Page created by Raymond Wang
                                                                                    ASSOCIATION of PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                    CONGRESS ORGANISERS

                                                                                    Issue No. 82 Q3 2018

          IAPCO at 50: Experienced | Engaged | Energised

   Ticky the

IAPCO’s 50th Anniversary Legacy

By 2050 there will be more plastic         IAPCO will be encouraging member            Click for more information and
in the sea than fish; by 2050 IAPCO        companies to engage their suppliers,       details of IAPCO’s Plastics Pledge
aims to rid the meetings industry          clients and local stakeholders to also
of single-use plastic.                     join the Campaign and sign the            iapco.org/about-iapco/ticky-the-turtle
                                           Plastics Pledge.
As part of IAPCO’s 50th
Anniversary legacy, the Not Just a
Drop in the Ocean CSR Campaign
has been launched.

IAPCO will be doing this with the help
of the Campaign’s mascot Ticky the
Turtle. Ticky will be virtually visiting   The target is for Ticky the Turtle to
member companies who commit to             have visited 50 member companies
taking action by signing the Plastics      within IAPCO’s 50th anniversary year -
Pledge, who make at least one              that will mean 50 Pledges signed and
measurable change and who will             50 real measurable changes...and               Be involved and sign the
share their achievements.                  that is just the start.                         IAPCO Plastics Pledge!
Education - the next EDGE

                                                                               The Hague Marriott Hotel,
                                                                               The Netherlands

                                                                               On-line registration open:

                                                                               Fees from €790

                      MATHIAS Posch                          NICOLA McGrane                        ORI Lahav
                      IAPCO President;                       IAPCO Education                       IAPCO Vice
                      President                              Europe;                               President;
                      International                          CEO, Conference                       VP Client &
                      Conference                             Partners                              Operations,
                      Services,                              International,                        Kenes Group,
                      Canada                                 Ireland                               Israel

    Tuesday 22                             Arrival of participants                  Get together

    Wednesday 23                           Thursday 24                               Friday 25

    Registration, Welcome, Introductions   Session 3 – Marketing                     Session 8 – Challenges in Medical
    Session 1 – Trends                     Session 4 – People Skills
                                                       Group Work                    Session 9 – Financial Management +
    Panel Discussion - CVBs + PCOs                                                               Different Models
                                           Session 5 – Engaging the Delegate
    Session 2 – Bidding                                                              Session 10 – TBD
                                           Transfer to Humanity Hub/Lunch
    Lunch                                                                            What will you do differently
                                           Session 6 – Debate                        on Monday?
    Group Discussion on Bidding
                                           Session 7 – Big Data + Privacy            Group Learning
    Group Presentations
                                           Key Learnings of the Day                  Evaluation
    Key Learnings of the Day
                                           Evening Dinner and                        Lunch and Close
    Prizes for Best Bid                    After Dinner Party

    Evening Welcome Reception

2       PCO | September 2018
Mathias Posch, President

                         FROM THE                                  CONTENTS
                                                                   PCMA Column                                                     4
                          As we celebrate our 50th                 Millennials                                                     5
                          anniversary this year, we need
                          to celebrate the status of our           Destination Partners – Toronto and Hamburg                      6
Association today. Despite having modest resources,                Destination Partner – Hong Kong                                 8
IAPCO today is one of the leading and most respected               Technology                                                      9
associations in our industry. We are recognised as the
authority for quality, regularly featured in association and       Technology - VR                                                12
trade publications and invited to educate professionals            Legacy                                                         14
around the globe. But what is IAPCO’s recipe for success?          Case Stidy - Live Streaming                                    15
A shared passion and common values, an incredibly hard
working executive office and council and last but not least        Feature – promoted into incompetence                           16
– engaged and motivated members. IAPCO is nothing less             Sustainability                                                 18
than the sum of our members, who contribute generously             IAPCO Impact                                                   20
and in various ways to better our Association and
therefore the industry.                                            Inside Story - Kenes Group                                     22
                                                                   Members’ News                                                  23
It comes down to people, and in order to greater propel
IAPCO and further increase its benefit and value to our            Destination Melbourbe                                          24
members and profession, we are looking to better engage            Feature - Designing for Engagment                              25
the staff of our member companies in our Association.              Feature – attendee experience                                  26
We want to connect them with each other, to share
experience and best practices on a cross-company level.            Destination Latin America                                      28
We believe that education and exchange are cornerstones            Getting to Know                                                29
of quality and therefore it is a major goal of ours to make        Education – EDGE Guadalajara                                   30
sure everyone in our member companies has the
opportunity to share and also learn from each other.               Education - Scholarship                                        31
IAPCO may only have 130 member companies, but these                A Moment with Council                                          33
companies represent a total of over 7500 professionals –           Ambassadors                                                    34
let’s leverage the power of that knowledge and excitement
to increase our impact even further. So please share our           Members News in Brief                                          36
publications, use web-EDGE, send staff to EDGE and                 Opinion                                                        37
attend the various Get Togethers we offer… and stay                Emirates                                                       38
tuned for more new initiatives we are planning to make
sure IAPCO benefits us all.

Thank you all for making IAPCO meaningful!                         The PCO: published by IAPCO
                                                                   Whilst every care is taken in the preparation and publishing
                                                                   of The PCO, the views expressed are not necessarily those of
                         Mathias Posch,                            IAPCO or its members and no responsibility can be taken for
                                                                   articles, errors or comment.
                         IAPCO President 2018-2020
                                                                   Design: Frampton Creative - framptoncreative.co.uk

                                          ON IAPCO                                      Mathias Posch, Keynote Speaker
                                                                                        at the recent SMF2018 Conference
                                          PRESIDENT                                     in Singapore

         on stage, presenting to
                                              with IAPCO friends, Jan and Oscar                 networking, engaging, enjoying
          the 750 participants

                                                                                         PCO | September 2018                          3
PCMA column

                         Are these Seven Fears stopping
                         you from transforming your Event?
                         Authors: Convene Editors, PCMA


                                                                                        Fear of not knowing
                                                                                        what to change
                                                                                        What if you studied the top, most
                                                                                        successful events being produced
                                                                                        today, within and outside of your
                                                                                        industry? You don’t have to reinvent
                                                                                        the wheel — just customise it for your
                                                                                        industry, organisation, and members.
                                                                                        There are so many great new ideas
                                                                                        that are working. Benefit from the
                                                                                        risks others have taken.


