The RAF Coningsby Journal


                                  ISSUE 4 2017
4       CONTENTS ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                                                                                                          onetoone       5

                                                                                        FEATURES                                                    Youth

Stn Cdr’s Foreword                                                                      ACPV
                                                                                        Coningsby Aviation Heritage Centre
                                                                                                                                                    No 17 (Coningsby) Sqn Air Cadets           33

                                                                                        RAFA Branch Visit                          11               Charity
Group Captain Michael Baulkwill                                                         Lincoln City FC Visit RAF Coningsby        12
                                                                                        A Year In Pictures                         22               Scribbly 100            34
                                                                                                                                                    Wittering to Waterloo		 35
                                                                                                                                                    Survival of the Fitters 36
                                                                                        Squadron news                                               RAFA Brew for a Few			36
                                                                                        3(F) Sqn                                   14
                                                                                        XI(F) Sqn                                  16               RAF Reserves
                                                                                        29(R) Sqn                                  18
                                                                                                                                                    Reserves Mobilisation                       38
                                                                                        41(R) Sqn                                  20

                                                                                        Base support wing
                                                                                        Ex Joint Caterer                           25
                                                                                        Padre’s Pause		                            26
                                                                                        Engineering & logistics wing
                                                                                        Boston Slog                                28
                                                                                        Ex Capitol Patriot                         28

                                                                                        Operations Wing
                                                                                        BBMF 		                                    30

                                                                                        Inter-Stations Badminton Comp              32

As we come to the end
of another year here at
Royal Air Force Coningsby,
we can all reflect back
on what a productive and
                                                                 Editorial & Distribution Team                                                Editor’s Foreword • Flight Lieutenant Colette McGinn                             ISSUE 4 2017

impressive year it has been
for the whole Station.                                                                                                                        My final edition as
                                                                                                                                              editor of onetoone
                                                                                                                                                                                   been amazing to work with and
                                                                                                                                                                                   introduced me to the world of
                                                                                                                                                                                   publishing, and of course all of
                                                                                                                                              and more departures
We have all done so much;       challenging period and my                                                                                                                          you who have submitted articles,
                                                                                                                                              loom in my life.                     without you all, we would not
given it our all and can        thoughts are with you over
safely say it has been one      the festive period, the team                                                                                  I am leaving the RAF after a         have produced a magazine that
of the busiest years we         here at Coningsby are here to    Editor                                 Publishers                            fantastic 22 years and my family     I’ve been very proud to be part
have seen in a very long        help so please don’t hesitate    Flt Lt Colette McGinn                  Lance Publishing Ltd,                 are departing our beautiful          of. Finally, my thanks to you the
time. Suffice to say our        to contact us if you need                                               1st Floor, Tailby House, Bath Road,   homeland for hotter climates.        readers; I am pleased to say we
support to Operations around    assistance. Looking forward      Deputy Editor                          Kettering NN16 8NL.                   Many changes, but one thing the      have surpassed last year’s online
the world and at home has       to next year, the Royal Air      Flt Lt Daisy Tidbury                   Tel: 01536 512624                     RAF has taught me is to embrace      readership with nearly 1.5 million
been exemplary and I have       Force will be celebrating                                               Fax: 01536 515481                     change and how to adapt to           hits this year already.
been deeply impressed with      its 100th Anniversary,           Distribution                           Email:     whatever life throws at us; plus           This winter edition’s theme
everyone’s commitment,          there will be many events        Lead: SAC Jason Knight                    we have contingency plans B          is ‘Giving & Receiving’, apt, with
hard work and ability. All of   around the Country, suffice      Dep: SAC Paul Braley                                                         and C in place in case it all goes   Christmas soon upon us, but it
                                                                 Team: SAC Dean Bruce                   View onetoone online at               horribly wrong!                      is also something we do all year
you, be you Civil Servant,      to say Coningsby will be
                                                                 SAC Lewis Wilson                                 Squadron Leader Ben            round in our lives as part of RAF
Contractor, Reserve or          at the forefront of those
Fulltime Service-Person, can    celebrations, providing                                                 Design                                Smy, takes over in the hot seat.     Coningsby. You get back what
be deeply proud of what         personnel, flypasts and          Printed By                             Amanda Robinson                       I’m sure his enthusiasm and          you put in, is something I firmly
you have done and that you      displays around the United       Lance Print Ltd                                                              humour will continue to see          believe in and our community
have delivered exceptional      Kingdom, it all promises to be   Tel: 01733 390564                      Advertising                           onetoone flourish.                   would not be a special one if
Air Power around the Globe,     a wonderful year.                                                       Jo Marchant                                 I have many thanks             people didn’t make the effort
thank you so much. As                                                                                   Lance Publishing Ltd,                 to give to those who have            they do in going that extra mile
we approach Christmas, I                                                                                1st Floor, Tailby House, Bath Road,   assisted me during my tenure.        for others to benefit. Please
know that many of you will      Finally may I wish you all                                              Kettering NN16 8NL                    The wonderful Dep Ed, our            enjoy this edition and have a very
have loved ones away from       a very Merry Christmas                                                  Tel: (01536) 526674                   talented photographers, the          Merry Christmas.
the family, it is always a      and a Happy New Year.                                                   Email:       excellent distribution team,
                                                                                                                                              Lance Publishers who have                             Ta’ra for now, Ed.
6   ISSUE 4 2017   7
88       FEATURES ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  onetoone                       9

Air Combat Power Visit
Royal Air Force personnel, equipment and aircraft
gathered at RAF Coningsby for the annual Air Combat
Power Visit (ACPV) in October.

        CPV forms part of the      ISTAR HQ said, “We have the               following Hurricane Irma, how
        year-long Advanced         potential leaders of our Armed            we got out there, how quickly
        Command and Staff          Forces here, it’s important               we were able to operate, and
Course, (ACSC) undertaken by       that they understand what                 the ability to get access to
UK Armed Forces personnel          will be available to them as              places where other platforms
when they are preparing to         future commanders. We are                 can’t go”.
move into senior officer posts.    genuinely at the cutting edge                  One of the few assets
Each of the forces has an event    of technology, indeed some                working in a real-time capacity
at which they explain their        people are surprised by the               at ACPV was No 3 Mobile
role, and demonstrate the          capabilities we have, and there           Catering Squadron. ACPV is an                   One of the supporting assets from
                                                                                                                             the ISTAR display.
equipment available to the         is more coming” he continued              operational deployment for
Joint Commander; ACPV is the       “The Reserve event was also               the Wittering based caterers.               personal experience, “Every
RAF’s opportunity to showcase      incredibly important, we are              The secret to successfully                  day we receive thanks from

                                                                                                                                                                           NEED TO
its assets and capabilities.       recruiting reservists and they            converting a piece of grass                 the people eating here, people
      A secondary aim of           are front and centre in the               to a catering facility capable              will spontaneously approach
ACPV is that of defence            ISTAR world”. The landscape of            of feeding 600 people at                    us and tell us how much they
engagement, explaining             ACPV was naturally dominated              lunchtime is, like many aspects             have enjoyed their food. The
to a wide community of             by aircraft including the                 of cooking, in the preparation.             feedback you get from people
stakeholders how the RAF           future Maritime Patrol Aircraft,          Sergeant Liu said, “The first               is one of the reasons why this

delivers its objectives across     the P8A Poseidon, and                     challenge is to plan the                    is a popular unit to work on”.
the whole spectrum of                                                                                                          Wing Commander
operational activity whether                                                                                             Jardine, the ACPV Lead said,
that is in space, in the air, on                                                                                         “ACPV presents a unique
the ground, on the sea and                                                                                               opportunity to provide
below the sea, and in the                                                                                                personnel from both in- and
cyber arena.                                                                                                             outside the RAF of Air Power
      The four-day event began                                                                                           capabilities. Force Elements
on the Sunday with a Reserves                                                                                            are represented from across
and Cadets day. Among the                                                                                                the Service and also include
Air Cadet Squadrons attending                                                                                            joint enablers in addition to                 SSAFA Personal Support and Social Work Service
on Sunday were 1260 from
Newark and District. Jacob,
                                                                                                                         those in blue suits.
                                                                                                                               The engagement                             provides emotional and practical support
one of the cadets said, “It’s                                                                                            achieved throughout the                           to Regulars, Reserves and their families.
been a really inspirational day,                                                                                         event is fundamental to us
                                    Royal Navy and Army personnel with the Jupiter helicopter.
I’ve learned a lot of new things                                                                                         developing awareness across
and I would love to do it again    the A400M Atlas transport                 location, where does the tent               the Whole Force at all levels                                   Contact our confidential, independent service on:

