Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience

Page created by Leroy Reyes
Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience

Moving Forward Together
 An invitation to a unique academic experience

                IDC Herzliya
Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience
Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience
Table of Contents:
      Looking Ahead 6
      Academy of the Future 20
      Community Service Projects 22
      Beyond the Classroom 30
      Special Programs and Programs for Outstanding Students 42
      Special Projects for Students 52
      Student Exchange Programs 58
      Raphael Recanati International School 60
      IDC Departments 62
      Research Institutes and Programs 68
      The Next Step ... 78
Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience
Dear students,
We begin the new 2020-2021 academic year
in a world that is in a state of turmoil, and in a
reality that we have never before faced. This
turmoil has affected the academic world, too,
altering your student experience.
Over the past year, we have celebrated
significant achievements: The authorization          The result of this hard work is a curriculum
given to us by the Council for Higher Education      that comprises the most innovative academic
to grant Ph.D.’s in computer science and             content along with extra-curricular enrichment
psychology, on top of our Ph.D. program in           activities and a diverse and fulfilling social
law, entrenched our status as a university and       experience.
as a first-rate Israeli research institution. We     Know that your health and well-being are
established laboratories for brain research,         among our top priorities, but so is your future.
inaugurated the Innovation Center, a leader in       This year, despite the upheaval and perhaps
the unique integration of different disciplines,     even because of it, will be a year of growth
and witnessed an increase in applications for        and empowerment. This year, you will discover
degrees at IDC.                                      within yourselves new abilities, enabling you
We at IDC Herzliya believe that constant             to go out into the changing world equipped
revolution is the new world order and that it        with the finest tools better prepared to meet
is the role of academia to adapt accordingly.        its challenges than any of your predecessors.
Therefore, we see the changes taking                 The entire IDC community has been enlisted to
place around us as a great opportunity:              fulfill this task: the faculty and the administrative
an opportunity to create a new academy,              staff, alumni and friends, and you the students.
an academy that modifies itself without              In the spirit of the approach that sees the
compromising and without sacrificing its high        students as partners and puts them at the
standards and values.                                center of all we do, over the past months we
The mission for which IDC was established            have worked together, in collaboration.
has not changed. Our mission is to provide           These days are indeed difficult. At this
you with the tools you need to plan and realize      challenging time, we, IDC Herzliya and the
your dreams. Our mission and yours, more             students, are standing together to weather
than ever, is to produce the future leadership       the storm. We will use this period to enhance
of Israel: leaders who are professionals, who        your personal and professional growth, so that
are broad-minded and knowledgeable, and              you will emerge after the storm equipped with
who are imbued with a sense of mission to            new knowledge and capabilities, ready to take
bring about change, both locally and in the          initiative, lead, and renew trust, partnership
wider world.                                         and hope.
We have been preparing intensively over the          Wishing you a good and rewarding school year,
past few months for the new situation. We set
up special steering and planning committees,
which included students, and have worked
tirelessly towards one goal - to give you the        Prof. Uriel Reichman
very best that IDC can give.                         President and Founder

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Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience
From day one, IDC Herzliya has placed
academic excellence and partnership with
its students at the center of its worldview.
This academic year, too, we will continue to
act in accordance with these goals without
compromising on our academic standards,
despite the objective limitations that we are
facing. We will continue to combine theory
with practice to prepare you for the challenges
that you will encounter after graduation.
The format of studies for the year 2020-2021
reflects the tumult we are currently witnessing
in the world, including in academia. In this                 The unique student experience at IDC
new reality, we are more committed than ever      Herzliya, something which has become
to providing you with the finest academic         renowned in Israeli academia, includes an
education. We therefore used the summer           abundance of extracurricular and social
months to reorganize, and have worked             activities along with a wide range of student
assiduously to give you the very best. We         services. These reflect the IDC vision which
invested in advanced teaching methods with        places you, the students, at the center of our
an emphasis on distance learning, and our         endeavors, in order to prepare you to be the
excellent faculty members have all mobilized      future leaders of Israeli society.
to offer you the best experience possible. I      This year, too, our students will enjoy a wealth
have no doubt that this year you will enjoy       of opportunities: entrepreneurship programs
a rich curriculum with the most up-to-date        that will enable you to develop and fulfill any
and relevant content. A fascinating school        dream, projects for the community, enrichment
year awaits you.                                  activities for personal development,
                                                  opportunities to enhance your study skills,
Prof. Rafi Melnick                                workshops and career planning sessions, and
Provost                                           social activities that will take place throughout
                                                  the school year.
                                                  We will equip you with a variety of essential
                                                  tools for dealing with the challenges of the “new
                                                  world”: Innovation, entrepreneurship, cognitive
                                                  flexibility, leadership, excellence, global thinking,
                                                  and social responsibility. The range of options
                                                  presented to you in the following pages reflects
                                                  our deep commitment to providing you with
                                                  a student experience that will stay with you
                                                  for many years to come.

                                                  Dr. Ayelet Ben Ezer
                                                  CEO and Vice President

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Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience
Ahead     IDC has always been a leader and pioneer in
          academic and technological innovation. Even
          now, we are utilizing the abilities of our superb
          faculty members and investing a lot of resources
          into enhancing our distance education methods.
          The application of advanced technologies and
          creative ideas will make the academic experience
          one that is rich and captivating.
          Together with our academic preparations, we
          have put together a calendar of events and
          extracurricular activities. These, along with social
          activities, will take place throughout the school
          year remotely and, if possible, on campus in the
          open spaces we have at our disposal.