                                                                                        Fear of financial risk/loss
                                                                                        What if you developed a three-year
                                                                                        budget with plausible revenue, costs,
    Change often is accompanied by fear                                                 and operating margins? Ask your
    as well as a sense of risk, uncertainty                                             CFO to help provide the numbers to
    and excitement. But “it’s also true       Fear of alienating long-time,             support your vision and plans. If you
    that if we change the way we see          legacy members                            want a seat at the table during the
    things, the things we see change,”        What if you asked your legacy             next board meeting, this is a great
    says Don Neal, founder and CEO            members to name their five                way to do it.
    of 360 Live Media, a Washington           favourite things about your meeting?
    D.C.-based marketing, strategy,           At the same time, ask 100 of your          6
    and live-experience company.              new members for the top five things
                                              they’d like to see at your next meet-     Fear of the unknown
    Neal lists the following seven fears      ing. Compare the two lists side-by-       What if you think about “the
    as the ones that he has most often        side and share the results with your      unknown” differently? The unknown
    seen emerge when big changes to           legacy folks — they will see the light.   doesn’t have to be unknowable. Talk
    conferences and trade shows are                                                     to people — colleagues, professional
    discussed — and offers ways to                                                      experience designers and outside
                                               3                                        experts who have reimagined events.
    reframe them and think about
    change in a new light:                    Fear by the meetings staff of             The unknown isn’t that scary once
                                              not having made changes to                you’ve seen a glimpse of it through
     1                                        the event earlier                         the eyes of others.
                                              What if you, the meeting organiser,
    Fear of change and displacement           wrote a one-page manifesto stating         7
    by people within your organisation        what you’d like to see for the future
    — resulting in resistance                 of your 2020 vision? Go on record, be     Fear of success
    What if you asked everyone in             bold, and give this manifesto to your     What if this new approach works?
    your organisation to anonymously          CEO. There’s no time like the present.    What if you’re successful? It’s human
    identify the one thing they would                                                   nature to be sceptical of what might
    change about your event? Then,                                                      happen if we enter a new realm, a
    hold a town hall meeting and list all                                               place that is better. Success doesn’t
    of the changes that were submitted.                                                 hurt. It won’t go to your head if you
    Next, ask for all of the reasons these                                              earn it. Isn’t it time you took your
    changes might not work, and list                                                    thinking and your career to the
    those. Finally, brainstorm about what                                               next level? You deserve this.
    it would take to make the changes
    successful — you might be surprised
    how few barriers there really are.

4        PCO | September 2018

How Millennials are #Slaying
the Business Events Industry
IAPCO Member: JPdL, Canada

                                                                                  outside the box for unique event
                                                                                  ideas. Why not do that for a living’?” –
                                                                                  Xavier Ramos (JPdL Montreal)

                                                                                  3. Recognise the Value
                                                                                  of Networking
                                                                                  It is never too early to begin
                                                                                  developing a solid network of
                                                                                  suppliers and partners who are as
                                                                                  inspired to collaborate on events that
                                                                                  challenge the status quo as are you.
                                                                                  From the smallest interaction to the
                                                                                  most reliable relationship, you never
                                                                                  know whose skills and resources
                                                                                  might come in handy to make your
                                                                                  next project unforgettable.

                                                                                  “In this industry, each and every
                                                                                  interaction is valuable and I love
                                                                                  the relationships I’ve built amongst
                                                                                  my present and future clients and
                                                                                  suppliers. Relationships are key and
                                                                                  no matter the amount of technology
                                                                                  or the latest and greatest, our
                                                                                  personal interactions are principle.” –
                                                                                  Jillian Cardinal (JPdL Montreal)
      Xavier Ramos and Jillian Cardinal – JPdL Millennials Event Planners

                                                                                  4. Don’t be Afraid
As young professionals in the            “Don’t be afraid to do the dirty work.
                                                                                  to Shake Things Up
business events industry, millennials    Learning every aspect of the job will
                                                                                  In an industry that revolves around
might say that the struggle is real.     make you more successful and
                                                                                  innovation and new ideas, being a
Balancing your inexperience in a sea     respected by your peers. You can’t
                                                                                  go-getter and taking positive risks
of seasoned professionals with the       be an expert at anything until you
                                                                                  should never be taken for granted.
expectations of constantly producing     have mastered it yourself!” – Colette
                                                                                  Trust that the creative event
innovative ideas can sometimes be a      Lynch (JPdL West)
                                                                                  solutions, unconventional venues
bit overwhelming. From the business
                                                                                  and out-of-the-box suppliers that
event professionals at JPdL, here are
                                                                                  you bring to the table will provide
four ideas for millennials to keep in    2. Play to Your Strengths
                                                                                  clients with that once in a lifetime
mind to ensure sure that your            When it comes to your career, stop
                                                                                  event experience.
impact in the business events            saying I Can’t Even and embrace your
industry remains on fleek1.              fresh perspective and unique ideas.
                                                                                  “Be BOLD, be humble and most
                                         Show clients what you are truly
                                                                                  importantly believe in yourself. Be
                                         capable of by highlighting what
                                                                                  a proud millennial but don’t let the
1. Always be Open to New Learning        you do well; it just may lead to
                                                                                  negative stereotype label you. You will
Opportunities and Experiences            opportunities perhaps not yet
                                                                                  make mistakes, you will be laughed at,
A lack of experience does not equate     imagined by those who have been
                                                                                  but eventually someone in the room
with a lack of willingness to try        in the field for some time. Be your
                                                                                  will listen and believe in your ideas.” –
something new! Young professionals’      most authentic “you!”
                                                                                  Samantha Mele (JPdL Toronto/
minds and careers are meant to be
                                                                                  Niagara, Recipient of PCMA Class
moulded and allowing yourself to         “I’ve always organised events, trips
                                                                                  of 2018’s “20 in their Twenties”)
constantly absorb new information        and so on for my friends and family.
and approaches can only nurture          From there I thought ‘hey, you speak     1 The quality of being perfect, or on point. Urban
                                                                                  Dictionary, s.v. “on fleek,” accessed July 27, 2018,
your professional growth.                five languages and love to think

                                                                                   PCO | September 2018                                  5
Destination Partners – Toronto and Hamburg

    The value of a
    The true value of a successful
    partnership was demonstrated in
    June this year when Toronto and
    Hamburg, both Destination Partners
    of IAPCO, shared the Rotary platform.

