SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association

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SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association
                                                                   Volume 9


                                                           How Automation
                                                             can Facilitate

                                                               in Singapore

Transformation   Next-Generation      Developing
                 Employee             Industry-Level
                 Transport Solution   ReRAM Technologies
SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association
Foreword by
Executive Director
         espite COVID-19,               manager for WSG’s Professional             I am happy to see this magazine
         companies in our industry      Conversion Programme (PCP),                serving its purpose to be a platform
         are still reporting strong     which can help companies train             by the industry and for the industry.
business demands throughout the         these retrenched workers in their          The readership has grown and we
year. That said, issues like travel     new roles. Together with our               have been getting great support
restrictions are having an impact on    partners, SSIA is also providing           and content from the industry over
factories’ operations. The situation    more industry-relevant courses to          the past year. We look forward to
is made worst when foreign workers      upgrade and upskill our workforce.         your continue support in the form
dormitories are locked down.                                                       of sponsorship or content for the
The absence of these workers in         There is a strong need from the            publication.
semiconductor plants has left           industry to expedite plans to
a devastating impact on daily           automate and digitalize their              Please enjoy this edition and stay
operations as they are essential to     businesses. Companies see this             safe and healthy!
the business.                           strategy as a way to minimize the
                                        pandemic impact on their business
There is an urgency to fix issues       operations, and a way to come
caused by COVID-19 quickly              out of this pandemic stronger and             EDITORIAL TEAM
                                                                                     EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
because of the fear that the second     better. In the coming months, SSIA           Ang Wee Seng
wave might happen, or worse, a          will organize a regional webinar   
second pandemic might hit any           specific to industry 4.0, and a              PROJECT MANAGER
time. Many of these issues can          Summit on digitalization. We will            Daphne Leong
be addressed with the framework         continue driving these topics to
under the Electronics Industry          help companies, especially SMEs,             MARKETING & COMMUNICATION
Transformation Map (ITM), which         to start digitalizing their businesses       Gillian Cheng
focuses on 3 major categories           and be future-proof. Do keep a     
of transformation – improving           lookout on our website for details.          HR MANAGER
productivity, innovation and                                                         Patsy Tan
developing the talent pool.             Another challenge faced by
                                        companies is the supply chain                SENIOR PROJECT EXECUTIVE
                                                                                     Rebecca Foo
Over the past months, SSIA              disruption caused by both the      
Secretariat team has been busy          pandemic and US-China trade
                                                                                     EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT
working to woo retrenched workers       tension. SSIA is going to organize           Cindy Chong
from other industries to join           the Supply Chain Conference to     
ours. Our goal is to preserve this      discuss this issue in late August. We
technical talent pool and help grow     will listen to both local and regional        SSIA BOARD
                                                                                     Andrew Chong         (Chairman)
our industry’s talent pool, too. It     industry leaders on their views and          KC Ang               (Vice-Chairman)
also aligns with the need to fill up    how their companies are addressing           Jerome Tjia          (Secretary)
                                                                                     Brian Tan            (Treasurer)
the workforce gap caused by travel      the issue. Please contact us if your         Rajan Rajgopal       (Board Member)
restrictions on foreign workers. I am   company is interested in supporting          Jennifer Teong       (Board Member)
                                                                                     Chen Seok Ching      (Board Member)
heartened to see our companies’         us in organizing this event or details       Pee Beng Kong        (Board Member)
willingness to hire these retrenched    of sponsorship.                              Chok Yean Hung       (Board Member)
workers. SSIA is the program

                                                                           Vol 9    Singapore Semiconductor Voice           3
SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association
CONTENTS                                       03                                                                      38
                                                                                  HOW AUTOMATION CAN                        Semiconductor
                                                     Foreword by the
                                                     Executive Director
                                                                                  FACILITATE FASTER ECONOMIC                Solutions of Sioux
                                                                                  RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE?

                                                                                  18                                   40
                                                                                       How Automation can                   GaN-On-Silicon
                                               SSIA UPDATES                            Facilitate Faster Economic           Technology for >100
                                                                                       Recovery in Singapore                GHz Applications?

                                               06    Transformation

                                                                                       Artificial Intelligence and
                                                                                       Automation Would Actually
                                                                                       Benefit Singapore               42
                                                                                                                            Developing Industry-
                                                                                                                            Level ReRAM

                                                     SSIA Virtual HR

                                                     Roundtable                        Smart Manufacturing
                                                                                       at GlobalFoundries              PEOPLE
                                                                                       Singapore with SixSense

                                               10                                                                      44
                                                     Dialogue with Minister for                                             A Chat with the

                                                     Semiconductor Industry            Xilinx Digitizes                     SSIA Secretariat
                                                                                       Inventory Count                      Team Member

                                                11                                                                     46
                                                     Automation                                                             Wisdom of the

                                                     Supplier Day                      Remote Digital Assistant:            Synchronicity Leader
                                                                                       An Essential Tool for SMEs to
                                                                                       Adjust to the “New Normal”

                                               12                                                                      48
                                                     Semiconductor Supply                                                   TUM Asia Hosting Webinars

                                                     Chain:Managing Disruption         How an Integrated Smart              to Benefit Jobseekers, Career
                                                     & Building Resilience             Factory Reduces COVID-19’s           Switchers and Workers
                                                                                       Impact on Manufacturing

                                               13                                                                      50
                                                     Semiconductor &                                                        Research Excellence
                                                     Electronics Virtual                                                    Through Strategic,
                                                     Career Fair                  INDUSTRY                                  Sustainable Partnerships

                                               14                                 30                                   51
The Singapore Semiconductor Voice is the             Develop a Foundation              Semiconductor Tradewinds -           Singapore
official publication of SSIA. All rights are         of Knowledge in                   May & June 2020                      Semiconductor Voice
reserved and no part of this publication             Semiconductors
may be reproduced without the expressed
written consent of SSIA and the publisher.

                                               15                                 34
While every effort has been made to                  The 5% Zone - Visibility          An Overview of the
ensure the information in this publication           Strategies That Get You           Aerospace Sector &
is accurate and up to date, the secretariat          Recognized                        Workforce
team will not be responsible for the errors

                                               16                                 36
made as a result of information received.
Opinions expressed are that of writers and           SSIA Upcoming                     Next-Generation Employee
do not necessarily represent the views and           Electronics & Industry            Transport Solution
opinions of SSIA or the publisher.                   Relevant Courses
SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association
SSIA UPDATES                                                                                                                                                                                                       SSIA UPDATES

