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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 2-19-1962 The Ledger and Times, February 19, 1962 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, February 19, 1962" (1962). The Ledger & Times. 4033. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
' • etr ••••,, r' 17, tOA2 of the degree of • Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Comninnity Newspaper V rather more ono lotivation," Blatt • arch psychologist Largest Y. -The Newspaper Circulation In With The The City DEWS DIE Largest VE,'N. C. MD — th teen-agers on igh sahool recess • Circulation Circulation In ith an ambulance The County rnday. Three stu- and three others along with an IN OCR 831-.1 YEAR Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon,-February 19, 196 n3,-rco - - the ambulance. Unifrd Pre00 InterTiatiortai -MURRAY POPULATION- Not -0(XX-fir No. 42 Women Bowlers In Storm Leaves Devastation In Chapter Installed At •Weather Favors Competition In City Tournament The Murray Woman's City Bowl- Wake In Northern Europe C4oulrray State 113T The Murray College High Chap- Work Begins On Big Orbit Shot ing Aasociation's annual champion- New Club's Pool ter of Future Business Leaders ship got underway Saturday with By GARY BROCKDORFF More victims of one 4 the worst of America formally installed the fourteen teams participating. A United Press international Morn* ever to hit nvrthern Eu- newly organized Phi Beta Lambda 70 per cent handicap was used HAMBURG, Germany ILP1 -- rape. Cliapter at Murray State College, for computing individual handi- Thousands of rescue workers toil- An incomplete count showed that February 13. The installation was caps. ed through mile upon mile of sod- at least 177 persons, 147 of them held at the Student Union Build- By ALVIN B. WEBB JR. spokesman for NASA's Mercury Trophies will be awarded to the den wreckage today in search for in West Germany. were kilted by ing. • • United Press International man-in-orbit project. said the odds ,first two places and cash, prizes appeared to be "60-40 in our ' will be given to the third and ,a raging storm that started Fri- Phi Beta Lambda is -the college day and raked northern Europe division of the Future Business One hundred and sixty-five fami- CAPE CANAVERAL '.UPII - The. favor. weather odds tilted in astronaut The first half of the two-day countdown began at 2:30 a. m. order; fourth place teams. Teams finished in the following Many Attend for nearly three days. More than Leaders of America, and is sport- 100.000 persons were left home- soreJ by the United Business Mu- less rat ion Association. lies of Murray have officially me- served places for themsehos in athe sun This was acaornplishLed John H. Glenn Jr., favor today and the countdown proceeded for (EST), his planned orbital fhght some time after 7:30 a. m. (EST Tues- were et and both the Atlas booster rock- the Mercury First place, Ramadirdes, total space capsule - pins 2939. Bobbie Garrison, Naney ready for the first U. S.. Fandrich, Essie Caldwell, Carol Dees Bank This port of 2.8 ,million persons, which was hardest hit by the The first part of the program presented by pounding seas and howling winds, a good and bad demonstration of College High was by the formation of the, Murray Recreation Association. This is an organization for wholesome fun to put a man in orbit Hibbard. Murrelle Walker. and recreation for all members of cargo ship day. The National Aeronautics and around Space Administration NASA is- attempt the earth. Powers quoted NASA weather- Second place. Caldwell Used total pins 2873, Judy Parker, Jen- Open House was left a city of shocked silence, parliamentary procedure. watery death and devastation. A play entitled "Boss verses Receding waters were expected Secretary" was presented by Dan- the family. The primary purpose of the organization is the construc- ale of Wight, ny Humphreys, Essie Caldwell, Joy to reveal more victims. Hardest ny Steely, Pat King, Carolyn Mc- tion of an olympian heated pool are believed sued a weather forecast which it man Ernest Amman as saying he Johnson. Murrelle Walker. for older children and adults and hit areas besides Hamburg were Neely, Gayle Anderson, and Nore 'aggression." 0 called cautiously optimistic. Lt. was "a little bit more optimistic Third place. Peoples Bank, total One of the largest crowds to lower Saxony and Schleswig-Hol- a wading pool for younger chil- Col, John A. Shorty Powers, than yesterday " Winter. pins 2844. Maude Hennerly. Jean gather in Hazel in several years stein. The meaning of the words Phi dren. Other facilities such as pic- "He is usually pretty cautious," Moore, Doris Watkins, Jessie Shoe- turned - lmt for the opening of nic area, tennis courts, shuffle Powers added "When Ernie is maker. Lucy Tidwell. Fear Typhus Beta Lambda were given by Pat Dees Bank in its new modern board,' etc., will be added at a Homes To Be optimistic, I can't help but tilt the scales in our favor" Project officials planned to moni- Fourth place. Five If's total building Saturday. pins 2808, Madeline Parker: Ruth Brandon, Peggy Hendon. Wanda gistered for the door prize, a tion program against typhus. Fresh water was supplied in King, Nore Winter, and Carolyn barrels and jars as city authori- McNeely. Approximately 1100 people re- ties prepared a mass immuniza- FBLA President Judy Thomas in- later date. A three 'hundred and fifty foot stalled the Phi Beta Lambda chap- well has been dug to supply water Canvassed, tor weather throughout make a complet review of weather situation tonight to the include day, on Nance, Gladys Etherton. portable television set. The set When the fury subsidedninlam- ter and its officers. The officers Five Tappanettes, six, Bank of was' won by Gordon Crouch of bUrg was permeated by an -eerie are: President—Rena Turner, La Murray, seven Murray Beauty Lynn Grove. Randall Patterson, as- stillness. After 48 hours of raging Center, Ky.; Vice President—Cann in sufficient quantities for the present undertaking and, all future expansions. Representatives of the scene reports from U. S. Navy Shop. eight Bilbreys, nine Row- sistant vice-presilent in charge of • Heart Fund ships in the recovery areas and 1lands's Refrigeration, ten Lake the bank's loan department, esti- wanks and make a preliminary go, no-go 1Stop Grocery, eleven Ezell Beauty mated that more than 1500 peo- crashing dikes, the lyn Bolsor, Ow.ensboro, Ky.; Sec- only' sounds were occasional .cries rebary—Paula Schneider. E. lay- for help from- Stranded persons re, Mo., Treasurer—Shirley Tay- Frank Lancaster Frank Lancaster National Pool Company will ar- rive in Murray today to begin actual construction of the pool, (Incision at about midnight. I school. twelve Tidwell Paint Store, ples viewed the bank's new quart- and the clatter of rescue beliciop sna the completion date is set lor, Owensboro, Ky., Reporter— On Heart Sundayg February 25th, The bin question ma . 