Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -

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Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                                                   INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                  (                    1
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Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar
   Ambassador of India to Kuwait
   On the joyous occasion of the 71st Anniversary of
India’s Independence, it is my honour and profound
happiness to extend Warm Greetings to all the well-
wishers and friends of India, and my fellow countrymen
and women in Kuwait.

   Kuwait is a friendly country with which India enjoys an
issue-free historical relationship. The relationship has the
maturity and depth to deal with any situation in a spirit of
cooperation and amicable understanding.

   And I would like to take this opportunity to convey my
sincere and heartfelt gratitude, on behalf of all the Indian
citizens living in Kuwait and the Government of India,
                         to the wise and enlightened
                         leadership of Kuwait, and also
                         our Best Wishes for the good
                         health and wellbeing of His
                         Highness the Amir. Kuwait defies
                         its   size   and   numbers   when
                         it comes to the active role

                   Ambassador Message Cont. Page 13
Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                               INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                  (                    2
Happy Independence Day                                      Share your Talents - email to :
Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                                            72 nd
                                                    INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                          (                                           3
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                                            M.A. ASAD KHAN                                                       Mrs. Ananthi Natarajan                                                          RAVI VARRIER
                               GM-Managing Partner- KSCS,G5 Gen.Trad,                                                            President - IFL                                           G.M, Al Rashed Int. Shipping
                                            & AlLewaa Security Services
                                                                                               It has been 72 years of independence                                    Freedom has its life in the hearts, the
                        We are proud of the                                                but India now faces a real threat from                                   actions, the spirit of men and so it must
                                                                                                                                                                    be daily earned and refreshed – else like
                           Indian Army!                                                    inside. While Military and Government can
                                                                                                                                                                    a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will
                                                                                           pretty handle external threats , to have                                 wither and die.
                    The Indian Army is the biggest voluntary
                                                                                           a real Independent Nation we need to
                 army in the world. To think that we have the                                                                                        True independence and freedom can only exist in doing
maximum number of willing soldiers in the world is a matter of                             solve the internal problem and for that ,
                                                                                                                                                   what’s right.
great pride. The Military Engineering Services (MES) is one of            we need to Change , we need pay back to the country
the biggest construction agencies in India. The Indian Army               thro’ our bounden duties.                                                   I am proud to be Indian because of our country’s
is one of the biggest troop contributors to the United Nations                                                                                     achievements in space and missile technology. India has
peace making operations.                                                     On this occasion, It gives me immense pleasure,                       launched a number of satellites in space for helping us in
                                                                                                                                                   weather forecast, communications, medical research, and
                                                                          as President  of  IFL  Team this year, to dedicate this                  education. The missiles such as Agni, Prithvi strengthened our
   The supreme commander of Indian Armed forces is the
president of India. Indian Armed forces have four divisions -             Independence Day  Special supplement to our great Nation !               nation’s security and ensured a place in the elite group of
Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force and Coast Guard.                                                                                        the world’s powerful countries. India’s ISRO Chandrayaan- 1
The three main main divisions Indian Army, Indian Navy and                   I feel, it is also appropriate at this moment to look back our        using its Moon Mineralogy Mapper detected water on the
Indian Air Force have their own chief of staff which is the               many services to Humanity –region,language,community                     moon for the first time.
functional head of respective divisions. There is no overall              etc being no bar –in order to surpass the same in future . IFL              Moreover, our scientists have lifted India’s pride by
head of combined all units which ensures that the Armed                   stands first in helping stranded labor to return back home               placing our Tri-colour on the moon and are now looking for
Forces will be controlled by Civilian Government. The three               on a daily basis thanks to Indian Embassy for their support,             landing in the planet Mars.On Independence Day, Here’s
chief of staff constitute to chief of staff committee, the                                                                                         wishing your dreams of a New tomorrow come true…
Chairman of which rotates among the services chief as per                 saving the accused from death sentence, medical aid,
seniority.                                                                                                           educational help to              The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has
                                                                                                                     downtrodden and so            always made our nation proud. From launching 104 satellites
   When     the   entire   country     is  home celebrating                                                                                        to the orbit in a single mission to reaching Mars in its first
                                                                                                                     other     innumerable
                                          Independence with                                                                                        attempt, it has done it all.
                                          family, shielded from                                                      services which list will
                                          external threats, the                                                      never be exhaustive.             Now and Always, Happy Independence Day to you.
                                          soldier is away from
                                                                                                              I take this opportunity
                                          family,    defending
                                          the     country     at                                           to thank our Founder
                                          its   frontiers.   For                                           Mr. Mohandoss for all
                                          families of soldiers,           his continued Guidance and our Secretary Mr. Mathi for his
                                          Independence Day
                                          is a day espousing              total dedication to service.
patriotism and duty. But the day is also an emotional reminder
                                                                             On this day, let us pledge & swear to continue our
of the sacrifices which come along with it.
                                                                          service   to entire humanity
    Freedom means different things for different people, and
for a soldier or her family, freedom could simply mean getting               With our inherited spirit  as part of our responsibility  to our
together as a family and heading out for a day of fun and                 great Nation !
thrill, leaving the toughness of the defence life behind.
                                                                             Jai Hind !
   Soldiers are the biggest strength of any country. We thank
our heroes who have given their lives serving and protecting                 Happy Independence Day!
the nation. Warm wishes to you on Independence Day 2018.
Jai Hind!!
                             ***                                                                         ***
Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                                            72    nd
                                                       INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                        (                                           4
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                                                       Ashok Kalra              In his speech to the Constituent Assembly on the eve of          maintain            the
                                                                           Independence in 1947, our first prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal      historical     friendly
                                             (Managing Director/Partner)   Nehru said: “A moment comes, which comes rarely in history,           relations   between
                         MUGHAL MAHAL GEN TRAD & CONT CO.W.L.L.            when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends,           our two countries. I
                          Fmr. Hon. Chairman (Indian Community School)     and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.      would like to take this
                                                                           It is fitting that at this solemn moment, we take the pledge of       opportunity to thank
                         On the occasion of India’s 72nd                   dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still    our host country
                      anniversary of Independence, it gives                larger cause of humanity.”                                            and its leadership
                      me great pleasure and pride to extend                                                                                      for inviting us here
                      my heartiest felicitations to the officials,             On this 72nd year since that historic speech, let us rededicate   and allowing us to
                      members and supporters of Indian                     ourselves to that solemn pledge and promise to work together          contribute to the
                      Frontliners Association.                             in the service of India and for the peace and prosperity of all       socio-cultural and economic development of this land.
                                                                           her people. On this occasion, as one people of this great nation,
   An anniversary, whether it be of an individual, an institution          let us promise together that we will hold aloft the banner of            Once again, on this 72nd Independence anniversary, let us
or a nation, is an ideal opportunity to look back to the past with         freedom and keep the flame of independence burning bright             consecrate ourselves to upholding the traditions and values of
pride and look forward to the future with hope.                            for future generations.                                               democracy — of respect for the views and beliefs of others, of
                                                                                                                                                 equality and justice for all, and for building a pluralistic society in
                                               On this marvelous             With nearly a million Indians we are the largest guest              India that grows and develops together in peace and harmony.
                                           occasion of the 72nd            community in Kuwait and it is up to each one of us to help
                                           anniversary of Indian                                                                                                                  ***
                                           let us take pride in
                                           what our nations                                                                                                                       Happy Independence Day
                                           has achieved over
                                           the    past     seven
                                           decades, and look
                                           forward to the future
                                           with optimism and
courage, while promising to exert our utmost efforts to take the
country to even greater glory in the years ahead.
