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Savour - Restaurant Association of ...
Thought                                                                                       SEPTEMBER 2017

for Food

               Savour                             The Magazine of the Restaurant Association of New Zealand

                                                                    A win
                                                                    for the
                                                                    Page 10

           Strong growth                               Cultural                         Medium
                                                       complexities                     rare burgers
           for hospitality                             demand agile                     on the
           The nation’s appetite for eating out
           is healthier than ever, with sales          thinking                         menu
           expected to top $10 billion by 2018.        13                               28
Savour - Restaurant Association of ...
Savour - Restaurant Association of ...
SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017     CEO’s Message

We move into September with
a full plate, outlining important issues
for the hospitality industry.

We spent the last several months diligently   We are also updating the way we
campaigning to argue for a lower salary       communicate with you — our members —
threshold to be set for our industry with     and will be sending you Savour four times
new immigration change and we are             a year. Our communication will be more
pleased that the Government has listened.     regular with you via email – two E-news
                                              emails will be sent a month and this will
The lowering of the salary band, which
                                              outline all the important things we think
are partially used to determine skill                                             
                                              you need to know. We are also regularly
levels, will help restaurateurs continue to                                                 09 632 1400
                                              posting on our social media platforms so
have access to the workers needed for                                             
                                              be sure you are connected with us across
delivering quality service to customers at
                                              Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and Twitter.
reasonable prices.
                                              We have a great line up in store for you
Minister Woodhouse said the new mid-
                                              at this year’s Hospitality Summit 2017
skilled remuneration band recognises the                                                    @restaurantnz
                                              in Wellington, which is highlighted in
fact that these workers are filling genuine
                                              the issue. Our Feast by Famous Chefs
skill shortages and are more likely to
                                              event is also rapidly approaching at the
progress with further skills acquisition or
                                              end of September and will be a great
work experience.
                                              event gathering New Zealand’s culinary
Phase Two of consultation will address        industry. The Hall of Fame and Good
concerns raised about ANZSCO descriptions     Neighbour awards will be awarded at
and the lack of classifications for some      Feast, which will be held at the Northern
jobs, which therefore disadvantage            Club in Auckland. Both events are great
workers whose occupations are classed         opportunities to catch up with old friends
at a lower-level by default. This will        and meet new ones, stay informed and,
hopefully bring about positive changes        of course, have lots of fun.
for our industry.
                                              In other news, we will be announcing
With the election looming, a number of        three new member benefits in the coming
political parties are claiming they will      months so be sure to keep an eye out
‘slash’ immigration – including work visas    for these.
– which will have a large impact on our
                                              Marisa Bidois
businesses, many of which are already
struggling to find new talent. We have
been working to ensure the leaders of
these parties communicate what they will
be doing so hospitality businesses can                              good                                    good
operate in a stable environment. We have
outlined what we think parties should be                            business                                advice
focusing on in our Business Manifesto,
outlined in this issue.

We have expanded the team here
at the Association and outlined our
new people in this issue. Our newest
addition is Karen Lin, our Marketing and
Communications Manager. She is happy
to assist you with any questions you
might have about marketing in your
own business.
Savour - Restaurant Association of ...
SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017     President’s Message

Past, present, future:
culinary insights
Mike Egan shares the latest in
hospitality trends and looks at how
these will affect our businesses.

1. Which are the current culinary                 Alcohol consumption is on the decrease.
mainstream trends in the away-                    This, however, is seen mainly in the
from-home market?                                 reduction of sales of mainstream or
New Zealand has relatively low levels of          low-priced products. An increase in
frequency of dining away from home                craft beers and cocktail sales offset
compared to other developed nations.              any revenue loss.
However, we are seeing a steady increase                                                           Mike Egan
                                                  4. Take a look into the future:                  National President
in the number of occasions diners are
                                                                                                   Restaurant Association of New Zealand
eating out. This phenomenon grows income
                                                  a. What will guests be like and expect
for operators that can provide well priced
                                                  from restaurants ten years from now?   
dining solutions matched with culinary
expertise in an exciting environment.             Guests will have even greater knowledge
                                                  of cooking techniques and ingredients
2. How far are these culinary trends              than they do now. Our staff will need
                                                  even greater levels of product knowledge
shaped by current sociological and
                                                  to keep up with the guests’ expectations.
economic developments?
                                                  The rise in the number of “allergy” prone        5. How have personal consumption
The buoyant economy here in New
                                                  guests mean restaurants will have to             patterns changed in the past
Zealand means greater spending power
                                                  make sure they have accurate information         10-15 years?
by individuals and families. Coupled with
                                                  on all the components of a meal and
the daily necessary analogue antidote                                                              Increasing frequency of dining away
                                                  will often have to customize menu items
to our digital lives that we all need, our                                                         from home has been one of the most
                                                  during a service for a guest.
restaurants and cafes are perfectly placed                                                         notable changes in the last decade. Eating
to become even more relevant as places                                                             out is now not always seen as a treat. With
                                                  b. Which cuisines will conquer our
where we can reconnect and recharge.                                                               increasing numbers of lower cost but high-
                                                  menus in the next decade?
The huge increase in tourists visiting                                                             quality offerings, it is often a comparable
all year round also provides consistent           We are in the fashion industry to some           expense in time and money to eat out
revenue growth.                                   extent, and cuisines can come in and             than to grocery shop and then prepare an
                                                  out of fashion quite regularly. However,         interesting yet healthy meal from scratch.
                                                  cuisines like Italian are perennially popular.
3. Which foodstuffs/products are
                                                  New cuisines do come out of relative             6. What has changed in beverage
on the rise, and which are on the
                                                  obscurity and can excite the market, like        menus in recent years? Which
decline? Why? What’s a MUST on
                                                  the Nordic and Peruvian trends. These
the menu today that wasn’t there                                                                   beverages were added, which
                                                  have a tipping point driven sometimes just
10 years ago?                                                                                      disappeared?
                                                  by one restaurant or chef. I think there will
High quality proteins are seen as a vital                                                          The popularity of signature cocktails and
                                                  also be trends for certain dishes from a
part of a healthy diet. Females, especially,                                                       non-alcoholic drinks help drive increased
                                                  cuisine. For example, the Hawaiian dish,
look to have one or two meals a week of                                                            beverage sales. Mainstream beer sales
                                                  Poke, is popping up on menus and it is a
red meat that is relatively pure. Not just                                                         are down, however, increased craft beer
                                                  fresh seafood dish that works well with
a whole steak but say a sliced fillet in a                                                         sales have more than made up for the lost
                                                  the health maintenance trend. At the other
stir fry or a lamb back strap grilled then                                                         revenue. Local craft beers are especially
                                                  end of the Hawaiian cuisine spectrum is
served in a salad is seen as a must for                                                            popular with out-of-town guests as they are
                                                  Spam and apart from being a novelty dish
health maintenance. Menus need to have                                                             looking for unique tastes from the region.
                                                  will not, I hope, become ubiquitous.
more choices to cater for vegetarians or
those with common food intolerances.

