2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College

Page created by Lee Bates
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College
2020 & 2021
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College
Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2019/20
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College


     2020 & 2021
 (Please retain this Handbook for Year 11 and 12)

                             Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21   1
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College
Mission                                              Vision
The community of Lalor Secondary                     Our vision for Lalor Secondary College
College acknowledges the ability                     is to be a vibrant school; a school
and right of all students to learn and               where learning is valued and students
to experience success. All students                  empowered to become lifelong,
are encouraged and challenged to                     socially responsible learners; where
reach their potential. The College                   a challenging and diverse curriculum
provides students and staff with a                   caters for the variety of learning styles
safe and nurturing environment.                      where the varying talents of students
                                                     and staff are recognised and celebrated
                                                     where excellence and effort are rewarded.

College Values

  2   Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College
College Values

      VALUES               ATTITUDES                                             BEHAVIOURS

                 • Being loyal                         • I am proud of my work
                 • Doing my personal best              • I am passionate about everything I do
     PRIDE       • Being passionate                    • I take pride in what I participate in
                                                       • I am proud of my school
                                                       • I dress appropriately and with pride

                 • Being committed                     • I am committed
                 • Being persistent                    • I am doing my best
                 • Always striving to do my best       • I am organised
                 • Having aspirations                  • I complete all my work
  ACHIEVEMENT    • Aiming for excellence               • I celebrate achievement
                                                       • I am responsible
                                                       • I am motivated
                                                       • I am rational
                                                       • I see mistakes as an opportunity for improvement

                 • Being respectful                    • I am attentive
                 • Having positive relationships       • I am helpful to others in need
                 • Being helpful                       • I show respect to others and show them that they
                 • Using manners                         are being noticed
                 • Showing friendship                  • I choose my attitude
                 • Having a positive attitude          • I am a good listener
                                                       • I am sensitive to others’ needs
                                                       • I behave consistently to build richer relationships
                                                       • I am respectful
    CARING                                             • I am tolerant
                                                       • I am friendly
                                                       • I am appreciative
                                                       • I make others comfortable
                                                       • I am encouraging
                                                       • I accept others for who they are
                                                       • I consider others’ feelings and needs
                                                       • I treat others in a caring manner
                                                       • I am polite

                 • Being tolerant                      • I work together with teachers and peers
                 • Being respectful                    • I follow instructions
                 • Having understanding                • I accept other people’s opinions
                 • Working as a part of a team         • I accept decisions
  COOPERATION                                          • I work in a team to achieve common goals
                                                       • I work with others’ willingly
                                                       • I listen to others ideas/opinions
                                                       • I am reliable

                 • Being truthful                      • I have integrity in what I do
                 • Showing trust                       • I have morals
                 • Being reliable                      • I am loyal
                 • Having integrity                    • I do not speak about others behind their back
    HONESTY                                            • I am trustworthy
                                                       • I am responsible
                                                       • I am honest
                                                       • I am truthful

                                                   Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21                3
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College
College Values                                        3
Principal’s Message                                   6
Course Selection Process & Subject Advice             7
Choosing a VCE Program                                8
Year 11 Students Undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 Subject   9
Requirements for Satisfactory Completion of the VCE   9
VET Programs                                          10
School Reporting                                      11
Career Resources                                      12
Lalor Secondary College Pathways                      13
Accounting                                            15
Applied Computing                                     16
Applied Computing – Data Analytics                    17
Applied Computing – Software Development              18
Biology                                               19
Business Management                                   22
Chemistry                                             21-22
Economics                                             23
English                                               24
English (Foundation Stream)                           25
English as an Additional Language (EAL)               26
Environmental Science                                 27
Food Studies                                          28
Geography                                             29
Global Politics                                       30
Health & Human Development                            31-32
History                                               33-35
Languages – French                                    36
Legal Studies                                         37
Literature                                            38
Mathematics – Pathways                                39
Mathematics – Foundation Maths                        40
Mathematics – General Maths                           40
Mathematics – Maths Methods 1 and 2                   40
Mathematics – Specialist Maths 1 and 2                41
Mathematics – Further Maths 3 and 4                   41
Mathematics – Maths Methods 3 and 4                   42
Mathematics – Specialist Maths 3 and 4                42
Media                                                 43
Music Performance                                     44
Physical Education                                    45-46
Physics                                               47-48
Product Design and Technology                         49
Psychology                                            50
Sociology                                             51
Studio Arts                                           52
Theatre Studies                                       53
Visual Communication Design                           54

4    Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College
Lalor Secondary College was established in 1963. It is a
                                     co-educational Year 7-12 school situated in the City of
LALOR SECONDARY COLLEGE              Whittlesea and serves the communities in and around
David Street, Lalor 3075
                                     Lalor. Set on approximately 4 hectares, the College has
                                     excellent facilities and spacious grounds.
Telephone: 9463 7300
Facsimile: 9465 3865                 In 2020 the College will have an enrolment of
                                     approximately 1100 students representing more than 40
lalor.sc@edumail.vic.gov.au          ethnic groups with approximately 60% from non-English
                                     speaking backgrounds.
Mr Corey Jewell                      The College provides a broad, inclusive and
Assistant Principal (Later Years)    comprehensive program designed around the Victorian
Ms Julie Ryan
Assistant Principal (Middle Years)
                                     Curriculum to ensure the needs of all students are met.
Ms Laura Foster
Assistant Principal (Junior Years)   The College also provides a number of pathways at the
Mr Timothy Cottrell
Year 11 and 12 Sub-School Leader
                                     senior levels of the school including a comprehensive
Ms Victoria D’Alton                  range of VCE subjects, VCAL and VET programs.
Curriculum Coordinator
Ms Kathryn Carmody
VET Coordinator
                                     A partnership between parents, staff and students is
Ms Christine Sakellaris              encouraged through informal and formal communication
Careers Coordinator                  to support student success.
Ms Krystal Bussell

                                                                Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21   5
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College
Principal's Message

                           As a member of the Lalor Secondary College community for the past 18 years I have great confidence
                           in the educational opportunities that we provide to all of our students. I know that Lalor Secondary
                           College is a vibrant school where learning is valued and students are empowered to become lifelong,
                           socially responsible learners, so that they are caring and confident contributors to the global community
                           of the 21st Century.

The school’s core values of Pride, Achievement, Caring, Cooperation and Honesty are embedded in our wellbeing and teaching
practices, as well as our Student Code of Behaviour. High expectations and well developed policy and practices ensure a calm
teaching environment that allows the focus of the classroom to be centred around the teaching and learning. The high
expectations are driven by a student culture where students motivate and inspire each other to achieve excellence in the
academic field, applied learning field or through the extra-curricular program.

