Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk - 2020 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER JOURNAL - Amazon AWS

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Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk - 2020 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER JOURNAL - Amazon AWS
2020                     WORLD DAY OF PRAYER
Volume XLVI—A Publication of the World Day of Prayer International Committee

 Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk

                                    W R I T T E N B Y W D P WO M E N O F Z I M B A B W E
Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk - 2020 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER JOURNAL - Amazon AWS
World Day of Prayer Writing Committee, Zimbabwe

                                                                            SOCIAL MEDIA

F E ATURES                               WDP AROUND THE
03   From the Chairperson
     United by the Bond of Love          07       Africa

04   Worship Service Bible Text          12       Asia
                                                                            To access the Journal online visit
     John 5:2-9a                                                            www.worlddayofprayer.net/journals.html
                                         16       Caribbean/North America
05   From the Writer Country                                                        Like WDPIC on Facebook at
     Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk        19       Europe                            www.facebook.com/WDPIC

40   Leading Together                    30       Latin America                      Follow WDPIC on Instagram at
44   From the Executive Director         35       Middle East                        prayerinternational
     WDP Is About Building
                                         37       Pacific                   The Asia, Europe and Pacific Regions all
                                                                            have Facebook pages too!
                                                                            • World Day of Prayer Asia
49   WDP at a Glance
                                                                            • WDP Europe
                                                                            • World Day of Prayer PacificRegion

                                                                                    Visit the National Committee
                                                                                    website by clicking on the link
                                                                                    displayed after their report!

World Day of Prayer   2 Journal 2020
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      United by the Bond of Love
                                                 BY LAURENCE GANGLOFF

A    t the 2012 WDP International Meet-
     ing, Zimbabwe was selected to be-
come the writer country of the worship
                                                                                               masks, and washing your hands, were
                                                                                               not all implemented in the same way
                                                                                               around the world; history will judge the
service for the year 2020. How to involve                                                      political leader’s actions on this global
Zimbabwean women in this unique ex-                                                            health crisis.
perience? How to promote this World
Day of Prayer program? To answer these                                                         During this time of confinement at my
two questions, the WDP Zimbabwe                                                                home, I used the Zimbabwean fabric as a
Committee launched a campaign to pro-                                                          placemat for the three candles - Peace -
mote the theme and their responsibility                                                        Love - Reconciliation - lit by the girls in
towards the movement. They produced                                                            the celebration. These candles were a
a fabric with the WDP logo and 2020                                                            sign of hope for a better time and an in-
theme printed on it, and sold it in pieces                                                     vitation to apply - Peace – Love – Recon-
to be made into dresses, head wraps, or                                                        ciliation to the daily life.
table cloths. They proudly wore their           Laurence Gangloff
dresses and head wraps to raise funds to                                                       As the allowance to leave home was im-
carry out their projects while waiting to                                                      plemented in France, new rules were
embark in the writing process of WDP            changed the life of this man, and then         adopted, like wearing a face mask and
materials.                                      2000 years later they changed my life as       keeping a social or physical distance
                                                well. In the weaving of Jesus’ words and       from each other. I once again turned to
When I was elected WDP International            Zimbabwean cloth I saw how much a              the Zimbabwe cloth, now I used it to
Committee Chairperson in 2017, the del-         word of life can bring hope. I believe that    make a face mask. I don’t think anyone
egates of the Zimbabwe WDP commit-              this encounter still brings a breath of life   had imagined that the cloth would have
tee gave me a sample of this famous             and hope for all.                              this use when it was made!
cloth. It was with respect and gratitude
that I received this gift. I wore it first as   Immediately after the celebration in           You will discover in the following pages
headband, and then as a stole. How              March, my “normal” life was disrupted by       of this Journal the testimonies of the
proud I was to wear this little piece of        the order of confinement to combat the         worldwide sisters. Perhaps one day our
cloth that symbolized the worldwide             spread of the Coronavirus in France. And       children or grandchildren will read these
communion, in which we found our-               as a historical fact, the whole world          testimonies with a historical hindsight
selves during the preparations and cele-        found itself exposed to the COVID-19.          or a gaze of a scientist. In the meantime,
bration of our common prayer, on the            The health guidelines to deal with the         I invite you to discover each testimony
first Friday of March - March 6th, 2020!        pandemic, such as isolation, wearing           and to carry it in your prayers, so that we
                                                                                               may remain united by this bond of love.
In my meditations on the theme “Rise!                                                          Let’s Rise… Take…Walk and live out the
Take Your Mat and Walk”, I have often                                                          hope offered by Jesus and share it with
imagined this Zimbabwean cloth cover-                                                          the world!
ing the sick person healed by Jesus. This
anachronism did not make me back                                                               Thank you for your commitment to
down on listening to the orders given by                                                       this beautiful World Day of Prayer
Jesus: “Rise... take... walk!” Those words                                                     movement!
                                                                                                 World Day of Prayer    3 Journal 2020
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Worship Service Bible Text
                                                                   JOHN 5:2-9A

  TAIWAN                                                                            GABON

  MEXICO                                                                            GHANA

N       ow in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate there is a pool, called in Hebrew Beth-zatha, which has five porticoes. In these lay many
        invalids—blind, lame, and paralyzed. One man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying
there and knew that he had been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” The sick man answered him,
“Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am making my way, someone else steps down
ahead of me.” Jesus said to him, “Stand up, take your mat and walk.” At once the man was made well, and he took up his mat and
began to walk.

*New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United
States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

World Day of Prayer       4 Journal 2020
Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk - 2020 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER JOURNAL - Amazon AWS

        “Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk”
                                         BY WDP WOMEN OF ZIMBABWE

W        e really felt blessed and humbled
         to be the writer committee for
the 2020 WDP worship service. The op-
portunities given by the collaborative
writing process enriched us and let us
grow in faith. One of the impacts of pro-
moting the program as the focus coun-
try is that it united us. Women from
different religious backgrounds, cultures
and traditions came together under a
common goal for the betterment of our
country. It was a wonderful experience
which required creativity.

In the beginning, we found the theme         Since the theme was defined in 2012, to
motivational and a reminder that Christ      the launch of the writing process
would give us strength. However, as the      through the Strengthening National
days went by, the theme became more          Committee Workshop in 2016, and fi-
relevant, especially because of the          nally the moment of the celebration in
COVID-19 outbreak. The theme sounded         2020, the message has evolved. Really,
like a mandate, a mantra and certainly a
                                             God showed Himself to us. God is All
way of life as the Coronavirus pandemic
                                             Knowing. Our country and all others
hit the nations in 2020.
                                             around the globe must indeed “Rise!
                                             Take Your Mat and Walk.”
In Zimbabwe, the pandemic grouped to-
gether with the drought and the eco-                                                    involving beadwork and donating food
                                             Notwithstanding the disruption in our
nomic hardships made us feel that God                                                   to those in need. Little girls from the Girl
                                             calendar due to the pandemic, the chil-    Guide movement also participated in
was speaking directly unto our situation.
Our people had to rely on Jesus Christ       dren and youths were able to undertake     the activities. These activities showed
and His command to “Rise! Take Your          a drama which was aired at the Zim-        that all hope is not lost. The children ac-
Mat and Walk” towards the love and           babwe broadcasting studio; they as-        quired a good foundation as they learnt
peace of God, which surpasses all under-     sisted with advertising on social media,   attitudes basic for their sense of human-
standing, and the reconciliation with the    sang and danced in the services. They      ity, which are caring for others and cater-
Holy Spirit, who brings healing and          were also involved in projects making      ing to their needs. This intergenerational
restoration to us all.                       sanitary pads, sewing face masks, crafts   exchange of skills also blessed us all.

