EDITION MARCH 2020 - Department of Tourism
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EDITION MARCH 2020 04 INSIDE THIS EDITION • Minister of Tourism speaks to the industry about the effects of COVID-19 on tourism • Collaboration is Crucial for Africa’s Growth - Meetings Africa 2020 • SONA 2020
INSIDE CREDITS THIS EDITION PUBLISHER Department of Tourism 1 Letter from the editor Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, speaks to the 2 industry about the effects of COVID-19 on tourism EDITOR 4 Collaboration is crucial for Africa’s growth - Meetings Africa Blessing Manale 5 Tourism sector urged to focus more on curbing youth unemployment EDITORial team 6 SONA 2020: Industry leaders welcome acknowledgement of safety challenges • Seapei Lebele 7 #letsgrowtourism: SA could attract more of the six million Spanish tourists • Johannes Mokou Minister of Tourism calls for flourishing township tourism in honour of • Natasha Rockman 8 Sharpville massacre • Annah Mashile 9 Mandarin to boost excellent service to tourists Deputy Minister Honourable Fish Mahlalela embarked on a tourism 10 promotion and investment drive in Madrid, Spain CONTRIBUTORS 11 Cape Town ready to fight crime • Tourism Update • Adele Mackenzie 12 KwaZulu-Natal gears up for World Football Summit Africa • Erin Cusack 13 Support of black female wine entrepreneurs vital for transformation • Denise Slabbert 14 Greater inclusion of community needed to ensure sustainability • Gabriella Brondani Rego 15 Tourism Minister visits Tshwane youth shelter • David Frost • Otto de Vries 16 Tourism industry recognises MICE growth potential • Boitumelo Masihleho 17 CEO June Crawford bids BARSA farewell after 6 years • Johannes Mokou 18 Reigniting South Africa’s reputation as a family destination • Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa • Debbie Hathway 20 Tourism, careers and young people 21 Eco-tourism much more than a passing trend DESIGN AND LAYOUT 22 Real skills in travel management Talking Heads Advertising Design and Print (Pty) Ltd 23 SAT CEO tackles tough issues during industry engagement session South Africa set for increased arrivals from India as Tourism Minister 24 hails a successful roadshow DISCLAIMER 25 Mother City partners with China to boost tourism While every reasonable effort is made to maintain current and 26 KNP lodge – investment opportunity accurate information in this publication, the Department of Tourism accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions 26 Tourism Minister congratulates SAA for being one of the most punctual airlines in this magazine. The use of the content of this magazine is 27 Mpumalanga successfully takes on tourism safety and security at the user’s own risk. The user assumes full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from the use of the content of this 28 Rhino and elephant poaching decline in SA magazine. The Department of Tourism or any of the legal 28 New tourist attraction for Gonarezhou National Park entities in respect of which information are contained in this publication, or employees of the Department of Tourism 29 Travel and tourism: A key sector in unlocking the economy and creating jobs or such entity, will not be liable for any special, indirect, 30 Unique wildlife and conservation experiences incidental, consequential, or punitive damages or any other damages whatsoever, whether in an action of contract, 31 Future-ready lodges turn to solar power statute, tort (including, without limitation, negligence), or 32 Virgin boosts London/Cape Town seasonal flights by 80 000 seats otherwise, relating to the use of this magazine or information.
W elcome to the fourth quarter edition of our newsletter, Bojanala. Once again, it is my pleasure to keep you updated with news and happenings from the Department as well as the sector as a whole. Of course this edition comes at a very testing time, when the world is been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Since the arrival of this pandemic, our country and in particular, the sector has seen many challenges. The tourism supply chain in general has been hit hard, with many hotels closed and airlines grounded. Although this is the case, there is still hope that the pandemic will pass. We can only hope that when it passes, it does so without affecting jobs and the sector’s ability to contribute to the economy of South Africa. While this is the case though, we urge role players to continually stay positive and keep their heads up. letter We further urge the traveling community, both internationally and domestically to not cancel their travel arrangements. Instead, they should postpone them until this pandemic passes. from I also want to take this opportunity to reiterate the message by the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa and well as the health community at large, that we should stay at home, respect the proposed social distance and regularly wash our hands. This is the only way in which this pandemic will be defeated. the This edition also carries the message from the Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, during an occasion in which she was engaging business and labour about the effects of the pandemic. Amongst many editor other pointers, the Minister told the industry that they were undergoing a very severe crisis due to the pandemic and that since the outbreak; the sector was and continues to be affected negatively. Read more on this. The edition is not all doom and gloom though, it carries various other stories depicting the good work done by the Department and other industry players. Some of these stories include the recent Meetings Africa event. In its 15th sitting, the event highlighted the best of Africa, with over 320 exhibitors from across the continent displaying the best of African tourism. You will also read about the continued efforts by the Department to curb unemployment as young people continue to graduate from various hospitality courses. Further, read about the Deputy Minister’s visit to Spain, where he met with his counterpart and discussed ways in which the two countries can collaborate on tourism. Criminal activities affecting tourists have now become a problem, especially in recent times. Read more about how the Department has done in this front as well as the measures pursued in this regard. The Minister of Tourism recently met with the wine entrepreneurs in Cape Town. The meeting was held as part of a greater initiative to listen to their frustrations, while also mending means to support them. The idea at a greater scale is to ensure that there is transformation in the wine industry and that previously disadvantaged groups are allowed to play a role as well. Get perspectives from both ASATA and SATSA CEOs on various issues in tourism. For example, ASATA CEO, Otto de Vries indicates that there is a greater need for the industry to have real human skills. De Vries says that currently, “It is difficult to think of humanity when all you read in the media is about the rise of artificial intelligence.” His biggest concern is the growing talk of artificial intelligence, in the expense of humans. Also, read about Barsa’s CEO June Crawford as she bids the organisation farewell after been in the helm for 6 years. We say goodbye CEO, for your contribution to the industry. You will indeed be dearly missed. It is understood that your contributions to Bojanala will also be missed. You never missed an edition and your contributions have gone into the hearts of our readers. Thank you. In addition, I also want to heartily thank other contributors from the industry who continue to make their voices heard. As this is an industry magazine, we continue to invite you to please make use of it as we all work together to make it grow. You may not be aware, but your voices are worthwhile and this is proven by many compliments we continue to receive from the readers. This would not be so if it were not because of your consistent contributions. See you in the next edition! Blessing Manale March 2020 1
Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane addresses industry Some of the industry players listening in stakeholders during a working session in Sandton during the address by the Minister of Tourism Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi- Ngubane, speaks to the industry about the effects of COVID-19 on tourism W e are meeting here this evening coronavirus could wipe out between $63 negative impact on the tourism sector, at under a very dark cloud, when billion and $113 billion in worldwide airline least in the short to medium term. our industry is undergoing revenues this year. Russia closed its land a very severe crisis. The outbreak of the borders to passenger travel with China During this uncertainty, there are three Coronavirus in December 2019 has and Hong Kong shutting down its borders, possible scenarios that we will have to already affected the tourism industry cross-border ferries and railways. Yesterday, consider going forward so that we can very negatively and this will continue Italy formally locked down more than a start thinking about how we are going to until the world finds a way of containing quarter of its population, about 16 million respond as a country and as a sector. this virus. The Coronavirus i(COVID-19) people, in a bid to stop the spread of the s currently affecting 104 countries and virus. On the African continent cases have The first scenario is one in which by the territories around the world with confirmed been reported in Senegal, Algeria, Egypt, second quarter of this year the cases of Coronavirus cases, having surpassed 100 Morocco, Nigeria and Tunisia. The SADC Coronavirus in South Africa have peaked as 000 and more than 3 500 recorded thus far. region is still largely unaffected and we with the rest of the world. Countries start to We convened this meeting so that we can hope the situation stays that way. open up their borders and the travel bans discuss the impact that the virus will have are lifted, restoring normality in the travel on our sector and together suggest ways of Tourism supply chains involve everything and tourism sector. In this scenario industry minimising this impact in the sector. from agriculture and fishing to banking quickly recovers and it quickly returns to a and insurance. The longer these restrictions growth trajectory. Globally, we are waking up to more and continue, the hardest hit part of the value more bad news in relation to the travel chain will be the core industries which The second scenario is one in which industry. Kenya has also joined Mauritius include accommodation, food and beverage the cases of Coronavirus increase at an and the Seychelles as the latest African services, recreation and entertainment, alarming rate and certain areas in our country to have banned flights from transportation and travel services. country have to be closed off similar to the Italian cities worst affected by the what Italy did yesterday. The cases of the Coronavirus after most of the continent’s Here at home we now have seven virus only peak between the third and confirmed cases were linked to Italy. confirmed cases of the virus, and it remains fourth quarters. These areas may include Countries such as Australia have imposed uncertain whether the number of cases will popular tourist attractions. This impact of travel restrictions on travellers arriving from grow or the virus will be contained to just the virus in this scenario would be severe, affected countries. a few cases. Despite the fact we have had leading to closure of businesses and severe very few cases of the virus, the local tourism job losses. In this scenario the industry takes Airlines, including Air Canada, have industry has already suffered serious losses. an extended period to recover. cancelled all flights or significantly reduced Undoubtedly, these losses are still going the number of flights in and out of China. to increase. Whatever happens, the truth The third scenario is one in which case Some researchers have predicted that of this situation is that the virus will have a numbers grow rapidly in the country 2 Bojanala • EDITION 04
and the virus spreads to the SADC region • We will negotiate with various meeting through various programmes including and most of Sub-Saharan Africa. This and events owners to postpone to future incentives and mega events. development may prompt countries in dates based on scenarios so that we the region to seal their borders. In this minimise cancellations. Sadly, this outbreak is happening at a time scenario the global economy descends • Inevitably there will be job losses. We when our economy is not doing well and into a recession and our country’s economy have engaged the Minister of Labour and has not been doing well for the past few suffers significant contraction for the year Employment who has agreed to look at years. We have just experienced a technical 2020. The impact in our case, under this relief measures for those registered with recession because of the contraction of scenario, may be prolonged by the fact that the UIF. the economy in the third and the fourth the region may not be able to contain the quarter of last year. Our fiscus is severely virus for an extended period. In their February 27, Joint Statement on constrained given the reduction in the Tourism and COVID-19 - UNWTO and WHO revenue collection. The economic impact of What are the prospects that we could end called for responsibility and coordination in the Coronavirus will be felt in every corner up with Scenario 1? China has continued the handling of this situation. The statement of the world and almost every sector of the its downward trend in new cases, with only also emphasised the fact that WHO “did not economy. Globally, it is estimated that lower 40 new infections and 22 deaths. South recommend any travel or trade restriction demand could slow growth of the global Korea also saw some positive news, with based on the current information available”. economy between 1,8% and 2,2% instead of 248 new cases announced, far below the Our Government is continuing to monitor the 2,5% envisioned at the start of the year. daily increases of roughly 500 seen last the situation and decisions that will be This will further strifle economic growth in week. If this trend continues and these two taken will be communicated by the relevant our country. countries share the