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Call 03000 111 723
next year” William said, “I’ve     aircraft as the largest and               go, is the ground suitable?                 of seniority, experience and
been inside multiple aircraft      also featured fighters, ground            How will the people flow                    influence. I commend the
and really enjoyed my day”.        attack, training aircraft, and            through the facility? Where                 event to anyone able to make
      On Monday the event          helicopters, not least                    will we prepare and cook the                the time to attend such that                                                    Available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year
was visited by VIPs and also       of which was the new                      food?” Nothing demonstrates                 we can develop ourselves and
featured a Force Development       Jupiter helicopter.                       a capability better than                    the Service for the future”.                                                Email
aspect. Tuesday and                      Squadron Leader Matt
                                                                                                                                                                                          Our offices are also open Monday-Friday 08.30-17.00
Wednesday were taken up            Gower of 230 Squadron said,
by the ACSC students. ACPV         “We have brought one of our
is divided into a number           Mk 2 Pumas to ACPV. There
of themes Combat Air, Air          has been a lot of interest from
Mobility, Build the Force,         our Navy and Army colleagues.
Deploy and Sustain, and ISTAR      People are familiar with the
(Intelligence, Surveillance,       Puma 1, at this event we have
Target Acquisition and             the opportunity to bring
Reconnaissance).                   people up to speed with the
      Each of these themes         new aircraft; effectively we are
had equipment available, but       now able to fly twice as far
more importantly personnel to      with twice as much.
engage with the visitors and             We have also been
provide operational context.       discussing our recent                                                                                                         Registered as a charity in England and Wales Number 210760 in Scotland Number SCO38056 and in Republic of Ireland Number 20006082. Established 1885. S208.0817
Squadron Leader ‘Olly’             deployment to the Caribbean
                                                                              Cadets learning about RAF training aircraft.
Olsen, Staff Officer Training      to support disaster relief
10          FEATURES ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                onetoone          11

                                                                                                              Richard Sivill Gallery

 Coningsby Aviation Heritage Centre
                                                                                                                            inc Tattershall Engraving
                                                                                                        Full framing service.
                                                                                                        Large selection of open
                                                                                                        and limited edition prints
                                                                                                                                                                                RAFA Branch Visit
 is looking for any images, stories or
                                                                                                        including aviation prints.
                                                                                                        Passport ID Photos taken.                                               On 4th October the RAF Coningsby’s RAFA committee
 memorabilia that can be displayed                                                                      Full Engraving Service -                                                organised their biggest annual station visit to date.
 ahead of our opening to the public                                                                     Trophies, Hip Flasks, Tankards engraved to

 next year.                                                                                             your specification • Squadron Crests etc.                                         ith over 80 RAF
                                                                                                        • Ideal leaving gifts • Quick Turnaround                                          Veterans and Ex-
                                                                                                        4 High Street, Tattershall.                                                       Servicemen/women
                                                                                                                                                                                in attendance from the local
                                                                                                        01526 345388                           RAFA branches including an
                                                                                                                                                                                invitation to the members of
                                                                                                                                                                                RAFA HQ to provide them all

                                                                                                             J.W.L. PERKINS & SON                                               with an insight into the life of
                                                                                                                                                                                RAF Coningsby personnel and
                                                                                                                            E sta bli s h ed 192 0                              to build a greater relationship
                                                                                                                                                                                between the station and
  Mosquito.                                                                                                                                                                     the local community. The
                                                                                                            Newsagent, Stationer,                                               group were taken to various

          o you have any                       opening date on April 1st                                                                                                        sections around camp to
          potential artefacts
          gathering dust in
                                               2018, then please get in
                                               touch. You can contact Sgt
                                                                                                                  Bookseller                                                    get a better look at our
                                                                                                                                                                                daily working lives, these
your loft? Maybe even an
old Phantom magazine in
                                               Andrew Copley or SAC Ryan
                                               Tomlinson via e-mail at CON-
                                                                                                                     also                                                       included Air Traffic Control,
                                                                                                                                                                                Fire Section, SERE, 41 Test
your garage?
      If so and you’d like
                                               uk, or search for Coningsby
                                                                                                           Greeting Card Specialist                                             & Evaluation Sqn and they
                                                                                                                                                                                ended the day with a display
it to see it be used in our                    Aviation Heritage Centre                                                                                                         by the RAF Coningsby Police
displays, ready for our public                 on Facebook.”                                                7 Market Place, Horncastle          Tel: 523291                     Dog Unit who demonstrated           Presentation.
                                                                                                                                                                                the dog’s skills at taking
                                                                                                                                                                                down a would be assailant          Coningsby RAFA committee        Mr Alec Wilson who was
                                                                                                                                                                                and their powerful canine          to present a cheque for £200    supported by various
                                                                                                                                                                                noses, sniffing out drugs and      that they had raised for the    members of the branch
                                                                                                                                                                                other paraphernalia.               Boston RAFA Association         including the branch
                                                                                                                                                                                      The day also included        towards the funding of a        secretary Mrs Sue Kirk.
                                                                                                                                                                                a lunch in the officer’s mess,     memorial stone, which is             The day was thoroughly
                                                                                                                                                                                where they had a meet &            placed at the entrance to the   enjoyed by all and went off
                                                                                                                                                                                greet with the RAF Coningsby       Boston War Memorial Garden,     without a hitch, with all RAF
                                                                                                                                                                                Station Commander, Group           in commemoration of the         Coningsby Station RAFA
                                                                                                                                                                                Captain Baulkwill, who was         pilots and aircrew who were     members who helped out
                                                                                                                                                                                kind enough to spend time          either captured, injured or     on the day receiving great
                                                                                                                                                                                going from table to table for      killed during the Battle        praise and sure promises
                                                                                                                                                                                one on one time with the           of Britain.                     that everyone would come
                                                                                                                                                                                guests and finishing with a              The cheque was            back again next year to learn
                                                                                                                                                                                group speech which all of the      presented by the Boston         more about the daily life of
                                                                                                                                                                                guests were thrilled about.        RAFLO’s Cpl John Bryce and      RAF Coningsby.
                                                                                                                                                                                      The day was also an          Cpl Dave Holmes to the                                          Memorial Stone.
                                                                                                                                                                                opportunity for the RAF            Boston branch president                      SAC John Bryce

                                                                                                                                              Alan Tittershill
                                                                                                                                               Gas Services Engineer
                                                    Dry Cleaners                                                                                      Natural Gas,
 29 Silver Street, Coningsby, LN4 4SG
                                                       Our staff are trained in all aspects of
                                                         dry cleaning and stain removal.
                                                                                                                                                      LPG and Oil
                                                 Our Dolphin Lane, Boston shop is fully equipped

       01526 344009
                                                   to deal with a full range of services, a list of
                                                   which is below. We reward ourselves with a                                                       Landlord Safety
                                                    quality service and take pride in our work.
                                                    We offer a full range of services including:
       OPENING HOURS                             • Dry Cleaning
                                                 • Wedding Dress
                                                                           • Ironing Service
                                                                           • Repairs and
                                                                                                                                                    Install, Service,
 Open 6 days a week, including bank holidays
                                                   Cleaning and
                                                   Boxing Service
                                                                           • Duvets Cleaning
                                                                                                                                                    Repair, System
 TUES to SUN - 4.00pm to 11.00pm                 • Evening Dresses &       • Collection and                                                        Power Flushing,
                                                   Ball Gown cleaning        Delivery
                                                 • Curtain and Soft          (Contact us for details)                                                  Heating &
      DELIVERY SERVICE                             Furnishing Cleaning
                                                  10% off for all RAF Customers
         AVAILABLE                                         24 Dolphin Lane, Boston,
                                                                                                                                               26376 Maintenance 303251
     FREE DELIVERY for orders over £8                                                                                                                                            RAFA members.
                                                            Lincolnshire, PE21 6EU                                                              Business Mobile: 07908 961155
         (Within a 3 mile radius)
                                                        Tel : 01205 354229                                                                       Home Number: 01526 343598
12      FEATURES ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                              onetoone   13

