Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC

Page created by Elizabeth Soto
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC
             THE QUARTERLY

                                                  Fall 2021
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC
                          10 Compensation & Retention
                               Employers need to work even harder
                               than before to retain their high-performing
     up front
                          12 Fox & Hounds
                               This Aldergrove pub boasts many
                               long-term employees and patio space

Email Marketing
                               larger than its interior space.

                          14 Legal Risks and Realities

    Email is a powerful      of COVID-19
                               What is the risk of being sued for
    opportunity for            gross negligence? Can you require
    small businesses.          staff to be vaccinated?
    See how to create     22 Brand Consolidation:
    and execute a great      Better Together?
    campaign.                  What are the pros and cons of
                               global brand consolidation?

                          4    ABLE BC Industry Update
                          5    BC Liquor Industry Trends
                          9    Beer Notes: Expanding your Tap List
                          18   LDB Update:
                               The Cooler Category is Growing Rapidly
                          21   Day in the Life of a Publican:
                               Marilyn Sanders
                          24   What’s Coming?
                          25   BC Hospitality Foundation
                          26   Wine Report: What Makes Wine Orange?
                          27   Spirit Spotlight: Bourbon:
                               The Spirit of America
                          28   LCRB Report
                          29   Names in the News
                          29   Product Showcase
                          30   ABLE BC Membership Report

                          20   Challenges Facing Import Agents
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC
» ABLE BC Industry Update
                                                            by Jeff Guignard

                                                            ED Report                                                and supporting members who want to make
                                                            By the time you read this, BC’s longest-ever             their temporary patios permanent.
                                                            State of Emergency will have ended. After                   We are also working hard to advance the
                                                            months of sacrifice, hard work, pain, and                interests of our liquor retailer members, who
Quarterly Publication for the                               inestimable financial hardship, we will have finally     have been waiting years to see the moratorium
Alliance of Beverage Licensees
                                                            turned a corner in the fight against COVID-19 and        on new LRS licenses extended a further 10
2nd floor 948 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1N9            begun the long road to recovery.                         years. As you may recall, the Attorney General
T 604-688-5560 F 604-688-8560                                  As one pub owner in downtown Vancouver                committed to extending the moratorium at our
Toll free 1-800-663-4883
info@ablebc.ca www.ablebc.ca @ABLEBC                        told me, “It feels like we can finally breathe again.”   2020 BC Liquor Conference. Since then, many
                                                               We all know that BC’s hospitality, accom-             of you have joined me in engaging directly
2020-2021 Board of Directors & ABLE BC Staff                modation, and tourism industries were hit first          with Minister Farnworth to request his help
President                Al McCreary                        and hit hardest by this 18-month pandemic.               in getting this over the line. We are making
Past President           Poma Dhaliwal                      We will also be among the last to fully recover.         steady progress, and I hope to be able to offer
Vice President           Al Deacon
Treasurer                Trevor Kaatz                       To give you an idea what we’re up against, here          a positive update later in the fall.
Directors                Brady Beruschi, Michael Brown,     are some sobering statistics from June 2021:                We are also working to support both LP
                         Yvan Charette, Stephen Roughley,      • 15% of our hospitality industry has already         and LRS members with the introduction of
                         Angie Eccleston
Director-At-Large        Lorne Folick                       closed permanently                                       licensee-to-licensee sales. Since I started this
Executive Director       Jeff Guignard                         • 80% report losing money or barely breaking          job over seven years ago, it has never made
Director of                                                 even for over a year                                     sense to me that a pub or restaurant should
Membership &
Communications           Danielle Leroux                       • 50% are unsure their business will survive          be prohibited from buying liquor from a private
                                                            the summer                                               liquor store; instead, they are forced to buy
The Quarterly Pour Editorial Committee:                        In the midst of our darkest hours, we worked          from a government liquor store (or direct from
Megan Carson, Trevor Kaatz, Paul Rickett
                                                            with our provincial government partners to               domestic BC manufacturers). It is a blatantly
Designed, Produced & Published by:                          secure nearly $200 million of direct financial           unfair and illogical policy that needlessly
EMC Publications                                            support for our industry—via Circuit Breaker             restricts an LRS from selling even convenience-
19073 63 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 8G7
Ph: 604-574-4577 1-800-667-0955
                                                            Grants, Small Business Grants, and a long-               based, one-off bottles of speciality products
info@emcmarketing.com                                       overdue wholesale price for hospitality licensees.       not available at a GLS. While there are some
www.emcmarketing.com                                        On top of tens of millions you received from the         minor issues to resolve—for example, our agent
Publisher              Joyce Hayne
Designer               Kyla Getty
                                                            federal wage and rent subsidies, I know these            and BC manufacturing partners have raised
Sales                  Marina Lecian                        funds were integral to helping many of you               legitimate concerns based on their experience
                       Beatriz Friz                         survive. Although these funds were a drop in             in other jurisdictions—I remain optimistic that
ABLE BC Editor         Danielle Leroux
                                                            the bucket when measured against the scale of            we’re very close to a workable solution that
Copyright EMC Publications                                  your losses, not a single dollar would have flowed       will enhance private sector opportunities
                                                            without the hard work of our BC government               across BC’s liquor industry. As an important
                                                            partners, who deserve our thanks. I wish to              first step in this direction, in July we successfully
TO CIRCULATION DEPT EMC PUBLICATIONS                        express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to         secured approval for private liquor stores to
19073 63 AVENUE                                             Solicitor General Mike Farnworth, Attorney               sell to holders of Special Event Permits.
SURREY BC V3S 8G7                                           General David Eby, Minister of Jobs Ravi
email: info@emcmarketing.com
                                                            Kahlon, their talented staff, and the relentlessly       Stay Informed: Monthly Vir tual
                                                            dedicated teams at the LCRB and LDB. Their               Meetings
                                                            support has been a crucial lifeline for many in          I know how hard it can be to keep on top of
                                                            our industry who are still struggling to recover,        all the latest—and often rapidly changing—
The opinions & points of view expressed in                  and I cannot thank them enough.                          information. If you have questions you want to
published articles are not necessarily those of ABLE BC.       I’d love to say that our work is now complete,        ask, I hope you’ll join me the last Thursday of
Advertisers are not necessarily endorsed by ABLE BC.
                                                            but we all know we have a long road ahead.               every month at 10 a.m. for a virtual “State of
                                                            With the need for pandemic closures and                  the Industry” update. I’ll take your questions
                                                            stringent public health protocols behind us,             directly, go over key information from the
                                                            we will be refocusing our efforts on industry’s          past month, and get you up to speed on key
                                                            other challenges, such as the growing labour             discussions with government. To register,
                                                            shortage, the crisis of skyrocketing insurance           please RSVP to danielle@ablebc.ca
                                                            premiums, logical policy reforms like licensee-             Of course, you can also always reach me at
                                                            to-licensee sales, faster and more transparent           any time at jeff@ablebc.ca
                                                            licensing application processes and timelines,              Stay safe and sane out there.

