English text - Laster und Bagger

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English text - Laster und Bagger
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English text - Laster und Bagger
Translation of page 3

Editorial                           How are you?

                                      Under normal circumstances this       chance, and indeed, as in every ex-
                                    question is almost meaningless,         ceptional situation, there are also
                                    but over the last few weeks it has      positive things to see: the solidari-
                                    assumed its more serious intent.        ty among us has been revived and
                                    Many are concerned about their          the often-hectic day has been slo-
                                    relatives and friends who almost        wed down. We have found time for
                                    overnight have become part of the       things which in normal times had
                                    ‘at risk group’.                        to be put on the back burner. Mo-
                                      Despite recent loosening of re-       dels have been cleaned, display ca-
                                    strictions, the Corona crisis is kee-   ses have been freshly re-arranged,
                                    ping the world in its grip and will     and who does not have projects
                                    probably change it more deeply          that have been sitting on a shelf for
                                    than we can imagine at this time.       a long time?
                                    All the events which we promo-             For Trucks & Construction I had
                                    ted in our last issue have been         to recognize the chance: The travel
                                    cancelled or postponed for a year.      prohibition was only restrictive at
                                    We can only speculate about the         first glance. Upon a second look it
                                    economic impact in the meantime.        even widened the horizon because,
                                    Many of us would like to have a re-     for interviews by email, distance
I would like to give a heartfelt    liable crystal ball so that we could    does not matter as we learn in the
thank you to all subscribers who    know when the specter that is hun-      current Collector’s Portrait about
have voluntarily rounded up their   ting us will disappear.                 Eduardo Haro and his interesting
subscription fees. You are making                                           collection in Argentina.
an important contribution towards     We were in touch with model
“unbiased reporting”.               producers and asked them to give          I hope you are all well and I wish
                                    us their view of the current situ-      you a lot of pleasure when reading
                                    ation. You can find the short in-       our current issue.
                                    terviews starting on page 52; the
                                    answers have not been as nega-
                                    tive as one would have expected.
                                    Mentioned among the comments is                         Daniel Wietlisbach

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Laster & Bagger 3-2020                                                                                         2
English text - Laster und Bagger
Translation of pages 6 – 11

Concrete is Eduardo Haro’s main focal point

Concrete and more
      by Daniel Wietlisbach             Because he has not yet found a colleague in

                                        his country, we do not know if he is the only
     duardo was born in 1962 in the
     Argentinian University City        collector in Argentina. What we do know,
of Córdoba. He had a very happy
childhood growing up with his pa-       however, is that Eduardo Haro has a unique
rents, his sister and many friends.
He often played soccer, climbed         collection …
trees, rode his bike and was ‘al-
ways dirty’, as he remembers. A
connection to models or construc-
                                        Studying in Hamburg
tion machines or trucks did not                                                 contacts he made, not only professi-
exist at that time. His father was a      Eduardo went to Germany and,          onally, but also personally. Professi-
doctor at the hospital and his mo-      when looking back at his time as        onals with a doctorate were always
ther a housewife.                       a student, thinks it was ‘perfect’.     treated with great respect in Germa-
  He remembers a wheeled loader         The stipendium of the Deutschen         ny, as he remembers well. During
toy made from hard rubber mate-         Akademischen        Austauschdiens-     his five years, he also learned a lot
rial by the Argentinian maker Du-       tes DAAD (German academic ex-           about the German culture and still
ravit which he owned at the age of      change service) first allowed him       appreciates it today.
eight. Inside the house he liked to     to learn German at the Goethe-
play a lot and often with Lego and      Institute in Göppingen and then to
                                                                                Back home
the Argentinian adaptation called       work on and present his thesis at the
‘Rasti’. This allowed him to build      Technischen Universität Hamburg-          Hardly back home, the learning
structures and cars, of course.         Harburg TUHH (Technical Uni-            processes continued, because Edu-
  After primary school, he first        versity Hamburg-Harburg). At that       ardo had to take over management
went to the Gymnasium (high             time, there were only five professors   of his wife’s family’s concrete
school) and afterwards attended the     teaching reinforced and pre-stressed    transportation firm. He needed to
University of Córdoba. Learning         concrete technology in Germany.         acquire company management, hu-
was always fun for the collector and    The faculty was fully engaged in        man resources leadership and many
he finished both his studies with       the revision and development of         more skills. ‘Hormix’ was a leading
the highest marks. Eduardo is very      the Eurocodes responsible for con-      business in ready-mix concrete in
thankful that he was able to study      struction and he was very happy to      Córdoba and his many connections
Construction Engineering, a profes-     work with one of them. In 1994 he       to the university and to construction
sion he still likes today. 1989 was a   got his PhD with his thesis on the      experts made the work especially
very difficult year economically for    ‘stability and measuring of small re-   interesting. In addition to nine con-
Argentina. Hyperinflation reached       enforcement bar’. Some of his gra-      crete plants, the company also had
several thousand percent during the     phics and measuring data were even      an impressive fleet: five large con-
year. This situation forced many        included in the Eurocode, the rules     crete pumps from Putzmeister and
Argentinians to search for work or      for measuring all over Europe.          Schwing, about 40 concrete mixer
education abroad.                         Eduardo treasures the many close      trucks with capacities from 8 to

Laster & Bagger 3-2020                                                                                              3
Translation of pages 6 – 11