                                                                                          World Day of Prayer    5 Journal 2020
Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk - 2020 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER JOURNAL - Amazon AWS
next year’s program written by WDP            Those who managed to attend the wor-
                                            women of Vanuatu.                             ship service before the government or-
                                                                                          dered a lockdown expressed their
                                            There was an overall excitement that          gratitude as they felt the service was
                                            took charge of the atmosphere around          heartwarming. They were encouraged
                                            the world throughout the preparations         to propel above injustice, hatred, vio-
                                            and services. We heard very positive          lence and walk towards Love, Peace and
                                            comments from different churches and          Reconciliation.
                                            organizations. They told us to “keep up
During the full WDP process as a writer     the good work.” Others wished they were       We look forward to engaging with more
country, we were reminded that despite      the ones leading the program. Some or-        community outreach events while we
the dark times, Zimbabwe is still part of   ganizations indicated that they would         build up and improve on the prayer jour-
a global village. We learnt to appreciate   like to join in the World Day of Prayer       ney that has already began. Through our
all that God has entrusted us to look       programs and projects. Every woman got        ecumenical relationships, we developed
after. We learnt a lot about our own        involved, regardless of their tradition.      partnerships to support the mothers and
                                                                                          care givers of Ramangwana Ravo Trust,
country and how to love and embrace
                                            There was a great sacrifice by the commit-    the Mucheke Old People’s Home and
people from other religions, cultures,
                                            tee members for the whole program to          Omni Village Rehabilitation and Skills
traditions and who speak different lan-
                                            sail through. To put the materials to-        Development Center. Also, it helped birth
guages. We are all God’s creatures.
                                            gether with participants from different       relationships that empower women to
                                            parts of Zimbabwe and with no access to       share ideas on how to manage chal-
Recently, we also learnt new things such
                                            social media to facilitate our communica-     lenges in life and be self-sufficient.
as how to use video conferencing appli-
                                            tions was our biggest challenge. Thus, we
cations (e.g. Zoom) and other technolo-     created a steering committee to coordi-       This entire experience has reinforced
gies to stay connected despite the          nate the promotion of the activities and      how important it is to pray without ceas-
lockdown due to Coronavirus. More sig-      formed sub-committees to help with the        ing for others and for ourselves. Without
nificantly, all nations around the world    fundraising. People were highly support-      God we are unable to do anything. We
took it upon themselves to pray for our     ive of the World Day of Prayer, and gave      depend on God for everything. God is
country. The responses we got from          very good suggestions for the promotion       God of the impossible. Is there anything
other countries have encouraged us to       of the activities; we even got support from   too hard for God?
engage and support other writer coun-       people in the government. Sacrifice, com-
tries, thus we are more motivated with      mitment and dedication are key!

World Day of Prayer   6 Journal 2020
Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk - 2020 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER JOURNAL - Amazon AWS
 BOTSWANA                                                                 CAMEROON

B O T S WA N A                                                                           touch and reflect while waiting for bet-
                                               DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO
                                                                                         ter days when we can, by the grace of
Women of different churches and cul-
                                                                                         God, hold physical meetings again. If we
tures came together to pray, sing, and
                                                                                         are to rise to the challenge of doing bet-
share a meal together in worship with
                                                                                         ter than we have in the past and living in
our sisters of Zimbabwe. Many people
                                                                                         peace, then we must identify the obsta-
attended the services and eagerly partic-
                                                                                         cles that undermine our daily lives. We
ipated. Women from Zimbabwe residing
                                                                                         must begin living a humble life, be kind
in our country took part in the service
                                                                                         and compassionate, share with those in
and sang with us. The moments for                                                        need and practice forgiveness as much
prayer had the biggest impact. As a com-                                                 as possible, “not seven times but up to
munity, we lifted up in prayers those suf-   CAMEROON                                    seventy-seven times.” (Matthew 18:22)
fering from substance abuse,
                                             Despite the anxiety and unrest in our
unemployment and gender-based vio-                                                       DEMOCRATIC REP U B L I C
                                             country due to the COVID-19 pandemic
lence. We prayed for the world as the                                                    OF THE CONGO
                                             and the Anglophone separatist crisis
COVID-19 pandemic spread and for the                                                     We give thanks to God for allowing us to
                                             (Cameroonian Civil War), nothing was
peace and stability of African countries.    taken away from the enthusiasm and          organize and celebrate the WDP service
The theme was relevant to the situation      commitment of our women, who braved         on the date planned before any lock-
of today and taught us that suffering can    many difficulties to honor WDP and be       downs went into effect. All the prepara-
be an opportunity for growth in patience     united in prayer with our sisters in Zim-   tion and rehearsal sessions were carried
and faith. We do not know why there is       babwe. There was a considerable slow-       out successfully and the liturgy was
always suffering in the world but as long    down in our activities but social media     translated into the local language and
as our trust and faith are with the Lord,    applications, like WhatsApp and Zoom,       distributed in all of the provinces. It was
we will grow stronger and resilient.         offered us the opportunity to stay in       great to be able to have one final meeting

                                                                                           World Day of Prayer    7 Journal 2020
Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk - 2020 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER JOURNAL - Amazon AWS
GAMBIA                                  GHANA

together in prayer for our sisters in Zim-                                                GHANA
babwe. As the virus continued to spread,          KENYA
                                                                                          The service was inspirational and we felt
our country began to restrict any physical                                                the spirit of our sisters around us. We
gatherings. It has made it difficult for us                                               had various symbols around the altar to
to meet to plan future activities.                                                        represent the women of Zimbabwe. Our
                                                                                          local songs were sung by a wonderful
                                                                                          procession of young women and a youth
The program reminded us of Pope John                                                      choir. Given the circumstances of the
Paul II’s visit to our country. On February                                               world today the theme was timely. As we
17, 1982, Pope John Paul II passed                                                        reflected on it, we realized how much
through Gabon and chose John 5 2:9 as                                                     hope resonates in the story and how the
the Bible passage to encourage us to          prepare one joint ecumenical service in     healing power of Christ can transform
“stand up and walk”. Now in February          celebration of WDP. Women, children         our lives. It also teaches us the lessons of
2020, we returned to this text that           and clergy members from various             patience, for when the time is right God
brings us to action, love and total trans-    churches, and also our Muslim sisters,      will answer our prayers. Although many
formation to achieve healing and re-          participate in the service. We rotate       day to day activities have slowed due to
move divisions. It was a rewarding            among churches of different denomina-       the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, we
experience to be united in prayer and         tions and this year we had planned to       continue to support the Gender and
have a renewed sense of motivation to-        hold the WDP service at the Anglican        Women’s program and the Trafficked
wards love, peace and sincere ecu-            Church. We distributed the materials to     Children’s Project of the Christian Coun-
menism. We have committed ourselves           several women’s groups for Bible study      cil of Ghana. It is important for us to not
to strengthen the mobilization and            lessons and retreats. We sent invitations   only pray for change but to actively work
awareness of women’s issues by hosting        to churches and radio stations and the      towards change.
semi-annual and annual activities. Al-        children’s program to Sunday schools.
though our efforts have been stalled by       We also crafted souvenir mats out of        KENYA
the COVID-19 health crisis, we are not        shopping bags to be distributed to par-
                                                                                          God bless the women of Zimbabwe. We
discouraged!                                  ticipants. Unfortunately, due to the
                                                                                          thank them for such a wonderfully pre-
                                              COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to
                                                                                          pared worship service with a relevant
GAMBIA                                        hold our service. However, we are not
                                                                                          theme that touched our hearts. We were
The women of Banjul, Kombo and the            discouraged and we thank the women of
                                                                                          happy to learn more about their country
West Coast usually come together to           Zimbabwe for putting together such a
                                                                                          and find out that many aspects of their
                                              rich program. We look forward to 2021!