    The 109th International Rotary
    Convention took place in Toronto,
    with an attendance of over 25000.
    Rotary is about service and the
    Convention about providing
    Rotarians with inspiration to do
    bigger and better projects.
                                                RI President Ian H.S. Riseley, left, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
                                                  and International Polio Plus Committee Chairman Michael McGovern
    June 2018: Toronto; June 2019:
                                                             Click the image above to watch on Youtube
    Hamburg. “We welcome collaboration
    with our IAPCO Destination Partners
    to learn and grow together”, said
    Alice Au of Business Events Toronto;
    “Both the Hamburg CVB and
                                             Meeting the                               One of the highlights of successful
                                                                                       campaigns was endorsed by both
    Congress Centre Hamburg met with
    Toronto’s operations team to learn
                                             challenge to                              Canadian Prime Minister, Justin
                                                                                       Trudeau, and Her Royal Highness
    about what’s important to Rotary. It
    was our pleasure to help Hamburg as
                                             eradicate polio                           The Princess Royal, Princess Anne,
                                                                                       both expressing their thanks to
    the next host in 2019. We wish them
    a most successful Rotary 2019”.
                                             worldwide                                 Rotary for their part in working to
                                                                                       eradicate polio. “It’s clear that
                                                                                       vaccination is a key part of the
                                             Toronto, the Capital of Nice, opened
                                                                                       solution,” Trudeau said. “Protecting
                                             its arms to welcome the 25000
    About Rotary                             Rotarians from around the world,
                                                                                       kids from disease keeps them
                                                                                       healthy so they can do well in school
                                             who came to Rotary’s annual
    Rotary brings together a global                                                    and lift up their friends and family.”
                                             convention looking for inspiration
    network of community leaders
                                             — and finding it.
    dedicated to tackling the world’s                                                  Trudeau accepted Rotary’s Polio
    most pressing humanitarian                                                         Eradication Champion Award,
                                             Old friends were reunited, strangers
    challenges. Connecting 1.2 million                                                 thanking Rotary for working with
                                             became comrades in the House of
    members from more than 35000                                                       governments worldwide on this fight.
                                             Friendship, Rotarians were inspired
    rotary clubs in almost every country                                               Rotarians play a critical role in the
                                             by listening to the great and good at
    in the world, to improve lives both                                                challenge to end polio, Trudeau said.
                                             the various sessions, reminded al-
    locally and international, from                                                    “Together we will make that happen.”
                                             ways of the fellowship that ties them
    helping those in need in their
                                             and the variety of cultures and visions
    own communities to working
                                             that Rotary embraces.
    toward a polio-free world.

                                             Best Loved Quotes
               Submitted by                   Submitted by Alejandro Ramirez               Submitted by Mathias Posch,
             André Vietor, BCO                   Tabche, Business Travel                     International Conference
             Congresos, Spain                      Consulting, Mexico                            Services, Canada

          “If you don’t like something,               “The mind works like                    “We are what we repeatedly
        change it. If you can’t change it,         a parachute; it only works                do. Excellence, then, is not an
              change your attitude.”                   if we have it open.”                        act, but a habit.”

               Maya Angelous                             Frank Zappa                       William James “Will” Durant

6        PCO | September 2018
Destination Partners – Toronto and Hamburg

Rotary in
Toronto 2018
The 109th annual Rotary International
Convention tookplace in Toronto
on June 23-27. “Toronto was
honoured to host 25000+
Rotarians in June,” said Johanne
Bélanger, President and CEO of
Tourism Toronto. “The Rotary
International Convention brought
an estimated $48.5 million in
economic impact to the region,
but more than that, Rotary brought
                                                                  House of Friendship opens – Toronto 2018
the world to Toronto with over 175
countries taking part. This reflects
Toronto’s sense of welcome,                    Rotarians have
diversity and inclusion.”
                                               a sneak peek for
Often described as a “mini-United
Nations”, Rotary’s fifth convention            Hamburg 2019
in Toronto transformed the Metro
Toronto Convention Centre and Air
                                               and loved what
Canada Centre into a cultural mosaic           they saw
as the Organisation’s global network
of volunteers gathered to exchange             Hamburg and the LOC of the Rotary
ideas on how to improve lives and              International Convention (RIC) 2019
bring positive, lasting change to              were on-site at the 2018 RIC in
communities around the world.                  Toronto to encourage the Rotarians
“Toronto is a perfect fit for our              to pre-register for the next year.
convention. Rotary, much like the              With the support of numerous
Queen City, is made up of people               Rotarian volunteers from all over
from different cultural backgrounds            Germany, they were overwhelmed by
and walks of life,” said Ian H.S.              the success of their attendance at the
Riseley, President of Rotary                   event. Michael Otremba, Managing
International. “We are honored                 Director, Hamburg Convention
to be hosted in a city that values             Bureau GmbH (HCB), expressed
and celebrates diversity.”                     delight with the keen interest in               Elphi – our new landmark Elbphilharmonie
                                               Hamburg. It was worth it - take a look!              became the most photographed
                                                                                                 eye-catcher at the House of Friendship
      www.seetorontonow.com                               Click here to watch
                                                                                                Visit www.unpackhamburg.com

      #vorfreude = the pleasant anticipation of attending the
                                                                           Small gifts preserve the friendship – a ginger breadheart
     Convention in Hamburg in 2019. A record breaking 15173
         sign up on site – the people make the difference                     and blinky pin for every pre-registered delegate

                                                                                             PCO | September 2018                         7
Destination Partner – Hong Kong

    A RISE in HK’s
    With a global flourishing emerging
    technology industry, Hong Kong
    benefits from being on the
    doorstep of Mainland China,
    home of the world’s second-largest
    number of unicorns.

    And what better way to depict the
    technology trend than to portray
    advances with a proven track record:
    The RISE Conference attracts 15000
    delegates to HK from the world’s                                         Sophia and Han
    biggest companies and most exciting
    start-ups to pitch and learn at RISE
                                            Gary Vaunerchuk’s keynote ended            Han’s keeper, Dr. Hanson, in a few
    and reflects the massive evolution in
                                            with a call to action that the             years we will have robots all over the
    this industry sector. “Hong Kong is
                                            start-up and tech ecosystem start          place, where ever you go, similar to
    buzzing, it just feels alive — the
                                            paying attention to the human              the smartphone revolution, an item
    start-up ecosystem, real
                                            elements that will drive tech              which has today become a natural
    entrepreneurs here — it’s
                                            businesses to the next level. He           extension of one’s own self.
    impressive. I’m really excited to
                                            explained that it was a conversation
    be here and coming back.” Gary
                                            we were lacking, and claimed that it       Strong Support by
    Vaynerchuk, Serial Entrepreneur
                                            will be THE conversation in the next       HKSAR Government:
    and CEO, Vayner Media.
                                                                                       HKSAR government has made
                                            Already participants were able to          innovation and technology a top
                                            listen to very different presenters.       priority. In 2018, an additional
                                            Two humanoid robots, named Sophia          investment of HK$50 billion has been
                                            and Han, talked to hundreds of             allotted to be injected into four focus
                                            people on the topic of the future of       areas for innovation and technology
                                            humanity. Watching them on stage           development: biotechnology, artificial
                                            created a slightly surrealistic scenario   intelligence (A.I.), smart city and
                                            yet one with which the audience were       financial technologies.
                                            well in tune. According to Sophia and
                                                                                       Visit www.mehongkong.com

