Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric

Page created by Jeanette Lewis
Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric
The exodus of                               The lady who saved   The ageless wonder
 the runaway scrape                                texas bluebonnets      oF lightning bugs

F o r e l e c t r i c c o o p e r at i v e M e M b e r s                              april 2021

                                                                            Football star-turned-
                                                                            vintner finds that life
                                                                            gets better with age
Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric
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Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric

April 2021
                                                                                    04              currents
                                                                                                    The latest buzz

                                                                                    06              tcp talk
                                                                                                    Readers respond

                                                                                    18              co-op news
                                                                                                    plus energy
                                                                                                    and safety
                                                                                                    tips from your

                                                                                    29              Footnotes in
                                                                                                    texas history
                                                                                                    The Bluebonnet
                                                                                                    Lady of Texas
                                                                                                    By Sheryl

                                                                                    30              tcp Kitchen
                                                                                                    Fresh Herbs
                                                                                                    By Megan Myers

                                                                                    34              hit the road
                                                                                                    Heart of the Matter
                                            12                                                      By Chet Garner

08 The Seed                                 The                                     37              Focus on texas
                                                                                                    Photo Contest:
            Flourishes                      Runaway                                                 Storms

            Former NFL player Alphonse
            Dotson turns idea sowed in
                                            Scrape                                  38              observations
            Houston into notable grapes     The exodus of Texians is the                            Flashes of the Past
            and wines in Central Texas.     least understood episode of the                         By Bill Sanderson
                                            Texas war for independence.
            By Michael Hurd
            Photos by Dave Shafer           Story and photos by Julia Robinson

               ON THe COver
               Alphonse Dotson and LucyLu
               in his vineyard in voca.
               Photo by Dave Shafer
               A memoir from a girl in
               the runaway Scrape.
               Photo by Julia Robinson

T e x ASC O OppOwer .COm                                                         A p r i L 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 3
Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric

A Big Step
F r i Day n i g h t l i g h t s ?
                             Boys take the spotlight.

                                                                            75 years
   Saturday afternoon national spotlight? That could require a gifted
female athlete.
   Someone like Sarah Fuller. The college soccer player from Sachse,
outside Dallas, calmly stepped onto a football field November 28
                                                                            oF ropin’
                                                                            The Texas high school
in Columbia, Missouri, and kicked off for Vanderbilt University—
                                                                            rodeo association, the
becoming the first woman to play in a major college football game.
                                                                            largest such high school
Two weeks later she became the first to score in a game when she
                                                                            group in the u.s., began
kicked two extra points against Tennessee.
                                                                            in hallettsville in 1946.
   “I just want to tell all the girls out there that you can do anything
you set your mind to. You really can,” said Fuller, who was the goal-
keeper November 22 when Vanderbilt won the Southeastern Confer-
ence women’s soccer championship.
   All of the Commodores’ kickers were sidelined by COVID-19, so the
football team recruited Fuller, who wore No. 32, her soccer number, and a
sticker on her helmet that said “Play Like a Girl” when she made history.

                                                                            wheel thrills
                                                                            e.H. Green of Terrell bought
                                                                            what is believed to be the
                                                                            first gasoline-powered auto-
                                                                            mobile in Texas, in 1899—
                                                                            a phaeton runabout.
                                                                               Green was also in the first
                                                                            car wreck in Texas. George
                                                                            Dorris, co-owner of St. Louis

                                                                                                                                 rOpe : Je Su S CervAN Te S | SH uT T erSTO Ck .CO m. Fu LLer: COLLeGiATe imAGeS | Ge T T y imAGe S. COr ker : LiSA HArT COrker
                                                                            motor Carriage Company,
                                                                            which made the car, was
                                                                            driving Green to Dallas
                                                                            to show it off, and they got
                                                                            crowded off the road by
                                                                            a farm wagon and drove
                                                                            into a ditch.

                                                                                Contests and More
                                                                            on texascooppower.coM
                                                                            $500 recipe contest
                                                                            Sweet potatoes
                                                                            Focus on texas photos
                                                                            recoMMenDeD reaDing
                                                                            photographer Julia robinson has
                                                                            tips for making better portraits in
                                                                            Memorable Moment, October 2020.

4 T E X AS CO-OP POWER A priL 2021                                                              T e x ASC O O p pOw e r .C O m
Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric
write on
                                                            michael Corker with                      April 10 is National encourage
                                                            chef Susan kuehler at                    a young writer Day. Here’s
                                                            a hospital fundraiser.
                                                                                                     advice for young writers from
                                                                 power oF our                        Texas Co-op Power writers
                                                            people To nominate
                                                                                                     and editors:
                                                            a co-op member who
                                                            is making a difference
                                                                                                     chris burrows: most editors are
                                                            in your community,
                                                            email details to people@                 failed writers, but as T.S. eliot
                                                            texascooppower.com.                      famously said, “so are most
                                                                                                     travis hill: write first, agonize later.
                                                                                                     you can’t hone your prose if the
                                                                                                     page is blank.
                                                                                                     charles lohrmann: Learn how to
                                                                                                     accept (and learn from) criticism
                                                                                                     without taking it personally.

Power of Our People                                                                                  Jessica ridge: revisions are fertile
                                                                                                     terrain for inspired writing. but
building community health                                                                            know when to stop.
                                                                                                     tom widlowski: read whenever
                                                                                                     you can. it bonds you to fine
D u r i n g M o r e t h a n 15 years as a board member of the St. Mark’s Med-
ical Center Foundation, Michael Corker has helped south Central Texas
address the challenges facing rural health care. At a time when rural
hospitals were closing, St. Mark’s opened in La Grange in 2005 and
serves Fayette and Lee counties. The 100,000-square-foot, 65-bed
facility, complete with specialty clinics, also is a member of Fayette EC.
   “We can provide the same great level of health care found in major
cities,” says Corker, a Fayette Electric Cooperative member.
   Regional health care is Corker’s most demanding cause, but he has
made his mark on the community in other ways, too. Gale Lincke, a                    “Writing is easy.
Fayette EC board member and past chair of the Lower Colorado River
Authority board, says, “Michael is kind, gentle and unassuming, and                     All you have to do
he does everything for the good of the community.”
   La Grange businesswoman Linda Morrison has worked with Corker                        is cross out the
on the town’s historic Main Street program, as well as on other causes.
“He is just as committed to picking up trash on the median for a Rotary                 wrong words.”
Club project as he is to raising money to build a hospital,” she said.
                                                                                        — M a r k T wa i n
“He works hard for what he believes is right.”