The extra-curricular program is supported by both student and staff led clubs. Some of these include the Science and Maths
clubs, Art Club, Anime Club, Horticulture Club, Sports Program, House Program, Music Program, Year 12 Mentor Program,
Walking Club, Mindfulness Club, Breakfast Club and Chess Club. This also includes a unique partnership with ABCN that
provides numerous leadership opportunities to our students that supports the student leadership structures of the College. The
school has an established and dedicated Wellbeing Team that delivers a coordinated approach to the Student Wellbeing
Programs that have been embedded into the school curriculum and culture. Some of these programs include ‘Yoga Thursdays’,
Peer Support, After School Homework Club, Animal Assisted Therapy and the Pre-Orientation Program. The College also offers
distinctive educational programs such as the Years 7 to 10 differentiated Maths program, Years 7 to 10 Literacy Support Program,
High Potential Learning Program, Years 7 to 12 language program offering Macedonian, Greek, Italian and French and an
extensive elective program in Years 9 and 10.

Our school community acknowledges the ability and the right of all students to learn and to experience success in the classroom.
The College delivers a rigorous and comprehensive educational program built around the Victorian Curriculum in Years 7 to 10,
where a challenging and diverse curriculum caters for a variety of learning styles. The varying talents of students at years 7 to 10
are recognised and celebrated and excellence and effort are rewarded throughout the College at regular intervals throughout the
year. The program offered at Years 11 and 12 provides opportunities for students to excel in VCE, VCAL and VET, which is long
established through results that are above the state average. The school has a strong pathways program that ensures a high
retention from Year 7 to Year 12 and ensures all students in Years 9 to 12 receive counselling in choices of study and focuses on
providing an individual pathway for every child.

The school recognises that the final years of schooling are a challenging time for students and parents, however the College has
well established programs that offer wellbeing support to students through a teacher-student Mentor program, pathways and
career support, stress management sessions and study skills presentations. The rigorous nature of the academic program
means students are provided the opportunity to excel, whether in VCE or VCAL, and academic excellence is the expectation from
all within the College.

The information in this handbook will provide more explicit detail to assist you with your upcoming choices. If you require any
further information or clarification to assist you with your choices, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant staff member or

Mr Corey Jewell
College Principal

6   Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College
courses in which they are interested.              Students should discuss their
Section One                                 Prerequisites are compulsory to gain               subject selections with a wide range
                                            entry into those courses.                          of interested people – parents,
Course Selection                            4. Interests and abilities
                                                                                               subject teachers, Home Group
                                                                                               teachers, careers staff and Sub-
Process & Subject                           It is important that a student chooses
                                            studies which interest them and in which
                                                                                               School Leaders/Student Managers.
                                                                                               Subjects will only run in 2020 if there
Selection Advice                            they can achieve. Students who choose
                                            unwisely and are unable to cope with a
                                                                                               is sufficient demand from students.
                                                                                               The feasibility of a class running is
                                            study may lose confidence and find                 dependent on many variables and
                                            themselves struggling in other studies as          constraints: the timetable, the
  Subjects will be selected                 well.                                              minimum class size and the physical
                                            5. Achieving a balance                             and human resources available at
  using Subject Selection
                                             It is important to maintain a balance             the school. Many of these issues
  Online Software, full                      between career interests and the value            cannot be dealt with until late in the
  instructions will be given to              of education in its own right. Students           year when results are known and
  students and parents during                should attempt to balance their                   the program for the rest of the
                                             emotional, intellectual, physical and             school is determined.
  VCE information sessions.
                                             artistic needs when choosing their                The College will always endeavour
This handbook is designed to help Year       subjects.                                         to satisfy the choices and
10 and 11 students and their parents                                                           requirements of as many students
make appropriate and informed choices       To help you choose your study                      as possible. Unfortunately, there can
about VCE units and program selection       program.                                           be situations where students may
for 2020/2021. Students interested in a                                                        not receive their first choice.
VCAL program are directed to the            Do                                                 Take time to select subjects as this
separate VCAL Handbook.                             Think about your interests and            will form the basis for the draft
To obtain a VCE certificate students                 what you like doing.                      timetable blocks and arrangements
select a program over two years that                Check out what VCE, VET and               for next year’s VCE program.
satisfies the requirements of the                    VCAL studies are on offer.                Students should discuss choices
Victorian Curriculum Assessment                     Talk with the Careers                     with their parents and teachers,
Authority (VCAA). There is provision for             Coordinator and/or subject                including the Careers Coordinator.
students to take longer to complete their            coordinators.                             Year 10 students will receive
studies and to change direction during              Keep your options open.                   individual counselling prior to
that time. Students need to choose a                Speak to your parents.                    making selections at the Year 11
meaningful course of study which will               Log onto VTAC Courselink to               Subject Selection Counselling Day.
provide pathways into further study or               start researching the types of
employment.                                          courses you will be eligible to
Students should consider the                         apply for.
following guidelines and factors when               Attend tertiary institutions open
choosing a VCE program and                           days.
1. Career intentions
Studies should be appropriate for the                    Panic if you have no idea
career a student intends to follow which                  what studies to take up.
will reflect students’ MIPS plans which                  Choose studies that you
are completed online through the
                                                          don’t like just because you
careers website.
                                                          think doing those subjects
2. Future options                                         will help you get a “good
                                                          ATAR” – your ATAR
In choosing a VCE course, students
                                                          represents your
should endeavour to keep career and
                                                          performance across all
further study options as open as
                                                          your studies.
possible. Consider two or three possible
VCE courses rather than just one.                        Choose studies based on
                                                          their scaling – there is no
3. Prerequisite subjects for tertiary                     point selecting a study that
   courses                                                you struggle with.
 Many courses at Universities and TAFEs
 have prerequisite studies. Students
 should research the prerequisites for
                                                                                         Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21    7
2020 & 2021 - Lalor Secondary College
Commitments required of all
VCE students                                 Choosing a                                 Middle Band Selection
In line with the College values, it is                                                  ‘Considered units’
expected that all students entering the      VCE Program                                 • ONLY considered by institutions for
senior years of the school will:                                                           BORDERLINE ENTRY into a
 • Strive to achieve their best in all                                                     course
     classes and for all examinations.                                                   • Give an INDICATION of
                                             All students should carefully consider        RELEVANT SUBJECTS
 •    Complete all coursework, school
     assessed tasks, SACs and                the type of program they wish to           These only apply in the middle band,
                                             complete in their VCE. Student ability,    i.e., when you are ‘nearly’ into a course.
     examinations on time and to the
                                             interests and prerequisites for tertiary   These are units which some courses at
     best of their ability.
                                             courses should all be taken into           some institutions will consider giving a
 • Spend at least the recommended            consideration when determining a           student an advantage over another
     time on homework: two hours per         meaningful VCE program. All course         student who does not have that unit(s).
     night in Year 11, three hours per       requirements and prerequisites             Check particular course requirements in
     night in Year 12.                       should be checked with tertiary            VTAC Prerequisites Guide. Some
 • Spend no more than 10 hours per           institutions handbooks and VTAC            institutions indicate that ‘students will be
     week on employment.                     prerequisites.                             deemed to have an ATAR of x
 • Follow all College rules and values                                                  percentage points higher’ if they
     with good grace.                        Prerequisite units – ‘Required             satisfactorily complete certain studies.
 • Participate fully in College              units'
     activities.                             These are units that you must
 • Treat all teachers and all other          complete to enter a particular course
     class members with respect.             at a tertiary institution. All
                                             prerequisites must be met before an
 • Attend all classes unless ill or for      applicant is eligible to be selected for
     an approved reason.                     that course. Prerequisites are at
 • Inform their teachers and Student         Units 1 and 2 and Units 3 and 4
     Managers of any difficulties they       levels. Always check the specific
     may be having in completing             prerequisite requirements for a
     Coursework or Assessment Tasks          course using VTAC Prerequisites
     well before the due date and to         Guide and VTAC course search.
     submit medical certificates where
                                             Additional Units
                                             You can choose from any of the
 • Complete all drafts of work as
                                             remaining VCE units.
     required and then keep copies of
     all work required for assessment.
     This is important for authentication.
 • Being aware of the requirements
     and procedures of VCE and the
     College and to work within them:
     this includes attendance, uniform
     and discipline requirements.

