Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen

Page created by Hugh Schneider
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen
2016                     WORLD DAY OF PRAYER
Volume XLII—A Publication of the World Day of Prayer International Committee

             Receive children. Receive me.
                                        WRITTEN BY THE WDP WOMEN OF CUBA
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen
World Day of Prayer Writting Committee, Cuba                                     On the Cover: On the Threshold of
                                                                                 Childhood, painting by Ruth Mariet
                                                                                 Trueba Castro for the program

   Contents                                                                      written by WDP Cuba.

   F EATURES                                   WD P A RO U N D T H E WO R L D    Check out our new Website at
   03    From the Chairperson
                                               07   Latin America
         Who are the Children in our
                                               13   Africa
   04    Worship Service Bible Text
         Mark 10:13-16                         19   Asia
   05    From the Writer Country
                                               23   Caribbean/North America
         “Receive children. Receive
                                               28   Europe
   47    The Fellowship of the Least                                             Like us on Facebook at
         Coin at 60                            39   Middle East        
         Corazon Tabing-Reyes
                                               41   Pacific
   48    From the Executive Director-
         Prayer in Context
                                               44   Leading Together
   49    WDP at a Glance

                 To read and share these stories online, visit

World Day of Prayer   2 Journal 2016
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen

                         Who are the Children
                           in our Midst?
                                               MARK 10:13-16

                                            BY C O R I N N A H A R B I G

D    ear World Day of Prayer sisters
     and friends,
                                                                               we make our community a safe haven
                                                                               in which everyone has a place?

I greet you warmly on behalf of the                                            We would like to express our gratitude
World Day of Prayer International                                              to our dear sisters of the Cuba WDP
Committee!                                                                     Committee, for this wonderfully
                                                                               touching and encouraging service.
On March 4, 2016, in many coun-                                                And also for the artwork which beau-
tries, women participated in the                                               tifully represented the theme and gave
World Day of Prayer service written                                            us a glimpse into Cuba’s reality. We
by the Cuba WDP Committee under                                                will remain faithful to follow in the
the theme “Receive children. Receive                                           footsteps of Jesus by receiving children
me,” based on Mark 10:13-16.              Corinna Harbig, Chairperson, World   and with them, the most vulnerable
                                          Day of Prayer International          in our midst. And we will continue
As you are holding the Cuba Journal       Committee                            our journey of “Informed prayer –
with photos, reports, and experiences  ages us to reach out to the most vul-   prayerful action.”
from all over the world, we would like nerable in our neighborhood, our
to send your national and local teams  country, and our world!               Now we turn ourselves to listen to the
our heartfelt thanks for your commit-                                        Philippines WDP Committee who
ment in making this happen!            I have had the privilege of joining a invites us for 2017 to reflect on “Am
                                       few workshops in different countries I Being Unfair to You?”
In a historical moment and during in study and preparation for the
times of political changes, concerning WDP program. It was very moving to
the relationship between the USA and go into deep meditation and conver-
Cuba, we shared our prayers with the sation as we asked: Who are the chil-
Cuban people. The women of Cuba dren whom Jesus embraces and blesses
invited us with the word of Jesus “Re- while challenging us to receive them
ceive children. Receive me.” Jesus’ like the Kingdom of God? Who are
word touches our hearts and encour- the children in our midst? How can

                            Peace and blessings to all for your work and
                               commitment to World Day of Prayer!

                                                                                 World Day of Prayer   3 Journal 2016
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen
Worship Service Bible Text
                                                             MARK 10:13-16*

P    eople were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch
     them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this,
he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not

stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I
tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will
never enter it.” And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and
blessed them.

*New Revised Version Bible, copyright, 1989, by the Division of Christian Education of the National
Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

               SOUTH KOREA


World Day of Prayer      4 Journal 2016
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen

            “Receive children. Receive me.”
                                              BY W D P WO M E N O F C U B A

W       e thank God for having been
        chosen to be the writer coun-
try. It was an honor and a privilege
                                                                                      the divine so much that we forget the
                                                                                      realities we walk with our own feet.
                                                                                      Having highlighted the context and
to share with other countries our deep                                                symbols of our communities has
feelings for Cuba, our culture, and                                                   strengthened us spiritually. The serv-
our spirituality. It was a wonderful                                                  ice helped us realize how much we can
opportunity for our country to be                                                     contribute to the formation and en-
known, since we have been very iso-                                                   richment of an authentic spiritual
lated from the world, and news about                                                  identity.
our country is sometimes taken out
of context.                                                                            We did a process to learn, through
                                                                                       prayer and action, how the Spirit is
In trying to describe our reality we felt                                              with us no matter the differences
as if we were drawing a self-portrait of                                               among generations or denominations.
Christian women in Cuba. We re-                                                        Prayer brought us together for this ex-
newed our understanding of our own          Artist Ruth Mariet Trueba Castro with her  perience of inclusion. We have re-
culture and the challenges we face.         artwork On the Threshold of Childhood,     ceived a lot of feedback from different
Being a writer country required us to       created for the program written by WDP     groups and individuals. They recog-
open our doors and extend our hands         Cuba.                                      nized their selves and their context in
to welcome anyone who wanted to                                                        the program. In addition, there were
know us. Now, we can appreciate bet-        and the solidarity love of many positive comments for including the
ter the work of our sisters from other      women around the world.                    autochthone songs from Cuba. It en-
countries, who had allowed us to                                                       riched the liturgical experience.
know their realities through the WDP        We are a movement of women
programs each year.                         throughout our country, who are com- In fact, upon receiving the theme of
                                            mitted to prayer and action with the celebration we were surprised. In
World Day of Prayer in Cuba has en-         women and the most vulnerable. But general, children have an important
couraged ecumenical relations among         this experience made us recognize that place both in our families and in
the churches. The program has man-          the women in Cuba also need every- society in our country. But often we
aged to involve women from different        one’s prayers even after Cuba is no prioritize the material self and do not
churches, but still this is a challenge     longer the WDP focus country.              value the spiritual one, thus overlook-
that invites us to seek and create new                                                 ing the gospel teaching as a way of
spaces that may unite us. We recog-         Sometimes the Christian formation bringing them closer to Christ. So I
nize the richness of our diverse ways       does not encourage the importance of believe that God wanted this to be our
of thinking. In this ecumenical writ-       our identity, our successes or goal—to pray for the children, and
ing experience we learned that we are       either our failures as a society. Usually, learn from them.
not alone. We feel the support, prayer,     the liturgy or the praises emphasize