Finish this                             Tell us how you would finish that
                                    sentence. email your short responses
                                                                                     kiss in the car wash.
                                                                                     TO m A N D eu N i C e L e m O N
                                                                                                                          Say, “i’m sorry.”
                                                                                                                          m A r y pA N D O

                                                                                     peDerNALeS eC                        u N i T e D C O O p e r AT i v e S e r v i C e S
                                                                                     C e D A r pA r k                     Gr ANbury
                                    to letters@TexasCooppower.com or

I THougHT I                         comment on our Facebook post. include
                                    your co-op and town. Here are some
                                                                                     Get married. my fiancé,
                                                                                     88, and i, 74, will marry
                                                                                                                          Do the right thing.

                                                                                                                          p e N N y H Au L m A N
                                                                                                                          Tri-COuNTy eC
                                    of the responses to our February                 Saturday, may 8.                     Gr ANbury

unTIL ...
                                                                                     ANN SHAFer
                                    prompt: you’re never too old to …                CeNTrAL TexAS eC
                                                                                     FreDeriCkSburG                       To see more responses,
                                                                                                                          read Currents online.

T e x ASC O OppOwer .COm                                                                                         A p r i L 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 5
Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric
TCP Talk
                                                                                                     timely Message

                                                                                                     “Michael Hurd’s Time To
                                                                                                      Talk About That [February
                                                                                                      2021] was a beautifully
                                                                                                      written, informative and
                                                                                                      timely essay. I appreciate
                                                                                                      your publishing it.”
Tr AC i DA b er kO

                                                                                                     sTeve housewrighT
                                                                                                     T r i n i T y va l l e y e C

               inspired Devotion                                                                     pageantry in laredo                                 living heirlooms
               Thank you for Michael Hurd’s thought-                                                 I so enjoyed the beautiful                          I was given a clipping from
               ful column on Black History Month                          my yard is full of         illustration by Paul Cox that                       a huge ficus tree my dad had
               [Time To Talk About That, February                         plants that family have    accompanied Elaine A. Peña’s                        after my dad and the tree
                                                                          given me [Putting
               2021], along with your tribute to war hero                 Down Roots, Febru-
                                                                                                     interesting article [A Specta-                      died [Putting Down Roots,
               Doris Miller. Something that always in-                    ary 2021]. Some have       cle, by George; February 2021].                     February 2021]. That clip-
               spires me about the United States is the                   passed on, but i feel      He captured so well the feel-                       ping is now 6 feet tall. I have
               degree of loyalty and devotion it inspires                 that i have a part of      ing of these joyous occasions                       taken clippings from my tree,
                                                                          them in the plant.
               even in people it has treated poorly.                                                 with the movement and                               rooted them and sent them
                 Students sometimes ask me why we                         JANeT bArker               colors of the waving flags,                          to my children along with my
                                                                          v i A FA C e b O O k
               have Black History Month but not white                                                swirling gowns, flying feath-                        nieces and nephews. We all
               history month. I tell them it’s because we                                            ers juxtaposed with the digni-                      have a part of Dad’s tree.
               have white history year.                                                              fied and historic Washington
                                                                                                                                                         Sherry Crecraft krupinski
                                                                                                     reenactors (below). And all
               walter D. kamphoefner                                                                                                                     via Facebook
                                                                                                     played out against the back-
               bryan Texas utilities
               bryan                                                                                 ground of Laredo’s lovely old

                                                                                                     Dee Tusch
                                                                                                     pedernales eC
                                                                                                                                                                write to u s
                                                                                                     San marcos

                                                                                                                                                         editor, Texas Co-op power
                                                                                                                                                         1122 Colorado St., 24th Floor
                                                                                                                                                         Austin, Tx 78701

                                                                                                                                                         please include your electric
                                                                                                                                                         co-op and town. Letters may
                                                                                                                                                         be edited for clarity and length.
                                                   pAuL COx

                                                                                                                                                                            Texas Co-op power

               texas electric cooperatives boarD oF Directors                                        texas co-op power volume 77, Number 10 (uSpS 540-560). Texas Co-op Power is published
               chair robert Loth iii, Fredericksburg • vice chair Gary raybon, el Campo              monthly by Texas electric Cooperatives (TeC). periodical postage paid at Austin, Tx, and at additional
               secretary-treasurer kelly Lankford, San Angelo • board Members Greg Henley, Tahoka    offices. TeC is the statewide association representing 75 electric cooperatives. Texas Co-op Power’s
                                                                                                     website is TexasCooppower.com. Call (512) 454-0311 or email editor@TexasCooppower.com.
               billy Jones, Corsicana • David mcGinnis, van Alstyne • Doug Turk, Livingston
                                                                                                     subscriptions Subscription price is $4.20 per year for individual members of subscribing coop-
               presiDent/ceo mike williams, Austin                                                   eratives and is paid from equity accruing to the member. if you are not a member of a subscribing
               coMMunications & MeMber services coMMittee                                            cooperative, you can purchase an annual subscription at the nonmember rate of $7.50. individual
               marty Haught, burleson • bill Hetherington, bandera • ron Hughes, Sinton              copies and back issues are available for $3 each.
               boyd mcCamish, Littlefield • John ed Shinpaugh, bonham • robert walker, Gilmer        postMaster Send address changes to Texas Co-op Power (uSpS 540-560), 1122 Colorado St.,
               buff whitten, eldorado • brandon young, mcGregor                                      24th Floor, Austin, Tx 78701. please enclose label from this copy of Texas Co-op Power showing
                                                                                                     old address and key numbers.
               Magazine staFF
                                                                                                     aDvertising Advertisers interested in buying display ad space in Texas Co-op Power and/or in
               vice president, communications & Member services martin bevins                        our 30 sister publications in other states, contact elaine Sproull at (512) 486-6251. Advertisements
               editor Charles J. Lohrmann • associate editor Tom widlowski                           in Texas Co-op Power are paid solicitations. The publisher neither endorses nor guarantees in any
               production Manager karen Nejtek • creative Manager Andy Doughty                       manner any product or company included in this publication. product satisfaction and delivery re-
               advertising Manager elaine Sproull • senior communications specialist Chris burrows   sponsibility lie solely with the advertiser. © Copyright 2021 Texas electric Cooperatives inc. repro-
               print production specialist Grace Fultz • communications specialist Travis Hill       duction of this issue or any portion of it is expressly prohibited without written permission. willie
               Food editor megan myers • communications specialist Jessica ridge                     wiredhand © Copyright 2021 National rural electric Cooperative Association.
               Digital content producer Chris Salazar • senior Designer Jane Sharpe
               proofreader Shannon Oelrich • Digital Media intern Sabrina macias

               6 T E X AS CO-OP POWER A priL 2021                                                                                                                      T e x ASC O O p pOw e r .C O m
Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric
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T e x ASC O OppOwer .COm                                                                                                                     A p r i L 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 7
Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric
alphonse dotson with a
glass of gotas de oro at
his winery in voca.
Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric
B y M i C h a e l h u r d • p h o T o s B y d av e s h a f e r

