Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2018
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Theodor W. Adorno Jurek Becker Timm Beichelt Ulla Berkéwicz Michael Butter Nana Ekvtimishvili Hans Magnus Enzensberger Suhrkamp Didier Fassin Insel Peter Handke Axel Honneth Eva Illouz Rahel Jaeggi Hans Joas André Kieserling Esther Kinsky Svenja Leiber Sibylle Lewitscharoff Rights List Niklas Luhmann Thomas Macho London Book Fair 2018 Andreas Maier Robert Menasse Melinda Nadj Abonji Christian Neuhäuser Marion Poschmann Martin Prinz Doron Rabinovici Andreas Reckwitz Beate Rössler Ralf Rothmann Annika Scheffel Clemens J. Setz Maria Stepanova Philipp Ther Najem Wali Robert Walser Josef Winkler Serhij Zhadan
Authors and Estates represented by Suhrkamp/Insel A selection Theodor W. Adorno Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Albert Ostermaier Robert Alexy Jürgen Habermas Katja Petrowskaja Juri Andruchowytsch Anna Katharina Hahn Andreas Pflüger Friedrich Ani Michael Hampe Marion Poschmann Ingeborg Bachmann Peter Handke Doron Rabinovici Zsófia Bán Christoph Hein Andreas Reckwitz Wolfgang Bauer Heinz Helle Bärbel Reetz Ulrich Beck Dieter Henrich Beate Rössler Jurek Becker Hermann Hesse Hartmut Rosa Ulla Berkéwicz Wolfgang Hildesheimer Ralf Rothmann Thomas Bernhard Ludwig Hohl Sasha Marianna Salzmann Barbara Beuys Axel Honneth Judith Schalansky Marcel Beyer Eva Illouz Annika Scheffel Ernst Bloch Rahel Jaeggi Robert Schindel Hans Blumenberg Hans Joas Wilhelm Schmid Karl Heinz Bohrer Uwe Johnson Gershom Scholem Szilárd Borbély Hans Jonas Lutz Seiler Friedrich von Borries Dževad Karahasan Clemens J. Setz Volker Braun Anselm Kiefer Peter Sloterdijk Bertolt Brecht Anna Kim Manfred Sommer Hermann Broch Esther Kinsky Andrzej Stasiuk Simone Buchholz Julia Kissina Maria Stepanova Nina Bußmann Friedrich A. Kittler Wolfgang Streeck Bernd Cailloux Alexander Kluge Peter Szondi Paul Celan Wolfgang Koeppen Uwe Tellkamp Ann Cotten Siegfried Kracauer Philipp Ther Sigrid Damm Angela Krauß Stephan Thome László Darvasi Svenja Leiber Hans-Ulrich Treichel Ljubko Deresch Gertrud Leutenegger Galsan Tschinag Ulrike Edschmid Sibylle Lewitscharoff Ernst Tugendhat Nana Ekvtimishvili Niklas Luhmann Peter Turrini Hans Magnus Enzensberger Thomas Macho Siegfried Unseld Urs Faes Nicolas Mahler Kevin Vennemann Erika Fischer-Lichte Andreas Maier Martin Walser Rainer Forst Friederike Mayröcker Robert Walser Photo: Heike Steinweg Manfred Frank Thomas Meinecke Peter Weiss Max Frisch Robert Menasse Lambert Wiesing Valerie Fritsch Christoph Menke Josef Winkler Mischa Gabowitsch Winfried Menninghaus Christa Wolf Markus Gabriel Alice Miller Raul Zelik Efrat Gal-Ed Heiner Müller Serhij Zhadan Literary Fiction Gunther Geltinger Stefan Müller-Doohm Ulf Erdmann Ziegler André Georgi Melinda Nadj Abonji Slavoj Žižek Rainald Goetz Ivan Nagel Durs Grünbein Angelika Neuwirth
Literary Fiction Literary Fiction Jurek Becker Ulla Berkéwicz »On the beach at Bochum Beyond Script there’s a lot going on.« From the author of the international bestseller Jacob the Liar Over the course of his life as a writer Jurek Jurek Becker Based on Vedic, Jewish and mathematic- Ulla Berkéwicz Becker has explored many genres. He wrote On the beach at Bochum topological knowledge, Ulla Berkéwicz’ Beyond Script texts for the cabaret, authored movie scripts, there’s a lot going on new work, comprised of two correspond- (Original title: Über die garnered international acclaim with his Postcards ing parts which reflect each other, Schrift hinaus) Edited by Christine Becker approx. 160 pages debut novel Jacob the Liar, published short invites us to discern what restricts our (Original title: Am Strand Clothbound stories and essays. In his estate drafts were consciousness. von Bochum ist allerhand Release: May 2018 found for most of his works. Among these, los. Postkarten) drafts for postcards were discovered as In a stunning poetic fantasy, a poet partisan approx. 399 pages Rights available well, in which he used the same conceptual crosses the threshold of narration and a Clothbound approach as he did in his prose works. mathematic rebel transcends the countability Release: March 2018 The number of postcards, which Becker of numbers during the thirteenth hour of the Ulla Berkéwicz lives in Berlin. night of Shrove Tuesday. That leads a society Since 1982, Suhrkamp Verlag primarily wrote towards the end of his life, Rights available has published twelve works by shows that his aim in writing them was to of potentates, artists and bourgeois to break her, which have been translated bring a moment of joy to friends or family Jurek Becker was born on the mold in a way that allows them to follow into nine languages. Her plays members. Messages of the author about September 30, 1937, in Lodz/ the two into their freedom of the imagination. premièred at the Burgtheater himself were of secondary importance. First Poland and died on March 14, The fundamental humanistic and scientific in Vienna and at the Munich 1997, in Sieseby/Schleswig- idea of this anarchic spectacle evolves into Kammerspiele. Ulla Berkéwicz and foremost, Jurek Becker was concerned Holstein, Germany. has received numerous prizes with entertaining the reader for a few a piece of prose that is as provocative as it From 1939 to 1945 Becker and accolades for her work, minutes. Increasingly, the postcard became grew up in the Ghetto in is uncompromising. It reveals what could among them the Moses- the textual form in which the author enjoyed Lodz and was later interred be possible if we would stop restricting our Mendelssohn-Medal 2016. expressing himself. It was, after all, a form in the concentration cognitive abilities to our three-dimensional that allowed for word games and silliness – camps of Ravensbrück and sphere and instead let our imagination run Selected Backlist: Sachsenhausen. In 1945 he and that, on the other hand, offered the wild and into areas that aren’t confined by moved to East Berlin where Vielleicht werden wir ja possibility of showing affection without between 1957 and 1960 the concepts of time and space. verrückt (2002) International having to disclose too much information he studied Philosophy at Sales: English world rights about himself. In chronological order and Humboldt University. In 1960 (Banyan Tree - published, for political reasons Becker was put into context, Jurek Becker’s postcards rights reverted), Spanish world barred from studying further rights (Losada - published, tell a lot about his life and personality, and thus transferred to film rights reverted), Arabic provide information about his passions, school in Babelsberg. world rights (Al-Kamel - but most notably about his unique way Becker is the author of published, rights reverted), of lifting the spirits of his loved ones and numerous screenplays. In 1969 Italy (Casagrande - published, consoling them in times of separation. his first novel was published – rights reverted), Netherlands