World Day of Prayer    8 Journal 2020
Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk - 2020 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER JOURNAL - Amazon AWS
MALAWI                                                       MAURITIUS

                                                                                        blessed to have the WDP service. The
                                                                                        more we think about it the more the
                                                                                        world seems like one big village. There
                                                                                        are similarities and differences among
                                                                                        us, but the solidarity of women from sev-
                                                                                        eral countries preparing to celebrate the
                                                                                        same worship service, unites us as one
                                                                                        under God. We were fortunate to have
                                                                                        native Zimbabweans join us for our cele-
                                                                                        bration this year. One of them spoke of
                                                                                        the time they spent in their homeland
                                                                                        and another sang the national anthem
culture are similar to ours. Services       several activities took place apart from    of Zimbabwe. It was a beautiful cultural
across the country were well attended       preaching the Word of God, such as          exchange. We enjoyed reflecting on this
and the comments from the participants      gospel choirs, poetry readings and          particular Bible story. We found that in
were very encouraging for our commit-       dramatizations. The event was spiritu-      times when we may feel paralyzed, the
tee. Many were unaware of the hard          ally lively. Woman wore their traditional   word of God keeps us upright and moves
work our committee does to distribute       dresses from each of their regions which    us forward in faith to spread the good
the worship service and expressed their     made for a colorful and special experi-     news of health and salvation.
desire to help and support. While read-     ence. The first few cases of the Coron-
ing some of the participant’s commit-       avirus appeared right after the days of     NIGERIA
ments cards we were overcome with           our service. Even though we had             As in the word of God, “for where two or
emotion. The theme had clearly im-          planned to attend the prayer services in    three are gathered together in my name,
pacted everyone and we realized it was      Zimbabwe, we had to cancel our trip.        there I am in the midst of them.”
time to “Rise! Take our Mat and Walk” for   The virus became rife on a global scale!    (Matthew 18:20) We were delighted to
ourselves and for those in need.            Despite these challenges, we thank God      come under one tranquil atmosphere to
                                            Almighty for our good fortune and the       worship with our Zimbabwean sisters.
M A L AW I                                  opportunity to pray for ourselves and       We held our service before any lock-
Our main WDP celebration was held           others. May the Lord receive all honor,     downs were put in place, so attendance
outdoors on March 6th in the city of        glory and praise!                           was highly impressive. Thousands of
Blantyre to a crowd of thousands. Our                                                   women of different denominations from
                                            MAURITIUS                                   all over the country came together. With
guest of honor was the former first lady
of our country, her Excellency Madam        In a time when it seems increasingly dif-   one voice, we prayed for our country and
Gertrude Mutharika. During the event,       ficult to bring people together, we are     for the state of the world. It was a feeling

                                                                                          World Day of Prayer    9 Journal 2020
Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk - 2020 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER JOURNAL - Amazon AWS
REPUBLIC OF CONGO                                                SIERRA LEONE

                                                                                          ours. This program came at the right
                                                                                          time for us as it touched on similar his-
                                                                                          torical and political situations. Our coun-
                                                                                          try also set up a committee to
                                                                                          investigate what our people went
                                                                                          through following the coup d’état in
                                                                                          1977. The sufferings and killings of this
                                                                                          time gave rise to the need for prayers for
                                                                                          both the victims and the perpetrators of
                                                                                          violence. The Zimbabwe women based
                                                                                          their service on love and reconciliation,
                                                                                          which should guide the work of the
                                                                                          Committee for Truth and Reconciliation
                                                                                          to bring our country to a healing place.
like no other! The theme strengthened        but we must remember to always have          Our nation is called to prayer while we
our faith, revealing that, with God, all     faith in God’s love for us, and that God     are reminded of the impact of God’s
                                             will bring healing. We made a commit-        healing love. Now that COVID-19 has
things are possible. We give thanks and
                                             ment to come to the aid of those who are     taken over globally, we thank God that
pray that our Lord never stops equipping
                                             suffering. We also made a commitment         Seychelles has not been as affected as
us with the divine mercy and grace to con-
                                             to bring WDP to towns and villages           other countries.
tinue working tirelessly in Jesus’ name.
                                             across our country for the multiple social
                                             and spiritual benefits. We have plans to
                                                                                          SIERRA LEONE
                                             carry out a major awareness campaign         It is always a joy to see women from all
The women of Zimbabwe’s invitation to        so that various Christian women can ex-      walks of life, different denominations
praise the Holy Spirit with them brought     perience the love and healing power of       and cultures praise God together. We al-
us great joy, and we felt connected          being united together in prayer.             ways look forward to the WDP celebra-
through our shared experiences.                                                           tion as the stories are always
Through the program, we learned about                                                     inspirational. We were able to hold a
                                             SEYCHEL L ES
the power and compassion of our Lord                                                      local service but no children’s services,
Jesus Christ. The theme was impactful        In spite of the Coronavirus, we were able    conventions or Bible study lessons due
given the environment we all find our-       to celebrate as planned. All preparations    to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past,
selves in now. The pandemic and many         went smoothly and we enjoyed discussing      these had the most impact on our serv-
socio-political wars have caused tension     the culture of Zimbabwe as compared to       ices; however, we are thankful for the