'thirteen McKinney Marine, four- ers. ters hovering over inundated Ky De Jarnett, Bardwell, KY.: Is Honored As June 1. The pool will he L-shaped the Murray Woman's Club Volun- new storm forming over the n'ir- ', teen Space 'Dees Bank, established in 1916, areas. leers, under the auspices of the ginia Capes. This threatened to Makers. Doubles and singles will be has grown steadily in assets over Hurricane-force winds and driv- Gracey, Ky. Sergeant at Arms-Austin Aldridge, "Duke Of Paducah" with each wing measuring 90 feet long. A Large diving well will be Kentucky Federation of Women's create the same conditions that I bowled on Saturday and Sunday the pan few years. The new build- ing rain forced the mighty Elbe Vade Bolton, winner of Mr. included as well as diving boards Clubs, will carry the fight against caused three consecutive postpone' February 24-25 ing represents a progresswe step River to, cascade over its banks FD1A contest in Kentucky in 1957, and chrome and tile decking. The the heart 'diseases to the thres. ments of the launch last week. g, Gladys Etherton is secretary of for Hazel and the surrounding corn- Friday and surge into the homed spoke to College High MIA on Frank Lancaster, partner in Lan- heating of the pool w. 11 make it hold of every family in this com- There also a* a forecast • ''' the association mutiny. caster and Veal was pleasantly usable for approximately six men- munity. some _cloudiness - i n the Capes Ca- of Hamburg's inhabitants. "What F'DLA means to me." His ICHINES William B. Mileateart cashier of Today Hamburg was without ra- discussion was centered around the surprised last week when he was thus of the year This pool meeb The volunteers will tour the naveral area Tuesday morning. the bank. stated today that Dees dio. television or newspapers. Few following topics. presented with a Duke of Paducah National Aquatic specifications and „ residential sections of town to dis- This could affect the launcning, McGuire I Innocent Bank is open for business now homes had gas or electricity, and commnsion by Mayor Robert the members hope to host Na- e 5119 1. Better my school, 2. Develop- • 111 tribute health -saving information I currently scheduied between 7:30 Of Tax Evasion He with improved facilities that will the telephone system was near a ing my personality, 3. Gaining Cheary tional Swim Meets and to partici- about the heart diseases and to . a. m. and 12130 p. m. (Esr). enable it to give better service to breakdown Streets sere littered self-confidence. 4. Social oppor- Friends of Lancaster obtained pate in meets in surrounding areas. $94 accept Hearth Sunday contribn. i The new Atlantic storm already lions with which the Heart As. was packing high winds, and wea- g sociation can help speed the figen therrnen said that by Tuesday Tells The Court it customers. with debris—upturned and aban- tunnies. 5. Challenge offered by cloned cars and buses, uprooted EMLA. the covet er, commission without his knowledge. for him The pool will be located two miles west of Murray just south of telephone poles and trees, and He urged all to accept these Lancaster has heen active in the the I.ynn Grove Highway on an against the nation's Ntanber One these could be up to 25 miles an TIMES health enemy Contributions help !hour and producing valves 10 to County School Superintendent Her- expand the Heart Anaociationn re -115 feet high This would be sell man H McGuire today pleaded in- recovery requirements Ky {UPS — Carter Scouters Hold anteNed houses. Seek More Victims The homeless, clutching a few challenges. city government for several years eighty-five acre tract of land. This having served on the city council acreage will perrnit sluture expan- for the past three years. He was sions deemed advisable by the search, education and corrununity .above nocent to charges of income tax a member of the Murray Board officials of the organization. serv We program. 1 There also was a steatber din evasion, posted $6,000 bond ad • voinnannes will inane sa each tutbance in the area of the Cs- • requested a change of venue Meeting On precious belongings, were huddled in schools, municipal halls and R. N. Lusby last year and was an original mem- The association has been in- • home they visit a leaflet contain- 'oars' Islands where trlenn might I,,. S Dist Judge Roy Shel- • • camping ground.. on high land Thousands, If We German, an"'ii ber tar the Murray Planning Com- corporated with 165 member fami- mission. lies, and the membership is limit- V ing valuable informatior, about land if trouble developed in the bourne took IcCsuire's request that heart attack and other heart and Pre blood vessel diseases -orbital portion of his flight his hearing be held at Catletts- Friday burg under advisement. Night British Brit i and AnNticep rescue work- ers, most of . them servicemen. .scoured North Germany's low-I)'- Dies Sunday He was a member ad the com- ed to 200 family memberships or mission when the street widening single memberships project around the court square' The roster of officers includes: More than 65 million Heart McGuire. a principal in a $100.- North Sea communities for was achieved through efforts of Hansel Bonds. President; Thomas The February' meeting of Fund dollars have been invested in research by the Heart Associa- 1Band tion. Mrs Howard E. Olila point- Uniform 000 cwansuitsspending at Grayson was inclicird Wednesday on char- ges he owed $7.300 in taxes for , ChiefScouts was held Friday night the Chennubby District of Boy victims at ing The storm triggers at least three C B. N. Lusby. Hospital age day at 1060 a m. at the Caldwell in 68, died Princeton Son- His the commission and the city and Emerson, Vice-President; Mrs. Frei- county He also has served as a da Kuakendall. Secretary: and Bill Murray Board of Boyd, Treasurer Comprising- the ;Calvert City with Dr - Jame! Hart, avalanches in the Alps, and thou- death was attributed to compli- member of the ed out The expansion i•f research to speed breakthroughs in the control and prevention of the Meeting Set the years 1966 and 1956 The government charged in the two - count indictment that the District Chairman, presiding. sands of toarists were reported cations after an illness of several Zoning Adjustment ' Forrest Martin, new District sninvhound at ski resorts. Dozens weeks. Scout xecutive, was ggiggmea by of Austrian villages were isolated. Mr. Lusby owned and operated Board of Directors for three years' Lancaster said that he was high- service are Dr. Clegg Austin, Mrs. ly pleased to be awarded the com- Freida Kuykendall. and Harvey cardiovascular diseases is a lead- school superintendent and veteran Officials in Switzerland said at the Lusby Plumbing and Heating mission Ellis, serving for two years are tog objective of the Heart Fund drive. For Thursday political leader had a taxable in- come of $33,436 during the two- 'the neramittee. Mr. Martin. who 'recently moved to Murray arm least eight persons had been killed Company of Princeton. Ile is sur- !Lebanon. Ohio, will perform the in landslides since last Friday. Nivea by his wife, Mrs. Riabene Chuck Simons, Rob Ray, and Lest- er Nanney elected for one year The Heart Sunday canvass in Murray will he nss of 10,000 be- year period—but reported an in- duties carried on until recently by The storm left at lease three Holland Innhy, daughter of the Judge Osborne Is terms are Leonard Vaughn, Mrs. come of $7,413 , Ruby Herndon. and Bill Boyd. ing conducted at approximately McGuire was charged on one lRoger Carbaugh dead in East Germany. late Stanford Sunny skies and ihvindling winds who died November 2, 1961. L. "Cull" Hazel P-TA Speaker Holland The organization commended the the same time by more than 1.