Savour - Restaurant Association of ...
Health and wellness
have an even greater
influence on food and
beverage purchases
than in the past.

Guests understand a
healthy balanced diet
has a huge impact on
their overall welfare.

7. Different aspects influence                  look forward to the first supplies. Farming   of our daily lives. However, digital plays
customer purchase decisions. Which              has helped make them sustainable              a big role in how we present ourselves
of the following do you feel have               and they also tick the boxes of organic       to our customers and has driven down
the greatest impact: health and                 and local. International craft spirits        marketing costs. We also use digital
wellness, buying local, sustainable             are becoming the new craft beer, with         to seek out ideas and trends to keep
production, clean labels, organic,              distilleries popping up everywhere making     relevant, though nothing compares to
or humane animal treatment?                     interesting spirits with local flavours or    personally visiting other establishments
                                                using old school techniques not offered       to garner inspiration.
Health and wellness have an even greater
                                                by the big players.
influence on food and beverage purchases
than in the past. Guests understand a
                                                                                              11. What do you love most about the
healthy balanced diet has a huge impact
                                                9. Organic, vegetarian, vegan – how           food service industry?
on their overall welfare. Organic is often      important are these issues? Have              This is such an exciting industry to work
too expensive and in limited supply for it to   New Zealand menus changed with                in. No day is ever the same as we work in
be a mainstay on menus.                         these three categories in recent              an environment that opens its doors every
                                                years? What role do food allergies            morning and we never know who or what
Sustainable and humane treatment of             and intolerances play in today’s              the day will bring. Our customers come
animals have an impact on purchasing.           menu development?                             with their own set of expectations and
Many front-of-house and kitchen teams                                                         preconceptions. Some customers have
                                                All these issues have become hugely
are young and are very passionate about                                                       never dined with us before and some are
                                                important in our marketplace. Customers
these topics and help encourage change                                                        great regulars. Either way, during every
                                                with allergies and intolerances, as well
to practices.                                                                                 service we look to provide an experience
                                                as vegan/vegetarians, can have a major
                                                influence on where a group of customers       that will exceed their expectations with the
8. Which ingredients do you expect                                                            food, beverage, environment and service.
                                                will dine. If you don’t cater seriously to
to rise in popularity over the next             these sectors you could miss out on
5-10 years? Why?                                                                              The other aspect I love is that the food
                                                business. Menu specifications need to         service industry provides a stage where—
Oysters are becoming more and more              be very accurate and staff need to have       as operators—we can infuse every aspect
popular! They are a true expression             full knowledge of all ingredients. Many       with our own style and creativity. We not
of terroir, must always be super fresh,         customers have high levels of expertise       only get to choose the food and beverage
and are often eaten with minimum                about ingredients and cooking techniques.     offering but we also need to decorate the
preparation. They are seasonal and are
                                                                                              room, dress the staff, choose the music,
eagerly anticipated by customers who            10. Our world is going digital ­— what        look at the plating of each dish, choose
                                                role does technology (front-of-house          the glassware for every drink, decide how
                                                and back-of-house, digital ordering,          we want to present the exterior of the
                                                etc.) play in restaurants and how do          business, and select a marketing style. All
                                                they influence the overall restaurant         this creativity is also in constant need of
                                                experience?                                   renewal and refreshing to ensure we stay
                                                We are still an industry whose offering is    on brand and relevant to our current and
                                                very analogue, especially in full service     potential customers.
                                                restaurants. Paper menus offer a nice
                                                respite from the screens and keyboards
Savour - Restaurant Association of ...

    Food. Services,for
       Advocating   Changes  and more
                       our industry.
Savour - Restaurant Association of ...
SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017     Industry Update

Keeping our
industry vibrant
and viable
This year, we have been working closely with
the Government to influence policy on issues like
training, work visas and transaction costs.

The Restaurant Association’s 2017 Business      Our efforts are concentrated on the              In addition, the Restaurant Association
Manifesto summarises the key issues and         following areas:                                 is leading a campaign to provide
challenges for the hospitality industry                                                          better visibility of our industry’s tourism
and what we are focused on addressing           ISSUE 1                                          contribution. Where “tourism” is used,
to ensure that our hospitality businesses                                                        we would like this to be identified as
remain viable, today and into the future.
                                                The Restaurant Association wants                 “hospitality and tourism”. Instead of a
                                                better recognition for the significant           Minister of Tourism, this should be the
The hospitality industry is a $9 billion per    positive impact that hospitality has             Minister for Hospitality and Tourism. This
year industry that employs more than            on New Zealand’s economy and                     campaign endeavours to appropriately
120,000 people across 17,000 businesses.        the integral part that it plays in the           recognise the place that hospitality has in
We are a powerhouse of New Zealand’s            tourist experience.                              overall tourism strategy.
economy yet most hospitality businesses
                                                With almost $10 billion in annual sales and
are small to medium-sized enterprises
                                                annual growth of 8.2 per cent (2016-2017),       ISSUE 2
(SME’s) with owner/operators working in
                                                the hospitality industry is a much-talked-
their businesses 24/7. With infinitesimally                                                      We are working hard to encourage
                                                about segment of the tourism story. As
fine margins when it comes to managing                                                           hospitality as a career pathway
                                                more of our businesses gain recognition
the major costs associated with running a                                                        of choice. However, more work is
                                                internationally for their innovation and
hospitality business, making a profit in this                                                    needed. The Restaurant Association
                                                expertise, our vibrant hospitality scene is
industry is tough.                                                                               welcomes the opportunity to work
                                                vital to attracting tourists to New Zealand.
While running a hospitality business is         Every single visitor to New Zealand              with the Government on initiatives
demanding, our businesses demonstrate           consumes our food. Every aspect of New           that inspire young New Zealanders to
an unwavering commitment to our                 Zealand food, from production to tourism,        enter our workforce.
communities, in good times and bad.             recognises the importance of connecting          The hospitality industry is one of the
Perhaps no other industry has deeper            with the people who eat our food. However,       country’s largest employers. Due to the
community roots. People turn to our             we need help to take advantage of                burgeoning nature of the service sectors,
businesses each day for sustenance,             additional opportunities to promote              another 200,000 workers will be needed
support and socialisation, and we give          our achievements and the New Zealand             across the service industries by 2020,
back to our communities, improving the          food experience.                                 with a large number of those needed in
quality of life for those we serve.                                                              hospitality. There are increasing concerns
                                                The Restaurant Association want further
                                                                                                 we will not be able to adequately staff
The Restaurant Association has canvassed        investment in the industry through
                                                                                                 the sector unless we change perceptions
members to find common challenges               funding initiatives specifically targeted to
                                                                                                 and promote hospitality and tourism as
for the hospitality industry. These are         hospitality. Investment will help the industry
                                                                                                 a viable and fulfilling career. To meet
the issues that we advocate for —               to capitalise on opportunities to recognise
                                                                                                 employee demand, we need more quality
calling the Government to implement             our achievements on a global stage.
                                                                                                 training and education initiatives.
policies that encourage our industry’s
continuing success.