RAF Coningsby host Lincoln City
Football Club
Sgt Dean Wagstaff, ILOC, Typhoon Force Headquarters

On the morning of 2nd October, I had sore legs from running the
Lincoln Half Marathon the day before but as Project Officer for
the visit I was also fairly nervous, countlessly checking whether
or not everything had been sorted.

    had planned for the party                                                                               to do the same in a burning
    to arrive at around 1pm so                                                                              aircraft falling out of the sky.
    when I got a message from                                                                               Walking the short distance to
the Support Liaison Officer,                                                                                29(R)Sqn, we were met by Sqn
Alan Long at around 1130am                                                                                  Ldr Long and Chf Tech Gav
saying that they’d only just                                                                                ‘Hutch’ Hutchinson.With them
started training and wouldn’t                                                                               all having sat and had a good
be setting off until 2pm there                                                                              look around in the cockpit,
was a slight flappy moment.                                                                                 Sqn Ldr Long gave them a tour
This soon passed and I set to                                                                               around the aircraft, explaining
rearranging the programme                                                                                   the stats behind each sortie
and all was good again.                                                                                     which even as footballers, left
      Two cars arrived. Alan’s                                                                              them a bit gobsmacked.
with himself and Jordan                                                                                            During this time Danny
Brown who was covering                                                                                      was more than happy to share
the media for the club, then                                                                                his coaching expertise with
Manager Danny Cowley’s                                                                                      Hutch who coaches Cranwell
car pulled up with himself,                                                                                 Juniors U8s. With more pictures
goalkeeper Josh Vickers and                                                                                 taken and more thanks given,
winger Harry Anderson.                                                                                      we made our way back to
      First stop was the BBMF                                                                               their cars and waved our
hangar. They were all clearly       paratroopers on the original       the numbers of missions              visitors goodbye.
in awe of the Lancaster as          aircraft skin during World         and aircraft that had taken                 The feedback was
they walked around while            War 2 as well as that left by      off from airfields all around        that this was a successful
fellow Imps supporter and           veterans on recent visits to the   Lincolnshire, of course not          visit enjoyed by everybody
Dakota loadmaster MAcr              flight. Taking them on board       forgetting the heroics of 617        involved. With new
Marcus Burton explained the         the Lancaster, it was not hard     Sqn and the Dambusters raid.         relationships forged between
purpose of the BBMF as well         for them to get emotional,               Seeing fully fit footballers   the club and RAF Coningsby,
as the significance of the City     knowing what the aircraft          in their training gear struggling    it is hoped that the contacts
of Lincoln as a beacon when         represents in terms of those       to move back down an aircraft        made that day can be used
Bomber Crews were coming            bomber crews lost during the       parked in the hangar puts it         to even greater even effect
home from their missions.           war. Moving up through the         very much into context when          in wider community projects
      Explaining the different      aircraft, Marcus recounted         imagining young aircrew trying       between both organisations.
versions and roles of the
fighter aircraft and the
difference between the Merlin
and Griffon engines, the lads
were engaged throughout
with Harry in particular asking
loads of questions. Marcus had
double checked his research
on all the aircraft picking on
some pertinent and relevant
facts. Moving onto the Dakota,
Marcus talked at great depth
about the history of his aircraft
and the many roles of the type
while the party sat in the seats
formerly occupied by those
transported to the front many
years before.
      He also pointed out
the graffiti left by Canadian
14       SQUADRON NEWS ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                    onetoone                                     15

3(F) SQN
With the Christmas season rapidly approaching,                                                                                                                                        We have spaces available for children
                                                                                                                                                                                            aged 3 months to 12 years.
3(Fighter) Squadron can happily reflect on a                                                                                                                                    Funding is available for eligible 2,3 and 4 year olds.
successful autumn period.                                                                                                                                                                    30 Hour model available.

        he Squadron is finally      the Squadron Intelligence
        back at full strength       Officer who we are delighted        22 School Lane, Coningsby                                                   Call 01526 344118                            
        in the UK, following        to announce has finally begun
our hugely successful               his journey to become a              • Qualified Teacher led Pre-school
deployment in support of            member of the two-winged
Operation BILOXI in Romania.        master race; and there was a         • Freshly prepared homemade
The Squadron is once again
operating at ‘full steam ahead’,
                                    special mention for one of our
                                    pilots, whose excessive use            meals made onsite by our cook.
in order to satisfy our high
readiness commitment.
                                    of sunbeds, moisturiser and
                                    hair gel has earned him a spot
                                                                         • Great value £3.95 per hour
       The autumn period was
a time of unprecedented
                                    with The Red Arrows. We wish
                                    them all the best of luck in
                                                                         • Excellent childcare provision
combined operations, between
3(F) and XI(F) Squadrons. This
                                    the future.
                                          On Thursday 12th
                                                                         • Weekly french lessons
presented both Squadrons
with a unique opportunity to
                                    October, 3(F) Sqn completed
                                    perhaps the most important
                                                                         • Weekly swimming lessons
complete airborne training,         task of this period. Nine            • We have an open door policy,
utilising a greater joint           members of the Squadron
availability of both pilots and     had the honour of attending            no appointment necessary,
aircraft. Once this was over, and   a rededication ceremony
back in familiar surroundings,      for Lieutenant Leonard Kidd            come and take a look
the Squadron engineering            MC and Second Lieutenant
team wasted no time in getting      Fenton Phillips MC, where                      “I have two children attending the nursery and they both absolutely love it.
back to full speed. This allowed    the Squadron Standard was
us to participate fully in          proudly paraded. These brave                    The staff are amazing and always go above and beyond, can not recommend enough.”
Exercise COBRA WARRIOR, the         airmen of 3 Squadron Royal
final exercise of the Typhoon       Flying Corps were sadly shot
Qualified Weapons Instructors’      down and killed on 12th                 “My daughter is in baby room and she loves it.
Course, and Exercise                Oct 1916, whilst conducting
EASTERN ZEPHYR, which saw           operations over the Somme                The staff are fantastic and she always comes and leaves with big smiles on her face.”
us integrate and operate            Battlefield. For 101 years they
with USAF F-22 Raptors; an          had lain in unmarked graves,
                                                                                   “My son has just started in the toddler room, the staff made him and myself feel
opportunity which was relished      with their whereabouts
by all involved. On top of this     unknown. However, after some                    so welcome and went the extra mile to help him settle in. It made going back
we also participated in Exercise    incredibly hard work by Steve                   to work so much easier knowing he was being well looked after.”
VIRTUAL FURY, a large scale two     St-Amant, a retired Canadian
week, synthetic-based exercise      Naval officer, they could finally   We are super excited to announce that we will be employing a
                                                                        Qualified School Teacher, to run our Pre School room in September.
                                                                                                                                                    access to their unveiling personalities as they discover and experience
                                                                                                                                                    the world. The joy of being responsible for helping them to create their
at RAF Waddington, which            be laid to rest in named graves,    Ailsa commences employment on the 1st September,                            first sentence and being there to witness all those small steps towards
                                                                        and will be inviting you all to a presentation on                           these goals in their learning.”
further demonstrates a flavour      after a poignant ceremony in        what to expect over the next year.
of our current pace of life.        keeping with the sacrifice that                                                                                 What can Ailsa bring to The Little Acorns Day Nursery?
                                                                        So without further ado, let’s take a peek at her bio...                     Having Ailsa on the team gives us experience of her knowledge
       Personnel from 3(F)          they made.                                                                                                      of teaching in nursery and how this translates in the future to the
Sqn were cautioned to be                  This has marked               Who is Ailsa?                                                               reception year and other ages.
                                                                        Ailsa moved to Lincolnshire in 2010 after completing her
‘on their best behaviour’ as        an enjoyable and highly             PGCE in Early Years at London South Bank University. Whilst                 Ailsa is fascinated by the phonics framework for the nursery
members of the Squadron             successful period for 3(F)          Ailsa loves the vibrancy of London she loves the countryside
                                                                        and space that Lincolnshire has to offer her family.
                                                                                                                                                    environment and how important this is for setting the groundwork for
                                                                                                                                                    literacy in the future. “I love all the activities and games that are crucial
Association, as well as             Sqn. We look forward to our                                                                                     for establishing the ability to listen for sounds, they are great fun and
                                                                        Ailsa began her teaching career in various settings as a                    the children don’t realise how much they are learning whilst they are
members of the Worshipful           upcoming deployments to             supply teacher ranging from nursery to year three, however                  laughing and playing.”                                                          Ailsa also has a passion for gardening and hopes to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    continue her experimenting with the help of the children
Company of Pewterers and            Estonia and will hopefully          her passion is for Early Years and all her recent permanent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    over the next coming months – watch this space!
                                                                        positions have all been in Early Years settings.                            Ailsa also loves teaching maths and combining this with creative and
their families were invited to      enjoy a well-earned rest over                                                                                   fun experiences for the children. “There are endless opportunities to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ailsa understands that as a setting we are always looking to
a Dining In night to celebrate      the Christmas period. As ever       Ailsa has experience of meeting and assessing the needs of all pupils,      engage in maths in all areas of the EYFS curriculum, the key is to get
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    improve and adapt and we always look forward to analysing our
                                                                        including those with SEN, gifted and talented, EAL and with a disability.   it into your provision whether it is whilst cooking, building or making
the achievements of the             we are extremely grateful for       Ailsa has regularly taught in classes where there are children with         up stories.”                                                                    methods and practices. We strive to be outstanding in all we do!