                                            consistently reach the highest             across a wide range of disciplines
    Abbey named                             standards of excellence.                   such as scientific, financial, academic,
    Best PCO for 3rd                        Patricia McColgan, Director of Abbey
                                                                                       and governmental. It is part of the
                                                                                       Abbey Group, a collection of travel
    consecutive year​                       Conference & Events, said “We are          companies which is celebrating 40
                                            delighted to have been awarded Best        years in business in 2018.
    IAPCO Member: Abbey Conference          Professional Conference Organiser
    & Events, Ireland                       for the third year in a row! Our team
                                            is extremely passionate about what
    Abbey Conference & Events won           we do and take great pride in
    Best Professional Conference            delivering an exceptional experience
    Organiser Award at the tenth annual     for our clients, so it’s wonderful to be
    Event Industry Awards held on Friday,   recognised for this by the industry”.
    July 20th 2018. This is the third
    consecutive year that the company       Abbey Conference & Events was
    has won the accolade and the fourth     established in 1988 and offers
    time overall since 2012. The Award      Conference, Association, Bid, and
    acknowledges Abbey’s expert ability     Event Management services. It has a           Elaine White, Conference & Events Sales
                                                                                           Manager, The Helix, presents the Best
    to manage and co-ordinate a             varied portfolio of both national and              PCO award to the Abbey team.
    diverse range of conferences that       international conferences and events

8        PCO | September 2018
Technology - digital

It’s all about
IAPCO Member:

Among others, Online Congresses,
Hybrid Meetings, Participant
Engagement, Gamification,
Interactive and Mobile Services,
Social Media Marketing, as well as
Big Data are the emerging trends in
the meeting industry. So far, it is hazy
as to how digital technology will finally
change the meetings industry,               and cloud-based services already          as new, creative formats and services
nevertheless, it is obvious that            improve the collaboration of              for its events. Inge Hanser, Managing
customers’ and participants’                employees and the access to data.         Director of CPO HANSER SERVICE,
needs are changing.                                                                   says: “A big change of the entire
                                            Customer focus is another key             industry is in full swing and we are
But how can the industry                    principle of Digital Businesses. Big      curious about the new opportunities
successfully face the new                   Data and Participant Engagement           of the digital world to organise the
challenges? Digitisation and Digital        will improve your knowledge of your       success of our customers”.
Transformation are the challenges,          customers and their needs. This
becoming a Digital Business is the          will lead to events and services that
goal that one aspires to achieve.           maximise attractiveness, purpose
As Digitisation simply means                and value for your customers and
transferring your data into bits            event participants. Being responsible
and bytes, the Digital Transformation       in times of Big Data and GDPR is
requires various steps and actions.         a challenging task that also has to
                                            be overcome.
Transforming your business into
a digital one requires reviewing,           To meet this challenge, CPO HANSER
standardising, optimising and               SERVICE created a dedicated position
automating your processes to                to plan and implement the Digital
become an “agile” organisation in           Transformation. Together with
the meaning of agile workflows of           the company’s own IT subsidiary
which a culture change in your              GLOBIT, Global Information
organisation will also be a result.         Technology GmbH, CPO adapts
In the near future it will be of no         internal processes and customer
significance where your staff works:        services to a digital world, researches
whether in the office, at home or in        new ways of participant marketing                       Inge Hanser

congress venues. Digital tools              and participant engagement, as well

                                                                                      ON CONGRESS
                                                                                      ON WCP* 2018

                                                                                      Latest technology in use to speed up
                                                                                      check-in using a QR code, developed
                                                                                      by Congress Corporation.

                                                                                      *18th World Congress of Basic
                                                                                      and Clinical Pharmacology

                                                                                      PCO | September 2018                    9
Technology – seek inspiration elsewhere

                              TECHNOLOGY – LOOKING OUTSIDE OF
                              THE EVENTS INDUSTRY
                              Seek inspiration elsewhere to remain cutting edge
                              By Andrew Dergousoff,
                              Chief Technology Officer & Partner, International Conference Services Ltd.

     When I’m hunting for new trends           In application, I would apply the           traditional marketing budgets from
     for the association and conference        gaming environment to building              printed materials to online campaigns.
     industry – the first place I look is      social communities for our                  With the reduced costs of event apps
     anywhere but the industry itself.         association clients. At this point,         and the increasing sophistication
     While plenty of our clients are           we assume most clients will have            of website design, the necessity for
     progressive and open to new ideas –       a dedicated association Facebook            printed onsite materials has fallen
     they have often been pitched the          page. What’s less common, and               dramatically. By foregoing the printing
     usual gambit of social media plans,       perhaps more effective, is to start a       of an abstract book or program guide,
     onsite recording and continued            page non-exclusive to the association       and instead forcing use of the mobile
     engagement strategies post-event.         – driving it to the larger public audi-     app or mobile responsive website,
     We’re having to try harder all the        ence. This allows members to engage         the event budget should allow for trial
     time to push the envelope of what         and share their insights with both          of online advertisements across the
     is engaging and measurable for them       people directly affected by their area      major platforms – Facebook, Twitter,
     as budgets shift and new regulations      of practice and to in turn hear back        LinkedIN, Google Ads and Ad Roll.
     come into play (Hello GDPR!).             from them the impacts of their work.
                                               A broader application of this would         Speaking of mobile, I love the
     In terms of looking outside our           be to seek out a more customised            implementation of networking into
     industry, one of the most effective       website forum where members can             the onsite app when possible. Most
     conversations I had recently was with     ‘upvote’ the most pressing issues and       major app companies now have a
     a technical director from within the      comments in front of their peers. A         ‘social wall’ where you can
     video games industry. Specifically, we    simple badging system could be used         encourage users to link their twitter
     discussed massive multiplayer gaming      to recognise forum moderators or            feeds, etc. into the app feed or simply
     environments – where thousands of         ‘trusted contributors’ to build a sense     use the app itself to post personal
     players are engaged together at any       of social status that can be easily         thoughts and suggestions about the
     one time on a virtual battlefield. How    visible and most importantly, shared        conference. Taken further, allowing
     are those players matched together        elsewhere.                                  the sharing of personal schedules
     into teams based on their various skill                                               and personal profiles (using tags to
     levels? How do they communicate           Continuing with social networks,            showcase what area of expertise
     with one another? How can they be         they remain one of your best tools          individuals are either looking for /
     encouraged to spend more money            for new Member / Delegate outreach          have to share) can allow your
     within the game? How can they share       that is both precise in targeting and       delegates to schedule ‘brain dates’
     their success? These are all questions    measurable in ROI. We have been             with one another to intentionally
     that can be applied to our events         strongly advising clients for some          network. Provide a dedicated space
     industry with fresh eyes.                 time now to ‘shift’ – not reduce – their    onsite for one-on-one discussions like