                                                                                        World Day of Prayer   5 Journal 2016
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen


The program has moved us into a re-
flection and analysis of our adult cen-
tric attitudes towards children. The
biblical story pointed out the impor-
tance of receiving children, and of rec-
ognizing them as representations of
the most vulnerable. Thus, we under-
stand that we need to change our ap-
proach to children. We realized the
importance of continuing to develop
the interdenominational children’s
choir with 50 participants from La
Habana, which emerged as part of the
World Day of Prayer 2016 Cuba cel-
ebration. The participation of chil-       Commission, and the Women and             We feel that the theme left us with
dren in these various services was         Gender Program of the Council             hopeful feelings, something very
something beautiful and much appre-        of Churches of Cuba, they have gen-       meaningful at this time in our coun-
ciated.                                    erated a project entitled “Healthy Re-    try. Hope is a need for the people and
                                           lationships in the Cuban family.” This    the church.
In addition, as a result of this experi-   initiative will be part of our campaign
ence there are other initiatives that      of non-violence. We know that the fi-     We thank all the countries and
will continue to impact the lives          nancial support for this project is the   women who prayed for and with
of children in our communities. In an      contribution of WDP committees            Cuba. This was the best gift!
ecumenical action involving the            from various countries to the Bible
United Bible Societies, the Biblical       Societies.

                         We thank all the countries and women who prayed
                             for and with Cuba. This was the best gift!

World Day of Prayer   6 Journal 2016
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen
Latin America

                                                                               also appropriate for the communities
                                                                               that do not receive children well. Thus
O      ur country has always been very
       close to Cuba, so we were very
pleased to pray for them. The service
                                                                               the scene where Jesus blessed the chil-
                                                                               dren really left a great impact in the
impacted us dearly as it showed us                                             hearts of the participants. All the chil-
that we have not done much for our                                             dren attending the service were in-
children. We became more aware of                                              vited for a prayer.
the situations our children face in our
country. Many of them are relegated,                                           In one service, before the meditation
living in poverty and in the streets.                                          moment, three women representing
                                                                               the elderly, the young adult woman
In October we had a retreat where we      denomination wants to take part in   and a youth entered the church to the
shared the worship service materials      the committee.                       sound of Cuban music. Then, they
with the leaders. Then we met                                                  were interviewed. Using the back-
monthly to study the theme and pre-       BRAZIL                               ground information prepared by the
                                                                               Cuban committee, they helped the
pare our programs. We used the Bible
studies applied to our context. We
were able to use the Cuban songs with
                                          “R       eceive children. Receive me,”
                                                                               participants learn more about how
                                                   has always been a very impor-
                                          tant theme. Today, when so many      people live in Cuba. We thank God
a Cuban singer in one of our celebra-                                          for the opportunity of walking to-
                                          people are fleeing hunger and war, the
tions. The children were very active in   service was an opportunity to lift upgether ecumenically.
the services. It was moving and we did    their plea. As Christians, we are called
learn a lot with their participation.     to receive these people with love, es- Website: www.dmoracao.comu-
With enthusiasm, every year a new         pecially the children. The theme was

                                                                                 World Day of Prayer   7 Journal 2016
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen
CHILE                                      COSTA RICA

CHILE                                      COSTA R I C A                            DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

P    eople from India, Palestine, Eu-
     rope, Asia and neighboring coun-
tries in Latin American are coming to
                                           T      housands of Cubans were trying
                                                 to reach USA traveling through
                                            Central America, but they could
Chile in search of economic opportu-        not cross the borders into Nicaragua.
nities for their family. They are tar-      For months they were housed in
geted for very low wage jobs and            schools, homes, and churches in
indecent conditions, even though            Costa Rica. The participation of
they can access free education and          Cubans, Cuban friends or people
health services. When we walk on the        who had visited Cuba, brought a very
streets, we realize that our city is now    special meaning to the celebrations. D O M I N I C A N R E P U B L I C
multiracial and multicultural. We be-       This was the background context in
lieve that the problems in an unequal,
multicultural, and globalized world
                                            which our prayers took action in our
                                                                                  “I       nformed prayer and prayerful
                                                                                           action” motivates us to be in
                                                                                     communication and aware of what is
tend to be similar in many places.                                                   happening around us, so we can unite
However, we are committed to edu-           We had intergenerational programs as in prayer and action. We are very con-
cating our children about acceptance;       several families were involved in the cerned about violence in families,
even though we, the adults, are some-       preparations. Two programs were ded- which affects both women and chil-
times unable to act without discrimi-       icated to the children, and we also had dren in our country. It became clear
nating against immigrants.                  a children’s choir in the celebration in to us that if we do nothing for the
                                            Limon. In a school, the children felt children, we would impede their en-
In the service, we appropriated our- so identified with the Cuban children trance into the kingdom of heaven.
selves of the fears, pains, and joys of the that they continued to pray for them
Cuban people. It was very meaningful. in their classes. We affirmed the im- We learned with Jesus, who defended
The services were actually attended by portance of creating spaces that are the children of his time by making
the grandmothers, who in our society not adult centric and value when chil- them partakers of God’s kingdom.
are caring for their grandchildren while dren talk about family abuse. They Jesus placed them as examples
the mothers are at work.                    need an environment of trust and of humility, love, and sincerity. “Re-
                                            communication.                           ceiving children” means to commit
Facebook: DMO Chile                                                                  ourselves to their education and to

World Day of Prayer 8 Journal 2016
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen

                                                                       Churches can propose programs
                                                                       and actions in favor of children
                                                                        in our communities that will
                                                                          impact their lives forever.

their spiritual and moral beings.                                              G U AT E M A L A
Churches can propose programs and
actions in favor of children
in our communities that will impact
                                                                               W       e felt we were in Cuba. We
                                                                                       created the right environment
                                                                               to live this experience. It gave us a
their lives forever. Actually, we did                                          greater understanding of their realities
promote two services with children.                                            and we felt the joy of the Cuban
We did learn from them.                                                        women throughout the liturgy. We
                                                                               felt empathy for people that have suf-
                                                                               fered and continue to fight. We found

O      ur focus has always been the
       children. Thus, I was very
happy when I realized that the Cuba
                                                                               it very important to learn about the
                                                                               country, to listen to the music and try
                                                                               their food. A place so close, yet so dis-
program would have World Day of                                                tant. We hardly hear any news of
Prayer thinking of children. The re-                                           Cuba. Their issues are also relevant to
flection was dedicated to children tak-                                        us in Guatemala.
ing into account the Bible story. We
also used the program at our Sunday in Cuba. Her presence created the          We were reminded of what it means
Bible school.                           opportunity of solidarity with Cuba.   when Jesus is receiving the children.
                                        Many participants gave testimony of    Many times it is us who hinder them
We placed a banner showcasing the the strength of Cuban people. The            by ignoring the reality and situation
theme in front of the Church. We women in our country enjoy the                that the children are living in. If we
invited the Cuban Ambassador to the WDP worship service. Once a week           do not include them in our celebra-
service. She came with her colleagues we have a prayer moment to find          tions with an age appropriate pro-
and we had breakfast together with peace and harmony to cope with so           gram, for example, we are creating
the community. The ambassador much violence in El Salvador. God is             barriers for their full participation in
spoke about the situation of women with us.                                    churches.

