Page created by Jim Perez
THE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF THE JACL                                       Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2021

                              c e l e b r a t i n g   92   y e a r s

       BOA R D G R E E T I N G S

#3379 / VOL. 172, No. 1 ISSN: 0030-8579                                WWW.PACIFICCITIZEN.ORG
2        Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2021                                                              COMMUNITY

Vandals Hit S.F.’s J-town, L.A.’s Little Tokyo                                                                                                                          HOW TO REACH US
Property is damaged in two historic Japanese enclaves.                                                                             This photo shows the
                                                                                                                                                                        Tel: (213) 620-1767
                                                                                                                                   extent of the damage to              Mail: 123 Ellison S. Onizuka St., Suite 313
By P.C. Staff

                                                                                                                                   one of the cherry trees              Los Angeles, CA 90012
                                                                                                                                   planted in San Francisco’s           STAFF
        he Year of the Ox arrived like                                                                                                                                  Executive Editor
        a bull in a china shop for San                                                                                                                                  Allison Haramoto
        Francisco’s Japantown and
                                                                                                                                   PHOTO: DAVID TOSHIYUKI
                                                                                                                                                                        Senior Editor
Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo as acts                                                                                                                                       Digital & Social Media
                                                                                                                                                                        George Johnston
of vandalism struck both historic                                                                                                                                       Business Manager
ethnic enclaves.                                                                                                                                                        Susan Yokoyama
  Security video showed two cherry                                                                                                                                      Production Artist
trees, planted in the mid-1990s                                                                                                                                         Marie Samonte
adjacent to San Francisco’s Japanese     These stills from the JCCCNC’s security camera video                                                                           Circulation
Cultural and Community Center            show the perpetrator tearing off and walking away with
                                                                                                                                                                        Eva Ting
of Northern California (JCCCNC,          limbs from one of the two damaged cherry trees.                                                                                The Pacific Citizen newspaper
aka the Center) in Japantown, torn                                                                                                                                      (ISSN: 0030-8579) is published semi-
                                         PHOTOS: COURTESY OF THE JCCCNC                                                                                                 monthly (except once in December
down to their trunks by a man over                                                                                                                                      and January) by the Japanese Ameri-
the New Year’s holiday.                                                                                                                                                 can Citizens League, Pacific Citizen,
  In Los Angeles, meantime, several      separate nights.                            from the trees,” said Haruka                                                       123 Ellison S. Onizuka St., Suite 313
                                                                                                                                                                        Los Angeles, CA 90012
Little Tokyo buildings sustained           “There were two incidents on              Roudebush, the Center’s senior                                                     Periodical postage paid at L.A., CA
damaged windows, according to            Friday, Jan. 1, the first one being         programs manager. “Some of the                                                     POSTMASTER: Send address chang-
published reports. Victimized were       around 1 a.m. and the second one            early news reports used language           “It’s been very moving.”                es to National JACL, 1765 Sutter St.,
                                                                                                                                                                        San Francisco, CA 94115
several businesses and Japanese          around 1:25 a.m.,” Okada said. “He          that suggests the limbs were cut off         In Los Angeles, an arrest has
American community organizations         came back on Sunday, Jan. 3, around         of the tree, but they were actually        been made in relation to the acts       JACL President: Jeffrey Moy
                                                                                                                                                                        Executive Director: David Inoue
including the Japanese American          3:30 a.m. and finished the job.”            ripped off by hand, one by one, with       of vandalism, which took place
                                                                                                                                Jan. 5, 2021, and Dec. 18, 2020,        P.C. EDITORIAL BOARD
Cultural and Community Center              The vandal, described as a male           considerable effort. I can’t think
                                                                                                                                                                        Rob Buscher, chairperson; Ron Kura-
and the Japanese American National       African American over 6 feet tall and       of any reason why anyone would             according to the Rafu Shimpo, whose     moto, MDC; Danielle Pierce, EDC;
Museum, which also had some              weighing more than 300 pounds, was          want to do this, but I’m so grateful       report pointed to a mentally ill        Marcia Chung, CCDC; Nancy Ukai,
windows damaged last August.             shown in security camera video using        how much immediate support has             homeless person as the suspect. The     NCWNPDC; Sheldon Arakaki, PNWDC;
(See              just his hands to tear the trees asunder.   come from the broader community            newspaper also reported that among      Kayla Watanabe, IDC; John Saito Jr.,
                                                                                                                                                                        PSWDC; Marco Torrez, Youth Rep.
  According to Matt Okada, the           Video stills show him wearing a dark        in response to this vandalism.”            the businesses victimized were the
JCCCNC’s director of special events      hooded jacket.                                Okada was doubtful whether the           Kajima Building, Cafe Demitasse,        Subscribe
                                                                                                                                                                        Get a one-year subscription of the
and communication, the damage to           “It’s astonishing the lengths the         trees could survive and speculated         the San Pedro Firm Building and the
                                                                                                                                                                        Pacific Citizen newspaper at:
the cherry trees occurred on two         vandal went to, to destroy each limb        that the trees will need to be replaced.   California Bank & Trust.       or call
                                                                                     He added that the Center will be             In another act of vandalism in San    (213) 620-1767
                                                                                     working with the city and county of        Francisco, a street memorial near       Advertise
                                                                                     San Francisco, with the city being         2nd and Mission streets to deceased     To advertise in the Pacific Citi-
                                                                                     entity that is actually responsible        hit-and-run victims was desecrated.     zen, call (213) 620-1767 or e-mail:
                                                                                                                                  Japanese national Hanako Abe, 27,
                                                                                     for the trees, to assess whether the
                                                                                     trees can be saved or will need to         and Elizabeth Platt, 60, were killed    LEGAL
                                                                                     be replaced.                               on New Year’s Eve while crossing        No part of this publication may be
                                                                                                                                                                        reproduced without the express per-
                                                                                       A GoFundMe campaign to raise             the street. Arrested for the incident   mission of the Pacific Citizen.
                                                                                     funds to replace the trees was             was Troy McCalister, 45, described      Editorials, letters, news and the opin-
                                                                                     launched with a goal of raising            as a parolee and multiple offender,     ions expressed by columnists other
                                                                                     $5,000. To date, nearly $31,000            who was driving a stolen car that       than the national JACL president or
                                                                                                                                                                        national director do not necessarily re-
                                                                                     has been raised.                           struck and killed the two victims. He   flect JACL policy. Events and products
                                                                                       “We’ve received a tremendous             was charged with DUI and vehicular      advertised in the P.C. do not carry the
                                                                                     outpouring of support,” said Okada.        manslaughter.                      n   implicit endorsement of the JACL or
                                                                                                                                                                        this publication. We reserve the right
                                                                                                                                                                        to edit articles. © 2021
                                                                                                                                                                        Periodicals paid at Los Angeles, Calif.
                                                                                                                                                                        and mailing office.

