Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018

Page created by Tracy Quinn
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Ingeborg Bachmann
Wolfgang Bauer
Ulla Berkéwicz
Ernst Bloch
Hans Blumenberg
Felix Bohr
Nora Bossong
Paul Celan

Zoltán Danyi
Nana Ekvtimishvili
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Yannic Han Biao Federer
Christoph Hein
Heinz Helle
Axel Honneth
Eva Illouz                                  Rights List
Rahel Jaeggi
Dževad Karahasan
                               Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Christian Lehnert
Enis Maci
Philip Manow
Andreas Reckwitz
Ralf Rothmann
Judith Schalansky
Gershom Scholem
Peter Sloterdijk
Maria Stepanova
Uwe Tellkamp
Stephan Thome
Philipp Weiss
Bruno E. Werner
Serhij Zhadan
Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Authors and Estates
represented by Suhrkamp/Insel
A selection
Theodor W. Adorno          Durs Grünbein                      Ivan Nagel
Robert Alexy               Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht              Angelika Neuwirth
Juri Andruchowytsch        Jürgen Habermas                    Hans Erich Nossack
Friedrich Ani              Anna Katharina Hahn                Albert Ostermaier
Ingeborg Bachmann          Michael Hampe                      Katja Petrowskaja
Zsófia Bán                 Peter Handke                       Andreas Pflüger
Wolfgang Bauer             Christoph Hein                     Marion Poschmann
Ulrich Beck                Heinz Helle                        Doron Rabinovici
Jurek Becker               Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck   Andreas Reckwitz
Ulla Berkéwicz             Dieter Henrich                     Bärbel Reetz
Thomas Bernhard            Hermann Hesse                      Hartmut Rosa
Barbara Beuys              Wolfgang Hildesheimer              Ralf Rothmann
Marcel Beyer               Ludwig Hohl                        Sasha Marianna Salzmann
Ernst Bloch                Axel Honneth                       Judith Schalansky
Hans Blumenberg            Eva Illouz                         Wilhelm Schmid
Karl Heinz Bohrer          Rahel Jaeggi                       Gershom Scholem
Szilárd Borbély            Hans Joas                          Lutz Seiler
Friedrich von Borries      Uwe Johnson                        Clemens J. Setz
Nora Bossong               Hans Jonas                         Peter Sloterdijk
Volker Braun               Dževad Karahasan                   Manfred Sommer
Bertolt Brecht             Anna Kim                           Andrzej Stasiuk
Hermann Broch              Esther Kinsky                      Maria Stepanova
Simone Buchholz            Julia Kissina                      Wolfgang Streeck
Bernd Cailloux             Friedrich A. Kittler               Peter Szondi
Paul Celan                 Alexander Kluge                    Uwe Tellkamp
Ann Cotten                 Wolfgang Koeppen                   Philipp Ther
Sigrid Damm                Siegfried Kracauer                 Stephan Thome
Zoltán Danyi               Christian Lehnert                  Hans-Ulrich Treichel
László Darvasi             Svenja Leiber                      Galsan Tschinag
Ljubko Deresch             Gertrud Leutenegger                Ernst Tugendhat
Ulrike Edschmid            Sibylle Lewitscharoff              Peter Turrini
Nana Ekvtimishvili         Niklas Luhmann                     Siegfried Unseld
Hans Magnus Enzensberger   Thomas Macho                       Kevin Vennemann
Urs Faes                   Enis Maci                          Martin Walser
Erika Fischer-Lichte       Nicolas Mahler                     Robert Walser
Rainer Forst               Andreas Maier                      Peter Weiss
                                                                                        Photo: Jürgen Bauer

Manfred Frank              Friederike Mayröcker               Philipp Weiss
Max Frisch                 Thomas Meinecke                    Bruno E. Werner
Valerie Fritsch            Robert Menasse                     Lambert Wiesing
Markus Gabriel             Christoph Menke                    Josef Winkler
Efrat Gal-Ed               Winfried Menninghaus               Christa Wolf

                                                                                                              Literary Fiction
Gunther Geltinger          Alice Miller                       Raul Zelik
André Georgi               Heiner Müller                      Serhij Zhadan
Dagmar von Gersdorff       Stefan Müller-Doohm                Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
Rainald Goetz              Melinda Nadj Abonji                Slavoj Žižek
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Collected Works / Correspondence                                                                                             Literary Fiction / Essay

Ingeborg Bachmann                                                                                    Ulla Berkéwicz
Hans Magnus Enzensberger                                                                             Beyond Script
»Write down everything that is true«                                                                 »A meditation on the mythical sources of the power of thought
The correspondence between two major intellectuals                                                   which have been lost in the modern age.« Alexander Cammann, Die Zeit
One was a poet and cover girl of Der Spiegel                   Ingeborg Bachmann                     Based on Vedic, Jewish and mathematic-                                      Ulla Berkéwicz
magazine in 1954. The other was an »angry                      Hans Magnus                           topological knowledge, Ulla Berkéwicz’                                      Beyond Script
young man«, a networker who tore strips                        Enzensberger                          new work, comprised of two correspond-                                      (Original title: Über die
off the literature industry, and whose                         »Write down everything                ing parts which reflect each other,                                         Schrift hinaus)
                                                               that is true«                                                                                                     120 pages
career as a poet began in 1957. Ingeborg                                                             invites us to discern what restricts our
                                                               The Correspondence                                                                                                Clothbound
Bachmann (born in 1926) and Hans Magnus                                                              consciousness.
                                                               Edited by Hubert Lengauer                                                                                         Release: May 2018
Enzensberger (born in 1929) met in October
                                                               Collected Works and Letters.
of 1955 in Tübingen at the Gruppe 47                                                                 In a stunning poetic fantasy, a poet partisan
                                                               Salzburger Bachmann                                                                                               Rights available
conference. After a subsequent meeting,                                                              crosses the threshold of narration and a
                                                               Edition. Volume 13
the letter exchange struck up, initiated                                                             mathematic rebel transcends the countability
                                                               With illustrations                                                                                                Ulla Berkéwicz lives in Berlin.
by Enzensberger in November 1957. A                            (Original title: »Schreib             of numbers during the thirteenth hour of the                                Since 1982, Suhrkamp Verlag
correspondence was established, of which                       alles was wahr ist auf«. Der          night of Shrove Tuesday. That leads a society                               has published twelve works by
130 letters have been handed down: 53                          Briefwechsel)                         of potentates, artists and bourgeois to break                               her, which have been translated
                                                                                                     the mold in a way that allows them to follow                                into nine languages. Her plays
from Bachmann, 77 from Enzensberger. The                       approx. 450 pages
                                                                                                                                                                                 premièred at the Burgtheater
final letters are dated 1972, the year before                  Clothbound                            the two into their freedom of the imagination.
                                                                                                                                                                                 in Vienna and at the Munich
Ingeborg Bachmann died.                                        Release: October 2018                 The fundamental humanistic and scientific                                   Kammerspiele. Ulla Berkéwicz
                                                                                                     idea of this anarchic spectacle evolves into                                has received numerous prizes
The two emblematic figures, icons of German                    Rights available                      a piece of prose that is as provocative as it                               and accolades for her work,

post-war literature, converse on literature                                                          is uncompromising. It reveals what could                                    among them the Moses-
                                                               Ingeborg Bachmann, born                                                                                           Mendelssohn-Medal 2016.
in general and in detail, and on their own                                                           be possible if we would stop restricting our
                                                               on June 25th, 1926, died on
intentions; they reflect upon contemporary                     October 17th, 1973 in Rome.           cognitive abilities to our three-dimensional
                                                                                                                                                                                 Selected Backlist:
happenings, polemicize, and are also                                                                 sphere and instead let our imagination run
                                                                                                                                                                                 Vielleicht werden wir ja
unreservedly frank in their opinions of dear                   Hans Magnus Enzensberger              wild and into areas that aren’t confined by
                                                                                                                                                                                 verrückt (2002) International
colleagues. Two different writing-characters
                                                               was born in Kaufbeuren in             the concepts of time and space.                                             Sales: English world rights
                                                               1929. As a poet, essayist,
bounce off one another: discussions broached                   writer, publisher and translator,                                                                                 (Banyan Tree - published,
by one with pragmatic irony and defended                       he is one of the world’s most                                                                                     rights reverted), Spanish world
by the other from a position of principle.                     influential and internationally                                                                                   rights (Losada - published,
                                                               renowned German intellectuals.                                                                                    rights reverted), Arabic
                                                                                                                                                                                 world rights (Al-Kamel -
                                                               Suhrkamp represents translation                                                                                   published, rights reverted),
 Selected Backlist:                                                                                                                                                              Italy (Casagrande - published,
                                                               rights to integral (single) volumes
 Ingeborg Bachmann/Paul Celan: Herzzeit.                       of the Collected Works.                                                                                           rights reverted), Netherlands
 Correspondence (2008) International Sales:                                                                                                                                      (Aspekt - published, rights
                                                                                                                                                                                 reverted), Greece (Kastaniotis -