                                                                                 World Day of Prayer   9 Journal 2016
Receive children. Receive me 2016 - Weltgebetstag der Frauen

  “We miss out on
 valuable life lessons
 when we do not let
   children express

                                                           We focused on the     lucha sigue.” (Berta lives. The struggle
                                                           children of our       continues.)
                                                           country. We have
                                                           been identified as    MEXICO
                                                           having the highest
                                                           rate of unaccompa-
                                                           nied minors mi-
                                                                                 I  n our churches, we give special
                                                                                    attention to children. It is impor-
                                                                                 tant that they receive and feel the love
                                                           grating to the US.    that comes from God, and that their
                                                           We prayed for the     parents keep this love alive in their
                                                           cessation of vio-     hearts. In embracing them we demon-
                                                           lence towards the     strate this love which is the perfect
                                                           young, for the in-    bond. Children are the future of every
                                                           crease of economic    nation; it is painful to see them being
                                                           opportunities at      mistreated, and even underestimated.
H O N DURAS                                                home, and for a
      he theme and the suggestion for brighter future for the new generations.   By living on this complex border of
T    a children’s choir led to an en-
riching collaboration with a neighbor- The day before our celebration, Berta
                                                                                 Mexico/USA, we are saddened by
                                                                                 the stories of families, men, and
hood preschool. The teacher was very Carceres, an indigenous environmen-         women uprooted from their home-
welcoming and the children practiced tal activist was murdered. Several peo-     town. In the midst of many difficulties,
their songs daily. They participated in ple on our committee in La Esperanza     they are migrating to care for their
the service along with their mothers. worked with her and attended the           families. We are dedicated, in the la
We continue to share new music with wake following our celebration. It           Casa de los Pobres, to work for the mi-
them. We built a great relationship. was a heavy time, but we affirm with        grants and deportees to be included in
We love it!                             the community that “Berta Vive. La       our societies. Children definitely made

World Day of Prayer   10 Journal 2016


this worship service relevant. With It was with great joy that we prayed               PA R AG U AY
their movement, voices, and role play- with the Cuban people.
ing they encouraged us to see them
through their smiles and expectation to
                                           PANAM A                                     T     he service written by the Cuban
                                                                                            women made us really think about
                                                                                       the problems that exist in our own
do well in their participation.

                                                   e prayed with our entire heart
                                                   and we felt the same joys,
                                                   and problems of the Cuban
                                                                                       country, like violence against women,
                                                                                       the corruption of the state, and the sep-
                                                                                       aration of families due to emigration to
                                           people. Their issues are relevant in our    Argentina and Spain in search of better
F    or many, children are the top pri-
     orities. We hold special children’s
services, have Sunday school, and
                                           country as well. The environment of
                                           the activity was made to look like we
                                                                                       opportunities and jobs. The service en-
                                                                                       couraged us to act and do whatever we
                                           were in Cuba among them as a family.        can to impact this reality.
whenever nutritional food is distrib-
                                           The host church had a lovely
uted children are the first to receive it.
However, there are some communities Caribbean style of presentations and        In Naranjal, there is a group of WDP
who favor adults. We miss out on decorations. Flower and foods re-              members who have come together to
valuable life lessons when we do not flected the atmosphere of Cuba, in-        provide social assistance to their com-
let children express themselves. One cluding the welcoming coffee. God          munity. They have a bazaar of used
girl said she had seen how happy her bless Cuba!                                clothing and the revenue generated
mother became when preparations for                                             also facilitates the participation of
the WDP began, but she was always         Children need to be embraced and women in the WDP annual retreat.
excluded! So, we extended our invita-     blessed in order to feel that they At the retreat, we learn about the
tions to the children and they were       belong and can be better citizens for country’s situation, and then we study
very excited.                             the future. We organized children the Bible text. Those contents help us
                                          programs with a photo presentation to be better prepared for the first col-
Cuba is like our sister island. We also   and drama. They enjoyed this service lective reading of the worship service.
had a revolution that impacted Latin      very much. We had programs in When we leave that place, we are pre-
America. It caused us to suffer a US      churches and schools, including the pared to creatively organize the pro-
blockade. Cuba helped Nicaragua           School for the Blind. Still, two of gram at our local communities.
when it was hit by the earthquake,        our big challenges are to engage
and also through the brigades of doc-     younger people in our World Day Website: www.diamundialdeoracion.
tors and educators. We know what the      of Prayer committee and expand
blockade feels like. This opened up a     our ecumenical relationship and
great intergenerational conversation.     fellowship.                           Facebook: DMO.Paraguay

                                                                                        World Day of Prayer   11 Journal 2016

                                                                             The girls who participated in
                                                                              the procession were thrilled
                                                                              for having been taken into
                                                                           consideration. We had an intense
                                                                            ecumenical moment full of joy.


T     he theme was a big challenge, as
      it obliged us to read the Bible
story in its context and go beyond a
superficial meaning like “Be kind to
children! Celebrate their birthdays
with presents!” It taught us to feel
ashamed as the disciples must have
felt when Jesus said to them “Unless
you become like them…”

We also wanted to find the manner
in which we could really include chil-
dren in all of our activities. It was re-
ally difficult to find children who
were ready to participate because of
                                            tion. We learned that peace and solidar-   try. The Cuban people are seen
the given structures and habits in
                                            ity, no discrimination and inclusion,      through stigmas. Others strongly af-
those places. For others it was signifi-
                                            love and intercession are themes crucial   firmed our connection with the
cant to feel how their presence gave a
                                            to us. The program was a great oppor-      Cuban people. We understood that is
joyful atmosphere to the service. We
                                            tunity to promote inclusion and fel-       important to be united in prayer, to
felt that the main concerns of our own
                                            lowship as a Christian community.          overcome critical problems like the
communities were addressed in the
                                            The girls who participated in the          economic blockade against Cuba, war
prayers, except for the emigration
                                            procession were thrilled for having        in the Middle East, and children’s vul-
from Cuba. But we prayed for the em-
                                            been taken into consideration. We          nerability. We reflected these difficul-
igrants all over the world, especially in
                                            had an intense ecumenical moment           ties and concerns and decided to get
the Middle East.
                                            full of joy.                               to know the Cuban communities in
                                        We realized that some participants