World Day of Prayer   10 Journal 2020
                                                                                                       One of the most interesting
                                                                                                       aspects of the World Day of
                                                                                                       Prayer is learning the rich
                                                                                                       history and cultural back-
                                                                                                       ground of each writer coun-
                                                                                                       try. Zimbabwe is our
                                                                                                       neighboring country, and so
                                                                                                       we are familiar with their
                                                                                                       story of political struggles,
                                                                                                       and the transitional period
                                                                                                       from pre-colonial rule.
                                                                                                       Those struggles are some-
                                                                                                       how similar to other African
                                                                                                       countries. The message be-
                                                                                                       hind the theme, to never
                                                                                                       lose hope in any situation,
time spent together to worship. The           The prayers the Zimbabwean women
                                                                                          was very uplifting, especially consider-
theme itself was a call to be united in       lifted up were a wake-up call to every-
                                                                                          ing the current situation the world is fac-
prayer which helped us lift up our voices     body. The theme motivated us not to be      ing. Our main ecumenical worship
in worship and praise. Women who never        passive, but to put our faith in our Lord   service was well attended by four church
thought of their complacency or guilt re-     and Savior and to get up and make a dif-    groups, members of the diplomatic core,
flected on the Bible text and were able to    ference. Just after the prayer day, the     and our guest of honor, the Minister of
see themselves in a new light. They recog-    COVID-19 pandemic hit. In our country,      Religious Affairs and National Guidance.
nized their challenges and felt deter-        women took action to feed the needy,        A sketch of the Bible story was per-
mined to move forward not just as             old and vulnerable. Thousands of masks      formed by Sunday school children. The
individuals but as a collective in society.   were handmade and distributed freely        responsive prayers were very touching
                                              to old age homes and schools, as well as    because they spoke about the reality of
SOUTH AFRICA                                  in the community. WDP will always be        our actions, like how we overlook others.
                                                                                          Through these prayers we could confess
Around the world, and Africa in particu-      one of the most powerful and touching
                                                                                          and recommit ourselves to acts of good.
lar, people face huge problems regard-        experiences for Christian women all over
ing health, poverty and corruption.           the world.
Zimbabwe is our neighbor and many of
our people know someone from there.           Website: https://www.wwdp.co.za/

  The prayers the Zimbabwean women lifted up were a wake-up call to everybody.
    The theme motivated us not to be passive, but to put our faith in our Lord
     and Savior and to get up and make a difference. Just after the prayer day,
        the COVID-19 pandemic hit. In our country, women took action to
                        feed the needy, old and vulnerable.

                                                                                          World Day of Prayer    11 Journal 2020
   HONG KONG                                                    INDIA

H O N G KO N G                               INDIA                 INDONESIA
In January, we had a rehearsal of our        The National
worship service where we ran through a       Council of
translated liturgy and introduced Zim-       Churches in India
babwe to our committee members. We           is hosting a Quad-
prayed together for the situation in our     rennial Assembly
country and the needs of the people in       with a theme very
Zimbabwe. The Bible story, hymns and         similar to the
voices of the Zimbabwe women re-             2020 World Day
minded us that God is our eternal healer.    of Prayer, “The
We also ordered some handmade mats           Hour Has Come; Let’s Get Going”. In the      present in spirit with sisters across our
from the Kunzwana Women’s Associa-           Gethsemane account (Matthew 26:36-           borders was the highlight.
tion which benefits their ministry and       46), Jesus asks his disciples to be ready
we thanked them for their passion and        and take the cause further into action
persistence. We are happy to have had        just like he asked the sick man to take up   The WDP services were carried out in
this time together because, due to           his mat and walk. The theme required us      various churches and regions across our
COVID-19, all WDP celebrations were          to see beyond our own interests and to       country, although, due to the COVID-19
cancelled. The social unrest surrounding     realize how becoming whole is more im-       pandemic there were less services than
the virus made many people feel de-          portant than superficial healing. This       last year. After the worship service in a
pressed and isolated. We had planned to      message was very meaningful to us.           church in Jakarta, the leaders organized
have a healing service after the sermon      Women in different areas around India        an educational event where medical per-
to help people ‘take up their mat and        felt connected in praise and worship         sonnel demonstrated the precautionary
walk’ but restrictions did not allow us to   with the stories of the Zimbabwean           measures to slow the spread of the
gather. We pray to the Lord that we may      women. We were able to analyze the re-       COVID-19 for children and adults. The
resume our worship life soon.                ceived reports and found that women,         service itself was enjoyable and brought
                                             who were homemakers, felt their self-        to light the struggles that women and
Website:                                     worth increase, thus confident in their      children around the world still face in
https://www.hkcc.org.hk/acms/?site=hkc       ability to uphold their family. For          today’s society. The Letter from our
cnew                                         younger women, the experience of being       Zimbabwe sisters was powerful and it

World Day of Prayer   12 Journal 2020
JAPAN                                                         MALAYSIA

served as the foundation for our medita-    Website: http://cloister171.blog.fc2.com/     NEPAL
tion on the Word of God. We find that       and www.ncc-j.org                             First of all, we would like to thank the
the extraordinary impact of WDP is the      Facebook: @nccinjapan                         Almighty God, and our Zimbabwean sis-
strong alliance created by the unity of                                                   ters for sharing with us their prayers. For
prayer among different countries and        MALAYSIA
                                                                                          Asian Church Women’s Conference
churches for the common good.               We had a very meaningful worship serv-        (ACWC) Nepal, March is a blessed
                                            ice which was conducted joyfully and in       month because of the World Day of
                                            multiple languages. We praised God            Prayer celebration. We were a small
Due to the COVID–19 pandemic, many          through song and prayer while high-           group of people from different churches
services had to be cancelled. Usually,      lighting Zimbabwean women’s stories. It       and faiths and we had a great time to-
there are over 200 venues that celebrate    was a beautiful moment to be united           gether. There were two services on dif-
the worship service but that number was     with our sisters all over the world. We       ferent days. They each started with a
reduced to 34. Under the severe circum-     prayed for religious, social and political    hymn about God’s creation and we took
stances, people still tried to be innova-   disputes to be resolved, for the eradica-     the time to remember our sisters, chil-
tive with smaller gatherings, shorter       tion of poverty, for broken homes to be       dren and families around the world. A
services and no tea time afterwards. We     reconciled, for peace among humanity          prayer was also said for the people suf-
are very grateful for the efforts to send   and for women and children to live with-      fering from the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
the offerings. Considering the current      out fear of abuse. While meditating on        ACWC National Representative, Drau-
situation, many people had a strong will    the significance of the theme, we             pati Rokya, briefly shared the history
to continue to support those in need.       learned that it is important for us to rise   and significance of WDP and read the
Some of the local churches even sent the    above our comfort zone and accomplish         Gospel of John 5:1-9a. There was a mo-
WDP Japanese branch thank you notes         the tasks entrusted to us by the Lord         ment of sharing and discussion about
which touched our hearts. Although          with what we have at hand. Only then          Jesus, and his miracles. After the pro-
globally we are suffering and may be        can we truly realize the power that re-       gram we had high tea together.
feeling helpless, our hearts are big and    sides within us to transform ourselves
we will not lose our faith.                 and help the more vulnerable.

              We praised God through song and prayer while highlighting
           Zimbabwean women’s stories. It was a beautiful moment to be united
                          with our sisters all over the world.