    As we celebrate 72nd of our independence, let us also take
a moment to bow before the memory of all those brave and
selfless martyrs who fought and paid the ultimate price for the
precious freedom that we enjoy today. Let us pay our respects
to the men and women in uniform who gave their lives to
protect our hard-won freedom, while honoring all those who
continue to vigilantly defend our borders to ensure that our
precious freedom is preserved forever.
   Since independence in 1947, India has proudly pursued a
path of vibrant democracy based on political pluralism, religious
secularism, fundamental rights and peaceful coexistence
among people of different beliefs, faiths, languages, customs
and traditions. Though our democratic credentials have been
challenged in the past, we have come together as a nation,
persevered and emerged triumphant.
   We need to remember that the independence and
freedom we enjoy today, and which we often tend to take for
granted, comes with responsibilities that cannot be ignored.
                                          Independence and
                                          the ideals and values
                                          that it enshrines are
                                          concepts that we
                                          as citizens need
                                          to       continuously
                                          nurture,        cherish
                                          and          dedicate
                                          to.        Upholding
                                          these values is the
                                          responsibility of each
                                          and every citizen.
Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                                             72   nd
                                                       INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                            (                                                5
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                                            Dr. R. Seetharaman                                                                     K.S. Lamba                                                          Lawrnce D'Souza
                                                   CEO, Doha Bank Group                                               MD, Almailem group of companies                                                 (Managing Director/Partner)
                           We live in a troubled neighbourhood                                        Let us celebrate & enjoy freedom to live                                                       Caesars Group of Companies
                        and defending our borders has become                                                                                                                   No Nation Is Perfect,
                                                                                                      Independently in our country Happily,
                        a huge challenge. The leadership of the
                                                                                                     Helpfully, Peacefully,        Hopefully     by                            It Needs To Be Made Perfect
                        armed forces is in capable hands, but we
                        also need to be technologically self-reliant.                                                                                                          “Be the change that you want to see in
                                                                             the Contribution of real Heroes Behind Free Air                                                the world - Famous words from the Father of
                           India has the third largest military in           Love for Nation is free of all means                                       the Nation. These words still reverberate all over the world for its
                        the world and is the sixth biggest defence                                                                                      simplicity and introspection. Unless we change first, it is pointless
spender. India is also one of the largest importers of conventional          So love your Nation, its citizens,                                         to seek change in others. This quote can be used by you when
defence equipment and spends around 30% of its total defense                 its tradition, its culture, its rights, its environment                    you are speaking of current times and what we need to learn
budget on capital acquisitions. 60% of defence related requirements                                                                                     from Mahatma’s wise words.
                                                                             We got Freedom after suffering pain & humiliation
are currently met through imports. The ‘Make in India’ initiative by                                                                                        “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to
the Government is focusing its efforts on increasing indigenous              Respect it
                                                                                                                                                        live forever”
defence manufacturing and becoming self-reliant.
                                                                             Happy Independence Day                                                        An important lesson for all of us. Mahatma Gandhi’s words
   Here is a list of unveiled products manufactured in India                                                                                            teach us to celebrate every moment of life as we live it today
                                                                                                                                                        but to keep the process of learning for a lifetime.
INS Kolkata: Largest-ever warship to be built in India                                                          In a big boost to India’s
                                                                                                             defence      capabilities,     and                              Happy Independence Day
                                       The 6,800-tonne INS Kolkata,
                                                                                                             specially that of the Navy, a
                                    the largest-ever warship to be
                                                                                                             Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)
                                    built in India, was commissioned                                                                                    of being launched from land, sea and air.The Brahmos is expected
                                                                                                             Prototype 1 recently had a
                                    in August 2014. The warship is                                                                                      to be “a deadly combination.Work is ongoing to develop a
                                                                                                             successful test flight from a Shore
                                    country’s biggest and most                                                                                          hypersonic (March 5) version of the BrahMos missile.
                                                                          Based Test Facility in Goa.LCA (Navy) is an indigenously designed
                                    powerful        guided    missile-
                                                                          and developed 4th plus generation combat aircraft, meant to                   INS Kalvari: Indian navy’s first Scorpene submarine
                                    destroyer.The INS Kolkata is
                                                                          operate from the decks of aircraft carriers.
                                    60 per cent indigenous and                                                                                                                                      INS Kalvari (S50), India’s
has very good stealth capabilities and includes state-of-the-art          Astra: DRDO’s Air-to-Air missile                                                                                     first conventional submarine
surveillance and weapon systems. INS Kolkata is part of the 44                                                                                                                                 in 15 years. ‘Conventional’
warships currently on order in Indian shipyards.                              India’s first indigenously developed Beyond Visual Range (BVR)
                                                                                                                                                                                               refers to the diesel-electric
                                                                          Air-to-Air missile ‘Astra’ was tested successfully in 2014. It can
LCH TD-3: Indigenous combat helicopter                                                                                                                                                         powertrain. Prime Minister
                                                                          intercept and destroy enemy targets with a launch speed between
                                                                                                                                                                                               on dec/2017 commissioned
                                                                          Mach 0.4 and Mach 2.The Astra missile was test fired from a Sukhoi
                                         Giving a boost to India’s                                                                                                                             India’s first Scorpeneclass
                                      defence, the Light Combat                                                                                                                                submarine INS Kalvari in
                                      Helicopter (LCH) Technology         Deadly BrahMos test-fired from Sukhoi-30MKI,                                  Mumbai and described it as a ‘prime example of Make in India’.The
                                      Demonstrator TD-3 made its          becomes deep surgical-strike missile                                          Indian Navy was authorised to build six submarines in collaboration
                                      successful maiden flight. LCH is                                                                                  with French firm DCNS at a cost of around Rs 350 stay
                                      an indigenous attack helicopter                                                     The deadly BrahMos            underwater for up to 21 days at a stretch with 18 torpedoes and
                                      development          programme                                                 supersonic cruise missile          travel 1,020km underwater.
                                      being undertaken by Hindustan                                                  became a deep surgical-
Aeronautics Limited (HAL).LCH is capable of high-altitude warfare                                                    strike missile after it was           Not just “Make in India”, the focus is now also “Design in India”
since its operational ceiling will be (19,700–21,300 ft. The successful                                              tested for the first time from     — this will ensure that the intellectual property rights stay with the
demonstration of the LCH in firing 70 mm rockets was conducted                                                       a Sukhoi-30MKI fighter jet         country
during the Iron Fist exercise of the IAF held recently.                                                              which has a cruising range
                                                                                                                                                           Wish You All A Great Happy Independence Day
                                                                                                                     of 3,200-km in November
LCA Tejas for Indian Navy tested successfully                                                                        2017,as it is now capable
Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                                         72   nd
                                                   INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                           (                                                                           6
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                                             S.K.Wadhawan                                                         Er. P. Senthil Kumar M.S.            India Economy Data
                                      Chairman, Samara Group of Co.                                            Vice-President- Indian Frontliners      		                                                 2013     2014     2015     2016         2017
                                                                                                         EQUATE Petrochemicals Company, Kuwait
                         In the past, poor countries looked                                                                                            Population (million)                               1,250    1,266    1,283    1,300        1,317
                      to the West for advances in medical                                  Wish you all a HAPPY 72nd INDEPENDENCE                      GDP per capita (USD)                               1,488    1,614    1,632    1,750        1,979
                      knowledge. It’s time now the West                                  DAY celebrations in Kuwait.
                                                                                                                                                       GDP (USD bn)                                       1,859    2,044    2,094    2,275        2,607
                      started looking to countries such as India                            Ask NOT what your country can do for you,
