English text - Laster und Bagger

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English text - Laster und Bagger
English text
English text - Laster und Bagger
Translation of page 3

Editorial                              It is always exciting to find at the
                                    right themes for every issue and to get    in the world. Many of us have been in
                                    as close as possible to just the ‘right    Ede in the middle of March, or at one
                                    mix’. There are topics that ‘slumber’      of the regularly scheduled Namac
                                    in the box of ideas for a longer time      meets in Houten. The Nederlandse
                                    than others, then they are brought out     Algemene Miniatuur Auto Club (Na-
                                    ,dusted off, prepared and then despite     mac) has over 5,000 members and it
                                    all of that, are postponed to be publis-   is certainly no co-incidence that Tek-
                                    hed later. The reason for this is that a   no, WSI and IMC all are at home in
                                    previously announced model arrives         the country with the windmills. And
                                    earlier or later than planned and so       beginning at the end of the 70s, the
                                    brings the whole concept of the issue      kit producer, Theo van der Zon, gave
                                    out of kilter. All of a sudden, a theme    the collecting world kits of cranes and
                                    is missing or it is over represented.      heavy duty transport models which
                                    Luckily, there are ‘timeless’ articles     until then seemed almost impossible.
                                    that can balance the mix out again.           I am very happy to be able to show
                                    Instruction on how to build a model        in this magazine issue not only the
                                    yourself, reports from dioramas or         collection of Henk van Melzen, but
                                    historically themed articles do not        also to introduce you to one of the
                                    have to be current.                        most committed Dutch model buil-
I would like to give a heartfelt       While the construction machines         ders, Hans Witte. His model building
thank you to all subscribers who    part of the magazine seemed to be          projects always begin with a drawing.
have voluntarily rounded up their   well balanced against the truck seg-       These by themselves, are little works
subscription fees. You are making   ment, there were too many dumpers          of art. One of these can be found in
an important contribution towards   and construction related models. For-      the middle of the current issue.
“unbiased reporting”.               tunately, I was able to swap out the
                                    title story.                                 I hope you will get a lot of fun and
                                                                               enjoyment out of reading this issue.
                                      Another focal point I left as it was
                                    ‘The Netherlands!’ The Dutch are,
                                    without any doubt, the leaders in mo-
                                    del collecting in Europe, maybe even                         Daniel Wietlisbach

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Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                              2
English text - Laster und Bagger
Translation of pages 6 – 10

Henk van Melzen builds lowboy trailers

Heavy Hauling
      by Daniel Wietlisbach            Henk van Melzen is a well-known modeler
                                       and is active in the Dutch collecting commu-
H     enk van Melzen and his sib-
      lings, one brother and three
sisters, grew up on the Dutch
                                       nity. For a good reason, as his scratch-built
coast. The father was employed as      models clearly show …
a ship’s engineer on large ocean-
going vessels and because of this,
was often not at home with his fa-        Using a dump truck and a drag-       for 18 months, his fascination with
mily.                                  line excavator, the sand on the         bikes is still there today.
  Luckily, the gap during his ab-      coast was dug up and transported
sence was filled by the grandfa-       off, over and over again but Henk
                                                                               Collector and model builder
ther who was a ‘great role model’      never got bored with this game.
for Henk. He worked on water-             When school began, the fami-           Even though there are some mo-
way projects, on roofs and in the      ly moved to a new subdivision,          dels left from his childhood days,
housing industry as a plumber.         a small paradise for Henk, as the       Henk van Melzen sets the start
That meant that he knew most of        whole place was one large cons-         date for his collection at 1978
the construction sites in the neigh-   truction site. Henk was given his       when he was 20 years old. His mo-
borhood and regularly visited them     own room and space to set up a          del building began in the middle
with his grandchildren. Small          small construction site in toy form.    of the 80s. The crucial factor was
Henk was especially awed by the        Grandfather contributed bits of         a lack of lowboy trailers and the
large needle beam cranes for ex-       wood scraps from his work. Han-         matching drag-line excavators as
ample those from Liebherr. He          dicraft was always the favored past     a freight item. In order to copy
vividly remembers the cranes and       time for Henk.                          the transports he was seeing daily
crane hooks turning freely during         Later on in life he was a preci-     on the roads, there was only one
wind gusts. Because Grandfather        sion mechanic apprentice, which         choice, he had to scratch-build
was also very interested in const-     took four years to complete. After      them. He became a member of the
ruction cranes, Henk and he would      completion he was able to study at      Namac (Nederlandse Algemene
regularly visit construction sites     the PTT Netherland technical col-       Miniatuur Auto Club), one of the
after he was pensioned.                lege, a very happy time as he re-       largest model car clubs of Europe
  The first construction machines      members.                                and started to receive the club ma-
and trucks that Henk got were gifts       The model hobby was not always       gazine. Hans Witte (see portrait on
from his grandparents; they were       the main interest. At age 16, he sa-    page 29) was a board member of
models from Dinky Toys, Corgi          ved up enough money to buy his          the club at that time. Henk wrote
and Lion Toys. Other ones were         first scooter and two years later the   him a letter asking where he could
given to Henk at Christmas, for his    first motor bike from Yamaha. Des-      buy parts for model trucks. From
birthday and for St. Nicholas Day      pite a bad accident at age 19 as pas-   this first contact the two developed
or when his Dad returned from a        senger on a bike resulting in three     a life-long friendship.
long voyage when all the children      operations and 10 weeks of hospita-       Henk discovered the kits by Zon
got a special gift.                    lization and having to use crutches     and started to build lowboy trai-

Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                           3
Translation of pages 6 – 10