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Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience
Academic Curriculum
   This year, courses in the first semester will be divided into categories
   of learning methods:
1. High-level distance learning: A special team of experts who worked on campus to learn
   lessons and gather insights from leading institutions in the world consolidated and defined
   the best online teaching methods for optimal distance learning. In recent months, faculty
   members underwent dedicated training in order to improve their online teaching abilities
   and provide students with the best possible learning experience.
2. Blended learning: These courses simultaneously combine the physical presence in the
   classrooms on campus of some of the students, in accordance with the Purple Badge
   restrictions, and the participation of students from home via Zoom. The classrooms
   equipped for blended learning have high-quality cameras and speakers installed which
   upgrade the online learning experience, enabling quality broadcasting of the lecturer so
   that students at home are able to hear what is happening in the classroom clearly, ask
   questions, and participate in class discussions. This enhanced learning experience is
   complemented by sophisticated projectors that allow for the direct projection of what
   the lecturer has written on the board onto the personal screens of the students at home.
3. Hybrid teaching: These are courses for which high-quality videos have been prepared
   for independent viewing by the students, to serve as a basis for discussion and study
4. Teaching via “curated” courses: This method takes advantage of the benefits of online
   learning - the absence of the limitations of time and space. These courses were “tailor-
   made” especially by faculty members, each of whom collected the best content on the
   subjects of the courses they teach from the top lecturers of the world’s leading institutions.
   Via this method, students will enjoy horizon-expanding courses with a global perspective.  
5. Teaching using virtual reality: The use of virtual reality technology helps to overcome
   the challenge of physical distance by arousing a great deal of interest through a three-
   dimensional demonstration of different events and scenarios. Business, law, psychology
   and sustainability students at IDC will be among the first in the world to address the
   challenges posed by the COVID crisis using the “case studies” method, in classes
   conducted through virtual reality videos. This method of teaching is an initiative of IDC
   Herzliya’s Innovation Center. The videos are being developed by a multidisciplinary team
   operating within IDC and the Sammy Ofer School of Communications, in collaboration
   with faculty members from the various IDC schools. Focus groups comprising content
   developers, a production team, and students help design the case studies. At a later
   stage, virtual reality videos will also be integrated into other IDC schools.

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Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience
The New Interdisciplinarity
IDC Herzliya was the first to introduce the interdisciplinary approach to the Israeli academy. This
approach, which integrates various disciplines within the social sciences, was subsequently
adopted by other leading institutions. In recent years, IDC has been promoting the “new
interdisciplinarity” - research and learning that integrates the fields of technology, computer
science, neuroscience and biology into the social sciences. As part of this concept, the
Innovation Center, the first of its kind in Israel, which will bring together researchers from
various fields into a shared space, is currently being built on campus.

   Enrichment Studies
The current crisis illustrates and intensifies the need for new and cross-disciplinary thinking
and collaboration between experts from different fields. As part of the interdisciplinary
approach that has been an integral part of IDC from day one, students are exposed to
study units from diverse fields of knowledge.
This year, we are expanding this option and giving students the opportunity to enroll in
enrichment studies, on top of their degree programs, in Data Science or on the subject of
social issues in the fields of government and society.
Among the courses offered in the Data Science unit are: Strategic Thinking Using Game
Theory, Introduction to Data Science, Decision Making and Behavioral Economics, Introduction
to Data Science with R, Customer Management in the Information Age, Intelligence and
Big Data, Information Management in the Digital World, and Excel for Information Analysis.
Among the courses offered in the Social Issues unit are: Being Free - Changing Perceptions
of Liberty, Political Theories, Architecture and Society, Philosophy of Education: Why Do We
Need School?, Sexuality, Power and Madness: The Philosophy of Michel Foucault, Nazism
and the Social Sciences, From Nietzsche to Freud, and Art and Politics.
Students will choose four out of the eight courses offered in one of the study units. At the
end of the year and after completing the course assignments with a passing grade, students
will be awarded a certificate.

   International Webinars
The current reality has presented a tremendous opportunity for learning from the experience
of leading experts, entrepreneurs and academics from around the world. As part of lectures
to be held in the various schools, students will have the chance to hear from prominent
figures on a variety of topics, speak with them, and ask them questions.

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Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience
Student Exchanges
Student exchanges are continuing to take place subject to the existing restrictions on flights,
and in accordance with the rules and procedures in place regarding IDC students leaving
the country during the COVID period. We are in touch with our partner universities and an
understanding has been reached whereby anyone who was accepted and was supposed
to embark on a student exchange over the past school year will be able to do so in the
coming year. Students who have already undergone the selection process and who have
been accepted will be able to embark on their exchanges without having to go through
the selection process again, as long as they have maintained the admission requirements
for the exchange program.
In addition, students can choose to take part in online exchange programs, in accordance
with the policies of IDC and the partner universities. Universities around the world are now
operating online, enabling students to take a semester abroad online, from Israel. A number
of students from top universities in the world are also studying online at IDC this year.
 For more information: Nina Singer, Head of Student Exchange & Erasmus + Mobility,

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Moving Forward Together - 2020-2021 An invitation to a unique academic experience
Mentorship Programs
   Orientation Week
Orientation week for first-year students, a unique IDC event, has proven its impact on the
successful acclimatization of new students to the IDC campus and to the academic world
in general. During orientation week, veteran students serve as mentors, providing practical
advice and tools for the new students. This includes getting them acquainted with the
various subjects taught at IDC as well as the teaching methods; teaching them effective study
skills for their classes throughout the semester and in preparation for exams; familiarizing
them with the library and the various databases, and presenting all the campus services
provided to students. During orientation week, students meet with the schools’ deans, faculty
members, and IDC staff, and get to know the various buildings on campus.
This year, due to COVID, the format of orientation week was adapted and expanded to
include activities throughout the school year. Officially, orientation week began on October
18, but in fact, orientation started in September, when new students visited the campus for
an orientation day, during which they met with faculty and mentors and got a small taste
of the curriculum.
For more information: Liad Or, Director of Mentoring,

   Academic mentorship programs - “Mini Oxford”
The model of academic mentors practiced at Oxford University has been adopted by IDC to
provide first-year students with a broad support network as they become accustomed to the
institution and the world of academia. For each group of about 20 first-year students, one
faculty member from their school is assigned to accompany them throughout the year. This
academic mentor will serve as a guide for inquiries on any subject - academic or otherwise.