10        PCO | September 2018
Technology – seek inspiration elsewhere

this and I’m certain you’ll see           a self-funding line item for clients (by   be using at least one as a
it full. I’m sure you’ll also decide to   attracting paid orders and sponsors)       dedicated drip feed of news and
add some branded mobile device            while providing a rich educational         promotion. Mobile apps have fallen
charging stations near this brain date    resource for association members           in price dramatically in the last years
area to encourage people to both          and the public alike.                      with the increase in competition and
stop by to check out the new space                                                   the standardisation of features –
and to remain focused on the in-          Ready to get even more forward             consider what print costs could be
person connections they are making.       thinking? There are some wonderful         skipped in order to afford one. If
                                          companies working on applying              you cannot afford to host an annual
For associations looking to provide       technologies such as facial                meeting, think about recording
additional membership perks,              recognition, artificial intelligence       some of the presentations to share
expanding to the online education         and RFID tagging to event data.            throughout the next year or host
world offers many benefits such as        Perhaps most immediately practical         webinars to maintain member
offering exclusive webinar content        is adding RFID tagging to delegate         engagement.
and expanding the lifespan and            badges and/or exhibit booths to
momentum of physical meetings             assess traffic patterns and adjust         As I began, my favourite bit of
with presentation recordings. Online      the meeting flow accordingly. I’ve         advice is to seek inspiration
learning is more affordable for both      seen events using this data in the         outside your own industry to
planners and learners than onsite         successive year to show exhibitors         remain cutting edge. Talk to a
meetings, which opens the reach           exactly how much traffic a particular      teenager about what keeps them
of content to new markets and to          area of the floor is getting and           engaged in video gaming and you
delegates who cannot afford to attend     charging according to ‘zones’ of           might just pick up some tips that
physical meetings due to timing, travel   expected traffic in addition to the        will change your core business.
and / or financial constraints. When      traditional upcharge for desirable         The youth is indeed the
prospective clients approach us about     corner booths, etc. Backing up your        future and we must adjust the
creating an online offering for their     pricing by concrete data is always         presentation of our traditional
members, such as a virtual library        hard to dispute!                           meetings in a fresh way that
e-commerce website, we find they                                                     speaks to them where they are.
also ask about onsite content capture     In closing, I remain excited about the
costs, pre- and post-event marketing      relentless progression of technology
strategies and revenue projections.       and the implications for traditional
Being prepared to answer to, and          event planning. Social media accounts
offer, these services will ideally lead   are free to setup and there is no
to a competitive edge for PCOs and        reason why an association should not

                                                                                      PCO | September 2018                     11
Technology - VR

     Service Provider -
     Freeman Audio Visual Canada

     IAPCO Service
     IAPCO’s new partner concept profiles        As part of the world’s largest            clients increase engagement
     specialised suppliers to the meetings       brand experience company,                 and drive results. From meetings
     industry, who provide an insight into       Freeman Audio Visual Canada               or events to conventions and
     current trends, latest innovations,         helps organisations connect with          tradeshows, Freeman provides a
     advice and tips. Freeman Audio              their customers by delivering             full range of services to support the
     Visual Canada is IAPCO’s latest             seamless, innovative, and immersive       way audiences engage with content.
     recognised Service Provider                 brand experiences. Through
                                                 comprehensive solutions including         www.freemanav-ca.com
     www.iapco.org/iapco-partners/               strategy, creative, logistics, digital,
     service-providers/                          and event technology, Freeman helps

     Five ways it can be
     leveraged by the Meetings
     and Events Industry

     IAPCO Service Provider: Freeman Audio
     Visual, Canada, author Victor Paan

     Now more than ever before, VR
     is capturing our imaginations and
     transforming everything from
     everyday experiences to industrial
     design processes — and smart
                                             were looking at seem real.                How can VR be used in today’s
     brands are sitting up and paying
                                             Today, modern VR plays off that           business world?
     attention. Although it’s not
                                             concept. It uses sophisticated            VR is transforming the way individuals
     necessarily a new innovation,
                                             technology to create moving               participate in events, exhibits and
     recent advancements have made
                                             stereoscopic images, which are two        experiences, as well as the
     virtual reality (VR) more immersive
                                             images that are slightly offset from      environmental design process.
     and affordable.
                                             each other, to mimic how the              As technology continues to advance
                                             human eye sees. When the images           and the meetings and events space
     We believe that well-executed VR
                                             are viewed simultaneously through         become more familiar with what VR
     has enormous potential to enhance
                                             a specialised headset, they appear        has to offer, we predict we will be
     events, build brand loyalty through
                                             realistic and immersive because           seeing virtual reality used more and
     immersive content, and make
                                             they appear to move and update in         more in the following five ways:
     virtual experiences as powerful
                                             real time just like the real world. To
     as real-life ones.
                                             experience this, the user may wear        Design and venue walk-throughs:
                                             specialised accessories that allow        Imagine being able to conduct an
     So, what is VR exactly?
                                             them to virtually move, manipulate        entire site-visit or explore your trade
     In its most basic form, VR seeks
                                             objects and explore the digital envi-     show booth for an upcoming show
     to create the illusion of being
                                             ronment. While augmented reality          from the comfort of your own home
     somewhere we physically are not.
                                             (AR) and mixed reality (MR) rely on       or office. Design and venue
     You might recall experiencing early
                                             many of the same technologies as          walk-throughs will allow for you to
     attempts at VR when you were a child
                                             VR, it’s important to understand they     explore, manipulate, review, tweak,
     playing with the beloved View-Master
                                             are not the same because the viewer       and approve designs before the first
     toys or looking through rudimentary
                                             is not completely immersed in the         physical piece is built or you were
     stereoscopic viewers. Both of these
                                             environment — digital content is          able to get to that particular venue.
     examples tried to create the illusion
                                             layered over the real environment
     of depth to make the images you
                                             around them.

12        PCO | September 2018
Technology - VR

Product demos: Audiences and
prospects alike can use virtual
reality to engage with products that
are too complex, large, dangerous or
otherwise impractical to demonstrate
in actual surroundings. They can
interact with, and manipulate,
products to learn more about them
in a way that was not possible
before this technology.

Original VR content: Instructional
or educational films on products or
tools can now be told with powerful
narratives from the center of the
action that are far more powerful
than traditional 2D content. Imagine
a video that shows you step by step
how to set up a trade show booth
or pitch your product to a client.

Live streaming and 360-degree
video recording: Looking for ways
to engage your virtual attendees
during a meeting or event? With VR,
you can take your remote audience
one step closer to the action with
360-degree videos that amplify your
must-see events and make your
audiences feel like they are actually
there. Now, when the speaker greets
your virtual audience, they will feel
as though they are truly part of your
event community.

Immersive VR environments:
The world is your oyster! With virtual
reality, you can create interactive
worlds full of gamified, engaging
content that take your attendees
anywhere. For instance, a charitable
event trying to raise money for a
school overseas can use virtual reality
to bring its attendees to that school
and show them a glimpse of the
impact of their donation.

Event planners, marketers, and
product designers now have the
unique ability to leverage this
technology to make their events
more engaging and educational.
And by extending the attendee
reach to viewers at home through
compatible web browsers and apps,
VR has never been more accessible
or powerful.

