2021/22 Berkshire on Stage

Page created by Kent Morrison
My Place                                    so much to see... so much to do

  THE RED LION GIRL cinematography courtesy of the MAJESTIC ROLLING HILLS OF THE BERKSHIRES indoor fun provided by
                                                 The Red  LionGUESTS
                                                               Inn     filmed entirely on LOCATION AT THE RED LION INN
                                                       Welcome to our Theatre! ......................................... 5
                                                       Facilities & Hospitality.............................................. 6
                                                       Our Community........................................................ 8
                                                       Summer 2021 Staff................................................ 10
                                                       Our Mission............................................................ 11
                                                       Our Volunteers....................................................... 13
                                                       The Importance of Being Earnest Playbill............. 14
                                                       Education............................................................... 21
                                                       Education Donors.................................................. 24
                                                       Special Thanks....................................................... 24
                                                       Join Us................................................................... 25
                                                       Annual Fund........................................................... 28
                                                       Naming Opportunities............................................ 36
                                                       Planned Giving....................................................... 38
                                                       Sponsors................................................................ 40
                                                       Our History............................................................. 43

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David Adkins, Corinna May in Holiday Memories. 2020.
Photo by Emma K. Rothenberg-Ware.
                                                                            www.berkshiretheatregroup.org                       |3
“It’s a musical theater production like no other, in a summer season
     like no other. Although the pandemic has taken a brutal toll --
     darkening Broadway and canceling regional shows from coast to
     coast, the Berkshire Theatre Group’s gutsy production of “Godspell”
     in Massachusetts has a unique distinction: It is the only musical in
     the United States approved by Actors’ Equity, the union representing
     51,000 actors and stage managers.”
                                            -Josh Gatlin, Los Angeles Times

Najah Hetsberger in Godspell, 2020. Photo by Emma K. Rothenberg-Ware.

4 | (413) 997-4444
Welcome to our Theatre!
Dear Friends,
Welcome to our Theatre! I say our Theatre with purpose. You,
our audience, are integral to what is Berkshire Theatre Group.
Last year, for seven weeks and against all odds, we presented,
under the Big Tent in Pittsfield, a historic production of Godspell.
Our efforts began in June with drive-in movie experiences
for families. They continued with musical events featuring
eclectic talent and an amazing lineup of singers, musicians,
dancers, virtual programming and classes. In December, at
our Stockbridge campus, we kept going with a beautiful and
heartfelt live production of Truman Capote’s Holiday Memories.
Throughout, our priority was to keep everyone safe in the
midst of a global pandemic and innumerable crises. We held
our vision close, which is to be a center for artistic work that
enriches, educates, invigorates, transforms, and strengthens our
community. We take our responsibility to provide opportunities
for growth, inclusion, equity and diversity seriously. We are
fortunate to work in the arts, where minds must always be open
in order to more fully understand and speak to the universality
of human nature. The ground we walk on has been shifted
forever. At Berkshire Theatre Group, we hope we will be part of
a growing consciousness in which we may strengthen ourselves
and contribute to a brighter future for our dear world.
Thank you for being with us for this performance. Please know
that we will be here for you throughout the year to lift spirits and
open exciting doorways of creativity. Enjoy and come back!!
With warmth and care,

Kate Maguire              Lee Perlman         Nick Paleologos
Artistic Director, CEO   President          Executive Director

                                        www.berkshiretheatregroup.org   |5
Facilities & Hospitality
Locations                               Ticket Offices
Pittsfield Campus:                      Colonial Theatre
The Colonial Theatre/Garage             Daily: 12pm–5pm
111 South Street, Pittsfield, 01201     Performance Days: 12pm–curtain
(413) 997-4444
www.BerkshireTheatreGroup.org           Safety Measures, Please and
Stockbridge Campus:                     Thank you
Berkshire Theatre Festival               • Vaccinated patrons are encouraged to
The Unicorn Theatre:                       wear masks
6 East Street                            • Non-vaccinated patrons are advised to
Stockbridge, 01262 (use this for GPS)      continue to wear face masks and to continue
                                           distancing as recommended by the CDC.
The Fitzpatrick Main Stage:
83 East Main Street                      • Indoor theatre spaces have upgraded HVAC
Stockbridge, 01262                         filters, ozone-free NPB ionization, and
(413) 997-4444                             otherwise comply with all the requirements
www.BerkshireTheatreGroup.org              of MA and AE for safety.

6 | (413) 997-4444
• Patrons are required to wear masks for all       Accessibility
   indoor productions
                                                     • Accessible entrances, parking, and seating
 • Power down all cell phones.                         are available in all locations.
 • All sales are final.                              • Assisted listening devices are available at all
 • Photography, sound and video recording is           our Ticket Offices. Our devices are meant
   strictly prohibited.                                to be used on their own, and other personal
 • No smoking or vaping.                               devices can interfere with how they work.
 • Berkshire Theatre Group management is not         • BTG’s annual program book and individual
   responsible for personal property.                  program inserts are available digitally on
 • All performances, dates, times, prices and          Berkshire Theatre Group’s website.
   artists are subject to change without notice.     • Accessible restrooms are available at all
 • Policy allows exchanges with 48-hour notice         theatres.
   required, subject to availability.                • Patrons, staff, volunteers and visitors should
 • Latecomers will be seated at the discretion         feel free to use the restroom facilities that
   of Theatre Management.                              correspond to their gender identity.
 • Concessions will be available to purchase.        • BTG is a member of the Card to Culture
                                                       Program. Families can receive discounted
 • A doctor/nurse will be on duty for all
                                                       tickets with their EBT Card, WIC Card, or
                                                       ConnectorCare Card. Please inquire at the
                                                       Box Office for more information.

Top: The cast of Godspell
Bottom left: Dan Rosales in Godspell,
All photos 2020, by Emma K. Rothenberg-Ware.

    “This Godspell is deeply affecting. Mr. Filderman and company are speaking to contemporary
    fears bred by isolation and inaction. When the cast members, most of whom embody a
    multitude of roles, sang I found my mandatory face mask was often wet with tears.”
                                                              -Ben Brantley, The New York Times

                                                                www.berkshiretheatregroup.org       |7
Our Community
Board Of Trustees                               BTG Emeritus Board
Jane Fitzpatrick*                               James W. Giddens                         Michael D. Hess
  onorary Chairman
 H                                                resident Emeritus
                                                 P                                       Barbara Cohen Hobbs
James Ruberto                                   Bobbie Hallig                            Robert H. Jones, Jr.
 Honorary Chairman                              President Emeritus
Lee Perlman                                     Michael E. MacDonald                     Michael E. MacDonald
  President                                      President Emeritus                    Elizabeth Ireland McCann
David L. Lloyd, Jr.                             Gary P. Scarafoni                        Betsey McKearnan
   Executive Vice President                       President Emeritus                   Martin E. Messinger
David L. Auerbach                               B. Carter White                          Kate Morris
    Vice President                                 President Emeritus
Bruce Birenboim                                 Ruth Blodgett                            Mary Mott
     Vice President                            William H. Booth                         Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
David T. Comalli                                Hilary Somers Deely                      June Ellenoff O’Neill
      Vice President                                                                    Fredric D. Rutberg
Linda M. Ruberto                                Bridget Fawcett
       Vice President                          A. King Francis                          Gary P. Scarafoni
Mary Carol Rudin                                James W. Giddens                         Marvin H. Seline
        Vice President                         Dr. Donald B. Giddon                     Alli Sheehan
Robert M. Berzok                                Henry Goldstein                          Carole Siegel, Ed. D
         Secretary                                                                      Julie Weiss
Robert E. Becker                                Bobbie Hallig
                                                Shari Haddad                             B. Carter White
Wende Carver                                                                             Jane M. White
Kathleen Fabrizio                               Barbara Haubold
Alan Filderman                                  Randolph Hawthorne
Marie V. Feder
Scott E. Kirchner
Gerry McIntyre
Allison Rachele Bayles
Lori A. Robbins
Casey Meade Rothstein-
Kenneth Stark
Kate Maguire
          Artistic Director, CEO

Bobbie’s Fall Series Outside at The Unicorn Theatre, 2020. Photo by Jacey Rae Russell.