                                                                                                   SPRING                   ‘I’m glad to see the Pacific Citizen
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    Name :                                                                                                                  improvements, P.C.!’                                                information to:
                                                                                                                                                    — Gil Asakawa                              National JACL
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    Address 1 :                                                                                                                                                                               San Francisco,
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    Phone Number :                                                E-mail :                                                                                                                     (415) 921-5225
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    The P.C.’s mission is to ‘educate on the past Japanese American experience and                                                                                                          address changes.
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C O M M E N TA R Y                                                                Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2021                3

                                                                                      being good enough. It is hard to live     nursery magic had made him Real,             gratitude. What I do want to say is
                           A MOTHER’S                                                 in a society that values beauty of face   and when you are Real shabbiness             that I wish all my readers health and
                                                                                      and body and not being different.         doesn’t matter.”                             peace until we can all get vaccinated.
                           TA K E                                                     For me personally, it is hard to grow                                                  And I hope that all of you know that
                                                                                                                                   I remember as my parents began
                                                                                      old with those values surrounding         to age, I didn’t love them less              every word I write comes from my
                                                                                      me at every turn . . . in television,     because they were no longer young.           heart, and I hope it goes into yours.

                                                                                      movies and magazines.                     I actually loved them more because as          Happy New Year everyone!
                                                                                         I live faced with those expectations   I matured, I realized how much they
                                                                                      every day as I look at myself in the      had given me, not just in material             Marsha Aizumi is an advocate in

                                                                                      mirror. The person that looks back        items, but in helping me become a            the LGBT community and author of
                                                                                      at me now has more wrinkles, age          better person.                               the book “Two Spirits, One Heart:
                                                                                      spots, droopy eyelids and marionette         In some ways, I am like the               A Mother, Her Transgender Son
By Marsha Aizumi                           music and story did not seem to            lines extending from her mouth. My        Velveteen Rabbit. I have lost my             and Their Journey to Love and

                                           fit the message I wanted for the           body has more lumps and bumps,            shape. I have less hair, and the hair        Acceptance.”
        ast month when I was trying        holiday edition, I thought it was          my hair is grey (though I continue        I have has turned grey. I have grown
        to come up with a thought for      an appropriate inspiration for this        to dye it) and often falls out when       older. But today, I am more real than
        “A Moment in Time” for the         column to start 2021. This is the time     I shampoo it. I am no longer young.       I ever have been.
P.C.’s annual holiday issue, I listened    for hopeful New Year’s resolutions.           But one of my favorite children’s         Where I once tried to hide what
to Whitney Houston’s “One Moment             On Jan. 1, I thought about losing        books is “The Velveteen Rabbit,”          I felt, today I always try to say what is
in Time” song for inspiration.             weight, exercising more, finding time      a story about a stuffed rabbit.           true for me with kindness and an open
  The music video was filled with          to meditate, eliminating sugar, gluten     I especially love this passage:           mind. And yet even though I often
Olympic moments where people were          and dairy from my diet . . . but by           “Weeks passed, and the little          judge myself, I have to remember
affirmed that they were “more than         the following week, those thoughts         Rabbit grew very old and shabby,          it is not how I look that matters as
they thought they could be.” Then          vanished from my consciousness.            but the Boy loved him just as much.       much as how I love and how much
I watched Kevin Costner’s eulogy             Also, my mom used to say that            He loved him so hard that he loved all    I am loved.
at Whitney Houston’s funeral. This         your house will always be as clean         his whiskers off, and the pink lining        I have been so fortunate to have the
amazing singer was haunted by not          throughout the year as it is on New        to his ears turned grey, and his brown    husband I have and the children that
being enough . . . not pretty enough,      Year’s Day. I used to try to clean         spots faded. He even began to lose        may not have been born out of my
not a good enough singer. She would        everything because I wanted to have        his shape, and he scarcely looked         body, but my heart. I also have so
struggle with “did people really like      a perfect house. I realize that clean      like a rabbit any more, except to the     many wonderful family and friends
her?” She didn’t want to disappoint        enough is good enough. It doesn’t          Boy. To him he was always beautiful,      who surround me with so much joy.
those around her. She wanted to be         have to be perfect!                        and that was all that the little Rabbit      So in this new year, I am not
perfect.                                     Like Whitney Houston, I, too, have       cared about. He didn’t mind how he        making any resolutions. I am going to
                                                                                                                                                                                 “The Velveteen Rabbit”
  So, even though Whitney’s                been haunted by perfection and not         looked to other people, because the       live my life with more kindness and

                                                                                      and own your home, there’s a good         fall in the future. And since there’s        live in their homes. Additionally,
                            LEGAL-EASE:                                               chance that you own your home             no way to completely prevent falls,          most loved ones do not have the time
                                                                                      “free and clear” (or you owe a small      it’s crucial to provide immediate help       to consistently be there to watch over
                            A N AT T O R N E Y ’ S                                    equity line of credit). You’re sitting    when a fall does happen.                     or just be there should an emergency
                            PERSPECTIVE                                               on your nest egg. If your home needs
                                                                                                                                  This is where home medical alert           or situation happen. The medical
                                                                                      to be “senior proofed” so that you                                                     alerts (especially the mobile one)
                                                                                                                                systems can be invaluable.
                                                                                      can age in place safely, you may                                                       allow the peace of mind that there

AGING IN PLACE                                                                        conder tapping into the equity in           Medical alert systems typically            is someone monitoring if they fall.
                                                                                      your home and pull enough money           consist of two components – a base
                                                                                                                                station and a wearable device. When             “With a push of the button, ADT
                                                                                      out to fix it up.
                                                                                                                                the user presses the help button on          can be there to calm, help, dispatch
                                           or she is likely to suffer traumatic
By Judd Matsunaga, Esq.                                                                 Chances are, you have seen                                                           and alert. It is not only good for

