Page created by Jessie Ramsey



                     WEDNESDAY APRIL 07, 2021
PAGE 2                                                        FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021


              MESSAGES FOR
             TROUBLED TIMES
For the second year        She worked tirelessly       One year ago, no one           tion, the region and the
running, PointeXpress      to coordinate the mes-      thought that twelve            world to those among
Newspaper has seen it      sages from the over-        months later we would          us who are having se-
fit to produce a Good      seas based pastors.         still be in the firm grasp     vere economic difficul-
Friday Special Edition,    One year ago, Antigua       of this pandemic. The          ties because of the im-
through which we ask       and Barbuda had just        beaches have been              pact of the pandemic;
leaders of the Church      instituted the lock-        closed, church services        those who are feeling
to prepare messages        down as the country         have resumed but with          lonely; those who are
for their flock and the    recorded its first three    limited worshippers in         depressed and those
nation at large to bring   COVID-19 cases and          attendance. There are          who are adrift spiritu-
some solace for these      first    COVID-related      still limits placed on         ally. It is our hope that
troubled times.            death. The country was      personal movements             this intervention will
Once again, the church     in a panic! This was        between 8:00 p.m. and          go some way in provid-
leaders have all re-       a new experience for        5:00 a.m. Social gather-       ing even a glimmer of
sponded positively to      all. Our personal liber-    ings are strictly forbid-      hope in these troubled
our request for mes-       ties were curtailed and     den. One year into the         times.
sages without hesita-      everyone obeyed the         pandemic, the ques-            Our thanks to Rev. Al-
tion. We had to limit      regulations of the State    tion of when will it be        gernon Lewis of the
the number of messag-      of Emergency with no        over is on everybody’s         Moravian          Church;
es due to space con-       questions asked.            lips.                          Bishop Nigel Hen-
cerns. Five church         Entering the new            The Ministry of Health         ry of the Pentecostal
leaders from Antigua       COVID-era just two          has posted a set of pro-       Church; Bishop Clau-
and Barbuda are fea-       weeks prior to the Eas-     tocols to help curb the        dette Toby Greene of
tured in today’s Special   ter Holidays and with       spread of the virus, yet       the Sacred Choice of
Edition.     Additional-   church services placed      last weekend there was         Heaven, Mt. Leba-
ly, we have two other      on hold, the Easter         a major social event           non Spiritual Baptist
religious leaders: one     period is the holiest       at one of the country’s        Church, Republic of
from Trinidad and To-      time on the Christian       popular beaches. Such          Trinidad and Tobago;
bago and the other an      church’s calendar full      actions go against             Bishop Olson Daniel of
Apostle based in the       of traditions and refer-    all the exultation of          the Wesleyan Holiness
United States, but who     ence. In 2020, this was     the ministry; they go          Church; Dr. Carson
has Trinidad and To-       not to be. It was against   against the very calls,        Greene of the Seventh
bago roots. In one fell    this background, that       even by those in atten-        Day Adventist Church;
swoop, we have gone        we at PointeXpress felt     dance, for the country         Rev. Derek Browne of
regional and interna-      that it was our duty to     to return to normality.        the Methodist Church;
tional. Thanks to the      produce a special Good      The request for the            and Apostle Joseph
kind assistance and co-    Friday edition with the     religious leaders this         Attzs of the Mantle of
ordination of Suzette      messages of hope for        year is to offer words         Christ       International
Baptiste from Trinidad.    the nation last year.       of comfort to the na-          Ministries.
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                                        LOCAL NEWS        PAGE 3


The Barbuda People’s      Nicholas     confirmed     which have hardened        opment and commer-
Movement (BPM) elec-      that the elections were    in more recent times,”     cial activities on Barbu-
toral victory in local    discussed at Wednes-       he opined.                 da.
government elections      day’s Cabinet meeting      He explained that the      “We expect that by the
on Monday will have       with a general agree-      government has re-         end of the year, the air-
little or no impact on    ment that there will       peatedly made known        port will be completed;
the government’s com-     not be any change in       its development prior-     there will be an FBO
mitment to further the    course in regards to the   ities for the island. He   service established to
development on the        government’s plans for     added that he has been     facilitate jet plane op-
sister isle.              the island.                to Barbuda within the      erations in and out of
That is the assessment    “The general consen-       last month to oversee      Codrington. The Anti-
of Information Minis-     sus at the Cabinet as      arrangements to have       gua and Barbuda Air-
ter Melford Nicholas,     far as the develop-        a land registry estab-     port Authority will have
commenting on the         mental thrust of the       lished on the island.      to staff the facilities
BPM’s clean sweep of      government is that         While there, the minis-    there which, again, will
the elections ahead of    the elections were in-     ter reported that he has   spin-off economic ben-
the candidates put for-   consequential.       We    held discussions with      efits and opportunities
ward by the Barbuda       understand that the        the principals of the      that are not going to be
branch of the Antigua     (outcome) is based         Barbuda Ocean Club         Council-dependent,”
and Barbuda Labour        on attitudes that have     which he anticipates       he further explained.
Party (ABLP).             formed over time and       will spur further devel-   Nicholas takes the view
                                                                                            Cont’d on pg 4
PAGE 4    LOCAL NEWS                                         FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021

that any development       he declared.               the people of the sister       when they are able to
of Barbuda must start      The information min-       island feel included in        see economic prog-
with the economic real-    ister indicated that the   the country’s economic         ress and that the island
ity where there are over   focus of the govern-       imperatives.                   is not being margin-
seven hundred em-          ment is to ensure that     “We are not going to           alised. Each ministry
ployees of the Council     development comes          persuade Barbudans             also has an obligation
depending on a subsi-      to Barbuda; that the       with rhetoric; but we          to ensure its plans also
dy from the Treasury.      standard of living for     will persuade them             include Barbuda going
“This is unsustainable!”   islanders improve and      over the longer term           forward,” he stated.


By Shelton Daniel          5 and students of the      during the course of           According to the
                           Antigua State College      this year and next year.       post-Cabinet briefing
There will not be an       will return to physical    This was disclosed             notes, that decision
across-the-board re-       classrooms for face-       during the weekly              was taken after con-
opening of all schools     to-face instructions as    post-Cabinet commu-            sultation with Direc-
on 12th April for the      of Monday 12th April       nications on Thursday,         tor of Education Clare
third term as an-          2021.                      which explained that           Browne and Chief
nounced last week.         The returning stu-         students of the lower          Medical Officer Dr.
Instead, only Pri-         dents/classes     have     forms and grades will          Rhonda Sealy-Thom-
mary School Grades         been so selected be-       continue to be taught          as. Director Browne is
5 and6, Secondary          cause they are due         from home via remote           said to have advised
School Forms 4 and         to sit examinations        tutoring.                      Cabinet that returning
                                                                                                 Cont’d on pg 5
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                                         LOCAL NEWS       PAGE 5