                                                                                inviting our past talents on            Photo taken at the SSIA Summit 2019                           Photo taken at the Singapore Semiconductor 50th Anniversary
                                                                                sharing their experience, we
                                                                                have been organizing different
                                                                                industry-relevant and leadership
                                                                                programmes to develop a pool of
For SSIA and the                         This problem is what SSIA, together    leaders which is crucial to ensure
Semiconductor Industry                   with our partners and industry         the long term sustainability of
                                         leaders, has to address. The           this industry. Moreover, we have
Transformation is, by definition, a      process is by no mean a small          planned for campaigns to excite
process of changing completely           feat, but we are thankful to           future talents and woo them into
the character or appearance of           have a systematic approach to          the semiconductor industry.
something in order to improve it. It     address this by leveraging the
is a journey that SSIA has embarked      framework in the Electronics           “Transformation doesn’t
on over the past two years, and          Industry Transformation Map (ITM).      take place within a vacuum;            SSIA events focus on helping companies improve productivity, innovate products and services, and develop the talent pool
will continue into the future. The       In its most simplistic form, the key    instead, it occurs when we
most recent transformation is also       areas of the ITM focus on helping       are indirectly and directly            With this in mind, we have               Secretariat will further expand to          Photos taken at the Singapore
the most important one - not only        companies improve productivity,         connected to all those                 been launching more relevant             support the needs, and keep rolling         Semiconductor Lo Hei Dinner 2020
for the trade association and the        innovate their products and             around us” – Byron Pulsifer            initiatives and events, such as          out initiatives to help the industry
semiconductor industry but also          services and, most importantly,                                                the Automation Supplier Day, to          transform. Having members and
for people who are driving this          develop and grow the talent pool.      We believe that we can only serve       help SMEs network and connect            leaders of the industry’s workforce
transformation.                                                                 our members and the industry            to the big players in the industry.      actively engaging SSIA will also be
                                        “Transformation is an                   better by understanding them first.     Over the past year, SSIA has been        key to ensuring the success of all
The semiconductor industry is            ongoing process that                   We are committed to diversifying        launching more than 50 activities        these initiatives. There is no doubt
an industry with over 52 years of        tends to appear ordinary,              our outreach to all sectors within      and initiatives, reaching out to         that as soon as the majority of our
history in Singapore. The industry       when, in fact, something               the industry, especially the SMEs.      more than 4,000 participants from        workforce is behind SSIA, the goal
has transformed over the decade,         extraordinary is taking                Many companies are planning             both MNCs and SMEs. We are not           to transform the semiconductor
riding up the value chain to a point     place.” – Suzy Ross                    to push forward aggressively on         slowing down any time soon. With         industry can be achieved faster.
where we have almost the entire                                                 the digital front and enhance           the impact from COVID-19, we will
eco-system of the industry present       It all started in early 2018 when      workforce skills to cope with new       only become more aggressive in           The semiconductor industry
here in Singapore. We have the           the Association’s Board of             ways of working. An “ecosystem          driving the ITM across our industry.     plays a vital role in the world.
top foundries, the best R&D teams        Governance assembled a team            strategy” could help in this respect                                             This industry remains one of
and the biggest names in the             of Secretariat staff, which would      as MNCs push forward on the             “Every success story is a                the bright spots in all nations’
industry here.                           grow over the next two years           innovation and digitalization fronts,    tale of constant adaption,              economies amid the ongoing
                                         to support the daily operations        the SMEs that are part of their          revision and change” –                  pandemic. Economists around the             SSIA events provide a platform for leaders
Unfortunately, the industry is           of the organization. We rewrote        supply chains will have to keep          Richard Branson                         world have always been looking              to network and foster collaborations in
also facing a misconception that         the constitution to have better        pace to remain competitive.                                                      at the performance of this industry         the industry
it isn’t growing anymore, and            governance over the running of the                                             SSIA will continue to transform          as one of the leading economic
the government isn’t interested          organization. After the 2018 AGM,                                              with our industry. This year marks       indicators. Though Singapore’s
in growing the industry further.         the real work started along with                                               the third Annual General Meeting         semiconductor industry remains
Though it is far from the truth, this    the ITM framework coupled with                                                 for this newly transformed trade         strong and resilient, we need to
rumor has spun out of control over       the direction from the new Board.                                              association. This AGM also has an        ensure it continues to transform
the past decade. As many people                                                                                         important milestone, where we            to be bigger and better in order to
believe in it, this in turn becomes      While striving to help companies                                               will be conducting an election           stay competitive and relevant in
a self-fulfilling prophecy. The          embrace the ITM and focus on its                                               of Board members for the next            the future. It is SSIA’s mission to               ABOUT THE AUTHOR
more people believe this rumor,          three pillars, SSIA has identified                                             term of office. Board members            help companies transform in a
the less future talents will be          workforce development as our                                                   are leaders across all sectors           more concerted and coordinated                        ANG WEE SENG
interested in joining the industry.      particular focus. We emphasize         The SSIA Secretariat Team has           who would step up to lead SSIA           way so that we can emerge                          Executive Director of
With an ever-shrinking future            on looking at our future, current      tirelessly helped transform the         in the transformation of our             stronger together.                               Singapore Semiconductor
talent pool, the less likely the         and past talents. By partnering        organization over the past year, and    industry. Continuing to transform                                                            Industry Association
industry will move forward.              with different institutes and          brought us to where we are today        for the better is the key now. SSIA

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SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association
SSIA UPDATES                                                                                                                                                                                                 SSIA UPDATES

                                                                                                                      Programmes to Support                    programmes such as Professional          helps employers recruit for the
                                                                                                                      Hiring                                   Conversion Programme (PCP) that          eventual recovery.
                                                                                                                                                               can support companies’ effort in
                                                                                                                      In the coming months, SSIA will          recruiting these talents.                Through this collaboration model,
                                                                                                                      be organizing virtual career fairs                                                Singapore Business Federation
                                                                                                                      and continuously working with our        2. VIRTUAL CAREER FAIR IN                (SBF) will work closely with SSIA
                                                                                                                      partners to fill up the roles that          AUGUST (CO-ORGANISED                  on job-matching efforts between
                                                                                                                      are needed by the companies.                WITH E2I)                             companies with manpower
                                                                                                                      Companies that are currently                                                      demand and companies with
                                                                                                                      hiring or will be hiring in the future   SSIA will partner e2i in this virtual    excess manpower. The job-
                                                                                                                      can participate in the programs          career fair for the whole month of       matching will be done primarily
                                                                                                                      below.                                   August. Companies will be able to        through vacancies posted
                                                                                                                                                               participate and hire the necessary       on and
                                                                                                                      1. RECRUITMENT FOR RETRENCHED            talents for their businesses. It         company-to-company brokering,
                                                                                                                         WORKERS FROM OTHER                    will also to the masses that             either within the same sectors or
                                                                                                                         INDUSTRIES                            semiconductor industry is a vibrant      across different sectors. Factors
                                                                                                                                                               industry who is still hiring.            to be considered include, but not
                                                                                                                      SSIA and several partners will                                                    limited to, type of job roles, length
                                                                                                                      introduce the semiconductor              3. SGUNITED JOBS INITIATIVE              of employment, job description,
                                                                                                                      industry to job seekers from other                                                work location, expected working

SSIA Virtual HR Roundtable
                                                                                                                      technical industries, and woo            As part of the SGUnited Jobs             hours, etc.
                                                                                                                      their interest to consider joining       initiative collaboration model, SSIA
                                                                                                                      our industry. Job seekers who            will work closely with Workforce         4. NEW SSIA JOB PORTAL
                                                                                                                      are interested will submit their         Singapore who will be playing a
                                                                                                                      resumes to SSIA and it will be           leading role in SGUnited Job. The        SSIA will post companies’ job
An Important Platform to                Association communicate to the         our government to support them         shared with companies who are            initiative creates employment            vacancies and collect resumes
Update the Available HR                 industry all initiatives and support   to hire good talents, especially the   hiring.                                  opportunities for locals through         from job seekers on this portal
Initiatives                             that are relevant to our HR peers.     fresh graduates and mid-career                                                  matching workers to employers            (, which
                                                                               job seekers from other industries.     Companies may also be invited            with current available jobs which        also provides information on the
Singapore Semiconductor Industry        Ang Wee Seng, Executive                Meanwhile, companies need              to interview these job seekers on        include short-term jobs to handle        development and latest updates
Association (SSIA) held a virtual       Director of SSIA shared with           to help our current workforce          site (should the situation allow         COVID-19 related operations as           about the semiconductor industry
HR Roundtable on 25 June 2020           the participants that the              upgrade and upskill to adapt to        it). SSIA has also put in place          well as longer-term jobs. It also        in Singapore.
with over 80 HR leaders and             semiconductor industry continues       the new business norm. We will
SSIA working partners. Topics           to hire despite this unprecedented     be introducing various courses
presented and discussed included        pandemic. He said, “We encourage       and programs to develop your
programmes and initiatives              companies to utilize different         workforce.”
to support the workforce in             programmes and schemes from
companies launched by SSIA,
Singapore Polytechnic and e2i,
solutions in optimising employee
transport by SWAT Mobility as
well as tips on creating a resilient
and growth-oriented culture
introduced by EQ Strategist.