Squadron. Notable departures        the sacrifices that our friends     special needs; in particular Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome and Dyspraxia.     Ailsa is very creative and loves using roleplay to engage the
                                                                                                                                                    children in their learning. “I love engaging the children in                    Ailsa is happy to speak to you about any specific questions you
remembered at this event,           and families make on our            What does Ailsa love about working with children?                           making the roleplay for themselves; we have built an igloo,                     may have about your child’s development; this can be at the
                                                                        “I love the endless desire that children have to learn and the priceless    a spaceship, a police station and the ogre’s castle!”                           beginning or end of the day or by specific appointment.
included: one of the Junior         behalf, especially during the
Engineering Officers who            protracted amounts of time
is poised to bring his own
unique style to the Falklands
(let’s hope they are ready);
                                    we spend away. We wish you
                                    all a Merry Christmas and a
                                    prosperous 2018.
                                                                                                                            Book your place now!
          SQUADRON NEWS ISSUE 41 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               onetoone                   17

XI(F) Sqn
Well, it has been another busy period
                                                                                Bearhugs Nursery
                                                                                Horncastle and Tattershall
                                                                                                                                                Kirkby on Bain
                                                                                                                                              Church of England Primary School

                                                                                                                                                               Learning together for life
for XI(F) Squadron with detachments                                                         Children are welcome from 6 weeks to
                                                                                                                                                          At Kirkby on Bain Church of England Primary School,
                                                                                                                                                    children are nurtured and inspired, within a safe and happy
overseas and a change of command.                                                          8 years of age at our Tattershall Nursery               environment, to become well-rounded independent learners

                                                                               and up to 11 years of age at our Horncastle Nursery.                  who are academically and socially prepared for the future.
         n the flying side our      currently deployed on Ex
         joint operations with      ATLC at Al Dhafra Air Base,                                                                                 “There is great emphasis on the development of the ‘whole’ child, with focus given to their
         3(F) Sqn has come to       UAE. Ex ATLC provides an                      Open from 07.30-18.00 with competitive pricing                   personal and spiritual development, which is exceptional.” (SIAMS July 2017)
end. During this period we          excellent training platform                           and sessions to suit all needs.
have amalgamated our assets         in preparation for our next
in order to train up pilots on      major event Ex RED FLAG.                    15 hours funding for all eligible two, three, and four        • Small class size in reception                  • Fabulous outdoor learning area
each Squadron. This meant           These exercises involve large                 year olds, and from September 2017, 30 hours                  (usually 15 children)                          • Before and after school child care
that Combat Ready Work Ups,         numbers of aircraft from many                 funding for all eligible three and four year olds.          • Brand new purpose-built school hall              available (8am-5.30pm)
Pairs Lead Works Ups, and           different nations and this                                                                                • Exciting opportunities to learn in the         • “Teachers use creative and innovative
                                                                                                                                                school’s nature reserve                          approaches to capture pupils’ interest
Fours Lead Work Ups were            enables us to test the pilots                 Breakfast club and school pick up available for             • Lots of free after school clubs                  and stimulate their imagination”
completed with access to a          and aircraft to their limits.                   Holy Trinity Primary School Tattershall and                 including a variety of different sports          (Ofsted Sept 2016)
plethora of different assets.             On our return to the UK                                                                               throughout the year                            • Learning is shaped around child
                                                                                            Horncastle Primary School.
Everyone on 3(F) and XI(F)          the Squadron will be taking                                                                                                                                  initiated activities
                                    part in Ex VIRTUAL FURY at
                                                                                                                                                           01526 352715 • ww
will agree that the period of                                                                                                                                                       w.kob
joint operations was a huge         the Air Battle Training Centre                                                                               W har f La ne, K ir k by on Bain, Woo
                                                                               For more information and to make an appointment please call:
                                                                                                                                                                                       dhall Spa LN10 6Y W
success. Sadly, with the end        at RAF Waddington before
comes the realisation that          departing the UK for Nellis
                                                                                         Tattershall                    Horncastle
many on XI(F) won’t get             AFB, USA in the New Year.                          01526 344885                    01507 523844
to experience the positive                                           
outlook of Flt Lt Brett Fusco.
      The biggest news for XI(F)
                                                                                Be sure to check out our facebook pages and website at
is the change of command at
the top of the Squadron. Wg
Cdr Matt Peterson has handed
over the reins to Wg Cdr Paul
“Pablo” O’Grady who makes
the short hop across the
airfield to Echo dispersal from                                                                                                                 Tattershall
Typhoon Force Headquarters.
Wg Cdr Peterson leaves the                                                                                                                      Primary School
Squadron at its peak and
has led us all through many           Wg Cdr Peterson handing over to
major milestones in the past 2        Wg Cdr O’Grady.
years, most recently with Op
SHADER. Matt, we wish you,          With all this comes a lot of
Sam, George, Bertie and Gintie      planning on the engineering,
(the dog) all the best for the      ops and admin sides of the
future and we look forward to       Squadron. Without the hard
seeing you at the Association       work of everyone these                                                                                    At Tattershall Primary School we work
events in the future.               exercises wouldn’t happen                                                                                 in close partnership with parents and
      Taking over from Matt is      and it shows that the whole                                                                               carers to help all children achieve their

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              learn together,
                                                                                                                                              full potential in a happy and caring
Wg Cdr O’Grady who many of          Squadron plays a part in                                                                                  learning environment.
you will already know. Pablo,       ensuring they are successful.
                                                                                                                                              We set high expectations for learning and
welcome to the finest Fighter
Squadron in the world! At           Until next time Coningsby...
                                                                                                                                              behaviour and continually strive to raise
                                                                                                                                              standards through providing a relevant,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              work together,
the time of writing we are          SEE YUH!!
                             Wg Cdr Peterson’s final flight as OC XI(F) Sqn.
                                                                                                                                              varied and stimulating curriculum.

