Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa

Page created by Michelle Smith
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
August 2018

Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat
The Paparoa Lions Bush Walkway from The Village Green to Pahi Road is closed until further notice. This was a hard decision to
make but due to the extreme wet and muddy conditions we must ensure we do not introduce any kauri dieback into the area.
We remain very cautious and feel that closing the track until conditions improve is essential.
As many walking tracks close, temporarily or otherwise, there has been much publicity about kauri dieback disease.
Kauri dieback is caused by a fungus-                                                                                  to fully or partly close selected
like organism Phytophthora taxon                                                                                      tracks to help prevent the spread of
Agathis (PTA).       According to                                                                                     kauri dieback.
authorities, the biggest spreaders                                                                                    Meanwhile, the Kauri Bushmen’s
of the disease are humans so it                                                                                       Reserve in Sterling Road is one of
is paramount to educate people                                                                                        those DOC walks which are closed
about good hygiene practices                                                                                          while a boardwalk is being built and
when going into the bush in order                                                                                     a wash/hygiene station installed.
to try and stop the spread of the                                                                                     This work is in an effort to keep this
disease.                                                                                                              kauri reserve clean of the dieback
The organism thrives in wet and                                                                                       disease!
moist conditions and therefore          Jim Rowlands at The Village Green entrance to the Lions Walkway, Paparoa      The Lions bushwalk in Paparoa
spreads on walkers’ muddy                                                                                             Village will open again when it's
footwear. Best practice is to arrive at will be working to better understand the drier underfoot. Plans are also afoot to
where you are going to walk in bush disease in order to control or prevent it.                                cover the slippery parts of the existing
areas with clean footwear. It is essential Once in place, the NPMP will mean boardwalks with mesh. Work is ongoing
to use the cleaning station facilities that consistent rules for managing kauri to help keep our bush free of the disease.
provided before entering public bush dieback disease will apply nationally and                                                                      Paparoa Lions
areas. We need to do all we can to enjoy have a more co-ordinated and long-term
what we have but also to preserve our approach. Planned to be in place before
kauri bush for future generations.            the end of this year there will be more
The 'Accelerating Protection for Kauri information available to the public. It
Project' involves a team of virus control is vital that New Zealanders and visitors
experts and scientists working together alike know and understand what kauri
in consultation with the public to dieback disease is about. DOC's website
develop a National Pest Management (
Plan (NPMP). This will give kauri the /2018/proposal-to-close-tracks-to-
highest protection available under protect-kauri) has more information
the Biosecurity Act of 1993. The Kauri and is open for public submissions until
Dieback Strategic Science Advisory Group August 10 to have your say on proposals                                New boardwalk at Kauri Bushman's Reserve, Sterling Rd.

    Finding a sustainable future for Totara House
                                                 The Kauri Museum in Matakohe cares for many unique treasures.
                                                 We share the stories these treasures represent with our local, national and
                                                 international visitors. The Museum is a charity that receives neither local
                                                 government nor central government funding.
                                                 One of the jewels in our crown is our one-of-a-kind home, Totara House.
                                                 This 1896 kauri villa, set in a glorious prize-winning garden, stands across
                                                 the valley from The Kauri Museum. It was built by local builders Samuel
                                                 and Edward Cooksey for George and Emily Smith. Made of timber milled
                                                 at the family sawmill at the bottom of the road, Totara House was home to
                                                 George and Emily and their family of eight children. Access to the choicest
                                                 pieces of kauri timber at the mill resulted in the creation of the magnificent
   wall panelling which lines George and Emily’s billiard room - panelling that is unparalleled in any existing home. Totara
   House remained lived in by George and Emily’s children until 2013 when Mavis Smith passed away aged 102 years.
   The Kauri Museum has always had a strong connection with Totara House. It was in the kitchen, over a cup of tea, in front
   of the range, that the idea for the museum was proposed. The Smith family worked closely with Mervyn Sterling and the
   wider community on the museum project. Their commitment to local history was complete when they bequeathed Totara
   House and its contents to the Museum.
                                             How will The Kauri Museum sustain Totara House's future? ... continued page 2
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
2      PP                                                                         Paparoa Press

                         PP       Totara House future? ... cont'd from front page
                                  Listed as an Historic Place Category 2 with Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga the covenant
                                  provides long term protection for the property. However, Totara House has no endowment
                                  for maintenance and its listing with Heritage New Zealand also provides no revenue.
                                  As an important part of our       •	Re-purposing the Heritage       by      the      Museum
                                  collecton The Kauri Museum           House as a study house -        Board or a heritage-
                                  is tasked with both the care         not open for the general        sympathetic third party.
                                  of the house and its unique          public but accessed on          These ideas require refining
                                  collection of family heirlooms       a semi-regular basis for        to suit an historic home in a
                                  and stories.                         educational          purposes   rural location - with marvellous
                                  There is a summer 'open              (workshops,       community     harbour views!
                                  season' where visitors are           groups,          architecture
                                                                       students)                       We need input from our
                                  welcomed and taken on a                                              community to establish a
                                  tour through the house. At        •	Re-purposing for a non-
                                                                       house museum use e.g. a         sustainable future for this
                                  all other times the house and                                        uniquely Kaipara treasure.
                                  gardens are opened for visitors      library, guest house, shop,
                                  on request. Unfortunately            educational        classroom,   Please send through any
                                  income raised from admission         storage or office space         thoughts and impressions that

Place your                        activities is insufficient to
                                  sustain the upkeep of Totara
                                                                    •	Co-stewardship or a co-
                                                                       operative partnership with
                                                                                                       you might have by email to:

 Ad here                          House.
                                  We have to think differently
                                                                       another organisation that
                                                                       has similar preservation
                                                                                                          or contact CEO Lisa Tolich or
                                                                                                         Collections Manager Curator
                                                                                                                      Dr Tracey Wedge
                                  about how we can preserve         • Adaptive use administered                 by phone 09 431 7417
reaching your community           the house and its stories for
   for only $25/month             future generations - and we
all proceeds from advertising     need your help!
go toward community projects
                                  Heritage experts have thought       Paparoa Press
contact Paparoa Press
                                  about the plight of buildings
                                  in similar situations overseas.     National Poetry Day competition
                                  Donna Harris, in her book
                                                                      To celebrate National Poetry Day 24th August 2018 the
     09 431 7209                  ‘New Solutions for House
                                                                      Paparoa Press is running a poetry/song lyric competition.             Museums’, makes a number of
                                  recommendations:                      Three categories: primary school age, secondary, and
                                                                        The topic is 'an aspect of our kauri' and' the stories
                                                                        around our association with it'. Get inspired!
                   ENJOY OUR
        W i n t er S pe c i al s                                       Go to The Kauri Museum for even more inspiration.
                                                                       Then get writing!
                                                                        Poems/song lyric entries can be dropped off or emailed
                                                                        from the 24th August until the end of the month.

                                                                        Email to the press directly at or

                                                                        drop into the poetry box at Skelton’s Drapery.
                                                                       Winning entries will, of course, be published in the press!

   &Wi n e
                                                                       Interesting prizes will be up for winning!
                                                                          In the words of Sam Hunt ...

                                                                      		      “Tell the story,

      Lu n c h
                                                                      		        tell it true -
                                                                      		        charm it crazy.”