- The drive to obtain new uni- I Operating committee reports count of the indictment with list- Sunday afternoon permitted res- temporary officers and committees 500.000 volunteers throughout the forms for the Murray High School were made by the following: Other survivors are five sisters, ing a taxable income of $1,769 on for their efificient and faithful nation. Volunteers will present an Band will be 'kicked off" on a joint return for 1955 and pay- Organization and Extension • by. cue workers to swarm over north- Mrs. A. J Gerlach. California. Mrs. an lie Pat Act- ern Germany in helicopters, boats E. E. Green. Leesburg. Indian, Mrs. The Hazel PTA met last week in service during the organizational official Heart Fund cantribution Thimiday night at 7. 15 with James; Camping and ing $369 in taxes The Internal Ad. and rubber rafts, plucking bodies Gtry Nall Elizabethtovsn, Mrs. Ga- the school auditorium with the period. envelope for the donor's conven- milomial concert by the Murray Revenue Service IIIS charged his ivities by James Armbruster; High -senior band. vancement by Jack Williamson; . from the water, evacuating strand- len Nall, Louisville and Miss Bea- devotion given by Paula Cook. ience Alter the contribution has income for that was 523.851 and ed families, and delivering food ;trice Lusby, Louisville, one bro- eighth grade, student The program been inserted, the envelope may The Murray High Junior Band Health and Safety by J. H. Adams his tax should have been $6,759. 0 • 5 he sealed before being returned to the volunteer. will be he on hand recognized. Parents of all as guests hand and members, will The second count charged that he listed his taxable income as and The sented Training by Cotmniasioners by Norman David report Hale. Lookiafsky was pre- and medical supplies 'then-. Gordon Lusby of Detroit; land Dennis, one granddaughter, Princeton. Miss Diane chairman Mrs. Marian Potts gave sin g e interesting thoughts concern- otan Founder's Day and how and Edgar Gent in For families away from home, $5.644 in a joint return for 1956 Elizabeth Taylor when the PTA w* starten volunteers will leave pre-addreas- bah inserted and mailed to the local drive kickoff. Senior band and junior hand, and his tax as $1,182. The IRS ed envelopes. Contributions can be are urged to he present for the said McGuire had an income of James Hart, Normal Hale, Janes Up 86.584 on which loxes of $2.1-12 ley. ' Members Armbruster. attending R. M. were: Lowe, Bud Tol- Dr, From Illness _Funeral services will he held Tuesdas at 130 p m at the Mor- gan Funeral Home in Princeton. cuit The featured speaker was Cir- Judge Earl Osiborne who gave interesting talk iin juvenile Dies Today Several selections will be played Forrest Martin, Joe Pat James, service will be officiated by an Heart Sunday Fund headquarters. Final Sale Dark by the senior hand President Ber- were due. (Sonviction on the income tax - and Dan Johnston of Murray; nard C. Harvey will preside at the evasion charge carries a maxi- Jack Williamson, J. it. Adam, was reported recovering nicely to- Balser, The ROME 'UPI'— Elizabeth Taylor Rev Hugh Allen and -Rev. Leroy students of Mrs Giant) Key. problems. Music was furnished by Mrs. Jessie Cook was in charge At His Home gathering and band director Bill mum penalty of bye years in pris- Prentice McClain and David Look- day from a case of food poisoning GraTeside services will be held Fired Tobacco Friday Myers will he in charge of the ofsky of Mayfield; Robert Dukes, and her leading man issued a at the Murray city cemetery Tues- of the business session Edgar Geurin, age 115. died early on and 510,000 fine William Kleinsinith, A. Konion- statement denouncing "uncontroll- day at 3 30 p. m. Mrs Bruce Freeman, the presi- musical progrant Wanted To Appel* Today this morning at his home on Mur- dent resigned because of illness a The final sale for dark-fired to- A report will be made by the The warrant for McGuire's ar- riski, II. D. Shell and William Ter- ed rumors" that they were ro- The J H Churchill Funeral 'and Mrs. Cook was named "to corn- ray route five. His sudden death bacco on the Murray and Mayfield comtnittee named by Mr Harvey rest called for hen to appear in rill of Calvert City; and Elbert mantically involved Home has charge of local arrange- plete her term. Mrs Key's room was attributed to a hvart attack. Johns of Paducah markets will be held Friday at at the meeting last week Federal Court here Tuesday but Richard Burtiin, 36 - year - old ments won the room count. Survivors are one sister. Mrs. both places It will be the last The next meeting will be held Welsh-born actor who plays Marc Ray Houston, Murray route six: iShelbourne said McGuire wanted March 10th Refreshments were served by in the County Health Antony opposite Mass Taylor in sale at which the Western Dart Paula Jones Will Ito appear today. The warrant was Center in Murray at 7:30 p. m. the movie ntleoparta," said he was Dills Buy Out the third and fourth garde home Murray three brothers. Herman Geunn, route five. Rufus Geurin, Fired Tobacco Growers Associa- tion will offer support prices Represent Murray j not served until he appeared in the victim of distorted statements Jim's Roller Rink room mothers, Bartlesville. Oklahoma. and Pres- So far this season 10,864.151 I McGuire termed the amount he MSC Track'Team and a series of coincidences He said 'he and the 29-year-old Miss Joe MIL Model.Terinessee. and ton Geurin, Paducah: and several nieces and nephews pounds of dark fired tobacco have A Mayfiekl girl has been se-. is sold for $4.229,614183 at an aeerage Meted to represent Murray State- and sralicillous." He said when accsued of ',wing as -absurd" Takes First Place Taylor are jusa "good Wends." son, Joe Bailey Dill, Murray. have Muirayans Attend Mr. Geurin was a member of price of $38.93 per hundred This College in the annual Mountain the facts are presented they sill RurnorS iif a romantic attach- purchased the business now call: Civitan Meeting the Cherry Corner Baptist Church rear's 'crop is estimated to he laurel Festival queen contest May show the government actually owes A track team from Murray State ment had been circulating for sev- ed "Jim's Roller Rink", and wish . . where 'funeral services will he %about 1.750,000 pounds larger than 34-26 College took first place in the eral days in Rome, perhaps be- to announce that after extensive . ---- held Tuesday at 2:00 p m Rev. him a refund on income taxes. .1 last year. mile-relay of the collegiate divi- cause of their torrid love scenes renovation and redocnrationrthe Four aturrayans attended the ,R. J Burpoe and Rev. Norman lg. -The freshman coed, Miss Paula Ref6rring to the school Suit. Mc- 'Mon of 'the Mason-Dixon Track 'before the cameras hege building will be transferred . into Third District Council meeting of Culpeppet will' etinducl tliewetites, Jones, was selected from 40 other Guire said, it is pecular that this Meet held at Freedom Hall in The actor's agent fuflher quot- the "Rollerdrome". Civitan International at the Hon- Burial sill be in the Hicks Ceme- cendi , ates at Murray. State. indictment was returned while the Louisville Saturday. ed Burton as syaing: 1 Joe Bailey, Dill, manager of the day Inn in Nashville, Tennessee tery. suit is • in progress. . .and while . The meet drew such talent as 'Elizabeth and I have been close , Murray Drive-In Theatre, says, at- on last Friday and Saturday. Active pallbearers are Eugene Aima plirjury case is John . Uelses, the Marine pole friends for over 12 years. I have 1cording to plans, they will have Attending were IA Governor of Geui-in, Wade Roberts, Herman &id FIVE DAY FORECAST . pending" vaulter who recently set a new known her since she was a child their Grand Opening approlitmate- the Valley District John. L. Wil- Clurin. Fred Houston, Dayid Geur- Periwy Trial Wednesday . record, and Grace Butcher, re- star and would certainly never do ly May 1st , and will operate the hams. and Mrs. Williams. and past in. and Rudolph Geurin, nephews 169"11"nsiiali I trytinited Press Ingarnatievaid LOULSV11.11,, — The 1 Mrs. Williams was indicted by the Carter County grand jury oh perjury in connection with' testi- nown half-miler posed of Dennis Banden, Dave • II . Murray atile-relay team wasc 4744811C.'sictr•ife, a nYthint to !WM her personally Rollerdri,mo. on the same clean, II Governor Aubrey Willonghby of the deceased •••••••• It ' nsangaeholasonie basis ns the,. Theatre. _J and Mrs. Willoughby.. i "In..adimiji,Ar...kt_vr,. 