                                                                                                                                              Visits to the school are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            succeed together
                                                                                                                                              warmly welcomed.                                                                                       We are a small village primary school with enthusiastic and
                                                                                                                                              Please contact Mrs A Porter or the                                                                   committed staff, all prepared to ‘go the extra mile’ to provide a
                                                                                                                                              headteacher Mrs J Davey who                                                                           learning experience that your child will enjoy and remember.
                                                                                                                                              will be pleased to show you around
                                                                                                                                              the school and answer your queries.                      Our children were invited to play their                    Rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                    brass instruments at The Royal Albert Hall.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Breakfast Club available from 8am every day

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ©shutterstock 2017 - yvonnestewarthenderson
                                                                                                                                                Tel/Fax: 01526 342045                                 Mrs Janette Davey                           ‘Children make good progress and behave well’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ofsted 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Visitors are welcome, please contact us on
                                                                                                                                                                                Tattershall, Lincoln LN4 4QZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  01507 568304
 18         YOUTH
                        3 2017ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     onetoone                19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Ruskington
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Chestnut Street
                                                                                                                                                  Coningsby St. Michael’s CofE Primary School    We aim to offer all the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CofE Primary Academy
                                                                                                                                                  is a caring and positive school where every    children who come to
                                                                                                                                                  child is nurtured and valued. We aim to        Coningsby St. Michael’s CofE
                                                                                                                                                  develop ‘whole’ individuals and promote        Primary School opportunities to help them
2017 has been another successful year for the Typhoon                                                                                             independent learning. Our topic and learning
                                                                                                                                                  question approach to teaching the National
                                                                                                                                                                                                 learn new skills and develop these in areas
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of interest and enjoyment. All achievements           Our Six church school values are:
Display, with over 50 public displays performed in front                                                                                          Curriculum ensures entitlement for all
                                                                                                                                                  children to an enriched learning experience,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 are celebrated enthusiastically and parents
                                                                                                                                                                                                 are encouraged to share these with us.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Compassion; Respect; Honesty;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Perseverance; Trust & Forgiveness.
of millions of people around Europe.
                                                                                                                                                  appropriate to their individual needs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 School should be an exciting experience,       At Chestnut Street we aim to enable all of our children
                                                                                                                                                  The Church School values we teach              enjoyed and remembered. We hope your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to succeed and feel good about themselves.

                                                                                                                                                  the children are the foundations to our        child is happy at Coningsby St. Michael’s
       he final display was        cemented when his parents               Jim crossed over to the             Typhoon Flight and part of         school and underpin our curriculum.            CofE Primary School.Together with you,
       flown at RAF Coningsby      took him to an air show in        Typhoon in 2006 and took up               41(R) Sqn. Here he conducted       Our values this year are: Forgiveness;         we work hard to ensure they are.                     Our six Church school values underpin all
       as part of the Air          Bournemouth when he was           a position as a ground school             trials on the newest hardware                                                                                                            of our work and activities at school.
                                                                                                                                                  Friendship and Compassion. We teach
Combat Power Visit.                10 years old. He decided there    and simulator instructor                  and software standards of          the children values for life through these
     This year’s pilot, Flt Lt     and then that he would one        pilot in the Typhoon Training             Typhoon including Tranche          making links to bible stories enabling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chestnut Street is committed to high
Ryan Lawton said “It’s been        day fly fast jets and set about   Facility at RAF Coningsby.                1 Evolution Package 1              our children to make choices and
                                                                                                                                                  decisions, both in and out of school.                                                                   standards and high achievement.
a real privilege to represent      realizing his dream.              Jim was posted to XI(F) Sqn               and the Tranche 2 Phase 1
the Royal Air Force during               After Initial Officer       in 2009 where he conducted                Enhancement Package.               Teachers strive to create purposeful
2017. This year has been very      Training and elementary           Quick Reaction Alert duties in                  In 2015, Jim joined 29(R)    and stimulating learning environments,                                                           The dedicated staff at our amazing school work
busy, but incredibly rewarding     pilot ground school at RAFC       the UK and Falkland Islands               Sqn, where his current role        both inside the classroom and by using                                                             extremely hard to create safe, inspiring and
for everyone involved and          Cranwell, Jim was posted          and also flew on operations               is to teach student pilots
                                                                                                                                                  our generous school grounds.The                                                                  motivating environments and opportunities, for
                                                                                                                                                  curriculum is enhanced through a range
has only been possible             to RAF Linton-on-Ouse to          over Libya. In 2012, Jim                  electronic warfare and how         of visitors into school and a variety of                                                            our children to flourish with their learning.
                                                                                                               to operate Typhoon. In             trips throughout the year, as well as a
                                                                                                               addition to his instructional      range of extra-curricular activities.                                                          The Ruskington Chestnut Street CofE Primary Academy,
                                                                                                               duties, Jim contributes to                                                                                                      Chestnut Street, Ruskington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9DL
                                                                                                               RAF Coningsby’s primary
                                                                                                                                                  Coningsby St Michael’s Church of England Primary School                                      Want to find out more? Please look at our website
                                                                                                                                                                School Lane, Coningsby, Lincolnshire, LN4 4SJ
                                                                                                               task of defending UK                                                                                                   or phone the school on
                                                                                                               sovereign airspace.                     Tel: 01526 342312 Email:
                                                                                                                     Jim lives in Lincolnshire                  Web:                                                      Tel: 01526 832424 to arrange a visit.
                                                                                                               with his wife, 2 children and
                                                                                                               a tank of tropical fish. In his
                                                                                                               limited spare time he enjoys

                                                                                                                                                      Why Stamford?
                                                                                                               golf, going to the gym and has
                                                                                                               recently started re-learning
                                                                                                               how to play the piano.
                                                                                                                     Jim said “I’m delighted
                                                                                                               and extremely grateful to have
                                                                                                               been given the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                       Our three Schools work together to provide an outstanding
                                                                                                               to display the RAF’s premier            education for girls and boys aged 3 to 18. We take pride in
                                                                                                               fighter aircraft in its historic        developing curiosity and a love of learning helping to shape
                                                                                                               centennial year. I’m very much          well-rounded individuals, who are fully equipped for the next
 Jet handover.
                                                                                                               looking forward to building             stage in their lives.
through the commitment             complete Basic Fast Jet on        was posted as an Evaluator                a display that showcases the
                                                                                                                                                       With a flexible, affordable and family focused approach to
and professionalism of the         the Tucano. He completed          Pilot and electronic warfare              Typhoon’s incredible power              boarding, supplemented with an extensive co-curricular
engineers on 29(R) Sqn and         Advanced Flying Training and      specialist to 17(R) Test and              and carefree handling and               programme, our Schools provide an offering particularly
the support from the entire of     his Tactical Weapons course       Evaluation Squadron, which                can’t wait to get started on            suited to military families.
RAF Coningsby”.                    at RAF Valley on the Hawk T1      subsequently became                       the work up”.
       As we look forward to       and was role-disposed to the
2018, The RAF’s Centenary          Tornado GR4 in 2003. After                                                                                          Forthcoming admissions events:
year will surely be even           completing the Operational
                                                                                                                                                       20th January 2018                       20th March 2018
busier for the Typhoon             Conversion Unit at RAF                                                                                              Year 7 Entrance                         Stamford School
Display. The selection of the      Lossiemouth, Jim was posted                                                                                         Examinations                            Discovery Morning
display engineering teams          to XIII Sqn at RAF Marham,
is still on-going, but we are      where he was trained in low                                                                                         6th March 2018                          21st March 2018
                                                                                                                                                       Stamford Junior School                  Stamford High School
pleased to announce that the       level reconnaissance and
                                                                                                                                                       Discovery Morning                       Discovery Morning
display pilot for 2018 is Flt Lt   instructed electronic warfare.
Jim Peterson!                      He completed numerous
       Jim was born in Bermuda     overseas exercises, graduated
and moved to the UK in 1981        from the NATO Tactical
aged 4 where he grew up in         Leadership Program Flying
West Sussex. Fascinated by         Course in Florennes, Belgium
aircraft, his love of fighter      and deployed twice on
jets and display flying was        operations over Iraq.              Flt Lt Ryan Lawton handing over to Flt Lt Jim Peterson.                          To book your place, please contact our admissions team on 01780 750311 or visit
20        SQUADRON NEWS ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                       onetoone               21

41(R)                                         Giving thanks for service –                                                                            The Royal Mile was
                                                                                                                                                packed with people looking
                                                                                                                                                on, wondering why five guys
                                              ‘The Last Ride’                                                                                   were cycling up the cobbles
                                                                                                                                                of the mile. With the castle