                                     Enjoy a delicious
                                   meal served with a
                              Glass of House Wine or a
                                                                        Books @ Ruawai                 5 Freyberg Rd, Ruawai
                                        Handle of Beer                 Selling
                                                                       2 MONTHSsecondhand  books andSALE!!
                                                                                    of our WINTER    music
                                                                        1/2 price books and 'Fill a bag with books' for $5
Thursday & Friday Delicious home-made Pie,
                                              YOUR CHOICE
                                                                       Open: Monday Tuesday .......................... 9-12 noon
                     Paparoa Pub Sausage,                                    Wednesday Thursday Friday...........2-4pm
11am - 1 pm            Zucchini Corn Fritters                                Every Saturday............................... 10am-1pm
                                                                                       Ph 09 439 2044
• PA PA ROA HOT E L •                                                           027 200 5653 or 022 073 9752
        w w (09) 431 7359                                      Please 'like' Books at Ruawai on Facebook!
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
Paparoa Press                                                                                            PP     3

PTA Quiz Night - It's for the children
A sensational night was had by all at Paparoa Primary School's
PTA Quiz night, held at the Sports Pavilion. There was an amazing
                                                           turnout and a plethora           St John Otamatea
                                                           of support given by              Paparoa –
                                                           the community in the
                                                           run-up to the event.             Maungaturoto –
                                                           A massive thank you to           Kaiwaka
                                                           the organising committee
                                                           and all who support this
                                                           fantastic school.
                                                           Stay tuned for our
 The winners: The Irish team: Pete Hames, Mark Pilkington, school’s next big event
                                                                                            Thank you
  Libby Jones, Catherine Pilkington, Di and Graham Cairns
                                                           - 'Possum Purge Prize-           In your area this year to date, your
giving and Gala Day on 9 September at the Showgrounds.
                                                           Simon Schuster, Principal        generous donations helped support

                      White Rock Gallery                                                    406 emergency incidents attended
                      exhibits at Gumdiggers
                  Thanks to the generosity of the business owners                           approximately 1,220 hours
of Gumdiggers Cafe at Matakohe our White Rock artists now have
a continuous display of their lovely work on the walls of this café.                        on the road
It will be refreshed every eight weeks so that the public sees a
selection of each and every artist's work. Naturally it would be
great to return the generosity of these folk and support them in                            31,364 km covered
return. They serve GREAT COFFEE and delicious home baking, so
if you are feeling a bit of `cabin fever’, what better way to spend
a morning than to browse the Kauri Museum shop which also                                   Find out how you can help at
sells some of our members crafts, then enjoy a coffee over the
road at The Gumdiggers. Small communities like ours need to                       
support each other, so spread yourselves around folks and give
our businesses a helping hand too.                            Janice

                            Defibrillator at g.a.s.                                          COMMUNITY GRIEF AND LOSS TALK
                        New signage for the defibrillator situated
                                                                                                             KAIPARA HOSPICE
                        at g.a.s. Paparoa has been provided for by
                        Paparoa Lions. Pictured is Amandeep Singh                                    •   Overview
                        (known as Aman) at the current location.                                     •   Impact and Influences on Loss and Grief
                        The unit was first installed at g.a.s. Paparoa                               •   Children’s Grief
                        in 2015 and was a joint fundraising                                          •   Supporting others
                        venture between many of our wonderful                                        •   Self-Care
                        local organisations (Otamatea Repertory
                        Theatre, Paparoa Lions, Matakohe Music                         DATE:     October 18th 2018
Makers and Eccentric Ukekeles, and made possible with a grant                          VENUE:    Paparoa Sports Pavillion
from the Lloyd Morgan Lions Charitable Trust, plus a discount on                       TIME:     1-4pm with afternoon tea provided
the original unit purchase price from Maungaturoto St Johns).                          FACILITATOR: Josie Scott
The unit is accessible during                                                          RSVP:     Lisa (09)4393330 ask for Hospice or Extn 6716
business hours BUT after hours                                                                                or email
you should call 111. Once
attached to the patient the unit
is programmed to provide simple
and effective instructions. As heart
attacks can happen anywhere and
anytime, we are lucky to have one
in Paparoa, although we hope that
we don’t have to use it!                                                                    & CUTZ
Defibrillators are also available at:                                                     Ladies & Mens Cuts
   Paparoa Rural Fire Force - 5 Depot Rd, Paparoa                                         Colours & Highlights
   Matakohe War Memorial Hall - External Wall Cabinet                                     Perms
   Pahi - Pahi Beach Holiday Park at the camp office and also                             Weddings
          the secure alarmed external cabinet                                             Gift Vouchers
   Whakapirau - north side of toilet block by tennis courts                                         Salon 431 7255
                   external cabinet, 24 The Strand                                                 Gaye 021 115 8056
   AND at five sites in Maungaturoto:
    Medical Centre, Carters, St John Ambulance, Fire Station,                                     Open Tuesdays to Saturdays
    and Triple One Care Northland, 44 Hurndal Street East                               Call in or Ph for Appts - 1994 Paparoa Valley Road
                                 Lawrie Stevens, Paparoa Lions Club
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
4      PP                                                                                          Paparoa Press

                                       Libby's Councillor Corner

 Sheppard                              THE      CITIZEN'S     AWARDS         THE KAIPARA DISTRICT PLAN
                                                                                                                          Fun Dog
                                       POLICY has been updated.
                                       It outlines the process for
                                                                             explains how Council will
                                                                             manage the environment,
                                                                                                                          Day Out
                                       recognising people living in          what activities people can                   The first-ever Paparoa 'Fun
  electrical installation              our district who have, by             do as of right (permitted                    'Dog Day Out' is planned
     and maintenance                   personal      leadership,    ins-     activities), which activities                for Sunday 14 October by
                                       piration, sacrifice or devotion       need resource consent (non-                  Paparoa Hall committee.
   Bill Sheppard                       to a cause, made a significant        permitted       activities)   and                          With categories
                Electrician            contribution to the well-being        how certain activities may be                                such as cutest
                                       of the Kaipara district and its       carried out. Council will begin                                 puppy, best
                                       citizens. There are people in         the District Plan review this                                  tricks, junior
              021 975 618              our area who could be eligible        year. Like all local government                              handler, looks
                                or     for such recognition, so who          processes it will not happen                              most-like-owner,
      a/h 09 431 7196                  could you put forward for a           overnight, but the first focus                                best-dressed,
                                       Citizen's Award? Nominations          will be on growth areas with                    scruffiest, waggiest tail ...
                                       open 1 August and close 31            potential for re-zoning.                            all dogs can have a go.
                                       August. For more information          This means that certain                      The event is open to any
                                       see KDC website.                      permitted activities, such as                dog as long as they are kept
Keith the TV Guy                                                                                                          under control and on a lead
                                       RATES FOR THE YEAR have               residential development may
   Freeview digital TV                 been set and rates accounts           change across the district in                at all times. Demonstrations
                                       will be out soon. Average rates       response to the need for more                of agility, obedience and
                   20 TV and
                   9 Radio/Music       increases are not as high as          residential housing. I know                  'Rallyo' will be given by
                   channels are        originally anticipated (refer the     this has been a frustration for              local experts and then the
                   currently being     draft Long Term Plan), but with       some people wanting to do                    courses opened to visitors.
                   transmitted.        property revaluations there           local development and I'm                    Bring your
                   Satellite dishes,   will be a range of increases          pleased to say that as the small             dog, enter the
                   decoders, cable     across the district. Council          towns in Otamatea (Kaiwaka,                  categories and
                   etc., supplied      has a 'rates rebates scheme'          Maungaturoto and Paparoa)                    have fun.
                   and installed.      for those on low incomes and          are experiencing significant                 Register your
                                       I recommend you contact               growth they can expect to be                 interest: call at
        09 431 7143                    Council staff if you think you        part of this review.                         Skelton's Drapery or email
      or 021 239 4251                  or your community group may                                 Libby Jones  
                                       qualify for this help.                    Otamatea Ward Councillor