lessons learned on how departments. But I must make it clear that to manage case growth with other affected the decisions that will be taken going Simply put, ladies and gentlemen, we countries the situation could be quickly forward, depending on how this situation do not have the resources to offset the brought under control. Given the rising evolves, will be based on putting South damage that our economy will suffer cases in Italy and other parts of the world Africans first. Protecting the health of South because of this crisis. We are, however, including our country, the first scenario is African citizens is of the utmost importance willing to work with the sector to engage highly unlikely. for our Government. development finance institutions and banks to assist the sector to get some relief Scenarios 2 and 3 would the most WHO and UNWTO also advised that on capital debt repayment. devastating for the tourism industry. The “Tourism’s response needs to be measured United States has just reached 500 cases, and consistent, proportionate to the The question is what is it that we need to with more than 30 states announcing public health threat and based on local do, together, in the short to medium term infections. Our region has less robust health risk assessment, involving every part of the to minimise the impact of the virus on systems and therefore, we could see more tourism value chain – public bodies, private the tourism sector? Given the uncertainty general transmission. This means that it companies and tourists, in line with WHO’s around the evolution of the spread of this is possible that our region can remain overall guidance and recommendations.” virus we cannot at this moment provide with the stigma of the virus long after The Department of Health through Minister definitive answers. other parts of the world have brought the Zweli Mkhize has been giving regular situation under control. These two scenarios updates about developments around the It is important that we work together are highly likely to be the ones that prevail Coronavirus cases in our country and he through these challenging times. There in the coming months. will continue to do so that all of us are are many aspects about this situation that aware of the local risk going forward. as Government we are still going discuss To mitigate against the potential negative and take decisions and we are inviting you impact to businesses and jobs, we will Post the Coronavirus crisis, work will need as industry players to make inputs so that work with all stakeholders to implement to be done to restore the country’s brand as we discuss we make more informed certain measures that will assist to bring and to promote South Africa as a tourist decisions. This is our way of ensuring that relief to affected businesses and individuals. destination of choice. To this end, we will tourism’s response is “...measured and Amongst other things: reduce spending on marketing especially consistent, proportionate to the public global marketing given that in the current health threat and based on local risk • We will engage Treasury to assist environment we are unlikely to make assessment, involving every part of the businesses in distress to access the the impact we want with our marketing tourism value chain”. employment incentives that have been initiatives. We will conserve the funds for put in place use in the future to reposition the country I thank you. March 2020 3
Collaboration is Minister Kubayi-Ngubane Illustrated this undisputed fact during her walkabout Crucial for Africa’s on the trade floor, when she purchased a locally made round handbag and hat from the Tshinga Trading Enterprise exhibition Growth - Meetings stall, owned by Vuyo Mavuso. The 46-year- old female business owner is a self-taught designer originally from the Eastern Africa 2020 Cape and is currently based in Yeoville, Johannesburg. “The love of fashion inspired my business, going through the magazines and going to flea markets, because I would buy certain things and alter them,” Mavuso said. She added that it was her third year of exhibiting at Meetings Africa. “Tourists come to the country and I would normally sell to them. So at least they buy some things from South Africa and take them home. Some even have shops and stock from me. Today’s highlight was just meeting the Minister for the first time,” T ourism Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi- under one roof key business tourism she smiled. Ngubane welcomed delegates to sector players to help African countries to the ‘largest’ 15th Meetings Africa in collectively advance the tourism interests of “Government is putting its money where Johannesburg Sandton Convention Centre the continent. its mouth is by committing an amount on 25 February 2020. of R90 million to be used over the next The Minister noted that African countries three years to help South Africa draw more “It stands to reason that this year we are are at varying degrees of development, international MICE numbers to the country,” hosting the largest Meetings Africa, to and the majority of them now form part confirmed Chief Executive Officer of South date. In this regard, we have sold all the of the virtuous growth cycle. She further African Tourism, Sisa Ntshona. floor space, with 320 exhibitors from 20 highlighted that collaboration, rather than African countries. A special welcome to the competition, was crucial to assist all African The Minister concluded by saying, “To all Democratic Republic of Congo, who are countries to realise their potential. buyers from across the world, we can assure first time exhibitors at Meetings Africa,” said you that you have come to the right place. Kubayi-Ngubane. The business events sector is vital to Africa is a capable, globally competitive tourism and South Africa’s economy, business events destination and with warm “I would also like to welcome the 313 as well as that of the continent. As a people coupled with authentic and unique buyers from across the globe, who have premier business event, Meetings Africa experiences, and any event you host here is come to explore and buy what Africa has has emerged as one of the cornerstone set to be a memorable one!” to offer. After the walkabout, I could already events in South Africa’s MICE (Meetings, sense a buzz of excitement surrounding the Incentive, Conferences and Exhibition) “To all exhibitors, thank you once again for many possibilities that Africa has to offer sector, commonly known as the meetings exhibiting at Meetings Africa, thank you for the international business travel industry,” industry that attracts people who are believing in this platform and for putting she continued. travelling into the country for business, your best foot forward and presenting conferences and exhibitions. compelling tourism products and services Meetings Africa is a Pan-African Business to the world. To members of the media, Events trade show, which has been in The vibrant tourism industry directly and thank you for your continued support existence for 15 years. The show was indirectly sustains more than 250 000 jobs in sharing the African story and helping born in response to the global meetings and contributes an estimated R115 billion showcase Meetings Africa as the premium industry’s growing recognition of Africa to South Africa’s economy, “Underlining an business events platform that it is.” as a sought-after premier business events incontestable fact, that business tourists destination. The two-day event has brought spend more than leisure tourists”. By Staff Reporter 4 Bojanala • EDITION 04
