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Wednesday, May 22, 2019        "!+(%#,)*'$&

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4   EASTERN COURIER, MAY 22, 2019                                 neighbourly.co.nz

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Eastern Courier
Wednesday, May 22, 2019   "!+(%#,)*'$&
2     EASTERN COURIER, MAY 22, 2019                                                                                                                                                       neighbourly.co.nz

        YOUR LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                  neighbourly.co.nz/easterncourier                Opinion

Transport solutions a long way off                                                                                                                                           How to
                                                                                                                                                                            contact us
                                                                                                                            A part of me died, knowing I        neighbourly.co.nz/
                 The                                                                                                     couldn’t share this personal
                                                                                                                         blow. The route of a bypass
                 Extra                                                                                                   around Kumeu, talked about for         Editorial inquiries:
                 Niall                                                                                                   decades, may be known by July          Go to our page on Neighbourly,
                                                                                                                         we were told, but construction         sign in and use the drop down
    Todd Niall                                                                                                           could be 14 years or more              contact menu to send us news tips,
                                                                                                                         away.                                  letters, what’s on or ask a question.
                                                                                                                            ‘‘14 Years,’’ repeated a            Advertising
OPINION: Most people at some                                                                                             despairing audience, in an echo        Stuart Palmer 027 642 7471
time have nightmares related to                                                                                          trapped inside the barn.               stuart.palmer@stuff.co.nz
their jobs – like the radio news                                                                                            Sayers declared his support         Classifieds 0800 835 323 or
reader who hears the pips but                                                                                            for lobbyists seeking an               aucklandclassifieds@stuff.co.nz
has no bulletin to read and tries                                                                                        extension of the commuter rail         Address: Picton Centre,
to recite from memory.                                                                                                   network, using decommissioned          120 Picton St, Howick;
    I have just lived through a                                                                                          diesel units running between           PO Box 76-400, Manukau.
journalist’s one, trapped in a                                                                                           Swanson and Huapai.                    Audited readership: 65,000
news story that can’t be told                                                                                               It’s a popular rallying cry in      (Nielsen: Q4 2017-Q3 2018).
because it’s not big enough.                                                                                             the area, but as unlikely to be        Delivered on Wednesdays to: Beachlands,
    I live in Auckland’s rural           Congestion on Auckland’s SH16 – part of the city’s northwestern traffic         realised as a parting of the traffic   Botany Downs, Bucklands Beach, Burswood,
                                         nightmare. (File photo)                                                                                                Cockle Bay, Dannemora, East Tamaki, East
northwest, a once-idyllic                                                                                   TODD NIALL   congestion to allow any of us to       Tamaki Heights, Eastern Beach, Edgewater,
collection of lifestyle blocks,                                                                                          drive unhampered along the             Farm Cove, Flat Bush, Golflands, Half Moon
vineyards and orchard                    Growth’’ – a name that carefully        others encounter daily seem set         highway.                               Bay, Highland Park, Howick, Huntington
remnants, which has in recent            overlooks the significant past          to grow. NZTA brought the                  That moment when                    Park, Maraetai, Mellons Bay, Northpark,
                                                                                                                                                                Ormiston, Pakuranga, Pakuranga Heights,
years undergone huge suburban            and present growth.                     house down by declaring a               nightmares suddenly end came           Shamrock Park, Shelly Park, Somerville,
growth without roading or                   The journalist in me had to          ‘‘safety’’ upgrade and widening         when a squally rain shower             Sunnyhills, Whitford and adjourning East
transport to match.                      remain silent, as several dozen of      of the congested State Highway          hammered so loudly on the tin          Auckland suburbs.
    The often walking-pace crawl         my fellow residents scattered           16, ‘‘three-ish’’ years away,           roof, we all had to go home.
                                                                                                                                                                MISSED DELIVERY?
out of Kumeu towards the city            across seating set up in a tin          would trim more than one                   Auckland has far bigger
                                                                                                                                                                Register at fixmydelivery.co.nz or see
can start as early as 6am, buses         barn – the community hall was           minute off journey times.               issues.                                e-editions at neighbourly.co.nz/
get stuck in it, and the nearby          already booked.                             Sure, they were probably               Multibillion-dollar transport
rail line lies beyond the end of            Auckland Transport pointed           talking at cross-purposes, but          projects or proposals that will
the suburban commuter                    out that an imminent upgrade,           they implied trimming one               guarantee headlines for years.         FEEDBACK
network.                                 years in the making, to a busy          minute off a 5-kilometre highway           Meanwhile, my fellow                Local paper looking a little
    That was not really the              level crossing and highway              drive that can take 20 minutes in       northwesters and I will grind          different? We’re giving readers
nightmare, the nightmare was a           intersection was simply to              the morning peak hours.                 through some of the region’s           more of what they want and would
public meeting organised by              deliver a planning requirement              In starting to proudly list new     worst congestion, anecdotally a        love your feedback. Email us at
Helensville MP Chris Penk, at            of a 2013 Government-declared           bus services introduced to the          factor in slowing local home           telluswhatyouthink@stuff.co.nz
which transport officials and            Special Housing Area                    area, ward councillor Greg              sales.
                                                                                                                                                                NZ MEDIA COUNCIL
local politicians would update us        subdivision.                            Sayers began by describing one             Sleep interrupted the               This paper adheres to the principles
on the solutions.                           The outcome is a meagre,             new service – the now                   journalist nightmare of a story
                                                                                                                                                                of the NZ Media Council. To find
    The answers lie in                   contractual-obligation 2013             congestion-plagued 125X service,        too small to tell.
                                                                                                                                                                out more or complain visit
aspirational-named programmes            solution to a problem far bigger        which I have been using for                It resumed on the morning
such as ‘‘Supporting Future              in 2019, and the queues I and           nearly 30 years.                        commute out of the northwest.

               Dannemora                                                                                                                                      Botany
             345 Chapel Road                                                                                                                               280 Botany Rd
                 Pakuranga                                                                                                                                     Howick
               290 Ti Rakau Dr                                                                                                                              219 Moore St

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neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                                      MAY 22, 2019, EASTERN COURIER            3