SSIA HR Roundtable is an
important platform for SSIA
to understand the needs of
the industry when it comes to
human capital. It also helps the
                                                                                                                      New SSIA Job Portal -

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SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association

Dialogue with Minister for
                                                                                   As mentioned by SMS Koh in
                                                                                   the Dialogue Session, the
                                                                                   Industry Transformation Map

Semiconductor Industry
                                                                                   (ITM) is crucial in helping
                                                                                   businesses transform better
                                                                                   and faster, especially during
                                                                                   this unprecedented COVID-19
                                                                                   situation. SSIA is committed to
                                                                                   driving innovation, productivity
                                                                                   and talent under the Electronics
                                                                                   ITM – in a new way through
                                                                                   online platforms.

                                                                                   He also mentioned on his Facebook
                                                                                   page, “The semiconductor                             Zoom Presentations
                                                                                   industry is important to Singapore
                                                                                   and provides good jobs for our                       & Panel Discussion
                                                                                   workers. We remain committed
                                                                                   to partnering our companies
                                                                                   to improve the economic
                                                                                   competitiveness of the industry as
Dr Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry                   well as the broader manufacturing
                                                                                   sector. Likewise, workers must also

       ingapore Semiconductor             indeed in some areas like the            do their part to upskill and support
       Industry Association (SSIA)        communications market demand             their employers in this journey.
       organized a dialogue               has increased. Besides managing          With our collective efforts, I have
session with Dr Koh Poh Koon,             the risks, I hope each of you is also    no doubt that we are in a good
Senior Minister of State for Trade        thinking about the opportunities         position to weather the challenges
and Industry, on 4 June 2020. Over        that can arise as we recover from        and emerge stronger.”
100 senior leaders participated in        the health crisis, and the support
the dialogue session discussing           you need to succeed.”
the pressing issues facing the
semiconductor industry in
Singapore, such as supply chain
disruption, freight challenges
travel restrictions.

The dialogue session was a good
platform to understand the
feedback from the industry leaders
and the views of our government
on these matters.

SSIA Chairman Andrew Chong
said in his opening speech, “Some                                                                                         Please contact us at
feedback from our members shows                                                                                           if you would like to be a sponsor
that the global semiconductor
business has remained stable              Over 100 senior leaders from the semiconductor industry participated in the
in the first half of the year,            dialogue session

10    Singapore Semiconductor Voice     Vol 9
SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association

Automation Supplier Day 2020
       SIA hosted the Automation
       Supplier Day 2020 on 16-17
       July 2020. This year’s event
was held on a virtual platform with
record-breaking participation.
It has brought together over 250
participants from over 100 MNCs,
SMEs and other organizations.
Many of the participants said that
it was an experience to see both
suppliers and clients share openly
on this platform, and they were            Highlights of the Event
keen to explore collaboration
opportunities after the event.             •   K&S Operation’s Journey in Digital Transformation and Smart
Automation Supplier Day is also a              Mr TK Loh, Senior Director of Equipment Operations Engineering,
platform for business networking               Kulicke & Soffa
and establishing relationships.
SSIA has set up a Linkedin Group           •   No Shortcuts: Evolutionary Steps to Smarter Manufacturing
for participants to share, network             Mr Ricco Walter, Managing Director, SYSTEMA Automation
and collaborate with other end-                Singapore Pte Ltd
users and suppliers. Meanwhile,
the Association will help arrange          •   Holding out for a HERO – Closing Automation Gaps with Mobile
virtual meet-ups if there is a need.           Robots from Germany
                                               Mr Burkhard Stegemann, Department Manager Sales &
Said Ang Wee Seng, Executive                   Marketing, Fabmatics GmbH
Director of SSIA, during the event,
“SSIA is transforming to better            •   Practical guide of AI Inspection and AI Preventive Maintenance
represent the semiconductor                    Mr Jiro Chiba, Consultant, NEC Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd
industry in the fight against the
COVID-19. We will continue to              •   Business Continuity and Competitiveness during The New
launch a series of initiatives                 Normal
to help companies focus on                     Ms Michelle Phua, Co-Founder & Director of Operations & Mr Mike
productivity improvement                       Feng, Head of Solutions, Innowave Tech Pte Ltd
and, most importantly, to stay
competitive by innovating their            •   Transforming Business with AI
product and services. Do keep a                Mr Kevin Lee, Head, AI Advisory and Adoption, AI Singapore
lookout to our two major events
coming up - the Semiconductor                                 Event                        Join the Linkedln
Supply Chain Conference in August                             Highlights                   Group and view
and SSIA Summit 2020 in October.                                                           the presentations
We hope to seek your continuous
support for these events.”

12   Singapore Semiconductor Voice     Vol 9
SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association
SSIA UPDATES                                                                                                                                                                                        SSIA UPDATES

Develop a Foundation of                                                                                        The 5% Zone - Visibility Strategies
Knowledge in Semiconductors                                                                                    That Get You Recognized
                                                                                                               Today, most of us are
                                                                            Questions Raised During            privileged to work in
                                                                            the Course:                        companies that are diverse and
                                                                                                               often global. We want to get
                                                                            •   What is the number of          ahead and be recognized for all
                                                                                wafers in one pot? (The        the great work we do or can do.
                                                                                average pot has 25 wafers)     So, how do you achieve that?
                                                                            •   Which photolithography

                                                                                process is the most                      ver 100 industry peers
                                                                                forgiving of error?                      joined the two engaging
                                                                                (Photolithography is very                online classes taught by
                                                                                forgiving process in general   Stephen Krempl, CEO of Krempl
                                                                                but the most important         Communications International, on
                                                                                factor to take note of is      ‘Visibility Strategies that Get you
                                                                                alignment of patterns on       Recognized and Rewarded in
                                                                                wafer)                         Any Organization’ on 28 May
                                                                            •   Why do gasses need a           and 17 June 2020. Participants        where participants will practise
                                                                                heater jacket? (To maintain    were keen to know the tips and        and show mastery of the skills and
                                                                                a standard temperature         techniques on getting visible and     techniques taught with worksheets
                                                                                so that gasses do not          noticed by senior leaders as well     and scenarios provided.
                                                                                condense and cause             as their clients.
                                                                                contamination)                                                       The course is suitable for:
                                                                                                               In the coming Global Executive
                                                                                                               Mindset (GEM) Online course on        •   The hard-working executives          Stephen Krempl, Instructor of