1.-rrzr_7:::;;'- --. -• - •-• •- _ Ava ; f *..-...---,11_, — -..4i.,.a...s......v.p.iblvr.t.. , ....• -4....-_,:ii_.• 1 The Maxalnirehill Funeral Home Malan for the plaintiffs in sns' nsgenanann-snSting Att. • five-ciav extended forecast. Tues- the Ray Wilson. and Torimay Cbeaney, townas intahlation votniid beidenply ithe Rollerdrome what Pertytt;:(Senli—inarle reiForts on * all 'the friends may call until the service issued by school sue', Her trial is scheduled Western Kentucky — Partly &an through Aturday, 1 to begin Wednesday in 134yd Cir- Rill Furgerson is Murray State to say no comment but I feel that youths, and children aice now ex- .clubs. in' the Third District apd hour. cloudy and colder today and to- the U S tornmerce Depaatment cuit Court. on a change of venue. Track Coach. - in this case things should be ex- preasly sking for, and according plans were 'made to better the Bureau: night, high, torksi 40 Low tonight Weather A. B Ramey. an Ashland ac- plained to protect Elizabeth." ' tO Mr. Dill, they will have the communities in which the clubs Wallis Farm Named • 24 Tuesday partly cloudy and a Temperatures, will average two A nurse nit Salvator Mundi In- , 1 bet to offer in gaod,. healthy, are located. littlas warmer. to five degrees below normal dur- countant who handled McGuire's Murray Woodmen To ternational Hospital reported this active tive entertainment. Governor-elect James Mcflreyer To Angus Group 1956 and 1956. income tax returns, .,Temperatures at 5 a. m. LEST).: ing the next five days. said they were "as clean as a Meet On Thursday• morning that the ravishing movie of Owensborn. Kentucky was on Louisville 43 Kentucky normal mean is 36. actress "had a very god night" WELL-WISHES . the program and the fresent gov- Wallis Farm. Murray, h* been hound's tooth and he McGuire ii Lexington 49 Louisville normal extremes 38 Murray Woodmen of the World and might return home today or WASHINGTON (lin — Some 200 ernor Aubrey F'. Prince of Co- elected to membership in the innocent as a lamb Covington 41 and 29. Camp 502 will meet Thursday night Tuesday. well-wishers have sent Valentines liimbia, Tennessee also American Angus Association at St Paducah 35 Cold beginning the period, warm- at 7:30 Wein& in the American I'She is feeling fine and eating to Caroline Kennedy. - It wasnpointed out in the meet- Joseph, Missouri, announces Frank 6 London 51 er mid-week, then colder about VFW MEET Legion Budding breakfast," the nurse said. The White Mouse said Wednes- ing that the district, composed of Richards. secretary Bowling Green 46 Saturday Precipitation will av- Ivan Johnsiin, Consul Command- Miss Taylor was aped to the day that Caroline's brother, John Kentucky and Tennessee, lacked This farm received one of the Hopkinsville 36 erage one inch mostly in rain late The Murray VFW Post will meet er of the Camp, urges all members howital by ambulance Saturday Jr., received about 75 Valentines ‘)ust a few pounds of selling 100 21 • memberships issued to breed- Evansville, Ind.,'38 - Wednesday and again Friday or Tuesday night at 7.39 o'clock in to be present for the February night from her $3,000 a month and Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, also- tons of Claxton's Fruit Cakes slur- ers of purebred Aberdeen-Angus Huntington, W. Va., 49 ' Saturday the city hall. meeting. rented villa on the Appian Way. received a few. s • ing the Christmas holidays. in Kentucky during the past month. 1.•
• *.. •• . A •is • MONDAY - FEBRUARY 19, 1962 THE LEDGER & TIMES MURRAY, KENTUCKY SAGE,TWO Calloway Draws College Hi In 4th District; A & TIMES'Western Drops • THE LEDGER macs muse= Murray High and Douglass In Lower Bracket IPITSLISIIE) by 1.23X11:21 COINP&NT. Dome OncioiiataUco lima !Carew lades', The Clabowsli Moon. 414141 The Tune. iterauk umlaut ie. ism, and Ow Wog Zawankka. te4i kmassif Murray: Near ban on confetti but The four Calloway County high nmg. There is not a consolation ed for a Jam= C. wnwaus. rcriaaszia IN memo Or not to Julio' soy AstoorMoims„ Law Ilm Loop Crown schools spilt evenly to the upper game in the district meet that school and lower brackets Sunday when sees both winner and runner-up a their bands under the direction welcome. band leader will find a or Pie Voice WOOS labaaii. In raw egashaa. ala awl Sox lba Isp officials met for the pairings of advance to First Region action. Tournament officialS are Ger.:4 toreet our rouser& the Fourth District Tournament at , R. E. Goodiion has been select- Landsat and Gene Cathey, both A 4asseactlar performance by the Carr Health Budding. NATIONAL /11XPILD:ar-V. TATTVIS. WALLACI WITMER CO.. ISIS ed as official timer and Tom For- Murray. Las liktig,„ link Lid B.obt P c paied Western The toutnament will -begin on Madison Awe. Manoptua, Tana Times rest, a resident ot the county who Slapboanaolt AM& D•fratt, !Sick. Kent.i. is,: Hilltoppers t h Wednesday night, February 28th fia rad cenek worroy. iimmucka. goy isismisigis as thresh/told lit the Ohto Valle) and rain each 'night through Sat- tuaehus at ...tzth Marshall. wi/l_Pe, the „scorer. Read today's Sports Conference Cittimphinship with a urday,IMarch 3rd. Only one game • Salesed awls liatteir 96-77 victory over visitmg Mur- is set for the opening and 'Closing No pre-game ceremonies such SUHSCRIPTION RATES: Hy Canine la lamrsais. weak 2$4.= ray State Saturday in a game nights of the classic. as the introduction.of players will winutla Me In Caliwirag and ailaouung tammaion, par Pian. Mat played • before an estimated 4600 seven team held left one bye be held this year. The club in whim, 94.35. 4 fans. bracket for the draw which went the odd numbered brackets will to North Marshall. Also in the be the "home" team except when LEIB I:iii, 96.2 The win coupled with Eastern's upper, bracikets with the Jets are one of the three Murray schools ••I•PIMMIgios• -6146 16•• to Tennessee Tech left CalloWay and Mu rr ay College play one of the other four clubs iFielTiThiiiipers with but ,:ne'hur- High who lace each other in the in the tournament. In case two die to clear tor the crown and an Ten Years Ago Today N.C.A.A. tournament but A vie- -tory- -by M:rehead at Howling opening tilt. Murray schools meet, the team The lower bracket finds Benton in the odd number bracket will High School meeting„.M urray be designated as. the "home" club. we'll banish Leelger and Times File • Green tonight would cnahle the °LEI-Luis Segura of Madrid finds the going nut very easy Douglass and South Marshall-lat- There are no reserve seats for second place Eagles to grasp A in this Mexico City appearance However, with • fractured ing Murray High. -the 1962 Fourth District Tourna- them for good Joe son of Mr. and Mrs. R..4 1 able, One of fif- tie for first place. spine he arose in wrath and dispatched his bovine adversary. The lone contests on Wednes- ment. The classic will be held in teen Murray State t ollege student• s‘ been accepted n y.eam uand tutrday nights will get •the MSC Sports Arena and the ndaySaa Is the persistent presence Murray tad the score three-all • 7:30 o'clock. The chair seats will be filled on a for iitc Itiskti ill this year's "\\ rut.