Tourism sector urged to focus more on curbing youth unemployment D eputy Minister of Tourism Mr. pursue entrepreneurshalp opportunities in Fish Mahlalela called on the the hospitality space.” tourism sector to double up on Government’s initiatives to curb youth “However, I am also hopeful that their unemployment in the country. acquired qualification will give them a competitive edge as they search for Speaking at a graduation ceremony employment, and importantly it will renew to honour Mpumalanga learners who their hope,” Deputy Minster Mahlalela successfully completed the Hospitality continued. With the National Development Youth Training Programme (HYTP) Plan (NDP) target for job creation set learnership, Deputy Minister Mahlalela at 11million jobs by 2030, the Minister lamented over the low number of insisted that businesses within the tourism graduates who had been successfully value chain could contribute immensely placed within the industry. in Government attaining this goal by employing skilled youth, and by continuing The HYTP is an initiative of the Department to offer on-the-job experience for those of Tourism that addresses skills shortages who have completed similar programmes. in the sector, whilst contributing towards Government’s greater objective of creating “Our skills development training employment for the youth. The Mpumalanga programmes are world class, and I’m graduates received CATHSSETA-accredited confident that we are releasing qualified National Senior Certificates in Fast Food and proficient young people who can Services (NQF level 3) after successfully provide an excellent service.The entire completing 12-month learnership tourism value chain has the potential to programmes at various hospitality help us curb unemployment by offering establishments within the Province. employment opportunities for competent graduates,” the Minister believes. “Our country is faced with a high unemployment rate, especially amongst “The multiplier effect of investing in the youth. As Government we have taken a competent youth will not only yield stance to strengthen our skills development positive gains for the tourism market, but and empowerment initiatives to capacitate for our economy. I therefore call on the the youth to prepare them for the world of sector to boldly invest in employing our work,” Mahlalela started by saying. “As we graduates, and help us build a thriving celebrate the achievement of the 289 youth economy and a better country,” concluded who are graduating today, I am equally Deputy Minister Mahlalela. concerned that a large number of them are yet to find employment or support to By Staff Reporter March 2020 5
Part of the impressive opening of Parliament ceremony ahead of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s SONA 2020 speech. SONA 2020: Industry leaders welcome acknowledgement of safety challenges I t is a clear indication of how seriously He specifically welcomed the increased training of Tourism Safety Monitors who will President Cyril Ramaphosa takes visibility of the South African Police Service be absorbed into the SAPS as reservists. the role of the tourism sector in at identified tourism sites as well as the driving growth and creating jobs by During his speech, Ramaphosa highlighted acknowledging and tackling the issue that, following the graduation of 5 000 of tourism safety and security in his President Ramaphosa police trainees last year, 7 000 new police State of the Nation Address 2020 (SONA) trainees had been enlisted this year to in February. showed South Africa strengthen local policing. This was the consensus from two industry and the world that “To improve the quality of general and leaders – Deputy Minister of Tourism, specialised SAPS investigations, we are Fish Mahlalela and CEO of the Tourism barriers to tourism establishing a Crime Detection University in Business Council of South Africa, Tshifhiwa Hammanskraal,” added the President. Tshivhengwa – who spoke to Tourism growth are a high-level Update early this morning. Government priority Tshivhengwa pointed out that he got a ‘clear sense’ from this and other references “President Ramaphosa showed South and that the safety of to growth and jobs creation – along with Africa and the world that barriers addressing the energy crisis as well as safety to tourism growth are a high-level tourists was therefore issues – that tourism was ‘front and centre’ Government priority and that the safety of the president’s speech. of tourists was therefore also a major also a major priority priority,” said Mahlalela. By Adele Mackenzie 6 Bojanala • EDITION 04
Deputy Minister of Tourism, Fish Mahlalela #LETSGROWTOURISM: SA could attract more of the six million Spanish tourists A n agreement between He highlighted that, to tap into the huge accommodation options. “Even bed and Confederación Española de market potential, tourism suppliers needed breakfast and self-catering options should Organizaciones Empresariales to move beyond five-star luxury tours be considered for packages.” (Spanish Confederation of Employers’ and showcase the more affordable tour Organizations), or CEOE, a massive Spanish package options with three- and four-star “Furthermore, currently only two major business organisation and South African South African experiences/destinations Tourism has been signed to host a tourism are being flagged in Spain and the rest roadshow in Spain later this year in an According to of Europe – Kruger National Park and the effort to grow tourism and increase Spanish private lodges, and Cape Town,” Mahlalela investment in tourism infrastructure in Mahlalela, tourism added. South Africa. numbers to South “We have so much more to offer and we, “As part of the roadshow, CEOE and South as the ministry, have agreed to work with African Tourism will hold an investment Africa from Spain have South African Tourism’s country hubs, to seminar to highlight opportunities in South meet with all the destination marketing Africa for Spanish businesses,” said Deputy grown from 15 000 in companies to market all nine provinces.” Minister of Tourism, Fish Mahlalela. 2015 to a projected The Minister also lamented the fact that, Speaking to Tourism Update today (Friday) from the sidelines of the International 44 000 expected to of the 13 or so South African exhibitors at FITUR this week, the majority were from the Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR), which is being visit this year – but this Western Cape with a few from KwaZulu- held in Madrid from 22 to 26 January, he Natal and Gauteng. pointed out that South Africa’s cultural is a drop in the ocean heritage and diverse wildlife held particular In terms of air access, Mahlalela said there appeal to the Spanish market. compared with the were several flights to other parts of Europe from South Africa, but there was no direct According to Mahlalela, tourism numbers six million Spanish flight to Spain. “However, once the tourism to South Africa from Spain have grown numbers increase, airlines will be more from 15 000 in 2015 to a projected 44 000 international travellers inclined to see the economic viability of expected to visit this year – but this is a drop introducing a direct flight,” he said. in the ocean compared with the six million each year Spanish international travellers each year. By Staff Reporter March 2020 7
