SCAN         SHANKILL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER                      VOL. 18, No. 9

            Carrie Smyth, Cathaoirleach, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council
Leaving Certificate and Junior
           Certificate Grinds
     All major curriculum languages
                                                                       MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP (30 DAYS)
 IRISH FRENCH SPANISH GERMAN ITALIAN                                                Gelish nails x2 Treatments
   Small intensive classes in Shankill 200 metres from                                  Tan x2 Treatments
                           DART                                                     Eye Lash & Brow Tint x1
                                                                                        Eye Brow Wax x1
  Emphasis in all languages on Aural, Oral as well as                                    1/2 Leg Wax x1
           essay and comprehension techniques                                          Under Arm Wax x1
    Systematic examination of grammar structure to                                     Bikini Line Wax x1
                                                                                          Price : €90.00
      reduce and eliminate errors which cost marks
   • Enhanced fluency and confidence with maximum
                                                                                   DAILY DEALS
                         3 students
                                                                                   Monday & Tuesday
  • Interaction and attention guaranteed in a way not                       Dermalogica Express Facials €20
         possible in larger school or grind classes                                    Wednesday
     • Adult classes and third level support available               Hot Stone Back Massage or Reflexology €20
    • Languages taught by LOGIC not rote learning                                    20% of all waxing
      • Tutor fluent in 9 languages with outstanding                                      Friday
                        track record                               2 for 1 on all Treatments when you bring a friend.
                                                                           (must be 2 of the same treatments)
               Unique skills at sensible rates                                          Saturday
                                                                       Pedicure + Hot Stone Foot Massage €35
          Contact John: 086 804 3643 or

                                                              Shankill Blinds

                                                              Roman Blinds
                                                              Wood Slat etc.
                                                                   FULL MEASURE AND FITTING
                                                                       SERVICE AVAILABLE
                                                                          SEPTEMBER OFFER:
                                                                         10% OFF ALL ORDERS
                                                                           Enquiries to:
                                                                   or contact: PAUL 086 851 0814

2 SCAN                                    Website:                                  SEPTEMBER 2013
                                         ‘FRIDAY NIGHT IS MUSIC NIGHT’                        ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
          BOOK SALE
                                         Once again ‘Friday Night is Music                    The family of the late John
   Book Sale takes place on first
 Saturday of every month in the Old      Night’ on September 20th at St.                      McElhinney of Cherrington Drive,
   Folks Centre from 10.00am to          Anne’s Resource Centre.                              Shankill, who passed away
 1.00pm. All proceeds in aid of the      Enjoy an evening of music and song                   unexpectedly on the 4th July 2013
         Old Folks Centre.               from the Great American Song Book                    would like to express their most
      Book donations welcome             featuring the talents of Frank Sinatra,              sincere appreciation to all their
             on the day                  Tony Bennett, Michael Buble, Ennio                   neighbours and big circle of friends
A TRIP BACK IN TIME: THE                 Morricone, Henry Mancini, Bing                       for their Mass Cards, letters, support
LEOPARDSTOWN PARK HOSPITAL               Crosby and many others. Proceeds                     and kindness, which helped us so
ANNUAL GARDEN FETE                       are in aid of the Parish funds. Doors                much in these very difficult days.
Leopardstown Park Hospital, Foxrock.     open at 7.30pm and the programme                     May he rest in peace.
Co Dublin. Spectacular Annual            of recordings presented by Jimmy                     Elizabeth (Liz), Christine, Judy and
Garden Fete – 1pm to 5pm.                Eglington begins at 7.45pm sharp.                    Denise
1st September.                           Refreshments will be available at the
The amazing and historic grounds of      Interval.                                         SATURDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER –
Leopardstown Park Hospital Foxrock,      Tickets €10 from St. Anne’s Resource              12PM – 4PM — RATHMICHAEL
will be host to their spectacular        Centre. Tel: 01 2822277                           PARISH AND SCHOOL FETE
Annual Garden Fete.                                                                        Toys, books, refreshments, games,
                                         CABINTEELY YOUTH THEATRE –
There are a multitude of stalls for                                                        country fayre (including cakes and
                                         OPEN DAY
bargain hunters and for those just                                                         Jams). White Elephant, good as New
                                         Friday 6th September from
looking to enjoy a great day out.                                                          Clothes, bottles, raffles, children’s
                                         4.30pm – 6.30pm in St. Angela’s
These include clothes, books, cakes,                                                       fancy dress competition and lots
                                         Hall – Cabinteely Community
plants, bric-a-brac, jams and                                                              more.
preserves. Entertainment for the
                                         Why not pop along if you are in 1st
children includes bouncing castles,                                                                           CONTENTS
                                         to 6th year and decide if you would
face painting, a juggler and the ever-                                                     Prevalence of Bullying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
                                         like to become a member and enjoy
popular Thomas the Tank Engine. A
                                         a range of activities including                   7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers . . .5
bumper raffle will take place on the
                                         workshops on all aspects of theatre –             Kids Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
day with amazingly super prizes.
                                         productions and festivals, also Pre               Return of the Rodents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Transport access: Beside
                                         Youth Theatre Class to build
Leopardstown Race course, the                                                              What’s On Locally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
                                         confidence, theatre and life skills for
hospital is accessible by car (off the                                                     Insulation and Home Heating . . . . . . . . . .13
                                         2nd to 6th class.
M50), or Luas (Central Park).                                                              The Reality of Academia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Admission €2.00. Children free.
Info:              SCAN MAGAZINE                                  Letter to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

                                           is produced by members of                       Cookery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
      SCAN                                           SHANKILL                              Growing Vegetables for Fun . . . . . . . . . . .16
                                                                                           Shankill Tennis Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
  CONTACT DETAILS                                   COMMUNITY
                                                                                           Meet our Community:
         c/o St. Anne’s N.S.                  who are voluntary,                            Cathaoirleach Carrie Smyth . . . . . . .18/19
    Stonebridge Road SHANKILL                part-time and unpaid                          Shankill Bowling Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
       TEL: 086-1065264                                                                    Retirement Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
             Email:                           EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                                           Citizen’s Information — “The Fair Deal” .23                 Sheila Thomson, Barbara Lyons,
                                                                                           Councillor Denis O’Callaghan . . . . . . . . . .26
                 Web:                               Madelon Geoghegan,
                                                                                           Councillor Carrie Smyth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
                                                       Claudette Burke                                                                 Shankill Sew and Sews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
                                                Advertising: Deborah Keogh
           Office hours:                                                                   Shankill GAA Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
         Monday to Friday                  The editorial board does not accept any         SARA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
          9.30am - 12.30                   responsibility for any views expressed in       SOFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
                                           contributions to the magazine.                  Book Review:“William Dargan” . . . . . . . . .32
                                            Due to space restrictions publication of all   Shrewsbury Road Street Fest . . . . . . . . . .33
 Printed by Opus Print (01) 4057815              articles cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                                           Planning Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