   Extracurricular Activities
Despite the challenging circumstances, this year, too, we are upholding the heart of IDC -
the special atmosphere, the entrepreneurship, and all of the activities that gave IDC its
name and drew you to us.
The staff of the office of the CEO and Vice President, in collaboration with the Student Union
and IDC’s COVID point person, are busy planning activities and creative ways to maintain
social interaction on campus. The activities of the student clubs will be expanded to allow as
many students as possible to take part in them; we will be providing courses and workshops
to help students develop effective stidy skills, both for online learning and in general; and
we will strive to preserve and strengthen the students’ relationship with faculty members
and IDC management through personal conversations and meetings in small groups.

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IDC Tools
This school year, IDC Herzliya is launching the IDC Tools program, an innovative enrichment
initiative, as part of its “new interdisciplinarity” approach and its goal of training future leaders
to meet the challenges of tomorrow. The program is run in cooperation with companies
leading the Israeli market and with content experts who bring with them years of practical
experience. The aim of the program is to enrich the toolbox provided to students and
to prepare you for the changing job market in the best way possible. Each course in the
program will consist of three sessions comprising three academic hours each (one session
per week). Upon completion of each course, participants will receive a certificate that can
help open doors and expand your knowledge, skills and abilities beyond the academic
study track you have chosen to pursue.

Courses offered in the program:
• Project Management - in cooperation with
  In a world where the name of the game is “teamwork,” one of the necessary tools is the
  ability to manage and synchronize between various roles. In the course, we will learn how
  to manage team duties, including project monitoring, customer service, intra-organizational
  communication, office operations, and strategic management, using advanced digital tools.
• Digital Transformation and Technological Innovation - in cooperation with Microsoft Azure
  The digital age and the understanding that there is a need for transformation are gaining
  momentum. Individuals, companies and organizations are required to make technological
  adjustments and look for creative solutions that rely on high technology in order to stay
  relevant in today’s competitive and challenging market. As part of the course, students
  will gain an in-depth familiarity with cloud computing and the leading service providers
  in the field, chief among them Microsoft, which offers the Azure cloud platform. We will
  learn how a variety of virtual computing infrastructures, managed platforms, and high-
  tech services can be made accessible through the cloud computing platform in order
  to address everyday challenges with a focus on innovative thinking.

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• Website Building - in cooperation with Wix
  Wix has created a platform that allows users to build websites at no cost and without
  any need for prior knowledge in areas such as coding or web design. During the course,
  we will introduce the Wix Editor website building tool, present additional tools for building
  websites independently based on different templates, and explain how to promote
  the website, make it appear first in Google searches, and perform various website
  optimizations. We will also discuss design thinking and content development to plan the
  user experience and increase the use of your site.
• Introduction to Capital Markets - in cooperation with Bank Hapoalim
  This course will deal with the capital markets around the world - investment approaches
  and investor psychology, what goes on behind the scenes of the hedge fund industry,
  and an introduction to “financial weapons of mass destruction” options. The course will
  also deal with the COVID-19 crisis and other extreme events in the markets, as well as
  the trend that is sweeping the world - socially-responsible investing (impact investing).
• Introduction to Risk Management - in cooperation with Bank Hapoalim
  Dr. Amir Bachar, Chief Risk Officer and Deputy CEO of Bank Hapoalim, will deliver the
  course and expand on the nature of risk itself, techniques in risk management - is it
  a science or an art? - while presenting models of risk indices and practices for risk
  management in organizations and projects.

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• Financial Management - in cooperation with Bank Hapoalim’s Center for Financial Growth
  This course will expose you to the slightly hazy world of mortgages, insurance, and
  pensions. It will present the benefits and considerations that must be taken into account,
  both at the personal level and at the business level. Understanding the terms often leads
  to more informed decision-making.
• Leading in a Complex Technological World - in cooperation with NSO
  This course will expose students to the worlds of content of the NSO Group - the
  technological solutions it offers, the complex ethical issues, work strategies, customer
  management, and the unique organizational culture. It will also discuss how a meeting in
  a Tel Aviv cafe led to the founding of one of the world’s leading cybersecurity companies.
  During the course, you will be introduced to key people in the company, including its
  CEO and founder Shalev Hulio.
• Corporate Innovation - in cooperation with SAP
  This course will deal with the world of corporations, what’s happening at SAP, and the
  life of an employee working in the corporation. We will also dive into the importance of
  innovation in corporations using concrete examples, and discuss various strategies and
  tactics. In addition, the course will focus on the tools and methods needed to turn the
  “what” into the “how” with regards to business management, significant partnerships,
  and more.
• Real Estate Entrepreneurship - in cooperation with Azimuth
  This course will be taught by Aviad Bohbot, CEO of the company, which is a leader
  in residential and commercial real estate projects and specializes in innovative and
  cutting-edge construction. The course will discuss real estate entrepreneurship and
  investment, examine realty transactions and financing by banks and other entities, and
  cover the basics of negotiating, including psychological elements and good faith. It will
  also discuss risk exposure, analysis, hedging and management, as well as crises, failures,
  and the psychological aspect of entrepreneurship.
• Self-Branding: The Working World and Job Interviews - in cooperation with MILA
  This course will be taught by storyteller Hen Bachar, a consultant and workshop facilitator
  from MILA. The course will delve into the world of self-presentation and teach you how
  to communicate an idea and how to prepare for a job interview. In light of our current
  situation, there will also be a focus on body language and ways of conveying messages
  online, and how to get the most out of online sessions.
• Storytelling and Presentation - in cooperation with MILA
  This course will be taught by storyteller Hen Bachar, a consultant and workshop facilitator
  from MILA. The course will teach how to construct a narrative and decipher a message,
  how to build an effective pitch, and methods of attracting attention, establishing credibility,
  and arousing emotion. It will also focus on body language, both in person and online, in
  light of the current situation.