                      and China for innovations in healthcare                            ask what you can do for your country? JFK                     Economic Growth (GDP, annual variation in %)       6.4      7.4      8.2      7.1          -
                      delivery                                                                                                                         Consumption (annual variation in %)                7.3      6.4      7.4      7.3          -
                                                                         On the occasion of India’s Independence Day, every one
                    Make in India at work: Tata launches              of us should make it a point to look forward and make sure                       Investment (annual variation in %)                 1.6      2.6      5.2      10.1         -
                                                                      India gets stronger and stronger, however small it may be. India                 Industrial Production (annual variation in %)      3.3      4.1      3.4      4.5          4.3
India-made portable MRI scanner to take diagnosis to                  such an exceptionally lovely nation which known for its nature,
remote villages                                                       dialect, culture, a standout amongst the greatest popularity                     Public Debt (% of GDP)                             68.5     67.8     69.6     68.9         70.2
                                                                      based nation in out of the world and numerous more things are
                                                                      additionally composed in India’s history.                                        Money (annual variation in %)                      12.3     10.7     11.5     6.3          21.9
    Tata group’s philanthropic vehicle Tata Trusts has launched
a portable India-made MRI scanner which, it claims, could                  In this 21st century we are all enough lucky to get to this                 Inflation Rate (CPI, annual variation in %, eop)   8.2      5.3      4.8      3.9          4.3
be helpful in taking healthcare diagnostic services to far flung      place where there exists a stable democracy and all your                         Inflation Rate (CPI, annual variation in %)        10.0     6.0      4.9      4.5          3.6
villages where such services are otherwise not available.             freedom tend to exist. Always thinking what India will look like
                                                                      is not the way, we MUST turn this country such a place what we                   Inflation (PPI, annual variation in %)             5.2      1.3      -3.6     1.8          2.9
The portable MRI scanner is developed by VoxelGrids, a                want to build, India will look like what we will create, if all of us            Policy Interest Rate (%)                           8.00     7.50     6.75     6.25         6.00
Bengaluru based Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)                      sit idle not creating value for the country, it’s not worth living in
technology startup supported by Tata Trusts’ Foundation for           such a great place.                                                              Stock Market (annual variation in %)               18.9     24.9     -9.4     16.9         11.3
Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (FISE).                           We need to ask the below questions ourselves?                                 Exchange Rate (vs USD)                             60.02    62.29    66.25    64.86        65.11
                                                                                                                                                       Exchange Rate (vs USD, aop)                        60.42    61.14    65.42    67.04        64.46
   The lightweight MRI scanner is the first of its kind in India,        •    Can India Become a Developed Country?
VoxelGrids said, adding that it can be mounted on a truck                                                                                              Current Account (% of GDP)                         -1.8     -1.4     -1.1     -0.7         -1.9
                                                                         •    What other countries envision for themselves
and transported to the remotest villages, where it can be                                                                                              Current Account Balance (USD bn)                   -32.8    -27.6    -22.1    -15.2        -48.7
                                                                         •    Evolution of Technology Vision 2020
switched on again at any primary health centre to perform                                                                                              Trade Balance (USD billion)                        -136.6   -137.5   -117.2   -109.0       -157.0
MRI scans on the patient’s body. Tata Trusts said in a tweet             •    Food, Agriculture and Processing
                                                                         •    Chemicals Industries and Our Biological Wealth                           Exports (USD billion)                              314      311      262      275          303
that the new MRI scanner will cut the cost of scanning by as
much as 50%.                                                             •    Manufacturing for the Future                                             Imports (USD billion)                              451      448      379      384          460
                                                                         •    Services as People’s Wealth                                              Exports (annual variation in %)                    4.6      -1.2     -15.6    5.1          10.0
                                              This whole-body            •    Strategic Industries                                                     Imports (annual variation in %)                    -8.0     -0.6     -15.4    1.3          19.7
                                           MRI scanner which
                                           consumes 1.5 Tesla            •    Health Care for All                                                      International Reserves (USD)                       304      341      356      373          421
                                           of electricity, is            •    The Enabling Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                       External Debt (% of GDP)                           24.0     23.2     23.2     20.7         -
                                           three to four times           •    Realizing the Vision
                                           faster than other             •    Change in India                                                          India has emerged as the fastest growing major economy in
                                           MRI machines, said                                                                                       the world as per the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) and
                                           Tata Truts in a press          We need to bring in healthy changes in the politics, education,           International Monetary Fund (IMF) and it is expected to be one
                                                                      food and shelter for everyone. Education plays a vital role in                of the top three economic powers of the world over the next
                                           release. According         disciplining our activities. We need to remove the poverty in                 10-15 years, backed by its strong democracy and partnerships.
                                           to the statement,          India. We need to get our rivers connected to get the wealth                  India’s GDP is estimated to have increased 6.6 per cent in 2017-
this machine will reduce the cost of MRI significantly, and           out of it. Every country needs a vision statement which stirs the             18 and is expected to grow 7.3 per cent in 2018-19. We are
enable exceptional acceleration of the scans. 2D scans can            imagination and motivates all segments of society to greater                  doing well and each one us shall ensure we do good for the
                                                                      effort. Its essential step in building a political consensus on a             country to make the glory of India shine all the time.
be accelerated by factors of 6-12 while 3D scans can be               broad national development strategy, which encompasses,
accelerated by factors of 18 or more. MRI usually produces            inter-alia, the roles and responsibilities of different agents in the             I am very happy to learn that the Indian Frontliners are
exquisite tissue contrast, that X-ray and CT scan can not.            economy, such as central, state and local government, the                     bringing out a colorful magazine on our Independence Day in
                                                                      private corporate sector, the small and tiny sector, people’s                 the State of Kuwait yet another year. Always the celebrations
    How countries such as India are transforming healthcare           organization, etc., It must identify the potential risks and                  in the Indian Embassy in Kuwait adds color to our community
                                                                      bottlenecks and their possible solutions. Each one should target              for 2018. A proud moment when the independence came into
with unique business models that blend the social and                 and work for the country in whatever way he or she can.                       existence and is celebrated as the Indian Independence Day
commercial.To truly grow the value of healthcare in India,                                                                                          on 15th August every year. We Indians in Kuwait celebrates the
According to the government’s ‘Make in India’ Web                        In 1835, even the British historian and politician, Lord                   day with utter enthusiasm and patriotism. Several programs are
site, currently, India has about 750–800 medical device               Macaulay, admitted before the British Parliament: “I have                     organized all over to celebrate and show love and respect
                                                                      travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not               towards the country. I encourage all Indians in Kuwait to attend
manufacturers in the country.                                         seen one person who is beggar, who is thief. Such wealth I have               the Independence Day function at our Indian Embassy.
                                                                      seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such
  Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty.             caliber….the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual                With Best wishes from
HAPPY Independence DAY 2018.                                          and cultural heritage…”.
                                                                                                                                                       P. Senthil Kumar
                                                                         If we all join together with one single common goal, we can
                              ***                                     make India the greatest nation. Let us see our economy data to
                                                                      realize where we stand.                                                                                                        ***
Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                                          72  nd
                                                   INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                              (                                                  7
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                                                          AZIZ F                                                S. Ramadoss                                                                 N.S.SHETTY
                                            Tajmahal Marbles, Kuwait                                     MD, Global Technology Co.                                                    (Oriental Restaurant group)
                        RuPay(RuPay cards have been                                                                                                   Give your life to India
                                                                                      Let us celebrate the freedom
                      customized keeping in mind the product                                                                                          till last breath
                      and service requirements of Indians.)                           given as gift from many Martyrs
                                                                                                                                                      It is place where you born
                       RuPay is the first-of-its-kind domestic                        Let us celebrate the rights                                     It is place where you grow up
                   Debit and Credit Card payment network                              given as gift by our constitution                               It is place where you breath in Free air
                   of India, with wide acceptance at ATMs,
                                                                       		             Let us celebrate the Individuality             		               LIVE like A True Indian
POS devices and e-commerce websites across India. It is a
highly secure network that protects against anti-phishing.                                                                           Wish You All A Great Happy Independence Day
                                                                       		             given as gift by each Indian
The name, derived from the words ‘Rupee and ‘Payment’,                                                                               May Our Country Progress In Every Aspect
emphasises that it is India’s very own initiative for Debit            		             Happy Independence Day.                        So That One Day World Should Have Proud On Us
and Credit Card payments. It is our answer to international
payment networks, expressing pride over our nationality.                                                                                            Happy Independence Day