to the shift system and     mer of 2021 … full        The Cabinet agreed to         Director Clare Browne
a day-on/day-off sys-       face-to-face    classes   move forward on this          concurred,       saying,
tem would be difficult.     can then resume in        proposal. The Minister        “We are definitely in
He also explained that      September 2021.”          [Nicholas] will coordi-       for the long haul where
students due to sit ex-     Meanwhile, the State-     nate with the Ministry        this education chan-
ams in June would be        owned Antigua and         of Education [and] he         nel is concerned … In
disadvantaged with-         Barbuda Broadcast-        will report to Cabinet        addition to the remote
out the benefit of class-   ing Services (ABS) will   at the next session.”         learning environment
room instructions.          help provide greater      Asked whether the ed-         where our students
“We, like the entire        technological capacity    ucation channel was           are going to be man-
country, would like         to the increased need     only for the pandem-          aged by their teachers,
nothing else than to        for remote tutoring.      ic, Nicholas told the         the Ministry of Educa-
have all our students       During      Thursday’s    post-Cabinet briefing         tion intends to use the
return to in-person         post-Cabinet media        that, “The intent is to       television station and
instruction – face-         briefing,     Informa-    make it a permanent           Facebook and so on –
to-face school – as of      tion and Broadcast-       feature. We are still at a    the Internet – to reach
12th April. But we can      ing Minister Melford      point of learning from        out and supplement
only bring all the stu-     Nicholas elaborated       the pilot that was done       what our children and
dents back when it is       on a proposal he has      last year. It was well        young people would
safe to do so,” Browne      made to Cabinet con-      received.” Education          be receiving.”
told the live post-Cab-     cerning this innova-
inet media briefing on      tion. Nicholas – who is
Thursday morning.           the Minister responsi-
He said the Ministry of     ble for Telecommuni-
Education has always        cations and Informa-
been guided by the ad-      tion Technology wants
vice of health experts      – ABS TV to add one
as to whether or when       more broadcast chan-
it is safe to return stu-   nel to the cable tele-
dents to classrooms.        vision system for the
Browne noted that be-       exclusive use of edu-
cause schools are like      cation classes.
giant social gather-        “Four channels are
ings, they could easily     available to ABS TV,
turn into COVID su-         though only two are
per-spreaders.              utilised at this time,”
“I’m not sure that we       the notes state. “That
are in a position to        added        education
claim that everything       channel would fea-
is under full control,”     ture a multiplicity of
he added.                   classes being taught
According       to    the   by trained teachers at
post-Cabinet notes,         different levels, and
“There is every pos-        would operate [simi-
sibility that herd im-      lar] to the GIS Chan-
munity is likely to be      nel that continuous-
achieved by the sum-        ly broadcasts daily.
PAGE 6   LOCAL NEWS                                            FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021

                MINISTER’S RESPONSE TO

By Shelton Daniel          the Attorney General –       antine facility within         placed there in order
                           did indicate to Cabinet      the St. John’s prison it-      to prevent any who are
Information Minister       yesterday that anyone        self where they will be        infected from passing
Melford Nicholas dis-      who has been assigned        put in quarantine and          on the virus to others,
closed on Thursday         by the courts for a pris-    would obviously [un-           Nicholas      responded
that, “There was an is-    on term would first          dergo] the fourteen-day        that he had not visited
sue [with] implement-      have to be evaluated,        evaluation before they         the prison in the last
ing one of the Cabinet     would first have to get      are allowed to be joined       two years.
decisions, in that any     a PCR test; and while        up with the rest of the        “The Minister of Health
persons who have been      they are awaiting the        prison population …            has been involved in
assigned to prison by      result for that test, they   All those measures are         the discussion … with
the court were required    would be held in a fa-       put in place to ensure         the Minister with re-
to be tested before they   cility at the US Air Force   there [are] no more            sponsibility for the
entered the prison pop-    Base.                        infections within the          prison … I am satisfied
ulation.”                  “Should they prove           prison itself … So, that       there are health officials
Minister Nicholas was      positive, then there is      situation which was af-        inside the prison. There
responding to a report-    another facility at the      fecting the prison has         is the doctor that is on
er’s questions during      Crabbs Peninsula that        been brought under             retained staff at the
the weekly post-Cabi-      has just been rehabili-      control.”                      prison. There are nurs-
net media briefing. He     tated, where prisoners       Asked whether the              es and there is over-
added, “There were fa-     who have come down           quarantine facility at         sight by the Ministry of
cilities that needed to    with COVID [are] iso-        the prison was struc-          Health. I am satisfied
be put in place, and the   lated. If, however, they     tured to provide ad-           that all those permuta-
Minster with responsi-     have proven negative,        equate        separation       tions would have been
bility for the prisons –   there is a further quar-     between individuals            looked at, and both
                                                                                                   Cont’d on pg 7
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                                    LOCAL NEWS         PAGE 7

the Minister of Health
and the Minister with
                                YIDA GROUP SIGNS MAJOR
responsibility for the
prison did indicate that
                                 INVESTMENT CONTRACT
they were at consensus         Prime Minister Gaston   ised medical testing fa- provide employment
in terms of … ensuring         Browne on Wednesday     cility that will not only for thousands of Anti-
that persons are filtered      witnessed the signing   serve Antigua and Bar- guans and Barbudans.
for COVID before they          of a Memorandum         buda but the region.
enter the prison sys-          of Agreement (MoA)                                Prime         Minister
tem.                           between Yida Interna-   Yida, who is now a cit- Browne, who wit-
“Those who are already         tional Investment Anti- izen of Antigua and nessed the signing of
clinically determined to       gua Limited and West-   Barbuda, said that he the MoA, said that this
be infected with COVID         ern Imperial Capital    is committed to his ad- new development is
are being isolated at the      Limited for the estab-  opted home and will evidence that Yida’s vi-
Crabbs Peninsula facil-        lishment of an offshore continue to work to sion for the econom-
ity. And where persons         medical university, a   ensure that the proj- ic zone is beginning
have gone through the          hotel, and a financial  ects earmarked for the to bear fruit. “Prior to
initial facility – even        centre on one hundred   property at Crabbs are 2021, the project was
though their tests have        acres of land in the    realised. He said the de- tied up in litigation,
shown negative – at the        special economic zone   velopments at Crabbs and there was actual-
point of them being            situated at Crabbs.     within the special eco- ly a restriction on the
incorporated into the                                  nomic zone will reap sale of property within
prison system, they are        The MoA was signed by significant        benefits the zone. Those restric-
quarantined within the         Yida Zhang of Yida In- for the economy and tions were lifted a cou-
prison compound itself         ternational Investment
before they are allowed        Antigua Limited and
to mix with the general        Vijender Singh, CEO of
population.                    Western Imperial Cap-
“That was the brief we         ital Limited and Charit
had from both minis-           Mathur, Director of
ters yesterday … I can-        Western Imperial Cap-
not go any further be-         ital.
cause I would not have
gone into the prison to        Speaking at the sign-
satisfy you whether or         ing, Singh said that the
not they have individ-         company will establish
ual cells in the quaran-       not only an interna-
tine facility; but only to     tional medical school
say that the fact Minis-       and hotels, but they are
ter Joseph would have          committed to the suc-
given his thumbs-up            cess of the project and
on approval for that           will also work towards
programme, it would            attracting additional
mean that he would             investors to Antigua
have satisfied himself         and Barbuda. He not-
[about] those condi-           ed that his company
tions as well.”                will also work towards
                               establishing a special-