Pets still waiting for the bus

People wanting to take their pets
on the bus will have to wait a little
    It has been more than a year
since Auckland Council’s plan-
ning committee voted in support
of allowing pets to ride on public
    Since then, councillors and pet                                                                                                                   Auckland Council’s
owners have heard very little                                                                                                                         planning committee
about letting their furry friends on                                                                                                                  voted in support of
buses and trains.                                                                                                                                     allowing pets to ride on
                                                                                                                                                      public transport in
    Auckland Transport media                                                                                                                          2018.
adviser John Nottage said AT was                                                                                                                           MONIQUE FORD/STUFF
in talks with its bus and train
operators and updates would be
given in the coming months.
    Councillor     Cathy      Casey
proposed the idea in April 2018,
supported by councillor Efeso Col-
    Casey said dog owners had now
been ‘‘waiting a long time’’ for the
change to come into effect.
    Pets were part of the family and
allowing them on public transport
would reduce the number of cars
on the road, she said.
    She believed most dog owners
were responsible and pets could be
trusted on Auckland’s public
    While any step forward was
positive, Casey was concerned           Councillor Cathy Casey says letting pets use public transport would reduce the number of cars on Auckland roads.                                  SUPPLIED
Auckland Transport would take a
‘‘conservative’’ approach similar       the new rules were rolled out by       negative incidences.                    safety risk, she said. ‘‘This has       Transport rules, no animals are
to Wellington’s rules, which            mid-July.                                 ‘‘Pets aren’t on the loose and       been a positive step and                allowed on the city’s buses and
required all pets to be contained          Eight months later, Greater         they don’t interfere with other         normalises public transport.            trains, but dogs and small animals
while travelling.                       Wellington Regional Council            commuters.’’                               ‘‘We want public transport to        in cages were allowed on most
    ‘‘Let’s make Auckland a dog-        sustainable transport committee           People with pets could also be       be part of people’s everyday lives.’’   ferry services.
friendly city.’’                        chairwoman Barbara Donaldson           refused entry or asked to leave the        About 102,954 dogs were regis-          Disability assistance dogs –
    In Wellington, pets were given      said the trial had been going fine     service if the bus was too crowded      tered by Auckland Council in 2018.      either working or in training – are
a ticket to ride in March 2018 and      and there had been no reported         or the animal was considered a             Under current Auckland               allowed on trains and buses.
4   EASTERN COURIER, MAY 22, 2019                                                                                                                                                          neighbourly.co.nz

Invest in happiness:
buy window locks
                                               GOLDEN RULES:
STOCK                                          ❚ Take sensible anti-burglary
MONEY MATTERS                                  precautions
                                               ❚ Keep your place neat, and don’t
                                               let mail build up
OPINION: Invest in happiness,
                                               ❚ Invest in window locks
and buy your home burglar-proof
security doors and put locks on
every downstairs window.                       screens on doors, new locks, and
    The grim truth of burglary is              catches on all the downstairs
revealed in the Crime and Victims              windows.
Report, released last week.                        The anti-dishonesty economy
    There were around 312,000                  is thriving.
burglaries in 2018, with 17.5 per                  I do not know what proportion
cent of households falling victim,             of economic activity goes to
some repeatedly.                               combating dishonesty, but
    One in eight adults experienced            spending on policing, property
a burglary in 2018.                            security, and anti-fraud measures
    Now, having your stuff swiped              for businesses (including banks
is awful, but that’s not what’s                and insurers) must run into more
terrible about burglaries.                     than a billion dollars each year.        Your house has to seem harder to break into than your neighbour’s.
    Burglary is the theft of                       The best use of money is to use
happiness and a victim’s feeling of            it to buy happiness.                     areas. Burglary is probably the             The tips that cost money            CALL TO ACTION
security.                                          Research done here in New            crime we have the clearest picture      include: installing window locks,       Got a question for Rob or an issue
    A strong relation was found                Zealand and overseas shows that          of as insurers require people to        having good door locks, keeping a       you want him to tackle? Contact
between being burgled and                      means increasing your feeling of         report burglaries to police as part     dog, having an alarm, and               Rob by going online to Neighbourly
people’s ‘‘feeling of safety’’, the            financial security by paying your        of the claims process.                  installing automatic security           and type the name of our
report found.                                  debts off, and spending money on             With all their experience,          lighting.                               newspaper into the search bar.
    And, even more grimly,                     experiences rather than amassing         insurers are the experts in cutting         The key thing with target           Click our name and select Contact
households with children were the              possessions.                             your chances of being burgled.          hardening is this: Your house has       from the menu bar and ‘‘message
most likely to fall victim to                      But when it comes to loving              Their tips are a mix of cost-free   to seem harder to break into than       our reporter’’ from the drop-down
burglars, especially single                    your life and society, and not           and expensive.                          your neighbour’s.                       menu.
parents.                                       feeling in danger, not being                 The free stuff included: make           I bought my house from a
    Homeowners are half as likely              burgled appears to be extremely          sure your home looks lived in           security-conscious butcher who’d
to be burgled than renters (with               important.                               while you are away, clear mail,         installed locks on every window,
private and state landlords),                      It is frustrating to have to         keep your lawns and hedges              an alarm, and security screens on          A really committed burglar
probably because they have                     spend money on defending                 neatly trimmed, have internal           accessible windows and doors.           will get into your place whatever
control over their security.                   yourself from someone else’s             lights on timers to switch on when          Since I bought it seven years       you do, but given the choice
    They don’t have to beg                     dishonesty, but that’s the reality       it gets dark, and do not have nice      ago, my neighbours have both            between your house and a less
landlords to ‘‘target harden’’ their           in this country at this time,            possessions visible from the front      been burgled twice, while my            secure one next door, they will
places by investing in burglar                 especially for people in rural           windows.                                home went untouched.                    choose the less secure one.

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neighbourly.co.nz   MAY 22, 2019, EASTERN COURIER   5
6   EASTERN COURIER, MAY 22, 2019                                                                                                                                              neighbourly.co.nz

Community cookbook                                                                                              NADIA LIM IN ASSOCIATION WITH MY FOOD BAG

Part and parcel: perfect lamb filos
Golden brown goodies are served up with
roasties and yoghurt on the side.
LAMB FILO PARCELS                     Each week
                                      Nadia gives
Serves 4                              you another
                                      easy recipe for                                                                                                        Prep filos:
Ready in 50 minutes                   your family and                                                                                                        Place 1 sheet of filo on a bench
                                      you’ll find all the                                                                                                    with short edge closest to you.
                                      ingredients in                                                                                                         Lightly brush with butter/oil
Filling                               My Food Bag.                                                                                                           and fold in half lengthways.
❚ 1 brown onion                       myfoodbag.co.nz                                                                                                        Brush the folded sheet with
❚ 1 carrot                                                                                                                                                   butter/oil. Place half cup lamb
❚ 50g baby spinach                                                                                                                                           mixture in the bottom corner of
❚ 1 clove garlic, minced              To serve                                                                                                               the filo and fold over to form a
❚ 200g pumpkin                        ❚ 1⁄4 cup yoghurt                                                                                                      triangle at the bottom of the
❚ 500g lamb mince                                                                                                                                            sheet. Fold up to form a further
❚ 1⁄2 teaspoon salt                   Prep filling:                                                                                                          triangle, brush remaining sheet
❚ 4 teaspoons lamb spices (1          Preheat oven to 220C. Finely dice                                                                                      of pastry and continue folding
teaspoon garlic powder, 1             onion, grate carrot and roughly                                                                                        over until the whole sheet is
teaspoon ground cumin, 1              chop first measure of spinach.                                                                                         wrapped around filling.
teaspoon garam masala, 1                                                                                                                                     Continue with remaining sheets
teaspoon ground coriander)            Cook filling:                                                                                                          and filling.
❚ 1⁄2 cup beef stock                  Heat a little oil in a fry-pan on
                                      medium-high heat. Cook onion,                                                                                          Cook filos:
Roasties                              carrot, garlic and pumpkin for                                                                                         Place filos on another lined oven
❚ 200g kūmara                        about five minutes, until                                                                                              tray and lightly brush with
❚ 2 carrots                           softened. Add lamb, salt and                                                                                           butter/oil. Bake for 8-10 minutes,
❚ 50g baby spinach                    lamb spices and cook a further         spinach, season to taste and set       carrots 2cm. Toss kūmara and            until golden brown.
                                      4-5 minutes, until browned.            aside to cool for about five           carrot on a lined oven tray with         Serve lamb filos with roasties
Filos                                 Add stock, bring to a simmer and       minutes.                               a little oil, season and roast for       and yoghurt on the side.
❚ 8-10 sheets filo pastry             cook a further 4-5 minutes, until                                             25-30 minutes, until golden and
❚ 5 tablespoons melted butter or      liquid is nearly gone.                 Prep & cook roasties:                  tender. Toss through second
olive oil                             Stir through first measure of          Dice kūmara 3cm and dice              measure of baby spinach.                                    myfoodbag.co.nz