Jacob the Liar became known (Aspekt - published, rights Photo: Daniel Devecioglu Selected Backlist: throughout the world. Jurek reverted), Greece (Kastaniotis- Becker’s work was awarded published, rights reverted), Jakob der Lügner (1969) International Sales: UK with numerous prizes, including Israel (Hakibbutz Hameuchad- (Pan Books), Catalan rights (Edicions de 1984), the Grimme Prize and the Order published, rights reverted) Chinese complex rights (Yuan-Liou), Brazilian of Merit of the Federal Republic Portuguese rights (Companhia das Letras), France Ich weiß, daß du weißt (1999) of Germany. (Grasset), Korea (Munhakdongne), Macedonia International Sales: English (Goten), Georgia (Intelekti); published, rights reverted: world rights (Oolichan Books), USA (Arcade), Spanish world rights (Destino), Chinese Russia (Text Publishing - simplex rights (Yilin ), Russia (Text), Italy (Feltrinelli), published, rights reverted) Netherlands (Van Gennep), Sweden (Norstedts), Norway (Solum), Finland (Tammi), Japan (Dogakusha), Hungary (Kriterion), Romania (Editura Dacia), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Serbia (Matica Srpska), Slovenia (Hermagoras), Turkey (Ayrinti), Greece (Patakis)
Poetry A New Divan A Lyrical Dialogue between East and West Foreword by Daniel Barenboim Published to celebrate the 200th anniversary notes where appropriate). Each poem will A New Divan of Goethe’s West-Eastern Divan (1819), A appear in English poetic translation facing A Lyrical Dialogue New Divan will bring together twenty-four the original language of composition. The between East and West leading poets – twelve from the ›East‹ and same modus operandi applies to the German Foreword by Daniel Barenboim twelve from the ›West‹ – in a poetic dialogue publication and will be required for all Edited by Barbara Haus inspired by the culture of the Other. forthcoming translations. Schwepcke and Bill Swainson Drawing on themes suggested by the twelve Three pairs of essays will enhance and 2.400 lines of poetry books of Goethe’s original publication, compliment the poems, just like in Goethe’s 30.000 words of including The Poet, The Cup Bearer, The original. They include Rajmohan Gandhi scholarship Tyrant, Love, Anger and Faith, and using the on Mohammed Iqbal and the response to Clothbound distinctive poetic forms of the cultures of the Goethe’s Divan from the East and Robyn Release of the English poets taking part, A New Divan will be a life- Creswell on The importance for the West of edition by Gingko Library enhancing conversation in poetry. translating poetry from the East today. and of the German edition by Suhrkamp: Summer For the English edition, 22 English-language 2019 poets have been commissioned to create English-language versions of the original Rights available poems, either by direct translation or by working with a literal translation (with Contributors: East West Abbas Beydoun (Lebanon) Antonella Anedda (Italy) Adonis (Syria) Homero Aridjis (Mexico) Amjad Nasser (Jordan) Angélica Freitas (Brazil) Fadhil al-Azzawi (Iraq) Durs Grünbein (Germany) Fatemeh Shams (Iran) Clara Janés (Spain) Gonca Özmen (Turkey) Jaan Kaplinski (Estonia) Hafez Moussavi (Iran) Khaled Mattawa (USA) Iman Mersal (Egypt) Gilles Ortlieb (France) Mohammed Bennis (Morocco) Don Paterson (UK) Mourid Barghouti (Palestine) Raoul Schrott (Austria) Nujoom al-Ghanem (UAE) Aleš Šteger (Slovenia) Reza Mohammadi (Afghanistan) Jan Wagner (Germany)
Literary Fiction Literary Fiction Nana Ekvtimishvili Hans Magnus Enzensberger The Pear Field Survival Artists An intense portrait of young people without future 99 lessons on survival in »dismal times« who stand up against the world of adults The Pear Field takes place in the 1990s in Tbilisi, Nana Ekvtimishvili The 20th century was the heyday of writers Hans Magnus capital of the recently independent country of The Pear Field who had survived state terror and purges Enzensberger Georgia. At the heart of the novel is the »School Novel with all the ethical and political ambivalences Survival Artists for Idiots«, a boarding school for »mentally (Original title: მსხლების that this entailed. How did they manage 99 Literary Vignettes from მინდორი, published the 20th Century deficient children«, actually visited mostly by to do that? Were they too steadfast to bend in May 2015 by Bakur With 99 images children whose parents are either dead or who to the powers that be? Did they owe their Sulakauri, Tblisi) (Original title: have emigrated for economic reasons. Even the survival to their foresight, their intelligence (Translated German title: Überlebenskünstler. 99 teachers leave the children and teens to their Das Birnenfeld) or sharpness, their belief in themselves, literarische Vignetten aus own devices. approx. 240 pages their connections or their tactical skill? Was dem 20. Jahrhundert) The narrative unfolds from the point of view of Paperbound it serendipitous circumstances bordering approx. 350 Seiten 16-year-old Lela who has decided that she will Release of the German on a miracle that helped them escape from Clothbound murder Wano, the history teacher. Only over edition by Suhrkamp: prison, camps and death, or was it strategies Release: April 2018 the course of the novel do the reasons become July 2018 that spanned from ingratiation to disguise? clear: sexual assault and even rape. However, If only it was possible to make a clear-cut International Sales: Lela, a combative, angry young girl, has taken Rights available distinction! France (Alma) up the role of protector. She looks after the younger children, comforts them, and even Translation funding In 99 pointed, deliberately subjective Hans Magnus Enzensberger tries to convince them to apply themselves, portraits, Hans Magnus Enzensberger de- available from the was born in Kaufbeuren in in other words, to study so that they can leave scribes the lives and particular survival 1929. As a poet, essayist, Georgian National the School for Idiots behind. As strong as strategies of international writers, but writer, publisher and translator, Book Center her hatred for the history teacher is, she has also the objective reasons for which they he is one of the world’s most managed to survive the 20th century, the influential and internationally developed a tender, sister-like relationship Literary Prizes and renowned German intellectuals. with the boy Irakli. Every week Lela takes »Age of Violence«. Despite the seemingly Awards: overwhelmingly powerful opponent of him to a nearby high-rise flat so he can talk on Selected Backlist: the phone with his mother in Greece. Irakli, thoroughly formed societies and authori- Literary award SABA Immer das Geld (2015) however, refuses to believe what Lela has long tarian, death-or-glory governments. That International sales: English 2016 in category the known: his mother is never coming back, not we could learn from this in our present world rights (Seagull), Spanish best debut situation