 8|    (413) 997-4444
BTG Educational           Year Round Staff
Outreach Committee        Dave Alden                                        Lillian Lee
                            ssistant to the Director of Facilities
                           A                                                  irector of Grants and Campaigns,
Linda M. Ruberto                                                             Accessibility Coordinator
 C                        Allison Rachele Bayles
                           Administrative Director of Education            Kate Maguire
Carole Siegel, Ed.D.                                                          rtistic Director, CEO
 Co-Chair                Ellen Beck
                            Director of Development                        Brian Marshall
Kathy Amuso                                                                  Director of Donor Relations and
                          Becky Brighenti
William S. Ballen            Director of Marketing and PR                   Assistant to the Artistic Director, CEO
Sherri James Buxton       Corey Cavenaugh                                   John McCarthy
                              General Manager                                raphic Designer
Wende Carver
                          Kaique De Souza                                   Amy Moorby
Michelle Colvin                                                              Press Manager
                               Audio & Projections Supervisor
Dr. Peter Dillon                                                            Nick Paleologos
                          Peter Durgin                                        Executive Director
Kit Dobelle                     Director of Productions
Kathleen Fabrizio         Kathy Jo Grover                                   Randall Parsons
                                 Front of House Manager, Education            Resident Scenic Designer, Scenic
Pam Fortlage-Gold                                                            Supervisor
Holly Goodrich                                                              Wendy Preston
                          Jay Foster-Grover                                   ccounting Associate
Shari Haddad                ouse Electrician
                           H                                                 A
Jennifer Hoffman          Allison Hannon                                    Jordan Raymond
                           Assistant Director of Productions                Ticket Office Manager
Rebecca Koczela
                          Alex James                                        Jacey Rae Russell
Augusta Leibowitz                                                             Marketing Assistant
                            Company Manager
Gloria Lewis                                                                Caroline Stamm
                          Mike Koczela                                         Non-Equity Stage Manager
Jan Lillie                   Director of Facilities
Dr. Jason P. McCandless   Kim Krautter                                      Kim Stevens
                              Director of Patron Services & Hospitality        Finance Manager
Koren Ahlen Salinovici
                          Tor Krautter                                      Fabienne Theriault
Phyllis Sandrew                                                                  Manager of Volunteer Services
                               Programmer, Rentals Manager
Alli Sheehan
Rose Ann Sturgeon

* in Memoriam                                                         www.berkshiretheatregroup.org                |9
Summer 2021 Staff
Artistic                            Sarafina Bush                   Candida Rufo
                                    Hunter Kaczorowski                ompany Management Associate
                                    Lighting                        Marketing
Alan Filderman
  asting Director
 C                                  Matthew Adelson                 Jacey Rae Russell
                                                                      arketing Assistant
Directors                           Daniel Kotlowitz
David Auburn                        Resident Composer/              Production
  he Importance of Being Earnest
                                    Sound Designer
Gregg Edelman                                                       Audio
 Colonial Concert Series           Scott Killian
 Irving Berlins’ White Christmas                                    Adam Lewis
                                    Sound                             udio Mixer
Gerry McIntyre
  ina Simone: Four Women
 N                                  Kaique De Souza                 Carpentry
E. Gray Simons                      Scott Killian                   Sophia Kosowsky
 The Wizard of Oz                                                    ssistant Technical Director
Eric Hill                           Wig Designer
  Shirley Valentine                                                Paints
                                    Earon Nealey
Choreographers                      Mary Schilling-Martin           Abigail Wagner
                                                                      cenic Artist
Isadora Wolfe                       Playwrights
Musical Directors                   Frank L. Baum
                                                                    Amy Avila
Danté L. Harrell                    Christina Ham                     ostume Coordinator
Jacob Kerzner                       Oscar Wilde                     Sabrina Ehrnstein
Dialect Coach                       Administrative
Jennifer Scapetis-Tycer                                             Electrics
                                    Audience Services               Marc Suits
Curators                                                             lectrician
                                    Kathleen Alden
Stephanie Pitcher Cohen               icket Office Associate
  ower of Art Exhibits
 P                                  Nora Auburn
                                     Administrative Intern         Psyril Apacible
                                                                      ssistant to Randall Parsons
Designers                           Lillian Colvin
                                      Ticket Office Associate      Madison L.D. Parrish
                                                                     Props Artisan
Resident Scenic Designer            Stephanie Gray
                                       Ticket Office Associate
Randall Parsons                     Pete Hodecker                   Production
                                        Ticket Office Associate
Scenic                                                              Management
                                    Joanne Rosier
Bill Clarke                              Ticket Office Associate   Production Stage
Randall Parsons                                                     Managers
                                    Company Management
Costumes                                                            Jason Weixelman
                                    Esther Chilson                    quity Stage Manager
Elivia Bovenzi Blitz                  ssistant Company Manager

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Top: David Adkins, Corinna May and Time Jones in Holiday Memories.
                                                                              Bottom: Nicholas Edwards in Godspell
                                                                   Both photos 2020 by Emma K. Rothenberg-Ware.

                                   Our Mission
Caroline Stamm
                                   Berkshire Theatre Group’s mission is to support wide-
  on-Equity Stage Manager
 N                                 ranging artistic exploration and acclaimed performances
Stage Managers                     in theatre, dance, music and entertainment. Berkshire
Juliet Jewett                      Theatre Group’s celebrated four stages reflect the history
  quity Assistant Stage Manager
                                   of the American theatre; they represent a priceless
Production Assistants              cultural resource for the community. Our vision is to
Samantha Leahan                    be a center for creative work that enriches, educates,
  roduction Assistant
                                   invigorates, transforms, and strengthens our community
Kaitlyn Meriam
 Production Assistant             for the better.

Allison Rachele Bayles
  ummer Teaching Artist
Kathy Jo Grover
 Summer Teaching Artist
Caroline Stamm
  After School Teaching Artist

Artistic Associates
David Adkins
Karen Allen
David Auburn
Lillian Colvin
Travis Daly
Gregg Edelman
Alan Filderman
Eric Hill
Scott Killian
Hanna Koczela                              “The musical Godspell has been performed before
Gerry McIntyre                                 audiences since 1971. But never quite like this.
David Murin                              Berkshire Theatre Group’s production is the only live
Keira Naughton                           musical in the country with a professional union cast.
Carl Sprague                            What’s going on here in Massachusetts has captivated
Jason Weixelman                                            the artistic community’s attention.”
Liz Zieminski                                                               -CBS This Morning

                                                                 www.berkshiretheatregroup.org               | 11
Berkshire Health Systems

12 |   (413) 997-4444
Some of BTG’s amazing volunteers. Photo by Katie B. Watts.

Our Volunteers
Berkshire Theatre Group would not be able         Our 200+ volunteers are the backbone
to present the finest theatre, music, and         of Berkshire Theatre Group. Please look
performing arts year-round on four stages         to the people dressed in black and white
without the generosity and dedication of our      for assistance.
talented team of volunteers. They help usher
patrons, sell concessions, fold programs,             If you are interested in joining our team,
scan tickets, tend to plants, assist with                please contact: Fabienne Theriault,
administrative duties, park cars and so                    Manager of Volunteer Services,
much more.                                                 at (413) 448-8084 x31 or email

                       Annie Selke Lenox Shop/The Outlet @ Pine Cone Hill

            ANNIE SELKE SHOP                   THE OUTLET @ PINE CONE HILL
           36 MAIN STREET, LENOX, MA              125 PECKS ROAD, PITTSFIELD, MA

                                                              www.berkshiretheatregroup.org               | 13
June 18–July 10
                                                    at The Unicorn Theatre
       www.BerkshireTheatreGroup.org                     The Larry Vaber Stage
       (413) 997-4444

       The Importance of Being Earnest Playbill

                                    by Oscar   Wilde
                                  directed by David Auburn

                  Bobbie Hallig

14 |   (413) 997-4444
                                     by Oscar Wilde
         Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D. ..........................David Adkins*
         Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax ..................Rebecca Brooksher*
         Algernon Moncrieff...................................Shawn Fagan*
         Lady Bracknell ......................................... Harriet Harris*
         Miss Prism................................................ Corinna May*
         Cecily .................................................. Claire Saunders*
         Lane/Merriman .........................................Matt Sullivan*
         John (Jack) Worthing, J.P. ..................... Mitchell Winter*
                        *Indicates a member of Actors’ Equity Association.