                                                                                                 annual hospitality
                                                                                                 sales for year-ended
                                                                                                 March 2017

Savour - Restaurant Association of ...
SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017     Industry Update

The Restaurant Association works on             ISSUE 3                                        Almost 20 per cent of the hospitality
a number of initiatives that promote                                                           industry’s employees hold work visas,
recruitment and retention in hospitality.       The industry currently suffers                 so a temporary work policy must not
The ProStart programme was created              from a labour shortage. We rely                work against the needs of a flourishing
in partnership with the Ministry of Social      on skilled workers from overseas               industry, nor inhibit business growth
Development, and in consultation with the       to fill the void. When no suitable             and competitiveness.
hospitality industry. ProStart introduces       New Zealanders are available,
                                                                                               The Restaurant Association will continue
students to the basics of hospitality. We       strategies that ensure migrant
                                                                                               to advocate for more sensible approaches
train beneficiaries over four weeks to          workers can continue to be a
                                                                                               to immigration policy that encourage
ready them for work in hospitality, with        part of the hospitality mix are                employment of New Zealanders first and
a goal of employment upon completion.           important for the development                  foremost, but which recognise the value
Trainee participants gain valuable insight      of our vibrant industry.                       of using migrant workers when there are
into a career in the hospitality industry and
                                                There are currently not enough people to       skill shortages.
acquire key skills for entering employment
                                                fill positions in the hospitality or tourism
and further education in our industry. The
programme also assists the Government
                                                industry. With an additional 1.4 million       ISSUE 4
                                                visitors expected over the next six years,
to achieve its objective to reduce                                                             There is widespread use of card
                                                the demand for workers will increase.
unemployment rates.                                                                            payments for goods and services
                                                The Association is committed to initiatives    received by consumers when dining
Attracting more New Zealanders into
                                                that attract more New Zealanders to            out, however, the fees associated
the industry is vital to our future. Further
                                                work in hospitality. However, migrant          with accepting these cards are a
investment in platforms like the ProStart
                                                workers are an important part of our
initiative are needed by the Government to                                                     significant and increasing cost to
                                                workforce. Immigration policy should
ensure broader reach to those joining, or                                                      running a business. The Restaurant
                                                enable the efficient functioning of the
re-joining, the workforce. The Restaurant                                                      Association advocates for regulation
                                                labour market and not disadvantage
Association welcomes the opportunity to                                                        of New Zealand’s payment system to
                                                hospitality businesses.
work with the Government to implement                                                          ensure an efficient and transparent
additional projects. The overall objective                                                     system that benefits both consumers
is to encourage hospitality as a career                                                        and merchants.
pathway of choice.

Savour - Restaurant Association of ...
Almost 20 per cent of the
                                                                              hospitality industry’s employees
                                                                              hold work visas, so temporary
                                                                              work policy must not work
                                                                              against the needs of a
                                                                              flourishing industry.

The Restaurant Association welcomed            The costs of the current payment system           law, health and safety, food safety,
the discussion by the Government in 2016,      in New Zealand are not transparent, which         immigration law, the sale and supply
and earlier this year, on New Zealand’s        limits participants’ ability to make informed     of alcohol, financial obligations and
retail payment systems. This discussion        choices. The interchange rate is not readily      local Government regulations. The
addressed whether consumers and                disclosed to merchants, although this             Restaurant Association would like to
merchants are benefiting from ongoing          forms the basis for merchant rate hikes.          see a programme that recognises those
innovation, whether card payment                                                                 businesses who want to do more than
                                               Internationally, a number of countries have
systems are being used efficiently, and                                                          simply be compliant and want to establish
                                               moved to regulate the payments industry
whether consumers and merchants are                                                              best practice measures. These businesses
                                               and, as a result, New Zealand merchants
bearing a fair share of the costs.                                                               save the Government because they need
                                               pay substantially more to process credit
                                                                                                 less intervention from Government bodies
                                               and contactless debit card transactions
                                                                                                 to ensure they are “doing the right thing”.
                                               than their counterparts in markets such
                                               as Australia and the UK (on average               A survey of Restaurant Association
There has been                                 Australian merchants pay merchant                 members found that a programme
increased credit                               service fees of around 0.85%, according
                                               to estimates by COVEC and data from the
                                                                                                 that recognises and rewards businesses
                                                                                                 that are achieving the highest levels of
and debit card use,                            Reserve Bank of Australia).                       compliance would be well supported.
                                                                                                 Rewards could come in many different
and declining use                              The Restaurant Association supports the
                                                                                                 forms, including compliance fee discounts,
                                               introduction of interchange regulation
of EFTPOS and cash.                            and, in particular, a requirement for full
                                                                                                 consumer recognition, subsidies or
                                                                                                 fast-tracked application approval in
In New Zealand                                 disclosure to bring the level of transparency
                                                                                                 certain cases. This programme will
                                               in line with other international jurisdictions.
we are rapidly                                                                                   encourage and raise the bar for New
                                                                                                 Zealand business owners.
                                               ISSUE 5
heading towards                                                                                  Whatever outcomes we see as a result
a cashless society.                            The Restaurant Association contributes
                                               to educating migrant and kiwi business
                                                                                                 of the September election, the Restaurant
                                                                                                 Association will be strongly advocating
                                               owners to not only be compliant
                                                                                                 on the industry’s behalf for strategies
                                               in their business, but to achieve
                                                                                                 that address the needs of our flourishing
Over the past several years, New Zealand       best practice targets. Businesses
                                                                                                 industry, and promote economic and
has seen a significant change to the way       that are excelling in all areas of
                                                                                                 business growth. 
consumers make their purchases. There          business management should receive
has been increased credit and debit card       recognition for this achievement.
use, and declining use of EFTPOS and cash.     The Restaurant Association supports
In New Zealand we are rapidly heading          the foundation of a programme to
towards a cashless society. This is leading    measure best business practice and
to increased costs for merchants and,          reward those who have achieved
as credit and contactless debit card use       these distinguished levels.
increases, it is likely we will see merchant   There are a number of mechanisms
service fees rise even further.                already in place to measure compliance
                                               with New Zealand law. In hospitality, this
                                               includes compliance with employment