% \\ Ii.. iii American toneges in the infant stages of the game of silverfish getting you Sports Parade other two nights, Thursday and first come basis. Admission . is and Uutversitics.... according- to Matt Sparkman, Dean of but tell behind and never caught Friday, start action at • 7:00 p.m. $1.00 for adults and 50 cents for Students at the '6bllege, up with the blazing hot 'Tappers down? We'll get them out and their sensational Ramie. The second cOntest on these two students. Caloway is vs nights will begin at approximate- Tournament officials have ask- of your house or apart- Thu, is N ati,,nal \Vrek anti liascoe hit a uhen.rnenal 16 of ter .than it ever him" he is happyly 8:30 *p.m., (thirty minutes after Whir 1%ete. initstandiniz Futtite Farmers still lie featured is By OSCAR FRALEY 1-9 field gial atteLmits and 6 of 9 . to ern-Hemp/ay 'being the number the completion of the first game). ment to STAY out: stories tins %seek. loday's atticle features Robert and tries at the charity !tripe.'He wias I •nra beartmanomad After the Calloway - College Iwo Yankee pitcher behind south- hunt Ed.; Ileneltm. :red hot on Jumpers from the „lait- FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Vt. High game Wednesday night the MURRAY it Ford. Get Our Free Estimate! side andtwa d einjin on drives - :Hands...Me Ralph Terry Was paw ‘Chlte). play reverts to the lower bracket. DM -159 THEATRE Coach !laden Ili•Igrs' 111% rt s‘ill play Temit••• today that those record- A hard 'worker and a fierce through the middle. Western as hoinng Benton plays Douglass at 7:00 'are 1 cch in the first round -Ail the ()lib! V:ifley Conference' a team hit better than 52 percent. breaking New York -Yankee home co mpetitor despite h is friendly p.m. on Thursday and South Open - 6:00 • Start - 6:45 We exterminate pests yet 'Liam mient vi-br-licitt- in. the ilk Armory_ 'Februarv -With S.:lining' finding the fans run bats would 'thunder }Us: a outlook. toward life, :Ferry -tangles a ith MUrary High at 8:30 the Yankees' number .. made a tt tel, k: i rb it.n es . .iore kw hint thin season may betsime on Thursday. ENDS TUESDAY! of all kinds at low cost ge. e 1, j..1.-4,,•.1 l, J..1.111 • raw:Incv, for the Fourth Ilistriet Tournament ha•%e 1.yen - and trailed by _ ally three paints, ,l;: challenge of it in the tirst halt when he takes dead aim on 20 one pitchor. Pal-titularly if, as he hopes. the town:Aim-lit manager. I:it-is ems 33-36. with a little more than mo On the sidelines nee weeks last Yankees start - hitting the seats a whiner of the CallowaysCollege 1:ttle more when he's out there on North Marshall will play the High game at 7:00 on Friday and WHIR!HOVEL KELLEY'S PEST intets Murray raining and Ilarri I.l.Is Cht thy opening minutes to go Hut the host club season with a sprained ligament. the mound nursing those heart- the lower bracket semi-final rstnsimi assay to a 45-35 halftime the 26-year old -Oklahoman ,sti.: stopping iine-run leads. ttnE 1011030. • advantage Jennings. !old to .11 compiled a fine 16-3,pitehing rot- points. pickes1 up 10 in - thir last orti withal was overlooked beet-nee • be the second feature of the eve- - NANCY NAN • CONTROL Phone PLaza 3-3914 • cht intinites of the opening pe- of the home run heroics sit Roger ..1 Maris. Mickey Mantle and com- Western broke away mid-way pany. To do it he had to pitch . Cage Calloway Tops TECHN/COLOR.aiwsiansw • the second half and rel.iwt tsi three shutouts anti ii-arn six of his DR. J. C. LEEPER e impressive win. An unusually victories by one run. .,rge number of fouls were called the game that saw stars "Years from how. I'll be proud lash to sat, - pitched on the wor1,-t Schedule Jets Again . MURRAY LOAN CA• 'Ass benched Via tr..- personal champions:tip hams with Mans 506 W. Main St. Telephone PL 3-2f321 CIIIROVR.‘CTOR • .ute and Mantle," he said. "But right "YOUR HOME -OWNED LOAN CO." -HIGH SCHOOL - Calloway County High chalked Murray lost J. nnings, Varna's, now. lust like any other pitcher, up its 23 victory of the season id Schlosser.- Western', liar- I'd like a tew mori.• runs when February 20 Announces the Opcnitie against only five setbacks Satur- • Todd incurred four M I'm pitching." Hiath at N Mansholt day night with a narrow 81-77 -e first period but a'ent 161 I Terry in three years with the Fti::,,ti C, college Ha of 011iees At • ..•01 North Fifth Street liinutes in the second half befare , Ifsnkees and since being saved Ben:ow-sit Sedalia • .uling out The Toppers also lost ; frem the tortures of pitchmg at 1 Kansas City. has developed into N. Maishal: at Livingston February 23 was user North Marshall at Jef- frey io•m. Norge Specials ickson on personals, It was the second win over the lspace formerly Lss.,11,.....1 by Oakley. Western, who held a superior orw the top Yankee mound Calloway at LA AV VS Jets for Calloway this season. The FULLY AUTOMATIC RANGE at • $119.00 • , $:119.00 3-39 edge in the rebOunding de. • :tars. He was only 5-11 in 1959, S. Marshall at Murray Hi fakers now could possibly be fac- 131 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR •Artment put all five starters in acame a 10-8 wavier in 1960 -and College Hi at Farmington ed with the task iif making it Freeier at isittom, 713380. Aver frost. Pit, .'suble• figures Tad pegged sessou_seally got his teeth Benton at SedaLLa three in a row alter district pair- of Isiggoge worth $4::.ort Free with refrigerator. arrier 12. and Jackson and Dunn Into it. - COLLEGE - ings yesterday. •netted- up 11 each. Hurts Arm The ta:i man from Vlielsea, Morehead at Western* February 19 Both clubs played without the ROWLAND REFRIGERATION Veteran Ron Greene poured In services of first string stars. North '21 pomts to pace the Th rotten- Olthi . rapped off to a 5-0 tart Vanderbilt at Kentucky SALES ancl SERVICE -rods tsbtw 5-ft in , Ohio Valley but hurt his „inn in winning a Tenn. Tech a: Middle.Tenn" Marshall recently lust William 110 S. 12th St. Phone PL 3-2825 WANTED.! inference play Varna, hit. ter 3-2 11-inning game against tile and Schl ceser 13 -The Racers Cleveland Indians. A :lab .seints-teil on 30 of 02 ' "I didn't Wel right when Fiibruary 21 Middle Tenn at •Eastern* was Murray at Arkansas State Wilson with a broken foot when the Jets appeared to be coming 1 around as a tournament nopefell Calloway now awaits doctors' re- MEN --WOMEN ings for 48 per cent warming' up," be said. • But it February 24 ports on torn Irgaments in the leg MEN - GET THAT JOB!! M.irray State winds up lb sea- a as the rubber game 01 'a series Kentucky at Alabama t um ;ger It to r:epare Lincoln Service helps thous- of Mickey Boggess. play-making . bet •his week The 'Breds travel and I thought 1 could get by with F.astern at Western' '•••• I a- CS Cirt1.5•4‘.1...• J..•0 ands prepare for these teats In thsa area dorm.' every you ,Li is on. of the • 3,r:est:sir -. Arkansas- Wednes- sott stuff. Ln the third inning 1 Tenn Tech at Murray* guard. quar- OPERATING f .r a game with Ark- got irdO a )am and had to tnrow largest and oldest privatelv ters ,it ply betore finally grasp- .ov•rnment positions pa high as 114411.00 a month to •rnment. owned schools of its kind arta as is not connected with the Goy , t'1, als State'. Saturday night the hurl That's When I first felt the 'Lacers asi: meet Tennessee Teeh staltrimis ,t M ,:r-a• in a circuit contest how west out Ii'. e •eeks oecause !ni• c:usie of the season.