FLo u R I S H ES
                                                                  Former nFL player turns
                                                                  idea sowed in Houston
                                                                  into notable grapes and

                                                                  wines in Central Texas

                 n impressionable 10-year-old Alphonse
Dotson happily trailed his grandfather, Alphonse Certen-
berg, as they toured the old man’s Kashmere Gardens back-
yard in 1953 North Houston. They walked past two grazing
mules, chicken pens, rabbit pens, a vegetable garden and
two fishing boats underneath a carport draped with an                 There were days when he’d sit in his favorite restaurant at
arbor of … grapes?!                                               the Berkeley Marina, listening to a jazz pianist and pondering
   Grandson asked grandfather, “You can grow grapes in            what he was going to do "after being, humbly, a gladiator.”
Houston?”                                                            And in those moments of deep thought, he kept return-
   In response, Certenberg just smiled, and off they went for      ing to those grapes. Yet when the Sunday stadium din of
deep-sea fishing in the Gulf.                                      Raider Nation ceased, Dotson began a journey to define his
   “It was the first time I had been to his house,” Dotson         post-NFL life. He was destined to grow grapes for a living,
remembers, “and it was the best vacation week I ever had!         but, for a change, that was somehow the furthest thing
The seed was planted.”                                            from his mind as he dabbled in event promotion, oil field
   That “seed” was Dotson’s fascination with growing              trucking, being a sports agent and traveling—most fortu-
grapes, and the allure would lie dormant for decades—             itously to Mexico and Spain.
throughout a successful football career—and finally come              Dotson settled for 15 years in Acapulco, which is where
to life in the sandy loam of the Hill Country, 115 miles north-   the Raiders caught up with him in 1994. NFL teams often
west of Austin. There, Dotson and his wife, Martha Cer-           include former players on junkets, and the Raiders invited
vantes, became vintners. Their boutique winery in Voca            him to travel to Barcelona, where the team was playing a
grows several varieties of grapes and produces the award-         preseason game against the Denver Broncos.
winning Wines of Dotson-Cervantes from their 32-acre                 Also on the trip was Kam McLeod, son-in-law to one of the
Certenberg Vineyards, a fitting homage to Dotson’s late            Raiders’ part owners. McLeod owned a vineyard in Ruther-
grandfather and a boyhood experience that was a harbinger         ford, California, and invited Dotson and Cervantes to visit.
for his future.                                                      “My research into growing grapes started with my Oak-
   “Maybe once a week, from 1953, did I not think about           land Raiders family,” Dotson says. “I visited with [McLeod]
growing grapes,” says Dotson, 77, who was an NFL defen-           and was introduced to different kinds of soils, grapes and
sive end from 1965 to 1970, primarily playing for the Oak-        came back to Acapulco and started charting all that I
land Raiders and maverick owner Al Davis (“Just win,              learned. Martha said, ‘You don’t grow no plants here!’ But
baby!”). Dotson played for Jack Yates High School in Hous-        you have to be listening to who’s talking to you that you
ton’s Third Ward, then at Grambling State University, where       can’t see, and then you have to pay attention.”
in 1964 he became the first small-college player named to a           By 1995, Dotson was fully locked in to learning about
major All-America team.                                           grape growing and the wine industry, and Cervantes came

T e x ASC O OppOwer .COm                                                                           A p r i L 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 9
Rare Vintage Football star-turned-vintner finds that life gets better with age - Tri-County Electric
                             winery’s trophy

aboard, reluctantly. The couple met in
Acapulco, where she helped him find a
residence. She was a highly valued employee
for a timeshare company that managed
resorts worldwide, working her way up from
concierge to director of member services.
Dotson says he kidnapped her from a job she
couldn't be fired from.
   “I fell to the ground when he said, ‘We
may have to move to Texas,’ ” she says with
a laugh, but move they did—away from the
lush mountains, Pacific Coast beaches,
nightlife and other attractions of Acapulco,
to Central Texas, where “the only neighbors
you have are cows and horses. The kids said,
‘Mom, you gotta get us outta here!’ But we
never gave up. God kept us together.”
   Dotson’s last act as a sports agent was to
negotiate a deal with the Green Bay Packers for
his free-agent son, Santana, who also played
at Yates and was a 1991 All-America defensive
end at Baylor University. Dotson used his commission to        mentor and advise them. And they hit it big in 2008 with
purchase the land for his vineyard, and the couple moved       their first wine, Gotas de Oro—drops of gold. Made from
to Texas in 1997.                                              orange muscat grapes, the wine is described as “a medley
   “We didn’t know doodly-squat about growing grapes,”         of fruits—pears, star fruit and ripe peaches.” Among its
Cervantes says.                                                many awards, Gotas won gold at the 2019 Houston Live-
   For all he and Cervantes lacked in grape-growing and        stock Show and Rodeo.
winemaking knowledge, they made up for in hard work and           Before producing their own wines, they focused solely on
study, talking with soil and winemaking experts, scientists,   growing grapes (cabernet sauvignon, merlot and chardonnay)
grape growers, and other experts who took the time to          for Ed and Susan Auler, owners of Fall Creek Vineyards in
                                                               Tow. Ed Auler has called Dotson’s grapes “the best in Texas.”
                                                                  Jeff Cope, founder of the Texas Wine Lover website,
                                                               declares, “I can honestly say that he has perfected white
                                                               wines, dry all the way up to sweet.”
                                                                  Despite the couple’s initial success, several years of late
                                                               freezes caused grape production to drop, from yields of 110
                                                               tons to only 2 tons. Now there are plans for growth, includ-
                                                               ing an expansion of the tasting room that will add a dining
                                                               area and paving the dusty, rocky access road that is not
                                                               unlike Dotson’s path to success.
                                                                  Ever amiable, Dotson flashes a wide, toothy smile and
                                                               welcomes visitors to the tasting room, adorned with over-
                                                               sized photos of his playing days and magazine covers
                                                               featuring him and his wife. Between sampling sips, he
                                                               explains the design of their label, which features his signa-
                                                               ture floppy cowboy hat and a rose, symbolic of the yellow
                                                               roses he gave Cervantes when they courted in Acapulco.
                                                                  The label is distinctively silver and black with a back-
                                                               ground of the Raiders’ shield.
                     w e b e x t r a Author michael Hurd,
                                                                  “I wanted a label that represents both of us,” he says,
                right, got to know Alphonse Dotson when
                                                               “but I also wanted to give a nod to Al and the guys I played
                conducting interviews for his book Thurs-
                day Night Lights, the story of black high      with … and to agitate the damn Dallas Cowboys!
                school football in Texas.                         “When I asked Al’s permission, he said, ‘Just have fun,
                                                               baby!’ ” D

1 0 T E X AS CO-OP POWER ApriL 2021                                                                       T e x ASC O O p pOw e r .C O m
We are excited to announce the release of the 2021 Texas Silver
                                                                               Round – Revolu on Series. This is the second release of a four-year
                                                                               series commemora ng the ba les of the Texas Revolu on. Each
                                                                               Texas Silver Round is one troy ounce .9999 ne silver.
                                                                               The obverse of the high-quality mint strike features Texas’ iconic lone
                                                                               star in the foreground. The smooth engraving of the star is framed
                                                                               by a textured topographical outline of the state of Texas. “TEXAS”
                                                                               arches proudly over the top of the round’s obverse in large capital
                                                                               letters, with “Precious Metals” presented inversely along the
                                                                               o ppo si te sid e. The ro und’s
                                                                               mintage year is engraved in
                             SERIES                                            the bottom left of the round,
                                                                               just southwest of what
                                                                               would be the Rio Grande
                                                                               bordering Texas and Mexico.