                                           brain injuries, cuts, fractures and                                                  the wearable device, a call is initiated
                                                                                      the TV commercial featuring                                                            the peace of mind and freedom
                                           broken bones.                                                                        to a monitoring center. The user is
    get it — “Home is where the                                                       spokesperson and actor Tom Selleck.                                                    it can provide the individuals; it
                                                                                                                                connected with an operator who
    heart is.” Even in cases where           Whether you are the senior aging         In the American Advisors Group                                                         also can be lifesaving or minimize
                                                                                                                                can help to assess the situation and
    physical or cognitive decline          in place or the family member caring       commercial, Selleck says, “I wouldn’t                                                  serious conditions that can occur
                                                                                                                                dispatch emergency services right
make it difficult to live independently,   for your elderly parent(s), it’s best      be here if I thought reverse mortgages                                                 from a fall. That, of course, saves
                                                                                                                                away. Some systems will come with
seniors vastly prefer aging in place       to make any needed modifications           took advantage of any American                                                         everyone money, but also helps
                                                                                                                                extra features like GPS monitoring
to moving into a long-term care            throughout the house to senior proof       citizen. A reverse mortgage loan                                                       prevent potentially long hospital
                                                                                                                                and automatic fall detection.
facility. At home, you can live your       the home. Senior proofing a home           isn’t some trick to take your home.                                                    stays or having to leave their home.”
life as you see fit. You also enjoy a      is different for every senior because      It’s a loan, like any other. The big         According to the ADT website,             I asked Daniel if I could put his name
sense of dignity unavailable to many       every person has a different set of        difference is how you pay it back.”       it’s as simple as: (1) Press Button:         and number in the Pacific Citizen,
other seniors you know.                    disabilities, e.g., visual disabilities,   “But my children won’t let me get         Press the personal help button               and he said he would be happy to
   As a senior, this year’s New Year’s     cognitive disabilities, mobility and       a reverse mortgage.” Well, then ask       to send an emergency alert to                answer any questions that any P.C.
resolution might be to remain at home      much more.                                 your children to pay for the home         ADT. Fall Detection pendants                 reader might have about medical alert
for another year. Seniors who age in                                                  modifications to allow you to remain      can automatically send an alert              systems. Daniel is also the president
                                             Senior proofing a home might
place enjoy a sense of independence                                                   at home. If you pull out $50,000          if a fall occurs; (2) We Respond:            of the San Fernando Valley JACC and
                                           require changes such as home
and comfort that only home can                                                        to add a walk-in tub, a wheelchair        ADT senior-sensitivity-trained               can be reached at (818) 430-8305.
                                           modifications like a walk-in tub.
provide. Of course, you need to                                                       ramp and other things, chances are        monitoring professionals will
                                           Other tips:                                                                                                                         Judd Matsunaga is the founding
“age in place” safely. That means                                                     your home will appreciate in value.       communicate over two-way
                                           •   Get rid of throw rugs.                                                                                                        attorney of Elder Law Services
looking into two things: (1) senior                                                                                             voice; and (3) You Get Help: At
                                           •   Install grab bars and rails.             Secondly, any senior who wants to                                                    of California, a law firm that
proofing a home and (2) a medical                                                                                               the push of a button, ADT’s highly-
                                           •   Declutter living spaces.               live at home independently should                                                      specializes in Medi-Cal Planning,
alert system.                                                                                                                   trained professionals alert caregivers,
                                           •   Install better lighting.               protect him/herself with a medical                                                     Estate Planning and Probate. He
                                                                                                                                loved ones and/or emergency
  Senior proofing a home requires          •   Rearrange furniture.                   alert system. According to the Centers                                                 can be contacted at (310) 348-2995
making changes to ensure the home                                                     for Disease Control and Prevention, 1                                                  or
                                             A “Fall Prevention Checklist”            out of every 4 older adults falls every     I asked Daniel Okazaki with ADT            The opinions expressed in this
is safer and fall proof. Statistics
                                           can be found online at https://            year. Of those falls, 20 percent are      for help.                                    article are the author’s own and
from the Centers for Disease
                                                serious, resulting in a broken bone,                                                   do not necessarily reflect the view
Control and Prevention reveal that                                                                                                “My parents and many of my
                                           prevention-tips.                           head trauma or similar injury.                                                         of the Pacific Citizen or constitute
3 million elderly people are treated                                                                                            friends who are older, are starting
in emergency rooms for fall injuries         “But Judd, that’s a lot of money.          Furthermore, falling once doubles       to have occasional moments but still         legal or tax advice and should not
each year. When a senior falls, he         I can’t afford it.” If you’re a senior     one’s chance of experiencing another      want to have their independence and          be treated as such.
4          Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2021                                            SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S ISSUE

                                                                                      National Board and staff for continu-     come together to support each other,        and hold our elected officials to a
                                                                                      ing to find ways to move us forward.      whether through virtual events, at in-      high standard.
                                                                                         Internally, we continue to integrate   person socially distanced rallies or          I’m proud of the actions we have

                                                                                      new technology that will make us          providing bentos for our elders and         taken locally and nationally, some-
                                                                                      more efficient and effective. I was       others at increased risk of COVID.          thing our chapter structure uniquely
                                                                                      proud of the way our staff brought          I know we’re all hoping to get            positions us to do, and it’s critical

                                                                                      important information and wonderful       back to in-person events at some            that we all continue to do our part.
                                                                                      speakers into our homes through a         point this year when it’s safe to do          I know at times it can feel over-
                                                                                      variety of events; the JACL Women         so, and the National Board and staff        whelming, which is why we are
By Jeffrey Moy,                                                                       in Leadership panel in the fall and       will continue to assess the viability       continuing to focus on improving
JACL National President                                                               year-end member call featuring            of an in-person convention.                 the ways we share information and

                                                                                      George Takei were particular high-          While we may need to consider             resources. But ultimately, I find it
          appy New Year! For me,                                                      lights for me.                            a virtual convention this year, we          reassuring to be a part of this com-
          a new year always brings                                                       The National Board is focused          are being very intentional in our           munity during a time when we could
          excitement around new pos-                                                  on ensuring our staff have what           process knowing that this is such           all use some support.
sibilities and after an exhausting                                                    they need to be successful, and           an important touch point for our              Ultimately, even with so much
2020, I was certainly ready for 2021.                                                 I look forward to a year that should      community. We expect to have more           fear and uncertainty in the air, I’m
  At the same time, it seemed clear                                                   see continued improvements in our         updates in March.                           looking forward to facing the chal-
that the somewhat arbitrary chang-                                                    operations.                                 I’m thankful to be part of a com-         lenges of 2021 together with you all.
ing of the calendar year would not                                                       Education will continue to serve       munity whose members strive to              Please continue to keep an eye out on
resolve the major issues we faced in                                                  as a central pillar of our work, and      be thoughtful and intentional when          opportunities to plug in; as always,
2020. Sure enough, the short time                                                     we look forward to strengthening          discussing the issues we are facing         the Pacific Citizen and the weekly
we’ve spent in 2021 has already had                                                   partnerships and revising our own         as a nation. In a time when oversim-        digest are great places to learn about
plenty of ups and downs.                                                              curriculum to ensure that we incor-       plified, polarizing comments are the        upcoming events and important work
  Like many of you, I found myself                                                    porate the complex experiences of         norm, having thoughtful discussion          going on around the country.
simultaneously excited by record-            years, reaffirmed the critical work      our community.                            is more valuable than ever.                   We are always looking for our
breaking voter turnout in Georgia and        we must do to heal as a nation as           We look forward to launching an          With that being said, I’m also            members to step up in different
horrified by the hateful, violent and        well as the need to balance hope         ambitious fundraising campaign this       thankful that we are able to move           ways, so if there is something you
seditious actions of white suprema-          with continued vigilance against         year to support all of this important     from discussion to swift action,            are interested in, such as a board or
cists in our nation’s capital.               intolerance and injustice.               work, which we expect to share more       particularly when we see blatant            committee role, I encourage you to
  Seeing this attack, in the city that         Given how challenging 2020 was,        information about this spring.            injustice. As a civil rights organiza-      reach out and learn more.
had been my home for nearly 12               I’m thankful to our members, the            I’ve also been inspired by the         tion, it is our duty to mobilize against      Thanks again for all that you do. I
                                                                                      different ways our chapters have          injustice, advocate for better policies     wish you the best in the year ahead. n

                                              tween George Takei and members of       though, Rep. Andy Kim went to             the George Floyd Justice in Polic-         rest of us to protest or be free from
                                              our NYSC — Sheera Tamura,               a then nearly-empty rotunda and           ing Act and the Jabara Heyer NO            police violence.
                                              Kendal Takeshita and Mariko Rooks.      joined the police officers still there,   HATE Act. And perhaps we can                 For me, that is the symbolism of