                                                                                                                                                      Photo: Daniel Devecioglu
 English world rights (Seagull), Spanish world rights          The hitherto unpublished and
 (Fondo Cultura), Portuguese rights (Antígona),                unknown correspondence                                                                                            published, rights reverted),
 Chinese simplex rights (China Renmin UP), Russia              between Ingeborg Bachmann                                                                                         Israel (Hakibbutz Hameuchad -
 (Ad marginem), France (Seuil), Italy (Nottetempo),            and Hans Magnus Enzensberger                                                                                      published, rights reverted)
 Netherlands (Meulenhoff), Denmark (Vandkunsten),              allows one to relive how, after                                                                                   Ich weiß, daß du weißt (1999)
 Sweden (Ellerströms), Japan (Seidosha), Poland (A5),          the Second World War, two of                                                                                      International Sales: English
 Czech Republic (Pulchra), Romania (Art), Croatia              the most prominent writers in                                                                                     world rights (Oolichan Books),
 (OceanMore), Turkey (Kirmizi Kedi), Ukraine (Knihy            the German language chose to                                                                                      Russia (Text Publishing -
 XXI), Georgia (Ibis), Israel (Hakibbutz Hameuchad)            depict and regard the world,                                                                                      published, rights reverted)
                                                               literature and the publishing
                                                               industry, but also how they
                                                               wished to present and be
                                                               regarded themselves.
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Poetry                                                                                                       Poetry

Nora Bossong                                                                                             Paul Celan
Crusade with a Dog                                                                                       Poems
»At 33 years old, Nora Bossong is a remarkably                                                           Celan Year 2020 – 100th birthday and
accomplished poet and novelist.« FR                                                                      50th anniversary of his death
In her new volume of poetry, Nora Bossong                              Nora Bossong                      Celan’s collected poems – for the first                                    Paul Celan
travels from small-town Germany to the                                 Crusade with a Dog                time in their entirety and with new com-                                   Poems
Mediterranean and onwards into the Holy                                Poems                             mentary. Close to 60 more poems than                                       New complete and
Land and beyond. Her natural manner of                                 (Original title: Kreuzzug         the 2003 edition.                                                          annotated edition
                                                                       mit Hund. Gedichte)                                                                                          Edited by Barbara
movement a shifting back and forth in time.                                                              The history of their origins, sources,
                                                                       approx. 100 pages                                                                                            Wiedemann. With 25
Hungry for experience, she explores poetic                                                               cross-references: broken down with sum-
                                                                       Clothbound                                                                                                   etchings by Gisèle Celan-
scenes from a past hundred of years old and                                                              maries and individual notes.
                                                                       Release: November 2018                                                                                       Lestrange
a distilled present. Almost as if by chance,                                                                                                                                        (Original title: Die
she directs her lens on people, places and                             International Sales:              For Paul Celan reading was always an                                       Gedichte. Neue
traditions, describing them with subtle                                                                  experience as well: the books, journals, and                               kommentierte
                                                                       English world rights
humour and sensitivity while leaving their                                                               daily newspapers he read were as much a                                    Gesamtausgabe)
secrets intact.                                                                                          source of his poems as personal encounters                                 approx. 1.350 pages
                                                                       Nora Bossong, born in 1982 in     and political events. When a complete and                                  Clothbound
Whoever has had the chance to hear                                     Bremen, is a writer of poetry,    annotated edition of Celan’s poems first                                   Release: July 2018
Bossong’s poems set to music by the com-                               novels and essays, and has        appeared in 2003, the indexing of such
poser Anno Schreier, will know what an                                 been the recipient of several
                                                                                                         sources was still at its beginning. In the                                 Rights available
                                                                       awards for these, including the
important voice of German-language lit-                                                                  meantime editions of his most important
                                                                       Peter Huchel Prize and the Art
erature contemporary writing has been                                  Prize Berlin.                     epistolary exchanges have been published,                                  Paul Celan was born in 1920
graced with. It is time that other coun-                                                                 the critical editions have been completed,                                 in Czernowitz and passed
tries got to know it now, too.                                                                                                                                                      away in April 1970 in Paris.
                                                                                                         and research in Celan’s bequest library with
                                                                                                                                                                                    He is recognized throughout
                                                                                                         its literary traces and annotations has forged                             the world as one of the most
                                                                                                         ahead.                                                                     important authors of the
                                                                                                                                                                                    twentieth century.
                                                                                                         On this basis, the 2003 edition could be
                                                                                                         expanded by close to 60 poems, some of them                                Barbara Wiedemann, literary
                                                                                                         appearing for the first time, and all of his                               scholar and a professor at the
                                                                                                                                                                                    University of Tübingen, is the
                                                                                                         texts underwent careful examination. The
                                                                                                                                                                                    editor of Paul Celan’s works
         »Astonishing powers of                                                                          commentary has also been reorganized and                                   and letters.
                                                                                                         expanded considerably, especially thanks
   observation and an immense
                                                                                                         to the editor’s intensive research of Celan’s
          talent for writing.« FAZ                                                                       reading of the press. Special attention has

                                                                                                                                                          Photo: Wolfgang Oschatz
                                                                                                         been paid – in line with his poetology – to
                                               Photo: Heike Steinweg

                                                                                                         the ›inscribed date‹ of every poem. With
                                                                                                         this new edition the reader is given a
                                                                                                         great wealth of clearly demonstrable
                                                                                                         information for understanding Celan’s
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Literary Fiction

                    Zoltán Danyi
                    The Carcass Remover
                    »Even more than the story, what fascinated me was the hatred, the anger
                    and the pain and how that fire can be transformed into sentences.«

                    They had heard about five dead foxes,                                                 Zoltán Danyi
                    lying in the road by the Hungarian-Serbian                                            The Carcass Remover
                    border. But when the men from the disposal                                            Novel
                                                                                                          (Original title: A
                    unit arrive, there are dozens of carcasses,
                                                                                                          dögeltakarító, published
                    dogs and cats, too – shot, it seems, by border
                                                                                                          in June 2015 by Magvető,
                    guards to pass the time. The war in the
                    Balkans is long over, and yet incidents like                                          (Translated German title:
                    these haul the narrator back into his past.                                           Der Kadaverräumer.
                    Sitting in the garden of a Berlin clinic where                                        264 pages
                    he is stuck until his terrible digestion issues                                       Clothbound
                    are treated, he is overcome by the music of a                                         Release of the German
                    Kusturica film and he starts to sob: »perhaps                                         edition by Suhrkamp:
                    because it brought it all back to the surface,                                        September 2018
                    all he tried to run away from, those desolate
                    years of hollowing-out, years that seemed                                             Rights available
                    without end, nor desirous of an end, and on
                                                                                                          Zoltán Danyi, born in 1972
                    they endured.«
                                                                                                          in Senta, Yugoslavia, studied
                                                                                                          Philosophy and Literature in
                    Who is this narrator, who stumbles back                                               Novi Sad and Szeged. In 2003,
                    and forth between the scenes of his life in a                                         he made his debut as a poet,
                    torrent of speech that threatens to sweep him                                         publishing poems and short
                    away; part of a carcass-collecting unit that                                          stories. He completed a PhD
                    had once completed a rather different task?                                           in 2008 on the Hungarian
                    Is he a victim, a perpetrator? A survivor who
                                                                              »The great success of       writer Béla Hamvas, and went
                    is seeking a cure through speaking?                   The Carcass Remover is          on to work as an editor and
                                                                            not entirely down to its      schoolteacher. His first novel,
                                                                                                          The Carcass Remover, won the
                    The war in Yugoslavia and its afterlife              aesthetic quality, but also      Miklós-Mészöly-Prize. Danyi,
                    have never lessened their hold on Zol-
                                                                      its shocking timeliness, the        a member of the Hungarian
                    tán Danyi – for almost two decades he
                    failed in his attempt to comprehend the              permanent contemporary           minority in Serbia, now lives as
                                                                                                          a rose grower in Senta.
                    monstrous reality that almost entirely                     nature of history, its
                    devoured him. One day, the sound was              continual return, the death
                    there – a sound that makes for compel-             of culture, of humanity, of
                    ling reading. The writing shimmers like
                    the surface of a contaminated body of wa-
                                                                           the myth of Europe. The
                    ter. Layer by layer it is laid bare. A book         fact that here and now we
                    constructed like a complex musical com-           are also living in wartime.«
                    position whose beauty contains both dis-                      Orsolya Bencsik, Müut
                    tance and an intimate touch.
Photo: Sóki Tamás
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018