     roa rkedirectr
                       t               Hotel's midwinter Xmas dinner a winner
   pa ma ods duce                                                                              We enjoyed a delicious and happy evening out on the
 pa ers Local gtohe Pro                                                                        Paparoa Hotel's Thirsty Tui weekend of their mid-winter
  rm     fro
fa                                                                                             Christmas dinner promotion. Scallop mornay, the chef's
                                                                                               speciality pate, 'French classic' duck, beef eye fillet
                                                                                               and Xmas pudding or poached pears were all fabulous.
                                                                                               Scallop mornay is now on the regular menu as are two
                                                                                               new desserts, rich and creamy rice pudding and poached
                                                                                               pears with ice cream and butterscotch schnapps, while
                                         Colin Wrenall & Graham Taylor with restaurant manager lamb shanks are the weekend 'special'. Good winter
  EVERY SATURDAY                                        Lakhwinder Singh (Lucky)               warmers. The hotel kitchen is getting great accolades!
        9am-noon                       Of note, the hotel has a new portrait display of woodchoppers photographed at the Paparoa
   at the Village Green                A&P show earlier this year by hotel owners Pam and Chris, professional photographers, which
      ph Ruth 021 433 969
                                       complements and links the hotel to The Kauri Museum's woodchopping media displays. Pam was
                                       one of the judges of The Kauri Museum's Northland Photography Awards.                                          PP

                                        WAYNE & ANNETTE

                                       09 439 2020                                     4T-DIGGER – BOBCAT – TIP TRUCK
                                                                                     Property Maintenance – Driveways – Building Sites
                                                                                   Stump & Tree Removal – Hole Boring – Chain Trencher
                 Dry Aged Beef Specialists                                                   Calf Shed and Stockyard Cleaning

  Traditional Manuka wood smoked Bacon & Ham                                            KAIPARA – WHANGAREI – RODNEY
                             No Retail                                                     Phone Matt: 021 199 6677
                            TOKA TOKA                                              Email:
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
Paparoa Press                                                                                                       PP     5

  Progressive Paparoa Inc (PPI)
  As PPI approaches its 20th year of existence it can be satisfied
  with what has been achieved for the Paparoa community and
  surrounding area. Much of what makes Paparoa special is due to
  programmes and facilities initiated by PPI over these years.
  Paparoa Walkway - PPI has the gardens and plantings
  worked closely with Paparoa around the village. As it has
  Lions to maintain and enhance become difficult to engage
  this, including the pest control sufficient volunteer labour,
  undertaken by volunteers. A a local person has recently
  'Contract for Service' with KDC been appointed to undertake
  has assured maintenance but necessary maintenance. This
  ongoing financial top-up is still should work well but will
  required by Lions and PPI. The require ongoing funding.
  walkway is closed this winter The website,
  to prevent the spread of kauri is a source of information for
  dieback disease.                   locals and visitors. Keeping

                                                                                                   Winter community dinner

  Saturday's Paparoa Farmers it updated and current is a
  Market is a major social and challenge. Paul Edlin willingly
  economic event. Up to $800 in supports and administers the                                       It was full-house at the mid-winter community dinner run
  cash is dispensed weekly from website.                                                           by the Paparoa Sports and Recreation Association. The
  the market eftpos machine. Community Charitable Trust                                            organisers served a lovely roast followed by self-saucing
  Socially it's a draw-card from Lifestyle Village project is a                                    pudding to the 70 guests. Money raised goes towards
  which other businesses in the work in progress and PPI keeps                                     maintenance of the Sports Pavilion building. It was great
  village can benefit.               a watching brief on it.                                       to see new faces, as well as regulars, and many new
  Paparoa Print Shop, operated Construction               of      an                               connections were made.
  by Skelton's Drapery is a Information Kiosk for the                                              Thanks to all those who attended and of course to those
  valuable service. As well as Village Green is under                                              who donated food and cooked the meal. We will host a
  printing Paparoa Press and planning by PPI in conjunction                                        further community dinner later in the year. If you're new
  Maungaturoto Matters it offers with Paparoa Lions. Progress                                      to the area contact Libby 021 208 0093 to make sure you
  printing discounts for local is slow while awaiting KDC and                                      are notified, or look out for notices in The Press, Proudly
  organisations and generates a NZTA approvals.                                                    Paparoa Facebook page or posters around the village.
  steady financial surplus for PPI. Village traffic speed control
  Paparoa Press is PPI's flagship measures are under discussion
  publication which reflects the and liaison with both KDC and

egional News
  strengths and character of our NZTA. This is also on-going.
  community. Local businesses PPI funds are used for
  rely on it for advertising and community projects.
  local organisations depend on
  PP to spread word of activities Thanks to the PPI committee
  and upcoming events.               for their ongoing support and
                                     hard work. Other dedicated
  Community events which people who work on PPI's
  PPI has supported include behalf              include     treasurer
  community gala days and the Maurice              Kirton,     Robyn
  summer 'Community Pot Luck Skelton (The Print Shop), Sally
  Picnic'. These events help Taylor (Paparoa Press) and
  bring people together for low Ruth Mason, Helen Cairns,
  cost fun occasions.                Mike Dale and Scott Lulham                                    2088 Paparoa Valley Road,
  Village       gardens        and (Paparoa Farmers' Market).
  plantings PPI continues to                           Graham Taylor
  support efforts to enhance          Chair Annual Report July 2018                                0800 234449
                                                                                                                                    No 1 Premium
                                                                                                   E:            Round Posts
                                                                                                                                        @ 1.8
    17 Pahi Rd, RD1, Paparoa, Northland. Ph: 09 431 6515 Email:

                                                                                                                                    $13.40 + GST
  Set in a quiet rural area, within easy walking distance to picturesque
  village with shopping facilities, a general store & post office, service
   station, restaurant, friendly country pub, takeaways, café, gallery,
            bush walks. Only 6kms to the Matakohe Museum.
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
6        PP                                                                           Paparoa Press