lers and Ginaf trucks. At that time      in how cable operated machines            most complicated drag-line excava-
Zon was an established supplier          function. At that time there was a        tor was “so much fun in creating it.”
of white metal kits for modelers.        104 m high, free-standing tower cra-         His favorite construction mate-
The maker offered cranes and hea-        ne operation in Rotterdam, which is       rials are plastic and brass profiles.
vy duty transport models in a very       impressive, even today. Henk has          At the moment, a Liebherr F45/65
good quality for the time. Con-          been interested in trucks since his       needle beam outrigger crane is un-
tact with Nooteboom was made             childhood when he was allowed to          der construction on his work bench
through two friends who were pl-         ride in the cab of a Magirus dum-         using soldered-together brass pro-
anning to work as engineers for the      per belonging to Knijnenberg, The         files. For the research part of the
firm. Henk was then able to build        Hague (Den Haag).                         project he had Dirk Möller, a real
his models according to original            The soil on construction sites in      professional, co-founder of the cra-
blue prints and a very fruitful con-     the Netherlands is damp and soft          ne and construction machine muse-
tact with Nooteboom developed.           and so hardly any building is built       um in Rattelsdorf, on his side. The
   In the 90s, Henk van Melzen,          without a foundation support using        functionality of a model is not a top
his friend Kees Slob, unfortuna-         piles. Therefore, it is quite common      priority, since the application of the
tely much too early deceased, and        to see interesting machines and           paint often makes this impossible.
other model builders were invited        transports every day.                     Earlier on he used the spray gun
by Nooteboom to exhibit their mo-           By having contact with large           mainly to paint his models, today he
dels at the commercial vehicle show      specialized construction firms like       increasingly uses spray paint cans.
in Amsterdam. Visitors to the show       BAM or Ballast Nedam, world re-           These can be ordered in any RAL
expressed a great deal of interest       nowned in harbor construction,            color (European standardized color
so that Johan van de Water later on      Henk was able to get drawings, an         wheel).
gave the first order for a Nooteboom     optimal starting point for scratch-          Overall, the collector comments
lowboy to NZG. Since this, Henk’s        building his machine models.              that: “in the 90s, model builders
models are now seen regularly at ex-        The main emphasis of model buil-       had more challenges to build their
hibitions.                               ding at the moment are crane mo-          models, and that resulted in many
                                         dels, but is balanced with the other      unique and interesting models, whe-
                                         interests like trucks and lowboy trai-    reas today a great many things can
With the pile
                                         lers. Common to all his models is         be bought ready-made.”
building dwellers
                                         that the builder tries to copy the ori-
  The fascination with construction      ginal 100% accurately down to the
                                                                                   Profession, family and hobby
machines is grounded in his main         smallest detail in model form. Henk
interest in technology in general. It    does not like to talk about ‘the effort     Henk van Melzen married in 1984
is paired especially with his interest   it takes’ because even building the       and later on he became a father of
                                                                                   three boys and one daughter who
                                                                                   are adults now. Despite having a
  The collector
                                                                                   large family, he was fortunate al-
    Henk van Melzen (60) is a trained precision mechanic and works                 ways to have a room for his hobby.
  for the Dutch Post Office currently as a maintenance mechanic for the            Also, being on shift work was hel-
  Netherland’s largest mail sorting plant.                                         pful for his modeling. During the
    Besides his enthusiasm for building models he is also interested in            long nights when he was on duty
  motor bikes, photography and has a small collection of 1:43 scale mo-            as a stand-by mechanic, he could,
  del cars.                                                                        always assuming the machinery
    He lives with his wife Liesbeth and their four adult children in Pijna-        worked trouble-free, work on his
  cker. He always welcomes visits from like-minded collectors even                 models.
  though “the collection is not displayed optimally”. Please contact him             His favorite model is the Hitachi
  at henkvanmelzen@gmail.com                                                       KH300GLS rigged for special foun-
                                                                                   dation work, loaded on a Zwager-

Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                                4
Translation of pages 6 – 10

man lowboy trailer and pulled by a      paint scheme or the new Liebherr          Conviviality and exchange of in-
MAN F8 8x4 heavy haulage tractor        LR1750 from WSI in yellow. His          formation is very important to him
truck. This transport combination       off-the-shelf models were restricted    and he feels really at home in the
was until now his most time-consu-      to loads in the past but these days     Dutch modeling scene. This led to a
ming model. It required extensive       they are also in his display cases as   close contact with Tekno. Earlier on,
research. It took several field-trips   collector’s pieces.                     Henk repaired models for the maker
to visit the originals, measure and        Henk buys these models from his      in his spare evening hours. There are
photograph them in detail. The self-    trusted dealer, at exhibitions or at    also some pre-production samples
imposed goal was to create a model      one of the Namac meets in Houten.       on this work table. Some have gone
that equaled or surpassed in finish     On six Saturdays during the year,       into production and some have not.
and quality any ‘commercial model       near the Dutch city of Utrecht, there   For a few years now he has taken
made in China’ that was then availa-    is an international scale model car     photographs of the new items at Te-
ble. This, without a doubt, has been    bourse (swap meet). There, detail       kno for their website. And of course
achieved by the model maker. He         parts for cars, trucks and construc-    he remains a Namac member.
regularly gets high awards when he      tion machines are offered.                Henk’s family was always inte-
exhibits his models.                       There are also dream models that     rested in his hobby; one of his sons
  In the van Melzen collection the-     Henk would like to own, but be-         is studying to become an engineer
re are of course many purchased         cause of the price they probably will   and on the side collects models
models as well, not only scratch-       remain dreams. Henk thinks about        from Tekno. He also helps out re-
built items for example, the migh-      the two large cranes from Liebherr,     gularly on the Tekno stand at shows
ty tracked Liebherr LR 1750 cra-        the LR1600/2 from NZG and the           and events.
ne from Conrad in the Mammoet           Demag CC3600 by Conrad.

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Laster & Bagger5-2015
                6-2017                                                                                             5
Translation of page 11


Combination crane
       by Robert Bretscher               The combination crane #207 from Strenco &

T    he fun-filled possibilities for
     the children’s playroom came
to mind immediately upon seeing
                                         Co, Nuremberg, made in 1955, came with four
                                         tools included …
the colorful box of the chain-ope-
rated combination crane with its
illustrated operating possibilities.       This combination crane with the      control lever, was attached directly
The crane, with its five different le-   three included attachments that        to the rear of the crane cabin. To
vers and cranks, is made complete-       could be changed quickly and easi-     make working the clamshell bu-
ly from steel sheet stock. The ext-      ly made it possible to imitate some    cket prototypically correct, the
remely robust construction method        work situations in play form, for      factory included a free-fall feature
combined with complex worm               example, as a pure mobile crane        that worked very well. The heavy,
gears for the lifting and lowering       with a double rigged hook block        nicely-detailed lower carriage, in-
of the outrigger arm and the 360         or as an excavator using the clams-    cluding the rubber tires with their
degree slewing of the upper carri-       hell bucket. To lift large stones or   matching profiles, gives the unit
age show how costly the produc-          pieces of wood the grappler hook       and its attachments good and solid
tion of this model was for Strenco.      was the ideal tool. If unwieldy        footing during operation.
Therefore, it is not surprising that     metal parts had to be handled then       The Strenco & Co was founded
this model, in its time, was hailed      the magnetic holder was used. All      in 1954 by Ludwig Streng after he
as the most successful Strenco toy.      attachments were held in place se-     bought out the toy maker Gescha.
This crane was first introduced in       curely with sprung eye loops at the    The history of Strenco ended in
1955 and was constantly modified         hook. The operation of the attach-     1971 when the very well-known
during the following years. The          ment was by using a Bowden cable       1:50 model maker, Conrad, took
last version appeared in 1967, un-       (spring-supported cable), a Stren-     over the company.
fortunately only as a plastic model.     co patent. The attachment, with its

Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                            6
Translation of pages 12 – 13