- oil finished tne some- FRENCH FLIGHTS BANNED ing command in the third stanza of acyon. North edged into 3. CONAKRY Guinea IPS - The 19-18 first period lead and widen- HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHOVELS t•rt They pro•ide much BULLDOZERS POWER • FREE information t: Those first live win,. ta abed government of President Sekou the gap to three points, 43-40: 1 greeter sorority than- private Western 061 GRADERS SCRAPERS •xentinI asirr.g Jackson it. Dunn 11. Tadd 14, rum as swan destined tor the top Tours' todav banned commercial at halftime_ 7'7 DRAG LINES employirent and excellent op. is...Atli:to and basai- tr. 11. flights in and our of Gumea by The Lakers. out-scored the Jett ' CLAM SHELLS portunity tor advent• m •n Ilascoe Mk Carrier 12. Smith 7. of the pitch:ng beep He won • .ip,1 or:- the three French airlines, Air by six points. 26-20. In the third Many positions require tittle Ilay 2. Caine, 1. Ridley 0. Castle them by scores ot 4-2. 3-2. 5-I on Thousands of aciditional men will be needed to operat• th• •. „nu jc.„,,, sea. Or no specialised education or a two-hitter; 2-1 and 3-2 in 11 France. Air Afrique arid Union quarter of play and carried a ,xperienc•. aosi :saw .a:. q, innings Aeromartime de Transport 66-63 edge into the final canto. HEAVY EOUIPMENT used to build the new roads. subdivi- (771 yesnie.t Ito pass these test Schi,.-er 13. Walker T.. Jens allow can be a tag win- The three awlines ma) make . Jimmy Walskiti's 26 point. were sions, bridges. irrigation systems. pipelines, dams, missile . elW i•if thew - ins" 11 %%Arras 17. Greene 21. ner.- he said.mistestly. -because -technical landings- in Guinea but . high for the Lalters who . sites. shopping centers, industrial parks, borne sites, air- isasz Thil• Do passengers may enter or leave ,men in the (kelpie. brack• ari.5- DoV1__Dgigg_ Act__11/0W! 111.14--ines 3 137t--i,en. 3. Park•••#" tos- leauste taaCIC 1-won 1-1 fields, etc. in a growing America. sb thint July -2; to the end ot the their planes hers. Curd poured in 21. II ,asui • ' 1*!1•Knenin ..0 . The order was made hecaUSe t 14. and Foster 12 Gerald Barre': Complete practical training on OUR modern machines. at IN( OLN SERVICE. Dept.. 13 the French government does not led the losers anth 28 points. OUR Resident Training Centers, give you the background EXPLODE NUCLEAR DEVICE Threw Flag Cloriehbr you need to get that JOB you want as a HEAVY EQUIP- Pekin, Illinois allou Guinean airh-es planes to Ronnie Foster. iine of the mo•• And, for the sec -rid year in a •pos, France MENT OPERATOR. 1 an v•ry mu ainteresled. Please send rne absolute.v FRE= , The na row. -it was Terry who pitched land in vastly under-rated prep corers ..... -4 ii A Ism of U Gatvernment positions and salarei : Oder sia eetooded arother tne pennant clinener tor 13110 i the area, had rna string ..f Mail Coupon TODAY!!! for complete information. mation on how to quality for • U.S. Government Job. .-fear des ice underground Thurs. kers' Otte* again. h.." feat was AGREES TO BOUT consecutive tree throws hr - ASSOCIATED HEAVY ECIU1PMENT SCHOOLS. INC. almost overlooked Ilk"-cause it. was The accuracy skein stretched - 113 N.W. Sib St. Evansville. Indiana •.1 :ay a lit game period Name Ago' The AF.t. .aat the et-plosion was that night at when. he NEW TOW.. Pf - Jose Gon- ,.4* )11+1- It sit the 141n an- 'sZ..t qu‘ Or, :les down won four haler of %est York has aereed to canoway (41) Street ...... Curd 21. Riley 11. Wilson 26 'State •aiunced. S explosion airier the, hes that Maria hit hai-59th home, meet Emit Smith o( Dearborn. City . H . . “ster . soviet Union accan testing' ,Sept. run. • Ohio, in a 10-r nand fight at SI. Phone at•home ' 1 • with arm feeling 'lei- Nicholas Arena next Monday. • North atarshan (77) . a G. Barrett. 23. Poe II. H. Bar- Information about our trained Operators • I. • . re** 4 rheh." 9.171kirr.a'' 14. Ptl- Contractors: dv,utable Upon request. • i1 : H( /R SERVICE &NE Dry DRY CLEANING SPECIALS * Cleaning Sale I ONC, MONDAY, FEB. 13th, THRU THURSDAY, FEB. 22nd MONDAY: FEh. 12. THRU FEB1 22 0 COAT rn • , fir76I'stlanat - • 1\1 ?tin fiii‘iiT\T 1111.1 1)1Z)( SI_NT ‘kITH FULL _:.c 11•I1N1FNT L P611Nieff•.„ 4 "e a,. Iias. PLAIN Dresses • •----t-aric 89 Fa F'/It $61 6 DR* Ci.E.•kNif4G • PI. anti e.,„, NE'S at 'Both Lot atitvns *ONE HOUR a. CalSil --stAl.711DRY.CLF ANERS Main Plant COIN LAUNDRY•CLEANERS MARTINIZING On The Square South Side Square 13th & Main, FAST ONE-HOUR SERVICE ON WISFIY WASHY NO 1 PICKUP STATIONS WISI1Y WASHY NO 2 DRY CLEANING AND SHIRTS *Artie Nts)be .9 • ,t S fai:e , • ast:•,,, E H UR ERVI E .ta4•140 C I.V•1- a. aii. %Iasi at e .1 • • • • -• - • - 7" a. • • s I.
C 60 40. 411 ••••, • •r • to. yq152 ATIDND.1V rEnra- \rzy 10, 1,62 THE LEDGER IE TIMES —MURRAY. KENTUCKY PAGE THREE • Federal State Market lb. 523.00-25.25; Good and (-twice 300-600 in. stock heifers $22.00- itnet; News Service 25.25; Medium to Good stock cows • rI 1, — - -- with cakes $14000 - 218.00 per cow. Medium stock cows- $112.00- achet ISLTRRAY, Ky., Tuesday, Feb. 13, 1962. Murray Livestock Co. 136.00 per cow. BABY CALVES: About 15 head RECEIPTS: Hogs, 46; Cattle and ion confetii but Calyes, 251. 56.00-3400 per head. older the direction leader will find a 'OWL L. FIND IT IN THE WANT ADS HOGS: Receipts mostly mixed grade butchers. Steady to 25c VEALERS: Fully steady. Choice $33.00 - 35.25; Good $27.50 - 32.75, bower. US. No. 1, 2 and 3 barrows Standard 521.75-27.00. Service Station, Mayfield, CH 7- floors, gas heat, located on good officials are Gen4 and gilts 25 hi-ad 218 lb. $16.50; FOR• SALE 9066. 119c gravel road near Lynn Grove. NOTICE ene Cathey, both of Can be bought worth the money. 250-267 1.b. $15.75-16.25; 325-390 SIGNS WITH ARGONAUT Possession with deed. lb 514.25-1475; 3 No. 2 and 3 1958 OLDSMOBILE, SHARP, IN NEW 6 ROOM BRICK VENEER 32 ACRES OF LAND WITH four WHITE LIMESTONE ROCK FOR sows 528 lb. $12.50. Imes Sports excellent condition. P00110 3- house, large livens room, 2 bed- room house on paved road. Price driveways- and septic tanks. Mas- onry sand. Delivered to your lo- ----CATTLE-and CAt.VES: Receipt& mostly cows' a nd 'stock steers. TORONTO 1131._ss. Quarterback Billy Canty of Furman has slimed '• `. 4658 after 500 pan. 121c rooms, batfi, hardwood floors, kit- $3500. Possession with deed, in six chen, utility, electric heat, built- miles of Murray. W. H. Brown cation. Hill Gardner, PL 3-2.528. Cows moody 25-50c higher. Stock a contract with the Toronto Argo- marclailp steers and heifers fully steady. of the Canadian Football DUNCAN PHYFE AND DINING ins, garbage disposal, carport, on Real Estate, office Gatlin Build- table, in good condition. So I a sewer, concrete drive, located on ing, Murray, Kentucky, telephone 00ttter classes steady. Good 300- League. 1958 SIMCA., 4 DOOR SEDAN PL 3-3432, residence PL 3-1311. 