         Artistic Company
         Director ....................................................David Auburn
         Set Designer ...................................................Bill Clarke
         Costume Designer ...........................Hunter Kaczorowski
         Light Designer................................... Daniel J. Kotlowitz
         Composer/Sound Designer ............................Scott Killian
         Movement Director ....................................Isadora Wolfe
         Dialect Coach............................ Jennifer Scapetis-Tycer
         Wig Designer ................................Mary Schilling-Martin
         Casting Director ......................................Alan Filderman
         Stage Manager ...................................Jason Weixelman*
         Assistant Stage Manager ........................... Juliet Jewett*
         Production Assistant ..........................Samantha Leahan
                        There will be two 10-minute intermissions.
         Sponsored by: Bobbie Hallig, Greylock Federal Credit Union,
Greylock Insurance Agency, The Red Lion Inn, Massachusetts Cultural Council,
                          The Shubert Foundation
      Special Thanks: Williams College Department of Theatre, Berkshire Production
              Resources, Maia Robbins-Zust, Steve Nardin, Lucas Pawelski
     Isabel Jordan is the understudy for Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax and Cecily Cardew.

     Please turn off all electronic devices, beepers, cellular phones, and watches.
          The photographing, videotaping, filming, or audio recording of this
                            production is strictly prohibited.
Berkshire Theatre Festival operates under an agreement with AEA (Actors’ Equity Association, the
Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers), SDC (Stage Directors and Choreographers
Society), and USA (United Scenic Artists, representing Scenic, Costume, Lighting and
Sound Designers).

                                                              www.berkshiretheatregroup.org        | 15
                   David Adkins (Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D.) has performed in
                   numerous productions at Berkshire Theatre Group over the last
                   thirty years. He is an Artistic Associate at BTG, and in 2018
                   appeared in The Petrified Forest, and in At Home At The Zoo (Zoo
                   Story) in 2019, in which he was honored with a “Berkie Award” for
                   Outstanding Performance in a Lead Role. He has worked On and
                   Off Broadway, in resident theatres across the country and guest
   starred extensively on television, most recently Madame Secretary and Evil. Others
   include: Homeland, Blacklist, The Good Wife, Elementary, The Americans (two
   seasons), Happy-ish, Without a Trace, Black Jaq: a pilot directed by Forrest
   Whitaker and the Ben Franklin mini-series on PBS.
                    Rebecca Brooksher (Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax) is returning for her
                    sixth collaboration with David Auburn and BTG. BTG favorites
                    include: Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Anna in Anna Christie.
                    Nearby she’s also worked at Chester Theater and Barrington Stage.
                    New York credits include: Burn This and The Real Thing
                    (Broadway), The Roads To Home (Primary Stages), Loot (Red Bull),
                    Dying City (Lincoln Center, Lortel nomination Best Actress), Love’s
   Labor’s Lost (The PublicTheater), The Scariest (Bleeker Street) and White People
   (Atlantic Stage 2). Recent regional credits include: Golden Age (The Kennedy
   Center), She Stoops to Conquer and Twelfth Night (McCarter Theatre), Camp David
   (The Alley) and Mr. Wolf (Cleveland Playhouse). TV: Blacklist,The Sinner,
   Elementary, Love Monkey, Ugly Betty, The Confession, Happyish, The Good Wife,
   Canterbury’s Law, Cold Souls. Juilliard graduate (Group 34).
                   Shawn Fagan (Algernon Moncrieff) is returning to Berkshire
                   Theatre Group having played Boze in The Petrified Forest two
                   summers ago. Favorite roles include: Elyot in Private Lives (Dorset
                   Theatre Festival), Hal/Henry in The Making of a King: Henry IV, Parts
                   1&2/Henry V (Playmakers Rep), Frank/Franz in Appropriate
                   (Westport Country Playhouse), Angelo in Measure for Measure
                   (Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival), the Stage Manager in Our
   Town (Portland Center Stage) and Caleb in The Whipping Man (Cleveland Play
   House). Other regional work at the Shakespeare Theatre (DC), Arena Stage, Denver
   Center, Dallas Theatre Center, Arden Theatre Company, American Players Theatre,
   Utah Shakespeare Festival and Delaware Theatre Company. New York credits
   include: Hotspur in Henry IV, Part One, Philinte in The Misanthrope (Pearl Theatre
   Co.), James Whelan in the U.S. Premiere of Wife to James Whelan (Mint Theatre),
   Peninsula (Soho Rep), Freakshow, Dearest Eugenia Haggis (Clubbed Thumb) and
   Milk ’n’ Honey (Lightbox/3LD).
                   Harriet Harris (Lady Bracknell) BTG: The Skin of Our Teeth,
                   Arsenic and Old Lace, Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You.
                   Broadway: The Man Who Came to Dinner, Thoroughly Modern
                   Millie, Present Laughter, Cry Baby, Cinderella, It Shoulda Been You.
                   Off Broadway: Judgement Day, The Low Road, The Roads to
                   Home, Rude Entertainment. Regional: Conscience, The Royal
                   Family of Broadway, Hollywood, A Midsummer Night’s Dream,
   Tartuffe. Film: Baby, Phantom Thread, Love is Strange, Memento, Addams Family
   Values. TV: Atlantic Crossing, Ratched, Hollywood, Frasier, Desperate Housewives.
   Awards: Tony and Drama Desk.
16 |   (413) 997-4444
Corinna May (Miss Prism) BTF/BTG: Holiday Memories,
                 Benefactors, Same Time Next Year, Homestead Crossing, Two-
                 headed. WAM/BTG: The Bakelite Masterpiece. Shakespeare &
                 Company: 30+ productions, (selected): Morning After Grace,
                 Fullness of Life, Roman Fever, The Unexpected Man, The Memory
                 of Water, A Winter’s Tale, Enchanted April, Jack and Jill, Betrayal,
                 Fortune and Misfortune, House of Mirth, A Midsummer Night’s
Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Hamlet. Wharton Salon: The Long Run, Autre
Temps, Xingu. Pythagoras: Roman Fever. Broadway National Tour: The Graduate
with Jerry Hall/ Linda Gray/Lorraine Bracco/Kelly McGillis/Morgan Fairchild.
Regional (selected): Portland Stage Co., Merrimack Rep., Syracuse Stage, Rep.
Theater of St. Louis, Capital Rep. Film: Split Ends (starring); Speck’s Last. TV:
House of Cards, Unforgettable, Law & Order, PBS: Evening at the Pops. Playwright:
Dancing With the Czar.

                 Claire Saunders (Cecily Cardew) Last seen in BTG’s The Skin of
                 Our Teeth. Off Broadway: Marry Harry (York Theatre), Errol and Fidel
                 (NYMF), Taming of the Shrew (NY Classical Theatre). Regional:
                 School Girls; or the African Mean Girls Play (Round House Theatre,
                 Ericka), Cyrano (Goodspeed, Orange Girl), The Wolves
                 (TheatreWorks, #8), In the Heights (Gallery Players, Vanessa),
                 Pirates of Penzance (Barrington Stage Co, Daughter). TV/Film:
Modern Love (Amazon), Law & Order: SVU (NBC), Tell Me a Story (CBS), The Good
Cop (Netflix), The Intern (Warner Bros), 18 1/2 (Waterbug Eater Films), CitiBank
Commercial. Carnegie Mellon Graduate. Thanks to Take3Talent.

                Matt Sullivan (Lane/Merriman) Berkshire Theatre Group: Jonathan
                Brewster in Arsenic and Old Lace, Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It
                All For You. Primary Stages: The Roads to Home by Horton Foote
                at Cherry Lane Theatre. Minetta Lane Theatre: Standing on
                Ceremony. New York Shakespeare Festival: Macbeth and
                Coriolanus. The Guthrie Theater: Hay Fever. Sullivan has also
                worked at Hartford Stage, The Shakespeare Theatre in Washington
D.C., Baltimore Center Stage and The Olney Theatre Center. Four seasons with The
Acting Company.