Berna 5VF Beat Schoch Transporte in 1:50

Nick name: ‘The rocket’
          by René Tanner                 The Berna 5VF 6x2 with a load of 22 t is a typi-
                                         cal Swiss truck but it is untypical in some as-
A     n acquaintance of mine poin-
      ted out this unusual long dis-
tance hauling truck. He was looking
                                         pects. The cabin is easy to recognize, but the
through the photo albums of the          then newfangled front un-powered leading
former driver, Beat Schoch, that he
had been loaned. There were seve-        axle is very unconventional …
ral good pictures in it showing the
vehicle from all sides. Since I was      res, was scratch-built. The Saurer    the whole model were made from
always dreaming of the Swedish           cabin, a very rough resin casting     0.3 mm aluminum sheet stock. The
hauling destinations, it was easy for    came from a model builder friend.     tires are from HG and Tekno.
me to bury myself in the cellar and      It had to be spackled on the out-
build this, what was for me until        side and sanded. The inside had
                                                                               A trailer from Schelling
then, unique model.                      to be ‘thinned’ using a drill be-
   A further push in that direction      cause the wall was cast too thick.       The three-axle jumbo trailer was
came from the ‘Auto Transit’ sti-        New rain gutters were made from       designed to carry up to 24 t and
cker spotted on the side of the ca-      0.4 mm florist wire and glued on.     building it after building the trac-
bin. In the 80s, ‘Auto Transit’ was      Of course, the typical Saurer inte-   tor truck was relatively much ea-
the freight hauler in Basle. Many        rior with lots of overhead stowage    sier. The chassis and frame were
of the legendary self-employed dri-      compartments under the roof was       made up using plastic profiles and
vers drove the route to Scandinavia      built next. An adjustable sun vi-     sheet stock augmented with ax-
with ‘very huge’ overland truck and      sor on the outside is a ‘Coronet’     les and compressed air tanks. The
trailer trains.                          type made from 0.5 mm aluminum        side boards and stakes were made
   Typically Swiss is the tractor        sheet stock. The blue glass paint     with 0.5 aluminum sheet stock. The
truck unit only. At the time, this       makes it look translucent. Additi-    tarp showing the typical folds and
Berna truck was a unique model, as       onally, there is an AC unit on the    the customs seals were already dis-
it was one of the first tractor trucks   roof and even a pre-heating unit      cussed in issue 4-2017 with instruc-
with a leading axle. Beat Schoch         that has been added for a gimmick.    tions on how to make them for the
owned this truck for only two years.     The exhaust that is mounted cross-    MAN F8. Wheels and rims are ac-
After that it changed hands several      ways below the cabin is prototypi-    tually parts from the 1:43 racing car
times and was scrapped in 1986, ac-      cally correct.                        hobby sector but are very similar in
cording to the Saurer magazine, the        The 6x2 chassis is completely       size and structure to the Trilex ones.
‘Federblatt’. It garnered the nick       scratch built and is correct down        Painting was done in two steps:
name ‘Rocket’ because initially the      to the smallest detail. The 330 hp    first completely in yellow then in
exhaust plant was at the back of the     Saurer engine has the typical oil     ‘traffic’ red (RAL 3020) with the
cabin and protruded over it.             sump pan. The gears were made         light spring-type dusting of dirt done
   Also unique was the construction      from plastic sheet stock. Even the    with a spray gun. Total construction
of the model; most of it, with the       air shock absorbers were modeled      time was two months with the chas-
exception of the cabin and the ti-       and completely new fenders for        sis taking the most time to build.

Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                             7
Translation of pages 14 – 15

Caterpillar D10T2 from Diecast Masters in 1:50

Happy Birthday
      by Daniel Wietlisbach             To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the origi-
                                        nal machine, Diecast Masters is delivering the
A     great surprise upon opening
      the tin box: Bob, the driver
figure, is separately packaged on
                                        model of the Caterpillar D10T2 to dealers …
top! After the figure of the driver
threatened to almost split the coll-
ecting community into two camps,        Once open, one can see the mock-          the two fire extinguishers with their
Diecast Master has found a simple       up of the engine with all the main        hoses are safely stowed away.
but effective way out: by taking off    components. The plastic radiator
the roll-over protector and the roof,   grille has a very fine surface struc-
                                                                                  The equipment
the collector can decide for himself    ture which comes very close to the
if he wants to display the model        original. The upper part of the mo-         The modeled U blade is made up
with or without the crew member.        del and the area around the cabin         from two perfectly engraved metal
  The bulldozer is very heavy be-       with the tank at the rear have been       castings. However, it does not have
cause of its high metal content and     exactly engraved with all lids and        the pierced overflow-protection
this gives the model the feeling of     screw heads at the right spots and        fence which would give the mo-
good value. The original has been       in the right numbers. Almost all of       del additional value. The hydraulic
transposed into model form true to      the handholds and the very conspi-        cylinders are nicely done and the
scale and at first glance seems very    cuous safety railings are made from       functionality of the blade is excel-
nicely detailed. The two drive units    bent and soldered wire; this makes        lent. Also, all hydraulic lines have
at the sides are fixed to the main      for a very expensive and complex          been copied.
frame and do not move, but they         construction, a fact that surely the        A lot of effort went into produ-
are true to the original. The cast-on   collectors will find rewarding.           cing the single tooth rear-ripper.
pulley wheels are fine and exact-         The detachable roof allows an un-       The hydraulic cylinders have all the
ly engraved. They give a positive       fettered and worthwhile look into         hydraulic lines and that even goes
impression that, unfortunately, is      the cabin. The interior is minutely       for the ‘tiny’ dummy adjustment
spoiled a bit because the paint here    detailed and painted in many colors       cylinder of the ripper tooth. While
has been applied a bit too thickly.     and, of course, the Cat logo shines       the ripping depth is not very large,
The actual wheels are dummies as        on the back of the driver’s seat. Be-     the functionality is satisfactory.
is the upper support wheel. Guide       hind the tank, like small color dots,       As usual, the paint has been ap-
wheels, and especially the drive                                                  plied cleanly and covers the model
wheels are exactly engraved and                                                   surfaces well however, in a few
the very smooth springing of the          At a glance                             places it has been applied a bit too
tracks guarantees that the metal                                                  thickly. Printed-on logos and type
segment tracks move very well.            +   True to scale                       designation labels are sharp and
  The large engine hood surprises         +   Metal railings                      cover the paint so that it does not
us with the opening service hat-          +   Driver figure can be taken out      shine through. With the D 10T2,
ches on both sides. The air intake        –   Overflow fence                      Diecast Masters shows us yet ano-
grilles on these are only printed on.                                             ther successful model.

Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                               8
Translation of pages 14 – 15

The original                           though the D10T2 can be seen           capable of producing 538 kW (722
                                       more as a further development of       hp) of power. It is compliant with
   Caterpillar celebrated the 40th     the D9L, it does stand at the top of   the Tier 4 Final emission controls.
anniversary of the Caterpillar D10     the 40-year-long history of the D10    Two different blades and rippers as
this September. In 1977 it revolu-     series. Its working weight is over     well as a rear weight are available
tionized the bulldozer world with      70 t, depending on equipment, and      as standard equipment.
it size and new delta drive. Even      the built-in Cat C27 Acert engine is

                                                                        Translation of pages 16 – 17

Komatsu PC138USLC-11 from First Gear in 1:50

The long and short of it
     by Daniel Wietlisbach             With the ever-increasing appearance of the

F    irst Gear, the exclusive sup-
     plier for Komatsu USA,
is releasing the newest addi-
                                       original, these tight tail swing excavators are
                                       also appearing increasingly in model form …
tion to the 1:50 program, the
PC138USLC-11. It is packed bet-
ween two plastic shells and has        cated, the guide wheels are not        The railings are made of plastic
a respectable weight for its size.     sprung. That the tracks run very       and are a bit oversized. The cabin
The model is a true-to-scale repli-    well and are made up from very         is an exact scale copy and has a
ca of the original and gives a posi-   fine chain segments is due to the      clear casting part for windows.
tive first impression.                 extremely precise calculations of      The window wiper is an integral
  The X frame of the LC under-         the constructing engineers.            part of the cabin casting. Working
carriage has been exactly mo-            The upper part of the carriage is    spot lights and handholds with at-
deled, including the bolts and the     made up in the main from proto-        tached rear view mirror have been
tie-down eyes for transporting,        typically-correct, engraved white      separately applied. The detailed
as seen from below. The blade is       metal castings. Service openings,      interior is painted in two colors,
nicely done and the two hydrau-        locks and air intake vents on both     like the original.
lic cylinders with the supply lines    sides are correctly engraved. The
have been modeled.                     latter are colored in a black which
  Both of the two drive units          comes very close to the original.
are made up from one solid cas-        The anti-skid surfaces are printed       The Monoblock outrigger arms
ting and are engraved with steps,      on in a matt black color, while rear   and the 2.5 m jib are made of two
running and support wheels. The        spot light, exhaust and safety rai-    castings each; the joint cracks are
drive wheels are exactly repli-        lings are separately applied parts.    partially hidden by the hydraulic

Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                         9
Translation of pages 16 – 17

                                      white metal casting. The model is      come fully into play. Most manu-
  At a glance                         not capable of reaching the maxi-      facturers have some such space
                                      mum working positions of the ori-      miser excavators in their programs.
  + True to scale                     ginal but it can be said that those      The Komatsu PC138USLC-11
  + Detailing                         it reaches are sufficient. On our      has great stability thanks to its long
  – Plastic handrails                 test model, the stick cylinder was     under carriage and so can also be
                                      not able to keep the stick in every    found on normal soil excavation
                                      desired position.                      sites. Its working weight is around
                                        The paint job is faultless and the   15 t and the shovel volume is no-
lines running on the top of them.     lettering can also be classified as    ted to be a maximum of 0.72 m3.
The lines are created from a skein    excellent.                             The excavator is available with a
of rubber lines that has been pain-                                          Monoblock or adjustable arm and
ted black or yellow, depending on                                            with a 2.5 m or 3.0 m (only on the
                                      The original
the location, and is prototypically                                          Monoblock version) stick availab-
correct. The hydraulic cylinders        With their minimal slewing radi-     le. The water-cooled four cylinder
with their small connecting valves    us, tight tail swing excavators have   Komatsu SAA4D95LE-7 engine
have been very nicely copied. The     won their place in the industry.       produces 72.6 kW (98.7 hp) and
digging shovel with its four teeth    Especially on limited space, urban     complies with the exhaust protocol
and side cutting edges is a single    construction sites, their advantages   requirements of step IV.

                                                                       Translation of pages 18 – 19

Bomag BW206 AD-5 from Kaster in 1:50

Make it smooth
      by Daniel Wietlisbach           Kaster is delivering the promotional models
                                      for Bomag. The new BW 206 AD-5 tandem
B    omag, as far as models are
     concerned, goes its own way,
and rarely works with the recog-
                                      road roller drove right under our magnifying
nized model producers. On the pa-     glass …
ckage for the BW206 is the name
‘Kaster Scalemodels’ as the pro-      was made in China. In any case, the    a road roller model. The model
ducer. Behind the name is the Full    maker has the know-how to make         shows the standard version with
Service Promotions Company of         a good model, which is obvious at      vibration drums made from seam-
Kaster Werbung which produces         first glance. The proportions are      less plastic injection castings. The
all merchandising products for Bo-    well copied and the measurements       dark grey color is correct for a unit
mag and also operates their shop.     have been exactly copied to scale.     that has just been delivered. The
  There is no country of origin       The model also feels hefty in the      side guides for the rolling drums
mark on the model but probably it     hand; this is an absolute must with    are different on each side, as on the

Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                         10
Translation of pages 18 – 19

original, and are made from finely                                              red accordingly. The paint job is
engraved metal parts. Also proto-         At a glance                           without any faults and impresses
typically correct is that on one side                                           by the sharp demarcations between
a whole skein of supply lines is          + True to scale                       colors. The printed-on lettering is
modeled and on the other only the         + Detailing                           very extensive down to the tiniest
three single lines. Even the spray        + Choice of prototype                 warning decals giving the model
beams are included.                                                             an additional flair.
  The massive rear of the chassis
that on the original houses the en-
                                                                                The original
gine, is made up from two metal
castings, copying the simple lines      engraved clear plastic casting with       From the eight different hea-
of the machine. Only the engra-         printed-on details, which comes         vy articulated tandem road rol-
ved air intakes and the separately      very close to the original. While       lers from Bomag, the BW206
mounted exhaust pipe hint at the        the rear window wiper is integra-       with a maximum weight of 16 t
location of the engine. The arti-       ted into the plastic casting, the two   is the largest one. The diameter
culated joint has two hydraulic         front ones have been separately         of the rolling drums is 1400 mm
cylinders but no supply lines and       applied, as is the warning light on     and the working width of them is
is rather plainly made. The area        the roof. The handrails are made        2135 mm. In addition to the vib-
below the cabin is pleasing to the      from solid wire. The interior has       ration rolling drums compacting
eye with its recessed step wells and    been copied in great detail and is      systems, oscillating drums and
the separately attached stair treads    almost dainty. The dashboard is         the Bomag special system called
which also included the scale anti-     painted partially in silver. The two    ‘Asphalt Manger’ are available
skid surface of the original. The       rear view mirrors are made from         as options. To power the unit, a
huge cabin with its large windows       plastic and have reflecting mirrors.    water-cooled Deutz TCD 4.1 L04
ensures optimal sight lines for the     All spot, front and rear lights are     four cylinder engine producing
operator. It is made from a finely      integrated into the body and colo-      105 kW (141 hp) is built in.