8    Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
Year 11 Students Undertaking
Units 3 and 4                                To meet the graduation requirements
                                                                                            Assessment and Reporting
There will be an opportunity for Year 11     of the VCE, each student must                  Levels of Performance
students to undertake a Unit 3 and 4         satisfactorily complete a total of no          Units 1 and 2
subject in their program.                    fewer than 16 units. A unit is usually         In addition to the S or N certain
Students will attend class with Year 12      one semester (two terms) in length,            outcomes will be graded to determine
students. It is expected they will           therefore students usually complete            the level of performance.
possess very good organisational skills,     Units 1 & 2 or Units 3 & 4 over a
                                             whole year.                                    Performance will be reported using
a desire to complete a Unit 3 and 4
                                                                                            marks for each assessment activity or
subject as well as a sound academic          Units 1 and 2 can be completed                 as a percentage. Where a student has
record. Students with the requisite skills   separately or as a sequence, whereas           not undertaken the task, they will be
are encouraged to enrol in a Unit 3 and      Units 3 and 4 must be completed as a           assigned a ‘0’ for the assessment task
4 subject in Year 11. This provides          sequence. Most students will be                missed. If a student does not
students with a sixth VCE subject which      advised to complete a total of 22 to 24        satisfactorily complete the outcomes or
contributes to their ATAR and allows         units. Some students may also choose           assessment tasks then they may
them to experience the demands and           to complete a Unit 1 and 2 subject in          receive a ‘Not Satisfactory’ (N) for the
requirements of a Year 12 subject.           Year 10.                                       unit.
There will not be an automatic place in
                                             The VCE may include an unlimited
a Unit 3 and 4 subject for Year 11                                                          Units 3 and 4
                                             number of units of Vocational Education
students and places are subject to an                                                       All units will be assessed with
                                             and Training (VET) certificates or
application process, meeting the                                                            Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (N)
requirements as outlined in the LSC                                                         for the completion of learning outcomes.
Promotion Policy and course                  Students must satisfactorily                   The VCAA will supervise the
availability.                                complete:                                      assessment of all students undertaking
                                              • At least three units of English,            Units 3 and 4. There is a system of
Additional Course Requirements                   English as an Additional Language          graded assessment using the symbols
and Costs                                        (if eligible) or Literature, with          A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E+, E and
Some subjects have fees associated               satisfactory completion of both            UG based on school assessments and
with them that cover consumables and             Units 3 and 4.                             one external examination or one school
materials. These additional costs are        and                                            assessment and two external
covered in the subject description in this                                                  examinations. VCAA use this system of
booklet. Please note that, at the time of     • A sequence of Units 3 and 4 in
                                                                                            graded assessment at the end of the
publication, these fees were correct,           three studies in addition to the
                                                                                            year. Students will also receive a ‘raw
however, they may be subject to                 compulsory English based subject.
                                                                                            score’ for their coursework assessment;
change dependent on the                      VCE is based on achievement of                 this will form the basis of the graded
provider/supplier.                           learning outcomes. Each unit has two           assessment and is reported in the mid-
                                             to four outcomes. The outcomes define          year reports. Performance in the
Some subjects will require students to       what students will know and be able to         coursework will be moderated against
attend excursions and other activities,      do as a result of satisfactorily               the student’s performance in the
for which there will be a cost charged       completing a study. Students will              external exams and the GAT. There is
during the year.                             receive ‘S’ (Satisfactory), or ‘N’ (Not        no guarantee that the ‘raw scores’ will
                                             Satisfactorily completed) for each unit        not be changed based on exam
                                             depending on whether all outcomes              performance. Students will receive
Requirements for Satisfactory                have been satisfactorily completed.            feedback from teachers for all school
Completion of the VCE                        Assessment in Unit 3 and 4 can be of           assessed coursework.
To complete the VCE a student                three types and all studies will have
generally undertakes 20 to 24 units of       two or three assessment components,
study.                                       which will make up the study score.
                                             The three types of assessment are:
Students usually undertake 12 units
(6 subjects) in Year 11 and 10 units          • School-assessed course work
(5 subjects) in Year 12.                      • School-assessed tasks
The VCE is flexible and students can          • Examinations
undertake the VCE over 2 or more