                 Mitchell Winter (John Worthing, J.P.) is making his Berkshire
                 Theatre Group debut. Theatre credits include: Frontieres Sans
                 Frontieres (dir. Dustin Wills, Bushwick Starr), A Winter’s Tale (dir. Liz
                 Diamond), A Doctor In Spite of Himself (dir. Christopher Bayes),
                 American Night: The Ballad of Juan Jose (dir. Shana Cooper) (Yale
                 Rep), Sleep No More (Punchdrunk), Cameron Mackintosh’s Miss
                 Saigon (dir. Laurence Connor, Australian National Tour), Thoroughly
Modern Millie (dir. Roger Hodgman, The Production Company), Miss Julie, Tartuffe
and Drunk Enough To Say I Love You (Yale Summer Cabaret), Normativity (dir. Mia
Walker, NYMF), Die Fledermaus (dir. John Milson, Australian Opera Studio) and
Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (dir. Stephen Pimlott, Really Useful).
Film/TV credits include: Mr. Robot (USA Network), Oh Jerome No (FX), If Not Love
(official Sundance selection). MFA: Yale School of Drama.
                                                         www.berkshiretheatregroup.org       | 17
Artistic Company
                    Oscar Wilde (Playwright) Author, playwright and poet Oscar
                    Wilde, born October 16, 1854 in Dublin, Ireland, was a popular
                    literary figure in late Victorian England. After graduating from Oxford
                    University, he lectured as a poet, art critic and a leading proponent
                    of the principles of aestheticism. In 1891, he published The Picture
                    of Dorian Gray, his only novel which was panned as immoral by
                    Victorian critics, but is now considered one of his most notable
   works. As a dramatist, many of Wilde’s plays were well received including his
   satirical comedies: Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892), A Woman of No Importance
   (1893), An Ideal Husband (1895) and The Importance of Being Earnest (1895), his
   most famous play. Unconventional in his writing and life, Wilde’s affair with a young
   man led to his arrest on charges of “gross indecency” in 1895. He was imprisoned
   for two years and died in poverty at the age of 46 on November 30, 1900, just three
   years after his release.

                    David Auburn (Director) is a playwright, screenwriter and director.
                    Plays include: The Adventures of Augie March (based on the Saul
                    Bellow novel), Lost Lake, The Columnist and Proof (2001 Pulitzer
                    Prize, Tony Award, New York Drama Critics Circle Award). Film
                    work includes: The Girl in the Park (writer/director), Georgetown,
                    and The Lake House. Stage directing credits include:
                    Long Day’s Journey into Night (Court Theatre, Chicago);
   The Skin of Our Teeth, The Petrified Forest, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Anna Christie,
   A Delicate Balance, Period of Adjustment, Sick (all BTG); and the Off Broadway
   world premiere of Michael Weller’s Side Effects (MCC). A former Guggenheim
   Fellow, he lives in New York City. He/him.

   Bill Clarke (Scenic Designer) is pleased to return to BTG, where he previously
   designed The Skin of Our Teeth and Coastal Disturbances. He designed A Walk in
   the Woods on Broadway; Off Broadway work includes: Misalliance (Pearl), So Help
   Me God! (Lortel), The Daughter-In-Law (Mint), June Moon (Drama Dep’t), Lemon
   Sky (Keen Co), Ann Magnuson’s You Could Be Home Now (NYSF), and new plays
   at Manhattan Theater Club and WPA. Production designer for indie film The Master
   Cleanse. Regional: Seattle Rep, Old Globe, A.R.T., Huntington, McCarter, Asolo,
   Milwaukee Rep, Indiana Rep, Rep Theater of St Louis, Alliance, Geva, Alley, Arizona
   Theater Co, Denver Center, Cleveland Playhouse, Barrington Stage, Cincinnati
   Playhouse and Pioneer Theater. MFA, Yale School of Drama. Awards: Hollywood
   Dramalogue, San Diego Theater Critics Circle, IRNE.

   Hunter Kaczorowski (Costume Designer) is thrilled to be back at BTG! Favorite
   BTG: Godspell, The Skin of Our Teeth, The Petrified Forest (Berkshire Critics
   nomination), Arsenic and Old Lace, Lost Lake, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Design
   for Living. Recent New York: Yours Unfaithfully (Mint Theater, Hewes Award
   nomination), The Gentleman Caller, The Dork Knight, Stet (Abingdon Theatre), HAM
   (Ars Nova), as well as Heartbeat Opera, The Public, Astoria Performing Arts Center,
   HERE Arts, Dixon Place and The Joyce Soho. Regional: The Fix (Signature Theatre),
18 |   (413) 997-4444
The Sound of Music, Oslo, Dear Elizabeth, A Doll’s House and Last of the Red Hot
Lovers (all Northern Stage), A Streetcar Named Desire (Yale Rep), How to Succeed
in Business...(starring Frankie Grande, MSMT), Beauty and The Beast (Barrington
Stage Company), as well as Yale Baroque Opera, Red House Theater, Kitchen
Theatre, Millbrook Playhouse, Luna Stage. As Assistant: Company and Angels in
America (Broadway revivals). Upcoming: Million Dollar Quartet (Northern), Sense
and Sensibility (Alley Theater), Smokey Joe’s Cafe (Tuacahn). MFA, Yale School of
Drama. www.huntersk.com

Daniel J. Kotlowitz (Lighting Designer) has designed over 22 productions
at BTG, going all the way back to 1994, including: The Skin of our Teeth,
A Delicate Balance, Endgame and Macbeth. He has also designed for the NY
Shakespeare Festival, Playwrights Horizons, Manhattan Theatre Club, The New
Federal Theatre, The Astor Place, The Huntington Theatre, Trinity Repertory
Theatre, Centerstage, St. Louis Rep, La Jolla Playhouse, Aslo Rep, Hartford Stage,
Long Wharf Theatre, American Repertory Theatre, Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park,
Cleveland Playhouse, George St, Milwaukee Rep, Berkeley Repertory Theatre,
Shakespeare and Company, Northern Stage and Portland Stage. His work with
performance artist Diamanda Galas has been seen all over Europe and the U.S.
Kotlowitz is the Leon E. Williams professor and chair of Theatre at Dartmouth
College, and the proud father of Izzy and Dylan.

Scott Killian (Composer/Sound Designer) The Importance of Being Earnest
marks Scott Killian’s 50th production with BTG and his 8th production with director
David Auburn--for which he is enormously grateful. NYC venues include: Primary
Stages: Final Follies; Manhattan Theatre Club: Sarah, Sarah; Five by Tenn, A
Picasso (Lucille Lortel nom.), The Other Side; Red Bull Theatre: Volpone, Duchess
of Malfi, Women Beware Women, Edward the Second; Rattlestick Theatre: Steve
and Idi, Miss Julie; MCC: Side Effects; West Side Arts Theatre: Clever Little Lies.
Many regional theaters, including: George Street Playhouse (over 25 productions),
The Alley Theatre, Shakespeare Theatre(DC), Huntington Theatre, Seattle Repertory
Theatre, Cleveland Playhouse, Cincinnati Playhouse, Baltimore’s Center Stage,
Vancouver Playhouse, Theatre Calgary, et al. Original music for dance: Zvi
Gotheiner (Resident Composer), Shapiro and Smith Dance (Resident Composer),
Cherylyn Lavagnino (Artistic Associate), Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre,
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Nikolais-Louis Dance, The Jose Limon Company.