I n our faith communities, children had difficulties praying for Cuba due
  and youth have received little atten- to the political situation of the coun-

World Day of Prayer   12 Journal 2016
  ANGOLA                                             BOTSWANA

A N G OLA                                 CAMEROON                               from Christ. We encouraged our
                                                                                 communities to build stronger rela-
W       e had intense days leading up
        to the March celebration. We
visited the municipality of Catabola
                                                                                 tionships with their children and
                                                                                 teach them to love God. We prayed to
where we camped with 105 women                                                   God to help us forgive and embrace
and young women of the region. We                                                one another to bring peace to the
spent time visiting some needy fami-                                             communities.
lies, conducting training seminars,
and applying the Bible story of the                                              In the past, Christian churches would
Shunammite woman to the challenges                                               not meet on such occasions but today
women face in their family, society,                                             we see them coming together under
and church in Angola. In all and each                                            one roof to pray. Ecumenical relation-
situation, women have an opportu-                                                ships are being built by women who
nity to improve their lives.            BOTSWA N A                               come together to share this experi-
                                                                                 ence. We were honored to have the
We also offered a reflection about the  T     he service was an eye opener to
                                              our communities. We learned
importance of World Day of Prayer, that children have to be received,
                                                                                 participation of the Gender Affairs
                                                                                 Department’s director, a representa-
and women’s contribution to evange- loved, and appreciated. Children             tive of the Prison Fellowship, the pas-
lization. At the WDP Friday service, should not be neglected nor chased          tors and chiefs in our services.
we had over 650 participants. We had from the home, but they should be
                                                                                 C A M E RO O N
the pleasure of hosting representatives listened to. We are dealing with chil-
of the municipal government, who dren who are suffering from substance
had the opportunity to learn more abuse, who are affected by car acci-
about women’s issues.                   dents, and who have turned away
                                                                                 W      hen a child is born there is a
                                                                                       special celebration, known as
                                                                                 “born house,” organized by the com-

                                                                                 World Day of Prayer   13 Journal 2016
GABON                                                               GHANA

munity to officially welcome them.          explains the experiences in their com-     children. Further exchanges were made
The child is passed around for every-       munity with children. Then we trans-       on immigration issues affecting our
one to place a hand on them as a sign       late the service in the local languages    country. By acting on our concerns
of blessings and guests sing songs of       we have – El Mdowe, Fang, and Bubi.        about violence against children, we are
love and prosperity. There is food and      We photocopy and send the program          raising the awareness of parents, teach-
dancing and it is really quite a joyful     to all the regions in our country. On      ers, institutions, and all communities
time! It is important to realize that the   the day of the celebration we go all       to prevent these situations.
future starts with children and what        dressed in white to worship and pray.
they learn from their parents will im-                                               We made the procession to the worship
pact them for the rest of their lives.      In our communities and in our coun- service carrying flowers on our right
                                            try we receive children well. They hands. They were deposited at the
We should all be involved, in some          have their time of worship where they Altar like the Cuba World Day of Payer
way, in helping our children and youth      play and hear stories. We learned that program suggested. We felt closer to
to come to Christ in faith. They are        we have to give affection and love, let the people of Cuba by praying with
deeply impacted by the media and it is      the children express themselves and them. It was like we were face to face.
our duty to pull them closer to Christ.     participate fully in the church. Many It is love in the Christian community.
Cameroon is affected by poverty, lack       children in our schools took part in
of suitable water supplies, and a below     the WDP service, and now they want G H A N A
average health system. Malaria, a treat-    to sing in the choirs. The girls were so
able disease, is responsible for nearly a
fifth of our children’s deaths under the
                                            happy that they want to come back.         W   DP has become a rallying
                                                                                           point for women to share and
                                            It has been a joy for our communities. learn in the spirit of ecumenism.
age of five. To help ease the pain of                                                  When we come together we all leave
some families we paid for some of the GABON                                            our church doctrines and focus on the
prescribed medication for their hospi-
talized children.                           T  he children were in school and
                                               could not participate in the serv-
                                          ice on Friday. So, the adults took their
                                                                                       worship service and the writer coun-
                                                                                       try. This year we were afforded the op-
                                                                                       portunity to learn about Cuba, a place
                                          place in the Bible story. It increased our   we have never been to before. It was a

W        e are connected with other de- understanding of the suffering that
         nominations, which facilitates children might go through. A presen-
the preparation and exchange of ideas tation was made on violence against
                                                                                       big joy to join them in prayer and re-
                                                                                       flect on the theme, which we dis-
                                                                                       cussed in the context of child rights.
for WDP activities. Each sister children to materialize the suffering of               Many children are disrespected in our

World Day of Prayer   14 Journal 2016
IVORY COAST                                                  MADAGASCAR

community so this was a very                                                             that the government had to
relevant topic for us.                                                                   implement programs to attend
                                                                                         for their rights. In that sense,
We also had three dialogue ses-                                                          our WDP program spoke to
sions with young adults on the                                                           the heart of our people.
impact of undocumented mi-
gration. The children mimed                                                              Our service integrated adults
and performed different role                                                             and children which led to a
plays depicting love, accept-                                                            great worship. The Bible story
ance, and respect. After the                                                             was very touching and re-
service we put our prayer into                                                           minded us of how important
                                        of the leaders was dressed in a bright
action by donating to vulnerable com-                                           our children are. It also led us to lift
                                        yellow dress. The children took an ac-
munities of women and children, and                                             up the situation of old women, or-
                                        tive part in the official celebration
supporting families who have become                                             phans, widows and widowers. The
                                        through Bible readings, mime, medi-
victims to child trafficking. Luckily,                                          Daily Nation Newspaper announced
                                        tation, and offerings. The celebration
some of those children were rescued.                                            the service. The National Media in
                                        took place in all cities, bringing to-
                                                                                our country is beginning to recognize
                                        gether over 600 women. An official
                                                                                the problems children face. A day was
                                        celebration was held at the United
                                                                                set to campaigning for children, espe-
W       e focused on hospitality, shar- Methodist Church in Abidjan, the
        ing, and communication; be- economic capital of the country,
cause there are people who are alone where we invited the authorities of
                                                                                cially the street children. People were
                                                                                able to donate food and clothing to
and feel they have no one to talk to. our church.                               children in need.
In that way, we strengthen the Na-
                                                                               M A DAG A S C A R
tional Committee at the Ivory Coast. KENYA