      he first run of the SSIA        to concepts such as integrated       Register for the Next Run of        14 and 21 August 2020, Stephen            who aspire to get ahead              GEM Online
      Semiconductor 101 course        circuits, microelectromechanical     Semiconductor 101 (29-30            will share with participants how      •   The Manager who wants to
                                                                                                                                                                                              Scan the QR code for
      was held on 13 – 14 July        systems, and silicon photonics.      September, 9-10 November)           to increase their communication           know how best to get into senior
                                                                                                                                                                                              registration and details:
2020 via the Zoom platform.                                                                                    repertoire, and know-how to               management
The course was conducted by           Many participants found the                                              change their virtual and face to      •   The executive who believes he/
Mr John Yik, who has 25 years of      course to be very enriching and                                          face presence and mindset to              she has the ability to do better
experience in the semiconductor       useful in helping them to better                                         standout in these critical “5%            but can’t seem to communicate
manufacturing industry.               understand their work. They                                              situations” with senior leaders.          at different levels
                                      were also keen to tap on John’s                                                                                •   Senior management and
John introduced the participants      experience in the industry to hear                                       Participants will learn what they         Leaders who want to learn
from 7 companies across the           about his opinions on the trends                                         need to do in these situations, to        how to help encourage and
electronics industry to the           for future of the semiconductor                                          connect personally, communicate           coach your team to express
fundamentals of semiconductor         industry, such as whether nano                                           confidently and stand out. Also,          themselves well
manufacturing and the makeup          materials are ready for the                                              the course will cover what may be
of the electronics eco-system         industry, is in-situ metrology                                           preventing us from participating
over the duration of the course.      widely employed, and if the                                              even though we know we should.
Participants were introduced          photolithography process might                                           It comprises of 10 online modules
                                      be streamlined in the future.

14   Singapore Semiconductor Voice   Vol 9                                                                                                                                            Vol 9    Singapore Semiconductor Voice   15
SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association
SEMICONDUCTOR VOICE - FASTER ECONOMIC RECOVERY - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association

       o tackle the challenges in     In Singapore, since the launch        help companies switch to a less
       workforce and embrace          of the Electronics Industry           manpower-reliant mode, boost
       the new normal of working      Transformation Map (ITM)              productivity, and eventually
from home, many companies in          in 2017, companies in the             emerge stronger out of the
Singapore, especially those in        semiconductor industry have           COVID-19 pandemic.
the manufacturing sector, are         embarked on their digitalization
accelerating their transformation     journey. As mentioned by Dr           In this issue, we will look at
journeys on digitalization. Some      Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister         digitalization solutions newly
companies have even admitted          of State for Trade and Industry,      launched by different companies
that the digital transformation       in the SSIA Minister Dialogue         to drive productivity, enable
they have done in the last 2          Session, what is important now        solutions, and build resilience
months is a lot more than what        is to take it in practice and drive   to cope with other expected or
they did in the last few years.       the transformation faster. It will    unforeseeable challenges.

18   Singapore Semiconductor Voice   Vol 9                                                                    Vol 9   Singapore Semiconductor Voice   19
HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER                                                                                                                                     HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER
      ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE                                                                                                                                                ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE

Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                                                   Jobs are changing                       Humans do much better at                 researchers or entrepreneurs, will
                                                                                                                                                           interpreting data and drawing            also be deemed more valuable.
                                                                                                                   In areas where AI and digital           inferences even when the tasks

and Automation
                                                                                                                   technologies improve businesses         evolve over time.                        The age of AI and digital
                                                                                                                   significantly, the nature of jobs has                                            technologies is already here. It
                                                                                                                   changed.                                Retraining and upskilling are            is clear they can and probably

Would Actually
                                                                                                                                                           essential                                should be applied to different
                                                                                                                   Certain jobs like routine clerical                                               industries and have the potential
                                                                                                                   work may be reduced while               In light of the above                    to significantly improve

Benefit Singapore                                                                                                  the employment rates for
                                                                                                                   professionals and those in the
                                                                                                                   service sectors have increased.
                                                                                                                                                           understanding, how we should
                                                                                                                                                           we adjust, retrain or upskill the
                                                                                                                                                           valuable human resource we have
                                                                                                                                                                                                    productivity. In the process, they
                                                                                                                                                                                                    will transform our work and lives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    While some jobs may be replaced,
                                                                                                                   Understanding what tasks AI             in Singapore to prepare for the new      many other job and career
Now that the General Election is over,                                                                             is suited or not suited for will        paradigm involving AI and digital        opportunities will be created.
it is time for Singapore to refocus on                                                                             be a business priority for firms.       technologies?
the big challenge of creating jobs to tide                                                                         Singapore’s learning, retraining                                                 Singapore has the infrastructure,
citizens over a pandemic and double                                                                                and upskilling efforts must take        We understand that most jobs             talents and resources to take
down on digitalisation for the long term.                                                                          full advantage of the AI era.           have many interrelated tasks.            advantage of the benefits brought
                                                                                                                                                           People say the jobs AI could likely      about by the AI revolution. With

     ingapore businesses and          It is these advanced technologies     In healthcare, AI has been             Prior research has shown AI is          replace include telemarketing,           national emphasis on innovation
     workers are no strangers to      that help e-commerce retailers        employed to optimise hospital          suited to perform tasks that            receptionists, computer support          and Industry 4.0, as well as
     the need to adapt to new         like Lazada sell more by analysing    management and processes               provide clear feedback with             specialists (think chatbots used         additional resources and upskilling
technological changes.                massive amount of data, learning      like managing a large number of        definable goals and metrics. AI         by banks like OCBC) and market           opportunities, this could yet be
                                      customer preferences and              patient beds in the case of Tan        is also efficient at recognising        research analysts. However, it           another pivotal point for Singapore
With every change comes               providing targeted products to be     Tock Seng Hospital. Predictive         associations based on empirical         doesn’t mean these jobs will             to create and deliver value in a
hesitance, even resistance. In        displayed online for the customers.   analytics can help optimise            and statistical data.                   disappear entirely. AI is weak on        competitive global arena.
the push for a Smart Nation, this                                           hospital bed assignment decisions                                              relatively unstructured, creative
resistance may come from a            In engineering and aviation, AI       by predicting when patients will       On the other hand, AI is not so         tasks and those involving
fear of the unknown. Reports of       has been used to increase the         be discharged to make more beds        good at unstructured tasks and          emotional intelligence.
artificial Intelligence (AI) and      performance of gas turbine            available.                             reasoning, especially based on
digital technologies cannibalising    engines, such as finding an                                                  background information that             The focus of the training or
jobs do not help either.              optimal way to increase thrust and    AI will be an integral part of         is previously unknown to the            upskilling of such roles should be
                                      decrease fuel consumptions.           Singapore’s healthcare system to       computer.                               on these areas. Upskilling courses
However, Singapore is in a unique                                           help doctors make better decisions                                             can cover developing strategies
situation. With a small and ageing    In the long term, the savings         and design early intervention          This is why AI (or machine              in branding, designing and
workforce, Singapore has to tap on    on fuel could be passed to the        programmes and improved care           learning) can be used to spot           marketing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ABOUT THE AUTHOR
AI and automation to preserve its     passengers. Such performance          pathways for patients using            irregular heartbeat from scans
competitive advantage over other      improvements cannot usually be        predictive modelling.                  and detect diseases from medical        Use AI to gather your data, but use           DR KENNETH G. HUANG
economies.                            attained using traditional models.                                           imaging, but it cannot explain as       humans to develop business and                 Associate Professor at
                                                                            In educational applications            well as doctors how and why one is      innovation strategies and design              Department of Strategy
A country increasingly                In logistics in Singapore and         and tools, AI has helped the           diagnosed with a certain disease.       marketing campaigns based on                    & Policy at National
powered by more artificial            around the world, AI has also         development of skills and testing                                              understanding those data.                     University of Singapore
intelligence                          been utilised to predict traffic      systems and allows the adjustment      In other words, the interpretation                                                    (NUS) Business School &
                                      patterns and route conditions. For    of learning based on differentiating   of the causes and severity of           People and leadership skills will             Department of Industrial
Digital technologies and AI           companies like Grab, the use of AI    students’ needs in Institutes of       these diseases and their linkages       continue to be important, yet                  Systems Engineering &
(including machine learning,          has enabled drivers to complete       Higher Learning in Singapore.          to other diseases are much more         another area that AI currently does             Management at NUS
computer vision and natural           as many jobs as possible in the       Students can thus enjoy more           difficult for AI to ascertain. AI       not fill the void. The expertise in
language processing) can boost        shortest amount of time.              customised testing and learning        also does not perform well when         asking interesting questions and
efficiencies, performance and                                               tailored to the specific needs and     the tasks to be learned change          looking for new and innovative
productivity in various ways.                                               ability level of each student.         quickly.                                solutions, which is required in