 4 The Quarterly Pour
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC

      trends                                                                                                Source: BC Liquor Distribution Branch

           Wholesale Sales: January - March 2021

                                           Litres                             increase/decrease               increase/decrease
           		                                                               over previous quarter             over previous year
           Beer – BC Commercial      28,691,235                                            - 3.6%                          - 6.1%
           Beer – BC Micro Brew       6,460,561                                            - 2.6%                          - 0.6%
           Beer – BC Regional         9,571,494                                          - 13.4%                         - 12.5%
           Beer – Import              4,902,232                                          - 20.6%                        - 35.9%
           Cider – Domestic & Import  3,375,934                                            - 6.4%                         - 11.1%
           Coolers                   13,025,259                                          + 12.4%                        + 30.6%
           Gin                          369,723                                          - 24.8%                        + 10.9%
           Rum                           742,184                                         - 42.3%                           - 7.6%
           Tequila                      236,001                                            - 5.9%                         + 2.2%
           Vodka                      2,002,688                                          - 19.2%                           - 9.2%
           Whiskey                     1,615,184                                         - 32.4%                           - 5.8%
           Wine – BC                  8,795,634                                          - 22.4%                           - 4.8%
           Wine – Canadian              214,930                                          - 40.0%                           - 6.3%
           Wine – USA                 1,640,549                                          - 29.2%                          + 0.3%
           Wine Total                16,912,487                                          - 23.5%                           - 3.9%

           Hospitality Sales: January - March 2021

                                          Litres                              increase/decrease               increase/decrease
           		                                                               over previous quarter             over previous year
           Beer – BC Commercial      2,901,990                                             + 1.5%                       - 36.2%
           Beer – BC Micro Brew      1,575,553                                           + 10.6%                         - 38.7%
           Beer – BC Regional        1,528,978                                             + 5.7%                        - 41.9%
           Beer – Import               573,519                                            - 11.0%                        - 57.6%
           Cider – Domestic & Import   261,587                                           + 12.2%                          - 47.1%
           Coolers                     168,826                                           + 16.2%                        - 39.0%
           Gin                          38,700                                           + 14.6%                        - 48.3%
           Rum                          43,873                                             + 7.0%                        - 38.4%
           Tequila                      52,626                                           + 20.1%                        - 39.6%
           Vodka                        137,101                                          + 12.2%                         - 42.2%
           Whiskey                      69,359                                             + 3.1%                        - 41.7%
           Wine – BC                   692,266                                            + 0.6%                         - 33.7%
           Wine – Canadian              10,883                                           + 14.8%                        - 28.8%
           Wine – USA                    97,450                                            - 1.7%                        - 34.7%
           Wine Total                1,251,218                                            + 0.9%                         - 32.1%

  Coolers continue their strong growth with a 30.6% increase over the first quarter of last year. See the LDB Update on page 18 for further trends
on refreshment beverages.
  After strong wholesale rum sales from October to December, this category fell dramatically from January to March.
  Imported beer saw significant declines in both wholesale and hospitality sales. Although BC micro brews saw a 10.6% increase in hospitality,
those trends were not seen in wholesale, so there’s an opportunity to stock and promote more micro brews in retail, since there’s obviously
demand for those beers.

                                                                                                                                 The Quarterly Pour 5
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC
Leveraging Email
                                                                                             by C o n n er Ga lway

   No one reads the newspaper anymore.                                        maligned email message has become so pivotal to our professional lives,
   There’s a now-familiar source of anguish in the marketing industry—        but whatever the case, our inboxes are consistently one of the most
whenever we get comfortable with a medium, people’s behaviours shift          used apps on our phones, and the most personal way to communicate
and we are forced to tear down and rebuild what we communicate                at scale.
with our audience.
   That behaviour shift has only been accelerated by the global pandemic,     A Powerful Opportunity
which forced us all indoors and onto our devices. Happy hours turned          It’s that last factor that makes email such a powerful opportunity for
into Zoom calls, wine tastings                                                                                       small businesses. There may not
tuned into live streams and                                                                                          be a single other opportunity that

                                       our inboxes are consistently
even the ubiquitous Facebook                                                                                         allows us to create a connection
newsfeed seemed to lose                                                                                              with as many individuals as we
people’s attention in favour of                                                                                      like, to craft messages they’re
more engaging platforms like
YouTube and TikTok.
                                        one of the most used apps                                                    going to find valuable, and then
                                                                                                                     d i s tr i b u te th o s e m e s s a g e s

                                              on our phones
   Media consumption shifted                                                                                         without technical skills, with very
for every platform, except one                                                                                       little cost, and directly to people’s
despite a billion+ reasons that                                                                                      personal devices.
it should have.                                                                  Regardless of how compelling the case for email may sound, the
   Email is pretty much the same as it was back in 2010. Features             fact remains that very few small businesses are making an effective
have been added here and there, and we consume a lot more of them             use of the channel, which raises the question: Why? If email is such a
on our phones, but even though companies like Slack, WhatsApp                 powerful, direct, and (presumably) profitable marketing tactic, why isn’t
and Basecamp have raised many billions of dollars in an explicit and          everyone taking advantage?
collective effort to revolutionize email, it remains the one communication       The answer starts with misconception and ends with execution.
channel that has stubbornly persisted.                                           Ask a group of 100 people how they feel about email marketing,
   Maybe it’s the simplicity of the technology, or the fact that the much-    and you’re likely to get at least 90 rants about unwanted spam and
                                                                              phishing scams.
6 The Quarterly Pour
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC
Ask those same people about their favourite media companies, or
digital services, and they’re likely to tell you about the great content that
they serve up and the ways that they make their lives easier.
  The fact is, that much of the content that we receive, and many of
the services that we use are largely powered by email. No one minds
when ESPN sends updates about our favourite team, or Uber lets us
know that they’ve introduced a new service in our area.
  Email doesn’t need new technology, what it needs is a PR campaign
because a few bad apples over the years have tarnished this massively
useful tool that we all use every day.
  Unfortunately, the idea that email marketing has little or no value
has become so widely accepted that it’s embedded itself all way into
the very marketing departments that are responsible for developing
messaging, thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of content that
no one wants to see.