   RuPay fulfils RBI’s vision of initiating a ‘less cash’ economy.
This could be achieved only by encouraging every Indian
bank and financial institution to become tech-savvy and                                                                                                                  Happy Independence Day
engage in offering electronic payments.
    Presently, RuPay has collaborated with almost 600
international, regional and local banks across the country.
It’s ten core promoter banks are State Bank of India, Punjab
National Bank, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda, Union Bank of
India, Bank of India, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Citibank N. A.
and HSBC. It expanded its shareholding in 2016 to 56 banks
to bring more banks across sectors under its umbrella.
                                             RuPay    is     a
                                         product of NPCI,
                                         the        umbrella
                                         organisation that
                                         powers          retail
                                         payments in the
                                         country.          The
                                         provision     under
                                         the Payment and
                                         Settlement Systems
Act, 2007, empowered the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and
Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) to create a secure electronic
payment and settlement system in India. This was an initiative
to build the necessary banking infrastructure required to
propel India towards a ‘less cash’ economy.
  Indians are more appealed to be proud owners of a
RuPay Debit Card with lower processing charges for RuPay                    Happy Independence Day
   Wish You All A Great Happy Independence Day

                                                                                                                                                   2496 0800             - Follow us on
Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                                     72   nd
                                                INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                      (                                      8
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                                       DHIRAJ OBEROI                                                    Dr. S.M. HYDER ALI                  The Finance Act of 2016 provided Start-ups would not
                                        Managing Partner, KITCO                                                           Chairman,     pay Income Tax for three years. whereby there will be no
                                                                                                                     TVS Hyder Group    inspections for the first three to five years of the launch of the
               1618 Languages,                                                                                                          venture.    Startups
                                                                                         Start-up India, Stand up India
                                                                                                                                        falling under the
               6400 Castes,
                                                                                         No Nation Is Perfect,                          list of 36 ‘white’
               29 Major festivals 6 Religion,                                                                                           category industries
                                                                                         It Needs To Be Made Perfect                    will not require
 		            6 Ethnic Groups,                                                                                                         environment
 		            & 1 Country! Be Proud to be an Indian!.
                                                                                         As India continues its march into the 21st     clearance.
                                                                  century, the government is looking at entrepreneurship to
 		            May this Independence Day Fills your life 		       take away the pressure on jobs and boost wealth creation in                Other benefits
		             with a lot of happiness and prosperity.            the country. In his Independence Day speech, Prime Minister           include reduction
                                                                  Narendra Modi spoke of the intention of his government to             in           patent
               Happy Independence Day                             lend a helping hand to the start-up sector with a special             registration    fees
                                                                  scheme for entrepreneurs. Over 1500 CEOs, Startup founders            by 80 percent and
                                                                  and investors who attended the Startup India launch.                  trademarks     filing
                                                                                                                                        fees by 50 percent as well as free legal assistance; This policy
                                                                                                            18 Indian states            would revolutionise the pace with which start-ups would
                                                                                                         have    formulated             grow in the future.
                                                                                                         startup     policies
                                                                                                         since October 2014:               The Atal Innovation Mission will be launched to boost
                                                                                                         Andhra     Pradesh,            innovation and encourage talented youths. The Stand
                                                                                                         Assam,        Bihar,           Up India scheme is anchored by Department of Financial
                                                                                                         Chhattisgarh, Goa,             Services (DFS) to encourage greenfield enterprises by SC/ST
                                                                                                         Gujarat, Haryana,              and women entrepreneurs.
                                                                                                         J h a r k h a n d ,
       RAGHAVENDRA                                                                                       Karnataka, Kerala,
                                                                  Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Telengana,
                                                                                                                                           As per the NASSCOM Startup Report released in November
                                                                                                                                        2017, the total number of technology startups stood at nearly
             Metric.Hr.Sec.School                                 Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal.                          5,200 India, making way for an overall growth of seven per
                                                                                                                                        cent. With this, India continues to be the third largest start-
                                                                     The government will develop a fund with an initial corpus          up market in India
                                                                  of Rs 2,500 crore and a total corpus of Rs 10,000 crore over          and is young, only
            Karattampatti, Thuraiyur                              four years, to support upcoming start-up enterprises.If a start-      after the US and
                                                                  up fails, the government will also assist the entrepreneurs to        UK. talented and
                                                                  find suitable solutions for their problems. If they fail again, the   inclusive, with as
                                                                  government will provide an easy way out.                              much as 72% of the
                                                                                                                                        founders below the
                                                                                                                  An all-India hub      age of 36 and 52%
               CLASSES                                                                                        will be created as
                                                                                                              a single contact
                                                                                                                                        of them with post-
                                                                                                                                        graduate degrees.
                 KG, I
                                                                                                              point     for    start-
                                                                                                              up       foundations          Today most entrepreneurs want things faster and
                                                                                                              in    India,    which     more personalized. Job creation is a foremost challenge
                  TO                                                                                          will     help
                                                                                                                                 the    facing India. With a significant and unique demographic
                                                                                                                                        advantage, however India has immense potential to
                XI Std                                                                                        to
                                                                                                                                        innovate, raise entrepreneurs and create jobs for the benefit
                                                                                                                                        of the nation and the world,
                                                                                                              access       financial
                                                                                                              aid.The      start-ups        I hope that this startup standup action plan will give the
                                                                                                              will    adopt     self-   strength and inspiration to the talented young generation of
             Happy Independence Day                               certification to reduce the regulatory liabilities. The self-         India to do something new for India and for humanity.
                                                                  certification will apply to laws including payment of gratuity,
                                                                  labour contract, provident fund management, water and                    Happy Independence Day!
 Ph: 04327 - 255050 - 255293, Mobile : 80125 26134                air pollution acts.
Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                                          72   nd
                                                    INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                            (                                 9
                                                                                           Share your Talents - email to :
                                          D. RAM MOHAN REDDY                                                                                                   K. Ramani
                                                 Chief Operating Officer                                                                          General Manager, NCC, Kuwait
                               The New India Assurance Co. Ltd, Kuwait.