                                                                                                                                                now closed to the public, the
                                              “HIGHRIDER 17.2 is cancelled and the                                                              running team waited at the
                                                                                                                                                entrance as the cycle team
                                              Tornado GR4 is likely to be retired from                                                          approached. Both teams
                                              41(R) Sqn trial service before the end of                                                         completed the last 100 metres
                                                                                                                                                together. Day 4 complete with
                                              the year.”                                                                                        100 cycle miles and 26 running
                                                                                                                                                miles covered!

       his is what we were told     None of the runners had ever       cycle miles and 26 running            afternoon, finishing just as the        With relief and jubilation
       in the summer of 2017,       completed a marathon and           miles completed.                      day turned to dusk. A good         flowing among the teams
       basically ending Tornado     some of the cyclists had never           Day 2 began early and           home cooked meal from one          we began to realise what
GR4 at RAF Coningsby.               completed more than 60 miles       very damp for the cyclists.           of the team’s parents awaited      had been completed over
      A small group of Tornado      in one day. This really was        They powered through                  both runners and cyclists to       the last 4 days and what a
GR4 engineers started to            going to be a very tough 4         the first 30 miles of a 127           end the emotional third day.       great team adventure it had
generate ideas to raise money       days for everyone involved!        mile day to RAF Linton on             Day 3 complete with 118            been. Challenge complete
for charity to mark the end               So after weeks of            Ouse. The runners set off             cycle miles and 26 running         and over £3000 raised for our
of trial service for the GR4.       preparation, organising, cake      mid-morning from 41(R)                miles complete.                    two charities.                                Arriving at Wittering.
The one that seemed like a          selling and raising money, the     Sqn again to complete the                   The final day was here
good idea was a cycle ride          event was finally upon us. The     second marathon. They were            and all the bodies showed          Cycle Team:
from Buckingham Palace to           cycle team left for London and     all feeling the previous day’s        the signs of the previous          Chf/Tech Paul Partington, Cpl
Edinburgh Castle in four x 100      the following morning the          effort but still completed the        three days. However morale         Rob Taylor, Cpl Lee Gemmell,
mile days. By the time we           cycle team were assembled for      distance in 4h 27mins. After          was good, the weather was          SAC( T ) Matt Bellamy and
had the full plan in place we       photos outside Buckingham          over 11 hours in the saddle           nice and the scenery was           SAC( T ) Ken Holmes
now had personnel cycling,          Palace. At about 08:30 on the      the cycle team arrived in             absolutely beautiful. The
running and supporting. Two         27 Sep the cycle team were         York to meet up with a tired          cycle team set off with their      Cycle support Team:
amazing charities were picked       off and managed a grand total      but jubilant running team.            sights firmly set on Scotland.     Sgt David Nutland, Cpl Richard
to benefit from the 41 Sqn          of 0.6 miles before the first      Day 2 complete with 127               The miles began to pass, but       Thorpe
efforts SSAFA and HemiHelp,         tyre explosion. Now nearing        cycle miles and 26 running            the hills began to increase,
both had provided support           09:00 and already behind, the      miles completed.                      slowing the pace and pushing       Running Team:
to a team member’s son who          London traffic awaited.                  Day 3 began early               the cycle team into dark           Sgt Craig Zenko, Sgt Ian
suffers from Cerebral Palsy.              The runners starting from    again for the cyclists and            places. The running team set       Fairbairn and Cpl Rob Redhead
      ‘The Last Ride’ was born.     41(R) Sqn also set off and         unfortunately to miserable            off from RAF Boulmer in
The challenge would be 5            completed the first marathon       weather which rather                  the morning sun and                Running team support:
cyclists and 2 support vehicles,    in 4h 04mins.                      dampened the spirits of an            completed all but 100 metres       Cpl Glen Jones, Cpl Mark Smith
                                                                       already tired cycle team. At          of their marathon.
                                                                       least there was only 118 miles              The support crew even        Just giving: www.justgiving.
                                                                       to RAF Boulmer ahead of               ran some miles to help the         com/companyteams/tornado                      Edinburgh Castle.
                                                                       them. The cycle team found            broken running team to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Donation to martin
                                                                       this challenging; however,            complete the distance. The
                                                                       cycling past a cheering               last 100 metres was saved
                                                                       parent improved morale.               for the top of the royal mile
                                                                       The running team had a
                                                                       challenging marathon in the
                                                                       poor weather with broken
                                                                                                             Edinburgh Castle when the
                                                                                                             cycle team arrived. With less
                                                                                                             than 20 miles to go, the cycle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       house hospice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       During exercise Highrider 16-04, 41 Sqn personnel, as with
                                                                       bodies; with the help of Deep         team came up against the 2.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       every detachment raised money for a chosen charity.
                                                                       Heat, compression bandages            mile 8% A68 climb which was

                                                                       and amazing will-power,               a personal challenge for all 5                                                                                  he charity, Martin House
The team.                                                              they completed the third              members! With the castle in                                                                                     Hospice based in Wetherby
                                                                       marathon in 4 hours. The              sight, sprits were sky high and                                                                                 was chosen by 41 Sqn
travelling from London to                 They would pay for this      cycle team finally made it            the cycle team raced to the                                                                               HR clerk Sarah Short. Martin
Edinburgh in four days, while       time during the rest of the        through Newcastle on a Friday         bottom of the royal mile.                                                                                 House provides family-led care
in the same 4 days, 3 runners       week! The cyclists survived                                                                                                                                                        for children and young people
and 1 support vehicle would         London and pushed on                                                                                                                                                               with life-limiting conditions. 41
complete 4 marathons,               towards RAF Wittering the first                                                                                                                                                    Sqn personnel raised money
finishing at Edinburgh castle       stop. Just outside St Neots                                                                                                                                                        by collecting donations and
with the cyclists. The dates        they received word that the                                                                                                                                                        winning the local fancy dress
were set for the 27th - 30th        two 41 (R) Sqn Tornados were                                                                                                                                                       competitions where the
Sep. With less than 12 weeks        on their way for a flypast. With                                                                                                                                                   squadrons very own Pamela
to go ‘til the start, it was time   St Neots now wondering why                                                                                                                                                         Anderson starred for a successive
to start training. It became        two Tornados had just buzzed                                                                                                                                                       year. A total of £527.83 was raised
clear very quickly the vast         their town the cycle team                                                                                                                                                          and presented to Mrs Allison
                                                                                                                                                 Cpl Short presenting the cheque to Allison
scale of the challenge we           completed the first day in high                                                                              Wragg from Martin House Hospice.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wragg from the fundraising team.
were attempting to complete.        spirits. First day complete, 100   The team outside Buckingham Palace.
22   FEATURES ISSUE 4 2017                        onetoone   23

                             A year in pictures
24       SQUADRON NEWS AND BASE SUPPORT WING ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                                                                                   onetoone   25

RAFA Wings                                                            WA RRA
                                                                      12 MO TY
                                                                                         FREE DELIVERY ON CALL 01526 344102
                                                                                         ALL UK ORDERS* Monday - Saturday 9am - 5pm
                                                                                                                                                      Ex JOINT CATERER
                                                                                                                  & other electrical goods.
                                                                                                                                                      This year I had the pleasure of travelling
                                                                                                                  Individual tailored quotes for      with Coningsby’s Catering Flights
                                                                                                                  repairs & servicing. Great value
                                                                                                                                                      entrants on the Combined Services
                                                                       • Great value for money                    services and sales all carrying
SAC Ray is a Flight Operations Assistant                                                                          a warranty!                         Culinary Challenge, which took place at
                                                                       • High quality service
on 41(R) Sqn who has recently been
                                                                                                                     We stock spares for all          the Defence Academy Shrivenham.
                                                                       • High quality products                    major brands of laptops,