SEPTEMBER 2013                            Website:                                                                             SCAN 3
                                                 BY MARY MITCHELL O’CONNOR
As our children head back to school, full of anticipation for     need to open up a conversation with them and make them
the year ahead, we, as parents, will be keeping a watchful        aware that the first port of call is to report bullying
eye on their development; on how much time they are               behaviour to someone in authority; a parent or a teacher.
studying , with whom they are spending their free time,           If they are being targeted online, they should not engage
their eating habits and their stress levels as the year           with the bully, but should save the messages which can be
progresses.                                                       used as evidence and then block the sender of the abusive
The new school year is such an exciting time, as the air fills    material. Children should be keeping an eye out for one
with possibility and expectation. But for our school-going        another and report any malicious practices to a trusted
children, the next twelve months will bring a sea of change       adult.
and it is our job to ensure that our boys and girls are           Our schools in Shankill are second to none and in this
coping adequately with that change. More importantly, we          regard we are exceptionally lucky. However, that does not
need to be vigilant to how others are responding to that          mean that children are immune from bullying and abusive
change and the treatment our children, and others, are            behaviour. Teachers need to be vigilant, operate strict
meteing out to one another.                                       policies in terms of mobile phones in the class room and be
The prevalence of bullying among our school-going                 mindful of the signs of victimisation.
population has reached epidemic proportions in recent             For our part, parents need to monitor our children’s online
years, with a number of tragic deaths being linked to             activity carefully and employ the 4Ws; Where is your child?
cyber-bullying in particular. The advances in mobile              Who are they with? What are they doing? And at what time
technology mean that children can be targeted 24/7,               will they be home?
making it all the more important that we equip them with          School can be the best years of a child’s life. But that’s
the tools to deal with this type of abuse.                        definitely not the case for everyone. If we work together, we
Firstly, children need to be made aware that bullying, of         can dramatically reduce the instances of bullying and help
any nature, will not be tolerated and that there will be          our children to develop to their true potential during their
consequences for the perpetrator of such behaviour. We            school years in a safe, positive and productive environment.

              Mary Mitchell O'Connor TD
     If you have a concern or issue
     you would like to discuss with
     Mary or are seeking help or
     advice please contact Mary at
     01 6183302 and she will arrange
     to meet you in her Constituency
     Office in Blackrock or in her
     Dáil Office.
     Mary can also meet you in your
     home if you have difficulty
     travelling. Please phone for

           Working with your Fine Gael team in Shankill, Cllr. Maria Bailey and Cllr. Donal Marren

4 SCAN                                         Website:                               SEPTEMBER 2013
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers                                                                    by Danielle O’Rourke

Around the end of September 2012, a teacher at my school          “The paperback book gave examples which help you to
approached me about a course that was being offered to            imagine things more clearly.“
transition years. She thought that it might interest me as I      “It was effective as I generally relate back to this programme
live in the Shankill area. I looked into it and found that it     in hectic situations.”
was a course based on the book “The 7 Habits of Highly
                                                                  “I’ listen to people more and feel a lot happier with myself.”
Effective Teenagers” by Sean Covey. I was intrigued and
agreed to go along.
The first day was a trip to An Dáil Éireann where all of the
students got to know each other and the leaders of the
group. At the end of that day, I was looking forward to
going back to the course. Each session was held once a
month in St Anne’s Resource Centre and lasted until 12
noon. The leaders were Joanna and Tony. The content of the
course was based around teaching teenagers how to bring
out the best in themselves. Every one of the 7 habits
focuses on a different aspect of bettering yourself, such as
organisation, confidence, relationship building, conflict
resolving, etc. I found that the skills and real life examples
which were used in the course were easy to relate to.
At the beginning, I was sceptical about the applicability of
these habits in my current lifestyle, but over time, I found
myself using these skills without being aware. I was more
apt about dealing with conflict with friends, teachers in
school and family. Whenever there was a problem, I would
know how to approach trying to resolve it. I have definitely
acquired some very valuable expertise that everyone (not
only teenagers!) would find helpful. My parents have even
                                                                             Erck Hall, Rathmichael Parish Centre,
been known to apply some of the knowledge they have                                       Rathmichael
gained from what I have told them of the group!                               General Class Thursdays at 7.30pm
 I would really like to show my gratitude to everyone who                       Contact: Mary @ 086 1565 126
organised and helped us out during the time I attended the                   Classes commencing September 19th
sessions. All in all, I was truly surprised by how enjoyable
and helpful this course was and would recommend highly
to anyone!
Feedback from other students
“The programme has helped the way I
think. It has helped me have better
relationships & also given me the
chance to meet new people & given
me skills for life.”
“It helps teenagers who have low
confidence and Self Esteem and every
habit builds up a person.”
“It gradually gave me more
confidence. It got me to think more &
it made me feel like I had more control
                                            SPECIAL OFFER
over my life.”
                                            €15 for any
“I try and avoid arguments but still        new customers
stand up for myself and my beliefs in       1st treatment
life. Then, if an argument occurs,
knowing to forgive and move on.”
“I have tried to pick out what is
important and what is not so
important in life to get done first.”

SEPTEMBER 2013                                 Website:                                             SCAN 5
T âÇ|Öâx wtç Éâà yÉÜ tÄÄ à{x ytÅ|Äç

                                                      FOR GROUP BOOKINGS & TOURS CALL
                                                           (01) 274 8090 / 086 405 6171
                                                         The museum is open 7 days a week
                                                           Monday to Saturday 10am - 5pm
                                                        Sunday and Bank Holidays 12pm - 5pm

 Ann Maher School
     of Dance

           Classes held at
     St. Anne’s National School,
            4 yrs - Teens
   Enrolment in St. Anne’s on
   Wed. 4 September @ 2.30pm
         10 Week term commencing
           Monday 16 September
  Enquiries 2823308 / 086 8292984

6 SCAN                       Website:                       SEPTEMBER 2013
           PAUL MCMAHON ELECTRICAL                                                  ESTABLISHED IN 1972

                            • Free Inspection, Tests and Estimates
                            • House Rewiring to the Highest Standards
                            • 0ld Fuse Boards Replaced with Modern Safe Trip Switches
                            • Immersion Heaters and Time Controllers installed
                            • Security Lighting
                            • No Job Too Small                  INSURED            THE REGISTER OF ELECTRICAL
                                                                                    CONTRACTORS OF IRELAND

                               Replace old type fuses with modern MCB, RCD and ELCB
                               miniature circuit breakers for protection of your property
     All domestic rewiring carried out in accordance with National Rules & Regulations &
                                       Approved by RECI
                   PHONE 280 6592 OR 087 266 3750

                                                                              CARL ’S

                 CK                                           SCHOOL             OF

                                                            safe and courteous driver.
                                                            Learn how to become a skilled,

                                                            All aspects of driver education
                                                                                                 • Dual Controls
                                                                                                 • Patient and
           PLUMBING                                         covered from nervous beginners
                                                            and pre-test courses to post test
                                                                                                 • Member
          AND HEATING                                       sessions in motorway/dual
                                                            carriageway skills and preparation
                                                                                                   Institute of
           SERVICES                                         for the Advanced Test

                 CALL CHRISTY                               • Day time, evenings

 Mobile: 087 265 0435 Home: 282 3568
                                                              or Saturdays
                                                            • Student rates
            or KEITH: 086 827 5500                          • Discount for block       Shankill based.
                                                                                       Lessons covering all
                HEATING SYSTEMS                               bookings
                                                                                       areas of South Dublin,
                     Oil, Gas                               • Flexible pick up /       including test route areas
              BATHROOM SUITES                                 drop off
           Power Showers, Shower Trays,                     • EDT Programme
               Suite Replacements
         Attic Tanks, Cylinders, Outside Taps,              Telephone: 087 225 9378
                    Shower Pumps                                           Email:

         QUINN’S ROAD, SHANKILL                                        Gift Vouchers Available

8 SCAN                                  Website:                            SEPTEMBER 2013
RETURN OF THE RODENTS                                             by Brendan Higgins, Central Pest Control

As sure as night turns to day, the warm                                           also caused severe flooding by puncturing
weather we’ve all been enjoying this summer                                       water pipes with their razor-sharp teeth.
will also turn in due course, and, before you                                     Rats in particular pose a substantial health
know it, we’ll be back to the cool, wet                                           risk to humans, carrying potentially fatal
conditions for which our little island is                                         diseases such as E. coli, salmonella, Weil’s
famous. And as Autumn approaches, with it’s                                       Disease and tuberculosis (TB). Rats also carry
good friend Winter just behind it, the threat of                                  ticks, fleas and mites which can cause severe
rodent infestation is at its highest.                             allergic reactions in humans.
Rats and mice - which are usually quite happy to remain           If you have a rodent problem in the home, it is strongly
outdoors and avoid human contact when the weather is              recommended that you avoid the DIY route and employ the
fine - are forced to seek shelter indoors as temperatures         services of a pest-control professional instead, since many
drop and rain and groundwater levels rise, threatening their      common over-the-counter solutions - such as rat poison -
nests, breeding areas and, of course, their offspring. Rodents    can easily contaminate food and food-preparation surfaces
will also be attracted to areas of human habitation for food      if deployed incorrectly. Furthermore, when treating an
at this time of year, as the colder conditions take hold and      infestation, it’s also very important to ensure that all of the
their normal food supplies become less abundant.                  rodents have been eradicated and preventative measures
Now, therefore, is the perfect time to be on the look-out for     put in place to avoid an infestation re-occurring.
an impending rodent presence in the home or workplace,            Rodents in your business
which can potentially have very serious consequences and          For any business, the dangers of a rodent infestation are
pose a significant threat to human health and wellbeing.          essentially the same as those described above. However, in
Telltale signs of an infestation include:                         enterprises involved in the preparation or processing of
• Droppings: these are normally bullet-shaped and                 products designed for human consumption - food,
  anywhere between 5mm and 25mm in length                         beverages, pharmaceuticals, etc. - the risks are significantly
• Dark smears on walls from the grease and dirt in the rat’s      greater. In such cases, a rodent infestation of any
  coat                                                            description can lead to enforcement orders, closure orders
• Gnaw marks on woodwork                                          (both temporary and permanent), fines and/or criminal
• Holes or burrows in gardens or green spaces, perhaps            prosecutions. Such actions are likely to make local and
  accompanied by heaps of earth or debris                         national headlines, ruining your commercial reputation and
• Damage to food and property                                     depriving you of your business and livelihood.
• Unexplained disappearance of food                               If you run any kind of business connected to the
• Scratching noises in cavity walls, ceilings, attics and eaves   preparation of food products - such as a hotel, restaurant,
Rodents in your home                                              cafe, takeaway, licensed premises or convenience store - it is
An infestation in the home poses a wide range of risks. Rats      strongly advised to familiarise yourself with the relevant
and mice have been known to cause fires by gnawing                legislation. For more, visit the Food Safety Authority of
through the insulation around electrical cables. They have        Ireland (FSAI) website at

               PETER DONLAN, ND Arb.,
         All aspects of Tree Care including:
                                                                        Logs, Coal, Briquettes,
 ●   TREE REPORTS / SURVEYS                                                  Wood Pellets

                                                                      Phone: 086 0704116
                  Contact Peter                                                Email:
      Mobile: 087 977 3486 or (01) 282 5995                 

SEPTEMBER 2013                                  Website:                                         SCAN 9
                                                                    A NEW ONE HOUR YOGA CLASS TO
                                                                   HELP KEEP YOU FIT HEALTHY AND IN
                                                                        GREAT SHAPE FOR LIFE !
                                                                   Strengthens and Tones Tummys,
                                                                Arms and Thighs and Improves Posture
                                                                     SHANKILL TENNIS CLUB
                                                                    Tuesday 17th September at 7.30pm
                                                                                  6 weeks for €65
   Tues. at 10am: Rathmichael Parish Church, Shankill                    Bookings 087-9317922
   Thurs. at 10am: Mounttown C. Facility, Dun Laoghaire                 MEMBER OF YOGA THERAPY IRELAND
   CLASSES START THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 2nd                           

                                                                   Are you interested
                                                                   in learning to play
     Servicing of all car                                              badminton?
     makes and models                                             played badminton before
       Over 20 years                                                             maybe just in school?
        experience                                                         Are you interested in meeting new
      Free bulb check                                                      people and getting fit in a sociable
                                                                         ALL STANDARDS INCLUDING
              Contact: PAUL FITZACHARY                                 ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS WELCOME
              Unit 7, The Barbeque Centre
                                                                         All age groups welcome
           Dublin Road, Shankill, Co Dublin
          Tel: 282 3655 Mobile: 087 292 3690
                                                                        Separate classes for juniors.
                Email:                            Contact Mary on 089 4132070
               Website:                                       for details

           Guitar / Music                                                G.R. Electrical
          Theory Lessons                                     Your Local Electrician For AII Your Electrical Needs
                                                             • HOUSE RE-WIRE        • ELECTRICAL SHOWERS
               Available by qualified teacher                • NEW FUSE BOARDS      • TV/PHONE - INTERNET POINTS
                        (M.A. Music)                         • SECURITY LIGHTING • EXTRA SOCKETS / LIGHTING POINTS
               Will teach all styles (classical,             • NO JOB TOO SMALL     • IMMERSION / HEATING CONTROLS
                acoustic and electric guitar)                • ATTIC CONVERSION & EXTENSION WIRING SPECIALIST
                                                                          24 / 7 EMERGENCY CALLS
                 All levels, from beginners to                         Free Estimates / Competitive Rates
                           advanced                                      BUILDERS’ WORK WELCOME
                Junior and Leaving Cert and                                             Fully Insured and Registered
                      grade exams in both                                                   All Work Guaranteed
              Practice and theory also available                                         Call Garry: 087 911 8386
      Please contact: 085 1530 467                                              