     KMU SURVEYS LTD Winter         Workshops ...                                                         ... at Empire Art &
                     With FOLK on a winter break, Empire will be flying
                                           solo for a few weeks. Jillaine, owner and operator
                                           of Empire, has organised some crafty workshops and
                                           events to ensure locals still get to catch up with each
     Ken Urquhart                          other around the communal table and have the opportunity to learn some new skills if they want.
      Licensed                             The workshops are free but a gold coin koha to go towards materials would be appreciated.
       Cadastral                           THE SCHEDULE OF AUGUST EVENTS IS AS FOLLOWS:
        Surveyor                           Olive oil tasting Sat 4 August       and can be entered into the       project to work on if you want.
                                           Arapiak        (Kaipara      spelt   individual flag category in the   Mixed crafts Sun 19 August
             09 431 8705                   backwards) Oils is an exciting       Gala Day bunting competition.     10-1pm
                                           local artisan product. Come          Ideally we would love to hold
            021 161 2344                                                        this workshop every year and      This is a relaxed workshop
                                           along between 10-12 to taste                                           where you can try your hand             test this lovely local product.      add to the bunting each time.
                                                                                Sewing machines, fabrics and      at different things. We have
                                           Zine making Sun 5 August 10-1        other bits and bobs will be       a lady teaching crochet,
                                           So, what is a zine? Wikipedia        provided, however you are         someone else making weird
            Painter &                      defines it as "a small circulation
                                           self-published work of original
                                                                                welcome to bring along your
                                                                                own if you want to. BYO Lunch.
                                                                                                                  dolls and someone else doing
                                                                                                                  small craft projects like key
            Decorator                      or appropriated texts and
                                           images usually reproduced            Potluck lunch II Sat 18 August
                                                                                                                  rings and bookmarks. Or you
                                                                                                                  can simply bring your own
                                           via photocopier". This Zine          As for 11 August, bring your      craft project to work on at the
     Tradesman's quality                   workshop will help you to            lunch and catch up with           communal table. BYO Lunch.
       work guaranteed                     make your own handcrafted            neighbours. Bring a craft                          Jillaine Murray.
                      ·   Interior         production. If you BYO scissors,
                      ·   Exterior
                                           we will provide all the other
                                           materials, you don't NEED to
                      ·   Spray finishes   bring anything else, although          Indoor Show committee outing
                      ·   Roofs            you are welcome to bring
                      ·   Waterblasting    images or text or special paper        At the end of June 14 members of the Paparoa A&P Show
                                           if you want to include them in         indoor committee had a very enjoyable social gathering for
            For your free quote            your zine. BYO lunch ... and           morning tea at The Village Caf in Paparoa.
  021 7727 66
        call Mike 021 529 025              lets make zines!
                                           Potluck lunch Sat 11 August
                                           BYO coffee, tea, sandwich or

                                           whatever you fancy for lunch,
            021 7727 66                    hang out at the communal
                                           table and catch up with your
                                           neighbours. Bring a craft
                                           project to work on if you want.
      Kaiwaka to Ruawai                    Bunting Flag/Pennant making
                                           Sun 12 August 10-1pm
     ● 30 years’ experience                The idea is to create a set of
     ● All plumbing services               bunting made by members of
       including new housing               our community, to be used as
                                           decoration on our November
                                                              Many of the ladies present have given a lot of their time
       and maintenance                     Gala Day Paparoa. Make an
                                                              and expertise to the show over a long period of time and all
                                           individual bunting flag or
                                                              deserve a heartfelt 'thank you'.
        Andrew Kenny                       pennant to add to the Gala Day
                                                              In particular we gathered to thank Dorothy Quaife who has
                                           bunting. Your flag or pennant
         ph   027 642 8320                                    stood down from her role on the committee after many years
                                           can be any shape or size,
                                                              of involvement with the show.
                                                              Her valued service began in
                                                              1962 when she was involved
                                                              with the Country Women’s
                                                              Institute stand and latterly she
                                                              has been the chief steward for
                                                              the Floral Section of the show.
     021 7727 66                                              You will be missed Dorothy.
                                                              Over coffee and muffins we
ction, Alterations, Renovations or General repairs            put the finishing touches onto
                                                              the Indoor Schedule for next
                               021 7727 66                    year’s show, which will be held
                                                              on Saturday February 2. The            Dorothy Quaife
 House Construction, Alterations, Renovations or General repairs
                                                              schedule will be available soon
       House Construction, Alterations,                       on our website
                                                              All agreed that we should have outings like this more often -
       Renovations or General Repairs                         it was a great morning.                           Stella Clyde
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
Paparoa Press                                                                                           PP      7

What's going on at The Museum
Thank you to all the volunteers who help us to run our extensive
programme of events and activities. There is something for                            What's on
                                                                                             on at
                                                                                                at your
                                                                                                   your Museum
everyone and we look forward to seeing you again soon.                               What’s
DIY HOLIDAY PROGRAMME                                                                   MATARIKI
                                                                               * Northland    Photography
                                                                                                     - 18 JUNEAwards
                                                                                                                 - 19 JULY10  Aug
The theme for the do-it-                                                       *  Settler's Day 6 October
yourself July school holiday                                                  ‘OTAMATEA’ Primary Schools displaying the use of traditional and
workshop programme was                                                          Exhibitions:
                                                                                 non-traditional materials to celebrate the Maori New Year.
to make jewellery from                                                       * Northland Photography Awards from 10 Aug
recycled materials. In line                                                  * Tudor
                                                                           FREE Entry toCollins - Manforofresidents
                                                                                         the Museum        Many Faces
                                                                                                                    of the Old Otamatea
with our Ngā Ika o Otamatea                                                  * Textiles   - A Touch of  Lace
Matariki exhibition (featuring
                                                                          FREE ENTRY to the museum for residents of the old Otamatea District
work from local primary
schools), the basis of the                                                5 Church Road, Matakohe, Northland. p: 09 431 7417 w:
jewellery made by our young
crafts people was fish shapes
cut from plastic bottles out of the rubbish skip. Fishy badges,
brooches and pendants adorned with sparkling stones, sequins
                             7417 or visit
                                             and other sparkly objects      Coming events at The Museum
                                             were proudly produced by
                                             the younger group to be        SETTLERS DAY
                                             gifts for family members.      Saturday 6 October, The Kauri Museum’s big day for all the
                                             Older students were talked     family. The theme for 2018 is ‘Revolution of Industry’ and
                                             through the process of         there will be demonstrations, activities, entertainment,
                                             making fish leather from       competitions, food stalls, and numerous special stallholders
                                             snapper skins and then         showcasing their trades and crafts.
                                             they made pendants using       DIY SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS
                                             leather cut from skins         Ceramics and pottery making 3 and 10 October.
                                             already dyed and cured.
                                                                            OTAMATEA QUILTER’S ANNUAL EXHIBITION
                                                                            19 October until 18 November.
‘The Everyday Apron’, run over the last few months has
now been replaced with our new textiles exhibition
‘A Touch of Lace for every Occasion’, which runs until 11
November and features stunning examples of lace work. Ranging
from domestic items such as tablecloths, to wedding and

                                                                              YOUR TYRE
christening gowns, socks and collars, the display includes some
exquisite pieces of Victorian and Edwardian women’s fashion.


A large increase in entries by the closing date was a very satisfying
outcome for the organisers in this second year of the competition.
By the time this edition of the Press goes to print, the judges will
have chosen their finalists and the works will be in preparation
for exhibition at the museum. The winners will be announced
and presented with their prizes at our opening function on the
evening of 10 August.                                                         Providing 60
                                                                                        59 years of service
All entries will be available to view online where voting for the
Tudor Collins People’s Choice Award can also be undertaken.                   in the heart of Kaipara.
The winner will not be announced until 7 October when the
exhibition closes.
                                                                              • Tyres               • Brakes     • Wheel
                                                                              • WOF                 • Suspension Balancing
                                                                              • Servicing           • Alignment            • Batteries

                                                                              Garnetts Tyre Service
                                                                                  2 Gorge Rd, Maungaturoto
                                                                                  09 431 8255
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
8      PP                                                                        Paparoa Press