Rethinking Email
When we look around and see nothing but spam and scams, then it
can be difficult for us to imagine a better way. Fortunately, there are
a few brands out there that have taken a minute to re-think the email
opportunity and are delivering the type of content that is valuable, not
only for their subscribers’ faces, but for the business’ bottom line as well.
   One prominent example of high-value email marketing comes from
an app company that is likely on most of our phones: Vivino.
   The wine-identifying app has become a market leader by scanning,
rating, and recommending wine for its users, but most often when we’ve
got the app open, we’re in the process of pouring, not buying wine. While
some commerce happens in the app, Vivino has become incredibly
effective at gathering user preferences, then matching them with
special releases, seasonal recommendations, and curated discounts.
Vivino closes the loop on their customer relationship by knowing what
people want, when and where they want it, and then using their various
channels to match those.
   A little closer to home, there is a small winery in BC doing some really
creative things with their wine program. The company is appropriately
named Niche Wine Co. and the winemakers send out regular messages
that tell stories about their wine, shout out local small businesses,
offer seasonal recipes, and even give behind the scenes looks at the
winemaking process. What makes the email so compelling is that it’s
not a standalone marketing tactic—it’s a reflection of everything that
they’re up to. If you subscribe to their wine club, you’ll find products
from those same small businesses as thoughtful little surprises tucked
next to your bottles, and if you follow them on Instagram, you’ll get to
dig just a little deeper into the stories that they’re telling.
   When the content is valuable, people don’t just tolerate email
marketing, they look forward to opening it. And the impact for our
businesses is that, when it’s time to tell a story to our community, we
never have to worry about the latest algorithm update, or who’s paying
attention to what media channel. We’ve built our own media, and
we never have to ask anyone’s permission to communicate with our
audience, as long as we can keep their trust and attention.

Keeping Trust and Attention
The only question that remains to be answered is: How? It sounds
wonderful to own a media channel, but the fact is that, like everything
in marketing, we must first break through the noise to capture people’s
attention. Following are a few techniques that email marketers use
consistently to build, grow, and receive value from their email marketing

                                                                                The Quarterly Pour 7
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC
1. Give Them a Reason to Sign Up. No one gets excited about a box            a short text message to a friend about the email that they’re about to
at the bottom of a website that says “Sign up for our e-newsletter”. In a    send—that may allow you to relax and write the way that is going to
media landscape that’s screaming for our attention, and in a world where     connect with people.
the majority of people think that they don’t like email marketing, we’re
going to need to do better than that. A common technique is called a         6. All Roads Lead Through Email. Email list growth is not about
lead magnet, which involves developing a high value piece of content,        tricking people into signing up—it’s about authentically using your
then driving traffic to a page where people can get access to it for free,   various customer touchpoints to let people know about this high-
but only after they give you their email address. Lead magnets often         quality content that you’re putting out into the world. When you’re
consist of online recipe books, a how-to video, virtual wine tastings,       producing emails that you’re really proud of, promoting it gets a lot
or restaurant guides. The right fit for you, and for your email marketing    easier, and you start to find opportunities in-store, on your website,
program is going to be unique to you and your audience.                      and in your social media content to let people know why they should
                                                                             sign up.
2. If You’re Going to Be Your Own Media, Act Like It. Create emails
that are newsworthy. That doesn’t mean that you have to become a
                                                                             7. Know the Laws. In recent years, many jurisdictions have passed
journalist, but it does mean asking: Why will my audience care about
                                                                             laws that regulate or restrict the ways that we’re allowed to use
this message? Will they learn something? Will it make them laugh?
                                                                             electronic communication for advertising and promotion. The impact
A good test that you can apply to your emails before hitting send is by
asking yourself: Why would my best customers forward this email to           of those laws has been a big boost to high-value marketers because
their friends?                                                               they’re the ones who are happy to attract legitimate subscribers,
                                                                             to email people respectfully, and to manage their lists responsibly.
3. Deliver Consistently. Sporadic emails get unsubscribed from.              In Canada, our government has created a simple website that
Once people learn that they value your content, they like to be able to      lays out the guidelines for us. It’s a highly recommended read for
rely on you. You don’t need to send it every week, or even every other       anyone who’s planning to hit send on any form of business email:
week. However, if you take a month off, a number of your subscribers         www.fightspam.gc.ca.
will have forgotten who you are and they’ll unsubscribe.                        There are many more tips, tricks, and techniques that email
4. Have No More Than One Call to Action Per Email. Since you’re in           marketers use, and if you’re going to take your program seriously,
the media business now, you don’t want to overwhelm your readership          you’d be well advised to learn as much as you can about them
with ads, but at the same time, you do want to make it easy for them to      (recommended source: www.reallygoodemails.com), but as with every
get what they want. If you’re hosting an event, that’s a great opportunity   form of marketing, the brands that have the greatest success are the
to invite your email list. Did you just publish a great new video on your    ones that understand what their audiences want, that deliver great
Facebook Page? Let them know about it and ask them to comment                content consistently, and respect the reader in the process. The best
on the post. The more that you are clear and intentional with your calls     part is, so few brands are fully taking advantage of this opportunity,
to action, the more impactful that they’ll be, and that means limiting       that it’s ripe for your brand to create something that’s going to surprise
yourself to just one objective per email.                                    your community.

5. It’s All About the Subject Line. Before we can do anything with           Conner Galway is the President of Junction Consulting. He publishes
our email marketing, we need to get people to click open. Write subject      a weekly email about digital marketing and business called The Brief
lines that clearly communicate value and have fun with them. One             that’s read by business leaders at many of your favourite brands. To get
                                                                             the latest updates, opinions, and stories in your inbox every Monday,
technique that email marketers use is to imagine that they’re sending        go to www.brief.wearejunction.com.

8 The Quarterly Pour
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC
BEER            NOTES
Expanding your Tap List
    Beer is the lifeblood of the public house, but
it’s not what it used to be. Over the past decade,
an explosion of craft brew options has fractured
                                                                  by Dave Smith