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• Community Managers - in cooperation with Community Forward
  Managing communities has transformed from a trend into a real profession. We see
  communities operating in in the non-profit sectors, but also in the business world in
  the context of technological products, marketing strategies, the internal organizational
  environment, learning, and so on. The course will be taught by Adv. Ruth Eden, the CEO
  of Community Forward. Course participants will gain the tools and knowledge needed to
  build a community management strategy. We will learn what a digital community is and
  how it integrates into the business world and society, and how to pinpoint the sweet spot
  that connects the needs of the organization with the needs of community members. We
  will get to know the different profiles of community members, learn to create content that
  encourages participation, and delve deeper into the journey of the community member.
• Sales - in cooperation with GO
  The course will be taught by Gal Levy, CEO of GO, which provides business development
  and sales solutions to large companies including Strauss Group and Google. The course
  will prepare students for the expected challenges in the market from a sales and business
  development perspective. We will learn about first impressions, business development,
  collaborations, value proposition, persuasion techniques and sales skills, objection
  handling in negotiations, and B2B and B2C sales.

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• Big Data Management and Segmentation - in cooperation with OK Simple
  In a world in which every organization has access to a huge amount of information that
  it uses to make dozens of business decisions quickly, data management is a particularly
  important skill. This course will be taught by Omer Katzbian, founder of OK Simple. It will
  provide students with an in-depth understanding of the capabilities of Excel to carry
  out complex calculations and increase efficiency. Students will learn to understand
  common errors, use advanced functions for a variety of needs, and methods for making
  information more visual, professional and effective.
• Business PowerPoint presentations - in cooperation with OK Simple
  Learn how to make any slide more professional, impressive, and able to effectively
  convey the key message in a creative way. The course will be taught by Omer Katzbian,
  founder of OK Simple. It will provide an introduction to the program as well as useful
  shortcuts, and teach course participants how to design and upgrade the presentation’s
  appearance. There will also be a focus on operating the presentation, integrating data
  into it, and creating animations and professional timelines.
• Digital Marketing - in cooperation with Digistage
  This course will be taught by Aviv Luski, founder of Digistage. Social networks and digital
  media are no longer a “nice-to-have.” In an age when our social network profiles are
  a deeply detailed and free ID card, familiarity with the various tools have become a
  necessity in the job market and in general. In the course, we will expand our knowledge
  of the digital world with an emphasis on social networks, a fundamental and critical tool
  in the world of business and marketing today, and learn how to use these platforms in
  a wide variety of ways. Together we will learn, in a practical and in-depth manner, how
  to use these networks for personal and business branding and marketing, about the
  great power of social media platforms today, and how to make them work for you. We
  will learn how to create content and content strategies for different platforms, and get
  acquainted with the capabilities and terms relating to the PPC world and sponsored
  campaigns, tools that will be important in any future place of work.
• Startup Marketing - in cooperation with Workiz
  This course will be taught by Aviv Canaani, CEO of Workiz. It will deal with the essence
  of a sales operation for small and growing startups. The course will be practical and will
  incorporate examples of companies’ successes and failures. It will offer an understanding
  of the uniqueness of the tech world, product sales, and more.
• Social Media - with content expert Shay Thieberg
  In this course you will learn the A to Z about how to conceive and build a content strategy
  for business pages on Facebook and Instagram. You will learn how to use groups, how
  to write winning texts, and how to deftly produce attention-grabbing designs. During
  the course you will learn theoretical concepts, hear about test cases, and practice
  creating content. The course is suitable for any student who runs a business page or
  who is interested in working in the field of social networks. The course consists of three
  sessions: content strategy and copywriting, Facebook business pages and groups, and
  Instagram business accounts.

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• Professional LinkedIn Workshop - with content expert Shay Thieberg
  The path to a professional breakthrough. In this course, we will learn about the importance
  of personal profiles, how to build them, and how to turn them into an asset that will
  work for you. We will cover job searches, content writing, establishing a business page,
  and campaign management. The course is suitable for any student who wants to work
  during or after graduation as an employee or as a self-employed professional, as well
  as for students who are already working and who want to generate more collaborations
  via the platform and learn how to manage their business pages more effectively.
• User Experience Characterization and UI/UX Design - with content expert Tal Solomon
  We ask ourselves how to create a quality user experience on a daily basis. There is not
  a day that goes by without us interfacing with the digital world in its various forms. In this
  course, we will learn how to separate UI from UX and what each one includes, as well as
  understand what the benefits of a product with a great user experience are and what
  damage can be caused from a negative experience. We will learn about the characterization
  process (UX) and design aesthetics (UI), work processes in the high-tech market, how to
  get inspired and not imitate, and how to do usability tests with real users.
• Product Management - with content expert Alon Carmel
  In the course, we will understand what a product manager is, familiarize ourselves with
  the role, and discuss what is expected from a product manager both on a personal level
  and by virtue of his or her position. We will also present the day-to-day life of a product
  manager, how to take a product from 0 to 100 using various tools and methodologies, as
  well as take a long-term look at product management, strategy, finding the right market,
  customer knowledge, and management of a long-term work plan.
• The Art of Negotiation and Objection Handling - with content expert Dr. Yair Erez
  In this course, we will cover important topics in negotiation, for example, how to frame a
  discussion and how to reflect back and identify different terms. We will learn in practical
  terms about the use of tone, dictation and control and power dynamics. Students will
  understand how to turn a negative into a positive, the meaning of “no,” and the significance
  of body language, including online, in light of the current reality.
• Photoshop for the Business World - in cooperation with content experts from the Galitz
  School of Photography
  This course will offer students at all levels an overview of Photoshop, as well as other
  programs. In the course, we will learn image editing, ad creation, and basic graphic design.
  We will teach course participants how to create a file and different design options, and
  offer advice on popular trends and how to create a suitable logo, for example. Students
  will learn how to use practical tools and apply real-world principles in practice. This
  course will show them how to get their ideas out of their head and onto the screen.