MINISTER OF TOURISM CALLS FOR FLOURISHING TOWNSHIP TOURISM IN HONOUR of SHARPVILLE MASSACRE Community of Sharpville listening Kabelo Kgoadi attentively to the Minister community member engaging with the Minister “I am as committed to township which continues to be the highlight of same vein, the Minister said, “the training of tourism, as I am about the quality of Government’s economic turnaround amidst tourist guides in different languages remain our products, the safety of tourists, constrained economic growth and high our priority as it goes a long way to improve employment of youth, empowerment of youth unemployment. the experience of tourists, ensuring that our women and the marketing of our country. stories are told better, making tourists want Our unique offering in the township will The counter National Tourism Sector to return to our country.” indeed depend on what we offer those who Strategy (NTSS) and various other come to tour South Africa for our culture, supplementary strategies have identified The Minister said, “Together with the our history and the story of our resilience as Liberation heritage routes and township municipalities and provincial Government we a people.” These were the words of Tourism Tourism Nodes as immediate interventions will have to work together to make the 60th Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane while required to bring townships into the anniversary celebrations memorable and use addressing the community of Sharpeville on mainstream packaged offering for both them to reposition the Sedibeng district as a 22 February 2020, at Kwa Dlomo Dam. domestic and international tourists. tourism destination of high potential of and preference. As the Department we will make Ahead of the planned month-long “We need strategic thinkers to apply our fair contribution and importantly be part celebration of Human Rights Month in themselves in terms of how to design Naledi of the new tourism product to be offered in March, the Minister, in partnership with route to become a tourism route without this part of our country.” the Emfuleni, Sedibeng District and building shacks; to redesign the road to be Local Municipalities, held a stakeholder the likes of Vilakazi Street. There are now “The Government awaits applications from Engagement Imbizo in Sharpeville and funds approved for Moshoeshoe road to be the youth of Sharpeville to apply for tourism visited numerous sites of historic significance. rebranded and such approvals make our training in order to access employment country grow,” Rev. Moerane continued. opportunities. Available training includes “Sharpeville is home to eight memorials of the chefs training programme, Sommeliers, national significance. Of utmost importance As the country prepares to celebrate the tourism safety monitors and hospitality is the fact that this is where our late President 25th Anniversary of the post-apartheid training. We will support product owners Nelson Mandela signed the country’s Human Rights Day and the 60th Anniversary by supplying business planning skills in globally celebrated democratic Constitution of the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre on 21 order to successfully apply for, and submit in 1996, thereby ushering in a new era of March, there was a renewed motivation proposals for programmes such as the constitutional democracy. The Vaal is more in the development of liberation heritage Tourism Transformation Fund, Green than just its history and its future is in its routes. In addition, the celebration of the Tourism Incentive Scheme and the Market tourism potential,” said Emfuleni Executive struggle history as part of the country’s Access Programme amongst others. We Mayor, Rev. Gift Moerane. tourism offering was made a priority to will support in assisting B&Bs and other empower community and private safety accommodation facilities to be graded,” The stakeholder consultation was held initiatives by training and placing tourism concluded Minister Kubayi-Ngubane. as a part of the continuing engagement monitors to ensure the safety of tourists and in unlocking the potential of tourism, create job opportunities for the youth. In the By Staff Reporter 8 Bojanala • EDITION 04
Mandarin to boost excellent service to tourists T he World Federation of Tourist Guides trained in the command of the Mandarin demand for quality services and more skilled Association (WFTGA) declared the language to better serve the potential tourist guides is increasing and to remain 21st of February International Tourist influx of Chinese tourists to South Africa. highly competitive and ensure sustainable Guides Day (ITGD). On this day, tourist employment, tourist guides of today need to guides are celebrated by recognising Twenty South African tourist guides from be able to speak foreign languages, have a the important work that they do within Gauteng, Eastern Cape and Western Cape are range of specialities, be able to guide across tourism. Since its inception, the event currently being trained to speak Mandarin; regions/borders and provide exceptional has been celebrated across the world the training takes a period of two months at and authentic customer experiences. by WFTGA members’ countries of which Malibu Lodge in Kameeldrift. South Africa, through the national guiding Ramphele further emphasised that, “We are association, is also a member. It was on International Tourist Guide Day, praying and hoping that the Coronavirus will 21 February 2020, when Department of end soon to permit our Chinese counterparts In South Africa, the event has gained Tourism Deputy Director General Mme to visit our country so that you can welcome prominence and is celebrated at both Morogoe Ramphele met and engaged with them in their language, making them feel national and provincial levels. The the tourist guides at Malibu Lodge. special and to see the need to visit again, objective of the event is to profile we also rely on you to give our visitors an the tourist guiding sector and create “We are in this sector to mainly create jobs, it excellent experience and good service.” awareness about the profession. is important to the Department to meet this team during the training to observe and also “Hope to see you at Constitutional Hill on With over 13 000 registered tourist guides encourage you not to give up,” said Ramphele. 12 to 13 March as we will be celebrating all in South Africa, only 228 tourist guides are the tour guides in South Africa for doing able to speak Mandarin, most of whom The 2015 Annual Report on Tourist Guiding a brilliant and remarkable job,” concluded are Chinese nationals. Hence, the main states that the changing consumer needs DDG Ramphele. objective of the project is to provide an and travel patterns have placed more opportunity for local tourist guides to be demands on the average tourist guide. The By Staff Reporter March 2020 9