Jennifer Scapetis-Tycer (Dialect Coach) Jennifer’s dialect/voice/text coaching credits
for Berkshire Theatre Group include: Holiday Memories, What the Jews Believe, Outside
Mullingar, Church & State and A Christmas Carol. Other coaching credits include:
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park (A Christmas Carol), Bated Breath Theatre at 59E59 NYC
(Beneath the Gavel), Playhouse on Park, West Hartford (My Name is Asher Lev, Peter and
the Starcatcher, The Diary of Anne Frank, Intimate Apparel, Last Train to Nibroc, A Moon
for the Misbegotten, Passing Strange, I Hate Hamlet), Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
(Oliver!, Of Mice and Men), Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati (Tribes), The Know Theatre
Cincinnati (Bull, 20th Century Way), Saratoga Shakespeare Company (Shipwrecked!),
Dirty Pretty Theatre at 45 Downstairs in Melbourne, Australia (Angels in America), The
Rose Theatre Bankside, London (Doctor Faustus) and the short film: Crime Wave. Jennifer
teaches on the MFA and BFA programmes at UConn and coaches for the Connecticut
Repertory Theatre. Jennifer holds an MFA in Voice Studies from the Royal Central School
of Speech and Drama in London. She received her acting training at ArtsEd, London and
has worked in theatre, film, TV and audiobook narration. www.jenniferscapetis.com

                                                        www.berkshiretheatregroup.org      | 19
Isadora Wolfe (Movement Director) is from Lowell, Massachusetts. She has
   worked with choreographers and directors such as: Johannes Wieland (NYC and
   Staatstheater Kassel, Germany), Gerald Casel, Martha Clarke (Garden of Earthly
   Delights and Angel Reapers original cast), Mark Dendy, Maxine Doyle, Fiona
   Marcotty and Richard Jones (The Hairy Ape at the Park Avenue Armory). Isadora
   was the Resident Director for Punchdrunk’s NYC production of Sleep No More,
   and a cast member since 2011. She’s had the pleasure of appearing in several BTG
   plays (Holiday Memories, Peter Pan, Siddartha, Zorba), and has created movement
   for productions including: Eric Hill’s The Einstein Project, Holiday Memories,
   Macbeth and David Auburn’s The Skin of Our Teeth. Isadora teaches and coaches
   dancers and actors at various institutions and festivals, and is currently adjunct
   faculty at The Juilliard School.

   Mary Schilling- Martin (Wig Designer) Mary and her daughter Caitie co-own
   Wigs and Whiskers, a theatrical wig company which supplies custom wigs and
   facial hair for the stage. Her clients include: Barrington Stage Company, Berkshire
   Theatre Group, Northern Stage, Great Lakes Theater, Idaho Shakespeare Festival,
   The Goodman Theatre, Dobama Theatre, Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival,
   Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Opera Theatre, Victory Gardens and
   Northwestern University. She was Wig Master for La Jolla Playhouse, the Marriott
   Theater in Lincolnshire, Arizona Theatre Company and the Cleveland Play House.

   Alan Filderman (Casting Director) This is Alan’s 29th season casting for Berkshire
   Theatre Group, where he also directed You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown and
   Godspell. Casting credits include Broadway and Off Broadway: 33 Variations, Grey
   Gardens, Marie Christine, Master Class, Once on This Island, Fiorello, Dessa Rose,
   Here Lies Jenny, A New Brain, A Beautiful Thing, Three Tall Women, From the
   Mississippi Delta, Song of Singapore, The Sum of Us. In addition, Alan has cast for
   regional theatres all over the country. Films include: Ice Age, Broadway Damage
   and Anastasia.

   Jason Weixelman (Stage Manager) is grateful to be celebrating his 8th summer
   at Berkshire Theatre Group. BTG: Holiday Memories, Godspell, What We May Be,
   Outside Mullingar, Naked, Arsenic and Old Lace, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Frankie
   and Johnny in the Clair De Lune, A Hatful of Rain. Broadway: The King and I (2015
   LCT Revival). Tours: Matilda the Musical (Acrobat Tour). Off Broadway: NYTW,
   Signature Theatre Company, Atlantic Theatre Company, Roundabout Theatre
   Company, 59e59. Regional: Paper Mill Playhouse, Barrington Stage Co., George
   Street Playhouse, Gulfshore Playhouse, Hudson Stage Co., Skylight Music Theatre,
   Engeman Theater, Santa Fe Opera. Education: MFA from the STC’s Academy for
   Classical Acting at the George Washington University.

   Juliet Jewett (Assistant Stage Manager) is honored to make her Berkshire
   Theatre Group ASM debut by working on Earnest, only a year after seeing BTG’s
   historic production of Godspell. Folger: 1 Henry IV, Amadeus, The Merry Wives of
   Windsor; TheatreZone: Amadeus, The World Goes ‘Round, Elton John and Tim
   Rice’s Aida, On A Clear Day You Can See Forever, Urinetown, Baby, Copacabana,
   Blood Brothers; Selected acting: George M! (Agnes Nolan), The Secret Garden
   (Mrs. Winthrop), The Fantasticks (The Mute), The Boy Friend (Dulcie), Grand Hotel,
   Sweet Smell of Success, The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Florence Gill).
20 |   (413) 997-4444
BTG PLAYS! Impact                                 BTG PLAYS! Scholarships
BTG PLAYS! Year-Round Education Program            • The Richie duPont Award
serves approximately 11,000 school                 • Performing Arts for Schools
children in over 26 schools across 15 towns.         Scholarship Fund
There are approximately 5,261 students             • Year-Round Training Institute Scholarship
in Pittsfield, of which we serve 2,688. Of
the students in Berkshire County, 51% are          • The Jennie and James Maguire Scholarship
economically disadvantaged. Through careful          2021 recipients are Logan Weibrecht and
planning and programming, BTG provides               Shayne Haley
free and reduced ticket prices, camps, and         • The Betsey McKearnan Scholarship Fund
apprenticeship fees for these programs.            • The Karen Allen Award for
                                                     Emerging Directors
BTG PLAYS! includes 12 different initiatives
within three distinct categories: School                     For more information,
Partnership Programs, Performing Arts for                contact Allison Rachele Bayles,
Young People, and Pre-Professional Internship          Administrative Director of Education
Programs. The BTG PLAYS! Year-Round                          at 413-448-8084 x19.
Education Program allows children from all
backgrounds to come together and collaborate
with their families, their communities and
each other.

Education Sponsors
Lead Sponsor



                                                Richard M. Ziter, M.D.

21 |   (413) 997-4444
Kimberly Immanuel in Godspell, 2020. Photo by Emma K. Rothenberg-Ware.

      “Everyone in the theater world is watching.What
      we have is a small production, of a 50 year old
      musical, under a tent, in a rural corner of western
      Massachusetts. But I think it’s meaningful. It’s
      a group of actors. It’s a theater. Showing us a
      way to make art, to see art — for now. And it’s
                  -Michael Paulson, The New York Times

      “There is a glimmer of hope in Pittsfield
      Massachusetts, home to the country’s first
      musical allowed to resume production during
      the pandemic. All eyes are on Berkshire Theatre
      Group’s revival of GODSPELL — which could set
      the scene for the theatre of the future. ”
                         -Al Roker, NBC The Today Show
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23 |   (413) 997-4444
Education Donors
Richie duPont Award Donors
Tara and Tony Kalish
Mrs. Marilyn Kirby
Karen Mallon
                                                                     A proud
Caryl Sickul
Myla Blum
                                                                 supporter of the
Mary Jo Basler
Mr. Ryan Chittaphong
Ms. Liz Zieminski
Holiday Extravaganza Sponsors
                                                                  Theatre Group
Mr. and Mrs. James Archey
Berkshire Money Management
Berkshire Bank Foundation
Mill Town Capitol
Pittsfield Co-Operative Bank

Jennie and James Maguire
Scholarship Award                                                      ONYX Specialty Papers, Inc
Alexander Hill
Emma Wolfe                                                               www.onyxpapers.com
Isadora Wolfe

Names on these lists reflect donors who made contributions
August 4, 2020 - May 16, 2021. Every effort has been made to
ensure complete and accurate recognition, and we apologize
for any errors or omissions. Please notify the Donor Relations
Team if your name is absent or otherwise misstated, so we may
correct our records.