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• Spoken English - in cooperation with “Karaoke Talkie”
  Professional spoken English and the confidence to hold discussions are some of the
  most important skills for going out “into the field” no matter what your area of work. In this
  course, you will be able to practice speaking fluently, while feeling free to make mistakes,
  learn and improvise. The classes will cover relevant topics such as dealing with unfamiliar
  content, self-presentation, and answers to difficult job interview questions, and will offer
  students the opportunity to practice speaking fluently and with confidence in front of
  an audience.
• Working Effectively in the Information Age - in cooperation with HIME
  We are all “bombarded” every day with huge amounts of information, media, and
  messages. Smartphones, since they entered our lives, have inserted countless demands
  and small tasks into already stressful and intensive days of work and study, and we are
  sucked into the current, doing only the most urgent tasks without always being able to
  even lift our heads. The course is designed to expose you to new critical values ​​and
  principles for implementing efficient and smart time management strategies into the
  evolving workworld. We will learn how to manage busy days without feeling stressed,
  manage our calendars and emails, and divide up tasks. Students will be presented with
  practical tools for becoming effective managers of their time, tasks and knowledge.

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• Understanding the world of BI - with content expert Idan Kepten
  This course will expose students to the world of BI, showing how modern organizations
  use data to lead to success. We will learn modern tools like SQL, ELK and SaaS-BI. The
  course will include examples and various case analyses from e-commerce, social media,
  and more, in the age of COVID and in general. We will dive into existing BI solutions and
  understand why information these days is considered gold.
• Software Intro - with content expert Idan Kepten
  We can no longer imagine our lives without the Internet, iPhones or Google. There has
  been a significant journey made from the time of the first computer to the present
  day. This course will present the history of software and the development of different
  languages ​​such as Java and Python. We will gain an understanding of terms relating to
  Big Data, ML/AI, IoT and more. During the course, we will learn how to set up a website
  in 10 minutes, and explore new trends in the tech world as well as various challenges.
• Soft Management Skills - with content expert Noga Moran
  We are witnessing an organizational-managerial environment that is becoming increasingly
  complex, a shift that requires us to choose an innovative management culture and new
  and creative ways to lead people. This course will provide participants with basic soft
  management skills, based on contemporary management science research - from 1:1
  management and employee motivation, through team management in the new global era,
  to interface management and lateral influence. Students will learn how to identify their
  unique management style and improve it with practical tools in line with an innovative
  applied management approach.
• Business Automation - with content expert Lior Vaknin
  In this course we will experience the capabilities of automation and learn about the
  customer journey and how to put the boring and repetitive processes of a business
  into the dedicated hands of automation. We will become acquainted with the wonderful
  Zapier system and experience both simple and more complex automations. We will
  get to know the Pipedrive CRM system and understand how it connects to automation,
  creating an automated process of customer experience, from the advertising stage to
  the delivery of the product/service and beyond.
• English-Language Storytelling - in cooperation with “Karaoke Talkie”
  We have a problem - attention spans are shorter than ever. In a world where attention
  is a scarce commodity, this course will help improve your self-presentation skills and
  teach you how to use the power of storytelling to convey a clear message. The course
  is dynamic and contains important tips, techniques and principles for going out into the
  “real world.”

                                    IDC Herzliya | 18
Student Services and Assistance
• Financial assistance for students
  Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, IDC Herzliya has been providing financial assistance
  to students who are themselves or who have a parent who is in financial distress. Students
  have been offered the option of receiving a loan to help pay for tuition, the interest on
  which is subsidized by IDC. To help continuing students (in their second, third, and fourth
  years) who have encountered considerable difficulties, emergency funds have been set
  up. Furthermore, all students experiencing difficulty are invited to spread out their tuition
  payments in flexible and customized installments.
• Career center
  In addition, all students have access to IDC’s Career Center, which is at their disposal to
  help them find jobs and navigate the challenges of the workforce in the current reality.
  The entire IDC community - alumni, friends and partners - has been enlisted to help
  them find work and raise additional donations to help students in need.
• Readily available online services
  All student services are accessible and available online, including the psychological
  counseling service, the Accessibility and Study Skills Center, the Student Administration
  Offices, the library, the Career Center and the Dean of Student Affairs.