Despite the geographical distance, we
felt in communion with the women
                                          C   hildren are experiencing many
                                              hardships in our country, espe-
                                                                                “I   am pleased to participate in this
                                                                                     worship service with my grand-
                                                                               mother!” said one of the girls at our
                                        cially the males. Some live on the
of Cuba. A white tablecloth and flow-                                          service. The young girl and her grand-
                                        streets, some are involved with drugs,
ers, accompanied by a sugar cane                                               mother walked the procession to-
                                        and some are living with HIV. These
stick, were deposited at the altar. One                                        gether and read their parts as the child
                                        problems have become such a big issue

                                                                                 World Day of Prayer   15 Journal 2016
MAURITIUS                                                                 NIGERIA

and the mature woman very well. It         the Cuban people. Mauritians of all         Moonlight,” where they learn Niger-
was fantastic to see the representation    ages were touched by the history of         ian traditions. This is a veritable
across generations in the service. Join-   Cuba. A place very far from our island;     source of intergenerational bonding.
ing hands joyfully to praise the Lord,     but Jesus has made the first move to
to preach in unity in our diversity, and   bring together countries in the spirit of   Fervent prayer has become a necessity
to love one another is a big task, but     devotion to the needy and vulnerable        in our country due to poverty and in-
Jesus has shown us the way. In our         as little children. Children are a gift     creasing child abuse or trafficking,
committee, representatives from each       from the Lord. They are real blessings.     and the devastating activities of fun-
region attend a monthly meeting                                                        damentalist groups like Boko Haram.
where we worship together and bring     We felt the spirit of solidarity by vis-       The incident with the Chibok girls,
material and financial help to those in iting the isolated and praying for the         who were kidnapped by Boko Haram,
need. It is our way of putting our      sick and marginalized. We acted on             still haunts us. We are grateful for the
prayers into action.                    our prayers by helping students to in-         worldwide campaign to Bring Back
                                        tegrate in our country and by helping          Our Girls, which has now expanded
The program written by the Cuban the orphans whose parents are in                      to the millions of children internally
women was very helpful. The music prison. We also supported those living               displaced. We trust and hope in God.
was used during the welcome café, the in nursing homes.
artwork at one of our retreat pro-                                               REPUBLIC OF CONGO
grams, and the children’s service at NIGER I A
Sunday schools. It was really an enjoy-
able service.                              O   ur Christian communities re-            O
                                                                                    ur World Day of Prayer commit-
                                                                                    tee is establishing itself with the
                                               ceive children with joy and Ecumenical Committee of Churches.
                                        thanksgiving. We have traditional We have representation from the Evan-
                                        naming ceremonies where four gener- gelical Church of Congo, Catholic

A    WDP member found a school ations of the family come to witness Church, Salvation Army, Evangelical
     where children learn Spanish and the event, the oldest performing Lutheran Church, and Orthodox
their parents are familiar with the major actions to welcome the child Church. We set the WDP celebration
Cuban culture. A child sang the na- with prayer and food. A Christian in- on March 4th to coincide with the Me-
tional anthem of Cuba in Spanish. fant baptism may be performed morial Day for those who died in the
They helped us to bring together shortly after. As the children grow detonations of heavy weapons from
Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox they are gathered by the young adults a military camp. We were able to bring
priests. We are in a bond of love with and elders to listen to the “Tales by together the political leaders and

World Day of Prayer   16 Journal 2016
SIERRA LEONE                                       ZAMBIA

leaders of our churches to that      SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                                        State authorities,
                                                                                        communities, and
I  t was noted, during our cele-
   bration, that the Kingdom of
God belongs to children. We
                                                                                       parents alike should
                                                                                      come together for the
must emulate Christ’s example
by caring for our children and
                                                                                      welfare of the children
allowing them to grow in                                                                 and the schools.
Christ. We put our faith into
action by donating food and
health kits to the children of            SOUTH A F R I C A
the National School for the Deaf and                                              left children on the street with no
                                                                                  adult supervision. We donated to or-
Dumb in Freetown. It was received
with great joy, but we were challenged    I  n April, we hosted a workshop for
                                             women from all over the country to
                                          meet each other and start organizing
                                                                                  ganizations that focus on the well-
                                                                                  being of these children. Cuba was not
by the needs of the school, such as
special education teachers and meals      services on local, regional, and provin-well understood in our country before
for the students. State authorities,                                              this service. Now we realize that their
                                          cial levels. It was a huge success in unit-
communities, and parents alike            ing women in prayer and sending them    battles are universal and relevant to us.
should come together for the welfare      back to their communities with great    This changed our whole attitude as
of the children and the schools.          enthusiasm. Many churches have inter-   we prayed and we will continue to
                                          cultural or interdenominational servicespray for them.
Our objective has been to advocate        where the program is done in English,
and lobby for children who are re-        German, Afrikaans, and Zulu all in one Website:
jected, neglected, and often looked       sermon. It is heartwarming to see
over due to disability, and also foster   Christians worship together over barri- Z A M B I A
                                          ers such as language, race, and culture.
children and victims of trafficking.
We hope to provide moral and finan-
cial support to these children and to
                                                                                  I   t was challenging this year to hear
                                                                                      about the children who are suffer-
                                          In our country child abuse and neg- ing through abuse, neglect, and war,
promote their educational rights.         lect are critical. Extreme poverty has and know that in some way we have

                                                                                   World Day of Prayer   17 Journal 2016

failed our families. A lesson was  detailed explanation of Cuba’s history, One of the issues the people of Cuba
learned through this theme and we are
                                   culture, and traditions, that made us are facing that is relevant in our own
striving towards a better way of life for
                                   feel like we really got to know them. country is that of emigration. Most
our children and for us. We have an                                         households are being headed by chil-
empowerment program that is dedi-  ZIMBA B W E                              dren as their parents have gone abroad
cated to the wellbeing of women and                                         to look for better opportunities. An-
uplifting them through Christ. We
also have a program called “Putting
                                      esus’ endless love has no boundaries.
                                      However, the disciples did not un-
                                   derstand that. We must embrace every-
                                                                            other rampant issue is domestic vio-
                                                                            lence and abuse towards young
Wheels to Prayer” which exists to                                           women in the form of child brides.
                                   one and recognize children as our
teach homeless and struggling youth                                         Thankfully this year our government
                                   equals regardless of their status. We
basic business management skills. We                                        passed a bill to stop child marriages
                                   should encourage each other to receive and allow these children to enjoy their
even give them a small startup capital
                                   the children in our communities, and rights.
to help them use the skills learned and
to manage their small business.    to learn with them to accept everyone
                                   no matter who they are. Jesus said that
The service was well prepared with we must be like children, if we want to
a thought provoking theme and a enter His kingdom.