10 SCAN                                     Website:                            SEPTEMBER 2013
WHAT’S ON LOCALLY                                                Friday September 20th at 7.30pm — ‘Friday Night is
                                                                 Music Night’ - St. Anne’s Resource Centre.
REGULAR EVENTS                                                   (see community notice board)
Sundays - Dun Laoghaire & Cabinteely Park Market –               Further information on other events: check out:
11am – 4pm — The People’s Park comes alive every       ,
Sunday as market vendors bring their colourful collection
of food and crafts to this most beautiful park, located on       LOCAL HISTORY TALKS
the coast.                                                       Monday September 9th — Rob Goodbody will present
                                                                 his talk on ‘Clonmel Bridge and Suir Island - A Reappraisal’
Saturdays - Killruddery House – 10am – 4pm — There is
                                                                 to the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland in The Helen
a farm market in the grain store and former horse yard of
                                                                 Roe Theatre, 63 Merrion Square South, Dublin 2.
the Killruddery Estate. Admission is free, as is parking.
1st Saturday of the Month, Old Folks Centre–10am– 1pm            Tuesday September 10th — At 8pm Harriet Wheelock will
Book sale with all proceeds in aid of the Old Folks Centre.      speak on ‘Medical Records of the Royal College of
                                                                 Physicians’ to the Genealogical Society of Ireland in Dun
MONTHLY DIARY                                                    Laoghaire College of Further Education, Cumberland
September 1st – 1pm-5pm — A Trip Back in Time: The               Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. All welcome – admission
Leopardstown Park Hospital Annual Garden Fete.                   €4.
Leopardstown Park Hospital, Foxrock. Co Dublin.                  Friday September 13th & Saturday September 14th
Spectacular Annual Garden Fete (see community notice
                                                                 The Geraldines and Medieval Kildare Symposium takes
                                                                 place in the Thomas Davis Lecture Theatre, (Room 2043
Saturday 7th September – 12pm – 4pm — Rathmichael                Arts Building), Trinity College, Dublin - Enquires to Peter
Parish and School Fete — Toys, books, refreshments,              Crooks and Séan Duffy, Dept of History, Trinity College –
games, country fayre (including cakes and Jams). White           call 01-8961791 or visit
Elephant, good as New Clothes, bottles, raffles, children’s
                                                                 Wednesday September 18th — At 8 pm Andy Mooney
fancy dress competition and lots more.
                                                                 will present his lecture ‘The Chester & Holyhead Railway
                                                                 and its connections with Dun Laoghaire’ to the Dun
Sunday 15th September — Shankill GAA Club Family                 Laoghaire Borough Historical Society in The Kingston
Fun Day — Shankill GAA are hosting their first Family Fun        Hotel, Adelaide Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. All
Day on Sunday 15th September. — For more info visit their        welcome –Adm. €3.50.
website ( and Facebook & Twitter             Thursday September 19th — At 6.30pm Vincent Lavery
pages.                                                           will speak on ‘The Warren Report Commission on the
Sunday 15th September – 11am – 5pm — Enniskerry                  assassination of John F. Kennedy; fact or fiction?’ in Dalkey
Victorian Field Day – Knocklinn Farm, Ballyman Road.             Library. Admission free but booking essential – call 01-285
Festival programme includes Stream Threshing, Tug of War         5277 to reserve a place.
battles, Sheaf pitching, Vintage Car and Tractor Shows. Craft    At 8 p.m. Professor Jerry Mulligan will present his lecture
stalls at the Artisan Market, savor Wicklow’s rich culinary      ‘The Neolithic Period in Ireland ‘ to the Bray Cualann
landscape at the Food fair where kids will love dining on        Historical Society in Bray Chamber of Commerce House, 10
the straw bales. Other highlights include puppetry, pony         Prince of Wales Tce, Quinsboro Road, Bray. Co. Wicklow.
rides, dog shows, horseshoe throwing, arm wrestling, nail        At 8 p.m. James Scannell will present his lecture ‘The Loss
driving, archery, falconry, traditional children’s games,        of the MV Princess Victoria – January 1953’ to The Maritime
carousels and live music throughout the day.                     Institute of Ireland in The Stella Maris Seafarers Club, 3                                        Beresford Place, Dublin 1.

                CHRIS GROOTVELD                                                     RGI REGISTERED
        Prompt Service • Reasonable Price • Work completed to a high standard
                              Boiler service (oil or gas)
                                                         Tel: 282 5447
                         24 hour emergency service — 087 221 3305

SEPTEMBER 2013                                Website:                                        SCAN 11
FRAMED BY NICK                                  • Property Maintenance
           PICTURE FRAMER                                  • Extensions • Renovations
                                                           • Patios • Concreting
                Nick Howlett
                                                           • Garden Walls
              1 Guildford Terrace,
                                                           • Stone Walls
              Lower Road, Shankill,
                                                           • Roof and Gutter Repairs
                    Co. Dublin.
                                                           • Plastering
                   01-282 0560
                                                           • Painting and Decorating

                                                             Mobile: 086 608 4529
                                                              Tel: 01- 2722088

     CRINKEN GLASS                                              PHYSIOTHERAPY
       & GLAZING                                                    CLINIC
  FOR A PROFESSIONAL GLASS SERVICE                                   Unit 8, Ashwood House,
                                                                         Shankill Village
          fully qualified with
      over 40 years experience                                   ANGELA O’SULLIVAN MSc
                                                               (Sports Physio), MISCP, MSOM
               Glass, Glazing,                                CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST
               Toughened or
           Laminated Safety Glass,
              Sand blast Glass                                  Wide range of conditions covered:
                and Mirrors,                                                • Arthritis
                Table Tops.                                                • Neck pain
                                                                           • Back pain
                                                                         • Joint injuries
    KEY CUTTING SERVICE AVAILABLE                                       • Sports injuries
               Shankill, Co Dublin                                       FOR APPOINTMENT:
      Tel; 01 2722 464 Mob: 087 258 5454
                                            Tel: 2115775
 Your one and only local glass and glazing service.           Entrance from car park at rear of shops

12 SCAN                               Website:                        SEPTEMBER 2013
Insulation and                                                                                        Heating System
Home Heating                                                                                          Upgrade
Upgrades                                                                                              Before examining your
Improving insulation                                                                                  heating system, it is
will retain heat in                                                                                   important to review
your home for                                                                                         how well your house is
longer and reduce                                                                                     insulated. Once this is
heating costs as a                                                                                    done you can then
result. Since heat                                                                                    explore a heating
loss through the                                                                                      system to suit your
building fabric can                                                                                   needs.
be substantial,                                                                                       Typical Savings
insulating your                                                                                       Homeowners can
home can have the                                                                                     typically reduce their
biggest impact on                                                                                     energy usage by up to
reducing energy                                                                                       20% by installing a
demand and increasing the comfort of your home.                  high efficiency boiler and/or easy to use heating controls in
Wall Insulation                                                  their home. That’s between €300 - €500 in savings a year.
25-30% of your heat may be lost through the walls so by          Better Energy Homes Heating System Upgrade Grants
insulating them you can significantly reduce your heat loss      Available
and heating bills.                                               Heating Controls with Boiler (oil or gas) upgrade €560
There are three main types of wall insulation, which suit        Heating Controls Upgrade Only                         €400
different walls and homes:                                       Solar Heating                                         €800
1. Cavity wall insulation – insulation is pumped into the        Building Energy Rating (BER)                          €50
   cavity of the wall.                                           Cash Grants are set value unless expenditure is below the
2. Internal insulation – applying insulation to the inside       set value, in which case the actual expenditure will be
   walls of a house.                                             reimbursed.
3. External insulation – wrapping insulation around the          Internal and external wall insulation grants are based upon
   outside walls of a house.                                     house type.
Typical Savings:                                                 Minimum grant amount for the first application must be
Insulating the walls of your home can save you up to 20%         €400. A BER grand does not count towards the €400.
on your annual energy bill. That could be up to €200 a           Homeowners can apply for grants by logging onto
year in savings!                                        Alternatively you can
Better Energy Homes Wall Insulation Grants Available:            call 1850 927 000.