helping his local RAFA Branch at home in

                                                                                                                  computers and TVs. These
                                                                             ivill Service. WEEE                  spares and parts are sold on a               ACs Danny McKnight,          dessert using plums as the
Stockton raise money for their annual                                        recycling & handling                 global scale to both the public              Jess Murfin and Callum       prime ingredient.
wings appeal.                                                                specialists. Experts in              and trade. If you are looking for            Graves entered in                 Callum had designed
                                                                       the sales, repair & Servicing              spares, parts, repairs, servicing   differing categories, spending        his menu and sourced his in
                                                                       of LCD TVs, Plasma screens,                or general sales of electrical
                                                                       Laptops, Desktop computers                                                     many hours of their free time         season ingredients from local
                                                                                                                  goods then look no further.
                                                                                                                                                      in the weeks preceding the            producers. Withstanding the
                                                                                               Televisions                                            competition perfecting their
                                                                                                                                                      skills. Mentored and advised
                                                                                                                                                                                            large numbers watching from
                                                                                                                                                                                            the stands and numerous
                                                                                                 Laptops                                              throughout by A/Cpl Rhys              judges watching his every
                                                                                               Computers                                              Williams, Cpls Paul Atkinson
                                                                                                                                                      and Ollie Elkington.
                                                                                                                                                                                            move, he remained composed
                                                                                                                                                                                            throughout his allotted time,
                                                                                             Spares and Parts                                                 Danny took on the Open        bringing home a Silver Medal.
                                                                                            Repairs & Servicing                                       Asian/African/Caribbean Class;
                                                                                                                                                      this encompassed preparing
                                                                                                                                                                                                 An additional plus to
                                                                                                                                                                                            competing, is being given
                                                                           Visit us online today!                             cooking and serving 2 plated          the chance to see the high
                                                                                                                                                      portions of an Asian, African,        standard and skill throughout
                                                                        * Standard Delivery in UK is Royal Mail         @Sivillservice                or Caribbean main course dish,        the Tri-Services. This is an
                                                                       UK 1st Class Recorded. For International
                                                                       items standard RM delivery is Royal Mail                                       to the competitor’s choice.           inspiration for them to deliver
                                                                       International Signed For.                        Sivill Service                Consideration was given to            higher standards at home and
                                                                                                                                                      authenticity. This had to be          to compete again.
                                                                        20a Market Place Tattershall Lincolnshire LN4 4LJ                             completed within 40 minutes.
                                                                                   Telephone: 01526 344102                                            Dannys said his motivation

       ay has been an active              With a stall in the local                                                                                   behind competing was to learn
       member of the branch         ASDA and the collection in                                                                                        new skills.
       since March this year.       Stockton High Street the                                                                                                  The dishes you get to
As a branch with an ageing          Branch raised £1677.85 for                                                                                        produce are not the type you
membership Ray stepped up           this year’s wings appeal which                                                                                    deliver on a day to day basis.
to take on the reins as their       given the advanced age of                                                                                         It’s not all about the medals,
wings appeal organiser. Ray         some the members is an                                                                                            but don’t get me wrong it is
was responsible for organising      incredible achievement.                                                                                           nice when you win one! ”For
the stock for the Branch and              The close of the week                                                                                       Danny’s efforts, he came home
liaising with the Local Air Cadet   saw Ray and the Branch Vice                                                                                       with a Bronze Medal.
Squadron to collect for the         Chair Mr Jack Chapman (94)                                                                                                Although she didn’t travel,
Association over the Battle of      lay a wreath at the cenotaph                                                                                      Jess entered the Open Novelty
Britain weekend.                    in Stockton.                                                                                                      Cake Class. This is a Display
                                                                                                                                                      Salon Class, which meant she
                                                                                                                                                      had to prepare and present
                                                                                                                                                      a novelty cake to celebrate a
                                                                                                                                                      child’s birthday.
                                                                                                                                                              This cake was judged not
                                                                                                                                                      only on its decoration but also
                                                                                                                                                      it’s taste. Jess’ ‘debrief ’ from
                                                                                                                                                      the judges was rippled with
                                                                                                                                                      praise. One commented “…
                                                                                                                                                      this has totally hit the brief.
                                                                                                                                                      My granddaughter would love
                                                                                                                                                      it, it’s so cute.” A Certificate of
                                                                                                                                                      Merit was brought back to Jess
                                                                                                                                                      on the teams return.
                                                                                                                                                              Callum entered Junior
                                                                                                                                                      Chef of the Year. Having 50
                                                                                                                                                      minutes to prepare cook
                                                                                                                                                      and serve a 2 course meal for
                                                                                                                                                      2 covers comprising of: Main
                                                                                                                                                      Course: 2 plated portions
                                                                                                                                                      to competitor’s choice but
                                                                                                                                                      using chicken as the prime
                                                                                                                                                      ingredient. Dessert course:
                                                                                                                                                      2 portions of a hot or cold
26       BASE SUPPORT WING ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             onetoone            27

                                                                                                                                                                                               The Banovallum School
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Holy Trinity
                                                                                                                                                                                     A   s a smaller secondary school
                                                                                                                                                                                         we are fortunate to know each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Church of England Primary School

                                                                       small and insignificant, but         That God has given us a gift                                             of our students as individuals and
                                                                                                                                                                                     are able to cite successes for every
                                        Padre Chris                    he’ll steadily and firmly set        beyond words to receive now                                              one of them, within and beyond
                                                                       things right. He won’t tire          and also to hope for in the                                              the curriculum. As well as a clear
                                                                       out and quit. He won’t be            future. I trust too that amidst                                          academic focus, we recognise
                                                                                                                                                                                     that education is about the wider                                             Our school, which has a strong Christian ethos, is a happy
                                                                       stopped until he’s finished          the ‘chaos’ often associated                                             opportunities and we are fortunate                                            place where children enjoy learning and playing together.
                                                                       his work - to set things right       with this season, you will be                                            to have a dedicated, expert staff      with Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar
                                                                                                                                                                                     who always go the extra mile for       School allows us to extend those
                                                                       on earth...(Isaiah 42: 1-4 -         able to experience some of                                               our young people.                      values even further.
                                                                       The Message translation)             this hope for yourselves.                                                We are proud of our Young                  Our Academy status has
                                                                             We celebrate the birth                                                                                  Enterprise winners, our Project X      facilitated great improvement
                                                                                                                                                                                     winners, our Duke of Edinburgh         to the school environment. We
                                                                       of Jesus at this time of year to     Have a ‘hopeful’ Christmas!                                              achievers, our Anti-bullying           encourage visits from parents
                                                                       remind ourselves that there                                                                                   ambassadors, our dramatists,           and carers to come and see for
                                                                       is some hope out there still.                       Padre Chris Carré                                         musicians, Sports Personality          themselves our inspiring and
                                                                                                                                                                                     winners, Literacy Leaders, and         positive learning community.
                                                                                                                                                                                     young writers who launched their           Banovallum produces students
                                                                                                                                                                                     first published book last year.         who are eminently employable –
                                                                                                                                                                                         The school is led on the           take a look at the Alumni page on
                                                                                                                                                                                     principles of hard work and            our website to see some stories of
                                                                                                                                                                                     collaboration and our partnership      past students.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Please contact the school office on 01507 522232 to arrange a visit.
Running has been a major part of my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We pride ourselves on academic achievement and
life for the last twenty five years                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the quality of our relationships within the
competing in everything from all-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               school and the wider community.
terrain races up to marathon distance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We offer a ‘Bluey Club’ for Service families and a