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Translation of pages 20 – 21

Liebherr LRS 545 in 1:50

The Stacker
      by Daniel Wietlisbach             The newest container stacker LRS 545 from

T    he considerably heavy mo-
     del made almost completely
of metal exudes value for money.
                                        Liebherr is now available as an impressive mo-
                                        del from NZG …
The round shapes of the original
have been copied into model form        needed is included,) hides the          ximum extension mode, the arm
excellently and the model is true       exact replica of engine and hyd-        locks in so that the included con-
to scale in all dimensions. The         raulic distribution valve. This is a    tainer is kept in a stable position.
wheel rims are deep and exactly         new feature on a Liebherr model         In the middle position, the hyd-
engraved and the rubber tires are       and on top of that, it is done in a     raulic cylinders have the propen-
also very convincing. The mo-           very nicely detailed way that is        sity to sink in. The main outrigger
del rolls freely and the rear set of    not often seen.                         arm is made up from one solid
wheels has a good turning radius.         On both sides of the engine are       metal casting and has all the lines
   On the detailed rear portion of      the guides for the tilting cabin.       engraved into it. Work and spot-
the model there are the bumper,         Using a hydraulic cylinder, it can      lights and the supply lines have
a Liebherr logo, back-up camera         be tilted forward by 50 mm to op-       been separately applied.
and rear lights, all are recessed       timize the sight field of the driver.      Exactly modelled too is the
into the chassis.                       The cabin supply and communi-           spreader drive with its two cylin-
   While the right side is as plain     cations are done with a flexible        ders and slewing circle. The Top-
as on the original, the left side has   rubber hose that includes the sup-      lift Spreader was taken over from
the fuel spout and the ornately         ply lines.                              the LRS 645; this is correct as per
executed stairs for accessing the         The cabin itself has a multi-         the original. It can be width adjus-
cab. The metal stair steps have an-     colored interior and, to add to the     ted with two hydraulic cylinders
ti-skid surfaces and the cast hand-     visual appeal, it has flush fitting     and the included container can
rails are very finely done.             windows all round. The window           simply be clicked in.
   At the front on the original the-    gaskets are printed on and the two         Regrettably, the hydraulic lines
re is the optional bracing support      window wipers have to be separa-        where completely omitted there
plate which allows for the in-          tely attached.                          and the yellow warning stripes
crease in loading capacity of the         The outrigger arm is lifted with      on the outsides are also missing.
containers situated at the back of      two hydraulic cylinders and can         Otherwise, paint and lettering are
rows. The two hydraulic cylinders       be telescoped out. When in ma-          very clean and the color sepa-
can be operated using the inclu-                                                rations are very sharp, as we are
ded screw driver. At the front the-                                             used to.
re are three oval air intake grilles
made from a photo etching as is
                                          At a glance
                                                                                The original
the silver-colored grate just abo-        + Detailing
ve; that is first class!                  + Functionality                         The new LRS 545 is a bit smaller
   Below the removable anti-skid          + Engine replica                      that the already known LRS 645 and
surface at the front (again the tool                                            can stack up to a maximum of five

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Translation of pages 20 – 21

containers high. At a maximum re-        third, 21 t. The LRS 545 is available   ble truck bodies and trailers. Its total
achable height of 11.80 m the LRS        with two spreader versions: as ‘To-     weight is 69 t and it is powered hy-
545 is able to lift containers up to a   plift’ it is only capable of loading    drostatically with a Liebherr D944
weight of 45 t and with support pla-     containers; as ‘Intermodal’ it can      producing 230 kW.
te in the second row, 34 t and in the    also be used to handle interchangea-

                                                                           Translation of pages 22 – 23

Iveco Stralis Hi-Way from WSI in 1:50

Pizza tray
      by Daniel Wietlisbach              Even though Iveco is very popular south of the
                                         Alps, these nicely shaped trucks are also appre-
T     he Hi-way cabin from WSI
      is the only current front drive
from Iveco that has been made
                                         ciated by more northern freight haulers, as the
into model form. Even though it is       newest model from WSI proves …
already a few years old, new mo-
del variants are already released
in attractive paint schemes to the       behind the glass, a class act. The      makes the Hi-way cabin look even
market. Not without good reason,         side position lights as well as spoi-   larger. Even though it is a separa-
because the cabin design and the         ler and the rear view mirrors that      tely attached part, the cabin looks
characteristic look has been very        are chromed on the inside are also      like it was made from one casting
nicely made and the equipment            factory-applied parts. The cabin        because there is hardly any crack
that can be attached is very versa-      glass fits flush and is attached wi-    to be seen. The already mentioned
tile. This is why the original has       thout visible lugs. The raised rub-     roof equipment is modeled com-
been recreated in great detail, from     ber gaskets and window wipers are       plete and detailed. Below the cabin
the mud flaps with the Iveco logo,       printed on in matt black. The two-      the very finely made Cursor engine
up to the lights on the roof and the     color cabin interior is very nicely     can be seen.
very extensive printed-on lettering      detailed, even the logo is printed        Since WSI offers tractor chassis
all doing their part to make the mo-     on the chairs’ backrests. The wind      in only 4x2, 6x2 and 6x4 and does
del look authentic.                      spoiler, attached behind the cabin,     not offer a twin tire lifting axle
   The finely engraved radiator                                                  such as on the original, a compro-
grill is an integral part of the cas-                                            mise had to be found. Wheel rims
                                           At a glance
ting as is the raised Iveco logo just                                            and the tire profiles replicate the
above it. Two tiny front lights on         + Shape design                        original but it is a little disturbing
the grill are transparent parts that       + Detailing                           that the differential housing and
have been applied separately. The          – Exhaust and particle filter         the prop shaft are missing.
headlights with integrated turning            are missing                          Also not modeled are the par-
signals have chromed reflectors                                                  ticle filter on the left side, and the

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Translation of pages 22 – 23

exhaust, whose exit pipe is only a       why the support legs extend out by    The Stralis Hi-way 6x2 arrived
printed-on black dot. The chassis,       3 mm. The paint job for the whole   in the middle of May at the color-
when seen from above, is covered         model is very clean and the prin-   ful fleet of Jens Petersen’s Hanst-
by a finely structured non-skid sur-     ting on the cabin is a special treatholm Container transport A/S, situ-
face. When viewing the rear of the       to behold.                          ated in Hanstholm, Denmark. The
truck, it is a joy to see the prototy-                                       tractor truck is coupled to a three-
pically modeled lights and the au-                                           axle Hi-Volume dumper made by
                                         The original
thentic printed-on lettering.                                                the Dutch maker AMT and is in
  The original is usually paired up        The Iveco Stralis series was int- use for the Denmark to Norway
with a trailer from AMT however,         roduced in 2002 as a successor to traffic. The truck is powered by a
WSI has used the Bulthuis High-          the EuroStar. The Stralis AS was six cylinder ‘Cursor 13’ with a dis-
Volume dumper trailer from its           designed for long distance hauling placement of 12.9 liters and produ-
standard program which is a rea-         and was named ‘Truck of the Year’ ces 368 or 412 kW (500/560 hp) of
sonable solution especially since        in 2003. The redesigned Stralis II power.
the trailer has been upgraded to a       with the Hi-way cabin was given       The family business was found-
detailed and functional unit. The        the same honor ten years later. The ed in 1931 and was taken over by
dumping bin can be raised for            Stralis II was built between 2006 ‘Container Jens’ in 1984. It has
dumping, the rear flap opens and         and 2016 then replaced by the trucks from Scania, Volvo, Merce-
the tarp with four metal supports        Stralis XP and NP. The Stralis are des-Benz and Iveco in its fleet.
can be taken off. It is a mystery        built in Madrid, Spain.