                                          Read Business Events World

                                                                           PCO | September 2018            13

                                              THE STORY CONTINUES:
                                              Lasting legacy and innovative training
                                              formats boost the second edition
                                              of SIAARTI Academy
                                              IAPCO Member: AIM Group International

     The Emergency Medical Training           To implement such a demanding
     event, hosted on the Island of           event, the SIAARTI Academy involved
     Lampedusa, engaged the young             important institutional partners such
     doctors, thanks to a mix of              as the Coast Guard, the Italian Relief
     innovation, a team building spirit       Order of Malta, Civil Protection and
     and ethical motivation.                  118 (medical emergency service).
                                              The event was again on the island
     After the bright success of the          of Lampedusa, sadly known for the
     first edition last year, the second      landings of migrants and the
     SIAARTI Academy CREM (Critical           management of the related crisis,
     Emergency Medicine) event                considered as the most suitable place
     reaffirmed and indeed multiplied         to show the impact of an emergency
     on its previous positive results. This   situation. Choosing a small island,
     complex training event by the Italian    usually not considered for congresses
     Society for Anaesthesia, Analgesia,      and events of high scientific value,
     Resuscitation and Intensive Care,        has been a way to leave a positive
     was held from 20-26 May in               legacy on the destination and local
     Lampedusa, organised by AIM
     Group International, the Core
                                              operators in terms of image,
                                              professionalism and economic
                                                                                       Know Your Facts
     PCO of SIAARTI.                          development.                             6 intense days of work;
     SIAARTI was eager to find an             “SIAARTI Academy is a real training      35 hours of
     innovative way to train its young        Campus,” says Prof. Flavia Petrini,      classroom training;
     members and in 2017 decided, with        President-elected of SIAARTI, “where
     AIM Group, to organise a multifaceted    future doctors can face all possible     70 faculty members
     event that included classroom            intervention situations and deal with    (teachers and speakers);
     training, interactive sessions,          the best technologies while always
     hands-on workstations and a maxi         maintaining human relationships          22 workstations;
     simulation of an emergency situation.    with the patients, a skill we teach
     Amongst many other accolades, this       daily to young doctors. I would like     A maxi simulation lasting 10
     initiative won the IAPCO Collaboration   to thank everyone and in particular      hours and involving 300 people;
     Award 2017.                              the citizens of Lampedusa who once
                                              again showed sensitivity to social and   6000 kg of
     But that was not the end of the story.   health issues and allowed the success    transported material.
     In the second edition, the number        of our initiative”.
     of young physicians coming from 39
     specialised schools almost doubled
     and the outdoor maxi simulation,
     with its strong emotional impact,
     included, not only a maritime
     disaster but also, a huge traffic
     accident with the intervention of
     rescue helicopters. Young doctors
     put in place the skills acquired
     during the training week and played
     the roles of the victims, the rescuers
     and the observers.

14        PCO | September 2018
Case Study

How to multiply an
audience with live streaming
ESH 2018: from Europe to China
IAPCO Member: AIM Group International

At the European Congress on             In this way AIM broadened the
Hypertension recently held in           potential ESH audience by
Barcelona, a broadcasted session        transforming a face-to-face meeting
reached an additional 5000              into a hybrid event, typical of the
attendees from China.                   digital era. But it was essential
                                        to keep the attention of those
Is event live streaming a new trend?    watching their screen resulting in
More and more PCOs are challenged       a new challenge which required a
by association clients to reach new     well-defined strategy. Three elements
potential delegates, to make their      were critical:
conference attendance grow and          • a dedicated moderator
to attract sponsors to invest in new    • an engaging storyline
markets.                                • time for interaction.                                   ESH China App

Live streaming is becoming              With the spread of broadband                cannibalisation of attendees and
increasingly more impactful in          internet and 4G smartphones,                it allowed them to reach people
conference planning and format.         broadcasting live streaming has             usually not reached by other
And this is exactly what happened at    become one of the means for                 traditional marketing methods.
the recent “28th European Meeting       expanding the reach of meetings             Furthermore, experiencing a
on Hypertension and Cardiovascular      making them truly accessible. And           conference in live streaming
Protection” held in Barcelona 8-11      there is no reason to fear that live        motivates, like a teaser
June 2018, an important medical         streaming will discourage people            advertisement, more people to
congress with a long history and        from attending the real-life event.         be there the next year: many
a very rich programme. It usually       Experience demonstrates that                associations reported as much as
attracts more than 2500 international   what actually happens is quite              30% of their virtual audience chose
delegates, AIM Group having been        the opposite.                               to attend their physical meetings
its PCO from the outset.                                                            the following year.
                                        Associations who proposed live
​ ith the support of a sponsor
W                                       streaming during their meetings             In brief, innovation with a solid
who was willing to open up into         have experienced very little                strategy is always worth it!
new markets, AIM organised a live
streaming between Barcelona and
Beijing during the presentation of
the new ESH Guidelines. The event
was named “ESH in China” and was
organised in collaboration with the
China Hypertension Alliance. While
the 100 participants gathered in a
meeting room in Beijing could
virtually attend the conference
with the help of simultaneous
interpretation and a moderator,
there were also almost 5000
attendees in China following the
event through streaming. The
numbers were amazing and even
more so when you consider it was
23.00 hours in China!
                                                                          Streaming Session

                                                                                     PCO | September 2018                 15
Feature – promoted into incompetence

                                 The art of creating incompetence
                                 By Mathias Posch, President of IAPCO,
                                 President of International Conference Services Ltd.

     In 1969 (when IAPCO celebrated its          “Every employee rises to their level        Companies often create one-
     first birthday) NASA, the USA, and          of incompetence” – this, in short, is       dimensional hierarchies with career
     basically the entire world, celebrated      called the “Peter Principle” which was      paths for employees in which the
     one of the greatest achievements of         established by Canadian Researcher          individual performance in one’s role
     mankind – the moonlanding. The              Laurence J Peter. Peter looked at           is best rewarded by removing that
     moment was broadcast around the             the dynamics of companies and the           person from that role and putting
     world so that every person could see        hierarchies they created and how            them at a “higher” level of the
     the greatest scientific achievement         people move up the ladder based on          hierarchy. The employees
     of all time. As a backup to the live        their competence in the position they       themselves often do not realise that
     telecast, NASA separately recorded          are currently holding. The problem          they are now incompetent and we can
     the SSTV signal, which was far supe-        however is that the position they get       see various methods of dealing with
     rior to the lower resolution TV signal.     promoted into might require different       it: some employees think that they
     When some NASA employees tried to           abilities than the previous one,            simply do not work hard enough and
     find the tapes in the early 2000s, they     possibly creating an incompetent            we see them putting in extra hours
     were unable to do so. After months          employee. Should the employee rise          and working themselves to the brink
     of investigation into the matter, it        to the challenge in the new position,       of a burn out without significant
     became clear that the tapes had been        they will get promoted again, and           results. Other employees start to
     accidentally erased in the 80s when         again, and again, until they finally        distract from their actual work by
     some NASA employees deemed them             arrive at a level where they no longer      focusing on tasks that are more
     unnecessary. One of the greatest            excel. As we usually do not demote          natural to them while ignoring their
     feats of mankind was captured on            people, the now incompetent                 actual job. In any case, through a
     tape and deleted by an act of utter         employee will struggle in the new           promotion we managed to create
     incompetence.                               position. In our industry we could          an issue rather than moving
                                                 have a fantastic Conference                 our company forward in the
     Not a day goes by that we don’t             Co-ordinator, who could make an             right direction.
     experience incompetence around us           incredible Conference Manager, but
     – in restaurants, at train stations, etc.   will utterly fail as an Account Director.   One of the traps into which we fall
     “How do all these incompetent people        The skills of logistical excellence that    is that, when we evaluate one of our
     get hired” we ask ourselves. Truth be       drove them up the ladder are all of a       employees for a future position, we
     told, they probably got promoted into       sudden secondary in a position that         tend to look at their performance in
     incompetence.                               requires excellent communication            their current job, rather than focusing
                                                 and client management skills.               on what skills are needed for the new
                                                                                             position. We also tend to look at our
                                                                                             staff from an internal view more than
                                                                                             from a global one – an employee that
                                                                                             is admired by clients and suppliers
                                                                                             due to their problem solving
                                                                                             abilities might not be that popular
                                                                                             with management as they do not
                                                                                             always follow established procedures.
                                                                                             It is a classic case of valuing the
                                                                                             means over the ends.