                     Being Indian is a Pride                                                                                   Let every patriot be honored;

                      India is a divine country and a land of                                                                  Don’t let politics get in the way.
                  spirituality. The Vedas, Upanishads and
                                                                                                                               Without them, freedom would have died,
                  Puranas were the ancient guides to the
man kind. India has a rich history and heritage; it is blessed                                                                 What they did, we can’t repay.
with many natural resources and a great example for Unity in
                                                                                                                               Happy Independence Day 2018….
Diversity. Whichever part of the world we are, let us feel the
pride of being an Indian. Wishing all Indians in Kuwait a Happy
Independence Day!

                                                                                                                           Happy Independence Day
                    Happy Independence Day

                                                                            Happy Independence Day
Message by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar Ambassador of India to Kuwait -
                                        72   nd
                                                  INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                     (                                   10
                                                                                                                  Share your Talents - email to :

                                          AN.NATARAJAN                intolerance,      and                                                                                             RAVI KOHLI
                                     Hotel Saravanaa Bhavan, Kuwait   hatred towards our                                                                                     MD, Al –Sabah & Kohli Group
                                                                      fellow countrymen.
                      15th August is celebrated annually in           We are full of                                                                   Freedom in the mind,
                  India as Independence Day. It is the day            r e s e n t m e n t
                                                                      towards         other                                                            Strength in the words,
                  when India got independence from the
                                                                      traditions, religions.                                                           Pureness in our blood,
                  United Kingdom. On 15th August 2018, we             It is our habit which
                  will celebrate 72nd Independence Day of             tries to suppress                                                                Pride in our souls,
India.                                                                the growth of the
                                                                      other.     We      are                                            		             Zeal in our hearts,
  One of the things Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said              tied in shackles of class-caste distinctions, false ideologies,   		             Let’s salute our India.
on 14th August 1947. I am pretty sure that fighting against           corruption, communal violence, terrorism and so on. We fail
                                                                      to remember that independence is not only living freely but                    Happy Independence Day
poverty was his agenda. And we have 72 such addresses.                also allowing others to live freely
                                               72 years and              It has been 72 years of Independence but India now
                                          still we are fighting       faces a real threat from the inside. Military and Indian
                                          against     poverty.        Government can pretty much handle the external threats
                                                                      but to have a real independent nation, we need to solve
                                          72 years and still          the internal problem. And for that, we need to change; we
                                          millions of people          need to be responsible citizens.
                                          sleep hungry; they
                                                                         The day when every individual is treated equally, the
                                          don’t have access           male-female ratio is equal, women are not exploited or
                                          to basic health             treated as commodities, the old age people are no more
amenities. 72 years and still 150 million children are out of         a burden but respected the way they should be, people
schools. 72 years and 640 million don’t even have toilets at          are educated, poverty is eradicated and employment
                                                                      opportunities are available to one and all, it is on that day
their home. And we talk about growth and the booming
                                                                      that India will be truly independent for me.
                                                                         Jai Hind, Jai India
    Are we really independent today? Even after 72 years
of Independence, our society has faced some of the worst                 Happy Independence Day.
issues–honour killings and dowry, from age-old prejudices of
a caste system to the refusal by courts to address marital
rape as a crime, people blaming women for the crimes
against them and lawyers defending the actions of rapists.

   Even after 72 years of Independence our Prime Minister
has to start a cleanliness drive across the nation to keep
our surroundings clean, whereas the Parliament sessions
enjoyed playing blame games.

                                              At this time,
                                           we     all  proudly
                                           claim that we are
                                           independent of a
                                           foreign rule but let
                                           me tell you one
                                           thing we are still not                                                                                   Happy Inpendence Day
                                           free from jealousy,
                                                                                                              72          nd
                                                                                                                                    INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                                               (                                                   11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Share your Talents - email to :

                                                                                                         Amitabh Anthonypillai                                                                                                 Dr. Anis Ahmad                                                                   Rajesh Kumar
                                                                                         Srilankan Airlines- Country Manager, Kuwait.                                                                                               Director,Education                           Managing Director of Gold India Food Stuff Co. W.L.L.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Paradigm Pionners Group (UAE, Kuwait & India)                                                                        Red Chilly
                                                                                  India is a country where millions of                                                                                                                           SIMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The date, 15th of August from 1947 in India
                                             people live together whether they belong                                                                                                               Independence day is a good time to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 examine who we are and how we got                                         has become a very important day in the
                                             to various religion, cultures or traditions and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 here.                                                                     Indian history. It was the memoriable day of
                                             celebrate this special occasion with great
                                                                                                                                                                                The freedom fighters of India played an extensive role in                                  year 1947 when India became independent
                                             joy. On this happy occasion of India’s 72nd
                                                                                                                                                                            getting independence for the country. The ‘Revolt of 1857’                   after lots of hard struggle and sacrifices of the Indian freedom
Independence Day, it gives me great pleasure to extend my                                                                                                                   was the first war of independence of India. In 1876, another                 fighters. We won freedom after a hard struggle. When India
warmest regards and heartfelt congratulations to all members                                                                                                                movement started against the British rule. It was the foundation
                                                                                                                                                                            of the Indian National Congress (INC). It was Mohandas                       got its independence, the public of India had chosen their first
of the Indian community in Kuwait, and to wish them good
                                                                                                                                                                            Karamchand Gandhi who gave a push to the party and                           Prime Minister, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru who had unfurled the
health, peace, happiness and prosperity.                                                                                                                                    raised the struggle for freedom in a non-violent way. His Non-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tricolour National Flag at the Red Fort in the national capital,
                                                                     Happy Independence Day                                                                                 Cooperation Movement was a great success and a stepping
                                                                                                                                                                            stone for Indian freedom struggle.                                           New Delhi for the first time. All the people rejoice this special
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         day with great joy every year.
                                                                                                                                                                                Thousands laid down their lives so that our country is breathing
                                                                                                                                                                            this day Never forget their sacrifice…                                                           Happy Independence Day
                           All Staff, Executive Management                                                                                                                                       Happy Independence Day

                             & The Partners Wish you All:

                69      Independence
                      Happy  RepublicDay
                            Republic  Day

                                                                    TWO SUC
                                                               IRTY        CE


                                                                              FUL Y S

 SHARQ: 22425131 / 2 - ELITE: 95554591 / 2 / 3 - MULTICUSINE: 25729292 / 3 - HAWALLY: 22626782 / 3 / 4 - FARWANIYA: 24726126 / 7 - 24740003/ 4 - MARINA MALL: 22244523
 MAHBOULA(Exotica): 23900026 / 27 - 23733020 / 40 - FAHAHEEL: 23911174 / 5 - Al-RAYAN BALLROOM: 23911174 / 5- JAHRA: 24565111 / 222 /333 - SHARM EL-SHEKH: +20.69.3604548
                                          72   nd
                                                    INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                             (                                           12
                                                                                                                            Share your Talents - email to :

                                                     M.MULLICK                                                        HARJEET SAWHNEY                                               DR. RUMANE ABDUL RAZZAK
                                           G.M, Kulaib Inter. Trd. Cont.                                          Air India, Country Manager, Kuwait                                      EX. Chairman, IEI Kuwait Chapter

                Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.                                                Long years ago, we made a tryst with                                   True independence and freedom… can
                Thousands laid down their lives so that                                       destiny and now the time comes when we                                  only exist in doing what’s right.,,
                Our country can celebrate this day                                            shall redeem our pledge at the stroke of the
                                                                                                                                                                          This is the country of colours and faith in
                                                                                              midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India
                Never forget their sacrifices..                                                                                                                       spirituals.
                                                                                              will awake to life and freedom.
		              Our life is full of colours.
                                                                               Today we come together, be the cause for the unity, make                Lets this Independence day reminds us for the work and
I hope this 15th August will add more colours to your life.
                                                                           it beautiful day another.. Fight against corruption, Spiral the flag
                 Happy Independence Day                                                                                                                life is given by our leaders in a safe and happy life.
                                                                           of on nation.
                                                                                                                                                                        Happy Independence Day
                                                                                                Happy Independence Day


                                                                                                                  Happy Republic Day

                                                                                                                                                        Happy Independence Day

               Happy Independence Day
                                         72  nd
                                                  INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                      (                                        13
                                                                                                                   Share your Talents - email to :
                               Ambassador Message Cont.....                                                        best tribute we        democratic and secular nation that respects the Rule of
it plays in the region and on the world stage for progress and                                                     can pay to their       Law, and as a country governed by robust and progressive
betterment of all humanity. I wish this great nation all the                                                       memory      is   by    institutions. Largest democracy is a mere statistic, but
very best and success in its endeavours. I also congratulate                                                       rededicating           vibrancy comes with responsibility and good governance.
Kuwait on its current membership of the United Nations                                                             ourselves to the       Every Indian in Kuwait as well as elsewhere should be proud
Security Council, and wish them an effective and productive                                                        ideals they have       of India’s achievements that span each and every sector
term.                                                                                                              lived by and set       and dimension. We are an economy where a global &
                                                                                                                   for the country,       mega corporation and a tiny SME coexist in perfect blend
I would like to see more and more of our Kuwaiti friends visit
                                                                                                                   and    apply     to    and have taken the country to be the 6th largest GDP in
India, both for tourism and business, and explore the history,
                                                                    ourselves the same standards here in Kuwait as we join                the world. India is the fastest growing economy – surely this
culture and trade that have bound us together over centuries,
                                                                    hands and work with our Kuwaiti hosts in the latter’s efforts         is a matter of satisfaction – but what is more important is
and take advantage of the vast potential India offers today,
                                                                    to sustain their own economic success, achieve further                to ensure that this growth and the resultant prosperity and
for mutual benefit. I am glad to state that the two countries
                                                                    development, and ensure continued peace and harmony                   wealth are equitable in their distribution. Democracy will
are keen to expand the relations into new dimensions
                                                                    for their homeland Kuwait.                                            be rendered meaningless if we fail to make a dent in the
including Science & Technology, Defence, Parliamentary
                                                                                                                                          poverty levels, and if the fruits of our nation’s prosperity are
                                             and         Cultural      It is important though for us the people of India not to sit
                                                                                                                                          denied to the underprivileged.
                                             e x c h a n g e s      on our laurels, but to reflect deeply and carefully on what it
                                             etc. so that our       is that has brought us thus far, and what remains to be done,            Our government has been endeavoring towards this
                                             historic friendship    and what are the shortcomings that might have delayed                 objective with various schemes and innovative projects,
                                             adapts      to   the   our triumphant journey, and what else has been ailing our             and it becomes the responsibility of all of us to extend our full
                                             expectations      of   nation today that we need to collectively address so that             support even as we benefit from the government’s efforts.
                                             the 21st century       India can proudly declare that it is standing by the values                                                        For        instance
                                             dynamics.              and principles defined in our Constitution.                                                                        the       schemes
                                                                                                                                                                                       like       Pradhan
                                                  Even        as       One important thing for everyone to be mindful of is
                                                                                                                                                                                       Manthri            Dhan
large sections of global population unfortunately are still         that a citizen does have not just the Rights that define his/
                                                                                                                                                                                       Jan     Yojana       (a
endeavoring in search of security and stability, India, with        her dignity and ensure freedom, but should remind himself/
                                                                                                                                                                                       financial inclusion
its massive over 1300 million people, or one-sixth of the           herself constantly that they also entail responsibility to
                                                                                                                                                                                       scheme)             are
humanity, has been a picture of hope and prosperity, and            respect and uphold the freedom of every other citizen and
                                                                                                                                                                                       targeted exactly
has been able to provide a peaceful environment for its             his/her own right to a life of dignity. To put it simply, one man’s
                                                                                                                                                                                       at bringing about
people to flourish: Prosperity, not just in a materialistic and     freedom stops where the other man’s starts. India today is
                                                                                                                                                                                       this inclusiveness
economic sense, but in its full and complete meaning of the         assuming a global role as it is a nation that respects the Rule
                                                                                                                                                                                       into our growth
blossoming of the people to their full potential.                   of Law, and is a factor of peace, security and stability. And
                                                                                                                                                                                       and       prosperity
                                                                    my fellow Indians, it is not just for the government to provide
   And this is not a small achievement, nor is it an accidental                                                                                                                        n a r r a t i v e .
                                                                    responsible and good governance, but each and every one
overnight happening. Painstaking efforts of millions and selfless                                                                                                                      Whether it is Skill
                                                                    of us has to play his/her part in supporting the government.
sacrifices by several leaders over decades have contributed                                                                                                                            India, or Digital
to the robust India of today. My dear Indian friends, the              Friends, India today is seen by the world as a vibrant                                                          India    or    Smart
                                        72   nd
                                                   INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                          (                                       14
                                                                                                                        Share your Talents - email to :
Cities or Make in India etc., - all are aimed at                                                                       over 950,000 to         content into the relationship to sustain the engagement on
                                                                                                                       reciprocate      this   a consistent basis. Trade, which has reached about 8 billion
   eventually imparting greater depth and substance
                                                                                                                       trust by abiding        dollars, has been on an upward curve, while new areas are
to India’s economy, and prepare the country in terms
                                                                                                                       by    the    values     being explored for investments. The highly rated and globally
of infrastructure, energy security, food security, industrial
                                                                                                                       and international                                                    respected Kuwait
prowess etc. towards taking a leap into higher orbits of
                                                                                                                       principles      that                                                 Investment
growth and progress.
                                                                                                                       have made India                                                      Authority,      which
   My dear fellow countrymen and women, let’s now                                                                      a proud country                                                      has          already
take a look at ourselves in Kuwait as the largest expatriate                                                           among            the                                                 i n v e s t e d
community. What does it mean to us and what does it                    comity of nations. It should never be forgotten that largest                                                         s i g n i fi c a n t l y
convey about us? Well, each one of us should note and be               size as an expatriate community is surely a compliment, but                                                          in      India        in
happy that we are in a friendly country which has a historical         it is also a responsibility towards the host nation. The respect,                                                    sectors such as
relationship with India, and shares tremendous amount of               friendship and trust that we enjoy in this beautiful                    infrastructure and Power, is keen to expand its presence
goodwill, mutual respect and cultural affinity. While Kuwait                                                                                   further. The Indian Embassy is planning a major event in
                                                                          should further strengthen our resolve to enhance our
shows admiration for India’s long and ancient civilization                                                                                     Kuwait focusing on Medical Tourism in the coming months.
                                                                       contribution to Kuwait’s prosperity, development and
and institutional strength, India greatly values Kuwait’s own                                                                                  Once again, I would like to convey my Warm Greetings and
                                                                       wellbeing of its people.
traditions and its contribution to peace and stability in the                                                                                  Best Wishes to all the readers on the occasion of the Seventy
region and beyond.                                                        May I also take this opportunity to inform all our friends that      First Anniversary of India’s Independence.
                                                                       official level interactions between our two governments have
    In all my interactions with the Kuwaiti leadership and                                                                                       Thank you.
                                                                       been taking place regularly thereby lending predictability
decision-making levels I have been reassured that the
                                                                       and consistency to our bilateral relations.                               15 August 2018
Indian community in Kuwait enjoys the trust and confidence
of the friendly people of Kuwait because of the respect                   Just in the last 5 months, for instance, three government
for law displayed by the community, and its cultural                   delegations have exchanged visits – in April this year the
profoundness, peaceful character and family values. There              Joint Working Group on manpower met in Kuwait; in June
is an acknowledgement of the community’s immense                       an Engineering and Public Authority of Manpower (PAM)
contribution to the socio-economic development of Kuwait.              delegation visited India; and in the first week of August,
                                                                       senior representatives of the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs
                                                   While        this
                                                                       met in Kuwait and held wide ranging consultations spanning
                                            should make us
                                                                       all the dimensions of the bilateral relationship.
                                            proud,         it   also
                                            challenges us as              Both countries are conscious of the importance of high
                                            the largest foreign        level political visits to raise the relationship into the next level,
                                            population           of    and are working on them. The two sides are also aware of the
                                            the      country     at    need to infuse greater and deeper economic and commercial
      INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                  (                    15
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                          Happy Independence Day
                                                              72    nd
                                                                         INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                             (                                    16
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                                                      A. HASAN MOHAMED                                                                                                         DELHI BATCHA
                                                            Vice President, TMCA-KUWAIT                                                                                           Prop; Alsafi Restaurant

