have had                                                                 North Tyneside                                 Wansbeck General Hospital
   caesarean section but want a natural birth                                                     General Hospital
                                                                                                                                                 Woodhorn Lane, Ashington,
   Alternative pain relief
                                                                                                                                                 Northumberland NE63 9JJ
                                                                                                  Rake Lane, North Shields NE29 8NH
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity
   for partner to stay over                                                                                                                        0344 811 8111
                                                                                                    0344 811 8111
   Stop smoking service                                                                                                                
   Epidural Service
                                                                                                  These units operate; antenatal clinics, ultrasound scanning and specialist midwife services.
   Women's psychologist service

                                                                                                                                                                                           page 26
South Tees
Friarage Maternity Centre
Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL6 1JG          For further information about local
                                                 bus times contact 0870 6082608.
  01609 779911                    The major bus operators are Arriva at
hospitals/friarage                      and Stagecoach
                                                 Transit at
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital
                                                 By Road: Please try to arrange for
   Stand-alone / Free-standing MLU
                                                 a relative or friend to bring you to
   Homebirth                                     hospital as parking space is limited.
   Alternative pain relief
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity           Car Parking: There is a car parking
   for partner to stay over                      fee of £2 for 24-hours on site. The
                                                 Friarage is currently undergoing a
   Stop smoking service
                                                 £21million redevelopment so there
                                                 is a lot of building work on-site.
How to find Friarage Hospital
                                                 Disabled Parking: Disabled parking is available
By Rail: Rail information Arriva Trains
Northern, GNER and Virgin Cross
Country are the local rail operators.

For more information about rail services
contact 0845 7484950 or click onto

By Bus: Bus information Local bus
services provide regular links within
Northallerton to most major towns and
villages in the surrounding area.

                                                                                                   page 27
South Tees
                                                    Alternative pain relief
                                                    Epidural Service
                                                    Stop smoking service
James Cook University                               Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Hospital                                            with facilities for parents to stay

NHS Trust Hospital                                  Fetal Diagnostic Services
Marton Road, Middlesbrough TS4 3BW                  Maternal Medicine Specialist Team
                                                    Early pregnancy assessment, diagnostic
  01642 854 815
                                                    and treatment services including
                                                    7 day ultrasound scan assessment
                                                    On-site access to IAPT services-
Specialist Services Available at this Hospital      Improving Access to Psychological
                                                    Therapy designed to offer short term
   Obstetric Consultant-led                         psychological therapies to people
   Alongside / Co-located MLU                       suffering from anxiety, depression or
                                                    stress during and after pregnancy               The major bus operators are Arriva,         By Rail: The James Cook University
                                                    Access to specialist mental health support      Stagecoach on Teesside and Leven Valley.    Hospital rail station is now in operation.
   Fetal Medicine Specialists                                                                       For further information about local bus     The service, operated by Northern Rail,
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)                 Booking                                            times call Traveline on 0871 2002233 or     is on the Esk Valley line that connects
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife                                                               visit the Connect Tees Valley website       Middlesbrough and Whitby, via Nunthorpe.
   Drug & Alcohol Support                        You can self-refer via your family doctor (G.P.)           The station is on the east side of the site
                                                 or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by                                                 and is a five to ten minute walk from the
   Support for women who have                                                                       If you are travelling from further afield
                                                 ringing and asking to have your care there.                                                    hospital’s South and Bridge entrances.
   had previous traumatic births                                                                    contact National Express Coach
   Bereavement Service                           How to find James Cook University Hospital         Services on 08717 818178.                   For information about ticket prices to others
   Teenage pregnancy support                                                                                                                    stops and season ticket arrangements, visit
                                                 By Car: https://www.southtees.nhs.                 Bus services stopping at/near               the National Rail Enquiries website http://
   Healthy lifestyle clinics to support women
                                                 uk/hospitals/james-cook/parking                    James Cook include:                For more information
   with a raised Body Mass Index (BMI)
   including dietetic and exercise support                                                                                                      about rail services contact 0845 7484950.
                                                 By Bus: Local bus services provide                 •   Arriva: 28, 28b, 29, 29a, 63
   Support for women who have had                regular links from Middlesbrough and               •   Stagecoach on Teesside:                 Next nearest stations:
   caesarean section but want a natural birth    most major towns in the North east.                    10, 10a, 11, 605, 610
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity                                                              •   North Yorkshire services – Abbotts of   •   James Cook
                                                                                                        Leeming: X80, X89                       •   Marton – 1 mile
   for partner to stay over
                                                                                                                                                •   Middlesbrough – 2.5 miles