11 m3, also concrete silo transpor-      After completing these, he became   the models from Herpa, Kibri and
ters and wheeled loaders.                plant manager of the largest Argen- Wiking and his collecting passion
   In 1994, when Eduardo joined          tinian factory producing concrete   was aroused.
the company, part of it was sold off     construction components. The core      Then he began to search for mo-
to the Swiss company Holderbank          business was pre-stressed concrete  dels intensively. The Internet was
(Lafarge-Holcim today) and so he         parts for bridges, soccer stadiums  just in its infancy and not many
had to start working but always in                                           people had email addresses so the
                                         and other types of construction. This
the shadow of the ‘big brother’. At      job was no co-incidence because, as search often began by sending a Fax
the turn of the millennium, Holcim       a young engineer, Eduardo had de-   or with normal letters by mail. The
acquired the last concrete works         veloped a computer program for the  first ‘real’ models were concrete mi-
in Córdoba and with it the whole         calculation of statics and costs forxer trucks by Herpa in 1:87; right
company and also two other con-          this company, and so knew the com-  from the beginning, the focus was
crete producers. Because Eduardo         pany very well. Today, Eduardo is   on concrete and all the machine-
was fluent in German, he was put         self-employed; he builds residentialry that is connected to it. Later on,
in charge of the take-over negotia-      housing to sell.                    the area of collecting was widened
tions and tried to get the best possi-                                       to include further themes from the
ble price from the ‘large sharks’ for                                        construction industry.
                                       The collection
his family, he remembers chuckling                                              His entry into 1:50 scale began in
quietly. From 1994 to 2001 he was        But when did the collecting pas- a very classic way: When Eduardo
also a professor for large building    sion begin for the Argentinian? It bought two Putzmeister concrete
construction at the University of      was during his time at ‘Hormix’ pumps, he was given some Conrad
Córdoba.                               that Eduardo began buying concrete models as a gift from the importer.
   After selling the family firm, the  mixer toys as decorative pieces for They were not like the original ma-
collector used the year as a sabbati-  his office. In 1994 he got to know a chines but very similar to them. The
cal which included post-graduate di-   collector’s group that specialized in collector liked the models tremend-
ploma studies in business adminis-     collecting models in 1:87 scale. He ously and so began his search for
tration and company management.        was totally engrossed when he saw 1:50 models as well. Even up until
                                                                             today, Eduardo is not aware of a sin-
                                                                             gle dealer selling models in Argenti-
                                                                             na and so, right from the beginning,
  The collector                                                              he was forced to find his suppliers
     Eduardo Haro (57) has a PhD                                             abroad. Most of his models in the
  in construction engineering and                                            display cases came from Germany,
  today is self-employed as a real                                           England, the USA and Japan. EBay
  estate developer and salesmen.                                             and other on-line auction platforms
  Besides his passion for collecting                                         were good sources for rare models
  he and his partner Inés Mehrwald                                           and toys. In his collection today
  are breeding flesh eating plants.                                          there are some really rare, and in
  She has around 4,000 now and                                               some cases, unique models. Beside
  sells some of them too. A further                                          well-known makers like Conrad,
  hobby is his interest in mathema-                                          NZG, Tekno and others there are
  tics and that is why Eduardo is ‘Moderator’ of three groups dedicated      limited series producers’ models by
  to this theme. The collector is divorced, father of three now adult        Alan Smith, Zon, OHS, CCM, ATM
  daughters and lives with his partner in Córdoba, which is in the midd-     and others, as well as toys of many
  le of Argentina. Anybody who wants to visit him or his collection is       brands, always matching the main
  very welcome. Contact him at: casicuarenta@hotmail.com, or phone           focus of the collection which is con-
  +54 93 515 06 70 70                                                        crete and construction. The largest
                                                                             increase in the collection occurred

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Translation of pages 6 – 11

during his one-year sabbatical; de-                     in grey made by OHS; only four pi-                           do does not want to buy any further
spite his post-graduate studies, the                    eces of it were made.                                        models and even plans to sell the
collector had enough time to re-                           The whole collection comprises                            collection piece-meal. Unfortuna-
search on the internet.                                 around 3,000 pieces, and of those,                           tely, none of his three daughters
                                                        around 2,300 are displayed in the                            has any interest in it and, because
Main focus: concrete
                                                        cabinets. The hobby room, with its                           of the rare pieces in it, he does not
  If one thinks about a main focal                      65 m2 has almost the dimensions                              want to leave it to them to sell.
point like that, one spontaneously                      of a small museum and the quality                            But, which ones to keep? Separa-
thinks about a handful of models.                       of the presentation is impressive.                           ting out the best pieces is not an
Therefore, it is very exciting to see                   A further 700 models are stored                              easy challenge. Of course, the plan
what else there is when one concen-                     in their original boxes in a second                          is to keep a few as mementos, but
trates on a single theme. Who would                     room together with the empty boxes                           which ones? On top of that, at the
have thought that in 1920 there was                     of the models on display. The house                          moment, Argentina has currently
a ‘concrete mixer’ pulled by hor-                       was built in 2010 and the collec-                            blocked electronic payment chan-
ses? No fewer than 1,800 mixers                         tor installed the display cabinets                           nels like PayPal.
and pumps are represented in his                        himself. The models have been dis-                             Eduardo knows of other collec-
display cases, augmented by con-                        played so nicely for only the last six                       tors of construction machines but
crete silo transporters, cranes, dump                   years; before that they were stored                          not a single one in Argentina. When
trucks and excavators. The two lat-                     in their original boxes.                                     friends visit him and see his display
ter machinery sub-species are con-                         A kitchen and a bathroom are                              cases for the first time, exclama-
centrated mainly in the dimensions                      also on the same floor because the                           tions like “Crazy!”, “Madness!” or
used by the resource industry, be-                      house was actually planned as a                              “Unbelievable!” are common reac-
cause the power and the dimension                       complete apartment and the house                             tions, but all know that Eduardo is
just are inspiring. One of the rarest                   itself as a two generational house.                          ‘not very conventional’.
models is the electric O&K RH400                        That is why, at the moment, Eduar-

  Laster & Bagger                                                                                                                                         Imprint
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  Markus Lindner, Urs Peyer (up), Wilfried Schreiber,    für ein Jahr. Schriftliche Kündigung spätestens acht Wo-
  Remo Stoll, René Tanner, Erich Urweider (eu),          chen vor Ablauf des Abonnements, ansonsten erfolgt          Haftung Sämtliche Angaben (technische und sonstige
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Laster & Bagger 3-2020                                                                                                                                                       5
Translation of pages 12 – 16

Scania LS110 «B2 blokken»

56 tons Gross weight
          by Hans Witte                  During the 70s of the last century, I was most