                                    A GE RS
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       The introduction of the new insulation law is seen as the most effective way to           EnergySmart installers are fully trained and their work is audited both internally as well
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       Long-established insulation specialists EnergySmart are a selected service provider       To enquire about a free property assessment and your
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       insulation already complies, then EnergySmart can provide an insulation Compliance
       Certificate for the property.

      Call 0800 7 7 7 1 1 1
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neighbourly.co.nz                                                                            MAY 22, 2019, EASTERN COURIER               7

                                        Mow, it’s time
                                         to book our                          Just the pickup
                                     inorganic collection.                       we need.

                    Sell it. Donate it. Book it in.
                       Bookings are open for the 2019 inorganic collection.
                                   Your old stuff may be worth more than you think,
                       so consider selling or donating it before booking your inorganic collection.
                                          Don’t miss out, book online today at

       Find out more: aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/inorganic
8   EASTERN COURIER, MAY 22, 2019                                                                                                                                     neighbourly.co.nz

Backyard banter                                                                                      IN ASSOCIATION WITH NEIGHBOURLY AND ITS PARTNERS

Get creative for childcare solutions
                                                                                                                                                      babysitting club. Every family
Neighbourghly co-operation could help                                                                                                                 unit in the group could take all of
working parents, writes Erin Reilly.                                                                                                                  the kids for one day a week,
                                                                                                                                                      allowing the other parents to
OPINION: Last month I was                                                                                                                             work on those days.
shocked to read that the cost of                                                                                                                          Keeping it local will save you
childcare is now roughly the                                                                                                                          more time and money, too;
same as private school fees.                                                                                                                          connect with other families on
    After a study carried out by      Neighbourly is a NZ-owned                                                                                       your street or in your
IbisWorld showed a big rise in        social media site creating                                                                                      neighbourhood on Neighbourly.
the cost of raising children,         easy ways for neighbours                                                                                            Kindy is much cheaper than
Statistics NZ found that local        to talk and connect. Join                                                                                       daycare but they don’t cater for
childcare costs had risen by          us at neighbourly.co.nz or                                                                                      younger children, full days or
34 per cent in the nine years to      download our new iPhone                                                                                         school holidays, which is
the end of 2017, more than twice      and Android apps.                                                                                               problematic for parents who
as fast as a 15 per cent rise in                                                                                                                      work full-time.
general consumer prices during                                                                                                                            Holiday programmes are also
the same period.                     many families – for my family –                                                                                  expensive, which is another
    Our three-year-old son goes to   it’s a necessity.                                                                                                reason why working with your
daycare and he loves it – my             When our son was much                                                                                        neighbours is a great option.
husband and I love it too.           younger and we decided it was                                                                                        Figure out the best days each
    Before he turned three and       time for me to go back to work,                                                                                  family unit can take off during
his Government subsidy kicked        we had great family support,                                                                                     the school holidays, then
in, we were paying $220 a week       which made it financially                                                                                        entertain everyone’s kids for the
for two days until 2pm plus two      feasible.                                                                                                        day.
days until 5.30pm. (We actually          But many families who don’t      The cost of daycare can be a drain on many families.                            I love the Government
should have been paying more,        have that same level of support                                                                                  subsidy, but I don’t love that it
but our daycare very generously      have to decide if it’s worth going   go back to work I’ll need to be         families. The cost of living        doesn’t kick in until a child
only billed us for four days until   back to work, or if working will     working more than I might have          doesn’t look like it’s going down   turns three.
2pm.)                                simply pay for the cost of           otherwise in order to justify the       any time soon, so parents need to       Until the Government makes
    When he turned three, $220 a     childcare.                           expense of childcare – otherwise        get creative with their childcare   some changes on how New
week became $140 week (and               I am pregnant with our           there’s no point in going back to       needs.                              Zealand parents can cope with
now we’re being billed for the       second child and we no longer        work at all.                               One idea could be to partner     the costs of childcare, perhaps
hours he’s actually there).          have that nearby family support,        I personally love daycare. But       up with other families in similar   it’s time we all started getting a
    Childcare isn’t cheap, but for   which means when it’s time to        financially it is a drain on many       situations and start your own       bit creative.

                               IF IT’S
                      HAPPENING NOW
                            CALL 1 11                                                    IF IT’S
                                                                                         ALREADY HAPPENED
                                                                                         USE 105
                                                                                         There’s a new way to report non-emergencies to Police.
                                                                                         Use 105.police.govt.nz if your property has been intentionally damaged,
                                                                                        you’ve had something stolen or have lost property to report. You can
                                                                                        also get updates here on a Police report you’ve already made, or add
                                                                                       information to it. Call 105 to report anything else that’s already happened.
                                                                                       Just remember, in an emergency, always call 111.

neighbourly.co.nz   MAY 22, 2019, EASTERN COURIER                        9






10   EASTERN COURIER, MAY 22, 2019                                                                                                                                neighbourly.co.nz