Real                               Winter sale - books, books and more books!
                                   Every book you ever wanted in order to find out about anything, or a good novel are amongst the
Estate                             huge range of books lying in wait at Books@Ruawai. Owner Robyn Dormer and her shop manager
                                   Sue have so many books in stock right now they are having a massive 2 months' sale.
Report                             This is a busy
                                   shop       where
Winter is certainly with us        there is much                                                                    r e l i g i o n ,
and all the cold and rain          to       discover                                                                literature,
makes for a rather slow real       amongst       the                                                                b i o g ra p hy,
estate market and of course        packed shelves.                                                                  animals, science,
we're all looking forward to       A l t h o u g h                                                                  archeology. And
spring.                            situated        in                                                               the list goes on
While there is reasonable          'quiet' Ruawai                                                                   with      fitness,
enquiry for lower-end priced       there are always                                                                 health,       art,
property we have a real            visitors who find                                                                antiques, true
shortage of listings for both      it by     chance                                                                 crime, the NZ
houses and lifestyle blocks.       or who come                                                                      and Australian
It could be the perfect            having already heard about it.    It's a quiet place for browsing, writers sections and of course
time to take advantage and         There are online sales orders or you can chat to Sue and many children's books. There
get your property on the           to package up, displays to be Robyn and it's hard to leave are many DVD's and vinyl
market while there is very         attended to, and sorting of without seeing something records on sale which are often
little competition.                more cartons of books, pricing, you could purchase and take widely sought after these days.
While       interest     rates     and restocking shelves. A home! There's even a sofa to The shop extends over three
remain low it appears that         school     'gateway'   student set yourself down on. Word of adjacent shop spaces, the main
                                   comes in regularly to help out.   mouth brings in people from
with maturing Kiwisaver                                              all over the north and Ruawai shop, sales books displayed
contributions, first-home          Sue says 60% of their sales residents just love it.                on trestle tables in the old
buyers are able to access          are from their website link at Do make a visit. You will be butchery - where you can fill
such savings for initial  while the blown away by the shelves and a grocery bag for $5, and half-
deposits.                          remaining 40% are personal shelves of books - the wide price books in the other. Sales
                  Sheila Boon      shoppers. Touring cyclists range of fiction and of course, books are constantly being
    Licensed Agent REAA 2008       of all nationalities often the non-fiction - gardening, replenished.
   for Dargaville Realty Limited
           T/A Roper and Jones
                                   stop and linger for books travel, cookery, decorating See advert page 2 for opening
                                   en route.                         and DIY, crafts, accounting, hours Monday to Saturday. PP

                                                                       PPI proves it is progressive
                                                                       At its recent AGM Progressive Paparoa Inc took the unusual
                         Proudly Supporting Paparoa                    step of electing Jillaine Murray and Graham Taylor as co-
                                                                       chairs. Graham said he looked forward to sharing the
                                                                       role with Jillaine as he recognised she would bring new
      OPEN 7 DAYS                                                      perspectives to PPI.
      Monday-Saturday 7am-6pm,     Sunday 9am-5pm
                                                                       Graham Murray and Janice Booth were re-elected as
                                                                       Deputy Chair and Secretary respectively. Other committee
                                                                       members elected are Betty Cairns, Mary Stevens,
                                                                       Diane McKinstry, Ken Chambers, Pete Hames and Ian Miller.
                                                                       Maurice Kirton was reappointed as ex officio Treasurer and
                                                                       Stephen Jacques as Accounts Reviewer.                   PP

                     DVD’s $1 to $8 per night
           EFTPOS       NZ HERALD      POST CENTRE

                 Phone / Fax 431-7320
      Cnr. Franklin Road and State Highway 12
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
Paparoa Press                                                                                                             PP         9

Travels through Morocco                                                                                                       R & D MacDonald
Jan & Bruce Robertson of Whakapirau returned home in June
after a month of non-stop travelling through Morocco, Gibraltar,                                                                COMPUTERS
Spain and Portugal. Here is a small part of their travels as they
toured through Morocco with a group of around 20 other kiwis.                                                                      Call Ross with your
                                                                                                                              computer problems & repairs
Every day was a new adventure getting a taste of each country's                                                                He’ll even build a computer
culture and customs along with the varied landscapes along                                                                       to your specifications
the way - nothing relevant to home here! We spent 11 days in
Morocco getting an insight of the true Berber people who live
in the remote mountainous regions along with the Arabs who
invaded the country back in the 7th century, each retaining their                                                                                Ph 09 431 6221
distinctive customs.
Morocco is steeped                                         without the
in history. Ruins of                                       use of dogs                                                        email:
ancient towns built                                        and secured in
inside a medena                                            pens at night.
(fortified wall) date                                      At Erfoud we
from Roman and BC                                          rose at 3.30am      Jan & Bruce in traditional Berber dress
(Before Christ) times.                                     and rode in         Morocco is a country rich in
At Marrakech - the                                         4WD vehicles        minerals such as phosphate,
second oldest im-                                          to be met by        gold, copper, iron, silver, and
perial city known                                          a group of          precious stones. As there is no
                                                                                                                              ◦ Limestone & Metal Cartage
as the 'Pearl of                                           Berber people                                                      ◦ Truck & Digger Hire
                                                           (nomads        of
                                                                               welfare, every-one must fend                   ◦ Farm Roads          ◦ House Sites &
the South' - we                                                                for themselves.                                ◦ Earthwork & Dams driveways
participated in a                                          the     desert)                                                                          ◦ Wrapped Silage & Hay
cooking          lesson                                    and        their    For a third world country we                                         ◦ Cultivation
making a traditional                                       camels for a        were impressed with the high                                         ◦ Fencing & Mulching
Moroccan dish for                                          memorable           standard of roads and bridges.                                                Maize
                            Intricate patterns on                              French is the main language
a most enjoyable                                           camel       ride                                                                                  Silage
                              the Bahia Palace
lunch. We visited                                          up over the         spoken and vehicles are left-                                             planting &

numerous         historic                               spectacular pink,      hand drive. The women start                                               harvesting

buildings      including                                apricot, and rust      wearing a veil at 13-14 years
                                                                               old. NZ$1 was equivalent to                          09 431 7556
mosques, such as the                                    coloured sand                                                                021 720 590
Bahia Palace. We were                                   dunes in time for      7Dhm and petrol was 10Dhm
amazed at how they                                      sunrise.               per litre.
could have created                                      Later the same
such fine looking
buildings, decorated
                                                        day we visited                                                                 The
                                                        a fossil centre
with intricate patterns                                 where        rocks                                                          Glass Guy
in gold with coloured                                   containing many
tiles using only basic                                  crustacean
implements           and                                fossils       were                                                       Broken
nothing else but                                        embedded.
                              Dates in the markets
                                                        One piece of                                                               Window
From Marrakech to                                       rock had been
Quarzazate we drove
via Ait Ben Haddou,
                                                          ground       into
                                                          the shape of a                                                              Repairs
a former stop on                                          fish (an indent
'the Caravan Route'                                       in the body to
between The Sahara                                        hold     various          Moroccan carpet to bring home                  Phone Colin
and         Marrakech,                                    seasonings                                Jan Robertson                  09 431 6595
and then over the                                         such            as
Tizi-n-Tichka       Pass                                  mustard         or
(2,260m) in the                                           chutney), and
                                                          a snail fossil for