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Academy of
   the Future
Innovation Center
The accelerating revolution taking place in in the fields of science and technology requires up-
to-date and innovative academic frameworks to prepare our students to face this ever-changing
reality. As part of IDC’s “New Interdisciplinarity” approach, an interdisciplinary technological and
scientific research center has been built in the heart of our university, bringing together under
one roof leading researchers and experts from diverse fields of knowledge, creating a fertile
ground for unique creativity. The collective contribution of the researchers at the Innovation
Center, under the leadership of Prof. Noam Lemelshtrich Latar, will respond to the need to
redesign the faculties of social sciences, and will stimulate student entrepreneurship and
innovative responses to existing or expected industry and societal needs.
Reality has shown that industry is the first to identify technological challenges, and that
academia is most effective in finding solutions to these challenges. This reality compels close
cooperation between industry and the Innovation Center. IDC will leverage and expand its
extensive ties with industry and establish mentorship programs and internships for students.
In the framework of the Innovation Center, students will work on applied projects together
with students from other specializations and with industry partners.
An important component of the Innovation Center is an incubator for IDC startups and entities.
The incubator will house start-ups specializing in Human-Computer Interaction, artificial
intelligence and big data innovations, and applications in areas including fintech, disaster
management, counter-terrorism, autonomous vehicles, and machine learning.
For more information: Jonathan Giron, Chief Operating Officer, Innovation Center, giron.

Pafos Innovation Institute
IDC Herzliya is proud to have recently launched the Pafos Innovation Institute in cooperation
with the Municipality of Pafos, Cyprus. On an innovative campus built in the Cypriot city, some
of the world’s best lecturers and researchers will come together in a learning and research
environment that will turn the Mediterranean region into an oasis of innovation and creativity.
The geographical triangle that covers the eastern Mediterranean Basin, from Athens to Alexandria
to Jerusalem, is the cradle of Western culture; it is from this region that social, scientific and
spiritual innovations were disseminated throughout the world. Democracy was born in Athens,
in Alexandria the foundation was laid for the management of human knowledge, and it was
Jerusalem that presented the monotheistic faiths to the world. This new initiative aims to revive
the intellectual and entrepreneurial cooperation among the citizens of the region.
The Pafos Innovation Institute is the brainchild of Prof. Uriel Reichman, who joined forces
with Pafos Mayor Phedonas Phedonos with the aim of bringing together graduates from
universities across the region to produce research, action, and collaborations to meet the
significant challenges affecting the lives and futures of all of the countries in the eastern
Mediterranean. These challenges lie in the areas of water, agriculture, security, food, energy
and leadership. This ambitious initiative has received the blessings of both the President of
the State of Israel and the President of Cyprus.
The Pafos Innovation Institute offers a variety of program tracks for executives who want to
acquire business and entrepreneurial knowledge, including: cyber, artificial intelligence, water and
energy resource security, and more. Master’s degree programs will also be offered in the future.
Please note: some of the projects are notIDC  Herzliya
                                           intended  for| students
                                                           22      who are not proficient in Hebrew.
Special IDC Herzliya projects
   Third Generation for the Elderly
Third Generation for the Elderly is a unique project that aims to make technology accessible
to the elderly. The students taking part in the project accompany a senior citizen throughout
the entire year, during which time they provide tutorials on how to use computer programs
and useful sites such as Skype and Facebook, how to make appointments online, and more.
In addition to weekly volunteering, students perform two more days of community service
during which they help prepare for holidays at the senior citizens’ homes participating in
the project. In previous years, students have held Passover Seders for about 110 childless
Holocaust survivors, as well as fundraisers for the community ahead of the Passover holiday.

   “Derech Ha’etgar” and “Derech Hagalim”
“Derech Ha’etgar” and “Derech Hagalim” are centers for education and extreme sports that
help develop a sense of competence among Herzliya youth experiencing academic or social
difficulties. The program operates five therapeutic educational centers that combine tutoring
with extreme sports activities with the goal of boosting the youths’ sense of adeptness
and self-worth, helping them realize their potential, improving their performance at school,
preventing dropouts, and strengthening their affinity to the country and their desire to
perform meaningful service. In the centers, boys and girls aged 6-17 are tutored in a warm,
caring, home-like atmosphere where they receive guidance and support.
Volunteering to help the youth catch up in school takes place on Sundays-Wednesdays
between 14:00-18: 00. You can either choose one regular day to come every week or arrange
a day that suits you each week.
For more information: Reut Allaluf, 054-2400992,

SpaceIL is a non-profit organization founded in 2011 with the aim of landing the first Israeli
spacecraft on the moon. The organization was founded by three young engineers, Yariv
Bash, Kfir Damari and Yonatan Weintraub, who responded to the international challenge
presented by the Google Lunar X Prize.
On February 22, 2019, SpaceIL launched the spacecraft “Beresheet” to the moon, making
Israel the seventh country in the world to reach the moon and SpaceIL the first private
enterprise in the world to do so.
SpaceIL is commited to advancing the discourse on science and engineering in Israel and
to acquainting the youth with the exciting opportunities that STEM studies entail. The team
continues to plan the next journey to the moon as it plants the seeds for the blossoming
of the next generation of engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs who will make dreams
come true. Volunteers with the organization give lectures in schools and teach students all
about the journey of the “Beresheet” spacecraft.
For more information: Shir Oz,

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“Migdalor” military preparatory program
The Migdalor program, in memory of Barak and Amichai Itkis, z”l, is a pre-service military
preparatory program established by IDC Herzliya graduates and located near the IDC campus.
Its goal is to reduce social gaps in Israeli society by strengthening its participants’ sense of
connection to the State of Israel. The students who volunteer at Migdalor will serve as “big
brothers” for the program participants, accompanying them throughout their first year. This
is an opportunity to take part in an amazing educational project.
For more information: Jonathan Lederman, Program Coordinator, 054-6299403,

   Law Students Serving the Community
The Law Students Serving the Community Program offers you the opportunity to acquire
practical legal experience while making a significant contribution to society. The program
is recognized by the Dean of Student Affairs and is worth two social credits. Please note:
Subject to the approval of the Dean of the Harry Radzyner Law School, it is possible to enroll
in the program despite the credit limits that apply to first-year students. In the framework of
the program, students will provide assistance in the preparation of court letters and various
applications to the District and Magistrates’ Courts, and to the enforcement bureaus they
work with. Among other things, the students will assist in drafting statements of defense,
restraining orders, affidavits, objections to various proceedings and claims requests, as
well as fill out forms and requests as part of legal proceedings, all as a means of helping
underprivileged people who are unable to afford legal representation.
The program is well-known and highly regarded in the industry and the legal world, and gives
its volunteers a significant advantage in their legal future. Outstanding program participants
may advance to the position of court coordinator for the following school year, and even
compete for the position of chief program coordinator.
For more information and to register: Dr. Neta Nadiv, Academic Supervisor,