                                                                                             So how can we avoid applying the
                                                                                             Peter Principle in our organisations?
                                                                                             A few helpful tips come from some
                                                                                             of the most innovative companies:
                                                                                             Apple rotates people around different
                                                                                             projects and departments, allowing
                                                                                             them to showcase different skills and
                                                                                             testing them in different roles before
                                                                                             eventually promoting them.

16        PCO | September 2018
Feature – promoted into incompetence

Microsoft has created two streams        and with us. Making sure that we
for promotion – a technical stream       keep employees happy is key – and
and a managerial stream, allowing        the greatest happiness comes from
subject matter experts to move up        knowing that one is doing a great job
in a company hierarchy without ever      and that one’s contribution matters.
taking on management tasks while         Billy Joel said “I am, as I’ve said,
fostering those who have                 merely competent. But in an age
management skills. And last but not      of incompetence, that makes me
least, we need to think about the        extraordinary” – having a team full
culture we create in our companies –     of competent players will make
how do we reward excellent               our companies and IAPCO
performance without moving those         truly extraordinary.
A-Players out of their positions?

At the end of the day, businesses like
ours come down to people – we are
as good as the people that work for

                                                                                 ON M-WALKING
                                                                                 Next year will see the 50th Anniversary of the
                                                                                 Moon Walk – when Neil Armstrong landed on
                                                                                 the moon and took those first inevitable steps
                                                                                 with the immortal words “One step for man,
                                                                                 one giant leap for mankind”.

                                                                                 A little different, but Kayo succeeds in her first
                                                                                 attempt at the Marine Walk – not quite a stroll
                                                                                 in the park, but a great adventure! And Kayo’s
                                                                                 immortal words “I am not good at snorkelling,
                                                                                 as I always find it difficult to breathe under
                                                                                 the ocean, but this was so much fun!” - Kayo
                                                                                 Nomura, Congress Corporation, Japan

                                         Within one week of launch of the Not    Watch out, Ticky the Turtle will be
Have you made                            Just a Drop in the Ocean Campaign,      making a surprise virtual visit to your
your Ticky the                           IAPCO received four pledges to make
                                         meaningful changes to start ridding
                                                                                 offices, not only to check that the
                                                                                 pledges are being carried out, but to
Turtle Pledge?                           the meetings industry of                welcome your company, your team,
                                         single use plastic:                     your stakeholders and suppliers to
                                                                                 the Not Just a Drop in the Ocean
                                          KW Conferences Pvt. Ltd., India        campaign! Congratulations to KWC,
                                                                                 CPI, ICMS and Podium for committing
                                          Conference Partners                    to the Plastics Pledge.
                                          International, Ireland

                                          ICMS ty Ltd, Australia

                                          Podium Conference &
                                          Association Specialists, Canada

                                                                                  PCO | September 2018                                17
Sustainability - Dubai

       Board Game Encourages
       Destination Partner - Dubai

     Dubai’s hospitality sector is                   (b) identifying sustainable solutions     lead-up to 2020, it is paramount
     continuing to coalesce around efforts           and optimising the efficiency of those    that we continue to implement new
     to drive sustainability, with a specially       areas; and (c) testing the application    and improved measures for Dubai’s
     created board game helping to raise             of sustainable solutions by calculating   fast-evolving tourism and hospitality
     awareness among stakeholders.                   how much water and energy can             industry to further reduce excessive
                                                     be conserved.                             consumption and conserve resources
     Launched by Dubai’s Department of                                                         – particularly in line with the vision of
     Tourism and Commerce Marketing                  More than 630 participants from           His Highness, Sheikh Mohammed
     (Dubai Tourism) as part of the Dubai            over 110 hotels have played the           bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice
     Sustainable Tourism (DST) initiative,           Board Game so far during events           President and Prime Minister, and
     the board game allows participating             and roadshows organised by                Ruler of Dubai, to transform the
     teams to measure the levels of                  Dubai Tourism.                            emirate into one of the world’s
     electricity and water consumption                                                         leading sustainable tourism
     in their establishments, and identify           “Dubai’s hospitality industry has         destinations.”
     ways in which they can reduce costs.            long been a cornerstone of the
                                                     city’s economy, recently crossing the     READ MORE https://bit.ly/2P0tsF0
     Hotel establishments learn how to               110000-room threshold,” said Yousuf
     efficiently measure and reduce                  Lootah, Executive Director – Tourism      www.visitdubai.com
     energy through three steps: (a)                 Development & Investments, Dubai
     calculating the current consumption             Tourism. “As we look forward to           Image above: Sustainability Board
     per room and isolating areas that               continued capacity expansion and          Game Workshop in Progress
     are responsible for excessive output;           increased visitor volumes in the

                                                  ON CONGRESS               Unique and eco-conscious congress bags, made using
                                                                            recycled material, Kyoto style: strips of used kimono
                                                  CORPORATION               material. No two bags were the same! All the delegates
                                                  ON WCP* 2018              had fun choosing their favorite color!