                                                                                 Tinopai Plasterers
Atlas Mountains, the
location of several                                       its eye.
movies and tv shows.                                      In the High Atlas
In     fertile    valley                                  Mountains
plains, between the                                       at Ifrane we             WE GUARANTEE THE HIGHEST QUALITY FINISH
High and Middle                                           came      across
Atlas       Mountains, Berber man with fossils at Erfoud a ski resort                                                    35 Years experience in...
cereal and vegetable                                      set     amongst
crops grew along with date a cedar forest.                              We                                               • GIB Stopping
palms and olives. We enjoyed visited a Moroccan carpet
snacking on locally grown fruit manufacturer,                       where                                                • Fibrous Plastering
especially watermelon, dried carpets are painstakingly hand-
dates and figs. Sheep could made into intricate patterns.
be seen grazing on unfenced We purchased a couple to                                                                     for FREE quote, call us now!
fields, even beside the roads, bring home as souvenirs of this                                                               Trevor 021 0300 073
herded all day by their owners fascinating country.
Tracks closed due to kauri dieback threat - Paparoa
10    PP                                                                                             Paparoa Press

              Powhiri welcome                                                       August gardening ...
              Term 3 began with a wonderful powhiri/welcome
              for our new principal, Mr Simon Schuster, and his                     August is the month to get onto growing some of your
              family.                                                               summer crop seeds in a sheltered warm environment. It
              It was great to meet some of Mr Schuster’s extended                   takes time for them to germinate and grow to good sized
family, colleagues, and students from Matarau School (Kamo,                         plants ready for Labour Weekend.
Whangarei) who travelled down to support him.                                       This year snails and slugs will be
                                                                                    worse than usual - if that's possible.
                                                                                    The rainy conditions make for such
                                                                                    a good breeding time! Those little
                                                                                    tiny conical snails also cause so
                                                                                    much damage and yet don’t get
                                                                                    knocked back by snail bait - so be
                                                                                    careful when starting your plants.
                                                                                    You can begin to think about sowing
                                                                                    peas and lettuce out in the garden.
                                                                                    Tomatoes, eggplant, runner beans
                                                                                    and capsicums, and also summer          Daffodils a first sign of spring
                                                                                    annuals can be sown if you have a plastic house or very
                                                                                    warm frost-free area. It’s also time to start sprouting your
                                                                                    seed potatoes as these will need to go in the ground in
                                                                                    September to be ready for Christmas.
                                                                                    To get good crops from your fruit trees make sure you feed
                                                                                    them in spring - use a mulch of old horse manure, sheep
                                                                                    pellets or even grass clippings around the root zone. This
                                                                                    will prevent drying out later on and also promotes worms
          Paparoa School welcomes Mr Simon Schuster on the first day of term 3      which aerate the soil. My lime tree has benefited from
On 31st July the whole school eagerly attended the Science Road-                    several possum bodies and produces a very large crop. I
show at Otamatea High School.                                                       bury them under the grass clippings!
We are training every day for our school cross country, which will                  Flowers - you can plant out stocks, pansies, poppies and
be held on Tuesday, August 14th, and we will be sending a team                      snapdragons. Enjoy your garden, the days will soon be
to the Bream Bay Cross Country on the 22nd.                                         warm again!                                                        Stella
                                                     Julie Harper

                                                                                              Sweet Orange Marmalade
                                                                                              This is a chunky sturdy marmalade that will not spread thinly
                                                                                              on your toast.
                                                                                     1.3-1.5kg navel or any sweet oranges
                                                                                     Juice of 2 lemons
                                                                                     1.6kg sugar
                                                                                     Optional - sachet jam setting mix
                                                                                        (navel oranges contain less pectin than grapefruit)
                     Pest Control
  PLAN A: One off treatments for specific pest problems                          Method:-
                                                                                  Put whole oranges, lemon juice with 2 litres of water in a large
  PLAN B: Full guaranteed maintenance Pest Control                                 preserving pan (keep fruit submerged with a large plate) and simmer
          service plans for commercial customers.                                  about 2 hours, or alternatively in a pressure cooker about 10mins, until
                                                                                   orange peel is soft.
  Upholstery cleaning                               Water Blasting                Pluck the oranges out of the hot liquid, cut in half on a chopping board
  Full upholstery cleaning of                                Concrete               and leave to cool.
  all furniture - lounge suites                               Decks               Scoop the insides out of the oranges leaving all the pith on the orange
          office chairs                          Tool & Equipment                   skin (if it's not too thick) and put the resulting pulp back into the liquid
                                                                                    in the pan. Boil 6 minutes. Strain through a sieve using a wooden spoon
        Carpet Care                                     Hire                        to push it through (you need this stuff for the pectin).
      Includes pre-spray                          Gardening & Building
                                                         Tools                    At this point you can divide the mix into 2 (unless you have a very large
     treatments with stain                                                          pan as when you boil the jam it may rise and cover your stove).
    removal and hot water                         Water blaster, Mower,
           extraction                                 Grinders etc                Cut the peel into matchsticks or shreds and add half of this to your
  Patch repair also available                                                       liquid in the pot with half of the sugar. Stir while heating over low heat
                                                    Flood recovery                  until the sugar is dissolved (about 10min).
      House washing                                   Carpet Drying
                                                    Dehumidifier rental           Now boil hard for 15–20min – it should froth double or triple in size –
      Soft Chemical Wash                                                            DO NOT LEAVE IT at this stage – be careful not to let it stick to the
       Pre-painting Wash                             Full Commercial
                                                         Cleaning                   bottom and burn.
                                                                                  Do the usual setting checks – put a saucer in the fridge before you
                                                                                    start – and drop a gob of jam on it to see if it will set. Use Jam Set at
                                                                                    this point if it is not reaching setting point following the instructions.
                                                                                  Leave to cool slightly and pot into sterilised jars and cover immediately
                                                                                                      (Based on Jenny Nicholl's recipe– North and South Jan 2012
                                                                                                                   and reprinted in The Press from August 2015
Paparoa Press                                                                                                     PP    11

