St. Timothy Catholic Elementary School

Page created by Carmen Harmon
St. Timothy Catholic Elementary School
St. Timothy Catholic Elementary School
                                 15 Bechtel Drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2P 1T4
                                    Tel. (519) 748-1874 Fax (519) 748-2707
                                   Extended Day Cell Phone: 226-750-7690
                       Our newsletter can be accessed at
                         St. Aloysius Parish (519) 893-1220
                            Pastors: Father Melvin Pinto and Father Venil D’Souza

                                    “Building Faith In Ourselves”
          Safe Arrival Program: A reminder to please phone in your child’s absence or lateness (519) 748-1874.
                                  Our Answering Machine is available 24 hours a day.

                                         February 2021 Newsletter

Welcome to February, a month when we are encouraged to demonstrate our love for one another,
particularly around the celebration of Valentine’s Day. It is also a wonderful “look-ahead” month as we
encounter the mid-point, not only of the winter season, but of the school year. As the hours of
daylight become longer, we look forward to the promise of spring and seeing everyone back in our
building soon.

When I reflect on the first part of the school year, I can’t help but feel proud of the efforts of the entire school
community to make this year as positive as possible. We have been thrown curveball after curveball. Thank you to
all of our families and staff for the resilience you have shown this month as we grappled with technology, glitches and
the learning curve that this on-line platform presents. Together we will continue to work hard to provide the best
education as possible for our children.

Please continue to read our newswire messages for updates. This includes return to school information, any new
safety protocols, transfer window for St. Isidore and the return of school chromebooks. We also ask you that all
families continue to do the outstanding job of keeping sick children at home. This has been a huge success in terms
of staying healthy at the school and your help with that is so very much appreciated.

This month we begin to prepare for our Lenten journey which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17th. Each day we
take the time to prepare and to reflect on the Gospel’s message and how we are living up to
God’s law of supporting those in need. At St. Timothy School we teach that each one of us
has something to give: time, talent, material resources or even a simple smile. As Lent
approaches, God invites us to open our hearts toward others and to be renewed in our
thoughts and in our actions.

February also marks the end of our first term. We look forward to an exciting second term
in which the students are encouraged to continue to strive to be the best that they can be. The students have been
reminded to reflect upon the goals and next steps that they have set themselves following their first term reports. As a
staff we encourage you to sit with your child(ren) and to discuss these goals with them.

On behalf of the staff, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued generosity, assistance,
and dedication in helping make our school a vibrant
and caring Catholic community of excellence.
                                                                                Valentine Prayer
Yours in Catholic leadership,                                   God bless you with the warmth and love. We celebrate
Mr. A. Simoes                                                 today, with personal fulfillment in your work, your rest and
                                                               play. God bless your close relationships with people you
                                                              hold dear and fill your life with gentle things to warm your
               Happy Family Day
                                                                                  heart all year. Amen
          Friday, February 15th (no school)
             Enjoy your time together!
                                                                   ...There are in the end three things that last:
                                                                               Faith, Hope and Love,
                                                                         and the greatest of these is Love.
                                                                                                    1 Corinthians 13:13

St. Timothy Catholic Elementary School
Nurturing a Catholic Community                                       School Updates and News