Deputy Minister Honourable Fish Mahlalela embarked on a tourism promotion and investment drive in Madrid, Spain D eputy Minister Honourable Fish that Government will support them Mahlalela embarked on a tourism wholeheartedly. promotion and investment drive in Madrid, Spain, 21 to 24 January 2020. Deputy Minister Mahlalela addressed members of the media at the sidelines The Deputy Minister was in Madrid of INVESTOUR. He detailed South Africa’s for the Tourism Investment Trade Fair tourism plans, and sought to allay fears with and 11th Edition of the Tourism regard to safety and other negative narratives Investment and Business Forum for Africa which have been recently portrayed and (INVESTOUR) Sessions. communicated by some. He also addressed the visa and abridged certificates for those Jointly organised annually by FITUR and traveling into South Africa. Deputy Minister Mahlalela with South Africa’s Casa Africa, INVESTOUR is an investment Ambassador to The Kingdom of Spain, attraction drive through tourism “We have eased visa travel regulations for Ambassador Thenjiwe Mtintso arriving for the Tourism Investment Trade Fair (FITUR) in promotion, advocating for brand Africa those travelling to our country. Furthermore, Madrid, Spain. in line with the United Nations World those travelilng with minors to South Africa Tourism Organisation’s agenda of tourism are no longer required to carry unabridged enhancement and promotion. certificates for those minors.” Deputy Minister Fish Mahlalela used this Deputy Minister Mahlalela assured the opportunity to engage various tourism media that the Department of Tourism has players and counterparts in an effort developed a safety plan in partnership with to drive South Africa’s investment goal. the Department of Police, to ensure the Amongst these, Deputy Minister Mahlalela safety of tourists visiting our county. met with the Deputy Minister of Tourism in Spain, Ms. Isabel Mario Oliver to discuss “We have had unfortunate incidents of working relations between South Africa attacks on tourists in our country, and have and Spain. He also met with the Venezuelan in light of these had various meetings with Minister of Tourism, Mr. Felix Plasencia to the Police Department and came up with a discuss tourism opportunities between the safety plan to curb the incidents of attacks Deputy Minister Mahlalela with Spain’s Deputy two countries. on our tourists,” the Minister explained. “This Minister for Tourism, Ms. Isabel Mario Oliver. will be brought about through the creation He also met with representatives of of a tourism safety-focused unit, and we Norwegian Airlines, who have an interest in believe that these attacks will end.” introducing their business in South Africa. As part of their mandate to promote and The Deputy Minister spoke on many drive the tourism strategy in our country, product offerings which our country has, i.e. South African Tourism (SAT) invited South the wildlife, scenic beauty, etc. African entrepreneurs in the tourism industry to exhibit at this year’s FITUR, Throughout his visit, the Deputy Minister here they got to showcase and market was accompanied and supported by South their various products to those attending Africa’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Deputy Minister Mahlalela, Ambassador Thenjiwe Mtintso, Venezuela Minister of the event. The Deputy Minister visited the Spain, Ambassador Thenjiwe Mtintso. Tourism Mr. Felix Plasencia and Acting Head South African stand and interacted with of Office, Ms. Nkhopotseng Hlasa. the exhibitors, giving them assurance By Staff Reporter 10 Bojanala • EDITION 04
Cape Town ready to fight crime F ollowing concerns of crime in Cape This follows an incident in Khayelitsha, Travel Wise initiative proved successful in Town, 500 new law enforcement reported by Tourism Update in January, in providing tourists with reassurance and officers have been deployed in the which a group visiting in a tour bus was comfort, the responsibility of policing was Western Cape, making the province safer robbed. The incident sparked concern for primarily that of the South African Police for tourists. the safety of tourists in Cape Town. Service as the lead agency. The new officers are part of the City of Cape Winde said this was just one aspect of The 500 newly qualified law enforcement Town’s Law Enforcement Advancement the safety plan and that a wide range of officers will be deployed to communities Programme (LEAP), which is jointly funded initiatives across departments were being such as Khayelitsha, in what is the first step by the Western Cape Government in line implemented. of a multi-phase roll-out. with the Western Cape Safety Plan. One such initiative, dedicated specifically “Today is evidence of how much more we Western Cape Premier, Alan Winde, said: “We to keeping tourists safe, is the Travel Wise can achieve when we work together, and I promised the people of this province that we project, which was implemented over look forward to continuing this partnership would do everything in our power to make the festive season by Mayoral Committee with the Western Cape Government, which it a safer place to live. Today, the Western Member for Economic Opportunities and will see even more law enforcement officers Cape Government and the City of Cape Town Asset Management, James Vos. on the streets of Cape Town,” said Dan will be significantly boosting the number of Plato, Executive Mayor of Cape Town. boots on the ground, as a deterrent to crime When he spoke to Tourism Update at the in communities most impacted by it.” time, Vos made it clear that, while the By Erin Cusack March 2020 11
MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Nomusa Dube-Ncube (second from left) and Premier of KwaZulu-Natal Sihle Zikalala (middle) KwaZulu-Natal gears up for World Football Summit Africa K waZulu-Natal will host the first African such a global event that brings all those The summit will bring together over edition of the largest global football involved in the business of sports together,” 1 000 attendees and 80 top speakers from event, the World Football Summit said Zikalala. 50 different countries. The World Football (WFS) Africa. Summit reports that the summit’s economic impact on Durban will surpass €12 million. It will take place at the Durban ICC on 17 Global research and 18 March 2020, and will see global eThekwini Municipal Mayor, Mxolisi leaders of football – such as the FIFA showed that the Kaunda, said it was a vote of confidence Secretary General, Fatma Samoura; La in the country’s ability to host major Liga President, Javier Tebas; and South sports industry was international events. “With over 1 200 African Football Association President, delegates from around the world expected Danny Jordaan – attending. the second fastest to attend the WFS, this will once again position Durban as a globally competitive KwaZulu-Natal Premier, Sihle Zikalala, growing sector for city for investment and a venue of choice said global research showed that the sports for sport events.” industry was the second fastest growing brands, outpacing sector for brands, outpacing the GDP WFS started in Madrid in 2016 and growth of most countries. the GDP growth of currently hosts yearly summits in Madrid and Kuala Lumpur. “We are excited and very proud as the most countries Province of KwaZulu-Natal to play host to By Tourism Update 12 Bojanala • EDITION 04