                                                                                                Cont’d on pg 8
PAGE 8    LOCAL NEWS                                                FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021

ple of months ago, creating the          investments,” said Prime Minis-           tainable careers as we seek to re-
opportunity now for Yida to pro-         ter Browne.                               cover our country from COVID
mote his special economic zone.          The country’s leader also indi-           to make sure that we continue
Yida has assured me that he has          cated that his government be-             to attract investments so that we
had a lot of interest in the zone        lieves that the Yida project still        can accelerate the recovery and
and that within the upcoming             has the capacity to generate              put the people of Antigua and
months, the additional investors         hundreds of millions of dollars           Barbuda back to work,” he said.
will travel to Antigua and Barbu-        in investments and creating               Western Imperial Capital Lim-
da to negotiate various projects.        much opportunities for Anti-              ited said that it is committed to
And the sixteen-hundred-acre             guans and Barbudans. “There is            spending over one hundred mil-
property, over a period of time is       an abundance of opportunities             lion US dollars over a period of
estimated to generate in the re-         for employment, for entrepre-             two years on the new projects at
gion of three billion US dollars in      neurship, opportunities for sus-          Crabbs.

                                         POLICE SERVICE COMMISSION’S
                                         APPLICATION FOR A STAY IN
                                         JUDGMENT DENIED
                                         son filed a constitutional motion         that he is entitled to administrative
                                         challenging his termination, but in       orders.
                                         November of that same year, the           It led the PSC to apply for a stay,
                                         Police Service Commission filed an        which was denied on Wednesday.
                                         application seeking to have the con-      This paves the way for an assess-
By Phil George                           stitutional motion struck out on the      ment of damages, which is set for
                                         ground that section 105 of the Con-       30th April 2021. It also means Com-
High Court Judge Ann-Marie Smith         stitution does not vest any rights in a   missioner of Police Atlee Rodney’s
has denied the Police Service Com-       Commissioner of Police.                   appointment as top cop remains
mission’s (PSC) application for a stay   Last month, Justice Smith heard ar-       unlawful, null and void and that
of the court’s judgment and order        guments on the Police Service Com-        Wendel Robinson remains the Com-
and a stay of proceedings in the case    mission’s application to strike out       missioner of Police and is entitled
involving the PSC and dismissed          the constitutional motion brought         to the salary, allowances and other
former Commissioner of Police            by Robinson and argument that the         benefits that come with the post.
Wendel Robinson. In her ruling on        matter should proceed to summary          Last week, Kelvin John stated Justice
Wednesday, Justice Smith said the        trial on the ground that no defence       Smith had agreed with the conten-
court’s judgment is declaratory in       had yet been filed by the Police Ser-     tion of the Police Service Commis-
nature and the Police Service Com-       vice Commission. The Judge pro-           sion that the constitutional motion
mission has no right to a stay.          nounced that the constitutional           of Mr. Robinson ought to be struck
Last week, the judge ruled Robin-        motion was to be struck out but that      out, but then proceeded to make
son’s dismissal as top cop was un-       she would proceed nonetheless to          administrative orders on the claim.
lawful and the appointment of Atlee      issue administrative orders accord-       The Police Service Commission, he
Rodney in Robinson’s place was also      ing to PSC Chairman Kelvin John, as       stated then, will ask the Court of Ap-
unlawful, null and void.                 there has been no defence filed by        peal to review her decision to deter-
After being suspended twice over         the Police Service Commission and         mine if it was right in law.
allegations of questionable conduct,     that it is clear upon a reading of the    The judge’s latest order is
the now practising attorney was          affidavit and exhibits of Robinson        also expected to be appealed.
dismissed in 2019. In 2020, Robin-
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                                      LOCAL NEWS           PAGE 9

                                       in Antigua. The vessel “Arvia,”     into a concession agreement
                                       which translates from Latin to      with the government of An-
                                       “From the Seashore,” is current-    tigua and Barbuda in 2019 to
                                       ly under construction in Germa-     develop and manage Antigua’s
                                       ny and will join the P&O Cruises    cruise port. As part of this agree-
                                       fleet in December 2022.             ment, GPH recently completed
                                       Antigua Cruise Port, led by Dona    construction of the fifth berth,
                                       Regis-Prosper, Global Ports         which is the newest pier at St.
                                       Holdings (GPH) General Man-         John’s Port. Arvia is one of the
                                       ager for Antigua, expressed her     first ships confirmed to use the
                                       excitement with P&O’s notice of     new pier, which will enable Oa-
Dona Regis-Prosper-                    home-porting at the GPH Anti-       sis class and Excellence class
General Manager                        gua Cruise Port. “We are thrilled   vessels to bring tens of thou-
                                       to partner with P&O and the An-     sands of additional passengers
Antigua Cruise Port has final-         tigua and Barbuda Ministry of       to Antigua annually.
ised negotiations with Carni-          Tourism in the return to cruise
val-owned P&O Cruises, the             tourism in Antigua” said Re-        “The anticipation of more cruise
world’s largest leisure company,       gis-Prosper.                        ships coming into Antigua faster
to home-port a new mega-ship           Global Ports Holding entered        than originally projected means

                                                                                               Cont’d on pg 10
PAGE 10   LOCAL NEWS                                             FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021

                                                                              significant benefits that work-
                                                                              ing with GPH has been able to
                                                                              bring to Antigua and Barbuda.”
                                                                              He added, “No matter which
                                                                              destination we partner with, we
                                                                              are always focused on support-
                                                                              ing the success and welfare of
                                                                              the community. Our strong re-
                                                                              lationships with the cruise lines
                                                                              helped us to support the final-
that we will push the start of the    tion at the heart of the Carib-         isation of home-port deals in
two-million-dollars uplift of the     bean, Antigua boasts various            Nassau, Bahamas and now, we
Heritage Quay Shopping Mall           home-porting assets, includ-            have delivered a similarly suc-
and the twenty-five-million-dol-      ing the ability to facilitate airlift   cessful opportunity for Antigua
lars commercial development at        from major cities in Europe and         and Barbuda.”
Point to begin as quickly as pos-     North America, allocation of a          Mrs. Regis-Prosper added that,
sible,” she continued.                designated airport terminal for         “Our booking rates for the sec-
In addition to a major transit        home-porting, five berths, and          ond half of 2021 and for 2022
port, Antigua is uniquely po-         provisioning and other services         remain steady, so we are truly
sitioned for home-porting for         at the port.                            looking forward to resuming
cruise lines, offering key services                                           cruising and helping our Heri-
that provide convenience and          Colin Murphy, Head of Busi-             tage Quay tenants, downtown
added value for cruise passen-        ness Development in the Amer-           stakeholders, and other port
gers and vessels. In addition to      icas for GPH, heralded the new          partners return to a sense of
its strategically beneficial loca-    partnership as “one of the many         normality.”
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                                      LOCAL NEWS       PAGE 11

   STATE INSURANCE                                      ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
  SUPPORTS VACCINE                                         SHIPS SARGASSUM
PURCHASE PROGRAMME                                       SEAWEED TO FINLAND