                                              For me, the small group meetings        cleaning the mess from earlier.           pass something as fundamental as           the Capitol dome, the heart of our
                                              with members was the highlight.           This moment of servant leadership       a comprehensive COVID relief bill.         democracy. Even after 20 years of
                                              We closed the year with tremendous      was most powerful in that it con-           Perhaps it is overly optimistic to       living in Washington, D.C., every

    AGAIN                                     optimism for 2021.
                                                Then came Jan. 6. All the worst
                                              fears for what might happen with
                                                                                      trasted the care that the Congress-
                                                                                      man showed for the Capitol with
                                                                                      the disregard of the earlier mob. His
                                                                                                                                believe all these goals are possible,
                                                                                                                                but in the wake of Jan. 6, one can
                                                                                                                                only hope that we can rise from
                                                                                                                                                                           time I see the Capitol dome, whether
                                                                                                                                                                           walking on the mall or flying into
                                                                                                                                                                           Reagan National airport, I feel a
                                              the continued and increasing lies       own words stated it best, “I know         this. To cut through the lies and          sense of reverence for the building
                                              about the election came to fruition.    exactly what my job is right now,         recognize that there are not two           and the work that happens there.
                                              Several hundred insurgents over-        which is to do everything I humanly       sets of facts, that the Constitution         I hope that we as a nation can all
                                              ran the Capitol police and claimed      can to restore some decency and           applies to us all equally and some         return to that reverence and respect
                                              control of the U.S. Capitol building,   some kindness and some civility           do not have greater rights than the        for our country.                   n
                                              feely roaming the rotunda and the       back into our politics.”
                                              Senate chambers.                          And so we have hope again. Hope
                                                For anyone who feels the respect      that the coming year will be able to
                                              and reverence for the true soul of      break through some of the gridlock.
                                              our nation and what the Capitol         Hope that we can come together as
                                              represents, this was a gut punch.       a country and defeat COVID. We
                                              Initially, all we saw was the ugli-     will need that hope to accomplish
                                              ness, the anger and hatred in the       our goals this year.
                                              actions of the rioters.                   As noted already, we have the
                                                But now we are hearing the stories    Japanese American Confinement
                                              of how people tried to preserve         Education Act to pass in Congress.
    By David Inoue,                           the idealism of those halls. People     With momentum from the past
    JACL Executive Director                   like Capitol police officer Eugene      summer, we have the best chance

                                              Goodman, who led the mob away           in years of passing HR 40 to bring
             s we closed out 2020 with a      from the Senate chambers. D.C.          redress and reparations for centuries
             first-time ever all-member       Metropolitan Police Department          of anti-Blackness in our country.
             call, it represented the cul-    officer Daniel Hodges, who was            And we hope to bring to an end
    mination of a year of adjustments.        pinned against a door in another        the Alien and Sedition Act, which
    JACL members from across the              viral video, said of the experience,    has been the basis for centuries of
    country gathered together to hear         “We’re the ones who saved Con-          discriminatory policy, including
    from Rep. Doris Matsui and thank          gress that day, and we’ll do it as      our own community’s wartime
    her and Rep. Rob Bishop for their         many times as necessary.”               incarceration and, most recently,
    leadership introducing the Japanese         Eventually, a semblance of order      the Muslim ban.
    American Confinement Education            was restored, and Congress was able       We now have hope that we can
    Act.                                      to reconvene to certify the Electoral   achieve passage of the John Lewis
      For many, the highlight of the          College votes. In the midst of that     Voting Rights Advancement Act,
    evening was a conversation be-
SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S ISSUE                                                                  Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2021                   5

JACL IS WORKING                                                                 Education Remains a
DILIGENTLY TO NAVIGATE                                                          Top Priority in 2021
ITS FINANCIAL COURSE                                                            By David Lin,
                                                                                JACL VP of Planning &
                                                                                                                        the JACL website (
                                                                                                                        by clicking the “Youth” tab on the
                                                                                                                        menu bar.

IN 2021                                                                                  s we begin the new year,
                                                                                                                          My sincere thanks to Scholar-
                                                                                                                        ship Program Committee Co-Chairs
                                                                                         I want to wish you and         Sharon Uyeda and Bill Tashima,
By Matthew Farrells,                                                                     your family a safe, healthy    members of the committee and
JACL National Secretary/                                                        and prosperous 2021 and welcome         Matt Weisbly for his excellent staff