                                                                               The reverse of the 2021 release
                                                                               displays a scene from the famous
                                                                               Ba le of the Alamo. It depicts
                                                                               two Texian soldiers including the
                                                                               American icon, Davy Crocke ,
                                                                               a emp ng to fend o Mexican
                                                                               soldiers a emp ng to breach the
                                                                               walls of the Alamo.

B AT T L E O F G O N Z A L E S                                                 B AT T L E O F T H E A L A M O
 rst in the series                                                             second in the series

The stunning 2020 Texas Silver Round depicts a scene from the Ba le            The events of this famous ba le took place on the days of February
of Gonzales, with three Texian revolu onaries defending the famous             23rd - March 6th, 1836. At the end of a 13-day siege, President General
Gonzales cannon, while brandishing the Come And Take It Flag.                  Antonio López de Santa Anna and his Mexican troops reclaimed the
                                                                               Alamo Mission, killing the Texian and immigrant occupiers.

The Texas Silver Round can be purchased in a monster box produced
exclusively for the Texas Mint. Packaged in 20 protec ve tubes of 25
rounds each, the monster box holds 500 1-ounce Texas Silver Rounds.
Built from durable cold-rolled steel and nished with a ma e black powder
coat, the monster box lid features an orange cutout of the state of Texas.
Each sealed monster box is secured with a unique serial number and a
holographic seal to ensure maximum product protec on.

The Texas Silver Round is also available to purchase in a similarly designed
and secured mini-monster box, which contains 10 protec ve tubes of 25
rounds each for a total of 250 silver rounds.

            FREE SHIPPING                             G O L D / S I LV E R / P L AT I N U M                          NO ORDER MINIMUMS

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                metal .COm
                       storage solutions visit Tex asDepository.com                                        ApriL 2021 TE X AS C O D
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              RUNAWAY SCRAPE
        Exodus of Texians
        is an unsung
        episode of
        the Texas war
        for independence
        sTory and phoTos By j ulia roBinson

1 2 T E X AS CO-OP POWER ApriL 2021           T e x ASC O O p pOw e r .C O m
Colonists began their flight from conflict well ahead of
                                                               the fall of the Alamo in March 1836, and for some of them,
                                                               the escape culminated within a mile of the San Jacinto
                                                               battlefield site in a dramatic crossing of the San Jacinto
                                                               River. There, 5,000 settlers waited their turn at Lynch's
                                                               Ferry, desperate to outrun Santa Anna and his approach-
                                                               ing troops.
                                                                  About the time of the fall of the Alamo, Hardin says, the
                                                               Runaway Scrape “goes into hyperdrive.” Sam Houston and
                                                               his small, inexperienced army began a retreat from Gonza-
                                                               les, where the army had been gathering. The order to
                                                               evacuate came at midnight March 13, and the Texians
                                                               burned the town before they left.
                                                                  As Houston continued his retreat, many of the 30,000
                                                               residents of Texas—including Anglos, enslaved people and
                                                               Mexican nationals—fled Santa Anna’s army in the rain and
                                                               cold, carrying what possessions they could on muddy roads
                                                               and across flood-swollen rivers. In an April 1836 letter to a
The Texas Revolution                              is defined    friend, colonist John A. Quitman remarked, “We must have
by its battles—the siege of the Alamo, the massacre at Go-     met at least 1,000 women and children, and everywhere
liad, the 18-minute Battle of San Jacinto that sealed the      along the road were wagons, furniture and provisions
Texian victory. But there was a slower struggle that wet       abandoned.”
spring of 1836 that defined the revolution’s civilian strife.      Dilue Rose Harris was 11 when she fled her home in
As Gen. Antonio López de Santa Anna amassed troops             Stafford’s Point, just southwest of what is today Houston,
across the Rio Grande, Texian rebels and noncombatants         with her family. In 1898 she wrote of her memories of the
fled the looming conflict.                                       Runaway Scrape: “We left home at sun-set. Hauld beding
   This eastward frantic flight from Mexican troops,            clothing and provision on the sleigh with one yoak of oxin.
toward the Sabine River—which separates Texas from             Mother and I walking she with an infant in her arms.”
Louisiana—and the safety of the United States,
came to be known as the Runaway Scrape.
   “The Runaway Scrape touched virtually every
citizen in Texas,” says Stephen L. Hardin, profes-
sor of history at Abilene’s McMurry University,
describing the exodus as the great untold story
of the Texas Revolution. “I think the Runaway
Scrape, far more than the battles, played a major
role in the forging of the Texian character.
   “It is tremendously important because if you
look at the Texas mythos—Texans are tough,
Texans are resilient, this notion that we can
endure damn near anything because we’re Texans.
I think that’s where it starts.”

O ppOSiTe The southern terminal of the Lynchburg Ferry
sits across from the San Jacinto monument. AbOve A
sculpture by J. payne Lara at the San Felipe de Austin
State Historic Site depicts a family fleeing in the run-
away Scrape. riGHT The historic site’s museum features
an interactive map of the 19th-century town.                                                 Caption on image: as the sun sets in
                                                                                             granbury, Cowboy fred awaits the next
T e x ASC O OppOwer .COm                                                                    A p r i L 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 1 3
                                                                                             vehicle at Brazos drive-in.
Guy Bryan, a nephew of Stephen F. Austin, was 16 when
he fled his home near San Felipe de Austin with his family.
                                                                  “Some families left their
He told his story in an 1895 letter to Kate Terrell, a survivor    home with their table
of the Runaway Scrape and writer who chronicled the
event. “Some families left their home with their table             spread for the daily meal;
spread for the daily meal; all hastily prepared for flight as
if the enemy were at their door,” he wrote.
                                                                   all hastily prepared for
    The second-largest city in Texas on the eve of the rev-        flight as if the enemy
olution, San Felipe had close to 600 residents and was a
bustling center of government and commerce. As in the              were at their door.”
town of Gonzales, the Texians and their army burned the
town behind them, a strategy to deny Santa Anna’s troops
food and supplies.
    Angelina Peyton Eberly, a tavern owner, recalled in a
letter to a friend the evening she evacuated San Felipe
across the Brazos River: “Much was left on the river banks.
There were no wagons hardly … few horses, many had to
go on foot the mud up to their knees—women and children
pell mell.” Safely across the river, Eberly could hear
“the popping of spirits, powder &c [etc.] in our burning
    Creed Taylor, a Texian soldier who escorted his family
to safety before fighting in the Battle of San Jacinto,
wrote in 1900, “I have never witnessed such scenes of
distress and human suffering. … Delicate women
trudged alongside their park horses, carts, or sleds
from day to day until their shoes were literally worn
out, then continued the journey with bare feet, lacer-
ated and bleeding at almost every step. Their clothes
were scant, and with no means of shelter from frequent
rains and bitter winds, they traveled on through the long
days in wet and bedraggled apparel, finding even at night