                                                        Antigua and Barbuda        from marine biomass.
                                                        has shipped samples        This first shipment of
                                                        of the Invasive Sargas-    seaweed will be used
State Insurance Com-        to be motivated by          sum Seaweed to Fin-        by the company to
pany Limited (SIC)          their own sense of civic    land as part of a new      do initial reference
is the latest business      responsibility to help      initiative being ex-       trials of the Nauvu®
entity in the country       the nation in a time of     plored.                    process against the
to donate substantial       crisis.                     The Antigua and Bar-       benchmark feedstock
sums of money to the        So far, the Hadeed          buda Department of         of Bladderwrack sea-
government’s vaccine        Group of Companies,         Analytical     Services    weed.
purchase programme.         ACB Caribbean, Anti-        shipped two hundred        The collaboration be-
On Thursday, SIC’s          gua Investment Group        and two pounds of          tween Origin by Ocean
General Manager, M.         Ltd, and now State In-      the invasive sargas-       and the Department
Lindell     Francis-But-    surance are among           sum seaweed to Fin-        of Analytical Services
ler presented a cheque      several      companies      land. On the receiving     is made possible be-
for the amount of           that have all respond-      end will be Origin by      cause of the synergies
EC$100,000.00       (one    ed to the call to assist    Ocean, a Finnish com-      currently being estab-
hundred thousand) to        the nation. There have      pany being incubated       lished between the
Prime Minister Gaston       been several other do-      within the United Na-      UNOPS GICs across
Browne who accepted         nations.                    tions Office for Proj-     Antigua and Barbuda,
the gift on behalf of the   Antigua and Barbu-          ect Services (UNOPS)       Sweden and Japan. In
government and peo-         da has been shopping        Global      Innovation     Antigua, the GIC is a
ple of Antigua and Bar-     around for enough           Centre (GIC) in Swe-       collaboration between
buda. PM Browne has         vaccines to inoculate       den.                       UNOPS and the Anti-
said repeatedly that the    the nation as soon as       Thursday’s shipment        gua and Barbuda Sci-
government does not         possible. Unfortunate-      is the first phase of      ence Innovation Park
intend to formally re-      ly, purchasing vaccines     a project being de-        (ABSIP).
quest assistance from       on the world market is      veloped by Origin by       A second, larger batch
the private sector or       proving to be a difficult   Ocean to design a new      of sargassum is ex-
those entities that can     undertaking as larger       biorefinery     process    pected to be shipped
afford to give towards      countries are gobbling      (Nauvu®) for the ex-       in the coming weeks
the programme.              up all available sup-       traction of biomole-       and will be used for
Instead, he wants them      plies.                      cules for use in food,     the initial process tri-
                                                        cosmetics, and do-         als with sargassum
                                                        mestic detergent, all      seaweed.
PAGE 12   FEATURES                                                  FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021

   Collective CARICOM voice for recovery
        at IMF-World Bank meetings
                                                            Group (WBG) and the              their heavy reliance on
                                                            Directors on the Boards,         tourism”. This is an ad-
                                                            representing CARICOM             mission that the Board
                                                            countries, deserve credit        of the Bank has accepted
                                                            for advancing the region’s       vulnerability as a crite-
                                                            interests. The inadequa-         rion, that is superior to
                                                            cy of the IFIs response is       high income, as a qualifi-
                                                            not their fault; it is entire-   cation for concessionary
                                                            ly due to Board directors        loans. It is to be assumed,
                                                            of some larger countries         therefore, that, if these
                                                            who remain stuck to mis-         loans are approved by
                                                            taken policy positions           the Board in the coming
                                                            whose failures have en-          weeks, this criterion can
                                                            larged the harmful effects       now be applied to other
                                                            of the pandemic.                 high-income CARICOM
By Sir Ronald Sanders         viewed, particularly re-       One of these continu-           countries such as Anti-
                              garding debt.                 ing unhelpful policy po-         gua and Barbuda and St
 (The writer is Antigua        An unduly optimistic         sitions is the application       Kitts-Nevis. CARICOM
and Barbuda’s Ambassa-        assessment of the extent      of per capita income             Finance Ministers at the
dor to the United States      of damage to economies        as a criterion to deny           Spring Meetings of the
and the Organization          and an overly confident       high income Caribbean            Bank and Fund should
of American States. He        expectation of how long       countries access to con-         raise this issue collective-
is also a Senior Fellow       the effects will last, have   cessionary loans, even           ly. Doing so, is especially
at the Institute of Com-      resulted in inadequate in-    though these countries           relevant since countries
monwealth Studies at the      struments to help Carib-      are subject to the same          that might have been
University of London and      bean countries get out of     vulnerabilities as lower         “high income”, according
Massey College in the Uni-    the hole into which they      income countries.                to IMF/WBG measure-
versity of Toronto. The       have been sunk through         Something of a break-           ments, in 2019, are cer-
views expressed are entire-   no fault of their own. Ca-    through might have oc-           tainly not so today. High
ly his own)                   ribbean countries did not     curred. The World Bank           unemployment, resulting
                              create the pandemic and       Board has approved the           from the pandemic, has
 The response by policy       they have been among          preparation of loan doc-         shaved as much as 30 %
makers of the Interna-        the most successful in        uments of $100 million           from per capita income
tional Financial Institu-     containing it at great cost   each for the Bahamas             in some countries and
tions (IFIs) to the depth     to their Treasuries.          and Barbados – two of the        is likely to reduce it even
of COVID-19’s effects on       The staff of the Interna-    countries with the high-         more as unemployment
Caribbean      economies      tional Monetary Fund          est per capita incomes           increases and poverty ex-
needs to be urgently re-      (IMF) and World Bank          in CARICOM – “due to             pands.

                                                                                                          Cont’d on pg 13
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                                                     FEATURES        PAGE 13