Special Thanks
Pittsfield Beautiful

                                                                 Whether it be a great bite before the
                                                                    show or a catering platter for
                                                                  the office, we’ve got you covered
       “Western MA explodes                                        • Breakfast • Lunch • Supper
         with the a rts every                                      • Gluten-free and Vegan options
        summer and BTG is
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         vital to that scene”
                                                                  Pittsfield Cafe       Sheffield Cafe
                                                                   53 NorthTheSt Marketplace
                                                                                          18 Elm Ct
                                                                    Great Barrington Kitchen Table
                                                                         240 Stockbridge Rd

                                                                       www.berkshiretheatregroup.org     | 24
Join Us
Each year, Berkshire Theatre Group reaches          BTG Membership
70,000 arts lovers and serves 11,000
                                                    Enhance your theatre-going experience and
students through our productions, events,
                                                    enjoy exclusive opportunities with BTG by
and educational programs. This year, we had
                                                    becoming a member!
to reimagine what it meant to connect and
create. Your support helped us to navigate          Membership starts at $50 and includes benefits
a digital landscape, and now as we begin to         such as:
come together again your support is more
critical than ever. We cannot succeed on ticket      • Acknowledgement in Annual BTG
sales alone. It is only through the generosity         Program Book
of our supporters we are able to continue            • Complimentary Tickets (starting at
these vital programs year after year. There            $100 level)
are so many ways that you can be part of our         • Special Member Events (starting at
ongoing efforts.                                       $100 level)

        To learn more about our full offering
       of member benefits and to learn more         Monthly Member Club
         about our Monthly Member Club,             Participate in the Monthly Member Club
         contact the Donor Relations Team           by donating $10 or more every month and
               at (413) 448‑8084 x18.               enjoy our regular membership benefits, plus
                                                    additional benefits exclusive to the Monthly
                                                    Member Club.

2021 Production Sponsors
Lead Sponsors

                                                  Lee Perlman and
                           Bobbie Hallig
                                                   Linda Riefberg

25 |   (413) 997-4444
Business Partners
Sponsorship Opportunities                                        our community. Advertisers receive visibility
Utilize the strong BTG brand to reinforce                        in our program book and in our lobbies,
your business’ image in the Berkshires and                       complimentary tickets and invitations to
surrounding communities by becoming a                            networking receptions with other supporters.
partner! Each of our business partners is
unique, and we work together to determine                              To learn how you can support BTG,
what sponsorship opportunities and benefits                                     please contact the
are best for your business. All sponsorships are                              Donor Relations Team
completely customizable!                                                      at (413) 448‑8084 x18.

Program Advertising
An advertisement in our program puts you
in front of 70,000 patrons who attend our
performances, and each of those patrons will
recognize YOU as a supporter of the arts in

The Whiskey Treaty Roadshow, 2021. Photo by Jacey Rae Russell.


         David and
       Susan Auerbach

                                                                                               Natalie and
                                                                                              Howard Shawn

                                                                           www.berkshiretheatregroup.org     | 26
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27 |   (413) 997-4444
Annual Fund
$50,000 Plus                                  Martin and Judy Isserlis             Dr. and Mrs. John and
                                              David and Leslie Jameson              Janet Egelhofer
Anonymous                                                                          Michael A. Fabrizio, MD PC
                                              Jonathan and
Ruth Blodgett and                              Jessika Auerbach                    Diane Forsyth and Bill Frazier
 David Crane                                  Elizabeth London and                 General Dynamics
Feigenbaum Foundation                          David Piaker                        Michele Gilligan
Mr. and Mrs. Phill and                        Ms. Kate Maguire and                 Ms. Carol Green
 Liz Gross                                     Mr. Eric Hill                        in honor of Alfred A. and Hanina Z.
 in honor of Mary Anne Gross and her                                               Shasha
 love for theatre and the Berkshires          McElfatrick Charitable
                                               Foundation‡                         Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hand
Fay J. Henry*
                                              Onyx Speciality Papers, Inc.         Mr. and Mrs. Joel and
Allan Herbert                                                                       Jackie Holt
David Lloyd and                               John Paladino and
                                               Emily Rechnitz                      Interprint, Inc.
 Meg Mortimer‡
                                              Nick Paleologos and                  Mr. Brian Kaltner
 Cultural Council                              Patti Worth                         Mr. Scott Killian
Mr. Lee Perlman and                           James Ruberto                        Gloria Lewis
 Ms. Linda Riefberg                           Ms. Linda Ruberto                    Richard and Laurie Lindner
US Small                                      Natalie and Howard Shawn             Ms Nancy Lukitsh
 Business Administration                      The Charles H. Hall                  Michael E. MacDonald and
                                               Foundation                           Sandra C. Knox
                                              Amy and Carlo Zaffanella             Messinger Family
$25,000-$49,999                                                                    Laura and Andrew Mick
                                              Richard M. Ziter, M.D.
Mr. and                                                                            John C. and
 Mrs. Michael Berenson                                                              Katherine M. Morris
Bruce Birenboim and                           $2,500-$4,999                         Foundation
 Ellen Moskowitz                              Mr. and                              G.A. Nicholls Family
Jane and                                       Mrs. James W. Giddens‡              Rosemary Orr
 Jack Fitzpatrick Trust*‡                     George and Shari Haddad              Richard M. Paul*
Greylock Federal Credit Union                  Haddad Motor Group Inc.             Rose and Richard Pocock
Mr. William Swan*‡                            Joan and Jim Hunter                  Alan Price and
                                              Adam Irick and Milton Lestz           Irene Goldman-Price
                                              Katharine L. W. and                  Deborah Roberts
$10,000-$24,999                                Winthrop M. Crane, III              Gary and Carol Scarafoni
Berkshire Bank                                 Charitable Foundation               Mrs. Abby Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. David and                        Ann and Don Morrison                 The Zelda and John Schwebel
 Susan Auerbach                               Robin Nijankin                        Family Foundation
Linda and Bob Berzok                          Pittsfield Co-Operative Bank         Carol and Harold Shippey
Scott and Roxanne Bok                         Price Choppers                       Mr. Kenneth Stark
Paul Clark                                     Golub Foundation                    David and Lorna Strassler
Cain Hibbard Myers & Cook                     Edward and Carla Slomin              Dr. Andrew Stromberg
Deborah and King Francis                                                           Surdna Foundation
Dr. Thomas M. Fynan and                                                             in memory of John E. Andrus
 Mr. William F. Loutrel                       $1,000-$2,499                        Lois and Al Symonds
Dr. and Mrs. John Galt                        Anonymous                            Ms. Marcy Syms Merns
Bobbie Hallig‡                                Mrs. Susannah Bailin                 Ms. Patricia Valas
Mill Town Capitol                             Joan Bancroft-Grody                  Patricia Wager
Ms. Mary Carol Rudin                          Mary Jo Basler                       Wards Nursery, Inc
Ms. Jodi Tartell                               in honor of Myla Jill Blum         Audrey Weiner and
TD Charitable Foundation                      Linda Benedict Colvin                  Jeffrey Solomon
                                              Bradley Black                        Noah Weiss and
                                              Chris and Larry Carsman                Nora Schuchat
$5,000-$9,999                                 David and Wende Carver                 in honor of Kate Maguire, for her
                                                                                    enduring commitment to the arts and to
Anonymous                                     William Cavanagh and                  the community
Froma. B. Benerofe                              Ricki Gardner                      Claudia E. Wells
Berkshire United Way, Inc.                    Ms. Barbara Cohen Hobbs              Stephanie Yazgi
David and Terrie Comalli                      Karen Conlin and                     Sandra M. Zieminski
Mr. James S. Dodge and                          Raymond McGarrigle                 Linda and Jerry Zukowski
 Mrs. Michele Dobbins Dodge                   Mr. Sidney David
Neil E. Ellenoff*‡                            Eagan Family Foundation
Frederick T. Francis III*                     Ed Herrington, Inc.                  $500-$999
Rebecca Gold                                                                       Deborah and Alan Annex