A New Divan
A Lyrical Dialogue between
East and West
Prefaces by Daniel Barenboim and Omar al-Qattan
Published to celebrate the 200th anniversary      notes where appropriate). Each poem will      A New Divan
of Goethe’s West-Eastern Divan (1819), A          appear in English poetic translation facing   A Lyrical Dialogue
New Divan will bring together twenty-four         the original language of composition. The     between East and West
leading poets – twelve from the ›East‹ and        same modus operandi applies to the German     Prefaces by Daniel
                                                                                                Barenboim and
twelve from the ›West‹ – in a poetic dialogue     publication and will be required for all
                                                                                                Omar al-Qattan
inspired by the culture of the Other.             forthcoming translations.
                                                                                                Edited by Barbara Haus
                                                                                                Schwepcke and
Drawing on themes suggested by the twelve         Three pairs of essays will enhance and
                                                                                                Bill Swainson
books of Goethe’s original publication,           compliment the poems, just like in Goethe’s
                                                                                                2.400 lines of poetry
including The Poet, The Cup Bearer, The           original:
                                                                                                30.000 words of
Tyrant, Love, Anger and Faith, and using the      Sibylle Wentker: Bringing Persia to Germany   scholarship
distinctive poetic forms of the cultures of the   Joseph von Hammer and Hafiz                   Clothbound
poets taking part, A New Divan will be a life-    Rajmohan Gandhi: Goethe and ›the East‹ of     Release of the English
enhancing conversation in poetry.                 Today                                         edition by Gingko Library
                                                                                                and of the German edition
For the English edition, 22 English-language      Robyn Creswell: Playing a Part: Imru’ al-
                                                                                                by Suhrkamp: 2019
poets have been commissioned to create            Qays in English
English-language versions of the original         Narguess Farzad: On the importance of
                                                                                                Rights available
poems, either by direct translation or by         translating Persian poetry into European
working with a literal translation (with          languages
                                                  Stefan Weidner: The New Tasks of the
                                                  Kadhim Jihad Hassan: On the Translation of
                                                  European Poetry into Arab Culture
East                                                    West
Adonis (Syria)                                          Khaled Mattawa (USA)
Abbas Beydoun (Lebanon)                                 Durs Grünbein (Germany)
Iman Mersal (Egypt)                                     Antonella Anedda (Italy)
Reza Mohammadi (Afghanistan)                            Homero Aridjis (Mexico)
Amjad Nasser (Jordan)                                   Don Paterson (UK)
Fatemeh Shams (Iran)                                    Gilles Ortlieb (France)
Mourid Barghouti (Palestine)                            Jaan Kaplinski (Estonia)
Nujoom al-Ghanem (UAE)                                  Raoul Schrott (Austria)
Mohammed Bennis (Morocco)                               Aleš Šteger (Slovenia)
Gonca Özmen (Turkey)                                    Angélica Freitas (Brazil)
Hafez Moussavi (Iran)                                   Clara Janés (Spain)
Fadhil al-Azzawi (Iraq)                                 Jan Wagner (Germany)
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Literary Fiction                                                                                                  Literature

Nana Ekvtimishvili                                                                                                                                         Hans Magnus Enzensberger
The Pear Field                                                                                                                                             Survival Artists
An intense portrait of young people without future                                                                                                         »A hymn of praise to literature.
who stand up against the world of adults                                                                                                                   What an homage, what a book!« Deutschlandfunk Kultur

The Pear Field takes place in the 1990s in Tbilisi,                                                                      Nana Ekvtimishvili                The 20th century was the heyday of writers                              Hans Magnus
capital of the recently independent country of                                                                           The Pear Field                    who had survived state terror and purges                                Enzensberger
Georgia. At the heart of the novel is the »School                                                                        Novel                             with all the ethical and political ambivalences                         Survival Artists
for Idiots«, a boarding school for »mentally                                                                             (Original title: მსხლების         that this entailed. How did they manage                                 99 Literary Vignettes from
                                                                                                                         მინდორი, published                                                                                        the 20th Century
deficient children«, actually visited mostly by                                                                                                            to do that? Were they too steadfast to bend
                                                                                                                         in May 2015 by Bakur                                                                                      With 99 images
children whose parents are either dead or who                                                                                                              to the powers that be? Did they owe their
                                                                                                                         Sulakauri, Tblisi)                                                                                        (Original title:
have emigrated for economic reasons. Even the                                                                                                              survival to their foresight, their intelligence
                                                                                                                         (Translated German title:                                                                                 Überlebenskünstler. 99
teachers leave the children and teens to their                                                                           Das Birnenfeld. Roman)            or sharpness, their belief in themselves,                               literarische Vignetten aus
own devices.                                                                                                             221 pages                         their connections or their tactical skill? Was                          dem 20. Jahrhundert)
The narrative unfolds from the point of view of                                                                          Paperbound                        it serendipitous circumstances bordering                                366 Seiten
16-year-old Lela who has decided that she will                                                                           Release of the German             on a miracle that helped them escape from                               Clothbound
murder Wano, the history teacher. Only over                                                                              edition by Suhrkamp:              prison, camps and death, or was it strategies                           Release: April 2018
the course of the novel do the reasons become                                                                            August 2018                       that spanned from ingratiation to disguise?
clear: sexual assault and even rape. However,                                                                                                              If only it was possible to make a clear-cut                             International Sales:
Lela, a combative, angry young girl, has taken                                                                           International Sales:              distinction!                                                            English world rights
up the role of protector. She looks after the                                                                            English world rights                                                                                      (Seagull), France
younger children, comforts them, and even                                                                                (Peirene), Azerbaijan             In 99 pointed, deliberately subjective
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Alma), Italy (Einaudi);
tries to convince them to apply themselves,                                                                              (TEAS Press)                      portraits, Hans Magnus Enzensberger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Domestic Rights Sales:
in other words, to study so that they can leave                                                                                                            describes the lives and particular surviv-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   German Bookclub
the School for Idiots behind. As strong as                                                                                                                 al strategies of international writers, but
                                                                                                                                                           also the objective reasons for which they                               (Büchergilde Guten-
her hatred for the history teacher is, she has                                                                           Translation funding
                                                                                                                                                           managed to survive the 20th century, the                                berg)
developed a tender, sister-like relationship                                                                             available from the
with the boy Irakli. Every week Lela takes                                                                                                                 »Age of Violence«. Despite the seemingly
                                                                                                                         Georgian National                                                                                         Hans Magnus Enzensberger
him to a nearby high-rise flat so he can talk on                                                                                                           overwhelmingly powerful opponent of                                     was born in Kaufbeuren in
                                                                                                                         Book Center
the phone with his mother in Greece. Irakli,                                                                                                               thoroughly formed societies and authori-                                1929. As a poet, essayist,
however, refuses to believe what Lela has long                                                                           Literary Prizes and Awards:
                                                                                                                                                           tarian, death-or-glory governments. That                                writer, publisher and translator,

known: his mother is never coming back, not                                                                                                                we could learn from this in our present                                 he is one of the world’s most
                                                                                                                         Literary Award SABA 2016 for                                                                              influential and internationally
even to pick him up. Lela, nonetheless, tries to                                                                                                           situation is not, according to the author,
                                                                                                                         The Best Debut                                                                                            renowned German intellectuals.
encourage him and even manages to get him to                                                                             IliaUni Literary Award 2016 for
                                                                                                                                                           out of the question.
learn English because she wants Irakli to have                                                                           The Best Novel                                                                                            Selected Backlist:
a better future. And then, one day, a married                                                                            LITERA (Prize awarded by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tumult (2014) International
                                                                                                                         the Ministry of Culture and
couple from the southern United States arrives                                                                                                                                                                                     sales: English world rights
                                                                                                                         Monument Protection of
and his dream threatens to become reality in a
                                                                                                                                                           A subjective-historical revue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Seagull), Spanish world rights
                                                                                                                         Georgia and by the Writer’s