 Amid all this, the IFIs       with their oil and gas re-      to encourage new tech-          enjoy with CARICOM
response to high and           sources will be better          nology-based endeav-            states runs into billions of
crippling debt in many         placed, but Post-COVID,         ours. These will help with      dollars perennially, giving
CARICOM countries that         many CARICOM coun-              economic diversification        them revenues and em-
has spiralled because of       tries will have much re-        over time, but they will        ployment, they should
the COVID-19 pandemic,         duced economies, high           not be immediate large          regard debt forgiveness
has increased their debt       debt, diminished reve-          contributors to econom-         and rescheduling, as
service burdens. While         nues, and little capacity       ic growth or replace-           well as concessional fi-
the Bank and Fund have         to recover. The UN has          ments for industries such       nancing, as investments
explicitly stated that debt    already said that the Ca-       as tourism. The Spring          in CARICOM countries
levels were, for some,         ribbean will face ‘a lost       meetings of the Bank            from which they derive
more than 100 % of GDP         decade’ with economies          and Fund are an oppor-          considerable benefits an-
prior to the pandemic,         and per capita income           tunity for robust pre-          nually.
the debt instruments that      declining to 2010 levels.       sentations of the plight         If the economies of CAR-
they have provided are          They will need access to       of CARICOM countries,           ICOM countries are not
burdensome.                    low-cost financing and          always recalling they did       helped to recover, there
 As an example, the IMF’s      grants from both IFI’s and      not originate or spread         will be a corresponding
Debt Service Suspension        donor governments. Im-          COVID-19. They are in           contraction in their abil-
Initiative is only tempo-      mediately, they need            their current situation         ity to continue to buy
rary. It is also applicable    debt relief in the forms        because of their vulnera-       goods and services from
only to the poorest coun-      of write-offs and deferral      bility to their trading part-   the rich.
tries.     Therefore only      of repayments on easier         ners which, without ex-          Efforts must be made
5 CARICOM countries            terms.                          ception, enjoy relatively       to create a framework
qualified. The initiative is    If these initiatives are not   large trade surpluses with      that integrates debt sus-
supposedly to help them        taken, Caribbean econ-          the region. Some of these       tainability,    growth-in-
cope with the econom-          omies will be caught in a       same trading partners           vestment, and building
ic and fiscal constraints      poverty trap from which         are among the most vo-          resilience for CARICOM
caused by the COVID-19         they will not emerge for        ciferous in the continued       countries. Such a frame-
crisis. But it gives only a    a generation and, even          application of mistaken         work must also take full
one-year grace with re-        then, only if they expe-        criteria that disqualify        account of the region’s
payment having to be           rience no disasters such        many CARICOM coun-              vulnerability to destruc-
made over 5 years. Clear-      as hurricanes, prolonged        tries from concessionary        tive forces they do not
ly, there will be an in-       droughts, or flooding –         financing and debt relief.      create, such as Climate
crease in the debt service     all of which have a high         At this month’s meet-          Change.
burdens of these coun-         probability of occurring.       ings of the IMF/WBG,             CARICOM         countries
tries.                          The governments of             Caribbean representa-           should speak with a col-
 The duration of the pan-      CARICOM countries are           tives have an opportuni-        lective voice in propos-
demic’s effects on CAR-        struggling to keep their        ty to advance proposals         ing such a framework to
ICOM economies and             economies afloat with           for support. One of the         the IMF/WBG meetings,
its severe impact, will be     policy initiatives either to    points that should be           omitting no country.
longer than anticipat-         revive dormant activities,      made is that, since the          Responses and previous
ed. Countries, such as         such as agricultural and        huge balance of trade sur-      commentaries: www.sir-
Guyana and Suriname,           fisheries production, or        plus that rich countries


 Dr Carson L. Greene Presi- ly restricted. Never before,           after those things which are
dent, South Leeward Confer- in our lifetime, have we seen          coming on the earth: for the
ence of Seventh-day Adventist. such a global halt to busi-         powers of heaven shall be
                               ness, pleasure, face-to-face        shaken.” Such is the condi-
                               learning, religious gatherings      tion of our world today, but
For more than a year now, and social interaction. If this          what does this have to do
COVID-19 has wreaked hav- were all, it would be bad, but,          with Easter? Good question!
oc all over the world. There added to all of this is the sad       Easter is about hope, healing
is a general sense of anxiety, reality that millions have died!    and restoration. Sometimes,
fear and uncertainty. Just At present, the rate of infec-          we focus on the death of Je-
about every aspect of soci- tion and death is climbing in          sus and stop there. There
ety has been affected. Our many countries around the               are two other important di-
children have had to adjust world.        When we consider         mensions to the Easter story
to the online environment. these things, the passage re-           that must not be overlooked.
Our hotels are, for the most corded in Luke 21:26 comes            First, Jesus did die, but he did
part, closed and even social to mind: “Men’s hearts failing        not stay dead. He rose again!
interaction has been severe- them for fear, and for looking        In rising from the dead, he
                                                                                      Cont’d on pg 15

demonstrated that he     to follow Satan’s way    celebration of Easter,     along. If this cycle
has victory and pow-     and sinned against       the death and resur-       was all there was
er over death. The       God, the world was       rection of Jesus, is a     in life, we would all
second      dimension    plunged into a state     celebration of the ful-    have need to despair.
is equally important.    of despair. Adam ex-     filment of the promise     Thankfully, Easter is
This second aspect       pressed this idea of     of Genesis 3:15. So,       about one who came
focuses on the “why”     fear when God asked      as we celebrate this       to inoculate us from
behind His death.        him where he was.        Easter, I challenge        the disease of all
What was the rea-        “I heard Your voice      us to look beyond the      diseases—sin.      His
son for His death? It    in the garden, and I     current state of tur-      death and resurrec-
is instructive to note   was afraid because       bulence in the world       tion is guarantee that
that Jesus did not       I was naked; and I       and see the Sav-           the “jab of His grace”
die primarily because    hid myself.” (Gen        iour. He has already       is 100% efficacious.
the religious leaders    3:10 NKJV) It was        overcome death and         The       Seventh-day
were jealous of Him      in this context that     soon He will come          Adventist Church ex-
and plotted against      the promise of Gen-      to put an end to sin       tends a blessed Eas-
Him. He came to          esis 3:15 was giv-       and suffering forever!     ter to all Antiguans
the Earth on a mis-      en. At the moment        COVID-19, like oth-        and Barbudans and
sion to die for the      when Adam was            er pandemics in the        encourages us to
sins of mankind. He      at his lowest point,     past, takes a heavy        trust in the merits of
came on a mission        God assured him of       toll on our lives. We      the grace of Jesus.
of redemption. His       His love and desire      hope that, like those      Our prayer is that
mission was one of       to save him. God         before it, it too will     God will extend His
rescue. He came to       spoke hope to him.       pass away. We cel-         protection and heal-
free us from the bur-    God told the man that    ebrate the develop-        ing to us and bring
den and penalty of       the     deceiver—the     ment of vaccines and       quick relief from the
sin. The condition of    enemy, would one         trust that they will in-   COVID-19 pandem-
the world today with     day have his head        deed make a differ-        ic. Our desire is that
all the fears and un-    crushed by the seed      ence. Yet, we still live   you will trust in Je-
certainty and death      of the woman—Je-         in a world of sin and      sus and accept His
is a grim reminder       sus—although in the      we know that it is only    saving grace and the
of the result of sin.    process, some suffer-    a matter of time be-       hope that very soon,
When Adam and            ing would be inflicted   fore another dread-        He will come to make
Eve in Eden chose        on the Saviour. The      ed disease comes           all things new.

                            G O O D F R I D AY !