Could you live in one of these?
ANUJA NADKARNI                                                                                                                                            The houses range in price
                                                                                                                                                          from just under $80,000
Bunnings has quietly been                                                                                                                                 for a two-bedroom kitset to
building flat-pack homes under                                                                                                                            about $130,000 for a four-
                                                                                                                                                          bedroom house.
its Clever Living brand that are
becoming increasingly popular
for first-home buyers, a builder
    Kapiti Coast builder Simon
Hinds said he had built 21 flat-
pack homes during the past 18
months, including baches and
first homes for people living on
the Kapiti Coast, Wellington and
    Bunnings has sold 50 flat-pack
houses in the past year.                                                                                                                                  Join the
    The flat-pack homes can be                                                                                                                            conversation
designed and built off-site, then                                                                                                                         Either post a comment on
transported to the location or                                                                                                                            our Neighbourly page or
home delivered as a kitset and                                                                                                                            send us a letter to the
built on-site by a registered                                                                                                                             editor. Just go to our page
builder.                                                                                                                                                  on Neighbourly, then
    Hinds said a 60-square-metre                                                                                                                          select letters under the
two-bedroom kitset cost $79,695,                                                                                                                          Contact menu.
while a 106sqm four-bedroom
home would cost $131,139.
    Hinds said the houses had        ‘‘We are working with Farmlands Co-                                     communities, where we have           long process after consents.
also been popular with the                                                                                   seen good demand.’’                     Christchurch builder Richard
banks, as most customers paid        operative strengthening our distribution                                   He said the Clever Living Co      Trent said he was receiving at
for the homes in four instal-        into the rural communities, where we                                    range helped lower the barrier       least two inquiries a week.
ments; the deposit, one when the                                                                             for those buyers struggling to get      ‘‘While in most cases a buyer
house is ready, another when it’s    have seen good demand.’’                                                into the housing market.             will still have the land purchase
about to be delivered and the        Toby Lawrance                                                              There are five templates, but     cost, the entry price for the
final 10 per cent when the house                                                                             Hinds said the most popular style    actual build, coupled with the
was delivered. The houses are        quiet approach with its Clever       what our customers are asking      was ‘‘the Angus’’, a three-          pre-consent certification, makes
also insulated and have double       Living flat-pack product because     for and adapt our offer to suit    bedroom, two-bathroom house          this range highly attractive to a
glazing.                             it wanted to test the market and     that,’’ Lawrance said.             priced at about $226,000.            variety of buyers.’’
    Bunnings New Zealand             understand where the demand             We are working with Farm-          Hinds said he was building           A three-bedroom Clever
general manager Toby Lawrance        was.                                 lands Co-operative strengthening   six at a time to be delivered on-    Living house could be built in six
said the company had taken a             ‘‘We will continue to focus on   our distribution into the rural    site, which would be a 10-week-      to eight weeks, he said.

                                no place like
neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                                MAY 22, 2019, EASTERN COURIER                              11

 THE WEEKLY WORKOUT answers for each puzzle are included on this page                                                                                                                           510

    NEW                1        2                     3         4          5       6
                                                                                        SUDOKU              Fill the grid so every row, column and every 3x3 box contains 1-9
 CROSSWORD             7                       8




                       12                                  13


                                     15                                            16


                       18                                            19

                                                                                        1                                                  2

                       20                             21                                                                                   CROSSWORD
                                                                                        THE TOP 10                                              Opposed, 14. Avenue, 16. Timid, 17. Zinc.
                                                                                                                                                /B )("7D .B >5'9J79D ,B +-;5J33GD 22B @&%9;J$#D 21B
Across                                     Down                                          1. What is another name for the Russian                Down: 1. Clark, 2. Vicinity, 3. Perish, 4. Elementary,
1. Attempt at concealing something (5-2)   1.
12   EASTERN COURIER, MAY 22, 2019                                                                                                                                         neighbourly.co.nz


Hitting the million trees mark
                                                                                                                                                           green our city, help clean our
                                                                                                                                                           waterways and provide places of
                                                                                                                                                           shade and peace to be enjoyed by
                                                                                                                                                           our children and grandchildren
                                                                                                                                                           and generations to come.
                                                                                                                                                              These trees will help make
                                                                                                                                                           Auckland world class and now
                                                                                                                                                           and during Matariki we will be
                                                                                                                                                           planting a further 468,000 trees in
                                                                                                                                                           our final push to deliver a
                                                                                                                                                           million trees. We will require
                                                                                                                                                           many hands to complete this
                                                                                                                                                           enormous task and I encourage
           Phil Goff                                                                                                                                       everyone to get involved.
                                                                                                                                                              Our remaining Matariki
LIVE LOCAL, LOVE LOCAL                                                                                                                                     public planting sessions are
WITH AUCKLAND COUNCIL                                                                                                                                      taking place at Totara Park (Fri
                                                                                                                                                           14 and Sat 15 of June) and Metro

         hree years ago I                                                                                                                                  Park East in Silverdale (Sun 29
         promised to plant one                                                                                                                             June).
         million mainly native                                                                                                                                These events are about giving
         trees and shrubs across                                                                                                                           Aucklanders the opportunity to
Auckland. It was an ambitious                                                                                                                              celebrate the tradition of
undertaking and many said it                                                                                                                               Matariki which is associated
couldn’t be done, but this year,                                                                                                                           closely with the harvest and the
we will not only hit the million   Helping Hands: Auckland’s million tree planting has relied on volunteers across the city digging in trees.              planting of the New Year’s Crop.
trees mark, we will exceed it by                                                                                                                           They are also a chance for
one hundred thousand.              environment. So to deliver my            been overwhelming.                          There is a Greek proverb that      Aucklanders to be involved in
   By achieving this we have       million trees programme we                   We have partnered with               says ‘‘A society grows great          ensuring our native tree and
helped make our city a greener     have turned to businesses,               Department of Corrections                when old men plant trees whose        plant species thrive for centuries
and more pleasant place,           service clubs, schools and other         which has propagated hundreds            shade they know they shall            to come, bringing with them
lowered erosion and the silting-   organisations ready to                   of thousands of plants; Trees that       never sit in.’’ Each generation       habitats for the survival and
up of our waterways and            contribute their time and                Count; nurseries and other               needs to leave a legacy of a better   recovery of our native bird life.
harbours, and absorbed and         money, and we have enjoyed the           organisations to propagate the           environment for the next.                Thank you to all those people
helped reduce carbon emissions     support of thousands of                  million trees and shrubs. We                This is the gift of a million      and organisations who have
into the atmosphere.               volunteers who have helped with          have worked hard, across our             trees. Our legacy to future           made Million Trees a success.
   Council spending is             our planting.                            city, with residents, schools and        generations of Aucklanders. We        Our environment is better for it
constrained by our record             The enthusiasm and energy of          communities to ensure a million          are putting in place the mighty       and the future of Auckland
breaking investment in             the council, local boards, and the       trees and shrubs are in the              Totaras and Kauris, as well as        greener and more sustainable as
transport, housing and the         private sector and schools has           ground by October this year.             Manuka and shrubs that will           a result.