Wall Insulation – Cavity                    €250
Wall Insulation – Internal Dry Lining                                             For class details contact:
Apartment (any) or Mid terrace house        €900                                  Nita 087-2841675
Semi detached or end of terrace             €1,350                                Follow me on facebook
Detached                                    €1,800                      
Wall Insulation – External
Apartment (any) or Mid terrace house        €1,800
Semi detached or end of terrace             €2,700
Detached                                    €3,600

Attic Insulation
Up to 30% of the heat produced in your home may be                                      Zumba starts back on the
escaping if your roof is uninsulated. Ceiling level roof                                Thursday 5th of September at
insulation is generally the most cost effective of any energy                           7-8pm in St Anne’s Primary
                                                                                        School Shankill.
efficiency upgrade when the potential savings are                                       4 classes for 25 Euro (to be used
considered.                                                                             within the month of purchase.)
                                                                                        Drop in price 10 Euro
Typical Savings                                                                         Bring a friend (that has never
Upgrading attic insulation to the recommended 250-                                      attended before) and you both
300mm will save a typical nearly 20% a year on their                                    only pay ONLY 5 Euro
                                                                                        Student price 5 Euro or
heating bill. That’s about €200 a year in savings!!!                                    4 classes for 15 Euro.
                                                                                        Unemployed 5 Euro
Better Energy Homes Attic Insulation
Grant Available                             €200

SEPTEMBER 2013                                Website:                                       SCAN 13
COUNSELLING                                                 REPAIRS
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  Do you need someone to talk to?
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               Call Sandra Sheridan                                          DISHWASHERS ETC.
                                                                                All Domestic Appliances
                Dr. Pat Irwin’s Surgery
                                                                                   25 Years Experience
                1 Athgoe Drive, Shankill
                 Phone: 085-7370843                                          Tel: Willie 087 3625 101

  TELEPHONE                                                              ALAN VAUGHAN
                                                                                 NEW VALE, SHANKILL
   SOCKETS                                                            Phone: 2824771 Mobile: 086 8778 791
    FITTED                                                                                  • EXTENSIONS
     * Connect all previous telephone                                                      • RENOVATIONS
       sockets to new UPC line                                                                • GARAGE
     * Sockets for Broadband                                                                CONVERSIONS
     * Loud Bell fitted                                              INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL INSULATION
     * Wiring tidied                                                              GARDENS TIDIED
     * Repairs                                                         FLAT ROOFS REPAIRED & REPLACED
                                                                           Also Garden Building such as:
 Ph: Gerry (ex. Eircom) Ph: 087 223 0019                                • Patios • Brick walls • Driveways
      email:                                                • Garden Paths. etc.

  6 Week
                   BODY AND
                                                                        TONY'S TAXI
    €80              MIND                                             YOUR LOCAL SHANKILL TAXI
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                   6 weeks Course €80
  SPECIAL OFFER: NEWCOMERS TRY FIRST CLASS FREE                                      Contact: Tony
            Bookings:     Aoife MacNamara,
   BSc. Hons Psychology        Member Yoga Therapy Ireland
  Tel: 087-9317922
                                                                     01-2823974               087 2475 243
14 SCAN                                           Website:                       SEPTEMBER 2013
There I was, happily pontificating (as many a mother                             couldn’t teach. The fear of failure is inherent in all of
is wont to do), to my son Davey, who’d just done his                             us. And if that exam is so important that it’s going to
Leaving Cert and daughter Katie who’d just done her                              affect one’s lifestyle, hopes and ambitions – well then
Junior Cert, about the importance of being the                                   yes – it is very important. And if you’re only fifteen or
person they are content to be – and not to worry                                 nineteen and trying to learn how to handle the world
about exam results. ‘Life is so much bigger than                                 with all of its vicissitudes, that importance is
exams’, I’d magnanimously warble.‘But if you’re not                              multiplied.
happy with the person that you are – then no exam                                    So while I still hold the belief that one shouldn’t use
matters’. And if you fail an exam that’s important,               By Florence        any exams as a gauge to how good a person they are
sure, can’t you always take it again.                           Horsman-Hogan
                                                                                     – holding that belief and living it aren’t the same
That is until I got a little set back that – quite rightly - threw        thing. It’s good to know life can still teach me such valuable
off my little ‘mammy pedestal’.                                           lessons.
The results for my last MSc module in the Royal College of                Now this little woman is back on track pontificating again!!!!.
Surgeons were published a few weeks back – and mine                                                   —
weren’t included. Went into sharp emotional decline. What
was wrong with me that I couldn’t absorb knowledge? Why                                      LETTER TO THE EDITOR
was I so dense that my mind soaked up simple facts just like
sponge would soak up oil rather than water.                                     Shanganagh Grove Green Area
Was convinced that this time my professors discovered how                   Having lived in Shanganagh Grove for many years, I
little I actually know and that I’d failed – failed miserably.              have always enjoyed seeing the children play on the
Dramatic Florence entered stage right and gave a wonderful                  green. tennis, rounders etc has been won and lost
performance. If I couldn’t pass muster in academia – how                    over the years. It is a great credit to the children who
much more likely could it be that I wouldn’t pass muster in                 are so active and enjoy the outdoors. I would like to
any other area of my life. And sure, wasn’t I a terrible cook and           draw attention to dog owners who unleash their
an even worse house keeper. In fact, come to think of it, wasn’t            pets on the green in the evenings, there can be up to
I really bad at making polite conversation with people?. How                four dogs at any one time, this is both unsafe and
can anyone get on in life if they can’t even talk to perfect                irresponsible, not to mention against the law, there
strangers? Hopeless, useless, down deeper and deeper into                   are plenty of areas around Shankill Village where
the morass. Life wasn’t much worth living – but hadn’t I                    dogs can be walked, a dog enclosure is available in
always been a cheap bet anyway?....I’d still live life, pathetic            Shanganagh Park where the animals can run free!!
and all as I was. And I’ve a big nose and small eyes….bad sign              So please put these facilities to use for your pets and
of a person’s personality.                                                  allow the children to continue to play as they always
Who was I to try motivating my children?                                    did in a safe and clean area.
Then, discovered last week that, wonder of wonders, it turned                                              Shanganagh Grove Resident
out to have been a college oversight - and this girl done
bloody good. Passed with flying
colours. Happy Florence burst
out into stage left, and won the
show. Hah! fooled them yet
again. Roll on Module four and
more ‘creative’ writing...!!!
Why wouldn’t I be a brilliant
mother, a teacher in life’s skills
and even more importantly, a                                     SEPTEMBER IRONING OFFER :
great nurse? As for the eyes and                           Single Bed Set Washed and Ironed for €13.00
nose, well – I have lovely skin,                          Double Bed Set Washed and Ironed for €15.00
and yes – I am good with                             King / Super King Bed Set Washed and Ironed for €17.50
people (as long as they don’t
                                                          Bed Set to include: 1 Duvet Cover, 2 Sheets, 2 Pillow Cases
annoy the hell out of me – and
I’m even working on that little             We will buy your unwanted clothes, shoes,
flaw). And – come to think of it,
                                                  belts, etc. for .50c per kilo
why should I have worried
about exam results anyway. I                                Please see in store for details
already have a great job, great
family – and great friends.                     PART TIME STAFF REQUIRED APPLY WITHIN WITH CV
It’s thought me a lesson though
- and yes – one that academia