                                                     with reps from BC’s independent breweries
                                                     to select and procure a range of ales each
                                                        Thinking back to when the program rolled
the long-time status quo behind the bar in many      out, Andrews recalls, “In the beginning, it was
Canadian pubs. Take for instance Coquitlam’s         a bit difficult for our old-school regulars who
venerable John B Pub, where the tap list has         don’t like change. They would rather have the
grown exponentially, to the point that it now        Buds and the Canadians and whatnot. But
boasts 86 beer and cider lines. Some specialty       then we had this other clientele who were
craft houses have even more selection.               looking for IPA.” Which is exactly the reason
    Operators like these see the range of choices    to add those new taps—but that doesn’t                   Sheila Andrews at the One20 Public House.
as a natural response to a generational market       mean you have to subtract everything.                                            Photo: Dave Smith
shift, and an opportunity to separate themselves        Consider a house beer. As The Publican
from the pack. However, many other publicans         reported in its Fall 2018 look at house beers,    We were getting tropical hazies, sours, and
fear the havoc such a bewildering array would        these can be a great option to help deflect       so many different ones.” However, she warns,
wreak amongst their staff and clientele, so they     customers’ concerns about change, and             “Make sure you don’t have too many of the
choose to stick with basic beers.                    One20 Pub has adopted this approach.              same type of beers.”
    Those concerns are legitimate since the craft    Interestingly, for a bar that has connections        Sheila advises to change taps with the
beer crowd still represents a minority of beer       to dozens of small breweries, they have           season: “We try to keep something fruity for
consumers. However, in terms of provincial           partnered with Molson for their One20 Lager       summertime. Wintertime, we will do things
sales figures, that minority passed 30% a few        and three other house brews. These lines are      like Stout and Dark Lager.”
years ago—and the age group driving the trend        branded “House Craft” on the menu and sold           Buy carefully. You need those rotating
isn’t going away. At some point, even the most       at preferred pricing.                             taps to keep things interesting for the beer
reluctant operators will need to consider spiffing      This might be encouraging news to those        fans. But you don’t want “loser” kegs sitting
up their beer lists.                                 who are interested in adding craft beer tap       in the cold room for weeks. “There are a lot
    For a balanced discussion on the merits of tap   appeal but feel nervous jumping in bed with       of beer reps who are super awesome about
expansion, we reached out to an operation that       a fledgling microbrewery for their primary        replacing product, but then you get the few
has been offering substantial consumer choice        house brew. It demonstrates that it’s possible    who are not so easy,” says Andrews. That’s
within a sustainable framework for several years:    to leverage your existing relationships. Keep     why she suggests to start small: “Maybe get
Delta’s One20 Public House. Following are            in mind, however, that it’s still necessary to    a 20L keg. Don’t go for 50L right away.”
some of the steps such an operator might have        bring in some actual craft beer with street          With a little common sense like that, you
in their rollout plan:                               cred to make the whole thing work. For this,      can expand or refresh your existing tap
    Choose a point person. After deciding to         Sheila deals directly with the microbrewery       selection, and provide a transfusion to your
pursue expansion, one of the first steps is to       reps.                                             beer list—the lifeblood of your pub.
nominate a team member who will champion the            Get the right mix. Andrews shares, “We
                                                                                                       Dave Smith is Editor of What’s Brewing,
project and act as an ongoing point of contact.      did more of the simple ones to begin with. The
                                                                                                       the Journal of BC’s Craft Beer Movement
At the One20, sixteen-year crew veteran Sheila       IPAs were first, then the Stouts slowly came
Andrews manages the beer program, working            through, and it just progressed from there.

                                                                                                                           The Quarterly Pour 9
Pour - Fall 2021 - ABLE BC
Compensation & Retention
                                        by G i n g er B ru n n er, C P H R

It goes without saying, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted          Through thoughtful, strategic compensation planning, employers can
BC’s tourism and hospitality industry. Businesses have had to make           set themselves apart from their competitors and encourage their top
tough decisions, including reducing or adjusting hours of operation,         performing employees to remain with the organization.
service offerings, and staffing levels in order to remain viable. As a         Here are a few considerations when it comes to the impact of
result, many industry workers have been displaced from their jobs.           compensation on employee retention:
While some workers have found alternate positions within the industry,
                                                                             Compensation Planning. Compensation strategies will vary between
others have left the industry all together in search of more stable
                                                                             employers. Some will aim to pay at or above minimum wage ($15.20
hours, higher pay, or a different work environment. This has industry
                                                                             per hour), others will strive to pay the BC Living Wage (amount varies
employers concerned as many are struggling once again to recruit or
                                                                             depending on the community), while others will focus on paying wages
recall workers.
                                                                             that exceed those of their competitors. There is no one single strategy
   Additionally, the perception of the tourism and hospitality industry’s
                                                                             or structure that will work for all businesses. Employers need to find
work environment has been damaged during the pandemic. Job
                                                                             the right compensation strategy that will help them achieve the goal of
seekers may be hesitant about working in the industry due to concerns
                                                                             attracting and retaining employees, while ensuring that it is sustainable
about job security, health and safety, career advancement, and
                                                                             within the financial model of the business as well as fair and equitable
competitive wages. Employers are concerned about the lack of skills
                                                                             for all. With the recent June 1, 2021 increase in the BC minimum wage
and qualifications of job applicants, as well as the lack of immigration
                                                                             and elimination of the Liquor Server minimum wage, some employers
into Canada during the pandemic—as immigrants make up a large
                                                                             may be reviewing, reevaluating, and/or adjusting their overall wage
percentage of the tourism and hospitality workforce.
                                                                             structures to reflect the increase and ensure that other wages within
   As businesses both within the tourism and hospitality industry
                                                                             their organization remain competitive.
and other industries start to ramp up operations, the competition for
talent intensifies and the lack of skilled workers remains. Employers        Total Compensation. Total compensation is a term that refers to
will need to work even harder than before the pandemic to retain their       wages or salary, and any other benefits, programs, or opportunities
high-performing employees.                                                   available to employees through their employment. Total compensation
   Compensation plays a critical role in employee retention, but             works to help employers retain employees, particularly when they offer
employee expectations are changing. While paying well enables                benefits or opportunities that their employees value (e.g. extended
employers to attract more qualified talent, wages are only one part of       health benefits, mental health supports, learning and development,
the compensation puzzle. Employees who are paid well and feel valued         career advancement, employee discounts, flexible schedules, paid
on an ongoing basis are more likely to stay longer with the organization.    time off, bonus/incentives).

10 The Quarterly Pour
When planning or reviewing your compensation strategy, be sure to      less impactful, or even delaying changes to allow time for teams to get
consider total compensation. What perks, benefits, or opportunities       back into their rhythms and business volumes to settle, post pandemic.
does your business offer employees, in addition to wages? Why should
                                                                          Reward and Recognize Employees. Rewards and recognition form
an employee choose to remain employed with your business? What’s
                                                                          part of the overall total compensation package, and now more than
in it for them? Some recent studies suggest that post COVID-19,
                                                                          ever, employees will choose to stay with organizations where they feel
employees are reevaluating their work/life balance, resulting in an
                                                                          valued and appreciated. Rewards don’t have to be big or expensive.
increased desire for more flexible working conditions. If you are not
                                                                          Focus on smaller, more frequent ways to recognize and reward
sure what your employees value most, ask them.
                                                                          employees. It may sound trite, however, a simple thank you does go
Gratuities and Retention. While                                                                               a long way. As we move past the
tip- ou t /gratuit y str ucture s va r y                                                                      pandemic, find ways to recognize

                                           What perks, benefits, or
throughout the industry, one thing                                                                            and reward loyal employees who
is cer tain—ser vers are attracted                                                                            have helped the business through
to positions that offer the greatest                                                                          these challenging times. Surprise
potential to earn gratuities. With
the recent elimination of the Liquor
                                           opportunities does your                                            them with an extra paid day off,
                                                                                                              premium shif t choices, or (as