                                                                                you to the New Year’s issue of the      support.
                                                                                Pacific Citizen!                          • Legacy Fund Grants Program
          appy New Year!                                                          First, I want to thank President                                                 telling the story about the tragedy of
          I wish you all a                                                                                                Under the leadership of Roberta
                                                                                Jeff Moy and the National Board for     Barton and Toshi Abe, the Legacy           the Japanese American incarceration
          safe and healthy                                                      appointing me to the position of VP                                                during World War II and share these
start to the year. Let’s just                                                                                           Fund Grants Committee has been
                                                                                of Planning & Development for this      working hard to finalize this year’s       important lessons widely, especially
say 2020 was nothing less                                                       biennium. This is indeed my honor                                                  in today’s political environment.
than extraordinary – with                                                                                               application materials and the funding
                                                                                and a privilege to serve the JACL in    cap for each grant.                          Our current plan is to coordinate
the widespread disruption                                                       this capacity.                                                                     closely with existing JACL educa-
of our work and personal                                                                                                  Since the intent of this program
                                                                                  In 2021, my three focus areas are     is to provide “seed” money to start        tional initiatives and programs in
lives. At JACL, our activi-                                                     as follows:                                                                        making a direct appeal to all JACL
ties and programs were also                                                                                             new programs, committee members
                                                                                  • Scholarship Program                 have provided many suggestions and         members and members of the Japa-
impacted significantly and, to a        person to a work-from-home envi-                                                                                           nese American community at large.
large degree, our financial results     ronment and that the organization         I am sure that you have seen the      valuable input to further enhance the
                                                                                recent JACL announcement of the         program and make it more impact-           Please be on the lookout for more
for the year as well.                   is supporting our employees with                                                                                           information when we launch the
  As JACL’s newly appointed             mitigating the expense associated       2021 National Scholarship and           ful to support JACL’s mission and
                                                                                Awards Program. The JACL annu-          Strategic Plan.                            campaign during the second quarter
Secretary/Treasurer, it is my duty      with working-from-home through                                                                                             of 2021.
to understand these impacts and         reimbursement.                          ally offers approximately 30 college      I want to thank Roberta and Toshi
                                                                                scholarships for students who are       for their leadership, members of the         In closing, I thank all of you for
work with my fellow board mem-             When summarizing 2020 from a                                                                                            your continued dedication and com-
bers and staff to ensure we are         financial perspective, despite our      incoming college freshmen, under-       committee for their contributions
                                                                                graduates and graduates, as well        and Patty Wada for her outstanding         mitment to JACL, since it is mem-
managing well the organization’s        obvious challenges, we are highly                                                                                          bers like you who provide the solid
finances during these challenging       focused on our goal of preserving       as those specializing in law and        staff support.
                                                                                the creative/performing arts. There                                                foundation for this organization to
times.                                  the financial stability of the orga-                                              • Education Fundraising                  accomplish the JACL mission of
  I am happy to report that as we       nization and working diligently to      are also financial aid scholarships     Campaign
                                                                                for those demonstrating a need for                                                 advancing the civil rights of Japanese
close the books for 2020, the lower     monitor, assess and navigate our                                                  I am also honored to assume the          Americans and all those who are
expenses due to the COVID-19            environment into 2021.                  financial assistance.                   responsibility for leading the Educa-
                                                                                  Starting this year, the application                                              victimized by injustice and bigotry.
pandemic has largely offset the            As we look ahead to 2021, I am                                               tion Fundraising Campaign, which             Once again, please accept my grati-
loss in revenue for the year. In a      cautiously optimistic for a success-    forms for the scholarship program       many of you have undoubtedly heard
                                                                                are completely online, and you can                                                 tude for this opportunity to serve the
year without an in-person conven-       ful year and a return to our normal                                             about. Our thinking is that we should      JACL and best wishes for 2021! n
tion, it was challenging to drive       way of life with an in-person con-      access the program information on       leverage JACL’s unique position in
fundraising revenue from spon-          vention and programs. This will
sors. Additionally, without imple-      present further opportunities to
menting some of our endowed             connect with sponsors, meet with
programs, the organization was
unable to recognize the revenue
                                        existing, new and prospective
                                        members, officially launch our                                                  We Will Find Our Way
                                                                                                                        Through Adversity Together
earmarked for these programs.           educational fundraising campaign
  On a positive note, membership        and better support our legacy plan-
revenue and annual giving fund-         ning initiatives in person.
raising preliminarily are bright           Additionally, I’m thrilled to work                                            we have entered a new year, that         a brighter future.
spots for revenue generation, ex-       with a new development director                                                  does not mean we get to start with         In reflecting on the past year,
ceeding our initial expectation for     on these initiatives, which will help                                            a blank slate. There is still so much    what I keep coming back to is how
the amount of funds raised.             further bolster our ability to drive                                             continued work to be done on             grateful I am to work with you all.
  When looking closer at expenses,      revenue for the organization. As                                                 so many levels, and I hope that          While our work is never easy, it
the obvious items of meetings/          Secretary/Treasurer, that is one                                                 everyone is up to the task.              is certainly made lighter knowing
conferences, travel and travel-         of my primary goals — to ensure                                                    As I have mentioned in previous        that I have such outstanding people
related expenses were also largely      we end the year neutral relative to                                              columns, I am not one for New            by my side.
under our budgeted amounts for          our budget.                                                                      Year’s resolutions. That being said,       Thank you, always, for everything
the year. These expense items are          In summary, as I reflect on 2020                                              I did take a lot of time at the end of   that you do. The JACL is an
generally viewed as our variable        and look forward into 2021, I can-                                               December to reflect on 2020 and          incredible organization because
expenses, and the fact that these       not be more grateful for the board                                               both the benefits and challenges         of its members, and I am so thankful
items were significantly under          and staff who support me in this                                                 that came with it.                       to know and collaborate with all
budget is logical given there was       role. Those fellow National Board                                                  We are in an unprecedented             of you.
no in-person convention in 2020         members and staff who serve on            By Sarah Baker,                        time period, facing unprecedented          Looking ahead to 2021, if there
and the restrictions on travel due      the Finance Committee and the             JACL VP for Public Affairs             hardship on a multitude of fronts.       is one thing I know for certain, it

to state and local government           newly formed Development Team                                                    But with these challenges comes          is that we can’t predict the future.
regulations to prevent the spread       truly are the heroes who protect                   appy 2021! With the start     growth, determination and a whole        There is no way to know what will
of COVID-19.                            the organization’s finances, and                   of a new year, I trust you    lot of ingenuity. I have been so         happen next. But one thing I do
  The organization’s value is largely   I could not fulfill my duties without              all are finding a sense of    impressed by our community, our          know is that whatever happens,
driven from its human capital,          them. So, thank you.                      hope and renewal as we usher in        strength and our resilience.             we are in it together.
our staff, and is defined as a fixed       I’m proud of what we have              some much-needed change in our           While 2020 was hard, and 2021            So, here’s to you, here’s to us
expense for the organization. I am      collectively accomplished in              country. As for me, with the recent    may not be much easier, I am             and here’s to the new year. Okage
extremely pleased our staff was         2020 and am looking forward to a          national events kicking us off,        heartened knowing that we will           sama de — I am what I am because
able to pivot seamlessly from in-       renewed and successful 2021!  n          I am reminded that just because        find our way through adversity to        of you.                          n
6          Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2021                                            SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S ISSUE
                                                                                     They also worked together with              for JACL to remain steadfast in its       leadership.
JACL WILL REMAIN                                                                     community members to ensure the
                                                                                     health and well-being of our local
                                                                                                                                 mission and also responsive to the
                                                                                                                                 needs of our JACL community and
                                                                                                                                                                           In the most recent January 2021
                                                                                                                                                                         National Membership Committee
RESPONSIVE TO THE NEEDS                                                              JACL membership and the wider
                                                                                     Japanese American community by
                                                                                                                                 membership and the community
                                                                                                                                 around us.
                                                                                                                                                                         meeting, several meeting participants
                                                                                                                                                                         noted that they are already planning
                                                                                     distributing bentos and masks, as well        To ensure this, I have three goals
OF ITS MEMBERS AND OUR                                                               as continued to share the stories and
                                                                                     memories of our collective history to
                                                                                                                                 to guide my work to support JACL
                                                                                                                                 members and chapters:
                                                                                                                                                                         for the spring matsuri and sakura/
                                                                                                                                                                         cherry blossom season.
                                                                                                                                                                           This brought a sense of light and
COMMUNITY AT LARGE                                                                   guide us through this pivotal moment        • Provide a space for community         hope that we have not felt in a very

                                                                                     of American history.                          and learning for chapters to serve    long time. Even though most of these
                                                                                       Even though we were unable to               their members and work together       celebrations will be more virtual
                                                        reetings and Happy New       march in Washington, D.C., for Tsuru
                                                        Year from New York City                                                    to address the challenges that come   in nature, it is inspiring to see our
                                                                                     for Solidarity to close detention cen-        forth                                 members thinking forward into the
                                                        to Pacific Citizen readers   ters and prisons, members and chap-
                                             and the JACL community.                                                             • Identify and ensure key resources     future with the traditions that we hold
                                                                                     ters conducted local activities, and          and capacities for chapter leader-    dear and have kept our community
                                               Despite the uncertainty that still    we kept in solidarity to protect Black
                                             takes hold of the country and our                                                     ship to be confident in operating     together across history, time and
                                                                                     Lives, as well as reminded our com-           in such uncertain times               geographic location.
                                             attention, I am grateful that we are    munity to participate in the U.S.
                                             in a new year. I step into a role of                                                • Continue to strive for deeper en-       May we start the year with hope and
                                                                                     Census and vote in quite possibly             gagement amongst and across           heart, and I wish you all blessings,
                                             overseeing JACL’s membership            the most important General Election
                                             greatly expanded and well taken                                                       members, chapters and JACL            peace, health and joy for 2021.  n
                                                                                     of our time.
                                             care of by my predecessor, Haruka         This is not to ignore the fact that our
                                             Roudebush, which is no easy task        community experienced significant
                                             in it of itself.                        loss and grief with our members and
                                               In 2020, our JACL community           friends succumbing to COVID-19.
                                             met the challenge of a relentless       We still don’t know when there will
                                             pandemic, political instability and     be a definitive end to this pandemic,
By Saki Mori,                                a general sense of uncertainty on       and every day brings something new
JACL VP of 1,000 Club,                       a daily basis. Chapters across the      for us to react and respond to.
Membership & Services                        country learned how to convene in         During this time, it is important
                                             new ways with new technologies.