Walking The Great Wall for the Cancer Society
In January 2017, after a few months of living in Paparoa, I decided my life needed something else.
I'd had a significant birthday (21x2 and a bit!) and felt so spoilt, loved and blessed but wanted more.
Over several decades                                                                           sales, ticket sales for
I have lost some close                                                                         donated       Mother’s
friends to breast                                                                              Day      and      Easter
cancer and have                                                                                raffles, and then the
supported the annual                                                                           'crème de la crème'
October fundraising                                                                            was      when      Greg
breast cancer appeals                                                                          Murphy          donated
                                                                                                                                     Melanie Miller
by simply giving up my                                                                         three 'hot laps' for
time shaking a bucket                                                                          another raffle. I had
for two hours outside                                                                                                     approximately 8000km still
                                                                                               personal donations         intact; it was over 24,000km
our local supermarket.                                                                         from people in Dubai,      when built but over the
The feeling of needing                                                                         Spain, New York,           centuries has been damaged
to do more niggled.                                                                            England,        Madeira    by war or just worn away, and
Then I noticed the                                                                             - and Paparoa. I had       parts are in ruins. It would
Breast Cancer website                                                                          incredible      support    stretch from North Pole to
had some information                                                                           from Fulton Hogan,         South Pole! You can’t describe
that fitted me exactly.                                                                        Solar         Jewellery    how magnificent it is ... and
'Take Action' was an                                                                           Castrol, and many          how clean.
initiative to sign up                                                                          of my neighbours
and pledge to raise                 Melanie and friends on The Great Wall of China             and friends. The           The group I travelled with were
$3,500 to fight breast                                                                         encouragement was          unbelievable and I have made
cancer by joining others from      that it would feel like a 100km                   over-whelming. My husband            lifelong friends who are all of
New Zealand in May 2018 to         walk. Plus, I was going to do                     Russ was beside me all the           the same ilk - like minded and
walk The Great Wall of China.      something positive for a great                    way. I should be divorced, I         of course wanting fun. I was
                                   cause.                                            drove him nuts!                      really moved by others' stories
This fitted the bill exactly!                                                                                             of various cancer survival, and
I could get fit by doing the       I got on with training and                        The       trip     itself     was
                                                                                     extraordinary.                       of truly sad losses. That this
necessary training to walk         fundraising - both of which                                                            group of people (13 girls and
approximately 50km in five         I had never done before.                          After 17 months in the
                                                                                     planning and with travel             one chap, plus a GP) all wanted
days, including steps that         There were sausage sizzles,                                                            to do more and had done it,
could be so steep and worn         chocolate sales, Selini wine                      costs of $4,500, I was still
                                                                                     worried about China being a          united us all. We celebrated
                                                                                     third world nation and what          that we had done something
                                                                                                                          and our memories will last
Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT)                                                     would be the 'loo' situation
                                                                                     on The Wall! No one could
                                                                                     ease my worry - I have a PhD
                                                                                                                          all our lives. Our guide was
                                                                                                                          unique, professional, outgoing
A couple of months ago I talked about LED light therapy for skin                                                          and a great communicator.
rejuvenation and healing. Another scientifically proven modality is                  in Educational Psychology and
Collagen Induction Therapy.                                                          so the “you will be fine, think      I have raised $8,854.50 and
When it comes to improving                                                           about everyone else being in         our group has almost reached
skin health CIT is the most                                                          the same boat" … DID NOT             double the intended figures:
natural, effective, value for                                                        WORK!                                $138,000. I intend to get to
money skin treatment there                                                           However, I quickly learnt that       $10,000 so if anyone in Paparoa
is. There is NO injection into                                                       China is not only beautiful          would like to contribute go
the skin. Instead, by creating                                                       but is also immaculately clean       to the 'Take Action' page and
precise micro-injuries to the                                                        and in the main the 1.2 billion      put in my name: Takeaction.
skin, the treatment induces                                                          citizens have jobs, including Melanie Miller. Many
a self-repair process and                                                            keeping The Wall and its toilets     thanks for the support.
stimulaties new collagen                                                             clean. Once there I never once       Paparoa village is the best.
and elastin production. This                                                         worried about having 'to go'!
is important because by                                                              Today The Great Wall has                               Melanie Miller
                                  one of the most exciting things
the time we are 30, collagen about CIT. is that your skin will
production has slowed right continue to improve over the
down. CIT. is a way to 'remind' next 12 months as the new
the skin to make collagen the collagen and elastin settles,
way it used to.                   strengthens and rejuvenates
It’s a great treatment for fine your skin from within.
lines and wrinkles, skin tone Before committing to CIT.
and texture, loose and sluggish please make sure your skin
skin, enlarged pores, acne therapist does a thorough
scarring, and pigmentation. consultation to determine
The treatment can be done your skin’s suitability, explains
on most body parts including to you what happens during
face, neck, decolletage, hands, the treatment, guides you
stomach, legs and arms.           on before and after care, and
A question I am always asked works in a sterile field during
is “when will I see results?”. the treatment.
Visible results are evident 5-8                         Nina Quan
weeks after treatment and,             Skin Therapist, Skin Image
12   PP                                                                       Paparoa Press

What's happening at ORT                                            Hey, kids . . .
‘Into the Woods’ by Stephen        mid-to-late November with
Sondheim, directed by Peter
Flower. Thanks to all who
                                   rehearsals to begin either
                                   late August/early September.
                                                                      let's cook!
came to this Otamatea              Northland Performing Arts       Simple is best. Here's a couple of simple food ideas for kids (10
Repertory production. We           Festival to be held at          years and under) to make for a weekend lunch, with minimal
thoroughly enjoyed bringing        Forum North, Whangarei          supervision!
this classic Broadway show         on 8-9       September (age
to our theatre.                    12 and under), and 21-23                                            Sandwich on a Stick
”The kids loved it. We             September (age 13 and over)                                         *	Why make a sandwich,
kept talking about it - and        Many local children will                                               when you can make a
laughing!" ... “We had a           be performing and would                                                sandwich on a stick?
great time ... well done to        appreciate your support.                                            *	Anything you like to have in
everyone involved” ... “What       Fundraising Concert for the                                            a sandwich can be put on a
a great show! A rollicking         Maungaturoto        Dementia                                           stick!
good story, some marvellous        Unit 26 October at the                                              *	Bread squares, salami,
acting and beautiful singing.”     theatre.      Amongst many                                             cheese,           tomatoes,
‘The Sleeping Beauty’ by           others, the Mangawhai                                                  cucumbers,       but    why
Ben Crocker will be our            Singers will be performing.                                            not add grapes, olives,
next production. It's a            Albi and the Wolves                                                    gherkins, pineapple pieces
pantomime, based on the            Saturday 3 November at                                                 and little sausages?
fairytale Sleeping Beauty.         the theatre. Here's a special                                       *	Pop the pieces on a wooden
We're calling for expressions      opportunity to see our own                                             kebab stick, then you have
of interest to direct this show.   ‘Albi’ (Chris Dent) who is                                             a sword for poking into a
Email            back for another concert.                                              marshmallow afterwards
or write to PO Box 35,             His highly-acclaimed band                                              and melting on the fire.
Maungaturoto, 0547 with            recently won a Tui Award for
                                                                                                       * That's two meals in one!
your details. Once a director      'Best Folk Album'.
is appointed, an audition          Save the dates!        More     Corban's Fritters
date will be decided upon.         details later. Maura Flower     There are endless options for what to put in a fritter.
The show is likely to be held                      022 354 2670    These ones have ham and cheese, but why not zucchini and
                                                                   beetroot? Or corn or ...?
                                                                      1/2 cup plain flour
                                                                      1/3 cup milk
                                                                      1/4 cup grated cheese
                                            IGGEST                    1/4 cup ham pieces
                               NORTHLANDS B ORE                       1 egg, whisked
                                BED OUTLET ST                         1 teaspoon baking powder
                                                                      Salt & pepper to taste
                                                                     You can easily double this recipe,
                                                                     or triple it, depending on how many people you want to feed.
                                                                     The amount above feeds just one Corban for lunch, only!
                                                                   How to make your fritters:
                                                                      * Mix all ingredients lovingly in a bowl, until totally mixed
    1/2 PRICE BEDS                                                   * Heat a tbsp of cooking oil in a frying pan on medium heat
                                                                      * Drop a tablespoonful at a time in the frying pan
    SECONDS-SAMPLES                                                  * When bubbles appear on the top side flip over and cook the
                                                                        other side
    SLAT BEDS                                                        * Serve, eat and enjoy.                                       PP

    TOPPERS                                                           FARMWORK SERVICES
                                                                          For all types of fencing, stockyards,
    ADJUSTABLE BEDS                                                 handyman work, tree felling, tractor work etc.
    BEDROOM FURNITURE                                                                         phone
                                                                                                  Mike 09 431 6509
                  THE WELL
    STOP BY AT ELLE          CAFE
                      CEE’S AWARD
                                                                                                       027 203 2694
            CAFÉ–                                                                              email
                     (09) 439 2243                                        12 tonne digger now available
               18 Freyberg Road, Ruawai                               for driveways, farm tracks, hole boring etc
Paparoa Press                                                                                   PP    13