20   Singapore Semiconductor Voice   Vol 9                                                                                                                                                  Vol 9    Singapore Semiconductor Voice   21
HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER                                                                                                                            HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER
      ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE                                                                                                                                       ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE

                                                                                                            SixSense has combined their           judgements, preserving valuable          consistency of AI-based solutions,
                                                                                                            expertise in deep learning with       domain knowledge and adding              and will drive many more smart
                                                                                                            the insights of the inspection        consistency to processes,” said Ms       manufacturing initiatives across
                                                                                                            specialists to build a product that   Avni Agrawal, Co-founder and CTO         the company,” Mr Zhimin Gu, VP
                                                                                                            takes factory automation to the       at SixSense.                             & GM at GFS 200mm Operations,
                                                                                                            next level. With deployments                                                   expressed.
                                                                                                            planned to span across fabs,          The technology is designed to
                                                                                                            and globally, this could change       handle high volume and broad             The bar on quality standards is
                                                                                                            the way we review and classify        variety of complex manufacturing         rising and innovators are taking
                                                                                                            defects.                              defects at GFS. The software             strides forward in their Industry
                                                                                                                                                  learnt visual patterns of defects        4.0 goals. It is going to be an even
                                                                                                            Manual Image Classification           from images of various inspection        more exciting journey ahead and
                                                                                                            at Wafer Inspection Stations          layers, devices and technology           we cannot wait to see where the AI
                                                                                                                                                  nodes. It now classifies defects in      technology will take us next!
                                                                                                            Currently, visual defect review       new images from production at
                                                                                                            and classification are conducted      high speed and accuracy. With
                                                                                                            24x7 by highly trained human          its auto-learning capability, it
                                                                                                            operators who closely examine         constantly adapts to changes in
                Today Artificial Intelligence                                                               images through the naked eye,”        defects, making the engine more
                    (AI) in Manufacturing is       FUTURE IS NOW                                            said Mr Kian Huat Ang, Manager        dynamic and robust.
              inspiring a revolution! It is no                                                              of Yield Defect Density at GFS.

                longer a distant vision but a                                                               As chip sizes continue to shrink,     Ms Akanksha Jagwani, Co-founder
            miraculous reality that is being                                                                manufacturing complexity is           and CEO at SixSense, shared:
             promoted by many innovation                                                                    sharply increasing, making            “We are committed to making the
                 leaders at GlobalFoundries                                                                 identification of defects extremely   journey of AI for manufacturers

                                                  Manufacturing at
            Singapore (GFS). Here is a story                                                                challenging. The repetitive and       smooth and sustainable using
              of how SixSense embarked on                                                                   cognitively demanding nature          a UI-assisted continuous
                this journey of AI when GFS                                                                 of manual classification has to       performance improvement
            connected with SixSense at the                                                                  change and there is an imminent       framework.”

            SSIA Automation Supplier Day                                                                    need for an alternative solution.
             2019 and initiated a paradigm                                                                                                        “Our team has made many
                         shift in digitisation.                                                                                                   efforts to set up a dedicated

                                                  Singapore with
                                                                                                                                                  technology infrastructure for
                                                                                                                                                  AI applications and is actively
                                                                                                                                                  working to make this initiative an
                                                                                                                                                  enormous success,” Mr Kah Hing

                                                                                                                                                  Ting, Integrated Manufacturing IT
                                                                                                                                                  Manager at GFS, highlighted.
                                                                                                                                                                                                ABOUT THE AUTHOR
                                                                                                                                                  Harnessing Untapped
                                                  Collaboration with SixSense for Enabling AI-                                                    Opportunities by Reducing
                                                  based Industrial Visual Inspection                                                              Time to Market                               AH CHOI YAP is the Smart
                                                                                                                                                                                                Manufacturing Solution
                                                  GFS is adopting a new technology called classifAI, an     An AI-powered Future for              A wide-scale deployment of AI                  Manager at GFS. He is
                                                  AI-based Auto-Defect Classification software, that        Wafer Inspection                      can make remote inspections                  overseeing the automation
                                                  is transforming the way industrial visual inspection is                                         a reality and will be a great                 as well as the innovative
                                                  performed today. It has been developed by SixSense,       ClassifAI is addressing such          accomplishment. “The success                 solutions and adaptations
                                                  a Singapore-based startup promoting smarter               challenges by reducing                of this solution will establish              at the 200mm Fab of GFS.
                                                  manufacturing in the semiconductor industry.              dependency on human                   high confidence in reliability and

22   Singapore Semiconductor Voice   Vol 9                                                                                                                                         Vol 9    Singapore Semiconductor Voice   23
HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER                                                                                                                                        HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER
       ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE                                                                                                                                                   ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE

Xilinx Digitizes Inventory
                                                                                                                    Applying CNN                                                                             New ways to do old things

                                                                                                                    A key aspect of the solution, using an object detection model to identify                With inventory as a
                                                                                                                    the labels from the photos taken, is described in more detail here. A CNN                “snapshot”, a static moment

                                                                                                                    (Convolutional Neural Network) was trained to predict bounding boxes of the              in time, inventory count
                                                                                                                    labels. Photos of probable Xilinx or partner labels are taken and used for the           accuracy increases since the
                                                                                                                    training process. Thousands of images are then generated synthetically from              “motion picture” scenario is
                                                                                                                    each image to produce a huge dataset.                                                    eliminated, now becoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                             more efficient given the short
Every company has an                                                                                                                                                                                         duration of taking snapshots
inventory control process                                                                                                                                                                                    of the entire inventory.
requiring physical
inventory count to be                                                                                                                                                                                        For the Inventory Control
conducted on a periodic                                                                                                                                                                                      team, validating the physical
schedule. In Xilinx, this                                                                                                                                                                                    existence of inventory
responsibility falls on our                                                                                                                                                                                  can now be done from the
Inventory Control team.                                                                                                                                                                                      comfort of the office and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             in a shorter time span. For