                                           business offer employees?
Server minimum wage, liquor servers                                                                           COVID-19 restrictions permit) plan
now earn the regular minimum wage                                                                             in-person lunches, coffee chats, or
($15.20 per hour). This change may                                                                            other celebrations. Send gift cards
have some employers considering                                                                               with handwritten thank you notes
reevaluating their tip-out structure to reflect the increased hourly      and give shout-outs at staff meetings, on internal emails, or social
earnings of servers. If so, employers need to carefully consider          media channels.
the potential impact of making such a change within the currently            As COVID-19 restrictions lift and BC continues to move forward
competitive job market. Gratuity discussions and changes can be a         from the pandemic, all businesses will need to adapt and change to
difficult and thorny topic for employers due to the potential impact on   fit the new normal. Compensation planning, consideration of total
employee earnings and retention. Consider including employees in          compensation and gratuities, and rewarding employees are just a
the decision-making process to help determine the most appropriate        few ways in which employers can create competitive compensation
structure for your team and generate buy-in. And as there never           packages that will help to encourage employee retention. Visit the
seems to be an “ideal” time to make changes to gratuity structures,       go2HR website for more information about Understanding Tips and
consider making smaller incremental changes over time that will be        Gratuities, compensation, and retention.
                                                                          Ginger Brunner, CPHR is Senior HR Specialist at go2HR.

                                                                                                                        The Quarterly Pour 11
The Fox & Hounds

by Jacquie Maynard

When Debbie and Jeff Paul met at 16 years old, it was the start of              After a $250,000 renovation, the Fox & Hounds ended up as a
a loving, life-long relationship with not only each other but with the       traditional English-style pub seating 90 people with a pool table and
hospitality and pub industry, too. Debbie’s parents owned hotels, so         dartboard—now, it’s a casual fine dining restaurant and pub that seats
growing up, she was fully entrenched in hospitality. When Jeff joined the    150, with a brand-new patio that’s bigger than the inside, and a fountain.
family, he quickly realized that the best way to spend time with Debbie         The most recent renovation project was undertaken in 2011 when the
was to work at the hotel. After working their way through high school,       Fox & Hounds hired internationally renowned artist Dan Sawatzky to
the pair were hooked on each other and the industry.                         recreate its interior. With curving brick walls, carved cement and wood
   “We didn’t want to work for Mom and Dad anymore and decided we            details, and massive trees that hold up the entrance to the building
wanted to sell our house and buy a pub,” says Debbie. “So, we did, and       and surround the fireplace, Sawatzky certainly created a one-of-a-kind
lived in the office upstairs for the first year!”                            atmosphere.
   In 1993, the pair were offered a suitable price for their pub and they       “Dan created an indoors that is very unique,” Debbie says. “There are
bought the Fox & Hounds pub in Aldergrove.                                   a lot of artistic elements, and people love it. It’s really cool to sit there
   The rest is history—and what an interesting history it has been!          and pick out all of the little details. You see something new every time.”

Building the Dream                                                           ‘One Hell of an Orchestra’
Even though the pub’s interior was less than 15 years old, it needed a       If you ask Debbie, she’ll say that the success of the Fox & Hounds is all
lot of work.                                                                 thanks to the staff because building it was a team effort. Astonishingly,
   “It was kind of a dingy little pub when we bought it. It was definitely   many of them have been there for over 10 years, and one staff member
well-worn,” Debbie laughs. “We stepped into a bit of a mess, but it’s        even came with the pub when they bought it.
got good bones, so we got it freshened up.”

12 The Quarterly Pour
Chef Donna Meneghetti –
                                                 At the pub since it started
                                                 28 years ago in 1993

                                                 Angie Vecchies, Assistant     Jeff, Debbie and Billy Paul
                                                 Manager – A long-time         with Angie & Donna
                                                 employee of 24 years                                               Photos Courtesy of The Fox & Hounds Pub

   Assistant Manager Angie Vecchies has been working at the                      “You can be the greatest conductor, but if you don’t have a good
restaurant since she was 14 years old! Debbie says the deal was: keep          orchestra, you’re hooped,” she says. “And we have one Hell of an
your grades up, or your fired. Luckily, Angie graduated with honours and       orchestra.”
has been a part of the team for 24 years now. She was even their son
Billy’s first babysitter. Billy Paul is now the second generation involved,    Community Gathering Place
working under his dad’s wing to take over one day.                             To the Pauls, cultivating a welcoming atmosphere is the most important
   Donna Meneghetti was working part-time at the pub when the                  thing.
Pauls bought it in 1993 and was quickly offered the position of Kitchen            While Aldergrove may be a passing-through point, Debbie says that
Manager, even at the young age of 19. Debbie says it wasn’t about her          65% of customers are local. The majority come in for happy hour and
age, it was about her ability, and she hasn’t regretted the decision for       on the weekend, but she says that around 60% of their business is
a moment. Donna has been mentoring the Pauls’ youngest, Ken, in the            now related to food, showing that all members of the community enjoy
kitchen since he was 12 and he aspires to take part in the business            frequenting the pub.
as well.                                                                           “It’s our community gathering place,” she says. “We are really grateful.
   “I get all choked up because we wouldn’t have what we have without          We’ve worked hard at it and had lots of headaches and heartaches, but
the people we work with,” she says, her voice cracking with emotion.           it’s been worth it. The people along the way have made it worth it.”
“We can’t do it—not without all of them.”
   Altogether, the Fox & Hounds and Fox Liquor Store employ 36
people, and to the Pauls, every one of them is family.
                                                                                                                                The Quarterly Pour 13
Legal Risks and
         Realities of COVID-19
                                    by Lo r n e Fo li c k

   As commercial hosts gradually return to full service in accordance            So what is “gross negligence”? At law, “basic” negligence is established
with Provincial Health Orders (PHOs), it is important to remain aware of      where a person’s conduct falls below the standard of care expected
the legal risks hosts still face concerning COVID-19. Venues that breach      of a reasonably prudent person in similar circumstances, and such
PHOs may of course face fines and enforcement actions. But any                conduct causes reasonably foreseeable harm. The threshold for gross
establishment that opens its doors to customers during the pandemic           negligence requires a marked, significant breach of the standard of care.
also opens its doors to a small but real risk of being sued for negligence,   Gross negligence is more than a mere mistake or a momentary lapse of
if someone connected                                                                                                          caution. It is somewhere

                                      The threshold of gross
with the premises falls ill                                                                                                   between negligence and
with COVID-19.                                                                                                                conscious wrongdoing.
   The good news is that                                                                                                      By using the gross
commercial hosts have
been granted at least
                                    negligence might have very                                                                negligence standard, the
                                                                                                                              MO protects essential

                                significant insurance implications.
partial protection against                                                                                                    service providers from
civil liability connected                                                                                                     l e s s e r m i s t a ke s, b u t
with COVID-19. British                                                                                                        allows plaintiffs to hold
Columbia’s Ministerial                                                                                                        them responsible for more
Order No. M094 (MO) designates as essential services “restaurants and         serious misconduct. This suggests that the province wants to strike a
other facilities that prepare and serve food, if operating under rules for    balance between ensuring socially beneficial venues can remain operable
physical distancing or other recommendations from the PHO.” It goes           despite the pandemic, while still holding them to a reasonable standard
on to add that essential service providers are immune from tort liability     of conduct—and allowing anyone injured by serious misconduct to obtain
unless they cause loss through “gross negligence”.                            compensation through civil lawsuits.