D      uring this time, I drove a DAF    impressed by the heavy building-block trans-
       2600 with a construction ma-      porters like this Rigter freight company’s Sca-
terial semi-trailer. With this rig we
transported concrete and lime sand-      nia LS 110 with a trailer from Floor …
stones to Texel Island where I lived.
The DAF was a two-axle tractor
truck with a two-axle wide-spread        ally, I drew a simple scale drawing    ment. By counting the blocks in the
trailer by Hulo with a Hiab crane.       on which I entered the wheel base      picture, I was able to calculate the
The combination was designed for         of the tractor truck and the length    total volume as well the height and
36 tons total weight with allowable      of Floor semi-trailer. From the        length of the load. The weight was
load of 24 tons, but we often excee-     files about Floor in my archives, I    around 36 tons and together with
ded this by 4 to 6 tons.                 found further details of the const-    the Tare weight, the total weight
  One day, after I took on a load at     ruction and the steering system. A     of the semi-trailer must have been
the Brederode concrete works in          brochure from Kennis helped with       over 56 tons! If one compares the
Maarssen (near Utrecht), I left the      the plan­ ning for the Pesci crane.    weight of around 40 tons and the
plant door right behind the yellow       At that time, Kennis imported the      230 hp engine of my DAF with the
Scania from Rigter. On the first part    Pesci cranes to the Netherlands and,   296 hp Turbo engine of the Scania,
of the trip, which went partially        later on, developed their own ver-     it had decidedly more torque and
through Maarssen, I was able to          sion based on the Pesci design but     quite clearly surpassed the 2,600 by
keep up with the Scania pretty well,     with joysticks instead of the older    16 tons!
but once we reached the ramp to the      system of control levers. The rear-       The tractor truck was built from
A2 in the direction of Amsterdam,        most axle of the trailer was cable     a kit by Maxi Model. Wayne Wil-
the Rigter driver put the pedal to the   controlled and I needed quite a few    liams was responsible for the de-
metal and left me behind with no         sketches to make the system work       sign of the shape and the production
hope of catching up.                     and to get some concrete measure-      was done by Heavy Goods. It was a
  The picture of this impressive         ments. Would it be possible to make    well-fitting and very nicely detailed
truck left a lasting imprint upon my     a functioning steering mechanism       kit which was available in two ver-
memory. Many years later, quite by       on the model?                          sions: as two- or three-axle tractor
chance, I found a picture of exactly                                            trucks or as truck only with a choice
this tractor truck unit and the memo-                                           of Day or Sleeper Cabin. The cab-
                                         The model
ries flooded back. As I already men-                                            ins from Maxi were the best in the
tioned in the last issue, many years       A further question I posed myself    market at the time, until about eight
ago I made a list of all the models I    was about the load but a friend who    years ago when the new Tekno
absolutely wanted to build with the      worked in a construction company       Scania models arrived on the mar-
tractor trailer unit from Rigter to be   helped me out. He gave me an old       ket. But even today, I would rather
among the first ones I would make.       poster on which an assortment of       build another Maxi L110 or 111
  With the discovered photograph,        lime sandstones was pictured, in-      which is why I still have a few on
research for my model began. Initi-      cluding their weights and measure-     hand. Before I started assembling

Laster & Bagger 3-2020                                                                                             6
Translation of pages 12 – 16

the tractor unit, I first had to shor-    were cut with a band saw; this tool       On the very top there are some
ten the wheelbase from 420 to 380         is one of my favorite ones. During     specially shaped stones for chim-
cm; this was often done in Holland        construction, my scale drawings        neys which I made from 4 mm
to maximize the weight for the front      were a great help. The turntables      plastic tube and glued-on L-shaped
axle. A further job was the fabrica-      were mounted using short screws        profiles. Once the combination had
tion of the fenders using the ‘Tanner     that were attached from the upper      hardened, I cut it into 6 mm high
Method’, as I call it, since my good      side of the floor.                     ‘stones’.
friend René Tanner showed me how            I achieved the length of the front      The whole load was painted se-
to do it using aluminum sheet stock.      steering rod, and with it the correct  veral times concrete grey, sanding
With a few details added inside and       steering angle of the axle through     between each paint application. I
out, the work on the tractor truck        experimentation and once I found       dusted some talcum powder onto
was relatively easy.                      the correct position, it was glued     the last paint coat to simulate a con-
                                          in. I built the rear, length-adjustablecrete-like surface.
                                          steering rod from brass wire and          Now having the measurements of
The Floor trailer
                                          pipe stock. The ball for the socket    the load, I was able to construct a
  I drew further plans for the trai-      joint was made as an imitation from    grappler for the crane from plastic
ler which concentrated on how the         a brass wire loop with a pin.          rods and strips. The hydraulic cylin-
rearmost steerable axle tracked to-         Except for the wheels and the        ders were made from iron wire and
gether with the front wheels of the       support legs, all parts for the traileraluminum tube.
tractor truck using the Ackermann         were scratch-built; a few brass parts     Before I could begin with the
steering principles. Important too        like the side protection bars were     painting process, I completely
were the angles between tractor and       pre-assembled and soldered. The        assembled the model in order to
trailer when rounding a curve. Since      side boards are cut from a piece of    check on the position of the crane
I am not a trained technician, the-       plastic sheet stock on to which the    and grappler and also for the attach-
se ‘calculations’ were a mixture of       fine profiles and struts were glued.   ment of the hydraulic hoses.
drawings on paper and experiments                                                   To explain all the steps involved
done with the half-built trailer with                                            in the construction of the model in
                                          Crane and the load
turntables, a cable made from me-                                                detail would probably take all the
tal thread and a steering axle. The         I used a Kennis-Kran from Lion space in this magazine. Therefore,
steering has some very interesting        toys to model the historic Pesci I will jump ahead: after the painting
functionality (see picture): the king     crane. I had to widen the adjustab- followed the further attachment of
pin sits in a turntable with a wedge.     le bottom plate for the crane track. details like front fenders and mud
When coupled, the wedge jams in           The crane runs on two U-profile flaps. Stickers and the picking out
the trailer coupling. Then, when the      tracks that are embedded in the of further details with a fine-tip
tractor enters a curve, the steering      floor. I removed the modern ‘silent’ paint brush was the next step. The
motion is transmitted via a steel         power unit; to replace it, I built in rims of the wheels were painted
cable on to the second turntable,         an old Deutz two stroke engine and with aluminum paint like many dri-
sitting just in front of the third one,   a hydraulic pump. I attached a new vers did then. After washing the rig
which is mounted on the axle. The         seat and old-fashioned levers to the on Saturday morning and allowing
steering is activated by two steering     main mast of the crane.                it to dry in the afternoon sun, the
rods with ball and socket joints to         A friend of mine cut me some 5 rims got a new coat of paint.
the rear axle whereby the rear rod,       mm wide MDF strips of 25 and 27           To give this Scania the authentic
to compensate for the length dis-         mm width. These I made into square look of a real hard-working truck, I
tance difference is pushed out either     boards and then I scored gaps into weathered it with a mixture of light
to the right or left when the move-       the sides of them to simulate the grey and brown to imitate how it
ment starts.                              load. The squares were then made would look, dust and all, after a few
  The trailer has as its base a 3 mm      into stacks, each layer offset by 90°, days of being hard at work.
thick plastic floor. All main parts       and then glued together.