SEPTEMBER 2013                                    Website:                                                SCAN 15
Apple Chutney                                                         GROWING VEGETABLES FOR FUN
                                              There is an
                                              abundance of               Trevor Stevenson reports on the outcome of the
                                              home grown               ‘Grow your own; vegetable classes’ he advertised in
                                              apples this year.                     the March edition of SCAN
                                              If you can’t use        Early in the spring of this
                                              them all now            year 17 brave and hardy
                                              why not make            folk joined me in learning
                                              chutney to use          to grow veggies for fun.
                                              during the              Our first night was one of
                                              winter months. It       the wettest nights we had
is great with cold meats and cheeses, especially at                   all year. You may
Christmas time. It will perk up the leftover turkey and ham!          remember that was the time when the motorway
A jar of chutney can be a nice gift for a friend. Use smaller         flooded. Not to be stopped in our endeavours we
jars and cover them with a colourful round of paper or                met on Crinken hall and introduced ourselves and
fabric so they look ‘professional’.                                   learned the art of sowing seeds. Over the course of
                                                                      five classes we learned many things from the sowing
Jamie Oliver has this tasty recipe for Apple Chutney on his
                                                                      of seeds, transplanting, disease and pest control to
website ( so I decided to share it with SCAN
                                                                      harvesting. Some of the vegetables that were planted
readers. He says:“Today I have been busy making apple
                                                                      included lettuce, beans, peas, purple spouting
chutney. I used the Magimix to help me chop and slice the
                                                                      broccoli, sprouts, onions, beet root and herbs.
apples and onions and just a few apples I hand chopped. I
varied from the original recipe a bit as I added some very            The class was entitled ‘Growing for Fun’ and I must
fine chopped fresh ginger into the chutney itself as well as          admit there was a great sense of humour. For
putting some into muslin bags which I removed at the end              instance a question was asked,“how do I keep my
of the cooking.                                                       neighbours cat out of my garden”. The answer came,
It’s a nice chutney, very easy to make and already very tasty.        “dig a number of holes around the vegetables, blow
I shall be trying to stop my darling wife opening any jars of         up a balloon, place in hole and cover with a light
the chutney for a few weeks whilst it matures a bit. I can tell       layer of compost.
you it has a really good flavour, a slight warmth from the            When the cat comes and starts scratching...bang.
ginger and an abundance of sultanas and raisins in the                “The great thing about the classes was that we all
chutney which it really very pleasant.”                               learned from each other.
APPLE CHUTNEY RECIPE                                                  In May as the weather continued to be so wet and
Prepare jars by making sure they are washed and sterilized.           cold we had a rain and shine service in Crinken
Chutney will keep in a cool place for 12 months or so.                Church to thank God for His faithfulness and to ask
                                                                      for good weather so farmers and gardeners could get
                                                                      their crops planted. Our prayers were answered.
   3lbs apples chopped         1 1/2lbs onions chopped
                                                                      In mid June we all descended on Trevor’s house to
   1 1/2lbs brown sugar        1/2lb sultanas
                                                                      see his garden and how he grows his vegetables. A
   1/2lb raisins               1pt vinegar
                                                                      great evening was had by all with a beautiful supper
   1oz salt                    1/4oz fresh ginger (bruised)
                                                                      laid on by his wife Ruth.
   1/4oz dried chillies        1/2 tspn cayenne pepper
                                                                      It is hoped to meet again in September when one of
Method:                                                               the class members Philip Gill promised to show us
Peel & slice apples & onions, put in a saucepan with sugar,           how to make chutneys from surplus vegetables. The
sultanas, raisins, salt, cayenne pepper & vinegar. Put the            class was a great success and the vegetables grown
ginger & chillies in a small muslin bag or clean popsock &            have been enjoyed all around the Shankill area. It is
add. Boil all until tender. Remove the muslin bag, unless you         hoped that the classes will run again next year.
want a hotter chutney in which case leave in until cool.
                                                                      As we joined to ask God in May to bless our efforts in
Pour the chutney into warm jars and cover with a tight lid.           growing the vegetables we will be holding our
Top off with a round of coloured paper or fabric secured              harvest thanksgiving service in Crinken Church on
with string or an elastic band. Make your own labels on the           the 6th October at 11am to thank God for all His
computer or by hand – ‘Mary’s Apple Chutney’ or ‘Apple                provision again this year. All will be most welcome to
Chutney from Mary’s Kitchen’ gives a professional look. They          this service whether you grow flowers and
make a welcome gift and are popular for sale at fund raising          vegetables or not.
coffee mornings.

16 SCAN                                         Website:                               SEPTEMBER 2013
  Congratulation to Men’s Captain Matthew Connolly
  and Ladies Captain Maria Dowling who jointly hosted
  an immensely enjoyable Captain’s Day in lovely
  sunshine on the 28th July.

                                                               Huge well done to our Ladies Class 4 team who made
                                                               the final of the DLTC Summer League. They were
                                                               unfortunate not to win on the day but did earn
                                                               another blue pennant for our club!

                                    UNDER 18 BOYS                  JUNIOR OPEN WEEK 2013
                                  SINGLES CHAMPION
                                                                Shankill Junior Open Week was a huge success with
                                  MACNAMARA WITH
                                                                talented Juniors travelling from all over the country to
                                   THE KEVIN BYRNE              compete.
                                       TROPHY                   Huge congratulations to Ellie Murphy (pictured here
                                   Cóilín justified his         with other club member Michael Frawley) who won
                                   seeding by winning           the Girls U12 Singles and the Girls U14 Doubles,
                                   the Boys U18                 playing with doubles partner Sinead Keogh.
                                   Singles. Ranked No.
                                                                This was Ellie’s 3rd consecutive win in the U12 singles,
                                   1 in Ireland, we wish
                                                                having won Leopardstown and Greystones in the run
                                   Cóilín every success
                                                                up to the Shankill Junior Open. Equally doing the club
                                   with his extremely
                                                                proud was our very own number one seed Cóilín Mac

 It was with enormous pleasure that the new
 Chairperson, Brian Lee, welcomed back former members,
 Bjorn Borg, Billie Jean King and John McEnroe to the
 club. He noted that they had gone on to do the club
 proud and was delighted to see them looking so well!
 Wimbledon Night 2013 was a terrific success, with much
 merriment and some excellent tennis on display!