                                                                                                                                                                    SPONSORED CONTENT

Building mental fitness helps
kids overcome obstacles
neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                                               MAY 22, 2019, EASTERN COURIER                     13


Do politicians fail the longevity test?
Allistar Walker                                                                                                                                                             b) Examine your lifestyle. Are
                                          Just like climate change, the longevity tsunami is rolling relentlessly                                                        you eating foods that will make
Longevity can be defined as ‘the          toward the political landscape. Time is running out.                                                                           you sick or put on weight? Do you
rest of your life’. Vague terms like                                                                                                                                     exercise? Do you smoke anything
retirement and ageing often have                                                                                                                                         or take drugs? Overweight, over-
negative overtones leading to             group.                                    people don’t necessarily want to              men. This needs more attention         drinking and drugs of any sort are
poor decisions.                              2. The economic impact is huge.        take on the pressures to perform              by those in power, but also            a good way to shorten your life, in
   Life spans are increasing. The         Despite KiwiSaver, many people            what they would have willingly                recognition by individuals so they     most cases, quite dramatically.
Queen probably spends a lot more          aren’t providing for enough cash          undertaken in their more vibrant              can take appropriate steps to          Don’t want to live long - then go
time signing those centurion              resources, after deciding to chuck        years. The older age group is a               avoid or mitigate this dependent       for it.
birthday cards than she ever used         the boss. National Superannuation         valuable and much under-utilised              phase.                                    c) Consider Health or Trauma
to!                                       certainly helps, but you won’t be         resource.                                        6. We become less alike over        Insurance, or instead of paying
   Political responses to this are        flying much or feeding your                  4. It is no longer off to the              time. The ‘average’ lifespan of a      out those premiums, an
fragmented – 27 percent of                Porsche. It costs a lot to keep           knacker’s yard at three score and             65-year old is only useful for a       alternative would be self-
potential voters are over 55, so          older people alive and some of            ten (70), provided we take proper             quarter of their age group, but        insurance ie build up a fighting
this is a major social issue. Do          that may need to be borne by              steps to manage our wellbeing. I              how would you know which ones?         fund.
politicians fail the longevity test?      yourself, as the public health            suspect some of our statistics are            Many have no idea what their              Adapted from article by
Perhaps once we are beyond 70             system becomes more                       skewed, because some people                   longevity may look like and why,       Mylongevity.com.au.
we fall way down the priority list,       overloaded, and health insurance          don’t take personal control of                let alone what you can do about it.       Disclosure: Care has been taken
as seems to be the experience of          needs a trunk load of money to            both health and finances – the                Blanket solutions (like                to ensure that any information is
some in that ‘twilight’ period of         keep up the premiums. Lack of             ‘she’ll be right’ attitude is still out       institutionalised aged care) lead to   accurate. No liability is accepted
life. It’s a long twilight if you reach   knowledge leads to a growing              there. The opportunity for                    bad responses. Using average life      for its use.
or surpass 100 years of age!              helplessness and adds to the cost.        personal control is under-                    spans for personal financial              Enquiries are welcome.
   Six perspectives                       It’s a national problem.                  emphasised, yet this one thing can            planning also increases the risk of       Experienced in lending, risk
   1. Different age groups require           3. The behaviour of ‘older’            yield remarkable outcomes.                    poor longer-term decisions.            advice and planning, Allistar
different responses to financial,         people is often misunderstood.               5. Acknowledgement of gender                  Just like climate change, the       Walker is a Registered Financial
health, aged care and end of life         Recently a UK study suggested             differences is poor. A large group            longevity tsunami is rolling           Adviser, Senior Fellow of Financial
issues. No one solution fits all.         that 20 percent of older people           of 85-year olds will have more                relentlessly toward the political      Services Institute of Australasia
Younger people don’t necessarily          retain substantial mental capacity        women, who as a group will have               landscape. Time is running out.        and director of IFL Associates
understand the thoughts and               until they die, with a further 50         more dementia and be less                        What can you do?                    Limited.
physicality of older people and           percent showing minor decline.            healthy than the men. Ladies have                a) Visit                               His full disclosure is available
older people can easily forget            The old saying ‘the mind is willing,      seen their men depart sooner,                 www.mylongevity.com.au and             free on request or he can be
those same processes in younger           but the body aint’, comes to mind.        then alone they face their most               www.stats.govt.nz/tools/how-           contacted at 09 410 6023 or
people. Nearly 40 percent of New          Decision making powers remain             dependent phase, which tends to               long-will-i-live to help you take      enquiry@mortgagehelp.co.nz.
Zealanders fall into the 25-54 age        intact if a little slower. Also, older    be much longer for women than                 control of your longevity.

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14   EASTERN COURIER, MAY 22, 2019                                                                                                                                                                           neighbourly.co.nz

What’s On                                                                                                      What’s
                                                                                                               on near