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Photo: Jürgen Bauer
most bizarre way.                                                                                                        House of Georgia) for the Best                                                                            (Malpaso), Chinese simplex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   rights (Beijing Fonghong
                                                                                                                         Debut 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Books), Brazilian Portuguese
                                                                                                                                                           Awards (selection):                                                     rights (Todavia), France
                                                                                                                                                           Frank-Schirrmacher-Preis 2015                                           (Gallimard), Italy (Einaudi),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Denmark (Gyldendal), Greece
Nana Ekvtimishvili, born in 1978 in Tbilisi, Georgia, is a writer and movie director, and owns Georgia’s first chain                                       Sonningprisen 2010                                                      (Hestia); Domestic Rights
of ice cream parlors. She studied screenwriting and dramaturgy in Potsdam-Babelsberg. She first published stories
                                                                                                                                                           Premio d’Annunzio 2006                                                  Sales: German Audiobook
in 1999 and in 2011 directed her first short film, Waiting for Mum. In 2013 together with her partner Simon Groß
she released the feature film In Bloom. In Bloom premiered at the 63rd Berlinale where it was hailed as the birth                                          Premio Príncipe de Asturias 2002                                        rights (Der Hörverlag),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   German Entire Radio Reading
of the new Georgian wave and won the CICAE Award, followed by numerous awards at film festivals in Hong Kong,                                              Heinrich-Heine-Preis 1998
Tokyo, Paris, LA, and Sarajevo, and was Georgia’s entry for the 2014 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language                                                                                                                       (HR), German Book Club
Film. In 2013 Nana Ekvtimishvili — again with Simon Gross — was chosen as one of the ten most promising                                                    Erich-Maria-Remarque-Friedenspreis 1993                                 (Büchergilde Gutenberg)
European directors from Varietyʼs 10 Directors to Watch at the 48th Karlovy Vary Film Festival. In Hong Kong, the                                          Heinrich-Böll-Preis 1985
film was named as the spring of Georgian cinema. The International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI) has
                                                                                                                                                           Georg-Büchner-Preis 1963
called the film a sign of the rebirth of Georgian film. Her latest film My Happy Family has first been released at the
Sundance Film Festival in 2017. The Pear Field is her first novel.                                                                                         Deutscher Kritikerpreis 1962
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Literary Fiction                                                                                                                                                        Literary Fiction

Yannic Han Biao Federer                                                                                                        Christoph Hein
And Everything is like Paper Mâché                                                                                             Befuddlement
»The knowing looks, the innocuous fuss.                                                                                        A gay love in the GDR
And then the clamour.«

It is the late summer of 2001 in the backwoods                                                Yannic Han Biao Federer          Friedeward loves Wolfgang. And Wolfgang                                                                                                Christoph Hein
of Baden. On the television, there are images                                                 And Everything is like           loves Friedeward. They are young, enjoying                                                                                             Befuddlement
                                                                                              Paper Mâché                      the summer vacation, cycle the long way to                                                                                             Novel
of the World Trade Centre collapsing. Jian is
                                                                                              Novel                            the sea, discuss all the subjects under the                                                                                            (Original title: Verwirrnis.
sixteen and in love with Sarah, but sleeps with
                                                                                              (Original title: Und alles                                                                                                                                              Roman)
Anna who has just broken up with Frank. After                                                                                  sun. They are happy when they are together,
                                                                                              wie aus Pappmaché.                                                                                                                                                      approx. 220 pages
                                                                                                                               and this seems to be all that they need. But
that, Sarah doesn’t want to have anything to                                                  Roman)                                                                                                                                                                  Clothbound
                                                                                                                               no one must know that they are more than
do with Jian anymore, nor Jian with Anna, and                                                 approx. 200 pages                                                                                                                                                       Release: August 2018
                                                                                              Paperback                        best friends. It is the 1950s, they live in
Frank is caught up in his own self. Fifteen
                                                                                              Release: February 2019           Catholic Heiligenstadt, and for those people
years later Anna is in a love-triangle, Frank                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Domestic Rights Sales:
                                                                                                                               around him, particularly for Friedeward’s
is hidden away in the forest, and Jian comes                                                                                                                                                                                                                          German Audiobook
                                                                                              Rights available                 ardently believing father, their love is a sin.
across Sarah again in paparazzi photos. They                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (DAV)
                                                                                                                               If their relationship were to be discovered,
have long since lost track of one another and                                                 Yannic Han Biao Federer,         they could lose everything. When they move
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Born in 1944, Christoph Hein
yet Jian continues to narrate how their shared                                                born in Breisach in 1986,        to Leipzig to study – Friedeward German                                                                                                lives in Berlin. He has written
story might run.                                                                              studied German in Bonn,          literature, Wolfgang music – they discover                                                                                             novels, novellas, short stories,
                                                                                              Florence and Oxford. Since       a world of renowned intellectuals, it all                                                                                              plays, essays and children’s
                                                                                              2014, he has been researching    glimmers with vivid thinking. And they get
Yannic Han Biao Federer’s first novel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 books. As of 2002, Suhrkamp
                                                                                              for his doctorate and working
follows four young people as they try to find                                                                                  to know Jennifer who confides in them that                                                                                             Verlag has acquired the world
                                                                                              at the Rheinische Friedrich-
their place and direction in an ever more                                                                                      she is conducting a secret love with one of                                                                                            rights to the works of Christoph
                                                                                              Wilhelm University of Bonn. He
disparate and fragile world. He reveals                                                                                        the female teaching fellows. The four of them                                                                                          Hein. He has garnered
                                                                                              took part in the Atelier NRW
how close history and experience are inter-                                                   2016 as well as the writing
                                                                                                                               attend the legendary lectures in auditorium                                                                                            numerous literary awards for
                                                                                                                               forty, go to the theatre and throw themselves                                                                                          his work. When the Pen centres
twined and explores the time we are living                                                    workshop of the Jürgen Ponto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in East and West merged,
                                                                                              Foundation in 2017.              into the intellectual life of the city. And
in with great alertness and intelligence.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Christoph Hein was President
                                                                                                                               gradually the three friends form a plan:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of the German Pen Centre from
                                                                                                                               Would it not be the perfect ›disguise‹ if one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1998 to 2000.
                                                                                                                               of them would marry Jennifer in a fictitious
                                                                                                                               marriage?                                                                                                                              Awards (selection):

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2013: Stefan-Heym-Preis
                                                                                                                               In his new novel, the great German chron-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2012: Uwe-Johnson-Preis
                                                                                                                               icler Christoph Hein movingly explores                                                                                                 2010: Eichendorff-Literaturpreis
                                                                                                                               a love that for years defies all barriers –                                                                                            2008: Walter-Hasenclever-
                                                                                                                               and at the same time depicts a vivid pan-                                                                                              Literaturpreis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Photo: Heike Steinweg
                                                                                                                               orama of German intellectual life.                                                                                                     2004: Schiller-Gedächtnispreis
                                                                         Photo: Max Zerrahn

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      des Landes Baden-Württemberg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2002: Österreichischer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Staatspreis für Europäische
                                                                                                                                Selected Backlist:                                                                                                                    2000: Solothurner Literaturpreis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1998: Peter-Weiss-Preis der
                                                                                                                                Glückskind mit Vater (2016) International Sales: Arabic world rights (Sefsafa), France (Métailié), Italy (e/o),
    »An exciting kaleidoscope of memory.«                                                                                       Denmark (Gyldendal), Bulgaria (Atlantis); Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (DAV), German Entire Radio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Stadt Bochum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1994: Bundesverdienstkreuz
                                                  Westdeutsche Zeitung                                                          Reading (MDR)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1990: Erich-Fried-Preis (Wien)
                                                                                                                                In seiner frühen Kindheit ein Garten (2005) International Sales: English world rights (Metropolitan), France
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1983: Deutscher Kritikerpreis
                                                                                                                                (Métailié), Italy (e/o), Denmark (Gyldendal)
                                                                                                                                Landnahme (2004) International Sales: English world rights (Metropolitan), Arabic world rights (Kanaan), France
                                                                                                                                (Métailié), Italy (e/o), Denmark (Gyldendal), Slovakia (Kalligram), Hungary (Europa), Bulgaria (Emas), Georgia (Ibis),
                                                                                                                                Israel (Hakkibutz Hamecheud); Domestic Rights Sales: German Book Club (Bertelsmann), German Book Club
                                                                                                                                Special Edition (Büchergilde Gutenberg)
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Literary Fiction

                                            Heinz Helle
                                            Overcoming Gravity
                                            »Profound and extremely unsettling with a powerful message
                                            for our increasingly hate-filled times.«
                                            John Harding, Daily Mail about Euphoria (Eigentlich müssten wir tanzen)

                                            A couple of beers, and then a couple more –                                                                 Heinz Helle
                                            that’s all it takes for a sense of closeness. Yet                                                           Overcoming Gravity
                                            the two brothers know that the warmth of                                                                    Novel
                                            the alcohol is not really a match for the cold                                                              (Original title: Die
                                                                                                                                                        Überwindung der
                                            outside as they go from pub to pub. The older
                                                                                                                                                        Schwerkraft. Roman)
                                            brother has long been one to cradle a drink
                                                                                                                                                        approx. 208 pages
                                            with no special occasion required, simply
                                            saddened or furious at a world governed by                                                                  Release: September 2018
                                            pain and suffering, wars and violence. That
                                            evening however, he talks to his younger                                                                    Rights available
                                            brother not only about Stalingrad and Marc