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Translation of page 17


Floodlight truck
       by Robert Bretscher             The floodlight truck with trailer from Berken-

T    oys with a light source were      kamp & Schleuter from 1956 seduced kids to
     always popular in the 50s and
                                       put in a ‘night shift’ …
an exciting thing at that time be-
cause it was possible for a child to
play with them after having been       sines and impressive commercial       to the batteries with a small me-
put to bed. Even with the lights       vehicles for shelves in children’s    tal slide very close. It is hard to
out, one could go on playing with      playrooms.                            believe that the whole thing still
them for quite a while. The very         Our floodlight truck with trai-     functions today without any pro-
discreetly shining light of these      ler shown here is 50 cm long and      blems! One almost forgets to take
toys was hardly ever noticed by        works with a long running fly-        a look at the four all-rubber tires.
parents but often there were black     wheel engine. It is made up entire-   These have a very deep profile as
rings around the tired eyes of kids    ly from tinplate. Even though the     if our vehicle was designed for
the next morning at the breakfast      maker has given the model a bit of    off-road use. The steel rims are
table.                                 a plain look, it built with a simp-   very special as they are decorated
  The Berkenkamp & Schleuter           le front-axle steering mechanism.     with the maker’s logo. The mat-
Company (1864 to 1968), at home        The moveable floodlight with its      ching trailer is thought to be for
in Nuremberg, first produced only      finely engraved front protective      the transportation of boxes and
sandbox toys and doll house ac-        glass lens is powered by two 1.5      other accessories and is also ide-
cessories. From the 1950s on-          Volt batteries which are stowed       ally suited to be used with other
wards, up until now, the limited       away separately in the tool box       vehicles from the same producer.
offerings were expanded and they       behind the driver’s cabin. The
produced some marvelous limou-         light switch which makes contact

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Translation of pages 18 – 21

NZG releases a long wished-for model in 1:50

Komatsu PC1250-11
      by Daniel Wietlisbach               The PC1250 is the third largest excavator built

T    he new 11 series of the suc-         by Komatsu in Japan. NZG is finally releasing
     cessful large excavator was          the matching models for the newest series 11
announced in April of 2018 and
introduced at the 2019 Bauma.             machines.Very kindly, the prototypes from
With a working weight of 115.9
to 118.3 tons the PC1250 still is         the Toy Fair were given to us to have a closer
the largest excavator for the con-
                                          look at …
struction sector, however, because
of its high efficiency it also could
be used in earthmoving and in the         shovel from Komatsu. Correctly,         and turning satisfactorily. The dual
mining industry. In addition to the       the models with ripping tooth have      grouser 70 cm track shoes suit the
standard version, there is also the       a protective grille over the cabin.     excavator very well.
PC1250SP-11 with a shorter arm               The models are securely boxed           The mighty upper chassis is made
and larger shovel for mass excava-        and kept safe between two Sty-          two metal castings, which are scre-
tion work. The shovel volumes ran-        ropor elements. When taking the         wed together that already have
ge from 3.4 to 5.2 m3 , and 6.7 m3        model out of the box, the first thing   some details cast on. All air intakes
on the SP version. The built-in Ko-       one notices is the pleasantly heavy     are exactly engraved but not pier-
matsu six-cylinder SAA6D170E-7            weight and the successfully mo-         ced. The service door at the side
produces 578 kW (786 hp).                 deled shape of the original. As ex-     between engine and hydraulic com-
                                          pected, the metal content conforms      ponents opens. Separately attached
                                          to the high expectations of the coll-   details include cameras, spotlights,
Models from NZG
                                          ectors and the model looks valuab-      lifting eyes on the counterweight,
   The long-awaited model was pre-        le. The basic machine and the iden-     exhaust pipes and air filters. All
sented for the first time in three ver-   tical equipment on all variations are   safety railings and handholds are
sions at the Toy Fair which led to        true to scale.                          made from finely cast metal parts as
some confusion that we want to cla-          The undercarriage with its X         is the frame of the walkways. The
rify: All three models are different,     frame and the crawler frames has        super-fine pierced etchings used
mainly in the tool attachments. The       been exactly engraved and ladders       here look excellent. The set of stairs
standard version has a permanent-         have been added separately. The         are also made from metal and can
ly attached yellow shovel and this        full bottom wheel guard is authenti-    be lowered realistically with a hyd-
version is for the Komatsu-Shop.          cally correctly engraved as are both    raulic cylinder.
The second version comes with             sprocket and idler. While the eight,       The cabin has been correctly
concrete crusher and ripping tooth,       not-fully-visible bottom wheels are     modeled and the shape of it nicely
both in red, and can be changed out.      only mock-ups, the three support        copied. The slightly tinted glass is
Finally, the third excavator has a        wheels on each side turn freely as      very flush fitting and has printed-
realistic Lehnhoff quick-changer, a       on the original. The spring-actuated    on rubber sealings. The easy-to-
ripping tooth as well as the 5.2 m3       idler keeps the tracks nicely tight     see interior has been made in two

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colors and is nicely detailed. The      types made available to us for tes-      tool attachments is the one we like
cab guards at the front and rooftop     ting, the coloring of the hydraulic      the best. The Komatsu HD-bucket
windows for protection from rock        lines was not quite right but these      with a 5.2 m3 capacity is made from
fall are very finely made. Rear view    deviations will surely be taken care     a single metal casting and shows all
mirror, work spotlights and warning     of once serial production begins.        the details like teeth, lips and wear
beacon complete the details at the        A 9.1 m boom and the short 3.4 m       protection all true to the original.
cabin.                                  stick were chosen for the model;         No less detailed, even though a bit
   The hydraulic steering block is      these replicate the original. The        plainer, is the ripping tooth just as
also situated there. It supplies the    boom, stick and bucket pins are not      on the original.
lifting cylinder with its hydraulic     colored in which is exactly as it is       The PC1250-11 without the
hoses. Also, the two slewing motors     on the original. The fact that the       quick-change attachment comes
have been replicated.                   model achieves all maximum posi-         with its own, finely engraved rip-
                                        tions of the digging curve deserves      ping tooth and the concrete crusher
                                        special mention.                         Okada TS-W2200V with a new as-
                                                                                 sembly plate which already exists
  Unfortunately, there is no con-                                                from NZG; here, however, the
                                        Great diversity with
nection to the hydraulic hoses on                                                hydraulic hoses are missing. The
                                        the attachment tools
the boom. They only begin at the                                                 changing of tools is done by using
bottom of the boom and are routed,        Of all the three versions of the ex-   pins. The coloring of these impres-
free-standing, all the way in one pi-   cavator, the one with the Lehnhoff       sive models is without any faults
ece to the cylinders. The part with     quick changer and the two matching       and the printed-on logos and type
the hydraulic hoses is made from a                                               designations are sharp and legible.
black rubber material and is colored                                             As desired by Komatsu, the small
yellow were the hydraulic pipes are                                              warning labels were left off. After
                                           At a glance
but left black in the places where                                               the now-aged PC1100LC-6 from
they are flexible. The hydraulic cy-       + Metal content                       Joal and the remote controlled
linders are modeled without screws         + Detailing                           PC1250-8 from Kyosho, there is
but also have the free-standing hyd-       + Functionality                       finally a current model of the large
raulic lines as above. On the proto-                                             machine available.