      We should encourage each other to receive the children in our communities,
          and to learn with them to accept everyone no matter who they are.

World Day of Prayer   18 Journal 2016
  HONG KONG                                          JAPAN

H O N G KONG                                                                          risk for child marriages and even
C     uba was quite unknown to
      us and it felt good to be
able to learn about the country                                                       Our churches have created pro-
and pray for them. WDP has al-                                                        grams dedicated to helping the
ways been a good opportunity to                                                       destitute and poor, but more
consider the life and struggles of                                                    awareness needs to be brought to
others and pray for them as we                                                        implement the Child Protection
would pray for ourselves. Dur-                                                        Policies. WDP theme reinforced
ing the service we also took time                                                     the All India Council of Chris-
to pray for the refugees in the                                                       tian Women’s campaigns such as
Middle East and Africa. We                                                            “365 Days Zero Tolerance of
                                        INDIA                                    Gender Based Violence: Make It
must treat everyone with respect no
                                                                                 Happen Now!” and “Thursday’s in
matter their faith or race.
                                        T    he theme served as a biblical re-
                                             minder of how important chil-
Children especially are in need of our dren are to Jesus and therefore to us.
                                                                                 Black for a world free of Rape and Vi-
                                                                                 olence.” We also discussed about Jesus
respect and guidance in order to grow It sparked great discussions about our     type of Masculinity as a perspective to
in understanding of God’s love. We prophetic duty to promote the rights          promote rights to life and dignity of
were blessed to have a children’s choir of children and to strategize for        children, girls and women.
of 40 singers! Some children even led change. In India, about 50% of chil-
                                                                                 J A PA N
the congregational songs and stated dren suffer from physical or sexual
afterwards, “I love to be a song abuse, both boys and girls. However,
leader!” The event was thoroughly en- young girls are targeted more often as
joyed by all!                           they are seen as a burden and are de-
                                                                                 T    he service was memorable. We
                                                                                      had the honor of knowing
                                                                                 Armin Kroheler, who is the brother of
                                        prived of basic needs, such as food      Lois Kroheler, the Presbyterian mis-
Website:               and education. They are also at high     sionary that stayed in Cuba after the

                                                                                 World Day of Prayer   19 Journal 2016
MALAYSIA                                                     SINGAPORE

revolution in 1959. Armin was a mis-      worship serv-
sionary for over 40 years in Japan.       ice and acted
Through him we made contact with          out the scenes
the Kroheler family and learned more      from the Bible
about Lois’ work in Cuba.                 reading.

The Bible story showed us that we         We felt the theme was very relevant as      poverty, the elderly are abused, and
must receive children as Jesus did, be-   it taught us to be humble, forgiving,       the children are used as soldiers and
cause they are like those who are neg-    and to love. In our society, children       sex worker in pornography and pros-
lected and pushed aside in our society.   are received as individuals with their      titution.
We fulfill the WDP motto by our           own rights, but still their rights can be
awareness, prayer and advocacy for        neglected and violated. For example,        All of our churches are fighting to
“comfort women” all over Asia, who        boys are favored over girls. Also,          help these kids by organizing children
are demanding apologies and com-          many refugee children are being de-         ministries. These ministries promote
pensation. The United Nations rec-        nied the right to an education. The         education, tutor children, and coordi-
ommended that the Japanese                neglect of those rights was lifted up in    nate training sessions for young adults
government recognize the rights of        our service. We affirm that all children    looking to improve their skills in
the women made into sex slaves for        should be received equally, regardless      order to find a job. Children are the
Japanese soldiers during World War        of their sex or status, and education is    future of the country and the church
II. We are now requiring the govern-      very important for the future of            and we must do all we can to ensure
ment to recognize their responsibili-     refugee children.                           they are cared for.
ties and compensate the victims.
                                          PHILIP P I N E S                            SINGAPORE
Website:          T    o be in prayer with the Cuban
                                               women has taught us that there
                                          are many people outside of our coun-
                                                                                      M      any communities place great
                                                                                             importance on children’s devel-
                                                                                      opment. There are many programs
M A L AYSIA                                                                           that offer educational grants to chil-
                                          try who need prayer and action. WDP
                                                                                      dren. For example, the government
W       e were happy for having been never fails to show us that we are not
        able to hold a children’s service alone in our suffering just like Cuba
this year. We hope we can do it every is not alone. Our economy is in trou-
                                                                                      provides financial support for the
                                                                                      family’s medical or educational ex-
year. Children also participated in the ble, malnutrition is on the rise due to       penses of their children.

World Day of Prayer   20 Journal 2016

It is a joy and a privilege to have peo-   different denominations, which have       nize the importance of their needs.
ple of different denominations wor-        different systems in worship, but         We have learned this through God’s
shipping together. Our committee           through the WDP service we were           love and guidance.
meets regularly and prays for the bet-     connected. Our worship space was
terment of our society, government,        decorated as the Cuban women sug-         Website:
and the world. Our hearts are always       gested which was full of powerful
with those who are suffering. Chil-        symbols. These decorations provided       SRI LANKA
dren participated in the service and       us with an interesting insight into the
did their parts very well. Watching
them perform brought a whole new
                                           history, geography, and culture of
                                           Cuba. We felt closer to our Cuban sis-
                                                                                     ne of the highlights at our serv-
                                                                                     ice was the children’s program.
                                                                               Children were given the opportunity
meaning to the theme. We had a good        ters as we prayed.                  to participate in every way possible
time decorating the altar and it looked                                        and really enjoyed their time. They
very cheerful. The Cuban flag was      In Korea, children are struggling to left the service knowing that Jesus
draped over the altar with some of the balance the demands of their everyday loves them. For the first time we had
Jasmine flowers. For some of our       lives. Young children in school are children from the primary school for
guests it was the very first time seeing
                                       being pressured to perform well and the blind participating and reading
the Cuban flag along with the na-      are given a lot of work. They are so parts of the service in Sinhalese
tional flower.                         busy they do not have time to enjoy Braille. It was a real blessing to see the
                                       their youth. Young adults are suffering confidence and enthusiasm in these
S O U TH KOREA                         from high unemployment rates leav- children.