                         Algernon M. Lewis – Chair, Moravian Church
                                Eastern West Indies Province

On this holiest of days in the liturgical calen-   cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Whereas
dar, we find ourselves reflecting again on the     these verses may be used as platitudes by
significance of that first Good Friday and what    some, they are real places of refuge in a time
it means for a world under siege.                  of uncertainty.
We are all trying to figure out these realities,   Yet for some people, there are no words to ex-
wondering what is next. For the person of          press their reality. They want to believe that
faith, we run to the end where the Bible prom-     things will work out; they want to hope that
ises that “all things work together for good”      they will land on their feet on the other side of
(Romans 8:28) or to Jesus’ sixth word on the       the present disruptions. However, there are

                                                                                         Cont’d on pg 17
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                      GOOD FRIDAY SPECIAL EDITION         PAGE 17

no certainties. The last year        to help Jesus bear the cross         my mind is Jesus’ fourth word
has provided cruel reminders         to Calvary. As we go through         from the cross, “Eli, Eli, lama
that trouble lurks all around        these days of trial and uncer-       sabachthani?” (My God, my
and strikes anywhere. Even           tainty, there is that subtle inti-   God, why have you aban-
though we know it, there are         mation that we are all in this       doned me?) (Matt 27:46). This
consistent chilling reminders        together. There is a need for        text never ceases to stir emo-
that each of is in the cross         us to be willing to carry other’s    tions in me. I cannot imagine
hairs. So how do we engage           burdens even when it seems           what Jesus felt having never
Good Friday 2021 with au-            that this is not our fight. We       been abandoned by my fami-
thenticity and hope?                 are all part of the human race.      ly. I try to imagine that moment
                                     Our stories intersect whether        as Jesus never had to define
The synoptic gospels (Mat-           we think so or not. Some per-        himself outside of the intimate
thew, Mark, and Luke) carry          sons contracted the COVID19          relationship he shared with
a story that has been recur-         virus from persons with whom         his Father. For the first time
ring in my mind – the story of       they were not familiar. There        he felt abandoned.
Simon of Cyrene being com-           is a strong possibility that if
pelled to carry the cross of Je-     the infected person thought          There are people who have
sus (Matt. 27:32; Luke 23:26;        more intentionally about their       felt that abandonment in this
Mark 15:21). Mark even men-          actions in relation to the other,    last year. Some have never
tions Simon’s sons, Rufus            the infection might not have         been in want of work or re-
and Alexander, maybe hinting         spread further. We are all in        sources, and for the first time
to his readers to verify the sto-    this together and our stories        felt the coldness of abandon-
ry with them. Beyond the fact        connect.                             ment. At those times, there
that Simon was from Cyrene                                                are no words, just emotions.
which was a coastal city in          Recently, I read a meme that         At those times, one’s thoughts
modern-day Libya, Africa, it is      might have been imported             may not be one’s best friend.
what he did that keeps circling      which told about people in cer-      In times of desperation, peo-
in my mind. Simon was com-           tain fast food drive through.        ple have turned to practices
pelled to bear the cross with        The person in the car behind         that provide the necessities of
Jesus on the way to Calvary          was impatient and even rude.         life and numb the pain but may
where Jesus would do the ul-         The person ahead in the drive        not maintain dignity. Aban-
timate heavy-lifting of bearing      through paid for and collected       donment is real and it takes a
the sin of the world.                the meal of the insolent pa-         toll on its victims. Need I say
                                     tron in the back. This act was       it again? We are all in this to-
Simon could have taken a fall        to force the insolent person to      gether.
and pretended that he could          go around a second time. I
not go on. He could have con-        thought this was most unfor-         As a person of faith, I have
cluded that this was not his         tunate and lacked sensitivi-         come to embrace Good Fri-
fight and there was no need          ty for the moment we are all         day, realizing that it is not the
for him to bear another man’s        enduring. A better response          end. We must journey through
burden. Rather, he chose to          would have been to pay it for-       Good Friday where Jesus
take his part in Jesus’s story       ward by purchasing the food          declared, “It is finished” and
and help to carry the cross.         and leaving it, thereby help-        keep listening for the voice of
There is no indication in the        ing that insolent person carry       God to speak a final word –
text that Simon was even a           their burdens. We are in this        He lives! The world will be in
follower of Jesus. He was            together.                            Good Friday for a while. Let
just another black man in the                                             us hold on together for Easter.
crowd. Even so, he was cho- Another portion of the passion
sen by God for this moment – narrative that keeps circling in
PAGE 18   EASTER MESSAGE                                        FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021

                OF GOOD FRIDAY?
 “Good Friday, observed before Easter, is the day when Christians commemorate Jesus Christ’s cru-
  cifixion. Good Friday is observed by Christians as a day of penance, grief and fasting. Good Friday
            also marks the end of the 40-day period of fasting for Christians, called the Lent.”
  One of the things that we must be very careful of is that we do not want Good Friday to lose its sig-
  nificance because of tradition and customs.  As a result of the aforementioned I feel very compelled
                   to list all the players or affected groups of persons in this season.
                                                God the Trinity
                                            Satan and his demons

  1. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy
  Spirit constitute the Godhead. When God said in
  Gen. 1:26 “And God said, ‘Let Us make man in our
  image, after our likeness…” you would observe
  God never said “Let there be” like the other aspect
  of creation. You would also observe that in Gen. 2:7
  “And the Lord God formed the man of the dust of the
  ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breadth
  of life, and man became a living soul.” I wish for
  you to further observe that nothing is said about
  God breathing into the nostrils of the animals and
  them becoming living souls. So man was created
  in the most perfect form and all that God required
  of man was strict obedience to His commands. It
  is my heart’s desire to show you that man was so
  intimately connected to his God that God charged
  him with the responsibility of naming the animals
  and when he was done, none of the names were
  changed. In the process of time, man was tempted
  and disobeyed God and obeyed Satan. This act
  of disobedience totally severed the relationship be-   Olson Daniel (Rev. Dr.) District Superintendent
  tween God and man but this loving, merciful and        Wesleyan Holiness Church
  gracious God would not allow man to live and die in
  a lost, depraved and corrupt state. God’s plan was     2. Mankind: (For all have sinned and come short of
  that of redemption and redemption really means to      the glory of God) with this first act of disobedience it
  deliverance of man from sin through a sacrifice. In    totally corrupted man’s nature and as a result all the
  this case man was lost and in sin so he could not,     children that Adam and Eve would produce would
  angels were created so they cannot; so only divine     inherit this sinful and corrupt nature. Have you ever
  could meet divine standards so a member of the         wondered why we have to teach children to do the
  Godhead had to be the atoning sacrifice. As is, God    right thing but never have to do the wrong thing?
  is Spirit and blood was needed to make the sacrifice   It is because the man who was made with a pure
  so that’s why Jesus had to take on a physical/hu-      nature and didn’t know how to do wrong (Man was
  man body so His blood could be shed and sprinkled      created with free will, not a nature to sin), after sin
  on the cross. The very first Good Friday was when      crept in, man now has a dirty nature and don’t know
  they nailed Jesus to the cross, pressed a crown of     how to make it right with God. Man is not only lost
  thorns upon His head and pushed a spear through        but is headed to the lake of fire that was prepared
  His side.                                              for Satan and his angels. Man was disconnected