                                                                                                                                                                                         page 28
South Tyneside
South Tyneside District Hospital
NHS Trust Hospital                               Booking
Harton Lane, South Shields NE34 0PL
                                                 You can self-refer via your family doctor (G.P.)
  0191 404 1003                                  or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by                           ringing and asking to have your care there.

Specialist Services Available at this Hospital   How to find South Tyneside Hospital

   Stand-alone / Free-standing MLU               By Metro: The nearest metro station
   Homebirth                                     to the hospital is ‘Tyne Dock’. There
   Alternative pain relief                       are two bus stops on Harton Lane.

   Postnatal ward / room with the
                                                 By Bus: The following buses are accessible
   opportunity for partner to stay over
                                                 from these bus stops: - 10, 11, 12, 13,
   Obstetric antenatal clinic                    14, 526, 528, 533, 544 and x50.
   Maternal and Fetal medicine
   antenatal clinic appointments                 By Car: The car parks at South Tyneside
                                                 District Hospital When parking on site
   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support
                                                 please ensure you park in a public/
   Support and advice for women
                                                 visitor car park (not staff) and pay for
   discussing vaginal birth after a
                                                 the appropriate amount of time you
   previous caesarean section
                                                 will be on site. Clear signage is installed
   Stop smoking service                          throughout the car parks and entrances.

                                                 Disabled Parking: Disabled parking
                                                 is available free of charge for Blue
                                                 Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’             South Tyneside maternity services will         locally. Obstetricians and other health
                                                 spaces in our hospital car parks                   be changing; as of late summer 2019,           care professionals will visit the midwifery-
                                                                                                    becoming a free-standing midwifery-led         led birthing centre during clinic hours.
                                                 Traveline public transport: 0871 200 22 33         birthing centre open 24/7. Antenatal and
                                                 North East minicom: 0870 2412216                   postnatal appointments will still take place

                                                                                                                                                                                              page 29
Sunderland Royal Hospital
NHS Trust Hospital,                              Booking
Kayll Road, Sunderland SR4 7TP
                                                 You can self-refer via your family doctor (G.P.)
  0191 569 9777                                  or self-refer to your chosen maternity unit by                             ringing and asking to have your care there.

Specialist Services Available at this Hospital   How to find Sunderland Royal Hospital

   Obstetric Consultant-led                      By Metro: Sunderland train station is
   Alongside / Co-located MLU                    approximately 1½ miles away. Metro
   Homebirth                                     stations are not marked on the maps.
                                                 The nearest Metro station for Sunderland
   Fetal Medicine Doctors
                                                 Royal Hospital is Millfield on Hylton
   Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)                 Road. It is approximately a ten-minute
   Diabetes Specialist / Link Midwife            walk from the station to the hospital.
   Drug & Alcohol Support
                                                 By Bus: Please check public transport
   Clinic for women with a history of
                                                 information with Traveline (0870 608 2608)
   previous loss early pregnancy
                                                 for up-to-date advice on all bus, train
   Bereavement Service                           and metro services in the area.
   Vunerable adults clinic
   Raised Body Mass Index (BMI) Support          Parking: Dedicated parking for patients
                                                 and visitors is available at Chester Wing
   Support for women who have had
                                                 and Hylton Road car parks. You are also
   caesarean section but want a natural birth
                                                 welcome to park in any car park space
   Alternative pain relief                       which is not labelled “staff only”.
   Postnatal ward with the opportunity
   for partner to stay over                      Disabled Parking: Disabled parking
   Epidural Service                              is available free of charge for Blue
                                                 Badge holders in designated ‘disabled’
   Stop smoking service
                                                 spaces in our hospital car parks.

                                                                                                    page 30
You can also read