Support of black female wine entrepreneurs vital for transformation F emale wine producers are at the precisely support a calibre of such from the market, we are as good as nothing.” forefront of transformation in the women who are driven by passion in their wine industry and need adequate respective business arenas. Nomsa Sondani of Lathitha echoed support to contribute meaningfully in the the same sentiment and explained commercial space and ultimately help Minister Kubayi-Ngubane used the occasion that because of resistance locally, 90% boost the country’s economic growth. to also share with the women some of the of her wines are exported. While they market support programmes offered by the make an impact internationally, the local The Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Department to specifically assist with market environment was challenging particularly Kubayi-Ngubane, met some of the black access. The latter has been identified as a for black women trying to make their mark wine entrepreneurs in Cape Town’s Bantry major hurdle, which the woman believed in the sector, she added. Bay Suite Hotel recently, who shared some had the propensity to sink their businesses. insight on some of the barriers they face The Minister described the engagement as in this historically male-dominated and Nodumiso Pikashe, founder of Ses’fikile very insightful and undertook to continue traditionally lily-white industry. This is Wines, recounted some of the frustration the discussion and consider some of despite some of them owning vineyards on endured despite years of experience, the ways to intervene. She highlighted the fertile slopes of the Stellenbosch. with some retailers imposing strict criteria the importance of industry support to “I’m here to hear about your story, to learn to even suggest their products are “too black women wine entrepreneurs as the more about your products and what I can ethnic” to appeal to local wine consumers. economic value in which the tourism sector do to assist you so we can transform the Wine productivity and sourcing funding can exponentially benefit South Africa. This industry,” said Minister Kubayi-Ngubane for infrastructure development was a was crucial as the Department also works to the women who had displayed their challenge. Malmsey Rangaka of M’hudi towards positioning the country as the beautifully packaged ranges of wines on Wines, the first black-owned vineyard in number one tourist destination globally. the foyer, some of which making an impact Stellenbosch, who described her 15 years as internationally. These include Ses’fikile, a “revolving door”, echoed this sentiment. The wine entrepreneurs commended the Mhudi, Lubbys, Lathitha, Seven Sisters and Minister for the gathering, saying it was a Thembi Wines – all job creators with about “They’d suggest a change of name on the rare occurrence and one that gave them 15 years of industry experience. basis that the product is distinctively an hope for a better future for the success of African concept. We are the first black women their businesses. Significantly, this engagement happened to buy our own land instead of relying on the eve of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s on sourcing the grapes from third parties “I assure you, this is not the last time we State of the Nation Address (SONA) in and stand on our own, but all that is of no interact,” said Minister Kubayi-Ngubane. which he announced various programmes consequence,” Rangaka explained. “No matter that Government would provide to how good our product is, without support By Staff Reporter March 2020 13
Greater inclusion “Education is the most sustainable way to uplift entire communities and therefore key to breaking the poverty cycle. By giving of community local Zambian children the tools they need to improve their own lives, Tujatane gives needed to ensure them access to opportunities that they would otherwise never have been exposed sustainability to,” said Roos. “A visit to the school is also a favourite CSR and give-back opportunity for many of our clients.” Environmental Education When planning itineraries for adventure- seekers who care about wildlife and the environment, tour operators should definitely consider booking an excursion with White Shark Projects, which operates from Gansbaai in the Western Cape. At the heart of this organisation, which organises a number of activities, including shark cage diving and Voluntourism Green Tribe is sponsoring nine children at the Tujatane school in Zambia. Source: Dragonfly Africa Group experiences, White Shark Project is all about conserving “these magnificent F or true sustainability in the long term, opportunity to address the shortage of ocean predators” through various there has to be a greater impact and quality education facilities, implement conservation projects, according to MD, inclusion for communities, according sustainable waste management systems Charmaine Beukes. to Kerry Roos, Director: Incentives and and raise environmental awareness. Travel, Green Route Africa. Eco-brick Exchange collects these bottles Every spring (since 2014) White Shark and then facilitates the construction Projects has held its 21-Day Campaign to Green Route Africa is a division of the of preschools in underprivileged create awareness about sharks in the Dragonfly Africa Group, providing communities using this unrecyclable local community. Destination Management Services to the plastic waste.” UK and European markets. The initiative is all about educating the Green Route Africa is also busy finalising communities who live along the Cape “As a company we are passionate about details of support for a sustainable Coast as to how they can be responsible. environmental sustainability and as a result, community project in the Lowveld area via Through educational talks at various we have sought multiple opportunities the Tourism Conservation Fund. schools, social media initiatives, radio of leveraging situations arising within our interviews, fundraisers and beach clean- destinations to create as much value for, “Once finalised, this project will see us ups, young and old in the community are and enhancement of sustainability from the supporting the establishment and growth educated about how everyday behaviour community and conservation projects we of supplies and commerce between the can affect the ocean. support,” said Roos. established and aspirant entrepreneurs in the Nkuhlu community adjoining the White Shark Projects also offers various As an example, she points out that Green southern KNP and the lodges operating in initiatives to educate travellers about Route Africa has been taking action within and around the KNP.” sharks and the ocean, including its its own office by collecting plastic waste Voluntourism experiences. For Beukes and and making Eco-brick. Roos said the organisation also had its own her team – education and awareness are registered charity called Green Tribe and, the answer. “This extremely exciting project by Eco- as a group, was currently sponsoring nine brick Exchange offers Green Route the children at Tujatane School in Zambia. By Denise Slabbert 14 Bojanala • EDITION 04