                                                                                      Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21     9
Tertiary Entry                                 VET Programs                                    The contribution of a scored VCE VET
                                               Vocational Education Training (VET)             program is as follows:
The Victorian Tertiary Admissions
Centre (VTAC) handles the                      programs lead to nationally recognised           -    Any contribution to the ATAR is
administration of the tertiary entrance        qualifications, thereby offering students             subject to satisfactory completion
system.                                        the opportunity to gain both the VCE                  of the designated Units 3 and 4
                                               and a VET qualification. These include:               sequence.
Each student will receive assistance in
                                                • VET units contribute towards the              -    The study score will contribute
selecting courses for University and
                                                  VCE and ATAR.                                      directly to the ATAR, either as one
TAFE in their final year of VCE in an
                                                                                                     of the student’s best four studies
online selection process.                       • A flexible program.
                                                                                                     (the primary four) or as a fifth or
The Careers Coordinator can also offer          • A course with vocational skills and a              sixth study.
advice on the above matters. Students             work placement.                               -    A contribution to the ATAR is
and parents should feel free to contact         • Increased employment                               subject to receiving a study score.
the Careers Coordinator when making               opportunities.                               Structured Work Place Learning (SWL)
subject choices or career decisions.
                                                • VET courses can count as Units 1             Students undertaking VET are
University Enhancement Studies                    to 4 subjects and a study score may          recommended and sometimes required
There is an opportunity for very capable          be obtained.                                 to undertake a SWL placement. SWL
Year 12 students to complete a first            • At Lalor Secondary College                   complements the training and also is an
year university subject while in their final      students can only undertake one
                                                                                                •    Enhancement of skills
year of school.                                   VET subject as part of their VCE.
                                                  Students must start a VET subject
The university study counts as a                                                                •    Practical application of industry
                                                  in Year 11.
student’s sixth VCE study and students                                                               knowledge
who complete the program receive a              • All students undertaking VET must             •    Assessment of units of
bonus of 10% of the maximum score                 sign a VET contract, outlining their               competency/modules, as
possible for a sixth VCE study. This              responsibilities.                                  determined by the registered
bonus is calculated by VTAC.                                                                         training organisation (RTO)
                                                                                                •    Increased employment
Students attend classes at selected
schools after school hours for one to
                                                Scored VET Programs                                  opportunities.
three hours per week for two 13 week            For scored VCE VET programs, the                For students undertaking a VCE/VET
semesters.                                      study is calculated using assessments           program their SWL placement must be
                                                                                                undertaken during school holidays.
For further details contact the Senior          of each student’s level of performance
                                                                                                This is to ensure students meet VCE
Sub School Leader.                              and are based on evidence from two
                                                                                                attendance requirements as per VCAA
                                                sources:                                        guidelines.
                                                -    School assessment coursework (a
                                                     set of coursework tasks set by the
                                                     assessor)                                 Students completing a VET course need
                                                -    An examination set by VCAA                to be aware that it is not an ‘easy
                                                                                               option’. Rather it offers students the
                                                It is important to note that the Units 3 and
                                                                                               chance to pursue areas of interest and
                                               4 sequences of VCE VET programs are
                                               not designed as stand-alone studies.            gain skills that will assist in developing
                                               Students are strongly advised against           competencies that may also be carried
                                               undertaking the Units 3 and 4 sequence          over into employment. VET courses
                                               without first completing Units 1 and 2.         also offer pathways into other TAFE
                                                                                               courses. Students wishing to complete
                                                                                               a VET course will need to be committed
                                               VCE VET Programs with a                         to these courses, have an interest in the
                                               Study Score                                     area and be able to work independently
                                               To view the full list of scored VCE VET         in many cases.
                                               subjects please refer to the VCAA               Further information regarding VET
                                               website.                                        programs and requirements should be
                                                                                               directed towards the VCAL/VET
                                                                                               Coordinator and Careers Coordinator.
                                               ATAR Contribution for scored
                                                                                               Please note there will be:
                                               VCE VET programs
                                                                                                • A materials fee which is dependent
                                               The Australia Tertiary Admissions Rank             on the course and ranges from
                                               (ATAR) is calculated by the Victorian              $200 - $600. The materials charge
                                               Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC),                 covers items such as:
                                               subject to satisfactory completion of the          -    Timber
                                               VCE and using the study scores                     -    Beauty kits
                                               students have received for their VCE               -    Hairdressing kits
                                               studies.                                           -    Uniforms for Hospitality

10    Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
School Reporting                             of the student. Teachers also               into a subject for Unit 4. All Year 12
Reporting enables students to be aware       authenticate work by;                       students are expected to complete 5
of whether they have met the goals of         • Consulting with the student.             subjects at the College, as part of their
the study, their strengths and                                                           enrolment.
                                              • Ensuring work is mainly completed
weaknesses and areas for                        in class under a teacher’s
improvement. Reporting is also                                                           Year 11 students may have an
important for parents to enable them to                                                  opportunity to change at the end of Unit
                                              • Teacher recording submission of          One. In Year 11 the student must
provide help and support to students.
                                                work in progress.                        consult the Sub School Leader about
Written progress indicators and oral
                                             Where the school is satisfied, on the       the reasons for changing. It may not be
reports are given to parents and
                                             basis of evidence, that work submitted      possible to change from one study to
students at parent/teacher
                                             is not the student’s own, the Student       another if the class is full or the change
conferences at the end of Term 1
                                             Managers, in consultation with the          requires major changes to the student’s
and start of Term 3 for Year 12
                                             Principal, Assistant Principal and Sub      timetable. Students will be required to
students and the end of Term 3 for
                                             School Leader, shall determine the          complete a form indicating the changes
Year 11 students.
                                             penalty by using guidelines set out by      requested and have it signed by parents
For Year 11 and 12 students written          VCAA. Further details can be found in       and the Careers Coordinator. All
reports are issued for Units 1 and 3         the VCE Policy Handbook.                    changes must be completed within two
at the end of Term 2 and Unit 2 in                                                       weeks of the start of the semester as
December. A Statement of Results is                                                      VCAA must be notified. In making
issued by VCAA in December for all           Changing Courses and Withdrawing            changes the student should be aware of
students who have undertaken a               From a Study or Unit:                       the possible consequences and ensure
VCE/VET subject.                             After choosing a course of study a          that all VCE and Tertiary/TAFE
                                             student may decide that the course          entrance requirements are met.
Authentication                               does not meet their needs or
Authentication is the term used to cover     expectations and want to make a
the procedures for ensuring that the         change.                                     Textbooks
work submitted by students is genuinely      In Year 12 students can only change         Please note that book lists for textbooks
their own work completed for                 subjects in the first two weeks of Term 1   and other resources required by
assessment tasks taken over an               if the Sub School Leader approves the       students will be available to students
extended period of time. These tasks         change. All relevant paperwork must be      and parents later in the year. Books will
are usually completed in class under         completed by a parent. It should be         be available from the second hand book
teacher supervision to ensure all            noted that all Unit 3 & 4 subjects must     sale where possible. Some VCE
students are treated fairly and that the     be completed as a sequence therefore        studies have new or amended courses
teacher can attest that the work is that     it is not possible for a student to move    for 2020 and therefore new textbooks
                                                                                         will need to be purchased.

11    Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
There are a variety of resources available, including the Careers Coordinator, however, the main websites are:
                                                                   A guide published by VTAC that includes information on
                                                                   key terms, institution specific study requirements for
 Year 10 Guide                                                     courses in 2 years’ time and examples to explain subject
                                                                   choices and the impact of these on a student’s ATAR.
                                                                   This is distributed to all students at the Year 10 Subject
                                                                   Selection Evening.