     n this role, Inventory                                         The automation consists of a pipeline                                                                                                    our business partners, the
     Control provides                                               comprising computer vision and text mining                                                                                               preparation and disruption
     confidence to the                                              operations. The first step involves the usage                                                                                            brought about by the old
organization in making                                              of a deep learning model to identify, extract                                                                                            way of conducting manual
sure physical inventory                                             and segregate label images from the photos.                                                                                              physical count is gone.
exists where it is reported. It
requires personnel to travel                                        The extracted images containing individual                                                                                               With this, we now have
to business sites to confirm                                        labels are then processed with OCR (Optical                                                                                              new ways to do old things.
the physical existence of         Figure 1: Traditional inventory   Character Recognition) technology. An           Figure 3: Thousands of synthetically generated label images for training                 By eliminating the human
these inventory. The physical     count using pen and paper         algorithm developed to mine the raw text                                                                                                 aspect of the physical
count is conducted in a                                             produced from the OCR process finally           The TensorFlow framework was then used to train the CNN model on the                     inventory process, the new
traditional manner using          Leveraging Emerging               extracts the label attributes of interest.      generated dataset. Once training is completed, the model is used to detect               digitized process allows for
human eyes to observe the         Technology                                                                        labels from new images containing Xilinx or Partner labels. Using individually           sustained social distancing.
physical existence of the                                                                                           extracted label images significantly increases the accuracy of OCR and the
inventory and using pen and       The advent of emerging                                                            extraction of the label attributes.
paper to record. Finally, a       technology played a huge                                                                                                                                                           SOURCE OF
reconciliation is conducted       role in “recasting” the                                                                                                                                                            CONTENTS
against the system of             manual process we just
record. Such efforts take         described. The goal is to                                                                                                                                                         Xilinx Asia
days to complete, often           efficiently extract label                                                                                                                                                       Pacific Pte. Ltd.
with challenges since             information necessary for
Xilinx inventory is fast          the inventory counting                                                                                                                                                 
moving, synonymous to a           process from the images.
“motion picture”. Constant        The new process involves
dreads include factors like       getting business partners
inventory size, transaction       to take photo images of the
volume, number of business        inventory. Once uploaded
                                                                                                                                   Input Image                               Model Predictions
locations, budget, cost, time     to Cloud, automation takes        Figure 2: Pre-trained CNN and OCR to automate
and preparation.                  over.                             extraction of label information                 Figure 4: Trained model detects and separate labels

24   Singapore Semiconductor Voice    Vol 9                                                                                                                                                      Vol 9   Singapore Semiconductor Voice   25
HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER                                                                                                                                  HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER
       ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE                                                                                                                                             ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE

                                                                                                                  AI-driven Remote Digital Assistant                                  important to SMEs because of productivity
                                                                                                                                                                                      losses due to COVID-19 regulations like
                                                                                                                  This tool comprises of IoT sensor & Operations chatbot which        social distancing, workplace safety,
                                                                                                                  has the capabilities of transmitting data wirelessly to the         shortage manpower etc. A robust
                                                                                                                  operational chatbot where the production operators can              technology infrastructure and end-to-end
                                                                                                                  retrieve/receive the data in real-time remotely and it also         digital processes are the key elements to
                                                                                                                  keeps track of the performance of these equipment assets            safeguard productivity during this pandemic
                                                                                                                  proactively through real-time alerts and notifications. This        crisis. Digitization helps semicon SMEs in
                                                                                                                  platform also allows the management and operations team             ensuring business continuity which is one
                                                                                                                  to collaborate virtually and thus empowers cross functional         of the top priorities of all the SMEs to stay
                                                                                                                  team collaborations. It also provides real-times equipment          relevant in the Industry.
                                                                                                                  operations insights.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Problem as an “Opportunity”

                                                                                                                                                                                      In a way, COVID-19 outbreak has boosted
                                                                                                                                                                                      the awareness of need for digitalization-
                                                                                                                                                                                      Right now, businesses see the value
                                                                                                                                                                                      proposition - whether it is working remotely,

Remote Digital Assistant:
                                                                                                                                                                                      whether it is transacting with business
                                                                                                                                                                                      partners around the world - and also
                                                                                                                                                                                      for employees understanding why

An Essential Tool for SMEs to
                                                                                                                                                                                      digital technologies are very relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                      and useful. SMEs need to manage their
                                                                                                                                                                                      digital transformation journey in taking
                                                                                                                                                                                      incremental steps instead of jumping into

Adjust to the “New Normal”
                                                                                                                  IoT Sensors                                                         the deep end in one fell swoop.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Globally, governments are providing relief
                                                                                                                                                                                      payouts, grants, incentives to SMEs to
                                                                                                                                                                                      recover from the COVID-19 crisis. Singapore
COVID-19 Impact to Semiconductor Industry                        Accelerating Product Improvement                                                                                     Government has announced several
                                                                 (RPI)                                                                                                                financial support mechanisms to SMEs
Cities all over the world are grappling with the impact of the                                                                                                                        during this challenging period. Government
COVID-19 pandemic, addressing long-standing challenges           To mitigate the huge impact resulted from                                                                            is providing special incentives to the
alongside new ones on multiple fronts. The United Nations        the unprecedented pandemic, management                                                                               SMEs who embrace digitization through
(UN) estimates that the impact of the crisis on the world        consultants like McKinsey & Co are                                                                                   several programs like SME-Go- Digital,
economy will hit $1 trillion this year alone. IDC expects the    suggesting Rapid Product Improvement                                                                                 Digital Resilience Bonus etc. SMEs take this
overall semiconductor market to decline 4.2% and non-            (RPI) consists of 4 key launch accelerators                                                                          problem as an opportunity to digitize and
memory market is expected to decline 7.2% in 2020 as the         namely a) Empowered cross functional task                                                                            improve their productivity.
global economy fights to recover from the global crisis.         force, b) Actionable insights, c) Relentless
                                                                 focus on execution and d) Design-sprint                                                                              For more information, please contact sales@
                                                                 approach. Evercomm Singapore, an energy                                                                     to request a free DEMO.
                                                                 AI startup incubated and accelerated
                                                                 by NTUitive— Nanyang Technological
                                                                 University, Singapore (NTU Singapore)            Mobile Chatbot
                                                                 and accredited by Infocomm Media                                                                                                    SOURCE OF
                                                                 Development Authority (IMDA) addresses           Semiconductor SME Digitization                                                     CONTENTS
                                                                 the first three (3) accelerators through their                                                                               EverComm Singapore
                                                                 AI driven remote digital assistant tool.         World-wide experts and consultants recommend accelerating
                                                                                                                  digitization to increase resilience. Digitization is all the more

26   Singapore Semiconductor Voice   Vol 9                                                                                                                                               Vol 9   Singapore Semiconductor Voice   27
HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER                                                                                                                             HOW AUTOMATION CAN FACILITATE FASTER
       ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE                                                                                                                                        ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN SINGAPORE

How an Integrated
                                                                       and control systems throughout the                                                                                    a Metrology Sampling System
                                                                       factory with the express purpose                                                                                      enables the metrology sampler to
                                                                       of making more accurate real time                                                                                     minimize the amount of sampled

Smart Factory Reduces
                                                                       predictions of expected factory                                                                                       material and focus on at risk
                                                                       outcomes. Using the Digital Twin, WIP                                                                                 lots. This reduces the number of
                                                                       Scheduling, Location Tracking and                                                                                     operators and decision makers
                                                                       Delivery, Maintenance Management,                                                                                     required to manage the metrology

COVID-19’s Impact on
                                                                       and Process Control systems can                                                                                       queue. Those systems also
                                                                       make automatic optimal decisions                                                                                      provide predictive capabilities
                                                                       and reduce the need for humans to                                                                                     for excursions and changes in
                                                                       intercede.                                                                                                            equipment health. This allows

Manufacturing                                                          Digital Twin and Applications