is not, according to the author, world rights (Anagrama), even to pick him up. Lela nonetheless tries to IliaUni Literary prize out of the question. Catalan rights (Edicions encourage him and even manages to get him to 2016 for The Best Novel 62), Arabic world rights learn English because she wants Irakli to have (Al Kotob Khan), France a better future. And then, one day, a married LITERA (Prize awarded (Alma), Italy (Einaudi), Japan couple from the southern United States arrives by the Ministry of (Shobunsha); Domestic Rights and his dream threatens to become reality in a Culture and Monument Sales: German Audiobook (Der most bizarre way. Protection of Georgia A subjective-historical revue Hörverlag) Photo: Jürgen Bauer and by the Writer’s Tumult (2014) International sales: English world rights House of Georgia) for (Seagull), Spanish world rights the best debut 2016 (Malpaso), Chinese simplex rights (Beijing Fonghong Nana Ekvtimishvili, born in 1978 in Tbilisi, Georgia, is a writer and movie director, and owns Georgia’s first chain Awards (selection): of ice cream parlors. She studied screenwriting and dramaturgy in Potsdam-Babelsberg. She first published stories Books), Brazilian Portuguese Sonningprisen 2010 rights (Todavia), France in 1999 and in 2011 directed her first short film, Waiting for Mum. In 2013 together with her partner Simon Groß she released the feature film In Bloom. In Bloom premiered at the 63rd Berlinale where it was hailed as the birth Premio d’Annunzio 2006 (Gallimard), Italy (Einaudi), of the new Georgian wave and won the CICAE Award, followed by numerous awards at film festivals in Hong Kong, Premio Príncipe de Asturias 2002 Denmark (Gyldendal), Greece Tokyo, Paris, LA, and Sarajevo, and was Georgia’s entry for the 2014 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language (Hestia); Domestic Rights Film. In 2013 Nana Ekvtimishvili — again with Simon Gross — was chosen as one of the ten most promising Heinrich-Heine-Preis 1998 Sales: German Audiobook European directors from Varietyʼs 10 Directors to Watch at the 48th Karlovy Vary Film Festival. In Hong Kong, the Erich-Maria-Remarque-Friedenspreis 1993 rights (Der Hörverlag), film was named as the spring of Georgian cinema. The International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI) has Heinrich-Böll-Preis 1985 German Entire Radio Reading called the film a sign of the rebirth of Georgian film. Her latest film My Happy Family has first been released at the Georg-Büchner-Preis 1963 (HR), German Book Club Sundance Film Festival in 2017. The Pear Field is her first novel. (Büchergilde Gutenberg) Deutscher Kritikerpreis 1962
Literary Fiction Peter Handke The Fruit Thief The Fruit Thief is nothing less than the Peter Handke book of the world: within it everything is The Fruit Thief possible, in both a positive as well as a Or negative sense. And reading it means: to A Simple Trip into the Interior have new experiences beyond everything (Original title: Die previously imagined or depicted. In sum: Obstdiebin oder Einfache a brand new novel from Peter Handke. Fahrt ins Landesinnere) Peter Handke’s latest recounts three days in 559 pages Clothbound the life of the fruit thief: on an August day Release: November 2017 shortly before her departure for Picardy, the wanderer meets her father who wants to International Sales: give her a few pointers on how she should English world rights (FSG), act. Alexia, as she is known, and her mother, Spanish world rights the banker, had made amends after she (Alianza), Arabic world travelled around the world. Now, during rights (Dar Al Adab), France (Gallimard), Italy (Guanda), her stay in Île-de-France, Alexia renounces Finland (Lurra), Turkey her favourite (illegal?) pastime in order (Kültür) to prepare for something new. But what? The experience of the landscape? The risk Peter Handke, born in 1942 of friendship? Or everything? And, most in Griffen (Austria), lives near of all, adventure itself? Alexia’s openness Paris. His books are translated allows her to experience everyday life in an into more than 35 languages. exceptionally intense way and provides her Selected Backlist: with an experience of the world in images Versuch über den Pilznarren from never-before-known dimensions. »What (2013) International Sales: she experienced in the three days of her trip Chinese simplex rights into the interior: strange. Or not? No, strange (Horizon), Brazilian Portuguese indeed. Enduringly strange. Eternally rights (Estaçao Liberdade), France (Gallimard), Italy strange.« (Guanda), Denmark (Batzer), Finland (Lurra), Slovenia (Mohorjeva založba/ Hermagoras) Der Große Fall (2011) International Sales: English world rights (Seagull), Spanish world rights (Alianza), Catalan world rights (Rayo Verde), Arabic world rights (Kanaan), France (Gallimard), Italy (Garzanti), Denmark (Rod & Co.), Norway (Pelikanen), Finland (Lurra), Czech Republic (Rubato), Bulgaria (Paradox), Turkey (Kültür), Greece (Hestia) Photo: Hampus Lundgren
Literary Fiction Esther Kinsky Leipzig Grove Book Fair Prize 2018 Praise for Am Fluss (River) Profoundly empathetic, and austere – »River is an unusual and stealthy sort of book in that it’s the opposite of a minor-key exploration of landscape and land what it appears to be – which is a rather apt dissimulation, as it turns out. Yes, it rifles through both the rich and rank materials of the world, Grove is a novel in three parts, each of them Esther Kinsky Grove concerned with a different journey in a turning over its trinkets and its tat, in a manner that is initially quite different Italy. A Field Novel (Original title: Hain. familiar – however, this curious inventory demonstrates an eye for the In the first part, the narrator, recently Geländeroman) bereaved, travels to a small village south- grotesque and does not hold the world aloft, or in place. Here, details east of Rome. It is winter, and from her 287 pages Clothbound temporary residence on a hill between blur boundaries rather than reaffirming them, positing a worldview that village and cemetery she embarks on walks Release: February 2018 is haunted and uncanny.« Claire-Louise Bennett, author of Pond and brief outings, exploring the banal and International Sales: the sublime with equal dedication and intensity. Her perception is coloured by English world rights bereavement and the need to process her (Fitzcarraldo), France loss, but also by a profound curiosity in the (Grasset), Italy (Il details that make up the life around her and Saggiatore), Ukraine »…it’s hard to escape the feeling that Esther the way they refer to the many places of the (Knihy XXI) dead, from the local cemetery to the ancient Etruscan tombs on the coast. Gazing, seeing, Esther Kinsky was born in Kinsky has produced a minor-key masterpiece.