Tourism Minister visits Tshwane youth shelter “I could not finish reading all the hand campaigns, which are vital in the intensive the Youth for Survival Centre has many written letters I received from these fight against the scourge of gender-based needs, but we hope today can contribute beautiful children, I got emotional violence amongst other social ills. It is a safe in making sure that your work becomes because most of them were asking for haven for abused and orphaned young easier,” concluded the Minister. assistance with the provision of basic needs women and children. such as school shoes and uniforms,” said Youth for Survival founder and CEO Ms. Minister of Tourism Mmamoloko Kubayi- “I am only here to hand this over to Mushi Mathe thanked the Minister for her Ngubane during her visit to donate school the children to say we care not only as generosity saying it was even more special uniforms, clothes, shoes and toys at the Government, but as parents, human beings to the children that they received all they Youth for Survival Centre in Pretoria on 28 and members of society, it is important that had requested in their letters. January 2020. the private sector such as the Khuthulula Foundation, work alongside Government to The Ministerial visit to the shelter reinforced Over the festive season, 50 children from improve the lives of the less fortunate and Government’s firm stand against all forms the centre wrote letters, outlining some of vulnerable people,” emphasised Minister of violence against the most vulnerable their basic needs in a request for assistance Kubayi-Ngubane. in our society and is in line with the from the Tourism Minister. As a non- President’s call for a year-round education, governmental organisation based in the “These children deserve to be loved and awareness and prevention campaign. community of Pretoria West, the shelter they deserve to be told that they are offers strategic programmes and awareness special. I know this is not a big thing as By Staff Reporter March 2020 15
Tourism industry recognises MICE growth potential T here are extensive benefits from the the tourism industry, but adjacent and Lecturer of Pharmacology at North development of the MICE industry unrelated industries too. West University, Dr Makhotso Lekhooa, in South Africa, with the global and CEO of the Black Business Council, meetings industry starting to recognise Panellists included SA Tourism CEO, Sisa Kgaanki Matabane. Africa as a sought-after business and Ntshona, Economist Xhanti Payi, Senior events destination. “The tourism industry is one of the ‘low- hanging fruits’ for job creation in the This is according to the Minister of Tourism, Platforms like country,” said Matabane, adding that the Mmamololo Kubayi-Ngubane, addressing challenge lay in making all sectors of the media on Friday at the official launch of Meetings Africa economy feel included. “We cannot have Meetings Africa, set to place at the Sandton Convention Centre from 24 to 26 February. were important inclusive economic growth if the majority of South Africans are excluded from the for showcasing tourism value chain.” The Minister added that platforms like Meetings Africa were important for what Africa’s Ntshona agreed, and said inclusion was showcasing what Africa’s business event one of the key roles played by SA Tourism. suppliers could offer international business event “A is to provide access and B is to inform MICE groups. suppliers could offer and educate.” He emphasised that the MICE market was an opportunity for potential Following Kubayi-Ngubane’s keynote address, a team of panellists highlighted international investors to see South Africa, noting that tourism was a gateway to business. how beneficial encouraging MICE growth MICE groups in South Africa would be not only for By Erin Cusack 16 Bojanala • EDITION 04
B oard of Airline Representatives (BARSA) CEO June Crawford has announced that she will be stepping down from her role, effective 30 April 2020. She has held the position since 2014, having initially been appointed on a short-term basis, but having overseen BARSA with distinction for the past six years. June departs on the back of a wish to spend more time with her family in Australia. She will continue to serve on the Board of BARSA from 1 May to support the incoming CEO, for whom the search will commence, shortly. She had previously held positions at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and been appointed by the then-Minister of Transport to the position on a non-executive director of Air Traffic and Navigation Services (2008-2012), before becoming CEO. She has a particular interest in Corporate Governance, having served on both private and public sector boards. June is also currently the Deputy Chairman of the Tourism Business Council of South Africa, a Board member of the International Women’s Forum of South Africa, chairs the Aviation Working Group of the South African BRICS Business Council and is a director of Aviation Coordination Services. “It has been my pleasure to serve the International and African member airlines of CEO June BARSA, as well as the aviation and tourism industries in a full-time capacity,” she says. “I will continue to support the Board, my successor and the team at BARSA - albeit from afar - and look forward to my regular visits back to South Africa”. Crawford Carla da Silva, BARSA Chair, says that it has been a pleasure to work closely with a bids BARSA dynamic and seasoned professional like June. “She is a woman of excellence, who is extremely passionate about aviation, tourism, corporate governance - and enabling the growth of other women. I am delighted that she will stay on as a BARSA Board farewell member, as her wealth of knowledge will continue to add tremendous value,” she says. “The BARSA Board and team wish to thank June for her incredible work at the helm of after 6 the organisation and for always being a proud ambassador for South Africa - and for the aviation and tourism industry”. Years About BARSA The Board of Airline Representatives of South Africa (BARSA) represents the interests of its African and International members to Government, airport operators and other stakeholders in the airline industry with the aim of facilitating and further developing a safe, efficient and viable aviation industry in South Africa. BARSA provides a single concerted voice on policy and other matters in relation to Government and other stakeholders in transport, business and tourism. Within this structure, and as members of Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), BARSA remains at the helm; offering a voice to African and International airlines operating to and from the Republic of South Africa. By Gabriella Brondani Rego March 2020 17
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