                                                                                                                                                        we proud to be an indian
                         Let us salute this great Nation on this
                     auspicious day! At the stroke of midnight,                                                                                          15th August, also know as the
                                                                                                                                                     Independence Day in India is a proud
                     when the world slept, India woke up to
                                                                                                                                                     moment for all the Indians in the world. On
                     life and freedom and today, our Nation                                                                        this day, Prime Minister Of India unfurls the Indian National Flag
                     has discovered itself again! Let all brothers                                                                 in the capital of India, New Delhi and also gives his speech.
                                                                                                                                   Millions of people come to watch the celebrations at Red Fort
                     and sisters of India pour their zeal on the
                                                                                                                                   which include march past by the army and cultural events by
                     celebration of Independence Day!                                                                              the school students.

                                     Happy Independence Day                                                                                          Happy Independence Day


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                                                                                                      Happy Independence Day

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                                        72   nd
                                                  INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                              (                                    17
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                                    Dr.NARENDER DHIR                                                                                                              JP.BANSAL
                                                    English Optics                                                                                              MD, TECHNOCRAFT

                                                                                                                                   Did you know that the largest air evacuation
                            women         scientists  and                                                                      in the history of mankind was executed by the
                         technologists from India that are                                                                     much aligned national airline of India? In 1990,
                         making the country proud                                                                              the Indian government airlifted over 1,70,000
                                                                                                                               Indians from Kuwait with help of 488 flights in just
                              Science and Technology is a field                                                                59 days. Air India entered into Guinness Book of
                          historically dominated by men, with                                                World Records for the civil airline that had evacuated the most
                          a huge disparity in the number of                                                  people till date.
                          jobs, salaries, and positions offered
                          to women who are as capable as                                                        During the Gulf war in 1990, when Saddam Hussain invaded
the men. There are however pioneering women who have                                                         Kuwait, The responsibility came on the Indian government to
shattered the glass ceiling and established their presence                                                   safely evacuate the Indian community from Kuwait and hence,
in the field. Here are three incredible women scientists and                                                 the largest air evacuation mission took shape.
technologists from India who are making the nation proud.
                                                                                                                 Evacuating the Indian community from Kuwait was not an
Priyamvada Natarajan                                                                                         easy task. People were not ready to leave behind everything
                                                                                                             they had spent their entire lives earning in Kuwait. They
    Priyamvada      Natarajan      was                                                                       underestimated the gravity of the situation and were reluctant
born in Coimbatore to Academic                                                                               to leave their well-settled lives. Also, many people living there
parents and went on to become a                                                                              did not have valid travel papers as they had handed them over
Professor of Astronomy and Physics at                                      Happy Independence Day            to their employers who were either missing or dead.
Yale University. As an astrophysicist,
Natarajan has mapped dark energy                                                                                 Also, Indian people took shelter in various schools and other
and dark matter. Her interests are in                                                                        buildings in various parts of Amman. They had to travel from
cosmology, gravitational lensing and                                                                         various places to the Amman airport. It could not be predicted
black hole physics. Natarajan studies                                                                        when these people
the way light bends in its long journey across the universe,                                                 would arrive and
to create maps on the distribution of dark matter. She also                                                  due to this, flights
studies how black holes accumalate mass during their                                                         got delayed a lot.
lifetimes.                                                                                                   The crew had to stay
                                                                                                             on duty for a much
Padmasree Warrior                                                                                            longer time than
    Padmasree Warrior was born in                                                                            the stipulated duty
Vijaywada, and went on to study at the                                                                       hours which created
Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi)                                                                       a lot of tiffs.
and then Cornell University. She is the                                                                         Indian government officials went to Kuwait to meet Saddam
US CEO of Nio, an autonomous electric                                                                        Hussain and get him on board the arranged repatriation of
car company that was previously                                                                              Indian nationals. As the help reached on August 14 (12 days
called NextEV. Warrior has been called                                                                       after the invasion had taken place), Indian citizens were angry
the “Queen of the Electric Car Biz” by                                                                       as they were expecting a quicker intervention by the Indian
Fortune, and was listed as one of the most powerful women                                                    government., The Foreign Minister I.K. Gujral quickly brought the
in the world by Forbes, in 2014. Warrior is also on the board of                                             crowd under control.
directors at Microsoft.
                                                                                                                 Initially, a few military aircrafts were arranged to evacuate
Dr. Neeru Chadha                                                                                             the elderly, women and children. But due to a lengthy air space
                                                                                                             clearance procedure, this did not seem like a feasible solution.
     Dr. Neeru Chadha became the                                                                             So the government turned to Air India for assistance.
first Indian woman to be elected as
Judge of the International Tribunal                                                                              The successful operation that started on August 14 1990,
for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS).                                                                              continued for almost 2 months and created history, finally coming
With this election, Dr. Chadha has also                                                                      to an end on October 11.There was also a Pakistani Airline crew
become the first Indian woman to                                                                             stranded in Kuwait and they wished to be evacuated by Indian
occupy a top UN position, after Vijaya                                                                       aircrafts. On humanitarian grounds, the Indian officials agreed.
Lakshmi Pandit, who served as the
President of the United Nations General Assembly.Previously,                                                   On this day we have to proud of Indian official hardwork
Dr. Chadha has been the first woman Chief Adviser to the                                                     who saved us.
Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.
                                                                                                                Happy Independence Day
   Happy Independence Day.