           uch to my wife’s        fall; but those who hope in                                                                                                                                                                                                       New Pupil Mentor for all families joining our school.
           dismay, I am often up   the Lord will renew their
           at 5.15am and out of    strength. They will soar on                                                                                                                                               Banovallum School                                   Visits to the school are very welcome.
the door to get a run in before    wings like eagles; they will                                                                                                                                    Boston Road, Horncastle, Lincs LN9 6DA                        Telephone: 01526 342349
heading off to work. You may       run and not grow weary, they                                                                                                                                                                                                  Email:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               01507 522232
well ask yourself ‘why?’ and       will walk and not be faint.                                                                                                                                              
would be entitled to do so         (Isaiah 40: 29-31)
and whilst I too am perhaps              Whilst I look forward to
still asking that question after   the day when I will be able
twenty five years, I hope that
it’s doing me some good in
the long run. Whether it be
                                   to run and not grow weary,
                                   these words were written by
                                   Isaiah to give hope also to the
                                                                        Barrack News
a new PB or just maintaining
fitness, there is a positive
                                   people of Israel. At the time
                                   they were living in political                           Post Office
mindset that arises out of
physical exercise.
                                   turmoil and in constant
                                   fear of being taken into
                                                                                                Now open,
       Having recently hit the     slavery having their freedom                     Mon - Sat 6 - 6pm             Sun 6 - 4pm
ripe old age of 45, in the         revoked. Isaiah spoke into
competitive world of men’s
distance running I have hit
                                   that uncertainty providing
                                   some hope for their future
a new ‘age-category’ which         and it was in this hope that                                 Now open
means that I have special          he painted the picture of one
dispensation to be slower          who was to secure that for                      Market Place, Tattershall
than the rest, to recover          eternity, a child, a boy whose                       01526 348822
longer than the rest and to        shoulders the world rested
get injured more than the rest!    upon...Jesus.
       We cannot turn back time          And here’s what God said
and indeed as the clock ticks      to Isaiah about this boy Jesus...                                                Catherine McMahon
on I just find myself getting            ‘Take a good look at                                                     BSc (Hons) DOptom MASC
frustrated that I cannot run       my servant, I’m backing                                                               David Hilton
as fast as my once youthful        him to the hilt. He’s the one                                                         BSc FCOptom
legs could carry me. I take        I chose, and I couldn’t be                                            NHS & Private patients welcome
particular comfort therefore       more pleased with him. I’ve                                                Contact lens practitioners
in the hopeful words of the        bathed him with my Spirit,                                      New, larger range of frames available
prophet Isaiah which should        my life. He’ll set everything                        Digital retinal photography and field screening
be all too familiar to those of    right among the nations.
                                                                                                   New partnership offers full Dyslexia assessments
us in the Royal Air Force:         He won’t call attention to
                                                                                                                  Details available on request:
       He gives strength to        what he does with loud
the weary and increases the        speeches or gaudy parades.                                              16 Silver Street, Coningsby
                                                                                                                 01526 344556
                                                                                                                                                      © Inga Dudkina/shutterstock

power of the weak. Even            He won’t brush aside the
youths grow tired and weary,       bruised and the hurt and                                                Email
and young men stumble and          he won’t disregard the                                       
28        ENGINEERING AND LOGISTICS WING ISSUE 4 2017                                                                                                                                                                                         onetoone                         29

                                                                       Ex CAPITOL PATRIOT                                                                                ‘Outstanding’ boarding for
Thursday 5th October 2017; a bright but
                                                                       On a cold autumn morning in October,
                                                                       five drivers from RAF Coningsby MT flight
                                                                                                                                                                       Sixth Form students in Lincoln
breezy day on which 52 competitors took                                ventured to London on Exercise CAPITOL
                                                                                                                                                                           The Priory Academy LSST, rated outstanding by Ofsted and consistently one of the top
on the four challenges that make up the                                PATRIOT heading down to the Houses of
                                                                                                                                                                          non-selective state schools in the country, offers boarding exclusively for Sixth Formers.
                                                                       Parliament to meet the local Louth and
Logistics Sqns annual charity event.
                                                                       Horncastle Member of Parliament, Victoria                                                                Our modern three-storey boarding house, also rated Outstanding by Ofsted,
                                                                       Atkins MP.                                                                                                   offers a smooth transition from school to university and adult life.

        he Boston Slog as it is          The 2nd Leg of the races

        affectionately known is     from the Boston Stump was                  he Boston Slog as it is     cycle into Boston and 13.2                                                         Our distinctive ethos ensures that our   The Priory also has a strong academic
        now in its 30th year and    started by the Mayor of Boston             affectionately known is     mile run back) that was won                                                        students appreciate the excitement       emphasis with a 99.5% A-Level
                                                                                                                                                                                              of learning, the rewards of personal     pass rate in 2017. 39% of students
this year was supported by the      who was delighted to be able               now in its 30th year and    by Padre Chris Carre who won
                                                                                                                                                                                              challenge and the importance             progressed to Russell Group universities
Station Commander Gp Capt           to offer his support to this       this year was supported by the      by a huge 13 minute margin                                                         of consideration for others.             and 33 students have received
Baulkwill racing in the ‘Cycle-     annual event.                      Station Commander Gp Capt           against a really competitive                                                                                                Oxbridge offers in the last four years.
Man Event’.                              These races take a            Baulkwill racing in the ‘Cycle-     field. The 2nd Leg of the races                                                    Pastoral care is paramount.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Our dedicated team of staff always       Boarders also have access to an
       Monies raised, as always     considerable amount of             Man Event’.                         from the Boston Stump was
                                                                                                                                                                                              go above and beyond to ensure that       outstanding range of trips and extra-
would be split between Cancer       planning and organisation by              Monies raised, as always     started by the Mayor of Boston                                                     they meet the needs of the boarders.     curricular activities, including excellent
Research and the British Heart      a host of volunteers without       would be split between Cancer       who was delighted to be able                                                       Single, en-suite study bedrooms are      sports facilities. No wonder students
Foundation in thanks for the        whom it could not happen.          Research and the British Heart      to offer his support to this                                                       complemented by a common room on         describe their time here as ‘a positive
support they gave the two           Thanks to FS Paul Fido, the        Foundation in thanks for the        annual event.                                                                      each level and a boarders’ kitchen.      choice that has extended their horizons’.
Logistics Sqn personnel and         ladies in the LS LVP Office,       support they gave the two                 These races take a
their families to which these       including Liz Browne who           Logistics Sqn personnel and         considerable amount of
                                                                                                                                                                                               ‘Boarders make exceptional progress in personal and social
races are dedicated. There are      returned from retirement to        their families to which these       planning and organisation by                                                        development and educational achievement.’ (Ofsted)
4 distinct races and the Team       help, SACs Jones, Fountain,        races are dedicated. There are      a host of volunteers without
Trophy up for grabs; this years     Knight, Burgess, Deeks and         4 distinct races and the Team       whom it could not happen.         To arrange a visit or to apply for a place in September 2018 or 2019, contact:
cycle race was won by Cpl           Ayres all of whom helped to        Trophy up for grabs; this years     Thanks to FS Paul Fido, the
Trev Shuttleworth in a very         make for a memorable and           cycle race was won by Cpl           ladies in the LS LVP Office,       Mr John Nuttall (Head of Boarding)                         Telephone: 01522 889977
close race thanks in part to        rewarding day for all involved.    Trev Shuttleworth in a very         including Liz Browne who           The Priory Academy LSST, Cross O’Cliff Hill,               Email:
the level crossing on the route          The event raised over         close race thanks in part to        returned from retirement to
into Boston closing for several     £500 between the two               the level crossing on the route     help, SACs Jones, Fountain,
                                                                                                                                              Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 8PW                              Visit:
minutes to allow the leading        charities and adds to the          into Boston closing for several     Knight, Burgess, Deeks and
pack to all cross the line of the   cumulative running total of        minutes to allow the leading        Ayres all of whom helped to
first leg within a few seconds      £20,000 that the event has         pack to all cross the line of the   make for a memorable and
of one another.                     raised since its inception 30      first leg within a few seconds      rewarding day for all involved.
       Cpl Toni Blacknell was       years ago. Well done to all.       of one another.                           The event raised over
a worthy winner of the ‘Iron        Planning has already started              Cpl Toni Blacknell was       £500 between the two
Lady‘, making sure that HR          in anticipation of the RAF100      a worthy winner of the ‘Iron        charities and adds to the
Flt got their name onto the         Boston Slog. Hope to see           Lady‘, making sure that HR          cumulative running total of
Team Winners Shield. The            you there.                         Flt got their name onto the         £20,000 that the event has
running race of just over a half                        FS Paul Fido   Team Winners Shield. The            raised since its inception 30
marathon distance was won                                              running race of just over a half    years ago. Well done to all.
by SAC Josh Bond in a highly                                           marathon distance was won           Planning has already started
respectable 1hr 35 minutes.                                            by SAC Josh Bond in a highly        in anticipation of the RAF100
       Special mention must                                            respectable 1hr 35 minutes.         Boston Slog. Hope to see
be made of the winner of the                                                  Special mention must         you there.
‘Iron Man’ event (the 14 mile                                          be made of the winner of the
cycle into Boston and 13.2                                             ‘Iron Man’ event (the 14 mile                         FS Paul Fido
mile run back) that was won
by Padre Chris Carre who
won by a huge 13 minute
margin against a really
competitive field.
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