    WOW! 2020
                                             simple as hugging the grand kids.       the Japanese American community
                                               I’m generally considered a            will be purchasing them in large
                                             hopeless optimist, almost to a          quantities, me included!
    By Chip Larouche,                        fault, and I’ll admit that the year       Although the “GO FOR BROKE”
    JACL Governor, PNWDC                     2020 tested my positivity in a very     slogan specifically belongs to the
                                             significant way.                        442nd Regimental Combat Team,
                                               Nonetheless, I’m grateful for a       the description that accompanied
                                             few things that happened last year.     the stamp’s announcement made
                                             The Pacific Northwest District          it clear that it “recognizes the
                                             membership actually grew by 2           contributions of Japanese American
                                             percent, thanks to chapters that        soldiers, some 33,000 altogether,
                                             managed to stay pretty active by        who served in the U.S. Army during
                                             using creative tools like Zoom,         World War II.”
                                             continuing to publish newsletters         JACL is still planning to hold a
                                             to keep the membership informed         National Convention this summer
                                             and making calls to their members       (current dates in July), but there’s
                                             to check up on them when most of        also planning afoot to perhaps
                                             them were staying home (which           push it into the fall. Most of the
                                             continues!) in order to stay safe       National Board is a bit ambivalent

                                             themselves and not contribute to        about whether we can pull this off.
            or those of you with a good      the spread of the virus.                Most of you remember that we had
            memory (not me!) you might         We also had quite a bit of racial     to cancel the 2020 Convention
            recognize that the title         unrest this past year, and I’m very     because of COVID precautions,
    above for this article is identical      proud of our chapters for combining     and at this time, it remains unknown
    to the one I used last year to wish      GOOD BEHAVIOR (remember                 how well the vaccination process
    everyone a Happy New Year. I use         that BEHAVIOR MATTERS) with             will develop and how safe it will be
    the same Wow! this time, not as an       creative ways to show support for       to start meeting again face to face.
    exclamation that we’ve arrived, but      the Communities of Color that             Let me close by saying that
    more of a relief that we survived!       really needed that support in a year    as an old-timer on the National
      I don’t think I’m going out very       that was marked with violence on        Board, I’ve been very pleased
    far on a limb to say that we just        many fronts.                            that we have some great young
    got through a very bad year in             Another GOOD thing that               leaders taking charge and have
    America and the world. By the time       happened in 2020 was the                also been impressed by the board’s
    this article gets published, we’ll       announcement that the Nisei             performance during this especially
    have a new president in office, not      Soldiers are finally going to           difficult period.
    a moment too soon for many of            have a U.S. postage stamp that            My fourth term as governor will
    us, and hopefully the vaccination        commemorates their exceptional          end in November 2021, and since
    process for COVID-19 will be in at       courage and bravery. It will            the PNW Bylaws have term limits
    least second gear and accelerating       highlight the slogan “GO FOR            (a good thing in my opinion) and
    so that we can begin to looking          BROKE,” and the stamp was               I’m “termed out,” it will be time
    forward to doing normal things           designed by art director Antonio        to retire. To paraphrase the words
    like eating in a restaurant, traveling   Alcalá. The USPS hasn’t announced       of Gen. McArthur, like a good
                                             the date of release yet, but when the   soldier, I’ll probably just
    somewhere and even something as
                                             stamps are available, I suspect that    fade away.                        »
SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S ISSUE                                                                        Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2021                    7

  »        Regardless, I hope the year
         2021 is good for everyone reading
                                                   A MESSAGE OF HOPE AND HEALING FOR 2021
      this article, and I hope to have the                                                leadership and staff for their self-     disease does not discriminate and       how time and people become the
  opportunity to meet a large number of                                                   less commitment to sustain a vital       attacks anyone regardless of race,      essence of one’s life. Generally,
  you face to face in the not-too-distant                                                 pulse for this timeless organization.    age, economic status, religious         behavior science deals primar-
  future. I’m still looking forward to the                                                Clearly without your passionate          beliefs or politics. Our lives will     ily with human action and often
  year 2029 when JACL will celebrate its                                                  efforts to promote our cause as          be forever changed, and we will         seeks to generalize about human
  100th birthday.                                                                         an advocate for social justice,          need to adjust to a new normal.         behavior as it relates to society. For
    In keeping with the spirit of the                                                     our vocal support for violations           The annual JACL National Con-         someone like me that views things
  time, I remove my mask momentarily,                                                     in civil rights for all Americans        vention became a virtual event and      from an engineering/scientific
  maintaining my social distance, and raise                                               would not be heard.                      resulted in the shift of a paradigm     perspective, sometimes the human
  my glass to toast all of you as we start a                                                In addition, many kudos go out         for our chapters to conduct their       relationships are taken for granted
  new year. Kampai!                      n                                               to the Pacific Citizen editorial staff   activities. We all became techni-       and not embraced as is should be.
                                                                                          and contributors. You have ensured       cally proficient in the use of Zoom       There is a Japanese saying,
                                                                                          that our voices on various human         as a means to communicate with          Ichigo Ichie, which translates
                                                                                          rights issues as well as chapter         our members and remain con-             to “Every meeting will never
                                                   By Michael Asada,                      news remains at the forefront of         nected. Chapters began to “think        happen twice so one must make
                                                   JACL Governor, EDC                     all of our readers. Thank you for        outside the box” like conducting        every effort to give full focus and

                                                                                          your dedicated service and profes-       virtual book talks and cultural         appreciation to the moment (once
                                                             uring this upcoming          sional manner.                           events via video calls (Keiro Kai,      in a lifetime).”
                                                             Year of the Ox, I would        The Oxford English Dictionary          Mochitsuki, etc.).                        Therefore, as I look forward to
                                                             like to extend my sin-       defines the word unprecedented             Yet, as 2021 unfolds, we find         the new year despite its challenges,
                                                   cere best wishes to everyone for       as “never done or known before.”         ourselves in another “unprece-          I will continue to cherish the rela-
                                                   a Happy New Year (Akemashite           Clearly as I sit down to compose         dented” start to a new year, which      tionships that I have with you and
                                                   Omedetōgozaimasu).                     my thoughts about any highlights         clearly demonstrated how divided        make every effort to embrace the
                                                     According to ChineseNewYear.         during this past year and any goals      this country really is and how the      opportunities to share more time
                                                   net, 2021 will be a turbulent year     for EDC in the new year, I reflect       mission of the JACL is perhaps          with you in 2021.
                                                   for the Ox. So, the Ox should          back upon how this word was so           even more relevant now, than it           Hopefully, we will have an
                                                   cultivate relationships with friends   appropriate and yet how it was so        was in the past.                        effective vaccine in place soon
                                                   and family to navigate and over-       overly used in so many contexts.           We need a universal mind-set of       so we can make that happen. A
                                                   come any hardship. While this            Without doubt, 2020 will be            respect for our fellow citizens, the    virtual convention is better than