                             ***                                                                                                             ***
                                          72   nd
                                                    INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                   (                               18
                                                                                                  Share your Talents - email to :

                                      Siddhartha Mukherjee                                                                                         MOHAMMED GHOUSE
                                                       Resident Manager                                                                               Founder, Velldon Real Promoters
                                             Oriental insurance, Kuwait
                                                                                                                                       We end today a period of ill fortune
                     If there is one place on the face of earth
                                                                                                                                    and India discovers herself again. The
                  where all the dreams of living men have found
                                                                                                                                    achievement we celebrate today is but
                  a home from the very earliest days when men
                                                                                                                                    a step, an opening of opportunity, to the
                  began the dream of existence, it is India!
                                                                                                                                    greater triumphs and achievements that
   If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully                                                                     await us. Are we brave enough and wise
developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered                                                                      enough to grasp this opportunity and accept
on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should                                                                 the challenge of the future.
point out India.
                                                                                                                                              Happy Independence Day
                                               “India    is,  the
                                            cradle of the human
                                            race, the birthplace
                                            of human speech,
                                            the mother of history,
                                            the     grandmother                                                                   Happy Independence Day
                                            of legend, and the
                                            great grandmother
of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in
the history of man are treasured up in India only.” These are not
our words. These are the words of the great Mark Twain.

  Be a patriotic every day, not just on Independence Day and
Republic Day.

                    Happy Independence Day

                                                                          Happy IndependenceDay
                                         72    nd
                                                    INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                                    (                    19
                                                                                                                   Share your Talents - email to :

                                                    Sunil Menon        Vehicle-C28 on July 10, 2015. This commercial installation
                               CEO Al Qabandi United Company, Kuwait   mission was launched from Sriharikota and included three
                                                                       optical earth observation satellites of 447 kg each along with
                                                                       two auxiliary satellites
                 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
             has had many remarkable milestones since                     e. Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS):
             their launch in 1969. It has not only bagged              With the operational name, NAVIC (Navigation with Indian
             achievement which others countries are yet                Constellation), these group of seven satellites will help India
             to, it has also put India on the world map of             build its own navigation system. The navigation covers an
space missions. ISRO has been a source of pride for India.             area of 15,000 km around our country.
   Today, let’s have a look at those moments                               f. GLSV MK3, 2014: ISRO launched GSLV-MK3 on
                                                                       December,         2014,
    a.Created a world record by launching 104 satellites in            that has an Indian
single mission, 2017: On February 15, 2017, ISRO created               made crew capsule
history by lifting off 104 satellites using the Polar Satellite        which can carry up
Launch Vehicle (PSLV), an Indian rocket. The launch took               to three astronauts
place on the Sriharikota spaceport in Andhra Pradesh                   to space. India will
and successfully managed to put these satellites into their            become a part of
desired orbit in one go. 101 were foreign satellites out of the        the exclusive group
104 launched.                                                          of space cruising
                                                                       nations which can                                                     Happy Independencec Day
     b.Mangalyaan or MOM, 2014: Thanks to ISRO, India
became the first country to successfully reach Mars in its             take    humans       to
first attempt. ISRO also became one of the only four space             space. It is one of the
organisations to have reached the red planet, apart from               heaviest rockets and is capable of carrying 4 tonnes of load.
NASA, Soviet Space Programme and the European Space                    Now, ISRO is planning to launch GSLV MK4, the next level of
Programme. Mars Orbiter Mission or MOM had a budget of                 this operation, which would be able to carry 6 tonnes.
just Rs. 450 crore, making this Mars mission the least expensive          g. Indian National Satellite System (INSAT), 1983: Launched
till now. The goal of the mission was to collect more data on          by ISRO, INSAT is a series of multi purpose geostationary
the atmosphere of the planet.                                          satellites. It helped with telecommunications, broadcasting,
   c. Chandrayaan 1, 2008: On October 22, 2008, a 312                  meteorology, and search and rescue operations. The
days       unmanned                                                    satellites built a communication system all across Asia Pacific
lunar mission was                                                      region. There are nine working satellites in the group
launched. It was                                                          h. Aryabhatta, 1975: Aryabhatta is India’s first satellite
India’s first mission                                                  and has been named after the famous astronomer. It was
to moon and was a                                                      the spacecraft to be entirely built in the country making a
breakthrough in its                                                    breakthrough in space missions.
space mission as it
was one of the only six                                                    Some of the most brilliant minds are working with ISRO
space organisations                                                    helping it to break records time and again with a very small
to attempt this. The                                                   budget compared to the top space agencies like NASA.
aim of the mission                                                     India can expect a mission to Mars soon, human beings
revolved      around                                                   will be able to step out of the spacecraft and walk on the
understanding     the                                                  Martian surface soon.”
entire topography and chemical characteristics. Though,
ISRO lost contact with Chandrayaan but it was after the                   Freedom is the oxygen of the soul. Celebrate the free
country’s national flag was proudly hoisted on the moon.               spirit of India.
   d. Heaviest Commercial Mission, 2015: Heaviest                        Wishing you the warmest wishes on this Independence
commercial mission was taken up by ISRO where they                     Day.
launched 1440 kg of load. Five British satellites were
launched as part of the mission using Polar Satellite Launch
                                           72     nd
                                                       INDEPENDENCE DAY - SPECIAL                                    (                                            20
                                                                                                      Share your Talents - email to :

                                                  Abdul Rahman                                           Syed Anwar                                                      Mr. Anant Kapadiya
                                                                   NSH                                       Marina Optics                                                              Vice-Chairman,
                                                                                                                                                           Indian Business & Profesional Council-Kuwait
                    On this day think of our past and                       Celebrate the free spirit of India                                     Blessed are us who were born in India.
                    Try to build a better future for all of us..            May this Independence Day                                           A country with different religious practices,
                                                                                                                                                ethnic backgrounds, languages, food
                    It is a duty of all of us!!                             Fills your life happiness and prosperity
                                                                                                                                                habits, social disparities and standards
                    I am proud to be an Indian.                                                                              of life yet living in harmony as one nation due to its rock-
                                                                                                                             solid and peaceful culture. It’s an enigma, a wonder and a
                                                                           Happy Independence Day                            strong reason to be envious. We take pride in affirming the
                             Happy Independence Day
                                                                                                                             fact that we have never conquered any other country for
                                                                                                                             our gain, whereas India’s history is filled with conquerors from
                                                                                                                             West Asia invading and ruling for several centuries and lastly
                                                                                                                             followed by the British for almost 200 Years.

                                                                                                                                 The determination, will and sacrifices of our leaders and
                                                                                                                             freedom fighters left no choice to the Britishers but to quit
                                                                           Happy Independence Day
                                                                                                                             India . We finally earned our Independence in 1947 with
                                                                                                                             consistent struggle and peaceful means. We salute all those
                                                                                                                             responsible for achieving India’s independence. Freedom
                                                                                                                             is a precious gift to any nation and its people. It’s the duty
                                                                                                                             of every citizen to act responsibly and not take for granted
                                                                                                                             the freedom Indian
                                                                                                                             d e m o c r a c y
                              Happy Independence Day                                                                         provides.       Let’s
                                                                                                                             live united and
                                                                                                                             maintain harmony
                                                                                                                             and peace in the
                                                                                                                             country.      India’s
                                                                                                                             future is great and
                                                                                                                             let’s play our roles

                                                                                                                                A very Happy Independence to all Indians!


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