Savour - Restaurant Association of ...
SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017   Industry Update

Strong growth
for hospitality
According to our latest Foodservice Facts, the nation’s
appetite for eating out is healthier than ever, with sales
expected to top $10 billion by 2018.

By any measure, our sector is performing     Breaking it down – what’s being                 The region is benefiting from ongoing
very well. New Zealanders are spending       spent where?                                    strength in horticulture, growing tourist
more each year at restaurants, takeaways,    Restaurants and cafes reign supreme             numbers and a construction boom.
bars and cafes and on catering. In keeping   in the battle for our dining dollars, with
with overall trends in consumer spending,    total sales of $4.45 billion. Nearly 50 cents   Other regions:
we’re seeing growth in almost every          of every dollar spent in the sector goes        • Waikato, Wellington and rest of North
region and in every category of the          through the till of a restaurant or café,         Island regions – revenue growth was
hospitality sector. Based on the trend       more than double that of its nearest rival,       slightly above the national average.
of the past few years, we’re forecasting     takeaways ($2.0 billion)                          Waikato, as part of the wider upper
sales to top $10 billion next year, which                                                      North Island area including Auckland
is incredibly exciting.                      While it might be a distant second,
                                                                                               and BOP, is benefitting from gains
                                             revenue for the takeaway sector grew
                                                                                               across a broader range of industries
                                             the fastest last year, up nearly 16%,
                                                                                               and strong population growth.
                                             growing at nearly double the sector
    Highlights of the 2017                   average and more than four times faster         • Manawatu-Wanganui and the rest of
    Foodservice Facts Report:                than the café and restaurant segment.             the South Island regions – revenue grew
                                                                                               at half the national average.
                                             Regionally, Auckland is the biggest market,
    • Industry sales $9.7 billion            with sales of $3.7 billion, followed by
                                                                                             Creating jobs and finding people are
      (up $732.9 million, or +8.2%)          Wellington ($1.2 billion) and Canterbury
                                             ($1.1 billion). In terms of growth, the         not easy tasks
    • Employee numbers reach                 Bay of Plenty, one of the smaller regions,      Good trading conditions mean that
      120,900 (up 560, or +4.9%)             recorded the greatest growth at 18.22%,         hospitality businesses can hire more
                                             followed by Auckland (11.52%), the rest         staff. More than 120,000 people now
    • Number of outlets reach 16,728
                                             of the North Island (9.79%) and Wellington      work in the sector, up 4.9%. We’re seeing
      (up 630, or +4.1%)                                                                     increased employee numbers in almost
                                                                                             every segment and in all but one region.
    The sector is enjoying strong,           Of the nine regions featured in the             Auckland recorded the greatest increase
                                             report, eight recorded increases in             in staff in both real and percentage terms,
    sustained growth; five-year
                                             revenue ranging from +18.22% for Bay of         as did the takeaway segment.
    data paints an even stronger
                                             Plenty to +0.57% for Otago. Revenue for
    picture:                                 Canterbury dipped by -0.18%.                    While many industries are being disrupted
                                                                                             by technology, hospitality needs actual
    • Industry sales increase by             As the most populated region and the            people in real time working. As more
      $2.5 billion or +35% for the           main tourism gateway to New Zealand,
      five years to March 2017               Auckland plays the largest role in the
                                             tourism and hospitality sector. Revenue
    • Employee numbers increase
                                             increased by $378 million over the past
      by 16,900 or +16.25% for the

                                             12 months, more than triple the dollar
      five years to February 2016            growth for 2016, and the outlook remains
    • Number of outlets increase             very positive.
      by 1,980 or +13.4% for the             Bay of Plenty was the star performer,
      five years to February 2016            with percentage revenue growth more             forecasted sales
                                                                                             in the hospitality
                                             than double the national growth rate and
                                                                                             sector in the
                                             far outstripping second place Auckland.         next year


                      Finding enough
                      qualified people
                      to meet demand
                      from the dining
                      public is one of the
                      biggest challenges
                      we face.

people eat out more often, more chefs          More options, more places to eat               from cheap and cheerful to fine dining, and
are needed, as well as increased front-        The number of outlets also grew, topping       everything in between. A diner could never
of-house staff.                                16,725 for the year to February 2016, with     be bored with the number of options and
                                               the number of takeaway outlets up by           outlets available. There are meal possibilities
Finding enough qualified people to
                                               5.48%. The number of Auckland outlets          for every wallet and every palate.
meet demand from the dining public is
one of the biggest challenges we face.         grew by nearly 5% to reach 6,438.
Our industry is running flat out, training     Sustained economic growth gives
apprentices, upskilling from within,                                                          With domestic demand and tourism
                                               hospitality operators the confidence to
and — for as long as we can — hiring                                                          showing no signs of slowing down, we
                                               open new outlets. Between 2012 and 2016
internationally. We can barely keep                                                           can expect growth to continue for the
                                               the number of outlets increased by 13.4%.
up with the growth.                                                                           foreseeable future. The America’s Cup and
                                               In every region there are more options
                                                                                              other major events will boost an already
Business owners are plugging the gap           than ever if people want to eat away
                                                                                              vibrant sector that is a major contributor
when they can’t find the right people, This,   from home.
                                                                                              to the New Zealand economy and the
however, is not sustainable in the long        We love the innovation in our sector. It not   tourism experience.
term. As an industry we are working hard       only reflects trends, it creates them. Kiwi
to find a lasting and effective solution.      diners are spoilt for choice with everything
SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017      Industry Update