                                                                          Translation of pages 24 – 25

Liebherr R 980 SME from Siku Control in 1:32

Excavator for
the holidays
      by Daniel Wietlisbach              First announced for Christmas 2016, the ra-

S    ince under the Siku Control32       dio-controlled excavator from Siku is available
     line-up there are now two ra-
                                         now. We wanted to know if the long wait was
dio-controlled dumper semi-trailers
with MAN and Scania tractors in          worthwhile …
addition to the agricultural models,
the only thing missing was a loader
for the set to complete the play fun.    the Liebherr R 980 SME excavators      mas trees at the end of the same
Visitors to the 2016 toy fair were the   and the models were actually suppo-    year. However, because of the com-
first to play with the prototypes of     sed to be found under many Christ-     plexity of the project, the delivery

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Translation of pages 24 – 25

date had to be postponed until 2017.     material in a garden and landsca-        can also be operated diagonally al-
This year then, there will be many of    ping store which was a great match;      lowing two functions to operate si-
these models under Christmas trees       cork granules or bark chips or simi-     multaneously. When comparing the
because of their high play value.        lar material would also work.            toy operating speed to the original,
Even though it really is a toy whose       It makes sense that the power          the toy could be very much slower.
priority guiding the production was      pack is situated in the counterweight    Anyway, with a little training, the
the functionality, we would like to      of the machines. Three C type batte-     excavator operator soon gets the
take a moment and have a short look      ries are needed. This is not an up-to-   hang of it and great play experience
how it compares with the prototype.      date technology, especially since the    takes place. The motors stop auto-
The hefty upper carriage part gives a    tractors in the Siku Control line have   matically when at their maximum
good impression of the original and      used rechargeable battery packs for      positions and when overloaded, a
the whole model is true to scale. The    some time now. The R 980 SME is          loud rattling alarm sounds making
hydraulic lines give the model the       operated by six motors that make it      the operator stop thus protecting the
right feeling and the cabin with the     possible to replicate every function     motors from damage. Anyone who
rock guard shows that the excavator      of the original. The excavator is tur-   ever wanted an affordable RC exca-
is ready for even rough work. How-       ned on by depressing the exhaust         vator has found the right combina-
ever, the lower carriage is a bit toy-   stack slightly causing the spotlights    tion with the Liebherr R 980 SME
like with its rubber tracks. Taking a    to start blinking. After the remote      from Siku Control.
wild guess, we think that this must      is turned on they will shine solidly
have for financial reasons because       confirming that the control now is
                                                                                  The original
the model is surprisingly affordably     working. The lights can be turned
priced. The lower carriage is made       off after this but using the excavator      The Liebherr R 980 SME is, with
with a massive amount of metal that      at night is a special visual treat.      its working weight of 100 t is the lar-
ensures a solid stance.                    The control works along the lines      gest excavator in the standard pro-
   The excavator was made from a         of the Euro control of larger exca-      gram. It is designed for the toughest
mix of plastic and metal parts and is    vators. The upper carriage can be        jobs in quarries. Because of this, it
really designed for indoor use only.     turned endlessly by 360° and by          has been equipped with the next-to-
On top of that, the excavator should     using a switch can set into the ba-      largest undercarriage, that of the R
not be used to work with too hea-        sic ‘forward’ position. The joysticks    9100. The R 980 SME is available
vy or too small sized materials. The                                              with either a backhoe or a front sho-
size of the individual material to be                                             vel. The maximum shovel capacity
                                           At a glance
worked with should not be under 2                                                 is either 6.8 or 6.5 m3. The V8 Lieb-
mm, because finer particles could          + High play value                      herr D9508 A7SCR engine is capa-
find their way into the mechanism          + Robust construction                  ble of producing 470 kW (571hp)
and cause damage by blocking the           – Throw away batteries for power       and conforms to the exhaust cont-
workings. We found a light granular                                               rols according to step IV/tier 4f.

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Translation of pages 26 – 28

Crane-Fruehauf trailer from Tekno in 1:50

The American way …
           by Hans Witte                  Another Astran model from Tekno: Scania
                                          LBT140 6x4 tractor and special high cube Frue-
E     xcept for the new trailer cas-
      ting there is not so much to tell
about yet another Scania, isn’t it?
                                          hauf box van trailer …
Well, in fact there is quite some
more to tell about the real truck. In-      Ehm, but this Tekno model is in       they could load more carpets. The
teresting facts which help to liven       white and bronze? In 1975 Wood-         construction of the panel van body
up the appearance of the model.           man decided it was time to change       was based on the known Fruehauf
   The founders of Astran (Asian          the company colours. He emplo-          aluminium ribbed panels, like the
Transport) were Michael Wood-             yed a consultancy and asked them        boxes on most other Astran trucks.
man and Bob Paul, who made their          to create a new colour scheme for       With the brand new LBT140 it
first trip to Kabul in a Guy Warri-       the trucks. They came up with this      made the most striking Astran
or tractor and trailer, loaded with       white and ochre, the big ‘A’ at the     truck of the period.
typesetting machines. That was            front was recognised from a great         The Scania tractor, impressive as
way back in 1964. The Guy was             distance. The first truck with the-     it was, suffered from mysterious
followed by an AEC with draw-             se colours was the Scania LBT140        braking problems. When coupled
bar trailer and then some Scania-         tractor NVW 484P coupled to a           to the trailer it would not brake
Vabis LBS76 drawbar combina-              Crane-Fruehauf box trailer. How-        properly. After many attempts to
tions. In 1968 Woodman bought a           ever, none of the other staff mem-      sort out the problem, Astran direct-
brand new European spec’d Scania          bers and all the drivers did not like   ly contacted the Scania head office
LBS110 with the new tilt cab, di-         these colours and they kept comp-       in Södertälje. The answer was, that
rectly from the Birmingham show.          laining about the ‘white and shit’.     the truck should never have been
The heavy tandem axle truck was           The new livery lasted three to four     sold as a tractor unit, while it was
not meant for the British market          years, then the new trucks were         meant as a solo rigid for a cement
(GTW only 32 tons at four axles),         painted again in red and yellow.        mixer body. A new set of valves
but was at the exhibition to show           NVW 484P had double drive ax-         and lines changed the braking cha-
the Brits one of the heavier Sca-         les and was coupled to an already       racteristics to the better and from
nia chassis. It had left hand stee-       four year old Crane-Fruehauf high       then on the truck performed as it
ring, but this was preferred by the       cube trailer, specially designed for    should have done: it was strong
Astran drivers because they ran           Astran to a design from Woodman.        and fast, the 6x4 drive line kept it
most of the time in European right        He wanted this high-cube trailer so     going in the most difficult terrain
hand traffic.                                                                     and it braked effort­lessly.
   This exhibitor truck was painted
in the Scania demo colours: red             At a glance                           The Fruehauf story
chassis and yellow cab with red
roof and striping. Woodman was so           + Choice of prototype                   One of the most well-known
impressed by these striking colours         + Detailing                           brands in the transport industry
that he decided to adept it as the          + Paint job and finishing             is the Fruehauf Trailer Company,
company colours from now on.                                                      based in Detroit, USA. Founder was