« describing, naming the world around her is her way of redefining her place in this world. Engelskirchen in 1956 and lives in Berlin. She has been awarded numerous prizes for Jacob Silkstone, Asymptote The second part of the novel takes us to her extensive œuvre, which 70s Italy, where the narrator often visited includes translations from the as a child, with her father. Fragmented Polish, Russian and English Photo: Heike Steinweg impressions and memories – of Communist as well as poetry, essays and party rallies, roadside restaurants, film works of fiction. »No matter whether Kinsky describes things, foreign people or sequences, birdlife, and the ubiquitous Selected Backlist: landscapes, the surplus love she has at her disposal becomes visible in Etruscan necropoli – combine into a peculiar mosaic of a bygone era which at the same Am Fluss (Matthes & Seitz, the sensitive prose in which she sees the world.« time forms the backdrop for the rest of the 2014) International Sales: USA (Transit), UK (Fitzcarraldo), novel which is set in the present. Hans-Peter Kunisch, Süddeutsche Zeitung The third part is set in Northern Italy, Spanish world rights (Periférica), France (Gallimard), between Ferrara and the Po estuary, some Poland (Biuro Literackie) years after the bereavement. The vast flat landscape of the Bassa Padana unfolds in »An extraordinary book and a major writer.« front of the reader, part water, part land, dominated by a variety of birds which seem Esther Kinsky’s travels and forays – both Düsseldorfer Literaturpreis 2018 in the present and in the remembered Nelly Kaprièlian, Les Inrockuptibles to have become the narrator’s favoured past – are Italian journeys of a unique companions on her walks, and watch over kind. Appealing to all senses, they ex- the vanished necropolis of Spina in the plore external terrain and yet, they take delta region. This last part is pervaded by the reader inwards, to potential closure a sense of reconciliation with loss, but also for grief and to islands of solace. The trav- by a new kind of curiosity in contemporary elling, wandering narrator’s gaze elicits Italy and the continuous silent presence from each landscape the beauty that of bereavement in the shape of helpless, arises from engagement with every detail, homeless refugees, wandering the streets of however insignificant it may initially sleepy villages and little towns. seem.
Literary Fiction Literary Fiction Svenja Leiber Sibylle Lewitscharoff/Najem Wali Dust Abraham Meets Ibrahim Revolt of the Living From Abraham to Eve, from Noah to Satan As an eleven-year-old, Jonas Blaum spends Svenja Leiber A highly dramatic scene: a father leans over Sibylle Lewitscharoff a year in Saudi Arabia together with his Dust the defenceless boy, the knife flashing in his Najem Wali parents and his two siblings – the father has Novel hand – when, at the last moment, an angel Abraham Meets Ibrahim accepted a position as a doctor at a hospital (Original title: Staub. orders him to sacrifice a ram instead of Journeys through the Bible Roman) and the Quran in Riyadh. The Germans are having a hard his own son. The biblical story of Abraham approx. 243 pages (Original title: Abraham time adapting to life in the strange country. and Isaac is well-known. That it caused the Clothbound trifft Ibrahim. Streifzüge When the Blaum’s youngest child, a girl philosopher Kierkegaard a sleepless night Release: March 2018 durch Bibel und Koran) who identifies as a boy, disappears without at the Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin, during approx. 280 pages a trace one day, and returns a short while which a divine power appeared to him to Clothbound International Sales: later, unharmed but without speech, the discuss the question of mercy – this is Release: May 2018 family returns to Germany hastily. English world rights something only Sibylle Lewitscharoff knows. (Seagull) How the Quran deals with this material in Rights available In the summer of 2014, Jonas Blaum, by turn, how it relegates Isaac to the background now a doctor himself, an addict plagued by Svenja Leiber, born 1975 in and elevates Abraham’s firstborn Ismail to Sibylle Lewitscharoff, born doubts, travels to the Middle East once more, Hamburg, grew up in Northern his position instead, that’s what Najem Wali Germany and lived in Saudi in Stuttgart in 1954, lives in this time to Amman. There, a boy suffering tells us about. Berlin. In the last decade, Arabia for a while. Today she from a mysterious illness is consigned to his lives with her husband and she became one of the most care. Blaum finds himself unable to help the two children in Berlin. In 2005 From Abraham to Eve, from Noah to Satan: renowned German authors and child, who reminds him of the biggest loss her short story collection powerful writer and theologist Sibylle received important awards such as the Leipzig Book Fair of his life. When the boy disappears one day, Büchsenlicht was published, Lewitscharoff and Iraqi-German author Prize for Apostoloff in 2009 the doctor conceives a frightful suspicion. and in 2010 her novel Najem Wali have chosen eight figures and the Georg-Büchner-Prize Schipino. She has won several from the Bible and the Quran. They each in 2013. prizes including the Werner Through insistent and powerful images, trace their stories from their respective Bergengruen Prize in 2007, and Svenja Leiber tells the story both of an in- the EHF Stipend of the Konrad- point of view, spirited, enthusiastically, Najem Wali was born in dividual catastrophe and that of an entire not missing the occasional nod to irony. Basra, Iraq, in 1956. He fled Adenauer-Stiftung in 2010. The to Germany in 1980, after region with emphatic imagery. The race Last Country was her first book They wonder about divine justice with the beginning of the Iran–Iraq against time for the life of a child becomes with Suhrkamp in 2014. worry-stricken Job, about courage and War. After studies in Hamburg an allegory of a twofold fight: against the tolerance with Jonah, the frightened and Madrid he today lives in Selected Backlist: numbness of the invidual corsetted by whale traveler and with the ensuing dia- Berlin where he works as an societal restrictions and against the power Das letzte Land (2014) logue between the world religions, they author and journalist. He was Photo: Jürgen Bauer International Sales: English a correspondent for the Arabic of obsolete, aged regimes. touch upon the hot spots of our times. world rights (Seagull), Spanish daily newspaper Al Hayat and world rights (Malpaso), Italy still writes for Süddeutsche (Keller Editore); Domestic Zeitung, Spiegel and Die Zeit, Photo: Stefan Klüter Rights Sales: German among others. Audiobook (DAV) Selected Backlist (Sibylle Lewitscharoff): Blumenberg (2011) International Sales: English »Svenja Leiber finds her own »After all, it’s not every world rights (Seagull), sound, a unique accelerando and day that you experience Spanish world rights (Adriana ritardando within the narration, distress at sea and get Hidalgo), Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai Translation through which details and rescued by a whale.« Photo: Jürgen Bauer Publishing House), France protagonists shine in tremendous (Les Belles Lettres), Italy (Del Vecchio Editore), Bulgaria concision.« Stuttgarter Zeitung (Atlantis), Slovenia (Sodobnost)