A win for
the hospitality
Changes to the temporary
work visa now in place.
The Government has listened to                  to be $48,859) will be considered             Other issues highlighted during
feedback from the industry over                 low skilled and will have restrictions.       consultation are being addressed
their proposed changes to Essential             However, the Government has reduced           during the second phase of the review
Skills work visas.                              the remuneration band – addressing            of temporary migration settings. These
Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse          the issues that were raised in the            include developing a framework for
recently confirmed the immigration              consultation process from organisations       further targeting of immigration settings
changes, which have just come into              like the Restaurant Association who           by sectors and regions, developing
force after a consultation process that         vigorously argued against the proposed        proposals to incentivise and reward good
resulted in around 170 submissions. The         salary threshold. As a result, the lower      employer behaviour, and ensuring that
Association strongly advocated on behalf        remuneration band for the new changes         seasonal work visas reflect seasonal work.
of the industry when meeting with MBIE          will be set at 85 per cent of the New
                                                                                              Phase Two also addresses concerns
and Immigration NZ for a lower salary           Zealand median income — currently
                                                                                              raised by primary industries that the
threshold to be set for our industry. We        $41,538 a year — instead.
                                                                                              current ANZSCO descriptions lack
are heartened that the Government has           Minister Woodhouse says the new mid-          classifications for some jobs and therefore
listened.                                       skilled remuneration band recognises the      disadvantage workers whose occupations
The changes utilise a salary threshold to       fact that these workers are filling genuine   are classed at a lower-level by default.
help determine skill levels. Those under        skill shortages and are more likely to
                                                                                              The changes to temporary work visa
a certain threshold (originally proposed        progress with further skills acquisition or
                                                                                              conditions come into effect 28th August,
                                                work experience.
                                                                                              alongside the previously announced
                                                                                              changes to the Skilled Migrant residence
                                                                                              category. We will keep members updated
                                                                                              as new information comes through.
     A brief summary of some of the Essential Skills visa changes:

     • Essential Skills visa holders who earn     be considered mid-skilled and will
       less than $41,538 will be issued a         be able to gain a visa for up to 3
       visa of 12 months for a maximum 3          years at a time and there will be no
       year duration, after which they will       restriction on the number of times
       need to spend 12 months outside            they will be able to reapply. Migrants
       New Zealand before they can be             earning within this band will also be
       granted an Essential Skills visa to        able to support visa applications for
       work in another lower-skilled role.        their partners and children.
       Partners and children of lower-skilled
                                                • Those earning over $73,299 a year
       visa holders will need to meet visa
                                                  will automatically be considered
       conditions in their own right.
                                                  higher-skilled, regardless of their

     • A migrant earning between $41,538          occupation.
       and $73,299 in an occupation
       classified as ANZSCO Level 1 – 3 will

                                                                                              the new salary threshold for
                                                                                              the Essential Skills work visas

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our Restaurant Association
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       TrialServices, Changes&and
             period, diversity    more
SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017       Employment Matters

Cultural complexities
demand agile thinking
Identity is more than just gender or ethnicity but workplace
mentality fails to reflect that.

                                                   Since releasing the Superdiversity Stocktake:   everyone finds it easier to visit and live
                                                   Implications for Law, Policy and Business       in New Zealand.
                                                   in November 2015 and discussing with
                                                                                                   So, a quarter of Auckland’s population
                                                   many businesses and organisations how
                                                                                                   right now are Maori, Pasifika and Asian
                                                   to implement strategies to address the
                                                                                                   women, and their experiences from the
                                                   growing diversity of their employees and
                                                                                                   statistics show that they get paid less
                                                   customers, I have realised the need to
                                                                                                   than Anglo-Saxon men and women
                                                   refresh what the word “diversity” means in
                                                                                                   and coloured men. The Human Rights
                                                   21st century New Zealand.
                                                                                                   Commission’s statistics show that over the
                                                   The literal meaning of “diversity” is           past five years, complaints are becoming
                                                   broad and so it is important that we don’t      more complex and based on multiple-
By Mai Chen                                        constrain the diversity of employees and        ground discrimination — from 9.19 per cent
MANAGING PARTNER, CHEN PALMER                      customers mainly to gender or ethnicity.        of complaints in 2011/12 to 15.4 per cent in
                                                                                                   2015/16. The majority of these complaints
                                                   We often hear that we don’t have
                                                                                                   concern race and sex, followed by
                                                   enough women on this board or in senior
                                                                                                   disability and age, sex and age (older
                                                   management, or we need more Maori,
                                                                                                   women), and race and disability.
                                                   but identity is complex — we all have a
                                                   gender and an ethnicity, a religion (or         There is also a vast body of New Zealand
                                                   are atheists), a language, a sexuality, and     and overseas research evidencing that
                                                   an ability or disability. So why do we          such individuals are typically subject to
                                                   approach what customers and employees           a “double” or “triple” disadvantage in
                                                   experience and thus the needs they have         a range of different settings, including
                                                   and the barriers they have to overcome          housing, employment, criminal justice
                                                   as if they were a single axis line — just       and health.
                                                   gender or being indigenous, for example.
                                                                                                   It is important that we update our thinking
                                                   For some, it will just be gender, but for
                                                                                                   to reflect the lived experiences of New
                                                   a growing number of others, it will be
                                                                                                   Zealanders in the 21st century, and adopt
                                                   gender plus.
                                                                                                   a “matrix” approach to diversity.
                                                   Unless we more accurately define the
                                                                                                   Properly defining diversity is critical
                                                   diversity of a growing number of New
                                                                                                   not just to business, customers and
                                                   Zealanders we are not going to attract
                                                                                                   employees, but also to solving important
                                                   and satisfy the needs of diverse customers
                                                                                                   issues like homelessness.
                                                   and employees.
                                                                                                   The Healthy Housing Project, a long-
                                                   The reason is the growing superdiversity
                                                                                                   running study run by the University of
Mai Chen is a featured                             of New Zealanders (over 25 per cent not
                                                                                                   Otago examining the health impacts
speaker presenting at the                          born in New Zealand, over 120 ethnicities
Hospitality Summit 2017 where
                                                                                                   on people moving from the Housing
                                                   plus a significant and growing indigenous
she will discuss key issues and                                                                    New Zealand (HNZ) waiting list to HNZ
                                                   population), increased intermarriage
challenges business owners                                                                         tenancies, has found that the vulnerability
                                                   resulting in more mixed-race babies,
face. To register for tickets, visit:                                                              of the HNZ population was attributable to                      and the faster speed of travel meaning
                                                                                                   a convergence of factors, such as the
hospitality-summit                                 that we are closer to everywhere and

SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017     Employment Matters

                                                                  Unless we more accurately
                                                                  define the diversity of a growing
                                                                  number of New Zealanders, we
                                                                  are not going to attract and
                                                                  satisfy the needs of diverse
                                                                  customers and employees.

age and gender of the applicants and             and the United States have recognised        to policy-making and citizen engagement.
tenants, who were predominantly female           that anti-discrimination law needs to        How does this affect needs, barriers to
applicants, with a median age of 15 years        adopt a more “intersectional” approach       engagement and how policies affect
(includes children living in the family) and     to cater to those who suffer overlapping     people suffering multiple grounds
on very low incomes. HNZ tenants were            grounds of discrimination and are subject    of discrimination?
also more likely to be Maori and Pasifika,       to stereotyping based on their unique
                                                                                              If you properly define the issue, then
more likely to be living in single-parent        combination of characteristics.
                                                                                              achieving greater diversity should be
households, and more likely to suffer from
                                                 For example, in the United States, black     more successful.
chronic physical and mental illness.
                                                 women are a protected class under
                                                 employment law and an individual can
                                                                                               ABOUT THE AUTHOR
                                                 claim that they have been discriminated
It is important that                             against as a black woman specifically, not
                                                 as a black person or as a woman.
                                                                                               Mai Chen is a Chen Palmer managing
                                                                                               partner and adjunct professor of the
we update our                                    The combination of grounds can often
                                                                                               University of Auckland school of law.
                                                                                               The ideas and research for this article
thinking to reflect                              make the discrimination suffered worse        are set out in full in The Diversity Matrix:
                                                 and without adopting an intersectional
the lived experiences                            approach, the disadvantage is
                                                                                               Refreshing What Diversity Means for
                                                                                               Law, Policy and Business in the 21st
of New Zealanders                                understated, and can be misrepresented.       Century, published by the Superdiversity

in the 21st century,                             The New Zealand courts are yet to             Centre for Law, Policy and Business
                                                                                               in 2017.
                                                 address intersectional discrimination
and adopt a “matrix”                             through adopting a multiple-ground

approach to diversity.                           discrimination approach, despite no
                                                 barriers to doing so in our Human Rights
                                                 Act or the NZ Bill of Rights Act.

                                                 A diversity matrix approach will
Having a matrix approach to diversity also       also affect how local and central
affects New Zealand’s human rights law.          government should tailor their approach
Courts in Canada, the United Kingdom

SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017   Employment Matters

Trial period termination:
what notice?
A new case re-opens the question as to whether
or not payment can be used in lieu of notice.

                                               Just when we thought that the law around        instead of notice” was valid, and whether
                                               trial periods was settling down and we          the employer could pay notice in lieu
                                               knew where we all stood, the ground has         instead of the employee working out the
                                               shifted again. The latest wrinkle is, once      notice period. The Authority found that the
                                               again, around the concept of giving notice      Act did not provide for payment instead
                                               of a trial period termination.                  of notice and, therefore, that Canon’s
                                                                                               decision to make a payment in lieu of
                                               What does the Act say?                          notice did not meet the requirements of
                                               To recap, section 67B of the Employment         the Act, and thus Mr Hutchison was free
                                               Relations Act 2000 (Act) states:                to raise a personal grievance in respect of
                                                                                               his dismissal.
                                               1.   This section applies if an employer
By Alison Maelzer                                   terminates an employment agreement         The Authority referred to Chief Judge
                                                    containing a trial provision under         Colgan’s comments in the Employment
                                                    section 67A by giving the employee         Court case of Smith vs. Stokes Valley
                                                    notice of the termination before the       Pharmacy. In that case, Colgan CJ
                                                    end of the trial period, whether the       commented that “the statute does not
                                                    termination takes effect before, at, or    provide an alternative in the form of
                                                    after the end of the trial period.         payment of money instead of notice…”
                                                                                               This, combined with the need to interpret
                                               2.   An employee whose employment               trial periods very strictly because they
                                                    agreement is terminated in                 essentially remove a right of access to
                                                    accordance with subsection (1) may         justice, meant that the Authority was
                                                    not bring a personal grievance or legal    convinced that in a trial period termination
                                                    proceedings in respect of the dismissal.   the employer needs to give notice and not
                                               The disqualification from bringing              payment in lieu.
                                               a grievance or legal proceedings in             From a practical perspective, the Canon
                                               respect of the dismissal under section          determination was bothersome because
                                               67B(2) is dependant on the employer             it meant that employers terminating under
                                               terminating the employee’s employment           a trial period were essentially forced to
                                               in accordance with section 67B(1). That         keep the employee hanging around for
                                               section says that an employer can               the notice period when, in most cases,
                                               terminate employment “by giving the             both employer and employee would have
                                               employee notice of the termination before       preferred to have the employee leave
                                               the end of the trial period”.                   immediately with a payment. However, at
                                                                                               least we knew where we all stood.
                                               How was this interpreted?
The Restaurant Association                     In Hutchison vs. Canon New Zealand Ltd,         What has changed now?
offers Employment Agreement                    the Employment Relations Authority had to       This has changed again (or has it?), with
templates online, available to                 consider whether a trial period provision       the recent Authority determination in
all members. Visit us online
                                               which stated that employment could              Ioan vs. Scott Technology NZ Limited t/a
in our shop to access:                        be terminated by the employer “giving           Rocklabs. In this case, the Authority again
product-category/employment-                   one week of written notice or payment           had to consider whether the employer