* in Memoriam    † Monthly Member Club ‡ The Neil E. Ellenoff Legacy Fund    www.berkshiretheatregroup.org            | 28
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29 |   (413) 997-4444
Anonymous                                    Lawrence and                        Jill Hai and Marc Rubenstein
Anonymous                                     Patricia Rutkowski                 Brian W. Harrison, Sr. and
Anonymous                                    JoAnne and Joel Shapiro              Joni L. Thomas
Mark Arisohn and                             Susan W. Shoval                     Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. and
 Diane Alexander                             Drs. Gail and                        Jacelaine Horn
Mr. Ron Bagden                                Leonard Silverman                  IBM Corporation Matching
Mary Chris and Alan Bassman                  Rita and Harvey Simon                Grants Program
Marjorie and Barry S. Berg                   Dorothy and Gerry Swimmer           Leslie Jerome
Helene Berger                                Dr. William Tetzlaff                Robin Kimbrough-Melton
Berkshire Money                              Joanne and Mark Weinberger          Judy Kittredge
 Management                                  Carter White‡                       Marilyn and Ronald Kohn
Jeff and Julie Blake                                                             Saranne and
Myla Blum                                                                         Livingston Kosberg
                                             $250-$499                           John and Rachel Krauser
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Bradway
Daniel Bross and                             Roy and Judith Aaron                Dr. and Mrs. Gary Kreitman
 Robert Cundall                              Louis Alexander                     Scott Lazarus
Mr. and Mrs. Donald and                      Mark and Kathy Amuso                Mr. and Mrs. Brandon and
 Jadwiga Brown                               Anonymous                            Lillian Lee
Eugene Carr                                  Keith Anzel                         Joseph and Carol Licata
 in recognition of Kate Maguire and         James and Mary Ann Archey           Ben Liptzin and Liz Schneider
 BTG’s production of Godspell
                                             Nancy Ashen                         Michael S Luongo and
James N. Cawse and
                                             Steve Bader and                      Stephen Foreman
 Marietta Rapetti Cawse
                                              Cathy Monoxelos                    Adam and Beth Man
Andy and Jane Cohen
                                             Ms. Sheila Baird                    Alissa Margulies
Richard and Leslie Daspin
                                             John and Sharon Ballard             Mayra Martinez-Chan
Jill and Josh Dubin
                                             John and Melissa Bissell            Thomas and Carol McCann
Giving Fund Tully
                                             Barbara and Michael Borys           Roderic and Pamela McLaren
Charles and
 Elizabeth Goodyear                          Mr. and Mrs. Charlie and            Faith A. Menken
Jim Heeger and                                Elaine Brenner                     Enid Michelman
 Daryl Messinger                             Rita and Bob Campanella             Anna Mickiewicz
Leslie Ioffredo                              Mr. Peter Canellos                  Annette Miller
                                             Ms. C.C. Cave and                    in honor of Kate Maguire
Jane and Frederick Jamieson
                                              Mr. Peter Rothstein                Mr. and Mrs. Alan Model
Athena and
                                             Neil and Kathy Chrisman             Ms. Nina Molin
 Richard W. Kimball
                                             Kate Clark                          Chris and Carol Pfister
Joan Klagsbrun and
 Julian Miller                               Donna Conforti and                  Bruce and Mary Prager
Jorie and Steve Latham                        Paul Rissman                       Barbara Reideler
Susan and Duke Lechtman                      Frances and Martin Connors          Peter and Mary Rentz
Robert Lee                                   Ann Cummis                          Laurie and Al Richman
Lee Cultural Council                         Ms. Susette Curto                   Lori A. Robbins
Nancy London                                 Gilbert and Norma D’Oliveira        Laura Rosenthal
 in memory of Edwin and Elaine London       Dr. and Mrs. Milton and             Hon. Fredric Rutberg and
Mr. and Mrs. Candice Malkin                   Martha Dalitzky                      Ms. Judith Monachina
Evelyn and Paul Margus                       Joe and Angela Daly                 Helene and Stephen Sacks
Mr. and                                      Thomas Dillon                       Vicki and Bruce Safran
  Mrs. Thomas D. McCann                      Evan, Kit and Harry Dobelle         Mr. and Mrs. Barry Salzberg
Barbara McCullough                           Laurie and Jay Dubner               Elliot Schildkrout and
Jacqueline Metsma                            Marjorie and Tony Elson               Terry Rosenberg
Jan and Harold Moskowitz                     Renee and Steven Finn               Carol and
Dana and Lukasz Niedzielska                  Roz Forman                            Marvin Schwartzbard
Bill Packard and                             Mr. and Mrs. Randall and            Carole Siegel
  Charles Ihlenfeld                           Ellen Frank                        Rebecca Sigel
Matthew and Candace Penn                     Cathy Demain Mann and               David and Elizabeth Sippin
Sharon and Irving Picard                      Fredric Friedman                   Nancy and Robert Steinberg
Catherine Pierson Lego                       Katherine Frisina                   Stone House Properties LLC
Charles Popper, M.D.                         Joseph A. Gallo and                 Suburban Internal
The Neil and Marilyn Port                     Ann Cecile Gallo                     Medicine, Inc.
  Family Foundation                          Karen Giannelli and                 Laurence Sullivan
Mary Ann and                                  John Eckart                        Jonathan Swartz
  Bruno A. Quinson                           Marjorie Goldstein                  Lois and David Swawite
Bob and Irma Race                            Marilyn and Alan Gordon             Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Tosk
Deborah and Hunter Reisner                   Susan J. Gordon                     Mr. Kevin Truex
Richmond Cultural Council                    Stephen Graves                      Mrs. Nancy Vale*‡

* in Memoriam   † Monthly Member Club ‡ The Neil E. Ellenoff Legacy Fund   www.berkshiretheatregroup.org   | 30
Ms. Lynn Villency Cohen          Hilary Somers Deely and               Gordon and
Mr. and                           Philip Deely                          Susan Josephson
 Mrs. Thomas A. Weikert          Mr. and Mrs. Jerome and               Laurie Kabb
Al and Muriel Wermuth             Brenda Deener                        Louise and George Kaminow
Ellen I. Whittaker               George and Kathy Desmarais            Judge and
Mary and John Wight              Linda and George Diehl                 Mrs. Lewis A. Kaplan
June and Jim Wolfe               Mia Dillon and Keir Dullea            Alan Kaufman and
Alan and Mark Wovsaniker         Robert G Doerr                         Deborah Roth
Ms. Ellen Ziskind                Philip Dorian                         Dan Kaufman and
                                 William and Kay Doyle                  Liliana Gutierrez
                                 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and               Julie Kay
$100-$249                         Joanne Dreher                        William Kelly
Amazon Smile                     Diane Durgin                          William and Karen Ketcham
Anonymous                        Margie and Skip Durning               Mrs. Marilyn Kirby
Penny and Bob Apter              David Dutra                           Phyllis and Harvey Klein
Mr. and Mr. Peter Armour         Anita and Ed Dworkin                  Roberta Klein
Jim Armstrong                    Jay Ellis                             Myra and William Kleinman
Mr. Mark G Auerbach              Moe England                           Michael and Sharon Kline
Steve and Judy August            Thomas and Ellen Ennis                Christopher C Kramaric
Lee and MIchael Behnke           Mimi and Duane Estes                  F and A Kraut
Judith and Alan Benjamin         Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Evans           Mr. Marvin Krislov and Family
Mr. John Benzinger               Gintare Everett                       Harvey and Barbara Krohn
Joan and Ira Berkowitz           Ann and Myron Falchuk                 The Kubinciaks and
Richard Bernardo                 Douglas Farmer                         Sickul Family
                                                                        in memory of Maureen Stanton
Walter and Hildi Black           David Faust                           Norman Lacroix
Noel and Paula Blagg             Diana and Stanley Feld                Roberta and Peter Lafayette
Carole Blumberg                  Nancy and Peter Finn                  Tanya Lentz
Mark S Blumkin                   Ardis Fisch                           Hon. Howard A. Levine
Judy P. Boehlert                 Mr Lawrence Fleischman                Arlene and Jerome Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and         Alan R. Fridkin                       Jonathan Levine
 Lynne Bolson                    Gerard and Maryjane Fromm             Melanie and Alan Levitan
Ms. Janine Bonin                 Heidi and Austin Frye                 Pommy and Gerry Levy
Carl and Stephanie Bradford      Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Garber           William Macanka
Grete Brady                      Al and Kathy Garofolo                 Iris and Ron Maitland
John Branigan and                Everett and Mary Gendler
 Laura Klein                                                           Karen Mallon
                                 Richard Gillerman and                   in memory of Maureen Stanton
Robert and Carol Braun‡           Nadia Jensen                         Mrs Silvia Marx
Tammy and Michael Breitman       Mr. Mark Gionfriddo                   Dr. Stuart and Ellen Masters
Susan Brighenti                  Judith S. Glaser                      Fern and Joseph Mayer
Laura Brown-MacKinnon            Alan S. Gold, DDS                     George and Elaine McCabe
Esther and Jack Budnick          Jonathan and Amy Goldberg             Susan McDonough
Carmella Buttacavoli             Howard Goldson                           in honor of Kate Maguire and her belief
                                                                        that the “Show must go on!”
Vincent Carbone                  Lynda and Doug Good
Suzanne Cassidy and                                                    Mrs. Nancy G. McNabb
                                 Glenn Gorelick
 Christopher Visher                                                    Dr. Craig McPherson
                                 Andrea Graham
Cavallero Plastics Inc.                                                Brenda and Joseph Menker
                                 Fran and Art Greenberg
Janet Cestaro Mahoney                                                  Gordon and Antigone Merritt
                                 Thomas and Jill Groff
Mr. and Mrs. Harris and                                                Mr. Ira Mickenberg
                                 Mr. Edmund A Grossman
 Ann Chandler                                                          Riva and Jessa Mittleman
                                 Guardian Life Insurance
Claudine Chavanne and                                                  Douglas Molin and
                                 Peter Hagan
 Harry Stuart                                                           Melanie Mowinski
                                 Melodee and Joe Halbach
Mr. Ryan Chittaphong                                                   Merrill and Karen Morehouse
 in memory of Maureen Stanton   Jason and Marit Halper                Mr. Thomas E. Murphy
James and Laurie Clune           Mr and                                Alex and Judith Nardacci
Nadine Habousha Cohen             Mrs Terrence M. Hanlon
                                                                       Mr. and Mrs. Henry and
Ms. Susan Coles                  Martin and Beverly Hathaway            Jill Narrow
Marti Copleman and               Marnie Henneman                       Gail Natoli
  Ollie Rosengart                Bruce and Judith Herzberg             Judi Neidenberg
Ms. Eleanor Cress                Susie and Stuart Hirshfield           Peter and Carol Nixon
Michael A. Cutler                Betsy and Richard Honig               Joan Nordell
Christopher Daly                 Harold and Elaine Isaacson            Craig and
Emily and Len Daykin             Arlene and Harry Jaroslaw              Laurie Norton Moffatt
                                 JEOL USA, Inc.                         in honor of Kate Maguire