                                                                                          World Day of Prayer    13 Journal 2020
PAKISTAN                                               SOUTH KOREA

PA K I S TA N                                   were forced to cancel our WDP event          the service electronically. Our committee
World Day of Prayer enhances solidarity         planned for March 6th. Though we were        created a video clip of the program and
among people of different denomina-             physically apart, we were united in spirit   shared it in April with 70 local churches
tions, building inclusive communities of        and in prayers for the women of Zim-         and individuals who wished to worship
faith. The Women’s Desk of the Lahore           babwe. Being united in prayer shows          at home. Due to social distancing guide-
Diocese Church of Pakistan has made an          oneness in Christ and it is what makes       lines, participation at churches was very
effort to conduct the service with the par-     WDP so special. The Zimbabwean               minimal, but we are happy to have been
ticipation of women from the Salvation          women highlighted love, peace and rec-       able to find a creative alternative to wor-
Army and Catholic Church. We aim to             onciliation in the family, church, and       ship. In that way, we were united in spirit
strengthen this partnership by including        community. It was something we very          with the women of Zimbabwe. This year
women from other denominations for              much agreed with during our prepara-         was very challenging and, although we
next year’s program. Coupled with the           tory meetings. We had also planned to        were able to find a solution, we hope to
theme of this years’ program, we’ve real-       support the Hiding Place, which is a         be able to celebrate next year’s WDP in
ized that more work needs to be done in         halfway house for those suffering from       our churches.
building inclusiveness by dismantling the       drug addictions. We wanted to invite
binaries of hate and love, fear and domi-       a staff member to our service to share       Website: http://kcwu.org/
nation, right and wrong. The Bible text         the work they do so that others could
was thought provoking. It enabled us to         understand their ministry. We hope to        SRI LANKA
dwell upon the challenges in our contex-        revisit this plan in the future and con-     Women in our country face many chal-
tual realities as we relate to the situations   tinue reaching out to the communities        lenges from domestic abuse to poverty
of the women in Zimbabwe. It encour-            in need.                                     and unsupportive families, thus it is al-
ages women to develop the willingness to                                                     ways encouraging to see one of us rise
carry their burdens and express their de-       SOUTH KOREA                                  up and emerge victorious despite those
sires to be healed in the light of Jesus.       We had planned to hold the worship           conditions. That is why the theme of this
                                                service on March 6th in unison with our      year’s worship service resonated so
SINGAPORE                                       WDP sisters but, due to the COVID-19         deeply with us. It was also uplifting to
Due to COVID-19 and measures restrict-          pandemic, we had to postpone several         be reminded that no matter where
ing physical contact and gatherings, we         times. Ultimately, we decided to share       we come from in this world, we all

World Day of Prayer    14 Journal 2020
THAILAND                                                  TAIWAN

experience the same challenges and          institutions came together to think         THAILAND
we are not alone. Although 2020 has         about how our collective power can          The COVID-19 pandemic prevented
been chaotic, the ecumenical unity          make women whole in terms of their          many services from being held. How-
experienced within this movement truly      physical and mental health, and spiri-      ever, we took the opportunity to learn
makes a difference in our lives and that    tual and social life. In that way, women    about Zimbabwe and pray for the love,
of others whom we are privileged to         will be ready to enable our society to      reconciliation and peace they desire
help. Our country is still under restric-   achieve peace, mutual respect and           within their country. The program pro-
tions due to the Coronavirus but we are     equality. Though the women of Zim-          vided an in-depth exploration of the the-
looking towards the future. We hope         babwe have struggled for years, they        ological significance of Jesus’ encounter
to expand our reach next year and con-      still value family relations and continue   with the sick man at the healing pool.
duct WDP services in other areas of the     to prayer for their country and church.     We should not be afraid to follow God’s
country.                                    We are reminded of Taiwanese Christian      word, especially when we are offered the
                                            elders, who are constantly praying and      steps for personal and social transforma-
TA I WA N                                   seeking reconciliation for Taiwan. We       tion. We have been empowered to take
World Day of Prayer has been observed       see the grace of God among the women        up our mats, embrace others with love
in Taiwan for 85 years. This ecumenical     of Zimbabwe, and we also see the re-        and care, and to open our arms in joy as
prayer movement has become a routine        silience and perseverance of all women      the time to rise has come. Prayer and ac-
and an important event for our women.       around the world.                           tion are what link us together around
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic,                                                    the world. Giving and sharing are acts of
many churches and organizations were        Website:                                    hope which can heal a suffering world.
faced with the difficult decision to ei-    http://www.women.pct.org.tw/min-            Although challenging, we want to make
ther cancel or postpone the services        istry.aspx and http://www.ywca.org.tw/      a difference in our community by sup-
until June. Under the Zimbabwe pro-         Facebook: @WDPTaiwan and @YW-               porting projects that offer relief during
gram, various denominations and             CATaiwan/                                   the financial crisis caused by COVID-19.

  Due to social distancing guidelines, participation at churches was very minimal,
   but we are happy to have been able to find a creative alternative to worship.
        In that way, we were united in spirit with the women of Zimbabwe.

                                                                                        World Day of Prayer   15 Journal 2020
Caribbean and
                               North America
   BAHAMAS                                                         BARBADOS

BAHAMAS                                                                                           contribution, be it monetary or
This year we commemorated the                                                                     prayer, can make an impact on the
70th anniversary of our commit-                                                                   lives of others, especially our sis-
tee. At our main service in Nassau                                                                ters in Zimbabwe. The theme
we celebrated all women leaders                                                                   challenged us to push past our
from all islands in the Bahamas                                                                   fears of the unknown, rejection,
and our sister organizations that                                                                 uncertainty and remember that
assist us annually to make WDP a                                                                  God is never far away from us. We
reality. We lit 70 candles in                                                                     reflected on all the opportunities
memoriam of committee mem-                                                                        that have always been available
bers, and to honor our friends                                                                    to us but can now be reached by
from the Young Women Christian                                                                    rising, taking up our mats and
Association and Fellowship of the Least          to our own development. Through deter-           walking! We aspire to start a men-
Coin. It was a blessing to have Zimbabwe         mination we can commit to rise and walk   torship program for young women and
women participating in the service by            whenever the opportunity is available.    men who are challenged, to help them
reading and singing in their native lan-                                                   reach their potential. This service helped
guage. Our fellowship with them added
                                                 BARB ADOS                                 us put the Word of God into action.
to our feelings of unity. Hearing their sto-     The WDP celebration allows us to take
ries, learning their songs, and sampling         our minds off of our own issues, chal-
their foods gave us a sense of ‘oneness’ -       lenges, or any fears that we may have.    Across our country, thousands of services
one in spirit, in culture and in life. Our re-   We are allowed a moment of peace by       were held days before the global pan-
flections on the Bible study led to per-         being united in prayer with our sisters   demic was declared and churches were
sonal discussions about procrastination          and brothers around the world. It         closed. Joyfully, people from different
and the excuses we make when it comes            brings us joy to know that our small      denominations participated in this