                                                                   A newspaper lift out that lists all known courses with the
                                                                   pre-requisite subjects required to be eligible to apply. This
 Year 10 VCE Planner Herald Sun lift out                           is distributed to all Year 10 students prior to subject
                                                                   selection with activities based around it in their Year 10
                                                                   Careers classes to help with their subject choices for

 VTAC Website and app.                                             This website holds all information pertaining to
                                                                   applications at the end of Year 12. Students can research
 www.vtac.edu.au                                                   course offerings based on key words, interest areas and
                                                                   subjects. Information regarding key processes,
                                                                   publications and all reports are also available in online
                                                                   versions and phone apps.

                                                                   Specifically for LSC students which contains parent and
 Lalor Secondary College Careers Website                           student information. Prerequisite study course search,
 www.lalorsccareers.com                                            careers quizzes, career outlooks and students online
                                                                   careers portal. A fortnightly careers newsletter is also sent
                                                                   to parents and students who sign up.

                                                                   This website run by the Australian Government
 My Future Website                                                 Department of Education is an easy to use resource that
 www.myfuture.edu.au                                               allows for occupation research. It includes activities to
                                                                   help you consider which types of occupations may suit
                                                                   your skills, interests, values and ambition.

                                                                   A great source of information and links to resources to
 Apprenticeships Australia                                         help with exploring and locating apprenticeship
 http://www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au/                      opportunities. Advice, support and personal stories are
                                                                   available online.

 Job Outlook                                                       A government website providing data and statistics on a
                                                                   variety of different occupations. National, state-wide and
 http://joboutlook.gov.au/                                         local data is included as well as a quiz you can take to
                                                                   consider career options.

 Youth Central                                                     Youth Central offers a range of information and advice for
                                                                   young people on issues like jobs, study, travel, money
 http://www.youthcentral.vic.gov.au/                               and events and provides young people with the
                                                                   opportunity to participate.

12    Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21   13
Subjects offered at Lalor
Secondary College

 Arts/Humanities/Health                         Maths/Science/
 Science Subjects                               Technology subjects
     Accounting                               Applied Computing
     Business Management                      Applied Computing – Data Analysis
     Economics                                Applied Computing – Software Development
     English                                  Biology
     English (EAL)                            Chemistry
     English (Foundation Stream)              Environmental Science
     Geography                                Food Studies
     Global Politics                          Foundation Mathematics
     Health and Human Development              (Units 1 & 2 only)
     History – Australian                     Further Mathematics
     History – Revolutions                    General Mathematics
     History – Twentieth Century              Maths Methods
     Languages                                Specialist Mathematics
     Legal Studies                            Physics
     Literature                               Psychology
     Media                                    Product Design Technology
     Music Performance
     Physical Education
     Sociology
     Studio Arts
     Theatre Studies
     Visual Communication Design
     VET course are available through
      the VET cluster & a wide variety of
      courses are available for students.
“You have to understand accounting and you have to understand the nuances of accounting.
It’s the language of business and it’s an imperfect language, but unless you are willing to put
in the effort to learn accounting – how to read and interpret financial statements – you really
shouldn’t select stocks yourself.”
                                   Unit One                                      accounting as an information system.
                                                                                 Students use the double-entry system of
Warren Buffett                     Role of       accounting      in              recording financial data and prepare
                                   business                                      reports using the accrual basis of
                                   The unit explores the establishment of a      accounting and the perpetual method of
                                   business and the role of accounting in the    inventory recording.
If you like working with           determination of business success or          Samples of knowledge and skills
numbers and like to solve          failure. It considers the importance of       include:
                                   accounting information to stakeholders.
problems, then accounting          Samples of knowledge include:                  • The general ledger.
may be for you. You will            • Reasons for establishing a business.        • The GST Clearing account.
develop real-life skills            • Factors that lead to the success or         • Distinguishing between product and
                                                                                    period costs.
relating to your own                  failure of a business.
                                    • Price-setting methods.                      • Explain and apply appropriate
financial literacy including                                                        internal control procedures.
budgeting, keeping                  •    Discussing ethical considerations
                                        faced by business owners.
financial records using                                                          Unit Four
accounting software,                                                             Recording, reporting, budgeting and
                                   Unit Two
making careful investment                                                        decision-making.
                                   Accounting and decision-making                In this unit, students further develop their
decisions and reading and          for a trading business.                       understanding of accounting for a trading
understanding financial            In this unit, students develop their          business owned by a sole proprietor and
data.                              knowledge of the accounting process for       the role of accounting as an information
                                   sole proprietors operating a trading          system. Students use the double-entry
                                   business, with a focus on inventory,          system of recording financial data, and
                                   accounts’ receivable, accounts’ payable       prepare reports using the accrual basis of
                                   and non-current assets.                       accounting and the perpetual method of
                                   Samples of knowledge and skills include:      inventory recording. Both manual and
                                    • Documents used by business to              ICT are used to record and report.
                                      record financial transactions.             Samples of knowledge and skills include:
                                    • Strategies for effective management         • The purchase of non-current
                                      of    accounts’     receivable  and           depreciable assets for cash and
                                      accounts’ payable.                            financed by a loan.
                                    • Identify, classify and manually record      • Methods of depreciation: straight line
                                      financial data.                               and reducing balance.
                                    • Determine the valuation of a non-           • Characteristics and use of classified
                                      current asset.                                accounting reports.
                                                                                  • Analyse and interpret accounting

                                                                                 Assessment Tasks
                                   Unit Three                                    The final examination accounts for 50%
                                   Financial accounting        for    a          of the assessment. The other 50% is
                                   trading business.                             completed at school and consists of one
                                   This unit focuses on financial accounting     or more of the following; structured
                                   for a trading business owned by a sole        questions, folio or exercises, a case
                                   proprietor and highlights the role of         study and a report

                                                                      Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21    15
Applied Computing
“For one person who is blessed with the power of invention, many will always be found who have the
capacity of applying principles.”
Charles Babbage

VCE Applied Computing focuses              Unit One                                      Unit Two
on the strategies and techniques
for creating digital solutions to          Applied Computing                             Applied Computing
                                           In this unit students are introduced to the   In this unit students focus on developing
meet specific needs and to
                                           stages       of    the     problem-solving    innovative solutions to needs or
manage the threats to data,
                                           methodology. Students focus on how data       opportunities that they have identified,
information systems including              can be used within software tools such as     and propose strategies for reducing
people, processes, data and                databases and spreadsheets to create          security risks to data and information in a
digital systems (hardware,                 data visualisations, and the use of           networked environment.
software, networks), and how               programming languages to develop              In Area of Study 1, students work
their interrelationships affect the        working software solutions.
                                                                                         collaboratively and select a topic for
types and quality of digital               In Area of Study 1, as an introduction to     further study to create an innovative
solutions.                                 data analytics, students respond to a         solution in an area of interest. The
                                           teacher-     provided     analysis     of     innovative solution can be presented as a
                                           requirements and designs to identify and      proof of concept, a prototype or a product.
                                           collect data in order to present their        Students engage in all areas of the
                                           findings as data visualisations. They         problem solving methodology.
                                           present work that includes database,          In Area of Study 2, as an introduction to
                                           spreadsheet and data visualisations           cybersecurity,     students     investigate
                                           solutions.                                    networks and the threats, vulnerabilities
                                           In Area of Study 2 students select and use    and risks to data and information. They
                                           a programming language to create a            propose strategies to protect the data
                                           working solution.      Students prepare,      accessed using a network.
                                           document and monitor project plans and
                                           engage in all stages of the problem-
                                           solving methodology.