                                                             Shankill Tennis Club is always keen to
                                                             welcome new members to our club. With a
                                                             healthy mix of social and competitive tennis
                                                             to suit all standards and ages, we offer very
                                                             competitive membership rates. For more
                                                             information call 01 2825400 or email

SEPTEMBER 2013                            Website:                                        SCAN 17
I was very interested and active in politics from a young        My term as Cathaoirleach is just under a year to the next
age through community campaigning on issues relating to          Local Election in May 2014. Normally a Cathaoirleach
planning and the environment. My late father Frank Smyth         serves a year from one Annual General Meeting to the
joined the Labour Party in the late 60’s and became a            next.
Councillor in 1979 so this would have had some influence
on my joining the Labour Party. I have been a very active        WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO ACHIEVE DURING YOUR
member of the Labour Party for over 20 years, working on         TERM AS CATHAOIRLEACH?
various Local, Dail, European and Presidential elections as      I am not going to promise the sun, moon and stars.
well as numerous referendum campaigns.                           However there are a number of projects I would like to see
                                                                 initiated during my year as Cathaoirleach:
I was co-opted onto Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County                SHANGANAGH CASTLE
Council in 2003 for the Ballybrack Ward and was re-elected       The acquisition of the mid 18th century Shanganagh
to the Council in the Local Elections in 2004 and 2009. I        Castle as part of the proposed land swap, which was first
was elected Cathaoirleach of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown              mooted over a decade ago prior to the rezoning of the
County Council in June this year, which is the highlight of      Woodbrook lands. The Castle is now in a serious state of
my political career. I am humbled, honoured and privileged       disrepair. It is imperative that the Castle and the
to be Cathaoirlech in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown where I was         surrounding lands are brought into Council ownership
born, grew up, educated, work and live.                          without further delay. This will enable the final completion
Serving as a Councillor is an honour and a privilege. I take     of Shanganagh Regional Park.
great pride in representing the people of the Ballybrack
Ward, which includes Shankill. As a Public Representative I      DALKEY ISLAND
am tenacious in pursuing all issues raised by constituents       Dalkey Island is an extraordinary heritage resource of
and always endeavour to ensure these are brought to a            national significance. As such it offers a unique insight
satisfactory conclusion. I enjoy meeting people and              into our past. The Dalkey Island project, which includes the
discussing their concerns and pursuing their issues to an        preparation of a Conservation Plan, Bye Laws, a new
end.                                                             management regime for the island and a programme of
                                                                 physical works will conserve this wonderful asset for the

                                                                 DUN LAOGHAIRE BATHS
                                                                 The refurbishment of the Dún Laoghaire baths complex
                                                                 and the general upgrade of the area between
                                                                 Newtownsmith and the East Pier has long been an
                                                                 ambition of the Council ever since the baths closed in the
                                                                 mid 1980s.
                                                                 The current position is that an application for a foreshore
                                                                 licence in respect of this project was submitted to the
                                                                 Department in December 2012. Once the foreshore
                                                                 licence is granted a Part 8 process will commence. I intend
                                                                 to do everything in my power to ensure that this long
                                                                 awaited project gets on site before my term as
 Left to right: Cllr. Denis                                      Cathaoirleach ends.
 O’Callaghan, Cóilín Mac
 Namara, Ellie Murphy,                                           MARLAY PARK REGIONAL SPORTING HUB
 Cllr. Carrie Smyth,                                             I am also committed to the continuing development of a
 Cathaoirleach Dun
                                                                 sporting hub in Marlay Park, which will include, a full size
 Laoghaire Rathdown
 County Council, Sinead                                          athletic track, improved tennis courts, a modern golf
 Keogh, Cllr. Cormac                                             Clubhouse, improved cricket facilities and a White Water
 Devlin.                                                         Course and Centre.

 Cllr. Carrie Smyth and
                                                                 WHAT CHANGES WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN SHANKILL
 Ellie Murphy, Under 12
 Girls Singles & Doubles                                         / HOW DO YOU SEE THE AREA DEVELOPING?
 Champion                                                        Shankill has a huge amount of amenities on its doorstep
                                                                 including the mountains and sea, excellent public

18 SCAN                                       Website:                                SEPTEMBER 2013
transport, the public library, and Shanganagh Park which is       litter and graffiti removal are addressed, which will help
used by locals and many different sporting clubs. I think         Shankill to continue to look well.
one of the best things for Shankill was the opening of the
N11, so Shankill was by-passed from 1991. This ensured            HOW DO YOU SEE THE ROLE OF THE COUNCIL IN
Shankill kept its village and great community feel. During        TODAY’S ENVIRONMENT?
the boom time Shankill wasn’t overdeveloped so it has             I take the responsibility of being a Councillor seriously and I
retained its community appeal. So for this reason I would         always endeavour to represent the people of Dun
hate to see the area developed too quickly when the               Laoghaire Rathdown with the utmost transparency and
economy and the construction industry picks up.                   vigour. The role of Councillor has become very demanding
I would love to see the Shopping Centre reopen. A                 and we are accessible 24/7. I personally think we are busier
planning application was submitted, which to date has not         then any other elected politician as we carry out all our
been passed because the Planners in the Council                   own duties with limited support.
“Requested Additional Information” in May. When                   In the on-going difficult times that we are all experiencing
“Additional Information” is requested and indeed, possible        (including the Council) I hope we all can work together for
clarification of “Additional Information”, the applicant has      the betterment of all the citizens of Dun Laoghaire
up to 6 months (from the original date the “Additional            Rathdown. We can all work together to look out for each
Information” was requested) to submit the response to             other especially the elderly, the young, the disabled and the
both.                                                             most vulnerable.
As I already mentioned I want to see the acquisition of the
                                                                  ANYTHING ELSE THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD
mid 18th century Shanganagh Castle (former Prison),
                                                                  I would like to thank the people of the Ballybrack Ward now
which will ensure Shanganagh Park becomes a Regional
                                                                  renamed the Killiney/Shankill Ward who voted for me in
                                                                  2004 and 2009. The ward includes Ballybrack, Bray,
I will continue to ensure the everyday concerns such as           Cabinteely, Johnstown, Killiney, Loughlinstown, Rathmichael
grass cutting, tree pruning, street sweeping, gully cleaning,     and Shankill. I couldn’t have done it without their support.

 On Sunday 11th August the annual Mass for Deceased
 Post Members and Comrades took place in St Peters
 Church, Little Bray, preceding the Mass a Medal
 Presentation took place. Local dignitaries were in
 attendance including the Leas Cathaoirleach of Bray Town
 Council Cllr. Sarah Wray and Cathaoirleach of Dun
 Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Cllr. Carrie Smyth,
 Deputy Anne Ferris, Deputy Simon Harris, Deputy Billy
 Timmons, Cllr. Denis O’Callaghan and Cllr. John Ryan.
 The Medal ceremony took place before the Mass and light
 refreshments were served after. A birthday cake to mark
 the 1st Anniversary of the re- opening of our post was cut
 by Cormac Becton Chairperson of Post 21 IUNVA. When re-
                                                                  Back Row:       Tommy Keeley, Conor Gavin (Naval
 opened we had twelve members we now have twenty and              Association), CQMS Christy Dwyer, Des o' Dowd, Front
 we are always looking for new ones.                              Row: Cormac Becton Chairperson of Post 21 IUNVA, Cllr.
 Membership is open to any Irish resident who has                 Sarah Wray, Leas Cathaoirleach Bray Town Council, Cllr.
 completed 90 days service on a UN mission, proof of              Carrie Smyth, Cathaoirleach Dun Laoghaire Rathdown
                                                                  County Council, Sean Mc Philips President of Post 21.
 service and ID may be required. New members, or anyone
 seeking information on IUNVA, can call between 7.30 and         Stress, Alcoholism or Homelessness are some of these
 8pm on meeting nights. Our meetings are on the second           problems. The group decided this over a cuppa after
 Thursday of the month at 8pm in the Bray Unit of the            attending the funeral of an ex soldier who died while
 Order of Malta Ambulance Corps premises in Palermo. We          sleeping rough under a truck in Dublin. They met a few
 are most grateful to OMAC for the use of their premise          weeks later and formed the Irish United Nations Veterans
 until we acquire our own, which we hope will be in the          Association.
 very near future.                                               Once again, Post 21 welcome new members and they will
 IUNVA was founded over 24 years ago by 15 serving and ex        be made very welcome if they call to the O M A C premise
 soldiers who recognised that something had to be done to        as stated above. Membership fee is €24 per annum,
 help serving and ex soldiers and their families who suffer      For more information email: or
 from the effects of their service on UN duty. Post Traumatic    call 0877712698