500 lb. slaughter calves $22.25- Canty was the fourth leading newly upholstered. See Will Rose, Hickory Drive. with radio, heater, white side wall 23.20; Utility and Commercial passer in U.S. college ranks last 217 S. 15th St. or phone PL 3- FIVE ROOM HOUSE WITH bath, fl9c tires, extra high gas mileage. $425. large living room, two bedrooms, cows $13.50-15.80; Cutter $13 10- season and helped the South beat • 2818. -NEW PRING SHOES ARRIV- 1:21c kitoheia, -built-ins, electric heat, 191 ACRES OF LAND Approxi- Call PL 3-1651 or PL. 3-3.924 after 5:00 p.m. 120c 15.00; Small lot Choice 438 lb. stock steers $27.10; Good 300-500 the North in the Senior .Bowl Ganse. hardwood floors, breezeway and mately •4 miles from Murray. Has ing weekly in the bariernent at built-in garage, on highway. Price 2.8 tobacco base, 15 acre corn CHAIN LINK FENCING. Resi- Murray Hatchery, So. 4th Street. $4200, possession with deed. Own- base, a large part of this land dential, industrial. Completely in- we'll banish 124c er leaving county. Lays in Clark's River bottom. $15,- stalled. No money down. For in- CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle NEW MOON .1956,35 rr. Trailer. 40 ACRES OF LAND WITH seven 900.00. formation phone collect, CH 7- hem for good Spotless, like new. $1895. 31 ft. room house, large living room, 3 3474 or CH 7-5651. Joe Mike's ACROSS 6-Latin conjunction MOHO ROM MOO bedrooms, bath, large den, 'kit- 60 ACRE OF EXTRA GOOD Iron and Fence Company, May- I-Moccasin 7-l'hings, In MOMO OMOO 02M • Palace good condition. $1195. Pa- 1-Sharp and law sistent presence ducah Road, across from Pipeline chen, utility, built-ins, hardwood land on black top road, has a good field, Kentucky. marchl9c harsh i-i tiroly child OMMOOM OD MOM farm house, tobacco barn, stock 5- Pigpen 9- Bug a dooms MOM' MOMOR 3- Nlohamme- 10-Chine,. UOUMMORM MM s sh getting you barn, crib, chicken house a ad I M/GHT HAVE SOLD YOUR dau Pagoda MMOMM ORO MOM 'II get them out • YOUR MU-RRAY-CALLOWAY COUNTY garage. $13,650.00. property today had I known yes- terday that you wanted to sell. commander 13-Anon 11-Chinese 11-Sweet potato 16-Reverie 18-Falsehood OM OMMMMOM MO MIO MMM MGM 49 ACRES OF LAND WITH 2 pagoda 20-Carpenter's MO OMOMMMMM iouse or apart• good houses, across the road from Come in and List with me today. 15-One behind tool another DOO1M NM= BUSINESS Claude L. Miller Real -Estate and Fiarnett's Chapel church in Graves 17 -Orte.ital 22- Entertain OMO MO OMMMOb out! 2::-One defeated STAY County, has large tobacco barn, Insurance, office over Rexall Drug salutation 35-Obtain MOM MIME MOO Phones PL 3-5064, PL 3-3059. ANOTHER VICTIM OF ALGERIAN TURMOIL-A pregnant Moslem 15-Snares 27-2.1ohamme.. MOM MIME MOO good stock barn, crib, smoke house woman is put on a stretcher in Algiers after a plastic bomb 21-Sesame dan 119c 22-Toward the princess Free Estimate! and garage. $14,250.00. Roberts was set off in an apartmept house. Eight persons were injured. sh .• tered 23-Worn away 42-flindu 15- Young boy Realty Co., PL 3-1651, 505 Main Throughout Algeria 121bersons were killed and 29 wounded. side 30-0nce around DIRECTORY 21-Sink in co m halm 16-A stat• flee In the port city of Oran, the courthouse was damaged by an middle • track 45- aving less (at hr. rminate pestil FOR -RIMY explosion, believed the work of Secret Army Organization. 26- RI r In 32- gillor collon. hair 57-Click beetle Germaiiy 47-Place U-Thick, black 19-Residences 59- Macaw ds at low cod 25- Ethical substance WANTED • IMM=MI SMALL THREE ROOM HOUSE Adults only. Ideal for elderly Trooper In Collision taken to St. Elizabeth's Hospital at Covington. Dills was listed in 31- I'amp 33-Weight of India U.Started 11-Showy 62-Care for 64- Noun tale passes 60-Si ill 63-Brother of Odin Y'S PEST ADDING MACHINES Auld TYPEWRITERS OFFICE Ledgez & Times SUPPLIES PL 3-1916 LADY - AGE 21 TO work from home as telephone 60 - TO couple. Apply at 108 East Poplar. f20c Killing Three Persons fair condition. His wife, Mae, 55 was reported in serious condition, 34-Pronoun 31-Small rug 37-Flap 39-Proceed 1 doeoration 2 2 e.Vil ..... 5 6 7 e "i"6:,• 9 • W 11 solicitor. $1.15 per boor plus bon- and their grandson, Dennis El- 10-Place •'..iii. Sales & Service WILLIAMSTOWN, Ky. Rat — le.lg.-r & Times PL 3-1916 PRINTING us. Reply P.O. Box 574, Mayfield, APARTMENT Kentucky. talc ate entrance FOR RENT. Priv- and bath, Nice for Three persons were killed and beck, 8, was in fair condition. Two children in the car, Jimmy 12-Struk• 44-Paula 12• MI3 14 •••.. •••!.: UUU•'••+••• '4 PLaza 3 39i4 Ledger dr-Times PL 3-1916 two school b o y s, Mrs. Dorlis [Clark, Phone PL 3-1604. lip six others injured when -a state police cruiser collided with a car Brill, 8, and his_sister, Mary, 10, 46-Gudaeas of discord 48-Cheer 19 lU ••N I.W.17 20 . •••• aiii i. lUll ::$4- DRUG STORES PL 3-2547 N.Y. MAIDS—TOP WAGES, BEST homes, tickets sent. Largest, oldest about -a mile south of here Friday night. . both of Williamstown, were treat- ed for" cuts and bruises and re- 60-Ctio teat b1'Open work tahric w.,....„ *COM 19 22 a . . .„:, 24 .5.* 25 :40.:76 .040....C.: 27 20 Scott Drugs TYPEWRITER RENTAL N.Y. agcy. Write Gem. 35 Lincoln, leased from the hospital. 53.- Restricted ,•:.:s HOG MARKET Killed in the collision on U.S. CO. AND SERVICE Roslyn HU.. N.Y. its 25 at about 10:40 p.m. were Janice Dills, 25, of Dry Ridge; Mrs. ORDER COMMAND SHIP 55-Endured sispar of the week • 61- Bev eraig• a34 giOMNI ••••••• .i.:.....37 32 4611lU IIII 38 tig 39 L 3-2021 Frazee, Melugin dt, Holton G-en. Insurance PL 3-3415 Ledger & Times USED AUTO PARTS PL 3-1916 SERVICES OFFERED I Federal - State Market News Service, Monday, Feb. Ili, IOC. Gladys Eibeck, about 50, of Wil- liamstown; and Fthenda Hull, '2, WASHINGTON ann —The Navy has ordered a second command 52-Story ,4-Before • 15-Pigeon WM 66-Garment a AM 41 0: ::47 • MEXti• NM •!...0 44 43 Il N C ." also of Williamstown. 47 :•:::9; 44 LADIES READY TO WEAR Murray Auto Salvage - Hazel Rd. SEWING AND MINOR ALTERA- Kentucky Purchase - Ares Hog 121p Market Report including 9 ewe:* State police said the cruiser ship of the sort President Ken- 17-Rodent DOWN 46II Ma 3i eve MI..•• 11:::::;:s° 31 •;,__:•:.:-;-: PL 3-4023 Parts For All Models -PL. 3-3756 tions. Phone PL 3-5876. driven by trooper Ernest Bis ens, nedy and military leaders could *AM LIttletons stations. Receipts Friday and Sat- NM • M11:::::•11 urday totaled 2,004 head. Today 34. of the Dry Ridge Post, struck a car driven by Walter Carr Dills, use during a war. The only such electronics-laden 1,-MA:re iiii•knarn• 2- Mohamme- 55 36 lll111 M.:58 •III ••• MIL" 59 60 barrows and gilts 25c higher7Mix- 55. of Dry Ridge, as it was making ship in the fleet now is the cruis- dan 61 62 • n mi 6164 II ed U.S.. No. 1, 2 and 3 barrows a turn off the highway. The car er Northampton. The second is to c•mnia,Aer 3-Easy Pace .5 ...,.x ca $1 19.00 • • and gilts 180-230 tbs. $16.50-16.75, 235-270 lbs. $15 25-18.50; 275-300 was struck broadside by the cru- iser. be converted from the aircraft transport Wright at Bremerton, 4- Appellation of A thena 5 -Coll•ct ion of Out,, by Lnited Feature Milligill! _ Syndicate. DU. /5 lbs. $14.50 - 15.75; 150-175 lbs. tents (gil) $319.00 The six persons injured were Wash., at a cost of $25 million. 514.50-16.80. No. 2 and 3 sows ir frost. Piece BY PEGGY GADDIS Y.. the wee. Pore ace W Penn Graft raerriana 300-800 lbs. 512.00-14.75. Boars 'efrigerator. lara. s, Amelia Mere lasuu..1.4 * luau ./••/•••••• all weights $8.00-11.00. ATION staged BARBARA IMPROVING MAME'', 21 a sismcnt she thought he was she see the carefully N MONDAY afternoon, Lee going to leave it at that. And scene. 6—ET -"\ 14111 1t/P PL 3-2825 O Folsom looked up from her then suddenly he "Lee, I could not 'burst out, believe It of Martin eyed her oddly, as though he hoped to read thh BURBANK, Calif. 