D     uring the service, our congrega- ing them stressed and uneasy about
      tion felt as though we were all their future. Adults need to commu- At a service in Galle, a high ranking
one body and one mind. We are from nicate with their children and recog- female police officer spent some time

                                                                                     World Day of Prayer   21 Journal 2016
TAIWAN                                                 THAILAND

educating everyone about how we can      the selfishness of others. It is impor-   THAILAND
contribute towards minimizing the        tant now more than ever to receive
damage done to abused women and
children. Our government opened up
                                         children. This year we had a
                                         fundraiser for the Holy Word Foun-
                                                                                   W       DP is not just a single day for
                                                                                           us. We keep “informed prayer,
                                                                                   and prayerful action” in our thoughts
a dedicated unit for women and chil-     dation, a charity that builds homes for   all year long. We have been keeping
dren in all Police Stations and our      children and helps nurture them           the women and children of Cuba in
churches are being aware and extend-     through the most crucial moments of       our prayers and will continue to do so.
ing help whenever possible. Our          their lives. It was our way of helping    A sense of hospitality was communi-
country is currently recovering from a   children with our own hands through       cated to us in their program and we
civil war so it has been very meaning-   the love of God.                          deeply connected with it. Hospitality
ful to watch women from different                                                  and sharing are values very dear to us.
denominations and communities         During the service we lifted up issues
work together on these issues.        that affect children such as physical        Our worship space had a beautiful
                                      and mental disorders, poverty, domes-        banner displaying the Cuban artwork
TA I WAN                              tic violence, and excessive pressure to      and an altar decorated with the colors
     rom the death of Syrian refugee excel in school. Our children were
F    children to the recent random happy to learn about the children of
killing of a 4 year old girl on the Cuba and see that there are others just
                                                                                   representing the national symbols. We
                                                                                   felt that even though Cuba is a small
                                                                                   country they were able to teach us so
streets of Taiwan, we feel terrible like them living on the opposite end           much, just like children can teach
about the increasing violence towards of the world.                                adults important lessons. Children are
our children and those around the Website:                innocent and generous. What they
world. Children are innocent yet they                                              offer us can seem small but can turn
suffer physically and mentally from Website:                       into a great blessing.

         Children are innocent yet they suffer physically and mentally from the
      selfishness of others. It is important now more than ever to receive children.

World Day of Prayer   22 Journal 2016
Caribbean/North America
 BAHAMAS                                                    CANADA

B A H AMAS                                 BARBA D O S                                 The service made us contemplate our
                                                                                       relationship with indigenous people
D      uring the worship service the
       Bible passages were read in both
English and Spanish. It was important
                                           T     he theme really illustrated the
                                                 need for our church communi-
                                           ties to make a conscious effort to
                                                                                       retrospectively. There is a long history
                                                                                       of abuse, racism, and isolation. Young
for us to affirm that no matter the lan-   reach children for the sake of the          Canadians are having difficulties ac-
guage, the message is still understood.    Kingdom of God. We must under-              quiring jobs but those difficulties are
Children are honest and straightfor-       stand their struggles and protect           doubled for the indigenous youth.
ward. They do not discriminate or          them. Parents should be more aware          High schools students are forced to
judge. They trust everything and           of their duty to instill the importance     travel far from home and educational
everyone easily and it is through this     of spiritual wellbeing in their children,   programs are extremely underfunded.
trust that the capacity to trust God       not only in the household but within        Change is coming as we try to educate
grows. We must take note of these at-      the community.                              our nation and to reconcile with the
tributes because it is how God wants                                                   indigenous peoples, and pray for a
us to be.                               Many churches included teenagers in            better future. High on our list of
                                        the leadership of the service. The im-         prayers are the Syrian refugees.
We were lucky to have several Cuban pact was great on all who attended.                Canada really felt the crisis the
teachers and nationals present during They found that being in prayer with             refugees were experiencing when im-
the celebration. They shared stories of our Cuban sisters was very meaning-            ages of a deceased young boy on a
their experiences in Cuba. We learned ful and it was especially interesting to         beach surfaced while his extended
about the lives of children and the ed- try and sing the hymns in Spanish.             family was awaiting him. There was
ucational system. Prayers were offered                                                 an increase in prayers for forgiveness,
for the suffering of undocumented CANADA                                               justice, and peace.
immigrants, for the concerns of
poaching and illegal fishing, and for      P raying with the Cuban people feels
                                             natural to us as they have always Website:
the Cuban nationals currently impris- been close to our hearts. We have fre-
oned in the Bahamas – that they may quently traveled to Cuba to volunteer, Facebook: Women’s Inter-Church
be released.                            so we understand their struggles.       Council of Canada

                                                                                       World Day of Prayer   23 Journal 2016

 This service had inspired
  us to create a space for
  children to feel invited
 to participate in church
  and learn about God.

D O M INICA                              GRENA DA                                    G U YA N A

T    he theme illuminated how Jesus
     expects us to behave as innocent
as children do. It showed us that
                                         I  t felt good praying with the Cuban
                                            people. It showed us that we are all
                                         praying for the same issues and the
                                                                                     Joining women together from dif-
                                                                                      ferent denominations has always
                                                                                   been one of our committee’s greatest
everyone needs to be embraced—the        more people pray the more possible it     challenges. We are constantly reaching
poor, the orphans, or the downtrod-      becomes to move past the issues and       out to other congregations and dis-
den—as they are all children of God.     seek justice. This service had inspired   tributing the worship service materials
We must protect our children from all    us to create a space for children to feel to various regions to ensure they are
types of abuse. We receive children by   invited to participate in church and      adequately prepared to celebrate
embracing them through baptism, ed-      learn about God. We also want to or-      WDP. Acceptance and updates from
ucation in church schools, and pro-      ganize a program in which adults can      new congregations are very encourag-
grams like the scouts which allow        care for distressed children.             ing. It is important to us to continue
them to grow.                                                                      building ecumenical relationships
                                         One of our speakers emphasized the throughout our country.
We felt good to be in prayer with the    importance of bringing children to
Cubans who, for so long, did not have    Christ. We need to understand them, At our service it was stressed how im-
the amount of freedom of worship         feel their pains, and guide them to- portant it is to focus on helping chil-
others do. We feel God is answering      wards Christ. Ms. Jean Buffong, a re- dren realize their worth and potential
their prayers now that people are        tired lay reader, urged us to receive our so they may grow with strong values
more open with their public worship      children and those throughout the and the necessary knowledge to func-
and that the diplomatic relations be-    world with humility. We support the tion in society. There was an exercise
tween Cuba and the United States are     Young Women Christian Association, done with children that allowed them
being established once again. We ex-     which runs a program assisting less to consider the feelings of others and
tended our invitation to the Do-         fortunate children and holds work- how to make foreigners feel accepted
minica Council of Women so they          shops or motorcades to create aware- and welcomed. This will be a great life
could participate in the service as we   ness against gender-based and lesson for them! Both women and
discussed all these issues.              domestic violence.                        children enjoyed the service. Women