                                                                                                                                   Photo: Max Zerrahn
                                            Dutroux, he also tells him that he is soon to                                                               Heinz Helle was born in 1978.
                                            become a father. What neither of them know                                                                  He studied philosophy in Munich
                                            is that this is the last time they will see each                                                            and New York. He has worked
                                            other. They talk on the phone once. The next                                                                as copywriter for advertising
                                            call, nine months later, brings the news of                                                                 agencies, and is a graduate of the
                                            the older brother’s death. What he leaves              »Makes The Road seem like                            Swiss Literature Institute in Biel.
                                                                                                                                                        He lives in Zürich.
                                            behind are memories and questions: What is
                                            it all about? What is it we are looking for in
                                                                                                             a Disney cartoon by
                                            the world? What is the meaning of it all, this      comparison. Helle is an astute                          Selected Backlist:

                                            living and dying?                                       predictor of human nature,                          Eigentlich müssten wir tanzen

                                                                                                     and part of the reason this                        (2015) International Sales:
                                                                                                                                                        English world rights (Serpent’s
                                            With virtuosic skill, Heinz Helle inter-
                                                                                                book is so haunting is because                          Tail), Chinese simplex rights
                                            weaves the quest for traces of the dead
                                            brother with the quest for answers to                     his characters all react to                       (People’s Literature Publishing
                                                                                                                                                        House), Arabic world rights (Al
                                            the major questions of life. The precision            their constantly-deteriorating                        Kotob Khan), France (Piranha)
                                            with which he dissects the brothers’ per-                  circumstances in entirely
                                            sonalities is painfully beautiful: a care-                                                                  Der beruhigende Klang von
                                                                                                believable though by no means                           explodierendem Kerosin (2014)
                                            fully aimed punch in the stomach, shot
                                            through with solace and hope.
                                                                                                    predictable ways. Euphoria                          International Sales: English

                                                                                                 may not take long to read, but
                                                                                                                                                        world rights (Serpent’s Tail),
                                                                                                                                                        Russia (Text), Bulgaria (Funtasy),
                                                                                                    it will certainly take a long                       Turkey (Kafka Yayinevi); Domestic

                                                                                                                  time to forget.«                      Rights Sales: German Audiobook
                                                                                                                                                        (Hörbuch Hamburg)
                                                                                                    Roger Cox, Scotsman about Euphoria
                                                                                                       (Eigentlich müssten wir tanzen)

                                                                    »[A] philosophical tour de force which aptly
                                                      showcases Helle's deadpan humour. This is a linguistically
                                                                      daring portrait of an overwhelmed mind.«
                                                                                                Financial Times about Superabundance
                                                                                  (Der beruhigende Klang von explodierendem Kerosin)
Shortlisted for the Swiss Book Prize 2018                                                        »Beckettian, excellent, funny.«
                                                                                                   Independent about Superabundance
                                                                                  (Der beruhigende Klang von explodierendem Kerosin)
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List Frankfurt Book Fair 2018
Literary Fiction                                                                                                      Poetry

Dževad Karahasan                                                                                              Christian Lehnert
The House of the Wearied                                                                                      Cherubic Dust
Masterful short stories by one of the great European writers

Sarajevo, September 1914. In a newspaper                                Dževad Karahasan                      Christian Lehnert’s seventh volume of poetry                         Christian Lehnert
editorial office, at the national bank and in                           The House of the Wearied              again goes all out: from two-line moments,                           Cherubic Dust
other official locations, letters arrive with                           Five Stories                          to sonnets, odes and tersest and onwards to                          Poems
considerable delay, often years later. Yet it                           (Original Bosnian title:              extensive, multi-facetted poems, this poetry                         (Original title:
                                                                        Kuća za umorne. Pjesme o                                                                                   Cherubinischer Staub.
is not the war that has thrown the imperial                                                                   works with a tremendous diversity of form.
                                                                        ljubavi u smrti)                                                                                           Gedichte)
and royal mail into confusion, but rather
                                                                        (Translated German title:                                                                                  approx. 100 pages
a postman in love who has fallen on the                                                                       The poet makes multiple excursions into a
                                                                        Das Haus für die Müden.                                                                                    Clothbound
battlefield of the world war just unfolding.                            Fünf Geschichten)                     »dictionary of natural phenomena.« In it                             Release: August 2018
                                                                        approx. 250 pages                     the world and characteristics of snow and
Love and loss, progress and memory are the                              Clothbound                            frost, moss and leaves reveal themselves to                          Rights available
themes of these five long short stories with                            Release of the German                 him. Plume moths, stag beetles, flies and
which Dževad Karashan leaves the far-distant                            edition by Suhrkamp:                  falcons are shaped in words. Just as later                           Christian Lehnert, born in
epoch of the setting of his opus magnum,                                January 2019                          he communes with the speech of firs and                              1969 in Dresden, is a poet and
The Solace of the Night Sky and returns to the                                                                beeches. Ultimately these are poems about                            theologian. He is director of the
                                                                        Dževad Karashan, born in                                                                                   Institute of Liturgical Studies in
twentieth century. Communism arrives in                                                                       human fate, about mythical material and
                                                                        Duvno, Yugoslavia, in 1953,                                                                                Leipzig. His poetry has garnered
the backwoods of Bosnia. In the small towns,                            lives in Graz and Sarajevo. He
                                                                                                              that based on historical reality.                                    many prominent prizes.
surrounded by lonely, majestic landscapes,                              is a great romancer, short story
                                                                                                                                                                                   Selected Backlist:
Karahasan’s protagonists sense that a time                              writer, a dramatist, essayist         Lehnert’s poetry dips into German mys-
                                                                                                                                                                                   Windzüge. Gedichte (2015)
is beginning in which there will not be a                               and academic. His works have          ticism. From Jacob Böhme and Angelus
place for them any more. They are in denial                             been translated into more than        Silesius he adopts the ambiguous, pene-
                                                                        ten languages. In 2004, he was
– radical old men, stubbornly facing the                                                                      trating language that connects spiritual-
                                                                        awarded the Leipzig Book Prize
world, insisting on their right to dream, to                            for European Understanding.           ity and physics. In his poems, a resurrec-
grieve, and to be tired, quite simply.                                                                        tion of analogue thinking takes places in
                                                                        Selected Backlist:                    the much vaunted digital age.
Letters that do not reach their destina-                                Što pepeo priča (Simurg Media,
tion because death and world history                                    2015) (German: Der Trost des
get in the way of love, are a leitmotif in                              Nachthimmels, Suhrkamp 2016)
The House of the Wearied. Karahasan de-                                 International Sales: Chinese
scribes growing older – a looking back at                               simplex rights (Shanghai                        »He is quite simply
a world changing more quickly than the
                                                                        Translation Publishing House),
                                                                        Bulgaria (Paradox), Slovenia               a major poet with a rare
individuals in it can keep up with.                                     (Beletrina), Turkey (Iletisim),               sensitivity to beauty.«
                                                                        Greece (Hestia), Iran (Donya-
                                                                        e-Eqtesad), Part 1: Macedonia
                                                                                                                                      Hans Werner Henze

       »A brilliant storyteller.«
                                                 Photo: Claus Gretter

                                                                                                                                                             Photo: Jürgen Bauer
                                                                        Sara i Serafina (Durieux, 1999)
                               Der Standard                             (German: Sara und Serafina,
                                                                        Suhrkamp 2014) International

    »An event of the decade.«
                                                                        Sales: Spanish world rights
                                                                        (Galaxia Gutenberg – published,
                 Neue Zürcher Zeitung about                             rights reverted), France (Laffont –
                The Solace of the Night Sky                             published, rights reverted), Italy
                                                                        (Il Saggiatore – published, rights
                                                                        reverted), Sweden (Bosnisk-
                                                                        Hercegovinska Riksförbundet
                                                                        i Sverige – published, rights
                                                                        reverted), Slovenia (Cankarjeva
                                                                        Založba – published, rights
                                                                        reverted), Turkey (Ketebe)
Essay                                                                                                                                       Literary Fiction

Enis Maci                                                                                               Ralf Rothmann
Ice Cream Parlour Europe                                                                                The God of That Summer
                                                                                                        »The haunting portrayal of conflict and carnage in the final weeks
                                                                                                        of the second world war makes this German novel a modern classic.«
                                                                                                        The Guardian about To Die in Spring