     *118th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmocology

18         PCO | September 2018
Sustainability - The Rai

                                                            WASTE MANAGEMENT
                                                            Have you had ‘the
                                                            talk’ with your
                                                            exhibitors yet?
                                                            By The Rai, Amsterdam

                                                            READ FULL ARTICLE by Josieke Moens,
                                                            Wastemanagement Expert, The Rai

Every event produces waste, with           • Stimulate the use of containers,        Looking ahead
stand construction and materials           bags or sacks to collect waste
being an especially large contributor.     separately. At RAI Amsterdam we           Collection and separation is great,
Prevention is difficult, but thankfully    always provide this option and can        but the RAI is already thinking ahead
it is possible to separate and recycle     also supply (separated) waste             to the next level. Nowadays, recycling
to a great extent so long as you have      containers during the event itself.       often means something becoming
the co-operation of your exhibitors                                                  a material of a lower quality – from
and other partners. We see that            • Communicate your policy and             wood to chipboard, for instance.
organisers often find it hard to have      explain that anyone who leaves            We are looking for ways to ‘upcycle’
this conversation and yet it is the best   waste behind will be charged for it.      material; increasing the quality of the
first step towards a more sustainable      Differentiating the costs for separated   material so that it can be used as a
event.                                     and unseparated waste is also a good      new product. For example: textile
                                           way of stimulating parties to start       converted into fibres for new textile,
Waste costs money. It’s as simple          separating.                               or paper/cardboard as the raw
as that. Like every other venue, RAI                                                 material for new high-quality stand
Amsterdam also charges for the             What to do                                walls. This demands an even more
waste produced based on a ‘polluter                                                  meticulous method of waste
pays’ principle. In this respect,          Avoid tricky situations during            collection. All the more reason to
separated waste is much cheaper            build-up and breakdown when               continue to stimulate separating
than unseparated waste as clean            identifying unwanted situations           waste.
waste streams are a source for new         by making clear agreements with
material, contribute to circularity,       all parties from day one. What does       What you can do today
and are therefore less harmful for         this mean for organisers?
the planet. For these reasons, we                                                    As an organiser, you can be
stimulate all parties with whom we         Apply the three Cs:                       well-prepared. Discuss the type of
work to separate waste as much as                                                    event you are organising and the
possible recognising that many             1. Communicate; Start on time,            waste streams you expect with the
organisers already do so.                  don’t wait until the final briefing one   venue at an early stage and draw
                                           week before the build-up, but include     up a waste plan together. Clearly
Build-up and breakdown                     the topic from the very beginning.        communicate what you expect of
                                                                                     partners and exhibitors, and help
The build-up and breakdown of              2. Check: Despite good                    them communicate this in turn
stands produces some 70% of                communication, exhibitors or their        to their sub-contractors.
an exhibition’s waste. Pallets,            suppliers may not be sufficiently
wooden scaffolding, stand walls,           familiar with the regulations or
plastic, carpeting, furnishings – most     try to work around them to avoid
is left behind after the event. Making     costs. Make sure you check waste          Centre Partner
proper agreements with exhibitors          behaviour on the floor, especially
prior to the exhibition will allow you     during build-up and breakdown.            RAI Amsterdam is the latest
to work in a more sustainable and                                                    Convention Centre partner
cost-efficient way.                        3. Continuate: Keep repeating             to support and recognise
                                           and checking. It also helps if you        IAPCO members.
• Prevent waste: discuss the option        communicate the actual results,
of reclaiming their materials with         especially for repeat events, for         Thank you and all our partners for
exhibitors, either for recycling or        instance by reporting the collection      your valuable support.
for reuse.                                 percentages and showing what
                                           happens to the collected materials.       iapco.org/iapco-partnerships

                                                                                      PCO | September 2018                     19
Impact Story

                                                      It’s IAPCO’s 50th birthday!
                                                      To help us celebrate,
                     share your
                                                      we want to hear your
                                                      stories about IAPCO
                      STORY                           and its impact on your
                                                      career or organisation.

           Are you an IAPCO Wolfie (Wolfsberg)
           or EDGE alumni? Did taking part in an
           IAPCO Education seminar change the
           way you work or transform your career?

           What does it mean to your organisation
           that it is part of the IAPCO network?

                                                                 Kenes Group Members of IAPCO since 1972
           How does IAPCO accreditation
           help your business?

           What was life like on an IAPCO faculty?

           Why is it important that you are
           a supporter or partner of IAPCO?
                                                              Patrizia and Andre
                                                              Faculty members               #IAPCOImpact
                                                           of Wolfsberg and EDGE       Story Pledges at #IMEX18

                                                        We want you to get creative so use stories,
                                                        add captions to your best IAPCO photos or
                                                        send us a video sharing your #IAPCOImpact.
                                                        When you’re done, send it to olivia@iapco.org

                                                 Social Media
                                                 @iapco #IAPCOImpact

20     PCO | September 2018
Impact Story

                                           Celebrating IAPCO’s
          share your
                                           50th Anniversary

            STORY                          IAPCO Impact Stories that
                                           changed people’s lives

Formerly Convention Director,
VisitOSLO – Oslo Visitors &
Convention Bureau Oslo, Norway

“Hi Guys,                                                                 2015, a member of the faculty!

This is Anne Rødven from Oslo.             their knowledge and expertise to             The IAPCO Wolfsberg experience
On the first day of work as the new        train an entire industry. It has been        affected my years as Oslo
Convention Director for Oslo the only      a leading light to me ever since.            Convention Director in so many
paper in my inbox was an invitation                                                     ways, it was therefore a tremendous
to bid for the Mother /Daughter                                                         honour when I was invited some 20
Pageant in 1992 and I said to myself,                                                   years later to be part of the faculty
this can’t possibly be what I am going                                                  myself. I felt that those before me,
to do here. I didn’t know anything                                                      were looking down from the walls
about the job, what I was supposed                                                      and I was very humbled to the task.
to do, what was expected of me and                                                      I found the atmosphere of Wolfsberg
it seemed nor did the people who                                                        much the same but luckily the rooms
employed me. So I had to find out                                                       had changed for the better!
a lot of things… and quickly.                                                           The seminar has today moved
                                                                                        on in an impressive way impacting
This was January 2nd in 1990                      Freshman at Wolfsberg 1990            new generations of meetings
and luckily Øivind Lie, Congress                                                        industry players. Good luck
Conference, a local PCO (who the           I got to know these people well              with EDGE everybody.
following year became an IAPCO             and, in the following years, I could
member) recommended that I                 lean on many of them to enlarge my           I would like to congratulate you
join him at Wolfsberg, the IAPCO           international network and I did so -         all with the 50th Anniversary, by
seminar, three weeks after I started       to the extent that some of them              thanking all of you good friends and
and it was an epiphany that changed        might have found me a bit over-eager         colleagues for the IAPCO Experience
my complete insight of the job that        and fussy. But hey, I could not let          and for being such an important part
I had taken on. Not only did I get to      that affect me – it had a great result.      of the meetings industry for 50 years.
learn the how’s, the who’s and the                                                      Today life begins at 50 or some
why’s of our industry but I learned it     I kept the Wolfsberg binder for 25           people say 50 is the new 30 - so you
from the best minds: the legendries        years and checked every now and              have just started, on the threshold
Geoffrey Smith, Erik Friis, Tony Koesel,   again to find out an elegant or              of the next 50.
Martin Kinna, Jorge Castex and, of         intelligent way to communicate
course, Sarah Storie-Pugh and many         different aspects of the meetings
more. It also made a lasting impact        industry whenever I would teach              Good Luck Guys!”
on me, how these people, all very          newcomers which, too, became an
busy people, were willing to share         important part of my career.

                                                                                          PCO | September 2018                   21
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