CITYWIDE                                  NZSO Love Eternal: Russian               Library, 500 South Titirangi Rd.           view our exhibition. 11am, Albertland
MAY 23                                    pianist Denis Kozhukhin and Danish       Kavaliers – Stanmore: Dance the            Heritage Centre, 15 Port Albert Rd.                     How to List
Staying safe mature driver                conductor Thomas Sondergard join         night away, $5 door charge applies. Ph     Mens Shed open day: Visit the new
                                                                                                                                                                                      Do you have a community event
refresher – Howick: Have fun and          the NZSO for Schumann, Beethoven         09 424 9026. 7pm, Hibiscus Coast           Warkworth Mens Shed and see
                                                                                                                                                                                      you want to share in your local
brush up on ways to maintain your         and Sibelius. 7.30pm, Auckland           Community RSA, 43A Vipond Rd.              demonstrations of the things you can
                                                                                                                                                                                      newspaper? You can submit your
mobility and independence as an           Town Hall, Queen St.                     Parenting styles & personality             do. Enjoy a sausage from our
                                                                                                                                                                                      event by heading to
older driver. Lunch included.             Imaginarium: West City Concert           types: Seminar/discussion:                 barbecue and plan your first project.
                                                                                                                                                                                      www.neighbourly.co.nz/whats-on –
Bookings essential to Age Concern         Band with choreographers Lesley          presenter Joy Sluiters, from The           All welcome. 9.30am, Warkworth
                                                                                                                                                                                      choose the newspaper you require
2794331 ext 800 or email                  Bandy and Hayz Pincheira Rowe            Parenting Place, $10. Helping you          Mens Shed, 2 State Hwy 1.
                                                                                                                                                                                      and input your event details. You
reception@accm.org.nz. 9.30am,            and an extensive cast of                 understand your child’s personality        Elim car boot sale – Manurewa:
                                                                                                                                                                                      will need to be a Neighbourly
Howick Presbyterian Church, 11            professional and up-and-coming           and love language, and how to              Amazing bargains, great quality
                                                                                                                                                                                      member in order to list your event.
Vincent St.                               dancers present a stunning               adjust your parenting to best love         items, yum hot food. Costs $5 space.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Please submit your listings two
My Home, My Choice – Howick:              collaboration of music and dance.        your child. 3pm, Remuera Baptist           Food sellers must register first. First
                                                                                                                                                                                      weeks before your event. Listings
As a senior home owner, find the          Tickets: www.imaginarium.nz.             Church, 641 Remuera Rd.                    in basis, no bookings needed.
                                                                                                                                                                                      must be no more than 30 words
best fit for you. Stay or go? Explore     7.30pm, Raye Freedman Arts               Helensville Lions autumn book              Queries see Mal 02102416617. 8am,
                                                                                                                                                                                      maximum. Low cost/free
the options. Bookings essential to        Centre, Cnr Silver Rd & Gilles Ave.      fair: Sat 9am-4pm, Sun 10am-3pm.           Elim Christian Centre, 198 Mahia Rd.
                                                                                                                                                                                      community events only. Publishing
Age Concern 09279 4331 ext 800.           Combined Probus meeting –                At least 25,000 books displayed for        Garage sale – Onehunga: Garage
                                                                                                                                                                                      your event is at the editor’s
12.30pm finish. 10am, Howick              Glen Eden: Fellowship for senior         sale. All sorted, fiction alphabetically   sale – 50 cents clothing – for men,
Presbyterian Church, 11 Vincent St.       citizens 55+, speakers, monthly trips,   and non-fiction into 25 specialised        women, and children. Cheap
                                          coffee mornings. Meeting 4th Fri.        sections. Nothing over $2 – all            household goods, toys, books,
Girls Table Tennis Coaching:
                                          Contact Brian Holt on 838 5857,          children’s books 50 cents. 9am,            furniture, yummy cakes, vegetables
Under 18s are invited to free
                                          10am, Ceramco Park Function              Helensville War Memorial Hall,             and a sausage sizzle. Come along
coaching delivered by two qualified
                                          Centre, 120 Glendale Rd.                 Commercial Rd.                             and grab a bargain! 8am, St
coaches. Caters for all levels of play.
                                          Stetson Country Rock Club:               Orewa Library – Author Allsorts:           Stephen’s Church, Corner Waitangi                       to 2pm. 1pm, Pakuranga Library, 7
5pm, Auckland table tennis stadium,       Come dance to State of Mind.             Several internationally published          Road & State Ave.                                       Aylesbury St.
99a Gillies Ave.                          Licensed bar, club prices. Entry $10     authors from the "Mairangi Writers".       Massive garage sale market –
CAB volunteers welcome –                                                                                                                                                              Full Gospel Business Men’s
                                          or $7.50 with a supper plate. Cash       They’ll offer a peep into their diverse    Blockhouse Bay: Free. Call Terry                        Fellowship: Join the Mahurangi
Helensville: If you love your             only. Visit Stetson.co.nz or ph 09       worlds of mystery, history and rhyme.      for stall inquiries on 027 221 1860.
community, come join our friendly                                                                                                                                                     Chapter for a breakfast with guest
                                          6262690 for more information.            11am, Orewa Library, 12 Moana Ave.         7am, Blockhouse Bay Community                           speaker Sonny Teio, ICT & facilities
team. Office is open Mon-Fri 10am         8pm, Dairy Flat Community Hall, 4        West is Best, photography                  Centre, 524 Blockhouse Bay Rd.
to 3pm. Call 09 4207162 or go to                                                                                                                                                      manager at Otago Polytechnic
                                          Postman Rd, Dairy Flat.                  exhibition: Part of Auckland Festival      Matakana Hall Market: Local                             Auckland Campus. Bookings to peter_
https://www.cab.org.nz for more                                                    of Photography view Ka rawe Te Tai         artisan craft works, vintage
info. Helensville Citizens Advice                                                                                                                                                     adolph@xtra.co.nz or 09 425 8996.
                                          MAY 25:                                  Hauauru West is Best by Waitakere          collectibles, designer clothing,                        7am, Warkworth Golf Club, 4 Golf Rd.
Bureau, 27 Commercial Rd.                 Composting workshop Pinehill:            College students, 10am, Te Uru             sheepskin & wool boots etc.
                                          Introduction to composting basics.       Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, 420        produce & garage sale bargains. All                     Imaginarium: West City Concert
MAY 24                                    Free. Book online: https:/               Titirangi Rd.                              inquiries text 0272522194. 8.30am,                      Band. An extensive cast of
St Heliers Bay Garden Club:               /compostcollective.org.nz/events/        Cameras - photographers -                  Matakana Community Hall, 43                             professional and up-and-coming
Every 4th Thurs. Love plants,             composting-workshop-pinehill/. 10am,     photographs: May 29 marks 157th            Matakana Valley Rd.                                     dancers present a stunning
flowers, garden, come enjoy               Pinehill school, 2 Hugh Green Dr.        anniversary since the first 2 Albertland   Tech Week: – Pakuranga 3D                               collaboration of music and dance.
speakers, raffle, trading table.          Ukulele magic: Fringe Ukes               ships departing London with 688            Printing Workshop: Introduction to                      Tickets: www.imaginarium.nz. 2.30pm
Adrianne ph 570 5387. 1.30pm, 100         performing an eclectic mix of NZ and     passengers bound for the new               the basics of 3D printing. Free                         and 7pm, Raye Freedman Arts Centre,
St Heliers Bay Rd.                        international music. 2pm, Titirangi      settlement. Make the time, come and        workshop – all welcome. From 1pm                        Cnr Silver Rd & Gilles Ave.

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neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                                                                MAY 22, 2019, EASTERN COURIER                      15