16   Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
Applied Computing – Data Analytics
Unit Three                                                         Unit Four
Data Analytics                                                     Data Analytics
In this unit students apply the problem-solving methodology to     In this unit students focus on determining the findings of a
identify and extract data through the use of software tools such   research question by developing infographics or dynamic data
as database, spreadsheet and data visualisation software to        visualisations based on large complex data sets and on the
create data visualisations or infographics. Students develop an    security strategies used by an organisation to protect data and
understanding of the analysis, design and development stages       information from threats.
of the problem-solving methodology.                                In Area of Study 1, students apply the problem-solving stages
In Area of Study 1, students respond to teacher-provided           of development and evaluation to develop their preferred
solution requirements and designs. Students develop data           design prepared in Unit 3, Area of Study 2, into infographics or
visualisations and use appropriate software tools to present       dynamic data visualisations, and evaluate the solutions and
findings.    Appropriate software tools include database,          project plan. Area of Study 1 forms the second part of the
spreadsheet and data visualisation software.                       School-Assessed Task (SAT).
In Area of Study 2, students propose a research question,          In Area of Study 2, students investigate security practices of an
prepare a project plan, collect and analyse data, and design       organisation.    They examine the threats to data and
infographics or dynamic data visualisations. Area of Study 2       information, evaluate security strategies and recommend
forms the first part of the School-Assessed Task (SAT) this is     improved strategies for protecting data and information.
completed in Unit 4, Area of Study 1.

                                                                   The final written assessment contributes 50% to the
                                                                   assessment of this subject, whilst the school assessed task
                                                                   (SAT) contributes 30% and school assessed coursework
                                                                   (SAC) 20% to the overall assessment.

                                                                                  Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21    17
Applied Computing - Software Development

Unit Three                                                    Unit Four
In this unit students apply the problem-solving methodology   In this unit students focus on how the information needs of
to develop working software modules using a programming       individuals and organisations are met through the creation of
language. Students develop an understanding of the            software solutions. They consider the risks to software and
analysis, design and development stages of the problem-       data during the software development process, as well as
solving methodology.                                          throughout the use of the software solution by an
In Area of Study 1, students respond to teacher-provided
solution requirements and designs and develop a set of        In Area of Study 1, students apply the problem-solving
working modules through the use of a programming              stages of development and evaluation to develop their
language. Students examine a simple software                  preferred design prepared in Unit 3, Area of Study 2, into a
requirements specification and a range of software design     software solution and evaluate the solution, chosen
tools in order to apply specific processing features of a     development model and project plan. Area of Study 1 forms
programming language to create working modules.               the second part of the School-assessed Task (SAT).

In Area of Study 2, students analyse a need or opportunity,   In Area of Study 2, students examine the security practices
select an appropriate development model, prepare a project    of an organisation and the risks to software and data during
plan, develop a software ‘part of the School-assessed Task    the development and use of the software solutions.
(SAT) this is completed in Unit 4, Area of Study 1.           Students evaluate the current security practices and develop
                                                              a risk management plan.

                                                              Students will solve teacher provided problems and
                                                              complete a case study, analysing the development of
                                                              security strategies and recommend a risk management
                                                              The final written assessment contributes 50% to the
                                                              assessment of this subject, whilst the school assessed task
                                                              (SAT) contributes 30% and school assessed coursework
                                                              (SAC) 20% to the overall assessment.

18   Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
“Biology is truly a land of unlimited possibilities. We may expect it to give us the most surprising
 information, and we cannot guess what answers it will return in a few dozen years… They may be of
 a kind which will blow away the whole of our artificial structure of hypothesis.”
Sigmund Freud

Biology plays an important role in            consider the role of genetic knowledge in        Unit Four
the understanding of complex                  decision making about the inheritance of         How does life change and
forms of life involving humans,               genetic condition and the social and             respond to challenges over time?
animals and plants. Biology helps             ethical issues surrounding genetic
                                                                                               In this unit students consider the continual
individuals     understand     the            screening.
                                                                                               change and challenges to which life on
interaction between humanity and                                                               Earth has been subjected. They
the world. In the future, doctors                                                              investigate the relatedness between
                                              Prerequisite – Units 1&2 Biology 60%
and scientists hope to use our                                                                 species and the impact of various change
understanding of Biology and                                                                   events on a population’s gene pool. The
genetic information to diagnose,              Unit Three                                       accumulation of changes over time is
treat, prevent and cure many                                                                   considered as a mechanism for biological
                                              How do cells maintain life?
illnesses, as well as develop ways                                                             evolution by natural selection that leads to
to preserve the living organisms              The cell is a dynamic system of
                                                                                               the rise of new species.
around us.          Biology is a              interacting molecules that define life.
                                              An understanding of the workings of              How are species related?
prerequisite for a number of
postsecondary courses.                        the cell enables an appreciation of both         In this area of study students focus on
                                              the capabilities and the limitations of          changes to genetic material over time
Prerequisites – (averages) Year 10            living organisms whether animal, plant,          and the evidence for biological
General Maths 60%, Year 10 Maths              fungus or microorganism.            The          evolution.   They     investigate   how
Methods 50%, any Science 60%.                 convergence of cytology, genetics and            changes to genetic material lead to new
                                              biochemistry makes cell biology one of           species through the process of natural
Unit One                                      the most rapidly evolving disciplines in         selection as a mechanism for evolution.
How do living things stay alive?              contemporary biology.                            How do humans              impact       on
This unit explores the challenges                                                              biological process?
organisms face in sustaining life. The        How do cellular processes work?
                                              In this area of study students focus on          In this area of study students examine the
cell as the structural and functional unit
                                              the cell as a complex chemical system.           impact      of    human     culture   and
of life, from the single celled to the
                                              They examine the chemical nature of the          technological applications on biological
multicellular    organism,    and     the
                                              plasma membrane to compare how                   processes. They apply their knowledge of
requirements for sustaining cellular
                                              hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances           the structure and function of the DNA
processes in terms of inputs and
                                              move across it. They model the                   molecule to examine how molecular tools
outputs are studied.
                                              formation of DNA and proteins from their         and techniques can be used to
Adaptations     that   enhance     the        respective subunits.                             manipulate the molecule for a particular
organism’s survival in a particular                                                            purpose.
environment and the role homeostatic
mechanisms play in maintaining the            How do cells communicate?                        Assessment
internal environment are considered.          In this area of study students focus on
                                              how cells receive specific signals that          The final examination accounts for 60% of
Practical tasks will be undertaken to build
                                              elicit a particular response. Students           the assessment.      The other 40% is
experimental design and analytical skills.
                                              apply the stimulus-response model to             completed at school and consists of a
                                              the cell in terms of the types of signals,       combination of the following; a student-
Unit Two                                      the position of receptors and the                designed investigation, practical reports,
How is continuity of life maintained?         transduction of the information across           data analysis and bioinformatics.
In this unit students focus on cell           the cell to an effector that then initiates a
reproduction and the transmission of          response.
biological information from generation to
generation. The process of DNA
replication, inheritance of characteristic
and the role of stem cells in medical
therapies is examined. Students will