SEPTEMBER 2013                                 Website:                                         SCAN 19
We wish to express our gratitude to Shankill Tennis Club for the                                      23rd. August at a neutral
way they came to our rescue by allowing us the use of their                                           venue.
facilities whilst the building of our clubhouse was in progress.
                                                                                                       They are also in the semi-
INDOOR BOWLING                                                                                         Final of the Maddock Cup (a
We are glad to include a note received from Indoor Captain Jim                                         rinks competition) and drawn
Kelly which reads as follows;:“The Indoor Bowling Section is                                           to play against Kenilworth
now located in our new Clubhouse at the bottom of Quinns Rd.                                           with the venue, Kenilworth
beside the Bowling Green. We wish to thank Scoil Mhuire’s                                              19th Aug. The rink is
Board of Management who have allowed us the use of the                                                 comprised as follows; Kay
                                                                      L to R Moya, Kay, Shirley, Maura
School Hall 2 nights per week since our formation in 1994.                                             Doohan (skip), Maura Hughes
Having our new building, we hope to develop more interest in        (3), Moya McGuire (2), Shirley Nicholson (Lead), res. Patricia
the indoor short mat bowling and invite people who may be           Pegman.
looking for light exercise in a social atmosphere during the        A social highlight for the ladies during the summer was a boat
coming winter evenings to come along and try indoor bowls.          trip on Dublin Bay, then over to Howth for a meal followed by a
Beginners, male and female especially welcome. We meet on           journey home by DART. Organised by Maura Bannon.
Monday and Thursday nights from 8.00pm to 10.00pm. We               MENS SECTION
hope to have an extra team competing in the Indoor Bowling
                                                                    The Div 4 team could surprise everyone and find themselves in
                                             League this coming
 Dublin Bay Cruise Howth                                            with a chance of promotion and without a doubt, they are
                                                                    certainly good enough to just do that.
                                            LADIES SECTION
                                                                    The Div 2 side are drawn against Cork in the semi- final of the
                                            The ladies are in       Crumlin Cup; venue Clontarf B.C. and due to be played on 1st,
                                            two semi-finals!        Sept and they are “looking Good” and “Up for it ”.
                                            First they are in the
                                                                    The members of Shankill Bowling Club wish to offer their
                                            semi- final of the
                                                                    sincere sympathies to Elizabeth McElhinney on the sad loss of
                                            L.B.L.I. Open
                                                                    her Husband John. R.I.P. And the members also wish to extend
                                            Challenge Cup.
                                                                    their sincere sympathies to Mick Dixon on the sad passing of
                                            Down to play
                                                                    his wife Bridget R.I.P.
                                            Greystones B.C. on
                                                                                                                Paddy Hughes P.R.O.

20 SCAN                                         Website:                                    SEPTEMBER 2013
Saving for your retirement                                        during the gap years from retirement through to your State
Saving for your retirement is important. People are living        Pension Age.
longer and are leading more active lives in retirement. As a      Also, you need a PRSI contribution track record (or be able to
result it is now more important than ever for you to plan to      satisfy a means-test) in order to qualify for a State Pension.
ensure that you will have sufficient income when you              The sooner you start saving for your retirement the
come to retire and to ensure that you are not caught out          better
by the Earnings Gap – i.e. the difference between your            It is important for you to take control of your retirement
income immediately prior to retirement compared to your           planning and make decisions regarding your pension –the
income just after retirement.                                     sooner the better. Your pension scheme can be an extremely
The Earnings Gap in Retirement                                    valuable asset. For example, if you were to buy a pension
There are several key factors that will have a big impact         from an insurance company at retirement of €10,000 per
on the possible Earnings Gap when you retire.                     annum, you could need a pension fund of €250,000 or
You should ask yourself the following questions to try and        more.
understand how the Earnings Gap could impact on you               So if your employer sponsors a pension scheme then it may
personally:                                                       be worthwhile to become a member. And if you are self-
1) What is my likely income or final salary immediately           employed (or in non-pensionable employment) then you
prior to retirement?                                              need to start making contributions to your own pension
2) What is my planned retirement age (e.g. age 60) and
how much pension benefit will I receive at that age?              And in any event, the sooner you start saving for your
                                                                  retirement the better.
3) At what age will I qualify for the State Pension?
                                                                  Pension benefits are also portable and need not be ‘frozen’
The current qualifying age for the State pension is age 66.
                                                                  when your employment status changes.
The qualifying age will rise to 67 in 2021 and 68 in 2028.
                                                                  Most pension plans are generally tax approved by the
• If you were born on or after 1st January 1955 the
                                                                  Revenue Commissioners. The advantages of Revenue
minimum qualifying State Pension age will be 67.
                                                                  approval are as follows:
• If you were born on or after 1st January 1961 the
                                                                  you will receive tax relief on your own contributions;
minimum qualifying State Pension age will be 68.
                                                                  you are not taxed on your employer’s contributions, if any
4) Do I qualify for the full State Pension (Contributory)?
                                                                  (effectively this is tax-free pay), although for RACs and PRSAs
In order to qualify for the State Pension (as per point 3         you may be liable for the Universal Social Charge on any
above) you will also need to satisfy the following criteria:      contributions your employer pays;
i) Have I paid PRSI contributions before a certain age?           your contributions are invested in pension funds and the
ii) Have I paid the required number of PRSI contributions?        growth is free from Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax;
iii) Have I a certain average number of PRSI contributions        at retirement you can take a certain portion of your fund as
paid over the years since you first started to pay?               your retirement lump sum, some or all of this will be tax-free
Depending on your answers to the above questions,                 up to certain limits.
you could be facing a significant Earnings Gap in                 The Revenue Commissioners place limits on the relief
retirement. In particular, there are two areas of most            available on contributions and on benefits. These limits are,
concern.                                                          however, more than enough for most people to enjoy a
i) The ‘overnight’ reduction in your income after your            reasonable level of pension. Taking your own circumstances
retirement, compared to immediately prior to your                 into account, the key decisions you need to make are:
retirement.                                                       Where can I get independent advice?
ii) The extended period from when your employment                 What type of pension plan would be most suitable?
income ceases and the date that your State Pension
                                                                  How much should I save?
becomes payable.
                                                                  Where should my pension be invested?
What about the State Pension?
The State Pension will only provide you with a basic level        A Better Retirement Starts Today!
of retirement income. Provided you meet all the required          Ultimately you are responsible for your own retirement
criteria, the full single person’s State Pension is currently     planning and it is up to you to sow the seeds today that will
(August, 2013) €230.30 per week, or approximately                 bear the fruits of a comfortable retirement in later years.
€12,000 per annum.                                                Retirement planning can be complex and we recommend
When planning for retirement you will need to decide              that you should speak to a qualified Independent Financial
whether this is enough to live on in retirement, and if not,      Advisor, your life assurance provider or call Shankill Financial
where your additional income will come from – especially          Services.

SEPTEMBER 2013                                  Website:                                         SCAN 21
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