14 The Quarterly Pour
Determining whether an act or omission is grossly negligent is not
easy, and it varies by context. Allegations of gross negligence are
most common in cases where the defendant has some degree of
authority or power, and the plaintiff is particularly vulnerable—think
of police officers, teachers, search and rescue volunteers, etc. But
it can apply to other situations, too, including commercial hosts.
The threshold for gross negligence in those cases will depend on
factors such as the nature of the relationship between the parties, the
circumstances of their interaction, and the kind and possible severity
of the loss or injury that might result. In the context of a bar or pub
operating during COVID-19, a single infection due to the failure to
enforce social distancing might not constitute gross negligence, but
if that failure was habitual and ongoing, or the outbreak led to death,
or the host deliberately delayed disclosing the outbreak to health
authorities, resulting in further infections, such misconduct might be
gross negligence.
    The threshold of gross negligence might have very significant
insurance implications. Commercial general liability insurance policies,
commonly held by commercial hosts and other businesses, typically
cover liability for bodily injury, but some policies may specifically
exclude liability for injuries resulting from gross negligence. Many CGL
policies also exclude liability for pollution, and some speculate that the
presence on the insured’s premises of the virus linked to COVID-19
might be “pollution”.
    The MO’s gross negligence standard allows responsible businesses
to resume operations with some protection against liability for potential
outbreaks. Of course, resuming business necessarily increases the
risk of infection for an insured’s employees, resulting from ongoing
exposure to customers and other staff. An insured might be sued by
employees who fall ill for not taking reasonable steps to protect them
from infection. How far can businesses go in mitigating that risk, and
can they require employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
    Currently, no legislation or regulations specifically allow employers to
require their staff to be vaccinated, but they likely have the discretion
to make vaccination a prerequisite to employment. Implementing
such policies can carry its own legal risks. Imposing a vaccine
requirement might constitute a breach of an employee’s existing terms
of employment, perhaps exposing the employer to a claim for breach
of contract, or even constructive dismissal—especially if no similar
requirement existed previously, or if the vaccination is not sufficiently
connected to the actual risks the employee faces at work. Employers
might also face human rights or privacy complaints from employees
who object to being vaccinated because of health, religious, or other
personal reasons. In many cases, employers might get better results—
and keep happier, healthier employees—by encouraging voluntary
vaccination rather than forcing the issue.

Lorne P.S. Folick is Partner and CFO at Dolden Wallace Folick LLP. He
is an insurance defence lawyer who specializes in defending restaurant,
bars, pubs and hotels. Lorne has argued many of the leading cases
in this area and routinely provides risk management presentations
and materials for the industry. Recently, Lorne authored the definitive
textbook in liquor liability exposures in Canada.

                                                                               The Quarterly Pour 15
Hester        Creek's
New Tiers of Terroir

The sunny hillside south of Oliver where Hester Creek Estate Winery is
located is a special place for those who love British Columbia wines. It
is steeped in history, yet looking to the future of winemaking, with a soil
and climate ideal for growing both big reds and elegant whites.
   Now that unique sense of place is being celebrated both in and on
the bottle, with a fresh approach from winemaker Mark Hopley.
   Since stepping into the role in 2020, Hopley has introduced new
wines, including a patio-perfect bubble, and a new three-tier system
with updated packaging that pays homage to the winery’s unique site.
“The goal with that was to be recognizable, but to have a fresh new
take,” Hopley says. “The more we can identify that sense of place, the
more you get buy-in from the consumer.”
   Here are three wines, one in each tier, that capture the essence of
Hester Creek’s enlightened wine growing.

Foundation Wines: 2020 Pinot Blanc, $15.99 plus tax                            it is fragrant with peach, nectarine, and apricot notes as well as hints of
The “Foundation” tier comprises wines that are widely available, such as       honey, minerality, and sagebrush.
the crowd-pleasing Character red and white blends and the prosecco-                “The grapes for this are from a really old block on our vineyards,
style Ti Amo sparkler that was introduced last year, and promptly sold         Block 4, which was planted in 1968. They’re these gnarly old vines, and
out. (Production this year has increased from 300 to 1,000 cases.)             with age, you get less fruit hanging and more intensity in the finished
   One of the most interesting wines in the lineup is the Pinot Blanc, which   product,” Hopley says.
at $16 a bottle is a terrific value given its impressive pedigree. A gold          The vines are some of the oldest vitis vinifera in the valley, planted
medal winner at the 2020 San Francisco International Wine Competition,         by a previous owner of the property, an Italian immigrant named Joe

16 The Quarterly Pour                                          ADVERTISING FEATURE
Busnardo. Back when most people believed
only hybrids could grow here, he planted a
number of traditional varieties to see what would
happen. “The cool thing is he planted this really
diverse vineyard. He was very much ahead of
his time,” Hopley says.
   The other thing that makes these grapes
so exciting is that they retain such freshness
despite the hot South Okanagan sun. “Being
on the Golden Mile Bench, BC’s first sub-
Geographical Indication, the sun sets behind us,
so we lose the sun in the afternoon and hang
onto the acids,” Hopley explains.

                                                                             Origin Wines: 2018 The Judge, $43.99
                                                                             The Origin tier comprises Hester Creek’s two flagship Bordeaux-style blends,
                                                                             which are as rich and voluptuous as they are complex and sophisticated.
                                                                                The more Cabernet-driven of the two is Garland, named for winery owner
                                                                             Curt Garland; the juicier, more Merlot-forward one is The Judge, which the
                                                                             winery first introduced in 2007, and like the Garland is crafted entirely with
                                                                             estate, handpicked fruit from some of their oldest vines.
                                                                                The Judge is made from 37% Merlot, 33% Cabernet Franc, and 30%
                                                                             Cabernet Sauvignon. After spending two years in French oak, it has loads
                                                                             of cocoa, leather, and vanilla notes as well as lush black cherry flavours and
                                                                             a touch of savoury sage. The 2018 vintage is especially exciting as a cool
                                                                             and early fall slowed down ripening, so it remains bright, lively, and elegant.
                                                                                Moreover, Hopley says, “It has our best blocks from our estate property.
                                                                             The Judge gets the best blocks, the best fruit, and the best barrels.”
                                                                                It is, in short, the best way to taste a remarkable place.
                                                                                Discover more about this historic property at hestercreek.com.