                                                                                                                       mAp: JO HN A . wi LSO N

                                                                                    Dilue rose Harris’ memoirs
                                                                                    are at the Albert and ethel
                                                                                    Herzstein Library in the
                                                                                    San Jacinto museum of
                                                                                    History in La porte.

1 4 T E X AS CO-OP POWER ApriL 2021                                                   T e x ASC O O p pOw e r .C O m
The crossing was daunting. The ferry was a wooden,
                                                                 flat-bottomed raft, hand-drawn along cables. A few dozen
                                                                 people and possessions could travel per trip.
                                                                    After crossing the ferry at Lynchburg, Bryan and his
                                                                 party moved 6 miles southeast. “When we joined the long
                                                                 line of ‘Runaways’ at Cedar Bayou the sight was most
                                                                 piteous. I shall never forget the sight of men, women and
                                                                 children walking, riding on horseback, in carts, sleds,
                                                                 wagons and every kind of transportation known to Texas.”
                                                                    Many became ill or died along the route. There are no
                                                                 official records of deaths, but historians estimate hundreds
                                                                 died. “Measles, sore eyes, whopping cough, and every other
                                                                 disease that man, woman or child is heir to, broke out
                                                                 among us,” wrote Harris. Her younger sister died of a flux—
                                                                 diarrhea—and was buried at Liberty. With scant updates,
                                                                 families kept moving east, toward the Sabine River and the
                                                                 safety of the United States.
                                                                    Harris recalled one evening: “All of asddnt we heard a
                                                                 report like distant thunder. … Father said it was cannon
                                                                 that the Texas army and Mexicans were fighting.” They
                                                                 thought the Texians had lost because the cannon fire ended
                                                                 so quickly. They hurried eastward until a messenger found
                                                                 them and yelled, as Harris wrote, “Turn back, turn back.
                                                                 The Texas army has whipped the Mexicans. No danger,
                                                                 no danger.”
                                                                    Relieved but exhausted, many halted their exodus.
                                                                 Refugee camps sprang up for families to rest and regroup.
                                                                 “They suffered just as much and sometimes more on the
                                                                 return trip,” Hardin says. Many returned to find their
                                                                 homes burned and their livestock missing.
                                                                    Harris’ memoirs recall quicksand and a fatal alligator
                                                                 attack when they turned back toward home after five weeks
                                                                 on the run. Eberly had traveled more than 100 miles before
                                                                 hearing of the victory at San Jacinto. Once back in San
                                                                 Felipe, Eberly found her tavern and home in ashes, “the
                                                                 place bare of everything but the ruins of all my things burnt
                                                                 up,” she wrote. Many residents, including Eberly, aban-
                                                                 doned San Felipe de Austin, which never regained its
                                                                 former stature. Many left Texas for good after the spring
                                                                 of 1836. For those who stayed, the scrape left a scar.
                                                                    Hardin explains that many Texians were hesitant to
TOp many families in the runaway Scrape                          rebuild after the war. “I’ve found many people saying they
passed through what is now the San Jacinto                       don’t want to invest in a fancy house because the Mexicans
battleground State Historic Site. AbOve A frieze
                                                                 might invade again, and we’re going to have to burn it
on the San Jacinto monument.
                                                                 down again,” he says. “So that plays a huge role in the
                                                                 Texian psyche for years because they just didn’t have the
little relief from their suffering since the wet earth and        confidence.
angry sky offered no relief. … Thus these half-clad, mud-            “ ‘Remember the Alamo’? What they’re remembering is
besmeared fugitives, looking like veritable savages, trudged     the Runaway Scrape and the hardship.” D
   Harris, Bryan and Eberly converged with other refugees
at Lynch’s Ferry, on the south bank of the San Jacinto               w e b e x t r a Check out

River, within a mile of the future battlefield at San Jacinto.    some of the relics that remain
                                                                 from the runaway Scrape.
“Arrived at the San Jacinto River in the night,” wrote Harris.
“There were fully 5,000 people at the ferry. … We waited
three days before we crossed. … It was all-most a riot to see
who should cross first.”

T e x ASC O OppOwer .COm                                                                          A p r i L 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 1 5
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Tri-COunty Electric Co-op News

                                     Winter Storm and Grid Crisis

                                     A S W E A R E A L L P A I N F U L L Y A W A R E , in mid-February, the entire State of Texas experienced severe winter
                                     weather with ice, snow and sustained sub-freezing temperatures. This storm brought various challenges
         FROM                        to our communities, including Tri-County Electric Cooperative, and impacted nearly every facet of
         PRESIDENT/                  our day-to-day lives. There were supply chain breakdowns due to transportation difficulties, schools
         CEO                         were closed, inventory shortfalls plagued our grocery stores and home improvement stores, and there
                RRYL                 were delays to mail, trash and online delivery services. But, perhaps the most impactful and publicized
            C    RI ER               breakdown was the effect this weather had on the state’s electric grid and the Electric Reliability Council
                                     of Texas (ERCOT).
                                        The rolling blackouts that were mandated by ERCOT affected Tri-County Electric Co-op and all
                                     our members and employees. The event made local, state, and national headlines. As of this writing,
                                     state legislators continue investigations of ERCOT and the Public Utility Commission (PUC) to try
                                     and understand the events that led to the grid crisis and scarcity pricing for electricity at rates of
                                     approximately 300 times the normal rate. Resignations by board members of ERCOT and two of the
                                     three PUC commissioners have been submitted, and the CEO of ERCOT has been terminated. Through
                                     these investigations, we have learned that the entire electric grid was about four and a half minutes from
                                     complete failure which would have resulted in a disastrous statewide blackout that could have lasted
                                     weeks and likely months. The fallout of these events has reached far and wide, and Tri-County Electric
                                     Co-op has not been isolated from the domino effect. 800797804
                                        As you may have read in our press releases, social media and other member communications, Tri-
                                     County Electric Co-op’s wholesale power supplier, Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (Brazos),
                                     filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on March 1. We are one of 16 member cooperatives that purchase all
                                     wholesale power and transmission services from Brazos. Although we have been assured by Brazos that
                                     the bankruptcy will not affect the reliable flow of electricity and that its bankruptcy is to protect Tri-
                                     County Electric Co-op and our members from exorbitant costs, we continue to investigate the impact this
                                     situation will have on our costs. Your Tri-County Electric Co-op Board of Directors has instructed me to
                                     investigate this situation fully and to leave no stone unturned as we take all actions necessary to make
                                     sure Tri-County Electric Co-op is treated fairly and cost allocations are verified and validated.
                                        This continues to be a fluid and difficult situation to manage. We pledge to be transparent and keep
                                     you informed as reliable information comes available. As of right now, we know that Brazos has approved
                                     a temporary rate increase of 2 cents per kilowatt-hour that has been added to our wholesale power costs.
                                     Please see the articles on the next two pages that explains how this adder affected your bill. Although
                                     the overall impacts of this winter event are not yet completely settled, please rest assured that we will
                                     continue to fight for the Tri-County Electric Co-op membership. We are in this together. D