Our Chapters                                       might sound ominous for 2021,
                                                   rest assured, JACL will weather
                                                                                          remembered for so many things.
                                                                                          Foremost is the impact that COV-
                                                                                                                                   protection of civil liberties for ALL
                                                                                                                                   AMERICANS, and we need to
                                                                                                                                                                           none, but nothing replaces the real
                                                                                                                                                                           opportunity of sharing fellowship

and Members
                                                   the challenges because we have         ID-19 had on everyone throughout         adopt an attitude of understanding      together. See you in Las Vegas for
                                                   always nourished relationships         the world and the devastating loss       to build a better America.              our upcoming National Conven-
                                                   internally and externally.             of loved ones to this cruel pan-           What I have come to appreci-          tion . . . whenever that may be. n

Will Continue                                        I am grateful for the national       demic. What we know is that this         ate with greater understanding is

to Persevere                                       CCDC WILL FOCUS ON MEMBERSHIP
By Toshiki Masaki,
JACL Governor, MDC
                                                   RECRUITMENT AND LEADERSHIP
H                                                  DEVELOPMENT
          appy New Year, everyone!
            As I look back at the most challeng-
          ing year in our recent memories, I am
nevertheless extremely thankful that so many       By Dale Ikeda,                         Beyond,” winner of a Regional            “Norman Mineta and His Legacy,”
of our chapters and their members persevered       JACL Governor, CCDC                    Emmy for Best Documentary.               held at Fresno City College on

and found the ways to quickly adapt to the new                                              Here’s the link: https://www.pbs.      Feb. 18, 2020. The showing and
environment and continue with their activities.             appy New Year from the        org/video/silent-sacrifice-0marqy/.      reception was co-sponsored with
  In fact, some of the chapters started new pro-            Central California Dis-       CCDC was a sponsor, and JA-              a number of community partners,
grams related to Black Lives Matter and other               trict Council. The pan-       CLers Jeanette Ishii, Rev. Saburo        including State Center Commu-
topical challenges that we faced in 2020. Also,    demic made 2020 a challenging          and Marion Masada and Deborah            nity College District and Central
I’m so proud of the JACL National Board for        year. Nevertheless, we chugged         Ikeda and I were consultants on          California Asian Pacific Women’s
managing to conduct its board elections virtu-     along under the capable leadership     the project.                             Network.                                Fresno, and the Islamic Cultural
ally, for the first time in the history of JACL.   of CCDC Gov. Joy Goto.                   Jeff and Elizabeth also pre-             Mitch Maki, CEO of the Go for         Center of Fresno.
And I’m sure what we collectively learned in         The first main event was our an-     viewed “Unbroken Honor,” a               Broke National Education Center,          We also conducted a Zoom book
2020 in dealing with so many challenges will       nual Day of Remembrance, which         one-hour documentary on the              director and co-producer Dianne         interview with John Tateishi on his
serve us well in the coming years as we will       was held on Feb. 16, 2020, and was     Nisei veterans of WWII, which            Fukami and co-producer Debra            latest release “Redress: The Inside
surely encounter new challenges.                   conducted at the Fresno County         is still in development. JACLers         Nakatomi participated in a fireside     Story of the Successful Campaign
  We were obviously all disappointed               Historical Museum, located on          are assisting in that effort as well.    chat after the showing that was         for Japanese American Repara-
that we couldn’t get together at our               the Fresno Fairgrounds.                  CCDC has a museum exhibit at           moderated by Laura Tsutsui, a           tions” with Sec. Mineta as a special
semiannual MDC meetings as well as at the            Marion and Rev. Sab Masada           the Fresno Fair, “Japanese Ameri-        Yonsei working at our local public      guest on Dec. 9, 2020. Gov. Joy
annual National Convention, but we managed         were our Distinguished American        cans in the San Joaquin Valley,”         radio station. The program was          Goto introduced the participants
to stay connected via Zoom and other means         Awardees for the Spirit of Educa-      highlighting the contributions of        funded, in part, by a JACL Legacy       and managed the Q & A while
and are looking forward to days when we can        tion for their countless hours of      Japanese Americans in Central            Fund Grant.                             I served as moderator.
meet in person again.                              sharing their story of incarceration   California. The Fair is also the           The Legacy Grant was also               This year, we will have a virtual
  Finally, I’d like to thank MDC officers and      during World War II. Rev. Sab          site of the Fresno Assembly Cen-         used to co-sponsor the showing          Day of Remembrance on Feb.
their chapter presidents for their continued       passed away this summer.               ter Memorial, an exterior plaza          of another documentary, “Alterna-       13, at 1 p.m., on Zoom. Karen
enthusiastic engagement. It has been an in-          Jeff Aiello and Elizabeth Laval,     with interpretive storyboards and        tive Facts: The Lies of Executive       Korematsu will be our keynote
credible experience and pleasure serving as        also awardees, were our keynote        bronze plagues listing the names         Order 9066,” on Sept. 27, 2020.         speaker. CCDC and its chapters
the MDC Governor for the last two years and        speakers, and they talked about        of more than 5,300 internees.            It was followed by a discussion         will continue their scholarship pro-
also working with the JACL National Board          the documentary “Silent Sacrifice:       The DOR was quickly followed           with director Jon Osaki. CCDC           grams with an annual lun-
members, whom I’ve grown to respect and            Japanese American Internment           with a showing of the documentary        co-sponsored “Alternative Facts”        cheon planned for May
learned so much.                             n    in the San Joaquin Valley and          on Sec. Norman Y. Mineta’s life,         with California State University,       16. We are also planning        »
8          Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2021                                            SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S ISSUE

    »    our annual Memorial Day
         service on May 31 at the
                                            CCDC due to decreasing member-
                                            ship, chapters dissolving or slipping
                                                                                     Sanger, Reedley and Tulare County,
                                                                                     with the prospect of losing two or
                                                                                                                                in collaboration with the Yonsei
                                                                                                                                Memory Project (Nikiko Masumoto
                                                                                                                                                                          with Larry Oda (past JACL National
                                                                                                                                                                          President) and Ko Nishimura. We are
        Nisei Veterans Memorial             below the 25-member requirements         more additional chapters. We will          and Brynn Saito) and the CCDC             working to develop these events for
a t Roeding Park.                           and the unsustainable recycling of       focus the next two years on address-       Board organized the Central Valley        rollout either virtually or hopefully
  Our biggest challenge is mem-             chapter and district officers.           ing these challenges by focusing on        Nikkei Summit in 2019.                    in person in 2021.
bership recruitment and leadership            We used to have nine active chap-      engaging our youth.                          This event brought to our valley          Stay safe and help is on the way
development. Over the years, there          ters in CCDC. We are now down to           Jenna Aoki (NYSC rep) and Kelly          the idea of a networking and story-       with the Biden administration and
has been discussion of dissolving           Clovis, Fresno, Livingston-Merced,       Aoki (past-NYSC rep for CCDC),             telling event sponsored by CCDC           Covid-19 vaccines.                n