                   Please bookmark the parish                     Listed below are highlights from the month of January
                   website for important dates                    and upcoming events for February.
                   and information:                               1. Students and staff held special events
                                   during the month to promote school
                                                                      spirit: Dress Like Your Teacher, St.
We continue to pray for all intentions in our school                  Timothy Feast Day, Bell Let’s Talk
community – for those who have died and all who need                  Day, Spirit Wednesdays and Umbrella
our prayers during time of sickness.                                  Project Assembly.
                                                                  2. Our Math Co-Teacher, Ms. Routhier continues to
Sacramental Registration at St. Aloysius Parish                       support our teachers in class-embedded work.
Parents – please register online through the St. Aloysius         3. The following communications were either sent
Parish website if your                  home or sent electronically to each family: weekly
child is in Gr. 2 or Gr. 7 and you would like them to                 updates, bell time survey and February Newsletter.
receive the Sacrament of First Communion or                       4. Our school council would like to thank you for your
Confirmation this year.                                               participation in our fundraiser – FlipGive. Your
Shrove Tuesday February 16th                                          contributions has helped cover things like document
               Shrove Tuesday is the day preceding Ash                cameras, teacher subsidies of $100.00 per
              Wednesday. The word “shrove” derives                    classroom and speakers for our classrooms.
              from the word ‘shrives” which means to                  Please see the last page of this newsletter for a
              free yourself from sin. Typically, we                   more detailed information poster outlining everything
              celebrate Shrove Tuesday by consuming                   you need to know about this easy and convenient
              pancakes. The tradition is to get rid of any            fundraising format and how everyday purchases in
indulgences or fatty type foods before beginning fasting              the community can turn into funding to support our
and other religious obligations associated with Lent.                 students.
Back in Pagan time, making pancakes was a good way                5. Due to an increase in kindergarten enrolment, we
to use up flour, milk, and eggs. We continue this tradition           are happy to announce Ms. Kelenc will be joining
to prepare ourselves for Lent.                                        our team as a Designated Early Childhood Educator.
                                                                  6. We continue safety protocols of COVID-19 in our
Lenten Almsgiving Ash Wednesday                                       school such as Boomerang lunch in our support of
                   Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on                  litter-less lunches.
                  February 17th and ends on Holy                  7. Andrew D. and Hannah S. led a successful
                  Thursday, April 1st. It is time of                  campaign with support from staff, students in getting
                  preparation and introspection. It is a              out the message on how to properly use recess
                  moment to draw closer to God through                equipment outside.
prayer, fasting and almsgiving. For 40 days and 40                8. Our ECO club have been producing weekly eco
nights, we walk together with Jesus by giving back to our             slides addressing different environmental themes
community.                                                            and offering tips, strategies which has brought
                                                                      environmental awareness to our school.
Catholic Education Week – Nurturing Hope                          9. Students were reminded of our winter agreement
May 2nd – 7th, 2021                                                   like snow throwing and sliding. We continue to
2021 Hashtags: #CEW2021 #NurturingHope                                emphasize safe play on our school yard. Winter can                                                 be a particularly dangerous time with icy and
                                                                      hardened surfaces. Students are reminded each
                                                                      morning that they are not allowed to climb icy
                                                                      snowbanks, that snow stays on the ground and to
                                                                      stay off patches of ice on the ground. We
                                                                      appreciate your support and ask you to please
                                                                      review these safety reminders with your child(ren)
                                                                  10. Our Intermediate teachers and Grade 8 students are
                                                                      in the process with course selection. In March there
                                                                      will be a meeting to make sure everyone’s
  “Those who hope in the LORD will renew their                        information has been collected and received. Other
           strength.” (Isaiah 40:31)                                  information such as Head Start, uniforms and
                                                                      transportation will all come through the classroom
                                                                      teacher and newswire.

St. Timothy Catholic Elementary School
11. We will not cancel Valentine’s Day. It will however                          First Term Report Cards
    be altered. Your child(ren)’s teacher can answer
    any specifics to how their classroom will celebrate          As per Growing Success, the provincial government
    Valentine’s Day.                                             policy on the assessment, evaluation
12. Survey results asking for your input regarding               and reporting of student achievement,
    changing bell times 10 minutes later showed most of          Term 1 Report Cards will go home on
    our families were not okay with this change. We will         Friday, February 19th (new date). The
    not be changing our bell times for the 2021-2022             report cards reflect student’s
    school year.                                                 achievement of the curriculum expectations introduced
11. Add our calendar to your Smartphone, Tablet, or              and developed from September of this school year, as
    computer. Please use the following address to                well as the student’s development of the learning skills
    access our calendar from other applications. You             and work habits during that period.
    can click on or copy and paste this into any calendar
    product that supports the iCal format.                       Students are aware that the assessment and evidence             of learning collected, documented during this remote
    ca_u8rm2ir81rt387sobgijqbolms%40group.calen                  learning time will be reported on in this report card.                              Students are encouraged to complete any outstanding
                                                                 assignments, hand in their best work, and utilize the
   Caring For All Children – Shared Responsibility               asynchronous time that teachers are available every day
                                                                 for review and help.
We ask that you join our staff in taking care                    We are asking that you sign and return the bottom
to ensure the safety of all students in the                      portion of the third page of your report card in the report
school, as some of our students have                             card envelope. Please also note that interviews were
potentially life-threatening allergies. We ask                   held in November, however you may request a meeting
you to be extra careful in checking labels and avoid             with your child(s) classroom teacher at any time.
sending any Valentine’s treats to school.
                                                                 Space is provided on the report card for parent
Medication at School                                             comments – you are asked to complete this and return
A reminder, for the safety of all students, that all             this portion to the school.
medication to be taken by or given to your
child at school, requires an Administration                      Reporting in Kindergarten
                                                                                        Two Kindergarten Communication
of Oral Medication form to be completed
                                                                                        of Learning, which the first one will
by a parent/guardian. All medications
must be stored safely in the office and administered by                                 be issued on February 19th and the
designated school staff.                                                                second on June 28th. The
                                                                                        Kindergarten Communication of
COVID-19 Update                                                                         Learning is intended to provide
                   Please look for further newswire                                     parents with descriptions, about
                   announcements about a return date.            their child strengths and growth in relation to the overall
                   It will be at least February 11th. We         expectations within each of the 4 frames of the
                   need to wait and hear from the                Kindergarten program: Belonging and Contributing, Self-
government and public health to find out when schools            Regulation and Well Being, Demonstrating Literacy and
will reopen. When we do go back, we want to assure               Mathematics Behaviour and Problem Solving and
you that we will continue to diligently follow safety            Innovating.
                                                                                    Black History Month
The transfer window between St. Isidore and St. Timothy
date will be shared once we are notified. This will be the                        Black History Month is an observance of
last transfer window opportunity for this school year.                            the history of African exodus in several
                                                                                  countries outside of Africa. Since 1976,
If your family has borrowed a device from our school,                             it is observed annually in the United
please ensure that it is sent with your child(ren) on the                         States and in Canada in February.
first day back to school.
                                                                 During Black History month, Canadians can gain insight
                                                                 into the experiences of black Canadians and the vital
                                                                 role this community has played throughout our shared
                                                                 history. For more information please visit