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August Fruehauf (1868 – 1930),            sails organisations in 45 countries      correct chassis layout and highly
who constructed his first semitrailer     and manufacturing plants in 20           detailed cab –outside and in- make
in 1914 and officially registered the     countries. In Europe Fruehauf had        the Scania LB one of the best classic
Fruehauf Trailer Company in 1918.         their own plant in France, but in        model trucks ever. With such high
This was the start of a new industry      some other countries they worked         class models every minor fault falls
and during the years Fruehauf int-        together with local trailer builders,    to the eye. I know one: the tyres are
roduced many revolutionary inven-         such as Crane-Fruehauf in England        too narrow to make a correct sized
tions for the transport industry. The     and Netam-Fruehauf in Holland.           1100 x 20.
company owned more than 1.000               After the death of August‘s three        A pity to say that this particular
patents, including the shipping con-      sons, the Fruehauf family was no         model has another and more major
tainer in 1956 which was widely           longer in charge by the mid-sixties.     fault: it should have a 6x4 tandem,
used by the shipping company of           The management team kept leaning         but has the 6x2 tag axle. The ex-
Malcolm Maclean, later known as           on the earlier success and created se-   planation is simple: Tekno does not
Sea-Land. Most popular were the           veral financial mishaps. This miss-      have a classic 6x4 Scania chassis in
aluminium panel van and refrigera-        management lasted for many years         the program.
ted trailers, tankers and flat platform   and following a proxy battle in the        The Crane-Fruehauf trailer was a
trailers. Besides manufacturing ci-       late 1980s the company finally went      one-off, I don’t know of any other
vil trailers, Fruehauf developed and      bankrupt in late 1996.                   then this Astran unit. This will be
produced all kinds of equipment for         International divisions became         the reason that Tekno made this new
the American army: missile vehicles       independent, U.S. subsidiaries like      casting in resin. This material is used
and launchers, shipping containers,       Kelsey Hayes, Budd Wheels and            when only a small series will be ma-
ground handling equipment, etc.           others were sold and competitor          nufactured, due to the more cost-ef-
   After world war two Fruehauf           Wabash National Trailers acquired        fective silicone rubber moulds. And
expanded to Europe, South Ameri-          the crippled company. The compa-         a small series it is, only 500 models
ca and Asia. Important markets in         nies in France, Mexico, New Zeal-        were made. This is another reason
Europe were France, Great Britain,        and and Japan continued to operate       that the model is quite expensive. A
Germany and the Benelux. Perhaps          under the Fruehauf name. Later 65%       pain in the wallet, even for the most
France was the biggest step-up, be-       of the shares from Fruehauf France       die-hard Astran and Middle East
cause after the war many military         were sold to the Polish trailer com-     collectors. But what a stunning mo-
trucks and trailers from the allied       pany Wielton. Today there are four       del it is!
forces were left behind and used          companies using the famous name:           Note: needless to say that this
to recover the haulage business.          Fruehauf France, Fruehauf New Ze-        Astran model was sold out in a very
Many ex-military Fruehauf trailers        aland, Fruehauf England and Nip-         short time. Although the real Crane-
of all kind have been in use for de-      pon Fruehauf in Japan.                   Fruehauf trailer was a one-off, Tek-
cades.                                                                             no offers the separate plain trailer in
   The most successful period for                                                  their Basic Plus Program.
                                          The Astran model
Fruehauf was 1950 – 1980, with
world-wide expansion. In America            For most collectors the Scania
they owned 16 plants and 80 distri-       tractor is a well-known model from
butors. Around 1980 Fruehauf had          the Tekno Classics program. The

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Translation of pages 29 – 31

Truck artist Hans Witte

       by Daniel Wietlisbach               Beginning today, we will show the unique dra-
                                           wings of Hans Witte at regular intervals. As a
H     ans Witte was born in 1950
      on the Dutch holiday island
of Texel in Den Burg where he still
                                           model builder he drew them to help him in the
lives today. After finishing his midd-     construction of his models …
le school education, he completed
a three-year training course to be-
come a graphic artist and illustrator,     scratch-built trucks, all in 1:50 sca-     as a ‘show truck’ and later on adver-
but he never worked in that profes-        le. Hans Witte describes himself as        tised with printed-on slogans for the
sion. Except for trips abroad, Hans        a purist because all his models must       holiday island of Texel. For many
Witte has never left his birth place.      be correct, without any compromi-          years he was also active as an ad-
His wife, Joke, with whom he has           ses, down to the smallest original         visor for both Tekno and WSI. His
lived for the past 42 years also grew      details. Only for his ‘own’ imagina-       immense knowledge was greatly
up on Texel. It is not a surprise to see   ry freight company, ‘Intertextrans,’       appreciated, especially for historical
such a connection to the soil as the       does he allow his fantasy free rein.       models, and he always researched
island of Texel just oozes holiday at-     However, all vehicles could exist in       the prototypes thoroughly. Further-
mosphere in every corner.                  the form he builds. As a member of         more, Hans was an initiator and
   Hans Witte became a truck driver        the Namac (Model car club of the           one of the five stars behind the kit
and in the 70s transported mainly          Netherlands), his scratch-built mo-        producer PKC&Co***** that was
bricks and other stones used in con-       dels were regularly introduced in          responsible for the MAN ‘Chubby
struction on semi-trailer rigs and         the club magazine and so ‘Intertex-        Cheeks’ kit (see issue 1-2017). At
truck and trailer sets. Of course he       trans’ has reached almost cult status.     the beginning of every model buil-
drove the local DAFs of the types          The stories of the fictitious transport    ding project is the exact drawing of
2600, 2200 DHU, 2800 and the ol-           company were written so well and           the original. Over the years, several
der 1600 series as dumpers and con-        realistically that drivers sent in resu-   binders with impressive illustrations
crete mixers. Later on, Hans chan-         mes hoping to get a job.                   have been amassed. It is a great ple-
ged over into the lumber sector and          Hans Witte likes the trucks from         asure for us to announce that we
from 1989 to his pensioning age in         1955 to 1980 best, with the main           will be able to introduce you regu-
2015 he worked in the office of the        focus in the 60s. Hans has collec-         larly to a drawing from the pen of
local municipality’s public works          ted a mountain of information about        Hans Witte. The first such drawing
department where he was in charge          trucks, owns a lot of books, a very        shown on this double page is of the
of organizing the work.                    impressive collection of sales bro-        Mack N61 S trailer truck and trailer
   He began his model work in 1966         chures and is an author for several        set and, no surprise here, as a stone
by detailing and re-painting serial        magazines and co-author of books           transporter. The model was almost
models of the DAF trucks by Lion           about old trucks.                          completely scratch built; only some
Toys and Volvo F88 from Tekno.               From 1980 until 2011 Hans Witte          details for the chassis were store
But very quickly they were fol-            was part of the ‘Texeltruck’ project       bought and the cabin was modified
lowed with the first modified and          too. A Scania LS110 was dressed up         from a Ford H cabin by Corgi.