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Jaw crusher from Kleemann in 1:50

Mobicat MC 120 Z Pro
      by Daniel Wietlisbach              Models from Kleemann appeared at the Bau-

T    he Kleemann Mobicat MC 120
                                         ma. The last jaw crusher model was the MC
     Z Pro is a tracked, mobile jaw      110 Z from NZG in 2013 and that is why the
crusher with a crushing capacity
of maximum 650 t per hour. The           larger Kleemann MC 120 Z from Conrad is
capacity of the feeding hopper is
9.7 m3, and even up to 13.0 m3 with      very welcome …
the extension. The transport weight
is a minimum of 72.5 t and is 85.5
tons when completely equipped.           The walls which fold down prototy-       look on to the two jaws of the brea-
For especially large rock boulders,      pically for transportation mode are      ker and, at the very bottom, on to
a remote-controlled rock chisel is       exactly made and are each a single       the conveyor belt. But this is not all;
available. The whole unit is diesel-     metal casting. The spring bearings       there is more, because on the drive
electric powered with a Scania engi-     of the chute are correctly modeled.      unit a flap can be lifted to reveal the
ne of 371 kW which powers a gene-        Below the funnel is a work platform      huge flywheel. It actually can be
rator that produces 500 kVA.             reached by a folding ladder. Even        turned and indeed sets the moveable
                                         though it is hardly visible, the plat-   breaker jaw in motion. Such func-
                                         form has an anti-skid surface and        tionality is just inspiring!
The model from Conrad
                                         has a fine metal railing.                   The working platform between
   The hefty model pleases at first        The connected double-decker            the breaking unit and engine room
glance, looks valuable and has an        screen has been modeled pierced          is reached from each side by sets
above-average degree of functiona-       and the lower sieve can be seen          of plastic stairs which can be lifted
lity. The jaw crusher is made to scale   through the upper one. It is possible    upwards during transport. On the
and sits on a lower chassis with the     to attach the included conveyor belt     platform one can see the 200-kW
reliable plastic tracks which simula-    on either side below the expeller.       electric motor for the breaker. The
te the look of individual segments       For transport it can remain with the     included support pole for the spot-
very well. Drive, running wheels,        machine, however, it can be folded       light can be inserted into a drilled
supports and stairs are made from        up like the original. First class!       hole in the floor.
finely engraved diecast parts. The         To deal with especially large rocks       Also exactly replicated is the large
massive main frame is made with          the remote-controlled, hydrauli-         engine room which has all the die-
piercings that allow glimpses to the     cally-driven chisel is available. It     sel-electric drive components in it. It
insides at several locations which       can be operated from the included        has pierced modeled venting grilles
make it look very fine.                  plug-in platform which is a very fine    and slats.
   The feeding hopper has been mo-       cast metal part with railing.               The wide discharge conveyor belt
deled with the optional extensions         A surprise is found under the pier-    starts prototypically correctly below
which makes it possible to feed it       ced protective skirting above the        the jaw breaker and reaches the
from behind with wheeled loaders.        breaker unit. Folded up, it allows a     original’s expelling height of 4.0 m.

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                                         It is exactly fashioned from flexible       The applied paint is without any
    At a glance                          rubber. Right after the engine room       faults and the lettering is sharp and
                                         sits the magnetic metal separator         legible. It is the small things like the
    + Metal content                      which removes metal parts from the        yellow-red starter switches or the
    + Functionality                      conveyor to the side chute which is       red lifting rings which make the mo-
    + Detailing                          painted in silver.                        del look even more detailed.

                                                                             Translation of pages 24 – 26

Road construction models from Ammann

AFT 700-3 & ART 280
       by Daniel Wietlisbach             Because there aren’t a lot of Swiss construc-

I  t almost goes without saying that     tion machine makers. there are very few mo-
   small producers have to work
                                         dels so it is even more delightful that Ammann
together in the hard fought-over
market place if they want to survi-      is keeping the tradition alive and even show-
ve. And so, behind the AFT 700-3
tracked paver actually hides the Dy-     ed two models at the Bauma …
napac SD2500CS in the Ammann
livery. For this tracked paver, there
are eight applicator booms of dif-       thal, Canton Berne, Switzerland.          ART 280 as a model
ferent types available with widths       One of the main features is the bal-      from USK
from 2.55 m up to 10.00 m (with          lasting which in modular form com-
mechanical spreading) and so the         prises ballast blocks and water tanks.      USK Scalemodels already sur-
machine is suitable for larger road      Without any ballast, the machine          prised us with models of the Bell
projects and surfaces. The working       weighs 9.0 t and with the maximum         dumper and now is responsible
weight is 18.5 t and with its hopper     load added it is 28.0 t; with this load   for the scale model of the rubber-
capacity of 13.0 t, can apply 800 t      almost the whole room under the           wheeled road roller. The model feels
per hour of surface. The maximum         cabin and in between the wheels is        pleasantly hefty when held, as a
surface application depth is 310 mm      filled. The ballasting is done very       collector expects from a road roller
and the maximum working speed is         easily with a forklift. With a rolling    model. The ART 280 was made true
an impressive 30 m per minute. The       width of 2,040 mm, it is the maker’s      to scale, its proportions are good
unit is powered by a Cummins QSB         largest rubber-wheeled road roller.       looking and its overall impression
6.7 with 142 kW of power.                It is powered hydrostatically by a        very pleasing. The metal castings
   The rubber-tire ART 280 is a ‘real’   TCD3.6 Deutz engine with 100 kW           for the housing are separated by
Ammann machine made in Langen-           of power.                                 color and show nice engraved de-