Literary Fiction Andreas Maier The University That time of your early twenties … Goethe University Frankfurt. 1988, 1989. An Andreas Maier entirely different degree back then: in short, The University nothing less than complete freedom. From Novel drinking beer in the pub »Doctor Flotte« to (Original title: Die Universität. Roman) seminars on truth theory (which see the approx. 147 pages philosophy students rushing to the doctor’s Clothbound already mid-semester) a complete loss of self Release: February 2018 is just around the corner for our protagonist, while time too is getting turned on its head. Rights available One day while looking for some student digs he thinks he recognises a former lover from Andreas Maier, born in Bad 1983 in an erotic magazine he’s chanced Nauheim in 1967, lives in upon. What comes to rescue him from his Hamburg. Among numerous desperate and lethargic existence in the other honors, he was awarded the ZDF aspekte Prize, the cave where he’s holed up, however, is, of all Robert Gernhardt Preis, the things, a nursing case: Gretel Adorno, the Wilhelm Raabe Prize and the philosopher’s ancient widow, for whom he Franz Hessel Prize. works as part of his student job. For though scratched and insulted at every turn, he Selected Backlist: actually gets along with her much better Der Kreis (Ortsumgehung #5, than with the rest of his surroundings. 2016) Der Ort (Ortsumgehung #4, The University is a novel about whether 2015) International Sales: it’s even possible to discuss something Denmark (Batzer) like an »I« or »person«. It’s that time of our Die Straße (Ortsumgehung early twenties when we’re still stuck in #3, 2013) International Sales: our leftover roles from adolescence, even Denmark (Rosenkilde & though we’ve long since realised there’s Bahnhof) got to be somewhere else for us to go. Das Haus (Ortsumgehung #2, 2011) International Sales: Denmark (Rosenkilde & Bahnhof) »Each of his […] memory sketches Das Zimmer (Ortsumgehung is chosen with care. #1, 2010) International Sales: English world rights digital And [each of them] unfailingly leads to (Frisch & Co.), Spanish world And r e a s Andreas metaphysical Proust-like moments.« rights (Adriana Hidalgo), And r e a s And r e a s Maier Denmark (Rosenkilde & Andreas Maier D a s Maier D i e Maier Suhrk amp Gerrit Bartels, Der Tagesspiegel Bahnhof), Norway (Hovde Der & Brekke), Czech Republic Maier Das Zimmer Haus Straße »A formidable read.« (Archa), Macedonia (Goten) Ort Roman Suhrkamp Roman Su hrk a m p Judith Liere, Der Stern Der Photo: Markus Kirchgessner Kreis Roman Roman Su hrk a m p Roman Su hrk a m p
Literary Fiction Robert Menasse Winner of the German Book Prize 2017 The Capital Shortlisted for the Austrian Book Prize 2017 The great European novel 300.000 copies sold Robert Menasse’s Testament to a Shameful Age Brussels. A panorama of tragic material so masterfully (that Brussels. Fenia Xenopoulou is facing a career setback. She has been »promoted« to Robert Menasse The Capital heroes, manipulative losers, due to the lightness of touch one the Department of Culture by the Directorate Novel actually forgets the complexity of (Original title: Die involuntary accomplices. In General – no budget, no power, no reputation. the constellations of characters so So the »Big Jubilee Project« comes just at Hauptstadt. Roman) his new novel, Robert Menasse that after nearly five hundred pages the right time for her: she is to revamp the 459 pages Clothbound spans a narrative arc between [the reader] is astonished that the boring image of the European Commission. Release: September 2017 Her Austrian assistant Martin Susman the times, the nations, the novel is already at an end.) Skilfully suggests proclaiming Auschwitz as the International Sales: inevitable and the irony of fate, and with great wit Menasse shows birthplace of the European Commission. USA & Canada (Liveright) time and again {…} how swiftly the Fenia is thrilled, but she didn’t take the other UK & Commonwealth between petty bureaucracy and European nations into account. Austria: a private can slide into the political, (MacLehose Press), big emotions. and indeed just how political the Polish camp could not be misused to question Spanish world rights (Seix the Austrian nation. Poland: Auschwitz is a Barral), Chinese simplex private self is.« German problem. Germany: Islam, by now rights (People‘s Literature »This is an elegantly written, Tobias Lehmkuhl, Süddeutsche Zeitung a part of Germany, had nothing to do with Publishing House), Auschwitz. fabulously constructed, very witty What’s more, Fenia can’t count on David Russia (Text), Portugal and thoughtful novel.« Die Zeit »Depicting the milieu of Brussels (Dom Quixote), Arabic de Vriend, one of the last living witnesses, world rights (AFAQ), bureaucrats poses no difficulties. any longer: he runs to the metro station France (Verdier), Italy »More than practically anyone On the contrary, it is tremendously Maalbeek at the wrong time. (Sellerio), Netherlands else in German-language literature, successful.« Inspector Brunfaut is in a difficult situation (Arbeiderspers), Denmark Jochen Hieber, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as well. He is supposed to leave a murder case (Vandkunsten), Sweden Menasse has made the history of covered up at the highest level at rest. But (Weyler), Poland (Oficyna Europe his subject.« luckily he is friends with the chief computer Literacka Noir sur Blanc), Paul Jandl, Neue Zürcher Zeitung »Robert Menasse’s great EU novel scientists of the Brussels Police Department, Czech Republic (Plus), is a passionate plea …« who can gain access to the secret files of the Hungary (Geopen), Harald Jähner, Frankfurter Rundschau public prosecutor’s office. Bulgaria (Lege Artis), »Menasse is a storyteller and Matek, the Polish hitman, knows nothing of Lithuania (Tyto Alba), polemic, a clear thinker on history, this when he makes his escape. But he does and a visionary who, before giving »Writers such as Robert Menasse know that he shot the wrong guy. That’s Croatia (Fraktura), Serbia (Arhipelag), Slovenia free rein, checks his facts. And he should be listened to more closely not nothing to Matek. He would rather have (Cankarjeva Zalożba), is seductive, lending conviction and politicians should at last forge become ordained a priest; the fact that he Turkey (Alfa/Everest), links again with such intellectuals.« had to follow his father’s and grandfather’s Photo: Rafaela Pröll Greece (Patakis), Georgia through the strength of his footsteps in becoming a »soldier of Christ«, (Intelekti), Armenia Björn Hayer, Spiegel Online language.