         What’s my electric charge?
         Most residential member bills have a                                     Here is what’s included in the residential
         single line item or “bundled” electric                                   electric charge:
         charge. For March billing statements,                                    ▶ Monthly service charge: $15
         the overall kWh charge increased from                                    ▶ kWh charge: kWh consumed x $0.064
         9.4 cents to 11.4 cents for residential                                  ▶ PCRF: kWh consumed x $0.035
         members using 1,000 kWh.
           March billing statement PCRF includes the budgeted $0.015 amount for PCRF plus the $0.02 Brazos winter
           storm adder for a total PCRF of $0.035 per kWh.
         1 8 TE       C O - OP PO   ER APRIL 2021                                                                             T RI- C O U NT Y E L ECT R I C CO-OP

April Pages.indd 18                                                                                                                                 3/15/2021 8:48:04 AM
Tri-County Electric
      Winter Storm, Grid Crisis and                                                 Cooperative
      Your Bill
                                                                                    C ON T A C T U S
      What our members need to know
                                                                                    200 Bailey Ranch Road
                                                                                    Aledo, TX 76008
                                                                                    Phone (817) 444-3201
                                                                                    Email customer_service@tcectexas.com
      IN OUR MARCH MEMBER BULLETIN      we communicated what we know to our         Web tcectexas.com
      members. In case you missed it, here is what we know:
                                                                                    P          CEO
                                                                                    Darryl Schriver
      ▶ You are only charged for the electricity you use. When you were out of
      power during the February rotating outages, your meter was not turning and
                                                                                    Jorden Wood, District 3 - Chairman
      you will not be charged.
                                                                                    Max Waddell, District 9 - Vice Chairman
                                                                                    John Killough, District 6 - Secretary/Treasurer
      ▶ You can track your electric use on your online member portal or through     Kevin Ingle, District 1
      the app, TCEC Connect.                                                        Margaret Koprek, District 2
                                                                                    Jerry A. Walden, District 4
                                                                                    Steve V. Harris, District 5
      ▶ As a distribution cooperative, we purchase power through Brazos, our        Larry Miller, District 7
      generation and transmission cooperative. Brazos owns and operates             Dr. Jarrett Armstrong, District 8
      generation in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) grid and
      contracts for additional generation up and above what they generate so that
      all Brazos cooperative loads have power. 2003400001
                                                                                    24/7                         For information and
                                                                                                                 to report outages, please
      ▶ Brazos announced a $20 per megawatt-hour adder on February 23                                            contact us.
      due to the winter storm and grid crisis. This will affect member bills and    Outage
      temporarily increase the power cost recovery factor (PCRF) by 2 cents per
      kWh. A residential member using 1,000 kWh per month will see their bill
                                                                                    Reporting                    Online: oms.tcectexas.com
                                                                                                                 App: TCEC Connect

      increase from $94 to $114 (see sample bill on next page).                                                  Phone: (817) 444-3201

      ▶ Through all of this, our commitment to you remains the same. We are in
      this together and we will be honest and transparent about the information     ABOUT T R I - COUNT Y EL ECTR I C C O - O P
      we receive from Brazos and ERCOT relating to the impacts of the winter        Tri-County Electric Co-op owns and maintains
      storm. We will continue to fight for the best prices for our members.         more than 9,390 miles of line to provide electric
                                                                                    service to more than 94,500 members in Archer,
                                                                                    Baylor, Denton, Foard, Haskell, Hood, Jack, King,
      ▶ We will work with you to find the best solutions we can to help in these    Knox, Palo Pinto, Parker, Stonewall, Tarrant,
      trying times by setting up payment arrangements, waiving late fees and        Throckmorton, Wilbarger, and Wise counties.
      postponing disconnects. Please contact your co-op by phone at 817-444-3201
                                                                                    OF F I CE L OCAT I ONS
      or email at customer_service@tcectexas.com if you need assistance. D          Aledo
                                                                                    200 Bailey Ranch Road, Aledo 76008

                            We are in this together.                                Azle
                                                                                    600 NW Parkway, Azle 76020

                                                                                    1623 Weatherford Highway, Granbury 76048

      Tri-County Electric Co-op is a distribution cooperative.                      Keller
                                                                                    4900 Keller-Hicks Road, Fort Worth 76244
      This means we build the distribution lines to take purchased wholesale
      power from Brazos substations and deliver it to your homes and
                                                                                    419 N. Main, Seymour 76380
      businesses. 2550010
                                                                                    I T PAY S T O S T AY I NF OR ME D
      We are the full-service provider for our members by bundling Brazos           Find your account number in pages 18-25 of
      generation, transmission, and substation service with Tri-County              Texas Co-op Power, and you will receive a $20
      Electric Co-op distribution service, meter service, billing service, outage   credit on your electric bill. Simply contact one of
      response, and member service to provide you, our member-owners,               the offices listed above and make them aware of
                                                                                    your discovery!
      with one company to interface with and the benefit of receiving one total
      bill. Tri-County Electric Co-op does not make a profit from any of the        V I S I T US ONL I NE
      services we receive from Brazos, we pass those costs on to you, dollar-       tcectexas.com
      for-dollar with no mark-up.                                                   Facebook.com/TCECTexas

      TCE CT E        S.C      817 444 3201                                                 A P R I L 2021 T E     C O - OP PO   ER 1 9

April Pages.indd 19                                                                                                          3/15/2021 8:48:05 AM
How to Read my Bill
                                                                  A indicates your Account Number and
                                                                  Statement ID.