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tails showing the gaps, screw con-        handles and window wipers cast on        segments look great because of their
nections and steps well. The wheels       as raised details which are painted      fine and well-functioning replica-
made from real hard rubber are done       grey and so come very close to the       tion in model form. The pressure
very nicely and, true to the original,    original. The free-standing hand-        beam oscillates and the hopper sides
are staggered at the front and back.      holds are made from break-resistant      fold up as on the original. Together
Only two thirds of the turning radius     plastic. Like the roof, they are se-     with the folding down roof, the mo-
of 32° is reached but, particularly on    parately applied. Looking through        del can be put completely into trans-
a rubber road roller, it is acceptable.   the windows, one can see the nicely      portation mode.
The tire sprinkling feature is finely     done two-colored interior very well.        The conveyor belt from the auger
detailed on both sides; at the rear       Lettering and printed-on details are     is visible from both sides and is an
right hand side there is also an edge     faultless.                               exactly modeled plastic part. The
cutting tool shown, but in folded-up                                               engine hood is engraved to look
position.                                                                          like the original and hints at all air
                                          AFT 700-3 as a model
  The four massive lifting rings and                                               intakes and grilles. The exhaust is a
                                          from Creon Promotions
the mirrors too are separately at-                                                 separately attached part and is made
tached parts. The engine hood can            The Swedish Creon Promotion           to move. The screed can be raised
be lifted up like on the original, as     AB company is responsible for pro-       or lowered by using two hydraulic
far as the air intake nozzle allows.      ducing this model because behind         cylinders and width adjusted from
Underneath it the multi-colored and       it hides a Dynapac machine in the        2.55 m to 4.30 m. The checker pla-
very detailed Deutz engine is seen.       Ammann Company livery. In this           tes and the exact, printed-on details
All air intake grilles on the engine      case, it is exactly like the original.   on the two side control panels are
room are unpierced, but are printed       This paver too has been made true        especially good looking. The plat-
on in black.                              to scale and has a high metal content    form for the operator is reached
  The glass of the cabin is a sing-       and leaves an impression that it is      over a flexible, attached set of stairs
le, clear plastic casting which has       very well done. The track drives are     which self-adjusts to the height of
window separations, hinges, door          finely engraved and the single track     the screed. Like the original, the
                                                                                   platform adjusts to either side and
                                                                                   is detailed with a side-adjustable
                                                                                   operator’s desk. The paint job is in
   ART 280                                   AFT 700-3                             the pleasant Ammann paint scheme
                                                                                   and the lettering have been applied
   + Metal content                           + Metal content                       without any faults but the bolts at
   + Detailing                               + Functionality                       the joints would look less obvious if
   + Engine detailed                         + Detailing                           they had been painted with a touch
                                                                                   of grey.

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Translation of page 27

Tom‘s truck log
          by Tom Blase                 “Is it possible to like the grandchildren and

O     nce again, I am on the road,     grandfathers the same way?”
      on the A61 driving south.
Once the Hunsrück Mountain is            They were to be found on many        a dumper with a hood at the front,
behind you, a relatively uninteres-    of the construction sites of our       why not?” Michael led the way
ting piece of Autobahn follows.        childhood. Besides the Magirus         with his Henschel F161 because
  Much more interesting to see         with the corner hoods, the round       the Daimler had extremely short
are the new fleets of trucks that      hooded ones were slaving away          gear shifting when gaining speed.
come out of the Daimler factory in     in their appealing shapes thanks       On such trips I usually drive a
Wörth to be handed over to their       to the pontoon construction me-        1926 model of the NG series so
new owners or to be driven to lar-     thod adapted from car construction     some adaption was called for. The
ge harbors for shipping overseas. I    techniques. They worked tirelessly     brakes are a bit weaker but the
have the most fun if a group of the    and were always fascinating for us.    sound emissions are much lou-
current Mercedes hooded trucks,          My father was also on the road       der and throaty. I have to confess
the Zetros as the developers like      with silo transports in a variety of   that, even today, I am a bit weary
to call them, comes towards me.        vehicles of this brand. I always re-   of the old-fashioned hand brake.
There are some voices that call        gretted that it all happened before    Therefore, I gear into a small gear
them futuristic or even plain          I was born.                            when parked and also use wedges.
ugly. I grew up on trucks with the       Four decades had to pass by be-      With something that aged, this is
Mercedes star. In between I dro-       fore I even got ‘the round hood’       always a good practice and is a
ve Volvos for thirteen years, but      feeling and learned to love them.      perfect option. Also helpful here
I do not see everything through        My buddy, Michael Hippel, asked        is to plan well ahead and drive
‘Daimler pink’ glasses. However,       me during our ‘Black Forest Run’       prudently and with great care.
I confess here honestly and open-      (an Old Timer Truck excursion            “The Grandchild and the Grand-
ly: I like the stylish grandchildren   always on the first weekend in         father; I want to be friends with
of the round hooded predecessors       May) what I wanted to drive to an      both of them because I like them
who are their Grandfathers, so to      Old Timer meet in the Saarland. I      both”.
speak.                                 could take his LAK 1113. “Wow,

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Translation of pages 28 – 30

Triple pack from CCM in 1:48

Caterpillar 375L
      by Daniel Wietlisbach              The Cat 375 was already much sought after as a

A    t its introduction in 1992, the     1:50 model from Joal. Following the end of pro-
     Cat 375 was a milestone in ex-      duction, the model changed hands, sometimes
cavator development for the yellow
giant. It appeared as an all-round re-   for very high prices. CCM now brings us a con-
newed design and, at the same time,
became the flagship of Caterpillar’s     temporary model in 1:48 …
excavator line-up. It was offered
with two undercarriage options:          modeled too high and so the model         track segments, as translated from
standard and long ‘L’ versions. Also,    looks a bit ‘long legged’.                scale, look very good on the model.
there were three different booms, se-       All models come with the long             The shape of the upper carriage
ven styles of sticks and nine bucket     L-type undercarriage which can be         has been very well transposed into
options although, not all of them        narrowed for transportation purpo-        model form. It shows all joints,
could be combined with each other.       ses. This is also possible in a limited   doors and many other details. Un-
With standard equipment, the wor-        way in model form as the smaller          fortunately, the air intake grills and
king weights were given as 81.19 or      transport width cannot be reached,        slots are only hinted at or printed
82.38 t for the ‘L’ version and six-     but, on the plus side, the excavator      on which is a pity, because the en-
cylinder ATAAC 3406C engines             stands very stable and does not de-       gine has been replicated in a very
with 319 kW (428 hp) were built in       velop a kink.                             detailed way. However, because the
as power plants.                            The two travel motors with the         door opens up at the top and side, the
                                         full-size bottom roller protection        engine is very easy to see. The visi-
                                         are exactly engraved and have been        ble components are multi-colored
                                         augmented with some separately ap-        and have lines and even printed-on
  Since even today, the Joal model       plied steps. All nine bottom rollers      detail. All handholds, safety railings
remains a bit of an icon, it was not     and three support rollers have been       and ladders are metal and the anti-
a big surprise that CCM announced        modeled as such and are functional.       skid surfaces are raised and have
a current model of this legend. As       Together with the spring actuated         matt black detail printed on.
usual, three versions will be released   idler, it makes for very smoothly            The shape of the cabin is very
simultaneously, each in a series of      running tracks which hang down            well done, the inserted windows are
750 pieces.                              slightly. The sprockets are exact-        flush fitting and the window separa-
  The models arrive in the well-         ly engraved and the 900 mm wide           tions and gaskets are printed on. The
known solid cardboard boxes, well                                                  raised window wiper on the front
protected inside two Styropor ele-                                                 window casting is painted black.
ments. A size-reduced re-print of           At a glance                            If one compares the model to pic-
the original brochure is included           +   Metal content                      tures of the original, one notes the
and the serial number is inside. The        +   True to scale                      missing black stripe underneath the
basic machine with lower and upper          +   Multitude of versions              side windows. The work lights are
chassis has been modeled true to            –   Slewing ring too high              mounted separately and are painted
scale, however, the slewing ring is                                                silver. The interior detailing of the