                                                                                        Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21    19
Business Management
“To succeed in business, to reach the top, an individual must know all it is possible to know
about that business.”

J.P. Getty
                                                                                      Unit Three
                                           Unit One
                                                                                      Managing a business
                                           Planning a business
In studying VCE Business                                                              This unit covers the following:
                                           This unit covers the following:
Management, students                         • How and why business ideas are
                                                                                       • The key characteristics of
                                                                                         businesses and their stakeholders,
develop knowledge and                          created and developed, and explain
                                                                                         and an analysis of the relationship
skills that enhance their                      the methods by which a culture of
                                                                                         between corporate culture,
                                               business innovation is generated in
confidence and ability to                                                                management styles and
                                               a nation
                                                                                         management skills.
participate effectively as                   • Identifies various factors including
                                                                                       • The different ways to manage and
socially responsible and                       taxes, laws, customers, suppliers
                                                                                         motivate employees.
                                               and others which may affect
ethical members,                               business planning                       • The relationship between business
managers and leaders of                                                                  objectives and the operations of a
                                             • Examines the variety of influences
                                                                                         business. Business strategies to
the business community                         such as finance, employees,
                                                                                         improve the efficiency and
                                               location, impact on business plans.
and as informed citizens,                      Students will generate a business
                                                                                         effectiveness of business operations
                                                                                         will be evaluated.
consumers and investors.                       plan.
The study of Business                                                                 Unit Four
Management leads to                        Unit Two
                                                                                      Transforming a business
opportunities across all                   Establishing a business
                                                                                      This unit covers the following:
facets of the business and                 This unit covers the following:
                                                                                       • The way business change may
management field such as                     • When establishing a business,
                                                                                         come about, using key
                                               owners must ensure they are
small business owner,                                                                    performance indicators to analyse
                                               complying with legal and financial
                                                                                         the performance of a business,
project manager, human                         record keeping requirements. The
                                                                                         discussing the driving and
                                               process of establishing effective
resource manager,                              policies and procedures.
                                                                                         restraining forces for change and
                                                                                         evaluating management strategies
operations manager or                        • The importance of establishing a          to position a business for the
executive manager. Further                     customer base and a marketing             future.
                                               presence to achieve the objectives
study can lead to                              of the business, analysis effective
                                                                                       • Identifying and evaluating the
                                                                                         effectiveness of a variety of
specialisation in areas such                   marketing and public relations.
                                                                                         strategies used by managers to
as marketing, public                         • The staffing needs for a business         implement change and discussing
relations and event                            and evaluating the benefits and           the effect of change on the
                                               limitations of management                 stakeholders of a business.
management.                                    strategies in this area.
                                                                                      The final examination accounts for 50%
                                                                                      of the assessment. The other 50% is
                                                                                      completed at school and consists of one
                                                                                      or more of the following; case study, test,
                                                                                      report and structured questions.

                                                                                      Additional Costs
                                                                                      Excursion – cost approximately $15 to
                                                                                      $30. Costs may be subject to change.

20   Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
“Chemistry itself knows altogether too well that – given the real fear that the scarcity of global
 resources and energy might threaten the unity of mankind – chemistry is in a position to make a
 contribution towards securing a true peace on Earth.”
Kenichi Fukui
                                            • How can knowledge of elements
                                                                                            molecule’s structure, polarity and
Embark on a journey of                        explain the properties of matter? – In
                                                                                            bonding and explore the significance
                                              this area of study students focus on
scientific investigations and                 the nature of chemical elements, their
                                                                                            of water’s high specific heat capacity
                                                                                            and latent heat of vaporisation for
learn to speak the                            atomic structure and their place in the
                                                                                            living systems and water supplies.
language of chemists. You                     periodic table. Students investigate
                                                                                         • How are substances in water
                                              the properties of metals and ionic
may find the answers to                       compounds and how they are formed.           measured and analysed? – In this
questions such as what                        Fundamental quantitative aspects of          area of study students focus on the
                                              chemistry are introduced including           use of analytical techniques, both in
holds everything together                                                                  the laboratory and in the field, to
                                              the mole concept, relative atomic
and are diamonds forever?                     mass, percentage abundance and               measure       the     solubility     and
                                                                                           concentrations of solutes in water,
How will nanotechnology                       composition by mass and the
                                                                                           and to analyse water samples for
                                              empirical formula of an ionic
shape the future? How can                     compound.                                    various solutes including chemical
‘green chemistry' assist in                 • How can the versatility of non-metals        contaminants.
                                              be explained? – In this area of study      • Practical investigation – In this area of
reducing pollution? This                                                                   study students design and conduct a
                                              students explore a wide range of
subject also emphasises                       substances and materials made from           practical investigation into an aspect
how evidence is used to                       non-metals      including    molecular       of water quality. The investigation
                                              substances, covalent lattices, carbon        relates to knowledge and skills
develop or refine chemical                    nanomaterials, organic compounds             developed in Area of Study 1 and/or
ideas, knowledge and                          and polymers. They explore the               Area of Study 2 and is conducted by
                                                                                           the student through laboratory work
models. Practical activities                  modification of polymers and the use
                                                                                           and/or fieldwork.
                                              of carbon-based nanoparticles for
and experiments assist in                     specific applications.
developing your                             • Research investigation – In this area
understanding of the                          of study students apply and extend
                                                                                        Additional Costs
                                              their knowledge and skills developed
chemical concepts and                         in Area of Study 1 and/or Area of         Visit to La Trobe University, approximately
theory.                                       Study 2 to investigate a selected         $30. Costs may be subject to change.
                                              question related to materials.