                                                                       Multiple applications are built
                                                                                                               Metrology Sampling Dashboard                                                  factories to better schedule
                                                                                                                                                                                             preventative maintenance and
                                                                                                                                                                                             manage changes in tool health
                                                                                                                                                                                             that minimize the need for
With the recent global COVID-19 pandemic, the world has                upon a Digital Twin, the primary                                                                                      maintenance and equipment
learnt how to adjust business and manufacturing operations             highest ROI application is a Factory                                                                                  engineering personnel to be in the
to compensate for the need to isolate and quarantine. This             Scheduler. This system makes key                                                                                      factory.
has resulted in companies working remotely to support                  decisions about what material to
facilities that are running with minimal staff. To reduce              move where and when. A well-tuned                                                                                     While independently these
contact and still be able to manufacture products, factories           Factory Scheduler can be adjusted                                                                                     systems can provide benefit to
are in a situation where they must accelerate their                    to optimize WIP movement and                                                                                          semiconductor operations, the
transformation into Smart Industry 4.0 facilities. This is             tool loadings. This minimizes the                                                                                     combination of WIP and metrology
critical for operations today and in the future.                       number of people on the factory                                                                                       Scheduling, Location Tracking
                                                                                                                                                                                             and Dispatch, Process Control

       he adoption of Industry 4.0                                                                             FDC System Example                                                            and maintenance systems with
       methodologies merges well                                                                                                                                                             a comprehensive Digital Twin,
       with the need to reduce                                                                                 floor by eliminating inefficiencies   Additionally, using a Smart Digital     multiplies the benefit. This is
social contact inside fabs. As more                                                                            in operations and dramatically        Twin enabled system, factories          done by providing interconnection
decisions become automated and                                                                                 reduces the need for real time        can enhance floor staff contact         between the systems, allowing
factory systems become more                                                                                    operator-based decision making        tracing by combining material           them to easily share data,
interconnected, more employees                                                                                 on the production floor. WIP          location tracking and operator          and developing a connected
can monitor and control                          MAINTENANCE                            WIP                    Location Tracking and a Smart         transactions.                           environment that enables
operations from home. This means                 MANAGEMENT                          SCHEDULER                 Dispatch are important extensions                                             automatic predictive systems
that factory output can remain                                                                                 to the Scheduler. By employing a      Another key set of components           to make intelligent decisions
high while minimizing the risk of                                                                              Smart WIP Tracking and Dispatch       that benefit from a Smart Digital       about factory operations. A Smart
having key employees succumbing                                                                                system, the physical delivery         Twin are the Process Control (FDC       Factory environment is critical to
to COVID-19.                                                                                                   of material can be managed            and APC), Metrology Sampling,           minimizing the risks associated
                                                               Digital Twin             LOCATION
                                                                                                               to minimize contact with other        and the Maintenance Systems.            with day to day operations on the
The first step toward developing                                                                               operators. Maximizing the             By utilizing predictive systems,        factory floor, and the good news
                                                CONTROL        DATA WAREHOUSE           TRACKING
highly integrated Smart factories                                                                              number of lots moved at a time        equipment downtime can be               is it also provides a rapid return on
is the deployment of a real time                                                      AND DISPATCH             and minimizing the number of          reduced. By understanding the           investment from the improvement
Digital Twin. A Digital Twin is a                                                                              stops on a delivery route can         health of the equipment, Smart          of multiple KPIs.
living data warehouse that is not                                                                              reduce social contact. In sites       integrated Process Control
only a repository of factory state
                                                          FAULT             METROLOGY                          with automated material delivery      systems can maximize uptime
                                                                                                                                                                                                        SOURCE OF
                                                      DETECTION AND         SAMPLING                                                                                                                    CONTENTS
information, but it is also a system                                                                           systems, a Smart Scheduler and        by make process adjustments
that uses the collected data                                                                                   Dispatch system work with the         to compensate for changes
from disparate factory systems                                                                                 delivery system to move the           in equipment performance.
to derive new information. This                                                                                material at just the right time and   Connecting the information from      
information is used to connect                                                                                 reduce the need for intervention.     the Fault Detection System with

28   Singapore Semiconductor Voice     Vol 9                                                                                                                                         Vol 9    Singapore Semiconductor Voice    29
INDUSTRY                                                                                                                                                                                                      INDUSTRY

                                                                                                                                                                                                    company using U.S. equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                                    from manufacturing for Huawei
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and its affiliates without a license.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    TSMC immediately stopped
                                                                                                                                                                                                    accepting new orders from Huawei
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and HiSilicon (Huawei’s chip
                                                                                                                                                                                                    division). The extension of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    restrictions has a far-reaching
                                                                                                                                                                                                    impact as it effectively stops all
                                                                                                                                                                                                    foundries around the world from
                                                                                                                                                                                                    producing for Huawei. According
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to Credit Suisse, semiconductor
                                                                                                                                                                                                    equipment from U.S. companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                    like Applied Materials and Lam

Semiconductor Tradewinds
                                                                                                                     Also continuing to do well is the    times, allowing U.S. companies to         Research is used by about 40%
                                                                                                                     semiconductor foundry segment.       keep doing business with Huawei.          of the world’s chipmakers,
                                                                                                                     In the latest foundry rankings       This was further extended again           while software from the likes of

- MAY & JUNE 2020
                                                                                                                     from market analysis company         in May for another 90 days, yet it is     Cadence, Synopsis and Mentor
                                                                                                                     Trendforce, foundry revenue of       expected that this will be the final      is used by 85%. It said it would
                                                                                                                     the top 10 foundries is expected     extension.                                be almost impossible to find a
                                                                                                                     to increase by more than 20%                                                   fabrication plant, or fab, that could
                                                                                                                     yoy in Q2 2020. Sequentially         In addition, the export controls          still work with Huawei, including
As we enter the 2nd half of 2020, COVID-19 continues to impact people’s lives, jobs and have a                       compared to Q1, revenue is           against Huawei were further               Chinese foundry SMIC.
severe impact on the economy. The pandemic is still not under control and continues to grow                          expected to increase ~4.5%. TSMC     tightened on 15 May, with the
exponentially worldwide with over 11 million confirmed cases and over 525,000 confirmed deaths                       is expected to retain number one     Department of Commerce                    The impact on TSMC could be
at the time of writing. The IMF is now projecting global GDP to shrink 4.9% this year, 6.5% lower                    position with 51.5% market share,    extending the Huawei ban to               quite significant as HiSilicon
than it’s pre-pandemic forecast.                                                                                     followed by Samsung (18.8%) and      include the use of U.S. technology        accounts for approx. 14% of
                                                                                                                     Globalfoundries third with 7.4%      and software to design and                TSMC’s revenue and this is