World Day of Prayer     16 Journal 2020
GRENADA                                                                   JAMAICA

meaningful service gifted to us by our       reflected on during meditation were            offering us the tools for personal and so-
Zimbabwean sisters. We thank them for        selfishness, the inability to forgive, dis-    cial transformation. We need to choose
sharing such a personal message about        honesty and not caring for others. We          to be agents of change and to offer a
their struggles and challenges with us.      need to take up these mats and rise up         prayer and help to those in need.
While traditional services continue to be    to change. Only with change can we have
the most common way of gathering,            a better society. Inspired by the worship      JAMAICA
there were also creative WDP events          service, we hope to organize community         The selected Bible text and theme had a
such as potluck lunches, a paint café fea-   outreach programs to educate people            huge impact on us. We felt they were a
turing the flame lily, Zimbabwe’s na-        about parenting, sexual abuse and do-          call to action and delivered a relatable
tional flower, and a physical exercise and   mestic violence, and to teach them how         message. Jesus asked the sick man, “Do
prayer session. This year we expanded        to properly garden. We also want to raise      you want to be made well?” The man re-
our country partnership and recruited a      funds to help the most vulnerable in our       sponded with excuses such as that there
member of WDP USA to narrate our             communities.                                   was no one to help him. However, every-
country video on Zimbabwe. Our goal                                                         one is welcomed to be healed by the
moving forward is to have most of our        GUYANA
                                                                                            master’s hand if they are open to it. This
resources online, given the uncertainty      There is usually a big WDP service held        story shows us that we should take re-
of holding in-person events in 2021. Mo-     at a central location in the capital city of   sponsibility for ourselves and that we
tivated by the WDP message of “Rise!         our country. However, due to the unrest        have the power to bring about change in
Take Your Mat and Walk,” may we keep         over the current pandemic and our post         our lives, even if it will be difficult. We
the momentum and purpose of WDP              elections situation, the main service          joined our Zimbabwe sisters in prayer
alive throughout the year.                   could not be executed. Nevertheless, a         for the protection of our natural re-
                                             few local services were held outside the       sources and the respect for human life.
Website: www.wicc.org                        capital city and participants were glad to     Prayer and action are inseparable and
Facebook: @WICCanada                         have been able to worship together.            through WDP we shed light on political
Twitter: WICC_CA                             Through our preparatory workshops and          and social issues that need to be ad-
                                             retreats, we realized that the voices of       dressed such as anti-immigrant senti-
G R E N A DA                                 our sisters in Zimbabwe were inter-            ments, government’s abuse of power
Our Zimbabwean sisters enabled us to         twined with ours. The theme was very           and the increase of violence in the
come together under the Holy Spirit to       influential as it brought alive a message      communities.
pray for the struggles that oftentimes       of love, peace and reconciliation. We
seem universal. It felt good to be united    were empowered to go out and act in
in prayer and focused on a relevant          love and peace, especially during these
theme. Some of the issues that were          difficult times. We recognize that God is

                                                                                            World Day of Prayer    17 Journal 2020
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO                                                         USA

M O N T S E R R AT                              We acknowledged that Jesus empowers us to take
The service was inspiring and challeng-        control of our situation. Our prayers and thoughts
ing to worshippers. A dramatization of
the chosen passage of scripture was pre-         continue for our sisters of Zimbabwe who have
sented so the visual aspect of the story       shared some of the challenges facing them and their
could be understood more clearly.
Studying and meditating on the story              country, like poverty, hunger, unemployment
brought to life the realities that are                        and domestic violence.
hampering the spiritual and social as-
pects of our lives and communities. Self-
reflection is necessary to release the      together. WDP activities were held in        women across the USA. Knowing that
baggage that has been weighing us           many schools and churches. The songs,        they are praying and singing with
down and hindering our growth in            prayers and messages delivered by the        women all over the world, following the
Christ. The speaker at our service re-      speakers contributed to the spirit filled    same program and lifting up the strug-
quested that we take a moment to re-        services and joyful experiences of the       gles of the writer country gives them an
flect and let go of the obstacles holding   congregations. The theme called us to        incredible feeling. Being exposed to an-
us back and ask for God’s intervention.     challenge ourselves and pay heed to op-      other culture is also one of the high-
Our confidence in God can allow us to ac-   portunities given. We acknowledged           lights. Having a small window into a
complish amazing things. The man by         that Jesus empowers us to take control       world that is so different from theirs,
the pool, although stripped of his energy   of our situation. Our prayers and            and yet similar in many ways, is an im-
and feeling neglected, was patient and      thoughts continue for our sisters of Zim-    portant way of building awareness and a
had a strong determination to be well.      babwe who have shared some of the            connection to the writer country. The
He did not waver in his faith but rather    challenges facing them and their coun-       Letter from Zimbabwe had the strongest
knew in his heart that God saw him.         try, like poverty, hunger, unemployment
                                                                                         impact on the worship service partici-
                                            and domestic violence. We have been
                                                                                         pants. Many groups printed it out and
T R I N I DA D & T OBAGO                    motivated to reach out to the commu-
                                                                                         shared it amongst their congregation,
We express our gratitude to the WDP         nity, to support the poor, the physically
                                                                                         separately from the worship service. It
Zimbabwe committee for their prepara-       challenged and those who seek social
                                                                                         was eye opening for them to see what
tion of the 2020 program. Thankfully, we    and economic assistance.
                                                                                         was really important to the women of
were able to hold the services before                                                    Zimbabwe and to share their story.
being affected by the global pandemic.
There was heightened interest, zeal and     Being united in prayer is consistently one   Website: www.wdp-usa.org
involvement as we engaged in praise         of the greatest pleasures of WDP for the     Facebook: World Day of Prayer USA

World Day of Prayer   18 Journal 2020
  ALBANIA                                                           ARMENIA

ALBANIA                                   AUSTRIA
                                                                                                  voices, we felt closer to them
                                                                                                  knowing we had shared difficul-
It is always a pleasure and a bless-
                                                                                                  ties. We enjoyed our time in joint
ing to be united together in prayer
                                                                                                  prayer for love, peace and
with our sisters around the world,
because we know it makes our
prayers stronger. In the past, our                                                                AUSTRIA
country was very isolated and not
many people knew anything about                                                                    For the first time in WDP Austria’s
                                                                                                   history, we celebrated the worship
us. Now, the ability to be equal to
                                                                                                   service in St. Stephen’s Cathedral,
others and come together in prayer
                                                                                                   or Stephansdom. It is the mother
is a very important and emotional mo-          ARMENIA
                                                                                            church of the Roman Catholic Archdio-
ment. In God’s eyes we are all the same.       Directly after March 6th, our country        cese of Vienna and the most important
God gives us the power to overcome diffi-      went into lockdown to avoid the spread       religious building in the capital. Over a
culties and the strength to heal physically    of COVID-19. We were able to hold our        thousand women, men and different
or spiritually. As Christians, we know that    worship service but have not been able       church leaders worshipped together,
God is our power, our joy, and our hope.       to gather after that for community activ-    some travelled from outside of Vienna
God hears, understands and heals us. The       ities. We are thankful that this year, the   to share this special moment with us. The
worship service theme highlighted our          participation of churches in our WDP         service was described as powerful, vivid
trust in God and gave us the opportunity       celebration has expanded across five         and optimistic. Our community enjoyed
to lift up the current difficulties we are     cities and six denominations and organi-     learning about Zimbabwe, a country in
facing. Our country is currently dealing       zations: Evangelical, Catholic, Apostolic,   the midst of transformation. The theme
with a lot of political, economic and social   Greek Orthodox, Brotherhood Church of        was seen as a symbol of hope, a message
problems, so we are challenged to con-         Syria, and Christian women’s forum. The      to make us get up on our feet and fight for
tribute to reducing conflict and bring         program written by the women of Zim-         our rights for a better life. Especially now,
peace to the family, community, and            babwe taught us that with faith we can       during the COVID-19 pandemic, the
church. We are committed to love, peace,       overcome all difficulties and learn to       theme represents our fight against the
and reconciliation!                            serve each other. As we listened to their    virus and how we will overcome the