                                                                                                Cont’d on pg 19
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                            EASTER MESSAGE   PAGE 19

from God by exercising his will    ered by the determinate coun-
by obeying the servant (Satan)     sel and foreknowledge of God,
so man, in order to be reconnect-  ye have taken, and by wicked
ed to God must exercise his will   hands have crucified and slain.”
to accept the offer of salvation byWe also know that, in as much
faith. Man is the biggest benefi-  as the demons were delighted
ciary off all the pain and anguish in crucifying Jesus, they did not
that Jesus suffered on the cross.  know that this was the way God
                                   was using to bring about man’s
3. Satan and his demons: please salvation. It is stated in 1 Cor.
don’t think that I’ve lost my mind 2:8; “Which none of the princes
to even mention Satan and his of this world knew, for had they
demons in this Good Friday sto- known it, they would not have
ry.    If Jesus crucified Himself crucified the Lord of glory.”
then it would have been said that
He committed suicide. No right So my dear readers let this Good
thinking and God fearing persons Friday be one of expression of
could do so the kingdom of dark- joyful delight that the man who
ness was enraged about the fact was lost, depraved and corrupt-
that Jesus came to redeem man- ed and on his way to hell can be
kind. Satan was delighted to do redeemed by accepting by faith
anything to get rid of Jesus so he the blood of Jesus Christ on the
sought the cruelest way: crucifix- cross of Calvary. Jesus did it just
ion. The Bible has made it clear for you!
that it was wicked hands that
Satan used, according to Acts Blessed Good Friday and God
2:23; “Him, (Jesus) being deliv- bless
PAGE 20    EASTER MESSAGE                                            FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021


                                                                                  made God’s love visible to man-
                                                                                  kind. It is easy to show insincere
                                                                                  love; but God’s love is real, and he
                                                                                  proved this to us by forgiving us our
                                                                                  sins and allowing his only son to
                                                                                  be crucified for no sins of his own,
                                                                                  but for our sin.Ephesians 4:32 “And
                                                                                  be ye kind one to one another ten-
                                                                                  der hearted, forgiving one another
              Bishop Claudette Toby Greene, Senior Pastor, The                    even as God for Christ’s sake hath
            Sacred Choice of Heaven, Mt. Lebanon Spiritual Baptist
                                                                                  forgiven you.”Today, as we experi-
                   Church, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago.
                                                                                  ence the COVID-19 pandemic, our
                                                                                  “Egypt” while we struggle to get out
Every year at Easter time we ac-       spent in the dessert which was fol-        of that “Egypt” we should, in our re-
knowledge the celebration of Pass-     lowed by his crucifixion whereby           flecting and self-examination, ask
over in Hebrew – Pesach - the          showing us that He is the Lamb of          ourselves, who is our “Pharaoh”
Passing over of the force of de-       God. In His dying He defeated sin,         that is causing us to doubt our abil-
struction, sparing the lives of the    by taking away the burden of our           ity to press forward. Years gone
firstborn of the Israelites marking    sins and setting us free, which was        by, due to geographical location, it
their homes with the blood of an       the greatest victory, and by his res-      was a long process to connect with
unblemished lamb on the eve of         urrection he also defeated death,          each other, one had to depend on
the Exodus; their freedom from         for he lived yesterday, he lives to-       the snail mail system. Today, with
slavery in the land of Egypt. We       day and forever. Philippians 2:10-         improved technology we can stay
understand that after many years       11 tells us; “That at the name of          in connection with our loved ones
of slavery God used one of their       Jesus every knee should bow, of            face to face through our commu-
own, Moses, to free the Israelites     things in heaven, and the things           nicative devices and make new
from bondage under Pharaoh.As          in earth, and the things under the         connections. Although challenging
we emerge from the Lenten season       earth; And every tongue should             at times, for many, the COVID-19
of fasting and praying and taking      confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to       pandemic has encouraged creativ-
time to re-examine ourselves while     the glory of God the Father.”Jesus         ity and adaptation. Churches are
we reflect on the suffering and sac-   walked amongst men and made                also conducting online worship and
rifice of Jesus Christ, and while we   the ultimate sacrifice of being cru-       many activities and events while
meditate on the forty days that he     cified for our sins; by doing this, He     we observe protocol as a result of

                                                                                                      Cont’d on pg 21
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                               EASTER MESSAGE            PAGE 21

the pandemic.Since the world suffered the
onset of this pandemic over one year ago,
our ministry, The Sacred Choice of Heaven
Mt Lebanon Spiritual Baptist Church, based
in Trinidad and Tobago, has capitalized and
engaged the online zoom communication
platform for scheduled Sunday worship, for
our members and well wishers, who resides
outside of Trinidad and Tobago as a beacon
of hope and faith in a time where creativity
and adaptation is necessary for the surviv-
al for the children of God.There is a say-
ing “with progress comes changes.” We all
should be willing and endeavour to accept
the changes in a positive light which we all
are facing and to seek the knowledge we             Apostle Joseph Attzs, Senior Pastor, Mantle of Christ
need to align ourselves by assisting soci-                        International Ministries.
ety with some of their needs in the new and
next normal. By doing this we will also be       Daily we experience God’s unselfish nature through Je-
honouring our responsibility to God and so-      sus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit; however,
ciety. I urge you to stay faithful to God.Just   we fail to reciprocate those acts of love. We overwhelm
like the Israelites we all have our “Egypt,”     ourselves with the cares of the world, and our relation-
and like Jesus we all have a cross to carry.     ship with the creator deteriorates. Today, there is an ur-
These might be a state of mind, but if we        gency for us to re-establish our true sense of belonging to
humble ourselves, be persistent and place        God as we engage in rebuilding our prayer and worship
God at the center of our lives and ask our       experiences with Him.
Heavenly Father to lead us through every
decision we make and to accept the chang-          The book of Romans emphasizes that we present our
es that come with the passing over, we will      bodies as a sacrifice, holy and acceptable before God.
eventually achieve our place in that prom-       By placing ourselves before Him articulating our rever-
ised land.                                       ence and adoration, we make room to assume His ma-
                                                 jestic nature. Through focusing our attention on Him, we
In this season and today as we demand            increase our awareness of being in the presence of God.
of God to urgently respond to our present        Learning how to absorb God’s presence through worship
needs, the time for self-reflection, reas-       is one of the most valuable things we can do with our
sessing and reconstructing to make a pos-        time. God intends that we are drawn near to Him. When
itive turn is now and not be confused and        He draws near to us, we will experience Him in ever-in-
indecisive while enslaved as opposed to          creasing measures.
accepting what is promised to us.
                                                 The exploration of the Holy Writ is another way to seek
As leaders, our mandate must be guided by        the presence of God. Saints are called to practise study-
the Holy Spirit through the body of Christ. 2    ing His Word. Jesus said, “if you abide in Me and My
Chronicles 7:14 encourages us to humble          Words will live in you, you will ask whatever you will, and
ourselves before God, pray and seek God’s        it shall be done for you.” Abiding in God means respond-
face. Let integrity and uprightness preserve     ing according to His will. Jesus is always present with His
our nations, let us return and understand        Word. Abiding in the Word always brings an increase in
the power of daily devotions, prayer and         God’s manifest presence.
Godly worship. With joyful expectation of
the resurrection, have a blessed, holy and
peaceful day and weekend. Stay Safe.