Source Collection: 2019 Syrah, $29.99 plus tax
The Source Collection is all about sourcing the best grapes possible,
mostly—but not only—from the estate itself.
   This tier includes single varieties such as Cabernet Franc,
Chardonnay, Merlot, and Trebbiano, a rare white grape Busnardo
brought back from Italy. Indeed, that Italian heritage is still celebrated
throughout the winery. “The whole estate has a Tuscan feel,” Hopley
says. “We have the Tuscan-inspired Villa accommodations and
Tuscan-inspired restaurant with Terrafina.”
   One of the Source Collection wines he is most excited with is
the Syrah, which blends grapes from the estate with some from
Black Sage Bench. It’s also a co-ferment, made the way Syrah is
traditionally done in its Rhône Valley home, with the addition of a
small amount of Viognier.
   “What that does, is lift the aromatics,” Hopley describes. The
Viognier adds delicate floral notes and a lush mouth feel to an earthy
wine rich with black cherry, plum, and pepper notes, with hints of
bacon and toasted coffee. Full-bodied yet elegant, this wine sells             Contact Hester Creek Estate Winery at
out year after year, and Hopley believes the slightly cooler 2019              info@hestercreek.com or (250) 498-4435.
vintage is among the best.                                                     www.HesterCreek.com

                                                                                                                              The Quarterly Pour 17
» LDB UPDATE         by BC Liquor Distribution Branch

The Cooler
is Growing
Rapidly                                                 Cumulative YOY Change in Market Share Percentage Points

Ready-to-drink cocktails and refreshment
beverages (also known as coolers) have
become the go to beverages for summer, and
their popularity shows no signs of cooling off
anytime soon. The category has rapidly grown
to include hundreds of types of refreshment
beverages and ready-to-drink cocktails,
multiplying several times over its share of the
market today. The popularity of one specific
product type had not been seen since the wine
cooler craze in the 1980s until hard seltzers
were introduced to the market a few years ago.
   Over the past 18 months the pandemic has
also played a part in driving the market growth
for refreshment beverages. Customers who
may have normally enjoyed a draught beer
                                                        Distribution Cases Shipped Per Financial Year
at a pub, sporting event or concert may have
turned to portable, ready-to-drink beverages
that could be consumed at home. Consumers
also appreciate the fact that hard seltzers are
gluten free, come with a lower ABV around
4-5%, and have a comparatively low-calorie
count in comparison to other drink categories.
This past summer, producers have continued
to satisfy customer preferences by bringing to
market a variety of new fruit flavours and teas.

 18 The Quarterly Pour
On a larger scale, the volume of cases
shipped by BC Liquor Dist ribut ion              In-Stock Levels
Branch (LDB) distribution centres continues
to grow (23 million cases in the last fiscal
year) but the refreshment beverage category
can’t take all the credit. Wine, beer, and
spirits continue to maintain considerable
market share compared to refreshment
beverages, which held 11% market share
last fiscal year, and it continues to grow
incrementally each season.
   A few years ago, when the refreshment
beverage product category in BC was starting
its rebirth or renaissance, it experienced its
own pain points and challenges when new
and popular products couldn’t keep up with
customer demand for a multitude of reasons.
                                                 Many lessons were learned in the summer of       warehouse allocation and retail shelf space
                                                 2018 when a combination of manufacturer          (and sometimes refrigeration), particularly in
FY 2021 $ Market Share                           issues, logistical warehouse constraints,        the spring and summer.
By Category                                      stretches of hot weather, and high customer         L i c e n s e e R e t a i l S to re s ( L R S) a n d
                                                                                                  hospitality operators also have visibility to
                                                 demand created the per fect storm and
                                                 disrupted product supply and heavily tested      real-time inventory levels through both the
                                                 the supply chain.                                LDB Webstore and Hospitality Product
                                                    Since then, the LDB distribution centres      Catalogue, and the LDB Wholesale Supply
                                                 have taken a number of steps to mitigate any     Chain posts and updates a supplier stock
          34%                   27%
                                                 potential future risks to product categories     out list weekly in the product information
                                                 and have successfully kept in-stock levels for   resource section of the Wholesale website at
                                                 all products around 95%.                         www.wholesale.bcldb.com. This allows LDB
                                                    LDB Wholesale works collaboratively with      Wholesale customers to plan their orders
                                11%                                                               accordingly.
                                                 both suppliers and wholesale customers to
                   26%                                                                               Customers can also learn more about
                                                 ensure that popular products flow through
                                                 the supply chain in a timely manner. This        the latest products to enter the market and
                                                 collaboration is key, especially for products    look up the top-selling products across
                                                 with dramatic growth in volume and seasonality   all categories the previous quar ter by
         spirits         beer                    demand, which require careful planning by        downloading the new product and top
         wine            packaged beer           vendors, distribution centres, and wholesale     seller lists available on the LDB Wholesale
                         refreshment beverage    customers to ensure there is adequate            website.

                                                                                                                         The Quarterly Pour 19
Challenges Facing
                        Import Agents
                        by IVSA – Import Vintners Association