                                                                                            World Day of Prayer     19 Journal 2020
BELGIUM                                                                BULGARIA

challenges that have arisen. The par-                                                            where peace, justice and true
ticipants tried to take this ray of hope                                                         democracy are being achieved
into their daily lives to have the                                                               through a painful process. The Bible
strength to face their challenges.                                                               text was very inspiring, coupled with
                                                                                                 a motivating theme for the Bulgar-
Website: http://weltgebetstag.at/                                                                ian context. We also thoroughly en-
Facebook: @weltgebetstagderfrauen                                                                joyed two aspects of the program:
                                                                                                 the country background informa-
BELGIUM                                                                                          tion, which allowed us to learn
It is empowering and gives us hope                                                               about a new culture, and the space
to see so many churches and groups                                                               for spontaneous prayer for the prob-
come together and share ecumenical                                                               lems faced in Zimbabwe and our
ideas. We are very grateful for the                                                              own country.
fellowship and the time spent to-               Website:
gether preparing the worship service.           https://wgdjmpbelgium.wixsite.com/nie        CROATIA
We invited native Zimbabwean people             uwdesign                                     Our WDP celebration brought together
to join us at our service. They shared sto-     Facebook: @WereldgebedsdagBelgie             and empowered both committee mem-
ries about their home country and an-                                                        bers and participants. Our worship stim-
swered our questions about the current          BULGARIA                                     ulated compassion and awareness that
situation in Zimbabwe. We learned               Only a few local committees managed to       we are all responsible for achieving a
about the difficulties being faced by           organize WDP celebrations this year be-      better world. We felt the needs of the
their people and their determination to         cause the COVID-19 crisis was preceded       women of Zimbabwe and prayed for
help and improve the situation of               by a flu epidemic we also experienced.       changes in their country. Influences at a
women and children. It was very nice to         To be united in prayer with Christian        global level are interwoven and what-
share in prayer with our sisters in Zim-        women around the world is a wonderful        ever happens, somewhere as far as
babwe and our neighbors. Everyone par-          experience and a great privilege, so we      Africa, does not differ from the situa-
ticipated in the service very                   tried our best to honor the program. We      tions we face in our own communities.
enthusiastically which made for an en-          were deeply impressed by the vitality of     God is present everywhere. We must be
joyable experience. After the service we        the WDP movement in Zimbabwe and             more open and receptive to the guidance
were motivated to support projects in           its impact on the life of the whole soci-    the Lord offers us in different ways and
our local communities dedicated to              ety. We can see parallels between the        through many individuals. Prayer and ac-
helping those in dire need.                     political situation in both our countries,   tion are powerful tools of change that will

World Day of Prayer     20 Journal 2020
DENMARK                                                    ENGLAND, WALES & NORTHERN IRELAND

lead to a society that accepts and loves       FAROE ISLANDS                                   presence and contributions of Zim-
all of God’s children. The theme was so                                                        babwean women and men, who
inspiring, especially during this global                                                       brought artifacts to decorate the al-
COVID-19 lockdown when people are                                                              ters and took active parts in the wor-
feeling isolated, depressed and in need                                                        ship service. One branch remarked
of motivation to rise and take up their                                                        that the theme of the service could
burdens. We are not alone in carrying                                                          not have been timelier. Having
these burdens, as our Lord is always                                                           blessed and prayed over their com-
with us.                                                                                       mitments, they are now putting them
                                                                                               into practice as they support the eld-
Website: http://www.wdp-                                                                       erly and lonely in their
croatia.com/                                    all neighbors. We were developing new       community during the COVID-19 lock-
Facebook: Svjetski molitveni dan                initiatives to help others but due to the   down. There was a strong sense that the
Hrvatska - World day of prayer Croatia          COVID-19 pandemic and society on            women of Zimbabwe would be encour-
                                                lockdown, we had to slow down. Never-       aged if they knew how much their serv-
DENMARK                                         theless, we are determined to help          ice had encouraged us to reach out in
                                                our community as best we can during         faith and take up our mats and walk in
We often forget to praise God when we
                                                these times.                                our corner of England.
face difficult times, so it was very inspir-
ing to witness the women of Zimbabwe
                                                Website: www.kvindebededag.dk               Website: www.wwdp.org.uk
praising God in the midst of all their
                                                                                            Facebook: @WorldDayOfPrayerEWNI
troubles. We learned a lot from these
                                                ENGLAND, WALES &                            Twitter: @WWDPforEWNI
women through the worship service and
                                                NORTHERN IRELAND
their courage to trust in the Lord above
                                                                                            FAROE ISLANDS
all else. Fear has a way of keeping us          The opportunity to unite in praise with
down, but we must welcome and trust in          the whole world and contribute to a         Our Inspiration Day was very special as
the Lord’s guidance to get up and act           huge wave of prayer is one of the reasons   this is when we take the time to have
in prayer. Knowing that we are bound            being a part of this movement is so spe-    Bible lessons, sing, pray and share. In
together in Christ, by the Holy Spirit          cial. Our region is made up of about        smaller groups there are more opportuni-
all over the world, is our greatest motiva-     3,000 individual and independent            ties to ask questions and to get to know
tion. To hear a message from different          branches and each branch has their own      one another better. We were able to hold
women in various countries reminds us           way of celebrating the service. Many        a local service within our community be-
that, although the world is large, we are       services were greatly enhanced by the       fore any Coronavirus lockdowns were put