                                                                                                Cont’d on pg 22
PAGE 22   EASTER MESSAGE                                        FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021

“Oh, how abundant is your good-      lem should be rebuilt. Through         ed that every knee will bow at the
ness, which you have stored up       this gesture, Israel will once again   Name of Jesus, and the tongues of
for those who fear you and worked    have the opportunity to meet and       men will testify of the Lordship of
for those who take refuge in you,    maintain God-aligned standards.        Jesus Christ. (Philippians 2: 10).
in the sight of the children of hu-  However, Paul taught the church
mankind! In the cover of your pres-  of Corinth that their bodies were      Through our testimonies, God re-
ence, you hide them from the plots   indeed the temple of the true and      veals Himself to those that ear-
of men; you store them in your       living God. If believers and unbe-     nestly seek Him (Deuteronomy
shelter from the strife of tongues.” lievers alike can connect to a re-     4:29). If we want to walk in the light
(Psalms 31:19-20).                   lationship with God based on Ne-       of the Lord, then we need to expe-
                                     hemiah’s model, they will take the     rience the presence of God. One
In our attempt to rekindle our rela- needed steps to rebuild a godlike      of the major ways we can do this is
tionship with God, we need to be nature.                                    through worship.
aware that we consult His lead.
We must fashion our approach It was the captivity of Nehemiah               It was Nehemiah’s testimony to the
as Nehemiah did. “When I heard and Israel that impeded Israel’s             Babylonian king that gave him fa-
these things, I sat down and wept. ability to rebuild the temple. Today     vor even with enemies. Nehemiah
For some days, I mourned and we must be aware of what or who                was Arterxerzes cup bearer, a sim-
fasted and prayed before the God has captured us and challenged             ple captive lad who was enslaved
of heaven. 5 Then I said: ‘Lord, our relationship with God. It may          and oppressed in a strange land.
the God of heaven, the great and be a friend, a job, and family mem-        But after he presented the God, he
awesome God, who keeps his cov- ber, or an ungodly impediment.              served to the king and testified of
enant of love with those who love Like Nehemiah, we are called to           God’s greatness the heart of the
him and keep his commandments, prayer and fast our way out of the           king’s heart was softened.
6 let your ear be attentive and your situation so the work of rebuilding
                                                                            Today you are invited to never suc-
eyes open to hear the prayer your can begin.
                                                                            cumb to the tragedy that created a
servant is praying before you day
                                                                            setback in your life. Like Nehemi-
and night for your servants, the It is essential that at this Easter
                                                                            ah, focused on the greater fortifi-
people of Israel. I confess the sins time that we seek to be revived.
                                                                            cation and the reestablishment of
we Israelites, including myself and The threat of COVID-19 may have
                                                                            relationship with God. The arms
my father’s family, have committed kept us captive, but with God,
                                                                            of God are always ajar for the re-
against you. 7 We have acted very all things are possible. As Jesus
                                                                            turn of His people. He expects that
wickedly toward you. We have not Christ rose from the grave, he al-
                                                                            they do not cheat Him of worship
obeyed the commands, decrees, lowed all believers to rise from
                                                                            and that they employ selflessness
and laws you gave your servant grave conditions they face from
                                     time to time. All are exposed to       in all efforts to honor Him. This is
Moses.’” (Nehemiah 1: 4-7)
                                     the possibilities of greatness and     achieved by rebuilding the foun-
Nehemiah was adamant that to an assurance that victory can re-              dational beliefs that their worship
restore relationships with God and sult from the mere mention of His        must be in spirit and truth.
His people, the temple of Jerusa- name. We are continually remind-
FRIDAY 2ND APRIL 2021                                        EASTER MESSAGE            PAGE 23

                                          we are becoming! The journey to         As the Scripture says, “He was
                                          becoming a SAINT begins with a          wounded for our transgressions,
                                          SINNER. It was for the sinner that      he was bruised for our iniquity and
                                          Jesus came to earth to die in our       the chastisement of our peace
                                          place, so that we may be saved          was upon him and with his stripes
                                          from the bondage of sin and have        we are healed!”
                                          eternal life. “God so loved the
                                          world that he gave his only begot-      Jesus was crucified, guilty only of
                                          ten Son”. A record of Jesus’ earth-     love, compassion and doing all
                                          ly ministry shows that he did all       manner of GOOD to human kind!
                                          manner of good to help persons.         It’s amazing that in spite of all that
                                          In spite of all the good, however,      Jesus went through he was still
                                          his opponents – the chief priests,      able to speak 7 Words from the
                                          Scribes, Pharisees and teachers         Cross.
                                          of the law, felt threatened by him      The First Word ... “Father, for-
                                          since large crowds were follow-         give them; for they know not what
                                          ing him as a result of his unique       they do”. After all that they did
                                          teachings as one with authority.        to Jesus, he still found it within
                                          He performed miraculous deeds           his heart to ask God to FORGIVE
       Rev Derek Browne, Circuit          of healing, casting out demons,         them! Some persons find it diffi-
Superintendent Antigua Methodist Church   raising people from the dead –          cult to forgive others for far less
                                          including his friend Lazarus after      BUT Jesus shows us the way of
In 2021, a full year into the             being dead for four days. He even
COVID-19 pandemic, we have                                                        love. If we want God to forgive us
                                          exercised authority over the forc-      we must be prepared to forgive
experienced setbacks, significant         es of nature – speaking to wind
loss of life of family and friends,                                               others. The Second Word ... “To-
                                          and the seas to be still – and they     day you shall be with me in par-
and our livelihood has been im-           obeyed!Jesus’ ‘cleansing of the
pacted. We have also experienced                                                  adise”. One criminal crucified on
                                          temple’ of its unjust practices and     a cross beside Jesus came to the
an ever changing ‘new normal.’            its hindering of the Gentile wor-       place where he saw in Jesus - the
                                          shipers from finding peace and          Christ, the Son of God. Even then,
It is within this context that we en-
                                          quiet to encounter God also led         he made his peace with God as
ter with reverence into the pres-
                                          the religious leaders to seek ways      he asked Jesus to remember him
ence of the Cross at this year’s
                                          to arrest and kill Jesus. It is with-   when he comes in glory. Jesus
commemoration and memorial of
                                          in this context, and against this       assured the dying thief, “today,
the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus.
                                          background, that Jesus having           you will be with me in Paradise!”
In spite of our experiences, many
                                          shared what turned out to be his        It is never too late to turn to the
are resolved to acknowledge that
                                          last meal with his disciples, went      Lord! If you cry out to him he will
through the grace of God we are
                                          to the Garden of Gethsemane             hear and save you from your sins.
still here, and that ‘this too shall
                                          to pray and was then arrested.          The Third Word ... “Woman, be-
pass’! As Christians, despite the
                                          A bogus trial ensued and Jesus          hold your Son! Behold thy moth-
challenges, we have taken the
                                          was condemned to death by cru-          er!” In spite of what Jesus was
time to continue our Spiritual Jour-
                                          cifixion. This was injustice at its     going through, he still loved and
ney knowing that it is our Faith in
                                          height. All of this was accompa-        cared for his mother and sought
God that helped us keep it togeth-
                                          nied by insults, abuse, being beat-     after her wellbeing. He committed
er. Our reflections this year fol-
                                          en, whipped, punched, slapped,          her to the care of the beloved dis-
lowed the theme: “Soul Journey:
                                          spat upon, and being pierced with       ciple and him to her care. Jesus
Characters Around the Cross:
                                          a crown of thorns. His experience       demonstrated that his was a self-
Flawed but Faithful – Becoming,”
                                          in one word was TORTURE! It             less love.
noting that the Christian life is
                                          was exhausting to say the least.
DYNAMIC. We are growing and
                                                                                                       Cont’d on pg 24
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