Spotlight On Student Activities                        memory, and empathy. It is an important skill in our
                                                                  umbrella and supports development of the other skills in
St. Timothy Spirit Wednesdays                                     our umbrella.
Each Wednesday we encourage staff and
                                                                  It helps us pay attention to our feelings, thoughts, bodily
students to get decked out in our black,
                                                                  sensations, and our environment, in the moment, without
orange, and red or wear their TIGERS
                                                                  labeling them as good or bad (non-judgement). This
Spirit Wear.
                                                                  means we aren’t feeling bad or trying to change our
Eco News Update                                                   feelings. Instead, we are just noticing them and
Our Eco Reps have been busy                                       becoming more aware of them and the world around us.
promoting our February events with                                This may seem simple, but mindfulness takes practice.
their fellow students. On Thursday,                               On average, we spend half our time thinking about
February 4th, our school is going to                              something other than what we are doing in the present.
celebrate National Sweater Day. On this day, all                  This distracted mind has a big impact on our happiness
members of our school community are asked to wear a               and well-being!
sweater (something long sleeve like a jersey, hoodie, or
                                                                  Start with intention and your ‘Why’ to shift from
sweatshirt). This day will assist in teaching students
                                                                  ‘doing’ to ‘being’.
about some of the possibilities around energy
conservation and what simple actions can be done.                 For many of us, life has become an endless to-do list we
                                                                  are constantly in the process of trying to complete.
              Winter Walk Day 2021 February 10th                  Doing has taken over most aspects of our lives and it
              In light of the extension of at home                dominates the way we parent. In most cases, we have
              learning, we will be moving to a 'virtual'          drifted so far into the doing side of life that we have
              event. Students are asked to walk at                forgotten why we are “doing” in the first place. To
              least 1 block at any point on the 10th. We          reconnect to our wellbeing, we need to shift our focus to
              encourage families to tweet out their walk          another state and that is ‘being’. Being present, being
day photos and tag us at #winterwalkday.                          with the people we love, being in our experience.
                                                                  Mindfulness is the practice of being, of connecting to and
                  The Umbrella Project                            staying present with our moment to moment experience.

During the month of January, each classroom teacher               To begin the journey of shifting away from the constant
identified students in the class for showing tremendous           parenting cycle of doing, start with why. Why are you
Resilience. Congratulations to:                                   making dinner or helping with homework? What is the
JK/SK A: Yandel T., Katie C., Ibraheem R. and                     point of getting in a cold car at 6 pm to take your child to
           Emmerich F.                                            soccer lessons, ballet, or swimming? Is it for joy, a
JK/SK B: Josh M. and Sofia B.                                     connection to your child, exercise, growth, and
Gr. 1: Colton G. and Aidan B.                                     challenge? Or is it a task on your to-do list to check off,
Gr. 2: Whole Class                                                an arbitrary achievement without purpose? It’s easy to
Gr. 2/3: Liam R. and Alejandro G.-L.                              become a task master, drilling our children to higher
Gr. 3/4: Alanna B. and Tyler T.                                   levels of achievement just for the sake of achievement.
Gr. 4/5 A: Eli G., Valentina S, Maria-Rita V.H.C.                 In the process, we can undermine their well-being and
Gr. 4/5 B: Ethan B. and Abigail B.                                our own.
Gr. 6:     Rohan M. and Fareedat R.
Gr. 7/8 A: Jacob S. and Walter K.                                 Asking ‘Why?’ will help you connect to the experience of
Gr. 7/8 B: Ava B. and Alex B.                                     the task instead of feeling like it is another chore to be
                                                                  done. When you identify an item without an underlying
Welcome to February at the Umbrella Project!                      ‘Why’, spend some time thinking about whether that
This month at The Umbrella Project is all about
Mindfulness, the skill that helps us to stay present in our       should really be taking up precious moments of your life.
experience instead of spending most of our time thinking          Listen as Dr. Jen introduces this important Umbrella Skill
about the past or worrying about the future.                      of Mindfulness