What’s On
MAY 25:                                     Community produce, coffee and                     Tech Week: 3D Printing Workshop:         home I left behind – but will never                   Notenew start time, Speaker Kate
Tunes and Tales with Tweed –                food, live music, crafts, jewellery etc.          Introduction to the basics of 3D         forget. 10am, Birkenhead Bowling                      Hillier Event director - NZ Flower
Whangaparoa: Join scholarship-              Cash only. Carboot sales Ph Jaqui                 printing. Join us at this free           Club, 93 Mokoia Rd.                                   and Garden Show. Hall open 10am,
awarded alt-folk trio Tweed, Poetry         021977181 for space. 10am, Puhoi                  workshop – all welcome. From 2 to        MAY 28:                                               entries close 10-45am. All
Idol winner Jessie Fenton, and              Sports Gounds, Puhoi Rd.                          3pm. Highland Park Library, 16           SOSSI – Whangaparoa: AGM of                           welcome.Enquiries Ph.Pam
acoustic four-piece Good Thieves.           Leys Orchestra family concert –                   Highland Park Dr.                        the Shakespear Open Santuary                          537-5130. 11:30pm, Dunkirk Activity
Good music, friendship, and the fun         Ponsonby: Come along to baroque                   BMNZ Beethoven & Perkins:                Society Inc. A free barbecue at                       Centre, 50 Dunkirk Rd.
of a well-spun yarn. 1pm,                   music from Italy and Germany, with                Witness the world premiere of the NZ     midday. 1pm, Shakespear Regional                      Hibiscus Coast Zonta: Monthly
Whangaparaoa Library, 9 Main St,            music by Vivaldi and Fasch, including             composition ’The Birds’. Hear prodigy    Park’s Office at its new woolshed,                    dinner meeting. Guest speaker –
Stanmore Bay.                               an oboe concerto and a concerto for               Ashani Waidyatillake play Beethoven’s    Whangaparaoa Road, Army Bay.                          Joanne Rama-Manga, Board
Soapbox Stories – Takapuna: A               two flutes. Free. 2.30pm, Leys Institute          Piano Concerto No 2. Info:               Papatoetoe Garden & Floral Art:                       member of PADA (Perinatal Anxiety
free event celebrating 125 years of         Hall, 20 St Mary’s Rd.                            www.bachmusica.com. 5pm,                 Informative night with a fun-filled                   and Depression Aotearoa). Cost $25.
suffrage in Aotearoa, and                   Pink Ribbon fundraiser - Mt                       Auckland Town Hall, 301-317 Queen St.    group of keen gardeners and floral                    Email hibiscuscoast@zonta.org.nz
Takapuna’s newest artwork                   Roskill: A fun afternoon, help raise              Meet, make and munch craft:              designers. Competition entries,                       or phone 0221200195. 6pm, Wade
"Soapbox", with performances by             funds for the breast cancer                       Make gorgeous handmade cards             sales table & supper. ph Glenis                       Hotel, 2 Tavern Rd.
Grace Taylor, Courtney Sina                 foundation, entertainment, line                   with Christien Griffith of Stampin’      2787853. 7.15pm, Wesley Methodist                     Waitemata Scottish Country
Meredith, Julia Croft, Dione Joseph         dancing, guest speaker,                           Up. Gold coin donation with              Church Hall, 37 Kolmar Rd.                            Dancing: Meets every Tues.
and Rose Northey. 11am, Killarney           refreshments. Info Ella Kumar                     everything provided – no                 East Auckland Aglow open                              Beginners start at 6.45pm. Lots of
Park, Killarney St.                         0210477642, 2pm, YMCA Cameron                     registration. Suitable for adults and    public: Immigrant Agnus will                          fun and fitness. Ph Patsy 416 3373 or
Free Spinal Checks: Find out                Pools, 53 Arundel St.                             kids 8+, 1pm, Northcote Library, 2       inspire to advance your biblical                      Katrina 0276682110 for more info,
about the health of your spine and          Kart Racing – Avondale: Kartsport                 Ernie Mays St. Ph: 093770209.            faith. All welcome. Light lunch. Joy                  6:45pm, Kelston Community Hall,
how to optimize your well-being             Auckland Club Day. Free parking/gate              Budhism – Orewa: A talk at the           0220998286. 10am, Glenside                            Corner Awaroa Rd Sunnyvale.
with a FREE 10 minute assessment            entry. Cafe. 6-70yrs. Walk through pits           Theosophical Centre to help us           Community Hall, Pakuranga,                            Lymphoedema Support
by New Zealand College of                   & chat to drivers/crew. 0275641425.               raise our awareness of other             Glenside St. off Reeves Rd.                           Network: Dr Jonathan Astin;
Chiropractic interns. 1.30 to 3.30pm.       10.30am, Rosebank Domain, 124 Patiki              people’s spiritual journey.              Genealogy: Seonaid Lewis, family                      Lymphatic Vessels and
May 25, 1:30pm, Highland Park               Rd.                                               Suggested donation $5, which             history librarian, Auckland Libraries,                Lymphoedema an Overview of
Library, 16 Highland Park Dr                Property Value optimisation:                      includes tea and cake. Ph 09427          will speak about "My DNA                              Lymphatic Biology. Free under
MAY 26:                                     Two local experts (valuation and                  0149. 2pm, 9E Forest Glen.               Discoveries" at Auckland branch                       cover parking is available within the
Edible landscape design: Need               marketing) in the property market                 Conservation guided walk:                meeting of the NZ Society of                          building: Complimentary Supper:
help designing your garden? Come            will be offering their perspective.               Highlighting some of the                 Genealogists. Free entry. All                         info@lymphoedema.org.nz. All
prepared with a photo or hand-drawn         9.30am, Kaipara Coast Plant Centre                conservation work of the Auckland        welcome. 10:30am, 2nd Floor,                          Welcome. 7pm, Cancer Society,
map of your urban site, with north          & Sculpture Gardens, 1481 Kaipara                 Botanic Gardens. This 1-hour tour will   Auckland Central Library, Lorne St.                   Domain Lodge, 1 Boyle Cres.
clearly marked. Cost: $50. Book             Coast Hwy (SH16).                                 look at feature plants in our            Griefshare: A course offering                         Dove Catholic Fellowship for
online: http://kaipatiki.org.nz/courses/    Papatoetoe Sunday Community                       threatened native plants garden. 1pm,    support and encouragement for                         Women – Manurewa: Topic: A
edible-landscape-design-26th-may-           Market: Stalls by donation only.                  Auckland Botanic Gardens, 102 Hill Rd.   your grief journey after the death of                 woman who fears Adonai should be
2019/. 10am, Kaipatiki Environment          Contact 021 187 1456 for details.                 MAY 27:                                  a loved one. Call Corina                              praised (Proverbs 31:30). Come and
Centre, 17 Lauderdale Rd.                   7.30am, Papatoetoe Sunday                         TIBET – Birkenhead: Thuten               02102696726. 12:30pm, East Coast                      share a cuppa, friendship and
Puhoi Village Market: Starting an           Community Market, 107 - 109 St                    Kesang QSM became the first NZ           Bays Bible Baptist Church, 1092 East                  encouragement. Ph Grace on 577
hour later over colder months.              George St. Behind RSA and Library,                refugee from Tibet more than 50          Coast Rd.                                             3479. 7:30pm, St Anne’s Parish Hall,
Celebrating our Cultural Diversity.         car park.                                         years ago. Speaks on Tibet – the         Glen Innes Gardening Club:                            126 Russell Rd.

                                                                                                                                            OPEN DAY
                                                                                                                                            Thursday 30th May 2019
                                                                                                                                            9.30am – 12.30pm
                             PICK UP                                                                                                        We invite you to visit our school on Thursday 30th May. Our senior
                                                                                                                                            students will lead school tours throughout the morning and our
                             A COPY                                                                                                         Principal will give short talks at 10am, 11am and 12 noon.

                             TODAY                                                                                                          Information Evening –
                                                           To subscribe                                                                     Thursday 30th May 6.30pm – 8.00pm.                                   Educated
                                                           Visit: mags4gifts.co.nz or                                                       All prospective students for 2020 and their parents are very         at Auckland
                                                                                                                                            welcome to attend this evening.
                                                           Call: 0800 339 100                                                               The evening will be useful for students who are interested in        Girls’ Equipped
                                                                                                                                            enrolling into Nga- Tu-manako o Kahurangi, our Maori Whanau
                                                                                                                                            Unit. Auckland Girls’ Grammar School welcomes enrolments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for the World
                                                                                                                                            from throughout the Auckland region and we hope that you
                                                                                                                                            will take this opportunity to find out more about us.