World Day of Prayer   24 Journal 2016

                                                                             ST. VINCENT &
                                                                             THE GRENADINES

wore costumes and the little girls had       great experience to share in the service   altar was decorated with the Cuban
white jasmine flowers in their hair. We      with our Cuban sisters despite our         colors and symbols which greatly en-
felt connected to Cuba.                      cultural and language differences. We      hanced the atmosphere and left in-
                                             serve the same God.                        delible marks on the worshippers.
                                             ST. LU C I A                               S T. V I N C E N T &
“I    t takes a village to raise a child.”
      After our service we challenged
                                             W e are all made in the image of
                                                                                        THE GRENADINES

the women in our community to be
vigilant and ensure the well-being of
their children. We also encouraged
                                               God and we are tasked with
                                       preserving and honoring that image.
                                       We recognize that everyone is respon-
                                                                                        C     hildren always have a place in
                                                                                             our churches and we try to or-
                                                                                        chestrate inclusive activities. At one of
them to treat every child as their own sible for embracing and welcoming                our services, for example, teenagers
and report suspicious behavior that    each other, beginning in our very own            did the readings and children held the
threatens the child. Children are very households and in our immediate so-              processional items as the symbols of
important in our society and are in-   cial networks. Throughout the service,           Cuba. However, the issues that plague
troduced into the church at an early   suggestions were made on how to im-              Cuba are also relevant in our country.
age. Infants are baptized and as they  prove intergenerational dialogue in              Violence against women, children,
grow older they move onto Sunday       order to give our children the atten-            and the elderly are high. We lifted up
school and eventually confirmation.    tion they deserve. While praying with            these issues with our Cuban sisters.
They are also encouraged to partici-   Cuba there was a sense of solidarity as
pate in groups such as Brownies, Boy’s we were able to identify with many of            At another service a participant, a
Brigade, and Girl Guides.              the situations the Cuban people are              principal at a primary school, shared
                                       facing. We also felt incredibly thank-           her experience of working with
The Children’s program was interac- ful that there were some issues we                  abused children. She explained the
tive, with a puzzle of the Cuban map have never had to face.                            signs and patterns in behavior to look
and Cuban culture trivia. They also                                                     for in children who are experiencing
dramatized the Bible passage and truly Our women were very eager to work                abuse and how to help them. Our
enjoyed the service together. It was a together with the young women. The               women love coming together for the

                                                                                        World Day of Prayer   25 Journal 2016
SURINAME                                                      TRINIDAD & TOBAGO

                                                          can be used effectively.   granted but support and pray for
                                                          It was wonderful to be     them. We must carefully watch out
                                                          able to prepare for this   for situations that expose children to
                                                          celebration among dif-     abusers, and protect the children.
                                                          ferent denominations.
                                                          Sometimes we felt like   Young girls participated in the service
                                                          children in our joy!     and the impact they had on us was
                                                                                   great. They read their parts with
WDP service. From different                The WDP service was a success. We meaning and conviction. They were
churches and denominations they            had a young Surinamese woman, who very excited to have been chosen to
worship together and become good           had studied in Cuba, pray the Our Fa- share in the service. There were also
friends. Some groups have even estab-      ther in Spanish. She also explained the children that played the pan, our na-
lished a group chat where they share       significance of the colors and symbol tional instrument, during the service
daily greetings and stories. The WDP       on the Cuban flag. We recognized the which brought excitement to the
spirit continues even after the celebra-   similarities of our struggles. We whole congregation. Many issues were
tion ends!                                 prayed for them as we would pray for lifted up but the sermon highlighted
                                           ourselves.                              missing children and the rampant
S U R INAME                                                                        murdering of children in our commu-
                                           Website: http://wgdsuriname.wix.        nities.
P   reparations for the service began
    weeks before the actual date. We
had two Bible study sessions and a
                                                                                     TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS
presentation for the whole committee       TRINIDA D & T O B AG O
where we projected the photos and
narrated the Cuba’s background infor-      J  esus’ reaction to the disciples when
                                              they shunned the children showed
                                                                                     O     ur community sees children as
                                                                                           the future leaders of the church.
                                                                                     We seek them out, embrace them,
mation script. We also had a session       us that we must, indeed, welcome          and teach them to become children of
dedicated to giving out ideas and          them into our arms and give them our      the Lord. Our children are always en-
examples of how the children’s service     blessings. We must not take them for      couraged to participate in worship

World Day of Prayer   26 Journal 2016

services and this year their willingness   UNITED S TAT E S                       together with other women is always
to take part in various roles was evi-         iven the resumption of diplo- a joy and a major goal for those of us
dent. The readings were performed by
children from various churches. They
                                           G   matic relations between the US who plan the services. As one partici-
                                        and Cuba and the ongoing changes be- pant put it, “It is so exciting to have a
did an excellent job and were very      tween our two governments, we felt country like Cuba create the worship
proud to represent their church dur-    that the program this year was unusu- service. We are so close and yet not at
ing the service. We were happy to       ally timely. Services were held in almost all. Praying and worshipping with the
learn that in Cuba the children have a  every state in the country in churches, women of Cuba will bring us closer.”
religious upbringing.                   nursing homes, and even private
                                        homes. Many women were moved to
We all look forward to WDP every learn more about Cuba. They seek
                                                                                  Facebook: World Day of Prayer USA
year and we pray for other members members of their communities who
when they are in trouble, and experi- had some relationship with Cuba to
encing loss or illness. We visit the understand the culture and the situa-
elderly and share stories. At different tion of the women who live there.
times throughout the year various
churches host activities like Game Various congregations came together
Night, Quiz Night, or Worship Night to worship and many children partic-
which brings us together to have fun. ipated in the services. Working

  Various congregations came together to worship and many children participated
        in the services. Working together with other women is always a joy
               and a major goal for those of us who plan the services.

                                                                                 World Day of Prayer   27 Journal 2016
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