           Many countries are trying     of the year and broaden its scope     industry was up 22% from a year       market share.                        manufacture its semiconductors            expected to drop to zero by
           to reopen economies but       to include H-1B visas for highly      earlier in May, marking the sixth                                          abroad. The original ban                  next year if the ban is not lifted.
           it is a fine line between     skilled workers, as well as L visas   consecutive month of double-digit     The Trade War Continues              prevented companies with greater          Recently it has been reported
safely opening and allowing              used by companies to transfer         increase, on the back of strong                                            than 20% American content from            that TSMC has already filled the
the pandemic to spike again. In          their own employees in an effort to   demand for 5G applications and        Despite the economic impact          selling products to Huawei. Still, up     gap in orders, and certainly the
the next few months, the true            protect U.S. jobs. This policy will   high-performance computing            of the pandemic the U.S. has         until now Huawei has managed to           decision by Apple to start using
toll of the pandemic will start          particularly hard hit the U.S. tech   (HPC) devices. The Taiwan I.C.        continued its trade war with         keep its supply of semiconductor          its own processors in its laptop
to become visible globally as            and semiconductor sector which        sector grew 7% in May compared        China, with several new measures     chips going by buying from TSMC           and desktop computers will help
many countries start to withdraw         depends on employing skilled          to April and was up 37% compared      announced recently. In May,          and other overseas foundries.             TSMC. The first Apple models with
stimulus measures that protected         engineers using H1 and L1 visas to    to a year ago. Taiwan was one         the U.S. President extended for      These extended restrictions               Apple processors are expected to
jobs. In the U.S. by the end of June,    fuel its growth and innovation.       of the first countries to impose      another year the executive order     close this loophole as it bans any        be shipped by the end of this year
there were still 19.5 million people                                           COVID-19 restrictions and             signed in May 2019 declaring a
receiving unemployment benefit           The news is not all gloomy as         enforced the wearing of masks in      national emergency and barring
and although this number is going        Taiwan has demonstrated it can        public and social distancing and      U.S. companies from using
down slowly as companies restart         buck the trend, with industrial       used computer tracing to fight        telecommunications equipment
and rehire, it remains to be seen        production continuing to improve      the pandemic. As such, the total      made by firms posing a national
how long it will take to get back to     for the 4th straight month in June.   cases were only 443, with the         security risk, which includes
pre-COVID19 employment levels.           The semiconductor sector has          majority imported. As of the end of   Huawei and ZTE. Ever since the
With this as a backdrop, the U.S.        continued to do particularly well     June, the country had only 6 active   order was first announced, the
announced it will extend its ban on      with the MOEA saying production       cases.                                U.S. Commerce Department has
new work visas through to the end        by the electronics component                                                issued a general temporary license
                                                                                                                     which has been extended many

30   Singapore Semiconductor Voice      Vol 9                                                                                                                                               Vol 9    Singapore Semiconductor Voice    31
INDUSTRY                                                                                                                                                                                                          INDUSTRY

and transitioning fully over the         being introduced in the Senate in      Globalfoundries (G.F.) also             micro LED are expected to be the
next 2 years. It is expected the         late June which will champion the      announced it had secured a              big growth area in the coming
first Apple processors will be made      sector and lure high tech supply       purchase option agreement               years as companies like Apple
on TSMC 7nm technology before            chains back into the United States.    for approximately 66 acres of           adopt them for the next generation
switching to 5nm technology next         The act will provide up to US$25       undeveloped land adjacent to its        iPad and Mac computers. To take
year. In addition, TSMC is hopeful       billion in federal grants, US$15       current Malta Fab in New York. G.F.     advantage, LED companies in both
that the current trade issues will       billion of which is earmarked for      said it is looking to expand output     Taiwan and China are increasing
be gradually resolved and say they       federal grants to states to build,     by utilising unused space in its        their investments to build new
will start to apply for a license        expand or modernize domestic           existing Malta Fab or build a new       production and research facilities
to start supplying to Huawei             semiconductor manufacturing and        Fab next to it.                         for Micro LED and Mini LED R&D,
subsidiary HiSilicon by mid-July.        R&D facilities.                                                                production and sales.
                                                                                In South Korea, Samsung
The ban severely impacts HiSilicon       Capital Expenditure Projects           announced that it intends to build      Apple is reported to be setting up
which has only recently risen to         Continuing                             a new chip plant in Pyeongtaek,         its mini-LED supply chain based
rank in the top 10 semiconductor                                                some 70 kilometres south of Seoul,      around Taiwan suppliers to avoid
companies based on sales. It is          Whilst the pandemic is causing         S Korea. It is reported that it will    supply issues due to the US-China
unlikely to find any companies that      short term impact, there has           invest US$116 billion to build a        trade war, with Epistar and Fittech
can produce chips for HiSilicon.         been still lots of good news for       5nm plant for foundry business to       being 2 companies identified to
HiSilicon’s Kirin processor is now       the semiconductor segment              start operating in the 2nd half of      benefit. Recently, Taiwan-based
rated to be equivalent to Apple          for the future as companies            2021 to challenge TSMC’s foundry        LED wafer manufacturer Epistar
and Qualcomms processors in              are continuing to invest in new        business.                               announced it will spend US$200
performance, but designing next-         facilities. In recent months,                                                  million on capex to build new          until a vaccine is developed, it is     that is not likely to fully recover the
generation processors will be hard       several companies have                 In the U.K., Huawei has received        facilities.                            hard to predict when economies          lost sales from the 1st half of 2020.
without U.S. design software.            announced new facilities around        approval to build a new research                                               can get back to normal. Currently,
                                         the world. All the big foundries       and development centre in the           In addition, Epistar has announced     the number of people confirmed          We can only hope that a vaccine
One unintentional consequence of         are continuing to invest record        U.K. Huawei plans to invest £1          it will partner Lextar and establish   with COVID-19 is still increasing       is found soon, and until then
the above restrictions was that it       amounts in capex and research          billion (US$1.2 billion) in the first   a joint holding company through        exponentially around the world.         countries manage to control
caused U.S. companies to be side-        and development for advance            phase of the planned centre which       share conversion. Under the            While some countries have               the pandemic. This will allow
lined and potentially fall behind        technologies. As a result, the         the company will use to build           agreement, Epistar will focus on       seen success in controlling the         economies and borders to be
in setting and developing global         semiconductor equipment industry       state of the art chips. Huawei has      LED wafer production and Lextar        pandemic and started to slowly          reopened so that international
standards for the next-generation        is one of the areas that is expected   acquired a 50,000 sq m site in          will focus on LED packaging and        open up their economies again,          travel for business and leisure can
telecommunications technology.           to grow significantly next year        South Cambridgeshire and will           modules. The companies will            they are still a long way from pre-     resume again.
Therefore, on 15 June, the U.S.          by up to 24% to a record US$67.7       create 400 jobs according to the        avoid overlapping investments          pandemic days. Being the largest
Commerce Department amended              billion spend globally. Memory         company. If you remember last           by sharing production capacities.      economy in the world, the U.S.
the rules to allow U.S. companies        fabs will lead spending with           year Huawei laid off 600 people,        Market Research company                is still struggling to control the
to work with Huawei on these             leading-edge logic and foundry         three quarters of its staff were at     TrendForce estimates that after        pandemic with over 50,000 new
standards committees without             fabs close behind.                     its US R&D centre Futurewei.            the merger, the joint company will     cases per day.
requiring a license.                                                                                                    collectively account for 12.43%
                                         As a result of the U.S. initiative     New Opportunities for LED               of global LED chip production          The first half of 2020 was good for
At the same time, as the U.S.            to promote manufacturing in the        Manufacturers                           capacity.                              semiconductor foundries but the
has been trying to limit its             U.S., TSMC announced it has plans                                                                                     demand further down the supply               ABOUT THE AUTHOR
dependence on Chinese goods,             to build a 5nm Fab in Arizona.         For many years, the LED segment         What Will Happen in 2 Half nd
                                                                                                                                                               chain is not so good. Therefore,
it has also been promoting               Construction is planned to start       has struggled from oversupply           2020                                   how long the strong demand for                 MARK DYSON is the
semiconductor manufacturing in           in 2021 with production targeted       but now there is an opportunity                                                chips will last is a big question,            Head of Global Subcon
the U.S. and offering aid to set up      to begin in 2024. The Fab will         as the next-generation display          So what does the 2nd half of 2020      especially as automotive and                    Manufacturing of
factories in the U.S. This initiative    eventually produce 20,000 wafer        technology is being adopted             hold in store for the semiconductor    smartphone sales are significantly            Osram Optoelectronics
culminated in the bipartisan             per month, with TSMC investing         by the mainstream consumer              segment? That is a question            down this year. There is pent up
American Foundries Act 2020              approx. US$12 billion from 2021 to     products. As a result, mini and         everybody is trying to answer, but     consumer demand out there but

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