   Back to Society
Released prisoners are a sensitive population that requires assistance in order to successfully
rehabilitate and reintegrate into society. Students taking part in the project will help integrate
released prisoners into the workforce, work with leading companies in the Israeli market,
and accompany prisoners throughout the complex release process, thereby promoting a
social rationale aimed at reducing recidivism.
In addition to weekly volunteering, the students will hold an employment fair (the first of
its kind in the world) for the placement of released prisoners, as well as workshops in the
country’s various prisons.
For more information: Michelle Sahar,

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The “Keren Or” (“Ray of Light”) mentoring program
This program provides mentors to students in their first year of the Keren Or program in
computer science. This involves two hours a week of academic tutoring (helping the students
with material in courses including Introduction to Computer Science, Linear Algebra, Discrete
Mathematics, Logic, Data Structure and English), as well as social support. The time frame
for mentoring is flexible, as long as it is on a regular weekly basis throughout the semester.
In addition, between two tofour meetings will be held with the program coordinators for
the purpose of training, control and feedback.
For more information: Michael Kaul, Program Coordinator, 09-9602829,

   Lev Ohev (“A Loving Heart”)
Give to a child, strengthen a community, bring about change. The 100 Hearts program
aims to improve the quality of life of children through activities ranging from those for
the individual child to those for the entire neighborhood. We invite you to join us at “Lev
Yad Hatisha” in Herzliya for a variety of programs designed for preschool children in the
neighborhood. We try to tailor the volunteers’ roles in our projects to their availability, skills,

and personal expectations.
For more information: Michal Amir, 052-2538077,

   Shagi (Shevet Achim Gam Yachad)
Shagi is a unique social initiative that aims to heal the rifts in Israeli society. The project
promotes open and tolerant discourse by means of mutual learning, the dispelling of stigmas
and prejudices, and exposure to the various populations in society. Here you have the
opportunity to influence the most sensitive issues in Israeli society - and make an impact!
Shagi is open to women and men alike and is comprised of two tracks in which you can
take part:
Arab-Jewish Encounters: Help shape Arab-Jewish relations in Israel and at the same time learn
spoken Arabic! During these meetings, students will assist Arab-Israeli high school students in
math, English, or expressing themselves in Hebrew. The high school students will then teach
the students spoken Arabic, with the help of Arabic teachers. The sessions also include team-
building activities, acquaintance with the different cultures, traditional dishes, tours, and more.
Religious-Secular Encounters: Come and get to know the other, put all your cards on the
table, and speak with young Haredi men and women about the most sensitive, burning,
and painful issues in Israeli society, such as religion and state, Judaism, and democracy.
During the encounters, direct and open dialogue takes place in mixed groups, with each
meeting revolving around a different issue. Towards the end of the year, the participants
jointly draft a memorandum of understanding on these issues, which is then submitted
to the office of the Israeli President. The sessions include discussions moderated by both
secular and ultra-Orthodox facilitators, fascinating lectures, guided tours, mixed round-
table discussions, and more.
For more information:
Yael Golshmid, Arab-Jewish Coordinator, 054-6830905,
Tal Siman Tov, Religious-Secular Coordinator, 054-5577847,

                                       IDC Herzliya | 25
The Shoval Project
T he Shoval Project, in cooperation with IDC Herzliya and Israel Elwyn, is a study
program for integrating people with cognitive impairment into academic institutions,
with the aim of imparting a sense of competence and promoting equal opportunity.
People with intellectual disabilities (ID) suffer from stigmas and negative stereotypes, which
sometimes lead to their exclusion from the public sphere and discrimination in various areas.
The Shoval Project promotes social inclusion and the integration of the project participants
into campus social life. It is managed and operated voluntarily by students from the various
schools who function as teachers and mentors. Shoval runs two cycles each year, one each
semester, with 15 students with ID participating in each one. In each cycle, 10 sessions are held
each week, in which academic content from the fields of law, communications and psychology
is studied along with practical skills in computer applications, English and financial management.
Students volunteer in the project in two main tracks: the first is the teaching track - delivering
academic and practical content during the sessions. The second is the mentoring track -
providing personal guidance for the project participants and assisting them in the learning
process and in the process of acclimatizing to campus.
The project was established as part of the Rabin Leadership Program in 2018.
For more information: Adi Napp, 054-7895352,

The Scratch Project is an initiative of the Media Innovation Lab (miLAB) at the Sammy Ofer
School of Communications that aims to promote Scratch software in Israel. Scratch is a
programming language that was developed at MIT in the United States and that has become
a worldwide success among children and teens. The software enables the creation of
interactive stories, animations, games, and art, and facilitates cooperation via the internet.
The Media Innovation Lab advances community training and collaborations with the Ministry
of Education, aimed at training teachers and creating online courses for both teachers and
children. Students in the Communications School’s interactive media specialization, as well
as students from other schools, provide assistance to the project.
For more information: Dr. Noa Morag, Director of the Media Innovation Lab,
Scratch website:

                                       IDC Herzliya | 26
National Projects
   PUSH for Success
PUSH is a non-profit with an array of volunteers who help the children of families from
disadvantaged backgrounds advance in their studies and close educational gaps. The
volunteering takes place in elementary, middle, or high schools, with the help of school
staff and in various subjects as determined by the volunteer.
For more information: Dvora Ben Itzhak, PUSH Coordinator in Herzliya, 054-4629968,