                                                                  B shows your account information. If
                                                                  this is not correct, please let us know.

                                                                  C indicates your last payment made and
                                                                  total from last bill.

                                                                  D indicates your current bill charges.

                                                                  Some members may have city franchise
                                                                  fees and other applicable taxes and
                                                                  fees included in the line item or as a
                                                                  separate line item. Other line items may
                                                                  include outdoor lights and city taxes.

                                                                  E shows your Account Balance, which
                                                                  is the total of current charges and
                                                                  anything owed from last month, current
                                                                  bill due date and if you are on Auto Pay.

                                                                    provides information on PCRF and
                                                                  the customer charge of $15.00. For
                                                                  March billing statements, PCRF equals
                                                                  $0.015 plus the $0.02 Brazos winter
                                                                  storm adder for a total of $0.035 per

                                                                  G shows dates of service and your
                                                                  meter number. This shows your
         What’s in my rate?                                       previous reading and the reading at
                                                                  the end of the billing period and total
         Tri-County Electric Co-op has a set                      kilowatt hours consumed during this
         kilowatt-hour rate. Most residential                     billing period. 800793375
         members have a single line item or
         “bundled” electric charge.                               H shows your current and previous
                       Here is what is included in this bundled   billing information and 13-month
                       winter rate (November through April) of    kilowatt usage history so you can watch
                       6.4 cents per kilowatt-hour:               trends and electric consumption.
                       ▶ Power costs: 4.8971 cents per kWh
                       ▶ Tri-County’s delivery charge: 1.5029     I is the payment stub to be filled out and
                       cents per kWh                              returned with mail-in payments or in-
                                                                  person payments. D

         2 0 TE       C O - OP PO   ER APRIL 2021                                   T RI- C O U NT Y E L ECT R I C CO-OP

April Pages.indd 20                                                                                       3/15/2021 8:48:06 AM
Final Call: 2021 Director Nominations                                                  Planning Your
      Deadline approaching for candidates seeking nomination by member petition
                                                                                             Members may obtain the petition on our
      THE 2021 DIRECTOR NOMINATION DEADLINE        for member interesting in seeking         website at tcectexas.com/director-
      election to the board of directors through member petition is 5 pm on Thursday,        elections under Documents.
      April 15. This year, director districts 3, 6
                                                                                             The first page includes information to
      and 8 are up for election.
                                                                                             help members complete the petition.
                                                                                             The second page includes blocks for
          DISTRICT 3, suburban district
                                                                                             member information, and candidates may
          DISTRICT 6, suburban district
                                                                                             print as many pages as needed in order
          DISTRICT 8, urban district
                                                                                             to obtain a sufficient number of member
                                                                                             signatures. We recommend gathering
         Members in these districts interested
                                                                                             more than the minimum in the event a
      in serving on the Tri-County Electric
                                                                                             member’s signature cannot be verified or
      Cooperative Board of Directors must
                                                                                             is not valid.
      submit their application packet to
      be nominated by member petition                                                        Once the petition is complete and meets
      by 5 pm on Thursday, April 15.                                                         nomination requirements, director
      The deadline for members seeking                                                       candidates must submit it to the co-op
      nomination through the Committee on                                                    along with the other required documents.
      Nominations and Qualifications was
                                                                                             Director candidates may obtain a list
      March 11. The committee will report
                                                                                             of members within their district by
      back to the members next month and
                                                                                             contacting the cooperative via email at
      present a slate of eligible candidates
      who met the director requirements.
                                                                                             Bylaws related to the board of directors
      Nomination by Petition                                                                 are located in Article 4, including director
        Eligible members interested in                                                       qualifications, director nominations,
      seeking election to the board of                                                       director elections and director terms.
      directors still have time to submit their                                              A copy of the bylaws is available at
      application to be nominated through                                                    tcectexas.com/bylaws. Members may
      member petition. 800885247                                                             also request a copy of the bylaws by
        For a complete application packet,                                                   calling our offices at 817-444-3201.
      members must meet the following
                                                                                             Please contact us with any questions
      requirements by the deadline, 5 pm on
                                                                                             related to the director nomination
      Thursday, April 15:
             e Eligible members seeking
             nomination by petition may                                                      T
             nominate themselves for
             a position on the ballot, by
             returning a petition containing the
             signatures of fifty (50) members who reside in the district.

             e The petition must be filed with the cooperative by the deadline established   T
             in the election schedule and must be on the form as provided by the

             e The petition must be accompanied by a candidate application and
             background check consent forms.
                                                                                             Visit tcectexas.com/
             e Each petitioning director candidate applicant shall also attach an            director-elections for
             application fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or a fee determined by the
             board to recover a portion of the election costs.
                                                                                             nomination documents
                                                                                             and additional
             e Petitioning candidates who are determined eligible shall have their names
             included on the ballot for election for the applicable director district. The   information.
             label of Petitioning Candidate shall accompany the petitioning candidate’s
             name on the ballot. D

      TCE CT E        S.C   817 444 3201                                                            A P R I L 2021 T E   C O - OP PO   ER 2 1

April Pages.indd 21                                                                                                                3/15/2021 8:48:07 AM
Thank a Lineman
         Lineman Appreciation Day is April 12

         O N A P R I L 1 2 , we are honoring our linemen for their efforts and dedication to taking care of you,
         our member-owners.
            If we asked you to associate an image with Tri-County Electric Cooperative, “lineman” would
         most likely be the first picture that came to mind. These men go above and beyond to take care of
         our members. They work tirelessly to ensure our communities receive safe and reliable electric
            Electric lineman is one of the most dangerous professions in the United States. Your linemen
         receive specialized training and equipment to help keep them safe. At Tri-County Electric Co-op,
         safety is a huge priority. Our Safety Strong campaign was designed
         with our employees in mind. We want our linemen to go
         home safe to their loved ones every day.
            When a storm hits, they set aside their
         personal priorities because Mother Nature
         doesn’t work around holidays, birthdays
         and kids’ extracurricular activities.
                                                           Tri-County Electric
         A service-oriented mentality is one of
         the many admirable characteristics of
                                                           Co-op is proud
         an electric lineman. 800852917
            Our dedicated and beloved                      to honor our 75
                                                           linemen that
         linemen are proud to represent Tri-
         County Electric Co-op, and they
         deserve all the appreciation and
         accolades that come their way on                  maintain more than
         Lineman Appreciation Day.
            Join us on Monday, April 12, and
         help thank a lineman. D
                                                           9,390 miles of power
                                                           lines in our service
         2 2 TE       C O - OP PO   ER APRIL 2021                                                                  T RI- C O U NT Y E L ECT R I C CO-OP

April Pages.indd 22                                                                                                                      3/15/2021 8:48:08 AM
Did You Know...                                                                                    I Work for You

                            linemen carry
                            around 35 pounds
                            of gear?
                            Linemen have hooks, a belt, tools and
                            more that they take with them up a pole.