What might resistance look like nowadays?                           Enis Maci                           A child in the war: at the start of 1945,                                                                            Ralf Rothmann
Seeking an answer, Enis Maci draws a direct                         Ice Cream Parlour                   twelve-year-old Luisa Norff has to flee to the                                                                       The God of That Summer
line from Joan of Arc to Sophie Scholl to                           Europe                              countryside with her mother and her older                                                                            Novel
the sworn virgins of Albania. She exposes                           Essays                              sister as the bombardment of Kiel has begun.                                                                         (Original title: Der Gott
                                                                    (Original title: Eiscafé                                                                                                                                 jenes Sommers. Roman)
the media strategies of the identitarian                                                                The estate owned by her brother-in-law
                                                                    Europa. Essays)                                                                                                                                          254 pages
movement as a farce, she questions mother                                                               Vinzent, a SS-officer, becomes an unexpected
                                                                    approx. 250 pages                                                                                                                                        Clothbound
tongue and origin, travels to the Walhalla                                                              site of freedom: no more school, and as the
                                                                    Paperback                                                                                                                                                Release: May 2018
memorial where she looks at Edith Stein’s                           Release: October 2018               Allied bombers are flying eastwards and
bust, the nun murdered in Auschwitz.                                                                    more and more refugees are arriving, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             International Sales:
She dwells on social fringes and weaves                                                                 young dreamer Luisa is roaming through
                                                                    Rights available                                                                                                                                         English world rights
seemingly unrelated topics into the dense                                                               the woods and tries to understand life from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Picador), Italy (Neri
panorama of the European present-day. In                            Enis Maci, born in 1993,            this side of the fires: What is this agitation
her essays, the remarkable rubs shoulders                                                               she feels when she sees the young milker                                                                             Pozza), Denmark
                                                                    studied Creative Writing
in her essays with the everyday, the private                        at the German Literature            Walter, who are the prisoners at Klostersee,                                                                         (Rosinante), Czech
with the political.                                                 Institute in Leipzig and Cultural   where did her sister Billie disappear to all                                                                         Republic (Argo);
                                                                    Sociology at the London                                                                                                                                  Domestic Rights
                                                                                                        of a sudden, and where does the wig maker
                                                                    School of Economics. Her
                                                                    plays have been performed,          actually get hair from? And as she herself                                                                           Sales: German
                                                                    among other venues, at              experiences what all women are afraid                                                                                Audiobook (Hörbuch
                                                                    Schauspielhaus Theatre in           of these days during Vinzent’s birthday                                                                              Hamburg), German
                                                                    Vienna and at Schauspiel            celebrations, Luisa breaks down under the                                                                            Bookclub (Büchergilde
                                                                    Theatre in Leipzig and greeted
                                                                                                        burden of the inexplicable.                                                                                          Gutenberg)
                                                                    enthusiastically. For the theatre
                                                                    season 2018/19, Enis Maci
                                                                                                        Ralf Rothmann’s great novel To Die
                                                                    will be writer-in-residence at      in Spring, translated into twenty-five                                                                               Selected Backlist:
                                                                    Mannheim’s National Theatre.        languages, was a moving drama at the                                                                                 Im Frühling sterben (2015)
                                                                                                        edge of the battlefields. The God of That                                                                            International Sales: English
                                                                                                        Summer is an equally touching story about                                                                            world rights (Picador UK; USA/
                                                                                                        the climate of delusion and denunciation                                                                             Canada sublicense: FSG;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             English audiobook sublicense:
                                                                                                        during the last months of a war that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Tantor), Spanish world rights
                                                                                                        eclipses everybody’s heart forever and                                                                               (Libros del Asteroide), Catalan
                                                                                                        has a twelve-year-old say, and rightfully                                                                            rights (L’Altra Editorial),
                                                                                                        so: »I’ve experienced everything.«                                                                                   Portuguese rights (Sextante
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Editora), France (Denoël),
                                                                                                        Ralf Rothmann was born in 1953 in Schleswig and                                                                      Italy (Neri Pozza), Netherlands

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Photo: Heike Steinweg
                                                                                                        grew up in the Ruhr. He lives in Berlin. He is the                                                                   (Arbeiderspers), Denmark
                                               Photo: Max Zerrahn

                                                                                                        recipient of numerous awards, including:                                                                             (Rosinante), Sweden (Thorén &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Lindskog), Norway (Gyldendal
                                                                                                        Uwe Johnson Preis 2018                                                                                               Norsk), Finland (Atena), Poland
                                                                                                        Premio San Clemente 2017                                                                                             (W.A.B.), Czech Republic (Argo),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Slovak Republic (Premedia),
                                                                                                        Kleist-Preis 2017                                                                                                    Hungary (Magvetö), Bulgaria
                                                                                                        Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis 2013                          »A Bosch-like vision of hell.                                (Atlantis), Romania (ART),

         »Your pride is your misfortune,                                                                Hans-Fallada-Preis 2008                                  The horror of war and the                                   Estonia (Hea Lugu), Croatia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Fraktura), Serbia (Laguna),
Medea is obviously the greatest lie of all.«
                                                                                                        Literaturpreis der Konrad-
                                                                                                                                                             deep damage it does to people                                   Slovenia (Goga), Turkey (Yapi
                                                                                                        Adenauer-Stiftung 2008
                                                                                                        Max-Frisch-Preis 2006
                                                                                                                                                             is not always handled as well,                                  Kredi), Greece (Kastaniotis),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Macedonia (ArtConnect),
                                                                                                        Heinrich-Böll-Preis 2005                                  or as powerfully, as this.«                                Kosovo/Albanian world rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Buzuku); Domestic Rights
                                                                                                        Wilhelm Raabe Literaturpreis 2004                        The Sunday Times about To Die in Spring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sales: German Audiobook
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Hörbuch Hamburg), German
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Entire Radio Reading (NDR)
Literary Fiction

                                                                                                Judith Schalansky
                                                                                                An Inventory of Certain Losses
                                                                                                Wilhelm-Raabe-Priize 2018

                                                                                                World history is full of things that have                                                                     Judith Schalansky
                                                                                                gone astray – willfully destroyed or mislaid                                                                  An Inventory of Certain
                                                                                                over the course of time. In her new book,                                                                     Losses. With 12 illustrations
                                                                                                Judith Schalansky dedicates herself to that                                                                   (Original title: Verzeichnis
                                                                                                                                                                                                              einiger Verluste)
                                                                                                which the lost leaves behind: dying echoes
                                                                                                                                                                                                              252 pages
                                                                                                and disappearing steps, whispers and
                                                                                                legends, apostrophes and phantom pains.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Release: October 2018
                                                                                                Beginning with objects from nature and
                                                                                                art like an incinerated painting of Caspar                                                                    International Sales: UK
                                                                                                David Friedrich, an extinct species of tiger,                                                                 & Commonwealth (Mac-
                                                                                                a Roman baroque villa, the holy writings of                                                                   Lehose Press), Chinese

                                                                                                                                                                                        Photo: Jürgen Bauer
                                                                                                a vanished religion or a sunken island in the                                                                 complex rights (Locus),
                                                                                                Pacific, she presents a panorama of the long                                                                  Italy (nottetempo), Neth-
                                                                                                lost and disappeared, a panorama which                                                                        erlands (Atlas/Contact),
                                                                                                traces the world’s blank spaces together with                                                                 Denmark (Vandkunsten),
                                                                                                those within natural and cultural history
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sweden (Pequod), Nor-
                                                                                                while opening up areas of knowledge where
                                                                                                                                                                                                              way (Press); Domestic
                                                                                                delivery has failed. The protagonists of these   as in a photofit picture, suggests more than
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rights Sales: German
                                                                                                short stories are outsiders: a bizarre old man   depicts the lost. As such, the collection
                                                                                                hoarding the knowledge of humankind in                                                                        Audiobook (DAV)
                                                                                                                                                 proves itself to be a document of the power
                                                                                                his garden in Tessin, a lunar researcher from    of print, the book a more efficacious and                    Judith Schalansky, born in
                                                                                                Bohemia who gives up all earthly curiosity       long-lasting medium of transmission than                     Greifswald in 1980, lives in Berlin
                                                                                                for a position in the Archive of the Moon, an    any other.                                                   as a writer, editor and book
                                                                                                aged Greta Garbo who dreams of appearing                                                                      designer. Her work, which includes
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the internationally successful
                                                                                                on the silver screen as Dorian Gray, Judith      After her Atlas of Remote Islands, in this,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              bestseller Atlas of Remote Islands
                                                                                                Schalansky’s own father who left the family      her Inventory of Certain Losses, Judith                      and the novel The Giraffe’s Neck,
                                                                                                before she could even form a memory of           Schalansky once again sounds the spaces                      has been translated into more than
                                                                                                him. These texts speak about beginnings          between reality and imagination, truth                       twenty languages and has won
                                                                                                and endings – and at the same time are an        and myth, fact and fiction. The result is a                  several prizes.
                                                                                                autobiographical trip into a country that        lively evocation of the lost and the remote,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Selected Backlist:
                                                                                                no longer exists: childhood, the GDR of the      which suggests that perhaps the difference
                                                                                                1980s.                                           between presence and absence is only                         Der Hals der Giraffe (2011)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              International Sales: English world
                                                                                                                                                 marginal as long as memory still exists –
                                                                                                                                                                                                              rights (Bloomsbury), Spanish world
                                                                                                Each of the twelve stories in this collection    that, and a literature which reveals just how                rights (Random House Mondadori),
                                                                                                sketches its own world through a subject-        close preservation and destruction, loss and                 Chinese simplex rights (People’s
                                                                                                specific language, a world in which the          creation, really are.                                        Literature Publishing House),
                                                                                                boundaries between presence and absence                                                                       Chinese complex rights (Locus),
                         »Western man’s inclination to value what is extinct more               have disappeared as much as have those                                                                        Russia (Text), Brazilian Portuguese
                                                                                                                                                    »There are no gains without
                        than what still exists seems to be one of its more rationally           between fiction, memoir and essay, while
                                                                                                                                                 corresponding losses, no losses
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rights (Objetiva), France
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Actes Sud), Italy (nottetempo),
                           almost incomprehensible qualities, for there could be                simultaneously questioning the reliability
                                                                                                of our individual and collective memories as      without corresponding gains.«                               Netherlands (Signatuur), Denmark