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cabin in multi-colors and with lo-      the headlights that are mounted too         two, different width buckets which
gos and stickers is especially nicely   far back. All free-standing hydraulic       belong to the long reach version.
done. The cabin of the demolition       hoses run from the main valve block         They can be swapped around by
version has protective grilles on the   on the uppercarriage to the cylin-          loosening two screws. The MP40
top and front windows.                  ders. All hook-ups are correctly            Cat Concrete scissors have been
                                        painted silver. The hydraulic cylin-        very convincingly modeled; shape
                                        ders have the correct shape; howe-          and functionality and even the ad-
                                        ver, they lack the fittings. All bolts at   ditional hydraulic circle has been
  All three versions are correct to     the joints are painted yellow and are       thought of.
scale and the engraving of all the      almost invisible.                             The applied paint of the models is
parts is well done. Even the most         The massive large bucket is made          faultless and the printing of the let-
criticized decision about the use of    from a single, finely engraved me-          tering is sharp and clear, even when
the 390 DL ME boom and on the           tal casting part and shows the teeth,       under a magnifier; on top of that,
375L ME, is correct to scale and the    cutting and wear protection in good         several warning stickers have been
optics are also good if one discounts   quality. This is also the case for the      applied.

                                                                                       Translation of page 31

Down-under truck from Tekno in 1:50

Volvo F12 Australia
      by Daniel Wietlisbach             Volvo has transplanted its F12 with many parts

E    very manufacturer is proud         tuned to the continent of Road Trains …
     if its trucks are used by Road
Trains in the Outback. Nowhere          ropean brothers 0because of the             silver. Besides the cow catcher,
else are demands on their vehicles      many special parts and details that         the very finely-etched protective
greater than there. This is known       have been added to suit local con-          grille over the front window cat-
first and foremost by the Aussies       ditions. They prefer their parts to         ches the eye and also the rear-view
themselves and so they put a great      have a lot of chrome! These turn the        mirror which is not out of the stan-
deal of emphasis on using trucks        Swede into a real Aussie. ‘Keith’           dard program. The special equip-
that are built there.                   was one of the major customizers            ment list continues on the roof
   That is why Volvo opened its own     during the 80s and 90s and his vi-          with horns, warning beacons and
‘Volvo Trucks Australia’ factory in     sion was that every truck should be         countless position lights which
Wacol, near Brisbane. Currently,        unique and different from the rest.         would hardly be allowed here. Be-
the company employs 600 people            This uniqueness was not lost on           hind the cabin are the air intakes
and stresses on their website that      Tekno and so there are current-             and the two exhaust stacks with et-
many of the components are from         ly a variety of different models            ched protection shields. The silver
Australian sub-contractors which        matching different styles. A fairly         front fenders round off the very
guarantee the production and ser-       recent and especially nicely done           well done look of the whole pic-
vicing.                                 example is the Volvo F12 Globe-             ture. The only thing missing now
   The Volvos from down-under           trotter in white with red lettering         is a couple of trailers to make up a
look quite different from their Eu-     and, of course, a lot of chrome and         Road Train.

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Translation of pages 32 – 33

The new lion from Conrad in 1:50

      by Daniel Wietlisbach              At the beginning of February, the new genera-

T    here has been a lot of discussion   tion of MAN TG line trucks and the matching
     about the new TG series from
                                         models from Conrad premiered almost simul-
MAN. The opinions reached from
absolute enthusiasm to ‘ugly’ as it      taneously …
usually is with every new design.
Designers have to brace themselves
for a while, because it is also usu-     well the golden TGX 4x2 tractor       modeled. Behind the covers on
ally the case that after a while the     truck, both from the contracted       the pierced modeled chassis are
opinion moves towards good and           supplier Conrad. For this issue, we   two tanks, battery box with com-
to acceptance. The flagship TGX          have test-driven the TGX.             pressed air tanks as well as the ex-
is equipped with the D38 in-line,          The completely new model ar-        haust cleaning plant. The flange-
six-cylinder engine that produces        rives in the proven, no-frills box    mounted exhaust is shown open
640 hp. Also, the GX driver’s cabin      with foam rubber protection and       below. The fifth-wheel coupling
gives the driver 2,100 mm floor-to-      all the parts to be added enclosed    and the rear fenders are made from
ceiling height, a width of 2,440 mm      in a plastic bag. With the excep-     plastic and the rear stoplights are
and two sleeping berths allowing         tion of the rims and tires, eve-      clear red plastic parts. They are
maximum comfort.                         rything else is made from new         only plugged in and the mounts
   It is written in the prospec-         tooling. The weight of the model      behind them could be painted sil-
tus that the cabin is supposed to        hints at the high metal content.      ver to improve the look.
show a stylized lion. According to       The proportions have been well          The cabin, as usual, does not tilt
MAN, the beading at the head of          done and the model has been           but is made up from several in-
the beds is supposed to represent        replicated true to scale which is     dividually cast parts which mark
the claws of the animal. Be that as      part of the overall positive im-      the line layout very well. There-
it may, we like the new cabin and        pression.                             fore, the color separation edges
the most notable difference to the         The rear axle oscillates slight-    are very sharp, because almost
predecessor can be found at the          ly, the suspension is modeled and     all black and dark grey parts are
lower area of the radiator with the      the front wheels achieve a pro-       separately mounted, a very clever
three distinctive silver crossbars.      totypical turning radius. The en-     and great solution. The door hand-
                                         gine is hinted at when seen from      les and the decorative line above
                                         below and the prop shaft is fully     the side windows are only printed
The model
                                                                               on. Right underneath the window
  When MAN was presenting the                                                  is the designation ‘TGX 18.640’
new truck generation, the models           At a glance                         in silver and below it, ‘D38’ clear-
must have been already in the                                                  ly identifies it as the MAN flag-
warehouse of their shop because            + Overall design                    ship truck.
one day later, these were availab-         + Headlights                          Let us now look at the attracti-
le from the Onlineshop: the silver         + Cabin interior                    ve front: here the finely engraved
TGS 8x4 with Meiller dumper as                                                 radiator grille catches our eyes.