                                                                                                         DALTON STEVENS
                                                           our linemen                                   Second Class Lineman
                                                           maintain more than                            Operations department, Granbury

                                                                                                         Dalton Stevens grew up the son of a
                                                           213,600 poles?                                line contractor and worked summers on
                                                           We have 6,311 miles of overhead line          a crew. “I hated it,” he said, “because I
                                                           held by 213,679 poles. Additionally,          missed all the summer fun.” A bull rider,
                                                           linemen maintain 3,086 miles of               he went to Hill Junior College on a rodeo
                                                           underground line.                             scholarship, but left after a semester. He
                                                                                                         went to work at a sand plant and quickly
                                                                                                         topped out in a dead-end job. “I got back
                                                                                                         into line work and I’ve loved it ever since,”
                                                                                                         he said.

                                                                                                         He started running a crew at 24 and found
                                                                                                         himself doing jobs for Tri-County Electric

                                                           linemen wear                                  Co-op as a contractor. He caught the
                                                                                                         attention of co-op staff and entertained
                                                           protective                                    an offer to join the co-op family. Before
                                                                                                         accepting, he had a visit with his wife,
                                                           equipment?                                    Ashley.

                                                           To safely do their job, linemen wear          “Everything happens for a reason,” he
                                                           protective equipment from head to toe,        said. “She was expecting our second child,
                                                           including a hard hat, safety glasses, fire-   having a rough pregnancy, and it just all
                                                           resistant clothing and steel-toe boots.       fell into place.” He lived in his camper and
                                                                                                         commuted home on weekends for about a
                                                                                                         year, then moved his family to Weatherford
                                                                                                         a couple of years ago.

                                                                                                         Dalton and Ashley have known each other
                                                                                                         since they were high school seniors, he
                                                                                                         at Brownwood and she at Bangs. Their
                                                                                                         daughter, six-year-old Landry, loves
                                              linemen complete                                           school and has been deer hunting with her

                                              continued education                                        dad since she was two. Brother Ty is just a
                                                                                                         toddler, but he’s not far from his first hunt,
                                              and training?                                              either.

                                                                                                         “I can’t wait,” Dalton said. “I love taking
                                              A typical lineman trains more than 500 hours
                                                                                                         them.” They all like camping, fishing and
                                              a year. Training includes classes, safety
                                                                                                         hanging out at the lake. D
                                              meetings and progression modules to further
                                              their skill set. A new groundhand can progress
                                              to a journeyman lineman in approximately four
                                              and a half years if they are dedicated to their
                                                                                                         “We live in Weatherford. It’s
                                                                                                         super convenient. I can get to
                                                                                                         any outage almost quicker
                                                                                                         than anybody.”
      TCE CT E        S.C      817 444 3201                                                                  A P R I L 2021 T E   C O - OP PO   ER 2 3

April Pages.indd 23                                                                                                                         3/15/2021 8:48:08 AM
Welcoming New Directors
         YOUR TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE            Board of Directors has two new
         directors as of Friday, February 26. The new cooperative bylaws, effective                                        E IN
         November 1, 2020, included a redistricting of director districts and two new                                    IN LE
         urban seats, districts 1 and 2 were created. These seats were vacant until the
                                                                                                                         DISTRICT 1
         board appointed two members to fill the seats. 800640444
            We notified all members of the vacancies and mailed letters to each
         member of districts 1 and 2 asking for interested and eligble members to
         apply by January 27. The Committee on Nominations and Qualifications
         interviewed all candidates and recommended top candidates to the board
         of directors for consideration. After a second round of interviews, the board
         appointed, in accordance with cooperative bylaws, two new directors.                                                R   RET
            Kevin Ingle, director of district 1, and Margaret Koprek, director of district                                  OPRE
         2, will serve the remainder of the term and will be up for election in 2023.
                                                                                                                         DISTRICT 2
            Ingle works at GM Financial as the vice president of servicing analytics.
         He holds a bachelors degree from the University of Tulsa and a masters of                                       DIRECTOR
         business administration from the University of Texas at Arlington.
            Koprek works at BNSF Railway as director of agreement technology. She
         has been with BNSF since 2007 and holds a bachelors degree and masters
         degree from Texas A&M University and a masters in industrial engineering
         from St. Mary’s University. D

         Coming Soon: New Outage Map
          M E M B E R S C A N E X P E C T a new outage map to launch this month. Our team is working behind the scenes to bring a new and
          improved resource to you, our members. 800826760
             Once live, the new map can still be found on our website or at oms.tcectexas.com. Members will still be able to report any
          outages though the website, the app TCEC Connect, or by calling 817-444-3201. Aside from a new look and advanced functions,
          members will not see a difference. Stay tuned for more information on this new feature! D

         2 4 TE       C O - OP PO   ER APRIL 2021                                                               T RI- C O U NT Y E L ECT R I C CO-OP

April Pages.indd 24                                                                                                                   3/15/2021 8:48:09 AM
Butterscotch Bundt Cake

      1 yellow cake mix
      1 small box vanilla instant pudding mix
      12 oz. package butterscotch chips
      1 cup chopped nuts
      1 cup coconut
      4 eggs
      1 cup sour cream
      2/3 cup vegetable oil

      1. Combine cake mix, pudding mix, butterscotch chips, nuts, and
      coconut. Stir in eggs, sour cream and oil. Mix well by hand.

      2. Grease a bundt pan and pour in the mixture.

      3. Bake at 325oF for 60 minutes, or until done. Cool in pan for 5                                                          FREESTO CKS | U NSPLASH
      minutes before turning out onto a plate.


      COO      TIP: For a finer textured cake, beat cake mix, sour
      cream, eggs, oil and pudding mix with a mixture. Then fold in
      coconut, nuts and butterscotch chips.
                                                                          Tri-County Electric Co-op
                                                                          Member Recipe Submission Form



                                                                          EMAIL or PHONE NUMBER

                                                                          RECIPE NAME

                                                                          SUBMITTING YOUR RECIPE:

                                                                          EMAIL: Please include the above information with your
                                                                          recipe and send to pr@tcectexas.com
                                                                          ONLINE: tcectexas.com/recipe-submission
                                                                          MAIL: Please detach and submit this form with your recipe
                                                                          and mail to:
                                                                            Tri-County Electric Cooperative
                                                                            Attn: Recipe Submission
                                                                            200 Bailey Ranch Road
                                                                            Aledo, Texas 76008

      TCE CT E        S.C   817 444 3201                                                            A P R I L 2021 T E   C O - OP PO   ER 2 5

April Pages.indd 25                                                                                                                3/15/2021 8:48:11 AM
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