                          no other way to explain the strange fascination with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Vandkunsten), Sweden (Pequod),
                                                                                                well as future instruments of transmission.                                     Agnes Heller                  Norway (Press), Finland (Tammi),
                              Tasmanian wolf.« Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei natural history series   Moreover, every one of the 16-page stories                                                                    Korea (Galmuri), Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Paseka), Hungary (Typotex),
                                                                                                begins and ends with a black page, which,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bulgaria (Geia-Libris), Romania
Photo: Heike Steinweg

                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Allfa), Estonia (Tänapäev), Turkey
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Ayrinti), Israel (Keter Books);
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Domestic Rights Sales: German
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Audiobook (DAV), German Book
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Club (Büchergilde Gutenberg)
Literary Fiction                                                                                                Literary Fiction

Maria Stepanova                                                                                                                              Uwe Tellkamp
Post-Memory                                                                                                                                  The Carus Affairs
»Post-Memory is the most important Russian novel of 2017.« GQ                                                                                A return to the world of The Tower, an international bestseller

Montpellier, 1908: the photograph of a                                                                    Maria Stepanova                    »Going to Carus«: that is how the                                             Uwe Tellkamp
young woman by an easel or »Grandma                                                                       Post-Memory                        gynaecologist said goodbye to his two                                         The Carus Affairs
on the barricades«, as the family calls it.                                                               (Original Russian title:           children when he set off for the Carl Gustav                                  Illustrated and designed by
Pre-Revolution portraits, postcards from                                                                  Памяти памяти, published           Carus Medical Academy each day. The man                                       Andreas Töpfer
                                                                                                          by Novoe in November                                                                                             (Original title: Die Carus-
Venice, Montpellier, or Nizhny Novgorod,                                                                                                     who gave his name to the institution died in
                                                                                                          2017)                                                                                                            Sachen. Originally published
pieces from the »library of a very different                                                                                                 1869, he can be regarded as the prototype
                                                                                                          (Translated German title:                                                                                        in 2017 by Edition Eichthal,
and lost visual culture«, letters, childhood                                                                                                 of the then self-evident multi-talented man:
                                                                                                          Nach dem Gedächtnis.                                                                                             Eckernförde)
souvenirs – these are the things that the                                                                 Roman)                             natural scientist, doctor and painter, author                                 approx. 96 pages
author examines in astonishment. Who were                                                                 408 pages                          of humanities studies (including one on                                       Clothbound
these people who travelled all throughout                                                                 Clothbound                         Goethe). It is therefore not surprising, when                                 Release of the new edition by
Europe yet lived in Russia? Who did their                                                                 Release of the German              the father lures his two children into the                                    Insel: September 2018
best to remain anonymous and who made                                                                     edition by Suhrkamp:               independent art scene of Dresden and its
little effort to make history seem interesting?                                                           October 2018                       hinterland – it’s the Carus Affairs that are                                  Rights available
                                                                                                                                             on their minds and that instigate attempts to
But it is precisely the unspectacular nature                                                              International Sales:               approach the undivided humanity.                                              Uwe Tellkamp was born in
of the find which turns the author’s research                                                                                                                                                                              Dresden in 1968. He studied
                                                                                                          USA/Canada (New
in the Russian context into something new:                                                                                                   The use of the illustrations is not a condition                               Medicine in Leipzig, New York
                                                                                                          Directions), UK/                                                                                                 and Dresden. He then worked as
»Everyone else had a family made up of people                                                                                                for translations.
                                                                                                          Commonwealth                                                                                                     a doctor. Now living as a writer
participating in history; mine was made up
only of their tenants.« Destined to become                                                                (Fitzcarraldo),                                                                                                  in Dresden, his novel The Tower,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           published in 2008, won that
victims of persecution and repression, they                                                               Spanish world rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           year’s German Book Prize. The
all still managed to survive the 20th century.                                                            (El Acantilado),                                                                                                 Tower has been translated into
How was that possible? This is the question                                                               France (Stock),                                                                                                  twenty languages.
and point of departure for Maria Stepanova’s                                                              Italy (Bompiani),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Selected Backlist:
first great work of prose.                                                                                Netherlands (De Bezige
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Der Turm (2008) International
                                                                                                          Bij), Sweden (Nirstedt/
In dialogue with, among others, writers                                                                                                                                                                                    Sales: English world rights print
                                                                                                          litteratur), Finland                                                                                             (Penguin Press), English world
like Roland Barthes, W.G. Sebald, Jacques
                                                                                                          (Siltala), Poland                                                                                                rights digital (Frisch & Co.),
Rancière, and Susan Sontag, imbued with
                                                                                                          (Prószyński), Bulgaria                                                                                           Spanish world rights (Anagrama),
                                                               Photo: Valery Shibanov/Seledka newspaper

a passion for thought and a wonderfully                                                                                                                                                                                    Catalan rights (Anagrama-
soft, poetic voice derived from sensual as                                                                (Janet 45)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Empuries), France (Grasset;
well as intellectual observations, Stepanova                                                              Maria Stepanova, born in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           French book club sublicense:
assembles her found pieces into a panorama                                                                Moscow in 1972, is a poet,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Grand Livre du Mois; French

                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo: Brigitte Friedrich
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           paperback sublicense: J’ai lu),
of an entire age. At its heart lives a large                                                              essayist, and journalist and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Italy (Bompiani), Netherlands
family of doctors, architects, librarians,                                                                one of the most visible figures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Arbeiderspers), Denmark
accountants, and engineers, unheroic indi-                                                                of contemporary literary life in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Gyldendal), Sweden (Bonniers),
                                                                                                          Russia. Editor-in-chief of the
viduals who did not attach themselves to any                                                                                                                                                                               Norway (Press), Hungary
                                                                                                          online newspaper, in
great project but who in uncivilized, violent                                                             2018/2019 Maria Stepanova
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Magvetö), Bulgaria (Atlantis),
times attempted to live quiet, civilized lives.                                                                                                                                                                            Romania (Curtea Veche), Serbia
                                                                                                          will take up the Siegfried-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Zlatni Zmaj), Turkey (Ithaki),
                                                                                                          Unseld guest professorship in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Greece (Kastaniotis); Domestic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Rights Sales: German Audiobook
»A meta novel like this appears only once every ten years – a great                                                                                                                                                        (Der Hörverlag), German Book
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Club (Der Club Bertelsmann),
literary reconstruction, which has created a whole new genre and                                                                                                                                                           German Book Club Paperback
sounds the relation between memory, time, and history.« Literratura                                                                                                                                                        (Weltbild), German Book Club
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Special Edition (Büchergilde
Literary Fiction