                                                                                                                                            Parking at Gate 2, Howe Street, Freemans Bay
                                                                                                                                            For more information please phone (09)307 4180 or email enrol@aggs.school.nz

                                    Karaka Lifestyle Estate is a registered village under the Retirement Villages Act 2003
16   EASTERN COURIER, MAY 22, 2019                                                                                                                                    neighbourly.co.nz

We have so many nice neighbours but I would like
to nominate Xenia Marcroft, from Pt Chevalier. With
the support of her family and many great friends,
she organised a fundraiser for the Christchurch
Muslim community. It was a family bingo event at
the Pt Chevalier Bowling Club on Dignan St. At very
short notice, Xenia brought together people of all
ages (including babies) to have a good time in a very
family-friendly environment – to make new friends,
play games, eat great food, and join together to
acknowledge and support those in Christchurch and
elsewhere who have been so affected by the
shootings. It was a true team effort by a lot of our
locals and proving that the community spirit is alive
and kicking in Point Chevalier. Xenia and her friends
also raised several thousand dollars thanks to the
event. Kia kaha, Xenia.
– Nominated by Sandra Eriksen

We’re looking for the nicest neighbours in town.
Nominate someone in your ’hood – and your
special neighbour could feature in community
newspapers around New Zealand as an
inspiration to us all. Plus, you’ll both receive a
$25 Prezzy® card! A Nice Neighbour is someone
who has helped make a difference in your life –
or the lives of others. Let us know why your
neighbour is so nice by sharing a few words at
neighbourly.co.nz/niceneighbour                         From left, Cam and Xenia Marcroft, Tim Eriksen, Lauren Crawford and Matt Mavor all helped put on the event.

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neighbourly.co.nz                                                                                                                                                                MAY 22, 2019, EASTERN COURIER 17

Part time Vacancies

BUILDERS trainee/labourer.          Enthusiatic Part-Time
To help builder. Good oppor-             Gardener
tunity. Phone 021 728 928.
                                Yendarra School Needs You!                                      Relief Teachers–We NEED you!
                               We are looking for a passionate part-time                        Want the freedom and flexibility that relief teaching
                               gardener for two days a week.                                    gives? Want to get your foot in the door to take the
Situations Vacant              The role will include working with small                         next step in your teaching career?
                               groups of children each Thursday, inspiring a                    We currently have a wide range of day to day
                               love of gardening.                                               relieving opportunities in Auckland. We are looking
CARPENTERS and Painters        If you are strong, fit and looking for a part-                   for registered teachers, both experienced and
Urgently Needed. Ph 027 308    time gardening role we would love to hear                        beginning teachers.
7305                           from you. You will have the opportunity to                       Don’t delay make contact with our friendly experienced
                               work alongside our soon to retire, current                       team today.
                               gardener.                                                                       Ph 09 8158152
                                Inquiries and applications can be sent to:                              Email relief@oasis-edu.co.nz
 URGENTLY                           susandunlop@yendarra.school.nz                                        www.betterteachers.nz
INDIAN cook for newly
opened    restaurant  in
Beachland, Auckland. Ph:
021 205 4445. ASAP.
                                                            FINLAYSON PARK
      The New
   Zealand Herald                                                                                        PAKURANGA COLLEGE
   GET PAID TO                 Principal’s P.A in a large multicultural Manurewa School,                   ENROLMENT 2020
                               30-35hrs per week/rates neg. Immediate start if possible.               INFORMATION EVENINGS
   EXERCISE IN                 Great working environment offered in busy school office.
    HOWICK!!                   Appointee must have:                                                    Tuesday 18 June 2019 at 7:00pm or
     Be part of one of                                                                                 Wednesday 19 June 2019 at 7:00pm
                                 • Prior secretarial experience
   New Zealand’s best                                                                                    in the Pakuranga College Library
                                 • Be computer literate in PC and Apple platforms
       Newspapers.                                                                             Prospective parents are warmly invited to attend
                                 • Be flexible and enthusiastic for this position
    We are looking for                                                                         either of these meetings to meet the Principal and
   delivery people from          • Have knowledge in data bases (ETAP student
                                     management system added bonus)                            Senior Staff, and to find out more about the values and
      3:00am to max                                                                            philosophies of the college, including NCEA and
    6:00am, Mon-Sun.             • Have the ability to engage all ethnicities
   With vehicle & valid                                                                        e-Learning. The meetings will last approximately an
                                 • Have high levels of efficiency                              hour.
         licence.                • Be practical and orderly
       Earn between              • Have enthusiasm for the school and its clients              The College has a BYOD policy and will be asking all
      $180 - $350pw.                                                                           Year 9 students to have a digital device (iPad, tablet,
   Call or text Gagan
                               Apply in writing with CV and 2 written refs to the Principal.   netbook, etc.) for personal use in class and for
      021 711 150                          Email: fsmaihi@finlaysonpark.co.nz                  homework.
                                              Closes: Monday 27 May, 4pm                                         We will also hold an
                                                                                                    Open Morning on Saturday 3 August 2019
                                                                                                                 9:00am to 12 Noon
                                                                                               Enrolment packs will be distributed to Year 8 students
             ACCOUNTANT                                                                        at contributing schools from Monday 24 June 2019
                                                                                               and will be available from Reception from Friday 28
     CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OFFICE –                                                            June 2019.
              EAST TAMAKI                                                                      Michael Williams
 We are a well-established and busy Chartered Accounting practice in East                                                                                       WWW.STUDYWITHUS.CO.NZ
 Tamaki looking for a person who is able to join our team.

                                                                                                                                                                 FREE STUDYin
 We are seeking someone who has had previous experience in a Chartered                         Career Development & Training
 Accountant’s office to at least an intermediate level dealing with a variety of
 clients. This would include a range of skills from Xero setup and support, to
 client interactions and preparation of financial statements and various taxation

                                                                                                                                                                right here i!
 Our ideal candidate will:
 • Be tertiary qualified.

                                                                                                                                                                East Tamak
 • Be AT level or higher.
 • Have previous experience in a Chartered Accountants office.
 • Have a sound knowledge of financial reporting standards.
 • Be up to date with taxation laws & practice standards.
 • Be experienced in the preparation of financial statements.
                                                                                                                                                                        re  m o re  ex c iting ways
 • Be able to prepare PAYE, Income tax and GST returns.
                                                                                                                                                               There a       u a lification and
 • Have strong written and verbal communication skills and be able to interact
                                                                                                                                                                 to g e t a q
     with clients on a daily basis.
                                                                                                                                                                                    EA credits
 • Have strong general systems and Xero, MYOBAO, MYOB, BankLink and
     Excel knowledge.
                                                                                                                                                                  still earn NC
 If you would like to join our friendly team and work close to home, with no
 parking problems, then this is a great opportunity for you to become part of our
 team and utilise your abilities working with our wide range of clients.
 For more information about our firm, please visit our website www.harts.co.nz                                                                            FREE COURSES for 16-19 year olds*
 If you are interested in the position please send your written application or apply
                                     by e-mail to:
          John Nana, Harts Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors
         PO Box 58442, Botany, Auckland 2163 E-mail: john@harts.co.nz                                                                                     •
                                                                                                                                                          • Security Forces Training

                                                                                                                                                                                           0800 872 466
                                                                                                                                                          enrol now for july!
                                                                                                                                                         25 Springs Road,
                                                                                                                                                         East Tamaki
                                                                                                                                                         *Entry criteria apply

                                                                                                                                                         There’s no place
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