    By Carol Kawase,                          at times, instituted erratically. I    the strongest support or greatest          tions, documentaries, outdoor gar-
    JACL Governor, NCWNP                      have been impressed with the many      technology resources to prevent            den and cemetery cleanups, recipe

                                              creative ways the chapters remained    isolation was important to many            shares, raffles and online silent auc-
         n ref le ct i ng on t he past        flexible and innovative.               chapters. As a result, socially dis-       tions, senior exercise classes, panel
         unpredictable, unprecedented           REevaluation came in the form        tanced visits, technology training,        discussions, award ceremonies,
         “Moment in Time,” I’ve deter-        of assessing chapter business, com-    phone tree calls and drop-off gifts        letter-writing campaigns, flu shot
    mined the word that best summa-           munications and event programs.        were instituted. Local small busi-         drive thru, mochi tsuki instruc-
    rizes this chaotic year as “REmode.”      Many chapters were able to continue    nesses that were suffering were            tion video, soba noodle bowl kits,
    Albeit a conjured term, in my mind,       chapter board meetings via video       tapped to participate in collaborative     museum collaborations. We learned
    it best describes the 2020 year for       conferencing or phone conferencing,    events, such as restaurant drive-thru      a lot from each other’s experiences
    our district.                             navigating technology, all while       fundraisers and product purchases          and ideas.
       I commend all of the NCWNP             adhering to Robert’s Rules of Order    that were then donated or used as            A New Year’s message from
    District chapters for rising to the       and California’s Nonprofit Gover-      fundraising items.                         leadership is expected to be
    occasion and switching gears to           nance for the Covid Era. Facebook,       REcreation of programs incor-            inspirational, however, this year,
    “REmode.” Chapter boards and              websites, e-newsletters, email list    porating social distancing came in         I was inspired by the district’s
    members rose to the challenge cre-        serves, online document sharing        the form of virtual and drive-thru         chapters, board officers and mem-        2021, I am confident that chapters
    ated by the pandemic, re-evaluating       and Zoom board officer installations   events. A wide variety of offer-           bers. They taught me to recognize        will take their 2020 successes and
    what was most important to keep           became the new normal to keep          ings became available to not only          the value of being flexible, persis-     make 2021 even better, all while
    their chapters viable, reconnecting       their board and members informed,      the local chapters’ members but            tent, and upbeat in “This Moment         incorporating REmode.
    with members who initially became         engaged and effective.                 also opened to the rest of the district    in Time.”                                  I lo o k fo r wa r d t o s e ei ng
    isolated and re-creating programs           REconnection with senior mem-        — online seminars, book readings,            Given that the pandemic is prob-       innovation at work for a renewed,
    to meet the restrictions that were,       bers who don’t necessarily have        trivia contest, speaking presenta-         ably going to consume most of            reinvigorated Year of the Ox.  n

    TODAY IS OUR GENERATION’S MOMENT TO STAND                                                                                                        Let’s All Work
    By Lisa Olsen,
    JACL Governor, IDC
                                         was a blessing, but I missed
                                         face-to-face interactions.
                                                                           even if I personally dislike
                                                                           interacting via Zoom meetings.
                                                                                                              IDC Board and the support
                                                                                                              they give to me and our local          Together
                                           IDC continues to thrive           Many IDC chapters con-           chapters. I value the support
                                                                                                                                                     By Nancy Takayama,
                                         regardless that many of the       tinued to support civil rights     of my local chapter, who bring
                                                                                                                                                     JACL Governor, PSW

                                         social/cultural events that       by participating in peaceful       even more meaning to my ser-
                                         embody the spirit and fam-        protests, releasing statements,    vice in JACL.
                                                                                                                                                              n Feb. 13 at 2 p.m., the Day of Remembrance
                                         ily community of the Inter-       contacting senators and rep-         This work in civil rights
                                                                                                                                                              Los Angeles “Uniting With Other Communities
                                         mountain District Council         resentatives and supporting        is more relevant with each
                                                                                                                                                              to Keep Democracy Alive” will be held virtually.
                                         were canceled or held online      online programming. Even           passing day in 2021. Martin
                                                                                                                                                       The DOR-LA planning committee is made up of
                                         to protect everyone during the    though we faced elevated in-       Luther King Jr. stated, “The ul-
                                                                                                                                                     nine organizations, all of which have worked together
                                         pandemic. Missed meetings         fection rates in many of our       timate measure of a man is not
                                                                                                                                                     “united” in their belief in educating the public in the
                                         and convention reinforced how     states, members continued          where he stands in moments
                                                                                                                                                     forgotten American history.
                                         much personal interactions        to fight for equal rights and      of comfort and convenience,
                                                                                                                                                       The last administration tried to divide our nation.
                                         mean to me, and I look forward    treatment for others.              but where he stands at times
                                                                                                                                                     We are a strong democracy. We will fight and educate all,
                                         to a time when we can meet          I am thankful for the JACL       of challenge and controversy.”
                                                                                                                                                     for our Americans and immigrant families who believe in
                                         safely again.                     National Board and the work          Our Issei and Nisei are re-
                                                                                                                                                     our Constitution. We will stand together with our fellow
                                           Despite missing personal        they do for this organization.     membered and honored be-
                                                                                                                                                     Americans, immigrants, other civil rights organizations
                                         interactions between chapter      I am thankful for those who        cause of how they stood in
                                                                                                                                                     and communities to show we are a “United” America.  
                                         members, these challenges         have invested their time and       moments of challenge and
                                                                                                                                                       Let’s all work together.                            n
                                         brought opportunities to learn    energy mentoring me. The           controversy. Some stood be-
                                         new technology, such as Zoom,     mentoring process is invalu-       hind barbed wire, some stood
                                         which enabled us to connect       able as the next generation of     on the battlefield, some stood
                                         with each other in an entirely    leaders emerge and build from      in protest and some stood in

                                         new way and interact with         our existing foundation.           solidarity. I am honored to
              reetings and Happy         JACL members across the             I am also grateful for the       take part in the tradition of up-
              New Year! Joshua J.        nation.                           chapters and members in            holding our rights and beliefs
              Marine stated, “Chal-        In many areas, being quaran-    IDC who participated in what-      that our previous generations
    lenges are what make life inter-     tined and working from home       ever way they could during         created.
    esting. Overcoming them are          this year meant that there were   this past year. It wasn’t easy       Today is our generation’s
    what make life meaningful.”          more meetings and opportu-        to ensure that members were        moment to stand. Where and
      The year of 2020 was filled        nities to participate in train-   safe as they participated in       how we stand might differ from
    with so many new challenges          ings and webinars — not less.     peaceful protests, unity walks,    person to person, but the un-
    that life was definitely interest-   This made the time apart more     graveside cleanups and serving     derstanding that we stand for
    ing. Being able to work from         meaningful for me, and I am       others.                            civil rights for all is the tie that
    home during the pandemic             grateful for these interactions     I am also thankful for the       binds us together in JACL. n
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