171 — Mrs. Barbara Crosby, wide of entertain- THERE WiTH desk as Martin Whitfield came er Lindsay Crosby, was reported so ruth. thoughts behind her carefully -striding in. His eyes were cool you, that you could be composed face. to be "unproving" today at St. %TITline so callous, so spitefuL" ▪ and un:riendly, and his manner less, Joseph's Hospital where she was Met 610i)'EM Ike's head went up and her "I checked them in .▪ .t . the JOB!! was as abrupt as it had been hotel, of course, as my guests," admitted Sunday in critical con- k YOU'RE NOT, when she had first met him. eyes chilled. "Now wait a minute,".she he went on after a moment. cation from a complication of pres- Her heart sank a little, but nancy. she gave him a friendly smile aahed. "But I knew they could not be and a pleiissint greeting and mo- "No, you wait." Martin's tone comfortable living in the hotel, don t deny so I set about trying to find NANCY tioned him to the chair beside was rough. "You ENT her desk. that you were lying in wait for an apartment for them. The "How's It going at Oakland?" them when they came throw them back Gray:sn was their choice." "Neutrally." Lee could not S OR ROWED THEY'RE YOU'RE SHOVELS she asked, as he dropped Into from Atlanta, to MY UNCLE'S USE UL A GREAT the chair and reiarded her, un- into the street7" keep back the dry comment. WH AT'S SCRAPERS smiling. "I was acting at Mks r'ora's "It's the best In town." THE SHOES ON MY CADDY fine," he answered. Instructions," Lee sasl between "Fortunately, there was a • "Oh. fine, vacancy," Martin went on after IDEA? NEW "I understand your office her teeth. 2 to operate the handlos rentalalior the Grayson "Miss Cora? That's the old a moment. "I checked with Dal- JOB r roads, subdivi- Apartments 7" drsgon of an aunt that's been ton at the bank, and he sent i. d•ms, missile "Yes, we do." - giudging them every bite me to you as the rental agent. breath they So that's that." home sites, air- ;71 also understand there's a they ate, every drew under her dilapidated "Yes, it Is, isn't it?' Lee vacancy there." a charming agreed tautly. "I hope they will "The second floor front." • roof? She must be rn machines. at old creature! I'd like to meet he very happy there." "Furtuhed 7" the background never met "1 see no call for your sar- "Oh, yes, completely fur- her sometime. I've casm," said Martin sharply. HEAVY EQUIP- nished. And with staid service, a witch!" • ji • **Don't you?" Lee's tonn was of course. All the amenities for "You will, my friend, gracious living." Lee's voice EE was seething with mit- men-king. information. LS. INC. held. a faint tone-of surprise. L il•-• rage, but she forced herself you will." Martin was standing now. He "Good." sail Martin brus- to keep her Voice steady. on her desk, looking quely. 'I'd hks:. a year's lease "Ill see to it that you do leaned at her as though he saw on it, please." meet Miss Cora, at the first op- down Lee stared at him. "A year's portunity, so you can apoiogize her for the first time and wasn't LIL' ABNER Jilts "Z*8 MO GA...1.1• I by Al Capp at all charmed by what he saw. ate ......... lease? But I thought you to her In peraop for misjudging "You really are an amazing planned to IN^ the cottage at het " Lee." he said thought- 031.1Thel until the trusin house -Are You trying to tell tTle woman. "Nobody in the world trained Operators Was livable." thst Holly would he about her fully. could have convinced me that request. Martin regarded her unsmil- aunt7" were malicious, spiteful, ingly. It was all Lee could do to you callous—' .a , "Oh, the apartment is not for keep from me," he stated flatly. "It's for "Holly would lie about her flashing out at him. "Really?* Lee managed a and her mother. mother, if she thought she smile that was little more than Holly Emoinsin a grimace. "Except Holly, of They're not very comfortable at could get away with it!" In- they're not ro sus- stead she held her breath, course. She seems to have done the hotel; a fine job of that.' S* tomes' to hotel life. I m sure mentally counted to ten, and they the will like Grayson." the apartment at managed "If Holly a steady told you answer. Miss Cora Martin, for the first times looked faintly uncertain. I'm afraid s,"If there are any extenuating "They should," *Lee said bits,was a witch, then Holly Wag handling the truth circometancits that justify your thirty. "It's the finest and most very carelessly," she said even- behavior toward them, Lee—" luxurious apartment in town. ly. "I'm ?tory that you feel this' Lee shook her head. which Is why it happens to be Cora need- "From their viewpoint — and vacant. Lewisville people can't way. After all. atiss is her legal obviously from yours, too - - really afford luxury apartments ed help. Uncle John of toveh for there are none," she stated flat- like that. The buildera went lulglsor. He is out begged me ,1y. "They were parked with. bankrupt, and, now the bank a few days, and she to lulp her get Holly and Mimi Miss Cora, and they woillant 1 69 owns IL" • . Martin brought out hLs check- to leave.- Since they had some budge, and she was afraid of money. Miss Cora felt they were th'em." ABBIE AN' SLATS zjimeo•Witling• 'tuaag.r. to t.ifif.abinfr. iiis0.30.11112111Mt4sia,..1 by RANA!. Vas Buns to find'some other "I'll give yon aylacr's rental In a posleion MitrtIn snapped inersduloisly; She could no.lonie- "Afraid of them? That's the • 'In advance, and you can draw place toslive. WHAT AN INTER- TAH--- YES, I HAVEN'T SEEN I'M AFRAID IFS 'these." . SO WE/)E A DEAL lieSTH up a lease," he told her. "1 er support moist ridiculous thing, I ever ESTING I(," - '. 'MRS. AtAILSTROM. ONE SINCE I WAS laulTE EXPENSIVE "And .you didn't stop to ask heard. Why should she be .PREESS GUY TO STO K OUR STUCe- AND think -it tklitild be best if Mrs. klaqi(4,“`, • • lafc '' ITS GENUINE A CHILD. HOW -GAI4JE-, WOW Ad, fs. Eastman signed the lease, don't them whether yin , Lee made .ao jpettyw rae slots Ak tO,$61_414,0 -ci „ItteCkrtviOLVI. oacv,wev, - You -just • •f Tim& reeletrail• feel to their eames. ••••-o,"- • : Stop? ordered them DM of the house, vtkITA',:7- ' th IT BS It‘attNit - *pore di,itga,somethinglihe moment's warning " -That Is finmething Tm afraid 7 0 .*.nir.II.134 Ft 1-1 °L466411 Rz4E 14'7 hasn't' en ;Okayed to feel since without a I can't explain, and'even if I iR he left Oakland." " - figure for a year's rent, Ist-ortin Wrote swiftly, and ripped Lee tee blinked, gave him the they said they'd go land rmiled. and cottage," live she very with thinly. answerecbeweetl "Oh, out to.Oak- could, y out wouldn't under- you at the stand," she told Film Wearily. y. "Sh411 we just drop It? I'll have the lease ready for Mimi's sig- -J ,,5 NG out the check and dropped on her desk. ' "Mrs. Eastman will be in afternoon fo sign the lease, it this - he 'Martin hut yet! when the I'm I looked cottage still came at startled. isn't the back "OS, finished hotel. Saturday were sitting And nature this afternoon. She and Holly can move in now, if they like. Here are the keys." itaid cettly. "I take it they may afternoon, they there waiting for me. Holly in Lee Is at a loin for word• move in Immediately 7" LSHY NO. 2 if they 'ears and Mrs. Eastman almost n hen Kermit Dalton slag her "Right thin moment, hyst erical." on the phone. Continue the win, is" Lee told him, Lee nodded, so clearly could story here toroorrow. "Coed:" said Martin, and for f •••••••••• -•••••••••••-••4‘: ss • • • • • .a* • •
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