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Behind the cover with the logo,         bled is the glass in the cabin; it         and detailed light grey shell of the
one can even see the honeycomb          and the free-standing window wi-           whole cabin. The dashboard with
pattern of the radiator. The MAN        per look very good. The rear-view          a black steering wheel is finely de-
logo with the Büssing lion are          mirrors match the new design and           tailed and the seats and beds are
chromed and are absolutely pre-         fit better than on earlier models          picked out in a light brown. The
cision mounted. Very successful-        which plug into the appropriate-           area behind the cabin is also very
ly modeled too is the replication       ly drilled holes. The sun-visor,           well done. At least, the appropri-
of the headlights. On the origi-        made from tinted plastic material,         ate holes drilled for the missing
nal they are LED’s and here on          is a plug-in part. The design engi-        supply lines are there. The paint is
the model they use real reflectors      neers from Kalchreuth have taken           without fault and the golden color
which have exactly flush-fitting        especially good care with the ca-          tone matches the ‘lion head’, na-
glass lenses. Also exactly assem-       bin interior which has a complete          turally.

                                                                             Translation of pages 34 – 36

A world class model from WSI in 1:50

Liebherr LTM1750-9.1
        by Carsten Bengs                At Bauma 2019 the prototype of the all new

A     ll dimensions, for example the    LTM1750-9.1                already           thrilled         collectors;
      support base, have been re-
                                        shortly after the Nurnberg Toy Fair the model
plicated accurately and the level of
details has reached new dimensions.     was delivered …
The model also convinces with its
perfect functionality. The included     The engine compartment is accura-          ded during the self-assembly of the
comprehensive assembly manual           tely modeled; on the original crane        crane. Of course, crane mats are de-
makes the assembly very easy.           a 505-kW strong Liebherr engine is         livered with the model.
  The nine-axle chassis rolls freely    installed. The exhaust pipe, air filter,      A really new, great and positive
on the surface and the drive train      AdBlue container or tank are easily        detail are the additional walkways
with crank shaft was modeled cor-       recognizable.                              on top of the outriggers and between
rectly. All axles are steerable and        The massive outriggers support          both carrier sides! Completely made
have a sufficient turning radius. And   the huge crane model safely, even          of photo-etched parts, these look
even the logo of the Michelin tire      with fully extended boom and no            impressively authentic and even
producer can be found on the tires      tires touching the ground! The two         ladders and handles do not miss.
as well as the Liebherr name on the     front outriggers remain with the cra-      The massive superstructure would
dirt protections.                       ne when it is travelling from one site     have a 300 kW strong Liebherr die-
  On the carrier’s front there are      to another; the two rear ones can be       sel engine installed; in order to save
photo-etched anti-slip surfaces and     removed to save transport weight.          transport weight it is located within
radiator covers which give the mo-      Therefore a fifth outrigger is located     the counterweight frame. During the
del a really valuable impression.       at the back of the carrier; it is nee-     self-assembly of the crane, the main

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engine within the carrier provides      nomic working in large heights and       scores high here with a maximum
enough power.                           is located behind the superstructure     of functionality and adherence to
   Another new and really exciting      during travel. The LTM1750-9.1           detail. During transportation both
feature is the fully functional self-   maximum counterweight consists of        frames are fixed with a little frame.
assembly of the counterweight. By       the base plate (11.6 t) and also a ma-   The two winches are stiff enough
using the winch key, the frame’s        ximum of 16 single ballast blocks of     and the backwards pendants are also
small screws on top can be used to      10.0 t and two 5.0 t blocks for a ma-    fully realistic. Even the weight of
move it upwards as on the real crane    ximum of 204 t. As on the original,      20 t is printed on the two frames.
and attach it into the required posi-   the model can be shown with two or          Two crane hooks are included
tion. Some small cover plates with      four ballast stacks.                     with the model, one with 3 sheaves
etched anti-slip surfaces then cover      The boom has been made of alu-         for up to 95 t of lifting capacity and
the openings.                           minum and all proportions appear         a nine-sheave one for 237 t of lifting
   Even the little steps are not mis-   perfectly authentic as the real cra-     capacity. All of the sheaves are sin-
sing; anti-slip surfaces made from      ne. Even at a long reach with a flat     gle made ones and rotate absolutely
more etched parts and the massive       boom angle the two cylinders with        freely. And the correct number of
exhaust pipe have also been done        grub screws safely hold the boom.        sheaves has been replicated within
very well. Small steps, the slew mo-    Even the small hydraulic hoses are       the boom head, as well as the end
tors and safety railings complete the   accurately copied. As in reality, all    switch as a safety device.
amazing level of details.               boom sections can be fixed at the           WSI delivers the model with a
   Another fascinating detail are the   three different positions.               new twist free line and even the au-
foldable railings on top of the car-      A real eye catcher is also the Y-      thentic line protection on both sides
rier; completely made of zinc they      shaped guying system (Y). WSI            of the winch does exist on the mo-
would ensure a safe working on top.                                              del. These would prevent the line
Through the tiny little hinges, the                                              sliding from the winch.
railings can be folded downwards                                                    The entire decals of the model is
during transport or upwards when                                                 made to perfection and even the litt-
working.                                                                         le warning signs at the main boom
   Also the superstructure cab fea-
                                          At a glance
                                                                                 or the counterweight cylinders are
tures an authentic interieur with         +   Details                            not missing.
windscreen wipers and hand rails.         +   Functionality                         The details and functionality on
More railings around it and further       +   Counterweight self-assembly        the Liebherr LTM1750-9.1 model
steps do not miss as well. The cab        +   Decals                             are perfectly realized by WSI and
can be tilted backwards for an ergo-                                             are simply amazing.

Laster & Bagger 3-2020                                                                                             19
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