31 |   (413) 997-4444                    * in Memoriam † Monthly Member Club   ‡ The Neil E. Ellenoff Legacy Fund
John Olander and                             Fred and Betsy Sokol                      Mr. Aldo J. Barbaglia
 Margery Turner                              James and Valerie Solon                   Sara Barkan
Ms. Mary Papa                                Adrienne and Matthew Speed                Mr. and Mrs. Michael and
Janie and Larry Pellish                      Dr. Michael Stamm                          Lissa Barry
Dr. and Mrs. William H. and                  Jeffrey Stein                             Elliott Bird
 Katharina Perlow                            Tracey Stein                              Dr. and Ms. Bernard Brachfeld
Ann and Marty Phillips                       Mario Steinvurzel                         Pamela Burger
Frieda and Neal Pilson                       Helen J. Stoddard                         Helene and Don Calman
Beth Pinals                                  Mingo Stroeber,                           Gene S. and
Gerald and Constance Pirrung                  Michael Galenski                          Justyna M. Carlson
Eric M Plakun and                            Bette Sue and                             Sally Chamberlin Cook
 Deborah Buccino                              Lawrence Rosenthal                       Diane Christie
Ms. Dale Marie Prenatt                       Robert Sullivan and                       Richard and Nancy Ciempa
 in memory of The Countess, Maureen          Christine Curtain
 Stanton                                                                               J Clark
Donna Prince                                 Lenore and Paul Sundberg                  The Clarks
Paul and Sharon Raverta                      Susan Sussman                             Dr. Susan Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Reback                  Ellen and Leonard Tabs                    Christian J. Dewailly and
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rech                 Lauren Tanen                               Elizabeth Garger
Joe and Carol Redfield                       TechPar Group                             Susan Diamond
                                              in memory of Maureen Stanton            Mr. Ritchie Dion
Ms. Pamela Reznick                           Catherine and
Donnie Richman                                                                         Mr. Stanley Dobin
                                               Henry Terwedow
Ms. Margaret Riley                                                                     Jen Drew and Steve Boris
                                             Mr. Richard T Tibbetts
Mr. Chris Rohmann                                                                      Christine Dwyer
                                             Kip and Margot Towl
Maryellen Ropelewski                                                                   Mr. Michael Eck
                                             Tryon Family Foundation
Irvin Rosenthal and                                                                    Jack Egan
                                             Michael G. and Joan L. Ury
 Ruth Jarmul                                                                           Paula Farbman
 in honor of David Lloyd and Meg            John and Holly Valente                    William Feldman
 Mortimer                                    Michelle Vayer                            Karel Fisher
Syrille and Paul Rosman                      Dr. and Mrs. George Vazakas               Mr. Patrick Flynn
Joe and Colleen Rossi                        Tom Viola                                 Ms. Bonnie Forgash
Robyn Roth-Moise and                         Mr. and Mrs. Chester and                  Richard and Laura Fredricks
 David J. Moise                                Madeline Vogel
                                                                                       Ellen and Bill Friedman
Emma Rothenberg                              Philip and Lois Volastro
                                                                                       Laurie Sue Gallagher
Dr. and Mrs. Michael and                     Jonathan Wagner
 Dede Rothenberg                                                                       Barb and Steve Garrity
                                             Larry and Judy Weber
Amber Rowling                                                                          Alan and Susan Geisler
                                             Barney and Sandy Weinstein
Suzanne Rubin                                                                          Ken and Nancy Gilbert
                                             Laura and Barry Weiss
Debbie and Eric Ruder                                                                  Joseph and Elizabeth Gingras
                                             Steven and Amy Wendt
Pamela Sandler Architect LLC                                                           Mrs. Jennifer Glockner
                                             Allison Whiting
Marshall Sanft and                                                                     Jose A. Gonzalez Jr.
                                             Trudy Whitman and
 Frances St Peter-Sanft                        Alan Nisselson                          Holly Goodrich
Carol and Matthew Scharff                    Anne Wichman                              Burton Grad and
Roger and Denise Scheurer                                                               Carol Anne Ances
                                             Carl and Winifred Wilhelm
Ms. Abbie J. von Schlegell                                                             Sue and Gary Gulbranson
                                             Bob and Karin Wiseman
Steven and Ronnie Schnoll                                                              David Hagerty
                                             Judy and Irwin Wrubel
Dr. Joan Schuman                                                                       Susan M. Haltmaier
                                             Linda and Chuck Yanikoski
Robert Schwartz                                                                        Mr. Laurence Hausman
                                             Dr. Louis Yves Korman
Mr. Nick Sedelnik                                                                      Ed and Cindy Helitzer
                                             Mr. Paul J. Zdanis
Dianne Selditch and                                                                    Eliza Hewat
                                             Christine and Ray Zelehoski
 Benjamin Zelermyer                                                                    Alessandro and
                                             Cheryl Zellman
Bernice Shainman and                           in memory of Gwenn Evitts               Sarah Degregori
 Joan S Zegras                               Ms. Liz Zieminski                         Ms. Jurian Hughes
Kenneth and Mari Share                          In memory of “The Countess” Maureen   Alphonse and Mary Ignoto
                                              Stanton for the Ritchie DuPont
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sherman                  Scholarship                              Richard K Jewett
Warren Sherman                               Sherry and Jeffrey Zukoff                 William C. Jones, Jr.
Gary and Mary Shipp                          Richard and Gloria Zupcak                 Tara and Tony Kalish
                                                                                        Designated toward The Richie Dupont
Marc Siegel and Andy Traines                                                            Scholarship Award in Memory of
Doris Simon                                                                             Maureen Stanton
                                             $50-$99                                   Marilyn Kaltenborn
Ms. Laurie Singer and
 Mr. David Buchler                           Dr. and                                   Flora Karbelnik
Marcia Slaminsky                              Mrs. John James Ayres                    Armand and Gloria Katz
Debbie and Ashley Smith                      Mrs. Bev Bader                            Susan Kirkpatrick
Catherine Regina Smith                       Anonymous                                 Edwin and Roselyn Kolodny
                                              In honor of all BTG Volunteers

* in Memoriam   † Monthly Member Club ‡ The Neil E. Ellenoff Legacy Fund         www.berkshiretheatregroup.org           | 32
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