                                           Unit Two
Prerequisites – (averages) Year 10
General Maths 60%, Year 10 Maths           What makes water such a unique
Methods 50%, any Science 60%.              chemical?
                                           Water is the most widely used solvent on
                                           Earth. In this unit students explore the
Unit One                                   physical and chemical properties of
How can the diversity of materials         water, the reactions that occur in water
be explained?                              and various methods of water analysis.
The development and use of materials       There are three areas of study:
for specific purposes is an important       • How do substances interact with
human endeavour. In this unit students        water? – In this area of study students
investigate the chemical properties of a      focus on the properties of water and
range of materials from metals and salts      the reactions that take place in water
to polymers and nanomaterials. There          including acid-base and redox
are three areas of study:                     reactions. Students relate the
                                              properties of water to the water

                                                                                 Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21    21
Prerequisites – Chemistry Units 1&2
70% (average). The principles studied
will be built upon in Units 3&4.

Unit Three
How can chemical processes be
designed to optimise efficiency?                • How can the yield of a chemical
The global demand for energy and                  product be optimised?                        In this area of study students explore
materials is increasing with world                 In this area of study students explore       why such a vast range of carbon
population growth. In this unit students           the factors that increase the                compounds is possible. They
explore energy options and the                     efficiency and percentage yield of a         examine the structural features of
chemical production of materials with              chemical manufacturing process               members of several homologous
reference to efficiencies, renewability            while reducing the energy demand             series of compounds, including some
and the minimisation of their impact on            and associated costs.                        of the simpler structural isomers, and
the environment.                                                                                learn how they are represented and
 • What are the options for energy             Unit Four                                        named.
   production?                                                                               • What is the chemistry of food?
                                               How are organic compounds                       Food contains various organic
     In this area of study students focus on
                                               categorised, analysed and used?                 compounds that are the source of
     analysing and comparing a range of
     energy resources and technologies,        The carbon atom has unique                      both the energy and the raw materials
     including fossil fuels, biofuels,         characteristics that explain the                that the human body needs for growth
     galvanic cells and fuel cells, with       diversity and number of organic                 and repair. In this area of study
     reference        to      the     energy   compounds that not only constitute              students explore the importance of
     transformations        and    chemical    living tissues but are also found in the        food from a chemical perspective.
     reactions         involved,      energy   fuels, foods, medicines and many of
     efficiencies, environmental impacts       the materials we use in everyday life.       Assessment
     and potential applications.               In this unit students investigate the        The final examination accounts for 60% of
                                               structural features, bonding, typical        the assessment.      The other 40% is
                                               reactions and uses of the major              completed at school and may consist of a
                                               families of organic compounds                range of the following; scientific poster,
                                               including those found in food.               report of a laboratory investigation,
                                                                                            structured questions and evaluation of
                                                • How can the diversity of carbon           research.
                                                  compounds be explained and
                                                  categorised?                              Additional Costs
                                                                                            Visit to VSSEC, approximately $35.
                                                                                            Costs may be subject to change.

22    Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21
“No generation has had the opportunity, as we now have, to build a global economy that
 leaves no-one behind. It is a wonderful opportunity, but also a profound responsibility”
Former U.S. President Bill                 -   how individuals might                      and services. Students consider
                                               respond to incentives and                  contemporary issues to explain the
                                               how technology may have                    need for government intervention in
                                               altered the way businesses                 markets and why markets might fail
                                               and consumers interact.                    to maximise society’s living
If you are interested in finding out    • A simple microeconomic model                    standards as well as the unintended
about how resources are distributed,      to explain changes in prices and                consequences of this government
why governments regulate                  quantities traded.                              intervention.
economies and issues such as                                                           • The factors that influence the level
poverty, inflation and the global      Unit Two                                          of aggregate demand and aggregate
financial crisis then Economics is a   Contemporary economic issues                      supply in the economy and use
subject you will enjoy. Economics      In this unit students will examine                models and theories to explain how
fills our newspapers and other media   economic issues such as:                          changes in these variables might
each day. It examines how and why                                                        influence the achievement of the
                                        • Economic growth and the possible
individuals, businesses and                                                              Australian Government’s domestic
                                          trade-off between the pursuit of
governments spend their money. It                                                        macroeconomic goals and affect
                                          growth in incomes and production
is one of the major subjects in most                                                     living standards.
                                          and the goal of environmental
tertiary business courses.                sustainability and long-term                 • The importance of international
Economics looks at questions such         economic prosperity. Students will             economic relationships in terms of
as, why has funding to schools and        examine whether the goals of                   their influence on Australia’s living
hospitals been cut? How can               economic growth and environmental              standards.
employment be increased? Do               sustainability can be compatible and
Australians pay too much tax?             discuss the effect of different             Unit Four
                                          policies on the achievement of these        Managing the economy
Unit One                                  important goals.
                                                                                      In this unit, students will:
The behaviour of                        • The benefits of economic growth
consumers and businesses                                                               • Develop an understanding of how
                                          and how they are shared in an
                                                                                         the Australian Government can alter
In this unit, students explore:           economy. Students will explore the
                                                                                         the composition and level of
 • The contributions of economics         concept of ‘trade-offs’ and begin to
                                                                                         government outlays and receipts to
   as a discipline and investigate        appreciate that efforts to increase
                                                                                         directly and indirectly influence the
   some of the factors that motivate      economic efficiency might lead to a
                                                                                         level of aggregate demand and the
   people to act in the way they do       more inequitable distribution of
                                                                                         achievement of domestic
   and the consequences of their          income.
                                                                                         macroeconomic goals.
   actions.                             • The influence on the world’s living
                                                                                       • Examine the role of the Reserve
 • Their role in the economy, how         standards of the decisions made
                                                                                         Bank of Australia (RBA) with a focus
   they interact with businesses          and the actions taken in the Global
                                                                                         on its responsibility to alter the cost
   and the way economic models            Economy. Students will investigate
                                                                                         and availability of credit in the
   and theories have been                 the Global Economy by investigating
                                                                                         economy to influence the level of
   developed to explain the causes        one or more contemporary global
                                                                                         aggregate demand and the
   and effects of human action.           issues and the trade-offs involved.
                                                                                         achievement of domestic
 • Fundamental economic                                                                  macroeconomic goals.
                                       Unit Three
   concepts such as:
                                       Australia’s economic                           Assessment
   -   the motivations and
       consequences of both                                                           The final examination contributes 50% of
       consumer and business                                                          the total assessment and the other 50%
                                       In this unit, students will investigate:       consists of one or more of the following;
   -   basic economic models            • The role of the market in allocating        essay, tests, folio of applied exercises.
       where consumers and                resources and examine the factors
       business engage in mutually        that are likely to affect the price and
       beneficial transactions;           quantity traded for a range of goods

                                                                          Lalor Secondary College VCE Handbook 2020/21   23
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