       Science Corner                                                                     From our family to yours
       Free energy                                                                           Bloated musings
       In 1884, Nikola Tesla, a 27 year old                                   "Pregnancy, what a wonderful time", said mostly by those who
       Croatian immigrant stepped ashore at Manhattan, New York.              are not pregnant.
       His greatest wish was for free electrical energy for the entire        Its been a journey, says she, I then catch myself saying
       world - rich and poor. He was an unusual man who might                 with 10 more weeks to go. something totally the opposite
       these days be described as having 'OCD', but who had an                I'm even looking forward in public.
       incredible mind capable of visualising and inventing machines          to sleepless nights with a It's a social nexus, it seems,
       that even today people would have trouble understanding.               newborn. At least there will to point out the worst parts
       At just 5 years old he modelled a waterwheel that worked               be a cute baby to look at by of existence, down to the
       without conventional blades and, later on in his life used this        then, instead of having these minute details of whatever
       concept to design a bladeless turbine. When his class tutor            uncomfortable and sleepless detestable weather event is
       demonstrated a new electrical machine that could function              nights like a pregnant whale. currently being experienced.
       as a dynamo or a DC (direct current) motor but had brushes             I'm stacked with one hundred Maybe it's a 'Kiwi thing' (as
       that sparked widely, Tesla suggested that the machine would            pillows back and front and I've heard it said), to complain
       run better if the commutator were removed and alternating              yet I'm still not comfortable. about everything when frankly
       current (AC) used.                                                     And, the moment I do get we have no real reason to
       When he joined up with Thomas Edison, Tesla’s ideas for AC             comfortable, inevitably it's complain. Perhaps this is a
       were rubbished, but by the time General Electric took over             the moment I need to go to sign of comfortable first-world
       Edison Electric Company, AC became the power source for                the bathroom. I'm insansely living at its most ignorant?
       general transmission to the public.                                    jealous watching my husband
                                                                              flop into bed on his belly. Oh to So let it henceforth be seen
       Of the more than 70 patents in the field of electricity that           lie on one's belly!               that my new practice will be to
       Tesla applied for, one filed in March 1901 stands out: “An                                                        point out the positive,
       apparatus for the utilisation of radiant energy” - a machine           This is a much                               the glory and the
       designed to capture the sun’s cosmic rays and turn them into           anticipated baby,                             good, because hey
       electricity!                                                           but it's easy to get                          - isn't the weather
                                                                              into a rhythm of                             amazing? Isn't life
       In 'The Century Illustrated Magazine' of 1900 Telsa wrote what         complaints rather
       he thought was the most important of all his articles - ‘The                                                       grand? Aren't we all
                                                                              than of wonder about                      so lucky and blessed in
       problem of increasing human energy’. He stated "Whatever               the process of growing
       our sources of primary energy may be in the future, we must,                                                  so many ways, when we
                                                                              this miracle of life. Even           just notice that we are!
       to be rational, obtain it without the consumption of any               as I practise daily gratitude,
       material." The obvious source of future non-material energy                                                                        Jenny
       was the sun.
       No wonder there are now electric cars called Tesla.
       One electrical revolution Tesla brought about was his concept
       of alternating current but the world was not ready for
       another in his life time. His goal of 'free power for all' has still
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       not been realised. Sadly Tesla’s genius was not recognised in
       his lifetime. Like Leonardo da Vinci he was cheated and many                       Open 7 days
       ideas got no financial support. This brilliant man died alone
       and poor in 1943 in a shabby New York hotel with only a few                 Mon-Sun 6am - 10pm
       pet pigeons to share his thoughts.
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                             The empowerment of a woman
                             When discussing my intention to 'go bush' and to (hopefully) shoot my first deer, a listener jumped
                             in with “You need to write about this and how it is empowering you as a woman”. I laughed, replying,
                             “Nah ... I wouldn’t know where to start”. And then I got to thinking about my take on the subject of
                             'empowering woman or empowering myself' and found I had many thoughts on the subject ...
                             I don’t class myself as a           As women we spend so much                Many aspects of the trip
                             feminist and although I do          time trying to be strong and             empowered          me,        the
                             like to be independent when         independent but I think we               helicopter ride, tramping on
                             I choose, I definitely like to      forget that we have always               my own, carrying my rifle
                             depend on my husband, sons          been like that.                          and my camera. In the end
                             and even my daughter when           Empowerment to me is being               I never saw a deer, but the
petethebuilderltd@gmailcom   I choose. So where does that        strong and confident in myself           feeling of accomplishment
                             leave me ...?                       and in whatever I do, whether            that I did it by myself was
                             We have all been empowered          it's as a career woman or stay-          indescribable. Standing at the
                             from the day we are born.           at-home mum. Taking myself               top of the valley, looking back
                             I believe I was empowered           out of my comfort zone for               at where I'd been and where
                             from birth, as a baby and as        something new is empowering.             I had to tramp back to, made
                             a toddler. I Just had to look at                                             me feel as if I was the only
Birt & Currie                my parents, grandparents and        So, returning to my original             person alive in this little slice
Surveyors Ltd                those around me and they
                             would come running, if not
                                                                 discussion on going hunting ...
                                                                 As my children have now left
                                                                                                          of paradise. I came away from
                                                                                                          this adventure with a new-
                             I would cry, and they would         home, I am exploring more of             found belief in myself and a
              Local Phone                                        my own possible interests.               thirst for the next as I discover
              09 280-9591    definitely respond. As I grew
                             through childhood and teenage                                                more about myself and what
                                                                 Our family has enjoyed deer              I'm capable of.
              Timely,        years, my empowerment grew          stalking for years, but I was
                             as I grew, but sometimes            always in the background at              Empowering myself is a lifelong
              friendly &                                                                                  adventure; in mastering one,
                             it dwindled with periods            the hut with the children as
              personal       of sadness or when those            only one at a time could go              the parameters change and
              service        punishing teenage years hit.        out with their dad. Now it's             you must then master another.
                             However, I knew I was always        my turn. I am going to go after          I’m looking forward to what's                                                                                 next and as long as I'm outside
                             empowered by my position            that elusive stag. Will I shoot it,
                             - being someone’s daughter,         who knows? I may just snap a             my own comfort zone then I
 PO Box 120 Paparoa 0543                                                                                  am fully embracing the act of
                             someone’s granddaughter and         few photos! But the best thing
                             a sister amongst other things.      is it’s my choice, my road to            empowering myself.
                             So      far     the     strongest   self-discovery.                                              Jodi Hawkin
                             empowerment I have en-
AL's Upholstery              countered is that of being
                                                                                     Time and Tide

      Alan Hilton            wife and mother. How strong
                             and confident I felt as my
                             small children looked in awe                                                    by Mark Vincent
                             at me, the person who knew                          All ashore, who's for the shore
                             everything and could fix                                 I heard the captain say
                             anything and in the knowledge                      Back to the bar for one last drink
                             that my hubby adores me and                               Before we say hooray
      Furniture              will do just about anything for                Let be those friends whose passage lays
                             me. The accomplishment of
                             jointly raising our children who                       Beyond the farthest seas
        Seats                                                                Let be those friends whose future lays
over 30yrs experience        have become contributing
                             members of society and who,                                To float forever free
    021 0709101              best of all, still come home to                                           Written to farewell a loved friend
 100 Petley Rd, Paparoa      mum and dad is also amazing.

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                                                                         Paparoa Valley Road - next door to g.a.s.
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