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Translation of pages 32 – 35

125 years for Spross AG

More than gardeners
      by Daniel Wietlisbach             125 years ago the gardener Joseph Spross
                                        founded a wholesale garden and landscaping
S   ince 1892, the family firm of
    Spross has grown continually
and today is run by operating direc-
                                        business in Zürich thus sowing the seeds for
tor Natalie Spross-Döbeli, a fifth      the Spross-Holding AG which today includes
generation family member. The
three distinctive business streams      three different lines of business …
are ‘GaLa-Bau AG’, ‘Mulden ser-
vice und Entsorgung (Bin service
and recycling),’ as well as ‘Immo-      by a petrol engine with about 4 li-      the D330 ‘tree transplanter’ with
bilien (Real estate)’. The spectrum     ters of displacement.                    a sleeper cabin on an 8x4 chassis.
of services offered goes from the         Soon the change to Saurer trucks       The high tide mark of Saurer truck
simple maintenance of private gar-      occurred, a brand to which the busi-     ownership was reached in 1983,
dens up to the design and realizati-    ness stayed loyal until the end of       with 33 Saurer trucks in the com-
on of large projects.                   production. In addition to the older     pany fleet.
                                        S4C, the well-known 5D was used.           After the demise of Saurer, Spross
                                        Besides the dumpers, there were          changed to use Mercedes-Benz and
Bin service and recycling
                                        the special ‘Welaki’ conversions for     kept the single brand fleet philoso-
   Commencing last mid-century,         dumping bins, introduced first in        phy. The greatest number today are
the desire was to find solutions for    1951 by the Wirz Fahrzeugbau AG.         the Actros of the last generation and
the total work processes required       These were the Swiss version of          Arocs of the newest one. The latter
in the gardening business and to        the system usually called ‘drop-off’     are often under way as 4x2 tractor
extend into landscaping on a larger     off bins, for construction waste and     trucks with three-axle dumping trai-
scale. Under the slogan, ‘If there is   other uses. Since the take-over of       lers of different sizes. Even the only
no solution for the problem, make       Wirz in 2002, trucks are now equip-      garbage truck in the Spross fleet is
your own,’ today’s business line of     ped with the Welaki system of bin        a Mercedes-Benz Econic. Rather
bin service and recycling was star-     transport by Trösch AG.                  new, however, are the Scania P280
ted in the 1950s. The need to find        In the 80s, the modern long hood       with the Welaki conversion; these
solutions for the professional remo-    Saurer D330N trucks followed as          are the prototypes for the Tekno
val of soil and demolition rubble       4x4s in dumper and bin dumping           model. The bin service section of
was high in the construction trade      models. There were two of the            the business today has 28 trucks
at the time and so the new arm of       stronger D330B as dumper versi-          and around 1,200 bins that have vo-
the business grew quickly with the      ons; one was used with a lowboy          lumes from 1.0 m3 to 36.0 m3.
first truck purchased in 1954. It was   trailer for the transportation of con-     A dump site was purchased in
an Austin Loadstar with four wheel      struction machines and the other         1984 and then transformed to what
drive and a typical dumping bin by      one got a rear mounted truck crane       was then most modern recycling
Peter. These British trucks, built      with grappler hook for landscaping       and waste management site. The
from 1949 to 1956, were powered         work. A single item in the fleet was     constantly upgraded and improved

Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                             19
Translation of pages 32 – 35

dumping site has sufficient room         336E and 329D excavators, 725C
for the storage of non-recyclable        Dumper, D6 Bull dozer, 950                  Spross Holding AG
materials for an additional genera-      wheeled loader as well as a 16t road
tion, or about 25 years.                 roller by Bomag. At work in the De-         Employees            175
  Since 2001, there has been the         bag recycling plant are Volvo L110          Sales 2015           75 Mio. CHF
‘Debag’ sorting plant for recycla-       and L220 wheeled loaders, a Volvo
bles, with its own rail siding, and      EW210 mobile excavator, two Sen-            Bin service and
construction waste in the middle of      nebogen 825 electro excavators, a           recycling group only
Zürich town. Of the about 160,000        Sennebogen 821 material transfer
t of material, about 70 % is re-used     excavator as well as an Hammel              Employees              50
and more than half of that is ship-      950 electro shredder.                       Trucks                 28
ped out of town by rail.                                                             Bins                   about 1200
                                                                                     recycling centre       160‘000 t mat.
                                         The jubilee model
                                                                                     Debag                  per annum
Construction machines
                                           ‘We hardly spend anything on              Dump capacity          3‘000 000 t
  Since the 50s, construction ma-        ourselves,’ might have been the             Tambring               dumping
chines have also been part of fleet.     slogan the company board adopted,           facility and capacity for residuals
In the early years they were rather      when they decided to commission
large ones for the time, so the larger   the first scale model for the 125th
logo on the engine hood could be         anniversary of the company. The           because the two hooks at the rear
showed off with pride. In addition       request was that it should be one         that make dumping easier are mis-
to a Caterpillar D9 (series D or E),     of the newest vehicles of the bin         sing. This is less obvious than the
old pictures show two Allis-Chal-        service trucks. And so, it was deci-      prototypically correct anti-skid sur-
mers tracked loaders believed to be      ded to have the model be the Sca-         face extending on to the rear fender
the H7s. Until the 70s these tracked     nia P280 Euro6 #55 with a dum-            that give the model an exceptio-
loaders did the bulk of the excava-      ping bin. In co-operation with the        nally fine look. According with the
tions; only after that time were they    importer, Setec-HTM, the model            original, the headache protection
more frequently surpassed by exca-       was realized by Tekno, where the-         bar behind the cabin was also mo-
vators.                                  re was already the bin superstruc-        deled correctly. Paint and lettering
  There are a great variety of ma-       ture available. That it is not a ‘real’   have been executed very cleanly. A
chines at work in the dump site.         Welaki bin system, is an acceptable       few models can still be had by con-
One each of the Caterpillar 352F,        compromise. It is easily recognized       tacting Setec-HTM.

Laster & Bagger 6-2017                                                                                                 20
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