« doesn’t really make him happy. (Antares); Domestic Rights Anton Thuswalder, Salzburger Nachrichten And yes, there are others who are unhappy Sales: German Audiobook »Menasse’s novel Die Haupstadt as well: the pig farmers who take to the (Der Hörverlag), German »The committed intellectual (The Capital) is a pleasurable streets with pitchforks in protest of the Bookclub (Büchergilde reading experience ...« existing trade restrictions blocking the Gutenberg) reveals himself here to be an profitable export of pigs’ ears to China. Carsten Otte, SWR2 Zeitgenossen uncompromising, even passionate storyteller, […] who handles his Robert Menasse was born in 1954 in Vienna, where he also grew up. He studied German, Philosophy and Political Science in Vienna, Salzburg and Messina, and received his doctorate in 1980 with a thesis on the character of the outsider in literature. Menasse then spent six years at the University of São Paulo, first as a lecturer for Austrian literature, then as a guest lecturer at the Institute for Literary Theory. There he held lectures on philosophical and aesthetic theories, including on Hegel, Lukács, Benjamin and Adorno. Since his return from Brazil in 1988, Robert Menasse has been a writer and essayist based mainly in Vienna. "
Literary Fiction Literary Fiction Melinda Nadj Abonji Marion Poschmann Tortoise Soldier The Pine Islands The new novel by German Book Prize and Swiss Book Prize Shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2017 Winner 2010 (Fly Away, Pigeon, translated into 13 languages) A Spiegel Bestseller with 35.000 copies sold Zoltán Kertész, blue-eyed son of a »half Melinda Nadj Abonji Gilbert Silvester, a lecturer and researcher Marion Poschmann gypsy« and a day labourer with constantly Tortoise Soldier on beard fashions in film, is in shock. The Pine Islands changing lovers, is the outsider of his little Novel The previous night he dreamt that his Novel town in Serbia. When a child, the baker he (Original title: wife was cheating on him. In one sudden, (Original title: Die Schildkrötensoldat. Roman) Kieferninseln. Roman) was working for beat Zoltán bloody, and later irrational act he leaves her, gets on the first 173 pages 168 pages he fell off the back of his father’s speeding available plane, and flies to Japan in order Clothbound Clothbound motorcycle. Ever since he has suffered »a to get some distance. Once there he comes Release: October 2017 Release: September 2017 fluttering of the temples«, and is happiest across the travelogues of the classical poet sitting in his barn doing crossword puzzles. Bashō. Suddenly Gilbert has a goal: like all International Sales: International Sales: When the Yugoslavian civil war breaks out wandering monks he too wants to see the in 1991, his parents see it as his big chance: France (Métailié), moon over the pine islands. On the tradition- English world in the People’s Army the »idiot« will become Arabic world rights steeped pilgrims’ route he’ll be able to lose rights (Serpent’s a man and then a hero. But Zoltán doesn’t (Tammia) himself in nature and leave his inner turmoil Tail), Brazilian fit in, he asks the wrong questions and, on behind. But before he even begins he meets Portuguese rights top of it all, stutters when he does. After his Melinda Nadj Abonji was born the student Yosa, himself on the way with (Estação Liberdade), in 1968 in Becsej, Serbia. At only friend’s collapse on a pointless training a completely different kind of guide: the France (Stock), Italy the beginning of the 1970s she march turns out to be fatal, Zoltán refuses to moved to Switzerland with her Complete Manual of Suicide. Will Gilbert (Bompiani), Netherlands play the game anymore with a system that family. She lives as an author be able to talk Yosa out of his plan? And (Ambo|Anthos), Sweden has given all the power to the strongest. and musician in Zurich. She what metamorphoses will Gilbert the coffee (Norstedts), Czech was awarded both the German drinker go through himself in the Land of Republic (Paseka); Through pulsating, musical language and Swiss Book Prize for her Tea …? and vivid images that evoke the power of 2010 novel Tauben fliegen auf Domestic Rights Sales: the wild and winglike nature of thought, (Fly Away, Pigeon). The Pine Islands is a novel of masterful German Audiobook in Tortoise Soldier Melinda Nadj Abonji lightness: profound, humorous, and excit- (steinbach sprechende Selected Backlist: tells the story of the soft resistance imag- ing, it goes straight to the heart. bücher) Tauben fliegen auf (Jung ination establishes against the restric- Marion Poschmann, born in & Jung, 2010) International tions of a system which recognises only 1969 in Essen, studied German commands, obedience, and submission. Sales: English world rights (Seagull), Spanish world rights »[A] masterpiece. […] astonishing, Studies, Philosophy, and Slavic (El Aleph), Chinese simplex how perfectly Poschmann is able Studies and currently lives in »I could have become something rights (Shanghai Translation Publishing House), Russia to transform her aesthetic credo Berlin. She writes prose, poetry, and essays. in the army, a man or a hero (Text), France (Métailié), Italy into art. It is the reason she Recent Prizes and Awards: or both, but in the end I didn’t (Voland), Netherlands (Van Gennep), Sweden (Nordstedts), has become a central figure in 2017 German Book Prize Longlist, German contemporary literature Photo: Heike Steiweg become either, just a dullard, a 2017 Düsseldorfer Literaturpreis, Photo: Gaëtan Bally Finland (Lurra), Poland lackey, an idiotic boot licker, a (Czarne), Czech Republic (Jota), through her poems and novels.« 2017 German Prize for Nature Writing, 2016 Prize of the Hungary (Magvetö), Serbia Alexander Cammann, Die Zeit Leipzig Book Fair Nominee, THUG a GOOD-FOR-NOTHING.« (Laguna), Slovenia (Cankarjeva 2014 Residential Grant of Villa Zalozba), Bosnia (Connectum), Turkey (Ayrinti Yayinlari), »[A] finely crafted novel of filigree- Kamogawa, Japan (Goethe Institute), 2013 German Book »This is not the language of Macedonia (Goten), Ukraine like tracery. It is not only clever Prize Shortlist, 2013 Wilhelm someone who has simply made (Komora), Armenia (Zangak) […], it is also imbued with a jovial Raabe Literary Award, 2012 New York residential grant by do. This is the eloquence of serenity.« Tobias Lehmkuhl, SZ Deutscher Literaturfonds, 2011 Ernst Meister Prize for Poetry, someone taking full possession 2011 Peter Huchel Prize of language itself.« Verena Mayer, Der Tagesspiegel