making a payment in lieu of notice was          Pharmacy case, or explain the departure         in your trial period, as the Restaurant
sufficient to meet the Act’s requirements.      from the previous position. As there is no      Association template employment
                                                mention of those authorities on exactly that    agreement does, hopefully this shouldn’t
In this case, the employer advised Mr Ioan
                                                point, it is not clear whether the Ioan vs      be too much of an issue. A slightly more
that his employment would terminate
                                                Scott Technology NZ Limited t/a Rocklabs        risky approach might be to agree with
that day under the trial period, and that
                                                is a change of law or a clean miss.             the employee that they are not required
he would be paid for four weeks in
                                                                                                to attend work during the notice period –
lieu of notice. Mr Ioan sought to raise a
                                                What now?                                       although their employment will not come
grievance alleging that the termination
                                                We would expect the Ioan determination          to an end until the end of the notice period
did not meet the strict requirements of the
                                                to be appealed. However, we currently           (i.e. garden leave). Alternatively, you could
Act in terms of terminating employment
                                                have two directly conflicting Authority         decide to adopt the most recent Authority
under a trial period. Given the Authority’s
                                                determinations; one says that you can’t         determination on the issue, and make a
determination in Canon, and the
                                                terminate under a trial period by paying        payment in lieu of notice. However, may
Employment Court’s comments in Smith
                                                in lieu of notice, even where there is a        the risk be with you!
vs. Stokes Valley Pharmacy, this seemed
like a slam dunk for Mr Ioan.                   contractual provision; the other says
                                                that payment in lieu of notice is fine to
This time, however, the Authority found                                                          ABOUT THE AUTHOR
                                                terminate pursuant to a trial period. While
that payment in lieu of notice was              the Employment Court has commented               Alison Maelzer provides advice in all
sufficient and did not accept that “a           on the issue in favour of actual notice not      aspects of employment law (both
payment in lieu of notice which is made in      a payment in lieu, it has not decided the        contentious and non-contentious), with
accordance with an express contractual          issue within a judgment.                         a particular interest in health and safety,
term in the employment agreement voids                                                           disciplinary and performance issues.
the trial period provision”. In reaching this   In our view, the safest course of action
decision, the Authority did not reference       is to give an employee actual notice and
either Canon, or the Employment Court’s         have the employee work it out. If you have
                                                                                                 T: + 64 9 375 7628
comments in the Smith vs. Stokes Valley         a relatively short period of notice specified

                                                                                                        In our view,
                                                                                                        the safest
                                                                                                        course of
                                                                                                        action is to give
                                                                                                        an employee
                                                                                                        actual notice
                                                                                                        and have the
                                                                                                        employee work
                                                                                                        it out.

SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017    Employment Matters

Take five: relax,
refresh & rejuvenate
What breaks are employees entitled to?
Who decides when they are taken and
for how long?

                                                for this in the employee’s employment          The agreement is therefore very broad,
                                                agreement, or agree by mutual agreement.       leaving it open for employers to come to
                                                                                               an arrangement that suits their particular
                                                When determining what breaks are
                                                                                               business environment. Since the break
                                                provided an employer should take into
                                                                                               schedule is not specified in the agreement,
                                                                                               you must decide how and when you
                                                • how long the employee’s work period is;      will communicate this information to all
                                                                                               employees, as well as specify who will be
                                                • the nature of the employee’s work;
                                                                                               responsible for telling them it is time for
                                                • any health and safety issues related to      their break. You can communicate break
                                                  the work, e.g. fatigue;                      processes to new employees as part of
                                                                                               their induction or by agreement in the
                                                • the interests of the employee, e.g. to       company house rules.
                                                  allow enough time for rest, refreshment
                                                  and to take care of personal matters; and    The employee’s entitlement to rest breaks
                                                                                               and meal breaks may be subject to
                                                • the employer’s operational environment       restrictions, but only if the restrictions are
                                                  or resources, e.g. requiring employees to    reasonable and necessary, having regard
                                                  take their breaks in stages or according     to the nature of the employee’s work,
Reasonable employers know their                   to a roster, in order to continue service.
staff need regular rest breaks through                                                         or, are reasonable and agreed to by the
the working day. Without them, an                                                              employer and employee (whether in an
                                                Who decides when an employee                   employment agreement or otherwise).
employee’s productivity will suffer and
                                                can take a break?
more seriously, their health and safety                                                        The law allows restrictions to breaks
(and those of others around them) may           Whereas break rules were very
                                                                                               because sometimes it is reasonable that
be compromised. However, there is often         prescriptive under previous employment
                                                                                               an employee cannot fully enjoy their
confusion amongst employers as to what          law, current employment legislation
                                                                                               breaks without interruption, or may need
breaks an employee is entitled to, when         allows flexibility for when breaks are
                                                                                               to partially focus on work during a break.
they can take them, how long the breaks         taken. When rest and meal breaks are
                                                                                               However, a high standard is set for when
should be, and who can direct breaks.           to be taken should be agreed between
                                                                                               restrictions are possible. Employers and
                                                the employee and employer, but in the
                                                absence of such agreement, reasonable
What breaks can an employee take?
                                                times and duration can be specified by
An employee is entitled to, and an
                                                the employer.
employer must provide, reasonable and
appropriate rest and meal breaks that           The Restaurant Association’s employment        Communicate break
provide the employee with a reasonable
opportunity for rest, refreshment, and
                                                agreement states:
                                                                                               processes to new
attention to personal matters. A rest
                                                6.   Breaks
                                                                                               employees as part
                                                6.1 You are entitled to rest and meal
break is a short, paid, ‘coffee’ break of
usually 10-15 minutes. A meal break is a            breaks to be taken at times
                                                                                               of their induction
longer duration – typically a half hour –           convenient to the Employer.                or by agreement
to allow the employee time to sit down
and have something to eat. Meal breaks
                                                6.2 You acknowledge and agree that             in the company
                                                    your entitlement to rest and meal
are generally unpaid, unless you provide
                                                    breaks may be subject to restrictions.     house rules.
employees should discuss in good faith       The law also says that giving an employee     variation to the agreement is completed.
whether restrictions are reasonable          time off work instead of a break is           The Restaurant Association can provide a
and necessary.                               reasonable if:                                variation document if such an agreement
                                                                                           is made.
The restrictions may only relate to:         • the employee gets the same amount of
                                               time off as they would otherwise have       Breaks benefit workplaces by helping
1.   the employee continuing to be
                                               taken as a break                            employees work safely and productively.
     aware of work duties or, if required,
                                                                                           So, while the law no longer specifies
     continuing to perform some of his or    • the time off is given on the same basis
                                                                                           exactly what breaks employees get or
     her work duties during the break;         as the break that the employee would
                                                                                           when they can take them, employers must
                                               have otherwise taken. For example,
2.   the circumstances when an                                                             still provide reasonable and appropriate
                                               if the break that was not taken
     employee’s break may be interrupted;                                                  rest and meal breaks, or on the rare
                                               wouldn’t have had restrictions, then the
     and/or                                                                                occasions that they are not able to,
                                               compensatory break also cannot have
                                                                                           provide compensation to the employee.
3.   the employee taking a break in the        restrictions.
     workplace or at a specified place
                                             Employers can give other types of
     within the workplace.
                                             compensation as long as they are
What if an employee agrees not to
take a break?                                Employers and employees cannot
In most cases the Restaurant Association     contract out of the legal right to rest and
advocates that employees in our              meal breaks or compensation.
businesses should be able to take breaks
to rest and refresh, however, an employee    Remember to check your
and employer can agree that the employee     agreement first!
will receive compensation instead of         As a final point to note, always check the
breaks. The law also requires employers to   employment agreement first. Whatever is
compensate employees if no break is given    in the employment agreement will trump
where a break would be appropriate.          any other arrangements. If you have an
                                             employee on an employment agreement
There is some flexibility about what
                                             with specific rest and meal break
kind of compensation an employer can
                                             provisions outlined, these will remain in
give, but it must always be reasonable.
                                             force unless the employer and employee
Compensation is reasonable if it is of a
                                             agree to change the agreement and a
similar value as the break.

SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017     Employment Matters

Staying well
under pressure
Hospitality is an exciting, fast-paced
industry offering variety and flexibility.
However, it is also one of the most
stressful occupations around.

The industry is high pressure, requiring staff   According to a report released earlier         Member support – employee
to work long – and often irregular – hours       this year, while minor illness is the          assistance programme
for relatively low wages, and at the mercy       predominant reason for employee                Employers can also encourage employees
of customers (taking the good and the bad).      absence from work, two of the other            to seek professional employee assistance
This type of pressure presents a number          leading reasons for absence are stress         support by providing independent
of risks to employee health and well             and mental ill health. This research also      assistance for your employees if they are
being, both physical and psychological.          identified financial stress as a developing    experiencing any personal or work related
                                                 issue. Therefore, wellness programmes          difficulties. The Restaurant Association has
The Restaurant Association has been
                                                 that promote employee financial health         identified the need for this assistance, for
contacted by a number of members who
                                                 are increasingly important to employers,       both employers and employees, and has
are concerned about, and want to place
                                                 including strategies that address retirement   begun working with EAP Services Limited.
a focus on, employee wellness. Creating
                                                 readiness and financial literacy.
a workplace wellness programme for                                                              EAP provides practical assistance when
your operation is a first step for those who                                                    personal or work issues arise that may
want to take a proactive approach to                                                            impact on someone’s ability to do their
improving the health of your employees.                                                         job or affect their wellbeing, such as:
In addition, research also identifies that       Creating a workplace
                                                                                                • Personal Relationships
a successful employee wellness strategy
encourages reduced absenteeism,
                                                 wellness programme                             • Personal Development
increased productivity and enhanced              for your operation is                          • Children & Family Support
employee engagement and retention.
                                                 a first step for those                         • Separation & Divorce
                                                                                                • Alcohol & Drug Problems
Getting started                                  who want to take a                             • Grief & Bereavement
Consider the key areas you want to focus
on to improve the health and well-being
                                                 proactive approach to                          • Personal Legal Advice
of your workers and build from there.            improving the health                           • Budgeting & Financial Management
Addressing stress and financial health are                                                      • Gambling & Addictions
key wellness programme drivers for New           of your employees.                             • Conflict & Tension
Zealand employers according to a 2016                                                           • Health & Lifestyle
report Working well: A global survey of
                                                                                                • Anxiety & Depression
workforce wellbeing strategies, and these
                                                 Methods for addressing stress include          • Emotional Stress Trauma
are two areas of particular relevance to
                                                 providing information to staff on              • Work Pressure & Problems
the hospitality industry.
                                                 identifying and managing stress or
Globally, work-related stress has been           running an awareness programme as part         The professionals at EAP Services
established as a significant problem and         of staff development. The Mental Health        Limited are all qualified, registered
this is a complex issue that needs to be         Foundation has a number of resources           and experienced employee assistance
addressed as part of any wellness strategy.      to assist ( It is     programme (EAP) specialists, with
                                                 also advisable to provide direct training      services available in all regions. All EAP
                                                 to managers on how to recognise and            consultations are strictly confidential. EAP
                                                 effectively deal with mental health issues     Services will not share information about
                                                 in the workplace.                              the sessions with anyone unless they have
                                                                                                written authority to do so.


If you have employees who need help
you can suggest that they would benefit
from using EAP Services. Owners, of
course, can also book themselves in for
any sessions.

To assist members, the Association has
negotiated a significantly reduced rate
to access the support available through
EAP Services. Sessions cost $170/session.
Simply contact the Association to book
by emailing and
we will send you a confirmation number
with instructions on how to access this
discount. Go to
eap-services for further information.

Many employers aspire to promote a
culture of wellbeing for their workplaces,
recognising the benefit that programmes
that promote wellness factors have on
employees’ wellbeing. For an employee
a focus on achieving a healthier lifestyle
can provide greater job satisfaction
and health-related quality of life. For an   According to a report
                                             released earlier this year,
employer, success comes from achieving
measurable outcomes in the wellbeing
of your employees, including a decrease
in sickness and staff turnover, as well as
improved performance.
                                             while minor illness is the
                                             predominant reason for
                                             employee absence from
                                             work, two of the other
The Restaurant Association has
negotiated a significantly reduced
                                             leading reasons for
                                             absence are stress and
rate to access the support through
Employment Assistance Program
Services. For more information,
eap-services                                 mental ill health.

     Food. Services,
       Advice,       Changes
               help and      and
                        insider   more
SAVOUR — SEPTEMBER 2017   Business Insights

Benefits for Restaurant
Association members
Need help finding staff?
Introducing Helping Hands
The Restaurant Association has partnered with
Helping Hands, a NZ owned and operated website
which connects employers with hospitality staff,
and jobseekers with hospitality jobs.

The concept is simple — employers search for what they need and the
                                                                                  “...the profiles give
site delivers them the jobseeker profiles that match.
                                                                                  personality to the
The jobseeker profiles display availability, the kinds of work the jobseeker is   process, no more
after, their experience, and some character based questions like “how many
plates can you carry and what would be on them if they were for you?”             ineloquent cover
                                                                                  letters, just all the
Nimble and responsive to industry feedback, Helping Hands is dedicated
to their mission: to save hospitality employers time and money whilst             relevant details,
connecting them with the staff they need, on the spot.                            up front.”
Restaurant Association members can access one month free trial                    Dan from Burger Liquor
and a 15% ongoing discount when they sign up with Helping Hands.                  in Wellington
Go to for more information.


Our Partners




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