                        BC import agents (Agents) play an essential role in     increases, the one generating more profit will
                        building hospitality and retail alcohol businesses      continue to be the Government, through its hefty
                        by finding ways to educate their staff, increase        mark-up on imports, GST, and Social Services
                        their margins, and improve product stability            (Provincial Liquor) tax.
                        and customer loyalty. At the same time, Agents
                        are facing a worldwide shipping crisis, delivery
                                                                                Moving Forward
                                                                                Given all of these issues, Agents are looking at
                        delays, increased costs, and red tape—all items
                                                                                ways to work with our hospitality/retail partners
                        that we are navigating to provide better service
                                                                                and help them build their business. For instance,
                        to our partners.
                                                                                we work with our industry partners to stock store
                           Delays are currently at an all-time high. Shipping
                                                                                buying clubs with unique and semi-exclusive
                        delays, pricing delays, activation delays, and
                                                                                products. Unique products like this consume
                        NSWP-SPEC (Non-Stocked Wholesale Product)
                                                                                more time for sourcing, shipping and domestic
                        delivery delays combine for unprecedented cost
                                                                                distribution. However, these products generate
                        increases. Exasperating the problem for BC
                                                                                higher profits and thus help support private
                        Agents is a provincial mark-up system and a lack
                                                                                retail/hospitality. Currently, these products are
                        of product parity for deliveries to hospitality and
                                                                                not treated as equals to products listed in the
                        retail partners, which favours BCL-listed products.
                                                                                Government Liquor Stores.
                        The Shipping Crisis
                        Over the last 18 months, the world has seen
                                                                                Product Parity
                                                                                Product parity, where retail and hospitality
                        unprecedented supply chain disruptions.
                                                                                accounts would receive Agents’ higher profit
                        Demand for containers dropped to its lowest
                                                                                products (NSWP - SPEC) simultaneously as BCL-
                        point in Spring 2020, only to rise to its highest
                                                                                listed products is crucial to building our partners’
                        point at the end of 2020. As a result, Spring
                                                                                businesses. In addition, costs of product samples
                        2020 saw lower capacity, leading to an increase
                                                                                have gone up nearly 15% over the last year,
                        in prices. At the end of 2020, record levels of
                                                                                hindering Agents’ ability to train and educate
                        demand drove prices up once again, this time
                                                                                hospitality and retail staff on product features and
                        due to lack of capacity. At the end of last year,
                                                                                conduct permitted in-store tastings that create
                        freight forwarders tried to catch up on shipments
                                                                                brand awareness with the end consumer.
                        that had been dropped in the summer. Their
                                                                                    World carriers have taken steps to relieve
                        efforts were unsuccessful due to the ineffective
                                                                                the shipping crisis’ pressure by sailing empty
                        positioning of containers in the US to meet
                                                                                containers to points of demand and manufacturing
                        demand in Asia and Europe and the dramatic
                                                                                more containers to put into use. But these efforts
                        decrease in port workforce capacity due to
                                                                                will take some time to return supply chains to
                        COVID-19. In short, traditional 30-day shipping
                                                                                normalcy. Back in BC, to effectively support our
                        times can now reach up to six months.
                                                                                hospitality and retail partners and deliver value to
                        How Will This Affect Products in BC?                    the end consumer, we must continue the reform
                        Agents have had to accept longer lead times             of our legacy mark-up system on imports and
                        and higher inventory carrying costs back in BC,         seek to level the playing field for all products
                        making it harder to maintain inventory and leading      available in the province. BC Liquor Store
                        to dramatic increases in cash flow demands. It          listed products should not have a distribution
                        is anticipated that retailers will be carrying more     advantage.
                        inventory this holiday season, with noticeable              Together with the BCLDB, the IVSA and
                        price increases from freight-forwarders passed          the BTAP (Business Technical Advisory Panel)
                        along to retail and hospitality accounts.               recommendations, we hope to see many of these
                           The BCLDB wholesale mark-up intensifies              changes in the coming years. We are working
                        the slightest cost increases by three to four           closely with all of our industry partners to make
                        times, resulting in dramatic wholesale changes.         distribution improvements in BC. Our goal for a
                        Retailers and hospitality operators will then           win/win scenario would include providing product
                        mark up the increased wholesale price before            stability, assisting in educating staff and hence
                        the product reaches the consumer. Margins in            assuring customer loyalty.
                        the entire industry vertical will be erased, and
                                                                                The Import Vintners & Spirits Association
                        the consumer will end up paying more. Despite
                                                                                (IVSA) is the voice of import agencies in British
                        Agents and partners absorbing the brunt of              Columbia and Alberta and can be reached at
                        higher inventory carrying costs and other cost          executivedirector@ivsa.ca.
20 The Quarterly Pour
A Day in the Life
Marilyn   Sanders
The Sundowner
                                                                                   Creating a welcoming atmosphere is all in a day’s work for Marilyn,
                                                                                extending this ethos to staff and customers alike. “We have happy staff
                                                                                and zero turnover, which is amazing,” she says. “And we have great
                                                                                customers—I’ve always fashioned any pub I’ve owned over the old TV
                                                                                show Cheers—everyone knows your name. You can buy a burger and
                                                                                beer anywhere, but you can’t have someone say ‘Hi Joe’ and bring your
by Amy Watkins                                                                  beer or beverage of your choice before you ask for it.”
                                                                                   Marilyn’s experience in the hospitality industry began back in 1996 when
                                           Early mornings are essential         she bought her first pub, the Kennedy’s Pub in North Delta, before selling
                                           when you’re working 10-hour          that and buying the Jolly Coachman in Pitt Meadows with her business
                                           days, seven days a week.             partner Dave Crown. After 10 successful years (2003-2013) they sold
                                           Pub owner Marilyn Sanders            the Jolly Coachman and Marilyn retired to enjoy being a grandmother.
                                           begins her day at 7am by             Marilyn’s retirement was short-lived though as she was lured back two
                                           reading the local papers and         years later, when her friend Russ told her that his sister was selling their
                                           doing a total recap of the           pub, The Sundowner, and Marilyn had to buy it.
                                           previous day’s sales at her             Running a successful pub is not without its challenges and after a
                                           pub, The Sundowner in Delta.         busy day Marilyn catches up with the 6pm Global news before relaxing
                                           “I check every item, every sale,     for the evening. She can sleep easy knowing that she’s worked hard to
                                           every side of fries, every bottle    make things run as smoothly as possible. “Trust me, in hospitality there is
                                           of beer,” says Marilyn. “I dissect   a hiccup every minute,” she says. “So if there is only a hiccup every hour
                                           it all and I do the banking. It’s    then that was a good day.”
                                           seven days a week, no days
                                              On a ‘normal’ day, Marilyn
                                           makes the 45-minute
                                           commute from her home in
                                           Coquitlam, travelling off-hours
to avoid traffic. “The first thing I do is walk the floor and then check
the merchandising bulletins and the BC Lottery information to make
sure nothing is outdated,” says Marilyn. “I then check the sign out front
and make sure it’s updated. I don’t want to go in on Monday and see
something from last Tuesday, I’m kind of a fanatic.”
   Detail-oriented Marilyn talks to all the kitchen staff, front-of-house
employees, and customers when she’s at the pub. Customer service
and communication are key for Marilyn, and her social personality helps
keep people motivated. In her early career, between 1964-1995, Marilyn
worked for Safeway as a cashier and buyer, and for 25 years she was
President of the Safeway Employees’ Association.
   Community involvement is a big part of Marilyn’s life in and outside
of work. Pre-COVID, the weekly meat draw raised funds for Dreams
Take Flight to send deserving kids to Disneyland—her manager
Bruce MacGregor even chaperoned twice. “It’s heartwarming,” says
Marilyn. “Customers love to know that the net profit goes to charity.”
Pub fundraising has also helped the local school with playground
equipment. “It’s a feel-good thing that makes us a big part of the
community,” says Marilyn. “The pub had closed down in March 2015
and we had so many hugs and kisses when we reopened it in June
2015 after a huge renovation. People said, ‘Thanks for giving us back
our neighbourhood pub.’” Sports fan and Canucks season ticket holder,
Marilyn also added more TVs to the pub (24 from four) so there’s “not a
bad seat in the house.”

                                                                                                                                 The Quarterly Pour 21
You can also read