                                                                                            World Day of Prayer   21 Journal 2020
FRANCE                                                               GERMANY

in place. Still, there was tension and par-   the face of adversity truly impressed us.     The depth of the women
ticipants had to keep their distance. We      We felt them passing along their
managed to have a lovely time together        strength and joy to us throughout the
                                                                                              of Zimbabwe’s faith
and enjoyed the program under such a          service. They rose, so we must also rise       and their resilience in
powerful theme. We loved praying with         for healing comes to those who want it
our Zimbabwe sisters, learning about          and trust in God.
                                                                                              the face of adversity
their culture and getting to see how                                                           truly impressed us.
they live through the pictures provided.      Website: https://journeemondialede-
                                                                                              We felt them passing
There was a group of mothers and chil-
dren who sang for us and every year we        Facebook:                                       along their strength
invite the WDP Denmark Chairperson            https://www.facebook.com/JourneeMon
                                                                                                  and joy to us
to come and visit us!                         dialeDePriereFrance
                                                                                            throughout the service.
FRANCE                                        GERMANY
We are grateful to the Lord that we were      There is always a special atmosphere
able to meet face to face for our WDP         among Christians on the first Friday in
service in a time of uncertainty due to       March. There is a unique feeling of         were collected. We want to thank our
the COVID-19 health crisis. Despite the       worldwide togetherness in the bond of       Zimbabwe sisters for a powerful and in-
                                              the WDP. We truly feel God’s beloved        tensive program, for sharing their life
hardships and stress the global pan-
                                              blessing. We always try to find new and     with us via a letter, for their joyous
demic has brought to us, it has also
                                              interesting ways of promoting WDP.          songs, faith in God and encouragement
proved to be an opportunity to display
                                                                                          to rise. With the women of Zimbabwe
creativity in our ways of communicating.      This year, an art exhibition was organ-
                                                                                          as our role models we will overcome
Our celebration was lively and the most       ized to showcase the powerful paintings
                                                                                          our challenges, no matter how difficult
impactful part of the service was the Let-    of Granete Ngirandi of Zimbabwe. We
                                                                                          they are.
ter from Zimbabwe. This new way of pre-       live streamed a WDP service to reach
senting the country and their issues was      young people through social media. We
                                                                                          Website: https://weltgebetstag.de/en/
exciting and brought us closer to our sis-    also created a petition to ask Germany’s
                                                                                          Facebook: @weltgebetstag
ters. One local group even felt inspired      federal government to offer partial
                                                                                          Twitter: @weltgebetstagD
to send them back a letter with a prayer      debt relief to Zimbabwe by reinvesting
                                                                                          Instagram: @weltgebetstag
of hope. The depth of the women of            the debt relief in health programs in
Zimbabwe’s faith and their resilience in      Zimbabwe. Over 50,000 signatures

World Day of Prayer   22 Journal 2020
GREECE                                                             HUNGARY

GREECE                                          IRELAND
                                                                                          vulnerable and those in need. We joined
We were fortunate enough to be able to                                                    a pre-existing project to support a health
celebrate our worship service, but due to                                                 camp organized by the Hungarian
the Coronavirus we were unable to cele-                                                   Lutheran Mission Society for those living
brate as we usually do, and there was a                                                   in Africa.
decrease in attendance. However, the
women who were able to come together                                                      Website:
helped each other stay safe. We prayed                                                    https://www.meot.hu/index.php/noi-m
for the healing of all Coronavirus victims
and their families in our service. We
also prayed for the women of Zimbabwe                                                     Despite growing concerns over the
and happily gave our support to them.                                                     COVID-19 pandemic, only two worship
A Zimbabwean woman joined us and                                                          services were postponed. Others were
spoke about her country and the                                                           well attended, including our annual live
suffering some of the people endure.          miracle. Learning about an African coun-    broadcasted worship service. The service
The opportunity for praying for each          try was very exciting, especially for the   was led by President Major Gillian
other and helping those in need are the       children who enjoyed the exotic ani-        Dicker and our guest speaker was
moments of WDP which have the great-          mals, lively music and interesting cul-     WDPIC Chairperson, Laurence Gangloff.
est impact. The theme also connected          ture. In the rural town of Dunaújváros, a   It was an amazing experience. We thank
with everyone on a personal level, be-        drawing competition based on the bibli-     everyone who supported us and worked
cause every person has been sick or in-       cal story was held during the children’s    hard for the success of this worship serv-
jured once, and knows in their hearts         program. Our people experienced 40          ice, especially the women of WDP Zim-
that the Lord is a healer, now and forever.   years of communism, so we really iden-      babwe. Many agreed that the service
                                              tified with the women of Zimbabwe and       they wrote was spiritual, uplifting, rele-
Facebook: WWDP Greece -        μ μ            what it means to live in a dictatorship     vant, and inspiring. The theme, letter,
                                              and within corruption. The persever-        and Bible study all reflected love, peace,
H U N G A RY                                  ance, optimism and strong faith of these    compassion and reconciliation, some-
Every year we consider the experience of      women was very encouraging and they         thing all churches want to be a part of. It
being united with the whole world             have set an example for the rest of us.     is a privilege to be a part of such a spirit
under a common day of prayer as a great       We were motivated to turn to the            filled movement.

                                                                                          World Day of Prayer    23 Journal 2020
LITHUANIA                                                                   MACEDONIA

Facebook: Women’s World Day of Prayer         their sisters around the world. Everyone     since this is usually our only chance to do
Ireland                                       enjoyed the whole celebration especially     so. It is also helpful and encouraging to
                                              the choir and music. Many were unaware       learn about the circumstances of women
LITHUANIA                                     of the situations being faced in Zim-        from other countries and see that their
Each year, the WDP celebration creates a      babwe and that women still need to           experiences are similar to ours. This year,
unique opportunity to be united in            fight for their rights. The children en-     we were happy to have a celebration in
prayer and to get inspired for other activ-   joyed their service as well and almost       Ohrid for the first time. It was not held
ities. Participants are very interested in    did not want to leave! Our celebrations      by any congregation but by the lead
the worship service and make it their re-     are growing every year with more loca-       organizer of a school for Roma children.
sponsibility to contribute either by          tions and participants. It motivates us to   They prepared the service together
preparing materials, decorating, read-        continue our efforts and hopefully to        with the girls from school who invited
ing, acting and singing. Regarding the        pass on the committee’s duties onto the      their mothers and families to join. It was
theme, one person reflected on how it         younger generation. We also hope to          a joyous and unforgettable event for all
would be easier to ignore the angry, sad      begin celebrating in the Northern part of    of them.
and most vulnerable. It is easier to pray     our country. There is much to do and
for them or offer money rather than to        many changes to oversee, especially as       NETHERLANDS
hear their cries and hold their hands.        the pandemic crisis evolves.                 Several worship services were held across
When Jesus spoke to the man at the pool,                                                   our country in churches and schools. It
he extended out his hand and said “Rise!      Website:                                     was very moving to gather together and
Take Your Mat and Walk.” Let these words      http://www.acfl.lu/de/weltgebetstag          praise the Holy Spirit with our sisters in
of Jesus lead everybody to the pool of the    Facebook: @WDPLuxembourg                     Zimbabwe. There was a moment during
healing love of Jesus. Let us extend our                                                   the service where participants shared
hands out to our neighbors so we may all      MACEDONIA
                                                                                           their thoughts, reflections on the theme
bask in the Lord’s glory.                     WDP is very important and special to         and visions for the future which was thor-
                                              us because without it we would never         oughly enjoyable for all. The WDP service
LUXEMBOURG                                    have heard or learned about some of          is a special time for us, but over the years
This year’s celebration was a bit particu-    the different countries around the           we have noticed a decrease in attendance
lar. Although we were able to celebrate       world. It is good for us to be able to       and interest. It may be because of aging
before any lockdowns, the usual warm          gather with women of other denomina-         participants or too many other church
atmosphere was missing. People were           tions to learn about these new countries     events to attend. We have not given up
social distancing but still felt bound to     and lift them up in prayer, especially       hope and, like the theme of this years’

World Day of Prayer   24 Journal 2020
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