Paamonim is a volunteer organization dedicated to helping families and individuals conduct
their finances responsibly. The organization helps families in financial crisis to get back
on track, and provides them with tools for proper financial management. There are two
volunteer options available: The first is to provide guidance to families, in pairs, throughout
the school year. Students offer support to families who are in debt and whose finances
are not well-managed. The students undergo extensive training, are closely supervised by
a team leader, and have at their disposal a team of experts in relevant fields, all with the
goal of bringing about a change in the family’s financial situation. The second volunteer
option is the “Tachles” program, in which students deliver content and training to at-risk
youth and provide them with tools for good financial management. The students receive
full training from the organization.
In order to apply for the program you must attend one of the information sessions, which
you can register for at the following link:
For more information:

ESRA is the largest English-speaking volunteer organization in Israel, providing help to
English-speaking immigrants via a social and cultural network and supporing the needy
in Israel. ESRA has helped more than 30,000 disadvantaged families build a better future.
The organization currently comprises about 1,000 volunteers and operates 31 projects
throughout the country.
ESRA’s volunteer opportunities for IDC students are designed for native English speakers
or those who are fluent in English.
For more information: Sandra Broza, 09-9508371,

                                     IDC Herzliya | 27
Tzemach - “Zionism-Leadership-Education” - is a project that aims to create a caring,
involved, giving, and aware society.
The students taking part in the project give weekly lessons in middle schools, during which
discussions are held on burning issues in Israeli society, and among youth in particular,
using technological means.
The students will help pupils develop critical thinking skills, curiosity and awareness. Volunteers
will receive unique enrichment content from entrepreneurs and educators.
For more information: Michal Fedida, Program Coordinator, 052-8390349,

   Dor LeDor- Generation to Generation
We strive to assist lonely senior citizens in Israel’s major cities and give them a sense of
value and meaning. We do this through:
“Dorot” - a weekly meeting with your new “grandparents” built around a common interest.
We will help find the right fit for you. The meeting can take place at any time of day, subject
to your availability.
“Help is on the Way”- one-time assistance to senior citizens, at a time and place that suits
you, through our social start-up, which operates via an app and a community WhatsApp
The activities take place throughout Tel Aviv and Herzliya, in the senior citizen’s apartment,
or with them outside of their homes.
For more information: Ayelet Levy, Coordinator,

   Special Olympics
Special Olympics is an international organization that provides sports activities for people/
children with developmental cognitive disabilities. The athletes prove that every person can
succeed if they are given the right tools and equal opportunity.
In this project, you will guide a Special Olympics athlete and together build a lecture that
will help remove social barriers and prove that everyone has the ability to lead change.
For more information: Sharon Levi Balenga, Coordinator, 052-3053763,

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Nobel Laureates for Excellence in Education
Nobel Laureates for Excellence in Education invites you to take part in a unique project in
which students make an impact on the next generation! In the framework of the project,
students deliver structured and pre-prepared 90-minute lectures/experiential activities in
elementary and middle schools on various topics.
The organization’s coordinators provide close guidance for the project, with lots of room
for adjustment and flexibility.
Be part of the change for the future generation! Influence! And be part of a quality initiative!
For more information: Ami Steiner, 054-2576333,

                                      IDC Herzliya | 29
Beyond the
Student Union Clubs and Programs
The array of student clubs offered by the IDC Student Union is open to all students, Israeli
and international, from all schools, and strives to provide them with a meaningful toolkit
for life both throughout the degree and upon graduation. The clubs are run by students
with business acumen and social awareness, and offer a warm home and fertile ground
for networking opportunities and the planning and implementation of student initiatives.

   Student Union Clubs
• Sales Club
Are you interested in specializing in persuading people? Do you want to know how to
develop a sales strategy? What to say and not to say in a meeting with a potential client?
In the Student Union Sales Club we train students without prior experience for work in the
sales world, encouraging success for students who are already involved in sales, persuasion,
and most importantly contributing to the community with the club. Sales and persuasion
is neither a natural talent nor an inherent ability, the knowledge of these techniques and
practice of such skills can make a simple person a master in daily interactions. The club
consists of 7 sessions wherein each session, club members receive theoretical guidance
from external lecturers and industry experts on different subjects, sales tactics, and methods
of persuasion. Additionally, each session will hold practical exercises.
• Real Estate Club
The Real Estate Club’s goal is to raise the next generation of real estate entrepreneurs in
Israel. It was established for students who are interested in deepening their knowledge and
integrating into the business world. This is an 8 sessions unique course, delivered by key
characters in the real estate world. During the course, students acquire a comprehensive
toolbox that combines knowledge and practice in diverse topics such as the legal field,
marketing, mortgages, taxation, investments, apartment purchase, and more.
This year, due to the circumstances, the club will be held online through live lectures and
additional bonuses that will be published during the year to which all students will have access.
For those who are interested, there will be an option to apply to the mentors program, which
provides personal mentoring by top real estate professionals in various fields.
• Capital Market Investments Club
We believe that a student who has completed his academic studies should enter
adult life with the professional knowledge he has acquired in his field of specialization,
but no less important is also basic knowledge about the stock market, the capital
m arket and investments. This is why we have created this new platform that will
enable the transfer of knowledge and accessibility to students who wish to do so.
The club set itself the task of combining theory with practice. We strive to provide club
members with quality financial education in many areas, to expand their horizons on the
world of the capital market and its players, along with practical knowledge relevant to an
investor starting in the Israeli capital market. The club operates as part of an annual curriculum
that includes study sessions and lectures by senior figures in the Israeli capital market.

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