                        Stephan Thome
                        God of the Barbarians
                        A master of thorough portraits delivers his first historical novel:
                        the story of one of the bloodiest wars in human history
                        China, mid-nineteenth-century. A Christian                                     Stephan Thome
                        revolutionary movement swamps the Empire                                       God of the Barbarians
                        with terror and destruction. A young                                           Novel
                        German missionary, who wants to help with                                      (Original title: Gott der
                                                                                                       Barbaren. Roman)
                        the modernising of the enormous Empire,
                                                                                                       719 pages
                        travels full of idealism to Nanjing, in order
                        to gain an impression of the rebellion. There
                                                                                                       Release: September 2018
                        he finds himself caught between the fronts
                        where, ultimately, he loses everything that                                    International Sales:
                        is important to him. At the conflict hotspots–                                 Chinese complex rights
                        in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing – we                                           (Linking); Domestic
                        encounter a cast of characters as tattered as                                  Rights Sales: German
                        they are fascinating: among them Lord Elgin,
                                                                                                       Audiobook (Griot),
                        the British High Commissioner in China;
                                                                                                       German Entire Radio
                        and a Chinese scholar, appointed warlord,
                                                                                                       Reading (NDR)
                        who has grown so powerful that even the
                        Emperor has reasons to fear him.                                               Stephan Thome, born in
                                                                                                       1972 in Biedenkopf, studied
                        In his enthralling new book, Stephan                                           Philosophy and Sinology at the
                        Thome tells a story that precedes our cri-                                     Freie Universität in Berlin and
                                                                                                       at various universities in China,
                        sis-ravaged present day. Under the com-
                                                                                                       Taiwan and Japan. He worked in
                        mand of a Christian convert who believes                                       East Asia for ten years and has
                        to be God’s second son, rebels in China                                        also lived in Lisbon. His novels
                        create a religious state that, in a devastat-       Shortlisted for the        Border Crossing (original title:
                        ing way, pre-empts the terror movements
                                                                         German Book Prize 2018
                                                                                                       Grenzgang, 2009) and Centrifugal
                        of our days. A major novel with a far-                                         Forces (original title: Fliehkräfte,
                                                                                                       2012) were both shortlisted for
                        reaching gaze on religious fanaticism, on
                                                                                                       the German Book Prize. His work
                        how easily we can be seduced, and on the                                       has won several prizes. Stephan
                        loss of orientation in a radically chang-                                      Thome lives in Taipei.
                        ing world.                                                                     Selected Backlist:
                                                                                                       Fliehkräfte (2012) International
                                                                                                       Sales: English world rights
                                                                                                       (Seagull), Chinese simplex rights
                                     On the loss of our certainties in chaotic times                   (People’s Literature Publishing
                                                                                                       House), Chinese complex rights
                                                                                                       (Linking); Domestic Rights
                                »His writing assumes a flow in which the portraits of the              Sales: German Audiobook
                                                                                                       (DAV), German Book Club Rights
                            characters and the portrait of the times merge seamlessly.« SZ             (Büchergilde Gutenberg)
                                                                                                       Grenzgang (2009) International
                                                 »Imagination distilled into words.« rbb kulturradio   Sales: Chinese simplex rights
                                                                                                       (Jiangsu People’s Publishing
                                                                                                       House), Chinese complex rights
                                                   »A great master of emotional nuance.« Die Welt      (Linking), Netherlands (Cossée);
                                                                                                       Domestic Rights Sales: Film
                                                                                                       rights (WDR), German Audiobook
Photo: Heike Steinweg

                                                                                                       (Griot), German Book Club
                                                                                                       (Büchergilde Gutenberg)
Literary Fiction

 On the discovery and transformation of the world                         Philipp Weiss
                                                                          On the edge of the world man
                                                                          sits and laughs
                                                                          1000 pages, five volumes – one novel
                                                                          In On the edge of the world man sits and                             Philipp Weiss
                                                                          laughs, Philipp Weiss recounts the world’s                           On the edge of the world
                                                                          transformation during the Anthropocene –                             man sits and laughs
                                                                          that epoch of earth’s history in which the                           Novel
                                                                                                                                               (Original title: Am
                                                                          human being became the central constitutive
                                                                                                                                               Weltenrand sitzen die
                                                                          power. Between France and Japan, from the
                                                                                                                                               Menschen und lachen.
                                                                          19th to the 21st century, this bold novel
                                                                          depicts a Panopticon of our fleeting reality.                        With many colour and black
                                                                          Each one of the five volumes has its own                             and white images
                                                                          form: encyclopaedia, manga, novella, audio-                          approx. 1000 pages
                                                                          transcription and notebook.                                          Five volumes with cover

                                                                                                                          Photo: Max Zerrahn
                                                                                                                                               flaps in a box
                                                                          One novel, five books – as                                           Release: September 2018
                                                                          independent from one another
                                                                          as they are closely interwoven                                       International Sales:
                                                                                                                                               France (Seuil)
                                                                          How do we come to terms with
                                                                          the unpredictable? And what does                                     Philipp Weiss was born in 1982
                                                                                                                                               in Vienna, where he currently
                                                                          the future hold for mankind?
                                                                                                                                               lives and works. He studied
                                                                                                                                               German studies and Philosophy
                                                                          The complexity of existence in                                       and has published theatre plays
                                                                          the modern world translated into                                     and short stories. On the edge of
                                                                          a gripping story and captured in                                     the world man sits and laughs is
                                                                          a single novel                                                       his first novel. In 2018, he has
                                                                                                                                               been awarded the Literary Prize
                                                                                                                                               of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation.

                                   »Love is the transition into chaos.«

        »As if I was at home nowhere. As if I perpetually stood on the
threshold, between things, spaces, people. Blessed are those who have
                            never tumbled over an edge of the world.«
Literary Fiction                                                                                          Literary Fiction

Bruno E. Werner                                                                         Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
The Slave Ship                                                                          Scotland and Other Stories
Rediscovery of a post-war bestseller: on the German                                     »Ziegler is a razor-sharp provocateur.« FAZ
intelligentsia during the Second World War
Dispassionate and, for that very reason,           Bruno E. Werner                      For every story that ends, another begins. In                         Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
moving: a newspaper editor documents how           The Slave Ship                       Scotland’s Dundee, a female dancer watches                            Scotland and Other Stories
the German intelligentsia – academics and          Novel (Original title: Die           the dividing of a nation. In Hamburg, a                               (Original title: Schottland
artists, novelists and editor-in-chiefs – cringe   Galeere. Roman)                      radicalised animal rights activist goes                               und andere Erzählungen)
and writhe following the Nazi’s seizure of         approx. 420 pages                                                                                          190 pages
                                                                                        missing. A Berlin punk finds serenity in
                                                   Paperback                                                                                                  Clothbound
power, but also how they create space to                                                music after being wounded, and a young
                                                   Originally published in 1949,                                                                              Release: August 2018
continue their pursuit of a good life and a                                             cameraman, tired of his job, becomes an
                                                   release of the new edition
moral good. In the end, however, they too are                                           adventurer. At the root of it is a desire for
                                                   with Suhrkamp: December                                                                                    Rights available
helpless in the face of the dictatorship. The      2018                                 recognition, but recognition wakens other
narrative arc spans from the day of the Nazi’s                                          desires.                                                              Ulf Erdmann Ziegler was
seizure of power through the bombings of           Translations have been published,
                                                                                                                                                              born in 1959 in Neumünster /
Berlin and Dresden and up to capitulation.         among others, in the following       Here you find everything you look for in                              Holstein. His novel Hamburger
                                                                                                                                                              Hochbahn earned him # 1 on the
                                                   territories: USA (Pantheon           Ulf Erdmann Ziegler’s novels: the photo-
                                                                                                                                                              SWR-Bestseller List. Ziegler was
The novel first appeared shortly after the         Books), UK (Heinemann), France       graphic gaze, the quick rhythm, the in-                               awarded the Friedrich-Hebbel-
                                                   (Gallimard), Netherlands (Stok),
end of World War Two in 1949 and was                                                    terest in the abyss, the empathy for his                              Prize in 2008. In 2012, his novel
                                                   Sweden (Bonniers), Finland
translated into many languages. 70 years           (Gummerus)                           characters. These short stories are what                              Nichts Weißes, »a new style of
after its publication, it is time to redis-                                             the sketchbook would be to a painter. The                             realistic narrative« (German
                                                                                                                                                              Book Prize Jury), was published
cover this post-war bestseller.                    Bruno E. Werner (1896–1964)          unlikely finds its place there, exaggera-
                                                                                                                                                              and was later nominated for
                                                   was in 1925 the art editor of the    tion and wit and sensibility. They sketch                             the German Book Prize and
                                                   Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung,
                                                                                        an image of a restless world and fit to-                              the Wilhelm Raabe Prize for
                                                   Berlin. In 1929 he was involved
                                                   in the founding of the Bauhaus-
                                                                                        gether like puzzle pieces in a jigsaw of                              Literature. Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
                                                   influenced journal Die neue Linie.   today’s society.                                                      lives in Frankfurt am Main.
                                                   His book Vom bleibenden Geist der
                                                                                                                                                              Selected Backlist:
                                                   deutschen Kunst was published in
                                                   1934. From 1942 to 1947 Werner                                                                             Und jetzt du, Orlando! (2014)
                                                   worked on the manuscript of Die                                                                            Nichts Weißes (2012)
                                                   Galeere. After the war, he became
                                                   art editor of the Neue Zeitung
                                                   and president of the German PEN

                                                                                                                                        Photo: Jürgen Bauer
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