Literary Fiction Literary Fiction Martin Prinz Doron Rabinovici The Invisible Pages Extraterrestials The quest for a life as a writer Longlisted for the Austrian Book Prize 2017 A young boy on a school morning during Martin Prinz The news broadcast one morning by all Doron Rabinovici break. He turns in a circle, telling himself: The Invisible Pages stations is alarming: an extraterrestrial Extraterrestials I’m the king of Lilienfeld. It’s the year 1980, Novel power has conquered the world overnight. Novel the boy is seven years old. His grandfather (Original title: Die Sol, co-founder of an online magazine, is (Original title: Die unsichtbaren Seiten. Außerirdischen. Roman) has been serving as the mayor of the town immediately convinced by the validity of the Roman) 255 pages for almost thirty years. news item, his wife Astrid is skeptical. After approx. 220 pages Clothbound the first global panic has subsided, updates Clothbound Release: August 2017 Martin Prinz’s new novel begins in a world Release: April 2018 transpire: The aliens are docile; shyly, they where bullet holes from the World War are avoid all contact; they bring prosperity and Rights available still gaping in some of the house façades, peace. There’s just one small catch – they Rights available sets in with the gaze of a boy who knows the are asking for humans volunteering to be Doron Rabinovici, writer, word »politics« long before he knows what it sacrifices. Games are hosted all around essayist, historian, born in Martin Prinz, born in 1973, means. This is where nightly parallel worlds studied German Philology and in order to determine the chosen ones. 1961 in Tel Aviv. He lives in of reading meet notions of radioactive clouds Theatre Studies. He lives and Participants are promised huge financial Vienna since 1964 and has been awarded numerous or the Iron Curtain. In a rapid stretto, the works in Vienna. advantages. literature prizes, most recently passages dealing with the writer’s present With a quickly established talk show, Sol’s the Clemens Brentano Prize alternate with those of a boy growing up in Selected Backlist: online magazine is up and close to the and the Jean Améry Prize, both Austria and its surroundings. events. But when Sol’s young neighbour in 2002. Die letzte Prinzessin (2016) Elliot volunteers for the games, Sol and How can the inextricable coexistence of Astrid are put to the test. And the questions Selected Backlist: politics and family, of real events and the become urgent: Who shares the blame, who Andernorts (2010) stories about them be kept in balance? How profits, who revolts? International Sales: English can the gaze of a writer be kept in balance world rights (Haus Publishing), with that of a former king of Lilienfeld? With his unique verve and irony, Doron Italy (La Giuntina), Czech Republic (Archa), Bulgaria (Elias Rabinovici, master of the »finely tuned Canetti Society) In his grandparents’ house, the writer game of exaggeration« (FAZ), depicts a society that doesn’t need to see aliens to Ohnehin (2004) International discovers photographs dating back to Sales: Bulgaria (Maga Welding) 1995: pictures that no longer contain become spooked by itself. Suche nach M. (1997) subjects. Instead, they capture mundane, International Sales: English random perspectives. The last photographs world rights (Ariadne), France his grandfather, already suffering from (Denoël), Italy (La Giuntina), dementia, has taken. And with that, the path »As if Hieronymus Bosch had Bulgaria (Elias Canetti Society), of narration is prescribed. stepped through a wormhole into Israel (Zmora Bitan) the present day …« Photo: Lukas Beck Photo: Lukas Beck Paul Jandl, Neue Zürcher Zeitung The Invisible Pages: a regional novel in the form of a writer’s coming-of-age story
Literary Fiction Ralf Rothmann The God of That Summer »The first thing you’ll do once the war is over is take dance lessons!« A child in the war: at the start of 1945, Ralf Rothmann twelve-year-old Luisa Norff has to flee to the The God of That Summer countryside with her mother and her older Novel sister as the bombardment of Kiel has begun. (Original title: Der Gott jenes Sommers. Roman) The estate owned by her brother-in-law approx. 260 pages Vinzent, a SS-officer, becomes an unexpected Clothbound site of freedom: no more school, and as the Release: May 2018 Allied bombers are flying eastwards and more and more refugees are arriving, the International Sales: young dreamer Luisa is roaming through English world rights the woods and tries to understand life from (Picador), Italy (Neri this side of the fires: What is this agitation she feels when she sees the young milker Pozza), Denmark Walter, who are the prisoners at Klostersee, (Rosinante), Czech where did her sister Billie disappear to all Republic (Argo); of a sudden, and where does the wig maker Domestic Rights Sales: actually get hair from? And as she herself German Audiobook experiences what all women are afraid (Hörbuch Hamburg) of these days during Vinzent’s birthday celebrations, Luisa breaks down under the Ralf Rothmann was born in 1953 in Schleswig and grew up burden of the inexplicable. in the Ruhr. He lives in Berlin. Ralf Rothmann’s great novel To Die Ralf Rothmann is the recipient of Selected Backlist: in Spring, translated into twenty-five numerous awards, including: Im Frühling sterben (2015) languages, was a moving drama at the International Sales: English edge of the battlefields. The God of Premio San Clemente 2017 world rights (Picador UK; USA/ That Summer is an equally touching Kleist-Preis 2017 Canada sublicense: FSG; story about the climate of delusion and Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis 2013 English audiobook sublicense: denunciation during the last months of Tantor), Spanish world rights Hans-Fallada-Preis 2008 (Libros del Asteroide), Catalan a war that eclipses everybody’s heart Literaturpreis der Konrad-Adenauer- rights (L’Altra Editorial), forever and has a twelve-year-old say, Stiftung 2008 Portuguese rights (Sextante and rightfully so: »I’ve experienced Editora), France (Denoël), Max-Frisch-Preis 2006 everything.« Italy (Neri Pozza), Netherlands Heinrich-Böll-Preis 2005 (Arbeiderspers), Denmark Wilhelm Raabe Literaturpreis 2004 (Rosinante), Sweden (Thorén & Lindskog), Norway (Gyldendal Norsk), Finland (Atena), Poland (W.A.B.), Czech Republic (Argo), Slovak Republic (Premedia), »The haunting portrayal of conflict and carnage in the final Hungary (Magvetö), Bulgaria weeks of the second world war makes this German novel a (Atlantis), Romania (ART), Estonia (Hea Lugu), Croatia modern classic.« Rachel Seiffert, The Guardian about To Die in Spring (Fraktura), Serbia (Laguna), Slovenia (Goga), Turkey (Yapi Kredi), Greece (Kastaniotis), Macedonia (ArtConnect), Kosovo/Albanian world rights Photo: Heike Steinweg (Buzuku); Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Hörbuch Hamburg), German Entire Radio Reading (NDR)