What will mindfulness do for my child?
Mindfulness has been shown to have many benefits.
Paying attention to the present moment can boost our
mood, improve our self-confidence, and help us think
more clearly. It can also improve our immune system’s
ability to fight disease. Mindfulness can increase brain
size, specifically the parts responsible for learning,
Pink T-Shirt Day                              The anxious thought cycle is overwhelming because it
                                                                    causes feelings of helplessness. When anxiety spikes,
Pink T-shirt Day                                                    children get caught in a cycle of “what ifs” and “I can’t.”
On February 24th, students and staff will be                        Anxious kids tend to engage in a variety of cognitive
standing up and saying no to bullying by                            distortions such as black and white thinking and
wearing something PINK. Pink – a soft,                              overgeneralizing.
gentle colour, has gained a strength that                           Carving out regular time to work on positive reframing
deserves recognition by making a statement                          empowers your anxious child to take control over his
that we believe in no more bullying. This day started a             anxious thoughts. It works like this:
few years ago because of a bullying incident at a Nova              1. Name a worry floating around in your brain right now.
Scotia school and has grown into an international                   2. What is the worry telling you?
awareness campaign.                                                 3. Let’s break it down and see if that worry is 100% right.
                                                                    4. How can we take that worry thought and change it to
     St. Timothy Advisory School Council                            a positive thought?
     All are welcome to attend our monthly meetings.
                                                                    For example, your child voices a fear that the kids in
       The next School Council Meeting will be on;
                                                                    their class don’t like them. Why do they think this?
      Tuesday, February 23rd at 6:30 p.m. (Virtual)
                                                                    Because a boy in class laughed when they didn’t know
                      Minutes of meeting posted on our              the answer, and now they are scared that their
               school website             classmates think they are dumb. Help them break down
                                                                    the reality of their situation: “I answer questions in class
   All CSAC Meetings will be held virtually until further           every day. A friend always sits with me at lunch. I play
   notice: parents/guardians and citizens are all                   with my friends at recess.” Now reframe the situation: “It
   welcome to attend as these are public meetings.                  hurt my feelings when the boy laughed, but I have other
                                                                    good friends in my class.”

                                                                    Resources for you!
                Sign Up for Newswire                                Check out the valuable resources on the WCDSB
                                                                    homepage! A simple search of “Mental Health and
       Subscribe to our mailing list to receive our                 Wellness” will get you to this link:
   newsletter containing school, school council, weekly   
                 updates, and activities.                           services/mental-health-and-well-being-at-wcdsb/
          To subscribe, click on the link below:

         Supporting Student Mental Well Being
           Taking Care Of Your Mental Health

Helping your kids deal with Anxiety:
No child ever stopped worrying because a parent said,
“Don’t worry!”, or “Relax!”. In fact, worry serves an
important function in our lives. When childhood anxiety is
heightened, it is natural for parents to go into protection
mode. Parents may attempt to solve problems for the
child, help their child avoid triggers of anxiety, and/or try
to engineer a worry-free lifestyle.

While there are certain accommodations that can help
anxious children in the classroom, and it’s a good idea to
slow the daily pace to decrease overall stress for
anxious children, parents cannot protect their kids from
experiencing anxiety. What they can do is help their
children learn to manage anxiety.

Sign Up for School Cash Online

  Here’s how to register online:

  Step 1: Please go to:

  Step 2: Register by selecting “Get Started Now”
  and follow the online steps.

  Step 3: After you receive the confirmation email,
  please select the ‘click here’ option, sign in and add
  each of your children to your household account.

  If you have any questions during the registration
  process or while shopping online, please contact
  the Parent Helpdesk by calling 1-866-961-1803.

 Junior Kindergarten Registration
       For September 2021
If you have children OR know of someone in our
area born in the year 2017 please call our school and
speak with
Mrs. Kovar - 748-1874
                Dates: Feb 22nd to 26th

                  Visit our Waterloo
Catholic District School Board website at
                      to register

     The following documents will be required:
 Birth Certificate or other legal proof of your child’s

                     Proof of Address
           Catholic Baptismal Certificate of either
                      parent or child

   If you are a non-Catholic and wish to explore a
   Catholic Education, please review the WCDSB
      Admissions to Elementary Catholic School

 For a complete list of WCDSB currently providing
 Extended Day Program, please click her: Extended
                    Day Program.

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