Literary Fiction Literary Fiction Annika Scheffel Clemens J. Setz It’s Nice Here Bot »They have given you a map of the stars to travel the world.« »I’m a synaesthete who experiences even humiliation in different colours.« On a day in August, Irma decides to leave Annika Scheffel Imagine you’re a famous writer and are Clemens J. Setz earth, to turn her back on her parents and It’s Nice Here asked to give an extensive interview. You’re Bot her friends and become a heroine. In a Novel expected to disclose information about Conversations Without spectacular television show, she is chosen (Original title: Hier ist es your interests and intellectual preferences, the Author schön. Roman) Edited by Angelika to populate a new planet together with the about the premises and backgrounds, the approx. 350 pages Klammer mysterious Sam. But then Sam unexpectedly motifs and topics of your large body of work. Clothbound (Original title: Bot. changes his mind. He, having grown up Imagine not being able to think of anything Release: May 2018 Gespräch ohne Autor) isolated from the rest of the world, flees. to say, nothing whatsoever, try as you might. 166 pages He finally wants answers to his questions Well, someone else has to talk about you Clothbound Rights available about his heritage, his history. And so Sam then. But who is the right person for the job? Release: February 2018 and Irma set out on a journey – not to space, Annika Scheffel, born in Who possesses enough information about but through dead forests, hostile cities, along Hanover in 1983, is a novelist you and your books? In the case of writer Rights available empty roads. They discover a broken world and screenwriter. She was Clemens J. Setz, there was an alternative. of surreal beauty, chased – or steered? – by awarded numerous prizes But in his case, it’s not an actual person Clemens J. Setz was born in for her work, including the powers that pull strings in the background answering questions and providing infor- Graz, Austria in 1982. Phantastik-Prize of the City of like puppeteers. Wetzlar 2013 and the Robert mation, but a kind of artificial intelligence, Selected Backlist: Gernhardt Prize 2015. She lives his digital diary comprising millions of As fantastical as it is current, It’s Nice Here with her family in Berlin. characters – the outsourced soul of the Die Stunde zwischen is a novel about humanity’s delusions of author, in other words: a Clemens-Setz-Bot. Frau und Gitarre (2015) International Sales: Spanish grandeur, the exploitation of nature, total Selected Backlist: And all the things the interviewee was world rights (Malpaso), France surveillance, the cynicism of reality tv Bevor alles verschwindet unable to verbalise during the conversation (Jacqueline Chambon), Italy shows – but most of all, it’s a novel about (2013) International Sales: are revealed in surprising candour by the (La Nave di Teseo), Bulgaria wishing and dreaming, a tender portrait Turkey (Aylak Adam); Domestic work itself, completely detached from its (Paradox) of two young people and their fight for Rights Sales: German author. Indigo (2012) International Audiobook (Jumbo/GoyaLit) freedom and autonomy. Sales: USA (W. W. Norton/ »Alarming and Liveright), UK (Serpent’s Tail), Chinese complex rights (China surreally beautiful.« Times), France (Jacqueline John Burnside, Chambon), Denmark (Vandkunsten), Czech Republic Times Literary Supplement about Indigo (Fra), Hungary (Europa), »Annika Scheffel is fighting Bulgaria (Funtasy), Croatia a writer’s battle in her own way. »As evil as Nabokov, as (Hena Com) To describe people, life, virtuosic as David Foster Die Liebe zur Zeit des Photo: Heike Steiweg Photo: Max Zerrahn Mahlstädter Kindes (2011) love in a lasting way. Wallace.« Richard Kämmerlings, International Sales: Arabic Welt am Sonntag world rights (Al’Asreya), Staying alive and beautiful.« France (Actes Sud/Jacqueline Volker Weidermann, FAZ Chambon), Denmark (Vand- »It’s inevitable that Setz will be kunsten), Czech Republic compared to Thomas Pynchon, (Fra), Hungary (Europa), Bulgaria (Funtasy), Romania for his narrative has a similar (Univers), Macedonia (Blesok); complexity, nuance and, yes, Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Griot) even paranoia.« Kirkus Reviews about Indigo
Literary Fiction Maria Stepanova Post-Memory »Post-Memory is the most important Russian novel of 2017.« GQ Montpellier, 1908: the photograph of a Maria Stepanova young woman by an easel or »Grandma Post-Memory on the barricades«, as the family calls it. (Original Russian title Pre-Revolution portraits, postcards from Памяти памяти, published by Novoe in November Venice, Montpellier, or Nizhny Novgorod, 2017) pieces from the »library of a very different (German working title: In and lost visual culture«, letters, childhood memoriam memoriae) souvenirs – these are the things that the approx. 400 pages author examines in astonishment. Who were Clothbound these people who travelled all throughout Release of the German Europe yet lived in Russia? Who did their edition by Suhrkamp: Fall best to remain anonymous and who made 2018 little effort to make history seem interesting? International Sales: But it is precisely the unspectacular nature USA/Canada (New of the find which turns the author’s research Directions), UK/ in the Russian context into something new: »Everyone else had a family made up of people Commonwealth participating in history; mine was made up (Fitzcarraldo), only of their tenants.« Destined to become Spanish world rights victims of persecution and repression, they (El Acantilado), all still managed to survive the 20th century. »Post-Memory by Maria France (Stock), How was that possible? This is the question Stepanova is far and wide the Italy (Bompiani), and point of departure for Maria Stepanova’s Netherlands (De Bezige best book written in Russian first great work of prose. Bij), Sweden (Nirstedt/ in 2017. Stepanova writes in a litteratur), Finland In dialogue with, among others, writers Russian like no one else.« Afisha (Siltala), Bulgaria like Roland Barthes, W.G. Sebald, Jacques (Janet 45) Rancière, and Susan Sontag, imbued with »Maria Stepanova has turned a passion for thought and a wonderfully the dead into her co-authors. Maria Stepanova, born in soft, poetic voice derived from sensual as well as intellectual observations, Stepanova The result is a book that was Moscow in 1972, is a poet, essayist, and journalist and assembles her found pieces into a panorama unknown in Russian before – one of the most visible figures of an entire age. At its heart lives a large and seeks more of its kind in of contemporary literary life in Russia. Editor-in-chief of the family of doctors, architects, librarians, other languages.« Novaja Gazeta online newspaper, in accountants, and engineers, unheroic indi- 2018/2019 Maria Stepanova viduals who did not attach themselves to any »Not only the most important will take up the Siegfried- great project but who in uncivilized, violent Unseld guest professorship in times attempted to live quiet, civilized lives. book of the year, but of recent Berlin. years in general. This is true event – for all those who still Photo: Valery Shibanov, Seledka newspaper know how to read.« Echo Moskvy »A meta novel like this appears only once every ten years – a great literary reconstruction, which has created a whole new genre and sounds the relation between memory, time, and history.« Literratura
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